Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 15, 1888, Image 1
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. SEVENTEENTH YEAE. OMAHA , WEDNESDAY MORNING. FEBRUARY 15 , 1888 , NUMBE1C242. THE REIGNING SENSATION , Elaine's Withdrawal Continues to Bo the Loading Toplo. "LITTLE PHIL'S" BOOM GROWING. Public Printer Benedict's Days In Of fice IJolloved to Ho Numbered The Tariff Hill About Itendy to Hcport. " 1 Told You So. " WASHINI.TOX BUIIEAU THE OMAHA BEE , Mil FouiiTEENTit STHEI-.T , WASHINOTOS. D. C. . F6b. 14. Mr. Bhilnc'd name has been on the lips ol everybody in Washington to-day. Since the surprise of the moment wore away no one cnnbc found who doubts his slnccrcncss. AI concede that ho means to pull out of the race for the nomination and to keep out. It is amusing to note the number of prominent re publicans who sire saying , "I told you so. ' The fact is , it was the wish of many no that they thought any less of Mr. Blnlni than they dlel when they voted for him Ii 1SM4 , but because they felt that they woule not only have to support him ut the poll again , but in convention nnd against the ! better judgment. Now that ho Is out of tin wuy many uro frank to say that the ; feel a sense of relief , because a ! thut coulel moke any dispute o discord is removed and there is nothing fo the party to do but to como solidly together select a new mun upon merit and strcngtl only und elect him. Sherman coining for ward , no man has yet developed as a spcciu favorite. Senator Sherman's name is natu rally heard ottcner than that of any otbc man. Ho is regarded us very strong , espe daily In the financial circles of New Yort which state , it Is conceded , can not put fort ! n candidate upon which the party there cm unite , nnd then , Mr. Sherman is exceeding ! ; strong in the manufacturing centers and i the south. An effort is to bo made to mak the election of the republican euudidato sur outside of New York by cnrryingsomo south ern states , the Pacific slope ami saving u the stutcs north which usually go republicai The friends of Mr. Sherman say ho can mor nearly do this tliun any other ono who ha been spoken of for the nomination. Th Ohloans are enthusiastic and declare thii Mr. Sherman will go into the e-onvention wit : a solid delegation from Ills stuto und that b will be nominated. 1IOOMINCI LITTLE 1'IIIL AND SEXATOIl ALLISON The lowans uro determined to stand b by Senator Allison , who has a largo and tru following. Senator Allison is ono of tli most thoroughly popular men in congrcs- As chairman of the committee on npproprii tious ho has made intimate friends of most o the democratic us well us republican senator and representatives , with whomhoisbrougli into contact daily. Senator Beck , of Kentucky , says Mr. All son Is ono of the most thorough gcntlemc ho over saw. at all times , and that ho wonl rather see him president than any rcpublica he knows. Mr. Beck has for years been o : the committee with Mr. Allison und thes personal testimonials carry a good deal o weight. There is also a good deal of talk about e > Senator Bon Harrison , of Indiana , und Sem tor Hawley , of Connecticut , but there is reserve boom gotten up for General Slicridu that Is intended to have deep und broad rat Unit ion B , and some of the old men in tli Hold will have to look a little out or ho wi prove the great unknown ut the last momcn It is intended Hint "Littio Phil" shall b worked up in good shape ns a dark horse ante to turn him into the course , bridle off , shoul there becgmo a wrangle over ono of the we known men. DOftSEV'S ' VIEWS OS I1LAINE. Representative Dorsoy said today : ' think it is infamous thut unyvno should qua tion the sincerity of Mr. Blniiio when he Say that ho docs not desire the highest ofllcc i gift of the people , nnd I believe his wor should bo accepted the snme us if ho decline , any other ofllce. Some years ago , when Mi Tiielen wrote a similar letter declining to I candidate , wo remember the democrats n fused to credit his withdrawal , and , there no eloubt that for the same reason a men uro scepticism rests in regard to Mr. Blaln for people have supposed thorn was no Urn to his ambition , as ho has been a Candida so long and lias so strong a following. I ci understand why Mr. Bluino does not desii again to lead the republican party in tl presidential campaign , but the ) nominatio would have been given him had he desired I Nebraska has loyally supported him in thre national conventions and his friends in th Btuto have read his letter with great regret "Who will Nebraska bo for now ! " "I do not think thut the republicans of 01 Btatu will send a delegation for any cane date , but will support the man who in the Judgment is certain to carry New York , Co uccticut and New Jersey. " "And Indiana , I suppose , alsol" "No , the soldiers will take care of Indian Sherman , Sheridan , Allison Jlarrison , Ha ley and Lincoln all have friends inNcbrask but it is too early to tell how public sen incut will erystullt/c. Ono thing is ccrtai thut the electoral vote of our state will given to the nominee. " TIIOUIII.K ron THE rum.ic ruixTEii. Public Printer Benedict is , getting In deep hot water. The house has ordered i investigation into the utTaiis of hid oflico , ui the president has culled upon him to exphi tha seemingly unnecessary delay in woi k se there for execution. A number of senutu nnd representatives , it is stated , have call upon the piesident during.the past week two unel pointed out the inconveniences u losses occasiemeel by not only congress b all the departments of the government on i count of the failure of the public piiuter do work sent him within the time when was done by his predecessor nud when it needed. A large ) number of reports hi : been delayed until the time of their usef ness had passeel and there is a general cle giiiC of whe-ols in vome quintet s. Bills i not printcHl for congress sometimes for week or ten elajs .after the usual lime , a there uro documents which are more thai year behindhand. A eietnoeratie member says thopicsldc bus culled liiwn the public pi inter for an i Vlnnaiion ; that It IniH been made , but is i satisfactory , and that the president has contemplation the appointment of anotl public printer. It seems that Beneelict 1 made a failures all around to ulcuso those . whom he docs the most work , and the pr pects uro thnt ho may ictlio bcforo the cue ! the present investigation. OKTTISn IIRAIIY FOH TAIIIIT U'TION. Chairman Miles is paving the wuy for 1 tariff bill on the floor of the houso. Ho we. to Mr. Dockcrp , of .Missouri , to-day , who ti u special order on the calendar , and asli him to get it disposed of at once , rcmurki thut it was not Improbable that the tariff I would bo reported within n week unel that would crowd everything else out of the w , Another member has b-'eu. asked to hui through tils measure with u \ lew to clear ! the deck for tariff action. It is undo-stc that ; o soon s UHJ democrats who arc co piling the tariff bill get through with tli work they will write a report and lay the 1 nnd report before the full e-ommiUeo o > i w. am ! means ut the lirst meetinganelscml tli into the house on two hours notico. As tu measures uic privileged , they can bo eal up at any time , nnd this bill will crowd i cvcrvthlue eK < \ gona Vu.s iniifAiurr vxn UI.AIXH. tlgllip up to the capital this inornlni asked Senator Gorman , of Maryland , v was f hah man of the cxee-iitivo committee : the national democratic committee in last champaign , and who U said to In brought ubjut Mr. Cleveland's election , i Who is the best authority on political matt on his side of lho scnuto chamber , w would bo done on the subjoe-t of tariff ut t session. Hosaid : "A e-ompromiso tu . bill will ba .pa srd 'by both houses. It ) roducc the revenue about i75lt KOOJ a y Vml will coually cttcvt the customs ai > d ternal taxes. There Is no doubt of this. Both parties want such a measure and it is going to be reported to the house ono cf these days from the committee on ways nnel passed. Wo will not delay it much in the senate. Neither p.irty can afford to hag gle over this thing. The country has decreed that the tariff should bo removedand it is only a matter of the men in congress do ing what their constituents have demanded. Yet , I think Mr. Blulno is out of the way now , but the republicans have lost the strongest man they have , after all. The element in a candidate to insure success is that of com manding un enthusiastic following. I never saw n man who could do that better than Blainc. His followers would go to death foe him. They would commit political suicide when he led them and were consoled in their loss by the admiration they felt for thcii leader. " TO OPEN THE SIOUX IlKSKnVATION. The bill opening to settlement the Sloun Indian reservation in Dakota was reported to the house from the committee on liullat affairs to-day. The bill is on the calendar oi both houses of congress now with fuvoruble recommendations from the committee. I'BIIHY S. HEATH. Entirely Out of the Have. PHILADELPHIA , Feb. 14. [ Special Tele gram to the BEE. ] The Record publishes the following : Charles Kmcry Snilthcdltor-in chief of the Press , who is unlvcrsnlly recog nizcd us Blalne's closest and most conflelen tinl political friend In this state , talked with out reserve lost night upon the question ol Mr. Bluino's letter. During the absence ol Blainc from the country he has been in con stunt correspondence with Smith , und there are few men in the United States better abli to measure the full significance of Blame' ! remarkable letter than is the editor of tin Press. "At the outset , " said Mr. Smith , " may as well suy that I regard this letter as i finality. Blalno , in my opinion , has pur poscly and absolutely taken himself out-o the contest for the republican prcsidentiu nomination , and his purpose will not In shaken by any circumstances that couli possibly bo foreseen. The letter , in mi opinion , means just what it says , and there I no reason for insinuation or hope thnt then may bo u hidden meaning between the lines Blaine is no longer a fue-tor In the race fo the presidential nomination. Ai tills point Mr. Smith was Interrupted b ; the inquiry : "Do you mean to say that ther are conceivable circumstances uneler whicl Bluino would consent to bo n candidate fo the presidency ! " "No , " replied the editor. "My opinion i that no man ever has or ever will refuse t accept a nomination for the presidency whlc is spontaneously and unanimously ottered t him. Viewed merely as a hypothetical case think thut if sucli an unlikely thing snoul happen as thnt , under the circumstances th convention , finding all other candidates ou of the question , should unanimously tcndc the nomination , Blaine coulel not refuse. Bu I am convinced that no such remote possibil ity suggests itself to Mr. Blaine , nnd the bes evidence that ho is entirely sincere is that hi best frion'ds in the country , who have n righ to feel that they know something of him , ur convinced thut it is useless to consider him n at all in the field , und they arc ut liberty , un will exercise that liberty , to shape thci course without regard to such a thought n thnt Blaine is in any manner a candidate , o thut ho hopes , expects or desires to bo a candidate didato for the presidency. " Itlalnc'H Retirement. SAN FIIANCISCO , Feb. 14. Interviews wit prominent politicians with regard to Blaine' letter of declination show that republican and democrats alike were taken by surpris in general. The republicans express dec regret. Ex-Senator A. P. Williams , clmii man of the republican state central commit tec , says : "Tho demands of the party fre quenlly rise superior to individual judgmenl If the republicans want Blaine they call hiir and I think ho will respond. " General W H. L. Barnes , president of the republlca state club , spoke in the same strain. THE ROCK ISLAND UOAD. President Cable Interviewed llcgard ing Some Kumorcd Extensions. DEXVEU , Colo. , Feb. 14. [ Special Tele gram { o the BrEj I'rqsldgnt R. R. Cable of the Chicago & Uock Island road , who i in the city , in an interview to-night regare ing the Associated press telegram from No' ' York stating that the company would cxtcn the road 1,500 miles to the Gulf of Mexic and Denver and issue $30,000,000 in bonds fc that purpose , said thut while the couipan would push the road on to Denver and othe Colorado points ns rupidlyas possible , ho w : not nwaio that the company had any into tlons of issuing bonds for such amounts ft these purposes. "Our road , " ho said , "will bo even uully extended to the Gulf of Mcxic as has been the plan of tl company for some time , but the work will 1 done only as the business justifies it. " Wi1 regard to the extension of the road to Col rado Springs , Mr. Cable said that it was I coal purposes exclusively. The compai wanted to pay the Interest on the money c ponded In the construction of the system the Missouri and for this purpose the line w built by which coal may bo hauled from tl Denver & Rio Grande system to Kunsus f distribution and sale ns u part of this pla President Cable has a contract which Is to 1 signed between the Roe'k Island and the DC ver & Rio Grande by which coal is ho furnished the Rock Island at Colorai Springs ami Denver. Mr. Cable thinks 1 ; road will be able to Handle about all tbo co shipped by the Denver & Rio Grande. "Thoro 1ms neverbeon any intention on tl part of the Hock Island to overlook Denver Miiel Mr. Cubic. "At present our company not going to build west of the Denver & R Gruneto systems , but the intentions of t ; company uro to push the line overlnnd In tl near future , and in that case Uonver wou bo its objective point , and thence across tl mountains. " Chai'Bcd AYIthllcrofiy. Bosrox , Feb. 14. A bill in equity was 111 to-day in the supreme court at Salem by t trustees of Phillips' academy , against the i tornoy general of the commonwealth , the v Itors of the theological institute in Pliilli ] academy , nnd five professors whoso cas come under investigation by the board of v itors , upon aceusatioi- hciesy. This is tether other steu in the celebrated heresy trial Prof. Smythc and othen , and is brought determine the rights in equity of all parti concci ncd. U'rnllier Indluntionx. For Nebraska : Fair weather , slowly r Ins temperature , light to fie > sh vunal winds , generally shifting to southerly. For Iowa : Fair weather , slowly risl temperature1 , light to fresh winds , shifting east and south. For KaMcrn Dakota : Slightly warmer , fi weather , followed in noithern poition snow , light to ficsh variable winds. . For Southwestern Dakota : Warmer , fi weather , light to fresh variable winds , gc rrally southerly. HohhiMHi Starving Herself. BOSTON , Feb. 14. Mrs. Robinson , the cc vlctcd poisoner , smco the close of her tr hr.s positively refused alt nourishment. T jail ofllccrs have tried in vain to induce h to , nnd aie persuaded that her Iron w can not bo broken II it bo her Intention starve herself to death. ' I 10 The Goulel-Hngo Larceny. 10f NBYOIIK , Jan. H. District Attorney F 10o IOWA announced to-day that ho would subt o thn Gould-Sago matter to the ) grand Jury t idd week. : d * lit Cutting Lumber HutCH. iff Is MiNNKtrol.13 , Minn. , Feb. 14. The C ill cuyo , SU Paul .t Kansas City railroad 1 cut its Minncai > ulU-l'coria lumber rules Ii l'J > , to b DETERMINED TO HAVE A TOE How a Young Nebraska Farmer Found His Better Half. FELL HEIR TO THIRTY THOUSAND. Good Fortune of n Prisoner In the Da kota City Jail An Old Mau'i SudUcu Death Other Stnto News. Got aVlfb Anyhow. NEBRASKA Citr , Neb. , Feb. 14. [ Special Telegram to the BKE.J Edwin Watson , t well-known and wealthy young farmer , re siding south of this city several miles , re turned a few days ago from a visit througl : the cast , bringing with him a handsome and accomplished young wife. There wa ; nothing especially surprising about till ; single fact , as ho had made It known bcfort starting cast last November that his trip was taken with this object in view ; but there is an incident connected with It that was not ai the time upon the programme , and which lmi Just leaked out through a friend to whom tin story was conlldcd. Mr. Watson , it appears , formed the ac qualntnnco of an Interesting young ladj through the medium of n correspondents column in n Kansas City paper some fem years ago , nnO since which time the mai service between Nebraska City nnd a smal postofllcc in Floyd county , Virginia , has beci well patronized. The correspondence mus have proven exceedingly pleasant , ns it lee to an engagement , subject to a personal ac quaintnncc , nnd subsequently a trip to Vir glnla to claim the fair correspondent for i bride. Mr. Watson is a college graduate am ono of the wealthiest young farmers in thii county , and before starting on his journe ; hud furnished u handsome homo for the wife that was to bo. He , however , did not' knov the young lady us well us ho hud imagined and committed an error in leaving her unin formed ns to his financial standing , us i might huvo balanced any disappointment sin might have met with in a personal acquaint mice. The day for their first meeting nrrive.l am the young man apiroared at her homo am was very cordially received by the lady am her family. The wedding , which was sot fo Christmas , however , did not take place , for after a short ixjrsonul acquaintance , sh frankly informed him she had chungcd he mind , as she did not at all like the brusqu ways of the "poor farmer. " Ho was disa ] ! pointed , of course , but lost no time in bid ding good bye to the young lady und he home. Ho stopped nt Cincinnati on his rt turn to visit friends and think over his poi plexing situation. To return homo alon after all the preparations made for reccivini the bride , was something he hud not bar gained for , and it was not until some day later , while reading the personal columns o the Cincinnati Enquirer , that ho hit upon i way out of his dilemma. He wrote the fol lowing personal which appeared in tbatpapc the next morning : PKKSONAL-An Intelligent and wealth ; young gentleman ileslren to form the nc qualntanca of n rellned and uccompllMieil > oun lady with a view to matrimony. Address E. W From a number of replies received ho sc lectcd n modestly worded note signed "Schoolmistress. " A number of letter were exchanged in which his story and hi IKisition in life were fully told , nnd h learned that the name of his future wife wa Carrie Lester , nnd that she was the daugli tcr of a minister in moderate circumstances living in a neighboring town. A mcetln ' followed , which was so satisfactory to botl that the parents were consulted , and th .wedding day appointed and the marriage o < currcd on last Now Years. After an c > tended tour through the east the youn couple returned to Watson's house in N ( brnska , apparently happy , und well ploasei with fate's change in the original matrimoi ial programme. Build in Lincoln. LINCOLNNeb. . , Feb. K. ( Special Teh gram to the BEK. ] A large number of bus ness men and cftizcns assembled ut the ills trict court room this evening to receive proposition from the New York lifo insui unco company , throuch Dr. George L. Millei relative to a building in this city. Prcsidei Raymond , of the board of trade , presided i the meeting and Dr. Miller presented a pro ] osition that If tno cili/.cns of Lincoln woul furnish his company $1,500,000 worth of ii surnnco , the company .would at once erect live story block in this city to cost $100,00 The proposition was favorably discussed un with a few amendment was adopted and ai ccpted. A committee consisting of Genen J. C. McBride , J. H. McMurtry , A. .T. Sav yer , J. T. Lansing , J. J. Butler und I. J Uuymoiul was appointed to represent tli meeting in the work of securing the insu mice and in perfecting other arrangcmen with the company. v A Newspaper Changcg. PAWNEE CITV , Neb. , Feb. 14. [ Spec ! Telegram to the BEE. ] J. G. P. Hlldcbran n man well known in newspaper circles , so his interest In the Pawnee Press to-day ai retires from the business to seek a new loc tion. The Press , which is the only dcm cratic pater in the county , was established 1 him four yearb ago. Ills brother succeei him. Selected n Bite. LINCOLN , Neb. , Feb. 14. [ Spcci Telegram to the BCE. ] The committ having in charge the location in the city the university of the Christian church Nebraska held a business meeting this eve Ing in the Capital hotel nt which a deflnl location was agreed upon and active ste taken for building. The members of t committee in attendance were : Ex-Govc nor Suunders , George S. Smith , and E. Kadd , of Omaha ; W. P. Aglesworth , Fairiield. C. C. Nimson , J. Z. Briscoo , Hedges , G. E. Bigelow and C. L. Van Duj of Lincoln. Holdrcge Blooming Again. HOLIWEOE , Neb. , Feb. 14. Holdrego is the boom again. The work on the now s ; tern of water works will begin March 1 , a over cue-hundred men will bo employed summer on the work. A now line of railroad is expected throu Holdrego going southwest. Kearney is vt much excited , us the line of road pass through that city. Dll By the ItiimperR , Cncioinox , Neb. , Feb. 14. [ Special Tc gram to the BEE. ] "While coupling cars Plainviow , last evening , about 8 o'clock , P. Smith , a brakeman on the north bou train , got his right hand caught between t draw bars and it was badly smashed. Ami tutlon of the thumb and three lingers will necessary. Mr. Smith is one of taooldc employes of the company. Found Dead In His Field. PI.UNVIEW , Nub. , Feb. 14. [ Special Tc grajn to t o ULC. ] This morning the dc body ol H. McClintoclc was found nbc fcixty rods from his house , where his te. had stopped in a corn Held. Ho was sevcnl hovcn j cars of ago and it is supposed chilled to death. Ho was on his return fix town. _ A Prisoner's Great Luck. 3 DAKOTA CITT , Neb , Feb. 14. Char Sprlnglorn , who is In ] M here on the chat of grand larceny , has jecelvcd word of t l-j death of hia father in Gormapy'and that * | will at once como Into possession of * 30C his > hate of the paternal estate. Ho clHUKvdwi&iKulinsuIm steer , which. sold to a butcher. Ho has telegraphed his situation to his mother , and hopes to get out through the Influence ol his now-found wealth. ' _ Edgar to HMYO Waterworks. EDO ni , Neb. , Feb. 14. [ Special Telegram to the BEE. ] At a meeting of the city coun cil of this place this evening a contract was let to A. A. Uichnrdson , of Lincoln , for plans nnd specifications for n complete system of waterworks to cost 120.000. The meeting was largely attended by the citizens , nnd ex > presslons wcro unanimous in favor of the project for better flrc protection for the clty < Col fax County's District Court. SCHUYLEII , Nob. , Feb. 14. [ Special Tele gram to the BEK.J District court for Colfu > county convened yesterday , with Judge Mar shall on the bench. There are no very Ira portunt cases on the docket. International Itango Association Abel iHhcB Technical 1'oHHlbllltlcM. DEXVEU , Colo. , Feb. 14 , [ SpecialTelcgron to the BEE , ] In the absence of the prestden and all the vice presidents the third nnnun meeting of the International Range nssocia tlon was called to order at 10 o'clock till morning by the secretary , J. C. Lcary , in tin Colorado Cattle Growers' chambers. Owlii ) to a previous announcement that the meeting would bo purely forma and for the purpose of legallzlni the special meeting called for the USth o March , few delegates were present. Suftl cicnt , however , were in attendance to nccom plish the purpose for which It was called am to secure a compliance with the requirement of the constitution. After calling the meeting to order the sec retury suggested the selection of i temporary chairman , and , upon motioi of Mr. C. M. Hampson , Govcrno Routt was chosen to preside. Th governor's speech of acceptance was brief but it outlined the formalities necessary t bo observed in order to legalize the coniini special meeting and whatever may be sough to bo done nt that time , nnd nt its close tli regular order of of business was taken up. The calling of the roll ami the reading o the minutes of the Inst meeting wcro dis pcnseel with , upon motion of Mr. Niblock nnd the orders "reports of officers niu committees , " nnel "unfinished business' ' were , at the suggestion of the secretary passed over. The next order , the election o oftlcers , was taken up , nnd. upon motion nominations were declared by the chair to b in order. C. M. Hampson , seconded by Mr. Gould ing , nominated the old directory in its en tircty , and in the absence of other nomlmi tions Mr. H. B. Cullom moved that the sec retary be instructed to cast the ballot of th association for these nominees. The motioi was carried and the secretary , depositing tli ballot , said : "Mr. chairman und gentlemen as directed by this meeting under the motioi which has just prevailed , I hereby cast th ballot of the association for the followlni gentlemen to servo as officers of the liiterm tional Range association for the ensuing term or until their successors uro duly elected am iiunllllcd : For president , R. G. Head ; vie president , J. L. Brush ; secretary , J. C Leary ; treasurer. J. A. Cooper. " " Chairman Routt declared these gcntlemci duly and regularly elected. The object of securing a directory to serv until after the organization of the spcciu meeting having been accomplished in till election , Mr. Humpson. offered the followlni resolution : < Whereas , The officers of this associatior have , at the reeiuest ot the board of directors called a special meeting to bo held on the 2811 of March next , the general assemblage hav intt been postponed until that date ; and Whereas , The torins of the old oftlcers cxpir on this date , and without re-election they coul not legally servo until the coming spcciu meeting ; unel Whereas , The contingency threatened ii the postponement of leaving the ussociutio ; without a legal directory has been guardci against by the re-election , as consumutei by this meeting ; now , therefore , bo it Resolved , That it is the sense of this meet ing thnt the resignations of the directory o the International Range association bo re qacsled at once , to t&kc effect after the 01 gunization of the coming special conventior and that they bo presented to the latter o the ! Mh prox. by ' omo gentleman no\ present , whom this jnuetliig shall dcslgnat bcforo adjournment. 1 Unanimously adopted and on motion o Mr. Goulding Mr. Thompson was designate to receive and tender the resignations a provided. M. II. B. Cullum offered the following which was adopted : Resolved , That section 3 of the constitx tlon , which fixes membership in this ussoch tion , be so amended us to make mcmbershi therein and representation in all meeting thereof upon nn individuul or popular basii Resolved , That all debate and final actio upon the change proposed bo. deferred unt the special meeting and that it bo considerc under the order of unfinished business i that time. Unanimously adopted. The following by Mr. Hampson was als adopted. Resolved , That the date of the annui meeting of this association bo changed fro the second Tuesday of the mouth of Febr ary to ono later and moro convenient , tl said date to bo fixed by tbo special mcetii to bo held March 23. No further business having been intr eluced , the meeting , upon motion ot C. I Hampson , then adjourned until 10 o'cloe March 23 , prox. A MEASLEY MADMAN. Love , Lunacy , Murder and Sulcld BEULIX , Wis. , Feb. 14. Last evening W. Hacker , of Danville , 111. , shot and kllh Mabel Steikc , of Belle Pluinc , la. , and tin blew out his own brains. Hacker was | niii teen nnd his victim ono year younger. Tl tragedy was the result of n lo affair. It seems that young Hack and Miss Steiko met some tli ago and fell In love with each otlii The marriage was opjrosed by the girl's pi cuts and to separate the young peoples was sent to Berlin to visit ut the home of h grandfather. In some manner Hack learned of the girl's whereabouts and we to Berlin and took rooms in a hotel thci While there ho was taken down wi the measles , when Miss Stclke prevailed her grandparent to toke theyoungman unel his roof. About 9:1)0 ) last night the you man culled the girl from the fireside to t door of his room , when the tragedy oecurri The family rushed to the scene upon heurl the shots and found young Hacker dead n the unfortunate girl in a dying condltic She survived ouly a few minutes after t shooting. It is thought Hacker asked M Steiko to marry him and on being rofus took her life and his own in a frenzy of d traction. Will Content Compromised. LOUISVILLE , Feb. 14. The suit of M Sarah E. Mclntosh , wife of the deputy c lector of internal revenue , Alex Mjfritosh , New Albany , to break the will of her fath M. C. Depauw , the great glass manufactun who died lust fall , has been compromise Mrs. Melntosh Is to receive property wor $200,000 , as nearly as can bo estimate Depauw left ilO,000OQO in manufactorl iron works , stock and real estuto. , Thn Italian Ministry. ROME , Feb. 14. Coppino , minister of pi lie Instruction , and Sarracco , minister publlo'works , have resigned. The Trlbuna states that the wardepartme ordered provisions and accoutrements to hold in readiness in full supply as if the un wcro to be mobilized. BuHlne-HH Troubles NEW YOIIK , Jun. 14. William G. Negus Co. . hardware } , made a .general assignuii with urvfcicacjC ! ) amounting to. over f20.C FAVOR AN EARLY CONVENTION Probable Effect of Blalno's With drawal on Iowa Republicans. PUSHING ALLISON TO THE FRONT. llohb'a Allen Bill Engrossed The War Ilccord ItcNolntlon Answered Hilling * Indicted For Murder Powell Captured. An Early Convention Favored. Dr.sMoiXEs , la. , Feb , 14. ( Special Tele gram to the BEE. ] The republican state central committee met hero to-day , at the call of Chairman Beardsloy , to llx a time for holding the next state convention. Since the appearance of Mr. Blalne's letter of with drawal public sentiment , so far as can bo gathered from representative republicans now in the city , is in favor of nn early con vention with a view of presenting Mr. Alli son's name to the nation at once backed by the party and the enthusiastic- support of Iowa. ' "Tho sooner the convention can bo held the better , " was the common expression among republicans. The following arc a few of the remarks on this subject heard in a moments' conversation : Governor Larrabee I think Iowa has but one thing to do now and that Is to take up Mr. Allison and put him forward with a strong and resolute backing that will win. I am in favor of an early convention und think it ought to bo held while the legislature is in session so as to give us the assistance of the many leading republicans who are now here. Chairman Beardsloy Wo must move for ward nt once for Mr. Allison , and I think there will bo no question but thnt the state is enthusiastically for him. I am In favor of a convention much earlier than I should have favored had Mr. Blainc not withdrawn from the light. I think now the sooner it can beget got together the better. It will take some time to get the notice out and hold the county conventions to elect delegates , but wo ought to tmvo It just us soon us wo can. Senator Hutchison I think there Is no question now as to the duty of Iowa.Vo must give Mr. Allison the backing and the support that he deserves , und we ought to lead off at once , so that the rest of the coun try can sco that his own state is heartily and enthusiasticall for him. In view of the fact that we have to begin at the bottom and work from the ground up without the help of any outside organi/ation I think wo should lose no time in beginning. Other states will soon bo holding conventions and wo can't af ford to wait till many delegates are chosen before we get to work. Committeeman Swolm I am for an early convention , the curlier the better. Wo have got to take our couts off nnd go o work. Senator Young I think that Iowa Is all ready to take up Mr. Allison nnd give him nn enthusiastic ! backing , i should favor an early convention and think wo should select our strongest men nnd best workers and let them begin the light at once. Hon. M. S. O'Connell I have completely changed my idea of the time of the conven tion. I was In favor of n late convention , sometime in May , but since Blaino's letter was received I am in favor of a convention just as soon us it can bo got together , so as to give Mr. Allison the early benefit of a hearty state support. Ex-Representative Mcservy Let us have the convention just as soon us the notice con bo served and give Allison a booming sendoff - off at onco. Senator Sweeney I think there Is but one thing for Iowa to do now and that is to take up Mr. Allison us the most available man In the country and present him with the strong , est enthusiasm and support possible. Let us have an early convention and begin the work. The Iowa Legislature. Dr.s MOISES , la. , Feb. 14. The bill passec : the senate authorizing the governor to ar rungo with General W. W. Belknap for his services in prosecuting the claims of tin state against the general government on ac count of raising and enrolling troops for tin service of the United States during the wai of the rebellion. The amount of outstanding claims Is about $35,01)0 , ) , this being outside tin wur tux. The bill passed changing the times of hold ing the supreme court , providing for thrc ( terms a year , one beginning on the thin Tuesday in January , another on the seconi Tuesday in May und the third on the tlrsi Tuesday of October. Most of the afternoon was spent in the dis cussion of the Gutch bill , which provides fo : cutting down peremptory challenges of ju rors in criminal cases to ten for the defend ant and ten for the state. An amend men by Price to make the challenges flvo for tin defendant and five for thostato was killed b ; a speech from Senator Dodge. Messrs Bolter , Clark , McCoy and Finn spoke a length favoring the present luw and aguins the bill. The discussion continued until i o'clock , when the whole matter was made i special order for Wednesday afternoon. The resolution that the house hold tw sessions dully after February 10 was recon sidercd and amended by a substitute lixini the date as the 20th of February. The entir matter was luid on the table , subject t call. call.Tho senate bill was considered providin ; for a board of trustees of flvo members fo the hospital for the insane nt Clurinda , on of which may bo u woman , ono a resident o Page county , two to bo elected by the ger eral assembly for two jTurs , two for fou I years and ono for six years , such board t . take charge of the institution on the sccon Wednesday of Match , IbsS , instead of th present board of commissioners. The scnat 1 amendments wcro agreed to. and the Ui 3 passed the house. The senate bill providing for the issue c water works bonds by cities of the elasi with the senate amendments , passed tli house. The Woolson substitute for the resolutio on the Des Moines river laud question wu referred to the house committee on fedcr relations. The other bills passed wcro : The bills for printing the reports of stat mine inspectors. The bill authorizing boards of directors t r independent school districts to chnngo bourn ? ury lines. 3 The senate bill fixing the terms of the si promo court. The bill by Mr. Uobb restricting non-res dent aliens in title to ncquiro nnd'hold re ; estate , nnd repealing sections 1KS ! und lUte o of the code , was engrossed. The bill pr < s vides that non-rcsidimt aliens holding re , estate in Iowa shall dispose of it within tc years but may hold ! UO ucres or city proport to the amount of $10,000 , provided Mich proj crty is placed in the actual possession of re ativcs nnd such relative or occupants bccom naturalized citizens within ten years , further provides that lands acquired by for closure of mortgage or collection of debt jnubt bo tola within ten years. The War Record. DesMoixus , In. , * * eb. 14. The secretary i war to-day made answer to the resolutic passed by the house calling upon him for i formation us to the scope of the compllatii of official records of the rebellion. Secictui Endicott encloses a report from f.leutena Colonel Lazcllo , In charge of the war recor > publication oftlce. Tins secretary says sin Colonel Gazelle assumed the oftice , Juno 1 18S7 , no change from the instructions ai plan adopted in ISM ) , and required by the pi visions act of July : i , IbbO , had been mad ordered or contemplated. In reply to so much of the resolution requests information as to whether | > have been refused ucccbs to the iccords , a U so , by wliose irutUorityU0 bcctutary su several months before Colonel Scott's death n circular was issued to the department republishing - publishing paragraph TJl of the army reg ulations of IS'SI ' , prohibiting the giv ing of official information to nny person not on duty In the department. without proper authority und it applied to alt bureaus of the department , us well as to the war records ofllce. The reason for the order was to prevent the Improper use of Informa tion Irregularly obtained and to provide for the orderly and methodical transaction of government business. Subject to the re striction imposed by. the regulation , the privi lege of Inspecting war records had been freely granted by Colonel Larello to appli cants for historical matter within the respect ive limits of their Inquiries , except two cases , in which not deeming himself author ized to give the information asked for , the applicants were referred to the secretary of war , who gave ono of them the information desired. The other made no further effort , although informed at the publication oflk'c that fuvorablouetinn would probably bo taken upon the request if addressed to the secre tary of wur. _ nnniticilntr the T MOISKS , In. , Feb. 14. The programme of toasts for the banquet given by the Dei Molncs Press club at the Aborn house to the members of the legislature this evening was as follows : "The Iowa Press , " Hon. J. H. Harsh ; "St. Valentine,11 Hon. W. W. Dodge ; "Free Lance , " Mr. Morgan Bates ; "Out Best Hold the Advertiser , " Mr. Norman Lichty ; "Bigger Waste Baskets or Longer Columns ! " Hon. N. V. Brewer ; "The Leap- Year Prerogative , " Miss Huso Ankony ; "Tho Overworked Third House , " Hon. La- favetto Young. The march to the dining room was headed by President. Klboeck and lady and Llcutcnunt-Govcrnor Hull and lady , the latter gentleman acting as toast-master. A dunce programme of six numbers followed the banquet. _ Powell Arrested. M4SON CITV , In. , Feb. 14. [ Special Tele gram to the Hun , ] A. F. Powell , the sup posed stock swindler , was arrested lute last uight at a form residence twelve miles easl of here. Since his sudden disappearance on Saturday the ofllccrs have been in search , but up to Monday night nothing had beer heard from him. A telephone message fron : Nora Springs states that such a m'an liiul been seen near there duiing the day uml ofllccrs from this city went nnd made the arrest. To thootllcer he had but little to say , Ho freely surrendered all the agreement ? and receipts ho had In his possession , cover ing all the purchases ho made here. Ho wa arraigned for a healing at 5 p. in. , but upon his urgent request the hearing wu postponed for twenty-four hours , o talks freely , but as if ho was telling n < ittlooftlie truth as possible. To the BEI : representative this cveninir ho said : "The 'ontracjs I made with the farmers for tin lurchaso of their cattle were made in good ulth , and they could bear no oilier inter relation. The receipts I took from them vero mostly written on plain paper furnished > V the farmers themselves , with no chance of hem signing a promissory note as reported , ' . 'ho day I arrived hero 1 went to the bank .nd told them that I expected a draft from 'owell & Co. , Tonica , 111. , for $10,000 , but in aso that did not reach mo in time , I ex ccted to check upon tbo bill of lad up. I was disappointed in getting mj noney and the bank refusing to advance 01 : .ho . agreements I was let down. I left tin ity on the day the cattle were to bo ttcliv- red because I thought the parties would givi no trouble. "In relation to family matters nt Friabalt 1 rould say that all reports have been true am hat is partially what has caused delay in mj money matters. My parents icsido in Perry hi. My brother I expect to-morrow and hi will clear matters up. " It is generally believed that if his sfatc ncnt as niudo above in regard to contrac nd agreements be true he has an accomplia ud it was their purpose to beat the bunk. I/emulative NotcH. DCS Moixi.s , la , , Feb. 14. The scnati ways and means committee reported favor bly on the Keglcr's bill providing for tin distribution among counties of the revenui [ irislng from the taxing of telegraph and tel phone lines. The senate insurance committee rceom ncnded the passage of the substitute pro riding thnt no policy be written for mor bun three-fourths of the vuluo of the build ng insured. The house temperance committee listonci o Attorney General Baker on the merits o .ho Custer bill this morning and Judg ilendcrson , of Marshulltown , this cveniiij made an argument for the Hodnmn bill. Probnhly Murdered By Thugs. Dns MOI.ST.S , la. , Feb. 14. [ Special Tele gram to the Bin. : ] Peter M. Hanson , a Noi wegiun painter and paper hanger , was foum frozen to death in the river near the Wubas 'ailroad ' bridge to-day. His watch and chui were missing and fioni bruises upon hisbodj there is suspicion that ho was sand baggc nnd thrown in the river. The coroner's Jur , is taking the measurements of the truck found on the lev : und sandbar und are mukin all possible efforts to sift the mutter to th bottom. In view of the fuel thut the band r. saud-baggcrs looked up a temporary abode i this city within the last lew days there ur strong probabilities thut Hanson met hi death ut the hands of thugs. nillinRS Indicted For Murder. Wxvciav , In. , Feb. 14. [ Special Telegr.u to the Bui : . ] Billings received a vnlcntin this morning ho will hardly appreciate Twas no less than an indictment for murdu in the flrst degree for killing the lute W. f Kingsley , county attorney of Bremer count' The prisoner was given ono day to unswi the charge. The verdict ol the grand jur was unanimous. Billings will move ft a change of venue and will object to trial I either Uutler , Bremer or Floyd counties. Sioux City DcinocratH. Sioux CITY , la. , Feb. 14. [ Special Tel gram to the Br.E. ] The democratic city co ; vention to-night nominated the following cil ticket : For Mayor , M L. Flynn ; treasure John Hittlo ; police judge , W. W. Souh auditor , W. G. Linn ; marshal , James Sta ley ; aldermen-ut-lurgo , W. C. McNumara ai W. Barnard ; engineer , Henry Windlund ; a torncy , J. Ouincy. There will probably bo citizen's ticket in opposition. The quostit of Diohibition enters into the contest at tears all party lines. Another UK ) < ? < " ) Well. IlEiixnox , In. , Feb. 14. [ Special Telegra to the HUB. ] Men engaged in digging u we here struck gas to-day ut a depth of 125 Tee It is the biggest gas well of any in the vici ity und severul wells have already bee found. The noise of the escaping iras wi heard two miles away , and \\hen lit the g ilumcd up tlility-llve feet. Killed l'ly n Suituh Kngliie. CunsTox , la. , Feb. II. [ Special Tclcgia to the BKK. I William McMonglo , au old re idcnt und employ of the "Q" rail load w struck by a Mvitch engine last night In tl yards here and instantly killed. Ho Icavct wife' and a largo family. A liASTUKSOUT. DcHprrntc Mc-ann Proponed to Ki the .Heading Stiller. Puu.MiKU'iin , Feb. 14. Every IndlcatI points to most dcsporuto means being lesort to for the purpose ot bringing the strike the Hchuylklll region to un end. Tlireo'me ber - of the executive committee of Distr Assembly 2ii : Hayes , Ford and Hrittou 1 < this morning after a fruitless elfort to hceu a cunfe.icncu with the officials of the ItcaJii Coal wl Iron company , und the belief is tli tlit > y have returned to their respective loc itiott witu instructions for u general strlko or before Saturday of all ecr entrio engliifPi Jhcmen , pumpmen and other mining : nr cht ics. Should the iiropnyd > iti IV o taVo pluai would result In ( loodj'ig all Us Mints a cause damage- which incutU * uf Uuiv ; eoi Uardly ucdo , . . ARREST OF A BOYCOTTER , - * The First Onso Brought Under the Now Illinois Law. A BAKER THE COMPLAINANT. An Interview With n llitlchcr an to the invct : u Similar ProccfdhiK Had on 11(8 ( IttislncMs Two Vi-nrw .7 a I ) < M ! For DMrlhtitlitK Circular * . CniCAdo , Feb. Telegram to ioBin.1 : Thomas GrellT owns the hull at Mo. T4 West Lake street , where ) the Hay- nirket riot was planned mid where Parsons , isvlfo iind children took refuge after the omb was thrown. GrelfT wont security for corse Siiums thin morning In Justice Kcrs- In's court. Slmms Is the man who was ur- estcd for distributing boycotting circulars 'ailing ' on working men iind others not to Mtronira John Koc.sseler , u b.ikerut No. itOrt forth Franklin sticet. The Central Labor nlou Instituted the movement , and the arrest f Slmms under the charge that Is put against tin It the first in Chicago since the adoption f the law framed by the last legislature or the control of boycottcnt. This aw provides a punishment thnt lay bd a line of $ ' 2,000 and vo years imprisonment in the penitent ! iry , r both , and George Simins appears to have u excellent chance of experiencing to the 'nil the workings of thin law. Ho was booked n two charges ono fora violation of the ity ordinance in distributing circulars , and n that case the ball was put at $ 'JOO. The iccoml charge was based on the stuto law Hid the ball WIIH ftflO. Grelff gave Hutlsfuo- ory evidence that he owned property sufll- : iet to cover the amount asked for and Sinims was turned loose this morning. The cncumstanccs that led the ! Central -iibor union to boycott Hrother Keessler 'nsily ' led to a lecollcction of the boycott the amo organization instituted against Butcher Lotholz in April , just before the Haymarkct ioti It la getting along to bo pretty eloso to wo years sineo that boycott was declared , lid just to Iind out how It worked In that 'asc ' a reporter to itay had a talk with Mr. otholz. "A boycott , " said the butcher , "bothers a mn a good deal. In my case the boycotters ud what they called a picket tl-at is , wonty men were polled off to follow mv de- ivory wagon They u ed to go around to ho houses of my customers and threaten hem in their business with the loss of the rorkingmcn's patronage. It bothered mo a rood deal. " "How did it affect your busincssl" "Oh , It made my business better. The first vcek I had more business than I could at- .cnd to , People that never traded with mo jefore came trom all parts of the city and > oiifht their meats at my shop. A good many vealthy people became my customers at the utno lime , and have lemaincd my customers vcr since. The American people don't Ilka loycotling. I found that out. They Just rai led about mo and told me to count on them very time. The boj cott helped my busi ] : icss. " "How long did the boycott last ! " "It was riddled to pieces after the bomb ivas thrown at the Haymarkot. Spies and iiis ciowd wcro responsible for it. The Arbeltcr Zeltung used to print columns and columns every day about the boycott. But after the bomb was thrown and the gang ocked < up nothing inoro was done. The ivholo thing fell through and it 1ms never been mentioned since. The trouble is , those men who declare the boycott are worthless fellows. They have no homes , they live in boarding houses , and none of them have a -rood suit of clothes. A WOOLEN TllUST. t\ Meet Ins of Loading Manufacturers to Form an Organization. NP.W YOUK , Feb. 14. About 200 woolen and worsted manufacturers and commission nerchnnts from various Roctions of the coun try met this morning for the purpose of per- fcctintr an organi/ation stai ted in Philadel phia on December 21. The committee re- iioitcd n scheme for nn organization to bo known us the Wool Growers' association. The secretary is to bo an active ofllccr and have charge of the headquarters , which are to bo in this city. The recommendations were referred to the executive committee. The report of the committee on terms and discounts was also accepted and referred. In substance the committee report that it would bo exceedingly difllcult to formulate a uniform system of terms and discounts that would meet the necessities of all the various descriptions of woolen fabrics. Numerous iccommendat ions were made. Cases of un dervaluation of imported woolen goods have attracted the attention of members of the orgnlratiou. for the purpose of looking after such undervaluation , the secretory of the treasury , It is stated , has agreed to op- point an agent of the government , the. manu facturers to pay his salary. A Matrimonial Carpenter. BOSTON , Feb. 1 1. [ Special Telegram to the Urn. I The fact that Ucv. Bernard Car penter , of Hollis street Unitarian church , is a bigamist , has ] ubt been made public. Ha is a brother of the bishop of Ripen , dreamy , poetical , unpractical. Fourteen years ago hft man led a girl urged on him by his mother , but afterwards opposed by her because tha prospective bride's parents had not tha wealth attributed to them. She nuido hi home a torment und often locked him up. By advice of the bishop of Kipon , Carpenter sep uratcd from his wile und papers wcro drawn ? but they subsequently cumo to New York , where they tiled to live together again. 1 $ was no use and they ilnally separated. Car4 pouter then drifted to New Jersey and ul-t though nn Episcopalian , took charge of the Congiegational church. Hero ho met und married his present wife , believing ho was free. Homo months ago Rev. K. Brooke , of Hereford , visited r.nglund. There ho heard of Carpenter's lirst marriage. On his rc tuin to Boston ho told the story. Carpenter immediately laid the case before several rich panshonors , who subscribed a purses of .Vf > 00 to send a lawyer to England to procntcni divorce , rending action by the Kngliili court Carpenter and wife have pone ubi oad , They will bo i cman led if the decieo is In Carpenter's favor. Hit > church has not long been dedicated. Tills true story Is given out by his friends because ugly beanduloust r& * poita wcro ullout. * A IlelitiloUH Ulot. PAN IMA , Fob. 14. Much excitement has been caused in Guayaquil and which is not yet allayed , owing to a Spanish m lest , tern * porarily in charge of the bishopilcof Guay aquil , having exromtnuniented the Judges of the supreme court. A mob. In which many o < the best-known ciUicnsof Guayoqu'l ' wera prominent , stoned the bishop's palace. Tlienco they went to the rcslilonca of Dr. Nevla. legal adviser of the Kpiscopato. On stones being tin own , Dr. Novia and soma friends who wcro with him fired on tha crowd. The police also acted similarly. portions wcro killed and wounded before fore a troop of B ldiortt appeared and restored order. The t7overnmcnt'saction in defend ing the chuu'h party" was the cause of tbo trouble , which , it Is believed , will bo moro berlotia in its consequences. Th Mayor of Cork Convicted. DimuN , Feb. 14. The mayor of Cork has been convicted on tm ! charge of assaulting a pollen sergeant at , a plan of campaign meet- In ? , and was sentenced lo fourteen days' im prisonment without haul labor. Gt'riiwny'H Senson of Kadn R . DK'tu.v , Feb. H. Owing to the con dition of the ci own prince , the emperor' * ball , wl.Irh wns to have been Riven to nluht , and the guards' fete , have been utitdguta , .