Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 16, 1888, Page 7, Image 7

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Advejtlsements under this head , K cents pr
Uno for the tint Insertion. 7 cents for each snb
equcnt. Insertion , nnd 1160 a line per month.
No advertisement taken for less tnan 25 cents
for the first Insertion. Seven words will be
counU-d to the line ; they must run ronsectttlve-
ly and must bo paid n advance. All advertise
ments must ba handed In before I'M o'clock p.
tn.nnd under no clrrumstnnceswill they be
taken or discontinued by telephone.
Parties advertising In tin-so columns and hoy-
ing tlioauswoin addressed In care of the Dee ,
* 1H please ask for a check to enable them to
got tnolr letters , as none 111 bo delivered eicept
tin presentation of check. All answers .to ad-
Tartlsements should bo enclosed In envelopes.
All advertisements In the o columns nro pub
lished in both morning nnd evening editions of
the Urn , the circulation of which aggregates
tnore than 15.COO papers dally , nnd gives the ad-
Yertlsers the benefit , not only of thsclty circu
lation of the Rcc , but also ot Council IllurfH.
Mncolu , and other cities and towns throughout
this part of the west.
Advertising fnrtlifjso rolumns will betaken ,
en "the nb'ovo conditions , at the following l > u * >
Incss hou es , who are authorized agents for THE
Hue BpcclaUnotlcrft nnd will quote thosotno
rates as .can bo had at the main olllce. .
KQ 8. 10th Street.
CI1A8E ft KDDV ,
Z'rln.tcrs asic
113 8. 10th Street.
3lxarrsa.aclat ,
S11C Cumlng Struct.
fir.O. W. I'AHll.
Iff/I St. Mary's Avenue.
IP3a.axma.clst ,
ICth nn'l Webster Streets.
IiTcvT-a IDealor ,
1'ost Olllco , South Omaha.
. . . . bva K' ' . - . , -
dress to work for her husband's board.
Mrs. lliega * Son , 318S. 15th. Ill 1U *
AVOUNO man < < ) would like position as
bookkeeper or salesman In Rood mercan
tile business , Has hud experience In heavy
Imrdu arc * . Address A 7J. Iteo olllce. U5015'
WANTED A rosltlon by on experienced
bookkeeper. Best city reference. Ad-
70 Hcc. OCO-1W
"IKTANTKD WnsblnR and Ironing to do at my
T > house , ailCabsst. ! ) Mrs. Mary Knop.WB-15t
"POSITION by a llrst-clnss bookkeeper , sliiRle
JL man , CanNpcak ( ionium. A 1 references.
Addtvss A. C6 , llee ofllco , lllll 15 *
WANTED-PoilHon ns traveling salesman ,
hardware or Implements prforred , Siieaks
ilotman nnd KncllBhgooa : rofcrcncesnddrcss :
J. 1'llger. PllRer , Nob. a7 IB *
W ANTED noy at pop corn stand cor. 13th
and Farnam sts. * Kt-lfij
r ANTED Ilrlght , honest boy about 10 or 17
years old ut I3U9 Farnam. 107 17
WANTED Man and wife for farm ; no ob
jection to child ; man nnd w Ife for private
family , no children , steady place , $ . ' ) per month ;
Boveral goodcookB , one way.iip pastry cook , one
pecond cook ; coachman , must bo a good driver.
Canadian Emp. olllce , Mrs. llrega & 8on , .11(1 ( S.
JMh , telephohe 8&1. 115 15 *
> 2 first-class men , one milker nnd
TT 0110 for general work. Inqulro of J. K.
Hock , dairy , noith of Deaf and Dumb instltuto.
30J 17 *
7ANTED Competent men to canvass for
f the sale of tlio Illoilgett Ilutton Hole At
tachment for hewing tnac-hlnos In the city nnd
country. 'Iho most practical und best selling
attachment in the world. General agent wanted
In every city. Address Moote liros , Manufac
turing Co. , HOJJ Market St. , Chicago , 111.
ANTED First class waiters at Casino.-Ask
, . forMr.'Nclkerft-omDtolO. ' 054-15 $
WANTED Men # ho want to go to work and
menu bi lircss. Cull room n , 'lit ! South
15th st , i t 050-18J
W 'ANTBU-Airood Jeweler. C. L. ErlckRon
Co. , 212 N.-lBt h st. Its M
TXTANTED. AKonts can moke from Kt.OO to
TT per day. Territory given to good men.
Call at 122i ! N. ISth st , room 87 88315 *
\\7ANTED-At Edholm & Akln's , good.strong
Tf and active boy. Uest of reference ? ro
tiulred. MS 15
WANTED-A Rood blacksmith on general
work such us HprliiKaKons nnd bug'
elea at Muldoon's bhop , cor , 14th and Jones.
on 15
\\7ANTED Auonts In every town. Actlvt
T parties , make from * 15 to $100 per week ,
Very useful. ImndRomo. Sells at slfht. Ea
close stiuni ) for details. Address Diamond Yen.
"llutor , Chlcugo , 111 , - 01815 *
Man as agent A new article
V ( -ells ovoryv here , rity or county ; no ex
licrlenie needed , Ono New York agent's llrbt
jirdt-r near load ; New Jersey agent'H , half car ;
1ml. agent , half car , and soon. Hare chance
permanent business ; exclusive territory. Writ
the .Monarch Co. . Olntlmiatl , Ohio.
irANTED All energetic man , can ruaki
T money 2301 Dodge bt. , Omaha.
707 15
\\7ANTED-A boy w 1th pony to cairy a rout
T T In ( ho southwestern part of eltj for dail
evening Ileo. 741
ANTED Men for 'railroad work. Al
L brlgbf8 T.alK > r AgcncJ ; , 112" " ) Farnam. 351
* V\7ANTED 10 girls for housework , 3 dlnlti ]
f i room girls , 1 chambermaid , 1 pastry
cook , 2 girls for ranch , youug girl to ussUt In
lioiifcCM ork , a good homo for a good girl , woman
to take care or child ; if you wish employment of
any kind call imd'seo what wo can do for you ,
Ooto City Emp. olllce , 314 8 15th. Telo. IKK ) .
' 11317 ?
t \7ANTED-Woman cook for Columbus , * 35 ;
f > one for lloone , Iowa ; cook aim dlshw asher
for Wowlblnu ! girl for Fremont , 5 ; one for
yullorton , $5 ; two Walters and tnodlshuusherii
for Fremont ; In rlty chambermaids , two dlsh-
ti , tllnlngroom glrln , twenty-live girls for
housework ; an experienced nurse girl. Cana
dian Emp. office , Mrs. lliega Jt'Son , 316 8. 15th ,
telephone 884 , 115 15
\\TANTED A thoroughly competent seam-
f stress to take charge of girls' sowing
room ; nonobut a good Instructor In son Ing and
thorough dlsceptttwrlan lu-ed apply ; testfinon-
liils as to ability and chararter must bo fur-
nlshi'd ; wages J3ft ) a year and expenses. Ad-
iltvti * Stuto Industrial school , Kearney , Nen.
W ANTED ( llrl for general housework
Protestant preferred. 1820 N. 251 h st.93.V15 ,
\\TANTED fllrls for general housework , 1
TT nvtravglrlfvcchilda iwr week ; 1 dish
washer , I pastry cook , 125 ; pastry cook for
boarding house , 1 cook for lleatru-e. t.V ) tier
month ; 2 dining room girls for Detitson , 2 girls
for lilatrurcs ' pal < U. Omaha Emp. llureau , ll'J '
N.l6thht. IVl.'VlU. 10115
WANTED BeninstmisQs to work on dresioj.
Apply ut 211 8. 12th st. , between Douglas
and Farnam fcts. ' Mrs. L. A. Hamond. tiU2-ij
\\TANTED-Oood waist and skirt makers ,
TT good wafrctoglris\\lio underhtand their
business. Maude Marti ( nea lleecel , parlors 4
uudC Jacobs bloXk , 15th und Capitol avo. .
_ , 967 15.
1\rANTBD-piano player at onco. 101 N. Oth
TT Mreut. 1KI15 *
ANTED-Flrst class girl for general house
wont. Good wages , Inqulro ut 610 8.
gM st. OH5-l6t
1\r ANTEO-'Attonce , for family of three , a re-
TT liable servant. Good wages paid. Mrs ,
W. O. Clark , afrcVand Capitol m eiun91715 *
Ty ANTBD-TwoTBlrls at 923 N. Iflth st.
" \\rANTHD-A competent girl for general
T T houttOH 01 k , must be a good cook and laun
dress , and come well recommended. Apply
room 60 , Mlllard hotel , between 2 and 3 p , m.
\\TANTED Immetliatoly , ladles to work for
T T aw holosale house on lif fdlework ut their
hows. ( Sent any distance. ) Good pay can bo
made , kvvrythlng funiUhed , rurtlcnliini
tree. Address Artistic Necdlo ork Co. , IU 8th
Bt. , New York Uty. 352
W A competent girl In family of tw o.
Mrs. D. H. Wheeler , Ml ) S. 2Sth st. W4
\irANTED-I.ady agents for our linpror d
J combination bumle-tklrt. Ilemovablo
lioops. Can bo Itttmdrled. Latest Paris style.
One axent sold UU lu Columbus last spring , and
made Ku ) . Piirlng trade now. Address with
. K. H , Campbell 4 Co. , 4S4 W. Randolph
riU Chicago. 4llUJ
W ANTED-At llrowneilhull , llrat class cook !
references required. \M \ 16
WANTED-Olrl for generalhousework , trust
be good cook nnd laundress. Mrs. Hobt
Purvis24iB at. Mar ) s ave. 7M
WANTED Sldry poods salesladies : also 10
cash girls. Apply at 3 o'clock to-morrow
nflernoon ni ISl'i JJotiglas st. 01615 *
1WANT KOO and will glvo tffiO worth of new
furniture for nccttrlty nnd pay 2t ! per cent n
month Interest. Addrcsn , A G8 , llee. 171-10 *
" \X7ANTEI ) Hook canvassers lo calloraddress
T > 421 South lUh st , Omalm , Neb. They will
hear something that w 111 bo of Interest to ( hem.
_ 021 16 *
WANTED I.ailles to Use "Clilchcstcr's Eng-
Hih Diamond llrnnd , Pennyroyal Pills.
Safe. Always reliable. The original. Hie only
genuine. Ask druggist or send 4o stamps for
particular * , return mull. Chlchestcr Chemical
Co. , Philadelphia , 1'a. 327
CANADIAN Employment onice , main nnd fo-
mnlo help cent to nil parti If fnro Is ad
vanced. Reference , Omaha National bank.
Mrs. liregn * Bon , 310 S. 15th. Tel. KM.
* n51ra 13
OMAHAvlIniploymuntllilrcaw 119 N. ICtli st.
Oldest Mill most reliable olllce In city. Call
onus : telephone 1113. II. .E. White , jiroprlctor.
/"i ATE City Employment office supplies male
\J nnd feinnlo help for nil kinds of work
Help sent to all purls of the country If furo Is
IMld , Reference , Douglas County bank. Isbell
& Chrlstciison , 311 So. 15th. Tel. 110)1. ) 87J 1BJ
rplli : Union Employment office Is the place io
X obtalrl rdlabic'help on short notice. In or
out of the city. V13 S. lltU st. . . Open evening ! ! .
)1U VATi : boarding , $4 a week , 1015 Dodge.
WANTED-ltoom nnd board for man and
wife , room south fiont , modern conven
iences , south of Davenport and west of lull st.
A. n. box 22t , city. 09716
WANTKI1 A small , light bnicnmnt or sec
end floor olllco sixteenth , 1'arnam or
Dottulas. Address , with location and price , A.
0. Jones , 311 N. 13th St. KO 15
W ANTii : > Houses to rent. Campbell
llcrvoy 310 Hoard of Trado. fca
FOR HIlNT-n-rrom house , KM S. 21st. In-
quire KiU3.21 t st. 133-18J
T71OH SAIiK- New room house , fill I lot Deca-
J turst. betSjth and 31st. Prlro W.OOO , easy
terms. McDonald dairy , Hurt ht near Bolt line ,
11221 *
lllOH HENT Thrco new 0-ioom llatrf , 17th bo-
-1 } twtfi-n Clark nnd Grace , if MOO per month ,
"The cheapest houses In Omaha. "
Two 5-room houses , 31th and Farnam , city
water In house ; Htieut cats pass the door , 115 to
good tenants.
Store loom 1709 St. Mary's avenue , $40per
mouth , possession March 1.
Clark & French , IM6 Douglas st. 09117
F I OH HKNT Homo of 4 rooms , st. car runs by ,
cor. 38th and Himnnl , VKl 10 ?
. . ; SALE Eight room house with modern
Imptovements and stable on leased ground ,
1715 Douglas. Inqulic at Meyer & Haapka. 1405
llarney st. 087
"I710H HENT 7 room house on Davenport St. ,
J : westoflfith. Hcnt IO , furnlttiro JIOO. J100
cash , balance on time. Co operative Land and
Ixit Co. . 305 N. ICth st. Telephone MB. 1)8310 )
F013 HENT t room house 3 blocks fiom Satin-
dors car line , 115 per month. A. Hospe. Jr. ,
1513 Douglas st. ' 074 M 13 *
FOK HKNT Very desirable cast front flat ,
centrally located , fctenm heat and bath , low
rent and antique oak furniture for Halo $ .100 ,
worth V/00. / Apply at once to John M. Welshaus
\ Co. . city lots and tesldeucu.s , 1433 Capitol
irvcnuo , Exposition building , U76-1C4
EIGHTEEN room lodging house In central lo
cation. Kent $30. Price $1,001) ) , $ tt)0 ) cash.
Will accommodate 4" lodgers. Co-operative
Laud A , Lot Co. . 20 , ' ) N. 10th st. IHH-10
O-room house In central loc.itlon , rent , $13. Tur
O nttiire , $135. Co-operatlvo Laud and Lot Co. ,
M't N llith Ht. Telephone IIU ) . 01515
FOK KENT A nlco 6 room cottage In central
location , all Improvements , rent JJil. 1'ur-
iitture for f-ale on easy payments. Co r > peratlve
Land and Lot Co. , 305 N. Itlth st. Telephone IH ) .
F IOU HENT-Kurnlshed hottso for a few
months. 517 South Tweuty-fiftli avenue.
1) AHE chance-Whole flat. No. 2001 N. 24th nt.
J.V to reut very low. Enquire at residence as
above , S. V. Winch. 881
F I OH HENT A six room cottage , 1515 Hartley.
N > 7 17
FOB KENT House of 8-rooms , closet , hard
nnd soft water , on 13th street car line.
qulro 11128.13th st. 778
10R RENT 4-room house , 25th and Mason ;
rent MO. J. 8. Corby , 1J04 Farnam. 746
C1OH HENT Tn Park Terrace , opp. Hanscom
J } Park , touth front. All modern Improve
ments ; 10 rooms ; moit desirable residence part
of the city. Inquire Lee & Nlchol , 28th ami
Lea\enuorth. I'M m5
FOH HENT Twelve-room house. 25th and
and Mason streets , $10 per mouth , J. S ,
CaulHeld. 1301 Fat irnin st , C34
O NE hundred ami fifty houses for rent. II. E
Cole , n. e. cor. 15th and Douglas. [ & 7-2U
F HENT-Houso 11 rooms.V. . M. Hush-
. man. N E corner ICth and Douglas. UU4
FOH HUNT 2 new 7 roomed houses , well , els
teni , largo cellar , 10th near ClarK st. W.
U. ghrlver , opp postolllco. 356
FOK HENT-Houso of 4 rooms at lilO William
htrcet. Inqulro next door west. 432
FOH I HENT 10 room residence steam heat. 0
E. Thompson. ; 314 S. 15th st. 249
FOH KENT or Sale Now house , 0 rooms , cor ,
28th and Capitol avo. Enquire 2324 Dodge ,
ill HENT A new dwelling. 0 rooms , nil
nodcrn improvement * , good stable , ten
minutes' walk from postolllcn , apply to D. J
O'Donahoe , ut O'Donahoe & Sherry's , 15th st. ,
next to the pobtoRlce. 810
FOH HENT 3 furnished , rooms for house
keeping. 4148.15th st. . Karbach block. 3d
Moor Hat No. 2. Lea\a leteiences. 09821
T710H HENT Nlcelr furnlidtPd room with
JD heat , per mpnth , 400 William st. 078
fjlDIlNISIIKD rooms. Sober men can havi
X : nlco rooms cheap , H w cor. 18th and Howard
streets. Upstairs. U87 27 *
N ICE furulshcd rooms'IGlS'CulUoinlii.
"C1OK HENT Four rooms closet and pantry
-E unfurnished for light housekeeping , during
Hummer the most delightful part of the city.
Enquire 010 S. 2jth ave. - - ' - *
TTOH RENT-sVu , .elegant iront1 room , will
X' e\ery convenience. tiQly Qrst-class pnopl
wanted. 172lPaVenpprt , ' < . " < 020
F UUNlailED rooms , 2318 Cass st ,
v _ * , 802 18'
HENT Furnished room cheap.furnace ,
, bath. 700 South 17th avenue. _ B3i 1U *
II HlCNTp-Al riiro < Jm furnished , centra
locution'lllO'ChlcnBo sty "V3tt4
FOR HENT FuniLshedjroomslnOrounlg blk
ror. 13th and Dodue sts. Inquire ot Gco. It. ,
Davis. Mlllard hotel billiard room. 358
FOR RENTi-Hdoms fiirnlshcd' and unfur
nished , V \ Cap , ave.- H , Oil
' ' '
TTUJRN'fBll'E'Droomsand board , 1SW3 Farnam.
J ; . . y , 534 mil'
I 1011 OentleniouTwo .MrnUhed rooms , all
modern Improvements. 1714 Dodge st.
i * 4ilm2
"C10H RENT Furnished rooms , all convent-
J enct's. A. Hospe. 315 N. 17th .treot. 491
FRONT room with ulcove and S large closets ,
gas , hot air , buth , hot uud cold water on
same tloor forV gents or man and \\ifo tM per
month and adjoining loom with closet ? 10 per
month ; 2 other.ruoms ltli closets for (10 per
mouth , game conveniences on car lluo.'JOT B 24th
. Ml
FURNISHED looms , 1816 Dodge ,
TJXOR RENT Furnlshe'd rooms , steam heat ,
X1 gas , bath room , on street car line at ll.'i
and IO per tnontli. S117 Dquglas st. tCJ 16 *
R HENT Furnished rooms for ono or two
gentlemen. 1C03 Dodge str 2bO
17UIHNISIIKD front room , sultuble ror two
X1 1B23 Dodge at H15
T7\Oll HKNT-Nicely fumlsbed rooms at 2327
X ? Dodge , Qos , bath au4 furnace heat. 350
TT'OR RENT To ntcoly furnished front rooms
XI on ground iloor. at 2118 Hurt , for 113 per
mouth , wIth board M per week additional. 001
F I OH RENT-3 rooms at 311 Woolworth ave. ;
at til per month. 344
' _ _ _ _ _ _ _
N'KATlTY' furutshed front room to rent at 1831
Farnam st , 1 block west ot court house.
FOR HKNT-Nlco furnished room , 19 per
mouth , a w cor. 19th and Jactuoa. 604.
TT1OH RIENT-Store 112 .
X' QUlie 148 llth , bet Dodge and Douglas ,
[ 111 21'
_ _ _ _
rpo RENT or for sale , the premises , ptllccs.
X store-room and stables ot the Anhctiscr-
IHiHM brewing comdany , Ninth street and Capitol
tel avenue In this city ; will bo rented for llvo
years orsold on reasona'jlo terms ; flrm moving
to now Htnnd , Thirteenth and Jono.s streets , All-
plytoMatnger Walter , old stand , 1)021 )
T710H HENT Stores and rooms , one smnll
X ? house reasonable. Enquire nt drugntoru
Shernmti HVK , and Cot by st. W1-2J
rd.MtP : ' IdriiB'torcbulldlntt In.DtUcr ,
il , . At'urcssS. ' Clark , Oilier , Neb.
"H1011 RENT 3 business roouis isls nrney.
F 1011 HUNT Store room rpasonat > lo. 1513
DodKOBt. 7 716
POH ItnNT Two rownid , 44x6(1 ( , where ' steam
power . . . C'xn . . bo . . obtained . . . : . _ ! . . . -----Snm'l . .
lleei , Hues Printing Co. , 101lUWardflf. ! ( 710
T710H HUNT Second floor , 41xW , ftoo l loca-
X1 tton. Knqulro of A. J , Simeon , > 4un
Dodgu St. f 7W
FOH HENT Store and 6-rooms , . . , . . . .
stand for drug or feed store. l > o i
Nlchol , cor. 28th and I.eavcnwortli , ' C.J5 inS
R KENT Oillce room 3-lren ei ; block.
It HENT-onico in Arlington blotfc. $13.00.
Inquire of elevator boy > ' ' 4HJ
TfOR HENT Desirable odlco apare. or desk
X ? teem , nt 1523 Farnam St. , oaen llro . & Co. ,
T710H KENT-Front olllce. Arlington block.
JOApply C. C. Valentine , 1515 Dodgfl. 624
TOOH HENT-Oinces on Farnaiu st at 110 to 133
per month. One office furnished. 1613 Far-
.am. . ' -Y liCO
GHEGOHY , F. L. . Rental agent , 309 S 10th fit.
IM ! )
SPECIAL attention given to renting houses ,
-3 furnished and unfurnished rooms. Lht with
- W.M.Harris , over 230 J5.15th Bt , 361
1ST houses , stores and tlats'to'f Yelit with H ,
J K , Cole , n. o. cor. 15th and Douglas. WO-VJ
RENTAL Agency List yourIIOUSM rent
with Odcll Bros. & Co. , 1U3 Fariiam st.
FOH KENT If you wish to rent a house call
on Ileniwa & Co. , 15th st. , opposite J' . O.
TI1OR HENT Tlireo unfurnished rooms to a
JJ f.imlly without children at 11" N. 17th st.
ma 10.1
TT1OH RENT 3 unfurnished rooms , 3812 Lea-
JD venworth. 01X10 *
" 171OK HENT 5 convenient chambers for hoUse-
K keeping to n man and wlfo without chil
dren ; U blocks from po.nolllce ; 31'J ' N. 17th Bt.
( K418 *
J Two (2) ( ) rooms. No. 1R14 Howard st S 8.00
Three (3) ( ) rooms. No. 101A north 30th st. . . 15.00
Throe pi ) rooms. No. 103B north 21st st. . . 11.00
Three (3) ( ) room cottage,21st and Paul st. I'.fiO
Tineo (3) ( ) rooms , No. 1122 north 31st st. . , 11.00
Tlireo < 3i rooms , No. 1410 Pierce st 10.CO
Three (31 ( rooms. No. 1112 oouth 7th st. . . . 11,00
Three at rooms. No. 703 Pacific st 13,50
Four (1) ( ) elegant rooms all modern con
veniences , 1703 Webster st t
F ° 5H HKNT-Cleanbedall to $1.50 per week ,
5 (3 South loth Bt , upstairs. 10831
FA KM for rent , well Improved , 10 miles from
Omaha. 3TiO acres , mostly grass. Low caMi
cnt. J. II. Gue , 1B13 N. IDth St. , Omaha. 83jl *
F I OH HENT-Barn , 11B1 Chicago st.
"OEHSONAL On account of her numerous on-
JL gagenients , Anna Alplanalb , the celebrated
lungnrlan gypsoy , has Increased her fee to 81.
.134 N. 30th st , cor. lllondo. Take 20th and Paun-
ders car. 03321 *
PEKSONAL A lady who has bean unfortun
ate will sell her furniture consisting of the
.ntlro contents of a six room house Including an
organ for nil of which she .paid $0"u. Will sell
the entire lot for t4M ) , $100 cash , balance monthly
to suit. The house for rent * ZU pet month. , Ad
dress A < Xt , Uee. . . 071-10
PEHSONAL Private home-for ladles during
confinement , strictly confidential , infants
adopted. Address B 42 , llee office. KKmliJJ
DRESSMAKERS Investigate the Kellogg
French Tailor System of dresscuttlnjgood ;
wages and traveling expenses to ladles out of
employment. Call or address for treatise on
dreb-scuttlng free , Mine. Kellogg , Hotel Esmond ,
Omaha. 765fl7 *
PEHSONAL Uroat fortune teller Just ar
rived , the young Madame. C. L. Lainont. the
great astrologist , u 111 remain 30 days ; lias trav
eled through the principal parts of Europe ; tells
past , present and future in person or by letter ,
will bring back the parted husband or lover ,
no matter it they bo ten thousand miles away ;
they-will return to you In so many days ; will
toll you wnethcr your lover be false or true ; will
guarantee to settle family quarrels to perfect
satisfaction : can also cause speedy marriages ;
has charms for good luck which will cause par
ties to bo successful in any kind of busi
ness and prevent your loss in any kind
of business you may undertake , breaks ovll
Influence , and lirings good luck to all who may
try this lucky charm ; tau give lucky numbers
in lottery draw Ings ; can glvo Dest of reference
in regard to above statement.
I was presented with an elegant gold medal
In Denver , Colo. , for niy great success in my
I have the natural gift of tolling the past ,
picsentand future. My grandmother before
mo was also a great astrologlst.
Parties asking information by letter must
enclose $ .1 to ensure answ er. I have a flno pre
paration for the complexion , w h ich keeps it
smooth and fair , and prevents premature wrin
kles. Also a tine hair tonic , which preserves
the natural color of the hair and pi events it
from falling out.
Ladles who are in trouble call and see me nt
once. All business confidential. OIHce hours ,
10 a. m. to 0 p. in. Madame C. L. Lainont. No.
11(1 ( California utreot.betwcen 18th and Ifttti fits. ;
Omaha , Neb. 157H5 *
LOST Kuccaon. with chain , from 3110 8. lilli
street. Reward on returning same. 09M5J
LOST Somewhere betw uen Morse's dry goods
store and Mb ht. , a small silver Watch and
gold fob chain , with the name Addle Or Stephen
In side of case. Leave at lleo oHlcb und Jrocelve
reward. ' ' - T > i go
LOST-Illack horse , star In forehead , ono hind
foot white , about six years old. Howard for
return. Owen Haley , near CattWHe < iStinefory ,
South Omaha. ' ' " 77 18J
mAKEN up a gray horne-Blfort tall , weigh
JL KO , about 10 years old. Park ave. streetcar
barn.v '
F I OK SALE Household furniture and lease o
house. 012 N 17th st. . 109 18
T71OH SALE And rent. Hart1)arBal , ] < A new
JL ; brick btoro building , 24xtO , with elevator ,
gas , etc. , for rent. Also for sale , In the build
ing , un assignee's stock of groceries , queens-
ware , o.udfixtures complete * .Javlsieu vooil.- ;
county seat of Mills county , la. Addrc'ss'AJW.
Djnr. t uIA B"7W17
I NEED money badly and wlUel nvsfurni
ture for a little more than ttWhaWBliiieost , '
new less than two months ago. Only IV ) cash
required , balance easy tuotuijy4 payments. Ad-
drtSSA6 ! , Use. * ' 5 % P 071-16
T710U BALK-A told mlllfaryVtirldg * barn , 25(6 (
X1 Cumlngs St. , M head of line Iowa driving
and w orklug horses which wo will sell cheap.
Come and examine our stock. C. \Vulfcemnrt
F. F. Pumphrey. 8B3-15
| 7KH HALE Some One young ( antes'imd stal-
X ? lions , nt for road or track. ' Atldress It.
Gibson , York. Neb.
* TTVR exchange Flno Nebraska' farms for
JC stocks of general mdio. J. A. llorgor ,
Long Pine , Nob. 32JLta ,
AULACKSMITII shop for sale , has one forge ,
or tools without shop for vale. ' Apply to
Wm. llusch. * Illuo Hill , Webster Co. . Neb.
* 738aSt
171OH 8ALK At a bargain CO feet of she'lving ,
X1 30 feet of counters and ono ice cheat , suit *
able for grocery store. Enquire at 812 8.10th Bt.
. 735.
TjlOR SALE A flue , almost new cabinet grand
-1 } upright piano. A bargain for cash. 2307
Dodge kt. PJO-15J
T7 OU BALE or Rent Civil and mlnlwr engln-
JU eer's business , office and Instruments in
San Juan county , Colorado. J. F. Wannemaker ,
1508 Cass. fl5tao
T710K S A LE-One thousand cords "of wood in
X : car load tot * . Orders from brickyard men
and other * solicited. Prompt attentionirlren.Ad-
dross U. 0. McDonald , liartlett. low * . 61 * f
I WILL sell sell som jrlK edge chattla paper
at a big discount. Ihave about M.OOO worth
of this paper m lots of 175 to 1300. I want oah'
and must have it. will In
Somebodjr get a snap
thla , Address A , 6U fc' &U
"tlTANTEb Ooort tarrm in etchantf * for
TT Omahaproporty.C. C. Spotawood. 3WH
BICth. 344
A T one half value the ytitlre contents of n MX-
JX room house. No. lf | Corby street. Ihli
ftnnlturols JustnugooJ as ncvr nnd Includes a
uplendld new orftan. Uftly a small ift'li payment -
mont reaulred , balanre Ujry easy. It. E. Cole ,
N. E. cor IMh nnd Dougnfi. 971-10
TpOirs/CljK-S.good houses , 710 N. 10th st.J
FOll SALE 10 , < 2J names of farmers and tax-
pa ) ers In the start of Nebraska ; 4.P07
names or fnvmrrs and taxpayer * in Iowa. A
rare chance for ailvrrtiscrs sending out clrctt-
ars. Adilress , 1.V. . Hughei , VIU S. Utti st ,
Omaha. Nab. . . . . "J9 IS *
STANDARD Slock" Llnrmont Is the best thing
of Its kind In existence for ruts. brut cs ,
b.irli wire wounds , etc. No careful horseman
will be without a bottle. Manufactured by F ,
K. Bullhorn and Co , , 1703 St. Mary's nve. 10617.
rplll ! bnnjo taught as nn art by Oeo. F. Uellen-
X becMOIHarneyst. ISi
riMIE only mok book is Silver Creek Coal. BU
X 814th. Jeff W. lledford. 791'- . )
Jllj SMITH , the export bookKeeper , gives
instructions in bookkeeping nuil assists lu
procuring situations. Room (48 , Hamgo block.
723 15 *
O . H. JOHNSON , cistern builder , wells bored
and dug , 4U9 N 30th St. , Omaha , Nob.
fiflO mcliSl *
STANDARD IForse And Cattle Food is Just the
thing to feed > our horse nt this tlmo of
. Seven pounds for $1. Manufactured by
Psar. Bunborn & Co. , 1703 Bt. Mary's ovn. For
sale everywhere. 105 17
rpHE On Time Household Fair.
X The great llargaln house.
To housekeepers.
Wo are bound to show you that wo can save
you money In prices.
Parlor Milts , Chamber sets ,
lied springs , bed mnttraxRefl ,
Folding beds , sldo boards , carpets.
Tables , chairs , mirrors , pictures ,
.ounces , commodes , tetes.
Divans , lockers , curtains , stoves ,
Tmwaro. crockery , glassware , lamps.
Houses furnished complete on
Easy payments 1 Easy payments 1
Easy paymcntsl Easy payments !
' rices the lowest. Cull and see
Prices the lowest. Call and see
602 and 004 south 13th street.
Corner Jackson.
"o connection with any other house. 514
NEW VOHK Storage Co. have most extensive
facilities for storage of furniture , pianos ,
"mvples , general merchandise , west of New
fork. Cash ndvauccs to any amount ; ware-
,01110 , receipts given ; goods Insured ; brick
juildlng Ore-proof ; special arrangements for
lommlsslon merchants. Call New York Storage
? o. , Capitol ave and N. 15th St. , lionnett's block.
WANTED Dog. St. Bernard , two months
old , must be smart , good specimen and
: heap ; rough-haired preferred. Address , glv-
, ug description , W ; II , Uuckmaster , Lenox , la.
WANTED Wo have a purchaser for a lot
wltholegant 0-10 room house , centrally
ocated. Paulson 4 ; Co. , 1511 Farnam st , room .
045 10 .
WANTED We have customers .who want to
buy houses nnd lots , and cannot suit.
: , lst your property with us. Co-operative Land
c Lot Co , 'M N 16th st. 034 15
SPOT cash for furniture , stoves , housohol
goods at 117 North 10th st Orff & Co.
. 183 f 2 >
WANTED To nuysl rt time paper , J.W.
Gross , at C. K. Muyno's office , l'th and
larnoy. L 3 S
MHS. DUHANT Clairvoyant from Boston ;
reliable In all nlTalrs of life ; unites sop-
iirated lovers. 322 N , Itlth street , room 1.
. NANNIE V. Warrrn , clairvoyant. Med-
leal , business and test medium. Diagnosis
ree. Tern ale diseases awpoclaHy. 119 N. 16th
St. . Hooms3&3. Tol. 0447 3 4
SPECIAL Saloon Saturday , several lines at
marvellously lowtirTci's. L.O.Jones , Amer-
can clothier , 1303 Faruarh st. Ot 17
fTlHK great parit sale cofitlflnes at 1309 Farnamk
UBt. . Better thanro the old ones for a bran
new pair. 'Tw 111 cosf you but little. See Jonas
ubout It. 08017
SPECIAL Sale or trays' clothing Saturday , M )
fancy check knee pant stilts at tl.OO , and 5UU
lrtvs' suits at greatly reduced prices. Jones ,
1309 Farnam. 08017
FIVE Hundred dozen men's flno Imported In-
grain half hose , new styles , 85c a pair , or
KM a dozen , nt 130U Farunm st , L. O. Jonei ,
American clothier ; 08017
TONES Will sell on Saturday men's flno whlto
J shirts , laundrled , at 75c. 13U9 Farnam Is the
number. V'8017
CPlllNQ Ovcrcoatn , nobby styles. Just received
by Jones at 1309 Faruatn s t. See them 1
MONEY to loan , $14,000 on strictly fltflt-cHss
business property , lloggs i 11111 , H03 Far
nam , c iwi 18
MONEY Loaned on real estate , cash ou hand.
II. W. Huntress , 1509 Farunm Ht ,
For Sale. Now live-room house and full lot ,
only J..f-OO Will take good tlrst mortgage
notes In payment. H. W. Huntress , inoii Far-
nam st. 01U It ) *
MONEY ! To loan , short tlmo. 1st mortgage
paper bought. Mapc * & Klfig , room 3 ,
Crelghton block. 014
MONEY to Loan Omaha real estate nnd
farms. Mortgages bought. ' Odell Bros. Si
Co. , 1533 Farnam . > KM
HE. COLE loans money on Improved city or
farm property. .Itoom 0 Continental
block. ' COS
r OANS wanted on good , productive real es-
JJ tote security 3 and 5 years tlmo , optional
payments and favorable terms and rate.s. Kim i
ball. Champ & Ityau , U. S. National bank bulldj
Ing. . 64J17 *
THE Falrbank Investment Co. , organized
with ample capital , makes loans on ,
wagons , furniture , pianos , and other personal
property or collateral , "Deal with responsible
parties. Apply Bt their office. 215 South 14th
street , up-stalrs. 418
TONEY loaned on rurmturo , pianos , organs ,
IU. horses , etc , low rates. J. J. Wilkinson Si
Co. , 1324 Farixam , over liurlington ticket office.
MONEY to loan on furniture , horses , wagons ,
etc. , or on any approved eopurlty. Low
rates. J. W. Hobblns. lllto Farnam. B9 f 81
M ONEY to loan. Notes ana it. R. tlclcot.
boutht ahd sold. A. Forman , 213 S Lith sts
" \fONKYtoloanoulmiiroved real estaui ; no
1 J- commission charged. LeaTitt Uurnham.
room 1 , Crelghton block. 300
SHOHT time loans roaae on any available
security. In reasonable amounts. Secured
notes bought , sold or exchanged. ' General
financial business of any kind transacted
promptly , qulotly and fairly at the Omaha Fi
nancial Kxchange. N. Win cor. utn * Dd Har-
ney sts. , over State .National band. Corbott ,
manager - W1
room I Barter block , enijrUpce.ln Uov. 368
' MONEY To loan. urest rates. No delay
J , L. Rico Si Coover Commercial Na
tional bonk _ L 875
IVfONBY to Loan--0 r furniture , pianos.
JM. wagons , or other p pnal property withoui
removal ; also on collateral security. Iluslnesi
confidential : Cha-s. 11.-j/jjpobs , sa S. 16th Bt
' .OANS made on reai.estat * and
J bought. L wls 8. Ue&d ft Co. . 1W1 Farnaiu
3 377
$500,000 to loan on city/.Knd fann real estate
Llnahanfe > lahouo 6W4 ! Farnam street
OJ500.000 To loan on Omaha city property at 8
J > percent. Q. W.Day.jj , K. cor. Kx. Hid.
6 PER CENT Money.
Patterson Sc Fawcctt 15th and Ilarney. 37 6
MONEY LOANED at C ; F. Reed * Co.'s Loan
Office , on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons ,
personal property ot all kinds , and all other ar
ticles of value without removal. 319 B. 13tb.
over Ulngham's commission store. All busi
ness strlctlr confidential. 379
MONBYto Loan Jly the nndersiirned , who
haa the only properly organized loan
agency In Omaha. Loans of 110 to 1100 made on
furniture , pianos , organs horses , wrturns , ma
chmery , etc. . without removal. No delays. Al
business strictly confidential. Loans so made
that any part can be paid at any time , each pay
ment reducing the cost pro rata. Advance *
made on fine watches and diamonds. Person
should carefully consider who they are dealing
with , as many new concerns are daily comlni
into existence. Should you need money call am
ee me. W. K. Croft , room 4 Withnoll building
15th and Harner. 3W
Eg. BIBBKB loans money on. rout estate
s tUmge b'ld'g. t 788 16 *
"M"ON T to Loan-O. F. DavU Co. , real esUto
all. and loan agtnu , IMG Xaraarn * t. 370
MUfJEY Jolosn , rasn on haml , no delay. J ,
XV , and K. L. 3qulre , 1413 Farnam st. Paxton -
ton hotel building. 37a .
LOANy mrxileon roftl ejtntf. Cash on hand ,
. \V.M. Harris overaaia. 15th st. 073
MONEY to loan on Improved city property at
lowest rates. Cash fin hand. Virxt mort
gages'negotiated. R. F. Searer , room 15 , cham-
lie r of . *
l ANCH of lOOarreswIth house , oarnscribs ,
J J large itli ils , etc. , every thing complete for
tock-rnUlng and fei'dlng. N. llanis. Central
City. Nelj _ 10121 *
I3AHTIK3 having bankrupt stock for sale , or
I. persons who wish to close out their stocks
or cash , may find a buyer by addressing W , K. ,
N Indoor IFotel , Lincoln , Neb. 60J 19J
EOHSAl.B-Drug stock. As flno location as
tnern Is In'tne cltv. Clean stock. Involve
tKiit57.010. Part cash. Part In good real es-
ate or secured notes. M.A. Upton * Co , 16th
t ) opp. Chamber of Commerce. 451 '
SALE Lumber oud real business. Not
e yard , lti twenty as convenient or as
ated , doing a good business. Address J.
V. ( Jttnlkcnbttsll , Greenwood , Nob.
j , . . 3-H inch 1S
R SAIiK Photoeraph car doing a big busi
ness. UUt bargain , For further partial-
ars address Vij J. Keen , Rising City , Neb. 01U-17
f OOK thil'ttpA real estate , loan , collection
LJ nnil IrtsnrniVEo business for sale , with a
omplete set of abstract books of Seward
ounty , NebA correct and written up to dixto ,
afes , aesks , ortlee furniture , etc. , and will bo
old cheap. This Is n snap for a peed live nttor-
iey. County scat. ' Address llamlln . llros. ,
Soward.Neb. SH19J
21'LENDID business ppcnlnp , IM room hotel ,
O Jocated In best town west of Omaha. Ad-
Ires Holiday & Hnldcrtnun. room 6 and 6 Mich-
Ison blk , Qrand Island , Neb. K19 3T4
FQIl SAM ! Vlrst-class boarding house near
P. O. . rooms all occupied ; good cause for
ellm. X49 llee-Tjlllce. 15JU5
WANTED To cvchaiiRO good proi
city lots or small farm. Vf. r. Potty , K4
" . nth. 1,00014' '
FOH THADE-Eqlilty In four valuable lots In
Walnut Hill for stock of groceries ( , r meat
market. Address II1 , Ileo olllce. ICtt 16 *
WANT } : ! ) To exchange good property for
amnlUioUUng cugmo. W. V. Petty. 524
H.nii. DIM K *
\y\7ANTKD-Horses nnd bulldlns material for
Tr farms lauds , lots and houses , Wm. J ,
'aullGU9Farnam. ' W9
OT In North Omaha to trade for team or
J work horses. A. I' . Madsou , 10WJ 3rd st.
038 18 *
FOH EXCHANGE IfiO acre farm In Hnncock
county , Iowa. Tills Is a splendid piece of
and , every foot of It can bo plowed : Is 3 miles
rom Junction of a lalhoads. Prlco i O per acre ,
ncumbrance$750 , due In 3 years. Want liottso
\nd lot ; will assume liicumbrauco. 11. E. Cole ,
ne. cor. 15th and Douglas. OTJ Zt
C\H lots to exchange for tarms or equities
\J In houses and lots. II. E. Cole , N , K. cor. loth
and Douglas. 007 Si
F I OH SALE-Or trade , mcrchadlso and good
land. 1513 Dodge st. 797 10
"fXTANTED Omaha property to trade for good
TT lands. Special attention gtven to trading.
L. llrown , Fronzer lllock. U08
[ T10H Exchange House and lot 1 block from
V Kountze place , for one or two good horses ,
lalance on easy terms. Hamilton llros. , 4uS o.
8th st. 006 10 *
INSIDE city property In exchange for farms
orlands. J. A.Helstaud , Arlington block.
" | jXH SALE Or trade , land and town property
JP In Nebraska , Kansas and Colorado. Horses ,
cattle and stocks of merchandise wanted. Corre
spondence solicited. T. A. English & Co. , York ,
tfob. . 745 in b *
RAVE for trade improved farm In Cass Co.
near Plattsmouth , will trade for Improved
nslde property. Address M 38 , Uoo odlce.OSS
\\TANTED StocKs of merchandise to orT -
T T change for lands and city DroDortyJ C. C.
Spotswood , 305K 8. IfltD. life
WANTED Stock of groceries , dry goods ,
clothing or boots and shoes In exchange
'or Omaha property or farms. Schleslnger llros. ,
614 8.10th ( .t. 135-f34
TI1OR Exchange. It you have farms or lands to
-C sell or trade send for our descriptive blanks.
If you havn any kind of property to Hell or ex
change , list It with us ; wo cou furnish you a
customer. 8. 8. Campbell Sc Q. W. llcrvey. 310
Board of Trade Omaha 383
H E. COLE wants horses to trado.
, 603-15
WANTED Houses and lots to excnantra for
Improved and unlmprouud lands tn Ne
braska and Iowa. Charles C. Spotswood. 305H
S. 16th. 885
\TEHHASKA and Kansas farms to exchange
-L > for Iowa and Colorado lands , and vlco
versa , Co-Operatlvo Land and Lot Co. , 205 N
16th st. 694
H E. COLE wants cattle to trade.
, 69S-15
BENSON \-CAllMICIIAEL furnish complete
and guaranteed abstracts of title to any
real estate In Omaha and Douglas county upon
short notice. The most complete sat of abstract
books In the city. No. 1510 Farnam st. 385
MIDLAND Guarantee nnd Trust Co. . 1505
Furnam utreet Complete abstracts fur
nished , and titles to real estate Mamlned , per
fected and cuaranteed. 8511
T7IOK SALE 7-room house and 50 ft south and
-I ? east trent , corner lot , In west part of city ,
two blocks from car line. Small cash payment
and balance monthly , or will trade equity for
peed paper or vacant lot. F. K. Darlfnt ? , 1505
HowardT 110 20
ft HEAUT1FUL 6 room 2 story houses with nlco
* i larpo closet In each bed room , city water ,
gas , well nnd cistern , convenient to car line ,
splendid location , desirable neighborhood , $ .V
cashand.balance to suit. H. E. Cole. ne. cor.
15th and Dovglaa. 97J 23
TTIOH SAliK The cheapest lot In Omaha , lot in
JP block 17. Hanscom place , faring park , half
block from twp street car lines. J2buO , one third
cash. Address J , N. , 1213 Wabash avo. , Chicago ,
111. . . ' IVB-15 *
COHNElUotouIzardM. Track iu alloy. .1.
L. Hlco & Co. 018-18
CHEAP hou-ses. '
Easy pay in ems. :
H.E. < Cote.n.i . 071 16
EOH SALE Wo will sell 10 acres close to the
cltr , cholc 'of the addition near , to the
juncttouoMwoinMlrouds and handy to factories
at an especial bargain for a few days , suitable
for platting Jmo 48 beautiful lots and every one
just right for grade ? Woodbrldgo liros. opera
uoud.e. i -2 818 19
SAUNDEHS street. 63 feet front on paved
Htreet , $1.000 less than w hat is asked for property -
ertyurr9undng | It. J , L. Hlco ik Co. B1H , 18
. . SA Kortride-'Fullloton Ktrnam bt. .
oneihlook from i paving and street cars
Price Wm. K ; WOO.
> < HiltK , . .
. , ,
Two oiux-fourth section.flno school land in
Kosstrth'couftty. Iowa.
One-sixth Jlnterr-st. in .an. addition to Bouth
Omaha ; free qf-c cuinbrance. for good western
farmland , clear , or not heavily encumbered ,
or1 good"0malm 'property.
Good insldo business property , ( roe of en-
cuinbraifce.j.fpr , gopd , Ixouso and lot In north
Part , ot city. ,7 H. A. Sloman , rooms &iand2J ,
llelJman { mllhink. cor. Fiirnam and 13th'sU. '
j. 1.1 > v. . ' , . 141
EAlUiAW 4trect bargain , 41 feet front near
'corner Twenty-fourth , with aM.OOO Improve
ment , see J. L. lllcxj * Co. 018,18
JACKSON street lot. eoj. L.ltlce * Co !
l > 018-18
U > TX ) , . Kasy tenfift.KJluy a beautiful lot In
J > etvy'TvalltnK < , dlBtanco of U. P.shops. II
B. Cale.jiortjwa.'it corner 15th and Douglas st
' ' '
'stow'pliico Improved property , see
J , Kiel Co. i 918,18
LIST , property for sale or exchange with H. E
Cole , n. e.'cor. 15th and Douglas. 508-15
TJ A RNKY street Corner. Bee J. L. Rico ACo. .
XX " ' ' 018-18
TTOR BALE or exchange. Omaha property and
X ? forma for merchandise , horses , etc. Schles-
ingf r Urea > . - Oli B. 10th Bt. 128-B4
JONES and 12th st corner. Bee J. L. Rice & Co.
. . . 018-18
FOR 'SALE Two best lots in Mount Pleasant
addition , one corner ; can be divided and
make three east front lots. Make offer ; must
bo gold In few days. A SB , Bee omco. 007
CHOICE residence lots opposite Kountz place ,
only a few left. J. L. Rice & Co. , solo
agents. 01H. 18
I HANDLE Bouth Omaha property exclu
sively , and If you wish to buy , sell or trado.
a bargain call. D. D. buieaton , Marker block.
-OH ICAJO ( Street , full lot bet lltu and 12th st.
vy Bale or trade. J. L. Rice & Co. 018-18
TTHJlt BALB-House and lot In Walnut HllU
X' Kasy payments. P. A. Uavln , sole agent.
417 Mch 1 *
ILtFTON place barcAtnn north Hanscom
\J pi ace , S choice lots on Mason street , sale or
rale. J. U Rico ft Co. 01 * . 18
HAXVLKY House , North Platte.Neb. . forxalo ,
JL.M. On account of the de.tth ot my wife I will
ell the property on easy terms. Address John
lawloy , North Platte , Neb. 773ml ) *
FOH SALE 160 acres of land four miles from
stock yards , at I12j pcracie ; this is n bar-
gain. McCagur. Opp. P. O. ir.'l '
Al LlToAD men's niicrlal. Wo can sell you n
beautiful lot NixlW fr-ot within n few mill-
itt-sof the U. P , shops at MiOs special Indure-
noiits to parties who wish to build. H. E. Cole ,
le. „ ror. _ li'th and DoiiRlas. 071 in
lAl'lTOLnvenitolot. Hot Hthniid 15thstreets.
' See J.L. Hlco. 01S-1S
IOTB , block B , West runilnit ! Hue east front
J lot Kixltii ft. lies only Ji block from Metro-
lolltau Cable route on California Bt. . utidnbar *
ruin ntf 7501 very easy terms , F , K , Darling ,
505 Howard. KI2-15
L1 aero farm , good improvements and plcntv
of fruit , 0 miles from South Omaha. Parrlsh k
Flulayson , N street , bonth Omaha. 012 , 10
L. RICE & CO. , Heat UstMe. 215
T L. RICE le CO. , Heal Estate. , 213
SAI.E-Now S-story house , 'full lot. 1
block from stiect cars , small payment , bal
ance monthly.
To Exchange Corner lot nearHrownoll hall
or lot lu Hancom Place , will pay rush dliror-
IRQ-acre Kansas fartn for housa and lot iu
320 acres land , clear , lu Iowa , for Omaha prop-
liVroom house and 2 lota 2 blocks from street
ars , for farm and fl.ftX ) cash.
512-arre Improved farm in Hamilton county.
Job. , for sala cheap or trada for Improved
Omaha property.
Qms. \S'oollry , 413 S. lotli st , ? 44 15
IN Bouth Omaha thera are three houses for
f.nlo at I < mo , my ) and $1.HOD each , small nav-
ncnt down , balance monthly or to suit. 1) . I ) .
Sincaton , llatkcr block , Omaha. 6. > 2
L RICE & CO. , Real Estate. 215
EMSriCKNEY & CO. maico a specialty of
property In North Omaha , forsalo or rent
at Citizens' bank. 2IM Cutnlng st. 3iS
8A LE-Ono of the best lots In Hillside
No. I , Just across street from Yules' new
esldence. Make otfer ; any reasonable propo-
itlonwlll bo entertained for few days ; must
oil. Alt'J ' , lleoolllcu. 007
L. RICE & CO. , Heal Estate. 215
MUSTIlo Sold Pojmeut coming duo on a
lot 3 blocks from new U. P depot , South
) mnha , pllco 11,2,10 , requires 250 cash. I ) . 11.
imeaton , llarker block. 6ril
ALIrURMA street , n. beautiful 10 room
J house , all modern conveniences , an elegant
ionic. Price $7tOO. K cash , balance to suit. II.
3. Cole , no. cor. 15th and Douglas. 07J - )
L. RICE & CO. , Heal Estato. 215
Notice of Incorporation.
"PO Whom It May Concern : Notice Is hereby
X. given that "The Ileo llulldlng Company' '
irts Hied iu the olllco of the county clerk of
louglas county. Nebraska , articles of incorpor
ation. The principal place of transacting its
Mislness Is at Omaha , In Douglas county und
state ot Nebraska.
The general nature of its business is to
acquire , own , hold , lease , mortgage , sell and
convey real estate , erect buildings and improve-
ncuts upon the same , for renting such real
The'amount of capital stock authorized Is
X,000 , ten per cent of w hlch to bo paid at the
.imo ot subscribing for the same , und the re
mainder as required by the board of directors.
The corporation commenced January 15th , A.
_ i. ISM , and will terminate the 15th day of Jan
uary , A. D. W38. . . , . . , ,
! „ „
The highest amount of indebtedness or llabll-
ty to w hlch the corporation shall at any tlmo
subject Itself 1s two-thirds of the caplul stock
Tlio business affairs of the corporation are to
J > e conducted by a board of directors of tlvo
members uho dliall select from their number u
president , riecictary and tieasurer.
Leave Arrive
Omaha. Omaha.
Depot 10th nnd Marcy sts ,
1'ucitlc Express 9:00 : p. m. 7:50 : a. m.
Limited Express 12:2i : ) p. m. 8:6.1 : p. m.
Local Express 5:110 : p. m. 13:25 p. m.
Depot 10th and Mason sts.
Chicago Express , Nos B & 1 3:45 : p. m , 8:05 : a. m.
Chicago Mall Dno : u. m. 7:25 : p. in.
Chicago Local u:4 : ! > p , in , 10:22 : u. m.
Denver Express 0:15 : a. m. 3:30 : p. m
Denver Mall 8:00 : p. ni. 0:40 : a. m.
California Mall 10:33 : u. in , 5:45 : p. m.
Kantas City Day Express. 0:0i : ) a. m , 05 : p. m
KamasCUy night express Br : > 0 p. m 7:00 : a. m.
C. 8t. 1 > . M.&O.
Depot Kith and Websterst
Bloux City SillVk Hills Ex ' 10:40 : a.m , 2:50 : p. jn.
Uancroft Express. 4:10 : p.m. . 0:35 : a. m.
'Except Biindav ,
Depot 15th and Webster bt
Day Express 10"i : n. m 0:35 : n. m.
Night Express 0:20 : p. m r > : .M p. m.
r. E. & 'M. vrnTitT
Depot 15th and Webster st
Habtlngs & lll'k Hills Pas 10r : 5 n. m , 4:15 : p. m.
Norfolk Passenger. . . . . r > :4.-i : p. m 10:4. : " > u. m.
Hunnlngbotwi-on Council Illufls and Albright
In addition to the stations mentioned , trains
stop at Twentieth and Twenty-fourth btreots
and at the Summit In Omaha.
, Westward.
II roadTransOmaha Hhcely. South AT
way. fur. Depot. Omaha bright.
A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M.
5:45 : r.M : 0:00 : 6:05 :
oan (1:1 ( : 6:30 : 0:37 : 0:50 : 0:5.5 :
6:5.5 : 7:02 : 7:11 : 7 ' 22 7:35 : 7:4D :
7:1 : 7:52 : 8:03 : 8:12 : H:2'j : 8-)0 )
8:4r : > 8K. : 11:05 : 0:12 : 0:2i : CM : !
0:45 : 10:0-1 : 10:12 : 10:2 : > > 10:30 :
10:4-i : 10K : 11:03 11:1)1 : 11:2.5 : 11 : .
11:45 : 11:51 : P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M.
P.M. P.M. 18:05 : 12S. : 12:30 :
12:4.5 : 12:52 : 1:0.1 : 1:25 : 1:31 :
1:45 : 1:52 : 2:03 : 2:12 : 2:2T : > 2:30 :
2:45 : 2:52 : 3:05 : 3:1'- : ,1 3:30 :
3:41 : 4:03 : 4:12 : 4:2. : ' )
4:4r : r.03 ; , ( i:12 : . 5:25 :
G:4' : ' 6:1' : 0:25 : KM
U:4' : ' fl:52 : 7:05 : 7U : 7:25 : 7:3t :
7:4' : ' 7:5 : ! . ' 8:03 : 6:12 : 8.25 8w : :
8:45 : 0:03 : 0:12 : .0:25 : 0:10 :
0:45 : 10 M2 10:2.5 : 10:30 :
10:45 : 10:62 : 11:30 : I
Eastward. '
AP South , Bheely. Omaha TransUroacl
bright. Omaha. - depot , -fer. way ,
A. M. A.M. A.M. A. > f. A.M. A. M.
5:43 : 553 ; 6:0- : >
6:10 : 0:15 : 6:2.5 : 6:31 : 6:1) : )
7:00 7:05 : , 7:15 : 7:15 : . 7:40 :
7H : ) 7:55 : 8:07 : 8:15 : 8:23 8)5 : )
8:50 : 8:55 : 0:07 : 0:15 : 0:23 : 0:35 :
0:50 : 0:55 : 10:1)7 : ) 10115 10:2 : 10:3' :
10'iO : 10:55 : nutn 11:15 11:23 : 11 : ; > 5
11:50 : 11:55 : 11 > . if , P.M. P.M. I * . M.
P.M. P.M. 12:07 : 12:31 : 12 : T
12:50 : 12:55 : i 1:07 : 1:15 :
1:50 : 1:55 : 2:07 '
2:60 : 2:55 : ,3:07. : 3J15- , 3:3. : '
3:50 : 3:55 : 4:07' : * ! § 4.T :
4:50 : 4:55 : ' 5:07 : 6i' : :
5:50 : C:55 : -8W j 6:15 : . .6:28 : 6:3' :
0:60 : 6:55 : 7:07 7 15 . 72 7:35 :
7:50 : 7:55. : 18U7 : 8:3' :
8:50 : 8:5.1' : S.-07 0:15 : 0:1" :
0:60 : 0:55 : 10:07 : 10:11 : 10:28 : 10. : '
10:50 : 10:55 : 11:07 : 10:11ffl 11:4J : 11:5. :
11:55 : 12 : Warn
12:15am :
Leave. Arrive
A'No.14 4:00 : p.m. D No. 1 10KOa. : m
ItO No.8 .5:10 : p.m. A No. U 11:30 : a. ni
ItA No.0..6:20 : a. m. 0 No.5 > /.6:05 : p. m
A No.4..0:40a.rn. ; : A NO. 3 7:00 : p , m
C No.8 B:5ti'a.m. : D No.5. , , , . . 0:40a. : in
A No. 4 0:40 : a. in. ANo.-l5,10Wa. : ( m
O 'No.M t.220t ; > .nj. 0 No.7iw. . . 0:20p. : m
A No.6 ,7OOpm.A : No.3 7:00p.m. :
A No.6 ,0:40a. : m.A | No.3 8:15 : a.m
A'No.B 4Up.m. : A No,7 11:31 : a.m
A No.4 4:30i.m.A : | No.6 7:00p. : in
A No.Z 0:40a.m.lA'No,6.v..ll:30a.m : :
A'No. 6. , , 4:00 : p.m.i A. No.3. . , . , , :
A No.8 :25a. : m.A ! No.3 6a5a.m :
A No,4 ,9:10p.m.A ] No. 1 0:30p.m. :
A No. 10 T:05a.m.A : ] No.O B:51a.ra :
A No. 13. , HCOu.iajA N9H ;
A No.8 Ji40p.rn.IA No.7.11:35p.m
Adallrt Dd llreic pt Bat.I O dally excan
Bnn.t I ) W pt MOU.I IFaat Mall ; LlnitUd
Will probably imj
mo if r * c < jciii i D WITH tin osoattrtiT or tml
covxtBf wux in BT ( xuuiiuia luu sur nut TB
ir rosen of IM control position. C'OM rotation to llnot
Kut of Chicago , and continue luws at terminal
xilnt * Wnl , nd ( toTlhweit , In Hi * trut
nlddle link In ttutt tranicontln nUi nrrtfm which
Infltoi ua f cllll t i trarfl and tmfflo li t n lli
AtUntlo anA 1'aelflo.
The Roct Iiltnd main lint ami britnotifi Inclml * CM-
c froLJoll t , OU w , L Rillt , reorlft , U IK , Molla *
and Rock IiUnd , < ln Illlnolil l ) Trnporl , Mnv tln ,
TTaihlBCton , ? lrflcld , Otlum , Oik lee f WoitLlb.
rl y. Iowa Clt7D Molni , Indli\noUWlnt < n i , AtUn-
lo , KDOirllle , Auilubon , Italian , ( lutlirl * Contrikaal
Juanrl ! DIuKi , In lowai Oallatln , Trenton , St. * fpH ,
? mf ron and Kaniai CltIn Uliioarli I. on jworlk
and Atohlion , In Kaniaii Altxrt l a. MlnnoapolU and
It. I'aul , In Mlnnitott ) VVat.rtown and llnux Falli , !
Dakota , and hiwdiwK of lnt nueillal cltltl and town * .
' . 'The Great Rook Island Route" *
Guarantees ipwd , comfort. Crrtalntr and f tf. Ite
> 9rmanont war U dUtlnimlihf A for Ua tieolUnoa. It *
) rj | t are of iton * and Iron. Iti track U of lolli
tfil.lU rolling itockMrftct. lup n nj r < i lpm nl
ba < all tht > atct7 appliances that iixrl > nMhMr'Vr4
aieral , and for luxurloui accommodation ! U mwur-
junoil. Its KipMM Trains consist of superior V f
; o oh , cltganl l'ulm ! n l'alac I'arlorand Bl tplu
Cars , superb Dlnlni Can , prorlillnf ddlclooj UMls.
and ( b tw n Chicago and Bt. Joseph , Atchlsoa aad
Kansas City ) nstfut Hr llnln ( Ckalr Can. IM maa-
irsment U conscrratlr * , IU dlsclpUct tiaotlnf
"The Famouc Albert Lea Rome"
Bstw n Ctilcairo and Minneapolis and Bt. Pa. ' U the
favorite. Oter this line Build Fast Cipnu Trains ru
dsllr to attractive murt * for totrlsM In Iowa aai
Minnesota , and ) via Watertown and Bloui rails , to tk
rich wheat and ( rrnilnu lands of Interior Dakota. Via
( entea and Kankakoo , thiKock Island offarsic parlor
Inductmonls to traveler ! between Cincinnati , India *
apolli. I.afayett and Council lllults , St. Joseph , Atchl-
ion , I nvenwo'th , Knnsis City , Bt , I'aul , and Interme
diate point * . All patrons ( especially ladlei and < kll-
dren ) receive protection , courtesy and kindly attention.
For tickets , maps , folders , copies of Western Trail , or
any desired Information , apply to principal once * la
the United States and Canada , or address , at Chicago ,
R. R. lABlt , t. ST. JOHN , I. A. HIIUOM ,
fM1t ralsb M liilOtolsUMmn. . m FM. 1(1
Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul R'y.
Tbe Best Rente from Omaha and Council
Bluffs to
- = = THE EAST
Chicago , AND Mllwanken , 4I
St Paul , Minneapolis , Cedar Rapids , I
Rock Island , Frccport , Kockforil ,
Clinton , Dubuque , Davenport ,
Elgin , Madison , JanesrlUe ,
Bclolt , \Vlnona , La Crogse ,
And sJl other tmporUnt polnti But , Northeast an !
For through tlekit * call on the ticket miont Rt 1131
f rn m street , In Futon Hotel , or t Unloi Picino
J Mpot-
PnUman Blcopsrs nd the flnoit Dlnln/j / C rs In th
world r run on the mala line of tbe CblcMO , Mil-
nkee A Bt. Paul Kallwar , and orerr attention II
wld to passongori bj courteous emplojref ox tni
liKn. Oenerel HanRRer.
J. K. TUCKKB , Assistant General Manacer. 8
A. V. n. CAIU'ENTKU , Qeneral l'ass nier and
( ) KO. n ! ! ilEAFrono , AJdstaot Q a nl I
nd Ticket Agent.
J.T. CLAUK , General BnparlaUndtol.
NorthWestern - I
Railway Short Line *
Omaha ,
Council Bluffs
And Chicago ,
A * only road to take for DPS Molnei , Marlalltowo ,
Cedar Rapids , Clinton , Dlxon , Chicago , Milwaukee
and all points east. To tbe people of Nebraska , Cole *
ratio. Wyoming , Utah , Idabo , Nevada , Oregon , WashIngton -
Ington fcnd California , It offer * superior adrantagM
n > t possible by anr other line.
Among a low ot the numerous polnti of saporlorltf
enjoyed by the patrons of this road between Omaha
and Chicago , are Its two iralrs dar of DAY COACH *
US , which are the flnett that autnan art and Ingenui
ty can create. Its 1-AL.ACK BI.KICl'JNU CARH. which
are models of comfort and elegance. IU PAULO *
IlKAWINO KOOM CARH. unsurpassed br anr. ana
IU widely celebrated PALATIAL , D1N1NO CARS , too
equal of which cannot be found elsewhere. At Coun
cil Bluffs the trains of tbe Union Paclflo Railway , con-
poet tn union depot with those of tbe Chicago m
Northwestern Rr. In Chicago the trains of this llnf
make close connection with those of all other easUrm
for Detro\t \ , Columbni , Indianapolis , Cincinnati
glagara Kftll , Buffalo , Ftttsaurg , Toronto , Montreal ,
nslon , New York , Philadelphia , llaltlmore , WasB
Ington , and all polnti In the cast , uk tor a ticket Tl *
tf rom wish the best accommodation. All ticket af * nU
Mfl tickets via this Un .
E.IIUI11IT1' . B.P.W1L80K.
Qeul. Manager , Genl. 1'au'r Ateal
c" " > -ul'i
V.M..BAiiixxnc. ;
Oiuba , KtbnakJb
Cured by WAHiFIELI : > 'N Popular
TUVITl For Sale lr ALIDr .iltU , IBI IT ,
2I,02 ,8IO
Tansill'sPynch ' Cigars
' '
two vear' , ,
' " "rfn o other
R.W.TANSILL&CO.,658UI SLChcaflo. !
we ewdlsiif recomwal
_ . _ | raiul ssUish tt if
CorwIa H kMwauiisteCowicitMa
bitraatMl a l * . U cauliltr.
aMjUrlsun. 1 fij jjjjja , " "
Mr <
n AlMtt % LUks
IIudsoa.N. T.
. Cincinnati
Ohio. Bol < It > rDrulsM >
London Granules.
Kllmlnatei last vestige of Bjphllls. Uloen , llDiuics ,
Chronic BoresAlrapure Ill < x > d.'rii r liarejio equal fur
kin diseases. bliuUar mtdlcloe used In f/filon Hn >
i unrarrlnano ess. VtaKTAlil.ii ,
Bout br mall In pl ls sexled packac * , andnadilar ,
on receipt of II purtMX or a for ti. We
MXHiiiiuiToctiiuftNrrugB , With each order re-
rclred for tlxbo > * accompanied .D7I& , we wl" " ' "I
the purchaser Q" written guaraow * > ° iff nd the
ruoner. It the treatment ( Tons not elect
nod a l atiltit fat
lmr tboin. Quick
" P r.