r ssf fw r ? * * * ry Tfw. > . - -\-swp n r i | r I THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : FRIDAY , FEBRUARY 17 , 188a Active early ; there was a strong effort at the opening to force prices down , but prices Improved and closed kWJi'c above yesterday ; cash and March , 75Kc ; May , lOWc. Corn Fairly active and higher ; opened a shade better than yesterday's elo c , ruled steady and closed ) < lc higher ; cash and March , 4flWe ; May , W)5 ) < c , Oats Snowed B better fccllnp , with prices within yesterday's range ; May , 3lj c. Rye file. Barley 760 77c. Pi Imc Timothy 12.4702.40. Flaxseed41. . 45. Whlsky-11.15. Pork Active , but weak and unsettled ; market broke 50c , but later recovered 25@ S7 R. which was well maintained ; cash , 113.77 ; May.114.00 Lard More active , feeling weaker in synv nathy with pork ; cash , 17.00 { March , 17.02 < l ; May , 17.75. Dry Salted Meats Skouldcrn , (5.00(30.05 ( ; short clear , t7.lKXg8.00 ; short ribs , $7.22 ! . Duttcr Easier ; creamery , 22g29c ( ; dairy , 9025c. ( Cheese Steady ; full cream chcddars , 10J { c ; flats , ll@llKc : young Americas , 12 Eggs Easlf r at 22@24c. Hides Unchangedgreen ; hides BJfcjpreen frozen , 5c ; heavy green salted , 0 > ; light green salted , 6 % ; suited bull. 6) 0 ; green bull , 4 > { c ; green salted cnlf , fee ; dry flint and dry calf , 12@I3c : branded , 15 per cent off ; deacons , 30c each ; dry salted , lOc. Tallow In fair demand ; No. 1 , country , solid , 4Jfc ; No. 2,3j { ; cake. 4'fcpcrlb. Receipts. Shipments. Flour , bbls 23,000 ! tt,000 Wheat , bu 20,000 15,000 Corn , bu 1WXX ) ) 172,000 Oats , bu 1511,000 118,000 Rye.bu 2,000 4,000 Barley bu fit. hnufa. Fob , 10 , Wheat Higher ; cash , i9UiJSOJ ( c ; May. o\ \ } { [ < ! . Corn Higher ; cash , 44 @ 4."Hj ; May , t * Wc. Oats Steady ; cash and May , 29/c. l'ork14.25. . Lard -f 7.25. Whisky C1.Q9. Butter Firm ; creamery , 24@29c ; dairy , 16@2Cc. Afternoon Board Wheat Firm nnd ac tive ; March , 80c , nominal ; May , 81' < jXrf8Iifc : June , 81Ko bid. Corn Firmer ; March , 45c ; May , 4ljf@4 ( < % c ; Juno,4r , < c asked. Oats- Steady but quiet ; May , 2 Ii'c. tilverponl , Feb. 10. Wheat Dull with a downward tendency ; holders offer freely ; California , No. 1 , ( is 8d@0sQd \ per cental ; red western spring , Os 7 dlftOs 8d. Corn Quiet ; new mixed western , 4s lO d per cental. New Vork , Feb. 10. Wheat Receipts , ' 2,000 ; exports , 50,200 , ; options advanced / ( ( i fife , and after a few slight changes closed firm at about the best ; njiot lots firm but quiet ; ungraded red , S'lS'.iOVf'c ; No. 1 red , nominal at 2c ; No. 2 red , 88 ( S3Xc In store and elevator , 8U } ( tf89jfc ! afloat , 8'J c free on board ; March , closing at h'.lc. Corn Receipts , 11,000 ; exports , 3,000 ; op tions opened weak , later advanced J @jo and closed linn with moderate business ; spot firm ; ungraded. 68a ( 0c ; No. 3 , Me ; No. 2 , 59i59c in store nnd elevator , CO o afloat ; March closing at 59c. Oats Receipts , 04,000 ; exports , 180 ; mixed western , nominal ; white western , . Coffee SpotfalrRlodullatlG.OO ; ; options 20@30 points lower ; moderately active ; sales , 70,750 bags ; February , * 13.00& 18.15 ; March , I12.40@12.00 ; April , ? 12. ! K 12.45 ; May , § 12.15 112.80 ; Juno , * 12.tX ) ( < M'.M5 ; July , $11.CO@ 10.7B ; August , $11.40 ( 11.50. Petroleum Steady ; united , 87J < c. Eggs In fair request and Ilrin : western , 'ork Steady nnd unchanged ; * mcss was quoted at $15.00 ( 15.25 ; one year old , $15.15 ® Lard 6@8 points lower , closing with a Blight reaction ; Avcstcrn steam , spot , was quoted at $7.00@8.05. Butter Dull and easy ; western , 14@30c. Cheese Quiet but lira ; western , 119 ® 12c. 12c.Milwaukee Milwaukee , Feb. 10. Wheat Firm ; cash , 7GUo ; March , 75c ; May , 78Xo. Corn Weaker ; No. 3. 45 } < c. Oata Dull ; No. 2 white , 33c. Rye Steady ; No. 1 , CIc. Barley Lower ; No. 2 , 73Wc. Provislonsi-Weak ; pork , February , $13.75 @ 14.00. Cincinnati , Feb. 10. Wheat In fair de mand ; No. 2 red , 8C@SO > c. Corn Steady ; No. 2 mixed , 51c 51J c. Oats Quiet ; No. 2 mixed , 33@33J c. Rye Dull and lower ; Nd. 2 , 02c. * Provisions Pork , dull ut $14.50 ; lard , in fair demand at $7.50. Whisky- Steady at $1.09. Kantian City , Feb. 10. Wheat-Steady ; No. Z soft , cash , 79) ) * Corn Stsady ; No. 2 , cash , 43c ; May , Wfc , Oats No. 2 , cash , 28J e asked. MlnncapollH , Feb. 10. Wheat Cash less demand ; futures ruled tame and neglected : receipts , ISO cars ; shipments , 50 cars. Clos ing In store : No. 1 hard , cosh , 70Vfo : March , 77e ; May , 81'fo : No. 1 northern , wish , 75 } < oi 2 northern , 74c. Flour Patents , in sacks to ship , $4.10 < g 4.25 ; bakers' , $3.20@3.45. Now Orleans , Fob. 10. Corn Quiet and weak ; white , 00@01o ; mixed , Olc ; yel low , 62c. Oats Steady ; No. 2 , 30X@40c. Corn Meal Quiet at $2.80. HOR Products Dull , weak and lower : pork , $14.02 ; lara , $7.25. Bulk Meats Shoulders , $0.20 ; long clear and clear rib , $7.02 > | . LIVE STOCK. Chicago , Feb. 10. The Drover's Journal reports as follows ; Cattle Receipts , 10,000 ; steady ; fancy | 5.25@5.50 ; shipping steers , * 3.00r > .0 ( ) Btockers and feeders , $2.25@3.75 ; cows , bulb and mixed , $1.85@3.15 ; Texas cattle , 2.COi ( 8.75. 8.75.Hogs Receipts , 22.000 ; steady , closing weak : mixed , $5.ffi@5.45 ( ; heavy , 5.30u ( B.70 ; light , $4.90@5.30 ; skips , $3.20@4.80. Sheep Hocolpts , 5,000 ; market unchanged ; fancy , $5.50 ; poor to good natives$3.000 < 5.00 : western. $5.00@5.30 ; Texans , $3.00@4.00 : lambs , $5.00@0.00. National Stock Yarda , East St. Ixml * , Feb. 10. Cattle Rcceipta , 1,500 : shipments , 400 ; market steady ; choice heavj native steers. W.4CKS5.25 ; fair to good native steers , $3.80@4.45 ; butchers' steers , inedlmr to choice , $3.100 4.15 ; stockers and feeders , fair to good. $2.00@3.25 ; rangers , ordinary to pXHl , $ a.20@4.00. Hogs Receipts , 5,000 ; shipments , 2,100 : market ruled steady ; choice heavy ant butchers * selections , $5.5@5.45 ! ! ; packing medium to prime , $5.00 ( 5.40 ; light grades ordinary to best , $4.70@5.00. Kaniai City , Fob. 10. Cattle Receipts , 2.000 ; shipments , 1,200 ; slow and weak fo : shipping and dressed beef steers ; stocker and feeding steers strong , active and 1ft higher ; good to choice corn-fed , $4.30c ( 4.80 ; common to medium , $3.25@4.20 ; stock era , $1.80 2.50 ; feeding steers , $2.00@3.25 cows , $1.UO@3.1K ) . Hogs KecclpU , 11,000 ; shipments , 2,400 weak and 510c lower ; common to choice * 4.CO@5.35 ; skips and pigs. $3.00(34.50. ( OMAHA L.IVE STOCK. Cattle. ThursdayFeb. . 10.1888. The receipts of cattle to-day were light am no strictly first-class stock was sold on th market , which was about steady on al grades. The demand was fair , local packer and shippers each taking a number of head The offerings of butchers' stock were enl ; fair , but what sold were taken at price about the same as yesterday. Hogs. The receipts of hogs were moderate. Th market was lower all round 50)10 ) cents , som salesmen contending that on choice heavy i was 'M cents lower , and that hogs which sol at $3.40 to-day would have brought $5.00 yes tcrday. Toward the close the feeling was little stronger , although prices were not quc tably higher. Nearly everything was taken the local packers being heavy shippers. Sheep. The receipts of sheep were 311 head , o which 115 good natives sold at $3.50. Price aru about stcatiy as quoted. Official llecelpta , Cattle. . . . . . . . , , i , . . , * . . . 34 Hogs. , , . , * . . , . , , . . . , . , . , , . , . ; , . , , . % 1S , * Bhecp „ „ „ , . . . . . . ' 31 Prevailing Prices. The following Is a 'table of prices paid i IhU market f.or the grades Of ' stock' incr. tloned. It frequently cn-curs that no dales of some particular frrade are made , when In this rare the table will state as nearly as possible the price that would have been paid had thcro been any of that class among the offerings. Prime steers , 1300 to 1500 Ibs.$4.25 (34.00 ( Prime steers , 1100 to 1300 Ibs. . n.83 4.00 Fut llttln steers , 000 to 1050 Ibs. 8.35 ( 3.85 Corn-fed range steers , 1200 to 1600 Ibs 3.60 @ * .1S Commou to choice corn-fed cows 2.00 (33.15 ( Wentcrncows 1.50 ( 2.50 Fair to good range feeders 2,30 ( g2.75 Medium to peed native feeders , 000 Ibs and upwards 2.25 (33.00 ( Common to good bulls 2.00 ( 3.00 Fair to medium native feeders , 000 Ibs and Upwards 2.25 (32.50 ( Stockers , 400 to 700 Ibs 2.15 ( rt2.7B Prime fat sheep 8.75 ( 4.25 Good fat sheep , 00@100 Ibs. . . . 8.60 ( < f3.75 Fair to medium sheep 2.25 ( 3.00 Common sheep 8.00 @ 2.23 Light and medium bogs 4.70 ( i$5.10 $ Fair to choice heavy hogs 5.20 ( ( (5.40 Fair to choice mixed hogs 5.15 Itepresentative Sale * . NATIVK STEKKS. Range of Prices. Showing highest and lowest prices paid for ending grades of cattle on dates mentioned Space left blank Indicates that no sales of that particular class of cattle wore made on that data : Date.Prime St'rs. I'rlmo Ht'rs , Common to Date. "i. ItOOaiaOO lb. CholceCows. Vet ) . . . . 1 ! R5 O4 10 2 00 e'l 15 Feb. 10. . 4 40 @ 4 40 , : i 76 CM IB i no tain Feb. 11. . 4 SO WM 3 ; r < aa 76 200 & 1K Feb. 12. . Sunday. Sunday. Sunday. Feb. 13. . 1 60 © 1 0) Feb. 14. . : t uo 4 2 ns < &i 10 Feb. 15. . 3 DO < ft4 CO 3 GT > Ct-'l M 1 w 0:100 Feb. 18. . 4 U2'/i(4 ' ( 04' ' ; 3 BO Dockage and Ootnmli lon. Public Inspectors dock pregnant sows 49 pounds , stags SO pounds each. Dead hogs. 100 pounds and over , tl.OO ® 2.00 pnr cwt , less than 100 Iba , of no valuo. Yurdago : Cattle , 25c ; hogs , 80 ; sheep , 5o per head. Feed : Corn , tl.OO per bu. ; timothy hay , $30 ; prairie hay , t20 per ton. Commissions : Cattle , 50c per head ; calves and yearlings , 110 per car. Hogs and sheep : Single decks , f5 ; public inspection on hogs , 15o per car. All sales unless otherwise stated per 100 lb * live weight. Ijivo Stock Notes. J , M. Cameron , of Cresco , sold steers. A. C. Virgin , of Utica. Juid hogs on to-day'i market. J. Dlxon , of Walnut , marketed a load ol porkers. T. J. Penney , of Ashland , was at the yard ! with hogs. C. W. Gould , of Ainsworth , had hogs ot the market. H. E. VandufT , of Bradshaw , marketed twc loads of hogs. M. P. Savage , of Delolt sold hogs on to day's market. * "HI" Jeffrey , of Osceolo , hod hogs or to-day's market. H. Shlnstock , of West Point , marketed two loads of cattlo. B. J. Turney , of Ansley , had sheep ant hogs on the market. Hoagland & Hawes , of DeWitt , had hogi on the market. Mr. Hoagland came in witt them. _ ' OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKETS Produce , Fruits , Nun , Ktc. Thursday , Feb. 10. The following quotations arc wholcsah and not reUill. Prices quoted on product are the rates at which round lota are sola or , this market. Fruits or other lines of goodt requiring cxtm labor In packing cannot al way * be supplied on outside orders at tin same prices quoted for the local trade Kates on Jlour and feed are Jobbers prices , Prices In ( train are those paid by Omahc millers delivered. All quotations on river chamllse arc obtained from leading housci and arc corrected dally. Prices on crack era , caKcfl , etc. , arc those given by leading manufacturers , The market was quiet to-day with pricei all around showing a downward tendency Receipts of butter were fair , but thoqualltj hardly up to the mark , packers generalh taking a lower and unsaleable grade , whlct has led to a shrinkage In price. The heav : receipts of eggs on Monday and Tuesday hai loft a surplus , which , with the present llgh' ' receipts , exceeds the demand and prices an again marked down. Poultry is coming it more freely aud the demand is light , causinf an casing off in price. For apples , the do inand is steady , and potatoes are moving of slowly , no change at price being noted. J cheaper grade of California oranges Is nov on the market , but the other quotations stum unchanged. Cabbage is scarce , but a car lo of California is expected this morning , ant will bo offered at present prices. BUTTEU Creamery , " solid packed , 21ji23c ( choice rolls , 17ijlflo ; medium. 14@15o ; lov grades , I0@12c. Euos-Strietly fresh , 17@19o ; limed , l < Xt POULTKT Dressed chickens , 0@IOo pei lb ; turkeys , SKglOo : ducks , BQlOc ; geese VGilOc. TtHiXiI's-GooJ stock , tkKgftSc ; Ratabagafl 6055c. OHANQES California Riverside4.00@4.25 Valencia * , t7.50@8.00 per case of 420 ; Floi iUa , brights , W.850-4.605 russetts , f 4.00 ; Mexican , t4.00 : Los Angelas , I 3.75 ; navals. M.WI. . LrMwH.'JO < 24.W ) per box. Cit.ironNU Fnciis t .CO@3.75 , extra choice , $3.00. OniudE-l i r doz and 3Jtf33Rc for California. Swr.ET POTATOKS tl per doz. , and 2 @ 3c per Jo for California. CiUNiiEitiUKs Hell fi Cherry , It0.0@ ll.oi ; Bell & IJuRlc , tll.ro@ll.50 ; HclUM liugle , premium. $ ll.M ) ( < < @ia.OO. POTATOES-Utah and Colorado stock , 11.10 ( HI.Itt ; choice homo grown. 05@ 1.00 ; common grade * at COc. BiXiKAS Medium , t2.WK2l.OO : ; choice , .TOOu3.50. ( ! ONIONS Homo grown , OTi@ll.00 ; Spanish onions , per 50-B > crate , ll.MMl.'C. CELEnr Choice , 40 < 345c per dozen ; fancy , V360c. ' Ari'i.KS Eastern fruit , fair to choice , $3.50 @ 3.7B ; fancy , M.75@4.00. BEANS Uood stock. J.OO@2.30 ; fair to good , $1.CO@1.80 , California beam 13.25 2.40 DATES Persian , 8c per lb. Sumn KRAUT Cholco per bbl. of SO gal. , 18.25(33.00 ( ; K bW- . * 4.57@5.00. 111.00 per bbl of GO gal. CIDKII Choice Michigan cider , $6.00@0.50 per bbl. of 33 gal. POPCORN Choice rice corn , 4@4K < s P r tt , other kinds , 2U < 33a ncr lb. CAIIKOTS $2.'J5@2.50 per barrel. PAiisNirs New' stock , $2.60 per barrel. OVSTEHS Plain standard , 25c ; plain se lects , ) o ; standard. 40c ; extra selects , 35c ; New York counts , 40c ; bulk oysters , counts , 11.85 per 100 ; selects , (2.00 per gal ; standard , $1.25 per gal. CAt'LiFLOwEn Good stock , $2.60@2.80. GKAPES Malagas. $7.50@8.00 per bbl. ; and larger sized bbls. in proirortlon up to $10. Fins In layers , 13@10c ; cake , lie per lb. NUTS Peanuts , 6) ) ( ! 7c , raw ; Brazil nuts , 13c ; almonds , Tarragona , 22c ; English walnuts , 15itl8c ( ; illbcrts , ISc ; Italian chest nuts , 15c ; pecans , 12c. HONEY 19@21c for 1-lb frames ; canned honey , 10@12c per lb. Grocer's List. Pnovisioxs-Hams , llJ tlKc ; breakfast bacon , li ; @HKc ; bacon sides.O fflOXo ; dry salt , 8if@8 > c ; sliouldcrs , OK@"o ; uriedbecf , 10iMlr. ( . CANDY MlxeJ , 9 ( < ? llc ; stick , 9@9J c. HeriNF.n LAUD Tierce , 72f'o ; 40-lb square cans , 79 < e ; 50-lb round , 7fc ; 20-lb round , Xa10lb \ palls , S c ; 5-lb palls , Stfc ; 2-lb pails. 8 c. BHOOMS Extra 4-tie , fJ.CO ; No. 1 , t2.00 ; No. 2 , tl.75 ; heavy stable , t4.00. STAUCII Mirror glass , 5Jic ; Graves' corn , ' { c ; Oswcgo gloss , Go ; Oswego corn , 7c. HOLLAND HEIWINOS 70@73 per keg. PICKLES Medium in bbls , t7.00 ; do in half bbls , t4.00 ; small , in bbls. t8.00 ; do in half bbls , f4.50 ; gcrkins , in bbls , t9.00 ; do m half bbls , t5.00. COFFEE Ordinary grades , 18@19o ; fair. 19n ( > 20o ; prime , 20@21c ; fancy green nnd yelfow , 22@24c ; old government Java , 28@ 30o ; interior Java , 25@23c ; Mocha , 28@30c ; ArbucKle's roasted , 23c ; McLaughlln's XXXX , 2JJfc ; DUworth'8,22 } ctRed ; Cross , JELLIES 30-lb palls , tl.50@1.75. TKAS Japans , 20@55c ; gunpowder , 20 < ra COc ; Young Hyson , 25@55c ; Oolong , 20@ 65c. 65c.RorK Seven-sixteenths. IKcJllJ c. Toiucco Lorlllurd's Climax , 45c ; Splen did , 45c ; Mechanic's Delight , 44c ; Leggett & Meyer's Star , 45o ; Cornerstone , 89c ; Druin- mond'R Horseshoe , 4oc : J. T. . 42c ; Sorg's Spearhead , 44c ; Catlin's meerschaum. 3lc ; Catlin's Old Style , 23c ; Peiucr Heidsick , 04c. a IK Granulated. 7 @ 7 ? < Tc ; conf. A , 7 c ; white extra C , 0 ? < @ 0c ; extra C , ( ttOXc ; yellow C , ( > @ 5o ; cut loaf , 8J @ 8 > < c ; powdered , 8 (38)40 ( ; New Orleans , 5 % @ 55fc. SvKurs New Orleans molasses per bbl. , 40rffiOSo per pal. ; corn syrup , 85c ; half bbls. , 3c7 ; 4 gallon kegs , (1.55. SALT Per bbl. car load , tl.40. MAPLE SUGAR Bricks , 12) c per lb ; penny cakes , 15c per lb. WOODENWAHE Two-boop pails , per doz. , tl.40 ; three-hoop pails , tl.05 ; No. 1 tub , tO.50 ; No. 2 tub , t5.50 ; No. 3 tub t4.50 ; wash boards , tl.50 ; fancy washboards , t3.50 ; as sorted bowls , t2.75 ; No. 1 churns , 19.50 ; No. 2 churns , $8.50 ; No. 3 churns , $7.50 ; butter tubs. $1.70 ; spruco. in nests , $1.70. CitACKEits , CAKES , ETC. Prices subject to change. Soda , 5c ; soda ( city goods ) , 7c ; soda snowflakcs ( in tins ) , lie ; soda dandy , OJ c ; soda wafers ( in tins ) , lOc ; soda zephyr , 8c ; city oyster , 0 > c ; excelsior , 7c ; farina oys ter , 5 } c ; gem oyster , 5c ; monitor , 7e ; Omaha oyster , 7c ; pearl oyster , 5c ; picnic , 5c ; snowdrop oyster , 8c ; butter , 5c ; Boston , 8c ; Omaha butter , 7c ; saw tooth butter , OH'c ; cracker meal , 5 > < c ; graham. 8c ; graham wafers , lOc ; graham wafers In pound pack ages , I'JXo , hard bread , 5c ; milk , 7J o ; oat meal , 8cs oatmeal wafers. lOe ; oatmeal wa fers in lb pkgs , 12) ) c ; animals , 12c ; bollvor ginger ( round ) , 7c ; cream , 80 ; Cornhlll , lOc ; cracknells , IGc ; frosted cream , 8Kc ; ginger snaps. 8c ; ginger snaps ( city ) , Go ; homo made ginger snaps in boxes , 13c ; home maae ginger snaps ( i lb cans ) per dozen , 12.50 ; lemod cream , 8c ; pretzels ( band made ) , ll c ; assorted caUes and jumbles , lljfc ; assorted fingers , 15c ? afternoon tea ( in tins ) pnr dozen , t7.00 ; banana fingers , 14o ; butter Jumbles , HKo ; Brunswick , 15c ; brandy snaps , 15c ; chocolate drops ( new ) , lOc ; chocolate wafers , 15c ; Christmas lunch ( in tins ) , per dozen , $4.50 ; cocoa taffy snaps , 14c ; coffcu cake , 12o ; Cuba Jumbles , llfc ; cream puffs , 20o ; egg Jumbles , 14o ; ginger drops , lie ; honey Jumbles , 11 J c ; Jelly fing ers , 15o ; Jolly wafers , 15e ; Jolly tart ( now ) , 15c ; lady fingers , I8c : vanilla bar , 14o ; va nilla wafers , 14o ; Vienna wafers , 1 dozen packages in box , per dozen , $2.50. CANNED GOODS Oysters , standard , per case , t3.30@3.35 ; strawberries , 2-lb per case , t3.25@3.35 ; raspberries , 2-lb per case , $3.20 ® 3.30 ; California pears , per case , $4.70@4.80 ; apricots , per cose , $4.50@4.GO ; peaches , per case , $5.00@5.75 ; white cherries , per case. $000 ; Cal. plumsporcaso$4.SO@4.40blueber ; ries , per cose , $2.30@3.40 ; egg plums , 2-lb per case , $3.50 ; pineapples , 2-lb , per case fo.20@5.75 ; Mb salmon , per doe , tl.75@1.90 ; 2-lb gooseberries , per case , t3.25@3.85 ; 2-lb string beans , per case , $1.80@1.85 ; 2-lb Lima beans , per case , tl.60@l.C5 ; 2-lb marrowfat peas , $2.00@2.70 ; 2-lb early June pear , per cose , $3.85 ; 3-lb tomatoes , $3.50 ; 2-lb corn , f2.30@2.40. DHIED FRUITS Apples , bbls , new , Ji's. @ 7c ; evaporated 50-lb boxes , 9 @ 10c , raspberries , evaporated , 23 > @ 2c ! ) ; black berries , evaporated , 9 ? @ 10o : pitted cher ries , 22@23o ; peaches , Eastern , new , KB. 8'i © 8 0 ; evaporated , peeled poaches , 80@32o ; evaporated , unpared , 18@19c ; new cur rants , 7@7) ) c ; prunes , new , 45f@5o ; citron , 24@25e ; raisins , California-London layers , $2.40@2.50 ; California loose mus catels , $2.00@3.10 ; new Valencia , 78o. All goods packed in cans 1 ct. per lb. ad vance except Snowflake and Wafer Soda , which is packed only in cans. Soda in 2 lb. and 3 lb. paper boxes , % cent per lb. advance ; all other goods , 1 cent per lb. advance. Soda in 1 lb. paper boxes , 1 cent per lb. advance. The 2 lb. boxes are packed in cases holding 18 in a case. The 3 lb. boxes are packed in cases holding 12 in a case. The 1 lb. boxes are packed in cases holding 30 in a caso. One lb. Graham and Oatmeal Wafers packed a doz. in a case. . , Show Tops for boxes , with glass opening to show goods , 75 cents. Cans for Wafer Soda , $3.00 not returnable. Cans for Snowflake Soda , $6.00 per doz. Tin Cases with Gloss Face to display the goods , 75cents each. No charges for Packages except for cans and re turnable cases. Glass Front Tin Cans and "Snowflako" Soda Cans are returnable at prices charged Dry Good * . DUCK West Point 29 in. 8 oz. , lOJlo ; West Point 29 in. 10 oz. , 12Wc : West Point 10 in. 12 oi , 15o : West Point 40 in. 11 oz , lOc. Checks Caledonia X , OYo ; Caledonia XX , 10) < o ; Economy , 9Kc ; Otis , 8Wo. . KENTUCKY JBANS Memorial , ISc ; Canton , 18o ; Durham , 27Ko ; Hercules. 18o ; Leaming ton , 23Ko ; CotUwold , 27Xc. CRASH Stevens' B , Oc ; bleached , 7c ; Ste- MISCELLANEOUS Table oil cloth , $2.85 , plain Holland , 8 c to Oo ; Dado Holland , CAMBRICS Slater , 5o ; Woods , 5c ; Stan dard. So ; Peacock , 5c. CoMFOHTEni $ fl. X < i35.00 BLANKETS White , $1.00@7.50 ; colored $1.1C 8.057 BLEACHED SiiEETiXftBerkcley cambric , No. 00 , 9Jtfo ; Best Yet , 4-4 , fiJity butter cloU OO , 4 } c ; Cabot , 7Kc ; Far well , 8 > o j Fruit 9) ) Loom , 9o ; Greene G , Oo ; Hope , Be ; Kinf Phillip cambric , Ho : Lonsdalo , llc : Lens dale , I'cj ' New York mills , 10 > < o ; Pepperel ! 4a-ln , riio ; Popperell , 40-ln. , lie ; Pepperel lev , 5o. FLASXELS Plaid Raftsman , 20c ; Goshen 82J < o ; Clear Lake , 32 ' 0 ; Maple City , 86Wo ilto G H No. 2. % . 210 } G II No. 1 , . { c ; B H No. 2 , & , 22 > < o ; B H No , 1. SOc ; < Juechce No. 1. V 42c : Quechee No. 3 ST&c ; QuecueeNo. 4 , ? i , TfJ > ic ; Anawoo KC ; Windsor , 22Jfo..ncd-C.24-lnch. 15Ko ; in < s4-lnch ; , 21cj GO , 244hch , 18c ; H A F , } f 25J J KF , f,27 < < c'a,5f,8. ; . PRINTS SOLID COLOUR Atlantic , fie ; Slater , n ' , < c ; Berlin Oil , olfo ; Garner Oil,6 ® 7c. PINK AND KonESUichmond , 6 } < c ; Allen , 6Kc ; Htver point , 5c ; Stool Hlvcr , ifc : Kloh- mend , Oc ; Pacific , flKdflxtitao BLVE Wash ington , Co ; Century Indigo blue print ! ) , lOc ; American , 7c ; Arnold. 7c ; Arnold B , lie : Arnold A , ICc ; Arnold Gold Seal 10J < c. DKESS Charter Oak , fij c : Kamapo 4Kc ; Lodl , 5c ; Allen , Oc ; Richmond 3Jc } ; Windsor,6K < Ji Eddystone , 0 4o ; PaciHc , COTTON FLANNEL * \0 \ per cent trade dls- 4VA , 1 V , VV , A- * , * . . , . lux * . x . , u\ . 1 % , w , No. 10. 8 > < c ; 40 , lOWc ? 00 , 1'Jife ; 80 , Ific ; ! W colored , lOc ; 50 , colored , 12c ; 70 , colored , 15c ; Bristol. lM > < c ; Union Pacific , 18c. CAKPET WARP Bebb white , lOWc ; colored , 20Kc. Bitowx SHEETINO Atlanta A , 4-4 , 7Jc : Atlantic H , 4-4,7 0 ; Atlantic D. 4-4t ) fc ; At lantic P , 4-4. Oc ; Aurora LL. 4-4 , 0c : Au rora C , 4-4 , 5c ; Crown XXX. 4-4 , 7 ' ! ! Hooslcr LL , 4-4 , ( > c ; Indian Head , 0-4 , 7' c ; Lawrence LL , 4-4 , Oc ; Old Dominion , 4-4 , 5Xc ; PeppereliR , 4-4 , 7c ; Pcppercll , p. , 4-4 , B , 4-4. Bo. HATTS Standard , 8c ; Gem , lO u ; Beauty , 12 } < fc ; Boone. 14c ; B , cased , $0.50. GiNOiiAM-Plunkctt checks , 7fc } ; Whit- teuton , 7 c ; York , 7 } c : Normandl dress , 8kTc ; Calcutta dress , 8 } < c ; Whlttcnton dress , 9c ; Renfrew dress , 8 > { ( $ llc. ! ! TICKS Lewiston , 80-ln. , 12 > c ; Lcwlston , 32-in. , 13' c ; York , 33-in. . 14c ; Swift river , "Kc ; Thbrndlke , OO , SJfc : Thorndtkc , EF , 8V < c ; Thorndlko , 120 , flitfc ; Thorndlkc , XXX , 15c ; Cordis , No. 5 , OJtfc ; Cordls , No. 4 , lie. DENIMS Amoskcag , 0-oz. . Itte ; Evrrctt , 7-oz. , 18c ; York , 7-oz. . 13c ; Haymaker , 8) ) < c ; Jaffrcy , XX , ll o ; Jaffrey , XXX , 12 < c ; Beaver Creek , AA , 12c ; Beaver Creek. BU lie ; Beaver Creek , CC , lOc. General Market * . GRAIN Wheat , No. 1 , first quality , OOc ; ordinary , 57 < 359e ; rye. 65c ; oats , StXgSlc ; yellow corn.40c ; white corn , 45c ; barley , 55@GOo. FLOUR AND FEED Minnesota patents , $2.00 per cwt ; Kansas and Missouri fancy winter patents. $3.00a ( > 'J.75 per cwt ; Nebraska pat ents , $2.45@2.50 per cwt ; rye flour , * 1.SX ) @ 2.00 per cwt ; wheat grubum , $1.75 per cwt ; rye graham , $1.40 per cwt ; New York buck wheat , $ t .50@7.00 per bbl ; New York buckwheat , $3.60 per cwt ; Excelsior , $6.00 per bbl ; ready raised , $5.00 per 100-lb case ; cornmcal , yellow , $1.00@1.10 per cwt ; white , $1.05@1.15 per cwt ; bran , $10.00@17.00 per ton ; screenings , $14.50JJ15.00 ( per ton ; hominy iny , $3.25 per bbl ; chopped feed , $19.50@20.00 per ton ; chopped corn , $18.00(310.00 ( per ton. SPIRITS Cologne spirits 188 proof , $1.15 ; do , 101 proof , $1.18 ; spirits , second quality , 101 proof , $1.10 ; do , 168 ; proof , $1.15 ; alcohol , 183 proof , per wine gallon. $2.16 ; redistilled whiskies $1.00@1.50 ; .n . , blended , $1.GO@2.00 ; Kentucky bourbons , . .00@6.00 ; Kentucky and Pennsylvania ryes , $2.00@6.50 ; Golden Sheaf bourbon and rye whiskies , $1.60@3.00 ; brandies , imported , $5.008.50 ; domestic , $1.30 < g3.00 ; gins , im ported , $4.50 6.00 ; domestic , $1.25 3.00 ; champagnes , imported , per case , $2d.00 ( < $ 83.00 ; American , per case. $10.00@10.00. Ducos Ammonia carb , He ; camphor refined 30c ; copperas , l4c ; cream tartar , 45c ; cream tartar powdered. 2050c ; In digo Madras. 75c ; morphia sulph , $3.40 ; soda bl. carb , t(4 ( } < c ; Venice- , turpentine , 40c ; gum opium , $4.50 ; quicksilver , 80c ; qulntno , Ger man per oz , 55c ; quinine , P. & W. , Olc ; wax , yellow , pure , 32c ; waft white , 40@-l8c ; citric acid , per lb. , G2c'/Oxalic acid , per lb. , 12c , tartario acid , powdered , per lb. , 54c ; alum , 4o ; borax , refined , per'lb. , lOc. OILS Carbon , lUA25c ( ; linseed , boiled , 62c ; linseed , raws 59c ; castor , No 1 , $1.20 ; No. 2 , $1.12 ; sperm whale , $1.00 ; fish , bank 35c ; ncatsfoot extra , 5oo ; neatsfoot No. 1 , 50c ; gasoline , 74 decrees , 15c ; W. S. lard , C5c ; No. 1 lard , 50o'No. ; 2 lard , 50c ; W. Va. zero , 14c ; W. Va. summer , 12o ; golden No. 1. 40c ; golden No. 2 , 250 ; whale , 20c ; naptha 1 degree , lie ; headlight 150 degrees _ , 12c ; head light , 175 degrees , 15c ; turpentine , 40c ; cas tor , pure , $1.45 per gal' . EXTRACTS Sandersbn's oil bcrgamot , per lb. , $3.00 ; oil lemonj'pcr lb. , $2.50 ; oil pep permint , $3.00 ; oil wintergrecn , $2.50 ; ollvo oil , Malaga , per gallon , $1.25. SOAP-Castile , mottled , per lb. , 8@10c ; cos tllo , white , 10@l3c. PAINTS White lead , pure , 6cHwhlto ; lead , fancy , Co ; putty , in bladders , 3 ; Paris white , So ; common , 2 > ic ; red lead 7c. WINDOW GLASS Single , 70 per cent ; double , 70 and 10 per cent discount. LEATHEP. Oak soles , 35 < a37c ; hemlock slaughter solo , 26@29c ; hemlock dry solo , 21@25c ; hemlock kip. 05aOOo ( ; A. & B. run ner kip , 60@75c ; A. hemlock calf , 00c@$1.00 ; A. A. hemlock calf , "backs , " 75o ; hemlock upper , 19@34c ; English grain upper , 25o ; hem lock grain upper , 21@24o : Tamplco B. L. Morocco , 29@83c ; Tamplco pebble , O. D. Mo. , 22@29c ; Curacoa , B. G. Mo. , 30c ; Simon O. D. Mo. , t2.75Q3.00 ; Dangola kid , 30@35o ; X. M. Kangaroo , 40c : American calf kid , 32c ; Gncsen kids , $3.00@3.50 ; French glazed kids , $2.50(31.75 ; French calf kids. $3.20 ; oak kip skins , 80c@$1.00 ; oak calf skins$1.00@l.25 ; French calf skins , $1.25H 2.05 ; French kip skins , $1.10@1.50 ; Russitt linings. $0.00@0.50 per doz ; pink , cream and white linings , $7.50@10.00 per doz ; colored toppings , $9.00 ® 11.00. HIDES Green butchers' , 4M@5o ; green cured. 5 > | @ 6o ; dry flint , Oc ; dry salt , 8c ; green calf skins , 7o ; damaged hides , two- -thirds price. Tallow SJi'c. Grease Prime white , 4c ; yellow , 3c ; brown , 2c. Sheep pelts , 25ccS$1.00. Steady and unchanged. Green ox pelts , 3 < 23Vfc ; kip skins , ( unfrozen ) , 4@6 c ; cowhides , 4 > @ 5c. FURS Raccon,10@60c ; mink. 15@40c ; musk rat fall , 2@7c ; striped skunk,5@25c ; mountain wolf , No. l.$1.50@2.50No. ; 2 , prulrio , 50@ 75c ; No. 2 , 25@40o ; beaver , No. 1 , per lb , $2.00@3.00 ; No. 2 , $1.00@1.25 ; otter , $1.00 ® 0.00 ; dry deer skins , 20@35o per lb ; dry ante lope , elk , moose , etc. , 15 ( < $2oc. HAT Upland prairie , $0.00@7.00 ; common coarse , $5.00@tf.50 ; straw , $6.00@6.52. POWDEB AND SHOT Shot , $1.45 ; buckshot , $1.70 ; Miami powder. $5.00 : half kegs , $2.75 ; one-fourths , $1.50 ; blasting , kegs , $2.15 ; fuses , 100 feet , 45@75c. FLAXSEED Quoted at $1.35 per bushel. HEAVT H AUD WARE iron , rate , $2.50 ; plow steel , special cast , 4c ; crucible steel , 6 c ; cast tools , do , 12@15c ; wagon spokes , per set , $2.00@5.50 ; hubs , per set , $1.25@2.00 ; felloes , sawed dry , $1.35@1.50 ; tongues , each , 70c : axlescach,75c ; square nuts , per lb , 5@13e ; col chain , per lb , ; 0 > @ 13c ; melleablo , 7@10c iron wedges , Co ; crowbars , 6c ; harrow teeth , 4c ; spring steel , 4@0c ; Burden's horse shoes , $4.05(3)4.75 ( ) ; Burden's mule shoes , $5.75@5. 5 ; barbed wire , In oar lots , $4.00 per 100 Ibs ; iron nails , rates 10 to 60 , $2.40 : steel nails , $2.50. Dry Lumber. DIMENSIONS AND TIMBERS. BOARDS. No. 1 com , s 1 s.$18.5tn No. 3 com , s 1 s.$15 50 No. 2 com , sis. 17.00 I No. 4 com , sis. 13.50 FENCING. No. 1 , 4 & 0 in 12 & lift. , rough . $10.50 No.l ' " ff ? ' . 19.5C No. 8 , " 12 14 " . 10.5C No.2 , " " 18 , ' " . 18.0C SIDINO. A , 12 , 14 & 10 ft.$21.DO C , 12 , 14 & 10 ft.$15.5f B , " " 20.50D ; | , " " 12.5C A 0 in White Pine .1 ; , . $25.5 ( BOin " " . .i . 83.5C C6in " ' .H . 30.0C D in " ' . , . 2l.5 ( Edin " " ( Scl , ' Fencing ) . UMX 0 In. Drop Siding 50o | > er M extra. CEIMNO AND fARTITION. 2d com > In White Pine Celling . $34. " " . 28.01 Clear , V In Norway " " . 10. 8d com. ! in " " " . 14.CX 8TOCKDOAHDS. A121nchsls . $15.W B12 ' . 89.S C12 " . 80.01 D12 " . 23.1X No.l com , 18 Iks Is , IS ft . 80.W 44 " ' 14ft . 19.X ( " " " loft . 18.51 " " " 10,18,20ft . 21.61 No.9 , " s . . . ; . ] 90 ( " " " 18. 12&14ft . " " " 17ft , . 17.&I 12 In Grooved roofing , $1 per M. more than i' in Stock Boards same length. 10 in Grooved Hoofing same prlco as 12 il Stock Boards. SHIP Lir. No. 1 Plain 8 and 10 In . , $19,0 No. 2 " " " . 17.51 No. 1O O,8 in . , . J9.S . 1st and 2nd , clear , 1 , 1 > { In * 8s. . . . ' . . . . $51.00 il il II III' ( M 111 3d , clear , 1 In , sQs.t . 44.50 " 1'f. 1K 21n . * 0- ° ° A , nclrct , 1 In s a s . 40.00 A , " \U , I/ , 2 in s 2 s . 44.00 J , " Ilns2s . 80.00 B , " l , lK,2lns28 . 87.00 80UTHEKX YELLOW TINK. Com. 4 Inc h Flooring . $17.50 Star " " . 21.50 st and 2d clear 4 Inch Flooring . 23.00 Six Inch 40c less. Clear ' ( finch Celllnp . 21.50 Clear Jf Inch Partition . 28.00 Clear % Inch , Partition $2 above V Inch Celling . 25.00 Clear Finish , 1 aud 1 ' < inch , 8 2s . 29.00 Clear Finish , IK and 3 inch , 8 2 s . 80.00 Clear Corrugated Celling , 4 inch . 25.50 Clear Yellow Pine Casing and Base. . . . 27.00 rori.An I.ITMIIEH. CPoplar Bx. Bds. K in. , s 2 8 . $35.00 " " K In. Panel , s 2 s . 27.00 " " . Corrugated Celling , K. . 28.50 PATTEN * , WELL TtlUlXO , I'ICKRTS. O. G. Bntts , 2K In < W > c ; XH , s 1 . 40c : 3ln Veil Tubing , D. & M. and Bov. , $23.00 ; Pick ts , D. & H. Flat , $20.50 : D. H. Sq. , $21.50. Slll.VOI.r.S , LATH. XX clear. $10 ; extra A * . $2.85 ; A" stand- rdNo. 5 , No. 1 , $1.45 ; lath , $2.55. POSTS. White ecciar , 0 In. , > / s. 12J o ; 0 In. qrs. , lt < o ; white cedar , 5 In K HKo ; 8 in. qrs lOc ; white ccuar. 4 In. round , lOXc : Ten nessee red cedar , split , 14c ; sllt ) oak , lOo ; . n 7 In. , nnd 8 In. ( X each ) 8 ft. , round , W.C ) OStB. _ Omaha Ilctall Market * . Thursday , Feb. 10. All quotations given in Hits column are obtained from leading dealers and arc cor rected dally. COAL Per single ton , delivered : Egg. 12.00 ; nut , $12.00 ; range , $12.00 ; walnut > lock , $5.50 ; Iowa nut , $4.50 ; Iowa lump , $5.00 ; Colorado , $5.00. FLOUK ASH FKEI > Screenings. 85cpcr cwt ; hopped feed , $1.15 per cwt ; chopped corn , $1.00 per cwt. Fence on Knrth Awaits that countless army of martyrs , whoso ranks arc constantly rccruitctt rom the victims of nervousness and lorvouscliseases. The price of thohoon is asvstcimvtio course of Hosteller's Stom- ich Bitters , the finest anil most genial of tonie nervines , pursued with reason- ahlo persistence. Easier , nlcasanter and safer this than to swash the victuivllins department with pseudo-tonics , alco- lolic or the reverse , hcof extracts , ncrvo 'oods , narcotics , scdativesand poisons in "Tired Nature's restorer disguise. sweet , Milmy sleep , " is the providential rocu- > orant of weak nerves , and this glo- iDus franchise hoing usually the consequences quences of sound digestion and in- : reascd vigor , the great stomachic which nsures bdtli , is productive also of ro- ioso at the required time. Not unro- rcshed awakens the individual who isos it , but vigorous , clear headed and tranquil. Use the Bitters also in fever and ague , rheumatism , kidney troubles , onstlpation and hilliousness. BRENNAN & CO.'S CLAIM. Two Ways of Keeping Books Their Accounts ilcferrccl to a Committee. Brcnnan & Co. , the city hall contractors , presented their account to the council on Tuesday night nnd It Is as follows : Contract price of work . $48,040 00 Work In an unllnlshcd state , or esti mate of what It would require to complete contract . 3,820 00 Balance duo on contract proper. . . $44,820 00 Bill for extra work . 7,704 24 Interest . 58300 Total $53,107 74 Cash received from the city 19,250 32 Amount now duo $33,851 42 The above shows that their claim is $4,407.74 in excess of the contract price. The contract provided that the basement was to be com pleted up to the first floor , but Brennan & Co.'s estimate of $3,820 , as above , is to com plete the walls only to the water table. To rulflll the contract to the letter the following expenditures would bo necessary : Water table , iron girders and brick arches of first floor $ 8,500 00 Stone steps in front of building 1,500 00 To remove poor material and replace place same 1,50000 To finish work up to water table. . . 3,820 00 Brennan & Co.'s claim. 53,107 74 Total cost to first floor $68,427 74 This is $19,787.74 in excess of the contract price. The contractors have received $19,256.82 In cash , and have been allowed $0,416,50 , in cluding the 10 per cent reserve , or a total ol $25,672.82. The city , however , has kept its accounts differently , as will bo seen by the following transcript from the books : Unfinished work below water lino. . . $3,820 OC To replace poor material 1,600 00 To build stonosteps 1,500 00 To water table , girders and arches of first floor 8,500 OC Total unfinished work $15,320 OC Paid iu cash and allowed for work done 25,6728 : Total $40,992 82 According to this statement thcro is a bal ance duo Brennan & Co. of $7,647.82 , instead of $33,851.42 as claimed by them. The city council has appointed a committee , consisting of nine members , to which the claim will bo referred. It is composed of the following : Messrs. Lee , Counsman , Boyd , Kierstcad , Lovvery , Bailey , Buchcl , Tillson and Whltlock. _ The Michigan Central's Niagara. The Michigan Central does not as- sump the ownership of Niagara Falls , but it does offer to its passengers from its station at Falls View , the grandest and most comprehensive spectacle that the < rreut cataract affords. It is the only road that runs directly by the fulls , and from this point all parts of the cataract , the angry rapids above and the boiling caldron below , are in full view. At this season , when the cliffs arc hung with gigantic icicles , and the trees and shruoDory covered with curious forma tions of frozen spray , the scene reaches , in the language of Bayard Taylor , "the climax of beauty. " Mnrrlage of H. O. Devrles. Wednesday night were oslcmnized the nuptials of Mr. H. O , Dovrics and Miss Flon Cotncr , at the Christian church , corner ol Twentieth street and Capitol avenue. ' The altar was beautifully decorated witt Easter lilies , azalias , hyacinths and smllai festoons. The ceremony was performed by Rev Joseph Z. Briscoe , of Lincoln , in a beautiful and impressive manner. The pair were at tended to the altar by Misses Briscoo , MamU Devrles and Ella Reed , and Messrs. , Cotner Devrles and Davenport. From the church the wedding party went Immediately to th < Burlington depot , where the happy coupli took the 8 o'clock train for Denver for a trij of several weeks. The contracting parties are well known ir Omaha , where they have lived for sevcra veurs. Mr. Dovrics is vice president of tlu Gate City Land company and is one of Oma ha's most energetic and deservedly estcemct young men , while Miss Cotncr Is a lady it every way fitted to make a true helpmeet. The best wishes of a host of friends attcni the pair iu their new relations. Colgate's Sachet Powders , Heliotrope , Jockey Club , and Cashmere Bouqust- retain their delicate fragrance longer than others. A Challenge. A. H. Forbes announces that ho will giv < James Sullivan ( John L.'s cousin ) $25 to spai Pat Killen four rounds on Saturday evcnini next at Tommy Miller's benefit. Sudden change of temperature am humidity of atmosphere often product disorders of the kidneys and bladder Use Dr. J. II. McLean's Liver and Kidney noy Balm to chock these troubles li their inciplency.- OHAlJOBBBBS'DIBBgrOBY ' CHURCHILL PARKER , Dealer in Agricultural Implements , Wapns , Carriage ) and nu teii. Jmrn Strrrt.betweentthand lOtti , Omaha. Nobrann , LININGER & METCWLF CO. , AgricnltnralIm5lefflentsWapnsCaiTia , , GS , Ktc. Wholciale. Omaha. NebraUa. PARLIN , ORENDORP & MARTIN , WrmlfMlelfealeraln Agricultural Implements , Wagons & Buggies _ Ml , BB. TO and EP7 Jonn Blreet , Omaha. _ P. P. MAST & CO. , Manufacturers of Buckeye Drills , Seeders , CultUaton. Hay Kakei. Ciller Mllli and I.uban lul Tcrlicrn. Cur , llth ana Nlcholai Htrret . WINONA IMPLEMENT CO. , Wholnale Agricnltnral Implements , Wagons SBuggies Comer Kth and Nlchola street ! . OMAIIAERANCII. J. F. SEIBERLINQ A CO. . ( Akron , Ohio. ) EarTesting Machinery and Binder Twine , W. K. Mead. Manager. liiJ U-aTeuwurth t. , Omaha MOLINE.MILBURNiiTODDARDCo Manufacturers and Jobbers In Wagons Buggies , Rakes , Plows Etc , Cor. 9th and 1'aclflc ( jtreou. Omalin. Neb. _ Artists' Materials. A HOSPE , Jr. . Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs , 1513 Douitlat Street , Oniaba , Nobrmka. _ _ W. V. MORSE St CO. , Jobbers of Boots and Shoes , 1411 Farnum St. , Omnha , Neb. Manufactory , Hummer _ btreet , Boston. _ KIRKENDALL , JONES & CO. . ( Successors to Heed , Jones & Co. ) WholesaleMannfactnrersofBoots and Shoes Aueut lor Boston Itubber Shoo Co. 11C ( , 11(14 ( A 1101 IJnruoy St. , Oiuaba , Ncbraaka. Booksellers and Stationers- . H. M , & S. W. JONES , Successors to A. T. Kcnyon & \Vholefnlc & Retail Booksellers and Stationers , Fine Wedding Stationery , Commercial Stationery. VOt I > oulns Street , Omaha. Neb. Coffees , Spices , Etc- ' Old A K lL L _ . . , Omaba Coffee mid Hplcc Mills. Teas , Coffees , Spices , Baking Powder , FUrorlnu Kitrncts , I.auiutrr llluc , Inks. Ktc. lill- iflil llnrner Street , Oimiha , Ncbninkn. Crockery " W. L WRIGHT. Apcnt for the Manufacturers nnd Importers of Glassware Lamps Chimneys Crockery , , , , Etc. Offl ce , 317 3.13th St. , Omaha , Ncbratka. Commission and 5. A."HulLEY , Commission- Johoing , Butter , r.fitf nnd Produce. Consignments solicited. lleaduuartcrs for Stoneware , llcrrjr Uoxes anil Urnpe lluskcts. 1414 Dodge St. , Omaha. RIDDbLL & RIDDELL. Storage and Commission Merchants , Spcclaltlcs-llutter , Kgps , Cheese , Poultry , Game , Oysters , ttlc. , Ktc. 112 South 14th Street. WIEDEMAN & CO. , Produce Commission Merchants , Poultry , Butter , Game. Fruits. Ktc. 22) ) South 14th fcl. . Omaha , Nebraska. CEO. SCHROEDER & CO. . ( Successors to McHhnno & Bchrocder. ) Prodnce Commission and Cold Storage , Omaha , Nebraska. Coal , Coke and Ulme. OMAHA'COAL , COKE i LIME Johta of Hard and Soft Coal , 203 South 13th Street , Omaha , Nebraska. J. J. JOHNSON & CO. , Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime , Andiblppera of Coal , Coke. Cement , 1'lmtor , I.liue , Drain Tile , and Bewer Pipe. Office , i'niton Hotel , Farnam St. , Oinuba , Neb. Telopbone bll. NEBRASKA FUEL CO. . Snippers of Coal and Coke , 21 Routh 13th St. . Omaha. Neb. JOry jCopds anid Notions. "M. E SMITH * CO.r Dry Goods , Famishing Goods and Notions , 1102 and 1104 IXnigln" , Cor. llth St , , Omaha. Neb. KILPATRICK-KOCH DRY GOODS Co Importers any olitiors in Dry GooflsNotions , Gents' FurnlshlnR Ooortt. Corner llth and Hiuncr Sin. . Omaha , Nebrutlm. Furniture. DEWEY & STONET Wholesale Dealers in Furniture , Farnam Street. Omaha. Nebraska. Groceries. PAXTON , GALLAGHER & COi. Wholesale. Groceries and Provisions , TO. 707.709 nnd 711 S. 10th St. , Omaha , Neb. McCORD , BRADY & CO. , Wholesale Grocers , 12th and Lenrenworth Streeti , Omaha , Nebraska. D. M. STEELE & CO. , Wholesale Grocers , 1819.1221 and 1ZH Harney Street , Omaha , Neb. ALLEN BROS. , Wholesale Grocers , 1114 and 1116 llarner Street. Omaha , Neb. Hardware. FRIED ft'cO. , Jooliers of Hardware and Nails , AtenU for How. Stale. . HIMEBAUQH & TAYLOR , Builders1 Hardware and Scale Repair Shop , Mechanics' Tooli and Buffalo Scales. 1405 Douglai Street , Omaha , Nebraslia. RECTOR , WILHELMY & CO. , Wholesale Hardware , 10th and llarner 8ts. . Omaha , Neb. Western Agent * for Austin Powdtr Co. , Jefftrson rlteel Nails , Fairbanks Standard Hcalm. w. j. BROATCH , Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel , Springs , Wagon Stock , Hardware , Lumber , Etc. 120 ! and HU ilarney Mtrect. Omaha. JAMES A. EDNEY , Wholesale Iron and Steel , \Vaion and Carrlaci Wood Stock. Ilcarj Hardware , Ktc. mi and HIP LtHTenwortb St. . Omaha. Neb. Lumber. OMAHA LUMBER CO. , AUKindsofBnildingHaterialat Wholesale 18th Street and Union TaclHc Track , Omaha. LOUIS BRADFORD , Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sash , Doors , Etc. YarJs-Corner 7th and Douglas ; Corati 8th and Douglas. C. N. DEITZ , Dealer in All Kinds of Lnmlier , 13th and California Streets , Omaha Nebraska. FRED W. GRAY , Lnmoer Lime Cement Etc Etc , , , , , , mcrUhaod Douglai Bis. , Omaha. OHAIJOBBBBSMCTOJ , . - Lumoer. T.W. HARVEY LUMBER To Dealers Only , Ofllc.H03 rarnam Plrftt. Oman * . JOHN A. WAKEFIELD. Wholesale Lumber , Etc , ile Lime. CHAS. R. LEE. Dealer in Hardwood Lnrnoer , Wood rarpft ami rurqucl Mooring. Mh and Iteaflal . . ifprL 0 ? * . - - ' " ' ----------uvwi/v 'PAXTON & "vi'ERLiN 5T f rongot and Cast Iron Building fort , EnitlnM. llra a Work , Oneral Foundry , MaehIM to * Blackntnlth Work , txnco anil Wurki , uTV. AT , and 17th Street , Umalia. OMAHA WIRE * IRON WORKS , Mannfactnrers of fire and Iron Railing IUII , Window Ou.nls , Klonror Standa , Wlr . IM North Iffi Street.Omaha. OMAHA SAFE and IKON WORKS , Man'frs ' of Fire & Burglar Proof Sales Va lt . .111 Work , Iron anil Wlrti ruifrlna , Hlfnl , KM. I ) . Andrecn , Prop'r Cnr. litli nml Jackton 9U. CHAMPION IRON and WIRE WORKS Iron and fire Fences , Railings , Guards. nil Bcri'Cn * . fort > nnk > , ofllcvn , > torvi > , roulrnoti , eta. Improved AwnlnR * , Ixck mltli Marhlnrrr and lllackiinilthWurki. IHoiitli IttliBt. IMEAOHER & LEACH. Fire and Barglar Proof Safes , Time locks , r.onornl A enl ( or DlPbnUl Bnfo A Ixjck Co.1 * Vaults and Jail Work , 1115 Farnam Htro t , Omaha. * "wTLTPARROTTE 7:0 Wholesale Hats , Caps and Straw Goods * lllff Uarncy Street , Omuha , Neb. MllHriqry"ond Notlohsr " " " ' "l.6BER > "ELD'ERTc6T Importers & Jokers in Millinery & Notions M < , Sin unrt Sll Routh llth Plrcct. Notlona J. T. ROBINSON NOTION COi. Wholesale Notions and Furnishing ; Goods 4U < nnd 40J S ( utli 10th St. , Oamhs. VINYARD & SCHNEIDER , < Notions and Gent's ' Famishing Qoofc , 110T > llnrncy Ptrcot , Omaha. CONSOLIDATED TANK LINE CO. . f holsale Refined and Lubricating Oils , Aile ( i regie. Etc. . Omaha. A. U. Illnhop. lTapat ft Paper. CARPENTER PAPER CO. , Wholesale Paper Dealers , Curry ft nlco tock of Printing , Wrapplnit and Wrttlnf 1'nper. Hpcpl l intention slvon tocnr ln rt ord ri. Printers' Materials. ' WESTERN NEWSPAPER UNION. Auxiliary Publishers , _ jgubbeMPooda _ _ _ iwuw ill OMAHA RUBBER CO. . Manufacturers and Dealers in Rnooer Goote Oil Clothing onu Leather Helling. 1003 farpam Btrxtl ateam Fittings , Pum pflj E to. " * A. L. STRANQ CO. , Fmnns , Pipes and Engines. jteam , JJnter , Railway and Mining Huppllei , Eto , BMtranndK14Kiimanimrc tOinanii. _ * CHUHCHILL PUMP CO. . Wholesale Pumps Pipe , , Fitting U. S. WIND ENGINE & PUMP CO. . Steam and later Supplies , BtOMb . BROWN ELL & CO. , Engines , Boilers and General Machinem Sheet Iron Work Hlcam l'ump . Saw MIMi. UU-UU lavenwprtU Street. Omaha. Seeds. PHIL. STIMMEL & CO. . Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seed $ Om h . Storage , Forwarding A Commlaslor ] ' ARMSTRONG. PETTIS & CO. , Storage , Forwarding and Cojmjssiont Branch bon e of the Ilenner Bagfj Co. Buttles It wlioleiale and retail , 1JUB UlOand 13121 M OVr * t ! Omaba. Telephone No. 750. , 0 Cornloe. EAGLE CORNICE WORKS , Manufacture Galvanized Iron and Cornice ftSSSr * irewora- STORZ & ILER , Lager Beer Brewers , 1M1 North ElKthtetnth Street. Omaha. 1 Overalls. CANPIELD MANUFACTURING Mannfactnrers of Overalls , Jcaot FaaU , Bblrti , Kto. llOland not Douglai Btn * * 1 lash , Door * , Etc. M. A. DI8BROV/ CO.tt . Wboleialt UanuCaeturtn ol ' * Sasb , Boors , Blinds and Monldii Branch Office , mh and Itard BtreeU. OmaaaTNtb. ' BOHN MANUFACTURING e . { Mannfactnrers of Sasb , Boors , OMAHA PLANING MILL CO , , \ Manafactnrers of Monldini , Saso , Do0nr | And Blinds. Tumlnd , Bulr-work. H nk and < MlM IIM' tings , aith and t'opplaton Arenae. T' Smoke Stacks , Boilers , It6. H. K , SAWYER , Mannfactnrinii Dealer in Smote 8tacL& Brltoh. . , , . . ' , . lit * 0 r. U. PAI.UtR. K. P. niCBUAN. J. B. PALMER , RICHMAN * CO , . Live Stock Commission Mercham ' 10 MoCOY BROS. . Life Slot * Commission Herclianl Market fnmlihed free on application. 8tocK < feeilm furnl liixj on KUCK ! U.TTQI. lu'erenou h National Bank ao < THoutli Omaha Natio Block Yt-rUf , HOuth Omaha. LORIMER.WESfbRFIELDfc Life Stock Commission , Room 15 , Kictmniie Building , Union Stock Tftrttf Buuth Omaha , Neb. 3 ALEXANDER & PITCH. Commision Dealers in me Soft , . Room K , Oppoillo Kxchange Building , Union MocM Yardi , tkjuth Omana , N 5. UNION STOCK YARDS c6 < # ' . Of Omana , Limited ,