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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1888)
THE OMAHA. DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 15. 1888. MAIlKfcTS. Chicago , Feb. 14. following arc the 2:30 : cloning prices ! Flour Steady winter wheat bbls , M.fxxa 6.W ; sack * , r ' . 50 ( 3.7. , ; wheat , bbls , t-'l.fiOQj 4.50 ; Hacks. t2.7X ( < 44.25 ; spring , tl.75Q3.yO ; rye flour , fc.8fi(33.10 ! ( per bbl ; buckwheat flour , | 5.000.75 ( | > cr bbl. Wheat- Quiet , dull ami weaker ; opened firm and closed ' { ( rfjife lower than yesterday ; rash , TfiKc ; March. 7o ( ! ; Mny , 81 c. Corn Killed fairly active at a lower range of prices , closing Irrcffiilar ; wcukncsi attri buted mainly to good re. eipts , owing to tbo reduction In frfights to Omaha and other Nebraska points ; cash and March , 4flc ; " ' "Oa'tn Unsettled and lower ; May , Rye Quiet at file. Barley Nominal at 7f > @ 77c. Pilme Timothy 12.40(32.47. Flax-seed-1.44. Pork Moro active and higher ; cash , Lard Firm with tradlnp principally In May ; cash , $7.05 ; March , $7. .7 < 37.70 ; May , 17.8'J . Dry Salted Meats Shoulders , i0.00tf26.lii ; short clear , $4.WTgS.C5 ) ; short ribs , 87.37) ) * , Butter Busier ; creamery , E'JC'T' Jo ; dairy , Sl@25c. Chcesa--Jj'.cUijr" ' full cream chcddari , 10J { ' 3 ; young Americas , la tfirs-Flrin at 23W@i" J. Hides-Unchanged ( green hides fiKo ; preen frozen , So ; heavy green salted , flf ) ; light green salted , 0 f ; salted bull , 5 c ; green bull. 4 We ; green esKeJ calf , 8c ; dry Hint and dry calf , 12@13c : branded , 15 percent off : deacons , 30c each ; dry salted , lOc. Tallow In fair demand : No. 1 , country , solid , 4 < 4'c ; No. UU , ; cakc.4 cpcrlb. Receipts. Shipments. Flour , bbls . 2,000 17XK1 Wheat , bu . 19,000 Ir.OOO Corn.Vni . IfiS.OOO b3,000 Oatsbu . 103,000 141,000 Hye.bu . 3,000 2,000 Unrlcy , bu . 55,000 211,000 Mvi-rpool. Feb. 14. Wheat Firm ; de mand fair ; holders offer moderately. Cali fornia , No. 1 , ( is Odfgfis lOd per cental ; red western spring , l'n 7 < vifis Ud. Corn Steady ; demand fair ; holders offer moderately ; now mixed western , 4s lll d jmr cental. St. IOIIH. | Feb. H. Wheat Steady ; wish , 8o ; @ 81c ; May , 2Jc. ( Corn Lower ; cash , 45\(345 ( < c ; May , 40/c. Oats-null ; cash , COJic ; May , 20 c. Pork-15.K ( ) . Lard-7.40. Whlsky-fl.09. Mutter Firm ; creamery , 24 ( 30c ; dairy , Afternoon Hoard Wheat Easy ; February , WlVc bid ; March , 80 } < fc bid ; May , 8''c. Corn Lower ; March , 45 .fla45fc , ; May , 4 K@ 40 * < c. Oats Easier ; JVlay , 2SIfe. MlnncniiollH , Feb. 14. Wheat Thcro Wiut a moderate amount of business at prices n shade weaker than yesterday ; receipts , 183 ears ; shipments. .T.I cars. Closinp In store : No. 1 hard , cash. 7 Xc ; March , 77ifo ; May , 7i ) c : No. I northern , cash , 75c ; March , 75ic ; May , 77fc ; No. i ! northern , cash , 73J.fe ; March , 74c ; May , 7tlj c. On track No. 1 hard , 78) ) c ; No. 1 northern , 7 < ifo77e ) ( ; ; No. ! 3 northern , 74ft7r ( > c. Flour 1'atents , In sacks to ship , $4.10 ® 4.25 ; bakers' , * ; i.yo ( 3.45. Milwaukee , Feb. 14. Wheat Dull ; cash , 7t ! ) o ; March , 7rijfc ; May , TDj u. Corn Steady ; No. ! t , 4t > ) c. Oats Dull ; No. S white , : c. Uye Steadier ; No. 1 , Olc. Harley Easier ; No. li , 74Jfc. Provisions Steadypork ; , February , $14.00 ( SiM.'i1 ! . Glnclnnnti , Feb. 14. Wheat Easier ; No. a red , MUfC'l&Tc. Corn Dull and lower ; No. 2 mixed , .11 ' Oats-Steady ; No. 2 mixed , a3Jtf < g.T4e. Hye-Dull ; No. a , M@li.-ie. Provisions Pork , quiet at f H.0. Lard In fair demand at J7.50. Whisky-Steady at $1.09. New V irk , Feb. 14. Wheat Receipts , none ; oxjiorts , 811,000 ; options declined ytdl jjfu and spot J ( } i ! . leaving off heiivy a1 near the bottom ; ungraded red , StHKilSii u ; No. 1 red , nominal at if-i c ; No. 2 red , tWiiJSilJiO in store nnd elevator , SJitffSflJfi free on board , UOJHOXc ) ( ) afloat ; March clos IIIK lit SlH c. Corn Kecelpts , 15,400 ; exports , : t2,400 ; options declined JjCU ; , closing dull IIIH weak ; siot | steady and fairly active ; ungraded , % % ( iil > 0 > e ; No. 3 , 58tf2aS > o No. 2 , Tiil c in elevator , Olc alloat ; March clos input uSiVc. Oats Hecolpts , CO.OOO ; exports , 148 ; Bteady ; mixed western , 3 ! > @ 41c ; white west ern,41@48o. Coffee SXt | , fair ; Uio , dull nt $10.00 options HX 15 points liiBhcr , but very quiet ; sales. 37,750 baws ; February , $ l.10rtH3.20 ! ) ( ; March , $12.55@12.70 ; April. tr. 'K.'f'l'.M'O ' ; May. | 12. ! K < ? 1'J.45 ; Juno , $12.15 ( < M2.30 ; July , | 11.7fi@11.80 ; August , $11.55@lf.liO. Petroleum Steady ; uiiltrd , WlJ c. EifKs Firm and in fair demand ; western , Pork Dull and easier ; clear back , $10.00. Mmcss pork was quoted at $15.00(0)15.50 ( ) for one year old. Lard 2@3 points higher , but loss ac tive ; western stcnm , spot , .was quoted at $7.97(37.08. ( . Butter Steady .and quiet ; western 14@ 31o. 31o.Cheese Cheese In llglit request ; westen. , llj @ 12c. Kaunas City , Feb. 14. Wheat Steady ; No. 2 soft , cash , 78 , ! ic ; May , no bids , uskod. Corn Steady ; No. 2 , cash , 4Cc ; May , bid , 4tki asked. Oats No. 2 , cash , 28tfc bid , 28J c asked. Now Orleans , Feb. 14. Corn Dull , weak and lower ; white , 60@Glc ; mixed , 01@ B2c ; yellow , C2c. Oats Easier ; No. 2 , 3flJ ( f40c. Com Meal Steady at $2.t > 0. Hog Products Dull ; pork , $15.00 ; lard , Bulk Meats Shoulders , $ G.20 ; long clear and clear rib , $7.87 } , iavK STOCK. ChlcaRo , Fob. 14. The Drover's Journal reports as follows : Cattle Receipts , 5,000 ; market strong ; fancy , $5.10@5.40 ; steers , $3.00@4.90 ; stock- era and feeders , $2.25@3.50 ; cows , bulls and mixed , $1.75@3.10 ; Texas cattle , $2.50@4.00. Hogs Receipts , 20,000 ; market opened steady and closed lOc lower ; mixed , $5.05 $5.55 ; heavy , $5.35@5.75 ; . light , $4.955.20 ; skips , $3.50@5.00. Sheep Receipts , 4,000 ; steady ; natives , $3.00(45.30 ( ; western , $ .75@5.15 ; Texans. | 3.25@4.50 ; lambs , $4.75 ® .25. National Stock Yard * , East St. Ixmla , Feb. 14. Cattle Receipts , 1MK o shipments , 300 ; market active and strong ; choice heavy native steers , $4.45@5.30 ; fair to good native steers , $3.UX ( < e4.50 ; butchers' s1k steers , medium to choice , $ U.15@4.20 : stock- crs and feeders , fair to good , $2.00@3.40 ; rangers , ordinary to good , $2.20 < < f4.10. | Hogs Receipts , 5,300 ; shipments , 300 : market slow and lower ; choice heavy and butchers' selections , $5.a5@5.i'iO ; packing medium to prime , $ S.10@5.50 ; llglit grades ordinary to good , $4.75@5.10. Kaunas City , Feb. 14. Cattle Receipts , 3.400 ; shipments , 270 ; marhctiirm for ship ping and dressed beef steers ; good cows strong and a shade higher ; good to CO corn-fed , $4.30g4.80 ( ; common * to ' in 3.25@4.20 ; stockers , $1.4 < ) < 3'2.50 ; feeding steers , $2.C5@3.25 ; cows , $ l.30Q3.20. Hogs Receipts , 10,300 ; shipments , 323 market 6@10o lower ; common to choice , $ . GOral ( ; 5.45 ; skips and pigs , $3.004.50. OMAHA 7/IVE STOCK. Cattle. Tuesday. Feb. 14 , 188S. The receipts of cattle to-day were liberal nd the general quality fair , there being sonu , very good corn-fed native steers among the offerings. The market was uctlvo ani stronger , the local and shipping demand botl being quite good. The bulk ol the sales wen native steers and bunch bringing $4.25 Shippers should not let the market to-du.i mislead them as the prices paid to-day iny ) not bo paltt to-morrow. The cut In rate ; makes prospects doubtful and a shippoi sending his stock to market must tuko his own chances. The receipts were liberal and the genera quality fair. The market was brisk ind luwer by 10 cents nt the close in sympath ; ; with the market in Chicago. One load of good hogs sold at $5.00 , the highest price paid Oniclnl itvoelt8. | Cattlo. ' . , . . . . 1.10 ( HOK . . , . , ' . . ' . . ; , . 6,78 , bhccp , r , , , . . . < . . . . . . ) r : rd Df in to ' 'S. pounds , stnes 80 pounds each. Dead hogs. 100 pounds and over , fl.OO ® 2.00 per cwt , loss than 100 Ibs , of no valuo. Yurdago : Cattle , 25c ; hogs , 80 ; sheep , 5c tier head. Food : Corn , f 1.00 per bu. ; timothy Lay , * 30 : pralrio hay , t20 | > or toiu _ Commissions : Cattle , QOcpor head ; calves nnd yearlings , $10 per car. Hogs and sheep Single decks , $5 ; public inspection on hogs ; 15o per car. All sales unless otherwise stated per 100 Ibs live weight. Shipments. Cattle , 17 curs , C. H. & Q go Cattle , 10 cars , Milwaukee BO Litre Stock Notes. A. U. Wilson , of Logan , la. , sold cattle. C. Crowcll , of Lyons , was here wltn cattle S. A. Myers , of Benedict , marketed u load of hogs. H. C. Andrews , of Lyons , marketed a aden of cattle. L. B. Dcnman. of Valparaiso , had hogs on to-day's market. ' Churlio Carr was in from David City witl a load of hogs. - H. L. Harris , of Wlsncr , Neb. , came ii with a load of hogs. J. P. Mordcn , of Tekemah , had six cars o cattle on the market. , Mr. P. Loemer , of Tomoro , had two cars i o , hogs on to-day's market. .H. O. B. McBride , of Loveland , la. , had cur of cattle at the yards. W. T. Hickloy , of Columbus , hod two can of hogs on the market to-day. L. E. Wellnmn , of Howulls , was on the , market with two loads of cattle. W. H. Easom , of Morse , Neb. , had thre ; loads of cattle on to-day's market. Chris Kraus , of Cedar Bluffs , a hcav shipper , was in to-day with cattle. Mr. Myers , of Myers &Crownovcr , of Her edict , had hogs on to-day's market. On and after March 1 the B. & M. passen gcr trains will stop at South Omaha. Jackson It I'earce , of Aurora , marketed load of : t5c hogs that netted over (1,000. , J. Conlan , of Lyons , was among the shi | pcrs who were hero nnd marketed hogs. C. T. McKlnney , of Logan , In. , was her nnd marketed a very tine load of U Mb. hog , nt f.1.00. Frank Carroll , a heavy feeder nnd shipper ( i Stanton , Neb. , was on the market with tw loads of cattle. Mr. Agnew , of the firm of Gregg Si At new , of Hubbell , Neb , , wus on tliu niurki to day with u load of hogs. Sam Coffman , of the firm of McClom Love & Co. , was called homo : to-day on uc- < count of tbo dcatli of his brother Bcnjuuii In Chicago. . OMAHA WIIOIiKSAIj ; MARKET * I Prutluce , FrultH , Nuts , Eto. . I . , Tuesday , Feb. 14. 1. T/ic/olJ < ncliqunfntton ( / * are wholein laiulitut rctuiir J'rlcc * quottd on .proUui nrf the rntet ai which round lots are tola on thin mmkct. Fruit * t > r othtr line * f\f \ qood * raiulrlim extra labor in jmcMng niniuit dl- tnit/J / > c tunpllcd on outside order * < i ( the Mine prices quoted for the local Hate * tin flour nnd feed nre jobber * r.ficft. Prices In { train are there ptil-J ri\t \ Omaha intllcri delivered. AH tftirilatlunii onmer- chandlne are obttihitd from leading hottte * and are ci > rtctcd dally. Prices nn crack er * , cake * , etc. , arc those ulvcn lj l \ leading mn nufinsurers. BUTTKH Receipts were fair nnd the de mand good with prices unchanged nt , creamery , solid packed. 23 < W2flc : choice rolls , ! Mtf20c ; medium , l4@l(5c ( ; low grades , 10(4180. Ends The receipts were again liberal and prices arc marked down as foreshadowed yesterday. We now quote 20 ( i22c for strictly fresh ; 17(320c ( for cold storage , and limed at 16o. 16o.POVLTKY POVLTKY Receipts were fair , but not suf ficient to meet the demand. Prices re main as before. We quota dressed chickens , 10@llc perlb ; turkeys , 10@llej ducks , 10@ lie ; geese , 10 ( < $ llc. ' TcMNii's Prices am marked a little lower than our last quotations , and fair stock Is selling at 00(55e ( ( , with Rutabagas at CitANiiEUKiEs There are no Cnuo Cod now in market , but , Hell It Cherry arc now sell ing nt $10.50@U.oi : Bell & Bugle at $11.00 ® 11,60 , nnd Bell & Bugle , premium , $ " . . POTATOES While the demand is light , stocks are still lighter , and although no ad vance is iiuotcd , it is probable that higher prices will rule within the next five days. We quote : Utah and Colorado stock , $1. 10 @ 1.15 and choice homogrowi. Xgl.OO ! COtn- nion grades at < j ; lAVAXABAru In good supply nnd more \Vlll 06 received this week. We quote prices I Unchanged nt $ a.50y.OO for medium and 0.0003.50 for choice. GUANOES A car of of Mcsslnas will nr- rlve to-morrow , but otherwise there is no change to note. Wo quote : California Uiv- erslde , ft.OO@4.'J.i ; Valencias , $ r.GO@8.00 per case of 420 ; Florida , brights , .25@ 4.f)0 ; russetts , 13.50 @ 4.00 ; Mexican. ROO. LIMOXS Two cars of Messlnas will come to hand to-day , but will affect quotations which arc It.SOtfM.DO per box. CAMFOUNIA Fitfiis A few fresh pears have been received and constitute nil that are to bo had In this lino. They sell at the old price * 2.60 ( ,2.7fi , , with extra choice at CAIHIAOE Is very scarce , but a con slgnment is expected from California to day. Wo quote $1 per doz an l 'Ayt to 4c for California. SWEET POTATOES Arc very scarce , nnd the quotations we give arc nominal. We quote prices unchanged nt $1 per doz. , and 2 > ij@3c per lb for California. ONIONS Some poorer grades or those that were spoiling have sold nt 75@S5e , but for fair to good stock wo quote : Homegrown grown , ! i5 < 31.00 ; Spanish onions , per 50-lb crate , * 1.50 ( il.75. CEI.BKV There is really none In the mar ket , but we quote 40(345c ( per dozen for choice nnd45j50e ( for fnncyT Ai'i-ixs Arc still firm , nnd while no nd- vunco is noted , outside quotations arc the rulo. . Prices are given unchanged. We quote eastern fruit , fair to choice stock , .50 ( < f3.75 ; fancy stock , $3.75@4.00. BK\NS Are scarce nnd in demand , and wo quote : Good stock , $2.00S2.30 ( ; fair to good , $1.00@1.80 , and California beans at 'DATES Persian , 8c per lb. SAUEII KIIAUT Manufacturers seem to bo olosmg out stock on hand and n reduction is noted. Wo quote : Choice per bbl. of 3(5 ( gal. , $3.25@3.50 ; W bbl. , $4.57rf5.00. ( $11.00 per bbl of 50 gal. CiiiEK-Choice Michigan cider , $0.00@0.50 per bbl. of 32 gal. POPCOKN Choice rice corn is quoted at 4(7i4J ( ; c per It ) , other kinds , 2) ) ® 3c per & > . CAUUOTS $2.25 ( < S > 2.60 per barrel. PAHSNII'.S New' stock , $2.50 per barrel- There arc few on the market. OYHTKIIS Plain standard , 25c ; plain se lects , 30c ; standard. 40c : extra selects , 35c ; New York counts , 40 < i ; bulk oysters , counts , $ l.Ki per 100 ; selects , $2.00 per gal ; standard , $1.25 per gal. CAUMKLOWEK Good stock , $2.00@2.80. GitAi-ns Stocks are light and the demand the same , but prices nre given as before , and wo nuoto $7.50@8.00 per bbl. for Malagas , and larger sized bbls. in proportion up to $10. Fins In layers , 13@ltic ; cake , lie per lb. NUTS Peanuts , 0 > ( a > 7c , raw ; Brazil nuts , 13c ; almonds , TarniRona , 22c ; English walnuts , 15 ( > 18c ; filberts , 18c ; Italian chest nuts , 15c ; pecans ; 12c. Hoxnv Is somewhat scarce nnd found at previous quotations ; 192lc ( for 1-lb frames ; canned honey , 10@12c per lb. Grocer's hist. PUOVISIONS Hams , llK@ll ) c ; breakfast bacon , \ \ X@Vcbacon \ \ sidcs/J' OKc ; dry salt , 8 @ 8 > c ; shoulders , 6 > @ 7c ; dried beef , 10(3i1c. ( : CANiiY-Mlxed , 0 ( < ? llc ; stick _ . KEFINED LAIIII Tierce , 7c ; 40-lb square cans , 75 < c ; ( M\ > round , 73 < c ; 20-lb round , 7JHc10lb pails , 8c ( ; 5-lb palls , S c ; 2-lb pails. 8'Vc. BIIOOMS Extra 4-tlo , $2.00 ; No. 1 , $2.00 ; No. 2 , $1.75 ; heavy stable , $4.00. STAIICH Mirror glass , 5e ; Graves' corn , GVc ; Oswego gloss , Oc ; Oswego corn , 7 > c. HOLLANII HEHUISOS 70 ( i73 per keg. PICKLES Medium in bbls , $7.00 ; do in half bbls , $4.00 ; small , in bbls , $8.00 ; do in half bbls , $4.50 ; gerkins , in bbls , $9.00 ; do in half bbls , $5.00. COKFEE Ordinary grades , 18@19o ; fair. . 10 ( < ? ' 20c ; prime , 20@21c ; fancy green and . ELLIES 30-lb pails , $1.50@1.75. TEAS Japans , 20@55c ; gunpowder , 20 ( < 5 COc ; Young Hyson , 25@55c ; Oolong , 20 ® C5c. C5c.UOPK Seven-sixteenths. IKgllJ c. TOBACCO Lorillard's Climax , 45c ; Splen did , 45c ; Mechanic's Delight , 44e ; Lcggctt & Meyer's Star , 45o ; Cornerstone , S9c ; Drum- mond's Horseshoe , 45c : J. T. . 4x'c ; Sorg's Spearhead , 44c ; Catlln's meerschaum. 81c ; Catlin's Old Style , 23c ; Peiucr Heidsick , 04o. SuoAit Granulated , /7To ; conf. A , 7V@7M'o ; white extra C , ( )4 < @ 6c ; extra C , : ? Kte AfoyellwV5 : ® 6 o ; cut loaf , , 8kc ; powdered , 8 > f @ 8 > ic ; New Orleans , . Sviturs New Orleans molasses per bbl. , 4V ( CSc per gal. ; corn syrup , 35o ; half bbls. , ScT ; 4 gallon kegs , $ f.55. SALT Per car load , $1.40. . MAPLE SUOAK Bricks , 12) o per lb ; penny cakes , 15e per lb. WoonnNWAiiE Two-hoop pails , per doz. , tl.40 ; three-hoop pails , $1.05 ; No. 1 tub , $ .50 ; No. a tub , $5.50 ; No. 8 tub $4.50 ; wash . , boards. $1.50 ; fancy washboards , $3.50 ; as sorted bowls , $2.75 ; No. 1 churns , $9.50 ; No. 2 churns , $8.50 ; No. 3 churns , $7.50 ; butter tubs , $1.70 ; spruce , in nests , $1.70. CIIACKEHS , CAKES , KTC. Prices subject to change. Soda , 5c ; soda ( city goods ) , 7c ; soda snowflakes ( m tins ) , lie ; soda dandy , 6 > < c ; soda wufess ( in tins ) , lOc ; soda zephyr , 8c ; city oyster , 6fc ; excelsior , 7c ; farina oys ter , 5 > c ; gem oyster , 5c ; monitor , 7c ; Omaha ojstcr , 7c ; pear ) oyster , 6c : picnic , So ; snowdrop oyster , 80 ; butter , 5c ; * Boston , 8c ; of : Omaha butter , 7c ; saw tooth butter , 6Jc ; cracker meal , 5Xc ; graham. 8c ; graham Of wafers , lOo ; graham wafers in pound pack - ages , r c ; hard bread , 5c ; milk , 7Kci oat meal , 80 : oatmeal wafers. lOc ; oatmeal wa i fers in lb pkgs. 12Xc ; animals , 12o ; bollver ginger ( round ) , 7c ; cream , 80 ; Cornhlll , lOc ; cracknolls , 16c ; frosted cream , 8 > c ; ginger snaps. 80 ; ginger snaps ( city ) , 6c ; homo made ginger snaps in boxes , 13c ; homo maao ginger snaps (1 ( lb cans ) per dozen. < $2.50 ; lemod cream , 8c ; pretzels ( band made ) , llKo ; assorted cakeb and jumbles , ' c assorted fingers. 15c : afternoon tea ; ( in tins ) per dozen , $7.00 ; banana fingers , 14o ; butter Jumbles , ll > jc ; Brunswick , eaI ; brandy snaps , 15c ; chocolate drops ( new I ) ICe ; chocolate wafers , 15c ; Christmas lunch - ( in tins ) , per dozen , $4.50 ; cocoa taffy snaps , 14c ; coffeu cake , 12o ; Cuba Jumbles , ll > fc ; a cream puff s , 20o ; egg jumbles , Uc ; ginger drops. He ; honey Jumbles , IlUc ; Jelly flng- ers , J5c ; Jelly wafers , 15c ; Jolly tart ( new Ia ) " 15c ; lady fingers , I3c ; vanilla bar , 14o ; va nilla wafers , 14c ; Vienna wafers , 1 dozen packages in box , per dozen , $2.50. CANNED GOODS Oysters , standard , per case , $3.30 < 33.35 ; strawberries , 2-lb per case , $3.25@3.35 ; raspberries , 2-lb per case , $3.20 ® 3.30 ; California pears , per cose , $4.70 ( 4.60 ; apricots , per case , $4.50@4.JO ( ; peaches , pet case , $5.00@5.75 ; white cherries , per caso. $000 ; Cal. plums.pcrcasc$4.30@4.40 ; bluebcr- j-ies , per case , $3.80@2.40 ; egg plums , 2-lb per case. $2.00 ; pineapples. 2-lb , per case , , t3.80Q5.785 Mb salmon , per doz , $1.7601.00 ; - 2-lb gooselxirries , IH.T case. $3.25rt 3.85 : 2-lt string beans , per caso. $1.60(31.85' ( ; 1Mb Lima beans , per case. $1.00@1.C5 ; 2-lb marrowfal ( . peas , t'lOOgi.'O ; 2-lb early Juno pear , pei case , $2.65 ; 3-lb tomatoes. $2.50 ; 2-lb corn , $2.80ij2. ( > .0. DMIED FRUITS Apples , bbls , now . J/s , 1 , c ; evaporatetl 60-lb boxes , pberries , evuiKirated , 2 @ - - ' ° ! black ucc.j berries , evaporated , V > ( glOc ; pitted cUer rics , 2'23c ; poaches , , Kn i rn , new , V . 8' ' ( SSJic ; cvapornted , jirolcd lynches , 30(4320 ( ? cvnporatrdinpared. . 18 ( < $ lie ( ; now cur- rnnjj , TJft'fci prrtucs , new , citron , 24n25c ( ; rnlslns. California-London layers , $2.40M2.50 ; California loose mus catels , $2.00 ( l2.10 ; new Valencia. 7 f(48c. All goods packed In onus 1 ct. per lb. ad vance except Snowflitko and Wafer Soda , which is packed only In cans. Soda in 2 lb. und 3 lb. paper boxes , > { cent per lb. advance ; nil other goods , 1 cent per lb. advance. Soda In 1 lb. p | > cr boxes , 1 cent per lb. advance. The 2 lb. boxes nro packed In cases holding 18 in a case. The 3 lb. boxes are packed In ca < es holding 12 In a case. The 1 lb. boxes nro parked In cases holding 30 In n case. One lb. Graham and Oatmeal 'Wafers packed 2 doz. In a case. Show Tops for boxes , with gla s opening to show goods , 75 cents. ' Cans for Wafer Soda , $3.00 not returnable. Cans for Snowllako Soda , $6.00 per doz. Tin Cases with Glass Fncoto display the goods , "Scents each. No charges for Packages except for cans and re turnable coses. Glass Front Tin Cans and "Snowflake1' Soda Cans arc returnable at prices charged _ Dry Goodn. DUCK West Point 29 in. 8 oz. , 10' ' c ; West Point 29 in. 10 oz. , 12 > < c : West Point 10 In. 13 oz , 15c ; West Point 40 in. 11 oz , lOc. Checks -Caledonia X , HYc ; Caledonia XX , Economy , 9 < c ; Otis , 8Ufe. KKNTTCKY JP.ANS Memorial. 15c ; Canton , yens' b'lf ached"icifo ; ; Slv ns' g HT1"6' \ ' ' ' Miscni.LANKOUR Table oil cloth , $2.85 , plain Holland , 8 > 'c to 9c ; Dado Holland , ] 'll/ , CAMniiics-Slftter , Ocj Woods , 5c ; Stan- dard. 5c ; Peacock. 5c. Co.MFOHTUiis $ ( i.60 ( 35.00 BIANKETS White , $1.00@7.50colorcd$1.10 ; Q n/i Bi.EACHEn SIIEETINO Berkeley cambric , No. (50 ( , 9 } e ; Best Yet , 4-4 , 0c , ; butter cloth OO , 4 > < fc ; Cabot , 7J < feFarwcll ; , 8 05 Fruit of Loom. 9l c ; Greene G , (5c ( ; Hope , 8c ; King Phillip cambric , lie ; Lonsdale , llifc } ; Lons- dale , He ; New York mills , lOKo ; Peppcrell 42-in , rile ; Peppcrell , 40-ln. , 12ePcpperell ; ( V4,15c ; Pcpperell , 8-4 2lc ; Pcpperell ! M , 23c ; Peppcrell. 10-4 , 25c ; Canton 4-4 , 8 > c ; Canton , 4-4 , 9) ) c ; Triumph , Oc ; Wamsutta , lie ; Val- lev. 5c. FLANNELS Plaid Raftsman , 20c ; Goshcn , 32 > 'e ; Clear Lake , a3 tfo ; Maple City , HIV ' White-GHNo.2 f , 21c ; O H o. 1 , 25c ; J H F , M- % ; G , Jf , 35c. Piil.NTS > Cni.oits Atlantic , Oc ; Slater , 5 } < o ; Berlin Oil , O' e ; Garner Oilti@ 7c.-PlXK ANI > KoiiF.s Uiclunoud , 0 } c ; Allen , 0 > ; c ; River point , 5c ; Steel Hivcr.O'fe ; Hich- mend , Cc ; Pacific , OJ c ; I.s-inoo BLUE Wash ington , Oo ; Century Indigo blue prints , lOc ; American , 7c ; Arnold. 7c ; Arnold B , lie ; Arnold A. 12c ; Arnold Gold Seal lOKc. DUESS Charter Oak , 5J-ic ; Kamapo 4ic ! ; Lodi , 5o ; Allen , Oo : Kichmond JiKc ; Windsor , O ci Eddystone , O e ; Pacific , COTTON FLANNELS 10 per cent trade dis- nmt LLe ( ! ; CC , 7 > e ; SS , 8Uo ; Name- less 5tfcNo. } ; _ 5 , Oo : Efc. 0/p ! : viu , lu-tu ; XX , 12c ; OO. 14c ; NN. lOc ; HX , 18c ; It , 20o ; No. 10 , 8' < o ; 40 , lOKc ; 00 , 12 c ; 80 , 15o ; 30 colored , lOc ; 50. colored , 12c ; 70 , colored , 15c ; Bristol. 13'rfc ; Union > Pacific , ISc. CAKPET WAKP Bebb wnite , 10 > c ; colored , 20 } < fc. Hiiowx Atlanta A 4-4 7 > SIIRCTINO - , - , c : Atlnntio H , 4-4,7 > 4'c ; Atlantic D , 4-4OJfc ; At- Inntic P , 4-4 , ( ic ; Aurora LL. 4-4 , OJfc ; Au rora C , 4-4 , 5o ; Crown XXX. 4-4 , 7J'o ; Hoosier LL , 4-1 , Oo ; Indian Head , 0-4 , 74'e ; Lawrence LL. 4-4 , Cc ; Old Dominion , 44 , f > Ke : Peppcrell R , 4-4. 7c ; Peppcrell , O. , 4-4 , < te ; Pepperell , 8ISKc ; Pcpperell , 9-4 ; 21o ; Peppcrell , 10-4 , 23cf ; Utlca C , 4-4 , 4J c Wa- chusctt , 4-4 , 7'ifc ; Aurora K , 4-4 , G. ! e ; Aurora B , 4-4 , Oc. BATTS Standard , 8c ; Gem , lO' c ; Beauty , } c ; Boone. 14c ; B , cased , $0.50. GINOIUM Plunkett checks , 7) ) c ; Whit- tchton , 7i c ; York , 7 } c ; Normandi dress , ; Ciilcutta dress , 8 } c ; Whittcnton dress , 9c ; Uenfrew dress , TICKS. Lcwiston , 3lin. . , 12J4c ; Lewlston , 32-in. , V.ytcYork. \ \ . 82-in. . I4i ; ; Swift river , 7 } c ; Thorndike , OO , S 'c ; Thorndike , EF , 85 c ; Thorndiko , 120. 9 0 ; Thorndike , XXX , 15o ; Cordis , No. 5 , 03 < c ; Cordis , No. 4 , lie. DENIMS Amoskcug , 9-nz. , lOo ; Everett , , , lie ; Beaver Creek , CC , lOo. General Markets. Dnuos Ammonia carb , 14c ; camphor refined 30c ; copperas , life : cream tartar , 45c ; cream tartar powdered. 20B50c ( ; In digo Madras. 75o ; morphia sulph , $3.40 ; soda bi. carb , tUJ c ; Venice turpentine , 40c ; gum opium , $4.50 ; quicksilver , 80o ; nuinino , Ger man per oz , 53c ; quinine , P. & W. , Olc ; wax , yellow , puro32o ' ; wax , white , 40@48c : citric acid , per lb , , 02e ; oxalic acid , per lb. , 12e , tartaric acid , powdered , perlb.,54c ; alum , 4o ; borax , refined , per lb. , lOc. OILS Carbon , 12@25o ; linseed , boiled , 62c ; linseed , raw , 50o ; castor , No 1 , $1.20 ; No. 2 , $1.12 ; sperm whale , $1.00 ; fish , bank 35c ; neatsfoot extra , Me ; neatsfoot No. 1 , 50c ; gasoline , 74 degrees , 15e ; W. S. lard , C5o ; No. 1 lard , 50c ; No. 2 lard , 50o ; W. Va. zero , 14c ; W. Va. summer , 12c ; golden No. 1 , 40o ; golden No. 2 , 25c ; whale , 20c ; naptha 1 degree , 14e ; headlight 150 degrees , 12c ; head light , 175 degrees , 15c ; turpentine , 46o ; cas tor , pure , $1.45 per gal. EXTHACTS Sanderson's oil bercramot , per lb. , $3.00 ; oil lemon , per lb. , $2.50 ; oil pei > - permint , $3.0 < i ; oil wintergreen , $2.50 ; olive oil , Malaga , per gallon , $1.25 * SOAP Castile , mottled , per lb. , 8@10o ; cas- tile. white , 10@13c. PAINTS White lead , pure , Co : white lead , fancy , Oc ; putty , in bladders , 8 ; Paris white , 3c ; common , 2Ko ; red lead 7c WIXDO\V GLASS Single , 70 per cent ; double , 70 and 10 per cent discount. i LEATHER Oak soles , 85@87c ; hemlock slaughter solo , 20(3290 ( ; hemlock dry sole , 3l < jf5c ! ; hemlock kip , 05@90c ; A. & B. run ner kip , 50@75c ; A. hemlock calf , 90c@$1.00 ; A. A. hemlock calf , "backs , " 75c ; hemlock upper , 19@24c ; English grain upper , 25c ; hem lock grain upper , 2124c [ : Tampico B. L. Morocco , 29@33c ; Tainptco pebble , O. D. Mo. , 22@20cCuracoa ; , B. G. Mo. , 30c ; Simon O. P. Mo. , $2.75@3.00 ; Dangola kid. 30@)5 : ) ( : ; X. M. Kangaroo , 40c ; American calf kid , 32c ; Gricscn kids , $ : < .003.50 ; French glazed kids , $2.50C 1.T5 ; French calf kids , $3.20 ; oak kip skins , 80c@$1.00 ; oak calf skins , $1.00 ® 1.25 ; French calf akins , $1.25 ® 2.05 ; French kip skins , $1.10@1.50 ; Kussitt linings , $0.00@0.60 per doz ; pink , cream and white linings , _ $7.50@10.00 per doz ; colored toppings , $0.00@n.OO. HiIIES Green butchers' , 4K@5e ; green cured. 50c ; dry flint , Oo ; dry salt , 8c ; green calf skins , 7c ; damaged hides , two- i thirds price. Tallow 3c. . Grease I'rimo white , 4fo ! ; yellow , 3c ; brown , 2c. Sheep pelts , 25c(3$1.00. ( Steady and unchanged. Green ox pelts , 3 < 33 , c ; kip skins , ( unfrozen ) , 4 < 3l ( c ; cowhides , 4 } < @ 5c , Funs Huccon,10a ( ) cnilnk ; , 15@40o ; musk rat fall , 2@7c ; striped skunk,5a25c ( ; mountain wolf , No. 1 , ll.50Cft8.p05 No. 2 , prairie , ' 50@ 75c ; No. 2 , 25@40 ; beaver , No. 1 , per lb , rJ.OO@3.00 ; No. 3 , $1.00X 1.25 ; otter , $1.00 ® 0.00 ; dry doer skins , 90@35o per lb ; dry ante lope , elk , moose , etc. , 15(325c. ( HAY Upland prairie , 0.XK3 ( > 7.00 ; common coarse , $ VOO ( t.r ! > 0 ; straw , $6.00@O.S3. SPIHITD Cologne spirits 188 proof , $1.14 ; do , 101 proof , $1.1(1 ( ; spirits , second quality , 101 proof , $1.14 ; do , .188 ; proof , $1.18 ; alcohol , " 188 proof , per wine gallon , $2.18 ; redistilled whiskies $1.00@1.50 i ; gin , blended , $1.50@2.00 ; Kentucky bourbons , $2.00@0.00 ; Kentucky and Pennsylvania ryes , 12.00 ( 6.50 ; Golden Sheaf liourbon and rye whiskies , $1.50@3.00 ; brandies , imported I , $5XXg8.50 ( ; domestic , $1.30 ( 3.00 ; gins. Im ported , $4.60(3000 ( ; domestic , $1,25@3.00 iI I ; champagnes , imiiorted , per case , . $28.00(3 ( 83.00 ; American , per case , $10.00@10.00. FLOUR AND FEBD Minnesota patents , $3.AO per cwt ; Kansas nnd Missouri fancy winter patents. $2.GOffi2.75 ( per cwt ; Nebraska pat ents , $ i.452.50 per cwt ; rye flour , $1.90 ® 2.00 per cwt ; wheat grahatn , $1.75 per cwt ; rye graham , $1.40 per cwt ; Now York buckwheat - wheat , $0.50i ( 7.00 iicr bbl ; Excelsior , $ (5.00 per bbl ; ready raised , $5.00 per 100-lb case ; cornmeal , yellow , $1.00(31.10 ( per cwt ; white , fl.05@1.15 per cwt ; bran , $10.00@17.00 per - ton ; screenings , $14.50315.00 per ton ; horn- iuy , $3.25 per bbl ; chopped feed , $19.50@20.00 per ton ; chopped corn. $18.oo@10.00 per ton. PowtiEii AND SHOT Shot , $1.45 ; buckshot , $1.70 ; Miami powder , $5.00 ; half kegs , $2.75 ; one-fourths , 11.50 : blasting , kegs , $2.15 ; fuses , 100 feet , 45 ( < if5c. Fi.i.\SEEn Quoted at $1.33 per bushel. HEAVT HAIIIIWAUE iron , rate , $2.50 ; plow steel , special cast , 4o ; crucible steel , 0fo ; cast tools , do , } 2C 15c ; wagon gpokes.per set , $2.000(5.50 ; hubs , per set , $1.25&2.00 ; felloes , saWed dry , $1.350 1.60 ; tongues , each , 70c : - Mlcseach,7Sci squurc nuts , 901 lb , 5Qiao ; ooll chain , per lb , 8t'13c } ; molleabie , T10c ( ; iron wcdgon , Oc ; crowbars , 6c ; harrow teeth , 4c ; sprinfr steel , 4 ( 0u ; Burden'i her e ohoe * , $4.0AJt4.75 ( ; Burden's mule shots , $5.7S@n.8 ; barbed wire , In < * r lot * , $4.00 j > cr 100 lb : Iron nails , rates 10 to 50 , $2.40 : stcol nails , $2.M ) . GIUIN Wheat , No. 2 , COc ; rye. 55c' corn , yellow , 40@43c ; corn , white , 4jJ@Wc ; oat , 29g30c ( ; barley , 60@i5c , according to quality. Dry Lumber. IHMENSIONS AXD TlMnEU . : . u * , 16 ft. 18ft. 20ft. 22ft. 2X4 00 21 0.122 ( V ! 2X8 00 21 00 ! 00 23 L'XM 17 W.20 00 21 00,22 , 0022 2x10 . 17 W'OI ' 0021 12l ; 00 SI . 2X12 .18 2AI200021 0024 .IS MIH , M3U No. 1 com , n t 8.118.50 I No. 3 com , a 1 R. 15 r > 0 No. 2 com , s 1 H. 17.00 | No. 4 com , a 1 s. 13.50 FF.XCINO. No. 1 , 4 & 0 In 13 & 14 ft. , rough 1RAO No. 1 " " 10 " 1D.50 No. 2 , " 12 14 " 10.50 No.3 , " " 10 " 18.00 SIDING. A , 13 , 14 & lim.ttl.50 I C , 13 , 14 & 10ft.fl.V50 13 , " " -J0.601 D , " " 12.50 ri.ooitiNO. A 0 In White Pine \ K.VM HOln " " S13.60 COln " " 30.00 Dflln " " 21.50 EOln " " ( Sol. Fcnclnp ) 10.90 0 In. Drop $ ldr.ff ! iV-c per M extra. CEIL1XO ANH TAHTITIOX. 2d cotnj in White Pine Celling..fW.OQ " " " " 3S.OO Clear , 5 In Norwny " " 10.00 20 . in " " " com. % 14.00 STOCKDOA1IU9. AlSinchals 115 50 1312 : ) .20 C12 " iW.OO 1)12 , 23.00 No. 1 com , 12 in s 1 s , 12ft 20.50 " 14ft 10.00 10ft 18.50 " " 10 , 18 , 20ft 21.50 No.2 , " - I'.HXl ' " 12&14ft 18.50 11 " 17 ft 17.50 12 in Grooved roofing , fl per M. morothnn 12 in Stock Boards sumo length. 10 in Grooved Hoofing same price as 12 in Stock Hoards. SHIP LAP. No. 1 Plain 8 nnd 10 In , $19.00 No.2 " " " 17.50 No. 1O G , Sin 19.50 FIN1MMNO. 1st and 2nd , clear , 1 , 1 4' in s 2 s $51.00 ' 1) ) ,2 51.00 8d , clear , 1 In , s2s 44.50 " IK , IX , 2in 40.00 A , sclpct , 1 m 2 s 40.IH ) A , " Uf , lK,2in 2s ' 44.00 B " llnsas 30.00 B , " IJ-f , IK , 8 In s 2 B 37.00 SOUTIICIIX vnu.ow PINE. Com. 4 inc. h Flooring $17.50 Star " " 21-50 1st and 2d clear 4 inch Flooring 23.00 Six inch 40o less. Clear Vinch Ceiling 21.50 Clear % inch Partition 25.00 Clear % inch , Partition $2 iibovo ? tf ti Ceiling"u Finish , 1 mull/ } inch , s 2s 2 . < K ) Clear Finish , 1J4 nn < l 3 inch , s 2 s 0.00 Clear Corrugated Ceiling , 4 inch 35.50 Clear Yellow Pine Casing and Haso. . . . 27.00 lOI'I.AU UJMllKlt. CPoplar Bx. Bds. % In. , a 2 s $35.00 " " XAn. Panel , s 2 8 27.00 " Corrugated Ceiling , % . . 28.50 HATTESS , WBM. TUIUXO , PICKBTS. O. G. Butts , 2 in * " > c ; > x3 , s 1 B. 40c ; 3ln Well Tubing. D. & M. and Bov. , t23.H ( ) ; Pick cts , D. & H. Flat , $20.50 : D. H. Sq. , $21.50. SIIIXOI.KS , LATH. XX clear , $10 ; extra * A * . $2.83 ; * A * stand- ardNo. 5 , No. 1 , $1.45 ; lath , $2.55. POSTS. White cedar , 0 in. , * i s. 12.fc } ; 9 In. qrs. , llj c ; white cedar , . % in KS llj c ; 8 in. ( jrs lOc : white cedar , 4 in. round , 10 } c ; Ten nessee red cedar , split , 14c ; split oak , lee ; . in 7 In. , nnd Sin. ( X each ) 8 ft. , round. W.C posts. Omalm Itctall Markets. Thursday , Fo b. 9. AH ijtiotatJojivficii ( / In Mils cohoiijt arc obtained from Icatllny dealers ? i < l arc cor rected dally. , COAL Per single ton , delivered : Egg , $12.00 ; nut , $12.00 ; range , $12.00 ; walnut block , $5.50 ; Iowa nut , $4.50 ; Iowa lump , $5.00. . FOR SALE. The Kearney Lanl Office of Kearney , U The oldest and bent established Real Estate and Loan Uusiness In Central Nebraska. 1 now offer It for sale after 14 years' continuous own ership and management , on account of falling health , flood house Brojierty can go with It. Aho $60.000 worth of lands and Kearney city lots If wanted. Address The Kearney l < anrt Office , Kearney , Neb. 1ST NATIONAL BANK. U. S. DEPOSITORY. OMAHA , - NEBRASKA. CAPITAL $500,000 SURPLUS 100,000 1IEHMAN KOUNTZE , President. JOHN A. CKEIOHTON , VJce-I'reildcnt F. H. DAVIS , Cashier. W. H. MEGQUIEH , Assistant Cashier , rll. 308 S. 15TH ST. , OMAHA , NE1J. CAPITAL , - - - $300,000 , Loans Hade on Real Estate , Scbool.County and Municipal Bonds Negotiated WM. A. PAXTON. President. WM. 0. MAUL , Vice-president , 110I1T. L. GAULICHS. Secretary , F. H. JOHNSON , Treasurer , imiECTOHS : WM. A. PAXTON. Ilr-Nitv T. CLAHKE , W. O. MAUI , L. H. WILLIAMS. Hour , L. GAKI.ICIIS. ti. U. JOHNSON F. 11. JOHNSON. 510 Nortnetb Street ; Omalia , PAID IN CAPITAL GEO. K. DARKER , President. liOUT. L. OAHLICHS. Vice-President. F. B. JOHNSON , Cashier , DIRECTORS : SAMUEL R. JOHNSON , GEO. B. ROUT. I. . GAIU.ICHS , Wv. SEIVEIIS , V. B. JOHNSON. A General Hanking Business Transacted. Interest Allowed on Time Deposits. TOHN GUTHARDT : You will take notice th u on the 4)th ) day of February A. 1) . 1887 , then was placed In our charge for ufe keeping twi j certain horses anil that the same are now In out charge , you will also take notice that the charges for the safe Keeping of such horses up to and Including the 1st rtny of February. A. D. 188H , amount to thetmmof ona hundred and ttftoen dollaru and twenty cents ( I115.3U ) . You w 111 take further notice that on 17th day of February , A. I ) . 1HH8 , at our barn known as 1IW7 Harney ttrent , at the hour of 10 o'clock a. in. , we will MclUucti horses to pay the expenses for the keeping thereof togethf r vrith tno cost of this advertise ment , and of thli you will take duo notice. J. T. WiTiiitow 4 : Co. . Livery Stable Keepers. Dated Uila Otb day of February , Ittsa. fTdlUt * 0D 0 . CHURCHILL PARKErf Dealer in Agricnlturallmplements , Wagons , Ci rrl Kf aod Ilu lf . Jone Street , between Mh and _ 1Mb , Umaha , Nobrarka. CiA LININOER A METiMLP CO. , Agricnlturallmplements , WagonsCarriages , . Etc. Wholcnalf. Omaha , Ncbranka. PARLIN , ORENDORP & MARTIN , Whole ale Hcalrm In .Agricultural Implements , Wagons & Buggies ( < 01 , HI ) , Hfi and ! Q7 Jotivn 8trel , Omaha. P. P. MAST & CO. , Manufacturers of Buckeye Drills , Seeders , Cultivator ! , liar Hak i. Cider Mill ! and I.uban 1'ul * Terlicrt. Tor. lltn and Nlcholai Mreett. wTNONA IMPLEMENT CO. , -Wholrmle- Agricultural Implementswapns&Bnggies , Corner llth andNlrbolat _ Street ! ! . O\l V J. F. SEIBERLINO & CO. , ( Akron. Ohio. ) Harmting Machinery and Binder Twine , W. K. Mead , Manatfitr. hid Lva\ctiwnrth ( . , Oinalm MOLINEMILBURN&STOD AlD Co' Manufar' en hj Jobbers In Buggies , Rakes , . Plows Etc , Cor. 9th nnd 1'nclHc Btreotn , Onmha , Neb. Artists' Materials. A HOSPE , Jr.7 Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs , 1M.1 Donirlai Street , Omaha. Sobratka. Boots and Shoes. Jobbers of Boots and Shoes , 1411 KarnnmBt.OmahnNeli. Manufactory , bummer tjlruut , lloston. KIRKENDALL. JONES & CO. , ( Suceef sor. to Itccd , Jones & to. ) WholesaleMannfatfurersofBootsandSlioes HO , 1,04 , * ll _ Booksellers and Stationers- H. M. & S. W. JONES , gucconors to A.T. Kenyon A Co. , Wholesale i Retnll Booksellers and Stationers , Fine WedrtlnK Stationery , ConiroerclBl Slntlonerr. ouKlas Mrcct , Omaha , Neb. Coffees , Spices , Etc. LARKE COFFEE CO.T Omalm Coffee and Spice Mills. Teas , Coffees , Spices , Baking Powder , i 1414- Crockery and Glassware. * " " ' " W. L" wmoHT. At-'ent for ttic Mnnufticlurors anil Importer * of Glassware Lamps Chimneys Crockery , , , , Etc. Offlco , .117 S. 13tli bt. , Onmliu , Ncbroskn. Commission and8torag _ . D. A. HURLEY , Commission and Jobbing , Biittpr , KKH mill PriHlnri' . Con'tmimi'iitu unllrltcd llcuduiinrti-ri f r Stonuwtins lli'rry UUM : unU Urnpo Ilaskcts. 1111 DoilBO til. , Unmliu. HlUUbLL & . RIDDELL , Storage an Commission Mercliaiits , Fntclaltle nuttor , KtK' ( , Chomp , roultrj. Cntnd Oyeturx , Ktf. , Ktc. 112 Sroulti lltb Mrvft. WIEDEMAN & CO. . Produce Commission Merchanls , Piuiltry , Iluttor , Onmc. l-'rults. Ktp. i'VO Soitlli 14tli t. . Utnulin , Nvbru kn. CEO. SCHROEDER & CO. , ( ucce 5or to McSlmnu Jl Sclirocilc-r. ) Frodnce Commission and Cold Storage , Onnilm , OMAHACOAL , Jobte of Hard and Soft Coal , 2ttl South 13th Street , Omalm , Nebraska. J. J. JOHNSON & CO. . Mannfactnrers of Illinois Wbite Lime , And shippers of Coal , Coke , Cement , Piaster , l.lnie , Drain 'rile , and Hewer I'lpo. Ofllri > , 1'nxton Hotel. Karnam St. , Omaha , Neb. Telephone bit. NEBRASKA FUEL CO. , Shippers of Coal and Coke , 211 Soulli 13th St. . Omahn. Neb. rv. E SMITH c. , Dry Goods , FurnisMng Goods and Notions 1102 and 1104 Douglas , Cor. 1 Ith St. , Omaha , Neb. KILPATRICK-KOCH DRYGOODSC Importers and Jobbers in Dry GoodsNotions , Gents' Furnishing Ooods. Corner 1Kb and IlaJnej S < . . OniHlm , Nchrn kn. . DEWEY & STONE. Wholesale Dealers in Furniture , Karnam Street. Omaha. Nebraska. groceries. PAXTON. QALLAGHER it CO. . Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , 70S , 707,709 and 711 B. 10th St. , Omaha , Neb. McCORD. BRADY & CO. . Wholesale Grocers , 12th and I/envennorth Strecti , Omaha , Nebraska. D. M. STEELE & CO. , Wholesale Grocers , 1713.1K1 and 1283 Uarncy Street , Omaha , Neb. ALLEN BROS. , Wholesale Grocers , 1114 and 1116 Uarnor Street. Omaha , Neb. JNardware LEE , FrUEDHTcO. , " Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , Tinware. Sheet Iron , Ktc. Agents for Howe Scales , and Miami Powder Co. , Omaha. Neb. HIMEBAUOH & TAYLOR , Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop , Mechanics' Tooli and Buffalo Scales. IMS Douglat Street. Omaba. RECTOR. WILHELMY & CO. , Wbolesale Hardware , 10th and Iltrntr 8U. , Omtbt. Nab. Weitem Aieotl for Auilln Powder Co. , JeO r on Hteel N ll § , Kalrbank * HUniltrd Hctlei. W. J.BROATCH , Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel , Springs , Wagon Stock. Hardware. Lumber , Bto. 1JM _ and Mil Ifarney Btreet , Omaba. _ JAMES A. EDNEY , Wholesale Iron and Steel , Wagon and Carriage Wood Stock , Heavy Hardware Ktc. HIT and Itfli LeaTenworth St. . Omaha. N b. Lumber. _ _ OMAHA LUMBKR'CO. , All Rinds of Bnilding Material at Wholes Ifeth Street and Union Paelflo Track , Omaha. LOUIS BRADFORD , Dealer in Lnmlier , Latti , Lime , Basil , Doors , Etc. Yards-Corner * tb and Douglas ; Coroei ith ) and Douglas. _ C. N. DEITZ , Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber , 131 h and California Streets , Omaha. Nebraska. FRED W. GRAY , Lumber Lime Cement Etc Etc , , , , , , Corner Ctb ac4 Douglas Btl. , Oicabk. OMAHlUOBBEHS'DIEECToi ' , .Wr HARVEY ' To Dealers Only , _ . 1KO Vsrmim ytrctt Om li . JOHN AfWAKEFIELD. Wholesale Liiinticr , Etc , Impnrteii . mt Amcrlmn rortlnml Oment. lts.ll .Agent ( or Milwaukee llrilrmillr CVtuent oa . _ ( JnltiCT WhIUi Mine. - CHAS. R. LEE , Dealer in Hardwood Lumber , Wood C' tpcli ml l' niiol Hoortnir. Pth und DonUt Iron Works. PAXTON & VIERLING , WronEbt and Cast Iron Building Wort , lnw. nm * Work , Opnprtl . JllaiUiultlt Work. Office anil Wink ? , U. t * . Hand / . and nth Hirool , Omitha. OMAHA WIRE .t IRON WORKS , Manufacturers of Wire- and Iron Railings Desk null * . Window HunnK Flower Stand * . Wlr t Uni > , Ktc. lit North Utli Siri' < -lm ) tia. " OMAHA SA PE and I RON WORKS , Man'frs ' of Fire SBarglar Proof Safes VAiiU > , .lall Work , Iron and Wlru Kunrlnc. Sl ni , KM. U. Andruun , I'rop'r Cor. Hill anilJacivm CHAMPION IRON and WIRE WORKS Iron and Wire Fences , Railings. Gnarfls , ud Scri'fn . forlianki , ndlfci , ftoron , n-ildcncci , tto. luinrorrd AWHIIIKJ , Ixickiimltli Marlilnrrr and lllnck-nillli Works. UI Eolith lllli t < t. JMEAOHER & LEACH , Fire and Burglar Proof Safes , Time Locks , Opncml Atii-nt' for Dlcbold Bafo A U > ck Co.'i Yaulla and Jail Work , ItlS Furimm Mrcol , Omaha. _ Hats , Caps , Et W. L. PARROTTE Wholesale Hats ; Caps and Straw Goods , 1107 llnrncy Ftrcel , Omabn , Xcb. _ Mhllnory and N qtlon a. ' ' i. OBERFEUDER'V co. , Importers & Jobbers in Millinery & Notions JN , 210 and 21 ? South lllli Street. J. T. ROBfNSON NOTION CO. , Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods 4 ) nn < l 4 J H < nth lOtli St. . Omaha. _ VINYA"RD & scHNEfoER , Notions and Gent's ' Furnishing Goods , lllfi Ilnrnc-T Htrept , Omalm. _ CONSOLIDATED TANK LINE CO. . Wholsale Refined and Lubricating Oils , Axle Ori'Bso , Ktc. , Onmha. A. II. lllnhop , Manage * , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CARPENTER PAPER CO. , Wholesale Paper Dealers , C rrr n nlco itock of 1'rlntlni.Vnipplng and Writing Paper Hpcflal atlontlon elven to rar load iml n. Prlntors Materlaj8. _ " ' ' ' "WE'STERN'NEWSPAPER'UNION , , Auxiliary Pnllisliers , ' Dealer In Type. rri' c > i and I'rlnlers' t-uppllci. (01 boulh litli Street , Omnlia. Rub bor Coeds _ _ . * rj J JW 0M A H A RUBBER C O. , Manufacturers and Dealers in Rnbber Goods 311 Clothing and Uatlicr ilcltlnn. 1003 Farnam Btr t Ste m Flttnsgt | Pumps , Etp * " AL. STRANG CO. . Pumps , Pipes and Engines , ' Steam , Water , lUillnar and Mining Huppllei , Eto , ttt ) , i ! nnil VU Karnam rUrcct. Omaha. CHUHCHILL PUMP CO. , 7 * Wholesale Punips , Pipe , Fittings , Steam and Water Puppllen. TTeadquartcn for Malt , Kooit At Cu' gootla. 1111 Karnam Bt. , Omaha. U. S. WIND ENGINE & PUMP CO..1 Steam and Water Supplies , Ilalllclay Wind Mllla. 813ami M Farnam St.Omab . U. F. Hots , Acllnti Manager. _ BROWNELL & CO. , Engines , Boilers and General Machinery. Sheet Iron Work Steam Pnmpn , Snw MINI. 1W3-1215 U'livi-noortli Street. Omaba. Seeds. PHI L. STIMMEL" * co ? * ( Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seed ) Dll and CM Jones Strut t Omaha. Storage , Forwarding A Comml lor ARMSTRONG. PETTIS & Cd.t . Storage. Forwarding and Commuiion , OHM"MJuWM SS S : . -----uijv-IjJ wSL - - - - - - - * EAGLE CORNICFWORKST Manufacture Galvanized Iron and Comics ' . WO Dodge and 108 and 101 . Omnhn. _ . . . STORZ & MLER Lager Beer Brewers , 1SS1 North KlgthtecDtk Street , Om h . Overalls- CANFIELD MANUFACTURING CO < j Mannfactnrers of Overalls , . I Jeans I'tDts , Sblrti. Ktc. 1KB and 1101 Dou IM Btrtft , Om h , heb. Sash , Doors , Eto. M. A. DISBROW t. CO. , , - * Wboleiala Manufacturers of " * " * , ' I Sasii , Doors , Blinds and Monition , ; Branch Offlce , mb and lean ] HtrceU , OoaUaTlli * . ' BOHN MANUFACTURINQ Mannfactnrers of Sash , Doors , UouldlDRt , Stair Work and InUrtor Hard Wood tiff lib. n.K. Corner 6th and laaTenworlb btrMt * . Omaha , tjiti. OMAHA PLANING MILL CO , , ManaluCtnrers of Monldinn , Saso , ndi , Turntnit. Stair-work , Uank acd tlpti. aoth and I'oppUton ATtna * . Stack * , pliers , Eto. ° " " ' H. K. SAWYER , > Manufacturing Dealer in Smoke Stack ? . Brttchlnf i , Tinkt and U n ral Boiler Hepalrlof . Ulf I > odmre t. Omaba , Neb. SOUTH OMAHA. / C. U. PALMER. N. P. niCKUAH. J. B. BI.ANCBAMb PALMER. RICHMAN * CO. . ' , Live Stock Commission Merchants , ' Offlce-Huom J4OppoiIl Exchange Bulldluc , LulOk HlOf a Yardi. South Omaha. Neb. McCOY BROS. , Live Stock Commission Merchants , Market furnished free on application. Hlocktrf apA feedvri furnl lip < lon oed termi. lut'erencvi : OmM tin National Bunk n < f Boulh Omaba Malloaai , UjUe Block V..rdt. Houtb Omnlia. LORIMERWESTERFIELD& Live Stock Commission , Itoom U , KxclnnBa llulldlug , Union Block Yardjfc tftjutU Uuiabtt , Neb. ALEXANDER & FITCH , Commision Dealers in Live Sock , Room 'fi. UppnillA Kichange Ilulldlng , Union Stock Yardt , BoutU Omatia , Nao. _ UNION STOCK YARDS CO. , Of Dmalia , Limited , Joa P. B r J , but > crlnt nd u | . .