Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 16, 1888, Page 5, Image 5

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The "Boo's" Horolno Fund Roachoa
Over $9GOO.
The Itoll of Honor Htcmllly Increas
ing The Imtcflt Contributors to
the ilcrolnci From Various
Parts of Nebraska.
The Owens' Sale.
OWAIU , Nob. , Fob. IB. To the Editor of
the Hun : The result of this afternoon's sale
at the Otnnha stabler for the benefit of thu
"linn fund" Is ns follows :
The pony donated by myself sold to F. IJ.
Pulmur for fcJO , all of which goes to Miss
One half of the proceeds of the pony do
nated by Hcnnlo Eastman , sold to John An
derson for iO , thu sumo to ho equally divided
between Miss Uoyco mid Lena Woebbccko.
The road cart donated by the Omaha Car
riage and Sleigh company sold to A. C , Luke
.for I-USO. I understand this amount goes to
Miss Koycc.
I wish to add that D. S. M. Fretwcll kindly
volunteered his services ns auctioneer and
conducted the sale In a masterly manner. I
enclose my chuck for $ ( M CO herewith.
Two Sympathetic York
YOUK , Nob. , Fob. 13. To tlie Editor of the
Urn : Our sympathy has been aroused In re
gard to the heiolncs of the blizzard , but more
especially do wo single out little Lena Wocb-
beck" * , as she Is a llttlo girl and an orphan.
We are llttlo girls ourselves and can Imagine
how sad would bo our fate If wo were situ
ated like Lena , therefore wo have succeeded
In gathering together JT , which please apply
on Lena Wocbbccko's fund. Hoping the
llttlo girls in every town will send in their
mite , we nro sincerely i ours.
Richardson County Scholars.
STKM.A , Neb. , Feb. 14. To the Editor of
the BUB : By request of Miss Annu Schantz ,
teacher of Pioneer school district No. 5 ,
Hlchardson county , Nebraska , I inclose draft
for V ) 27 , all for Miss Uoyco. Every scholar
in her school gave something , and they want
credit given through the BKK to Pioneer
school district No. 5 , Uichardson county ,
Nebraska. Ucspoctfully ,
_ _
( irnon's Contribution.
GKNOA , Neb. , Fob. 15. To the Editor of
thoBKn : Enclosed you will llml draft for
$9 for the relief fund for Miss Lolo Hoycc ,
the receipts of last evening's dance. Wo regret -
gret very much the inability to raise a larger
sum. Ucspcctfully , J. A. OSIIOHNU.
TIioso Who Hnvo llccognizrd Courage
ami Devotion.
Amount previously reported . ? 2,833 89
B. & . M. car repairers and other em-
pies . 1325
C. D.Layton . 3 00
Conductors Fremont , Elkhorn &
Missouri Valley railroad . 03 00
Omaha Panorama company . 7 75
Blulr M , E. church . 700
W. G. Albright . 201X1
Sprlnpllold , Nob. , list . 8 20
Prof. Hart , Holdrcdgo . 1 ( X )
Long Pine , Neb. , scholars . 21 15
Union.Nob. , list . 700
Webber Bros.WaynoNcb . 2 50
Sale Henry L. Owens' pony . 80 00
Sale Ben Eastman's pony . 7 50
Sale Omaha Carriage & Sleigh Co.
buggy . 0 50
Plonoer School Dist. No. 5 , Uichard
son county . 3 27
Citizens , Cedar Uaplds , Neb . 25 20
Citizens , 'Schuylcr ' , Neb . 107 03
J. A. Osbornb , , Genoa , Neb . 0 00
Total . ' . . $3,211) ) OS
LENA \\oiiimcKK : FUND.
Previously reported . . . $ 840 15
Laura aud'KlIu Einken's list . 3 So
B. & M. car repairers and other em
ployes . 10 00
C. U. Lnyton . 2 00
Oliver Wendell Eldridgo . 1 25
Omaha Panorama Co . . . . 7 50
W. G. Albright . 1000
' Wllllo WllshTrc , Lincoln . . ' 1 45
Viola Kobotich , Lincoln . 1 10
Lena Fisher , Lincoln . 5U
Congregational Sunday school , Caut-
bridge. Neb . . 733
Friend , Nob. , schools . 7 82
Webber Bros. , Wayne , Neb . 2 5C
Sale Ben Eastman's pony . 7 5C
Agnes and Alice Turner . 7
Eva and Nettle Douglas , York , Neb B Ot
Citizens , Cedar Uaplds , Neb . 19 2C
Total . $ 033 y ,
MINNIE rncKMix ruxi ) .
Amount previously reported . $ 055 7
Citizens of Schuylcr , 2 ob . 7 II
Total . . . $ COS Oi
Till ! CIlIUmi'.N-'d FUXI > .
Previously reported . $ 100 3S
Total . $ 100 3i
The Ktta Bhattuok Funds.
The following is the condition of the Ettc
Shattuck fund :
Previously reported . $4,003 5 !
SprlngHold , Nob. , list . B 11
Relief corps , Crete , Neb . 20 2 ;
Citizens of Schuyler , Neb . 21 2i
Total . $4,050 5
By check sent Miss Shattuok . 8,752 0
Uy cash 011 hand . 8W IK
Total . . ' . . . . . . . . . , C50 5 :
The "Hoc" Fund.
The present condition of the funds opened
by tno Bun U , as follows :
LoIoUoyeo . 3,210 ft
Lena WocbbccUo fund . U.'Kt 8'
Mlnnla Freeman . COJ V.
Westphulcn monumoiit fund . 100 8 !
Etta Shattuck . 4,0505
Grand total $0,573 3
Ijlsts of Contributors.
The BEE will acknowledge all contribu
tlons through these columns. All lists re
cclved , unless otherwise directed , will bi
published In full with the numo of every con
tributor. These lists will bo published a :
soon after tnoir receipt as spaces will per
W. S. Mills * 1 008. A. itobln on. . . r.
J.W.Johnson TOJ
G.W.Jonuson 100 Total II1&
AnFAIIOR , Nob. , Fob. 11. To the Edltoi
of thu BEE : Enclosed tlnd postofllco inonoj
order for $13 , the offering from our childiui
to Lena Wocbbecko :
IllRh school t 3 0) ) Grammar school. . * 3 1
Intermudlate 3 1V >
1'rlmuiy IS W Total fU 0
Mil * . M. M. Mu.NGEit ,
Prin. Pub. School.
Collected by Oniccrs Orinsby and SlB
wart : SlBfi
Thos. Cornmck. , , . BO I , . A. Goldsmith. . I fi
MIlcuMcCurly. . , H ) I'at llorrigiui fir ,
Uhos. Orinsby. . . , , Ml JolinTrumbull. . . .
I'utrlckMostyii. H > James Ullbort
w. a. heavey , , 1 tt ) Ixnds llerka 1 II
Win. Mt'ldrum. . SOAlWunl IIf. .
' M 1'iit lluvey f.r ,
llobt. Duncan , . Hrt. II. uaiment. , . ,
Win. Duncan , , , HI A. II. llurr
\V. II. Sheep , * H ) James ( Vllileu. . , ,
Alex. U&boriio . & 0 Arthur Pulaskt. . .
Cleorgrt llydo W ) A. I ) . ( I i ecu
U. II. Curry W Henry llazo. . . ; . . .
W.K. Clark , . 60 Jobepll Howies. , . ,
Anton Vnuoui. HFrank Walker. . . . .
win. Uullcii M'Jdlin ' McDonald. . .
Chas. Illooui COMlkuWlielan
8am Aiulrrbon. K. W.SImeral
I'M llluchy H ) Wm. Clut Icy
O. W.Hmlth I H ) Total. ,
Je * ; > o Nvvuuuu.
O.S. Ktnn y ; 1001. K. Snyder t 1
O.W. llcndoo. . . . . 1 0X1.0. lllRKlns . . . '
II.0. lliv > ker . . . . . 1 UU. It. llolcomb , , ,
James Mnlcom. . . . 1 OOP. S. Temple. . . . .
W. A. Stowait. . . . 1 001 , , J. DatiU
C. n. cu.iuot UK )
C. M. Adams 1ft ) Total
Nob. , Feb. 14.To the Editor o
\boUfiu : Enclosed fliul draft for 33 cot
trlbutcd by the Uepubllcan valley traveling
mutt to the Lola Uoyco fund. You will also
find n list bearing the names of the contrib
utors. ONK or TIIU "BoTS. "
II. O. Miller. IChltt | H. Oweu,0mnhft 1 00
cnito . . . . $ 1 OO.liOU Levyhcareu-
W.M.Douglas , Bt. worth . SCO
Joe 100C..I. MuucKton,8t.
J. . ( . Orlor. drier Joo. . . . . . . . . . . 100
lloiixo , Norton , It. O. Hcllner ,
Kan 10) ) Atclil on. 100
J. I ) . Edmund , St. T. C.llur tAtchl-
Joe 1 ft ) sun 103
M. A. QulKley. O.W. Klrtuy.Huit-
.Atchlson. Kan. . 10 } Imrs 100
II. ( Mlnylord , Lin L. ll.Tcrrell.Ilast-
coln. . , 1 ( X ) Ings 100
J.W , I'owfr.Pt.Joc 1 00 II. I .I'uxton.llust-
J , K. Johnston , Bt 1 CO
Joe 1 CO.T. Hum. riikngo. . 1 W
M.w. Dlckson , Ued W , M. Plldlno.i 1 OJ
Cloud , I m W , II. I'nrsonUin-
K. llnnnii. Mncnln. 100 aim . . . 100
C. A. Wileht , _ . _ _ .1.15 Unibvt , Oina-
vcnworth 1 0-l ) ha 100
.1. II. llcall , Omaha I ( ) L. M. ( lotxluln ,
IJ. I iu , KutiMsClty 10)
IT. U.Mostr , at. Jo lOJCnsh 100
W. II. Smith , Hcd O. C. Woollier , St.
cloud 1 00 Joseph 1 00
IM Allen. St. .loo . 1 U ) II. T. rioyd , Knn-
J. II.StiliiBtvlbw , I vascity I 00
Oniuh.i 2CONatM.Mlllfr.St.Io 1 00
A.Miilmrose t'ouu- C. It. Ulumoiut , Bt.
rllllliitT-i 1 00 Joo. I
W. li. Ill ledgeSt. .
Juu 100 Total . WJOO
Lewis nros . $ 2 OO.T. C. Sexton . t 1 00
J. M. Iliown . 1 ( K ) F. Wnterbur . 50
\V. A..nnner . M\ \
HcnrySprict . 2 OU | Totnl . $ 7 OJ
Luwis Baud.
L. S. Drain . MIL. M. Hummel. . . M
M.M. Haw son . M Henry Ocoat . W
II , A. niftltco . M\ \ -
Jny Toney . G0 | Total . 8300
TUB Mir.t.vnn I.HT.
Collected by Mrs. Swobo and Mrs. Wil
liams :
Mnthl& Swobc. I f , TOK. , N. Clnrk . 200
Oeo. Squires . 1 HOC. Perry . S OJ
( lUV Ilurtoll . f > m.l. KtrliarilionMM
K. W.Nnsh . 6 OO'r. ' Whitney . 200
A. If. Wymnn . 2 ooA. , .1. llnnscom. . . . fi 00
M. It. floblo 5 OO'.l. ' Mori I on . 200
J. It. Mlllnrd 1(1 ( OjlK. Murphy . 1000
H.I , . Hall . 1 00 Mr. Uluimock . ICO
Hen Gallagher. . . 5 tt ) K. McDon.iUl . 200
Custi . 2 IN ) Cash . t. . . 50
Clint ) . I'Iclumi . 100\\m | , Wallace . r , oo
Itobt. Kasson . 2 00 A. Moirell . 200
A.H.SImrir . t 1 0. Ciiihlng . fiOJ
f ) . Wllllnms . 1 i ) .I. WlKon . 1 m
H.i.Mor : o . 1 ( W.P. Iliinlv . 2 00
K. ILOeorgu . 6JW.Mlll.ird . 5 ( X )
Ulclmrtlsnn drug ICasli . 2 IX )
company . r , 00 Mr. llisliop . ( i 00
Thos. lireiinan. . . . 500
F. V. Ilaulon 6 CO Total illu UO
II. H.Jellrlea $ 1 UOCash.
Mrn. Jflfrliis , I.andiock. . . .
W. Itochfoul Mrs. McCluru
Mrs. llochfoul. . . . ( Mrs. I'isetto
Mrs. Vlnn Hll'asu
Mrs. Hull no
Mrs.llrucker Total $ DUO
Miss Delia Clnrk. .
W. S. Itcdmun. . . . ( 1 00 Miss llesslo Lash. .
W. Hiumhinaii. . . . 1 oo Illanchu I.asli
Hen Willis U ( M 1. O. Knapp
Arthur Hiilnos. . . . 2110 llyers * Dullmcr. .
K. 12. Post 2 Oil KlnuHolver it Co. .
Mrs.8.1' . Lash. . . . I 00 L. W. I'lilgeon. . . .
Krnest I'uller . . . . 2 U ) C. P. KruMjho , Co
Dr. Hjlton 2 oo Win. Davidson. . . .
L. U. Campbell. . . 2 0) ) K. O. Horn !
Iovl Fuller 1 00 W. A. Hnyiler
S. ( ! . Oaks 1 ( WJ. A. Dickinson. . .
P.Lovott. 1 ( MS. A.Tobey
S.C.VanAIIen. . . . SIM WnirardiVTrnm. .
Slrii. W.l > . Ilalncs 200J. F.Sherman < . . . .
Mary I'ldgcon 3 ( HA. A. Hnwluy
Mrs. 8. M , Puller. . 1 ) J. 8. Gardner
S. It. Itlindei' 100
( ! co. Fuller 1 00 Total J 4800
Dr. K. D. Ilk-Hill. . 1
CKIIVR HAI-IDS , Nob. , Fob. 14. To the Edi
tor of thoBEB : Gentlemen Enclosed I hand
you draft for f4.b5 , being the amount raised
hero in one day as contribution to the fund
for the heroines of the late blizzard of Jan.
12 , $25.05 for Miss Uoyco nnd $18.00 for Miss
Woebbeckc. Wo are , perhaps , a llttlu slow ,
but being like the bedbugs , wo have got
there Just the same and wish to ahow that
wo too appreciate the young ladles' efforts In
trying to save the llttlo ones entrusted to her
euro and to also try nnd lighten thu burden
of the poor little girl who must have endured
so much at the mercy of such u storm.
Yours etc. ,
M. O. CALi.F.xnnn , City Marshal.
I , . D.flroom $1 00 f < . W. Campbell. . 75
Oeo. N. Strawn. . 100N. C. Ilowen 1 00
J.C. lllcklo 100 A. O. Sumption. . 00M )
U.I ) . Olds 1 00 K. C. IluwkH 101) )
T. J. Dean 100W.C. Swlggaid. .
Cedar ltapldnImJohn Host
pr't.lo 6 CO James Squalt. . . . 100
F. II. KtiKK. . ' . . . . 1 00 llulrd& rfon 100
A.W. Toland. . . . 2 00 J. G. Parish 25
A. A. Tiilly. Ml ' Alex Macuneen. . IfiO
W.I ) . Tuly. . . . . . . 2iV.I.D. Hamilton. . . 1 00
G. A. Gullleftip. . 1GO.C. . P. Hlnehiirt. . . . ino
C. W. liaison Ar Co 1 OJ W. II. Fllnn 1 00
L.l'.Judd 2GOW.8. Ward 1 00
8.M. Stewart. . . . 1 00 A. V. Swlloy 7ft
O. M. Newell 1 00 A. U. Ilenham. . . . fiO
A. Hoheir 1 00 M. O. Cullender. . 2 00
Slmouri Co 1 OOO.J. Ilrnce 1 00
W. U. Unscll S > Fred Jenkins 50
JohnC. Tlcrney. .
Geo. llulach 10o | Total Ill a' ,
ScntiVLER , Neb. , Feb. 14. To the Editor
of the Bun : The citizens of Schuyler , desir
ing to render ( according to their means ) a
substantial proof of their heartfelt admira
tion for the noble and heroic school teachers
( the thrco storm queens ) of Nebraska , Miss
Minnie Freeman , of Valley county , who fear
lessly braved the terrible storm of January
12 , and under the most trying cucumstanccs
never wavered until she saw her sixteen
pupils in a place bf safety. Miss Loulo
lloyce , of Picrco county , who in her daunt
less efforts to save the lives of her thrco
pupils nearly lost her own , and was com
pelled to suffer the amputation of her feet ;
may the contributions for this bravo young
heroine continue until it has reached grand
proportions , an amount sufficient for all
onrthly comforts. Miss Etta Shattuck , of
Holt county , who In her struggle for duty
g.u-o up her young Hfo. The noble solf-sac-
riilco of these bravo young teachers will long
bo cherished in the memory of the people of
Nebraska. Enclosed find draft for ? li5.73 !
which please credit as follows : Miss Min-
nlo Freeman , of Valley county , $7.15 ; Miss
Etta Shattuck , of Holt county , f21.55 ; Miss
Loulu Uoyco , of Pierce -county , $107.02.
Please acknowledge receipt of same. Mrs.
J. J. Uiloy with other noble ladies of this
city did grand work in assisting to rulso the
above amount. The Omaha Bus is deserv
ing of the utmost praise for its untiring ef
forts in the noble workfmay it continue until
the fund has reached an amount sufllcicnt for
a Hfo mairitcnanco for these heroines , and
those dependent upon them : and the good
work of the Omaha BIIK will not soon bo for
gotten by the people who have BO generously
contributed to the cause. F. O. KAI SEII.
u9U& . kA .
Fort Shlnor List * . < IOIIP8.
Clurencd Ewcn. 1A.M. 1'otts Ki
capt. it anst. niir. Wm. Hnrrest . . . . 2.1
U.H. A . . . . . . 1 onUnlin MnClurK.M
U. K. Kskcldson , Mortiii. . . . . | H
hfwp'tl steward , 60 _
C.T. Kennedy. . . . Total . VI 10
Hoylo . . . „ . . . . $ 1 IWOIynn . M
Hone < * teel . Mdniy . 2. ' ,
Kcrniin . no Iliickctt . "a
Henry . 21 llminnti , . . . . . s ;
Uilade.i . X'T llt-rbcrt . , , . i
fllutlc . . . . S.-y .nck . Sill
Wells . r , Kazlcr . 2-i
Colllni . r. I.unlnk . Si
llttndy . 2.1 McCardle . - ' .
Myer . . . . 2. ' > Mrl'arty . Ml
1)9 tllllmr . Si Miller. . . . M
Mood . SANnn . S ( HI
Anderson . iii OuluU-y . 51)
llurko . Si Scliultz , . ! . 2 HI
Comiollev . Sifoliulz , 1 * . 2i
Dally . M Wallace . S3
livoimn . 1 00 , -
Hood . Si Total . 11 si To
I'unk . IB ) !
K. W. Stone $ 3 O-l.Jos. . facan 10)
A. I , . I'armenter. . S HI John llu s 1 Ui
U.S. ( troll SHIM Ill-moil HI
0. Ilopp 1 oo rim * . Harms I t > 0
1. Iliown l ui llobt. Iliirms 100
I'rcd Miller ! MV ) I ) . M. ICImp 1 UI
Wm. Moore 1 OO.C. II. Keirns 1 W
Amos Illack 1 00 Mmou r.iicoy Hi 1 00 A. Mrllmmld tfl
I.oo DeNoritoune. 1 OO'.l. ' H. McNeil 1 U )
II. Hflcheit fiU Vln. Itusscll 1 HO
A. WIltrubL-rjr. . . . . I UI ( > . Schellcoir 100
I. . VauTrappu. . . . 1 Oll.las. Shlrlock J U )
Jn . Andeisoll. . . . 1 OO.Jacob Seltz 60
I.-'flertiand H ) A. Scndder HI
J. Iliown 1 UO Illmaii Veuu H )
1'at Dovlcy 1 00 f. Ktilmc H )
.Iolinlol n 300
1'ied Dumaick. . . H ) | Total$350
llciuy Heller $ 1 (0f.d ( | nr Itavmond. . BO
( lottlrled HiiciM. . H ) fred O. Snndborn. r,0 ,
i Schultz H )
William Coultar. . 60 Krod Welder H )
Win Mnjiiilto Ml.Ceor ellood M
Ch.iilt" ) 1'earson. BO Hurry CHUT 2' ,
Win Ferguson. . . . H ) James N. Itumblo
John ( llotor. . . . . . . nolWIIIlam Kemp..1. . CO
Jhos. J. lIlKlcy. . . . HIIAk-xander 1'oiter. H )
Samuel AniHler. . . CO ' Martin llawkus. . . HI
I.insley Illack Hj'lln iy Davis HI
Albert Illnckman. no.Theodoro Iliust. . . HI
James Ilrown 1 00 llniry Olark 100
Tlios floudeison. . 60 James K.Tracy. . . 60
Alfred Hnmblln. . M'lSullivan. , . . . . . . . . H )
Charles Melners. . SOCash ) , 1 U )
James Mutphy. . . . CO
W. H. Otis C0 | Total $1 50
Twenty-first Infantry , to tlio fund raised for
he beneHt of the hcrolncsof thelato blluaril.
Cash $ COC. : . Martin BO
* W. Duncan fiOJ. Mavor Si
A. Williams. . . . 60o. Vr'uefer 2" >
A.Walleniteln. . . . SA ( ! . Itnbertson S. " >
J' . McCarthy HI K. IlostscheT >
Jlias. I.a.Mar 1 STiO. Tchenk 2. ,
tVm. Fritz 81T..I. Taylor CO
. Tluepel ; JHll'.TilKer H )
I. Johnston 2.iI | > . Walsh
A'ln. Deldrlch 2i J.
I. Downs
F. II. W. Eck 2.i | Total I860
"I. Oathgcns
IcmliiKcr $ 1 OO.Wolf BO
Hurphy MMtun 2.i
ilonimu HI Drnko
Hellin r Si Iliooks
lonnn irOKhln i
Mc.Miclmel 1 UlMeUrlde
Moilllou 2.i
Schmidt. Total $700
Tlio Holdrcgo Kiitcrtaliimcut.
oLDilLOi : , Neb. , February 11. To the
Editor of the BEE : I enclose you draft for
WO.40 , being net proceeds of heroine benefit
bull given under the auspices of the Hold-
rego trombone band , Friday evening , February
ruary 10 , to bo distributed as follows :
LoloKoyco $34 ( X )
Lcnu Woebccko 1000
Mlnnlo Freeman 0 40
Total $4040
The opera house , music , caller and printing
nil donated. Mrs. T. M. Hopowood , county
superintendent of instruction , donating pro
ceeds of thrco dozen bouquets.
Luw WEHCH , Jit.
Several lists of contributors have boon
omitted from this Issue owing to a hick of
space. Each , however , will bo published. K
your list docs not appear in this issue It will
be published as soon as possible.
The Ice Bridge at Niagara
has formed and many people have al
ready crossed tlio river upon it below
the falls. The scene from Fulls View ,
where the Michigan Central train stop
is ono of remarkable beauty nnd grand-
cur. The emerald waters of the falls
with the angry rapids nbovo'and the rain
bow tinted t > pray below , with gigantic
icicles hanging from the cliffs and the
trees and shrubs on the shores and Goat
island covered with curious ice forma
tions , with the wild mass of icebergs
stretching over the turbulent waters
where the Maid of the Mist sails ii
summer , all combine to form a spectacle
seldom to bo seen and worthy of l
lengthy journey.
Jiulijo lloano Issues an Impnrtan
Order to the Mayor and Others.
Attorneys E. W. Slrucral , Hall nnd MeCul
loch , representing the BEE Publishing com
pany , appeared before Judge Doano in th
district court yesterday afternoon and ap
plied for an order of Injunction rcstrninini
Jho city of Omaha , through her rcspousibl
agents , Mayor W. J. Broatch , St. A. D. Bal
combo , chairman of the board of publii
works , and the school district from anuulllnc
or setting aside the plans and specification
of Architect E. E. Myers on the city hall , o :
from accepting or adopting the plans or spec
lllcations of any other architect.
The application is based on six dlftcrcn
clearly and concisely cut and stated reasons
the first of which is embraced lu the fore
going paragraph , and the others are as fol
lows :
2. Or from removing or destroying th
basement and sub-basement already erected
upon lots 5 and G in b ock 110.
3. From paying or causing to bo paid'to
said Heugan Bros. , or their assigns , any
money out of thu said city hull fund for the
erection of said basement nnd sub-basement
until such time as the architect , E. E. Myers ,
ehull approve of the work already done under
thu contract with the s.iid Kcgau Bros.
4. From purchasing or contracting for the
purchase of any other real estate in the city
of Omaha for the erecting ot the city hull
building on any other grouna than lots 5 and
U as aforesaid.
I > . And that said school district nnd said
oDlccrs , agents and employes bo sustained
from uunuling the contract heretofore en
tered Into it nnd the city of Omaha for the
erection of the city hall on said lots 5 and U
or entering Into a contract for the erection of
a city hull or upon any other lots in said city.
0. And for such other and further relief as
this couit may deem Just and proper.
Accompanying these icusons are a largo
number of ether documents , niimoly the proc
lamation of ox-Moyor Boyd , the contracts
with Myers , Itcagau Brothers , the school
district and other important proofs and alle
As soon ns the matter was laid before
Judge Doano ho promptly granted the Injunc
tion and the usual thrco days was allowed in
which an answer to It can bo filed.
The contract between the city and Keaeau
Brothers for the work to be done on the base
ment and sub-baKomcnt of the city hall wan
$18.040 , but through a peculiarity lu the way
of figuring , seemingly patent to themselves ,
they present a statement which bus para
lysed the rity engineer and completely
astounded the board of public works. Ueagaii
Heathen * have manipulated the figures in a
way that affords them to say that the work
yet remaining to bo done can bo finished for
fJS0. which exports say Is as ridiculous as
it is inipruetieiible. But the broadness of
tliulr cheek nnd the iron of the Itougana'
nerveIs better displayed in the itemized
statement which they sent Into the council
lust Tuesday night in the name of their ap
pendage , lircnnun & Co , According to their
way of keeping books they have done f 11,820
woith of workou the building , which does
not include a "bill of extras" amounting to
t",704.24. and Interest in the sum of i > Vvl.5r ) ,
making in all a grand total ns their claim
against the cltv of f53.1l)7.T4 ) , upon which
they have nxoived ; fMVi'Kl.iO , thereby leav
ing the city Indebted to them in the sum of
f.itx51.43. : ! The injustncss of this claim was
RO nmmrcnt that oven the counclluien could
not lot It slip through without thu Inspection
It demand ? , and which the taxpayers Insist
shall bo complete and thorough.
-v r-y Sv5"
$ & &
' " THE MIDWAY , " Corner Grand and Wyoming Avenues , Kearney , Nebraska.
Finest in the State outside of Omaha. Opened , Wednesday , February 15th , 1888. T. C. Brainard ,
All Old Army Olllccr Makes a Wonder
ful Discovery.
An old army major ut Crab Orchard , who
is well known in Omaha and other parts of
the state , claims to have made one of the
greatest dairy discoveries of the ago , which ,
If true , will revolutionize butter-making. By
the use of an innocuous plant ho says ho can
convert a pound of milk into a pouud of but
ter. For the past two or three months ho
has been experimenting with the plant , and
iu every instance has been successful. The
product Is said to bo oquiU to the best cream
ery butter. In Grub Orchard , where ho has
sold this new butter , ho finds u ready sale for
the article , it being pronounced superior to
the average dairy product. The plant which
is used in the butter making process Is a com
mon ono on every farm and the discovery of
Its dairy value was accidentally made. The
major is making arrangements to sccuro a
caveat for the now process , and until ho is
thus protected by the patent law ho does not
desire to hnvo his nhmo mentioned , if the
discovery is all ho claims it to bo the major
has stiuck something better than a gold
mine. , , , .
Ruddy nud Healthy.
Rinsing the mouth with SOZODONT ,
nftcr cleansing thetooth , with it , ren
ders the sums if Imccid , palo nnd sensi
tive , hard ruddy nnd strong. Of the
beautifying1 action ! "upon the teeth of
this inimitable dentifrice , the world has
Icnown for thirty years ,
Miss Irene Anderson , 019 Pierce
street , fell on the slippery pavement
near her homo ycstqrdny and 'dislocated
h'er elbow.
The Imperial club gave n masquerade
for its fourth dance of the &eason
nt the Sun n dors street hall.
Some fifty couples were present with
the usual fantastic costumes. The club
is composed mainly of North Omaha
people and they always enjoy them-
The fifth and best of the Hyperion
club this season was the leap year party
given by the ladies who
have have attended the dances of the
club this winter. Fifty-five gentlemen
with their lady escorts woco in attend
ance and the gentlemen all agreed that
the ladies had in every way eclipsed
them in their previous parties. The
dance as usual was held in Masonic hall.
The main building of the Anheuser-
Busch brewing company will bo erected
this season. Work will bo commenced
the first of spring. The contracts were
awarded yesterday , the principle , ones
boihg to Bailey & Oleson and Valentino
Knock. The supervising architect will
bo Henry Voss. The building will cosi
The grand mask ball given by the
Concordia society at Gormunia hall was
a brilliant affair. Nearly one hundred
and fifty couples were present and
represented the highestGorman society
of Omaha and Council Bluffs. The
dancing hall was mugnificently decor
ated with Gorman colors , rare Ilowors
and smilax. The toilets of the ladies
were simply exquisite , and the charac
ters assumed by all of the guests wore
unique and elegant. The maskers
showed great taste in the selection of
costumes. A full account of this really
elegant affair will bo given in the Sun
Safe , permanent and complete are the
cures of bilious and intermittent dis
cases , made by Prickly Ash Bitters.
Dyspepsia , general debility , habitual
constipation , liver and kidney com
plaints arc speedily eradicated from the
system. It disinfects , cleanses and
eliminates all malaria. Health and
vigor are obtained more- rapidly and
permanently by the use of this great
natural antidote than by any other rem
edy heretofore known. As a blood pur
ifier and tonic it brings health , re
newed energy andA'itality to a worn
and diseased body.
Personal Paragraphs.
G. N. Beck , of Chicago , is a guest at the
Isaac Baker , of Chicago , Is registered at
the Paxton.
Edward Bodenlmusin , of New York , Is at
the Paxton. r !
Mr. and Mrs. T.Klolap loft for Hot Springs ,
Ark. , and will bo absent three months.
P. E. Her has returned from Cincinnati ,
where he attended a meeting of the whisky
P. H. Smyth , of Philadelphia , and W. D
Jones , of Fort Plain , NA'arostopping ut the
Paxton. ' '
At the Millard hq'icl : Oliver W. Mink ,
Boston , Mass. ; W. DJ Lincoln , St. Joseph ;
E. L. Cannon and wife ; UawlIns , W.\o. ; J.L.
Kaloy , Ued Cloud ; F. S. Blglor , Detroit.
Colonel Curtis has returned from Wash
ington , whore ho had been some weeks visit
ing his ugod mother , who died some time ago
Mrs. Curtis remains in New York and the
colonel's sister mid children are still in
Miss Helen Blytho and the following mem
bers of her company uro ut the Hotel Bar
ker : Miss /olda Lawrelico , Miss Vor.i Bo-
dell , Miss Pauline Uixoher , Miss Annlo
Lloyd , and Messrs. Howard Jnmei , .1. M.
Brown , Whitman Osgood , and J. F. Krilt.
M. C. Jones , one of Paxton & Gallagher's
popular traveling men has Just returned from
u successful trip of thirty da > s In the "far
west. " After enjoying u good right's rest ,
M. C. went down and purchased a new silk
tile of the most approved pattern. Investi
gation developed the fact that the cause was
nn advance of $ IIK ) on some west side lot-
owned by Mr Jones , uiusod by H rumor that
u largo canning fuctoty would bo located iu
Fremont. ,
A Favorite With Burglars.
Mr. Catlin , who keeps a grocery at Charles
and Thirtieth street , seems to bo a favorlro
subject towards whom burglars direct their
attention. During the past four months his
store has been btirglarl/cd three times , and
last night another attempt was made. Mr.
Catlin was on deck , however , nnd was loaded
for J > ear. Ho opened llro on two men who
were endeavoring to effect an entrance. Un
fortunately none of his shots took effect.
It is a Curious Fact
That the body is now more susceptible to
benefit from medicine than at any sea
son. Hoiico the importance of taking
Hood's Sarsaparilla now , when it will
do you the most good. It is.really won
derful for purifying jvnd enriching the
blood , creating ati appetite , and giving
a healthy tone to the whole system. Bo
sure to got Hood's Sarsaparilla , which
is peculiar to itself.
Senator Stanford ; of California , em
ploys thrco or four private secretaries ,
and to one of them ho turns over his en
tire senatorial salary of $5,000 and
Housokcopdrs in Now Jersey have
boon sharply awakened to the sense of
their responsibility in the removal of
ice and snow from their sidewalks by
fines of $600 each.
The state of Sonora , Mexico , levies a
tax of $2 on every baby born within its
limits , and charges the farmer 5 cents
for every chicken ho raises and 50 cents
for every sheep.
IMinporlor excellence proven In mllll ns ot
homes f or morotlmnu , quarter of a century. It
Is used by the United btates Government. En
dorsed by the heads of the Great Universities as
the StrouRest , Purest nnd most Healthful. Dr.
Price's Cream IlnkliiR Powder does not contain
Ammonia , Mine or Alum. Sold only in cans.
The bett and ramt Beaedy for Owe of
olldlieue * caused by any derangement of
the Liver , Kidney * , Stomach and Bowel * .
Dyipepela , Sick Headache , Constipation ,
Billons Complaints and HoIarU of all kinds
yield readily to the beneficent influence of
It la plcMant to the taate , tones up the
syitcm , restores and preserves health.
It U purely Vegetable , and cannot fall to
prove btntftelal , both to old and young.
As a Blood Parifler It is superior to all
others. Bold everywhere at 11.00 a bottle ,
a man for groaning when he has
Rheumatism or Neuralgia , The pain
is simply awful. No torture in the
ancient times was more painful than
these twin diseases. But oughtn't
a man to be blamed if , having Uhcu.
niatUm or Neuralgia , he wont use
Ath lo-phu-ros , when it has cured
thousands who have suffered in the
same way. It has cured hundreds
after physicians have pronounced
them incurable.
"TlieiUllof five phytlclant could not
euro me of KhcumatUm which hail lettlcil
In the hips. necV and ihoulden , So In
tense w the pain lhat tleep wu > almost
Impossible. The firs I dose of Alhlophoros
Cave me relief , > nd the ihlnl enabled me
tu sleep for four nd a half hours without
wakinz. I continued its use.-and am now
well KKV.S. H. TROVER.
New Albany , Ind. " '
TtiF ATHLOPHOROS CO. . 112 Will St.N.Y ,
Health is Wealth !
Du. E. C. Vim's NEnvit AHn HIIAIJ * TIIEAT-
MKST , a prunrantocd wieclllc for Hysteria , D177.1-
ntm. Convulsions , Fltn , Nervous Neuralgia ,
Hoadnch" . Nervous Prostration , caused by the
use of alcohol or tobacco , Wukcfnlnoss , Mental
Depression , Sof toning of the Drain , resulting In
Insimlty.tincl leading to mlsory.dccay and death ,
Premature Old Age , llarrennoss , loss of Power
In cither sex , Involuntary Ixisscs and Sperma
torrhoea caused by over-exertion of the brain ,
self-abuse or over-indulgence. Kach box con
tains ono month's treatment. * 1.1X1 a box , or six
boxes for to.OO , sent by mall picpald on receipt
of price.WE
To euro any case. With each order received by
us for six boxes , accompanied with $ . ' > . ( Xl , wo w 111
send the purchaser our written guarantee to re
fund the money If the treatment does not elTeut
a cure. Guarantees Issued only by C. V. GOOD
MAN , Druggist , Sole Agent , 11101'arnam Sheet ,
Omaha , Neb.
Epps's Cocoa
"Hr a thorough knowledge of thn natural laws
which gororn the opomtlon of digestion and nutri
tion , and liy careful application of the line proportion
of wvll-xoleotcd Cocoa , Mr. Kpns has provided our
brenkfaat tables with n delicately Havorud lioveraga
which mnjr SBVO us mnnr heavy doctor's Mils. HI *
by the Jmllcloui use of such nrtlclon of diet that a
constitution may bo gradually built up until plroni ?
enough to reilst every tendency to ulseaso. Hun
dreds of subtle raaladlos aru floatlni ; around u * ready
to attack wherever there Is a weak point. Wo may
escape raanr a fatal shaft by kocplnx oursclvoi well
fortlllod with pureblood and R properly nourished
frame. " Civil Service Uaiotte.
Madn simply with boiling water or milk. Sold only
In half pound tins by Grocers labeled thus :
TAWDO TJDDR 9. nfl Homroopathlc Chemists ,
JADlLO III I a & tU. ) LONDON , K.\GIVM > .
Paid Up Capital , - $2BOOOO
Surplus , - BO.OOO
II. W. YATfcS , President.
LEWIS H. UEKD , Vlce-Picsldcnt.
A. E. TOUZAI.IN , 2nd Vice-President.
W. II. B. Huunes , Cuahicr.
Cor. 12th and Farnam Sts.
A General lianklug Business Transacted.
E.T.Allen , M. D. ,
Homoeopathic Specialist ,
Spectacles Accurately Prescribed.
J.W. Barnsdall , M. D
Homoeopathic Specialist ,
OynaccologM and Obstetrician ,
Telephone 979.
Surgeon and Physician ,
OIBce N. W Corner 14th and Douglas St. Office ,
telephone , 40J ; Uusidonco telephone , 503.
Or tlio Liquor Habit , 1'osl lively Cured by
Administering Dr. Huines' ( Joldon
It can be given in n cup of coffee or tea with
out the knowledge of the person talcing It ; ab-o-
lutelv liarmlcss , and will clfect n pennant and
fcpeedy euro , whether tint patient is a moderutn
drinker or an alcoholic wreck. TliousanilH ot
drunkards have been intulti temporuto men who
have taken Golden Speclllc intliclr rnffcewltli-
out their knowledge aud today bollevo tlmy
quit drinking of their own free will. It never
fulls. The Hj'btem unco impregnated with the
Speclllc , it becomes an utter impossibility for
tno liquor appetite to exist. I'or wile by Knhn
& Co , Kith and Douglas tits. , and 1Mb nnd dim-
ing fits , Oniaha. Neb. ; A. U. Foster & Uio. ,
Council llluira , Iowa.
( Successor ! ) to John O. Jacobs )
Undertakers & Embalmers
At the old btuml. 1407 Farnam St. Orders by tele
graph Bclliited nnd promptly iittcmlud to.
Telephone No SUi
Nos. 3O3-4O4-I7O-CO4.
SS5fl&KESHS itrtlhr *
_ _ _ . CHECH. Ji
nno < jimlltl. iHx > thi&f currtrtf of
_ . _ _ ti/hMllh Brd VUorojl8lrtrgih. EltrtitA
Currtit " > \ t-l lllnmetljror ! Inoih.
Or l ImproTjnimUor r Ilol > i rk.cei : % > > ! ctmpci.
tk'iiallV tl U i'c l 1(8 u'ttl'li il Chl a
Who U WEAK , NKRVOllft. I F.niMTA >
TED , wholn till 'OM > Y and I NOBAN 'B
biu TRIFI.KII away hit VIUOIl of HOIIV ,
dralni upon the FOUNTAINS of
Ircm > . WEAKNEHH of Memory , BANII.
FVI.NF.M In ( SOCIETY. I IM1 I.I > M upon
the FACE , and nil tbe EFFECTH lendlnR to
T10N or INHANITY , ihould connult at once
tbe CEiLEDRATED Dr. Clarke , KsUbllthed
1861. Dr. Clarke hai made NEKVOKM DE.
BII.ITY , CHRONIC and all Dlieuel of
the UENITO VRIWARY Orean a Lilo
HMidy. It make * NO dlfTlTcnco WHAT you
txure taken or WHO hae failed to cure you.
49-FEH AL EN Buffering from disease ! pccu *
U r to their sex can consult with tbe assurance
ftfipeedy relief and cure. Bond 2 cents pottage
for works on your dlseaiei.
* -Bend 4 cents postage for Celebrated
WorkH on Chronic , NertiuiB and Dcll
e te Diseases. Consultation , pertorml'y or bf
letter , flreo. Consult the old Doctor.
TbonnnodB eared. OfBeevand nRrlorsi
prlTote. 49 Tboie contemplating Marrlara
lend for Dr. Clnrke's celebrated gutao
Male and Female , each 15c. , both 26o.
( itamp * ) . Be faro confldlng your caie , consult
Dr. CLARKE. A friendly letter or call may
lave future nuOeringand ihame , and add Rolclen
yean to life.B&ok I.lfe'a ( Secret ) Er >
rorm , " 60c. ( itampi ) . Medicine and writing *
lent eTeryvThere , secure from nxposure.
Houn , 8 to 8 : Sundays , 9 to 13. Addrrsi ,
F. t > . CLARKE , M. D.
188 So. Clark SU OHIOAQO. ILL.
Our Magic Remedy
' All pypbliltlc niiensei , of recent or long standing .la
fiomtontoUflBendaTs. We MM give written guar
antees to euro any cane or refund yourmonfty. And
wo would say to tlionu who hav employed the most
Skilled I'liytlclans , used every known remedy itnt
have not been cured , that you iu the subjects we am
lookliiK for. You that have been to the culebraMfl
Ilot hprinxs of Arkansas , and bavo lost all bop * of
recovery , we
Will Cure You
tr make no charco. Our remedy Is unknown to any
one In the world outside f our Company , aud It U
Iho only remedy in the world that will cum you. W *
will cure the moit obstinate case In less than on *
month. Beven days In recent cases does the work. II
Is the old , chronic , deep-seated cases thai wo solicit.
We have cured humlrr-ilfl who hnd been abandons
by 1'byslclaus and pronounced Incurable , auil
We Challenge the World
to bring ns a cue that we will not cure In less than
ono month.
hln"ihe history of medicine , a True Specific for
pyp ' Eruptions. Ulcers. Hot * inoutb , Ac. , bar
bctu ,1 for but never found uutll
Our Magic Remedy
iris discovered , and we are Justified In saying It Is tb *
only remedy In the world that will po mvely euro ,
because the latest medical works , published by th *
best known authorities , say there was never a tru *
inocine before. Our Itemed/ Is the only medicine In
the world that will cure when everything else has
failed. Ithnsbeeu to conceded by a lame number of
Celebrated i'hyslrlajis. IT HAS YJCT CAII.ID
TO cum. Why wfctte your time and money with
Ktrnt medicines that never had virtue , or doctor
th pnyMrlans that cannot cure you. You that bar *
tried evi-rytMug else should come to us now and gat
permanent relief ) you never can get Itolsewber * .
Mark wliat we sayi In the end you must take our
Id-inert T or MCVKH recover. And you that have been
afflicted but a short time should by all moans com * to
BS now. Many got help and think theya re free from
the disease , but In one , two or throe years after , II
appears agiln to a more horrible form.
Investigate oar financial standing through the mer
cantile agcncltf and note that we art f ulljr responsi
ble and our written guarantees are pood. We hav * a
KiHtiir prepared ou purely Hclcntrno 1'ilnrlptes and
we wish to repeat that It NCVKU FAII.8 TO cum. An
utters sacredly confidential.
TIIU COOK REMEDY CO. , Oraolia , Neb.
Boorni 1 and 17 Ilellman Block.
Tlilrd Judicial Dlttrlrt ,
7 C11AHUUU 06' COUUKllO B.
20 Cents a Week.
Haven pufit'M u. wetlc , Bend your order to the
UlliCI1 ,
1029 P Street , Capital Hotel Building