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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 14, 1888)
' J f. , _ I * ' , V t4f " ' * ' * * \ " "f1 - * - * " < A" * * " ' * ' + V f. m THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; TUESDAY. FEBRUARY i * . 158 * SPECIAL NOTICES. . \clveiilsemeutun < icrlhl heart , 10 cents pr line for the Insertion , 7 cents for each sub- lenueni. Insertion , and tlfiO a tine per month. No advertisement tjOFen for lew than 26 cents tor tlin lint Insertion. Seven words will be rounted to Hie lines they must run consecutive ly and must b < 3 paid n advance. All advertise ments murtba handed to before I : .K o'clock p. m , and tinilcr tie tlrrtimMnnccs Trill they bo , takn orrilKi'ontlnued by telephone. 1'nrtleJi advertising In them lolumn * and hav- IngUm answers addressed In caroot tha llea , will plfn nok for a cherk to enable them to IMHIiolr lotion , Hi ininowlll l > r delivered except on prmentntton of chock , All answers to ad- Tcnisdmetitd should be oncloicd In cnvelopea. 'All advertisements in these columns are pub- llshtrt tlr-both morning and ironing editions of the llee , yie circulation of which Rfrgre aten more Uian IE.UM papers dally , nnd Rives the nd- verUserfUhobpnent , not only of the city rlrcu- titloii of I ho lice , but also of Council II In ( If , .Inouln , nhrt other rltles and towns throughout .bis part of the vt est. BRANCTOFFICES .Advertising for lliein column * will betaken , Mi the abort ) conditions , at the following bus- messliouiLes , vt lie uri authorized agents for THE Ur.K special notice : ) and will quota the dame rates as cutl be had at the.m.iln . ofilco. 30HN w. iar 5. ( SOS. 10th Street. CHASE & EDDY , 3rlsitera and. Una. Ifith Street. P. Tt , FA ItN WORTH , IFiLarmaciat , 21 ir > Cumlng Street. OEO. W. PA lilt. F3ao.zz2ia.clst , 1ff # St. Jtary'n Avenue. II. n.WlllTKIIOUSB , Fla-ctzzxiaelst , 1UU un'l Webster Streets. O. IiriJTHKR , To-wa Dealer , Test Office. South Omaha. SITUATIONS WANTED. I > OSITION by a Writ-class bookkeeper. single man. Can speak fifinion. A 1 references. Address A , CO , Ik-eolllce. Ulil 15 * A WOMAN would Hku a position In a family to Hssht lu housework or take. care of children. Answer euro Mrs , Luvy , 415 8. 19th Mieejt. 102 lit _ _ "W7ANTHI ) Copying at home or lu office by T competent young lady. Address A 07 lieu. i3 > _ _ SITUATIONS Wnntcd-For 2 tlrst-class girls , one has been 7 years nnd the other " years lu last place , also Scotch Canadian for second work and sowing , and imv number of girls for gen- cial housework , dllfertnt nationalities. Ilotel help constantly on hand. Canadian limp. Olllce , Mrs. Hurga & Sou , 310 S. ISth St. Telephonn r 4. _ \X7ANTED Situation ns houskeepcr In wld- T T pwer's family ; reference given. HIT S. Dthst. No objection to leaving the city. K1713 * ANTKO-Situntlons for 3 splendid girls for private families : also one nurse girl. Union , rmplojmcnt olllce. U13 a. llth nt. KfT 13 * WANTED I'osllton as traveling salesman , hardware or Implements prforred. Siteaks Herman and Ungllxh ; good references ; nddies.s J. 1'llger , Pllgor. Men. 00710" _ WANTED Places for good female help. 1603 Fnrnani , Uoom 0. 7-'l 13 * _ WANTED WAUE HELP. WANTKD-Mosj nnd wife for farm fcK ; man and vt ifo for private family M ) per mo. , no children , middle ngoil couple preferred , imd G or ( J good cooks. Canadian fm\i. office , Mrs. Ill cga Sc Bon. 31B 8. Mth. Tel. Wi. OK-14 WANTKI ) Men Mho want to go to work and mean business. Cull room f > , .116 South Ifith st , _ - _ p.'X-iyj W ANTED-A good Jeweler. C. L. Erlckson &Co..gl3K.lfllhbt. Bi 16 _ WANTED. Agents can make from W 00 to' $ . " > . ( X ) per day. Territory given to good men. Call at VXH'i N. ibth st. i oornX ? EJ3 ! .15 * WANTED Architect for partner to go to youth Omaha. Address " 11. " , 10th and Hickory ot. . care of Ulgour. BI7-H * WANTED At Kdholm & Akln's , good.strong and active boy. Uest of references re- _ WANTED A good blacksmith on general work such at spring wagons and bug- tfes at Muldoou's shop , cor. Uth nnd Jones. Oil 15 ' _ _ _ _ WANTED Affonta In every town. Active parties make from 111 to f 100 per week. Very twufUl. imndbowu. Kolla at nfeht. En close stamp for details. Address Diamond Yen- tllutor , Chicago , 111. B4S 15 * iMTKO A man of good npnearance and address to assist In olllco and hlro agents. AadroMs ; stating age , ezpetlenco and alaryex- pected , A M. Uee onice. . . - - _ 810. 1J * WANTED Man as accnt A new article ; sells everywhere , city or county : no ex- ptflonco needed. One Now York agent's first order a car load ; New Jersey agent1 * , half car ; Ind. agent , half car , and anon. Hare chnnce ; permanent business ; exclusive territory. Write the Monarch OoM.CIntlunntl , Ohio. TXrANTUD A good first-class baker , a steady TT man ; no other need apply. AddressJ. W. i. 1'rop. City llakcry. Noifolk. Neb. KI7 la * WANTED A peed reliable dnig clerk , regis tered. Address , stating reference , exper ience and salary wanted , Palmer & Pardee , Hustings , Neb. _ pffl 14 * WANTKO-5 men , & .W nnd W.OO per day. 1MJ Furuaiu , Jloom tt. Wl 13 W > An onenrotlo man , ran make .money fast. JU1 IKidgo st. , Omulm. 707 10 * " \\T ANTED A boy with pony to carry a. route in t he south * eatern part of city for dolly evening live , 711 WANTKH Carpet layer. Permanent place , good wages , i ! . P. Morse ii Co. U7t > WANTED In eery county In Nebraska , ro- liable energetic men to soil goods by so- Ucltlng for a well established infg company permanent rWuJf.ymcnt to the right men , no coplti'l or experience nert"-sary , reference ri' l'-i cd , ntUhcfW llox ! X7 , Omaha , Nnb. C30flJ \\TANTB1) Hen foe railroad work. Al- TT bright's Labor Agency , 1120 Farnam. 351 WANTED-FEN1ALE HELP. WANTP.O-At once , for family of three , a re- llable seivant. Good wages paid. Mrs. W , (1. Clui k. ittnd and Capitol avenue. 17 15 * IXr ANTKlTwo trirls at U21 N. 16tu 8t. TOO VITANTEU Pftstiy cook for Kearney , MS ; T T combination cook for Hcatrirw , > 'iO ; woman rook for Columbus , fcTi ; man cook for Coluinbm Htl ; pastry cook for city > 55. Canadian , Dllict , Mrs. Hieca i : Son , alfl S > o. Mth. T.-l. M.b JJIO 13 V\ rANTii : ) Oooil girl for general bousewoik T > ntailOCa sst. M4 1'J * _ TXT'AN'TKD ' Olrl'for Keueral housework. AnT - T > ply liKff Douglas. 0X1 14 * _ \\7"ANTEU Ilfiul waitress and side waitress , T T | 2i cook and waitnws for Norfolk ; 1 for Iloone ( cook ) , I turTecumsch : woman to take cure of sick lady ; Uennan girl to leurn tele- Kraplilng ; Yoin girl to mind baby ; lots of nice Vhuenlniirhatefftinlllos for housework. Cun- udlaii Kmii. Offlce , Mre. Herga & Son , 316 S. r > ti ! B : . Tolcplione HH.i _ 831.13 * \\TrANTK Glrlforgencial housework , 405 ' 'Davi'upQttjjtrpet. m.n _ WANTKD-Dlntnirroom girls , cooks , chanu briiialils. lauiidresses. hotel nnd its- tauraut Iiel | > f all klmlu , in iind oui i.f city , also Blrls for housework. Our orders uru coming in ii anstantlrimd we want goo.1 help. atttt Clt > Employment olllce , 314 S. IMlu Tel. HOC. hJ 1IJ \\7ANTEn-A .competent clrl for general T lunuoorli. . lilust be a gooa cook and bum dress , nnd como.1t > ll recommended , Aimli room CO , MUlara hotel , betw een - ' and 3 p. in. _ _ _ v ' _ S73 \\7ANTKI-Olrl In family of tour persons TT Good rook and general housoworu. Jlrs C. H.rn'ileflck.aaitft. .Mary'sav. 874 14 W.VNTIU-iouil KhTfor eeneruT houework Iteferunceii rwiulrtHl. 604 S. 2Uth at. Ml ) 13i WANTED Ltdy ugt-nts for our luijirov ( tombliiatloir bustlo-uktrt. Himoxnbli hoops. Can b laumlrl'il. Latest 1'arls stile Obe agent sold at ) lu Columbus last soring , am inude t-vw. Sprlni ; trade now. Adaio-s will ttaniii. M. n. CuiiuiljeU & , Co. , 4M ) V. Handolpl Bt. , LhlCBgO. ilO-ltlJ "IX ANTEIK-dlrl for gcn rnl honunork , msu > T. oo good cook ana laundress. Mrs. Hob rm-rlg'afeBt. Maryg ayf. 710 \\rANTBO-lmuiodlately.ladles to . . . . . . . . . T T u wholesale huuie on nedlov. . ork ot thel Domes. (8nt ( any distance. ) Oood pay can H giado. Kverythlnir furnished. rAitir.ilnr gee. AddtwaArilsUc Necdlowort Co. , ttH'tl WANTED A competent frlrl In famllyof two. Mrs. D.ll. WhecUTMilS.ithBt. ! b 4 "MTANTHD Housskecper. Inquire 012 Doug- f > laf. 640 YirANTKD-nirl for gom-ml hounnwork WANTED-2 clrlK for general housework , 1 cook nnd 1 dining room girl for Norfolk , Noli.i good wages. Union Employment olllce , DM S. Uth . SI7 13 * " \VKhavr ncrrral oed places for good girls. > T iryjy Farnam , rtxim v. b3 ! U YVTANTr.O A girl for general housework. T T also a girl ns nurse.'l \ South uuth st. 774 13 MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. \\7 . \ N'TKDHook canvassers to call or aildrosH 4JI South lUh st. Omaha , Nrb. They will hear cemethlna that will be ot Interest to them. f WJI 1J * \\T ANTED A music teacher to give lessons T 1 on plnun ot scholar's house. Address , "A I2J" Jleo olllco. tffl' * WANTHD-Ladlra to u o "Chlchester's Eng- llih IJUniond ilrnntl , Pennyioyal Pills. . ' Alvi y/i / reliable. The orlnlnnl. Tlie only genuine. Askdrujrglut or send 4c stamps for pui tlculars , return mail. Chlcuester Chemical Co. , Philadelphia , Pa. CT EMPLOYMENT BUREAUS. OANADIAN Employment odlcp , mala and fe- mnlo hrlp f nt to nil parts If faro Is ad- iinced. lleference , Omaha National bank. Irs. Jlrcgn & Hon , IJ10 S. 15th. Tel. W4. W4.DS1 m 13 rvMAHA Employment Hmeau , llfl N. ICth St. L/OUlestand most reliable ofllce In city. Call nus : telephone 1113.11 * E. White , proprietor. ATB City Employment olllro stinplles male L and frmalo help for all kinds of work lelii hunt to all pnrtH of the country If faro Is mill. HeferiMicc , Douglas County bank. Jsbell 3c Chrlstenson , 314 So. Foth. Tel. llOd. S7K l j pllE Union Employment omco Is the place to .1. obtain reliable help on short notice , In or nit of the city. U13 S. llth st. Open evenings. KiSmlO * GltEAT Western tirenu-We furnish all classes Of li'-'lp on short notice. VJJi Parnam it. , room t . 815 1W BOARDING. A WIDOW LADY would like two or three gentleman boarders. Address A fA Bee of llce. oii , 1:1 : * I > U1 VATE boarding , J-i n week , 1015 Dodge. 1H1K3 WANTED-TO RENT. ANTED Houses to rent. Campbell & Hervey 310 Hoard of Trade. t-93 FOR RENT-HOUSES. O-room house In central location , rent , $12. Fur - ) uitiue , 812S. Co-opctatlve Land and Lot Co. , . Telephone UU. ! 81515 "fTTOH HENT A nice 6 room cottage In central x ? location , nil Improvements , rent JJO. Pur- ulturo for nalo ou easy payments. Co-operatlvo ' .and and Lot Co. , 205 N. loth st. Telephone ICO. V3I-15 F I OR HENT furnished house for n few months. 637 South Twenty-fifth avenue. 019 15 * F I OH HENT-IIouse , 1501 Hurt fctreet. 947 11 * ARE chance Whole Hat , No. SuOl N. 24lh st. XV to rent Very low. Enquire at residence us nbove. 8. F. Winch. b81 FOR HENT 3 new nine-room brick houses 3 doors north of Judge Dnudy's ; best loca- lou lu Omaha. J. Williams , 1211 ilurnoy Ht. WL' U * HENT A six room cottage , 1515 Hnrney. 10U RENT HouKeof 0 rooms furnlshed.nlso stable , on paved street near car line ; fur niture for sale , about ii'iO. now , pai t cash , bal. monthly if desired. J. H. Watts , Chamber of Commerce , 815 U TGTOR RENT A desirable six-room cottage. JL ! modem conveniences , DO per month , also furniture for above six-room him to for wale for IKX ) , * _ - ' ) cash , balance on time. Address A. 68 , Hee olHce. ffr.'i3 tClR HUNT or Bale nt n bnrgaln , 10-room JJ hoiiRo , all modern improvement , ! i block from street cars , 10 mluutes walk from post- olllct' . Inquire ut 1205 Douglas or 92U Park nve. BJ1 14 * FOR RENT House of 8-rooms , closet , hard and soft water , on l.ttli street car : line. In quire 1112 B. Uth st. 778 'tno It RENT 4-rooin house , 25th and Mason ; JD lent $40. J. S. Corby. 1304 Farnam. . 74d FOR HENT 9-room house , Lowe nve. , near Cumlng st. , $25 per month ; 8-room house , Cass st. , near 28th St. , at Ci'i per month ; 7-room house , Poppleton ave. , near S3th st. , at fii per month ; U-room house , Omaha View , at $15 per month. Hoggs Ic Hill , real estate , 1408 Fur- nain st. 75311 TllOH HENT My residence , cor. of 10th nnd JJ Leavenworth stK , about April 1st ; contains fourteen rooms , steam heat , nnd modern con- .veuiences ; carpets and shades if desired. Largo stable on premises. Inquire 1323 Faruam. Milton - ton Rogers. 703 "ijTOR RENT In Park Terrace , opp. Hanscom JL ? 1'ark , touth front. All modern Improve ments ; 10 rooms ; most desirable residence part of the city. Inquire Lee & NlchoL 2sth aud Leaven\\orth. C20 tn5 710R HENT T\\elvo-room house , 25th nnd J nnd Mason streets , tlO per mouth. J. H. CaultleHl , 1304Fainam st , Gil O hundred anA fifty houses for rent. II. E. Cole , n. o. cor. 15th and Uouglait. 597-2 ! ) " 1J1OH RENT My residence on corner of Nluo- J. teenth and Leavenworth Bt reels about April 1st , contains fourteen rooms , steam heat and modern comrnlencos ; carpets and shades if desired. Larce stable on premises. Inqulra 1.C5I Farnam. Milton Rogers. 703 F ° RENT HOUHO 11 rooms. W. M. Hush- man. N E corner ] 6th and Douglas. 094 FOR RENT 2 new 7 roomed houses , well , cis tern , larcu cellar , 1'Jth near Clanc st. W. O. Shrlver , opp poatolllco. 350 TJUR RENT-IIouso of 4rooma nt 515 Williams JU street , lnquira next door west. 4-B fjlORTtENT 18 room residence steam heat. a. JlJ E. 'ITiompson. 311 S. 15th st 249 FOR RENT or Salo-N6w house. 6 rooms , cor. 23th anil Capitol nvo. Knnulr l y Dodge. H RENT Small house , California st. , near " "Hi-with or without stable. 8. Lehman. 4,11 . EOR ( RENT A new duelling , rooms , all JL1 modern Improvements , good stable , ten minutes' valk from postointe , apply to P. J. O'Douahne , ut O'Doimhoe Ik Shuriyti , 15th St. , next to the l > ostotllce. . BIO fjlOR HENT-SIx room cottage. 010 N. 17th. 11 rcfweucesicqulrcd. Imiulre MS Hurt t. KJH 13 FOR RENT-ROOMS FURNISHED. TT10R RENT -an eUgant front J-oom , with JL1 exsry convraicoce. Only itr t-closs iioonlo wanted. KglUaeoport. . to ) TjlOR HENTHftjjrnlShert.rooma , , steam heat , JL' gas , bath room , on strust car'lino at $15 and 810 per month : 2317 Uouglai Bt. KS1 16 * F OR J'.EST Lurge front room. 822 S. Ifith st. B78 1JJ JjlOrV'HKNT. neiuimitJfimiitod rooms en JU HiiltH or single. Sultublo for ladles or gentle men. Hutli , closets , furnace , * lt ) , WO , f < . Also ono sulto for JC4 , suitable for fourladle-s or gents , heat included , tttl S. IVth stM 4 doors s. of l av- \\otth at. * , ' 875 1.1 * rooms , 18 Cass nt. i ' . KXS is * F I OR HKNTV-ltooms with board. 1810 Chicago street. 18 14 * "HIOH RBM' Furaiflhed loom , 1707 Dodgo. FOR HENT FnrnlsheiV room cheap.furnaco , gas , batli , 700South JitU avenue. KlJ HI * TT1OH RIIN'l' IfnnttMietl rckuns ; uko few day JC boaulcn. IVli 1'arna'iist. 7UU4J FOR UENTA larno room furnished , central location'1418 ChirBifOht. U84 FOR HKNT Furnished l ems in Urouulg blk cor.Jiith and Dodire sts. Inimlru of Geo. H. , Da\ls. < rUlard ] hotel Tillllanl room. 353 XrToELY Furnished room , 1112 Howard. i mi ) irij TjlOll HT.NT Hocms furnlihed nnd unfur JU nlshed. ir.'iC'up. ave. 041 1903 Farnam , 6341U3 * 'Lj'OR Ocntlemen-TAvo furnished rooms , all JL1 modern Improvements. J713 Dodge t. IWmS . . . RUNT Nice furnl&ued roomi IU \ > ti month , a w cor. lth and Jaceson. COt kl EATLY furnished front room to rent at 1C21 1'uiruuii at , 1 block wet.t ot court house , CU _ "IpHONT \\Ulialcovaandli large closota" Jl' fas , hot uir , Liutu. hut aud cold water on nniilB Hodr toi-fypntsor man anil wlf * tsa i > e : month and adjoining room with closet 110 P < M month : 2 other rooms with cloarts for 110 pel iilontji , tame couu-uleuces on car llut O" 84t F I OH HENT rurnlshed front room for one 6r two cheap 1K1 Douglas st. * Ki U * * UHNISIIKD rooms , 1(19 Dodge. UUNISIinU rooms for rent , 1417 IVxlgest. - CM ! IU _ _ _ "VTlCEfiY ftirnlohed pouth front room near ct J-i car and cable , suitable for two gentlemcu. traa nongias st MO n * _ XT ICKIiY furnhhed rooms fpr rent , v ith Ixuril IN If desired. 710 N. 10th St. R ? ) 13 * MKW'imfuruMieil roouisiToE 17lh. WaiM . "Clou Hl'NT liirnlilied ro ms foroim or two .C gentlemen. IGOTi Dodge str S O TTIIJItNlSlinD front room , sultuUl-e tor two -T 1S3 Dodge st _ .1115 . ) H HKNT Nicely furnished roonw at Kil Dodge , tins , bath and furnace heat. ' & ( ) TT'OH HKNT Tivo nicely furnished front rooms Jou ground lloor , nt 2118 Hurt , for Hi per month , vt 1th board ft per v eek additional , 601 Ur.NT-3 rooms at Oil W'ool orth nve. ; J ; at til per month. UU ' ' hlt'eom'cni- HRN'r-FiiralslieA - rooms , - ences. A. Hospp.UiriN. 17th street. 4IH FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES. VEIIY cheap office rent for n physician , nest1 corner in the city. Address A. BS. Hee of. flee. . * F Ion HENT-A drug ftore bundlni ? in Dillcr , Neb. Address S. Clark , DIUer , Nob. 1O3 lb flOR 1 HENT-0 business rooms , 1515 . pOR RENT Store room reasonable. 1513 1 DodgoBt , . 7U7 10 FOH KENT Two rooms , 44x06 , where Bteam power can be obtained. Enquire of * Snin'l lees , itecs Printing Co. , 1019 Howard st. 740 TjlOH HENT Second floor , 44x70 , good loea- -I. tlon. Enquire ot A. J. Simpson , 14U1I ) edge st. 750 FOU HENT Store nnd 0-rot > ms over good stand tor drug or feed store. Leo' & N'lchol , cor. USth and Lo.ivenworth. ( Uo mj R RENT OQlco room 3 , f renzer block.GOO GOO il HENT-OtBco In Arlington block , 112.00. Inquire of elevator boy. 4SO TJKMFitENT Desirable olflco space , or desk Jroom , nt 152 ] Farnam St. , OdelUJros. & Co. , 004 TT10K HENT Front onico. Arlington block. JP Apply C. C. Valentine. 131ft Dodge. * K4 TT1OH HENT-Offires on Farnam st. nt IO to $ . JL1 per month. Ono olllco furnished. 1013 Kur- uam. 300 RENTAL AGENCIES. GREGORY , F. L. . Rental agent , 309 S 10th st. * 8 SPECIAL attention given to renting houses , furnished nnd unfurnished rooms , List with us. W. M. llairls. over ' X > H. 16th Bt. 301 LIST houses , stores and Hats for rent with II. 15 , Cole , n. e. cor. 15th and Douglas. 598-29 RENTAL Agency List your houses for rout Vt 1th Odell liros. & Co. , 1523 Faruam st. 004 F OK HKNT If you wish to rent a house call on Ueuiwa & Co. , 15th at. , opposite P. O. FOR RENT ROOMS UNFURNISHED. TJ10H HENT 3 unfurnlsheil rooms , 2812 Lea- JL1 vomtorth , Ola , 18 FOR HENT G convenient chambers for house , keeping to n man and wife without chil dren ; i ! blocks from postolllce ; < 119 N. 17th bt. 1K4 15 * TTIOH HENT- JD Two (2) ( ) rooms. No. 1814 Howard st I 8 00 Three (3) ( ) looms , No. 1015 north 3)th ) St. . . 15.00 Three(3) ( ) rooms. No. 1020 north21stst. . . 11.00 Three (3) ( ) room cottage,21st and Paul st. 12.50 Three (3) ( ) roomsNo. 112J north 21st St. . . 11.00 Three (3) ( ) rooms , No. 1410 Pierce st 10.(0 Thieo r.l ) rooms , No. 1112 south 7th st. . . . ll.W Three (3) ( ) rooms , No. 703 Pnclflcst 12.60 Four (1) ( ) elegant rooms all modern con veniences , 1702 Webster st T35 FOR RENT MISCELANEOUS. PAUM for rent , well Improved , 10 miles from Omaha , 2.W acres , mostly grass. Low cash rent. J. H. Quo. 1013 N. 10th St. . Omaha. JC519r , RENT-Darn , 1921 Chicago st. 713 PERSONAL. iJEHSONAI/ Private homo forlaales liming coutlnement , strictly confidential. Infants adopted. Address E 42 , Ileo ollice. C37ml3j PERSONAL Tf the man who peddled horse radish on Orchard hill and Prospect hill Inst week would call nt Thomas Erickson's , Douglas nnd Sixteenth streets , he will learn something to his advantage. Any patron of the Hee who knows this man will oblige by calling his atten tion to this notice. 949 13 * PERSONAL The person that enticed the black Newfoundland dog , about eight months old , from 51K North 14th Ht. , last Thurs day afternoon , better return the same and save further trouble. U27 14 * M R. Kd DeWrlght : See Peyton as soon as con venient. 823 13 * DRESSMAKERS InvestlRRte the KollogR French Tailor System of drcsscuttingtRood wapes and travelliiB expenses to ladies out ot employment. Call or address for treatise on drehscutting free. Mine. Kelloug , Hotel Esmond , Omaha. 765fl7 * PERSONAL Ureat fortune teller Just ar rived , the young .Madame C. L. Lament , the great ustroloKlst , will remain 30 daysi has trav eled through the principal parts of Europe ; tells past , present and future in person or by letter , w ill bring back the parted husband or lover , no matter if they be ten thousaml miles away ; they will return to you in BO many days ; will tell you wnether your lover be false or true ; will guarantee to settle family quarrels to perfect tails faction : can alsocuusu speedy marriages ; has charms ( or good luck which will cause par ties to be successful in any kind of busi ness and prevent your lo&a in any kind of business you m y undertake , breaks evil inlluence , and brings good luck to all who may try this lucky charm ; can'give lucky numbers in lottery drawings ; cau glvo uest of reference In regalil to above statement. I vt as presented with an elegant cold medal in Denver , Colo. , for my great my business. , I have the natural gift of telling the pait , present and future. Aly grandmother before. me Was aUo a great lutrologlot. Parties asking Information by letter must enclose * l to ensure answer. I have a fine pre paration for the complexion , w h Ich keeps It Hinooth and fair , aud prevents premature wrin kles. Also a line hair tonic , which preserve * ) , the natural color of the hair aud ; prevont3 it from falling out. . v > 1 Ladles who are In trouble call and see mo tat once. All business confidential. Olllce hours , 10 a. in. to U p. m. Madame C. L. Lament , No. 1810 California streetbetween 18Ui and IDth sis. , ' Omaha , Neb. 157flB * Wanted information"of a man PKHBONAL peddling horse redlsll in Orchard Hill and Omaha View last week. Leave information mation at Erickson'8 shoe shop. ISth and Doug las. . , - : 018- LOST. " * ' 1. . * > T O8T Somewhere between Morse's dry goods JLJ store and 6th f-t. , a small silver watch. and uold fob chain , with the name- Addle ( A Stephen in side of case. Leave at lice office and-rrrclvo reward. IU3 LOST-Hlack horse , star in forehead , ono hind foot v % hlte. about six years old. Howard for return. Owen Haley , nearCatholic cemetery , South Omaha. ' - ' 877 18J FOUND. TPAKEN up a gray horse , Bhoi-Wall , weight J. UDO , about 10 } ears old' . Paris rtve. stre t cur barn. . . 83317 * FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. OR BALK-Atold military bridge barn , S50B Cumings Ht. , 20 head ot fine Iowa driving and working horses which we will sell1 cheap. Come and examine our block' O. L. Walker aud F. F. Pumphrey. 8t > M5 TOOR exchange , Omaha city lots for stocks of 4- ' merchandise ; also , will exchange Umahu Harb Wire and Nebraska Telephone Co , stock , for real estate. Moite & Hruner , 1605 Faruam stu 8W 1J , T710HISALE Some fine young marcs and stal- X1 lions , nt for road or track. Address u , Gibson , York. Neb. ttij in 7 * 'ETIOll exchange Finn Nebraska farms , for J- stocks of general mdao. J , A. Hergcr , Long I'lne. Neb. 3211 a > WHEN you have anything whatever to ex < change go to II , K. Cole , N , E. corner 15th and Douglas. 1HM 11 " \\TANTHDMIooa tarms in exchange for TT Omaha property , C. C. Spotswood. 005V4 816th. 3H OU SALE 20nhirta of capital stock in the Uoodrlch lodge No. 1411. O. O. V. The face value of which Is fexi , will sell for 1150. Inquire Geo. UerlluuhQil at Meudelteohn , FUlier * Law- rte. 851 13 1ILACK8MITH shop for sale , lias one torso , or tools without Blioufor sale. Apjly t < j Ww. Utiboli , Hluo UIU , Webster Co , Nb. TTOH THADK A gooibrjonn stock of general Jmerrhandl'p for young cattle or horses. Address W. F. Htlle.s. UlyMes , Nob. ' TV3 It Ij OH BALK licasflnoirV'and barn on Doug- L1 las bet 17th and Ifthjlnqulro Mover * Knap- ke. 14tt' . llHrnoy. , ? vl _ 171 Fill 8ALB-At a barrfilh WJ feet of shelvlnjr , 3i ) feet of counters and. ono ice chest , suit able for grocery store. Etnlhlrt ) at 612 s. loth St. H 7.13. TJXHtSALr or RonV Civil and mining eniflu- .L eer's business , ofnci"aud Instruments in Sin.ltian couuty , Colorado * . J. \Vannemakcr , I.'r0a Cass. jjf 5 > tU ! * _ _ FOR 8ALF.-3 good hoiw ? , 710 N. 18th st. ' * _ KUlf' / SALV1 One thonsiyfl cords of wood In JL' car load lots. Orders , from brickyard men nnd others solicited. I'roiihu attention given. Address - dress I ) . C. McDonald. Hartley Iowa. I'M ! ai FOR SAL1 ! 19.421 namesof farmers and tax payers In the state of Nebraska ; 4/JU7 names or farmer * and taxpayers in lona. A rnra chnuce for ailvertLsera sending out clrcu- ars. Address , 1.V. . Hnghei. f . ' 4 S. nth Bt , Omaha , Nob. ' 739 15" MISCELLANEOUS. rPIIE banlo taught as ail art by Goo. F , Gellon- JL beck. KV ) Harney st. ISi Fl1E only cook book is Silver Creek Coal. 213 814111 , Jeff W. Hertford. 7U4 29 H. . . . , . - can tradu with you. Write for . list. 008 14 Jll. HMITH , the expert bookkeeper , gives instructions in bookkeeping nnd assists lu procuring situations. Itoomo4 , Itamgo block. 1. II..JOHNSON , cistern builder , wells bored C and dug. 4UU N UOth st. . Omaha. Neb. 609 mcliSl * On Time Household Fair. THE The great Durgnln house. To housekeepers. Wo nro bound to show you that wo can EBVO vou money In prices. Parlor suits , Clmmbefsets , lied spi Ings bed mnttrasse * . Folding beds , sldo boards , carpets , Tables , chairs , mirrors , pictures , ounces , commodes , tetes. Divans , rockers , curtains , stoves. Tmwaro , crockery , glassware , lamps. Houses furnished complete on Easy payments I Kasy payments I Ea y payments 1 Easy payments I 'rices the lowest. Call and see Prices the lowest. Call and see MK and 004 south 13th gtrcnt. Corner Jackson , No connection with any other house. 644 STORAGE. NEW YORK Storage Co. have most extensive facilities for storage of furniture , pianos , buggies , general merchandise , west of New York. Cash advances to any amount ; ware house receipts given ; goods insured ; brick Jnnldlng fire-proof ; special arrangements for commission merchants. Call New York Storage Co. , Capitol are and N , 15th st. , Uennetfi block. WANTED-TO BUY. WANTED We have a purchaser for a lot wltu elegant U-10 room house , centrally located. Paulseu & Co. , 1511 Farnam st. room B. 045 1U WANTED Wehavecustomers who want to buy houses nnd lots , and cannot suit. I.lst your property with us. Co-operatlvo Land A : Lot Co , 3X1N 10th st. 3 IB 1POT cash for furniture , stoves , housohol 5 goods at 117 North 16th st Orff&Co. 183ti WANTfcD-To buy snort wine paper , J. W. Gross , at O. B. Muyho'3 office , 15th and Harney. tog * B CLAIRVdTYANT. MRS. DUIlANT ClairVoyant from Boston ; reliable In all airalrfrjof life ; unites sep arated lovers. 35 ! N. loth ) fl street , room 1. OJlml DR. NANNIE V. Wan n , clairvoyant. Med ical , business and test medium. Diagnosis : free. Female diseases a specialty. 119 N. 10th sUHooms2&3. Tol.044fi 301 MONEY TO , LOAN. MONEY Loaned on real estate , cash on hand. II. W. Huntress , IMiJiFarnarn t. For Sale. New live-room house and full lot , only fc.tOO Will take good llrst mortgage notes in payment. II. > Vrrlluutress , IWU Far nam st. U- , 01010 * . KYl To loan , short'tline. 1st mortgage > er bought. MaiUV' & King , room' ! ) , ' Crelghton block. 911 ' MONEY to Loan Omaha real estate and farms. Mortgages bought. Odell Hros. & Co. , 1C23 Farnam. KM HE. COLE loans money on improved city or farm piopcrty. Room U Continental block. , uua ( I" OANS wanted on good , productive real es- -U tate security 3 and 5 years time , optional payments and favorable terms and rates. Kim ball , Champ Ac Byan , U. 8. National bank build j Ing. C4J IT * THE Falrbank Investment Co. , organized with ample capital , makes loans on horses , wagons , furniture , pianos , aud other personal property or collateral. Deal with responsible parties. Apply at their olllce , 215 South llth street , up-stairs. 418 MONEY to loan on improved city property nt lowest rates. Cash on hand. First mort gages negotiated. E. F. Beaver , room 15 , cham ber of commerce. " 91 MONEY to loan on furniture , horses , wagons , etc. , or on any approved security. Low rates. J. W. Hobblns , HI13 Farnam. 8H6 f 81 M VONEY to loan. Notes ana tt. H. ticket , bought and sold. A. Forinan , 213 3 13th sts 'Mu TITONEY to loan on Improved real estate. ; no 1T-L commission charged. Learltt Uurnham , room 1 , Crelyuton block. 3HQ S HORT time loans maae on any available ' security , in reasonable amounts. Secured notes boupnt , sold or exchanged. General financial business of any kind transacted promptly , quietly and .fairly at the Omaha Fi nancial Kxcbanice. N. W. cor. , loth and Har- noy sts. , overstate National band. Corbett. manager SOI MONEV to loan 1 can now place some flrst class city loans Immediately. Call At once if you desire to bo accommodated. D. V. Hholes , room 1 Uarkor block , entrance in alloy. CG8 MONEY To loan. Lowest rates. No delay J. L. Rico & Co. , over Commercial Na tional bank U75 " \1ONEY to Loan On furniture , pianos , J.TJL wagons , or other personal property without removal ; also on collateral security. Business contldoutlal. Chan. 11. Jacobs , 0 8. 15th st , U30 OANS made on real estate and mrirtRages -i bought. Luwls S. Rued & Co. , li-'l Farnurn. 377 a 500,000 To loan on Omaha city property at 8 P percent. Q. W.layS. E. cor. Ex.Hid. 373 MONEY to Loan fly the undersigned , who has the omly properly organized loan agency in Omaha. Loans of 110 to 1100 made on furniture , pianos , organs , horses , wrgons , ma chinery , etc. , without removal. No delays. All bualnobs strictly confidential. Loans so made that any part can be paid atany tune , each pay ment reducing the cost pro rata. Advances made on flnn watches aud"Jdlamonds. Persona should carefully consider who they are dealing with , aa many new concomp are dally coming Into existence. Should you need money call and see me. W. R. Croft , roe 4 WlthueU building , Ifith and Harner.a IW'J MONET to Loan-O. F.'f ) yl Co. . real estate and loan agents , ISOB'yarnam ' st. 370 MUNEYtoloan , casn'oB hand , no delay. J. . W. and K. L. 8mlreT14I3 Farnam st. Paxton - ton hotel building. ! o 37:3 : LOANS made on real oatft'to. ' Cash on hand. W.M. Harris over 2iM8.'llith st. 373 8. HISHEE loans money on 'real estate Hamgep'lil'g. * - 789 16 * 500.000 to loan on city 'ah'd farm real estate. Linahanic 1ahoneyrlW7K Faruam utreut. tint 810 6 PER CENT Money. * ; Patterson tc Fawcett fsrh and Harney. 37 6 MONEY LOANED at O.ift Keeci & Co.'s Loan Ofllce. on furniture , puinos , horses , wagons , personal property of all kinds , and all other ar ticles ofttlue without removal , ill * B. 13tb , over Hlngham'ii commLsslon store.- All busi ness strictly conftdentUL 370 , TVTONEY loaned on furnuurn. pianos , organs , J.TJL horaex. etc , low rates.J. . J. Wilkinson * Co. , 1J24 Farnam , over Uurllnuton ticket offlca. 381 BUSINESS CHANCES. "P AHTI US having bankrupt stock for sale , or JL persons who wish to cloko nut their stocks T710H BALB-Drug stock. AJI nne location aa X' them U In tne city. Clean Block. Invoke about 17,000. Fartcakh. Part in good real es tate or secured notea. JI.A. Uptoa & .Oo. MtU st , opp. Chamber ot Commerce. _ 451 TJWR BALB-Lumber and coal biulneu. Not . . ? Dt y 'n ' twenty as convenient or aa welliocated. doing a good buslnes * . Address J. W. Quackenbush , Greenwood. Neb. FOR SALE Photograph cnr doing n big busi ness. Hlij bargain. For further partlcu- lars address w.J. _ Koon. Rising City , Neb. 6iU-17 LOOK this up A real estate , loan , rollectlon and Insurance lm lne < s for sale , w 1th n complete net of abstract books of Scward couuty , Neb. , correct and written up to date , pares , desks , olllce furniture , etc , aud will "bo sold cheap. 1 his Is a snap for a good llvo attor ney. County scat. Address Hamlln lr ! < > 4. , 8evrnrdNcb. KU ll'J _ SPLKNDro business optttng , 'M room hotel , located In best town west of Omaha. Ad dress Honday It Halderman. room D and U Mich- cltdn blk , Ofrind Island. Neb. _ ? 40 S5t "fjlOK SALE OrrontMcrcliHton Ranch , beail- JL1 tlfnllysltuatoaiu the fertile valley of the Loup , wltliln 5 nillfs of Fullerton , the county Mat of Nance county , Nebraska , and 1 mlle of postolllcu. Thl well-known lanch has been spoc- lally laid out for dtockralslngand general farm- Inc and chullirlses ftlOaores ; kw under culth atlon. balance in pasture and hay land ; COO ai-rcs being under fence. 2 large luittlo utied ? , feed yards , S banurtlthgrnnajlpit , carpenter shop , harness room , 2. windmills ( t geared ) , 5 wells , scales , 3 watf rl.inics i3.tvith heating apparatus ) , conxtant supply of llving'water from Plum creek and the Loupnflver , 2commodious dwolllntf houses , one Httualed lik the midst of a flue orchard ; pri vate sido-truok. nn.tbe O. N. & II. Hy , with c\ery facility for handlluit stock. ; good hog buying point. Stock , implementa , etc. . may be had at n valuation. For fiirtherpartlrulars apply per- Fonnllyqr by letter to the owner , E. C. Millar , Wcstgord. Nob. X33 14 caiman. Apply at once to J. it. Lamar , liixl UU 13 T7IOH 9ALK rirst-class Hoarding house near JL1 1 * . O rooms all occupied ; good cause for Belling. JC Vt Ileo olllce. 153K5gg < FOR EXCHANGE. H . COM ! wants equity in houses and lots In exchange for farms. Wi 14 / ILEAK lots to exehauco for tnrms or equities W in houses and lots. it. E. Cole , N , E. cor. 15th and Douglas. 007 21 FOH SALE Or trade , merchadlso and good laud. 151J Dodge st. 797 IB \\TANTKD Omaha property to trade forgood > T lands. Special attention given to trading. C. L. llrown , Fionzer lllock. 6C8 ' FOH Exchange Hou eandlot 1 block from Kountze place , for ono or twg good horses. llnlnnceon easy terms. Hamilton llros. , 408 So. 18th st. CW 10 * TNSIDE city property in exchange for fnrms J- or lands. J. A. llelstaud , Arlington block. T710H SALE Ortrade , land and town property JL1 in Nebraska , Kansas and Colorado. Horses , cattle and storks of merchandise wanted. Coiro- xpondcuce solicited. T. A. English tV Co. , York , Nub. 715 m b * T HAVE for trndo Improved farm In Cass Co. , J- near Plattsmouth , will trade for Improved Inside property. Address MIW , Hoe office. 083 WANTED StocKs of merchandise to ox- change for lands nml cttysrooerty ! C. C. Bpotswood.ao5Ms.imD. a3 W'ANTED Stock of groceries , dry goods , clothing or boots and shoos In exchange for Omaha property or farms. Schleslnger Itroa. , 014 S. 10th st. Kj-rtt TJIOR Exchange. It you hare farms or lands to J cell or trade send for our descriptive blanks. Jf yon have any kind of property to sell or ex change , list It with us ; wo can furnish you a customer. S. 8. Campbell & G. W. llorvoy , 31U Hoard of Trade Omaha 38J THAU MS , lands , lots , utc. ' , to exchange for Jgood ! inside. Improved or unimproved lots , will assume encumbrances. W. J , Paul , icoa Faruam. -3 ! H.E , COLE wants horses to trade. . 698-15 WANTED Houses and lots to exchange for impiovod and unlmpround lauds in Ne braska and Iowa. Charles C. Spotswood. : B. inth. 385 NEIIHASKAana Kansas farms to oxrhaugo for Iowa and Colorado lands , and vied versa. Co-Operative Land and Lot Co. , U05 N IGth st. 091 H.E. . COLE wants cattle to trade. . 6IW-16 ABSTRAGTS OF TITLE. BENSON Ac CAHMICHAEL furnish complete and guaranteed abstracts of title to any real estate in Omaha and. Douglas county upon ohort notice. The most complete sot of abstract books in the city. No. 1519 Furnani st. : )85 MIDLAND Guarantee and Trust Co. . 1505 Farnam street Complete abstracts fur nished , and titles to real entata "tiamlned , per fected and ouaranteed. TOR8ALE-REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE The cheapest lot in Omaha , lot 10 block 17 , Ilanscom place , facing park , half block from two street car lines. S-.NXJ , one third cash. Addresn J. N. , 1213 W abash ave. , Chicago. 111. IHS-li' SIOItNEH lot on Iznrd st. Track In alley. J. \J L. Rice is Co. D18-1B FOR BALE We will sell 10 acres close to the city , choice of the addition near to the Junction of two railroads and handy to factories at an especial bargain for a few days , suitable for platting into 18 beautiful lots aud every one just right for grade. Woodbridgo Hros , uper > " " " ' Louse. al'8 1& CAUNDEH8 street , 03 foot front on paved C3 street , $1.000 less than Vt hat Is asked .for pi op- crty surrounding it. J. L. Rice & Co. 018,18 SNAPS , snaps , snaps In South Omaha. M choice inside lots at great bargains. 20 lots in .letter's add , 3 blocks from stock yards , only UOO each , $100 cash. T o choice residence properties , beautiful location , T and 10 room houses. Planing mill with good cuglno and necessary machinery. Lease , furniture and complete fixtures of a 15 room hotel , doing llrst class business. Also money to loan on chattels and long tlmo , real estate socially in South Omulm , ut reason able rates ; and lire insurance taken In the Hrltlsh American , one of the oldest and most reliable companies. Come and see us. Ander son tc Cook , South Omaha. BK2 14 1 APITOL avenue lot. Bet llth and 15th streets. Bee J.L. Rice. 018-18 TJ1OR BALE or Trade Full lot on Farnam St. , -I ? ono block from paving and street cars. Price ri.000. Equity SI.OUO. Two one-fourth sections Dne school land In Kossuth county , Iowa. One-sixth interest in an addition tn South Omaha , free ot encumbrance , for good western' farm land , clear , or not heavily encumbered , or good Omahu property. Good Insldn business property , free of on- cumbrancp , for'good house and lot in north city. 8. A. Uloinaa , rooms ! nnd23 , Rirtof oilman building , cor. Fnrnum and Uth sts. FARNAM street bargain , 41 feet front near corner Twenty-fourth , with a4,0uo Improve ment , see J.L. Uiuu & Co. - 9JK , 1H $ l1fiOO buysi you aw home on easy payments - mentsDon't , miss It. H. E. Cole , north east corner 15th and Douglas Bt. 'TACKSON HUee'tlot. ' See J. L. Rico & Co. J . > ' 813-18 $ J0. . Easy.torms. IJuy n beautiful lot tn easy walking distance of U. P.shops. II. E. Cole , north-east comer l.Mh and Douglas st. , . Wfc-10 1OH Hancora placet improved property , bee 1 JLHlce Co ; " ) . . - 1 , 18 - 1ST property for nalo or exchange with II. E , LJ. Cote. n. ev tor. 15th und Douglas. 09S-15 H AUNKt"sreef { Corner. Bee J. L. Rice 4 Co. V1S-18 F1 I OR SALE-House and lot In Walnut Hill. Easy payments.-P. A. Gavin , sole agent. . . ' - ' ' - 447 Mch It fllO lUV ! , trade , sell , fent or exchange. r.eo J. JL . .lllce & Co. , . WS < , 18 T70U SALE or exchange , Omaha property and tfarmsinrmerrlMndlsc , horses , etc. Hollies- Ingerllros , . 014 a. 10th st. VM-Kt JON153 aua mil st. corner. See J. L. Rice & Co. 018-18 17VOH SALK-.T 'o be t loU in Mount Pleasant X1 addition , ono corner ; can be divided and make throe east front lots. Make olfer : must be ( .old in few days . A Sy.'llee office. BJ7 CHOICE rcsldencejots opposite Kountz place , only a few Ipit. J , L. Hlce & Co. , f > olu agi-fats/ ' ui j , 18 _ I1IANPLE South Omaha property exclu sively , and if you wish to buy , sell or trade a bargain call. D. D. Umeaton , Barker block. , _ mo /"IIIICAQO Street , full lot bet llth and 12th st. > Bale or rade. J. L. Rice It Co. U1S-18 LOT 5 , block B , West Curnlng ; fine cost1 front lot MixIUj ft. lies only H block from Metio- polltan Cable route on California St. , and a bar ain at 1750 : very ea y terms. F , K. Darling , TTIOR SALH. EXCHANGE OR IlKNT-Elghty J- acre farm , good improvements and plenty of fruit. U mites from Houth Omaha. ParrUh ie Flnlayoon , N Btreet , Buuth Omaha , UlH ) J L. RICE 4 CO. , Real Estate. ! J15 TTWU BALE-Cheap If old at once , ft nice coU X1 ttgeiaiul a saloon building , Incinlre at N. K. Cpr. of Cumins ana IBthsts. tc. 11J L. R1CJI * CO , HMl KitaM. A 0 OOD Investment. Head It-340 ncmi almut - tV4 miles from MocVyrd on IK * M. R. II. . 15 minutes from Omaha , good soil and can all he cultivated. Fenced with barbed wire , living spring , 4 acres of grove. Itlllo range Is now lo cated near bv , with prospect ot locating Fort Omaha In that vicinity.I can offer you this laud at ( UO per ncro for n short time , small In- cumbranro ilitfl on u'r before fi yenrx. Also In llollevun near the BIIOVP , 1 hou 7 rooms and 6 lota with fruit trees , price f 1,9)0 ) , clear. 1 brick house 9 rooms , with 4 lots , barn , Ice house , xhcds , etc. , now Iea ed for a dairy farm with 71 ! acres of the aliove land for I8W ) u year nnd one-half taxes , price , $ lWO. * 1 house3rooms and 7 lot.v ivntixl tor $310 per yenr , price , IKW. I Hack walnut grove about house" , also fruit trees. Adjacent propeity is hcldut tlWto Mil ) per aero , and advertised as being a bargnlu. I am authorized to accept desirable property as part paymi'nt4 balance on favorable terms. Investigate this and you w 1111 ueo that It Is a bargain neldom offered. .T , H , Watts , solo agent , Chamber ot Com merce , i , B40 U /1L11TON place bargains north Hanscom \J place'J choice lots uu laaim street , sale or ra-Je. J.L. Rico XtM. yiB , 13 F OH SALE-I/jt 5 blk 8 A. S. Patricks ad ; will sell for few day * at11,500 , CJO ctxsh , bal. easy. 8.46 leq olllce. 017 HAWLEY House , North PlattoNcb. . for sale. On account of the death ot my w If a 1 w ill sell the property rtn easy terms. Address John Haw ley , North Plattc. Neb. 773mii * FOR SALE ICO acrrs of land toiir miles from stock yards , at ll-j par aero ; this is a bar- gain. McL'qgue. Ojlp. I * , p. W TjlOR 8Al.i-Now : S-story house , full lot , 1 JL1 block from street cars , small payment , bal ance monthly. To Exchange Corner lot near llrownoll hall for lotiu Hanscom lHucolll pay cash dllter- ciice. ICO acre Kansas farm for house and lot In Omaha. 320 acres land , clear , In lown , for Omaha prop erty. lo-room house and Slols 2 blocks from street cars , for farm and $1,000 cash. 6US-arro Improved farm lu Hamilton county. Nob. , for Hale cheap or trade for Improved Omaha property. Chas. 11. Woollcy , 418 8 : 15th st. 844 15 IN South Omaha there arc three houses for sale at i'MO , t'Xa nud louo each , mnall pay ment dow n , balance monthly or to suit. 1) . I ) . Smeaton. Haiker block , Omaha. < Vi2 L RICE & CO. . Heal Estate. S15 EMSFICKNEY & CO. maico a specialty of .property in North Omaha , for sale or rout at Citizens' iMtik. ' . ' 4 < W Cumlnfi st. 3-W - best lots in Hlllsldo No. 1 , Just across street from Yatos' new residenco. Make oiler ; any reasonable propo sition will be entertained for few days ; must n-ll. A 30Hco olllce. 007 L. ItlCU & CO. , Real Estate. S15 M He Sold Payment coming duo on n lot 11 blocks from new U. P depot , Bouth ) mulm , price $ I,2.V ) , requires { 250 cuah. 1) . D. Smeaton , Darker block. C51 J.L. . RICE & CO. , Real Estate. 15 Notice of Incorporation. Whom U May Concern : Notice is hereby JL given that "The Hee Hulldlng Company has Died in the olllco of the county clerk of Douglas county * Nebraska , articles of Incorpor ation. The pilnclpal place ot transacting its business is at Omaha , lu Douglas couuty and state ot Nebraska. The general nature ot its business Is to acquire , own , hold , lease , mortgage , sell and convey renl estnte , erect buildings and Improve ments upon the same , for renting such real estate , &c. Thu amount of capital stock authorized is JWH.OUO. ten per cent of which to bo paid nt the time of subscribing for the same , and the re mainder as required by the board of directors. The coiporatiou commenced January 15th , A. D. 1SSS , and will terminate the 16th day of Jon- TnVhiehest ainount of indebtedness or liabil ity to which the corporation shall nt any tlmo subject itself is two-thirds of the capital stock Issued. The business affairs of the corporation nro to bo conducted by n board of directors of llvo members who shall select from tholr number a president , socrcury aud treasurer. EllWAHD ItOSnWATCU , MAX MKYEII , OKI ) . II. TZSCHUCK , DIWNO T/.SCIIUCK. llKNHVA. IlASKKT.r , . THE RAILWAY TIME TABLES , OMAHA * I > cnvo Arrive Omaha. Omaha. UNION PACIFIC. Depot 10th and Jlarcy sts. Paclnc Express 900 ; p. m , 7:50 : a. m , Limited Express 12:20 : p. in , 2:55 : p. m Local Express 6UO : p. m , 12:25 : p. in 'Except ' Sunday. HURL1NOTON ROUTE. Depot 10th and Mason sts. Chicago Express , Nos 2 * 1 8:45 : p. m , 0:05 : a. m , Chicago Mall PnO : a. m. 7p. : . m , Chicago Local ( l:4 : < > p , m , 10:22 : n. m. Denver Express 0:15 : a. in. 3:30 : p. m Denver Mail 8:00 p. m , 0:40 : n. m , California Mall , 10:3. : > a. m. C > :45 : p. m , Kansas City Day Express. U:00 : a. in. 0:55 : p. m Kansas City night express Hf)0 ; p. m , 7:01) : ) n. m , C.St. P. M.&O. Depot Ifithand Webster st Sioux City & Hl'k Hills Ex 10:40 : a.m , 2:50 : p , m , Huncroft Express 1:10 : p.m. Ui)3 : a. m , _ * Except Suiulay. , . . . . . . MISSOUIlT PACIFIC. Depot 15th nnd Webster bt Day Express 10:45 : a. in , fV : ! > a. m Night Express :20 : p. m 5:30 : p. ni P. E. * M. V. R. H. Depot 16th and Webster st Hastings .V Hl'k Hills Pas 10 :55 : n. m , 1:15 : p. m , Norfolk Pobsenger , 6:45 : p. ill 10:4' : ) u. m , SUBUKIJAN IIIAINS. Running betwt-fcn Council Hlnfts and Albright In addition to the stations mentioned , trains stop at Twentieth and Twenty-fourth streets and at the Summit lu Omaha. "Westward. UroaiV Trans Omaha Shoely. South Al way. fer. Depot. Omaha bright. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M.oo r > :45 : 5:51 : : oo 0:0- : 0:17 : 0:30 : 0:37 : 6:50 8:5. : ' 0:55 : tK : ( 7:1ft 7'22 7i5 : : 7:4 ( 7:4 : 7:52 : 8:05 : 8:12 : 8:2. : , 8:45 : 8:5-J : :05 : 0:12 : 0:25 : i > ! : k ! ) : ote 10U ; > 10:12 : 10:21 : 10:3 : 10:45 : 10K : ! 11:03 : 11:12 : 11:23 : ' 11:45 : 11:52 : P.MV P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. I'.JI. 12:12 : 12S5 : 12.k : 12:45 : 12:52 : 1:05 : 1:12 : Ji'i 1:45 : 1:52 : 5:05 : 2:12 : 2:25 : iV : 3:05 : 3:12 : 3fi : 4:05 : 1:1 : 1:1 : 6:06 : ' r > : ! 2 fiiSi 5:3C : 6:4 : fir : > 0OT : > 0:12 : fl:2.- : > 6:30 : i:4 : 6:52 : 7:05 : 7U : 7Z : ; 7:3 : < 7:4' ' 7:52 : 8:05 : 8:1- : fi- : : . ] 8 : 8:45 : 8:52 : 11:05 : 0:12 : fioS 0:30 : U:4J : 0. & ! 10:05 : 10:12 : } oS ! 10:3C : ar.ll:0.- : 10:3CW 10:45 : 10:52 lv.ll:30f : 11:4S : W South Sheely. Omaha Trans- Uroad brlght. Omaha. depot. fer. way. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M.1 A. M C:45i : 6:0- : : . 6:2 : } U:3J. : 6:43 : 6:5 : 7:00 : 7:05' : 7:15 7:15' TtfJ 7:1 : 7:50 : 7:55 8:07 : 8:15 : is8 8:50 : HW : ,0:07 : 9:15 0:50 : 0:55. : 10:07 : 10:15 : , loiS ) 10:3 : 10:50 111:55 : 11U7 11:15 Mil 11:50 : 11:55 rtt. I' . M. P.M. r. M 1 * . M. I * . M. 12U/Z 12:11 : Kai 12:50 : 12:55 : 1:07 1:15 : Tm 1:3 : } 1:50 1:55 : 2107 2:15 : 2:50 : 2:65 : , 3 : 3:15 : 3i- : ; ! 3:50 3:55 : 1:07 1:15 : 4U : : 1:50 4:55 607 5:15 : C33 ; 6:3- : > 5:50 : tM flin : 0:15 0:23 : 6H : > fl-X : ) 6:55 : 7:07 : 7:15 : 7:28 7:3 : > 7:5 : < l 7:55 : 8:07. : 8:15 : H:2f ) 8r : : > 8:50 : 8:55 : ff:07 9:15 : 9:3-i : inu ) : 0:55 : 10:07 : 10:11 : 'iol-js' ' ' lori : 10:50 10.V5 : mat' 11 : U 11U 11:55 11:61) : 12:15am : COUNCIL' BfjUPFS. Leave. . ' Arrive. CHICAOO , HOCK ISLAND i 1'ACIFIC. A No. 14 lOOp.-m.D : | No. 1 10150 n , m H No.2 6:10p.m. : A'No , M..iJlinu. in , O No. 020n.'m.C ; : > p , m A No.l. . . . 9:10a. : m.lA No.8 7iUp ; , m. C1I1CAOO. HUHLINOTON It , gUINCY. 0 No.8 : & I ) :4'a. : ' ) m. A No.l U:10n.nii : A No. 15,10ixi : n. m. O'No.H l.2 : ! 0 No,7. . . . . A No.e 7OUj : > . m , A No. 3 7UOp.ju , CHICAUO * NORTHWESTERN. A No.fl 9:40a. : m.lA No.3. . . , , . Bjl.ln. m. A No.8 lUp.m. : A No.7..11:30n. : m. A No.l l Up.m.lA. 7Up. : ) m. CHIC AGO , MILWAUKKU Ic BT. PAUL. A No. B 0:40 : a. m.A | No. 6..11:30 : a. m. A No.6 lOOp.n : .lA Ko.U : KANSAS CITY BT.JOK & COUNCIL IILUFF3. A No.2 0 l .m.A | No.3 0:35a. : m. A No , 1 , iOp.ra.A ] | No.l 0UOp.m. : SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC. A No. 10 7OTa. : m.A | No.9. . . . . 8:55a. : in. A No.12 7OOp.m.A : | No. 11 BjWp.ra. OMAHA tc 8T. LOUIS. A No. 8 JJilOp. m.A | Mo.I .IIUKSp.m. A dallyt U daily exc p 8 t | O dally xc i4 Bun. : D except MOD.I lITart Malli llBUt ai W 111 wobabijr chiag * to i.-igy. . Who U WKAK. NERVOI'N , DriUMTA- TEI > .whnlnhlifOI.I.YnndiaNOKAN4'K ha9TRirLF.I wkT lili VHJOKof IIUUT , MINI * and MANIIOOD.randngexhKUittnx dwlns upon the of e. IlF.ADAt'lir , IIACKAflir , Drrtdful Drenmi , WEAKNF.S.H of Momi.rr , 1IANII. FUI.NEN % In HOriRTT. flMI'I.E ! * upon tli * PACE , nd all the Kt'l'ErrN lendlnc to KAHI.Y urCAT ind | K > rhaii ( ! O. > Nlim > . TION or INSANITY , ihould coiinill at once the CELEBRATED Dr. CUfke , KjUhlllllod IKM. Dr. Ulnrkn h i raiide NEItVOllH 1 > E. niMTY. C'UHONH ) ami all llscaso of tha UENITO ITRIKARY Orcmni * I. Ifo H'nily. It makes NO dlfli-renro 1VIIAT jrou iftro taken or WHO lias fulled to rure you. liar to their lex cau eoniult with the atsurance ot ipeedy rellof and cure. Bend 2 cenU poitag * for worki on your dlicasti. O-Sond 4 ccnU pot RO for Work > on Chronic. Kervonajind cat * Dlswwcs. ConmiltRtion , tierional'y or by , letter , free. Consult the old Doctor. Tbouiaad * ar I. OMcrnd nitrlom private. tfThote coutempUtliiR MarrliKO end for Dr. Clnrke'a celebrated guide Mule and Femnli * . each He. , both 2 c , ( stampR ) , Itefora confiding your ca o , coniull Dr. CLARKE. A friendly letter or rail may lave Aiture lufleringand thamp , and add e6ldiQ yean to life.Book I.lf % (8ecr ( t ) Er- rom , " 60o. ( itamp * ) . Medicine and writing ! tent every where , secure from xpo ur . HoutB,8to8 : Sundnjs , otoiz. Addrcsi , F. t > . OLABKB , M. D. 180 So. Olork SU OBIOAQO , ILL. iT ijncj/n | ' \lr IdoKd nauuiiui ua U. S. DEPOSITORY , OMAHA , 1TED. Paid Up Capital , - $28OOOfl Surplvis , - OO.OOd H.w. YATF.s.rrMmVnt. LEWIH S. Kiii.o , Vlce-1'resldent. A. K. TOU/.AI.IN. 2nd Vlce-1'reslrtent. W. 11. S. lluaiirs , Cushlot IllllUCTOIISi \V. V. Mou i : , JOHN 8. COI.UNS , II. W. YATK4. I.KW IS S. HKhD , A. K. TOU/.U.IN. BANK , Cor. 12th and Faruam Sts. A General Dunking Huslness Transacted. into I > ttUCQCAlXTID WITB Tn OIOOXiTBT Or TITH OOUMZBT W1U. lit DT UUMlMlNa IU1 tUf TBAT Till CHICAGO , ROCK ISLAND&PJCIFIC RAILWAY By r non of IU c n ril po ltlox co relation to llnM Eut of Chl BO , and oontlnJJUl tln i at UnulnU point * Wet , Northw it and 8oathw it , It In * tni | middle link In that tranicontlncntai n/itrm whkU Inrltej and facilitate ! traral and trafflo betwttn the AUantlo and 1'aclflg. Th * Rock Iiland malnllnanlbranoh ilneladCbl' C KO. Jolict , Ottawa , LaSalla , Fiorla , Oen ito , Molin and Koek Iiland , In llllnolii Dartnport , Muicatlnt , Wmhington , Valrfltld , Ottoman , Oikalooia , WdtLlb- rty.Io > ra City , D ikolnciInlli > aol , Wlnt r et , Allan. Uo , Knoirillo , Auilubon , Rarlan , QuthrU Centrt ani Cuancll Illufft , la lowai Oallatln , Trenton , Cameron and Kaniai Cltj , In Ulnourll Loai.nwortli and Atchlion , In Kaniaii Albert La , Mlnnenpolll and jt. I'aul , lu Minnesota i Watertown and Sioux K ll. ! l Pakota , and hundred ! of Intermediate ) cltlei and town * . ' . 'The Great Rook Island Route" * OnaranUci npe d , comfort , certalntr and fafetf. fU permanint war U dlitlnculihrd ( or IU irellcne * . IU brldgei are of iton * and Iron. Iti track It of folld tetl.ltt rolling itock perfect. Itipa engtr ulpmn bai all the intetjnpplUtcei that eiperlcncehupror 4 Biefal. and for luxnrioat accommodation ! li w caned. Iti Eipreit Tralni eonilit of tuperlor Coschet , clef ant Pullman Falac * Parlor and BlMp Can , iuperb Dining Cart , prorldlng deUclonl meall , and ( between Chleao and St. Joieph , Atchlion ana Kaniai Cltj ) mtfut KMllnlnl Chair Can. Its n * * > atrement la eotuorratlTa , IU dliclpUn * ( xuttng "The Famous Albert Lea Rowre" netwMD Chlcaro and MlnneapolU and St. Pa. * It th * f aTorlt * . Orer thli Un * Bolld Fail Cipreil Tralu run dally to attraotlie reiorti for toirliU U Iowa and Ulnnciota , and , Tla Watertown and Blouz Talll , to Ui rlcb-whtat and graitnf landt ot Interior Dakota. Tla Bineca and Xaukakee , the Rock Iiland often tiperlor Inducement ! to trarelert between Cincinnati , I dlaa * apolli. Lafayett * and Council Bluffl. St. Joieph. Atohl- ton , Learenworth , Xaniat City , Bt. Paul , and Interme diate point ! . All patron ! ( eipwlatlr ladlet and enll * dren ) receive protection , conrteey and kindly atteatlo * . For ticket ! , rnnpe , folden , coplee of Weitirn Trail , or any rteilred Information , apply to principal offloee la Uu United BtaUit and Canada , or addren , at Chleafo , ' . R. CASH , I . ST. JOM. f . A. HIlltaBI , din. TU.r4M. Aft . THJ OF TUB Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul R'y. ' The Best Route from Omaha and Council Bluffs to - = = = THE EAST = = - ffWO TRAINS DAILY UKTWKRN OMAHA ANU COUNCIL ULUtrra Chicago , AND Mllrrankcp , St. Paul , Minneapolis , Cedar Rapid * , Rock Island , Frcoport , Rockford , Clinton , Bubuqne , Darcnport , Elgin , Bladlsoti , JanesTlHc , Bclolt , Whionn , La Crossc , And all othtr lport nt point * But , Nortbeait and Southeast. Forthroaih ticket * o II on tba ticket a < ent at 14tl f arnum itreet , la Paxton lloul , or at Uoloa .rRn nenl Munnger. J. V. TUCK Kit , Aiilttunt Oonnr l Hintgcr. A. V. H. CAIU'KNTKU , U u r l ratMUfW anl OKO. if. l"riAKKonD , Autitant Genual Mil Ticket Aa nt. J. T. CLAHK. Qinerai BuptrlnUnaant. TH CHICAOO AN * NorthWestern - Western Railway Short Line , Omaha , Council Bluffs And Chicago , ' > & * * . ? ! ? take for ae * . MarltUlowfi. CJar Hapldi , Clluton , Dtxon , Cblcaio , Mllwaukou and all poluta ent. To the people of Nebruka. Coif rado. Wromlnc , Utah , Idahn. NtTada , OrigonVa h- tngton and California , It offer * tnpailor adraatagii * or t poMlile bjr ailr other Hue. Among a few of the uumorooi point * of fnperlorUy njortd tor Uio patroni of UiU rpad b tw n Dinah * ana Cblrano , aru lu two traila day of IAT COACII < KH , willed arc the Onvit that Bumai ' ' un 11H. bniu'rpafMd br any . "and Iti wldtlr eelcbratod I'AIJATI IIINUK/OAlU , I qual ot which cannot b I JOUBJ licwher * . At Coun- ell lilutrt the tratna of t ' llnlou I'aciao nail war. COIK nect la nnlon depot wltu lho of the Chicago * Northwestern llr. In Chlrago the trmln * of tblalln * pake oloiu coouectloa wlttilbox of all other vattoru lines. ror Ditrolt , Colarabnt. Inaianapolli , CtnclnnaU , Niagara > 'alli , Duffalo. I'lttiau , Toronto , M nlreaJ , lloiton , Hew York , PnllartnlpbU , BaHlmora , W ibM - M ( D , and all polati la U vut , uk lot a Ucktt Tla "NORTHWESTERN. " t aeco'mmodaUon. Alt llcktt aiaU 0. nutau GO. , u VIM iM K