Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 15, 1888, Page 4, Image 4

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Dally ( Morning Kdltlon ) Including Sunday
IIKK , Olio i'par , (10 I
KorHlxMonth * f. (
I'orThrco Months "I
Tlio Umnha Hunilay I\KK \ , mailed to ntiy ml- *
JruiT , Ouu Vcur Z I
OMAHA OFFICK. " " oilA ! < i > OI6 I'AIIN * M HTIU i- :
NKW YOIIK urricic. ItnoKa 1 * AM ) HiTittmm
lUiit.ntMi. WAKIIINOTOK UmCE , J o. o ;
l BTllKKT.
All communications relntlng to n"w.s and e < 1
torlul matter hliouk\bu \ addressed to the llliiid
. , ,
nhoilld l
All ImnlnoKs letters nuil remlttnnces
nddrebned to TIIK llm I'lint.lsiiiNO COMI-AN' '
( ) M\IM. Drafts , rhecks and postofllce orders t
bo made tniynljle ta the older of the compan ]
Tlic Bee PnWIsWniFSpy , Proprictoi
K' . UOSKWATHU , IMltor.
THE DAiiiV iui ; .
Sworn Stntcincnt ol'Clictilatlon ,
Ftnteof Ncbraslm , I _ _
evnmty of Douglass , ( " "
OPII. ll.Tzschiick , Rccrotary of Tlio flco I'u1
lIMiluucoinpnny , rtopHBolMiinly bw'cnr that tl
nrtnalclrrnlntlonof tliu Dally lice for thu vet !
vniUnir 1 > > li. II ) . 1WS , Miia as follows :
Hnttinlay. Tub. 4 * 1W
Hmiiiay , I'd ) . r > i."i.i. ;
Mnnilay , I'uh. D I , u
Tuesday. Feb. 7 I5.G
WpilWHihiy , I'l.'b. H IV *
Thursday , 1'cb. U \ \
Friday , Tub. 10 j ;
Avcrngc 16.71
Fworn to anil subscribed In my iiie-'oncc tli
llth day of February , A. 1) . , 18W. N. P. HKIL ,
Notary Public.
Ft ntn of Nebraska , I
I'otinty nf Douglass , f Bl s >
( loo. It. TzHplmck , being first duly pworn , < 1
POCH and saj'H that IIP In Hcorctary of The lit
1'iibllshliiK ( ompnny. that the iictnnl
" " "
< ln
roples ; fur .Inly , ItKT. I4 , ( lrnppii | ; for Aligns
1M , 14,161 ropfi-sj for Hi-ptrinlipr , 1 7 , 11,8-
ropipf : for October. Ifh" , Hn : ; for Novcmbe
JWi" . ln,2Kl copies ; for December , 1H87 , 15,0
copies ; for January , IW * . irUO cntilrs :
dw > . n. TZSCIIUCIC.
Kvi orn and subscribed to In my prpnenqe til
Zd day of January. A , 1) . lima. N. P. FKIli ,
Notiiry Public.
"TllKUK are a great many boles in th
city bkiiutner , ' ' us Ilurry Deuel would re
Tins "boys" ventured too near the gn
motor , and came very near losing the !
heads by the explosion.
IF General Sheridan wcro not poi
( octly contented to remain abolelior , an
; ' wisely so , ho might make consielorubl
. gtir among the politicians.
Wn move that Hnscall bo authorize
$ and directed to draw the plans for
* now city hull , modeled after his Thii
tccnth street Cosmopolitan road house
IT is beginning to dawn upon tli
minds of Omaha taxpayers that some
thing must be done very soon to put
stop to the ravage of the municipal ta >
allowed $300 for removing the garbng
boat. That will lubricate the stret
sweeping machine , which has bee
standing idle for a few weeks.
IF wo are not very greatly mistake
the change in the political situation e
footed by the.- letter of Mr. Blaine wi
prove fatal to the feeble Foraker boon
Ohio ought to blaze for John Sherma
from this time ; forward.
fcN , _ now discovoricsof tin hav
boon made within a few weeks in th
Hartley Peak tin district , Dakota , an
. up thcro people nro talking of little els
than tin. A petition from that quark
against reducing the tariff on this pr <
duct may bo looked for any day.
tf WITH a twcnty-four-hundrcd-dolln
jf pulse feeler , a twolvo-huiidred-dollu
Sr license inspector , a nine-hundred-dollti
city smaller and a horde of inspector
nnd salaried supernumeraries , is it an
wonder that there is no money iu th
treasury for gradint' and other necdc
improvements ?
JOK RKDMAN has come to the fron
once more as an expert in public built
ings. Ho knows a thing or two. H
wont with Barney Shannon and Hasca
to Burlington to boo the Holly watoi
Bpout and to sample Dr. Gushing
champagno. That was before the prt
hibition cyclone struck Iowa. .Too :
just the man to engineer the city ha
removal job.
THE returns of the saving banks fui
nish a very good indication of the coi
dition of prosperity in the channels <
labor. Twenty-two of these banks i
Now York , whoso reports for last yen
have just been made to the suporintoi
dent of banking , show a net increase i
savings of nearly three and ono-ha
million dollars. This is not an uxcuj
tionnl increase , but it shows that no
withstanding all the disturbances nn
the consequentlossus therefrom to labo :
the working classes did fairly well. Tli
total deposits of the year in these banli
amounted to over eighty-four millie
TIIK sugar trust does not seem to I
getting on smoothly. There a'ppoar I
be combinations continually dovolopin
' within the great combination
whllo there is bo much oppos
tion still remaining on the ou
eido that the trust does not flu
It qulto practicable to carry into effci
all its plans of conquest and roprba
True , it has been able to mnko the cot
burner pay inoro money for his suga :
nut there is promise that it mny ni
long bo pcrmittod to maintain this po
I Icy. Meantime 'tbo future of th
bchemo is so clouded that thn trust cci
tillcatcs are unsalable , though offered t
n considerable discount.
TIIK spirit of speculation has not fo
years been BO languid' in this country r
it is at present. The Now York slot-
market is almost lifeless and the biol
ITS uro having a good deal more loLnir
on their hands than they know what t
profitably do with. If this state of alTaii
wore duo to a lit-althy reaction and di
noted n change likely to bo pormnnor
it could bo welcomed as a good thinj
but it is to bo apprehended that it '
largely duo to condition- that are dc
pressing business in all department :
and which will not disappear until th
country is permitted toknowsomethln
definite regarding what congress wi'
do with the revenues and thy burplus.
One Shnll It Be.
Mr. Dlalno having retired from'th
lint of possible presidential candldatcf
which ono of those Who are known' o
assumed to be still in the list shall th
republican parly select us it candidate
It will not bo untimely to call the rol
of these distinguished loaders and cltl
rcns , who ulll command the attention c
the pjcople during the next four month'
and to sutrgust the bpccinl claims to fuv
ornblo consideration which each pic
Senator Sherman unquestionably nov
holds the first place in the mind
of moat republicans as the slates
man whom the party could wlsel
make its presidential choice. Ills record
ord of party sorvjco has. been distin
guUhi'd and honorable. His long publi
farcer has been tnnrkcd by thorong !
loyalty to republican principles , and b
much able work in promoting them
ills name Is prominently identified wit
a great deal that the party Is most prou
of. In certain directions his suporio
ability Is unquestioned , and his carce
presents no vulnerable points of 'altaci
that would pltico tlio party on the de
feiciivo in a campaign of which ho wn
the leador. The Ihmucial and busincs
Interests of the country would hlvvo con
fldenco in him , and if there is an
faction in the party that woul
not bo willing to accept him it Is nc
known to have an organized existence
Tbo chief Haw in the availability c
Senator Sherman is the common an
not well-founded impression that ho is
cold man who repels friendship an
stands aloof from the people. Thi
\\ould perhaps militate somowlut
agaist the enthusiasm ot a campaign
but in all other respects Senator Shot
man's availability as a candidate canno
bo reasonably questioned.
Next in the thought of the party i
probably Senator Allison , of Iowa , wh
has strong claims to bo regarded as on
of the most available men among ropul
lican leaders. Ho also has rendered loiij
and faithful service in promoting ropul
lican principles , making a most usofu
and honorable record in public life , i
careful and conservative statesman , hi
wisdom on all questions relating to th
fiscal affairs of the government hits loii |
been recogni/.cd , and perhaps no othe
man would have moro fully than ho , n
a candidate of his' party , the confidenc
of the financial and business interests c
the country. Although identified as
public man and as to all his interest
with the west , Senator Allison is ii
no sen so a sectional man , an
while western republicans'would rail
to his support with enthusiast
those of the east and other section
could accept him with every assuranc
that if it became his duty to adtninistc
the affairs of the national govornmen
equal justice would bo done to all. I
ono respect Mr. Alliion enjoys a peculiar
liar advantage. Ho has never antagc
nixed any element of his party an <
would have to encounter no factiona
General Harrison , of Indiana , is ap
parently growing in attentionmid , his uti
doubted strength in his own state , whicl
it is important that the republican
should carry , makes the question of hi
availability worthy of serious considera
tion. Besides this ho has an exccllcn
record as a soldier and in public life
His qualifications are unquestionable
nnd perhaps no other man would b
moro likely to win the following an <
the enthusiasm ol the younger olcmen
of the party while commanding the re
spect of its older members.
Senator Hawley has received som
favorable mention , and ho certain !
1ms the hearty respect of the rcpubli
can masses , especially of the soldi e
element , but ho lives in a little stat
that cuts a comparatively unimportan
figure in national politics. So far "a
his claims on the score of long , faithfu
and Uboful party service nro concerned
hardly any one has better , an
he is ono of the soldiers wh
won honor for the voluntce
officers of the army. His career in congress
gross has been most honorable , and h
Is justly cVtcemcd as amo'ng the wises
and truest exponents of republican prir
There are many republicans , and th
number is increasing , who believe tlui
Judge Grcsbnm would bo a very atron
presidential cnndidato , and it will nc
bo surprising if ho shall bo found t
have a very Uvrge upportbefore the nc
tional convention meets. There is
great deal to bo baid in his favor. II
was a soldier who made a most honor :
bio record ; as postmaster general an
as secretary of the treasury he showe
superior administrative ability , whil
as u judge ho has becom
distinguished as n most abl
exponent of the law and fearless in th
administration of justice. His whol
career is absolutely unimpeachable
and his reputation for incorruptible
iblo integrity , coupled with em
ncnt qualifications for cxecutiv
duties would bo likely to brin
to his support a very largo bed
of independent voters who would esteei
it a great privilege to honor such a mar
Republican principles would be bafo i
his hands , but the country could feel at
tuned that under an adminibtration i
which ho was the head there would b
no unoleunnubs , and that every intore ;
of the government and the people woul
bo carefully and honestly guarded.
There are some others who have bee
mentioned us possible candidates , a pai
or allot whom innyhavo presidential n !
piratlons , but it is sulllcicnt to incntio
those most prominent in the ftttontio
of the party , and one of whom will i
all probability bo chosen. Which on
shall it boV
An Old ISHUO Ilevirrd ,
There is an interesting controvers
on between Mayor Hewitt , of NowYorl
and ex-Governor IIouly : , of Ohio. A
Xhe banquet of the King's county dome
crntio club in honor of the birthday c
Samuel J. Tilden , Hoadly , who Is no1
practising law In New York , was one f
the bpcakers. In the couraa of his re
marks ho said that the electoral con
mission bill was pasaed without th
knowledge or consent of Mr. Tlldon
The attention of .Mr. Hewitt bavin :
been called to this statement he ex
prebbed great surprise , saying that h
himself hud called Tilden's attention t
the proposed action and ashed him t
signify his wishes about . .It'AUhougl
urged to'express himself regarding tlu
measure , Mr. Hewitt assorts tlmt.Tildoi
refused to sny or do anything about H
Subsequently Colonel Pulton was ben
to htm from Washington and returnee
-TrHli. the statement that Tildon con
senlcd to the possngc of the bill line
was satisfied it was the best tiling to do
Hojully replied to this saying ho ml
bored to his statement for tho. reason
that ho had the highest possible au
thorlty for It , that ot Tilden himself.
The interest of this controversy He
In the fact that it is between democrats
both ot whom speak with a measure
of authority. Its value is slmpb
ns a contribution to the trutl
ot history. In order to deter
inno which is the moro credible wit
ness It Is necessary to refer to their rola
live positions at the time the clectora
bill waspassod. Hewitt was a member o
congress and also of the demooratii
national committee. Hondly was prac
ticlnp law in Cincinnati. The former
as lie wiys , was somewhat prominent it
the conduct of the campaign and deeply
interested in the result. Is it at al
probable or reasonable that Hewitt nm
the democrats at Washington woule
have permitted this measure , so vital ti
their party , to po through without con
suiting the leader to whom they were si
ardently devoted and whom they full ;
believed had been elected' '
Would not such a procecdlii )
have been a monstrous disregan
of ovcry consideration nnd courtesy tliu
Mr.TildonV Would Tildon have quiotl ;
submitted to bo thus ignored:1 : It i
absurd to suppose that the democrats ii
congress would have bee i guilty of an ;
sunh action , or that Samuel J. Tlldei
would have quietly tolerated it if at
templed. But Hoadly says explicit ! ;
that Tilden told him ho neither con
sented to nor advised the bill nor wn
consulted with regard to it. Very likol ;
ho did tell him so , and still wo shoult
accept the statement of Hewitt. Mr
Tildon became very sere over the resul
of the electoral commission , which happened
poned to bo constituted differently fron
what ho and the democrats generall ;
had confidently expected , ant
ho was quite capable of seek
ing to wash his hands of al
responsibility for it. It was not manl ;
or just to do so , but Mr. Tildon was no
a saint , albeit the democratic speaker ,
at the dinner in honor of his birthday
sought to make him appear as ono. Hi
was a shrowtl and able lawyer who hat
made his profession very profitable , ant
nn adroit politician who seized a favor
able opportunity to rapidly advance hi :
political fortunes. But ho was not al
sterling metal.
The simple truth is that the electora
commission was a , democratic device
conceived and carried out in the faitl
that David Davis Would have thi
casting vote in the commission
and there is not a reasonubli
doubt that Mr. Tildon knov
all about what was intended and wai
satisfied to let the matter take tin
course which his democratic adherent !
in congress had planned. The scheme
did not work according to the design
and thereupon Mr. Tilden , who was
shrewd enough to keep so far rosorvet
ns to enable him to do Ushouldorod the
whole responsibility on the representa
tives of the party in congress. Mr
Howett being quite as reputable anc1
truthful a man as was Mr. Tildon , with
every incentive to tell the truth in thli
matter , his testimony will bo rogardee
by all fair-minded men ns conclusive.
THE city hall should bo large enough ti
provide for the board of education , the cit ;
library , the police nnd flro departments , th'
board of public works In fact to meet ever ;
need of the city for offices. Thcro should bi
nn end to rcut-payinc by the city. It shoult
also bo a building of which the people wil
not bo ashamed. J
All this has been thought of and am
ply provided for , in the plans of E. E
Myers , years ago. Not only that , bu
there tire ten largo offices to spare
for which no occupants as ye
have been designated. The chit
tor and gabble about the citi
hall building , as planned by Myers
being insufficient to accommodate oui
wants for office use , comes from a set oi
robbers and ignoramuses , who do no
know what they are talking about. Al
the drivel and fault-finding has ncvoi
touched the architectural appearanci
and proportions of the building. Oi
the contrary illustrations of the Myers
building have been sent broadcast bi
the thousand to advertise Omaha. I
illuminates thoDunbar publications ani
has been engraved for official letter
heads , commissions , etc. , used by cit ;
officials. Simmered down in a nutshel
all the pretended flaws nnd defects an
visible only to certain disgruntled arch
itects who are seeking a job , to boodlor
who want to feather their nests , and ti
a dozen men who want the locatio :
changed to Jefferson square.
THE ono hundred and forty furnitun
manufacturers who have petitioned congress
gross for a repeal of the duties on certain
tain articles entering into their busi
nebs , among them burlaps and silvercc
mirrors , allow most conclusively tin
utter worthlesbiiess of the duties for tin
purpose of protection. Those article
are not made in this country and so fa
as experience shows cannot be , so thn
the duties are simply a tax on the manufacturers
ufacturors , which they collect from tin
buyers. No homo industry is bencfitlcd
but the manufacturers say the tax is i
grievous burden to them. The tariff i
full of such worthless and burdensonn
du lies that should be entirely weeded out
SKNATOK HOAR'S proposition t
amend the constitution w ) that congrcsi
bhall meet on the 15th of October in
stead of the Ibt of December 1ms mucl
in its favor. Hut oven with sucl
amendment u congress would bo electci
almost a year before beginning work-
time enough to bolato the issue upoi
which It was choion. For instance
the congresb-elected in 1880 hitsonl ;
just begun its labors , and who will den ;
that there has been n large increase o
sentiment favoring tariff reductioi
bincu 1BSGV
TIIK development of coal in tin
Hlack Hills gives promUo of an abun-
'dnnt supply from that region wlion tlu
facilities for its shipment are provided
A correspondent states that an Impnls
'was glveil to Ihs' prospecting last auni
mer by the excursion through the west
crn side of 'the Hills of fongrcssmai
Laird and Governor Dawcs of Nobraskr
to loi-nto coal lands in the interest c
the llurlington .fc Missouri river roll
road. Late last fall the discovery of i
large vein of coal on the southen
margin of the Hills gave coal prospect
ing another boom , and since then th
search has been active. The indlc.n
tions are that coal will be developed i
that region in unlimited supply.
Tlio kins of Slam Is thirty years old ami ha
thirty children.
The czar has declined to Rive his conscti
to n inorgautic marriage between the Gran
luke Michael Nicolalovitch aud a daughtc
of Count Iglatloff.
Qucon Victoria intends to Rlvc n state bai
quet in St. George's hall , at Windsor Casth
to celebrate the silver wedding , of the prlnc
and princess ofValo. .
Princess Hcatrice Is BO offended with tli
treatment of her husband , Prlnco Henry c
Hattenburg , that she baldly speaks to an
of her brothers or sisters.
Plrnco Ferdinand of Bultarlahas roturnc
to Sofia. The great iwwors of Europe fee
much relieved. They feared that thcl
pet casus belli might "light out for parts ui
known. " .
The duchess d'Alencon , sister of the En
press Elizabeth of Austria , whose reason h
been fully restored , has loft Gratz , whet
she was confined for eight months , and n
turned to her residence In England.
The king of the Greeks has conferred tli
Grand Cioss of the Order of the Ucdecmc
upon the sultan , the insignia being set 1
diamonds. Tnls Is tho- first time that an
sultan has accepted a Greek order.
Miss Munck , who has just been formall
betrothed to Prince Oscar of Sweden , Is c
German ancestry nnd Is related to the hm
band cjf Cnrlotta Patu. She Is an ai
complished musician and writes clcvc
The queen of Corca lias been somewhat it
disposed of late , but is now on the royi
road to recovery. The Corcan physician
were unable to restore her health , but th
queen placed herself under the ciyo c
American physicians and at once began ton
With respect to the czar , they seem to hav
him where the hair is short. Shoald he n
fuse to fight , Europe would wiggle at nil
10,000,000 fingers from the tips of2,000OC ,
noses ; and should ho fight , the allies woul
bo apt to plump an aurora uorcalis under hi
right eye.
"I hear from Cairo , " says the Londo
World' "that It Is the intention of th
khodlve to mark in some way his sense of th
loss he has sustained by the death of Bake
Pasha , by conferring upon Miss Baker som
evidence of his sympt thy in the shape of i
memento. "
"Major Biggo , who represented the quee
at the melancholy Earuborough function ,
says the London Wo Id , "placed uiwn cache
coffin wreaths which ho had brought fret
Osborno , composed of bay leaves nnd whit
immortelles , with th < Napoleonic cipher i
the center. Thcso wore sent by the quee
and by Princess Beatirice , and there was at
other beautiful wrcati from the Dowage
Lady Ely , who was with the empress who
the prince imperial was born. "
Which the people Want ,
Chicago Herald.
Congress is now talking about rcducin
postage1 , It scorns willing to reduce * vorj
thing except its salaryaud tariff.
An Impending Dancer.
Pllttbiiro Index-Appeal.
By and by , unless something Is done In tli
way of admitting the territories as states , th
population outside of the union will bo greatc
than the Inside.
Would be an Agreeable Diversion.
Providence Journal.
It might give an agreeable variety If Ser
ntor Blair would play the remainder of hi
speech in support of his educational bill o
the trombone.
Like Virtue , Its Own Reward.
A'citt 1'orh Graphic.
When bisc ball pitchers get $5,000 a seaso
nnd sluggers capture that much In thirt ,
minutes , what encouragement is there for
man spending half a doien years wrustlln
with the classics !
It Has Public Approval.
Huston Juurnnl.
The politicians of both parties hate indc
pendent journalism with a persistent bittei
ness , but It can neither 'bo bought no
crushed out so * long as it continues to nice
the approval of the people. And it will el
that until thcro is some very much moro al
eorbing political issue than now exists ,
The Poet.
Ctilcaga News.
His homo is iu the ticights ; to him
Men wage a battle weird and dim.
Life is n mission stern as fate ,
And song a dread apostolato.
The toils of prophecy are his
To hail the coming centuries ,
To case the steps and lift the load
Of souls that falter on the road
And to receive , when all is done ,
Notes from the editors that run :
"Sir Wo are very loath to say
Your verso is not , poetry ,
And so we'll say to bo iwlito
It does not meet our wants not quite , "
Mian Perky'8 Story.
WAHOO , Neb. , Feb. 10. To the Editor o
thoBKi : : Although regretting that the in
pleasant affair in which I was an unwlllin
participant last Saturday evening shoul
have been given the publicity consctiucn
upon publication in ono of the leading dull
papers of our state , Imow fool that as tw
accounts have-alreadyIjccn published , neithe
of which is n correct statement , It Is bu
Justice to myself that the truth should b
told. A
My gallery and slee 'mg rooms are in th
same building iu which "Hank Hall" oc
cupics a suit of room's. ' ' A stairway on th
north sino of the building leads to my room
and no others. A stairway on the west lead
to an entrance from which ono door open
into Hall's rooms andl aothcr about sixteei
feet farther east operi > 'Jnto my rooms.
Saturday evening between 8:30 : nnd 'J o'cloa
I was alone in my rooms when hearing a ra
at the door , I unlocl(4 < l and opened It who
Hall asked to coma tan , I saw ho wa
drunk , nnd consldcriiwpiis condition , said t
him ho had made a nfiMuUc , nnd directed bin
to the other starwaj ! i I supposed ho wa
trying to reach his qjya rooms. He replie- -
that ho had made noio take , knew where h
was , and again asked tocome in. His mar
nor moro than his words' , was Insulting ,
ordered him to leave , and never attempt t
enter mv rooms again. Ho said "Excus
mo , " and loft. I was afraid ho would return
as I had hoard ho was dangerous wlici
drunk , nnd therefore went at once to hi
saloon , which Is In the adjoining building
and told the parties in charge to look afto
him , as he had boon to my rooms , and I wa
afraid ho would return. Hall was prescn
nnd began to nwi'ur at mo , nnd I turned am
loft. I wont In next door , bad my revolve
loaded , and returned to my rooms , nnd b ,
that tiino Hall was in his rooms. 1 hoard lilt ,
singing and l.tlking to himself in a maudlli
manner. After a fuw minute.ho ciiino t
my south door and tried to fore
an entrance. I then called out 1 bhoul
shoot , and I snap | > cd the revolve
revolver four times , but owing to a weal
spring the cartridges failed to explode
though they wurc dt-utcd. I tucn went am
called the bartender from Hall's saloon , am
told him If ho was'iiot rcmovenl vcrv jioon In
would bo imot ; that 1 had already tried t <
shoot him nnd had failed because of n defect
ive revolver. The bartender then went t <
Hall ntid tnexl to quiet him ortaltc him away
ria'l replied to him. using terms rcgardlni
mo so v'afeur and abusive ns not to bo In tin
province of n laity fo repeat.
1 then went and bunted up the marshal nui
he was arrested nnd put in Jail.
Lusottn PCIIKT ,
A Weitlthr MAII'H Children Hay Hi
Wna Unelnly Intluoncctl.
ST. Jo F.rit , Mo. , Feb. 14. [ Special Tele
gram to the Br.n. ] Proceedings wcro com
mcnccd In tbo Andrew county circuit cour
this morning to break the will of Samuo
Ensworth , deceased. Public Interest In tin
outcome is great. At his death , about twi
ars ago , ho loft over $100,000 to establish i
medical college and hospital In this city. Tlu
site had been purchased. The grounds ot
which the plaintiffs ask that the will IM
broken have produced n sensation bore. Tin
Ensworth estate was valued at about ? 1CO ,
OOJ , of which ? T ,000 was left to each of foil
Sisters nnd a farm of JOO acres to bis over
seer. The remainder of the property all goc
to the medical college and hospital , Ur
William Hodden , James Hodden , S. C. Wood
son nnd Attorney U. H. Vineyard , of thi :
city , wcro appointed executors of the estate
In the petition the plaintiffs aver that at tin
time of the pretended signing of the paper
purporting to bo the will of Samuel Ens
Wet th , and for n long tune prior to this In
was Inflnii , weak and feeble in body nni
of unsound mind and ou that accoun
was not then capable of making n will ; tba
at the time of the pretended signing of salt
paper , and long before that time , defendant
had acquired nn undue intluencc over t'n
mlud of Samuel Ensworth ; that by reason o
the crafty defendants and the exercise o
undue and illegal Influence over the mind o
Mr. Ensworth , induced him to sign his pape
wilting ; that said paper writing is not the las
will nnd testimony of said Samuel Ensworth
nt > r was It signed , made or published bv bin
or by any person by his direction , or in hi
presence , nor was the same properly attcstei
by witnesses , who subscribed their names tx
the paper writing iu the presence of the tes
Ensworth , when a young boy , ran nwa ;
from his father's homo iu Kentucky niu
started west. Ho acquired his property it
the practice of law , and at his father's deatl
refused to attend the funeral , and when tin
property was partitioned refused to accept i
dollar of his share of his father's estate.
Stoiio Masons nnd Bricklayers Prcpni ?
Ing to Go Out. The Strike.
KANSAS CITV , Mo. , Fob. 14. [ Special Telegram
gram to the BEE. ] The Stone Masons
Union has determined to demand from con
tractors the fulfilment of the notices give !
them last December that this season thu ;
shall work but eight hours and receive t3.5i
per day. No reply was made at that time a *
work was slack. This union has raised fund :
to insert advertisements lu other cities to announce
nounco these facts and all unions have bcci
notified of their declaration , endeavoring t <
keep similar labor from coming here. Thii
is equal to declaring that a * strike is impend
sng. Some workmen go so far as to stat (
that it is on.
The bricklayers have demanded nine hours
Overtures are being made to have thorn unit <
with the masons. The hod carriers have de
man Jed 23 cents per hour. At i
meeting last night they prepared a momorla
which has been handed to the master brick
The strike on the Kansas City , Indcpcn
donee & Park dumn line still continues
All trains are laid up and engines killed. .
The employes are determined that not i
wheel shall move until they are paid in full
including wages from last October. W. E
Winder , president of the company is in New
York for the purpose of negotiating bonds o :
the road. J. B. Harper , manager , says tlu
road has not been paying expenses , and thai
money has not been coming from the source :
Eluded the Old Man.
KANSAS Cur , Mo. , Fob. 14. [ Special Telegram
gram to the BBS. ] A young couple procured
a marriage license late yesterday afternoon
just before the recorder's office closed
rushed hastily into the court house ntid per
suaded Judge White to tie the matrimonial
knot. They gave the names of Franl <
Thatcher , aged twenty-one , and Clara
Ditcher , aged eighteen. There was ovi'
dentlv some need for haste. This morninc
Chief Sixers received a note from Topokc
askim ; him to stop Thatcher , who was run
ning off with a sixteen-year-old girl. The
angry parent was , however , a little too late
The happy couple were seeing the sights
to-day. _
Crooked Kansas City Clerks.
KANSAS CITT , Mo. , Feb. 14. [ Special Tele
gram to the BKE.I The examination ol
Clerk Greenwood's accounts of the recorder' !
department continues under the direction ol
the committee appointed by Mayor Kumpf
It is intimated that some startling discov
eries may bo expected aud show another leakage
ago of the city's finances. So far $125 is
found in December , the only month made
public. _
Death of Ex-Spcpkcr HuntliiRton.
CIIEVEXNE , Wyo. , Feb. 14. [ Special Tele
gram to the BEK. ] Hon. Nat Huntlngton , c
prominent cattle man of Johnson county ami
member of the Wyoming legislative assem
bly , died hero to-day after a brief illness
When the present legislature convened Mr
Huntington was elected speaker of the house ,
but resigned after holding the ofllce for twc
weeks. Ho was fifty-eight years of ago nnd
has lived iu Wyoming for the past six years ,
A Demented Liawycr.
KANSAS Crrr , Mo. , Fob. 14. [ Special Tolo-
gra to- the BEE. ] A man giving the name ot
J. W. Kent , who has boon wandering about
for several days , was placed in a cell last
night and states that ho is a lawyer from
Emporia , Kan. The officials boliuvo ho h
demented or getting over a protracted
spree ,
A Swindler Foiled.
STnni.vti.Li ! , Mo. , Feb. 13. [ Special Tele
gram to the BUB. ] Widow Mrs. Hopkins received -
ceived a letter signed James Zazcr , from St ,
Louis , stating that her son , John W. , hud
boon robbed and injured his ana in falling so
ho could not write , but must have & > at
onco. Bho telegraphed immediately to hoi
son unit finds that it js an rob hot
of this amount of money.
Charged With Murder.
KANSAS CITV , Mo. , Feb. 14. [ Special
Telegram to the Bnn. | Blanche Connors ,
alias Mattie Mason , colored , and Paul End-
era , e-olorod , nro on the docket for the murder
of John Peters last Christmas. They will be
tried separately , under an order of the court.
Forty-seven jurors have been called for ap
pearance on Thursday morning.
A Small litirglnry.
KANSAS CITV , Mo. , Feb. 14. [ Special Tolo.
gram to the BEE.I The residence of E.
Mo.vcr was entered at 4 o'clock this morning
by a burglar , who took two watches , a silver
service , n suit of clothes , (20 in cash anil
other small articles.
The "Q" Keeps Its Word.
CniCAOo , Fob. 14. Tdo Burlington to-day
carried out its threat , and put in reduced
grain rates from Nebraska points nnd the
Missouri river to Chicago. His understood
that the St. Paul. Hock .Island nud Northwestern -
western will comuino to keep up the old rates
on corn and ignore the cutx. Tim rates on
horses and mules in carloads have been re
duced by all lines from Kansas City to
Chicago from $70 to $10 per carload. Live
stock rates from Council Bluffs and Omaha
wcro reduced to ? 30.
Chlcngo'H Xt-w Clilol'of Police.
CHICAGO , Feb. 14. Captain George W.
Hubbard was this evening appointed chief ol
police , to succeed Frederick Ebersold , re
signed. Thu now chief has for some time
been captain of the Central detail , and has
been connected with the force for many years.
Over $9OOO Paid Into the Boo'
Horolno Fund ,
EncournKcntPitt From Various Part
of Nebraska Iilsts of the liatest
Contributor * The Noyce
mid Woobhcoko l-'iititl.
Ifrlp from lit
Hoi.tmr.m : , Neb. , Feb 13. To the Editor r
the HUE ; The Holdrego Trombone band teethe
the lend In our city In raising a fund for th
heroic Nebraska school teachers. The ban
gave a grand ball at the city hall last Frida
nnd Mrs. Ilopwood donated ( lowers whlc
wcro sold at a good advantage for boquots
The net proceeds worn M0.40 , which wcro d
vldcd as follows ; Miss Uovce , fJI ; Mis
Wocbheclte , $10 ; Miss Freeman , $ IUO. Th
above fund was inci eased $1 bv-prlvato part
and all was remitted by L. Webber last S.ii
urday. F. M. Hoi'woon.
Those Whe Have HecoRitlze-d Coiirng
and Devotion. novcn ruxn.
Amount previously reported &Jfi04 3
Emplo.vos land department , Union
Pacific fi ( l
J. C. C. Baud as
Fallen's athletic entertainment 31 ! i
Saratoga Congregational church. . . . 2 \ \
BIB : composing room io n
St. Mary's Mission JH1
Horse Collarmakers'union (1 ( fi
Union Pacific freight icpair shop , . . u Ii
Castollar Presbyterian Sunday
school o 0
P. II , Cushion , Hastings , la 10
Little Pearly Wilson's list r. .
Dance at Sidney , Neb 3:1 : : i
St. Mary's church , Blair Si 8
Philips , Neb. , list 120
Hev. 11. P. McMoiminy , Council
Bluffs 50
Ionic Lodge 87 , A. F. & A. M. , Nio-
brara 2 , " , o
Union Pacific machine shops 4 ti
Hebron , Nob. , list 31 7
M. E. ladies' social Valparaiso , Neb It ! 7
Lulu C. Wolff , Schuj lor. Neb 2 l >
Hcv. W. H. Sporllng , Sehuyler , Neb 1 (
Logan , la. , list 01
Total r. ) , S33 8
Amt. previously reported $ CM ( i
Ed. Ilothery , . . . " 5 o
J. C. C. Baud US
Fallon's athletic entertainment RO 0
Pupils Omaha View school 100
St. Mary's Mission 2 ( d
U. P. freight repair shop 0 5
Walnut Hill M. E. Sunday school. . . 1 ! &
Dance at Sidney , Neb 83 3
M. E. church , Ulysses 122
M. E. church , Pleasant Lawn 47 ,
U. P. machine shops 4 0
Maudio Mollyncnu. Sutton , Neb. . . . SO 0
M. E. Ladies' social , ValparaisoNeb 10 71
Logan , la. , list 0 1
Total $ 840 II
Amount previously reported $ C53
Saratoga Congregational church. . . . 1 Ot
St. Mary's Mission 1 01
Total 8 0557 !
Previously reK | > rted $ OS 31
Pearly Wilton 2 W
Total $ 100 3 :
The Ktta Shattuck Funds.
The following is tbo condition of the Etti
Shattuck fund :
Previously reported $4,557 7 :
Entertainment Puget Sound Co-op.
colony o 8 (
P. H. Cashcn , Hustings , lu 1
Dance at Sidney 33 ;
Pleasant liidgo S. S.FullcrtonNcb. C 2 ;
Total f4G03 fi !
By check sent Miss Shattuck 15,752 0
Bycashouhand 8315 !
Total . . $1,003 5 !
The "Bee" Fund.
The present condition of the funds opened
by ttio BEE is as follows :
Loiollovco 2,833 8 !
Lena Woebbccko fund 840 1 !
Mlnnto Freeman 055 7t
Westphalen monument fitnd 100 8 !
Etta Shattuck 4,0035 !
Grand total * 9,039 7 !
To-Day's Solo.
The pony donated by Henry L. Owen wil
bo sold to-day and the cntiro proceed !
will go to the B K fund.
The pony of Bcnnio Eastmnn will bo sold
to-day and half of the proceeds will gc
to the BIE : fund.
The handsome cart donated by the Omuhc
Carriage and Sleigh company will bo bold to
day and the entire proceeds will go tc
the BUE fund.
The sale of all these will take place
this afternoon t 2 o'clock ut the stubli
of Henry L. Owen , at 417 South Fourteenth
Several lists of contributors have boon
omitted from this issue owing to u lack ol
space. Each , however , will bo published. II
your list does nut appear in this issue it will
bo published as soon us * possible.
iJlsts of Contributor * .
The Br.E will acknowledge all contrlbu.
tions thrrmgh those columns. All lists re.
coived , unless otherwise directed , will be
published In full with the name of every con
tributor. Thcso lists will bo published in
soon after tneir receipt as space will per
Mrs. M. H < > ngen. . . $ 11Xiil7u1icth , Itobllng 3 ( K
NclsNeUou fiOMiH. Klsiisser. . . . f (
Cash 2ft Mis. SeeberRer. . . . M
MH.Shei-hcii , ' 1 MrH. Olson '
Mr * . Tracy MCnsh si
Mrs. Aut'UiUuo. . , . Win. AiiKUstlni. .
' ' ' ' ' W. B an son
Mrs. Plerson. . . . . . . MTU. laming .
Mis. Stt'pp Mrs. MattMiu 1 IH
Mrs. Joss KiJMis. O'Neill .
1) . YOJIIIK 4Mr.i. | W. F. Klco. . Itt
J * II *
J. 1 * . llerginilst . . > ] Total $ U ! 2 ;
] ICM\iU : , , NKJI. , I.IbT.
II. Nollcn I 1 OOC.eo. llenncjzan. . . Iff
JHS. Kuivra 1 00 N. II. Mnoro 1 IK
V. 1C. Slmlelar 1 IM Chun M. Itoss . . SI
Finnk Klrklnnil . , ar , C'h.iK. Hunts 'J' 1UU.1. II. Mrakllni ; . 1 ( X
A II. Kills a-i K. II. StmiHvuut. . U
JOH Now.uls a."i Anton Sobotu " '
Cash STi'Cash ' '
tiuo. Nugengast. . . . CO , .
I Total $10 ( X
couxi.nt , xr.n. , LIST.
1C. Tipple i 1 Wl.l'.K. llnyilen 1 Ofl
O. II. Karley J OJ A. Kcllnur 1 W
Wm. Schlllo Wiljohn Allrucht. . . . U
] ; , W. Delsmau . . 7 < i A. HIssc 7 , "
Jonn Knne 25 W Ki
Albeit WIWo . . . . MIFri-dWomliop , . . WJ
lotal II S3
Both the Howell and Cornlca lists wcro
collected by Conductor W , U , Pi Ice , of tlio
Fremont , Elkhorn & Missouri Valley rail
Tr.Lci'iioNi : r.Mri.ovr.s.
Harry It. HIM I 1 ( M'Mlnnlo ' lloyne Ml
John A. Cotter. . . . 2 UI Klla Ituef Hi
ri. ( Jrovmie , Jr. . . , . 10JMlmilttKcmlrl , < ; k. . Ik"
John H. Idly Wi Minnie Walker. . . Hi
John Illxon . . noJMntlu Mncnccko. . Ml
Fred It. eirnynuo , . 1 no.M. Crnlckhhank. . . ( U
I'ra'ik Biibln nil Nan Jours Ml
A. I * . IHtimlel ) . . 1 IK ) rioicnriillrink. . . . r > 'J '
Flenion Drake . s imjl.u/le l.uwtou . ftfl
t'n \ \ " 1/1 Kuilu F. Deiiinaii 1 UI
Kimetio Jtrlnk . . . . 1 IMCush Ml
I ! . H. Smith 8 ( k'Kuale ) Itiich Hi
\ ' 1' . Welch IWlKmmn Kuycl MJ
1 it-no I'raco . . ( VI
Ndlllu I.ustin . , M Total fjI 00
Julia ItlchanUon , M
ASSISTANT AUIII roll's OFrtCK , II. A > t ,
U.P. Mnlluu . . .tllUCash M
t ; sh Ml , ! . . I , . Jewell 1 ID )
M.J.CeaUH 1 ( X.l. ) ! llainharil Ml
F. W. Norrls . . . . 1 IM.d. 11. Itobulta. . . . M
( loo. It. llntlln , . 1 l l W K HI
Divld Jlu-lntlre. . . l ( M ( 'ash W
F.F.O MllK.V.T Ml
J. U. llramlt f0 Cash M
N , AinleiAon. , . , , . MU'ash 1 Wl
( ' . llnstcter . . . . . . rxiVasti Ml
H.ltothhoU r/ljCaiili y. * ,
1. Hoe n l Cash S't
0\.0rlnuoll Hi VV. p. Pchroter. . . . MJ
,1. A. Jopp 1 ( f >
Joliu I ) , lliiatitblu. 1 ( V ) Total 113 !
r.C.Cralt' 60
MAniSOH , NKn. , MST. .
To the Editor of tjio HKRI Tim ttnbsorln-
tlon to tbo fund for the llttlo priihnti Len.f ,
Woebbeoko being amall n few f rlunds ttu
the following draft on Omaha . } amount $10.
. . I. Aniptt , , . . . .1 1 00 It. li. Hooker 1 ( V )
U.K. Wood . 1 ID ) 11. A. Mnlonv. . . . . . IU )
JIM. Kllpatrlck. . . zonuitllnm Wills , ; , l tx )
llorat Urns . , , , . .lohn ItdbliiMin. , . . Ml
IVter Hubendall. . Wl J , I ! . Douglas 1 ( W
. . . . . . . , , . , ? NO
Your efforts for the heroines will long b < j
rcniembored In the state. J , E , loi'at\ .
rMXTixo nr.iMiiTMt'NTf. r. cut .Mtor * .
HvronStanbcry. . . $ fi nilLotiNTriulull 1 M
Kil. F. Tennery. . . 1 MIS. I ) . Alton 1 l
H.T. VIMS , 1 no Frank llultnmti. , l ( M
\\m. F. ONon , . . . 8."iWlii.Spclvrlt'rK. | ! . M
IsgacTnmpsutt. . . 1 tnr.ll , Oehmil . . . . 1 t l
t has. Totnpsott. , . 1 KiOtls Ciirinlchaal. M
I-JT. Si'Kcett 1 I * IM llaywood 1 l l
.1. II. i\ims : W ) Mck ifrlcmer M
Keltic no John Lyons. . MI
\Vllllnm Nolson. . . WI.JohnbahlberK. . . M )
Peter llolau Ml ( Ion , Osrlihluu. . . . M
.1. Fuili ) r Wl.lohh Wlllplt 10)
II. llartman Mi John Thoelan M
S.I ) . Harris . . . . 1 ( II Dick McAulltr M
Christ. \ ox * . . . M ) 1M ltell\\lg. . . , . , , , Wl
IM llptnlrlrks . . . . M.liimeM llolan 1 t )
Albert Heck 1 w Clms. llcitlmc 1 t )
A. K..limps . . Ml litnaltns Allison. , l.dl
ChtK KoMickur. . M ) II. P. llro\Mi , , . . , . M )
1'itli Cttslrlc . . . . MVCliM Holt . . , Ml
Cliao. McDerniott. Wi'.lohn ' Sphlmllpr. , , . fi )
AugncL lunHi'ii . . Wi John Thothaus. . . . M )
It , S. Itretetou. . . . 1 l i |
A. It , Tuozer . . . . S3 | Totnl M'I ( W
MU3. wixs's i.tnt ,
Mrs. Wlnn J S txi It.V. . Splncuato. . fit !
MlisS I ) . Wlnn 1 ( HKIporfto l.cbo . . . . 1 txi
llcrtlo l.ailsh 1 Hi John Hainan 2(0 (
Jno Kale ) 1 (0 ( Nelllo ForsajKo. . . 1 ( HI
Chris ( irotnmk. . . atm.lano Kelley M
lleniy Hainan. . . 2 M ,
N. Fic-di-llckwin . 1 ( W | Total $1500
SCHIIIMII : , NFII. , i.isr.
It. O. AlrU I ui0.l | ) . Cailmtilpr. . . . S ft )
( ) . Ii. Hlcp 1 IK1.I. F. Hoppy l m
J.P.Hmlth S ( Hi fash. . . . . s ;
J. M. Dlkk 200I..M. ( llbvon Si
Frank Ward. A. . . . 3V.1.II. Seelev * Si
U. W. Mnrcodt. . . . 1 UI . \ . P. Ituss 1 ( m
W. II. ( latituiipr . l rtl.llr. Ini lies im
O.T.IIoiton . . . 1 Ui ( : . ( ! en. Kinrlus. . . . I ( H )
II. O. MieiKor. . . . Ml'.lohn ' Wilght Si
M. 1'rin h.ka . . . " 1 Simla Ittns Ml
K. A.Olluiman . . " 't Win. KerKow . . . . Ml
II. HoKtlnu iJA.I.It. ItubiiHon. . . . Ml
\V. A , Klnn Ml I , , tt hit man Ml
A. F. Kulth S.1 I' . A. SclmU 1 l
N. A. MaKPiistlne. Ml ( J. l.hl r 'J1
11. A. Ullnrmnii. . U.V.I. W. Harlett"i
IJ.T. llnrkenlmzon 2 ( Xl. ) II. Hans Ml
HlbfiitlmlAI'iolss 1 Klill.Tavlpr S. " . !
e'ash sr > A. H.lli-'w . . . 1 M '
Dan Mcllatn 1 ODi scrllnie > rNcws 1 l ) i
H.Schimk. . . . y.l | ( Orlshaus Z' <
U. Holineis 1 ( HI Cash Ml I
Dr. K. Itois NT A. KlIBllsch 1 ( H )
\V. K. Wilght 1 ( X ) Dan Dlerks 15
I.DIotr. 'fiili.lohti Tinner
AIIB. Alhprs . . . 1UOC. M. Arinlmstcr. .
J , K. Smith MUohn ( lonloii
John Jones 5U , James Hea\cr
Cash wi
I. . It. NelT . . Wil Total INI 60
From Minnlu Uobblns and Eenn Eccles :
O. Chrlstbon 8'ilMM Umm 25
Mrs. Jones MFrtd Jones ft'i
Mrs. Worthlngton SACash as
F. T. Shadell 1 ( M M and Keys yr.
Mrs. Inison. _ 25Mrs. . E. llobius 100
Mis. Heft 25 Cash.
II. M.S. N.Jones. . 2 U ) T. Slngwood 1 ( XI
Mrs. 1'jnul'ayne. . ! H ( tali 25
Thos. Bell. . . , lIKVUidh 25
Onorntlons of the Sugar Trust.
NEW YOUR , Feb. 11. [ Special Telegram to
the Bin : . ] The sugar men arc excited over
the report that members of the sugar trust
decided to ship largo quantities of the best relined -
lined sugar to London , in order to keep up
the prices of refined sugar in this country by
relieving the market hero of any surplus and
creating a shortage , or what would practic
ally bo a corner in sugar. All members of
the trust hero absolutely declined to glvo any
information , but in the trade generally the
story was believed. This news had evidently
been cabled to London , as sugar quotations in
that city received late in the afternoon showed
a falling off in prices there. Trust certifi
cates , which wcro offered a few days ago at
75 have not yet been sold , as men do not care
to invest In something they know nothing
New York's Lady Orchestra.
NEW YOUK , Feb. If. [ Special Telegram to
the BEE.I The Ladies' AuwUsur orchestra
will play for the first timo'in public at the
charity matinees , which have been arranged
for February 23 and 24 , at the Lyceum
theater. It is comK > scd entirely of young so
ciety ladies , some of whom are rosebuds ,
while a few arc not oven "out" yet. But
they nro all ardent musiei.uis , and very much
devoted to the success of their orchestra ,
which is Mie only ono of the kind in this
country. Its founder is Miss Hewitt , daugh
ter of Mayor Hewitt , and it was suggested by
Lady Folkstono's orchestra , which has become -
como such a brilliant feature of London
society , members of which nro titled women ,
some of high rank.
A. Kavlsher Lynched.
ST. Louis , Mo. , Feb. 11. A Pest Des
patch's special says : At 2 o'clock this mornIng -
Ing a mob of sixty men marched from St.
Johns to the Pinckncyvillo ( Ills. ) Jail and
there demanded of the sheriff and warden to
deliver Alonzo Haley , the negro ,
who ravished a white woman at St. Johns
two months ngo. The sheriff refused and
they threatened to butter down the door and
inoccedod to get in readiness to do so when
the sheriff admitted them. They seized the
negio , dragged him fifty yards from the Jail
and hanged him to a tico.
Appetite and sleep mny bo improved ,
ovcry part of the h.vhtom btrcngthonod
mid tno mutual npirits rogmn their
bouynncy by tbo use of Dr. J. II. Mc
Lean's StrcnglhoningCovdiulnnd. Blood
_ _
MeGcooli'n Speculation.
CmcAfio , Feb. 14. [ Special Telegram to
the BII : . ] The Tunes says Peter McGcoch ,
the celebrated lard speculator of Milwaukee ,
is to bo married soon to a fascinating young
Chicago widow , sister of the wife of IJexter
Brown , board of trade operator.
And nil Saly and Itching Skin nnd Scalp
Cnie'l by Ciiticurn.
I'floriasls , Ec7Cinn , Tetter , Hlngmonn , Lli-hcn ,
PrnrltUK Scull llrucl , Milk Crust. Diiniluiir. lliir-
Iwiro' , linkers' , Grocers , ' anil Washi'i\\oman'H
Iteh , aiuleveiyt/peetesof ItchlnR , llmnlng.Scalv ,
1'lmply Humor * of the .Skin , Scalp nnd lllood ,
with l o sof linlr , nro jx > Hltl\ely cured by ( 'UTI-
Clilu , the KI eat Skin Cure , nnd UITTICITJIA bo\i' .
nil tixqulxlte Bkln lleiiiillller I'xternullv , and
CUTicmiA' , the no\v Illooil I'uilller
Internnlly , when phyulclans and nil other rtinc *
dies fall.
1 , John J. Cnbe , n. 1) . S. , liavlns practliied
dentistry In thin county for thlrly-the years
mid beltiKM ell-known to tlionuiind.s hereiiboiitH.
1th a view to helping any u ho at u allllcted nx I
IIBVH been for the past tw elve veivr" . testify that
the Cl'Tirt'iiA HtMKiiH.t- cured mo of JVorluhlH ,
or Scaly Skin , m tlRht diivn , after theiloctorn
\\ith whom Iliad toiisultml gave me no liflji or
Nl.wioN.N.J. JI01UVJ CASE. 1) . 1 > . 8.
Your OUTICUIIA Itr.iiKiiiLH perforucil a won-
lerlnl cure luht hiiminur on OIKI nf our customerH ,
an "Id ( lentlemun of seventy yiaisof 9go , who
fniflered with a fenrfnllr illhtresKlng erup-
tlnu on hlH hnad and fnco , uiul wbo hud tiled all
lemtdlesand doctors to nopiiMMHe.
H , I' . Carpenter , IfenderKon , N. V , cnrod of
'xnilablH or I/opro y , of twenty j i am' btandlr.K.
byCCTicimv HKMHIIES. 'Ilia miwt wonderful
i mo on lecord. A dlihlrmnrul of Millet * full tioni
him dally. 1'hyskluus and hU lrle.ii'U thought
he must die.
For the radical cmo of an oli.stlrmtc raronf
r.c/ema of lonu titandltiK , 1 glvu oatlru credit lu
K. II. 1C1CIIAHIM N. Nuw lUnen , ( Jonn.
KnM everywhere. Price. Ct'TiCL'ilA.riOc : Sntp.
ir > e ; HhMii.VKNT. II. Prepinr-d by the I'orriill
IIIIIKI AMI ClIKMICAl , ( ; < ) , Iliixtllll , Mas * ,
JtiTtifiid fi > r"llciw tot'ni'u Skin Dlnonxi-s , " 01
puitef , WllhibtiatloiiH and \ UteHtlmunlah. \ .
DTHI'IfKS. blnek-hends , clmppcd and ( illy hMu
[ 1111 prevented by CtTTii'iiM \ Mr.njo vrrji Ko\j .
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llniiiinaUnn , uml Weakness of tits
_ _ , _ AKod Is the Oinii'iiiu ANTI-I'AIN
f JUf I'lAhit.ii , the Ili-fet and nuh jialn kill.
UK Mien tblng I'lHat'.r. New , iimtunuiituui
xtu1 Intalltb' * .