Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 15, 1888, Page 5, Image 5
* . * THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , FEBRUAKY lo , 188a TARES TOO HOT FIRE WATER Mayor Sawyer's Charges Agalnet Ohlof Nowbury of Lincoln. ' AN INVESTIGATION BEING MADE. Storm Wntor Bnwnrsc to Bo Put In A Train Ijoatl or Intmno People ple County Division Cnllcd Tor. frnoM Tim nr.p.'s MXCOI.X nuniuu.1 The mayor has his war paint on and Is after Chief Nowbury , of the lire de partment. At the last Mission of the ooun- ell the mayor hinted Unit he had soon the warden the worse for whisky and that prior to th < 51r visit to the Omaha jail ho had miked the resignation of Mr. Nowbury , but tlmt , under.tho promise of total abstinence , lie had allowed him to remain in olHco. Sluco thai time ho had evidence that the wartlon aa not hooping his pledge and ho recommended that hi * i-orvicuB bo dispensed with. The qtlOBtio ! ! was referred to the 11 ro committee - too to invcHlIfjuto and report at the next mooting. Tlio mayor , ] irior to prohont- ing the complaint to the council , was limking inquiries of certain citizens af ter evidence afjaiiifit tlio warden and the investigation will undoubtedly dovolopo just bow much tlioro is in tlio charges. Mr. Nowbury has certainly built up the Lincoln lire department to one of the most elllciont in the west and if the city decides to ( liHioiihe with him it will bo a very dllllcult task to secure Ills equal In department work ; which will make many.wish that inquiry will bhcnv the charifes not well founded. bTOKM WATKll SKWKHAOK. The city is evidently experiencing change of heart on the question of storm water soworago. When an election was hold last summer lo provide for Bitch a system it was in the midst of the paving controversy , and tlio asphalt men turned in , with every evidence of a Hpirit of revenge , and defeated the sew erage. Since then it has boon point edly domonstralcd that a system ol sewerage - erago to convoy surface water from the fclreots is a certain necessity in a city so nearly on a level as Lincoln. At the last session of the city council the city engineer presented the question of Iho fccworago again and presented a plan for a system that would protect private property and protect the navingvthnt lias already been laid. The cost o" the system as proposed by the city cn- giiioor would bo about $ 5,000 and the city would bo districted through the 'business center from Sixteenth to Tenth and from J to Q streets. The council instructed the engineer and city attorney to draft au ordinance provid ing for a levy to moot the expense o" the sewerage. A QUKKU TRAIN LOAD. A somewhat remarkable train will leave this city this morning at 9 o'clock over the Union Pacific. The train will ho a specialcomprfsing two coaches and n baggage car , and it will contain ninoty-oight insane patients from the state asylum here , who arc being trans ferred to the now hospital at Norfolk. The special train has been prepared for their comfort and safety and it will run to Valley on the Lincoln branch , thence over the main line to Columbus aad over the Norfolk branch to Norfolk. Dr. Kelley , superintendent of the Norfolk asylum , arrived to-day with six assist ants , and Dr. Knapp , of the asylum here , with four experienced men , will accom pany the patients to their new homo. It is expected by the supcrintendnnts that with the ton assistants the transfer can be made with perfect mifoty and without trouble. The ninety-eight patients bo- looted for the now asylum comprise both the harmless and the violent , they hav ing boon selected without regard to their particular degree of insanity , but wholly from counties in the vicinity of the now hospital. The special train will bo the first one in the state wholly devoted to the transportation of the insane and its trip will DO noted with a great deal of Interest along the route. The transfer of these patients is the opening of the now asylum for Inmates and it will re lieve the hospital horowhich has had to rpfuso pationta for want of room. Coun ties that havO had to keep insane people ple in jail pending the completion of the Norfolk asylum will appreciate this movement , that moans relief for them. TO DIVIDE HOLT COUNTY. Doolittlo Bros. , of Atkinson , Holt county , have forwardhid the attorney general a map outlining a proposed di vision of Holt county into four counties , two of the now ones to bo called Elkhorn - horn and Union counties in the plan , leaving O'Neill City in Holt county , putting Atkinson in Union county and Ewing in Elkhorn county. A portion of tlio old countv lying on the northwest , the parties advocating division want to join with the unorganized territory across the Niobrara river and the attor ney general has boon asked if this can bo done. A OKOCEKS KA1MJIIE. The stock of the Enterprise grocery owned by G. W. Rummoll , has been taken possession of bycrcditors. Plumcr , Perry & Co. have possession of the stock unuor a chattel mortgage for $1,500 , and there is an additional chattel mortgage on the stock for $500 , hold by Henry Schmidt. Hesides thcso claims thcro are up to ( Into clovou attachments in various amounts taken out against the took through Justice Cochrau's ollico , whore the papers have boon issued. HTAT15 "VKTEIHNAUY ASSOCIATION. A number of veterinarians have boon considering the advisability of a state , nsboclatiop , and to secure that end the following circular has boon issued as a cull for the mootlngfororganix.ationntid one will bo forwarded to each known veterinarian in the stato. LINCOLN , Nob. , Fob. 14 , 1SSS. Dear Sir : After duo deliberation , the inulor- bigned doom it advisable to organize a State Veterinary association for tlio pur pose of cultivating a fraternal fooling among veterinarians , and promoting the interests and generalwelfare of the pro fession by Boiontiflo discussion. Ar rangements will bo made for a mooting at the Poxton hotel , Omaha , Nob. , on Thursday , March 1,1888. Hoping that you will uttoud , wo remainvery respect fully yours , II. L. ItAMACClOTI , D. V. S. J. GKKTII , Jiu , D. V. S. SUl'UKME COUUT 1'UOOKKDINOS. Ill the supreme court yesterday Honrj C. Hltt , of Dodge county , was udinlttct to practice. Tlio following cAses were argued ani submitted : Forney vs Fremont , Elk horn & Missouri Valley railroad com jMxny ; Moans vs Webster ; Borggron v : Fremont , Elkhorn & Missouri Vallo ; railroad company State ox rol Wyuki cemetery osbociation vs Hurtling ; ICott nmnn vs Hurtling , information , sub milled. Court adjourned to this mornins1 a 8iO : ! o'clock. A mandamus ca.-o was tiled in supromi court yustordny , thocaso being brough by J. ti. G ruble , city treasurer of Heat rfco , to compel the county treasurer , K J. Roderick , to pay to the city treasure certain funds how in his hands tirisin < from city taxes. * CITY IIIUKF.S. There is In the city at the proson time" , from a careful estimate , llu tnilv of sldowntk , nhtl at Iho.labt session of < Uo council the ofllcc of 'sidewalk Inspector specter was created , the salary to be$75 per month. The appointment has not yet been mndo. To flit the ofllco of sealer of weights and ensures V. II. Dyer has been anpolnlcu n ml confirmed. Ono of the questions that confronts the council ia that of paving before the different churches in the city tlmt are located in the paving dislrlcls. To settle the question n committee haabco.i appointed lo confer with the churches. The charter for tlio lodge of Elk * In this city Is expected in a low days , when tlio Omaha Elks will bo down lo Insll- tutu the lodge horo. At a recent moot ing Iho charier members elected Iho following ollk-crs : Frank Porting , ruler ; K. H. Townlcy , leading knight ; Mat- rom Mclvinnon , royal knlghl : C. E. Mngoon , Icoturiuc1 knight ; w. P. Hois- Icull. tyler ; A.JK. Ilargreavos. treasurer ; A. H. Smith , secretary ; .1" . II. Hurley , U. C. LJurr , Frank Sheldon , Irusleos. Tlio prohibllion state convonlion , which assembles in Ihis oily to-morrow , will moot in the new hall in Bohann ; em's block instead of in Tcmplo hall , as previously announced. The local third party people predict a large attend- unt'o. The girl , Etta Davis , nl the Opelt hotel , who attempted buit-ido by taking morphine , is rapidly recovering and the people at the house have raided a purse sufficient to cover her expenses on a journey to her homo in Indiana. E.1J. . Koggen , proprietor of Iho Capi tal hotel , has had a long scries of throat difficulties almost the entire winter and is again continue ! lo his room with the same disease. Major John C. Watson , ox-sheriff ; W. T. C'auada and Frank T. Ransom were a quartollo of Nebraska City people at the Capital hotel yesterday. Tlio work of furnishing Iho room of the Lincoln Press club , located in the opera house block , is progressing finely. J. E. Miller furnishes a handsome velvet cnrpot for the floor and Messrs. Hardy & ; Pitcher the tables and chairs. The newspaper men in the city will not fail to appreciate those very liberal courte sies oxlcndod them. Divorces continue lo bo objects of sup plication in the district .court , tlio Iwo latest additions being Sarah Kelley vs. .lames Kelley for habitual drunkenness , and Bertie Moore vs. William Moore for * excessive cruelty , threatening her life and failure to support her. This latlor couple were married in Omaha in 1881. Isaac Opiwnheimor , who has been out of business since his return from the trading posl in Iho Indian territory , has formed a partnership with C. C. Pace and with rial-ties in the cast , and the now firm will do a wholesale and retail commission business. Early yesterday rooming the cottage of Robert Dolnn , on Thirtieth and R street , was discovered on fire , and as it was eighteen blocks beyond the flro limits the city department could render no assistance and the building was lost. Only a small amount of insurance is re ported on the building. Two great enemies Hood's Sarsaparilla - rilla and impure blood. The latter Is utlerly defealed by the peculiar medi cine. SOUTH OMAHA NEWS. A. D. Wilson , of Logan , la. , brought in ono cor of cattle. O. U. McBride , of Lovelorn ! , la. , is on the market with u car cattle. Chnrlos Carr , of David City , is on Iho market with a car of hogs , S. A. Myers , of Myers & Crownover , Ben edict , is in with a car of hogs. Only ono VBR was accommodated at the lock-up and ho swept the tloor uml tended the flro for a night's lodging , yn Preparations are now being made for a more extensive building trade than over , and the coining summer promises to be a pusy one. one.About About forty members of the South Omaha lodge of Odd Follows , and u few of their city friends , sat down to dinner at the Dulmonlco Monday night. The dinner was good , and so was the time they had. Mrs. Ora Cunningham , whose husband was killed by falling over an embankment last summer. Is in rather poor circumstances , and charitably disposed persons wishing to aid her can notify Councilman Loesccer. The Exchange hotel guests yesterday were : C. T. McKeuruoy , Lyons , la. ; A. Agrun , Hillsdalc , Neb. ; John Knox , Palmyra , Neb. ; J. M. Munroc , Chicago , Ills. ; William Dougherty , Hawthorne , Iowa ; Martin Dur- rall , Tekamah , Neb. The standing committo appointed by Mayor Savage to investigate the working of the present system of licensing has been hard at work and will probably report next council meeting. The result of their labor is anxi ously awaited by those interested. The building on Q street wrecked last fall still hangs threateningly over the roadway , and should bo removed or repaired before the March winds blow. If it isn't , the city may have another law suit on band. At tlio same time the lumber oulce should bo moved back to the Hue of the street. Some time ago Mrs. Walldrodgo rented a house from one ot Iho local agents , but by some mistake was shown through the wrong houso. She was satisfied with it and moved in , but two weeks later was astonished to re ceive a call from the owner , who demanded by what right she was there. Explanations followed , and she vacated the house , but refused to pay for the two weeks rent as the expense of moving more than balanced it. Suit was brought be fore Justice Levy to recover the amount and w.i3 continued eight days. FALLS VIEW was unknown until created by the Michigan Central Rail road , which stops its trains at this point to enable its passengers to enjoy the grandest and most comprehensive view of the falls that is to bo nnywhoro ob- lainod. Before that time people came in carriages from tlio American side to "Inspiration Point , " the yiow from which Howells said was "unequalled for sublimity , " but Falls View , being more elevated , the scene .from it is much fiiior. No other road runs to or near this point , and through , passengers by the Michigan Central , "Tho Niagara Falls Route , " have this great advantage without detention oraddilional expense. Bricklayers' Wages. The boss masons of this city have engaged convenient rooms In the Paxton building , Sixteenth and Furnum streets , , andyestcrdaj afternoon held an Important meeting upon thi question of wages during the coming sum mer. There were present , besides the com inltteo appointed for the purpose by the boss masons association , n commit too from tin bricklayers' union. UotH of those committed met about a week ago. The latter presentee a scale of prices which the bricklayers' uuloi desired to govern during Wie coming season It was considered carefully by the represent utivcs of the bosses , uml by them presented to the latter org.mlzation. At the last incut Ing of the bricklayers' union , the commlttci appointed by them reported progress. 1 Forget Names , DiUcs , Addresses. Do you ? Then you have not takoi Prof. Lolsotto's System for improviiif Iho memory , highly endorsed by Prol Richard A. Proclor , Mark Twain , lion W. W. Astor , Henry CJuy Carleton Hon. Judah P. Benjamin and othoi brilliant men who have boon his pupils Send for prospectus containing tlios and hundreds of others lo Memory In sllluto , 2a Fifth Avenue , Now York 3lntrlmoninl. At St. I'hllomena's cathedral yasterd.1 morning at S o'clock , I r. Daniel Kyau an Miss Ka lo Uognn , both of this city , wet united in man-luxe by Father Mi Cnrthy. A number of friends wore pro : cut to witness the ceremony. Miss Sara McUonovrh t\cted as bridesmaid und M T6hn Tloffnn attended the groom. The young couple have a largo circle of frendn | in the city who Join in wishing them a long and happy life. CREAM IAKING Itsi ipsrlor excellence provoi InlmllK ns ot homes for more tlum a quarter of a century. It Is used by the United Mates Government. Kn- ilorsedby thohcudsof the Great Universities as thii Strongest , Purest anil most Itenlthful. lr 1'rlce'H Cream linking Powder does not contain Ammonia , Lime or Alum. Bold only In cans. 1'itlCK 1IAKINH 1'OWUKIlCO. NEWYOIIK , CHICAGO. ST. LOUIS Who It WEAK , NERVOUS. PEBIMTA. TED.wholnhlsFOLI'YandiaNORANfK basTKIIXKDair y hU VIOORof IMIY , MIND and MANHOOD.canning exhauitlng drains Upon the fOUNTAINN of LIFE , HEADACHE , BACKACHE , Dreadful Dreams , WEAKNESS of Memory. BANK * FUI.NEN8 In SOCIETY , PIMPI.EH upon the FACE , and all the EFFECT * leadine to EARLY DECAT and pcrham CONSUMP. TION or INSANITY , should commit at once the CELEBRATED Dr. Clarke , Established 18M. Dr. Clarke has mndo NERVOUS HE. BIL1TY. CHRONIC and all Disease * of the GENITO URINARY Oiynns a Llfo ittndjr. It make * NO cllflerence WHAT you iare taken or WIIO has failed to cure you. -FEM Al. EH aurTerlnKfrom diseases pecu liar to their aez can consult with the assurance ef speedy relief and cur * . Send 3 cent * postage for work * on your diseases. S-8end 4 cents postage for Celebrated WrkB on Chronic , Nervon * and Dell * eate Diseases. Consultation , personally or by Utter , ! > . Consult the old Doctor. Tboaimnds cared. Office * and parlor * private. J Those contemplating Man-Intro § nd for Dr. Clnrke'si celebrated guide Male and F m le , each l&c. , both ii5c. ( stamps ) . Before confining your case , consult Dr. CLARKE. A friendly letter or call may tare future sufferlnganrt shame , and add golden yean to life. O-Book "Life' * ( Secret ) Er- * 9tn , " 60e. ( stamps ) . Medicine and writings MDt rerywbere , secure from x | o ure. Hours , 8 to 8 : Sundays , 9 to 13. Address , F. P. CLARKE ) , M. D. 186 Bo Clerk SU OHIOAGO. ILL. THE INCURABLE CURED ! BorXIHSTILLK , If T. , F B. U , 1SS7. Qeotlnnen AeTen years ago anoredcvel. opxl OD my now from a Oncer nail scratub. I tried a few simple ramtdlefl. but the sore \vuulrt not yield. I grew worse every year for tren years. Many thought I bad cn- cat. Over a year ago I commenced taking B. U. fi. . and two doxen bottle * entirely cured wo. whan 1 began with BwlfV Bpeelfto I watlnv y poor health , and coulc hardly drag about. Af tar I huut finished the oouru of S. S. S. I was strong and buoyant , and bad a good appetite. I regard It a * a inottt valuable medicine for ladles In weak , deli cate health. It Is % household nuxllclu * with me. Tour.i rmpeetfulty , Hal U. W. Wosoa. SriRTlNaimo , & C , April 3 , 1187. Oentlemen For twenty Tears I hare had sore on mr left ebeek. It had gradually been growing wone. Tbe many physicians whom I hau consulted were unable to do me any good. It fall m year ago I began using S. 8. B. At first It I Inflamed the wre , and It became more Tlruleot than erer ; so much so , Indeed , that my family Insisted that I should leare off the medicine. I per- IsUdlnustngtheB. 8. B. At the end of two months the sore was entirely healed. Think- lax that Vie evil was out of my constitution , I left oil the medicine 1 but In November. ten months after , a very slight breaklngoui appeared. I at once began again on 8. 8. 8 , and now that Is also disappearing. I hare Terr faith lnS. , B. 8. It lias done me more good than all the doctors and other medi cines I erer took. Yours truly , A. ft. SHAMDS. Vfrmott , V. C. . April 12 , 1W7. Oentlemen Two or throe years ago a can cer came on my face. It soon grew to be quite large. It were on me , and my general health waa Tery poor , ljut September I began a course of B. B.6. , which 1 have con tinued to the prenent time with the happiest result. The cancer has entirely disappeared , there bcluK no evidence or s > mptom of a cancerous character left. My general health Is good now , and my appetIM better than It has been In yean. I am 83 years old , nnd to day t am working in the Meld planting corn. Yours truly , Joxis IJMUUCII. Oentlemen I had a sore on my upper Up for eight years. Seven different doctors at tempted In vain to heal It. One gnve mo e email vial for five dollars , which was a " cer tain cure. " It l > nevdleis to say that It did me no good. About two years ago I became quite uneasy , as people thought I had a can cer , and I took a course of eighteen bottles of 8. 8.8. The result has been a complete cure. The ulcer or cancer healed beautifully - ly , leaving ecaroelyaperceptlble scar. From that day I hare been fit excellent health , the Specltlo having purified my blood thorough ly , Increased my apuento aud perfected ray digestion. In a word , I feel like a new woman , and , best of all , the eight year ulcer Is gone entirely. Yours sincerely , Mus. W. P. C * 0 . Trenton , Todd Co. , Ky. , Feb. 2 ! , 1S37. Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. TUB swirr SPECIFIC Co. . Drawer 8 , Atlanta , da. E. T.AJlen , M. D. , Homoeopathic Specialist , THR ° AT CYC EAR tit AND NOS , tflh Spectacles Accurately Prescribed. JtAMOE BL'K. , OMAHA J.W. Barnsdall , M. D Homoeopathic Specialist , SURGEON GytKccologlst and Obstetrician. Telephone 079. RAMGE BLOCK , - - OMAHA. II' . J. OALllllAlTll , Surgeon and Physician , Office N. W Corner Uth and Douglas St. OHlce telephone , 403 ; Itesldence telephone , WS. JOSEPH GILLOTTS STEEL PENS COLD MEDAL PARIS EXPOSITION 1313. Nos. 3O3-4O4-I7O-CO4. THE MOST PERFECT OF PENS. London Granules. . CillUIMI UHft ' * KllmlnatcglaHtvestlgoorgrjiliUls , Ulcers' , 1'liuiilc : Clironlo tHjro , Utnpiiru lllood.Tlley huvo iiiiequul If ieaiei. Mlmllar medicine used In lx > ndon llu ptas. with nuvar ) Inn succeu. 1'iniSLV VIUKTAIII.I M < nt by mull In a plain sealed pac kairo , and no ( leln ; on receipt of fl pur box or 0 forVB GL'.MUMK BIX mix > -s TO cuts A > v CASE. With cncli order r reived forMz boies accompanied bv ( . * > . wo will i'ti tliu purt ha er our written uuttrantoo to refund tlj inonev. If the treulnieiit iloes not elTtct u cun I'ltniplilet free. 1/iMMiv MEDICI.NK AlltM'V , 12 Kansas City , Mo. | "W rWAvrrn for tbti VAN ORDEh I | 1 | J Y CORSETS. Kvcry lady wlshlui tmrlM < Mi riofxt health nnd u -utif/iilig ( urr Linatlieiu. Quid , , HGENTS gales , uood pay. .Soui _ _ _ _ for term * and circular CO. , 13 We > -Ith St. , Sista : City , llj. JUDICIOUS AND PtnSISTENl Atlvcrtlslnf bus always provuc suoccssful , llcforo placing an ] Nowspuper AdvcrtUlnir coueu LORD ft THOMAS , iuTsa-risna itisTS , M U l iUai lk Stnel , CHICAGO , tHU " THE MIDWAY , " Corner Grand and Wyoming Avenues , Kearney , Nebraska. Finest in the State outside of Omaha. Opened , Wednesday , February 15th , 1888. T. C. Brainard , Property. T UNEQUALLED T Merchant-Tailor Made Garments , tobe Closed Out This Week , Consisting of O PANTALOONS. O AT FOR AT FOR S 2.80 That was made to order $ 5.50 $ 3.10 "Which was made lo order $ 0.25 3.70 ' " 7.50 4.20 " " 8.50 , 4.80 " " 0.75 5.35 it u 10.50 , 5.10 " " 10.50 5.1M ) it u * 11.75 5.75 " " 11.60 G.40 it it 12.75 G.5H ) " 18.50 7.20 11 u 14.50 7.80 11 " 15.50 8.10 u < i 10,50 8.45 " " ,17.00 , 8.75 18.00 FULL SUITS. AT FOR AT FOR $ 8. 40 Which was made to order $18.00 $ 0.20 Which was made to order $20.00 10 , 20 . 'III 21.00 12.80 11u 25.00 , II . . u ii . 11 00 IIII 21.00 14.70 iiu 30.00 13 , 40 IIII IIII 27.50 10.40 u u 35.00 15 , 80 II IIII 33.00 18.70 iiii u 40.00 20 20 II II 42.00 24.80 iiii iiit 52.00 , li . . ii it . T2S 30 CO.OO 30.GO iiu itii 65.00 II . . u ii . Sit liO 70.00 35.35 75.00 AND OVERCOATS I AT FOR AT FOR I 85.86 which was made to order $15.00 $ 0.00 that wns made to order $20.00 0.40 " " 18.00 7.00 IIII 21.00 T 7.35 20.00 8.20 II 2X00 T 8.70 iiu " 2.00 10.30 u IIII 28.00 11.70 u 25.00 14.61) ) u II SO.OO 10.30 it . , a.5.00 18.20 u IIII 40.00 21.20 .1 45.00 24.40 I ! II 5H.nO 27.80 00.00 29.10 II II (15.00 ( IIII IIII 31.35 . . . .I * . 68.00 34.55 II II 75.00 And Many Other Equal Bargains , G LaO This is our Special Announcement for this week only , and any man who LaT can use clothing at his own price will find the true facts of this state ment by paying a visit this week to the O T T II MISFIT PARLORS IS" I 1119 Farnam Street , Omaha. 1119 IS"G G N. B. Orders by mail .receive prompt and careful attention. G Easily tiestcd | ( ; cif the nncst flavor. Alicnrty iH'vt'innii for a HtroiiK appetite ; n tU'llcntu drink for tlie sensitive. Thoroughly tritctl ; nutritious : pulatuhlu ; unexcelled tu purity ; uu implcjbaut utter effects. Requires no boiling. SOLD HY W.R.BENNETT&CO. II. O. WILBUR * SONS , B. HAYNES , itb 9. 9.r > r 4- 4IS. . IS.r. . r.a a- OI'KICIAL aid 18W. STENOGRAPHER , 11 Third Judicial Dlstrkt. 57CHAM1IEH OF COMMKUQ B. THE CAPITOL HOTEL LINCOLN. , NEB. The bctt known mill mott popular llotnl In tlio titu. Ixioxtton rcntnt aiiolnltnunt ) nrit-clnti. llc KUQUIJ.M OIUl i tl U. S. DEPOSITORY , OMAHA , NEB. Paid Up Capital , - $2BOQOO Surplus , - SO.OOO II. W. YATKS. President. I.F.wisS. UKKD , Vlce-rresldent. A. K. TDUAMNnd Vlco-l'resldent. W. II. ti. HUQIIBS , Cashier. Diiacrroiis : W. V. MOIHK , JOHN S. COI.MNS , II. W. YATKS. J.KWIS 8. IH.KU , A. K. TOUZAM.S. DanVlni ! OHlce THE IRON BANK , Cor. ISth and Fiirnnm Sts. A General DunklnK llii lnf ha Tranbacted. GOLD MEDAL , PABIB , 1878. BAKER'S _ Warranted abtolulelyir Cocoa , from wlilcli the excess ot Oil lia been removed. It ltaa/irf ( / timti the ttrtnyth ol Cocoa lulled \tltli Starch , Arrowroot or Sugar , anil la therefura fur mora economi cal , totting lut than one cent a cup. It Is dillcloiu , uourUlilng , Btrengthi'nliig , t aslljr dlgestinl , anil atlmlrably adapted for Invalids ai will a < for i r otn In licallli. Sold by ( Jrorem _ crjnhcre. W , BAKER & CO , , Dorclicslcr , Mass , w * ccr > iTMy recoramrnj Tourj * lhec > i | tcmedy known to ut | jr Conofrhct and Gleet , We hav told eonilitr * &Me. ndln every cut II iuicivea sttitUctica. AUott Jc JJik , Hudioa. N. Y , Sold by Dnipf Utl * frU ftl.OO. WCAKfUNDEVELOFEDPARTS Of the l.o'U n'a-getl anil itrenctbrntd. full tiartlcu * Hil i ; > lcd free. KU1B MKI ) . L'U. . llornin. K. V. ( Mull f HTCt-Work , Indiscretion , etc. , adJreM abof e. Health is Wealth ! Dit. E. C , WKRT'S NEIIVP AND BRAIN TIIKAT- UK NT , n gunrantnod Hiicclllc for llysturla. Dizzi ness , ConvulHlons , Fits , Nervous NonrnlRln , Headache , Nervous 1'rostration. rnilSBd by the use of nlcohol or tobacco , \Viikefulneis , Mciitul lloprnsaloii , BoftcnliiKof the Hruln , resulting In Insnnlty.and leading to miserydecay und dentil , I'ri'inaluro Old AK , llarrenncsR , Ix > sof Power In either sex , Involuntary IJO SPS and Hpertna- torrluru cmiKcd by over-exertion of the brain , fcelf-abuse or over-indulgence. Kadi box con tains onii month's trcatiiicnt. f I.UJ u box. or HX | boxui for $5.00. Bent by mall prepaid on receipt oC price. price.WKOUAHANTEK WKOUAHANTEK SIX flOXKH To cure any caso. With each 01 dor received by us for six box K , accompanied with J6.U ) . we will Bend the purchaser our written guarantee torn- fund the moiiHy If the treatment Uoia not effect B cure. Gimnintee.3 Issued only by C. F. ( HJOD- MAN. DruuBlbt , Bole Agent , 111U I'uruuin Street , Omaha , Neb. WINTER CHOLERA Cured by WAKKFIEI.D'S Popular BLACKBERRY BALSAM , Till IT ! KorSale tj ALI , Dru.gliti. TB1 IT. SCIENTIFIC "STHE GLUCK & WILKINSON. 1 S. < S D. DAMON , t 1742 Lawrence St. , Denfer , Col , Of the Missouri Slate Musouin of Anatomy. St , Louis , Mo. , University Collcsn Ilobpltul , Ijon. don , Olesen , Germany and Now Yotk , having devoted their attention SPECIALLY TO THE TREATMENT OF DISEASES. More especially those arising from Impru dence. Invite all so sulterlns to correspond with out delay. Diseases of Infection and contagion cured safely und speedily without use of dan gerous dniRs. 1'atlents vthoso CHSOS have been neglected , bndly treated or pronounced Incur- abut , should not full to write us concerning their symptoms. All letters receive Immediate uttsn- lon. JUST PUBLISHED , And will be moiled PHER to any iirtrtregi on re ceipt of onu 2-ceiil stump , 'Tractlcul OUiervu- tloni on Nt-tvous Debility and 1'hvNlcul Kxhaus- tlon , " to which Is added nn " 1'sHay on Mar- rlae , " with Important chapters on ulsrastii of the Keproducth e OrRUtis , tliu wholu forming it valuable medical treatlnuhlih uliould be rend by ull youiiK men. Addrehs DRS. S. & D. DAVIESON , 1712 Lawrence St. , Denver , Col. . | > SteekPiano IlemarkablB for powerfiil g'iniwv- H f tht'tlu tony , plhtble. action und lib * Bolulu iliiraiiilltyr UP yi'urh ruTTTrdT tliu best guiiraliteH nf Ilio lenre of UIUNH InHtriimentK. WOODBRIDGEBROS ,