Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 15, 1888, Page 6, Image 6

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Delivered by carrier in any part of the city at
twenty cento per w * k.
II. W TILTON. . . . - Manager.
ITi IKKS Orricr , No. 4.1.
NKIIIT KniToii No. 2) .
DN. V. Plumbing Co.
New spring goods nt Roller's.
New lot of rubber shoes nt Adorns.
Monov ' to loan on Improved city prop
erty by'W. S. Cooper , l.lOMnin htrcct.
Permit to wed wus yesterday given to
Willinm A.OsbornnndSudioK. llyerly ,
botb of this county.
Special f-erviccH arc being held at the
Ovorton mission and they are proving
successful as well UB intcrebtlrur.
The board of trndo , nt its meeting last
night , passed n resolution urging Coun
cil men Wells and Metzgar not to resign
their beats in the council.
The republicans are to form a club ,
and a call for that purpose IH issued , the
meeting to be held in Sapp & 1'ubcy's
law ofllco next Monday evening.
The number of visitors to the public
library during the past month reached
HJj05. There were 2,44 ! ) books taken
out of the library during the same time.
Clias. Athcrton's stable , on Fourth
Btrcot , was visited by thieves , who stole
his horbC , but the animal got away from
them and was recaptured by the right
ful owner.
A committee composed of reliable citi
zens will open and read answers to
Adams' dilemma puzzle and award the
prize to the winner at Boston boot and
shoe store. 417 Hroadway , at 70 : ! ! to
night. Admission free ; reserved seats
same price.
Memorial services in memory of Rob
ert Hunter will be held next Sunday at
Tabor. Mr. Hunter had many friends
in this city , and his death at Colorado
Springs , about a week ago , was a bad
tun-prise. The body was buried at the
Leo. the six year old bon of Mr. and
Mrs. William J. Urowtel , died at the
home of his parents , iliJ" First avenue ,
ut - a. m. yesterday. The funeral services -
vices will bo hold at the homo at 9
o'clock this morn ing , Father McMenomy
Ernest Smith was walking along
Broadway near Pearl street yesterday
afternoon when he discovered right at
his feet an elegant gold watch and chain ,
evidently dropped by home lady. Later
in the day he found the owner , Miss
Laura Brcnneman , to whom the prop
erty was returned.
John II. Nichols and Sarah A. Henny
were joyfully joined on Monday even
ing , Rev. G.'W. Crofts officiating. The
ceremony wns performed at the residence
of J. J. Krainoy , in tlxp presence of a
Miiall company of invited guests. Among
the pleasant features of the entertain
ment were some renditions of select
passages from Shakespeare by Mr.
Krainoyand Mr. W. R I'atton.
1) . K. II. Griminornmnn was called in
the superior court ycbterduy morning to
answer to the crime of larceny. The
crime alleged is the taking of wood , val
ued at 91 , from the coal and wood yards
of D. B. Gleason. The defendant asked
for trial by jury , which right the court
recognized , but from the fact that the
jury hns been discharged for this term
the case waS put over till next term ,
which begins March 7. Scott "WillianiB
appeared for the defendant.
That "a prophet is not without honor
in his " is demonstrated
save own country , again
onstrated in the case of the Rev. II. A.
Roichcnbach , pastor of the Danish Bap
tist church , of this city. Among his
clerical associates his abilities as a coin-
power and writer arc fully recognized ,
but outside of these ho is very little
known. During the past few year's ho
has translated into his own language
and compiled three volumes of sacred
bong. The last one is just out , and is
Bald to bo the best work of its kind in
existence. His work has placed him not
only among our most finished scholars
but our purest pouts as well.
The county treasurer's olllco is the
most favorable plaeo to hear blueish
talk. Just now there is n constant
stream of cullers , some wanting to pay
their taxes , others wanting to know
how much they are. The taxes roach
up to nearly 7 per cent. , which seems
tremendous. Few stop to consider that
the assessed valuation is so much less
than the real valuation that the actual
per cent , of taxation is not so great
nftcr all. They simply look at the
assessed valuation , and then nt the
amount of taxes , and groan. The city
is fast getting in shape to welcome
Bomo new method of assessment. The
county treasurer and his assistants need
much patience these days , as few of the
cullers realize thnt they have nothing
to do with fixing the amount of the tax ,
but it is theirs simply to collect.
Wanted A good , llrst-class harness
maker. Must bo n good cutter. Ap
ply to Strohbohn & Vogolor.
Ho Pays FoHln WhUllc.
When the Weil clothing store went
into bankruptcy Henry Levy came here
to take charge of the stock and superintend -
" tend the closing of the business. Ho IE
now involved in a little complication
which may cause him serious trouble ,
The difficulty as given by the various
persons interested IB as follows : The
boys at the store were in the habit o !
playing billiards at the rooms , of Rudic
& Sears and running in debt' for thoii
sport. Levy guaranteed the payment
of thcso bills to the firm nnd tlio boys
claim thnt sufficient was taken out o
their wages by Levy for this purpose
This , it is claimed , wns gambled nwny
anyway it did not tlnd its way to th <
cotters of the Manhattan/ the 25th
of January Levy called at the Manhat
tnn and gave n check on the saving
bank for 15.00. This was to pay abil
of 13.00 and ho received 12.01
in cash. The check was taken to the
bank , but theru was no money on do
poait to Levy's credit. 'Ho left > shortl ;
after without settling the matter. Hi
is now in St. Joseph , Mo. The ncces
Bary papers for his arrest upon tin
charge of obtaining money unuor'falsi
pretenses were made out yesterday nni
placed in the hands of Frank Yenawino
who returned to his homo in St. Joseph
last evening. Levy will probably b
arrested to-uay , and held until a rcqui
sition can bo obtained , when ho will b
brought back hero for trial. Tne firr
eny they have been inn > oscd upon man ,
times and this move is made to secur
justice and serve ns n lesson to others.
Where You Find Him.
"Say , can you toll mo whore Wil
IB ? " inquired one citizen of another yes
"Yes ; I just saw him at Rudio i
' 'Seems ' to me everybody goes ther
nowadays , don't thoyV *
"Yes. Whoever you want to find , yo
arc almost sure to tlnd them then
Rudio expects to be alderman of the Fin
ward , you know , and nt buch a tim
. everything goes. "
; Travelers I Stop at the Bechtele. .
Why the Railways Are
Toward the Np ; Bridge.
The Incrcimp In Telephoning Abra
ham Lincoln's Intercut In the
IJInfTs Thanks From the Shmt-
tuck Family Other New * .
The Contribution Ilrcclvcd.
At n recent service nt the Congrega
tional church n collection was taken for
the Shuttuck fund , and the amount thus
gathered wns bent by the pastor direct to
the family. The following letter hnvo
been received by him , which will bo
read with interest by those who con
tributed to this remittance :
SKWAHD , Neb. , Feb. 11,1888.
Rev. O. W. Crofts , Council Bluffs , In.
Dear Sir : Hoping thnt you will for
give us for not answering your kind
letter before , which wo received some
Xiine ago , but I think wo are excusable
to some extent , for having so much
work to do , nnd caring for poor EtA.
I supK | > Ho you have heard of her death
er this. If not , she passed very peace
fully away the morning of the ( ith. She
felt grateful to you and your church for
that money , nnd we also send thanks.
Pa says he would like to hnvo n letter
from Colonel Dally , as ho was his old
school teacher in Ohio and n comrade in
the army. May be you know him. I
will close by bending our respects to you.
Yours truly , LILLIS SilA'iTUOK.
( Htta's sister. )
SEWAltl ) . Nob. , Feb. 1 , 1888.
Rev. G. W. Crofts. Council Bluffs , In.
Denr Sir : Yours of the 10th is received.
I will say in reply that the drafts you
spoke of have been received , one for $40
and one for $2 , which the family are
very grateful for , and in their allli'ction
had neglected to reply to your letter.
They were very poor , but honest and
industrious. Respectfully yours ,
Wil. ilEDFOHD.
Union Abstract Co. , 230 Main st.
E. H. Sheafo loans money on chattel
security of every description. Private
consulting rooms. All business strictly
conlldcntittl. Office 600 Broadway , cor
ner Main street , up-stairs.
S. B. Wadbworth jc Co. loan money.
AVIiat That Itcsoliition Menus.
At the meeting of tbo city council on
Monday evening a resolution was intro
duced granting to the Chicago , Bur
lington & Quincy railroad the right of
way on Fourteenth street from Eleventh
to First avenue and thence to the Mis
souri river. This resolution Was ordered
to its second reading under a suspension
of the rules , and was then referred to a
committee constituted of the city solic
itor , city engineer and council commit
tee on streets and alloys.
The introduction of this resolution has
caused no little speculation as to the
purpose of the "Q. Interviews with
railroad and city olllciiils and the own
ers of extensive properties in the lower
portion of the city has developed cer
tain facts which are of general interest.
The resolution was introduced by T. J.
Evans. lie is connected with the
Omaha & Council Bluffs Bridge
company , us well ns the owtyjr
of largo land interests on that
part of the city. He is ono of a number
of mon whoso property values depend
upon the development and occupancy of
that vacant tract. In order to secure
this development neoplo must bo in
duced to como in and settle hero. Here
must bo located lumber yards , coal
yards and the other necessary incidents
to city life. This will cause the various
railroads to seek extensions of their
lines to this place. This is believed to
bo the purpose of the "Q"in the passage
of this resolution. It is only n question
of time when other roads will desire the
same thing at the hands of the council.
That this road or any other will seek
at this time'to secure entrance into
Omaha by the way of the now bridge is
hardly a possibility. The Chicago , Bur
lington & Quincy runs into Omaha now
and the benefits derived from doubling
its trackage there cannot be commen
surate to the expense involved in secur
ing this right of way.
All who are interested in the matter
of. developing that part of thu territory
of'the city arc strong in the belief that
a large population will bo called in and
a continuous city be ultimately built
from hero to Omaha , of which Broadway
will bo the chief avenue of travel and
traffic. These are the purposes and pros
pects which underlie the presentation of
this resolution to the city council.
Domestic patterns at 105 Main street.
On the market for over twenty years.
Still the most reliable and the most
popular sewing machine made. The
light running Domestic. * Office 105
Main st.
Money to loan. W. S. Cooper.
A "Hello" of a nrtslncss.
Yesterday afternoon the BEH reporter
called upon Manager Lane for some
points rolatiyo to the telephone service
of the city. Thcso are matters of gen
eral interest and are hero given. Mr.
. Lane has occupied his present position
' nearly three years. When ho assumed
it there were but 1&5 subscribers upon
the list and there was anything but a
general feeling of frindlincss toward Jthe
"new-fangled speakin'thing. " Now the
BontimeiU has greatly changed , and
with the change has come additional
subscribers , so that to-day the list num
bers 281 ; 175 miles of wire and 25 miles
of poles are required in the operation ol
the system in the city. Five miles more
are required between hero and Omaha
nnd forty-live miles between here and
Avoca. During the past year the sys
tem has been worked at a serious disad
vantage on account of the impobolbilit.v
of getting instruments , switch-board !
nnd cables. From January 1 to June 1 ,
1887 , there was an increase of flftj
subscribers , and from that time until
December 1 there was no increase , al <
though there were forty applications
for instruments. Since December 1
these instruments have been supplied ,
Within u short time a complete list will
be placed in the hands of every sub
scriber in the city.
The calls nnd connections average
between fifteen hundred nnd two thous
nnd per day. About one hundred anc
fifty connections are made- with Omahr
ami twenty-five with points east of hereTo
To do this work five operators , beside
the manager , are required during the
fc day and one at night. Business is tran
fco gacted with nearly every town in th <
o state , as they "can nil bo put in connec
tion with the main line that runs into
this city. The reporter was allowed th <
privilege of talking with the openUoi
nt Atlantic , which , by the useof long
distance transmitters , wns done will
comparative cube. The distance be
tween the points IB fifty-nine miles , am
communication has been jiut as easil ;
hnd with Dos Moincs nnd Boone , 2fjQ
miles awny. Verily , this IB as Mjre""of
grcnt things.
ahcnfo loans money on real estate.
The Dlntrlct Court.
In the district court the case of Rich-
nrdson vs Scott continued to occupy the
time. The cross-examination of Mrs.
Richardson , the plaintiff , was not con
cluded until noon , nnd in the afternoon
Mr. Plunkett , n farmer , wns examined
ns to values of various property in
volved , nnd the nttornoys spent so much
time in offering objection * nnd arguing
over them that the case progressed
slowly. It seems that the case will bo
on the board for two or three days
Yesterday wns the dny sot for the
trial of tho'Arch Coffman case but this ,
of course , is hold back nnd will not bo
started until the present case is con
The grand jury is at-work and the
trial of thcso criminal cases will come
np after the Coffman case hns boon dis
posed of.
Several prisoners were arraigned
yesterday and those who w ro too poor
to employ counsel were assigned attor
neys by the court. These nrrnignod
were : Ed Adams , for stealing Chris
Durr's team ; Harry Wind , for forgery ;
W. T. Hall nnd John Quirk , for confi
dence game.
P. tVUrre , 828 Avenue A , being about
to remove to California , will dispose of
n verv line plnno worth SJ550 , by rnfllc on
March 17 , at the Manhattan. Little
Annie Clark of Avenue A. will draw the
lucky number.
. Found nnd Fined.
Yesterday's police batch wns not n
heavy one in numbers , but heavier in
the chnracter of the men arraigned.
H. Smith was discharged , there being
no evidence against him.
John Wilson nnd Frank Riley wore
held , ns n description of them is in the
hands of the marshal , nnd they nro de
scribed ns "nil nround crooks. " They
nre n portion of n gnng who have been
infesting Omaha for weeks , nnd who
had just completed u'jail ' sentence there
nnd wore driven ncross the river by the
W. T. House plead guilty to the
charge of drunk and received the usual
fine. Ho wns allowed to go on condition
thnt he go to work at once nnd pay the
line Saturday night.
F. M. White , against whom were the
two charges of drunk and larceny , was
lot off on the Intter charge and was
fined on the former.
During the afternoon Esquire Schuiv.
acted in the absence of Judge Ayles-
worth in the case of John Fitzgerald ,
arrested for disturbing the peace. lie
pleaded guilty and was fined $9.00 ,
which he paid.
If you dcsiro to get a new Hall type writer
cheap , drop a postal card to H. A. P. , UKK
office. A front bargain for the lirst who
The Liliicoln Estate In the Bluffe.
Twenty years ago this month there
was n case in court hero which brings in
the names of bovcral persons noted
throughout the laud. The case was entitled -
titled Norman B. Judd vs Thomas Lin
coln. It was brought in what wns then
the chancery court , with Judge Day pre
siding. It seems thnt Norman B. Judd
gave to Abraham Lincoln n mortgage
for $3,000 , the property being a tract of
hind lying south of the Union Pacific
tracks , near the river , and n number of
lots in Riddle's addition. This mort
gage wns afterwards paid nnd this suit
was brought to remove the cloud from
the property. David Davis was the ad
ministrator of the Lincoln estate , nnd
of the heirs Thomas Lincoln was the
only minor. Attached to the paper ? nro
affidavits signed by Robert Lincoln nnd
others , and the decree of the court
cleared up the cloud to the land. The
abstractors in running up the chain of
title are nowadays coming quite fre
quently upon names frhich are now so
noted that their appearance cannot but
excite comment.
One thousand head of one , two and
three-year-old steers for sale. Will give
credit to reliable parties. Enquire o
A. J. Greenamayer.
Election of Officers.
Division No. 27 , Uniform Rank
Knights of Pythias , have elected the
following officers : John M. Scanlnn ,
captain ; C. E. Tibbitts , first lieutenant ;
W. S. Williams , second lieutenant : C.
Johnson , recorder ; L. Kost , treasurer ;
F. Bolkemper , sentinel ; O. Yunkcrman ,
guard. The newly elected officers as
sume the duties of their positions on the
10thinst. . A grand banquet will bo
given next Monday evening.
St. Paul's Church.
The services and sermons will be ap
propriate to the season , this being
Ash Wednesday , or the first day of
Lent. The public are cordially invited
to attend all Lenten services in this
church Tuesdays and Thursdays at 4:30 :
p. m. , Wednesdays and Fridays at 7 : ! > 0
p. m. T. J. Mackay , rector.
Bargains in houses and lots on small
cash payment , Johnston & Van Patten ,
33 Main street.
They Were Gentlemen.
OMAHA , Fob. 13. To the Editor of the
HER : In your issue on the 13th of February ,
under the heading "Minor Mention , " Coun
cil Bluffs news , I saw a few lines to the ef
fect that a party of "Omaha toughs" went to
Council Bluffs to raise u row in the Danish
church , corner Avenue A and Ninth street.
I beg to ask the editor of the BEE to change
the words "Omaha toughs" to something
that will come nearer the truth. .Tho follow
ing Is the 'true statement of the uf- .
fair : A Danish blacksmith , who
'at the present time is mak
ing livelihood as a minister , baa for a
long time from the pulpit done all in his
power to hurt the Interetts of "Tho Danish
Pioneer. " which Is published and edited in
Omaha by the subscriber. Ho was overdoing
the thing , though , and I thought I hod better
put a stop to It some way or other. To that
effect I demanded of him , through a notice
in "The Danish Pioneer , " to withdraw his
accusations , in my presence , in the aforesaid
church , that I would bo there and wanted
amends. The minister , though , was cow
ardly enough to screen himself with the
sanctity ( ! ) of the place.
I believe that I , as well as the other Omaha
citizens who were nt the meeting at tbo time
mentioned behaved as gentlemen ought to.
Editor Danish Pioneer.
A new archaeological discovery in
Rome consists of some colored earthen
ware busts without head and trunks ,
partly opened in front , to show the
heart , liver and lungs within. They
are supposed to have been "vows" paid
to some early ehrUtinn church or temple.
The famous Jones county boiled buz
zard was killed at Hazelhurst , Ga. , by
Will Meeks recently. The bell at
tached to the bird had engraved on it
the letters "O. E. " above the words
"Jones County , Ga. , 185ft. " It has been
known , in vuriouu parts of the state for
The Torrlblo Vendettas on the Ken
tucky-Virginia Dordor.
A Deadly Strife Thnt Hns Itcsultrd In
Many Murders The 1'rliiclpnl
Ilclntlvcs The Vendetta In
War Time Its Origin.
Snn Frnnekco Chronicle : The deadly
strife which for the past month has at
tracted the oycs of the country to the
Kentucky-Virginia border , had its
origin long before the war of the rebel-
ion. The bugle-blast thnt called the
itnlwnrt Virginian nnd the Kentucky
mountain-ranger from the fury of
irivnto feud to the organized onslaught
of national strife was thought to hnvo
ilonccd the voice of personal vendetta.
But oven on the tented field , where the
desire for blood might well have boon
satiated in the mosts.ivago hearts , those
nveterato haters lose no opportunity of
closing accounts with each other , and
more than one bravo , noble-hearted fol
low , who never turned his back to the
foe , was found pierced through the
lungs with n bullet that entered from
behind. It wns no unusual thing to find ,
after a bloody battle , a Mnrkhnm search
ing among the dead for a Farley , nnd to
hear , when the slain fou wns found
where the implements of death had
reaped their fullest harvest , curses
heaped on the bead of sharpshooter or
swqrdsmnn who had robbed him of his
legitimate prey.
It would bo bard to trace the line of
blood to where it poured from the first
wound in those deadly feuds. A hun
dred years of this country's life have
inarched along the trail of history since
tho'first vow spoken for the tirst blow
struck that resulted in the bloody ven
dettas of Virginian-Kentucky border
counties. Among the brawny illiter
ates of the mountainous region of the
Tug Fork of the Big Sandy bate is the
religion and violence the creed. The
rille or 'tho revolver settles nil debts ,
pays all scores , and tno whistling bullet
answers all charges of cowardice and
lack of honor. The father educates the
son in the story of hnto , and teaches the
boy to handle his weapons , so that ho
may ride with him on raids against his
neighbor. The daughter is taught by
the mother that only disaster and
shame can result from knowing n scion
of the stock of McCoy or Hntlleld , und
o the feud is kept alive.
Civilization seems , in its progress
across the continent , to have skirted the
border land of Kentucky and Virginia.
The same feelings that animated the
fierce highlnnUcr's in their feuds , thnt
itained Scottish history with the awful
massacre of Glen Coo , thnt slow feeble
women nnd defenseless babes , nre yet
nlivo in the outlaws of the dark and
bloody ground. Whether the murder
ous feuds will end when the "last
irmcd foe expires , " or bo stamped out
by the law is a question. In the mean
time there is no peace on the border ; no
neutrality ; Pike'and Logan counties
lire drenched with blood , and murder
has ceased to amaze.
Major E. R. Merriman had in his regiment -
imont during the war several families
who were xbittcrly opposed to each other.
In one of the companies wore the Mc
Coys and Parleys , mentioned in the
Chronicle's dispatches from Charleston
during the past month. The major had
been transferred from the Seventh New
York ns instructor of tactics in the Vir
ginia regiment. The mon were nearly
; ill refugees whoso murderous deeds had
driven them from their homes to the
'otton mountains. They vere brawny
men , with hearts thnt k.'new no fear.
They brought their own rifles to the
war. They were men who wasted no
powder , for their bullets always found
the target. The loyalty of thobo braves
may not bo questioned. They fought
nobly for the union and died with their
their faces toward the foe. But many
made no secret of their feelings nnd
said that they had joined the bide that
was opposed to their old enemies , the
llatiTems , who were confederates. To
the aid of the union old Farley brought
his five sons ; Markham brought four
stalwarts. Between these families a
feud hns.oxisted for years. The Far-
leys had aided the Hatlields in their
raids and the Markhams had suf-
fured in the death of friends. Why they
were found with the federals
and In the same legiment it is hard to
say. But what is stranger yet , before
the war had wasted a year an apparent
friendship sprang up between the
whilom enemies. The mon were orgin-
ally from the banks of the Big Sandy
river , nnd hnd made their living by log
ging to the Ohio. Few of the men could
read or write when they entered the
army , but before being mustered out all
that were left could write their own
names. John Markham showed great
ability ns n soldier , und before long ho
was mndo u sergennt. Thnt hnd the
effect of breaking up the friendship
noted us having taken the plaeo of bit
ter feud. One of the Parleys was promoted
meted and again there wus a semblance
of pence.
On one occasion Sergeant Markham
obtained permission to purchase some
cider from a fnrmor nnd he proposed to
retail it among the men of his company.
Farley went into partnership with him ,
and when the cider was brought to camp
he was delegated to deal it out. Quito
a sum wus realized. Farley , when the
firm settled up , demanded money for his
extra Inbor.
"You ask too much , " said the ser
"So I do , " was the reply. "Justice is
too much to nsk from n Markham. " *
Both mon drew their revolvers ; each
dropped back oncjptop and fired. The
unair had all the effect of a duel. The
big sergeant stored serene ; the Farley
was dead. . ;
Markhnm turned nnd tried to mnko
his escape ; but tlio murder had taken
place in the company street und a dozen
soldiers presented their weapons at his
breast. A court'ninrtial wns called and
Sergeant Markhatfi was sentenced to be
hanged. Ho hadjio word to say against
the death sentence : but spoke bitterly
of its mode of execution.
"I shot Farleyho snld , "shoot me. "
Every effort was mndo by his friends
to get him pardoned ; but the president
declined to interfere. When ho know
there was nohopeMarkhnm prepared to
meet death like n man. The execution
was to take place on the Norway Falls
of the Knnawah river. When the dny
arrived ho rode to the scaffold on his
coffin , and from that ominous platform
mauo a speech.
"I Uio like a dog , but with the spirit
of a man , " said ho. "I die once , but I
killed two Parleys. No 0110 knowed
whar the bullet cumo from that sent o ] '
Farley aldyln1. It WHS mine. I shot
him , an * the big Cotton mountain has
sheltered me since. Yoh Parleys and
McCoy's had bettor stop yoh fight. I
am a dead man an' I ask yoh to shoot
no mob , only fo' the union. When the
wah stops go back an' make yoh peace
with all the mon spahed. "
The Markham was. hanged and the
w r rolled fcouth and east. Ills 'broth
ers died on the field of battle , nnd his
father wns carried from a charge to give
up his life in n hospital. The name of
Farley wns borne by but ono man in the
regiment when the star of the confeder
ates shone no more. The McCwyhs flnfl
bettor lu l ; , rno" ffuntly was nl-
l Joc entire , nnd they lived to
( oiu npnln in porsonnl combnt the
Intllelds nnd their adherents. But the
old stock thnt rode buck from the wnr is
no more. The McCoys thnt arc men
tioned in the dispatches were too young
to tnko pnrt in the buttles then. But
their fnthcrs tnught them well , and
tlioy ride on their raids Hko their fierce
progenitors , sparing neither old nor
The Hntllelds nnd McCoys nre roln-
tivcs. Ycnrs ngo n dancing mnstor wont
to Pike county nnd mnrried n dnughtor
of the hitter house. After a short time
ho loft her , nnd cruel words wore spoken
by the McCoys of the deserted womnn.
The Hnttlelds resented the insult , and
although the dancing master nnd his
wife hnvo long been dcnd , the feud they
cnusod still lives nnd agitates , two great
states. Kentucky is well named the
"Dark nnd Bloody Ground. "
Jim Flsk'n Ofllce Boy's One Round.
That Ijcd to His Success In Life.
Now York Letter : C. N. White , chief
paymaster of the New Pork , Lake Erie
& Western Railroad company for many
years , hns resigned. Ho is'succeeded
by Peter F. Donohuo , who wns Paymas
ter White's assistant. When FisK and
Gould were in control of the Erie , Peter
Donohuo was Fisk's office boy. Ho was
a slight-built boy , but his eye was
always on the right side of business.
Ono day Fisk gave orders to Peter , who
sat at the outside door of Prince Erie's
office in the Grand opera house build
ing , thnt ho would be engaged in some
particular matters , nnd must bo out to
every applicant , no matter who it might
bo. At thnt time John Morrissey nnd
Fisk were grent friends , and Morrissey
happened to want to see Fisk that day
on homo important business. Peter
knew of the high regard Fisk hnd for
John Morrissey , nnd the hitter was in
the habit , when ho cnllcd nt the Erie
building , of walking into Fisk's otllca
unannounced and without ceremony.
On this dny ho was passing , when the
three and one-half foot office boy rose
up and told the congressman thnt ho
could not pass.
"How's thntV'Asked Morrisscy.
"Mr. Fisk is busy , nnd can't see any
body , " replied Peter Donohuo.
"He'll see mo , " said Morrissoy.
"No , he won't , " insisted Peter.
The persistence of the boy rather
nettled the ox-prize-lighting statesman ,
and ho said testily , taking n step
toward the door :
"Do you know who I nm':1"
"Yes , " said Peter coolly ; "you're
John Morrissoy. "
"Well , " said Morrissey , "I guess Mr.
Fisk will see me. "
With that he swept the diminutive
office boy aside and strode toward the
door. His hnnd was on the knob but ho
did not turn it. Peter Donohuo sprung
on the broad back of the former ath
lete and climbed up it like a monkey.
Ho threw his arm around Mor-
rissoy't ) neck and gave it a squeeze
that shut the big man's wind
off , nnd forced him to give all of his at
tention to freeing himself from the de
termined offioo boy's grasp. Ho finally
succeeded , but when tlio novel struggle
was over the office boy blood again between -
tweon the congressman and Fisk's door.
"Mr. Fisk gave ino orders to let no
body in there , " exclaimed Potcr , "and
you can't go in. That's nil there is
about it. "
Morrissoy"s nnger quickly gnvo way
to ndmirntion of the boy's pluck anil
faithfulness , und , laughing heartily
over his defeat , ho wont tiwny. Ho told
Fisk next day about his encounter with
Peter , and how the latter had "downed
him. " Nothing in all of Fisk's remark
able career every pleased him as much
ns the "mill , " as he culled it. between
Morrissey nnd Donohuo. The boy was
rapidly advanced by Fisk , and one of
the direct results of his uffair with Mor-
sscy is his present place at the head
of the most important branch of the
Erie railway's financial department.
SPECIAL advertisements , such as Lnst.Foiiml
To Loan , KorSftlo.To itctil. Wimts , Hoarding
etc. , will be Inserted In this column at the low
rateofTKN CUNTS PEK LINE for the nr > t In
sertion and Five Cento Per Line for each subse
quent Insertion. Leave advertisements at our
office No. 12 Pearl Street , near Uroadway Coun
cil muffs , Iowa.
l71OUNI-Oii Main St. . a double-action. > > elf-
X ; cocking revolver , Ui-calabvr. Left at po
lice station.
"IT1OH KENT Pnrt of my ofllce. No. fiOO Broad-
-C way , opposite now postolllce. Or. C. Ji.
WANTED If you have any furniture , stoves
or carpets for sale , or If you want to buy
above Komls , call on A. J , Maudel , iKt and i ! j
WANTED-Stocks of merchandise. Have
Omaha and Council HluUH city propcitv.
also western land to exchange for goods. Call
on or address J. 1 ] , Christian , 419 liroadwuy.
Council llluffH , la.
Main Street , Council Bluffs ,
Only Hotel In the City with Fire Es
cape. Electric Call Bells.
Accommodations First Glass ,
Rates Always Reasonable
MAX MOHN , Proprietor.
Standard No. 4090 , chestnut stallion , foaled
April 10,1882. Ured byC. J. Hamlln , Buffalo ,
N. Y. , sired by Almonarch ( record 2 : B4Jf )
son of Almont , tirnt dam , Lucy , by Hutulin's
Patchin , sire of the duia of licit Hamlin
( record a:13 f ) ; Kccond dam by Hysdyk's
Hamblotonian. Norway stands 16)1 hands
high , and can trot better than 3:30. : This
stallion will be permitted to serve a few
mares at J36 the season from March 1st to
July 1st. For particulars enquire of
Council Hluffs Driving Park , or No. 417
South 14th St. , Omaha.
600 Brood way Council tlluffs , Iowa. Established
oslr o la U world n r U a
eanUiMW \tcMe 6 Matntlu
Mlonuao , Powerful , bartkl * ,
- . .
-.toW lr ud
BBSS' ' *
ATTUM JPr BPTT Architects and Superintendents.
ALLBH fit DfiLL , S Opera House Block.
| - _ _ . _ = 4
Hydraulic and Sanitary Engineo
HBTDVTMBTMU , piftn8t Estimates , Specifications. SU
pervision of Public Work. Brown Building , Council Blufffl
Iowa. _ -
Attorney-at-Law , Sepond Floor Brown
, Building , 115 peari Street , Council
Bluffs , Iowa.
NOflUTID7 Justice of theTPeace. Office over American
, UUUUIUJ , Express , No. 419 Broadway , Council Bluff ? ,
QTfiNfl Xf QTMQ Attorneys at- Law , practice in the State '
01UUD Ot OiniO , aud Federal Courts. Office Rooms' 7
and 8 , Shugart Beno Block , Council Bluffs , Iowa , _
0 RADNPTT Justice of the Peace , 415 Broadway
, Oi DniUlEiiA , Council Bluffs. Refers to any bank ( rt
business house in the city. Collections a specialty. _
Mb llUUUDUllI fiDUWD Dentists. Office corner o
, , Pearl St. and Fint Avenue
DR. C. B. JUDD ,
No. 6OO Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
WANTED Good Salesmen enlarge commission or salary.
No. 201 Main Street , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Both. Domestic and Foreign.
The Greatest Invention of the Ago I
Itupturc or Hernia a Specialty I
Makes Female Diseases a Specialty ,
Cures nil kinds of Chronic Diseases that ore curable with his mont Wonderful Vegetable He }
dies. Is the oldest and most successful specialist In the west. Call nnd see him. Ofllce No. 11 ,
Pearl St. , Council lllutrs. Iowa. Olllce hours : M to 12 a. in. ; 1 to C and a to H p. m ,
Star Stables and Mule Yards
Uroadway , Council Dluffs , Opp. Dummy Depot.
ITorses and mnles constantly on hand , for
tale at retail or In car load lots.
Orders promptly filled by contract on short
Stock sold on commission.
Telephone 114. HCMI.UTEH * HOLEY.
. Opposite Dummy Depot , Council llluffs.
Council muffs , la.
Vilirinarn Dintislty a Sptcialfy.
CARTER & SON , Prop's.
Manufacturers of
All Kinds of Steam Boilers A Sheet Iron Work
Orders by mail for repars promptle attended
to. Satisfaction guaranteed. 10th Avenue. Ad-
drebs Ogden Holler Works. Council lilutts , Iowa
0 , H. HcDANELO & CD , ,
Hides , Tallow , Pelts ,
Wool find Furs.
Highest Market Prices. Prompt
tCC and 622 Main Btr etCouncll Uluffs.Iow * .
By Our Crank
HAS Imported here from China ,
Coffees V t OASTED , none are tluer ,
The best F k ' Flour , please bear in mind ,
These at THOELL IIHOS' . find ,
Here wellAV m m ' the best of fruit
Everything we'll E'L to suit.
And save you Dot | IIS. too ,
I to boo |
If you have to f UY at all
Be your OltDE R large or small
Come and get your OR q CEH1E8 ,
Burely you know where
the place I S
345 Middle Broadway
Telephone No. 29.
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
1514 DOUGLAS STREET. - - - OHM * .
Carriage apd Express Line.
Telephone No , SI.
The finest line ot Landaus , Coaches and . Haokj
n the City. The only line authorised to.aniWM
jalla turned In to Ala. DUt. Tel. Co ,