THE OMAHA DAIliY BEE : THURSDAY FEBRUARY 10. 188a TBSTBntUY'S QUOTATIONS. IT. B. < rKi tere < 1.12rH \St n * M w * .1OTV IF. R. 4 coupon. . . )2f ) > ? t do preferred 14) ) ir.R.4'4 roKlstreilIO ! i N. Y. Central 107V U.B 4MB coupon..107M O.K. N Jfl > Si , ' ' . Si's Pacific of i 11W I' T Canada rnjiitiiriin. u-i Tacinc Mall i t -V * Central Pacific . . . . 21) ) ! } O. II. & E IP'i Chlrairo ft ll'tillnmnl'alaceCatKO'i . , ll.&Q I'-Tif HcndlnK. . . . MS I ) . . Ij.4 W rmtt Hock IMnnd 113 D. ft It. U 21 8t. Ii. & 8. K ! . . " ' < Erie 27 dopreferred. . . . . . 7Ui ( do preferred 814 ! C. . M. * Ht. PAH ! . . jO Illinois Central llnJ4 do preferred 115 i. , n. ft w n st. P. * o. . . . . . , * . , K.ftT. l ! < ' ° P'-.fcr- < 1 'UI ' ! ' if ft'i.1.0. ' . " ' . ! " ' . ! ta > l Union Pacific. . . . . . . Iir > H MlchlRAn Central. , flli W..Ht.UftP MlHfourll'acinc. . . . M < do preferred l'i Miiieoiirll'ocinc. . . . 2j W.U. Telegraph. . . 78 ? ; do preferred. . . . . . 44i ! MOXBT On call , easy nt per cent. Closed offered 8J lrccnt. aPuiMK MEIICANTILB I'IPBB 6 < 2 < i per cent. BTEHMNO EXCIUNOB Dull but steady and unclmncgcd at 14.84 for 00 day bills , W.b5 i for demand. PllODLCE ChicaRO , Feb. IS. Following arc the 2:30 : closing prices : Flour Steady ; winter \vhcnt bbls , .1..W ® 6.50 ; sacks , ti.SOfta.Tft ; wheat , bbls , * AM@ 4.60 ; Hacks , r2.TK ( , ; spring , 11.75(33.110 ( ; rye Hour , | 2.8.vai.lO : per bbl ; buckwheat flour , W.00 < "rt0.7r > | > cr bbl. Wheat Weak ; prior * avcroRed lower , de clining to a point l , ! , e below yesterday's closing and closed Ifc lower ; cash and March , 75Vc ; Muy , ( JO c. Corn A weak feeling prevailed ; opened J < c under yesterday's close and closed J < @ Jic lower than yesterday ; cash and March , 45Xc ; Mny.fiOk'c. Oats Offered freely , but the market de clined and closed c below yesterday ; May , 31 11-lCc. Rye Quiet nt file. Barley Nominal at7.i77c. PiimoTmothy-t3.43. ! Flax-sccd-fl.45. Whlsky-$1.15. Pork Fairly active and prlcei , though a shade lower , were well sustained ; cash , 14.07 < f ; May , t4. ! : ) @ 14. : K. Lard Dull and u shade lower ; cash , I7.f > 7 ; March. (7. < X@i7.IVJKMay ) ; , $7.75. Dry Salted Meats Shoulders , t . ( )0@0.15 ) : short clear. fS.OO@8.05 ; short ribs , $7..1fK > llutter Easier ; creamery , 82@'JUc ; dairy , SlftlSfic. Cheese Steady ; full cream Cheddars , 10J < ; flats , ll&llj c ; young Americas , li Egps Firm at 23 > i@ii5c. Hides Unchanged ; green hides 5Ke ; prccr frozen , 5c ; heavy green salted , tlj ; liRht preen salted , (1 ( % ; Halted bull. SJ e ; green bull , 4fc } ; green salted calf , Be ; dry flint and dry calf , l'J@13c ; branded , IS percent off ; deacons , ! ) c each ; dry salted , lOc. Tallow In fair demand ; No. 1 , country , solid , 4 o ; No. 2 , 3 } ; cake , 4tfo per Ib. Receipts. Shipments Flour , bbls . 3l,000 ! 2i,0X ) Wheat , bu . 20,000 1 ,00 ( Corn , bu . 2 ± iWX ) 134,001 Oats , bu . 175,000 " 0,001 Kye.bu . 0,000 1,00 ( IJarley.bu . ( W.OOO 32,001 St. Liouifl. Feb. 15. Wheat Lower cash , 7Ut80 ( c ; May , 81 ' c. Corn Lower ; cash , 4445c ; May 4 , ' < c. Oats Dull ; cash , SO gSli c ; May , 29 c I'ork J14.50. Lnrd-7.40. . . Whisky tl.09. Mutter Firm ; creamery , 24@30c ; dairy 18@2tc. Afternoon Hoard Wheat Easy ; March 70 > < o bid ; Muy , 81 , ' 81'fe. ' Corn Harel ; steady ; March. 45c usked ; Muy , 40 c asked Oats- Quiet ; May , 2'J -Wife. . , lilverpoDl. Feb. 15. Wheat Dull ; tin demand has fallen off , and holders are offer ing freely. Corn Dull ; demand poor ; new tnlxci western , 4s lOj d per cental. Now York , Feb. 15. Wheat Receipts 40,100 * ; exports , 8.4IX ) ; options ruled weal early and declined % @ % c with free selling and during the day prices varied but little closing steady with a small recovery ; s ] > ot } { & } { olo\vcr and moderately uctivo ; ungradei red , tt5(00u ( ( ; No. 1 red , nominal at S)2c ) ; Nc a red. ( JS WKc in store and elevator , 388Xc free on board , bUgl ) ( > 0 > { u afloat March , nominal at asYc. Corn Uecoipts , O.COO ; exports , 420 ; oj tions declined ftijfc , and sx | > t Ji tjfc closing steady ; ungraded , 59(2 ( < X ) < c ; No. J 575fc ; No. 2 , 58@f.U" " < c in elevator , 00 > Jc afloat ; March closing at ' ats Hcceipts , 37XH ( ) ; exports , 370 steady ; mixed western , 3J@41c ; white wcsi ern,41@48c. Coffee Spot fair ; Rio , dull at (10.00 options quiet but generally steady ; sale ! 57,750 bags ; February , * 13.25@ii.35 : ; Marcl $13.70@12.N ) ; April , 12.55C' 1'3.05 ; Moj 112.55 ; Juno , tl2.35j2 ( > r.2.40 ; July , 11.UO ( 1200 ; August , Cll.MKgU.76. Petroleum Steady ; united , 88 , ' < c. Egg * Steady ; demand moderate ; wcstcn Pork Firm and fairly active ; moss wa quoted at C15.00@15.25 ; ono year old , flJ.lfK 15.50. Lard Lower , dull and heavy ; wester stcnin , spot , was quoted at (7.95. Butter Quiet and weak ; western , 14 ( < 31 c. Cheese Steady and quiet ; western , 11J @ 12o. MIlWAukce. Feb. 15. Wheat Casl 75J/c ; March. 74 { c ; May , 78 fc. Corn Weak ; No. 3 , 47c. Oats Steady ; No. 2 white , 33a Rye-Firm ; No. 1 , Oltfc , Barloy-Dull ; No. 2 , 74V o. Provisions Weak ; poi-k. February , $14. ( @ 14.25. Cincinnati , Feb. 15. Wheat Dull ; Ni 9 red , 80c. Corn Dull and lower ; No. 3 mixed , 51c. Oats Weaker : No. 8 mixed , 33@Xi < { c. Ityc Unsettled and lower ; No. 2 , U2H < 05c. Provisions Pork , steady ut (14.50. Lard- Steady at (7.50. Whisky- Steady at (1.09. KnMM City , Feb. 15. Wheat Steadj o. 2 soft , cash , T8Kc ; May , 7So bid. Corn Lower ; No. 2 , cash , 42c ; Ma44 J , bid , 45tfo asked. Oata No. 2 , cash , llnneapollf , Feb. 15. Wheat Thor was u weaker feeling , and with an increai of about tOO.OOO bushels of wheat reportc in amount in passage to the United Klngdor trader * were inclined to make Belling sidei receipts , 109 cars ; shipment * , 40 cars , do ing In store : No. 1 hard , cash , 7C ) o ; Marcl 77c ; May , 78 c ; No. 1 northern , caih , 7& M y , 77c ; No. 3 northern. cash , 72o ; May , 74 On track No. 1 hard , 78c ; No. 1 norther 70 > < o ; No. 2 northern , 74c. Flour Patents , In sacks to ship , (4.10 4.25 ; bakers' , t3.20@a.45. New Orleans , Feb. 15. Corn Qul and weak ; white , OOgOlc ; mixed , Olc ; yi low , 62c. Corn Meal Quiet at (3.8 Hog Products Dull , weak and lowc pork , 114.75 ; law , (7.25. ' Bulk Moat * Shoulders , (0.20 ; lei clear and clear rib. (7.75. lilVK Otilcano , Feb. 15. The Drover' * Journ reports aa follow * : Cattle UcceipU , 0,000 ; steady to IQalowc fancy , (5.11X35.30 ; oshipping steer * . (3.M 6.00 ; Btockeraand feeders , (2.35 ( 3.70 ; co\\ bull * and mixed , (1.05@3.15 ; ( .Texas catt . Hogt-llecelpts , 27,000 ; slow and lower than Monday : mixed , (3.0.y5.4 heavy , (5.303S.W ) ; light , (4.95 ( 5.10 ; skij 3.25@4.85. Sheep Hecelpts , 5,000 ; shipments , 1,00 market strong ; natives , (3.01X35.40 ; wci crn , (5.00Q5.30 ; Texan * , (3.5iKji4.50 ; laml National Stock Yard * , East i IjouU , Feb. 15. Cattle Receipt * , 2X ( hipmeuU , 700 ; market steady ; choico'hca native steer * . (4.40(35.25 ( ; fair to good nati Btecr * , | 3.NX < t4.4A ; butchers' steers , medli to choice , (3.150M.15 : stockera and feedc fair to good , (2.00@3.UO ; rangers , ordinate to good , W.20gl4.V ( ! Hogs Receipt * . 5,000 ; shipment * , 3 < market active but lower ; choice heavy a butchers' selections , (5.35 ( < I5,50 : packii medium to prime , (5.00(45.40 ; light grad ordinary to good , (4.75@5.05. Kansas City , Feb. 15. Cattle-Rocolp 2,050 ; shipments , 2KX ( ) ; slow but steady i good of all classes ; common , weak and shade lower ; good to choice corn-fed , (4. a 4.80 ; common to medium , (3.25(34.20 ( ; sto < erVll.SXaa.M ; feeding stccra , rJ.OOQS. ; cows , (1.36@3.00. Hog * Receipts , 7,300 ; shipments , 4 choice heavy stroiig and a shade hlghi others * low and a shade lo\Vor , closing we and Bo lower ; common to choice , Hi&gS. kip * and pigs , C3.0CK34.W , ' OMAHA LIVE STOCK. Cattle. Tucsdaj.Fcb. 16 , 1888. The receipt * were 6P9 head' and among the offerings were sonic very choice steers which sold at f lWKt4 GO. Taken as a whole the market was not any higher than on ycstcr- day. The class of cattle sold was better which accounts for high prices. Common stock wa * about steady. Trading was very active , the local and shipping demand each being good. Hog * . The receipts of hogs were heavy and the general run good. The market opened 10 cents lower than yesterday and closed steady nt the decline with everything taken. One bunch of choice stock sold at (5.1X1. The local packers were all heavy purchasers. Hhecp. The receipts of sheep worn 318 head , among which was one bunch of which were peed , fat natives which sold at (4.00. All grades are about steady. Official HecelptH. Cattle 898 Hogs 0,033 Sheep 31S Prevailing Price * . Showing prevailing prices paid for live stock on the market ; Prime steers , 1300 to 1500 Ibs. . (4.2T. ( $4.00 Prime steers , 1100 to 1300 Ibs. . 3.3. > 04.00 Fat little steers , 900 to 1050 Ibs. 3.U5 63.85 Corn-fed range steers , 1200 to 1500 Ibs 3.50 @ 4.15 Common to choice corn-fed cows 2.00 03.15 Western cows 1.50 ( a2.50 Fair to good range feeders 2.30 ( ji2.75 Medium to good native feeders , 900 Ibs and upwards . . . 2.2 : . ( JJ3.00 Couimoii to good bulls 2.00 ( 3.00 Fair to medium native feeders , 900 Ibs and upwards 2.25 ( S2.50 Stockcrs , 400 to 700 Ibs 2.15 < 2.73 Prime fill sheep 3.75 fe4.25 Good fat sheep , DO if 100 Ibs. . . . 3 25 ( Ui.75 : Fair to medium sheep 2.25 ( d3.00 Common Hlicep 2.00 w'i.25 Light and medium hops 4.0i (1(5.15 ( Fair to choice heavy hogs 5.25 ( tt. " > .00 Fair to choice mixed hogs 5.20 ( < i5.40 Itcprmcntntivc Snlcs. NATIVE bTCCIM. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 0. , . . . .1010 $3.20 15. 10SS f 100 40. . . . .1023 : t. ! > : > ' 15.3. . iioo air. . . . .12.H 3.25 4. 1153 10. . . . . MB 3.21 15. 11CH ! 8. . . . . 953 3.25 4. 23. . . . . 929 3.25 18. 19. . . . .11S4 3.27' , ' 13. 13. . . . . 900 3.30 09.o . . . . .KM ) o 350 lit ! : i.r,5 15. . . . . uiis : i.55 ir. . . . .1152 ; i.oo ir.i. cows. i. . . . .1100 1.50 1140 i.i. i. . . . .1090 1530 \ . . . . 9110 . 1103 n . . . . 10115 2.25 885 . . . . 902 2.25 880 . . . .1350 3.00 1078 . . . .1130 2.30 1200 13. . . . .1224 2.00 1170 3. . . . .1010 3.00 1144 4. . . . .1107 2.02H 1073 4. . . . .1070 2.50 1282 17 . . . .ll'J7 2.80 1003 HULLS. 1400 .2.00 1. 1710 2.75 1. 1550 2.25 1. 1490 2.55 HKIFKIIS AX1 > STEtlfj. 4. . . . .1330 3.50 bllEEP. . . . . . 7(1 ( 3.50 77 99 4.00 55. . . . . 70 3.50 131 05 2.05 HOCil. No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr. No.M. . . .HI _ f4.t5 ; 74. .213 80 * 5.15 20. . . .148 80 4.115 80 5.15 74. . . .204 100 4.05 80 15. . . .100 40 4.05 40 74. . . .1S8 80 4.70 100 80. . . .102 SO 4.70 120 1)5. ) . . .181 KM ) 4.70 100 70. . . .280 100 4.75 82. . . .100 1IX ) 4.75 79. . . .183 2S ( ) 4.W ) 82. . . .200 KM ) 4.1)5 ) 82. . . .189 W ) 5.00 70. . . .217 200 500 82. . . .198 80 5.00 78 . . .203 40 5.00 05. . . .209 2 * 5.05 70. . . .209 80 5.05 Gl ) . . . .215 80 5.05 07. . . .212 120 5.05' 78. . . .210 80 5.05 05. . . .222 120 5.05 40. ! "So 100 5.10 75. . . .210 ICO 5.10 78. . . .209 SO 5.10 75. . . .204 40 5.10 75. . . .210 140 5.10 77. . . .217 5.10 73. . . .233 80 5.10 .70. . . .237 100 5.10 78. . . .244 100 5.10 51. . . .242 120 5.10 73. . . .214 40 5.10 81. . . .229 100 5.10 81.oo 240 5.10 oo ! . . .243 3.0 5.10 70. . . .243 240 5.10 73. . . .249 440 5.10 04. . . .243 240 73 , . . .228 120 11. . . .280 100 73. . . .241 03. . . .209 240 73. . . .244 UK ) 73 , . . .219 120 85. . . .2 < 80 09 , . . .239 80 70 , . . .239 80 00 , . . .230 120 < Live Htock Sold. Showing the number of head of stock sol on the market today.CATTLE. CATTLE. O.H.Hammond & Co 1 Harris & Fisher : Shippers 4 Feeders Local ' Total 0 Loft ever , 210. SHEEP. Harris & Fisher Shippers. . . , 1 Local 1 * Total 3 HOOS. Omaha Packing Co. . . . , 1,9 G. H. Hammond it. Co ; 7 < Armour & Cudauay 2,9 Swift PacklngCo 7 Harris & Fisher 4 Total. . . . 0,8 AU sold. Range of Prices. Showing the extreme highest and low'o rates paid for leading grades of hogs ondat mentioned : Ranjco or Price * . Showing highest and lowest prices paid f loading grades of cattle on dates mention Space loft blank indicates that no sales that particular class of cattle were made > that date : Dockage anil Oonmlalon. Public Inspectors dock pregnant sows pounds , * tapi 80 jxtunds each. Dead hojs. 100 pounds and over , II.0 < 3.00 per cwt , loss than 100 Ibs , of no value. Yardage : Cattle , 'J5c ; hogs , 80 ; sheep , per head. Feed. : Corn , $1.00 per bu. ; tlmot hay , | 30 : prairie hay , t'JO per ton. Commissions : Cattle , 50oper bead ; cab and yearlings. 111) ) per car. Hog * and * he < Single dock , | 5i public ln pectton on hg ICc per car. AU sale * unices otherwise stated per 100 Ib * live weight. Bblpmcnts. Cattle , 18 cars , C. B. & Q Chicago Meat , 4 cars , C. B. & Q Chicago Sheep , 1 cor , C. 13. &Q. . . Chicago Lire Htock Notes. H. Eggcr , of St. Paul , marketed hogs. The Omaha Packing Co. took 1,900 porkers. C. B. True , of Ewing , disposed of a car of cattle. E. O. Johnson , of Inman , sold sheep on the market. F. E. Vallcntinc , of Aurora , had cattle on the market. L. L. Stephens , of Waterloo , marketed a load of swlno. W. F. Church , oj Pierce , came in with five loads of cattle. F. W. Matoon , of Blue Springs , marketed cattle and hogs. Hammond purchased the largest number of cattle yesterday. W. M. Farrlngton , of Lyons , was on the market with cattle. Thomas Armitagc , of Detroit , had cattle on the market to-day. H. F. Church , of Stanton , had five loads of cattle on the market. J. F. Johnson , of Avoca , had a load of cat tle on to-day's market. The UEK'S list of representative sales looms up this morning. Armour & Cudahay bought the largest number of hogs yesterday , J. A. Doyle , of Doyle & Co. , of Colon , mar keted cattle and hogs at good figures. The Union Paclilu and B. & M. roads each brought In 257 head of cattle yesterday. Richard Smith , or "Dick" at his friends call him , of Pierce , was looking over the mar ket to-day. J. H. Bllnkcson , of Coleridge , disposed of n load of hogs at a good figure and went honc ; satisfied. J. A. Snydcr , of Lincoln , sold two loads ol cattle on to-day's ' market at (4.50 and went home happy. , L. It. Llchtenbcrger , of Bradshnw , hail hogs and cattle on the market. Mr. LIchten < burger is a well known shipi > cr. Fred Clark , who was formerly a heavy buyer at these yards , but who has been ab < sent for some time , has returned. The state of Iowa has been "getting there" as fur as top prices on hogs are concerned , for several days. It is now Nebraska's turn , Warren A. Koot , for some time city odltoi of the Hoof and Horn , of South Omaha , 1ms accepted a position as stock reporter for thi Herald. A.V. . Bcahm , of Cortland , marketed t load of l.Vi'J pound cattle at $4. < < 0 , the to [ price. They were daisies and well worth th ( money. . Swift will undoubtedly open his packhif house very soon. What will be the effect 01 the cattle and sheep market ! Do not al speak at once. Charles Gosney , who died yesterday after nopn , will bo buried from the residence , ' street , between Twenty-seventh and Twenty eighth , ut ! : ! to-day ( Thursday ) . The rate war is not ended , oh no 1 Thi Milwaukee announced an UK ccntratooi packing house products this morning. Tin rest of tlto roads fell in and the shippers an happy. \V. L. Embroy , of Shcnandoah , la. , mar kctcd three loads of hogs at $5.00 , the to ) price. They were dandies and weighed 41 ! each. Embre.y says there are several inon where they came from and that he will sent them in as soon as ho gets homo. . OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKETS Produce , Fruits , Nuts , Etc. Tuesday , Fob. IB. Tlw fallowing quotations are tcholesal Hml not retail. Prices quoted on pruduc arc the rates at which round lotsarc sula 01 tliln mitrkct. FrttUH or other lines of f/ooc7 / mmlrtnij extra labor In put-klny cannot til wayn be xumillcd on ouMilc orders at th xamc price * quoted fnr the local trulc nates an flour and feed arc Jobbers price * Prices In yratn arc UIOKC paid by OIIKI/K / miners dclli'ci'cil. All quotations on mcr cltandlsc arc obtalnrd from leading house and arc corrected dally. Prices on crach cm , cake * , etc. , are those given by leading manufacturers. Business could only bo classed as fair litho the produce market. Receipts , with the ex ccption of eggs , "were light and everythini found ready sale. Egg * were in liberal sup ply and prices were quoted lower. The suii ply of butter was equal to the demand am prices unchanged , with choice countr , stock asked for. There was no enough poultry to supply th demand , and prices were firm , but hcav , receipts and warm weather would undoubl cdly weaken them. Chickens are inostl called for Just now. No change Is noted i potatoes , but prices are firm and thcro are it dications of them moving up a cent or twc Fresh receipts of cabbage are reported , bu they came to hand frosted , and are sellin below quotations. In a day or two otbc consignments will coma to hand , und it I hoped in better condition. BUTTEit Creamery , solid packed , 23oJ25c ( choice rolls , 18S.20c ( ; medium , 14@10c ; lei grades , 10@12c. EKH Strictly fresh , 18@20c ; cold storage lGM > 18c ; limed , 14c. Pot'LTiir Dressed chickens , 10@llc pc Ib ; turkeys , 10@llc ; ducks , 10@llc ; geesi . Tuusnrs Good stock , 00@03c ; Rutabaga : 60 ( < ( )55c. ) CiUNnBURiES Boll & Cherry , $10.50 ( 11.01 ; Bell & Bugle , U1.Ctxail.00 ; Bell , Bugle , premium , $ ll.r > 0rf@l'.00. ( POTATOES Utah and Colorado stock , tl.1 @ 1.15 ; choice homo grown. 05@1.00 ; commo grades at 60c. BANANAS Medium , 2.50@3.00 ; choio (3.00(43.50. OiuNOES-Callfornla Riverside. W.00@4.2i Valencia * , 7.M8.00 ) per case of 420 ; Flo Ida , bright * , * 4.2r @ 4.50 ; russetts , $3.50 ( 4.00 ; Mexican , tl.OO. LEMONS * 4.20 ( 4.50 per box. CAMFOHNIA FIIUITS | 3.50@2.T5 , exti choice , (3.00. CAUDAGE (1 per doz and 3 } to 4c fc California. SWKKT POTATOES $1 per doz. , and 2J @ ; per Ib for California. ONIONS Homo grown , 05@$1.00 ; Spanie onions , per 50tb crate , | 1.50$1.75. CEI.EUV Choice , 40@45c per dozen ; fane ; 5 < g5uc. A WLES Eastern fruit , fair to choice , $3. ! @ 3.75 ; fancy , $3.75@4.00. BEANS-Oood stock. t3.00@3.30 ; fair I peed , $1.00@1.80 , California beans 2.25 ( DATES Persian , 80 per Ib. SAUEK KBAUT Choice per bbl. of 80 gal 3.35(3150 ( ; X bbl. , $4.57@5.00. 111.00 p < bbl of 50 gal. CiDBii Choice Michigan cider , ffl.00@fl. ! per bbl. of 33 gal. PorcoKN Choice rice com , 4@4J c per I other kinds , 3X@3o per fit. CARHOTS * J.35C i2.50 per barrel. PAHSXIPS New stock , $2.60 per .barre OYSTBHS Plain standard , 25c ; plain s lects , 30o ; standard. 40c : extra selects , 35. Now York counts , 40c ; bulk oysters , count 11.85 per 100 ; selects , 13.00 per gal ; standar $1.25 per gal. CAULIFLOWER Good stock , t3.00@iJ.80. CHAPES Malagas. f7.50@8.00 per bbl and larger sized bbls. In proportionup to tl Pies In layers , ISt lOc ; cake , llo perl NUTS Peanuts , 6H < 97c , raw ; lirazu nut 13c ; almonds , Tarragona , 23 < i ; EngUi waluuU , 15@18o ; fllberU , 18c ; Italian chee nuts , ISc ; pecans , 12c. HONEV 19@31o for 1-Ib frames ; canni honey , 10@12c per Ib. Grocer' * Lilst , p 1 bacon , llk ll o ; bacon sfdes'.9M@9io ; di f salt , 8M@3)\'c ; shoulders , 0 @ 7c ; dried bee CANDY MUeJ , IH llc ; stick , REFINED LAUD Tierce , 7 > f'o ; 40-1 b squa cans , 7Kc ; 50-lb round , 7&o ; 20-lb roun 7B'c ; 10-lbpaiU , $ Xc5lb palls , 6fo3 - pails. 8\'c. _ BiiooMS-Extra 4-tio , $3.00 ; No. 1 , (2.0 No. 3 , (1.75 ; heavy stable , (4.00. STAHCII Mirror glass , 5Je ; Graves' cor CVc ; Oswego gloss , Go ; Oswego corn , 1fo. } HOLLAND HEKUINOS 70@73 per keg. PICKLES Medium in bbls , (7.00 ; do in hi bbls , (4.00 ; small , in bbls , (8.00 ; do in hi bbls , (4.50 ; gcrkins , In bbls , (9.00 ; do m hi bbls , (5.00. COFFEE Ordinary grades , 18@10c ; fa 19(520c ; prime , 30@2lo ; fancy green ai yellow , 2 < S34o ; old government Java , 2s o HOc ; interior Java , 35 ® 28o ; Mocha , 28 30 Arbuculo's roasted , 2.2c ' : McLaughlii XXXX , 23 fo ; bilwbrth''s , 3\KciRcd"Croi \ ! ; * " " * m * 14 > : jELLiES-SO-lb palls , (1.50C31.75. . TKU Japan * , ao < $55c ; gunpowder , ( We ; Young Hyson , 25&55c ; Oolong , 20 ® 05c. 05c.ROPE Saven-slxteenthiV IKillVc. TOBACCO Lorlllard's Cllraair , 43c ; Splen did , 45c ; Mechanic's Dclig-ht , 44c ; Lorectt & Meyer' * Star , 45c ; Cornerstone , SOc ; Drum- mond's Horseshoe , 43c : J. T. . 4Jc ; Sorg's Spearhead , 44c ; Catlln's'meerschaum ' , Hie ; Catlln' Old Style , 28c ; Pelocr Holdslck , Otc. SroAU Granulated , TiiidT c ; conf. A , 7 , ' < @ 7Vo ; white extra C , , * < ( < N5J c ; extra C , " ' : yellow CJ > < tt5Vc ; cuUoaf , i , powdered , 8 @ 8 ' } 'ft ' ; New Orleans , c. Sriturs New Orleans molasws per bbl. , 4WiZOSc per gal. ; corn syrup , Ooc ; half bbls. , 8c7 ; 4 gallonkogs , (1.55. SALT Per bbl. car load , (1.40. M\PLE SfOAK Brick * , 1'JJi'c per Ib ; penny cakes , 15o per Ib. \VooDENWAUE-Two-hoop palls , ixr dor. , (1.40 ; three-hoop pails , (1.05 ; No. 1 tub , (050 ; No. 2 tub. (5.50 ; No. 3 tub (4.60 ; wash boards. (1.50 ; fancy washboards , ( : < .50 ; assorted - sorted bowls , (2.76 ; No. 1 churns , (9.50 ; No. 3 churns , (8.50 ; No. 3 churns , (7.50 ; butter tubs , (1.70 ; spruce. In nests , (1.70. CHACKBIII. CAKES , ETC' . Price * subject to change. Soda , Gc ; soda ( city goods ) , 7c ; soda snowflakes ( in tin * ) , lie ; soda dandy , O c ; soda wafers ( in tins ) , lOc ; soda zephyr , 8c ; city oyster , 0fc } ; excelsior , 7c ; farina oys ter , 5i c ; geui oyster , 5c ; monitor , 7c ; Omaha oyster , To ; pearl oyster , 5c : picnic , 5c ; snowdrop oyster , 8c ; butter , 5c ; Boston , 8c ; Omaha butter , 7c ; saw tooth butter , OJfc ; cracker meal , BXc ; graham. 8c ; graham wafers , lOc ; graham wafers In pound pack ages , 13c' , hard bread , 5c ; milk , 7J c ; , oat- mcnl. Sc : oatmeal wafers , lOc ; oatmeal wa fers in Ib pkps , 12 } c ; animals 13c ; bollvcr ginger ( round ) , 7c ; cream , 8c ; Cornhill , lOc ; cracknells , 16c ; frosted cream , 8Ke ; ginger snaps. 80 ; ginger snapt ( city ) , c ; homo made ginger snaps in boxes , 13c ; homo tniuio ginger snaps (1 ( Ib cans ) per dozen , (2.r > 0 ; Icmod cream , 8c ; pretzels ( hand made ) , llKe ; assorted cakct , and Jumbles , ll c ; assorted flngors , " 15c : afternoon-tea ( in tins ) per dozen , (7.00 ; banana Augers , 14c ; butter jumbles , lljjc : Brunswick , ISc ; brandy snaps , 15c ; chocolate drops ( new ) , ICc ; chocolate wafers , 15c ; Christmas lunch ( in tins ) , per dozen , (4.50 ; cocoa taffy snaps , 14c ; coffcu cnko , 12o ; Cuba Jumbles , ll } c ; cream puffs , 20c ; egg jumbles , 14c ; ginger drops , lie ; honey jumbles , HVc ; jelly ling ers , 15c ; Jelly wafers , 15c ; Jelly tart ( new ) , 15c ; lady lingers , 13c ; vanilla bar , He ; va nilla wafers , He ; Vienna wafers , 1 dozen packages in box , per dozen , (2.50. CANNED Goons Oysters , standard , per case , i.tg3.35 ! ( ) ( ; strawberries , 2-lb per case , * 3.25@3. : ; raspberries , 3-lb per case , ( . ' ) .V0i ! ( 3.30 ; California pears , per case , $4. 70a-4. 80 ; apricots , per case , (4.50@4.60 ; peaches , per case , (5.00g5.75 ( ; white cherries , per caso. (600 ; Cal. plum9percase , 4.30@4.40 ; blueber ries , per case , (3.30@3.40 ; epg plums , 3-lb l > ercase , (2,50 ; pineapples , 2-lb , per case (3.20@5.7. > ; Mb salmon , per doz , (1.75jbl.OO ( ; 2-lb gooseberries , per case , (3.25@3.35 ; 2-lb string beans , per case , ( l.SOVJ1.85 ( ; 2-lb Lima beans , per ease , (1.60@l.ft5 ; 2-lb marrowfat peas , (2.00rt2.70 ( ; 2-lb early June pear , per case , (2.85 ; 3-lb tomatoes , (2.50 ; 2-lb corn , (2.30@2.40. Dm CD FHUITS Apples , bbls , new , , > Cs , ' ' 50-lb boxes ' . ' lOc @ 7'4'c ; evaporated - , © ; raspberries , evaporated , 23J @ 21c ; black berries , evaporated , 9li@10u : pitted cher ries , 22@23c ; peaches , Bastcrn , new , K . ( SSJi'c ; evaporated , pooled peaches , ! iOj ( 32o ; cvaimrated. unpared , IStwlUc ; new cur rants , @ } { c' prunes , now , 4)4@5c ; citron , 24@25c ; raisins , California- London layers , (2.40@2.50 ; California loose mus catcls , (2.00@3.10 ; now. Valencia. 7Jf@8c. All goods packed In cans 1 ct. per Ib. ad' vauce except Snowflake und Wafer Soda , which is packed only in cans. Soda in 2 Ib , and 3 Ib. paper boxes , } .f cent per Ib. advance ; all other goods , 1 cent per Ib. advance. Sodu in 1 Ib. paper boxes , 1 cqnt per Ib. advance. The 2 Ib. boxes are packed in cases holding IS in a caso. The 3 Ib. boxes are packed in cases holding 12 in a case. Th6 1 Ib. boxes arc packed in cases holdlnpr.iW in a caso. One Ib , Graham and Oatmeal Wafers packed 2 doz in a caso. p , Show Tops for boxes , with glass opcnlngtc show goods , 75 cents. Cans for Wafer Soda (3.00 not returnable. Cans for Snowflake Soda , (0.00 per doz. Tin Cases with Glass Face to display the goods , 75cents each. Me charges for Packages except for cans und returnable turnablo cases. Glass Front Tin Cans am "Snowflako" Soda Cons' ore returnable a1 prices charged ' Dry' Goods. DUCK West Point 29"In. 8 oz. , lO c : Wes' ' Point 39 in. 10 oz. , ISJtfc : West Point 10 in. 1 : oz , 15c ; West Point 40 in. 11 oz , l c. Check ! -Caledonia X , 9Yc ; Caledonia XX , 10' c Economy , 9' c ; Otis , 8 c. KENTUCKY JEANS Memorial , 15c ; Canton 18c ; Durham , 27 c ; Hercules , ISc ; Learning ton , 83 > o ; Cottswold , 27)tfc Ciuaii Stevens' B , Oc ; bleached , 7c ; Ste vens' A , 7Ko ; bleached , 8Kc ; Stevens' P 8J < c ; bleached , 9 > c ; Stevens' N , bleached , lO c ; Stevens' S R T , 12Kc. MISCELLANEOUS Table oil cloth , (2.85 plain Holland , 8 > c to 9c ; Dado Holland 12Ko. CAMIIUICS Slater. 5c ; Woods , 5o ; Stan dard. 5c ; Peacock. 5c. COM FOHTEKS (0.fiOGia".00 BLANKETS White , (1.00@7.50 ; colored ( l.l 8.00. 8.00.BI.KACIIED SHEETINO Berkeley cambric No. 60 , 9) ) < c ; Best Yet , 4-4 , 0fc ; butter clot ! OO , 4 > tfc ; Cabot , 7KeFarwcll ; , 8J c : Fruit o Loom. OJ/c ; Greene G , Oq ; Hope , 8c ; Kini 0-4,15c ; Popperell , 8-4 3tc ; Pepperell 9-4 , 33c Pcppcrell.10-4 , 25c ; Canton 4-4 , 8c ; Cantor 4-4 , 9Xc ; Triumph , Oc ; Wamsutta , lie ; Val ley , 5c. FLANNELS Plaid Raftsman , SOc ; Goshen 32Kc ; Clear Lake , 32K t Mnplo City , SOMc White-G H No. 3. Jf. 21c ; G H No. 1 , % 27Ko ; B H No. 3 , & , 33 > < ? c ; B H No. 1 , % SOc ; Queeheo No. l,5 ,42o ; Quecheo No. i 5f , 37X < 5' Quecheo No. 4 , 3f , y&lf ° 'i Anawar , lilkc ; Windsor , 32 0. Red C , 24-incli. 15 fc E , 34-inch , Sic ; GG , 24 inch , 18c ; HA P , 250 ; J R F , % , 27 0 ; G , ff , 35c. PRINTS SOLID COLOHS Atlantic , Co Slater , 5Kc ; Berlin Oil , OWcGarner ; Oil,0j ( 7c. PINK AND RoBEa Richmond , O c ; Aller O c ; River polat , 5c ; Steel River , O o ; Rich tnond , Oc ; Pacific , OJ c ; ISDIOO BLUE Wasl ington , flo ; Century Indigo blue prints , lOc American , 7c ; Arnold , 7c : Arnold Ii lie ; Arnold A , 12c ; Arnold Gold Sea 10fc. } DRESS Charter Oak , 5tfc ; Ramap 4Ho ; Lodi , 5c ; Allen , Oc ; Richmon 3Uc ; Windsor , OJ o ; Eddystone , 0 > c ; Pacifl < COTTON FLANNELS 10 per cent trade dli count LLej c ; CO , 7Kp ; SS , 8Kc ; Name less 5Kc ; No. 5 , 8c ; EE , OKc ; GO , 10 > < c XX , 12o ; OO , 14c ; NN , lOc ; RX , 18o ; R , 20c No. 10 , 8 > < c40 ; , 10 c ; 00 , 12 > < c ; 80 , 15o ; S colored , lOc ; 50. colored , 13c ; 70 , colored , 15c Bristol. 13Vio ; Union Pacific , 18c. CAHPET WAHP Bebb white , lOj c ; colored SHOWN SIIEETINO Atlanta A , 44 , 7 > < c Atlantic H , 4-4,7 0 ; Atlantic D , 4-4 , ! % c ; A lantlcP , 4-4. 6c ; Aurora LL. 4-4 , 6Jo ; Ai rora C , 4-4 , 5c ; Crown XXX , 4-4 , 7 > i Hoosier LL , 4-4 , Oc ; Indian Head , 9-4 , 7 > lc Lawrence LL , 4-4 , 6c : Old Dominion , 4n SJtfc ; Popperell R , 4-4 , 7c ; Pepperell , O. , 4- < Oc ; Pepperell , 8-4,18Kc'Pepperell ; , 9-4 ; 21 c Pepperell , 10-4 , 23onuica ; ( C , 4-4 , 4Jfc Wi chusctt , 4-4 , 7 > c ; Aurora R. 4-4 , 6) c ; Auror B , 4-4. Oc. ' BATTS Standard , 8cGem , , 10J cBeautj ; 12Ko ; Boono. 14o ; B , cased , W.50. GINUHAM Plunkctt checks , 7 > c ; Whi teuton , 7Hc ; York , ' 7 > o ; Normandl dresi 8 > < c ; Calcutta dress , 8Wc ; Whittcnton Area Oc ; Renfrew dress , 8Kx13ic. } TICKS Lewlston , 30-ln. , 12) ) 0 ; Lewistoi 33-in. , ISVtfe ; York , 82-m1. . 14o ; Swift rivei 7K"Thbrndikc ; , OO , 8 0 ; Thorndlke , EE 8Hc ; Thorndlke , 120 , 9Ko ; Thorndike , XX > 15c ; Cordis , No. 5 , 0 > icCordis ; , No. 4 , lie. DENIMS Amoskeag , 0-or. . lOc ; Evcrct 7-oz. , 13c : York , 7-oz.V'l8c ; Haymaker , 8) ) < Jaffrey , XX , ll > fc ; iaffrey , XXX , 12W < Beaver Creek , A A , 12c ; Beaver Creek , 131 lie ; Beaver Creek , COj.lOc. General Markets. GRAIN Wheat , No.-l , first quality , 60 < ordinary , 57a59c ( ; ryit,165c ; oats , 30 < g31 ( yellow corn , 40c ; white corn , 45o ; barle ; 6500c. Duuos Ammonia carb , 14c ; campht refined SOc ; copperas , ljc ; cream tarta 45c ; cream tartar powdered. 20@50o ; Ii dlgo Madras , 75c ; morphia sulpb , $3.40 ; sod bl. carb , 04 c ; Venice turpentine , 40c ; gui opium , 14.50 ; quicksilver , SOo ; quinine , Go man per oz , 55o ; quinine , P. & W. , Olc ; wa : yellow , pure , 32c ; wax. white , 40@48o ; citr acid , per Ib. , 02o ; oxalic acid , per Ib. , 13 < turtarlc acid , powdered , perlb. , Me ; aluu 4c ; borax , refined , per Ib. , lOc. OILS Carbon , lii@25c ; linseed , boilc 02c ; linseed , raw. 5Uc ; castor. No ll.CO ; No. 2 , 1.12 ; sperm whale , $1.00 ; fisi bank 35o ; noatsfoot extra , 55o ; ncatsfoot N 1 , 50o ; gasoline , 74 degrees , 15c ; W. S. lar 05c ; No. 1 lard' SOc ; No. 2 lard , 50c ; W. V zero , Ho ; W. \ a. summer , 13c ; golden No. 40o ; golden No. 3 , 35c ; whale , 20o ; naptha degree , 14c ; headlight 150 degrees , 12c ; hea light , 175 degrees , 15c ; turpentine , 40c ; ca I tor , pure , | 1.45 per gat EXTRACTS Sanderson's oil bfrganiot , per Ib. , (9 00 ; oil lemon , per Ib , (2.50 ; oil pep permint , (3.00 ; oil wlntergrecn , $ -.V ) ; olive oil , Malaga , per gallon , (1.25. SOAP-Castile , mottled , per Ib. , ? @ 10c ; castile - tile , white , in < ? i3c. PAINTS Vhlta lead , pure. Ooifjwhlte lead , fancy , 6c ; putty , in bladders , H ; I'arls white , 3o ; common , 3U"c ; red lead 7c WINDOW GLAUS Singln. 70 pec cent ; double , 70 and 10 per cent discount. ' -LEATHBK Oak aoloa , 3.X37c ; hemlock slaughter sole , 20 29c ; hemlock dry solo , 21(325c ( ; hemlock kip , 090c ; A. & B. run ner kin , 50@75c ; A. hemlock calf , 90c(3(1.00 ( ; A. A. hemlock calf , "backs , " 75o ; hemlock upper , 19@24c ; English grain upper , 35c ; hem lock grain upper , 31(324c : Tampico B. L. Morocco,20@33c ; Tumplco pebble , O. D. Mo. , 23 ( < * 2 ! c ; Curncoa. B. G. Mo. , 'JOc ; Simon O. I ) . Mo. , .753 00 ; Dangola kid. 30M35C ; X. M. Kangaroo , 40o ; American calf kid , 32c : Gncivn kids , (3.00(33.50 ; French glared kids , (2.50(31.75 ; French calf kids. (3.20 ; oak kip skin * , 80cg(1.00 ( ; oak calf skins , (1.00St.25 ( ; French calf skins , 11.25 ® 3.05 ; FrencfT kip skins , (1.10@1.50 ; Russia linings. ( < ) .00@0.50 per doz ; pink , cream and white linings , (7.50@10.00 per doz ; colored topping * , (4.00@11.00. ill DBS Green butchers' , 4W@5c ; green cured. 5k@flc ; dry flint , 9c ; dry salt , So ; green calf skins , 7c ; damaged hides , two- -third * price. Tallow 3c. . Grease Prime white , 4o ; yellow , 3o ; brown , 2c. Sheep pelts , 25ei'(1.00. ( Stea < Vv and unchanged. Green ox pelts , 3j28lc ( ! ; kipskins , ( unfrozen ) , 4@8Mc ; cowhides , 4K@5c. Funs Raccon,10ftOOomink ; , 1540o ; musk rat fall , 2@7c ; striped skunkG@25c ; mountain wolf , No. 1 , (1.50f2.50 ( ! ; No. 2 , prairie , B0@ 75c ; No. 2.2r.40c ; beaver , No. 1 , per Ib , (2.0tX < i3.00 ; No. 2 , (1.00@1.23 ; otter , (1.00 ® 0.00 ; dry deer skins , 20Wi. ( c per Ib ; dry ante lope , elk , moose , etc. , 15 ( > 25c. HAY Upland prairie , W.0 ( > ( < $7.00 ; common coarse , (5.00@tf.50 ; straw , (0.00@0.53. SriniTS Cologne spirits 188 proof , (1.14 : do , 101 proof , (1.10 ; spirits , second quality , lei proof , (1.14 ; do , 188 ; proof , (1.13 ; alcohol , 188 proof , per wino gallon , (2.18 ; redistilled whiskies (1.00@1.50 ; gin , blended , (1.50@2.00 ; Kentucky bourbons , (2.00ao.OO ( ; Kentucky and Pennsylvania ryes , (2.00 < g0.50 ; Golden Sheaf bourbon and rye whiskies , (1.50 ( 3.00 ; brandies , Imported , (5.XC8.50 ) ; domestic , ( l. ! ) ( S3,00 ; gins , im ported , W.ftOgOOO ; domestic , (1.35(93.00 ( ; champagnes. Imported , per case , (28.00 ® 33.00 ; American , per case , ( tO.OO@10.00. Fi.otrn AND FKED Minnesota patents , (2.00 per cwt ; Kansas and Missouri fancy whiter patents. (2.00 ( > 2.75 per cwt ; Nebraska pat ents , ( i.45@2.50 per cwt ; rye ( lour , (1.90 ® " ! .00 per cwt : ; wheat graham , (1.75 par cwt ; ye graham , (1.40 per cwt ; New York buck wheat , (0.50 ( 7.00 per bbl ; Excelsior , ( C.OO [ jcrbbl ; ready raised , ( .VUO per 100-lb case ; orntneal , yellow , (1.00@1.10 per cwt ; white , M.05@1.15 per cwt ; bran , (10.00@17.00 per on ; screenings , (14.50@15.00 per ton ; hom- ny , (3.35 per bbl ; chopped feed , (19.520.00 ( ) icrton ; chopped corn , ( I8./0@19.00 ( per ton. ANU SHOT Shot , (1.45 : buckshot , rl.70 ; Miami powder , (5.00 : half kegs , (2.75 ; jnc-fourths , $1.50 ; blasting , kegs. (2.15 ; uses. 100 feet , 45M75c. FLAXSEED Quoted at (1.35 per bushel. HEAVY HAHDWAUE iron , rate , (2.50 ; plow steel , special cast , 4c ; crucible steel , 0 } c ; cast tools , do , 12$15c ; wagon spokesper set , S-.00@5.50 ; hubs , per set , (1.25rt2.00 ( ! ; felloes , sawed dry , ( I.i5l,50 : ( ; tongues , each , 70c : axlcseach,75c ; square nuts , pcrlb , 5@13c ; co ! chain , per Ib , ; 03 @ 13c ; mellcable , 7@10c iron wedges , Gc ; crowbars , Ou ; harrow teeth , 4c ; spring steel , 4@6o ; Burden's horse shoes , $4GT4.75 ; Burden's mule shoes , (5.75@5.i5 ; barbed wire , in car lots , (4.00 per 100 Ibs ; iron nails , rates 10 to 50 , (2.40 : steel nails , (2.50. Dry Lumber. DIMENSIONS AND TIMltF.ltS. 2. 14 \ IB ft. Wt. SOft. 2ft. 24 2x4 .17 CO 20 00 21 01230023 ( X 2x0 .17 oO.'W 0021 00,23 0023 L'x8 .17 5020 0021 0022 00,22 , 0. 2x10 .17 6020 0021 | 002:1 : 00,23 , 01 2X12 .18 2T > 20 U02I 0024 W24 ( M 4x4-8x8 . .18 10 HI M 20 60 23 00 23 ( X 31OA1IDR. No. 1 com , s 1 s.(18.50 I No. 3 com , s 1 s.$15 5 ( No. 2 com , s 1 s. 17.00 | No. 4 com , sis. 13.5 ( FKNCINO. No. 1 , 4 & 0 ill 12 & 14 ft. , rough . (19.51 No. 1 , " " 10 " . 19.51 No.2 , " 12 14 " . 10.51 " " " 10 " . 18.01 HIDING. A , 12 , 14 & 10ft.(21.50 I C , 12 , 14 & 10 ft.(15.S B , " " 20.50 1 D , " " 13.51 FLOOII1NO. A 0 In White Pine . (25.5 ( BOin " " . 33.51 COin " " . 30. Dflin " " . 21.51 EOin " " ( Sol. Fencing ) . 1'J.W 0 in. Drop Siding 50c per M extra. CEILING AND PAUTITION. 2d com > r in White Pine Ceiling . (34.0 " ii > ' . 28.0 Clear , % in Norway " " . 16.0 2dcom. in " " " . 14.W BTOCKI1OAKDS. A 12 inch sl s . (15. & B12 ' . 39.2i CIS " . 30.0 D13 " . 33.0 No. 1 coin , 13 ins IB , 12ft . 20.5 " " " 14ft . 10.0 " " 16ft . 18.5 ' " " 10 , 18,20ft . 21.5 No.2 , " 2 . 100 " " " 12&14ft . 18.5 " " " 17ft . 17.5 12 In Grooved roofing , (1 per M. more than i in Stock Boards same length. 10 in Grooved Roofing same price as 12 ii Stock Boards. . snip LAP. No. 1 Plain 8 and 10 in . , (19.0 No.2 * " " " . 17.5 No. 1O G , Sin . 19.5 FINISHING. 1st and 2nd , clear , 1 , l' ins 3s . (51.0 " " " 1 ,3 . 51.0 3d , clear , 1 in , s3s . " 44.5 " IK , IX , 2" . < > A , select , 1 ms'jB . 40.0 A " IJf , IH.SinsS * . 44.0 B , " Iins2s . 30.0 B , " l , lX,2ins38 . 37.0 SOtlTIIKHN YELLOW PINB. Com. 4 ino h Flooring . ( Star , " " . 21.B 1st and 3d clear 4 inch Flooring . 33.0 Six inch 40o less. ClearJ lnch Ceiling . 31.5 Clear X inch Partition . 25.0 Clear % inch , Partition (3 above % Incl/Ceillng . . . 25.0 Clear Finish , 1 and lk inch , * 3 * . 29.0 Clear Finish , IK and 2 Inch , * 3 s . 30.0 Clear Corrugated Ceiling , 4 inch . 25.5 Clear Yellow Pine Casing and Base. . . . 37.0 FOPLAH LUMBER. CPoplarBx. Eda. X in. , s 2a . (35.0 " " \i in. Panel , s 3 s . 27.0 " " Corrugated Ceiling , K. . 28.6 BATTENS , WELL TUBING , PICKETS. O. G. Batts , 3M in 65c ; K x3. 1 s. 40c ; 81 : Well Tubing , D. & M. and Bo v. , (23.00 ; Pic ! cts , D. & H. Flat , (30.50 : D. H. Sq. , (21.50. SHINGLES , LATn. XX clear , (10 ; extra * A * . (2.85 ; A stani ardNo. C , No. 1 , (1.45 ; lath , (2.55. POSTS. White ccaar , 6 In. , X s. 12 > < c ; 0 in. qr c ; white cedar , 5 in M * HWc ; 8 ii qrs lOc ; white cedar. 4 in. round , IbKo ; Tot nessee red cedar , split , He ; split oak , lOo ; in 7 in. , and Sin. ( X each ) 8 ft. , round , W. < post * . _ Omaha Retail Marked. Thursday , Feb. 15. All quotations given In this column m obtained from Icadlny dealers and are cot reeled tfrilft/ . COAL Per single ton , delivered : Eg ) (13.00 ; nut , (12.00 ; range , (13.00 ; walm block , (5.50 ; Iowa nut , (4.50 ; Iowa -lum ] (5.00 ; Colorado , (5.00. Gun Club Meeting. . The Omaha Gun club held a regular mce Ing at Penrose & Hardln's sporting hcadqua ters yesterday. Present Messrs. Hughe Worlcy , Field , Ellis , Cotter , Thompson , Pa malee , Bruckor , Brewer and Pcnroso. The board of managers submitted the report with reference to enforcing the gau law * . In this report they stated that evci shipper and dealer in the city bad been dul notified that if caught handling any gameoi of season that they would be prosecuted ' the fullest extent of the law. Also , that the were busily engaged looking up cvldeni against divers parties throughout the sta for killing chickens and grouse unlawful Report adopted. Mr. Pcnrosc made a motion that all mei bers of the club who failed to attend or regular meeting out of three successive sc sions should bo dropped from the club's re tor. Carried. Tbero was much other business of a ml cellaneoui character transacted and the cli adjourned. CHURCHILL PARKER , DealerinAgricDltnrallmplenieDts.faps . , Outlasts iind IUB ! | M. Jtif Ptrpet. t > elwc urtbntij ! WiL , Omttii , Metrtikt. _ LININOER & METIMLP CO. , AgricnltttrallDiDleinents.faEons.CaiTiages . . i , Ktc. Wholt lf , Qm h , PARLIN , ORENDORP & MARTINT Wholculo lK' ler In Agricultural Implements , Wagons & Bn ies _ Ml , M. OU6 nd C07 Jonct Street. Omnht. _ P. P. MAST & CO. , Manufacturers of Bnckeye Drills , Seeders , CultlTitnra. ll r lUkei. Cider Mllll unit LuMo I'ul- Tcrlif r . Cur. Ulh na NtcliolM ftrtMi , WINONA IMPLEMENT CO. , Auricnltnral Implements , Wagons & BQ ies Comtr lllh ind Klcholai Slrroti. _ OMAIIABHA NUIt. J. F. SEIBERLINO * CO. , ( Akron , Ohio , ) Hamsilng MacoineiT and Binder Twine , W. B. Mefcl , Al n K > ; r. MOLINE.MI LBUR NigTsTO D D A iEi Co" Manufacturers and Jobbers In Wapns Buggies , Rakes , Flows Etc , Cor. Mh nd 1'acinc StreoU , Oiuuln. Ngb. Artists' MatorlolT A HOSPE , Jr. , Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs , 1513 IHiuglas Street , Omaha , Nrlirnnkg. Shoes. . v. MORS"E & co7T JoDDers of Boots and Slices , 1411 Knrnim St.Omnhn , Nol > . Manufactory , hummer Hired , o ton. KIRKENDALL. JONES & CO. , ( tjuccvssora to lived , Jonci A Co. ) f bolesale Manufacturers of Boots and Slioes AncntBfur lloitun Hubber Shoo Co. 1103,1IU & 1100 llurncjr bt. , Oiunlin , Ncbrankn , Booksellers and Stationers. H. M. fc 3. W. JONES , Buccf ser to A. T. Kenjon & Co. , W lioloralo & netnll Booksellers and Stationers , Fine Wcddlmj Hlntloncry , CommerrUl Stationery. 16r.rIKiu l.u Street , Omulm. Neb. _ Coffoe8 , Splcos , Etc- "cLARKETcOFFEE'cd. , Ornubtt Coffee anil Spice Mills. Teas. Coffees , Spices , Baking Powder. 'lavorlnB Kxtrncts , Laundry Hltie. Inks , Etc. Hit- U10 Hartley Street , Omahu , Nebr kii. Crockery and Olassyvnre. Apent for the Manufncturcrs nml Importers of Glassware Lamps Chimneys Crockery , , , , Etc. Offl cc , 317 S. 13tli St. , Oiuubii , Nebrnikn. Commlsslpnjand Storage- D . A. HURLEY. Commission and Jobbing , Duttcr. KKH and 1'roduce. Cdnrlitnniciita folicltcd. llc ( l < iuiirter for btoneware , Ilerry lloc und Orapc Baskets. 1411 Uoditc fct. , Omalm. RIDDLLL & RIDDELL , Storage and Commission Merchants , Specialties-Butter , Kngs , Chet-fc , Poultry , ( iame , Oysterf , Etc. , Ktc. 112 South 14th Strett. WIEDEMAN & CO. , Proflnce Commission Merchants , Poultry , liutter. Game , Knills , Ktc. 220 South Ilth St. . omuba , Nebraska. OEO. SCHROEDER & CO. , ( Successors to McHhano & Scliroeder. ) Produce Commission and Cold Storage , Omaha , Nebraska. Coal , Coke and VJrne. ' " " OMAHA'COAL , C"OKE i LIME co. Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal , 209 South 13th Street , Omaha ! Nebraska. J. J. JOHNSON & CO. , Hannfactnrers of Illinois Wbite Lime , And shippers of Coal , Coke , Cement , Plaster , I.lme , Drain Tile , and Sewer Tlpe. Otnre , 1'aiton Hotel , farnam St. , Omaba , Neb. Telephone 811. NEBRASKA FUEL CO. , Shippers of Coal and Coke , 211 South 13th St. . Omalm. Neb. JDry floods and Not lone. M. E SMtTH & CO. , Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions , 1KB and 1104 DotiRlas , Cor. Ilth St. , Omaha , Neb. KILPATRtCK-KOCH DRYGOODSCc Importers and Jobbers inDryGooflsMons , Gents' Furnlihlnx Hoods. Corner Ilth arid Uajnej IMS .Omaha. Nrbratka. Furniture. DEWEY & STONE , Wholesale Dealers in Furniture , Karnam Street. Omaha. Nebraska. groceries. PAXTON , GALLAGHER & CO. , Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , 70S , TOT , 709 and 7118.10th St. , Omaha , Neb. McCORD , BRADY & CO. . Wholesale Grocers , 12th and Lcavenworth Btreeti , Omaha , Nebraska D. M. STEELE ft CO. , Wholesale Grocers , mi , 1221 and 1223 Harney Street , Omaha , Neb. ALLEN BROS. , Wholesale Grocers , 1114 and 1118 Uarntj Street , Omaha , Neb. Hardware. LEE , FRIED & CO. , Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , ' Tinware , Sheet Iron. Ktc. AcenU Tor HoweBcaUl and Miami Powder Co , Omaha , Neb. HIMEBAUQH & TAYLOR , BnMetf Hardware and Scale Repair Shot Mechanics' Tools and Buffalo Bealei. 1 < 06 Dougli Btrett , Omaha , Nebraska. RECTOR , WILHELMY & CO. , Wholesale Hardware , 10th and Harney Sli. , Omaha , Ntb. Western Ajeni lor Austin Powder Co. , J fftr on Htetl Nails , Fairbanks OUndard Bcajes. Heavy Hardware , W. J. BROATCH , Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel , Springs , Wagon Htock , Hardware , Lumber , EU3. 1 * and ll Ilarney Street. Omaha. JAMES A. EDNEY. Wholesale Iron and Steel , Wagon and Carriage Wood Stock , Heary Hardwar Kte. 1J17 and lift LeaTnworth Bt , Omaha , Neb. Lumber. OMAHA LUMBER CO. , All Kinds of Building Material at Wnolesal 18th Street and Union Pacific Track , Omaba. LOUIS BRADFORD , Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sash , Doors , Ktc. Yards-Corner 7th and Douglas ; Cora 9th and Uuuglas. C. N. DEITZ , Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber , 13tb and California Btreeti , Omaha. Nebraska. FRED W. CRAY , LumberLime Cement Etc Etc , , , , , , , . Corner tth and Douglas Bts. . Omaha. ; 0 in , Dumber. _ " " - V-- - - t.W. HARVEY LUMBER corr * * , To Dealers Only , I Offlr * , t 03Farnam Street Omabt. l J O H N"A. . W A"K E H ELD , ' Wholesale Lumber , Etc , Imported and American I'ortlanJ } 'emnt. mat * . Agent for ' | > 'ikej > muranlle Cemenl and CHA8. R. LEE , Dealer in Hardwood Lumber , Worn ) Carpels and Parquet flooring. Wh nod Douglaa _ _ . " " PAXTON""VIERLINOU f rough ! and Cast Iron Bnilding fort Knglnet. Brass WorMleneral Koundrjr , Machine anil lllatkimlta Work. Office and Wurki , 13. 1 > Hy. nil ITlh Street , Oreahi. OMAHA WIRE & IRON WORKS , Manufacturers of fire and Iron Railings Desk Haiti , Window ( Jtianls. Flower RUnd , VTIr Muni , Ktc. 1Z ) North Kth Street. Omaha. OMAHA SAFE and IRON WORKS , JJan'frsofFire&BnrglarProofSafes ' Vaults , .tall Work , Iron and Wlm Fencing , Hlgns , KW , U. Andreen , I'rup'r Cor. lull and Jackson Ml , CHAMPION IRON'nnd WIRE WORKIS Iron and fire Fences , Railings , Guards , nS 8t reen < , for hanks , afllees. More * , resiliences , oto. ImprfYed Awnings , lxck > mUli Machinery and UTackMulih Works. 4UI Koulh lllh St. ; MEAGHER & LEACH , Fire and Burglar Proof Safes ; Time Locks , ( Ji'ncral Agent * for Dlebold 8af & I < ck Co. ' * Vaults unit Jull Work , HI ) t arnaiu Sum , Omaha , , Cn.f9i Eto. W . L. PARROTTE & f bolesale Hats , Cans'and Straw Goods , lUff Hartley Street. Omaha. Neb. Millinery and Notions , _ _ " ' ' " " i. o B E RF'E LD'ER & "co7T Importers & Jobbers in Millinery & Notions 3H. 211) and 813 South lllh Strvct. Notions. _ J. T. ROBTNSON NOTION CO. , Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods UO andttjgculh 10th St. . Omaha. VINYARD Si 3CH NEmER Notions and Gent's ' Fnrnisliing Goods , llUfi Uarney Street , Omaha. 01)8. ) CONSOLIDATED TANK LINE CO. , f holsale Refined and Lubricating Oils , Ailc Greaic. Ktc. . Omaha. A. 11. Hlshop , Manageq Paper. CARPENTER PAPER CO. , f holesale Paper Dealers , Carry a nice Hock of Printing. Wrapplnit and Writing- Paper Hpcclal attention tttvun to car load order , , . i' Materials. ' ' ' 'WESTERN'NEWSPAPER'UNION , Auxiliary Publishers , Dealers In Tjrpe , Presses and Printers' Supplies. C01 South mil Street. Omaha. RubberjCopds. " " O M A H A R U B B E R"C"O . , Manufacturers and Dealers in Rntioer Goofls HI Clothing and Leather Bcltlnu. HXH Karnam Btr H , Eto. A. L. STRANG CO. , Pumps , Pipes and Engines , CHUHCHILL PUMP CO. , Wholesale Pomps , Pipe , RiUngs , U. S. WIND ENGINE & PUMP CO. . Steam and Water Snpplies , Uallldar Wind Mills. fllS and 9M Farnam St.Omab * . 0.1) . KOBB , Acting Manager. * " BROWNELL St CO. . Engines , Boilers and General Machinery. Sheet iron Wort Steam .g. . gaw M.IC.V . | fl nil Seeds. PHIL. STIMMEL ic CO. , Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seeds BU and 8U Jones Htrntt Omaha. . Storage , Forwarding A Commlaelon ARMSTRONG. PETTIS & CO. , Storage , Forwarding and Commission , Branch bouse of the llenner lIuRgjr Co. Buggies a | . - l5l3IiardBlreet , wbulesaleandretall.l-U IJlOand Omaba. Telephone No. 750. . Ou AH A II nnnu PTMJBQ MM MAJKUrAulumiliu , Cornice. EAGLE CORNICE WORKS , Manufacture GalyanM Iron and Cornice. John Epeneter , Proprietor. ICO Dodio and 103 end IPj North lOtii Street. Omnna. . Brewers. 8TORZ tt ILER , Lager Beer Brewers. 1571 North KlgthttentU Street , Omaha. Nab. Overalls CANFIELD MANUFACTURING CO. , Manufacturers of Overalls , : Jeuii PkoU , BblrU , Ktc. 1103 nd 11M Oouflai Strett , Umaba , Met. aah , Doora , Kto. M. A. DISBROW { , CO. . , i Wholesale Mannr oturers of fu Sash , Doors , Blinds and Monldiius , Branch Offlc , 1Mb ajd Itard Streets , Omaha. MO. I BOHN MANUFACTURING CO. Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinta. Mouldings , stair Work and Interior Hart Wood Ft * lib. n. B. Corntr Mb and J aTeuworlh BtreU. n.h. Neb. ' OMAHA PLANING MILL CO , , Manafacturers of MouliiDE , Sasb , Door ? , Acd Blind * . Tarnln , flUlr-work. Bank and Ofllce nt Uo i. atfa and PoppUion ATemio. Itapka , Mannfactarini Dealer In Smote. Starts , Brttchln * > , Taaka and Ovniral Boiler lUpalrtoc. 13U Dodie Btroel. Omaha , Neb. IDTHIMMT r. It. PALMER. K. P. RinlMAX , J. PALMER , RICHMAN & CO. , . Live Stock Commission Merchants , Otnce-HooraU.OppAilte Eiclianga llulltllnf , Union Htock Yardi , BoutU Uiualia , Neb. MoCOY BROS. , Liye Stock Commission Merchants , Market furnltbed free on application. Htockera and feedere fumUheU on coed termi. Heferrncei ; Oua * b * National ll nk ana Houlu Oinab * Nallunai , Ucloa Block V..M1 , Buutli Umnha. LORIMERWESTERFIELD& MALEV Liye Stock Commission , Boom 15 , Ezcbanee nulldlnir , Union Htock Tardf , Buutli Umaba , Nub. ALEXANDER 4 FITCH , Commision Dealers in Lire Sock , Room 'ft , Oppoilte Kichanue Dulldlnit , Unloa Stock . Yardi , Buuth Omaba , Neb. UNION STOCK YARDS CO , . ? OfpmabapLimitel" Job * ( ' . ] | 7 < lbui rlaUndeBi. -.JA X-