Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 17, 1888, Image 1

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Mandorson Replies to the Charge
of the Man Prom Missouri.
Bcnator Teller Delivers a Telling
Hpccch on the Pernicious Prac-
tlco of Hoorct Hcwslona
of the Hcnatc.
Discussing n New " Surplss. "
WASHINGTON. D. C. , Feb. 10.
In the senate to-day Mr. Mnndcrson , who
Is chairman of the committee on printing
brought up the question spoken of the other
day by Mr. Vest , of Missouri , relating to the
alleged surplus of public documents. Mr.
Manderson said that the senator from Mis
souri was wrong In almost every statement
or fact , and although ho might have more
documents than his constituents desired , ho
was a very ruro exception and the great dif
ficulty with senators as well as representa
tives was to procure enough documents to
meet the demands of constltflents. Ho him
self found a very great scarcity of docu
ments and the publications which have been
tnado on account of the remarks of Senator
Vest had brought to him heavy malls making
requests for some of the "surplus docu
ments. " Ho was Inclined to the belief that
Mr. Vest had done a wrong to nearly every
senator In creating these uiisapprohcn-
lions as to the existence of moro
documents than the public servants
could place. As to the records of the war of
the rebellion , Mr. Mandcrson said that he
had been unable to procure a single copy for
distribution among his constituents , us the
members of the Forty-seventh congress
seemed to huvo monopolized all of them. Ho
urged the passage of his resolution , which
was adopted , calling upon the secretary of
war for a list of the addresses made by the
members of the Forty-seventh congress to
which volumes of the record of the rebellion
were to bo regularly sent by the secretary of
war as they are published. The object of his
Inquiry was to procure such Information as
would enable u better distribution of those
valuable records and a moro equitable one.
Ho thought also that the remarks of the sen
ator from Missouri had done great injustice
to the committees on printing of the two
houses In that the natural inference would be
that they had not exercised sufficient econ
omy In the publishing of unnecessary num
bers of documents.
Senator Vest Immediately sprang to his
feet and assured Senator Manderson that ho
Intended no reflection whatever upon the
committee on printing ; that ho rightly in
tended calling the attention of the committees
to the fact that of some of the public docu
ments there were excessive numbers printed.
Mandorson took up a list of the documents
published by direction of the statutes and a
list published by order of congress , und , after
amutzing them thoroughly , ho impressed nil
who heard him with the fact that Mr. Vest
had gone far wrong of ilgures and facts.
Mr. Gorriiun , the administration mouth
piece , who is also n .member of the committee
on printingendorsed , the argument made by
Mr , Mandcrson and not only exonerated the
committee , bnt showed that there were , in
fact , many less documents published than
were demanded by the public.
'Tho ' remarks of Mr. Manderton brought
out a general running debate , which was very
Interesting. Mr. Teller , of Colorado , who
was President Arthur's secretary of the in
terior , and who hud charge of such a largo
portion of the public printing for several
years , sx > ko. Mr. Teller , besides being u
clear thinker , a splendid lawyer an eloquent
orator und a man of long experience in public
life , knows n great deal about the real facts
involved In the controversy. Ho very quickly
showed the senator from Missouri that the
expense in the publication of documents was
in producing the flrst coylcs and that the ad-
ditlonal numbers were u very trifling matter
in comparison with the plant cost. This all
publishers und printers can readily under
During the course of his observations In
supi > ort of Mr. Mandcrson , Mr. Teller nl-
ludcd to the custom In certain quarters ol
keeping from the public information it was
entitled to. Ho referred Incidentally to the
refusal of Secretary Bayard to furnish information
mation called for , which \vus of the highest
imiortanco | to the public und the publicutior
of which could not Impair the general serv
ice. Then ho made a very effective attucli
upon the star chamber practice of the senate
commonly Known us the executive or score' '
session. No ono knows better than Mr
Teller the evils which grow out of the worl
In the senate behind closed doors , of whlcl
only enough is given to the public to do ham
whore the assassins of private character um
moral cowards do their worst. Ho dcclaroi
that in no brunch of the civil government wai
public business done in secret and covertly
.that the suuremo court of the United State :
put on record in a public manner its decision !
mnd the way each Justice voted upon all is
sues ; that the country was as clearly cnti
tied to know how each senator voted upoi
an issue in executive session and the resul
in tote of that vote us It was to know thi
result of any other public matter. Ho roulc
see no good In keeping It secret and couli
imagine no possible harm In making it pub
lie , Mr. Teller said that In every depart
mcut under the government the action upor
all issues was given out as soon us deter
mined upon , and yet a senator was , on ac
count of the arbitrary rules und oldcn-tlmi
practices , refused permission to tell a con
stltucnt how ho voted upon his nomination o
upon any subject of imbllo concern. Mr
Teller brought to their feet the advocates o
of the present dark ago set-ret sessions-
but they were unnblo to Justify , against hi
terse and forcible arguments , their attitude
Mr. Teller is ono of the strongest men h
character and general ability in the senate
and his positlon-upon this und all of the hn
portunt subjects before congress ! s going ti
bring htm prominently before the people.
The supervising architect of the treasur ,
to-day opened bids for Iron columns in th
first story , iron work for the second and thlr
floors and ceilings , and slate , copper an
galvanized Iron work , etc. , for the fedora
building at Keokuk , la. , as follows : Georg
W. Curbctt , Washington , D. C. , J2J.OOO
Hough. Kctcham ft Co. , Indianapolis. $ 19
689 ; Henson Robonson , Keokuk , * 'J1'J3'J
Dearborn Foundary coinpuuy , Chicago , 124. .
When Mr. Sherman entered the scnat
chamber at noon to-day , Just after the jounu
of yesterday had been read , there was
flutter on the floor and In the galleries. HI
enthusiastic greeting at the capitolot hi
state , where ho went to attend a republic : !
mooting , added Jest to his advance
position In the presidential line , and I
was hero recognized immediately. Quito
number of senators went to his desk to cor
eratulato and welcome him. Mr. Halo \vq
the flrst to grasp the Ohio senator * hum
and it was observed that the "shako" wn
very friendly. Senator Allison walked ovr
and with a smiling countenance extended hj
hand. No feeling of rivalry could bo dlt
corned as they chatted together. Senate
Edmunds bad but to turn round and lea
over Mr. Sherman's desk to grasp the latter1
hand. Senators Merrill , Hoar , Quay , un
others of the republican side , paid their r <
sports , aud a llttlo later Mr. Sherman mad
a short tour among his party friends in th
chamber , stopping a minute or two ut cue
( leak , bhermnn stock has tukou a decide
bocm during too week
un. BLM.xs'b rr.iBXD's ACTION .
U Is now plain to bo seen that the dctcrn
Ined friends and managers of Mr. Ulaino I
Washington are not going to .have tnci
cr abandoned M presidential quantit
without a struggle. On Monday night I
handled over ono hundred and fifty Inter
views with men in congress as to the meanIng -
Ing and effect of Mr. lllulno's letter. Four
or five of them were with men who for years
have been recognized as Intimate friends ,
personally and politically , of the Plumed
Knight , and men who have been referred teas
as his authorized mouthpieces. On the first
blush they declared the letter took Mr.
Hlalno out of the presidential line ; that ho
would not bo nominated , and that It was In a
measure duo to 111 health that ho wrote the
letter. Some of these mc.n have
since called at the Hnu Ilurenu
to correct their Interviews. They say that
the letter docs not even by Implication say
that Mr. lilaluo. if nominated , will not ac
cept the race ; that it docs not indicate that
ho will not bo a candidate ; that It is a simple
release from nil obligations of the friends
who have stood by him for years and who
may feel pledged to support him in the con
vention ; that they arc for his nomination yet ,
and believe ho will bo the candidate. They
disclaim with emphasis ever having intimated
that Mr. Hlaino is not in the best health and
declare that ho wus never more vigorous In
both mind and body and never in better con
dition to engage in n campaign. Hy some
people these modifications of utterances are
regarded us significant. There are those who
belluvo that Mr. Hlaino has been heard from
again. For n while there were many con-
Jections as to where Mr. Blaino's strength
would go. It begins to look as though It may
go to Mr. Hlalne.
There appears to ho a conflict between
records and verbal statements regarding
General Sheridan's birthplace. The general
stated to-day that ho was born at Albany , N.
Y. . on March (1 ( , 1831 , that his parents landed
from Ireland about six months previous to
his birth and a year and a half afterwards
they removed to Somerset , O. In the records
In the bureau in the war department General
Sheridan's birthplace is given as Ohio and
the date March 11,1831. In the West Point
record of 1840 his birthplace is given as
Ohio , the date of entry to the academy July
1 , 1843 , and his ago at the time
of admission eighteen years and ono
month. This record was from the statement
of the cadet nmdo at the time of entering the
academy. If ho was eighteen years and ono
month old when ho entered the academy he
must have been born in June , 1830 , which
would make his birth and date of arrival of
his parents In this country three or. four
months. No attempt Is made to rectify this
inconsistency beyond the personal statement
of the lieutenant general that ho was born In
Albany. March 0 , 1831. General Sheridan
stands high for truth and veracity , however ,
that no ono hero who knows him doubts that
his present statement Is given with honora
ble intentions or that he now or at any time
in the past intentionally gave the wrong
place ns that of his birth. Ho was probably
mistaken when ho made his entry at the mili
tary academy.
This evening's ' Star says : "Tho serious
movement in favor of General Sheridan us a
presidential candidate reveals the fact that
he received ono vote in the republican con
vention of IbbO at Chicago and turned it
promptly over to General Grant , whom ho
culled his "best friend , " taking the oppor
tunity to disclaim any aspirations for service
honors. Hut then that was eight years ago.
Hon. John P. Irish , editor of the Altu Cali
fornia , and a lending democrat , arrived last
evening and is ut the Ebbitt. Mr. Irish was
the democratic nominee for governor of Iowa
when ho wus but thirty yeurs of age , and has
been a delegate to every democratic national
convention except ono since 1804. Ho re
moved to California live years ugo und" at
oncotook a prominent place In the politics of
that state. President Cleveland last year ap
pointed him postoffico site commissioner
and the democratic state club of California
has sent htm to Washington as n delegate to
work for the selection of San Francisco as
its pluco for holding the next democratic Na
tional convention. Colonel Irish was this
morning asked what the prospects were for
San Francisco.
" " ho . "I
"Splendid , just splendid , replied.
have received favorable replies from twenty
members of the national committee , and wo
only need twenty-four votes to get the con
vention. "
M. M. Ham , of Dubuque , la. , a member of
the democratic national coinmltt-3 , is at No.
132 G street. PBUIIY S. HEATH.
Trials of a Bridegroom.
WASHINGTON , Feb. 10. [ Special Telegram
to the BEE. " ] William Shaw , a young negro ,
was to bo married last evening , and had or
dered a suit of clothes In anticipation of the
happy event. Ho waited at his room for the
clothes to come , but they failed to put in an
appearance and William was in despair. The
hour for the wedding party to arrive was
near at hand , and W.lliam , in despair , saw
that his only chance to escape was either to
commit suicide or pretend to. Accordingly ,
ho made his will carefully , wrote a letter
full of dying requests to his landlady and
then going to his room , fired oft his pistol and
laid himself out on the bed. His lundludy at
once rushed to his room on bearing the pistol
tel , but found the door locked. She alsc
founit on the floor , where William had care
fully deposited them , the will and farewell
A. glance at these filled her with horror
ror , but Inntcad of notifying hi ;
friends and having the wedding post
poncd , ns William fondly hoped , she rushed
to the station house and informed Lieutenant
Vernon of what had occurred. The lleuton-
ant ut once sent Officer Turuburg to sec
whether a physician or the coroner vruf
wanted , and the ofltccr on breaking in the
door of Shaw's room and discovering IK
sign of Injury about the supposed dead man ,
promptly pulled him out of bed mid took him
to the station house whore ho was charged
with firing a pistol. The miserable man had
hardly been locked up when the wedding
guests arrived , and hearing that he was at
the station house , they followed him there
and ono of them kindly consented to lend
him u suit of clothes and as another put u |
$5 as collateral for his uppcuranco In court ,
ho was released. The party then proceeded
to St. Augustine's church , where , despite the
difficulties he has encountered , William ofil
cintod ns bridegroom with grace and appar
cut happiness.
Shcrleluii'8 Birthplace.
WASHINGTON , Fob. 1C. [ Special Telcgrair
to the BKB. ] General Sheridan declines tc
say anything concerning the Interview will
his alleged cousin , telegraphed to the morn
ing papers from Milwaukee. He says , however
over , without contradfctlnghla alleged cousin
that to the best of his knowledge and belie ,
he was born in the city of Albany , N. Y. , 01
the 6th of March , 1SII. It was about a yeai
after the arrival of his parents in this coun
try , his father having settled first in Alban ;
before going to Ohio. The old house it
which ho was born was located near tlu
place where the Now York Central dcpo
now stands , and was torn down some year :
ago to make room for that structure. Tin
Mr. McCubo , who asserts that Sheridan wai
born In Ireland , is said to bo a distunt relative
tivo of the general , but he has not seen o :
heard from him in many yeurs.
Postal Changes.
WASHINGTON , Fob. 10. [ Speclul Tclcgran
to the UBI : . ] The postofflce at Twlng , Hol !
county , aud Syba , Kearney county , weri
discontinued to day. A postofflco was cstab
llshed at Krcno , Keornoy county , and Henr ;
Ulhlcr'appointcd postmaster.
- * -
Another Fidelity Suicide.
CINCINNATI. Feb. 10. Abott S. Kobler
brother of Charles Kcblcr , who reccntl ;
committed suicide when his forgeries wen
about to develop , followed his brother's ex
n ample last night at his residence by shootint
himself with two revolvers. No cause I :
known for the deed except the disgrace o
his brother Charles. Ha leaves a wife aiu
ajLkreo year-old daughter.
We'uther Indicntlons.
For Nebraska and Iowa : Fair weather
warmer , followed by slightly falling temper
at uro , light t6 fresh , variable winds.
ForKnttern and Southwestprn Dakota
ir Winner , fair weatjier , followed . by rain o
y snow , light to fresh variable winds.-
A Bitter Dose Administered to tbo
Chicago Boodlers.
All the Prisoners Budtf Disappointed
By the Decision A 8t y of Ex-
edition Granted McOa- .
Booked For the Pen.
CHICAGO , Feb. 10. [ Special Telegram to
the UF.K.I Contrarjr to the general fear In
the case of the ex-county commissioner
boodlcrs , the appellate court of this district
to-day affirmed the Judgment of the criminal
court , and the prisoners will have to go to
the state penitentiary. Ed McDonald , who
was convicted with McGorigle , goes down
for three years , and the fivo'cx-county-fom-
missioners and their co-conspirators go down
for two years each.
For some tlmo past there has been a set
tled belief here thnt the boodlers would bo
granted a new trial. Their attorneys , their
friends and themselves all expected it and
the decision to-day wns a surprise to all but
those embraced in the three cases above
mentioned. This morning so hopeful were the
joodlers that they dressed 'themselves
vlth more than ordinary care and
when the attendant appeared to take
heir orders for the day ho was told he need
ot bring the usual supply of Ice , as they had
nough on hand to last the few remaining
ours of their stay. When the breakfast
our came around no merrier family in all
Chicago sat down to their morning meal than
.hat in the boodlers' quarters in the jail ,
'okcs wcro bandied back and forth , and Dan
Wren's fat sides shook with'laughter. Plans
ivero laid for a fitting celebration of the rap
idly approaching event , and good byes said
jo the friends mndo during the six months
ctlrcmcnt for meditation. When the meal
, vas over the brcuhfusters spent the time ns
their nervous anticipations dictated until the
hour of 10 o'clock , the tlmo sot for the court's
decision , drew near. At ten minutes past a
sharp ring wus heard on the telephone.
"That's it , " cried Van Pelt , performing a
short quickstep on the flaggings.
A moment latter Juiler Folz walked slowly
nto the cage. It is not often that anything
can make nny visible effect on the old vet
eran , but as ho looked at the seven anxious
but joyful faces in front of him , ho hesitated
a moment before ho spoke , and then swallow
ing something , ho said In a low tone :
"I am sorry , boys , but Its all up with you.
The decisions ure affirmed. "
For a moment no ono uttered a word , so
overwhelming wns the news , but the fuces
which but a moment before had beamed with
anticipation showed plainly that the unex-
j > ected blow had struck homo.
'Are you sure that's straight ? " finally
gasped van Peot.
"No doubt , " answered the jailor.
"How is It in my cusol" asked McDonald
with affected indifference.
"Decision confirmed in both cases , " was
the answer.
All this time the stir in the jail was louder
than usual. The "boodlers" have been the
swell prisoners , as they have occupied to the
raft of overcoat and chicken thieves and
petty pilferers , much the same position rela
tively as a wealthy man does to the inhabi
tants of the village. All the motions of the
boodlers have been watched by the smaller
jail birds. Their meals brought by a colored
man from the Kevero hotel have been events
In jail society and It was the rank and file of
the latter that gave emphasis to the bustle
following the announcement of the jailer.
The court room was crowded when the an
nouncement was made and a little murmur of
surprise went around the assemblage. The
counsol-ln-chlef for the defendants had had
his eye fixed anxiously upon Judge Moran
from the moment the court opened , which
wns 10:10 : o'clock precisely. Justices'Moran
and Uuilcy wcro the only members of the
bench present. Justice Hailey announced
the decision in the great "omnibus" case of
Ochs and others.
"Tho finding of the court' below Is af
firmed , " ho announced and the fuces of the
friends of the big boodlcrs fell perceptibly.
Then said Chief Justice Moran :
"In the case of the people versus Edward
8. McDonald , the finding of the court is af
firmed. "
Tears rushed to the eyes of Mrs. McDonald
and for the first tlmo since the trial she be
came affected.
The case in which Edward McDonald was
convicted was identical with that of ox-War
den McGarigle , both men being tried , con
victed and sentenced together. Their cases
would huvo gene to the appellate court to
gether had not McGariglo escaped from the
custody of Sheriff Mattson and taken refuge
in Canada , where he is now. It has been
McGariglo's intention to return to Chicago in
case the appellate court reversed the decision
of the court below , as. in that event , the same
ruling would have to bo made in his case.
But to-day's action of the court in sending
McDonald to Joliet makes McGariglo's exile
a perpetual ono unless ho chooses to come
back and serve his tlmo. The names of the
other men who will have to go to the peni
tentiary are : Adam Ochs , Dan Wren , Mike
Wassorman , John Van Pelt , Mike Lcyden
and Harry A. Varnell , None of the men
will bo taken to Joliet until March 0 , as theli
lawyer , Alexander Sullivan , succeeded In
getting a stay of proceedings till that time.
A Minstrel Breakn a liny.
NEW YOIIK. Feb. 10. [ Special Telegram
to the BEE. ] William West , the well known
minstrel , while wrestling last night with
Dan Collyer , who plays the part of Violet in
the last net of Hurrigun's "Poto" at the Part
theater , slipped and fell to the stage , break'
ing his right leg above the ankle. There wu ;
some little excitement among the audience
when they heard the groan of pain from the
injured actor , but the accident happened jus !
a moment before the curtain was rung down ,
so they knew nothing of the nature of West's
injury until they were dismissed , when aa
ambulance from New York hospital came
dashing up to the stage door. The house sur
gcon set West's leg und took him to the hos
pitul. Ho is nfty-ono years old.
, The Illinois O. A. It.
> i'iiixariEU > , 111. , Fob. 10. At to-day'e
session of the state encampment of the , Illi
nois G. A , It. , the service pension resolution
was defeated and the dependent pension bil
endorsed. Springfield was selected as th <
next place of meeting. The encampment
was visited by Commandor-in-Chicf Ilea and
Corporal Tanner. Mr. Hea made a spccct
favoring the dependent pension bill ant
stated that ho was inclined to think that ttu
president would sign it or some similar uicas
uro. A resolution was passed asking legisla
tion making mandatory the duties of pension
examining boards.
Squeezing the Wreckers.
CINCINNATI , February 10. The first wort
of Receiver M. C. Convllle , of the Mctropol
Itun bank , was the collection of debts du <
the bank by the late directors and officers
President Mean's accounts have been exam
Ined and ho has paid the receiver $12. > ,000 foi
his paper held by the bank. George 1C. Duck
worth 1ms paid f.10,000 on account and wil
nay the remainder as soon as it is ascertained
Director ltdth is doing the sumo.
Thi ) Manitoba Monopoly.
MINNUU'ous , Fub. 10. A special to tb (
Journal from Winnipeg says Woodworth , t
former member of the legislature and a con
scrvatlvc , sa.vs unless the Canadian Pad tic
monopoly Is removed , hn and many others
will leave the province. Ho gives astoundinc
figures as to tha grain blockade in Dcloralne
where hn lives. The Free Press advise :
emigrants to stay away uctU tlio monopoly it
removed. .
Charles A. ShaofbF Arrested For Con
spiracy at Kansas City.
KANSAS CITT , Mo. , Feb. 18. [ Special Tele
gram to the Bun ; ] Charles A. Shacfer ,
brother of Sam Shacfer , and secretary of the
Oustott Lot and Land company of this city ,
was arrested at 3 o'clock to-day in the Atmo
building. Ho Is charged by John II. Onstott
with conspiracy with Sam Shuofer to em
bezzle 49,000 , belonging to Onstott. Marshal
McKowan made the arrest upon a United
States warrant sworn out by John Onstott.
Mr. Onstott says that ho advanced the money
on a bogus contract for land and a railroad.
Ho also soys that the probability Is that Wil
liam McKinncy , of Clinton , Mo. , who is in
the city and who bailed Sam Shucfer out of
jail twelve mouths ago , will give evidence
against both the Shacfers. McKinncy claims
that ho was made a pauper through the for
feiture by Samuel Shaefcr of his bail bond.
Sam Shacfer is now supposed to bo In Canuda.
Sum and Charles Shacfer are two of the
most notorious confidence men that ever
tilled their nefarious work in Kunsus City.
Their history reads llko a romance. Sam , It
will bo remembered , defrauded John I.
Blair , the New Jersey millionaire , out of
thousands of dollars and only after years of
.itlgation did Mr. I3kiir secure a return of the
money. Shaefer has been sentenced to the
> cnltentiury , but escaped on a technicality ,
.ho Missouri judge thinking ho belonged to
Sing Sing instead of Jefferson City. With
brazen effrontery ho continued his schemes
and it is currently reported that Dr. Mun-
ford was also ono of the sufferers by the
work. This last scheme is perhaps the most
daring of all , and had not the man been
forced to leave the city by the charge of em
bezzlement preferred by Blair , would have
completely ruined Onstott.
Kansas City Times Sued.
KANSAS CITY , Mo. , Feb. 10. [ Special Tele
gram to the BEE. ] An interesting suit was
filed In the circuit court here this afternoon
by William F. Wukeman against the Kansas
ity Times * company. Mr. Wakemon Is the
city canvasser of the Times and his petition
sets forth the following : The plaintiff for
cause of action against defendant states that
on or about October 0,18SO , he , through Mor
risen Munford , its agent , entered into the
employment of the Kansas City Times com
pany , a corporation then duly organized
and existing under , etc. The terms of
his employment wore _ that for the month
of October In said year ho should-rcceivo the
sum of ( M per week. When ho assumed
charge and control of said city circulation of
said paper the circulation thereof in the city
of Kansas was 2,507 copies daily ; that through
his exertions and management of the circula
tion the same gradually increased , until No
vember 1,18S7 , the city circulation amounted
to 4,554 , copies daily , and on January 1,1833 ,
and at the present time the city circulation
was about 4,000 copies dally. Plaintiff avers
that there is now duo him a balance of $084.28.
Plaintiff also states that $108 is duo him for
5,400 , subscription coupons , receipts und
vouchers for use by the Times company.
A Double-Deck Hog Shipment.
KANSAS CITY , Mo. , Feb. 10. [ Special Tele
gram to the BEK. ] The Chicago & Alton
railroad company yesterday loaded the first
"double-deck" for seaboard
- cars of-hogs ship
ment that have ever been sent out from
Kansas City. For sovsral years efforts have
been made to 'have those cars adopted foi
eastern shipment , but up to this tlmo have
failed. The Chicago & Alton pcoplo claim tc
have been willing-to' haul these 'cars , but saj
they have always \boea threatened by thi
other roads with bl oatnn"cattlo rates H
they should do so , ' Now that rates have
been already cut , .the Chicago & Altar
people have agreed to carry all these
cars that are furnished them. Thi
result will bo to pluco Kansas City on at
equal footing with Chicago and St. Louis ai
a market for the purchase of live hogs foi
seaboard' points , aud it is expected that t
number of.eastern packing concerns wil
send men here at once to buy hogs for them
Buyers for two Boston houses wcro on thi
market to-day and it is expected that before
many uays there , will bo buyers hero fron
Baltimore , Jersey City and probably othci
eastern points.
A Iiittle Boy's Disappearance.
KANSAS Crrr , Mo. , Feb. 10. [ Specia
Telegram to the BEE. | This morning Wil
Ho , the little son of M. J. McLalu , residing a
908 Livingston street , Uiver View , was sen
to a neighboring store to buy-u pair of stock
ings. The boy has'not been seen since. Thi
parents and neighbors have searched the CD
tire tcrritoiy of Kansas City , Kan. , over , bu
have not gained the faintest clue to the miss
ing child. The police were notified ycsterda ;
evening , but their search has been ccjuall ;
fruitless. The boy was sovcn years of age
A remarkable fact which his dtsappcurunc
recalls is that his cousin , a little girl of eigh
years , was started to the same store twi
years ago and no trace of her has been gaiuei
In all the months that have followed. Ho
parents have spent all they were worth in th
search for their daughter. At noon to-da ;
the mystery of Willie's .disappearance iia <
not been solved.
A Paper Assignment *
KissAsCixr , Mo. , Feb. , 10. [ Special Tel
cgram to tbo , BEE. ] The Kansas Cit ;
Paper company mft .tt general asslgnmcn
this morning for the benefit of their credj
tors. William Pcake , of the firm of Hing
ston , Pcako & Co. , was appointed assignee
The Kansas City Paper company has boo :
doing business under the incorporate name f o
the last three years. Mr. Peake , the assignee
estimates that the liabilities at $30,000 , am
expects that the .assets will exceed the liubll
Ities by * tO,000. "The ' failure wus unex
pectcd , " said Mr. Pcako'to-day , "us the fin :
was doing a good business. The collnps
was caused by poor collections. Nearly nl
the creditors uro Mussuchusctts people , ther
being no creditors of any Importance in th
west. " _
He's Got His Nerve With Him.
KANSAS CITT , Mo. , Feb. 10. [ Special Tele
gram to the BEE. ] An enterprising Mb
sourlan has staked , off a claim right undc
the noses of the people of this city on a sani
bar in the Mlssoun river opposite the pad
Ing houses. This adventurous spirit has cor
ncctcd his stakes with a single wire an
erected a little shanty in the midst of th
desert of sand by which it is surroundcc
What use ho expects to make of his posses
slon ho sees fit to keep to himself.
Manslaughter in the Fourth Degree
KANSAS Cur , Mo. , Feb. 10. [ Special Tele
gram to the BEE. ] The jury in the Roac
murder case this afternoon returned a vei
diet of guilty'of manslaughter m the fourt
degree and fixed the banishment at two year
in the penitentiary. "The " jury has been on
since 0 o'clock Monday. Roach killed Job
A. Shaw , a Chicago < fc Alton conductor , las
Dave Howe { lets Too Fresh.
KANSAS Ciir , Mo. } Fob. 10. [ Special Tell
gram to the BEE. ] There Is trouble is Kat
BUS City base ball circles again , and tin
afternoon Secretary Clough , of the America
association team , wired Manager Howe t
return home. The officers of the club ar
very reticent concerning the matter , but it i
learned that ho had been devoting himself t
duties that did not' come within his province
' s.
Elected Grand Commander.
MILWAUKEE , Feb. 10. R. G. Woissert , c
this city , was to-day elected grand con
rounder by thoQ , A. R. encampment. It wa
decided to make a pilgrimage to Gettysbur
and dedicate the Wisconsin monument whig
will soon bo placed in position.
An Alliance With Germany.
.VIEKKA , Feb. 1(1 ( TJio Pester Lloyd soy
it hits' -learned that Belgium and Hollan
hove entered Into -a defensive 'alliance wit
Germany ,
Platform Adopted By the Btato
Convention at Lincoln.
A Brace of Hensntlons of Strntton
Editors Arrested For Llhcl Moro
Than Ho Bargained For
State News.
The Prohibition Platform.
LINCOLN , Neb. , Feb. 10. [ Special Tele
gram to the BKE.I The prohibitionists closed
their state ronvcntlon In a mass meeting to
night addressed by J. B. Montague , Joseph
Critchflcld , M. J. Fanning und others. The
session devoted the larger part of the day
to discussion and adopting their state plat
form. The platform Is us follows :
The prohibitionists of Nebraska acknowl
edge Almighty God as the rightful sovereign
of all men.
The greatest issue before the American
people is the absolute prohibition in state and
nation of the alcoholic liquor traffic. License
of this traffic , high or low , Is public bribery
and a political crime of unequalled enormity.
To vote the ticket of a party favoring and
legalizing this monster crlmo of nil the ugcs
is to become guilty of all the crimes growing
out of this appalling evil.
Wo demand of congress the repeal of the
infamous law which authorizes a United
States officer to grant federal permits for the
traffic in alcoholic liquors to illicit outlaws In
prohibition states und local territories.
Every American citizen of proper ago and
sound merit should bo entitled to equal rights
and privileges before the law without regard
to sex , race or color and wo are in favor of
extending Immediate municipal suffrage to
thp women of Nebraska. We press the In
dictment against the republican party of Ne
braska , charging it with committing political
perjury to retain the votes of liquor dealers ,
by shnmclessly repudiating its submission
pledge of 1880 and further demonstrating
the cowardice and trickery of its leaders by
seceding from thnt pledge 'in 1SS7 and rele
gating the question of submission to the party
primaries , which are overwhelmingly con
trolled by the friends of the murder mills.
Wo charge the democratic party with ells-
loyalty to the principles of free government
in denying , by platform utterance and legis
lative votes , the right of the people to say
whether or not this gigantic crime will bo
outlawed in state mid nation.
Wo protest , in the name of sober manhood ,
pleading womanhood and neglected , starving
children , against the cold-blooded attempt of
unscrupulous political demagogues to shield
the liquor traffic by a disgusting effort to
fight another presidential campaign on the
tariff issue , while this liquor problem , a thou
sand times moro vast in importance , is sought
to bo ignored.
Wo favor a reasonable and effective regula
tion of all decent branches of public com
merce and invite all wage-workers to join the
prohibition party in its crusade ugninst ull
enemies of honest labor. We uro in favor of
granting pensions to all disabled union
soldiers and sailors of the late war who are
dependent on their own labor for support
without requiring anything but proof of such
Supplementary resolutions wcro passed en
dorsing the work of the W. C. T. U. , declar
ing for the scientific instruction law ! the
law ofrarnst-selling tobacco to minors , artd
the sale of impure literature and calling at
tention to the fact that Senator Paddock ,
Peter E. Her , the distiller , and the Mctz
Brewing company of .Omaha are unanimous
in their voluntary testimony that high
license Is satisfactory to liquor sellers.
Mrs. Woodward offered a resolution con
demning Governor Thayer for protesting
against the recent decision of the supreme
court of the United States against the liquor
men , und the resolution was adopted.
A Lodge Instituted.
HEBKON , Neb. , Feb. 10. [ Special to the
BEE. ] The grand commandery of the state
issued a dispensation to the Sir Knights at
Hebron to form Bethlehem commandery U.
D. Last night Hon. C. H. Willurd , com
mander of Mt. Moriali lodge No. 4 , Post
Commander A. G. Hustings and Sir E. A.
Cooley came down from Lincoln and assistei
In the first work in the new commandery.
) The visitors report a line banquet and a good
timo. The members of the order were well
t pleased and are energetic In their new work
tr They are about e mpleting their new hnl
r and the meeting last night was held therein.
r The fine largo building belongs to the Ma
sonic fraternity und they are nearly out of
3 debt.
Brown County District Court.
1t AINSWOUTJI , Neb , , Feb. 10. [ Special Tele
t gram to the BEE. ] District court convened
Monday , JudgoKinkald presiding. Seventy-
seven cases were on the docket. Twelve
were stricken off. There were fourteen di
vorce coses. Five petitions were granted
and some taken under advisement. No crim
inal cases have been tried yet , aud there are
but eight on the docket , of which four were
dismissed , leaving butthreo for trial. There
wcro two days and a half and two night scs
slons on the case of Armstrong vs Simpson
et al brought to recover damages for a stock
of goods sold by a Mr. Reed to Armstrong in
this town in 1881.
Died From Kxposnre. ,
PI.AINVIEW , Neb. , Feb. 10. [ Specia
gram to the BEE. ] An inquest was held to
day ever the body of H. McClintockwho was
found dead in his wagon about fourteen miles
south of this place near Colborgen. It ap
peared that the deceased was subject to faint
ing spells or epileptic fits and the jury returned
turned a verdict that the deceased came to
his death by exposure while unconscious
from ono of these spells. Hamilton McClin
lock was an old settler of Pierce county und
was highly respected.
An Unexpected Heir.
STIIATTON , Neb. , Feb. 10. [ Specia
Telegram to the BEE. ] James McCormick
u tailor and a prominent and respected youni
man of this place , has departed for parts un
known , owing several largo bills. McCor
mick was married but a short time ago am
about six weeks after marriage unex
pcctedlv became a father. Not having been a
resident here a sufficient length of time to b
responsible , ho Ucd.
Arrested For Libel.
STiiATTONNeb.Feb,10. [ Special Telegram
to the BKE. ] Messrs. Burny and Ash well
editors of the Stratton Herald , have been ar
restca for criminal libel on complaint of Mr
C. V. Bailey , ox-postmaster of this place one
an extensive land owner. The alleged llbelou
article appeared in the Herald two week
ugo , charging Mr. Bailey with forgery ani
Bold Bank Robbers.
Cisco , Tex. , Feb. 10. Yesterday afternoon
the bank hero was entered by three men nnd
robbed of $0,000. The cashier and two men
in the bank at the tlmo were overj > owered.
After locking the bank employes In the back
yard the robbers jumped In a wagon and
lied down the street , tiring volleys from their
revolvers and displaying bags of money. In
a short time Marshal Thomas and a posse
were in pursuit. The men were unmasked ,
and an accurate description of them is given ,
from which the authorities think they know
tbo men.
Coke Ovens Shut Down.
PITTSMUHO , Feb. 10. Twenty-five per cen
of.tho coke ovens in the Connellsvlllo region
were shut down to day for the purpose of re-
srlcting production. This will throw 15,000
'inun out of employment.
oo Mnnlcy , of AitgiiHta , Kxplnlnn Its
NEW YOIIK , Feb. 10. [ Special Telegram to
lie Hin. : ] In view of the speculations as to
lie exact meaning .of Blaino's letter , the
Vorld sent a correspondent to Augusta to
htaln Joseph H. Mauley's interpretation of
- . "Mr. Blaino's letter Is not to bo con-
Idered final by nny means , " said Munloy.
Ho docs not decline a nomination or say ho
vlllrcftiso to head the ticket. Ho merely
nnounccs that ho is not striving for the
lonor. "
"If Mr. Blalne Is offered the nomination by
ho national convention , do you think ho will
akc III"
"Yes , sir , I believe ho will. "
"You are in n position to judge as well as
ny person , uro you nctl"
"I am in constant communication with Mr.
Jlalnc. Hero is n letter I received from him
rom Florence only last night. And hero Is
nether from Mrs. Dlutno this morning , "
"Aro the considerations entirely personal ,
meant to imply ill-health 1" '
"Notby any means. Mr. Blalno Is a man
f wonderful vigor. Do you know another
nan of fifty-eight yours who has stood any-
vlicro near ns much strain as hot And ho Is
ns strong ns ho ever was. "
"What are the personal reasons referred
"Ho simply means ho has been n candidate
once and was defeated , and docs not care for
a nomination again. "
"You say ho will not decline the nomlna-
ion if given html"
" 1-thfiik ho will accept It. "
"What , then , dors his letter meant"
"It means that Mr. Blalno will not have
iis name presented to the convention as as-
ilring for the honor. If the convention gets
in and demands that ho take it ho will do so.
Mr. Blalna has mudo himself a public man.
and ns such ho owes the public something
and ho has no , right to say that ho will not
assume a trust that the party demands htm
to tukc. If it is thought Hluiiio Is the man
needed to win the fight ho will have to take
t , and ho will win. "
"What , will bo the issue of-tho coming
campaign ? "
"Tho tariff. And Mr. Blalno is the cm-
) odimuut 'of the republican ideas on this
great question. On this question ho can win.
Hut the next convention will bo an unusual
ono in many respects. There will bo five or
six presidential aspirants , and the man who
will bo nominated will bo the ono who Is
most certain to carry New York. And now
I will say , to your surprise , probably , th.U I
think it very likly that Cleveland will not bo
the democratic nominee. He has raised un
issue which the democratic party does not
dare support , and the only way to get rid of
this issue is to lay Mr. Cleveland to ono sido.
This seems strange to you. perhaps , but if I
were abetting man and had reasonable odds
offered that Cleveland would bo renomiimtcd ,
I should say it was a pretty good kind of bet
to take. It makes no difference whether
congress does anything with the tariff or not ,
Blaine can win on Cleveland's message.
That is all wo want. I have ordered seventy-
five thousand copies of Cleveland's ' tariff
message printed to bo distributed throughout
Maine as a republican campaign document.
The democrats cannot complain of that. Cer
tainly the republicans want nothing hotter
for campaign literature. Wo propose to pre
sent every voter In the country with a copy
of this message. "
"If Mr. Blaine Is the republican nominee he
will make the fight , on the president's incs-
"On the ' and his
president's message gen
eral vigorous American policy. "
"What are the prospects of the .republican
patyt ' - > > ' - f . - - w- - - - < .i-
"Wo.never began to have anything llko
such an organization'so long ahead of the
campaign before. We shull go Into the fight
better prepured than ever before. The fact
that wo have not now got any federal putron-
ngo will Incite to harder work. Wo shall
make a light in New York. Now Jersey and
Connecticut , where Cleveland will lose very
heavily on account of his free trade mani
festo. "
"In case Blalnc is not nominated will ho
take part in the campaign t"
"Most heartily. Ho is a patriotic republi
can , and whoever is the choice of the con
vention will receive his strongest support. "
"Who do j'ou believe will bo nominated ) "
"I can not tell. It will bo u man most cer
tain of carrying Now York , nnd I do not
know anybody who can except Mr. Blulno. "
The Rending Strike.
PiiiLAUELrjiiA , Pa , , Feb. 10. The inquiry
of the congressional committee appointed to
investigate the strike on the Reading rail
road and in the Schuylkill and Lohigh coa
regions was resumed this morning with
General Manager Whiting , of the Reading
Coal nnd Iron company , us the first witness
After giving seine statistical Informatioi
regarding the output of the coal mines under
his control , ho said that ho hud nothing
to do with selling coal , and did not know
whether there hud been an increase In the
price of it since September last or not. Ho
said , in regard to the miners' strike , tha
the first uneasiness of the miners was up
parent when the trouble arose with the rail
road men , who were members of the same
orders of labor organizations , principally
Knights of Labor.
Manager Whiting detailed at length the
story of the miners' strike and its causes
Ho corroborated in many particulars the tcs
timony of Mr. Corbln.
Several Manufacturers Shut Dowi
For Want of Fuel.
LEAVENWOUTII , Kan. , Feb. 10. [ Specia
Telegram to the BEB. ] The situation amen ) ,
the strikers remains the samo. They say
they are willing to work for 5 cents a bushe
until-April 1 and thereafter , during the sum
mer at 4 } cents a bushel. Public sympathy
is with the strikers. The locul coal dealers
are refusing to sell coal in larger quantities
than a third of a ton until they can rcjilenisl
their stock from the outside. The American
Gencoso works employing 150 men has bcei
obliged to shut down for want of coal. Thi
morning , arrangements having been made
with the penitentiary wns rcsumei
nnd it is believed enough coal can bo pur
chased to keep the works running. The ma
jority of the penitentiary mine's out-put i
consumed by the stnto und the remainder is
held out by contractors "for speculative pur
] K > ses. The Great Western Stove
foundry and machine works employ
ing about the same number of men
has on hand a coal supply sufficient for thirty
six hours. When that time is up , should the
strike continue , the establishment will have
to close. The Missouri Valley brldgo works
has a contract with the penitentiary mine fo
all their fuel and will not bo affected. The
largo flouring mills of Rush & Sprngue and
Kcely & Lyslo depend upon the prison mlno
for their fuel , the latter being supplied b ;
contract. A meeting of citizens and busines
men was held at the board of trade hull thi
afternoon nt which it was resolved to tuko
some action to prevent u famine , und a com
mittco was appointed for that purpose. An
other meeting will bo hold to-morrow. The
miners also held a meeting and resolved to
stand firm. The Impression -prevailing Is
that the Leavenworth Coal company and the
Riverside operators are maliciously URln ; ,
the strike us a means to dlscourago thn com
petition likely to ensue with the sinking o
several new mines In the spring ,
Crooked Kansas County Officials.
Toi-KKA , Kan. , Fob. 10.--Special [ Tele
pram to the BEE. ] Proceedings were begun
to-day by the attorney general in the suprem
court against T. A. S. Caates and W. W
Kluiball , county commissioners ; Olive
Leisure , county clerk , wid D. II. Merrill
county attorney , charging them with luvm ;
defrauded Seward county out of nearly 517 ,
000 by the allowance of fraudulent claim
against the county. It is also charged ogalns
the county attorney that ho demanded am
received money from persons charged will
violating the prohibition law , promising um
giving them Immunity from.prosecution. The
attorney general presents affidavits sub
stuntiating all the charges of fraud und ppuu
latlou. . % .
Jamoo Laflor's Onroor us a No\r
Mexico Cowboy.
Driven Out of Town For His Dcvlllsb
Deeds llltt llcnmrkahlo Escapade
til Lonm 1'ndro Illn Arrest
Not n Surprise.
A Very Totted Twin ,
WATOOCS , N. M. , Feb. 10. [ Special Tel
; rnm to the Hr.t : . ] Onmlw despatches of tha
8th. saying that James Lullor had passed
hrough there In charge of n Now York out
er on his way to Oleun. N. Y. , whore ho is
ow charged with robbery and attempted
nurdcr of John Clifford , a wealthy farmer ,
n ISS'J , und for which crime hla twin brother
VillUim was tried , convicted and subso-
ucntly pardoned by Governor Hill , has cro-
tcd no sensation hero. James Laflor lived
n this vicinity for about three years. Ho
> ere a bad teputatlon , having served a term
n the penitentiary for check raising mid sort-
usly wounding a deputy sheriff who at-
empted to arrest him. Ho was run out of
. .as Vegas ns a hard character , also out
f Huton. Ho worked as a "cowboy"
nd was known us a "rustler" and general
hard character , who would shoot on the
lightest provocation. On moro than ono oc-
aslon ho has cleaned out the town , riding in
nd terrorising the people by firing a revolver
iromiscuously through the streets. Ho ouco
ode into Fort Union in the middle of the
light and tried to assault the sentry , who
vns walking past. Ho was captured and
lightly wounded during the incloo. In Louis
'adro ho is still remembered us the man who
> lckcd up a Mexican woman from the street ,
) laccd her across his horse in front of him ,
uul rode into the saloon , making the bar-
endcr put tip the drinks f r the whole party ,
localise his horse would not drink ho shot
ilm through the head , lilted the woman from
he saddle before the horse fell and walked
out , leaving the dead horse lying upon the
leer of the saloon.
The Freight Halo HtrngRlo to Bo
Followed By Another.
KANSAS CITV , Mo. , Fob. 10. [ Special
Telegram to the Dnn.l It looks ns if the
freight rate war hero would bo succeeded by
a moro bitter strife in passenger rates.
Ticket Agent Mlllspaugb , of the union depot ,
received a dispatch from St. Paul to-day
stating that ho should await orders before
Ixliicr rates to points cast of St. Louis. "It
looks us If wo were going to have a hot tlmo
of it , " said Mr. Millttpuugh. "Everything
is In n muddled state und there is no telling
but what the next telegram may order a
largo reduction in rates on ull the lines. The
war will bo confined to points cast of St.
Louis. The roads having differential rates
from Chicago to Now York started the cut
und they will undoubtedly be followed by all
the through lines. "
GuttitiR ItutcH on the Sly.
CHICAGO , Feb. 10. Although eastern roads
yg , rjolysrcl cjl.not1tp , participate in the.
cut rates'of western lines , it was discovered
to-day that they were parties to a contract
made by ull of the Iowa roads to take corn
from western Iowa points to the scabourd at
figures which cut through the rates 5 to 10
cents per hundred. Ono rate is made from
Fremont , Neb. , to Now York via Chicago , of
'M cents per hundred , of which eastern lines
get y-J cents , a cut of 5tf } cents. '
Ono of the most important cuts yet made is
that of 10 cents to St. Paul on fifth class , us
most of the heavy freight falls into that
classification. All Missouri river lines met
the St. Paul rnte of 27 cents on flrst class on
through business , but none are making it a
local traffic from Chicago.
Chicago & Alton'AffUlr * .
CHICAGO , 111 , , Feb. 10. The Chicago &
Alton directors to-day elected Vice President
McMullcn a member of the executlvo board ,
vice George Struut , deceased. The annual
report lor 18S7 was approved. It is under
stood that tho.ycar was ono of the best in the
history of the road.
PIsamroiiH Fire.
Pitovinr.NCE , II , I. , Feb. 10. A disastrous
fire which raged this morning among the
business blocks near the city hall , origin
ated in Chuco's block , n four-story structure ,
corner of Eddy and Fountain streets , at mid
night , and spread so rapidly that the entira
fire department was culled out. The build
ing was occupied by several manufacturers
and wus totally burned. The next building
to catch 11 ro wan the Hilling block on the op
posite sldo of Worcester street. It was also
occupied by several firms and it wns entirely
consumed within forty-fivo minutes. From
this building the fire extended to the Aldrich
hotel , communicating through the roof ,
totally destroying it.
The building occupied by Ethan Allan as a
carriage rcimsitory was the next to succumq
to the flames , but most of the contents wore
savod. Adjoining Allan's building was the
Exchange hotel , which also caught fir *
Assistance had been summoned from Paw
tucket , East Providence , Johnston and
Woonsocket , and tl'o Hoston department
was uskcd to hold itself in readiness. A.
heavy mass of sparks driven by tha
wind flew for blocks around , setting
scores of buildings on firo. Never In the his
tory of the department have Jiremen had
such a battle with the lliimo.s under such
conditions , and novrr have they Buffered la
their work to such un extent as this morning ,
the weather being freezing cold.
The Aldrich house burned slowly and it
was evident that if the flumes were not
checked there a wide path would be cut
through the retail business section. The
firemen concentrated ull their energies upon
the tusk of confining thp flumes to the
north aide of Washington street , and ,
although other buildings took fire , they
succeeded In their efforts. At 4 this morn
ing the llro was under control. The dlr > rtrlo
light , telegraph und telephone wires greatly
impeded flrotnon. The guests of tha Aldrich
house saved very little. Ono was res
cued by a fireman almost suffocated by
sinoko. The total loss la estimated at b&
tween $ .WO,000 and $700,000.
A complete list of losses have not yet been
obtained. The latest cstiinato puts the total
louses at $30 ,000 , , and the known Insurance.
The El ni Ira Fire.
ELMIIU , N. Y. , Feb. 10. The total loss by- *
the fire in the Advertiser and other buildings. l
last night will reach fully fioO.OOO , with an 4 |
insurance for about one-half. The fireman
who was hurt by fulling walls is dying.
Thawing uf JMiliith.
DuiUTHMInn.Feb. 10. [ 8- ; octal Telegram
to the Hrr. . The recent thawing spoils ana
to-days hot sun had a perceptible effect on
the ice In the lake and buy. It is showing
signs of honey-combing and boatmen and
vessel captains expect the opening to be
early. There is now an unusual amount ot
ice on the lake , but covered by a much
greater depth of snow than usual. In tha
country draining into the lake there is
great depth of snow , In some localities it *
being fully five feet deep on a level , which
will have u tendency to sink and rev the lea
quickly. If warm weather comes curly , as
many now bollovo , Luke Superior will bo
open for navigation ten or fifteen cmys before
tno 1st of May.
Arrived ut Nice.
Nicr. , Feb. ie.--Thc Prince of .Wales aw ,
arrived hero.