THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : rfBHURSDAY. FEBRIJAKY , . 1 . 1888. GOT IT THROUGH THE SENATE , Blair's Educational Bill Passed Aftoi a Spirited Dobato. NO MORE TROUBLE WITH CANADA The. 1'lnlicrlc * CoininlHHloncrs Prepare a Trrnty As n Itcsult of Their Two "Weeks' Hussion IU Gutiurnl Terms. Senate. v , Feb. in. In the senate thi' morning Mr. Halo secured the floor to spcal ngainst the education bill. Mr. Halu basei his argument mainly upon expressions ol opinion by prominent educators that tlio bill would not accomplish the objects aimed ut Attho lese ofMr. . illalo's speech Mr. Mor | ; an read a paper ou thp constitutional ob lectionsto' tlio bill. Mr. Salisbury thcr Bp'okc .In oppt > sill6n , after which Mr. Blilfi took the floor , closing ttie dcbuto on the bill He spoke n't length in advocacy of the meas urcf ubjuqinR' that Iho , opiM)3lUpn of tin Jesuits waslrcsjionslblo for the defeat of th ( bill in the last HoUsc , iiiiil the reason of tin opposition of many newspapers und publii men was that thcro was on the staff of everj great newspaper of the country n Jcsul whoso business It was to see that a blow woi struck , whenever 'there was an opportunity to strike It , at the common school system o the country. The liquor interest was nU < arrayed against it. An amendment by Mr. Plumb , providing that the money should bo an nually divided among tlio states am territories in proportion to the populatloi between the ages of ten and twenty-one , was rejected , us wcro also two minor amend inents by Mr. Berry , The bill then pussed- yeas , It'J ; iniys , 29 us follows : Yeas-Alii non , Berry , Blair , Bowen , Brown , Call , Cum eron , Councilor , Colqultt , Culloni , Daniel ! ) Dawes , Dolph , Eustis , Evnrts , George Hamilton. Hearst , Hoar , Jones of Arkansas Mnndcrson , Mitchell. Mori-ill , Palmer Pasco , Payne , Platte , Pugh , Quay , Hansom Hlddlcbcrgcr , Sawyer. Stunfoid , Stewart Stoekbridgo , Teller , Vance. Wulthnm , Wil Bon of Iowa. Nays Aldrlch , Bate , Beck Blackburn , Blodgolt , Butler , Coke , Davis Fnrwell , Faulkner , Fryo , Gray , Hale , Hnr ris. Hawley , Hiscock , Ingnlls , Jones of Nevada vada , Kenna , Alorgnn , Plumb , Hoagan Sabin , Saulsbury , Siwoncr , Turpio , Vest Voorliees , Wijson of Maryland 20. Palrs- Cockrcll nnd Edmunds , Gorman and Slier man. man.Mr. . Berry , by way of pcrsonalcxplnnation Raid but for the instructions of the Idgisla ture , ho would have voted against the bill. The house bill for the appointment o cloven division superintendents of the rail way mall service wn- > taken from the calen dar , amended by miking the number "two ii addition to those before authorised" uni passed. * Adjourned. House. WASHINGTON , Fob. 15. In the house to-da ; Mr. Perkins , from the committee on Indiai affairs , reported the bill granting n right o way through the Indian territory to the Ar knnsas & Pacific railroad. Calendar. Mr. Kobertson , from the committee 01 military affairs , reported the bill for the pay mcnt of $100 trt soldiers who enlisted undei the act of July 22 , 1SG1 , and who were dif charged by reason of u surgeon's ccrtiftcat of disability or by promotion before the ex plrntlon of two years and who have not re cclved * 100 bounty. Committee of the whole ' ( On motion of Mr. Dorsey of Nebraska , tin bill was passed providing that Nobrask shairconstitutc an entire Judicial district t bo known as the district of Nebraska. Mr. UundalV'of Pennsylvania , fromth committee on appropriations , reported th resolution for the appointment of a spcci : committee to investigate -ami , rcrJbrt whii contracts have been trtado for the construe tionot the new library building and tb amount exMtnded thereunder , the cause o the dctbjjlm the pi-ogress of the work an what , persons hnvo been employed and pai from the appropriations for the purchase an construction of tha building. Adopted. The hoimo then went Into committee of th whole with Mr. Blount of Georgia in th chair , on the urgent deficiency bill. Aftc considerable desultory talk between Mi Burns of Missouri , Mr. Hogcrs of Arkansn and Mr. Handall regarding trivial prosi cutlons under the internal revenue luw , Mi Burns said the committee on appropriation receipt of estimates of appropriation for the completion of public buildings i various parts"of the country. The estimate In every case cxceedod the limit fixed by la1 and ho offers an amendment fixing the appri prmtlons for the completion of a number c buildings. Among them wasoncforlCeokul Ia. Committee then rose nnd the house a < Journed. A Treaty Formulated. WASHINGTON , Feb. 15. After daily session for the last two weeks , the fisheries connnl slonors at 7 o'clock to-night completed the labors and signed a treaty , which , it is bi llovcd , will result in tha satisfactory sottl mcnt of the disputes that have twisted ft almost a century between this govoriimct and Great Britain over the north Atlant fisheries. The treaty is signed by all s'l ot the commissioners and is said to huvcthc full concurrence. Before the treat can talto effect It must have tli ratification of the queen of Ore ; Britain , the Dominion of Canada nnd tl province of New Foundland , us well as tl Bimatt ) of the United States. Although tli treaty will not bo made public , it can t Btutoct that It relates exclusively to dispute concerning the fisheries of the north Atlunt coast and iloes not include any provislor concerning the Behring sea trouble or con uicrcial reciprocity. The treaty , it may ah be added , docs not contemplate the ndml elan of fish into the United States free i duty. Socrot'ary Bayard said to-nipl ho could not , because of h 6fficlal position , make known tl : contents -of the treaty but it was Ii earnest wish that it should bo given to tli press by tlioso having the right to make sue disposition of 'it and that every linoot should bo published. The dispute , ho xnii had been onobf long standing and had coil to him by Itthcritahcc when ho assumed tl duffes of secretary of state. He hud use his best endeavors to reach n BiUlsfuctoi agreement \yith Great Britain und believe ho tiad succeeded so far as it lay in his powi to effect a settlement. Nebraska nnd Iowa Pensions. WAKBUfQiW , FoD15. . [ Special Telograi to. H < > BKB.'l Pensions were granted 1 sw to-day as fol'lows : Origin : l Martin , Wilsonvillo ; Wll iMri' Edgorton , Delta. Increftnc Jiihn V Benedict , Plum Creek ; Charles F. Shepar Ravenna. Original , widows , etc Elen fl vrtflow of Charles fi. Steam , Arapahoe , (01 ( ends March 34 , 1SS7) ; Nunoy K. , widow < \Yilllam Lolghton , Salem. Mexican nurvivo Jacob Miller , FortCulhoun. Pensions for lownns : Original , invalid Lewia Godfrey , Crcslonj Sidney F. Bake \Y vacly4 William Nance , State Conte George W , Carroll , Iron Hills ; Kobert 1 Whltemack , Marshalltown. Increase Duni Lamfcitrd , Osage John A. llowan , Musc-atln George \V , Sopor , Walker ; William Ai bum , Mount Auburn : Adam Hoover , Ouu qucton ; James Burdctt , Heno ; Charles Ale ftndcr , Missouri Valley ; George Wolf , Strui berry Point ; Wlllard M. Ishnm , DCS Molno Russell H. Rarick , Sioux City ; Andrew A Klrahnn , College Springs : Elnnttian Trolkor , Desota ; Robert McKintick , Kellog Reissue and increase Christian H. Kuri Marlon. Original , widows , cto--Catharin widow of Akron W. Day , Sobula. Mexlc ; nrvlTOrs-Samuel D. Thomson , Marie Mexican widows Sarah H. , widow of Dav Vanauudy , ClarksvUle. -SenAto Oouflrmatlon * . WiB tKOTON , Feb. 15. The senate co firmed the ( oUowln ; prosldontlal appo'.n M nU ta-Hayi Marshal O. Donald , cot jiiU loaer of tlsh and Ashcriea. Postmaster ; Iowa L. T. Alexander , Montieollo ; 1 Burke , What Che r ; & Orldley , Malverc t. IJoaglnnd , EmmctUburgh ; H. Klsnw HA on City ; T. C. Modary , Wnukon ; N. 5 * 'oblb , Aunmosn ; W. C. Slgwart , Maquoketc I. Sllkkeuvcen , Orange City ; J. B. Slut nan , Hnrlnn ; J , S. Lnka , Marlon. Nebraska-C , B. Durland , Norfolk ; C. ( Ellis , Sterling ; C. J. Harrison , Wnhoo ; V J. Keller , Button ; L. Myers , Grand IslanO 3. Hi ScottHdhron , ; Boi-tha Klovon , Cu jcrtson ; H , F. Wiley , Kearneyi Wisconsin M , E. Lennon , Hurley. N'ntlnnnl Capital Notes. WASHINGTON , Feb. 15Tho ho\iso \ con mlttco on Agriculture 'to-day decided to r port favorably the Hatch bill to create a no executive rtdpnrtm'ent to be known as the d lartmcntof agriculture. * The portions r atlng to tljq labor bureau in the propose new department are omitted at the rcquci of the labor committee : . , COUBIX' TKSTIKIE3. Tlio Reading I'rcHldent's Version c " " "tHo Great Strlkfe. P iiMnr.t.niiA ( Feb. 15. rho coogrcsslon ; commlttcq.Invcstlgaffrig.flto JJcadlng strlli to-dijy cxiuiimc'd'Austln Corbln. Mr. Corbl xdmlttcd that the Reading rcrad was engage in lntcr-statc commcrcc.ahd that the Rcai ing railroad company owned'all the stock o the Jtcadjng .Coal nHd 'lorl cpmpany. _ H ( gave n history df the present strike and 0 : [ ilahied thn ItuS domlihny was bound , ns common carrier , to accept and move tl freight offercd nnd conld not keep men In li employ who refused ; to mo\ ' such freight. Corbl'n read a Ion statement regarding the nature of mln in operations' to provo that cpal was really manufactured product nnd the expenses n tending Its production very much Increase of late years. Ho quoted flgifres to she .hat the Reading Coal and Iron company hn received since 1831 , on an , average , but I cents n ton for Its coal. In answer to th question , was there not nn agreement wit ihetn that the men should bo discharged ui ess the matter was submitted to arbltrntloi Corbln believed there was some such agre mcnt , but it was never intendc : o cover such1 a' case ns the rcfus : of mon , to handle goods mcrel because the maker of the goods wi objectionable to the Knights of Labor. Corbl did not believe the statement that Supcrli tcndent 'Swcigard had agreed to take tli men back and submit the question to arbltr ; Lion. There never was any Intention to art trnto this matter on his part. Proceeding to the question of the miner strike , Corbln said they had no reason or dl position to complain , and would not hav struck but for the pressure brought upo them by the Philadelphia Knights i Labor. Ho denied that there Iu been any private agreement with the mine which was not In their written contract ; the effect that if the Lehigh strike went on tl 8 per cent advance would bo paid. The cor pany had refused to pay thin advance afti January t and the miners had refused 1 work. .Cochin added : "We are and ha\ been willing to take up the question of r nujustmont of wages if the men will rctui to work , but will not treat with them whi they are striking. Wo will mnl the basis as high as any ottn company , but wo can't maku higher and compete with them. Andanotln thing , wo can fill the places of the striklr miners in ten days if the new men can 1 protected. Up in the mining districts b men with clubs nnd pistols are violent keeping not only other men but boys wl desire to earn a living and keep fiomstar ing , away from the mines and breaker Wo don't care whether tlio men belor to labor organizations or not. We w put to work all men who apply our collcries and ask no question but if there is no moro co mined from thqpSchuylkill region until v arc compelled to mine It by discharging m < who have come to us in our trouble ar stood by us , to make way for strikers , i moro shall bo mined while I have any i ilueneo to prevent it. " The witness pronounced the stories of tl combination , of coal companies all over t ) country to keep up prices pure romance. : reply to a question regarding the nssertii that the railroad companieshave - mm money ut the expense of the consumer and the miner and laborer , Corbin said : "Tho best answer I can make to that that the Reading railroad company , with paid capital of 40,000,000 , has been twice bankrupt in twelve years.1' ' "Why do you keep on mining coal If y have lost $13000,000 since 1878 ? " was askc "I hardly know , myself.but think wo c ; ultimately make money out of our cc lauds. " "Don't yoU think , it bad policy for yo company to be in the mining business ? " "Yes , sir , nnd I wish somebody would b out the coal lands. Wo would bo better oil but who will do it ? Wo have them and rut do the bcbt wo can with them. " FATAfc SALOON ROW. George Hubbard Stabs Pat Cavaitaf at St. JoHoph. ST.JosEin , Mo. , Feb. 15. [ Special Te gram to the HBK. ] At a late hour last nig George Hubbard , proprietor of a saloon Fredrick avenue , fatally stabbed Pat Cave naugh In the hitter's saloon on Fourth stre The quarrel grew out of nn altercation I twcen James Cavannaugh , a brother of Pat and Hubbard nt a masmienido ball n f < wroks ago at the city hull. When the sU blng occurred , a policeman had arrested bo parties. Hubbard Jerked away from the ] llceman and made a lunge ut Cavannau cutting a gash in his loft hide Just below t heart , three inches lone , ' . It was at fii thought that the wounded man would i cover , but ho took a sudden relapse ut no to-day nnd phjaiciaut ) have despaired of I life. Hubbard , in attempting to cut dm naugh , cilt through the front rim of the i Hccrnan's helmet , barely missing hts eyes. Kansas City Outlawry. KANSAS CITY , Mo. , Fob. 13. [ Special Te gram to the Bcc. j Lost night ou Lydia ni nuo three fo6tpaas''iholcl " up Frnd LlnU clerk to the secretary pftbe board of trui nnd J. McGarnctt. . cleric for Bullene , Mac & Emory , ns thPy'were returning from residence where they expected to rent lei ing. Pistols' in the hands of the footpn halted both and secured $ ( W. 0 from the latt nnd $47 from the former. ' Their watch wcro not Uilu-'it.Jiut looked ut And return with the lein'urk , "Not good enough. " Infc nmtion of this waa'at onco'tfllephoncd to t police station , Ijut Chief Specra to-day su that ho was not told tit U thi * morning , Kansaa City X AS CT"Mo. ! ; , Fet . , M5.V-8peclal [ T cgram' tiifvJ.Br ' . ] ChaYie.3 Ward a Charles Williams , who -nroJn * Jail and knoi to bo accomplice's of Jaek"Kuth , the notorjo outlaw tfnd'terroiMzect Und city in Dbceml last , havoYTfecir h'old in Sl.MO each to t criminal enurtj'VThpJ' ' ; were , 'f Uy recognlz by Julius .Oi-Ioff wlwim they held up a shot atuhd'robbed.OrJo'rT pn'-Ucd those f out of a ropui-fuUjjf strangury Te gram to tKolJKE. ] Mnclr excitement hns i istod here , avrfug to a peculiar disease , wh : has been ra lngr on < the northern line Schuyler county. Arlosccxaminatlon proi it to bo miUVtypo of fcinallntuc , with thli CiWs rep rtvu tu > d mor iovvn htjto ! hi fiom. bptlou. LAMAH , Mo , , Feb. "lB-Hpcclatt ; [ Tclegri to the BKJS , ] Returns are in showingtl _ the eloctlwyeHlerdny on Wood * ' local opt : from points In tlte eounty'oUtsldo of t place i.'i iuvorablo to the law by SJ5 major ! Lnuinr voted juparitcly ; pu } ho 13th a went drj * . _ Ono County cat War Srttlod. ST. Louie , Feb. 15. A. special says I Rush county , ICicisas , cour.ty seat -.vur , wh has been waged for nearly nine yearswas elded by the supreme court this mornlnc n that the oniteri\of thp court issued u \ \ comrunndltiK' the county oDIccrs to move tl ; bookn anil oClcfB to Rush Center , The I'cd Ulver Itond. \ViKNiriiO , Foi . IS , Premlcv ; Greoitw In a spevcb at Portage La Prairlo Just nig declared that financial arrangements w already made whereby the Red River r road will reach thst polut , | x'.y.Jlvo rr.i 'west of lore , typetobor. HE RILLED THE WRONG MAN , A Negro Goes Gunning and "Kills ar ' " Innocent Bystander. * TRAGEDY IN A BIG POOL RbOfVJ n \ , i , William Fcrmiflon Hels Ont to Bin ] Joe Howard , .Hut tnstoaii Bunds Olio Olson * to' i Utt timely Grave ; * m ( l' ' Fatal Ending < ifn Feud , , v. "Come , Olle , let's go nnd gct a tar or wol ] invc to walk to the fort , " lspoke Charlci Holler , a musician attached W Mvo tt > fyuj lo catcd nt Fort Omaha , as bo" 'to'qk .JiJs friend 31le Olson , n milkman , who livedat Florence jy the arm nnd attempted tomovohini ffon the beer and pool hall of Montgbmfcry5' ! ! Adams , bette'r known Iu "Barney Magitiuia > lace , " at the corner of Dodge lOttd , Bbur .eonth streets. This occurred a few minute before 10 o'clock lust night' , and fifteen mln utcs later Olio , who had sl.ubbdr'nfj' rd cntci , he good advice given \lm by .liis/sdldloi friend Heller , lay dead , stretchedout on > ai mprovlsed bier of beer tables' , dlsclosjng' b .ho gaze of the horrified and blbjou .spec ators a gaping wound , from which1 bo , blooi Tlckrcd down hts bared cliost , at a pplnt * i Ittlo below the "Adam's ni > t > leU ia his ucck tnado by a bullet intended 'fo'r' by i ' ' ' cold-blooded and deliberate a'ssa'ss'ln , * , , Montgomery & Adams' place-n I frequented chiefly by worklni lasses and largo and commodious glasses' b jeer are sold ever the counter , , which is Ii lie form of a horse shoo , and Is nightly sur rounded by largo crowds of ! thirsty cua Lomers that necessitates the time ond'attcn tion of live bartenders to supply. 'ThoUgl colored attendants are tolerated In the house negroes are not permitted to mingle with tin whites at the | > eel tables. This Is-anestab Ished imperative rule between the propric torsnnd , their patrons , and when a man o color shows n disposition lo indulge In Uv sport ho is promptly checked. It was an en rorccmcnt of this rule that led to last night'i tragedy and an innocent man sent to hii long homo. , CAUSE OF THE TIlOUnLE. , Among the colored attaches of the place 1 ; i man by tlio.immc of George Holmes , ani his duties are to look after the pool tables which are several in number and ore locatet lengthwise in the north and south ends of thi building , which are connected by largi arches. Last night George complained o Illness and went to his homo , and by per mission of the proprietors substituted his brother Joe , a young man about twentj years of age , of muscular build and in every way physically constructed to lool out for himself. About half past 9 o'clock when the place was crowded with bee : Irlnkcrs and pool players and jollity was a Its helghth , a quaraelsome negro by the nami of William Ferguson , who is cmploycd'us i sort of roustabout at the Turkish andKussiai liath , stepped in and announced his intention of playing pool. Joe at once recognized it Ferguson an enemy of previous en counters , and though somewhat afraid of bin determined to carry out the prescribed rules rf the establishment at any cost , and toll lihn that ho could not play. Fergusoi questioned Joe's authority , and from higl words they came to olo\vs. The two darkie Indulged in a setto that set the whole hous In a dilinuin of excitement , and for n fcv moments pool playing anil beer selling wa suspended to see , as the crowd oxpressei it , "tho scrap. " Joe proved the best uiun o Lho two , and Ferguson , upon being cjoutct from the house , delivered himself of tcrrllil oaths of vengeance , to which little attcntloi was paid by the proprietors or habitues , wh returned to their pool playing nm the quaffing of lager. It was at this point o the disturbance that Musician Heller plcadei to Olson , the victim , to go homo , but th latter said that ho had to see a'frjcud-ln th south end of the saloon and startcd'ln tha direction while Heller stood at the north cm of the bar , and engaged In conversation will friends in reference to the respective pugilla tic qualities of the two warring negroes. THE KA.TA1 , SUOT. Ten minutes after Ferguson's electloi from the premises , and when scores of play ers were manipulating the ivory balls , th devotees of cards were enjoying "high nvo' ' and the proprietors and beer sllngers abou the place were busy with customers , th bacic door to the Dodge street entrance to th place quietly opened and Ferguson sneakc stealthily in. Unnoticed he walked scvcra feet to the front of the llrst arch dividing th south and north sides of the saloon. Holme at the time was standing on the verge of th arch talking over the previous fray wit Olson , and suddenly looking up ho saw Fet guson advance and raise , a rifle t his shoulder. As quick as a flash Holme Jumped back , none too soon to cscapo th charge from the rifle ) n the intended assa ; sin's hands. The reiwrt from the wcapo startled ami threw the assembled throng hit n fcter of excitement , and before they coul recover from the momentary shock Fergi son turned and went out through the door h entered. THE MUnUEItKIt CAFTDBBD. The proprietors , Messrs. Montgomery cl Adams , who wore both behind the bar , ra out the front door onto Fourteenth strcci and in the darkness saw the fleeing form c Ferguson proceeding up Dodge street. The gave chase , all the time calling "police" a the top of their voices. Their alarms- traded the attention of Ofllcors Hngey an White and a Bnn reporter who happened ii the neighborhood at the time , and the latto trio , with Montgomery and Adams ; asccnde the stairs leading to the first floor over th ' bath rooms , into which ' Fergusoji'had bee seen to run. After gro'ping about ln"th dark the Invaders finally succeeded in pair ing an entrance to a room , "whibtt was dar and contained among n.the'rthings a bei Light from u match disclosed the'preseneet a rifle lying on the bed ? 'nn3 gUide to a corner of the room , back ofttto.bcil b labored breathing the ofllcers'Bnccecdcd , i finding Ferguson , who vus crouched dowti'i u comer. Ho at oiu-o bi'i'un. lefcn'dmi ? toin self for doing tho.shogting by sjSyltig that h had been badly misused' by 'Holmes , 'ntt pleadingly asked , "Could * you blame , Uel ) No sympathy was expressed for him , ' aft upon being asked what ho' did tho. shootin with Ferguson replied , "With a pistol , and throw it away in the street. " Ho'fi'astake to the central stittion. ' ? , ' ( V ' " ' ' , . , ' . AirrmiTHpjSHpoTiJfq.-i - While the chase uftcfatid capture * 9f F fi RUSOU was being carried11 out , a differeti _ sccno was being enacted ; ir tliq sJilo'oR' Qlso suddenly staggered forwa'rdj endeavoring t pponk , and fell prone on the floor. Head and willing hands abslstcdhii ) > "f8''h , < rfee He could : not artlculatoi'buV j # > lriled "to' h breast , where a largo hploVas discovered i his chest Ho was laid out o thetec7 table ! when it was disrovcreu-tliat tho'1w5flndl'wa caubcd by n bullet , which in Its courso'h'a passed through his body.ttiaucttattag clea through the wall and into tb Philadelphia chop. house , whin it narrowly eacaped. ' itnbeduln Itself in the head'of C , Itassman , a cook'Tvh war. tiltting reading. The bullet wirt df wards picked up in the rcstatlhvnt &nd'tvt ic over to the ix > lteo. It , is q 14'CuUbre.nml o : uctly Jits the rifle found in Fergnsori's-'b'ei Moreover an exploded shell * capable oT noli ing a 44-callbro bullet was found in the ritt and two bullets of a like callbro < wcro foun secreted in Ferguson's i > ofktita wheulioyi searched at the centrul.htuUon. These are I themselves unilisputablo evidences that th killing was done with tlio ritle , and not wit a pistol as the prisoner Insists , i' Ot.SOX'8 DKVT1U „ . , „ At fifteen minutes after 10 o'clock Olsc drew u long breath , his limbs became rigi and ho was pronounced dead by the phys clans At this point Chief of 1'ollco Seave ; with n detail of iwllco arrived and- order * the pluco closed. The hundreds who hti been eummoncd to thp aulooji by the story i the shooting , \\tro turned into the street , ar loitered about discussing the trugod , Shortly after 11 o'clock Corner Droxet r moved the budy to the morgue , WHAT FEKC.USON HAYS. Abc.ul nti hour after the occurrence of U terrible tweedy Fersusouvas visited at h cell by u line representative. His faeo wi swollen and disfigured and covered wll blood. Iln 'vn very badly intoxicated , f iceuied very anxious to talk and the fir qucitUau he uked the reporter was ; , "Who Is the fellow I sltotl" . After bsins told who UI viotlia w forffuson told the tallowing story of how the nffnir occurred : " 1 was reaching oyorthebllllard table with a cue when HolnKii Jtold mo I couldn't play , and Ed Thomas cnteatnnd took the cue nway from me. Heforojiilould do-anything Joe coimnonccd to pound rae with his lists and kick mo nil around ttbu room. You.can we how ho RiimshetJM my face. I didn't say anything > , tst nil when he was beating tne. Ho .was mad nt me because 1 wouldn't let hlni'havo fwme money a little while back , and had.thrcntcjied to get oven with mo some time. I have given him money when ho was hungryrnud this is the way he has paid mo back , rite is nn older fellow than I am and weighs n grant deal moro than I do. I nm only flfteim years old and wclgli only 180 pounds. I klunH believe In flphtlnc and will run nway from a fellow before 1 will light. Joe kicked mo all over the room and I didn't like it. I went out to my room nnd got my revolver. It was a US-calibre gun , with n lonir barrel. I-onino Into the saloon , nnd when I saw Joe I pulled-out the revolver , nnd without 'aiming shot U off. 1 did not shoot high , as shoot him in the legs and get even with him. I saw I did no ! shoot him the first itimo and rnisct my revolver to shoot again , when I BOM the crowd run up to this fellowlhat was shot I was scared then nnd ran up to itiy room. " "You say the weapon was a thlrty-oighl calibre revolver , but how Is it that the bullo that killed Olson is a forty-four calibre rifle ball ! " ' * "Oh. yes , the revolver was n' forty-four I bought it nt a Tenth street , pawn-shop wltl the first money" ! ov6r got.1 "Hut the tlmo you were captured a rifli was found on your bed. " "I didn't use that at nil. I used a revolvoi nnd after I got into" the street I threw 1 away. " _ A MA80NU30AT1IEIUNO. Public Installation of Sir John Gors BB Worshrpful Master. [ Corw'l/'it ' ' tSSSbu'jamct Gordon Hfiinrit.1 LONDON , Fob. 15. [ Now York Herald Cabli Special to the BEE.I American Fre < Masons will interested to hen of a memorable occasion In the annals of thi Masonic brotherhood. Every Amcricai Mason visiting London Is apt to make nc qualntanco with the celebrated Free Masoi tavern off Drury lane opposite Nevelly thca ter. There 000 members of the craft , nl very "accepted , " dined last evening after ni interesting gathering In Drury lane lodge The occasion at the latter was the installa tion , as its worshipful master of Sir Join Eldcn Gorst , Q. C. M. P. , under secretary estate state for India. J. C. 'Parkinson , who was recently a guest of the American frn tornlty and past grand deacon of England conducted the ceremony. At this and tin dinner were present : The lord chancellor ex-Lord Chancellor Heroscholl , Lord Alecs ser , the hero of Alexandria , and such men- nil known to Now Yorkers as Lord Alfrci Pnget , Sir Oscar Clayton , M. P. , Shadwcl Clark , grand secretary of Free Masons , Ad miral Corporal Sir Soraervlno , Sir J. H. Pu lesion , Sir John Monckton , Sir Willlan Hardman , Editor Russell , of the Mornlni Post , Bull Uun A.M.IJradley ; of Araba Pashi fame , and the writer of "Tho Celebrities" ii Yates' World , together with dukes , lords artists nnd actors ofA ll political shades. Ban ners were presented * to the callers. Pas Master Augustus 'Harris ' received his offlcla Jewel , Deacon Parkips/m returned thanks fen n magnificent watch die is henceforth to wear while both lord cl&rtbcllors grew humorous with after-dinner spo lies. Lord Horeschell as Augustus Harrj < remarked , glancinf toward Messrs. Bancroft , Hare , Broughne ville , Kcmblc , etc. , wh'o were at the table acted as the .astronomer survoyini the "Star. " When ; j the Earl of Onslov toasted to the sister ) grand lodges , the responder spender was announced as Theodore Tilton of America. Many ' 'Americans ' who wen present nudged cachjo her. , nnd all Britisher at first took the visitor , to bo the exile of th ( Isle of . Louls-on-thc-Scln but it St. - - - , was i Theodore Tilton.witUik'inicyio H In his name PiJJ , Q.Mi , of New-York , who in the courti of a cleVer speech-i'iffcrr ' l to the sixty-sovdr grand lodges of the world. 'He did Justice t < the American "one , but recognized the iha termty of England. Ho was followed b < Lord Hcreschcll , who spoke flatteringly o his recent Intercourse with the Now Yorl dignitaries in masonry while recently visit ing them. After the loving cup had passci the company separated , not a" few going ti see the transformation scene in the Drur ; Lane pantomlnc nnd some returning to thi house of commons where other trnnsforma tion scenes of an Irish character were thcj being presented. TWO BREAKS FOR LIBERTY. Jail Birds at Kansas City , Kan. , l < 'ollc < In the Attempt. KANSAS . Crrr Kan. , Fob. 15. [ Specia Telegram to the Bnc.l When Shcrif Bowling went to the Jail for dinner to-do , ; the Jailor told him that he thought somcthuij unusual was going on in the Jail. The shcrif left his son Ilobert on watch , nnd , hurryini to the court house , returned with Dcput : Worthlngton. The two officers then wen into the cage and after ordering all the mci into their coHd locked them upland made nt examination/ / which resulted in their findinj a hole in the wall big enough fo a man to crawl , through. Whei discovered only" one course of bricl was between the culprit ? and freedom. Thi men who were engaged in the attempt wen Plyman , the safe blower , Thomas Weldon the murderer of Harrison Tutt , and Blann the man who burglarized D. G. Bliss' stori in Argentine. ' Mr. Bowling promptly shack ed these fellows nnd confined them In thi cells reserved for desperate cases. One o them broke his shackles , however , liberate ! the rest and about 10:30 to night they mad another and well-nigh successful attempt ti cscapo. They were again shackled and thi time sppurely. i , Htrlko of Miners at Ijeavenworth. LEAVENWOUTII , Kan. , .Fob. 15. [ Specia Telegram to the BCK. ] All the miners em ployed by the Leavenworth Coal company between three hundred aid four hundrci men , struck this morning oh account of thi reduction from 5 to 4 cents -bushel , whicl was to go into effect'to-day. The mine authorities thoritios havcvstopped alftho machinery arti say they will not attempt to get men fron abroad , but will qVifctly await developments The miners at the Riverside shaft , south o the city..sixty-.flve neujill told ; also struct to-day for tHe amo'itfAson. .Tho onlymim in ppcration now is f&astntc shaft at the pen itentiary , manned bjrconvicts. The striker are orderly and maky iip threats , simply do cllntng to submit to ifcT cut. Tlio coal com panics say they cauHOl uffqrd at this luio o the year to j > ay5'ceivpf ( Meetings ore boini hold among the infers and it is probabl " they may submit to q uipromise. ' May IJeaiVtM iScaiiilal. . TOPBKA , Kan. , I&b. , 15. [ Special Tele gram to the * BBtf/J4l'Faet8 are accumu latlng that the "dcad-yo3y pf the mala in fun found near the statOhouse | square wrappei in rags and odd-app&rtng paper will lead t a social thunderbalf. ; : Wliilo no absolute ccr tainty exists , yet developments point toward a person who will frejthe blow most am shatter moro than oifeUoeioty reflector. S t f nulitp' Arrivals. Nisw YOHK , Feb. 15. [ Social Telograr to the BEE. ] Arrived The State of Nc braska , from Glasgow the Italy , from Liver pool ; the Nordland , from Antwerp. SOUTHAMITON , Feb..15. . Arrived Th Pcnnlaud , from New York for Antwerp. LiVKiti'oot. , Fob. 15 , Arrived The Baltl moro nnd Oregon , from Baltimore. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla When Baby was alck , we g re her Crwtori * . When the w a Child , aha cried for CaitorU , When ahe became MlM , the clung to Castoria , T/b u atu UJ Caaiitraa , ib nre UMOI CMtorli FROM-THE MILLS OF JUSTICE , Sovornl Important Doclslons Ron Uored By the Supreme Court. THEY WANTtHE LAWS ENFORCED C.-T.-V. Dctcrinlnctt That Ccr tnm Statutes Shall Not llo Dead bet ters JmlRC Colih For Dele- . . Rate City Brevities. ' * * frnost TUB HUE'S I.ISCOLX nuniun.1 The HUpruino court yoslortlny htiudci down tlio following decisions : ' Butler vs JCcnnard. Error from .Lancastc county. Kcverscd. Oi'iuion by Kecse - Ch. J. . Whcro the price of property nnd terms o payment pro flxcd by the seller , and n broke engaged to procured purchaser nt this prlci nnd upon these terms , if ujxin the procure metit'of'tli'q ' broker' purchaser is producci with whom the seller himself negotiates am effects , ii ' 'sale , the broker is entitled to hi commission. See Potvln vs Curran , 13 Neb. ffltt. > . , n > n Stubcndorf vs Hoffman. Appeal from Bur county , , Unversed. , OjInIon by Hoesc PlalntlfTs action was1 In the nature of i creditor's 'bill , alleging the recovery bfhli Judgment , that it was unsatisfied , nnd tba the real estate Ought to bo levied upon wa purchased by the judgment debtor , defend ant , but that ho procured the title to b conveyed to his brother for the purposoof de frnudlng his , creditors. Defendant answered admitting that the title was held by hi brother , who was in fact the owner of tin property , but alleging that ho was the heac of a'family , and that ho had occupied tin premises as n homestead since long prior ti the recovery of the Judgment by plnintiffan < asking that In case the property should bi held by the court ns belonging to him , thn his homestead rights bo protected , the prop crty not being Capable of fraudulent nlicna tion or subject to execution. Upon motion o plaintiff ha was compelled to elect upon whlc ! defense ho would stand. Hold , error , the dc fcnso not being Inconsistent. Voso vs Miller. Error from Ccdnr county Reversed. Opinion by Cobb , J. During the progress of the trial of the cas iu the district court , while the court had nd journed for dinner , the defendant took twi certain members of the Jury in said caus who w'cro engaged in trying tlio same int a public liquor saloon nnd treated them to in toxlcuting liquors , which was then nnd ther drank by said Jurors. . Held , that the verdlc bo set aside and a now trial granted. U. P. Uy. Co. vs. Blum. Error from Douglai county. Affirmed. Opinion by Maxwell , J In the action against a railway company t recover damages for the loss of a cow killei by its engine , the defense was that the cov was killed on the public road , and withou willingness on the part of the company. Th engineer testified that the engine struck th cow on the crossing of a public road over th railway , and carried or threw her- thirty o forty feet , but there were no marks on th ground indicating that the cow had bee : struck at that point. The distance from tin road crossing to the cattle guard was forty , three feet , and from that point to a phic where there were murks on the railway trac ] tending to show that the cow hai been struck , was forty-flvo feet the cow "being thrown from eight ti twelve feet east and south of that point Hold , first , That the evidence failed to shov that the cow was killed on the road crossing second , That a clear preponderance of tin evidence showed the railway fence to be in i defective and imperfect condition , nnd tha the cow was killed within the right of way Gallagher vs. Connoll. appeal from Douglai county. Hoverscd. Opinion by Maxwell , J , 1. The plea of "not guilty" in an action o forcible entry and detainer , requires tin plaintiff to prove every fact necessary to en title him to recover. 2. The building of a few rods ot fence , thi cultivation of u few brush or plowinf of a few furrows of land , will no constitute such acts of possession as to en able n party to maintain forcible entry am .detainer against a tenant who has been ii pbsstsslon for1 motto thafi ono year Under i written Idaso from one who claimed ad vCrsely to the plaintiff. 3. While a justice of the peace cannot determine termino questions of title , yet ho may rcceivi deeds in connection with other evidence , ii order to show the right of either party to thi possession of the premises. 4. A lessee or sub-lessee cannot , by sur rendering his possession to an adverse party deprive his landlord of his right to the posses sion of the premises. Estabrook vs Hatcroth 23 Neb. , 281 ; S. C. 34 N. W. Hep. , 034. Shortcl vs Young. Appeal from Burt counf y Kcvcrsed and cause dismissed at plaintiff' : costs. Opinion by Maxwell , J. ' 1. Where a wife purchased a tract of lane for the sura , of $2,000 nnd made a paymon' ' thereon of $200. which was obtained from i married son who testified that ho raised thi money from the sale of hogs nnd wheat f rou his own farm , the court will not infer fraui in the transaction from the fact that a yea ; previous the husband and father had sold t < the sou certain personal property , includinf nogs , particularly where n creditor living ii the same county treated such sale as valid b' attacking it. 2. Held , that the testimony failed to shov fraud in the transfer of the property from thi father to the son. a. A married woman may carry on businosi nnd make contracts In the same manner as i she were unmarried. 4. An insolvent debtor may emancipate hli minor children nnd relinquish all claims t < their earnings , and a creditor will have ni claim to the proceeds of their labor. State ex rel Richards vs Miller. Quo war ranto. Application denied. Opinion bj Cobb.J. The rclator was elected to the office o county treasurer nt the annual election hole November 3 , lbS5. At that date ho had bcoi * a resident of the state for flvo months only but was t otherwise eligible. At the com mcnccmcnt of the term his residence in tin state had been continuous for seven months Held , that being ineligible to such election a' ' the date thereof under u fair construction o : scetiou 1 article 7 of the constitution , nm section < Hehapter 2(1 , compiled' statute , sucl inehgibility was not removed for the purpose : of that'clection , by re.nson of six months' con tinuous residence previous to the commence mcnt of the -t6rih" State ex rel Grosshnnsvs Gray. Quo war runto.1 Judgment for rotator. Opinion b ; Cobb , J. / " lIo'n city of tKo second class containing i populntiori'of less 'than flvo thousand , tin common council consisted of four couneilmci elected to.said office. - TTpon the final passagi of nri brdinanco-toredistrict the city and in cieasb'tho tiurribef of wards , upon tlio callinj of the yeaj ai\d nays two answered and votei yea , end two failed td vote ; whereupon tin mayor voted , yea and declared- the voU passed ) JTn6'flro'ece'dings held to bo void. ' 2. Incumbents superseded bycoubeilmei elec'tcd/undqr oVJjy virtue of-Buch void 'pro ceeJIngs. 'ara J-tntjllea/to bo restored by dm , processor law ; , ljut-tbo l ; legal organization o thQjfjtyynn'd.jtho ; nets of the rouneiluicn dfl f Ucjo wiUiuTtho puiylew ofthe statute , wil be recognized and upheld. Stitelox rol-Nelson v Hurpor. Lcnvi to plow ! in two wooktr Cobboy VB Wright dcertso 'modified ; ' Reed vs Morson , con tinucdv'1 WiKlonnoili ! VH KountE , sub mlttcifc Clty-of Wiihoo vs Dickinson submlttciT. All other onuses ) from Fourtl judicial district -not otherwise hereto fore dtbpoocd of wcro placed nt foot o the tjonoral docket. Court niliournod ti Tuesdivy. Fobniftfy ; Sl , IBSS' , ut 8:31 : o'clock' . in. in.V. . c : T. u , WOUK. The central committee of the Wo mun's Chri&tinn Tomporawo Unloi hns boon in bowlon in this city. Amonj the liidiud in attundnnco wuro Mrs Woodnrd , of Howard ; MM. Fitch , o Hastiiitfti ; Airs. IJolms , of Touuiufcoh and Mr * . Luntry , of Omaha. Tlio unloi nvoiKMO to take biopto onfoi'Co the fol lonMng laws and 1,000 circulars tloliniiif. thorn will bo ibsuod. Tlio lawn to bo en fortcd arc. ; 1. That providing for the instruction of tin pupils of all schools icceivlng nubile mono. and under public control , us to the ph > siol08 leal effects of alcohol and narcotics. 2. Forbidding the sale or furnishing of to baeco to persons under the ago of lifted years. 3. Suppressing the sale nnd circulation o impure lltcift uro , also railing especial alien tion to the act providing for the establlsti uiont and government of the Nebraska i Irlal homo and appropriation therefor as pub listed In the ntmunl reiwrt of the W. C , T. Ut ns well as the law giving guardianship o children to the mother equally with thi father. .luuai : conn rou DEUCGATH. At the coming encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic , Department mont of Nebraska , Farrnput post , ol this city , will present tlio name ol JudgeAmnsa Cobb ns a suitable old soldier for ono of the dolopntos to the next national encampment. General Cobb would command attention ns 11 representative of Nebraska old soldiers and In the councils of the Grand Armj ho would bo a roprcsontntlvo of Inllit' enco. Ills homo comrades will urge hit candidacy before the encampment. A rr.KASAjrr VAT.KNTINI : . Mr. II. W. Johnson , the popular clcrl < at the Capital hotel , and who is famil iarly known ns "JMck" lo his long llsl of friends among iho traveling men , re ceived n very acceptable valentine on the 14th. During the evening of that patron saint's Way Ills 'wife presented him with a bright little girl baby thai commences life from the eight pound standard. Mr. Johnson's friends will bo plcnscd to know that hola , able to bo about and.thoyclcome.s over ' the regis ter will bo ihoro c6rdlal th'atl usual for many days. , CITY ITKMS. The committee' ' on the final location of the Christian university closed its ' mooting in vcstcrd'ay morning , The committee ns organized Is ns fol lows : President , J. Z. Briscoo ; vice president , Alvin Sannders ; secretary , Porter Hedges ; treasurer. L. Van Dwyn. The board , in addition , com prises the following members : George S. Smith , S. D. Mercer , Omaha : W. P , Aylosworth , Fuirlleld ; Thomas Wiles , Plattsmouth ; J. B. Strode , C. C. Mun- son , J. B. Johnson , Lincoln ; K. T. Gadd , Omaha. The com in it too accepted the location but some of thorn regretted thai it was so far out in the country. J. W. Craig , of Crete , was in the cltj yesterday distributing now maps of the city that , in the line of artistic work , exceed anything In value shown in the map lino. The cuts of the college build ings and the views of the assembly grounds and Blue river scenery show that Nebraska is not without one romantic place in its borders. The state organization of the Catholic Knights of America have closed their session in this city and elected the fol lowing officers for the year : J. B. Dels- man , Columbus , president ; John Mo- Bride , O'Neill , vice president ; John H. Lindalo , West Point , treasurer ; George J ; Paul , Omaha , secretary. AMtJSIOMENTS. "ONLT A WOMAN'S IICAUI" AT BOTD'S LASI NIGHT. Helen Blythc , supported by n fairly good company , appeared at Boyd's last night In 'Only a Woman's Hcait. " The piece cm braces some interesting points and is a storj of the ordinary melo-dramatle type. Miss Blytho is nn actress who has won a certain degree of success in the west , and her imper sonation of the dual character of Edith and Mrs. Gordon is not without its'strong points. She is especially effective in scenes requiring emotion. Miss Blytho can count on u num ber of admirers in Omaha who witnessed her performance last night. The company ia well balanced nnd gives an able support to the handsome star. THE X KG ADS IN MOURNING. Death of D. R. Locke , tlio Nasby ol Toledo. TOLEDO , O. . Fob. 15. D. U. Locke , editor of the Blade , of this city , widely known as "Petroleum V.Nasby , " died at 0:35 : this morning of consumption. Ho was born nt Vestal , Boone county , New York.JSoptembcr 20 , 1833. in 1850 ho founded the Bucyrua Journal , and afterward was successively connected with the Mansfield Herald and Findlay Jeffcrsonian. Ho was editing the latter paper when the war broke out , and iu its columns appeared the first numbers of the renowned "Nasby" letters. The im merse popularity of the "Nasby" letters led to a demand for Locke to enter the lecture field , and he appeared in all the principrl cities of the north. In 1803 ho assumed charge of the Toledo Blade , first on a salary , afterward purchased an inter6st. and finally entire control Ho leaves a wife and throe sons. His father , a veteran of the war of 1812 , survives him. TELKOUAl'U NOTES. The king of Wurtomburg is seriously ill. A terrible blizzard is reported raging in Dakota. Warmer weather is predicted for Nebraska and Iowa. John A. Dunshano & Co. , wholesale paper dealers of Baltimore , have failed. Tcemcr beat Hainm nnd McKnn in a race rowed nt Pulatka , Fla. , yesterday. The Church & Graves Manufacturing comj pany of Minneapolis has assigned. The oftlcc of the Elmirn ( N. Y. ) Advertiser was entirely destroyed by flro last nictit. O'Brien and Dillon imulo their appearance in the commons yesterday and were warmly greeted. Count Arco Valley has been appointed German minister at Washington to succeed Baron Von Alvcnslobcn. Barbed wire manufacturers are in session nt St. Louis endeavoring to adjust the Wash- burno and Moen royalty claim. The national handicap pigeon shooting con test nt Long Branch wok won by William Sclgler , of Mt. Clare , N. J. , killing forty- seven birds out of fifty , 1 Grand Chief Engineer Arthur and the grievance committee of the Chicago , Bur lington & Qulncy engineers are in conference with officials of the company in Chicago for the purpose of aujusting inequalities In pay , etc. Senator John Shoiman , in 'an interview ut Piltsburg , said ho considered Mr. Hlaino meant every word said in his letter. As lo himself , Sherman said he was not worrying about the nomination and don't euro par ticularly if lie don't ' receive it. - - . < The Santa Fo's Intentions. PUEIII.O , Colo. , Feb. ' 15. [ Special Telegram to the BKH. ] It is learned ) from reliable and definite sources that the Santa Fc road has 'concluded arrangements to enter Doif- vor bv a route through northwestenr'Kansas. from Ness Uity divcoU This , qpn be regarded as a fact , the source 6f information being uirticstioiiod."I' > ; ' 1" ' Catarrhal Bangers. Tobofieecl fromUhe 'diuiK'irh'ot Mnirocatlon f while. Jyinu Mown ; to ' .breathy freely , sk'ou soundly und nnil.tturbil ; to ri h rtfre.slied , head clear , brain-nclive" Mid fiVe fttnu pain or uche : to know thai no pOiHoiiom"n trld iwttcr denies the breath fcu fots awvr'lho delicate machinery of smell , 'tuhto n"d licnijni ; ; to feel that the ftyt > t m docs not , throueU4t- < veins und arteries , Burk up' the potfou (1li t ( s nuru to undermine nnd U'strny,1 Is Indeed n blowing be- yoirt all other hutra ; ; 1-iiJrtymontB. ' ' ' < > pmcliyso immunity fio-n Hucli n' fSfu HhnMil bo the object of all atnictvil. llut thosu wlmjmvc tried many lemedles and pliyxictnns duxpalr of relief or cure. SAMVHIII'I * t'uiu : muetf , eivry phawi of ( ' atari h , from u slnipl ; he-til < - l < l U ) the most loathsnmo unl il-Mniitlvit .staxc.s. . II. Is local nnd constitution il. Instant In ifllbvim ; , permit- in-lit In curing , fxvfu , i-ronumlcul Jir.d mivor-'ull- Ituj. KANtrmit' * It uiiuAr , Criti : c mMhttrot ono bottle tle ot the IIAIPICAI. ClIKK , ( ilie'lOt ) Of CTAIIHII - AI , Hiii.vKM' , r.inl OIKiMiii'ivt.n IMIU.KK , ulluiiippuj Iu iiun puckuKi- , with treatlhu uiiu iH'ectl < u < , u ml hold , by nil ( Insists for ( l.W. I'OTTKII DlU'll & < " < > . . IIOSTON. p A i N S A N D w EA ! < NESS ) f fvinatcaiiiituntly rellevi-d by that iinv , elrtrunt nnd Infnlllhlit Antidote to I'rtln , Inllniuinnilouutitl WtfiilcneaMha Crricun.t A > TMAI > 1'i.tsTKit. The tlr t uii'l o'Uy pam-siibduliiK 1'Uxter niltpted In t uro Kumiilc I'altiH uinl NN Vibtly Miiwil'ir to nil oilmr | ) liut is yiitpre- par < -i > . At uMitnnjKliitWc : lliofor SI ; oriKi t < fti' of I'ottur lirutf atul Chcmlvalt'o. , Uos- : . 4 . . THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , Boars Hammer Wheat Prices With ! ' Oi'oat Success. SELLING ORDERS VERY LARGE , Tito Corn Session Characterised lijr Heavy Voliimo of Trading- Nothing New In Provls- lens Quotations. CHICAGO PRODUCE MARKET. Ciucvno , Feb. 15. [ Special Telegram to' ' the Br.u. ] After two days of bull news with out any response in this wheat market the bulls seemed to loses courage , and this was * their dny for letting go of their load. This bamo failure to respond to good news was full of encouragement to the boars .nnd Htoy hammered the market wltn great success. , Selling orders seemed to-coma from every where nnd local bears were helplntf th'o break ns nittch as possible. 'Ne.\y York was a , heavy seller in this market ind' commission houses whoso correspondents arc chleily-ln the northwest were fieo sellers. In fact , fern > n time it seemed as If the only buyers word those who had already sold at higher1 prices' and wcro now realizing their profit. The su | > - posed critical point of bUo for May wlwat was passed nnd o reached , nt which the break from tlio opening amounted * to Jif(51K ( ° from the highest price of yesterday. There seemed' to be an expectation that at SOo there would be largo quantities of wheat thrown over on stop ordeis , but that expectation was not realized. Some wheat did coma out , but was much more than balanced by the orders to buy nt that figure , and there was a fair recovery before the close , with the feeling that the immediate danger was over. May wheat opened at SOJfo and sold up early to bOJ @SOJ < c , then gradually dropped to SOphdJ bOtfe , and hung between iO.c ! und SO&fo for some time , then followed a dccllno to SOJs'C'5 80ca quick recovery to 80\'eand on the next downward turn 7UX J was touched , followed by a reaction to So ) c. and the t o'clock close was at StifttS.Ot'c. ( ) ( Juno wheat opened at 81-Vc , sold down to SOKc and closed at t o'clock at SOJ ( tSOJ e. The corn trudo was of largo volume. Tup danger point was reckoned to bo 50c for May corn , and raiders pounded the market down to that point , only to meet with disappoint ment. On the way down plenty of long grain hud come out , but at f > 0u there were moro buyers than sellers nnd the slight break below - low that point was caused solely by short sellers. The receipts were less than the estimate , but the bear argument of cut freight rates and expected heavy arrivals of com was still In full force and was used for nil it was worth1 May corn opened nt ftOKc and sold down to 50c , reacted to 50' c and then , touched I'ljfc , but again advanced to 50) c , where the price stood at the 1 o'clock close. Juno corn opened nt 50 ; e , sold down to 49 0 and closed at I o'clock with fiOVCo asked. Oats shared in the general depression , but the extent of the break was less , the extreme fluctuations In this market being about kfo. There was fairly active trading for this grain , but no special feature , Huctuations being governed by those In other grains. May oats opened nt 31 # e , declined later to 30Jfc nud closed at 1 o'clock at 80Jf@ilc. ; For Jnno oats 31Ke was asked at the opening and from that point the prtco fell to Die , closing at 1 o'clock at 31@llVc. : In provisions thcro wcro no unusual devel opments. Barring a moderate shipping de mand for lard , there was no life to speak of in the cash trade and In a speculative way a decent , quiet feeling was maintained. In all departments of the market n slow condition of affairs existed , and , all told , rather an uninteresting dny was passed. Prices were also easier In their tendency , nnd , based on' last night's closing , pork nt 1 o'clock showed a decline of 5@7 > tfo and lard and short ribs' of5c. AFTEKXOOX SESSION Wheat .sjeady , May closing at bO c. Juno SOJfc. .Corn "opened " at E > 0Vo ; May sold at iHKgbijVo'on the split , up to 50 , ' c , closing at GO&o bidf Ctals steady. ' Pork sold for May at i\4.30@\ja4 \ and for j ruary $7.n2 ' , March * 7.32K@ . 3 , May 17.50 , June $7.57) . CHICAG(7lAvE STOCK. CHICAGO , Feb. 15. [ Special Telegram to the BEE. ] CATTLE Trudo opened rather slow in the fat cattle branch of the business. The run was overestimated at the start , but after tlio run was finally known , trade moved along quite freely and about oil the bust > cattle wcro disposed of before the closing. As to prices , thcro was little or no change when compared with yesterday. Some big KXX ) to 1700-lb steers were bought for Blum- mcuthal , of Now York , ut$5.U ! } and one lot for another Now York buyer nt $5.40. They wcro fully finished nnd would have made that price any time last week. Butchers' stock sold at n shade moro money than here tofore , but canning stock sold at about former prices. Fancy , $5.15r > .30. Steers , 1350 to 1500 Ibs , $4.'ll@r ( > .00 ; l-'OO to W.Vlbs. f380@ 4.40 ; 0V ) to I''OO Ibs , $ U.OO@.1.75. Stockers and feeders , W.8.Yrt,2.70 ; cows , bulls nnd mixed , * 1. < T.U5 ; ; bulk , $3.'JOS'J.Hr ( . Texas- fed steers , $3.254.00 ; grassers , fJ.ltS ® 3.00. 3.00.Hoos The big run sent prices down a good lOo as compared with the opening yesterday. Since Monday values have declined ir20c , best heavy selling' at $ . " ) .CO@505 to-day against $5.75(35.80 ( on Monday nnd f5.C525.7S yesterday. The bulk of best mixed sold within a range of W a" > ( M.50 nnd light mixed of ISO Ibs up ut * 5.10J5. ( . Assorted light of IfiO to 170 1 bs average made $5.10@3.20 , largely at $5.10. Piirs , 4.hO@4.90.i. i. t FINANCIAL. NEW Yoitrc , Feb. 15 , [ Special Telegram to the BEK.I KIOCKS Stock brokers have never scon n tlmo in years when they had1 less business than at present. ' Sales of less than f > 0OuO , shares In n day amounts to nothing compared with the business of a year or two ago , when the Into D. P. Morgan , or WocrUhoffcr frequently traded Iu that mini * ber of shares in a day and" thought nothing ; of it. The continued dullness is becoming strainfnl to commission houses , nnd , a * usual when trade peters out , they are beginning to cast around for remedies. S6mc suggest that commissions are too high ; llmt pdr cent each way Is too mui-i money to pay. Others , however , urguo that rates arq low enough , considering the fact that brokers uro fro-t quently called upon to Investigate ' n nilmbbr of stocks or bonds for an Investor * Wlio' probably wants only n small lot. Others claim that thuro should be no established rate of commissions and that every broker should be allowed to make whnUjVcn rate they can get. It was suggested by ethers that ' 'tickers" should bo removed and no' quotations Bent out regularly. This , they claim , would shnt up bucket shops and ro-s vert business to the ovcnunce. Should tho. latter bo put into effect there would-bo los business tliuu over , und trudo that goes into' bucket shops would go to the consolidated In stead of the big exchange , us the bucket shop traders only want Hinall lots. The p V- llo want news or they will not trade , and , should the quotations bo i-ut off they would bo at sea. The market was the reverse Of yeitqnlay. Trading , although at tjinps 'very slow , icached a larger aggregate. 70,044 shares , against 41,830 shares yesterday Traders who have been hammering the mur-- kct for hovcrul days and made little progress changed tholr tactics nnd began buying for a tlmo. The 'market Is ovoi sold and decidedly sensitive , and the moderuto pnrehaHos by shorts caused a sharp rally of MWf points , the close being firm at outside figures. Chi- cogo , Burlington ( t Qulnoy showo.1 the larg est gain. Manhattan was second with I point , St. Paul Ki ako Shore % , Loulsvillu & Nashvlllu K , Reading X and Missouri Pa- clllo X per cor.t. GovinxMcsTf UoTtrntacat Daiida w r dull and b avy. , - i