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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 1888)
' i DAII BEE. SEVENTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA , THUBSDAY MORMNG. FEBRUARY 10 , 1888 , NUMBER . .243. CUT HIS BROTHER'S ' HEAD OFF , Horrible Fratracldo In a Mill Near Rushvillo. THE MURDERER UNDER ARREST. Another Wreck nt Onklnnd-Thc Pro- hlbUlon.Convcutlon Found Swing ing From a Bridge Fatal Ac * cldcnt nt Ogullala. The Crime of Cain. llLTsiiviu.K , Neb. , Feb. 15. A quarrel bc- txvccn two brothers running a sawmill sev eral miles out from thin place three days ago resulted In n terrible tragedy. One of the men , while in a ill of nvgc , scl/od un axe and struck his brother over the head , killing him Instantly , the blow nearly severing the head from the bpdy. The murderer is now in Jail hero uwulntlng examination for the erlma. A Farmer Suicides. WAIIOO , Neb. , Feb. 15. [ Social to the Her. . ] Lorenzo Barnoll , living three miles Boulh of town , suicided by hanging himself n his burn. Uarnell was a farmer , fifty years olii , and leaves a wife and nine chil dren. Ho left a long letter to his family , the contents of which have not been given to the public. He was financially embarrassed and that is the supiKised cause of his rush act. Remorse Drove Him to It. BUTTON , Neb. , Fob , 15. [ Special Telegram to the UIE. ] A dead man was seen hanging to a bridge on the Union I'aclile railroad four or live miles west of Fnlrfleld by the train men to-day. Ho was a small man with red dish grey whiskers , dressed In brown clothes with cap drawn down over his face. It was supposed by those who saw him to bo aprons Inent farmer who had resided in this locality for years and the general conjecture is that It was a sutcldo caused from remorse. The bridge to which the dead body was swinging as the train went by is Just one mile north of the bridge where Mrs. Taylor and her brother Tom Jones , of Spring r.uiche , were hung by u mob three years ago. It will bo remem bered that Mrs. Taylor , a widow of bad re- jmto and her brother Tom Jones , were both taken from their residence and hung to n bridge by a mob of masked men. supposed to be their neighbors. Since that time this com munity has been iu an unsettled condition and one of the mob , a prominent farmer , has become mentally unbalancco from rcmorso. The coroner , S. M. Elder , of ClnyCenterhas been notllled and will atoncoholdan Iiuiuest. Freight TrnliiH Collide. OAKIAND , Neb. , Feb. 15. [ Special 'Tele- grnmto the BEE. ] The third railroad wreck within a month at this point took place at half | > ast 12 o'clock to-day. Two freight trains collided. A south bound freight was switching while on the main track. The other freight with a heavy load came in , It is claimed , at a rapid speed ana it being down grade , was unable to stop when the danger was observed. The southbound engine was 'irevcrscd nt the time the other crashed into It. Uoth ciiRince.r and llrcman saved their lives by Jumping. P. J. Gordon , one of the enginecraj > was struck by Hying timbers. One leg wns'brokcn above the knee. One fireman was somewhat bruised. Hoth en gines were badly wrecked. One car was de molished , loaded with corn. The others were slightly damaged. A car load of mules for Mount , Kvorest & Lyons was struck. One mule was badly hurt and afterwards shot. The wreck was cleared this evening at 0 o'clock. _ The Prohibition Convention. LINCOLN , Neb. , Feb. 15.--Specal [ ! Telegram to the BEE. ] The prohibition state convention tosolectBOventccn delegates to their national convention met this after noon nt Hohannam hall , ono of the largest assembly rooms in the city. Seven hundred delegates were In attendance , Including about forty ladles. The hall was decorated with mottoes setting forth the curses of the liquor traffic and Prof. Hncklns and choir furnished campaign music. The songs wore especially directed nt the republican party and ono or two of them toward Blulnc. II. W. Hardy was temporary chairman and Kev. C. E. Uentloy , of Ulysses , permanent chairman , with II. C. Blttonbonder , of Lin coln , secretary. Committees on credentials , resolutions and organization were appointed and A. O. Wolfonbarger presented a plan for work that Is to require u campaign fund of 110,000 with a state organizer , district orga nizer and county organizer who are to go through every school district in the state. The delegates to the national convention wcro selected , two at largo and five from each of the congressional districts in the state. The caucusing for delegates was lively and the following were selected at largo : A. O. Woolfcnbnrgor , Lincoln ; Mrs. Jennie F' Holmes , of Tecumseh. First District John Dale , of Omaha ; C. F. Templin , Nebraska City ; F. K. Jay , Odell ; John L. McGee , Wahoo ; II. W. Hardy , Lincoln. Second District F. B. Palmer , Hastings ; Mrs. C. M. Woodard , Seward ; C. E. Bentley , Ulysses ; Kev. W. N. Bean , York ; J. E. Hopper , Fall-Hold. Third District C. C. Crowell , Blair ; George W. Keed. Chadron ; H. S. Hilton , Central City ; W. M. Worloy , Schuylor ; C. D. Irvin , Grand Island. The evening session was given to an address by M. 13. Fanning , of Jackson , Mich. Opening of the Midway. KcAiixny , Nob. , Feb. 15. [ Special to the lice. ] This was another red letter day in Kearney's history , witnessing as it did the opening to' the public of the grand Midway hotel , the finest In the state outside of Omnha. Kearney In the past has been rather behind her sister cities In respect to hotel accommo dations , but about a year ago her citizens re solved that the city should have a hotel worthy of the future Minneapolis of Ne braska , and through the Instrumentality ol ' ono of her most liberal and public spirited citizens , J. L. Keck , they have now opened to the public a house which places Kearney In the lead. The Midway Is located nt the corner of f Grilled and Wyoming avenues , only foiu blocks from the depots and In the heart of the city. It Is a handsome four-story structure inclined to the Queen Anne style of archi tecture. U Is 100 feet square nnd the tirst itI story Is of Iron and Ft. Collins , Col. , sandstone I - stone , the second of pressed brick , the thin d ] do and fourth of wood. The office is in dd center of the building , the rest of the ground floor being taken up by the bar room , billiard room , barber shop and several store rooms designed for ofllecs. Ascending dlrcctlj from the oftlco by an easy ( light of velvet carpeted stairs the first floor U reached , or > which are the parlor , dining rooms , kitchen * and a number of elegantly furnished room | : with bath , etc. On the second and third floors which , bj the way , can bo also readied by an clcgnn passenger elevator are a largo number o pleasant and finely furnished rooms , each jf which is heated by steam , llghtei by gas and connected by bells with the ofllco features buro to be duly appreciated by tin traveling public. The bath rooms and closet ts : nro also on the upper floors. The dinnif room and office are lighted by electricity , an < as soon as the Incandescent plant is com plcted this BJ stem will bo placed in eacl room. The kitchen is finished In the most couuilcto manner , and with Mr. BrainarJ'i well known reputation as a first clus stexvArd , U is unnecessary to say that tin table will bo all that could bo desired. Dur Ing his connectltm with the Grand Centra hotel the lost two yearsMr , Bralnard ha jjlvcn iitftruc } ' the oet hotel U has ever had nnd will continue In the future ns. In the past to pay especial attention to the commercial trade , the whole of which he has held nt the Grand Central. The hotel cost not less than IM.OOO , nnd , with street cars and bus running direct to the depots to nnd from all trains , promises to make Kearney ono of the most popular Sunday towns in the state. Patrick Ejjan on Ulnltin. LiNcotNNcb.Feb. 15. [ Special Telegram to the BEE. ] Hon. Patrick Egan , ex-president or the Irish National League In America , ex pressed himself on Blalne's letter to-day as follows : "t believe Mr. Ulalne's letter will do great good In clearing the political atmos phere. The republican party can now feel thoroughly nnd entirely free to select the best man with u horn to win , and I am con vinced that it will not be long until the senti ment will make itself felt with irresistible force from cud to end of the land that James G. Blaine is just that man. H seems to mo that the republican party can this year achieve one of Its greatest triumphs if It will but have the courage to take the bold course. If the convention will , with practical unan imity , tender the nomination to Mr. Blaine ho can not and will not refuse. I would commend to our time-serving and timid friends amongst the republican party the opinion of our staunch and clear-headed democratic con gressman , John A. McShano , expressed in an Interview yesterday. He says : So far as the country nt largo is concerned , I bellex'o that Mr. Blalnc's withdrawal will pivo new spirit to the democratic canvass. My Judg ment is that ho was the strongest candidate which the republican party could have pitted against Mr. Cleveland , and for this reason , that ho would have attracted , as he did be fore , an Immense number of votes of Irish men which are usually cast for the demo cratic candidate. Mr. McShano might also have said , because he would attract an Im mense labor vote ; because he would arouse an enthusiastic spirit of American nationality such as no other living American could nrouBO and because the campaign of slander , if again attempted against him , would fall entirely flat. " _ Ilnmiltoii District Court. Aunoiu , Neb. , Feb. 15. [ SpecialTelegram to the Hnu. ] In the slander case before Judge Norval , in which D. W. Long , of Mar- quc'tto , was plaintiff , and W. F. Hart do- fcndant , the Jury returned a verdict for the plaintiff for $1. ' This is the case In which Long , a justice of the peace of Marquette , sued Hart for ? 1CHX ) for defamation of char acter , Hart having called Long a thief , a liar and various other hard names. The costs are upon plaintiff , as It requires a judgment of not less than t5 to carry the costs. The case of Charles Norden vs the Chicago cage , Burlington & Qulncy railroad company Is now being tried. Norden sues for dam ages In the sum of $ Ti,000 claimed to have been sustained in being run over by a hand car by which ho received permanent injuries. The suit is closely contested and quite an array of witnesses are bemg examined on both sides. It may take all day to-morrow to finish the trial. The suit of W. V. Morse & Co. , of Omaha , vs F. J. nnd Catherine Englo , of Aurora , in volving a note nnd mortgage executed to Morse & Co. , amounting to over Jl,400 , has been tried , but the Judge has not yet ren dered his decision. This was a matter in which Morse & Co. had closed the mortgage and took possession of the property , but the case was reopened by Mrs. Engle on the ground that her signature to the note and mortgage was obtained throjigh fraud on the part of her husband , F. J. Englo. The prop erty was in her name. One of the prosecuting witnesses in the whisky trial has arrived and the case will probably bo called tills week. The other witness , It ia understood , is not In the state. Charter Day at Lincoln. LINCOLN , Neb. , Fob. 15. [ Special Tele gram to.tho BEE. ] Charter day at thov state university was observed to-day , It being the fiftieth anniversary of that institution Through the day the building was open to the public in nil departments. Among the visit ors from abroad were twenty-live from the High school class in Beatrice. This evening the literary exercises are In progress , the principal feature being un address by Chun cellar Lippincott , of the University of Kan sas. . _ Instantly Killed. OCUM.ILA , Neb. , Feb. 15. [ Special Tele gram to the Bnc. ] This afternoon when the train distributing telegraph poles was nbou thirteen miles west of this place ono of the force , a man named J. C. Hill , fell bctwcci : the cars , ten wheels .passing over his body , killing him instantly. Ho is about twenty nine years old. His former residence was in Kentucky. His remains were , brought to this city where an inquest was held. a ArrcHted For Forgery. FALLS Cur , Neb. , Feb. 15. [ Special Tele gram to the BEE. ] A man living near Rule , by the name of Isaac Elshiro , was arrested yesterday and brought to this city charged with forgery. He was trying to got a note cashed at the national bank of Uulo yester day afternoon. The cashier of the bank sus pected something wrong andoaftcr inquiries found it to bo a forgery , nnd had him ar rested. Ho is now In the county jail waiting the October session of the district court. The note amounted to $100.x Adjudged Insane. FAI.LS CmNeb. . , Feb. 15. [ Special Tele gram to the BED. ] For several weeks past E. Deuchlcr , a farmer living a few miles out of this city , has kept his family , as well as the community'in an uproar by his constant acts of mistreatment. First Eazhart had his three sons nnd daughter , all under ago , ar rested for felonious assault. Two of the boys wcro fined. This did not seem to do any good , and on complaint of his neighbors and family ho was to-day brought to this city and by the proper tribunals adjudged insane and lodged in the county jail , lie will betaken taken to Lincoln. niizzurd RilCN. Coi.UMnus , Neb , , Feb. 15.--John Miller , a farmer near town , who was abroad in the . blizrard of January 12 , had three lingers of each bund amputated yesterday. Mrs. Joseph Miller , mother of Frank Metz , who lost Ills Ufa in the storm , was brought hero for treatment a month ago. Yesterday the doctors amputated the lingers and thumb of the left hand , the last three fingers of the right , and the largo and second too of the r ' ' rlght'foot. Both'patients are Improving. o Hurt in a Runaway. VALPAUAISO , Nob. , Feb. 15. [ Special to the BEE. ] Yesterday as J. D. Crcuthbaum , was driving into town his team became scared , ran away and , breaking loose from o the wagon , Jerked Mr. Crcathbaum , who was wrapped In the lines , out of the wagon and dragged him over the frozen ground about twenty rods , bruising him up terribly but fortunately breaking no bones , Paper Manufacturers' Pin us. CHICAGO , Feb. 15. The Northwestern Pupcr Manufacturers' association at a special meeting to-day considered a plan to itf sell the entire product of their mills to an as f sociation of eastern paper dealers and capi talists. It was practically determined to ac cept the proposal and the matter was referred , to a committee to Kettle upon n plan , The as sociation meets March 7 to take conclusive action. A Compromise in Sight. CHICAGO , Feb. 13. No reductions were made In rates to-day beyond 1 cent lower on dressed beef and U > f cents lower on dressed hogs from Kansas City and'Omaha to Chi cago. The representatives of three outside northwestern rouds will attend n meeting of the association lines hero to-morrow and there is IIOIKJ that a compromise way be ar rived at. NO CAUSE FOR NERVOUSNESS , Omaha's Prospects Still Good For a New PostofiQce. OBSTACLES HARD TO OVERCOME. The House Passes Dorsey's Dill Kstab- Places For Holding Uni ted States Courta in Ne braska Blaine Talk. Unnecessary. Alarm. WASHINGTON' BUHRAH TIIR OMAHA HER , I 513 FouitTEBNTit STHKET , > WASHINGTON , D. C. , Feb. 15. I There is no cause for nervousness or alarm about the opposition to the new government building at Omaha. Mr. McShano is doing everything that any ono man can do and is undoubtedly doing more than could be done by a republican , ns ho is a vcrv active demo crat in a democratic house. The fact Hint the house committee on public buildings nnd grounds determined to amend the bill so ns to make but t.V)0,000 ) immediately available and for the purchase of a site is not a dis couraging objection when the facts are all known. It is not the fault of Mr. McShane that the senate bill was not reported to the house without amendment. It ts the cus tom of democrats in the first place to throw all of the responsibility upon the republican senate for largo appropriations and the expenditure of all moneys in directions not already indicated by law. For four years the house has been in the habit of indiscriminately cutting down appropriations in senate bills with a view to concurring in the dqmands of the senate when a conference committee on the part of the above house is appointed. By doing this the democrats In the house imagine that they are heaping the responsibility upon the re publicans iu the senate. Mr. McShano fought bitterly this precedent , however , and did everything ho could to have the bill re- iortcd as it citmo from the senate. In the ccond place there were a number of cities cmandlng appropriations of about the same > izo Omuhn wants nnd Mr. McShane could , ot do less than recognize the merits of these laims along with that of his own and when akcn together the six or seven other largo lilies asking for big appropriations made a ium which almost frightened such econo mists in the house as Handall and Holmnn , vho , on the eve of a presidential cam- 'aign ' especially , watch every channel of ex- icndituro and shudder at the grand totals. M.MOVAllI.n OUSTAC1.E4 TO TUB OMAHA 1111,1. . The house committee on public buildings nd grounds had six bills before it at the > amo time the Omaha measure was under lonsidcration which aggregated nearly$3,000- JOO. Then it hud a lurgc lot of bills making imall appropriations for buildings in the .esser cities throughout the country , the mor- isof which must bo recognizedundaltogether .hey aggreguteabout 3I4OUOOUO. This seems : o bo a largo sum to put out at one time on public buildings , so it was deemed by u'ma jority of the committee , as well as by promi nent democrats in the house outside of the committee , that instead of appropriating the * 1,200IX)0 ) or $1,500,000 required for sites and buildings . in each of the six largo cities that only the amounts nec essary . for the requirements of sites should bo nt this time appropriated. This cut down the grand total to the mini mum und gave to the cities virtually all that they asked , since the appropriations for the buildings could bo made later , and only that for the sites could bo used immediately. This argument was especially made applica ble by the committee to Omaha , since it was shown that action by the legislature is neces sary before the title to the site can bo made perfect. To all this , however , Mr. McShane eiltercd a strong protest , and fought like a tiger to secure the whole $1,500,000 in a lump. COMUINATION8 AGAINST M'slIAN'i : . There was , however , another complication which came up against Mr. McShano in his struggle for the adoption in the house com mittee of the senate bill. ICunflks City and Milwaukee , cities which have made splendid showings by the returns of their gov ernment reports , etc. , have had bills reported from the senate committee making appropria tions for sites and buildings to cost about as much as the ono at Omaha. Yet the con gressmen from these two cities did not ask the house committee on public buildings und grounds to adopt the senate bills as they were reported. They simply asked tliat ap propriations bo made at this tlmo for sites and the sites at these two cities cost only half as much as the one at Omaha. The commit tee confronted Mr. McShano with this ques tion : How comes it that you are the only democrat demanding the full appropriation for the site and building at one time when the congressmen from Milwaukee and Kansas City and New Orleans and other cities are not only willing to accept at this tlmo an appropriation for sites to cost half as much as yours , but are advocating the principle of making this rule general. Upon the top of this almost unanswerable interrogatory cams the members from these districts und "cat- hauled" Mr. McShano until ho was annoyed beyond measure. Mr , McShane , however , made another pertinent reply to this ques tion , when it was propounded by the full com mittee , by saying ; "These men who uro ud- vocating the appropriations only are not rep resentatives of their constituents. They nro simply congressmen. " In the face of ull this Mr , McShauo still demanded the full appro priation. The odds were against him und the bill was reported with the amendment al ready stated , Milwaukee is in the same trouble. Senator Spoonor , of Wisconsin , who is a member of the senate committee on public buildings and grounds , is in much the same predicament that Mr. McShano Is. Senator Spooner luiil hail his own i bill , making an appropriation of $1,200,000 ) for n site und building nt Milwaukee , reported favorably from his committee und when it cutno before the house committee the representative from that district advocated an amendment which made un appreciation for the purchase of a site only. Air. Spo6ncr Is consequently about us Indignant as Mr. McShano. There is a difference , however , between the Omaha case nnd the Milwaukee , in that the senators from Nebraska are with Mr , McShano in demanding the full appro priation In ono bill. Success will likely bo achieved when the bill goes to the conference committee. CAN THIS nr. TIlUEl It was stated at the government printing oftlco to-day that Cadet Taylor , of Omaha , was to boa willing witness for Publio Printer Benedict in the 1 alter's approaching trial by an investigating committee of the house , and that ho would give testimony against the management of the office under the lute Mr. S. P. Hounds , llF.l.nOATK OLEASOX FOIt IH.UXC. Andrew Uleason , ono of the republican delegates to the Chicago convention recently selected in the District of Columbia , said to day that ho intended to vote for Mr. Blaine right along Just the same as if the letter of withdrawal had not been written , Glcuson is inclined to believe that Blaine is likely to bo nominated In any event. NKIlllASKA COUIITS AND MAILS. The nouso to-day passed the Dorsey bill establishing places for holding United States courts in iJcbraska , a full abstract of which was published iu these dispatches a few days ago. ago.Mr. . Dorsey wont to the postmaster general to-day und asked that the mail service on the Fremont , Klkhorn & Missouri Valley rail way bo doubled between Norfolk , Fremont and Omaha so ns to have two instead of ono mail route dally , The postmaster general talked very favorably and the prospects are that the request will bo grunted , III.AINE MAY HE NOMINATED AFTER AM. . ' You slightly misquoted mo in your inter- ucw ! on Monday in reference to the with drawal of Mr. Blalne , " said Heprcsentutivc Boutcllo , of Maine , to the BEE correspondent ' 'In making mo iuUrnatQ that Mr. Blaine was In good health and that I had In any way Influenced him in writing the letter is not exactly what I wanted to say. Mr. Blalnc's health la excolHat. I did not Intend to say , cither , that the latter took him out of the llnq of presidential t possibilities , or that ho may bo nominated. The letter is simply n complete release of all of Mr. Blalnc's sup- l > orters and they are left to act free from all obligation and every action in the past nnd ns they wish. It docs not mean that his name will not bo presented to the convention nt Chicago , or that h would not bo the candi date if nominated. It means that his name will not bo presented upon his authority. My attitude towards Mr. Blaine vand the presi dency is Just the same now that it was before the letter was written. liAKOTA AK'I ) TUB LAND COMMISSIOXEUS111P. There has been n report in circulation hereto to the effect that one "Ordway" Johnson , of Dakota , who has been in Washington several winters opposing the division and admission of Dakota us a statfe , would bo appointed commissioncrof the general land office. This report seems almost Incredible , as Mr. John son's record is not such as to commend him to the people or make him fit for an ofllco of responsibility or trust. But the rumors have been that through Mr. Springer , of Illinois , with whom Johnson has been working in op position to the admission of Dakota , ho had prevailed upon the president to make him com missioner of iHiblic lands. I saw Mr. Springer tc > day and he told mo that there was not a word of truth in the story : that ho had not endorsed Mr. Johnson for this office or for any other ; that ho had written us strong a letter as ho could pen in favor of Judge Browning , of Illinois , nnd had repeatedly urged his name uixm the presi dent. Ho was for Browning first , last und all the time , and that his prospects wcro still good. Ho had not heard that Mr. Johnson , of Dakota , was a candidate for commissioner of public lands and did not believe It. JOHNSON I'ltOll.UlLV A FAIIUICATOK. There seems to bo a fabrication somewhere In this connection. Johnson went to ono of his most Intimate friends hero almost a week ago and told him that Secretary Vilas prom ised him the land commlssioncrshlp ; that the secretary hud spoken to the president ; that Springer had strongly recommended the ni > - pointuicnt not only to Vitas but to the pres ident , and that the only thing in the way was his inability to pledge immediate confirma tion. Johnson asked this friend to see cer tain senators notably Chairman Plumb , of the committee on public lands and ascertain if ho wduld report the nomination favorably and early after it was sent in. Johnson stated to this man , who came directly to mo with the information , that the matter of ap pointment was fixed beyond any pcrad- venture of doubt with both Vilas and the president , and that it would bo made as soon as it could lie as certained that the nomination V'ould bo promptly confirmed by the senate. John son seemed to doubt whether there could bo that quick confirmation secured that the ad ministration mndo a ceAitingency to his ap pointment. Ho said that the administration did not want any more delays in confirma tions and no more tights over nominations , and that , above all , it must be arranged be forehand , that there would be no delay In the senate. This afternoon I went to the house to see Delegate Gifford , of Dakota , about Johnson's standing in the territory. I found Mr. Gif ford nnd ex-Dolcgato Pcttigrow , of Sioux Falls , in the corridor near the house cham ber. They wcro ulmoat taken off thofr feet in amazement when Itold thorn that John son , according to his own statement , was picked out for the appointment to the land ofllco commlhsioncrship , and said his appoint ment would ruin the , administration in Da kota , and , besides that , Johnson could not bo confirmed. PENNSYLVANIA'S FAVORITES. Pennsylvanians hero say the republicans in their state will beyond any .doubt have a candidate for the presidential nomination and it lies between George W. Childs and Senator Don Cameron. , Senator Quay , it is stated , will do all ho can to force Cameron to the front , but Don does not want a presiden tial boom or nomination. Quay , however , would like to shelve Cameron's influence in the senate , and this ho can do by either elect ing him president or securing the race. Cameron is working for" Childs , who , al though ho has declined to have his name used for the nomination , can doubtless bo persuaded to accept. Pennsylvania does not intend going into the convention with her fifty-four votes without some ono to rally around as n single' man. It will not dote to go to Chicago to scatter nnd fritter away Its influence , nnd republican representatives from the state , although refusing to say what they ure likely to do , intimate that now that James Bluinc is out of the way , only a man from this state can hold the delegation to gether. If Senator Quay cannot work it for Cameron , the latter , it is said , will hold the delegation for George W. Childs. Kepub- licans outside the fetutc regard the natural tendencies in the light Of a very formidable boom for Mr. Chillis , WHAT IICI'UIIMCANS rnOPOSC ONTIIE TAllIFF. Mr. McICinlcy , of Ohio , ono of the leading members of the house committee on ways and means , is making n quiet canvass of the republicans in congress for the purpose of gathering information to bo used in the for mation of a republican tariff bill. A confer ence is to bo held between the republicans of the committee on ways nnd means and those of the senate committee on finance with a view to arriving at a general understanding ns to what kind of a bill they shall pro pose in opposition to the ono the majority members of the ways und means committee will soon introduce. A skeleton of the bill Mr. McICinloy carries'around in his mind and states to those with whom ho talks. It reduces the taxes on tobacco $30,000,000 , on brandy and whisky distillations 813,000,000 und makes reductions on wool and woolens amounting to about $6,000,000 by accepting the bill recently recommended by the con vention of wool growers and wool dealers. In round figures the bill Mr , McKlnloy lias in mind makes reductions amounting to $50,000,000. A number of republican members from the central and western states told him to-day that they could not support the bill , us $43,000,000 , reductions from the internal taxes nnd $0,000,000 from the customs dues was in ill proportion. They suggested that Mr. Kandall bo consulted nnd u compromise made between the republican and democratic protectionists , but Mr. Me- Kinloy said ho wanted u republican measure , pure und simple.and that it was better to fail with that kind of n bill than win with one made by democratic puggcstions. Most of the republicans want a reduction of the duty on sugar , which McKlnloy opposes. Ptnitv S. HEATH , Preparing an Ontibus mil. WASHINGTON. , Feb. 3C , The committees on territories to-day considered the questions relating to the admission ns states , of Da kota , Montana , Washington and New Mex ico. It was decided tojformulato un omnibus enabling act for the fopr territories , nnd the preparation of a bill , was referred to a sub committee consisting ttf'Mr. Springer , Man- sur , Hayes , Strubel und Syuis. During the session votes were . . { alien upon ordering favorable reports upon Mr. Gilford's bill for the the admission of South Dakota , and Mr. Baker's bill looking Jo the recognition of North Dakota as n state. The result in each case was unfavorable tjo the bill. A reK | > rtcr asked Delegate Gifford this nftcrnoou what ho thought of the action of the committee , and ho" replied : "So far as my territory is concerned , it will bo highly unsatisfactory to our ! ( icople. I don't care anything about how many democratic territories are brought into statehood , I urn not concerned in the i > olltic.s involved ; I want the division of Dnkotu first und state hood secondly. If wo .cannot get division wo don't want statehood. Division is the most important and n majority of the house com mittee on territories , knowing this , acts in bad faith. I lmvcno idea that the om .rdbus . bill will go through the senate. I hope iRt. " Army Order. } . WASHINGTON , Feb. 15. [ Special Tele gram to the BKE. ] Captain William Man ning , Twenty-third Infantry , granted three months' leave , to take effect early In March ; Captain Samuel S. Woodard , Tenth cavalry , granted further extension of leave for one month. Hcnntor Davit * ' Kuccessor. MiNNEiroua , Feb. 15. H. G. Kvans , of Mlnnenpolis , has been elected member of the national republican committee to succeed Senator Davit. THE POSITION OF PARLIAMENT , No Obango In Party Attitude Blnco the Session Commenced , SLIM SIGNS OF WEAKENING. The Crown Prlnco Attacked With Severe CoitRniiiR and Passes A BlecplcHH Night Cheered With Congratulationi ) , A Week AYastrd. ISS8 tin Jamet Uonlan Itennttt , ] LONDON , Feb. 15. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to the Ben. ] A week of session nearly gone nnd where do we all stand t Pretty much in the sumo position ns before. Neither sldo shows any signs of yielding. Gladstone Is still hopeful , but no longer confident. Parnell is used to fighting up hill nnd takes each day's work as It comes with passive countenance. Thus far ho has been present nt each sitting , watching every thing closely and having his own way until the fatal division bell rings , then to bo driven back , only to begin again as if nothing had happened. If any politician desires to find a model of cool , patient , dogged persistence , marching on to Its end as inflexible as the dark fates , they cannot do better than to study Parnoll. But how goes the bull generally ! I see no sign of wavering in the mlnlstrial ranks. .Look nt the first division. Ninety- five majority iu a house moderately filled. That tells the talc. A second division would nvo led stronger. I believe that the mlllcn- lum has arrived. Gladstone and Smith , Darnell and Balfour and the , whole body of lonscrvatlvos and Parncllltes went iu the same lobby nnd voted the same way. The iolice must have trembled to sec so many 'ombustlblo ' elements brought together , yet ; 11 came out alive. The question at issue vns only whether wo should recognize Ash Wednesday by meeting two hours later than sual. Parnoll talked silently , gloomily. Through the conservative lobby Gladstone limited cheerfully with Smith , and the con- ending armies rested for n few minutes inder n flag of truce , but soon they i-cro at it again ns hard as vcr , Colonel Suunderson , the "rollicking tory rishman'bunging away at the Gladstonians , ircaking a head wherever ho could see- ono , ud giving the discussion the true flavor of a Donnybi-ook fair. When Saunderson is ouco itarted away he goes like another Harry Lorrequcr , upsetting everybody nndyotlenv- ng his victims with a smile on their faces. The Parnellites don't like his onslaughts , but 'orgive him , for Is ho not an Irishman after ill and n good landlord ) Yet all this cut and ihish business brings us "no forwarder. " I told you several weeks ago that the local government bill would prove the crux of the cssion , and so It will. But my information , larefully obtained , now leads mo to bclicvo hat Gladstone nnd Parnell may bo mistaken In supposing that the gov ernment will be upset or seriously halt on on this measure. Leading liberal unionists have already been made acquainted with its main provisions and they agree that .t is subject to minor modifications. ' This is also remembered , if anybody desires to grasp -ho whole situation , namely : That if the ovcrnmcnt is beaten the unionists would merely bo driven to their second line of do- ' 01190 and another government could and would bo formed by Hurtingtou and Cham berlain uniting their party with the con servatives. Not until that was beaten would Gladstone have his chance. Such nro the facts before us. The bill will perhaps array certain powerful Interests against the ministry. Liquor licenses are to bo transferred to a new elective governing body. The arrangement is not likely to boone ono of safety to either the temperance party or publicans. Existing licenses will bo no menace , but I believe the bill insures that drinking houses shall not bo closed without compensation to owners. If there are three in a street and two are closed the value of the third will bo proportionately ncreased. The two will bo compensated , and the one left will bo better off than be fore. The publicans will weigh the conside ration that they have overturned strong governments before to-day and Gladstonians cncrnlly are rather relying on them to cap- slzo Salisbury. They have been sounded , however , through leading brewers , and it is thought that they can be made content. This is the great question now advancing on us. It is hard to tell you how it stands to-day , but there may bo many possibilities of danger not yet discovered. Gladstone regards this bill as a rock on which the government will bo wrecked * Ho does not credit the theory that any tory measure for read justing local nnd country rule can bo satisfactory to anybody calling himself a liberalist. If Chamberlin took this view nil would bo over with the measure , but even then the government might withdraw it nnd decline to resign. Gladstone was strongly advised to take that course with his homo rule bill. If he had done so ho might be in power to-day by having introduced and car ried u modified measure. The fact remains that both Gladstone and Parnoll firmly bo- llovo that they will bo able to turn out the ministry on its local government bill , ni their experience is great. Obviously , there fore , the new measure will have except lonu importance to all who are deeply intercstci iu the Irish question. A MEMIIEU OF PAIIUAMENT. NO IMPROVEMENT. The Crown Prlnco Cou lis Consldorn lily nnd Pansen n Sleepless Night. [ CupyrtuM JSSS t > U Jnmct Unrilon llainttt.l SAN UEMO , Feb. 15. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to the BEE. ] The wcathe is changeable , with frequent showers am glimpses of sunshine. The crown princ coughed considerably during the night and had but little sleep. .He wrote letters to-da ; und ute chicken and fish. Ho seems in gooc spirits. The treatment of the larynx has no been resumed. Dr. Thomas Evans nrrivci to-day. Sir Morrell leaves Friday and re turns in two weeks. Owing to the advance of medical science many theories which were in vogue twentj five years ago no longer hold ground , A that tlmo it was supposed that little cells wer characteristic of cancer. Now , however , th best pathologists maintain that there is no such a thing as a cancer cell. The supposei cancer cells of former days wcro , in fact altered epithelium. It was discoverci twenty years ago thatt in cancc certain nest cells were frequently foum which were made up in u peculiar way of ono cell covering the other like layers of nn onion , from which they derived their name in German as zwiebeln onlqn cells. In the lust ten years It was discovered that these cells were found in the offensive nnd somewhat disfiguring wart which Is common on schoolboys' hands and in the disagreeable' corn which effects , nll sorts nnd conditions of men. However , botlj in warts and corns , and iu other so- called benign formations , these nest cells nro only found In the superficial layers of time. n cancer , on the other hand , they appear in ho deeper narts. In Virchow's recent re- iort he especially mentions that no nest cells ould bo discovered In the deeper layers of he tissue , but only in the most superficial , ? hcsc cells , to bo typical of cancer , should not only bo deeply placed , but should also bo ituated In a rind of flcshwork that Is in ncshcrs , which ts called the alveolar struc- uro. The position of nest cells jn this Ivcnlar structure is pointed out by -Tlrcho\Y - to bo characteristic of cancer. n tils celebrated lecture on diseased tumors ' mentions in his assldos cxamtnn- lens his not being able to find any alvoalar tructuro In the crown prince's throat. At the desire of the crown prince Sir Mor el 1 lias made a report In which ho lias re- narked that in the present stage of science 10 is unable to ufllrm the existence of any other disease In the case of the crown prlnco ban chronic Intcrestlal Inflammation of the arynx combined with pcrlchondritls , and also states that as far back an July of last car he warned several members of the rown prince's family that the danger ho most drendciiwas probably pcrlchondrltis at a future date. It seemed that ho was dubl- usly reserved , although he knows In his own mind what would occur. Ho knows more about the feature than ho cares to men- ion to his colleagues or correspondents. The crown prince sends by Sir Morrell to ono of his daughters some beautiful and un usually largo violets. The Free Masons Lodge of Antiquity of England have sent a document to the crown irinco from the head of the Free Masons In America congratulating him on his hriprovcd ondltlon with sympathyforthecrown princess vhoso great uncle , the duke of Essex , and icr brother , the duke of Albany , wcro mas ters for many years. Sir Morrell McKcnzlo vas officially requested to deliver the docu ment nnd ho presented ut the same time his own Masonic credentials. The young princess , Prince Henry and the jranil duke of Hcsso were In the purade of .ho battle of flowers. Preparations are being made to receive the rinco of Wales , who arrived last evening at Cannes and is expected in a day or two here. * ! ONF1PEXCE IN CilAMUEUIjAIN. A London Paper Gives Sllppi-ry Joe n IllK Dab of Taffy. [ CowirtvM Iffts liv Jaincf Gmtlonicniicft.1 LONDON , Feb. ID. [ New York Herald Cable Special to the tJni : . ] The Standard devotes its lender to the fisheries treaty nnd : n the course of it observes : "Wo gladly an nounce that the new fisheries treaty was signed at Washington lust evening. Mr. hnuibcrlaln , who has carried through the negotiations on behalf of this country with great tact and patience , thus wrings his mission to a satisfactory close. It detracts nothing from the import ance of the fact to admit that our envoy owes much of his success to his personal qualities. Mr. Chamberlain's tact , knowledge , courtesy and quick intelligence speedily gained for liiin the confidence of leading men in both countries. It Is n common character istic among all our western kinsmen to set great , perhaps an exaggerated value , on intellectual ability. A clover man is now ticrc more appreciated than In North Amer ica , and his1 worst enemies will hardly deny that Mr. Chamberlain is a clever num. This the Americans were quick to perceive. They saw that the chief fishery commissioner , besides being shrewd , quick witted nnd alert , was honestly eager to do justice on all sides , and the result is that ho seems to have acquired the confi dence of the disputants between whom ho hud to mediate with a success rare in such cases. It must , as we have said , have re quired no small degree of patience nnd good temper nnd persuasive skill to bring about nn agreement between two parties , both of whom were so thoroughly convinced of the Justice of their own claim. The details of the treaty have not yet been made known , but that there have been mutual concessions wo can easily believe , but , though the treaty has been signed , it has yet to bo approved. On our part wo believe no fresh diulculty will arise , but the attitude of the American senate seems to bo n little doubtful , whether the treaty is finally approved or not. The negotiations for it have done much to improve the mutual rela tions of an empire , a colony and a republic and the English commissioners may bo heartily congratulated on the work they have accomplished. " The otht-r journals are as yet silent. In the Commons , LONDON , Fob. 15. The debate on the ad dress in reply to the queen's speech was resumed in the commons to-day by John Ellis , liberal , who supported Purncll's amendment to the address. Ho denied that the decrease in crime in Ireland was owing to the crimes net , and asserted that the returns submitted by the government to support that claim wcro valueless , inso much as they failed to mvo details which would enable identification of any of the cases they cited. Ho condemned the action of the Irish magistrates , many of whom , ho said , were unqualified for the po sitions they occupied , while others had been guilty of nrbitrary conduct. Ho mentioned cases of ono magistrate who had declared ho was acting under government orders , and refused to give any other reason for a de cision ho had rendered. DUIIUN , Feb. 15. Douglas Pyno , mem ber of parliament for West Watcrford , who was arrested in London and brought to Ireland , was tried to-day on the charge of inciting resistance to bailiffs and sentenced to thrco months' imprisonment , without hard labor. Notice of apiwal wus given. The administration of the crimes uct recked with petty malignity and calculated tyranny , The national leuguoho dBclarcdwus stronger than ever und the spirit of the Irish people remained unbroken , Colonel King Hurman , conservative , urged that the events of the past few months showed that the league was losing power. Herbert Gladstone , liberal , taunted the government with the utter failure of their attempts to prevent the progress of the plan of campaign or suppress thn league. On motion of William O'Brien , the debate adjourned. _ IK'hrazza In IlH rncc. { CnpurluM IhfS liyJitmr * ( Ionian llcitnelt.\ \ PAIIIS , Feb. 15. f New York Herald Cable Special to the Bi-i'.l Dobruz/a reached Paris to-day , and It is not likely that ho will over return to the Congo In an official rapacity. Tno colonial department is very bitter against him. It lias received several complaints from members of his mission charging him with working less for Franco , than with personal and ambitious objects and licensing him of having recklessly squandered the funds en trusted to Irlm , besides pledging the stnto n great expenditure , for which there Is Uttlo prospect of getting any return. Fire Near the Louvre. [ CwurfoM IMS l > u .Inmti ( Inriiw llennttt. ] PAitift , Feb. 15. ( Now York Herald Cable Special to the Bic. : ] The central poultry market liallu near the Louvre ure burning. Tho. llVu begun at.l p. m. , ' TUMBLED INTO THE RIVER , Oars Fall From a Railroad Bridge Near Dubuquo. A BRAKEMAN INSTANTLY KILLED. * Thrro Pays Will He Itoqiilrcd to Clear Awny the Wreck The Alll- eon Ilonm Increases Iowa Nt\vs. Foil From the Bridge. t DunvquR , In. , Feb. 15. [ Special Telegram "vP to the BEK. ] An accident to a freight train - yon on the Chicago , St. Paul < fe'KntiRni City roll- " * road occurred this morning nt Apple river bridge. A ear was derailed and the train " separated. Five cars wcro thrown In ttio river from the bridge and ono man , Barney Donnely , was killed. A portion of the bridge fell and It will take two or thrco days to ) make the road passable. Thrown Under the Wheels. DUAVQUI : , la. , Feb. 15. [ Special Telegram to the BEB.J An old man named Kirk , residing - t siding in this city was walking along the track of the Milwaukee road this evening when ho was struck by a piece of timber pro jecting from a car on n passing train. Ho , ' was thrown under the wheels uud instantly t killed. -j Alltaon'n Boom Growing. DBS MoiNnti , Iu. , Feb. 15. [ Special Telegram - ' gram to. the BEE. ] The republican stnta ' central committee met hero to-day. All districts of the state wore represented ex cept the Third nnd the Eleventh. The com mittee decided In order to secure n large and enthusiastic convention nnd further the in- J tcrcsts of Iowa that all district delegates to the national convention should bo selected nt the time of the state convention when the , delegates nt largo nro chosen. Each district will select its own delegates , but Instead of holding the convention for that purpose within the district it will bo held hero wheu the state convention meets , so that Iowa's twenty-six delegates will bo chosen on the : name day here at DCS Molnes. The main > . epic dlscussscd WUH the presidential qucs- ion. The committee is unanimous und en- huslnstiu for Allison. They want nn early onvention , the sooner the better , und they iroposo to give him the benefit of a rousing ndorsciiicnt at the earliest possible moment. A number of leading republicans conferred ' with the committee and the general ecutl- | uent of the state , as reported by them , was 'i : n favor of presenting Allison's name ut once nnd making a fight to win , Iowa will come up with 00,000 republicans solid for Its fav- irito senator. The date of the convention vill bo fixed to-morrow. Iowa Railroad Valuation. Dr.s MOINES , la. , Feb. 15. The railroad lommissloucrs to-day handed Governor Lar- abeo their report on the valuation of rail roads. Iu the detail reports of several roads ho blank for the Item of "present cash value , " in many cases , was not filled , Tie csponsibility of fixing the value was * bus thrown upon the commissioners and . , , hey adopt two plans for jr basis for * , ( making estimates. Tlia valuation on the * J lasls of the quotations of railroads whoso | stocks and bonds were actively quoted during < the year 1880 was as follows : B. C. K. & N. , i'tl 10,839 ; Central Iowa , (10,241 ; C. B , ft , Q. , * M2,71ti ; C. , M. & St. Pnul-mC52 ; C. &N. W. * M.KiO , ; C. , U. I. & P. , $70,999 : K. & D. M. , f 18,788 ; C. , St. P. , M. & O. , $42,010. The valuation of roads per mile on the basis of the net earnings for : ho year ending June ! 10 , 1887 , . won : B. , C. U. & N. , $15,570 ; C. I. , * 4,253 ; C. B. & Q. , (53,530 ; C. II. & K. C. , (7,5' ; C. M. & St. Paul , * 20,02ri ; C. & N. W. , (15,740 ; C. It I. & P. , (58'JM ; K. & D. M. , * ti.K : : < 3 : C. , St. P. , M. & O. , tl,4S4 : C. , St. P. & K. O. , (14,707 ; M. & N. W. , (12,833 ; I. N. , $10,185 ; M. & St. L. , $12.838. The following is the assessed valuation of the ex ecutive council rciMirt of March 7 , 18871 The assessment was made on the basis of about 20 dor cent of the statute and four times the figures given below would give the value as per this method of computation : * J St. L. . K. & N. W. , W. , St. L. & P. , C. , M. ' ) & A. . M. C. & Ft. D. , C. & St. L. , each 5 Cl.OOO ; the B. & W. , D. M' O. & S. , Ft. M. & N. W. , St. L. , D. M. & N. , each $1,000. The Iowa IiCKiHlnturc. DBS MOISES , Feb. 15. The senate railroad committee will recommend favorably the passage of the Young 2-ccnt fare bill. Ill provides that all railroad corporations ac cording to the classification prescribed by the , * ,1 Fifteenth general assembly , bo limited to 8 compensation , for persons with ordinary baggage , us follows : Class A , 2 cents ; B 2l cents ; C , 3 cents ; also the Finn bill defining the duties of railroad commissioners authorizing them to make a schedule of max imum freight rates ; the Swcnoy bill to reir- ulato commerce by railroads in Iowa , and v applying the principles of the inter-state law. 'I The Swcney bill cuts off free transportation 'J except to employes traveling on business for " the road , covers the long nnd short haul fea ture and provides for the Interchange of traffic und cars. The committee also favor the districting of the state for the purpose of electing rail way commissioners. The house railroad bills have been made the special order next Tuesday. Ono fixes the schedule of maximum freight charges nnd makes u classification of freight. The $ other embodies the principles of the inter- . * stnte commerce law and empowers and di rects commissioneis to muko u schedule of priinu-fucio reasonable rules. Ono or Ht. John'H Kchemea. DES MOINES , Iu. , Feb. 15. ISpecial Tele gram to the Bi'.n.l Prof , Fellows , late of the statp university nnd now president of the state temperance alliance , has secured notice from the national prohibition committee that the St. John party nro preparing to move upon Iowa und orjjanbo a third party move ment here. Mr. Dickie , the successor of Chairman Finch , is to visit tills state in March , but he will meet with a very cool re ception. Iowa prohibitionists nro very mad nt this putsldo attempt to divide the repub lican party and say that after all that has been done for prohibition in this state it is rank Impudence to try to work In a St. John party now. Powell Ilnx a Hearing. MASON CITV , In. , Feb. 15. [ Special Tele gram to the BKE. ] A. F. Powell , the sup posed cattle swindler , had u hearing this afternoon , but nothing new was developed nnd the case was continued. He in twenty- two years of ugo und lias Iwen engaged In buying stock for ten years , o ] > eri\tliig In every htuto und territory west of Chicago. Ho has been under arrest several time's , but never served a sentence. His wife chuiircs , In her prayer for divorce , that his mind Is affected nnd many here now believe tha charges true. IIin Head Crushed. CCIIAII UAI-JDS , Feb. 15.- [ Special Tele gram to the HKK. ] S. B. Boll , drayman , while unloading n piano this afternoon , met with an accident whereby ho waa instantly killed , hi * head being crushed by thn instru ment falling on It , Ho was twenty-eight years old. He leaves a wife. Jay Leaven Malta. { Ctiv'jt tijlit iSSJIiuJamtt ( ! wdun Hc-tmdt.1 MU-M , l"cb. 15. ( New York Hoi aid C.vbloSpecial to the BEIS. ] The yacht At lanta , owned by Jay Gould , sailed to-Coy f V | Ik-rbcrisse. . , .