Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 15, 1888, Page 7, Image 7

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Ailvcitl em < ! tit uriier ( thlsieart , 10 cent * p r
Una for the lint Insertion. 7 cents for each sub-
. . . Insertion , nnd 1150 a line per month.
No adYertl"ment taken for lets than 25 cents
for the first Insertion. Seven words will b
tduhtrd to the line ; they must run consecutive
ly and must be paid n advance. All ndvcrtlse *
i nicnlK must bo handed In befora 1:7) : ) o'clock p.
jn. . nnd under no circumstances will they be
C , taken nr discontinued by telephone.
Parties advertising in these columns and har
lot ; the answers addressed In care of the lleo ,
-.will pleaeoaak for a check to enable them to
get their letters nfl hone will ha delivered except
1 on | ) reHnt tlon' of check All answers to ad-
I Vertlsdnentt should bo enclosed In envelopes.
' _ , All advertisements In these columns are pub
lished in both morning and evening editions of
the lice , the circulation of which aggregates
Jnorp than Jf.fOujmije stlallj' , and gives the ad-
' TeMlscrs the iK'neflt. not only of the city clrcu-
t lotion of the Hoe , but alto of Council lllulfg.
' Lincoln , and other cities and towns throughout
this part ot the Y , est.
* Advertfslhg for these columns will betaken ,
Jourhtrab' : > vu conditions , ut the following bus-
Im-ss'lioU'e who are authorl/cd agents for TUB
Hl.K Rpeclnl notices and will quote tlienarao
f-ralos ns canbo hud at the main olllcu , .
V. ' " JOHN W. HELL ,
tSOH. 10th Street.
3rin.tcra anc
11.1 8. Ifith Street.
[ S. H. FAHNSrt'OHTH ,
Z'liarmaeict ,
211. ' . Cumlng Street.
EO. W. PA Hit ,
liarmaclst ,
IfCW St. Mary's Avenue.
Eliarmcxclat ,
IRth iin'l Webster Streets.
1'ostOnico , Pouth Omalm.
nTPATFoNS"Wnntert-Tor 3 first-class girls ,
one has he-en 7 .1 cars and the other 2 > cars In
last place , also Scotch Canadian for .si-cond work
mid cowing , and anv number of girls for gen-
rnl hoHN-Hork , dltfcrcnt nationalities. Hotel
help constantly on hand. Canadian Emp. Olnce ,
Mrs. llrega&Bon , .110 8,15th St. Telephone WJI.
" 14
AYOUNO man (2H ( ) would like position as
bookkeeper or salesman In good mercan
tile business. Has had experience in heavy
hardware. Addrofm A 72. Hee ollice. P5 ! ) 15 *
i \17ANTED Oontlemon's rooms to clean bv
TT week or month by a colored lady. Ad
dress II10 , lleo ollice. | i5fi 14 *
TANTKI ) A position by nn experienced
bookkeeper , llest city reference. ' Art-
, droas A 70 lU-u. OCfl-ptf
WANTED Washing and Ironing to do nt mv
hoiifCSHU Cans st. Mri.MaryKnop.UB3-15t
BAKEIl Situation wanted by llrst class man
oubrt-ad , cake and ornamental work and
pan candy , best inference ; address A 71. lli-o
ollice. lPt,0-14t
OSITION by u first-clous bookkeeper , single
man. Can speak German. A 1 references.
Address A. T6 , lleo onice. 1UH15 *
A WOMAN would like a poHltton In a family
* - to assist In housework or take cartof
children. Answer care Mrs. Levy , 411 S. llith
etrect. KB 14t
\\rANTin : Position ns traveling Rates-man ,
TT hardware or Implemontsprfoirt'd. Sprnka
Clenuanand Enirllsh ; good rofcrcnccH ; iiddtess
J. Pilger. Pllger , Nub. WI710 *
\\7ANTr.D-rompetent men to canvass for
TT tliuxuluof the Illoilgett Iluttnn Hole At
tachment for sewluttmnchlncs In the city and
country. The most nnd beit selllni ;
attachment In the world , ( ieneral agent wanted
Inuveryilty. Address Mount Ilros , Manufac
turing Co. . NHS Market ht. , Chicago. 111. W.I-15J
ANTKD-FIrst clacs waiters at Casino. Ask
for Mr. Nelkcr from 9 to 10. oru-lfi *
" \X7ANTED-An exponenccd boot and shoe
TT salesman. Uncmestlonablorofeienccs re
quired. Apply to Chicago llurguln Shoo Co. ,
1318 Douglas st. 958
WANTED Man and wife for farm tSS ; pian
and wife for private family $ .m per mo. , no
children , middle aged couple preferred , and D
or fl good cooks. Canadian Emp , otllce.'Mrs.
llrcga ! i Son , 310 S. 15th. Tel. B84. U52-14
TS7ANTED Men who want to go to work and
TT mean business. Call room B , "I16 South
ISthst , U5Q-18J
L good jeweler. C. L. Erlckson
N.lfithst. KM ir i
WANTED. Agents can make from.13.00 to
KM p r day. Territory given to good men.
iCttll at 3B',4N. ' 16th st , 1001118 : MUli'
WANTED Architect.for partner to go to
South Oniaha. Address " 11. " , 10th and
Hickory st. , care ot Rigour. U37-1I *
\\rANTKD-At lldholm Ic Akln's. good.htrong
TT and active boy. llest of references re-
quired. 1H2 15
WANTKD A good blucksmlth on general
work mich as spring wagons and bug
gies at Mtlldoon's shop , cor. 14th and Jones.-
1)41 15
WANTED Agents lu every town. Active
parties jnako from $15 toIOOperwwk.
Very useful , haiuUomu. Kelts at sight. En
close stamp for details. > Vddiubs Diamond Yen-
tllator , Chicago , HI. UH !
WANTED Man To take the agcncv of our
'Haft * : rflzo 2sxlKxH ItRheH ; weight nee
IbS. ; retail price Slf > ; other sizes in proportion.
A rare chance to create k permanent business
t home. IIIPHO safes inetit a demand never before -
fore Hiipplled by other safe cotnianlesas ) we arc
not governed by the sale pool. Alpine Safe Co. ,
Cincinnati. O.
WANTED A good reliable drug clerk , regis
tered. Address , stating reference , exper
ience and salary wuuted , Palmer As Panleo ,
Hastings , Nub. KW u
WANTED An energetic man. can make
money fust. 2301 Dodge st. , Omaha.
7117 15 *
\\fANTED-A boy with pony to carry a route
T in the fouthw csteru part of cJty for dally
evening Hee. 741
T\rANTEn-ln every county In Nebraska , reT -
T T liable vuergutla uu-n to Hell goods by so-
llcltlng for a well e-itubllshed mfg company
jiermaucut iinplojtuent to the right men. no
capital 'or rapcrionce nweswiry , rrference re-
quired. nddif 5 lox ! gt.7. Oniithu. N b. KKtll
WANTED Men for railroad work. Al-
brlglit'H Labor Agency. 1130 Farnam. 351
\\7"ANTEI ) PenmMresses to work on drcstes ,
TT Apply ut'II S. 12th Bt. . between Douglas
Rtid I'anium sts. Mrs. L. A. Hdmoml. l > .i2-nj
" 17 ANTED Tlioronghlj crimpetrtit' girl foi
TT general housework. None other need ap
ply , at N. > V. cor. Cap , nve.itnd 24th. U70 14t
\\rANIUn-ra ° od , a | ll and aklrt makers ,
T T good w age s to gins who understand theli
liuslne- . JUude.Murtl ( nee Hcecei. parlors !
und 5 Jacob * block , Wth and Cupltol ave.
. 67 1-i.
_ _ _ _
\ \ 7ANTKlFlatio plhVer at om.iv 101 N. utli
T > htreet. ft'iit | 5 <
ANTKU First clans girl for general houst
von. Good WUKVS. Inquire at 810 S
\\TAKTBD Head waitress and side waitress
1 T KB cook und waltret. * tor Norfolk ; 1 foi
lloone ( cook ) . 1 for Tm-umwh : woman to tukt
tare of sick Udy ; ( ienniin utrl to learu tele
grapnlng ; Voting girl to uilnd baby ; lot ; , of nic <
plates In 4 > rtvatu famlUen for houww ork. C.m
udlan Emp. Onice , tin. Herga & Sou , am S. intl
fit. Telepuoue fH.v 97U-II *
\ \ sework. 243 ;
T > Davtnpott trv gt. uou-u *
\\T AN'l'KD At once , for family of three , a re
TT liable Bi-iviiiil. Good wages paid. Jlrn
W. O. Clui k , 32u4 ami Capitol avenue. 917 IS *
\\rANTEl > ( ilrl for general houkuwork , Ap
TT ply Km ? llouglas. 9M 14 *
\\7ANTEI ) Dining room girls , cookb. chain
T T bprmatds , lamxlreBi-eit , hotel and res
tauraut helu ot all kln < K in und out of city. aUi
KtrU for housework. Our order * are coming in
toustuntly uudweuaiit good help , ( lute Cit' '
Kuiptoyiiieiit ollice. 31 tB. 16th. Tel. 1106. 87014
WANTEO-A comtM-teut girl for C'W"
housework. mut > t be a good cook and hktin
1rks , and come wall revonimended. Appl
loom O ) , Mlllartl hotel , betwewi 2 and 3 p , m.
ANTED.-Olrl tn family of tour ntrUw
UCKH ! cook and groeral housework. Mrs
C. II. FrcdexlckSiOSt. Mar/'a r. 87t U
WANTED Olrl for general housework ,
be good cook and laundress. Mr * . Hobt
I'urvls24i3 Ht. Mnrj' nve. 750
H/'ANTnD-Immedlately.ladtM to work for
T T n wholesale h juso on jiemllework nt their
homes. ( Hent h&y distance. ) Good pay can be
niade. Kverythlng furnlaliixl. Particulars
free. Adrtrenn Artlstle Needlework Co ITS Bill
t.t New York Vlty. . 353
WANTr.D Atompetent girl in famllyof two.
Mrs. Djl. Wheeler , ' ,01 S. ' th st. Mt
! * rty npf-nts for oar improv d
combination bustle-skirt. Htmovnble
hoops. Can be laundrli-d. Late t Paris stylo.
One agpnt sold WO lu ColumbiiA last spring , anil
made TAX ) . Siirlng trade now , Addto'S with
Btninp , B. II , < ; 4mpleU & Co. , 4M W. Randolph
ht. , Chicago. t ; _ 4'/--lflj
W ANTHD-At lliownell hall , first class cook ;
references required , UEO 10
W 1ANTKD ( ilri for general hou-ow ork
Piotmtant preferred. 1 20 N.2 : > thst.Ki.Vir > j
I WANT f.0.1 . and will ctve f mo worth of new
furnltui e for security and pnv 'i\'i \ per cent a
month interest. Address A OS , lleo. li'MO
Uooltci > n\'ass6rs to calloraddress
421 h-oiith loth tmaha. ( Neb. They will
hear hcmathiug'that TI111 boot interest to tlicni.
ArttED-Ladlcs to "ChlchcstcrVi Eng
IIMi Diamond llrand , Pennvroyal Pills.
Safe. Alwaysrtllable. Th.o orleinal. The only
genuine. Askdrugghst or send 4cstttmpifor
paitlculars , retttni mail. Chlchester Chemical
Co , Philadolphla , Pa. ' : r.T
CANADIAN Employment offlce , male and fe-
uiula help sent to all paits If fare Is ad
vanced. Ileference , Omaha National bank.
Mrs. llrcga & Son , U10 S. l&th. Tol. H64.
1)51 ) m 13
OMAHA Employment Itureau. lit N. IClh st.
Oldest and most reliable ollice In city. Call
onus ; telephone 1112.11. K. White , proprietor.
GATE City .Employment office supplies male
and female help for all kinds of work
Help sent to all partu of the country if fare la
paid. Reference. Douglas County bank. Isbell
i Christensen , ail So. Tel. 110H. b7J 10J
TIHE TTnlon Emploj-ment office Is the place to
obtain reliable help on nhort notice , in or
out of the city. 013 S. llth Bt. Open evenings.
KMmlO *
PRIVATE boarding , J4 a week , 1015 Dodge.
W ANTKD Houses to rent. Campbell Sc
Hcrvey 310 Hoard of Trade. 893
F ° H RENT House of 4 looms , fit. car runs by ,
cor. 28th and Howard. us ) Ki ?
FOH 8A LE Eight room house with modern
Improvements and .stable on leased ground ,
171.1 Douglas. Inquire at Meyer & Uaapka , 1405
Harney st. 87
FOH HENT 7 loom house on Davenport St. ,
west of 10th. Hent 140 , finnituro $401) ) , JIOO
cash , balance on time. Co operative Land and
Lot Co. , 205 N. lllth > ) t. Telephone 9ai. SJ 10
FOE HENT 4 roorahouse 2 blookd from Sunn-
ders car line , J15 per month. A. Hospe , Jr. ,
1513 Douglas t. J)74 ) M 13 *
OH HKNT Very desirable east front llat ,
centrally located , steam heat and bath , low
lent und antique oak furniture for Biilo fclOO ,
w orth f.VX ) . Apply at once to John M. Welshans
& Co. . city lots nnd residences , 1423 Capitol
avenue , Exposition building. 1175-lCt
" 171OH HENT J.arge. 7-room house cor. 2jth
JL ! ave and Leavonworth st , 1th barn.
D-room homo 2517 I'opploton ave , with barn.
Six 3-room Hats on North 17th st ; building Is
new. Will rent cheap to peed tenants.
Small cottage corner of illondo and 31th fits.
Green & Williams. 215 a. 13th st. 077 14
EIGHTEEN room lodging house In central lo
cation. Rent MO. Price $1,000 , JfiOO cash.
Will accommodate 4"i lodgers. Co-operative
Lund & Lot Co. . 205 N. ICth st. W4-10
3-room house In central location , rent. fl2. Kur-
ntturn , JI2" . Co-operative Land and Lot Co. ,
an Ninth bt. Telephone 1WJ. 91515
"IjlOH HENT A nice 0 room cottage In central
JO location , all Improvements , rent $3D. I'ur-
nltnro for mile on easy payments. Co operative
Land and Lot Co. , 205 N. Iflth st. Telephone wo.
FOH HENT Furnished houio for a few
mouths. G37 South Twenty-unit avenuo.
4 15 *
FOH HKNT-Houso. 1504 Uurt street.
947 14 *
KAHE chapce Whole flat. No. 2fX)4 ) N. 24th st.
to rent very low. Enquire at residence as
above , 8. F. Winch. 881
"plOlt RENT A six room cottage , 1515 Hurnoy.
OR RENT or Sale at a bargain. 10-room
house , all modern Improvement , M block
from blreet carx , 10 minutes walk from post-
ollice. Inquire at 1205 Douglas or 920 Park uvo.
814 14 *
FOH HENT Hoii'e of 8-rooms , closet , hard
and soft water , on IJth street car line. In
quire 11US. 13th st. 778
FOH HENT 4-room house , 25th nnd Mason ;
rent MO. J. S. Corby , 1301 Farnuin. 74B
FOR HEST 9-room house , "Lowe ave. . near
Cumlng St. , 145 per month ; 8-room house ,
Cass St. , ncnr2 ! th st. , nt ? 2. > per month ; 7-room
house , Popploton ave. , near Sith st. , nt $25
per month ; tt-room IJOIKO , Omaha View , at J15
per month. Hoggs 4 Hill , real estate , 1108 fur-
nam st. 753 14
I710H HENT In 1'ark Terrace , opp. llutiscom
JL ? Paik , fouth front. AH * modern improve
ments ; 10 rooms ; most desirable residence part
of the city. Inquire Leu & Nlchol-8th and
Leu\cnuorth. C2U tu5
FOH RENT Twelve-room house , 25th and
and Muson fctreets , $10 per mouth. J. S.
CaullleM. 1304 Farnam st , C34
ONE hundred and fifty houses for rent , II. E.
Cole , n. o. cor. 15th and Douglas. 597-2U
"IJIOH HENT My residence on corner of Nine-
JL : teenth and Leavenworth streets about
April 1st , contains fourteen rooms , steam heat
u ml modern conveniences ! carpets and shades
If desired. Large stable on premises. Inqulrn
122:1 : Farnam. Milton Kogerfl. 70J
R RENT-Houso 11 rooms. W. M. Bush-
man. N K cornrr IBth and Dpuglas > 994
K HENT S new 7 roomed houses , well , cls-
tern. largA-c llar , 19th near Clurs st. W.
0 , Shrh er , opp postoiHce. XA
FOR RENT-House of 4 rooms at 618 Williams
tilriH-'t , Inquire next door west. 4J2
FOR RENT 10 iomur sldunce steam heat. G.
E. Thompson. 314 S. 15th St. . 219
TCTOH RENT or Sale New house , 0 rooms , cor.
JJ 28th and Capitol avo. Enquire 2a24 Dodge.
FOR REST A new dwelllng. 9 rooms , all
modern lmpro\uments , good stable , ton
minutes * uallt ffixu tHMtot cc. apply to D. J.
O'Doimhoe , at Ollonahoo & Sherry's , llth St. ,
next tot UupiicUjniotx' , J KIO
IOR RENT Nicely furnished * rfiom with
he.\t , 17 per month. 400 willlanl st. " VS
FUHNISIir.l'rooms. > Sober nten can have
nice rooms cheap , s w cor. ISth and llowartl
streets.lpstUrT | } ' IW7 57T
"MICE furnished ipoma , 11118 California.
, . ! WS 17 *
HKNTV-Vumlshod ; nlco front room suit
able for 2 gentlemen. . 17l Chicago st.
FOR KKJPT Pour rooms chisct 'and pantry
unf urnlshed for light housekeeping , mirlnfl
summer tht > most tlelluhtful part ot the city ,
Eunulre U10 a. ffith ave. . W3-1M
TjTOH RHNT-A * ulegftUt fl'ont room , witli
X ; eery convemcnce. ' Only Brat-claw people
wanted. 1721 Davenport. lew
ItNISHED rooms , ai3 Casb at.
802 18
T7IOH HKNT-Rootns , wlth.hoard. IBlOChlcasc
J gtuit. . W U
RENT-Knrnrshad worn , iTirf Dodge.
. . . RENT Furnished room chetp.furnaca ,
. goa , bath'.TOili < ouUH7th avenue. 3. IB"
"ClOH KENT Furnisher ! rooms ; also a few daj
J boarders , lull i'aroam t. 7m 14J
FOR HENT A Iar e room furnished , central
location 141B Chicago st. * H tlk
" _
T7\OR \ RENT Furnished rporaatnQreunlz hit
X1 cor , IJth and Do > lge U.Inciulra of Uvo. U.
Davis. Millard hotel htlllaril rpotu. 1KB
FOR RENT Rooms furulilUHl and imfur
nUhed. 1724 Cap , aye. 641
plURNlSHKD room * ami board , IMt Vanmtn
I10lt Ueutlemert-Two furnished rooms , al
moderu tmriroYOmi-uta. 17U Dodna st.
_ _ _ _ 4 tiiu3
FU KRNT-Nlrti furnUhed room , > p i
uionth , w cor. 18th and Jacuou. 104 _
N EATT.Y furriUhed front room to jent at J821
Furnani str 1 block. WMt of court house.
FKONTroomwlkh Icbve nd3 larfco closets.
K'is , lint air , bath , not hfl com walron
same iloorfor-Keutsorroan ndd wife 90U per
month and adjoining room with closet (10 p r <
month : Sothcrrnomsify clients for tlu per
month , same conveniences on cmr.llne.Mr 8 24th.
F UUN1SHED rooms. 1616 Dodge. '
FUltNlSHED rooms for/cat , 1417 Dodge st.
FOlt HUNT Purnlshcil rooms , slnam heat ,
uus , bath room , on Attrct cur line at tli >
and $10 per month. 2)117Douglas ) st. ' .SB16 *
XT EW unfurnished rooms , 8B S. 17ttl. K 1W
FOH KENT Furnished rooms forjone' ' ' two ,
gentlemen. 1C05 Dodge str ' 2S )
171U1IN1SHED front room , suitable tor two
JL1 1K3 ( Dodge st nl5.
FOR UT.NT Nlcolr furnished rooms at 221
Dodge. Gas , bath and furnace heat. , ,3y > t
Foil KENT Two nicely furnished front rooms
on ground , lloor , at 21l ! ) Hurt , for tli per !
month , with board 24 per week additional. , 001
TTHJlt HENT-3 rooms at 311 Wootrpttn nve. ;
JLA ut 311 per month. , 81- .
F ° H KENT Furnished rooms , > nll conveni
ences. A. Hospe , ! I15 N. 17th street. 401
Foil HENT Stores and rtoms. "ofle small
house reasonable. Enquire at drugxtoru
Sherman ave. and Corby st. UU1-U1K
F I OH HENT-A drug store bulMtng lu"Dlller ,
Neb. Address S. Clark , Dlllcr. Neb.
10'J 18 *
E10H HKNT 3 business rooms , 1516 arncy.
67 17
F OH KENT Store room reasonable. 1513
Dodge st. 7 7 10
FOH KENT Two rooms , 41x00 , where steam
power can be obtained. Kuqutro of Sum'l
Hccs , Hees Printing Co. , 101D Howard st. 740
FOH HUNT Second floor , 14x70 , peed loca
tion , Unqulru of X J. Simpson , HW
Dodge at. 750
FOH HEST Store and 0-rooms over good
stand for drug or food store , &
Nlchol , cor.8th and Leavenworth , flffi inf.
TpOH HUNT Onice room ! ) , f renzcr block.
FOHHKNT-OIIIco In Arlington block , $12.00.
I n < iulro of elevator boy. 4fO
FOR HUNT Desirable olTlce space , or desk
room , at 1523 Va'rnniu st. , Odell Ilros , & Co. ,
POU RENT Front office , Arlington block.
Apply C. C. Valentine , 1515 Dodge. KM
T7WH ItUNT-Offlces on Farnam st. at 110 to W3
JC per mouth. One office furnished. 10UJ Far-
nam. 8(30 (
G IlEdOUY. F. L. . Rental agent , 309 S Iflth st.
SPECIAL attention given to renting houses ,
furnished and unfurnished rooms. List with
us. W. M. Harris , over 220 S. 15th st. 801
LIST houses , stores and flats for rentwith H.
K , Cole , n. e. cor. 15th and Douglas. 510-29 *
RENTAL Agency List your houses for rent
with Odell Bios , it Co. , 1523 Farnam Bt.
FOR RENT If you wish to rent a house call
on Deniwa & Co. , 15th St. , opposite 1 * . O.
FOH RENT Two unfurnished front rooms
suitable for light housekeeping to family
without children at 1122 N. 17th st. Htt
F' I OH ' HENT-3 unfutnished rooms , 2S12 Lea-
venworth. 912,19 *
"IT1OH RENT 5 convenient chambers forhouss-
JL keeping to a man und wife without chll-
dien ; 3 blocks from poatolllce ; 319 N. 17th st.
924 15 *
JD Two(2)rooms. ( ) No.l8I4IIow.irdst 1800
Three (3) ( ) rooms. No. ion north 20th st. . . 15.00
Three (3) ( ) rooms. No. 1020 north Slstst. . . 11.00
Three (3) ( ) room cottago,21st nnd Paul st. 12.50
Three(3) ( ) rooms , No. 1122 north21st st. . . ll.ttl
Three (3) ( ) rooms. No. 1410 pierce ht 10.CO
Three (3) ( ) rooms. No. 1112 south 7th st. . . . 11,00
Three ( J ) rooms. No. 703 Pacific st 12.00
Four (4) ( ) elegant rooms all modern con
veniences , 1702 Webster st
FARM for rent , well improved. IQ miles from
Omaha. 2.10 acres- , mostly grass. Low cash
rent. J. II. One , 1813 N. 19th St. , Omaha. MO 19 *
R RENT-BarnW21 Chicago st.
' 712
PEHSONAL A lady who has been unfortun
ate will sell her furnitur consisting of the
entire contents of a six roam house Including an
organ for all of which she paid (675. Will sell
the witlre lot-for $150. $100 cash , balance monthly
to suit. The house for rent ISO per month. A < 1-
dress A 08 , Dee. 071-10
"PERSONAL Private homo for ladles during
X confinement , strictly confidential , infants
adopted. Addtess K4Hee oJUco. & 37ml3J
EHSONAL The person that enticed the
black Newfoundland dog. about eight
months old. from 518 North 14th t. . last Thurs
day afternoon , better return the same and save
further trouble. 927 14 *
TVIESSMAKEI13 investigate the Kellogg
JLJ French Tailor System of dresscuttlngigood
wages and traveling expenses to ladies out of
employment. Call or address for treatise on
diesscuttlug free. Mine. Kellogg , Hotel Esmond ,
Omaha. 785fl7 *
PEHSONAL Great fortune teller Just ar
rived , the young Madame C. I , . Lament , the
great ustroloKist , w 111 remain ! U ) iluys ; has trav
eled through the principal parts of Europe ; tells
past , present and future In person or by letter ,
will bring back the parted husband or lover ,
no matter it they be ten thousand miles away ;
they will return to you In no muny days ; will
tell you wnether your lover be false or true ; will
guarantee to settle family quarrels to perfect
patlsfaction ; can alsocaunu speedy marriages ;
has charms for good luck which will cause par
ties to bo buccossful In any kind of busi
ness and prevent your loss In any kind
of business you may undertake , .brouks evil
influence , and urings good luck to all who may
try this lucky charm ; can give lucky numbers
In lotierv draw Ings ; can gle Dust of reference
lu regunfto above statement.
I was presented with an elegant gold medal
In Denver , Colo. , for my great success in my
I have the natural gift of tolling tha'past ,
present and future. My grandmother before
me was also a great astrologlst.
Parties asking information by letter must
enclose $ ) to ensure answer. I have a flue pre
paration for the complexion , which keeps It
smooth and fair , and prevents premature wrin
kles. Also a tine hair tonic , which preserves
thu natural color of the hair and prevcntsiit
from fulling out.
Lad lea who are In trouble call and see me at
once. All business confidential. Oflice hours ,
10 a. m. to 9 p. m. Madame C. L. Lainoat , Nu.
1K10 California streetbctween'18tirand'19th sts. ,
Omaha , Neb. . 157f 15'
LOST-Huccoon. with chain , from 2110 S. 17th
street. 'Reward on returning same. 9U1-15J
In side ot case. Leave ut Bee otllce alid receive
_ .
T OST-llluck horse , star in foreiieM. < int hitid
JU foot white , about six years old. Reward for
return. Owen Haley , near CotboUq cemetery ,
Bouth Omaha. . ' /'STUS ' }
FOUND Hunch of keys * ' Enquire at- Ben
ollice. . , H76-H * )
rrVAKEN up a gray horse , chort tntl-welglrt
-L U50 , about 10 years old. Park aye/street cur
barn. < iv ' 9SfM'Ji'
TTIOIl SALE Furniture complete of fine ,
JJ large room , centrally looateil.Rufl room for
rent cheap ; w ou Id take real enUto. wagon. and
harness in part. Call ou llllchell It Haynes ,
Itith st and Capitol ave. 064 14 *
I NEED money badly and will sell my furni
ture for a little more tlmu one IraW the cost ,
new less than two months ago. Only tM cash
required , balance easy monthly payments. Ad
„ dressA , Uee. T ! 1-U
FOR SALE-A told military fartdga barrtflGUS
Cumlngs st. , BO head of One Iowa driving
and working horses which wo will sell cheap.
Come and examtno-our Blocs. U. L. Walker and
F. F. Puuiphrey. Hta-15 *
fjtOH BALE Borne flno young mares and stalL -
- Ltions , nt for road or track , . Addmas U.
Gibson , York. Nab. ' Jffn 7 *
T7K5U exchaaFln NebwJoi farms tor
l tockj o7g naral auU , J.-4i Jfc-W.
Long Hue. Nab. . 4iin | ,
you hat ? M :
I * * -
"fTtTANTKD Goon fanms in exchange for
TT Omaha property. U * 0. Spotwood , omvt
BIBth. . / 884
A Tone hnlf valno the entire contents of a six-
room house. No 1M1 Corby street , llils
furniture is just as good \now and Includes a
uplemlld new organ. Onlr a small cash pay
ment required , balance Vwy easy. II. E. Coir.
N. K. cor ISth nnd Douehu. 7M8
IHiACKSMITH shop for sale , has one forgo ,
or tools without shop for sale.Apply to
Wm. lluseh , Illue Hill , Webster Co. , Neb.
730IU8 * .
. . . . SALE-At n bargaW 60 feet of shelving ,
! ) feet of counters and. one Ice chest , aim-
able for groceiy store. Bfftulro at HUJ 8.10th St.
f 735.
"I7V3K SAJt.l * A flue , nlmott new cabinet grand
JP upright plauo. A bargain for cash. 2307
Dodge > t. WU-ir.J
TPOH SALE or Rent-Civil and mlnhifj engln-
JL ; tier's business , olllcu and Instruments In
San Jtmn county , Colorado. J. F. Wunnemakrr ,
150a Cass. 654 JM *
| R SALE-3 good houses , 710 N. Iflth st. :
4U115 *
TpOH SALE One thonsnud cords of wood In
JU carload loin. Orders from brickyard men
nd others solicited. Prompt attention given Ad-
rcss D. 0. McDonald , Uai tlett , Iowa , 051 U0 <
I WILL sell soil some gilt edge chattle paper
nt n big discount. 1 nave about JI.OJO worth
if this paper in lots of 175 to $ V . I w nnt cunh
ind must have it Somebody will get n snap In
, hH. Address A , 08 , lice. HT.M7
TPOR SALE 19,12U names of farmers and tax-
JP payers In the state of Nebraska ; 4.9U7
lames or fanners and taxpayers In Iow . A
are chance for advertisers sending out clrcu-
nrs. Address , I. W. Hughes. tE4 : B. 13th St.
Jmaha , Neb. 739 15-
THE banjo taught as an art by Geo. F. Oellen-
beck , { Oi Harney st. 183
THK only cook book Is Silver Creek Coal. 813
S 14th. Jell W.Hedfold. VJt 29
E. COW ! can trade with you. Write for
. list. MM 11
JI1 , SMITH , the expert bookkeeper , gives
Instructions lu bookkeeping ana assists lu
irocuiIng situations. HoouiolS , Rauigo block.
723 15 *
. II. JOHNSON , cistern bulldur. wells bored
C. and dug , 40U N 30th at. , Oinaha , Neb.
689 mch21
HUE On Time Household Fair.
L The great Bargain house.
To housekeepers.
We are bound to show you that we can save
you money In prices.
Parlor milts , Chamber sets ,
lied springs , bed inattraRscs ,
Folding beds , aide boards , carpets.
Tables , chairs , mirrors , pictures ,
Lounges , commodes , tetes.
Divans , rockers , curtalni , stoves.
Tinware , crockery , glassware , lamps.
Houses furnished complete on
Easy payments ! Easy payiuentsi
Easy payments 1 Easy payments t
'rices ' the lowest. Call and see
Prices the lowest. Call and see
602 and 001 south 13th street ,
Corner Jackxon.
No connect Ion with any other house. 644
NEW YOUK Storage Co. have most extensive
facilities for storage of furniture , pianos ,
buggies , general merchandise , west of Now
York. Cash advances to any amount ; ware
house receipts given ; goods Insured ; brick
building fire-proof ; special arrangements for
commission merchants. Call New York Storage
Co. , Capitol ave and N. 15th St. , Dennett's block.
WANTED We have a"purchaser for a lot
v. 1th elegant MO rftom house , centrally
located. Paulscn * Co. , lull Farnani st , room .
„ W 19
"I"\7"ANTED Wo have customers who want to
T T buy houses und lots , and cannot Milt.
1,1st vour pi opertv w 1th u * . Co-operative Laud
& Lot Co , att'i N 10th st. T 034 16
„ cash for furnltur ! , stoves , housohol
goods at 117 North 16th st Orff Sc Co.
1 1HJ f 23
\XTANTED-To buy stiott tune paper. J. W.
TV Gross , at C. E. Mavne's otUce , 15th and
Harney. ' 2
MRS. DUHANT-Clalrvoyant from Boston ;
reliable in all niralrs'ot life ; unites sep
arated lovers. 3 N , luth street , room 1. >
DR/NANNIE V. Warrenclairvoyant. ; ) Med
ical , business and test medium. Diagnosis
free. Female diseases a specialty. 119 N , 16th
Bt. . Rooms 2 4 3. Tel. 944. 304
SPECIAL Sale on Saturday , beveral lines at
marvellously low prices. L. O.Jones. Amer
ican clothier , 1309 Farnam st , 980 17
rpHE great pant sale continues at 1309 Farnain
-L fct. lletfer change the old ones for a bran
new pair. 'Twill cost you but little. Bee Jones
about It. 880 17
SPECIALSalftorboys * clothing Satmday. fit )
fancy check knee pant suits ut $1.00 , and TOO
boys' suits at uieatly reduced prices. Jones ,
1JOJ Farnam. 98017
FIVE Hundred dozen men's fine impoited in
grain half hose , now styles , 2 , " > c a pair , or
12.90 u dozen , at 1309 Faruam ht , L. O. Jones ,
American clothier. 93017
TONES Will sell on S-tturday men's line w hlto
t ) Khlrts , lauudrled , ut 75c. ISO1 " Farnam Is the
number. 1'SO ' 17
SPRING Overcoats , nobby style" . Just received
uy Jones at Km Farnam tt. bee them 1 _
MONK.V Loaned on real estate , cash on hand.
II. W. Huntress , 1309 Farnam st.
For 8.ile. New live-room house and full lot ,
only $ ' .f09 tt'lll take good Utst mortgage
notes In payment. II. W. Huntress. IVM Far-
nam bt. JIB 10 *
MONEVI To loan , short time. 1st mortgage
paper bought. Mapes & Kin ? , ronm u ,
Cretghtou block. 914
MONEY' to Loan Omaha real ctatu and
farms. Mortgage bought , Odell Ilros. &
Co. , 1,123 Farnam , 82tl
HE. COLE loans money on Improved city or
farm property. Uoom U Continental
block. UU
LOANS wanted on good , productive real es
tate .securityland 5 years time , optional
payments and favotable terms and rates. Kim
nail. Champ Sc Ryan , U , S. National bank build ]
ing. , 54J17.
THE Falrbnnk Investment Co. , organized
with ample capital , makes loans on horses ,
wagons , furniture , pianos , and other personal
proi > erty or collateral. Deal with rpspinslblB
parties. Apply at thulr office , 215 South llth
street , up-stalrs. 418
" \TONEY loaned on furniture , pianos organs ,
J.T1. horses , etc , low rates.J. . J. Wilkinson *
Co. , 1324 Farnain , over Burlington ticket office ,
MONEY to loan on furniture , horses , wagons ,
etc. , or on any approved security. Ixiw
rates. J , W. HobbliiH , 181,1 Farnam. Btti f21
MONEY to loan. Notes ana it. R. ticket ,
boufiht abd sold. A. Forman , 213 S Uth aU
MONEY to loan on Improved real estate ; no
commission charge * ! Leayitt Uurnhani.
room 1 , Crelguton block , jA 380
time loans madaon any available
, security , in reasonable amounts. Secured
notes bougnt. sold or exchanged. General
financial business of any kind transacted
promptly , quietly and fairly at the Omaha Fi
nancial Exchange , N. Wlitjur. 15th and Har
ney sts. . over State Natlpoal band. Corbett.
manager ' 3 7
MONEY to loan l can new puce some nm
class city loans Immediately , Call at once
if you desire to be accommodated. D. V. Sholea ,
room 1 Harger block , entraace in allay. 3BM
MONEY To loan. Jx > wUst rates. No delay
J. L. Rica & Co. . d-Wr Commercial Na
tional bank . " ,1-i 375
MONEY to Loan On .furniture , pianos ,
wagons , or other peramal property without
removal ; also on collateral security. Ilusinesi
. confldemtul. Cha.s. U. Jatbbs , 320 8.16th at.
iV 380
LOAN3 made on real estate and mortgages
bought. Lewla S. Reed * Co. , 1521 Faniam.
_ 77
$500.000 to loan on city and furm real estate.
Linahan 4 ; Mahoney , 1007H Farnam street.
500,000 To loan on Omaha city property at 0
per cent 0. W. Day , 8. B. cor. Ex. lild.
_ 878
MONEY to Loan Ily the undersigned , who
has the only properly organized loan
agency in Omaha. Loan * ot 110 to 1100 made on
furniture , pianos , organs , horses , wrgons , machinery -
' chinery , etc. . without removal. No delay * . ' All
bu lne * strictly confidential. Loans so mada
that any part can bo paid at any time , each pay
ment reducing tha cost pro rata. Advancei
d pu fln watchea and diamonds. Pernotu
loula carefully consider who they are duallng
with. M many new concern * are dally eomiog
into xUteuca. Should you need manly ttll ana
fejime. W. It. Croh , room 4 WlUinTu liulldlog ,
TVfONHY to loan , ca n ou hand , no delay. J.
IU. W. and B. L.B < iuIro , 1413 Farnam st. Pax-
toifhotel building. m ?
I OANS made on real ostate. Cash on Imnd.
- iV. . M. Harris ffm JO 8. I.Mh st , arl
EH. HIS It UK loans money on real estate
Hamne b'ld'g. 7f.l 1H *
I'atWrton A Knwcslt IMh niul Homey. .176
MONEY" LOANED at C. F. Iteed A Co.'s Loan
OHlco on-fnrnlture , pianos , horso.-i , wagons ,
lersqiul pioperty of all kinds , and all other ar-
Iclon nf vnhid vrtthout n-mov > il. SW 8. nth.
vor Ulnghitun } ! commission store. All -busl-
ess strictly conflilcntlnl. { I7
\ | O.Vl'.V to loan on Improvi-d city property ut
111 ljwr st rates. Cnsh on liand. First mort-
ages neg < ) tlateil ( E. F. fit-aver , roam 15 , chiiu-
of commerce. .Ill
"OAHT1 US having bankrupt stock for sale , or
JL pirlVmH ho wlsli to close out their stocks
nor tash , may mid a buyer by addressing . K. ,
iVlm\sor \ Hotel. Lincoln , Nub. . bl > ii 1 J
FOR8ALK Dnig to < jk > As line location as
there Is In Clean stock , luvolfo
lxUl7,0 0. 1'attcaiu. Part In good real cs-
at6 or Bprureil notes. < M. A. ITptou & Co. loth
it , opp. Chamber of Commerce.
E ntad coal business. Not
enl 'yard ' In twenty nrf convenient or as
wall located , ' doing n goou business. Address J.
"iV. Quackoubush , urconwood , Neb.
IK : inch w
T710H 8AI.K Phptocraph tar Uolng a big bu l-
JL1 near ) , lllgbargain. For further pattlcu-
"ars address W. .1. Keen , Hlslng City , Neb. in17
LOOK thli up A real estate , loan , collection
nnd Insurance business for sale , ultha
omplete set of abstract books of Seward
otiuty , Neb correct and written up to ilate ,
lafes , desks , ollice furniture , etc. , and will bo
jold cheap. Tills Is a snap for u good live attor-
jiey. County seat. Address llumlln llros. ,
BeworrtNeb. PU 19J
SPLENDID business opening , as room hotel ,
located In best tow n west of Omaha. Ail-
dress Holiday \ Halderman. room 6 ami 0 Mich-
ilson blk , Grand Island , Nob. WO 25T
TjlOll SALE Orrcnt.Merchlston Itanch , beau-
JD tlfully situated In the fertile valley ot the
I.OUP , within 6 miles of Fnllerton , the county
Milt of Nance county , Nebraska , and 1 tulle of
postorilce. Tills well-known ranch has been spec-
ally laid out forHtockralslnijund general farm-
ng and comprises 890 acres siwo under cultivation ,
balance In pasture and hay land ; MX ) acres helm ;
under fonco. 2 large cattle sheds , feed yards , 2
burnH w 1th gramulus , carpenter shop , harness
room. 2 windmills ( ( geared ) , C wells , scales , II
ivaterlauKs (2 ( nlth heating apparatus ) , constant
supply of living water from Plum cn-ek and the
LourM'river. 2 commodious dwelling houses ,
one situated in the midst of a fine orchard ; pri
vate side-track on the O. N. & 11. Uy. with ox pry
facility for handling slock ; good hog buying
.mint. Stock , implements , etc. . may be had at n
valuation. For furtherpurtlculars apply per
sonally or by letter to the owner , E. C. sf lllar ,
"Vestgord , tfeb. KM 14
TTUU SALE First-class
JP P. O. . rooms all occupied ; good cause for
selling. X 48 lleo olllco. 15JCB
\\rANTED Horses and building material for
TT farms , lands , lots and houses. Wm. J ,
Paul. 1UOU nirnam. IWll
OTlnNoith Omalm to trade for team or
J work hoises. A. P. Madbon , 1309 3rd st.
WS818 *
TGIOU EXCHANGE-IGO acre form In Hancock
JL1 county , Iowa. This is a fcplundld piece of
land , cvery foot of it can lie plowed ; is U miles
from junction of 3 railroads. Price WO per acre ,
Incumbrance J750 , clue in 2 years. Want house
and lot ; will assume Incumbrance. U.K. Cole ,
lie. cor. loth nnd Douglas. U7J 23
FOH THADK A good , clean stock of general
merchandise for young cattle or horses.
Address W. F. Stiles , tf lysse.s. Neb. TIG H
H.E. . COLE wants equity lu houses and lots
. in exchange for farms. DOS 14
/1LEAH lots to exchange for rarins or equities
\J In houses and lots. 11. E. Cole , N , E. cor. 1.1th
and Douglas. 907 21
FOR SALE Or trade , mclchadUe and good
land. 15in Dodge st. 707 lu
" \\7ANTED-Omaha property to trade for good
T T lands. ' Special attention given to trading.
C. L. llrow u , Fi euzer Hlock. CBS
FOH Exchange House nnd lot 1 block from
Kountze place , for one or tw o good horses.
Dalaucton e.tsy terms. Hamilton llros. , 408 So.
ibth st. ( vm in *
INSIDE city property In exchange for farms
or lands. ' a. A.'HelstiUld , Arlington block.
, < ' 575
FOR PALE Or trade , land and town property
In Nebraska , Kansas and Colorado. Horses ,
cattle and stocks of merchandise wanted. Corre
spondence Solicited. T. A. English & Co. . York ,
Neb. 745 m B
IHAVK tot trade improved farm in Cass Co. ,
near Plattsmouth , will trade for Improved
Intlde property. Address M 'M , Dte office.
* 938
"llfANTBD BtoCKs of merchandise to ex-
TT change for lands and city DrooertyJ C. C.
Spotswood ; SOiiJ 8. Wt > . 8S2
} Stock of groceries , dry goods.
clothing or boots and shoes In exchange
for Omahd proiierty pr farms. Schleslnger Hi os. ,
014 S. 10th bt. 123-ttl
"IPOH Exchange. It you hare farms or lands to
-C sell or trade send for our descriptive blanks.
If you have any kind of property to sell or ex
change , list it with us ; we can furnish you a
customer. 8. . 8. Canipbell & O. W. Hcrvey , ail )
Board of Trade Omaha 31
H K. COLE T.auts horses to trade.
, 593-15
WANTED Houses and lots to exchange for
impiovod and unlmproued lands In Ne
braska and Iowa. Charles U. Spotawood. 30315
8.10th. 1 5
"VTEHRASKA nan Kansas forms to exchange
J-i for Iowa and ( * olorado lands , and vice
versa. Co-Operative Land and Lot Co. , 205 N
101 list. < W4
H.E. . COLE wants cattle to trade.
. nos-13
BENSON acCARMICHAEL furnish complete
nnd guaranteed abstracts of title to liny
real estate In Omaha and Douglas county upon
short notice. The most complete not of. abstract
Look * in the city. No. 1M9 I-aruam st. ! U3
MIDLAND Guarantee and Trust Co. . 1503
Farnam street Complete abstracts fur
nished , and titles to real estate namiued , per
fected and guaranteed. livf
fj HKAtOTKUL 0 room 9 stoty houses with nice
* w large closet In each bed room , city water ,
gas , well and cistern , convenient to car line ,
uplendld location , desirable neighborhood , $ .V > J
cash and balance to suit , 11 , K. Cole. ne. cor.
15th and Dovglua. 973 23
POR SALK The cheapest lot in Omnhft , lot in
block 17 , Hnnscom place , facing park , half
block from two htrt-et car llm > s. * iHOO , , one third
cash. Address J. H , , KU NYabash avo. , Chicago ,
III. ' WO-15 *
GOHNKp lot on Izard st. Track in alley. J.
L. Rice Co. U1S-18
CHEAP houses , ,
Kasy payments.
II. K. Cole. 07116
EOR SALK We will sell 10 acres close to the
city , choice ' of the addition near to the
junction of two railroads and handy to factories
at an especial bargulU for H few days , sultablo
for platting Into 4a. ) > autlful lots ami every one
Just rlghtaor grade , \Voodbrlilgo llros. , opera
hou e. ' _ Bin 19
SAUNDfiHS . ntroot. 03 feet front on paved
street , Jl.OOO less than what is asked for prop-
ertyBurrotnidlnglt. J.L. Rice o ; Co. 01H , la
TOR ALEiB-jTra Fulllot on Farnam St. ,
-1 } * block .frotu and btivet
- ouu paving cart > .
price uooarBimy tBjuuo.
TAW one-fourth jiectlirm flno acliool land in
KosHUth county , lowu'1
Un 'si th Intercut 'Ik MI addition to South
Omaha ; froB of encumbrance , for good western
fnrni | aod. clear , or .not heavily encumbered ,
or goo4 umalia , property.
Good in/tlile .bualuuss property , free of en-
cumbratice : for good hou > m and lot In north
part 6f city. ' 8."Ai Blonmn. rooms St and 33 ,
llellman bulWrug < cor. Kara urn and 13th sts.
i ' . ) f " v 141
UNAJJi n'e.t bargain , 41 feet front near
corjietTw-enty-fouiui , w 1th a M.OOO Improva-
mcnt.acej. L. Hlcy > Uo. _ 918 , 18
$ , buyp J'ouv a , home on easy payments -
ments , Don't mls it , H. E. Cole , north
east corner 16th arid Douglas tt. 80S-14
TACKSON street lot. see J.L.RICO Co.
$ yft , Kaw lenna. Ituy a beautiful lot In
easy wulkluic distance ot U. I'.hUops. II ,
E. Cole , north-caat corner lath and Douglas tit ,
* Ij1OU Hanscom place Improved property , sen
JG J.-lVltica&Co. la.ia
T 1ST property for tale or exchange with II. K ,
JU Cole , n. e. tfor. l&th and Douglas. JM-15
orner. Be * J7L. Mice k Co.
TTIOH 3AIB-Hotjso and lot ( n Walnut HU1.
JC S y p yinautt. P , A. Oavia. sole agent ,
FOIl HAIiE oroxchatiKe , OmnhnpropertyJMU >
fanm for incrchKnilUe , horses , etc. Schti > j <
Jnger tiros. , 014 . 10th at.
JONES and 12th st corner. Sco J , L , Itlco A Co.
FU 8AI.KTobest lots 111 Mount I'leaoillit
nddltlon , < inocorners divided and
make thrro cast front lots. Makaultcr ;
l > o sold In tow days. 4 * ' llccofllc * . UIT
oslto KnUWr. place ,
only u few left. J. Hlto \ Co. , solo
agents. VIS , 18
HANDLE 9 ) Uth Omaha property rxchi-
JL nlvely , nnil If you \ \ l h to buy , sell or trade
a bargain call. 1) , 1) . Bmuaton , IIArlcer block.
/1LHTON jlace , tbiirgaUis. north Hnnscom
J plate'cliolco lots on Masou stm't. sale or
railo. J. L. Hlce&Co. U18. IS
HAW1.KY House , North 1'latto.Neln. for sale.
tn account of. the death or my w Ifo 1 > > 111
sell the property oil caM * lortus. Andres * John
Haw ley , North Pint to. Nfb. TTllmti *
1T10H SALE-140 acrM ot laud four miles from
JL1 stockyards , utlli" . peraccu ; this , H a bar
gain. McCugue. Opp. P. o. a.'l '
11 A n.HOAD men's special. We. can sell you u
'beautiful lot MlxliSI feet wlthllt n few min
utes of the U. P.jOmps at ( Mi special Inducements -
ments to parties w lie ish to bullil. H. E. Cole ,
no. cor , li'th and Douglas , V7I 111
lAl'lTOf , an-nuo lot. llct lithnnd 15thstreets.
See J. Ii. lllca. 01S-18
iCAolTsTrcet , full lot bet 1111) ) nnd K'th st.
\J Sale or trade. J.L. HIce&Co. I > 118 1
LOTH , block 5. West Cumlna ; Hue e.-ist front
lot UK 103 ft. lies oulr (4 ( block from Metio-
poll ton Cabin roulo on California St. , and a bar
gain nt$75U ; very easy terms. F , K. Darling ,
130.3 llottard. tUM5
Ju aero faun , good Improvements und plenty
of fiult , 6 miles irom South Omnhil. Parrlsh Ar
rinlayson , N stieet , South Qmalm. VK. IV
L. HICK & CO. , Heal Estate.
FOIl SAI.E-Chenplf told rit once , fi nice cot-
tiigesand a raloon building. Inquire at
N. E. Cor. ofCumlngniul inthsts. Ka 1IJ
J.L. . HlCi : & CO. , Itcal Estate.
TTlOIt SAf.E-Ni-w ' 'story house , full lot. 1
JL1 blocK from street cars , email payment , bal
ance monthly.
To Exchange Corner lot near tlrownell hall
for lot in llanscom Place , \ \ 111 pay cash dlllcr-
IfiO acre Kansas farm for house and lot in
a ) acres land , clenr , In Iowa , for Omaha prop
Hi-room house and 3 lots 2 blocks from street
cars , for farm and H.OOO cash.
M : : acre Improved farm In Hamilton county.
Neb , for sale cheap or trade for improved
Omaha properly.
Chas. ll. Woolley. 418 8.15th st. 641 H
South Omaha then ) "are throe houses for
sale at I'M ) , JV ! > 0 and Jl.OOO each , small iwy-
inont down , balance monthly or to suit. D. D.
Smeaton. Itaiker block , Omaha. 053
L 1UCE It CO. , llcal Estate. 815
EMSTICKNEV.t CO. maKe a specialty of
property lu North Omaha , for sale or rent
at Citizens' bank , 2KM Ciuutui ; st. 3S4
TT\OK \ SALE-Onn of the best lots in HlllHldo
JLJ No , 1 , Just across street from Yatos' new
residence. Make offer ; any reasonable propo
sition will bo entertained for few days ; must
sell. A 50 , Hee ollice. 007
L. 11ICE & CO. , Heal Estate.
MUST He Sold Payment coming due on a
lot 3 blocks from new U. P depot , Bouth
Omaha , price 1,250. requites * i60 cash. D. D.
Smeaton , Darker block. & " > l
CALIFORNIA Htiect , a beautiful 10 room
hou e , all modern convenience' ? , an elegant
home. Price $7,000 , ) i cash , balance to suit. II ,
E. Cole , ne. cor. and Douglas. B l 3
L. HICK & CO. , Heal Estate. 213
Now Ready the March Part of the
Young Ladies' Journal ,
rontnlnlne nil tlie I.ATKST PA11IS FASHIONS
with ( iHiANTir KAsHld.N Hupiilemeiit of l > 4 Hi- (
* , nndCOIXJIIKI ) KASIHON I'l.ATK-f of 2i 1It ) -
lie l < lei > numeruuK sunle * . New Music , new
A now volume IteKitn with tliu Jitaunry purl. All
bnik nuuibura ninr now be ohtittneil.
Price , .nicpnts path , All nenxlcalers , or
Running betwuen Council Dlufls and Albright
In nddltlon to the stations mentioned , trains
stop at Twentieth and Twenty-fourth streets
and at the Summit la Omaha.
DroadTrans - Omaha Sheely. South Al-
way. fer. Depot. Omaha bright.
A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M.
0:00 :
0:10 : 6:17 : 6:50 :
:6J : 7U2 : 7:15 : 7 : : 1-M
7li : 7:52 : H05 ; 8:13 : :2T : >
JIM'S 8:53 : oai : 9:1'J : 0:2. : ' )
9:52 : 111:05 : 10:12 : 10:2."i :
11:05 11:12 : 11:2. : ,
11:45 P.M. P.M. P.M.
P.M. P.M. 12:03 : 12:12 :
12:53 : 1:05 : 1:12 :
1:52 : 2. Oii 2:12 : " 25
8:52 : J.OTi 8:12 : 3:25 :
8:4 : a:12 : i-.m 4:12 : 4:2 :
4 : 4-M 5:05 : r : ! 2 f.rJ
5:4. : 6:12 : 0:25 :
:4 : 7:03 : 7:12 : 7:3. :
TM H:05 : 8:12 : ' 8:25 :
8:4r. : U.03 fl12 ; ! ) :2. : )
0:4."i : 0:62 : 10:05 : 10 : IX 10:2. : .
10:45 : 0ailv.'lll3o'i' : : 1U36
AlHoiith Sheely. Omutuk TransHroad
bright , Omaha. depot. for. way.
A.M. A.M. A.M. A. U. A..M. A. U.
0:03 :
0:10 : 0:15 : 0:2.3 : C-JU 0:5' : )
7:00. : 7:113 : 7:1,1 : 7:15 : 7ci : 7:40 :
7:50 : 7:55 : 8:15 : > 8:28 : 83 : !
8:50 : 8:55 : 8:07 : 8:13 : 0:23
9:50 : :53 : 10:07 : 10 ! 15 K:2H ) :
10:50 : 10:5.3 : . 11:15 :
11:50 11:53 r. M. J'/M. r. u.
P.M. ] - . M. 12:15 : I2r :
12:50 : 12:55 : 1:07 .1:15
1:50 : 1:5.1 : 2:07 : 216 ; 2:33 :
2:50 : 2:55 : 3:07 : 3r ;
3:53 : 4:07 : 4:2 4:33 :
. 4:50 : 4:55 : ; . 6.-U7 6-15 5:21
6:50 : ' 0.07 0:15 :
0:50 : : 'f ? t7.Tn 7J2S 7:33
7M : 8:11 : 8:31 :
8:50 : 8:5.1 : o-in 0:16 :
UGO : 8:53 : , 10.07 10:13 :
10:50 : 10:55 : 11:07 : urimV 11:00 :
11:56 : 139atn : Ivllri )
12:15am :
Leave. . Arrive.
A'No. H 4.00p.m. D No. l./IOWa. : m
11 No. 8 5:10 p , m , ANo. 18.JlaOa. : m
11A No. 6 ' ' ' ' 0:20a.m. : " No.0. 6:05p. : m
A No.4. . . . 'ii 9:40aim. : Nd.3. 7:00p : , in
C No. 8 :5i : ( a.m. I ) No.B :40a. : m
No. 4 . : IOa. in. A No. 15./.10.00a. m
C No.l4.l.2i ; Jp ( C SNo.7. , . . .6MOp. : in
A No.6 ,7:00p.m. : A No. 8.1. . . . 7:00p. : lu ,
A No.8 0:40a.m.A : | No.3 :15a.m. :
A'No.8 4:00p.m. : ANo.7.r..ll : ) u. in.
A No , 4 4:30p'm.A : | No.5 7Wp. lu.
A No.3 9:40a.m.A"No.5 : | 11:30a.m.
A No. 4OOp.m.A : ! No.3 7.00p.ra.
A No.a , , . 9 : 5a. mA [ No. 3. . . . . . 0:3Sa. : tn.
A Mo , 4 9:10 : p.rn.A | No. 1. . ! . . . 9:30p. : m.
A No. 10 Tfl6a.rn.A : | Ko. 8Ma.m. :
A No. 13 ,7:00p. : m.A | No. It JjOJp. lu.
A No. 8 ,3:40p. : in.lA No. 7 llKp. m.
A dally ; Ud lly except ffat.i 0 dally except
* " " . " P. exce Moq.j IFMt Hallj.Tlmlt . aj !
Will aroUliy 4:1 :
Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul R'y. '
Tbo Best Routa from Oman * nnd Council
Chicago , AND MUwnnkop ,
St. Paul , Mlnncnpoll , Ccdnr
llock Island , Frerport , Jtockfortl ,
Clinton , Pulmque , Pnicnport ,
Elgin , llndUori ) JanesTllle ,
llololt , Wtnona , La Crossr ,
And all other Important rolnti , Northeast and
BouthoaU. .
Tor through tlckoia call on thh tlotci t fircnt at tint
famara street. In PaxUm.lluteUurat Uutun Paclno
Fallman WMper * Md tha fno t Dlnlni CanHn1 the
World are run on tb * main line of the Uilonco , Mil
waukee ft St. I'nul Itallivar , and ererr attention Is
Mid ( o piwMufer * by countoui employe * of tba
ompanr ,
K.WIU.Kn.Oenorat Manner.
J , K.TUCKHH. Assistant Uencral Mutineer.
A. V. H. UAHV'KNTKR. General I'nsseDfef a.n < J
InkatAiiont. . . >
OKO. K.HKAFFORt ) , Assistant General
d flekl Agent.
J , T. ClAlUt. uonenu Superintendent.
Railway Short Line.
Omaha ,
Council Bluffs
And Chicago ,
Tka only real to take for Dee Holnas. Mnrlalltown ,
3 i1ar Ritpldi , Cllutnn , Ulxon , Cblcaco , Mllwatiae *
anil all point * en l. To tha people of Nnbraka , Cole *
* 6o , WyomlnR , Utah , Idaho , Nerada , Oregon , Waco *
nuton and California , It offer * mpiulor advantaga *
r t poiiltl * by anr other Una. . . .
Ainuui a tow at tbii numerous point * of iupcrlorltr
anjoyeil by tha patrons of thli road between Omaha
mil Cblrero. are It * two IrMvt a dar of IiA Y CXJAU11-
5H. which are the Mneit that numau art and InncnnU
tr can create. IM I'AliAOK SI.KRP1NU UA118. whlot *
ir models of eamfort and eleuanc * . It * 1'AKLOI )
IRAWINO ROOM OAHH , nniurpamed by any , and
te widely celebrated I'AI-ATIAL U1NINU CARS. lb * )
aqual nf which cannot be found eliowhore. At Coun
cil muffs the train * of tha Union I'acltlc Railway , con-
iHct In union depot with thoie of tha Cblcaaoi
Korthwotera lly. In Chlrago tlio train * of this line
naka close eonneotloa wlUilhoso of all other auMra
For Detroit , Colombo * . Indlannpollf , OnctnnatL
Niagara falle , UufTaln. I'liweura , Toronto , MonlreaC
lloslon. New York , fblladelpbla , Daltlmore. Wk b ?
ngton , and all point * tn the east , ak f or a Uokat Tl
Byom Ub the bait accommodation. All tlekat WMU
Genl. Mauaser. Ueni. I'a * 'r Afaot
r. LBADCQCK. * 'un.DOLI.E8.
City l'aurr.A < iBL
Omaha. N br * .
oooMia * WILI. iu r uuiuxuia u * JIAT TRAT TU
KT nun of IM ewtrU poiitloa Can relation to lUu *
Xatt of ChloMO , nd contluuooi HaM tcralul
potata WtH , Korthw.rt nd BouthwMt. I * th * In *
mlddU link In thU tr n cont4o nUi * 7it < m vhia *
ImltM nd fattUtelM tt rel Ml toffl * b tw a U *
Tb * Rock Itlutt mftlnla ! aadb > ma < kMlB IadOU-
e o , Jell lCtuw , L S llt , F otU. OUMM , MoIlM
nd Ro k IiUnd , la IlllnoUi Dcrtnport , Hywallu.
WMhlngton. P lrtl ld. Ottumw * , Otkalooit , WHtLtb-
rtr. Iow Clt/D f Kolnw. Indl nol , Vri Wn , AtU
Uo , KBOITIIU , AadubOD , lUrUn. OathrU Cn r * an4
Council Bluffi , In Iowa ; Q , Trnto , St. AMtpV
Cameron and KaniM Oltjr , in KUiourlt Leal.ow rtl
ud AUhUon , la Kaniai i Albert Lea , Mlnneapolll a 4
It. Pail , U Hlnn iot i WaUrtonn and Bloux rail * , l
Dakota , and hundredi ot Intermediate oltlM and townj.
/'The Great Rook Island Route" *
Guarantee ! ipeed , comfort , eertilnty and f ty. IM
permanent way UdlitlnroUhrd for ft * excellence. IU
bridge * are of itone and Iron. Ite track It of toll *
tel , l > rolling Hock perfect. I ti paeienger eQulpmeal
haiall Ike latetf appliance * that eiperlencehaeprorel
auful , and for luiurloue accommodation * U UMBT-
paned. IU Xxpreii Trains conslit of auperlor Pr
Coaches , rletant Tullraan I'aUce Parlor and Sleeplac
Can , enperb Dining Can , providingdillcloue mealf ,
and ( between Chicago and Bt. Joieph , atchlion ana
Kanue Cltj ) reitfnl Kcellnlae ; Chair Can. IM an-
atemeut U eotuerraUre , Ite dUclpllne exacting
"The Famous Albert Lea Roi'.re"
Between Chicago and Mlnoetpolll and St. Pa. * U the
( arorite. Orer IhU line Solid raet Expreei Train * run
dallr to attractlre retort * for tomrlita la Iowa and
Klnnoota , and , .Tla Watertown and ( llonx Falli , to th
Idch wheat and grating landt of-lnterlor Dakota. Tla
Beneca and Kankakee. tha Rock bland often ecpertof
Inducements to trarelere between Cincinnati , Indian.
apolli. I fajrettt ; j > d Council llluffi. Bt. Joseph , Atchl-
Fur tlckete , mape , folden , eoplee of Weetern Trail , or
anr denlrvd Information , apply to principal offlce * la
til * United State * and Canada , or addreu , at Chicago ,
I. R , CAIll , I. ST. JUHM , t. A. HILItOOI ,
AMlOtaleUaejie. . Tut , t
Notion of Incorporation.
mo Whom It May Concern : Notice la hereby
-L gl\t-n that "The Hen Iliilldlng Company"
1ms tiled in the olllcu ot the county clurk ot
Douglas county. Nebraska , articles of Incorpor
ation. The principal place of transacting Its
buslncsR ID nt Omaha , in Douglas county and
sluleot Nebraska.
The general nnturo of IU business is tea
a | ulnown. . hold , lease , mortgage , dell ftiiit
convey real cHtate , erect buildings ami ImproTo-
nionta upon the sumo , for reutlug BUCU real
estate , 4c. . . .
The amount of capital stock authorl/efl 13
oOO,000 , ten per cent of which to be paid ftt tha
time of subscribing for the same , and there-
tnalndcr as required by the board of directors.
The corporation commenced January 15th , A.
D. 1B S and will terminate the l&th day of Jan-
Trie highest amount of Indebtedness or liabil
ity to which the corporation shall at any tlma
tmbject Itself is two-thirds ot the capital stock :
issued. ' , . r
The business affairs of the corporation fcro to
be conducted by a board of directors ot flvo
members who Hlmll xeloct from their number .u
president , secretary and treasurer.
( iKU. 11. T/MillUCK ,
urc * Consumption , Cough * , Cold * , Aithm * . Ilrou
thltii , Debility , Wuttlnv Disease * aod all Bcrutu-
louallutnor * .
Almost nupnlatabluu * cream , Itcanba Ukanwlth
pleasure by delicate | x > ron * and children , who. niter
uvliiKlt , arc vuryfondor It. It anlmlUtt-n with tliu
foodlnc-r aiethetlealiand appetite , build * . < iutba
nervous ayttom , restores enemy t < i mind and body.
crt > atf new , rich and pure blood , In fact , rejuvluate *
tbe wbole nystciu.
This prfptration I * far superior to all other pr pa <
ration * of r Oil ) It ha * many Imllaluri bnt uJ
equnlii. Tbo result * following llu * ara It * bentru-
commondatlona. lloture , as you value yonr health ,
and if t lh Kvnulno. Manufautured only by Dii.
AI.XU. H. Wll.iiuit , Cbemlst , lloston. Mast. Hond fur
Illustrated circular , wblcb. will be mailed true , Mt-u-
lion this paper.
Four New NuveU for IB Con la.
All complete in the MAIICH NUMIIEH nf tin.
Only IS Cents. Of all newadeuli-ra , or