Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 14, 1888, Page 5, Image 5

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Ignoring ovqry nile net down in their charter ,
nnd they should bo called off , . . . .
Mr. Her iwkod , if a tncfctlng Was to be hold ,
uliould it not bo under the aUBplccs ol luo
citizen * nnd not tlio board of t rudo.
Mr. Ilnscwntcr replied that it mattered
little who fathered or fostered it. The
subject wasonoUmt interested every cm-
* cn nnd tax payer. , ,
Mr. Nason again moved that n meetlnc beheld
hold next Saturday night at Urn same phico
to discuss matters pcrtalnlni ? to nubile im
provements. etc. , to which tlio cm/ens iind
Uix-iiaycrs or the city bo Invited. 'Ihe
motion was unanimously carried.
JIo In form H the Court Tlmt lie Won't
Btny Out All NlKht.
William KclfT , the hack drix-crclmrRcd with
BteullnK a KoM watch from tlio pockuta of a
mnn in the saloon of Charley Hltfglns , on
1/onRlas street lust December , toyed with the
tresses of his llttlo daughter and affection-
ntcly talked with liis wife In the district court
yesterday afternoon whllo his attorney
pleaded with the jury not to find him guilty
nnd County Attorney Sitneral mauo
us equally impressive niinealu for
his conviction. At flvo o'clock
.luilgo GrofI charred tlio Jury , and told them
that ho would wait for them an hour , as ho
thought that in that tltno llioy would bo
enabled to como to Homo understanding as to
tliflr verdict. Tlic.V filed out , and after the
lfiiiO ) of fifty minutes returned , and the fore
man stated that thov could not arrive
at an agreement mid that there was
no possibility of their reaching one.
The foreman asked that they bo
discharged. To this the Judge demurred.
nnd told them to go back to their dpllboral
tlons and stay out all night. These Instruc
tions wcro cxccpti'd to by ono of the Jurors ,
Who spoke up and said : "I'll not stay out al-
Iilght , " anil questioned the authority of the
court to compel him.
Judge Groft was evidently taken aback
jvith the Juryman's bold assertion , but said
nothing , and again put them under the care
nf a bailiff and sent thorn to their delibera
Personal I'nrnijrnplis.
John TJ. Means , of Grand Island , Neb. , is
nt the MilliuJ.
L. T. Itoss , of Hod Oak , la. , is at the Mil-
Frank Sharno , of Atkinson , Nob. , U attho
Mrs. D. D. Wade , of Lincoln , Neb. , is at
the Millard.
A. G. Collins , of Hebron , Neb. , is at the
Albert S. Cole , of Nebraska City , Nob. , is
tit the Millard.
Eo J. Morris and wife , of Green Rlvor , la. ,
are at the Millard.
The Hon. G. M. Lambcrton nnd wl/c , of
Lincoln , Nob. , uro at tlio Millard.
Judge Hopowell Is at the Millard.
A. G. Ewing , Clinton , Iowa , is at the Paxton -
ton ,
George W. Ostcrhout , of David City , Neb. ,
Is ut the Paxton.
Charles W. Poor , of Lincoln , Nob. , is at
tlio Paxton.
E. Tibblts , of Lincoln , Neb. , is at the Pax-
Dr. and Mrs. J. Gerth , Jr. . with Miss John-
eon , of Lincoln , Nob. , arc at tlio Paxton.
The Bucket Shop.
NEW YOUK , Jan. 18. The bucket shops
raided by police last Sunday are all open
ngain this morning , conducting business n ;
usual. _
Imw nnd Order.
To the Editor of the Omaha BEE : A
call is just issued for the sixth annual
meeting of the National Law and Ordot
League of the United States , to bo held
"at Philadelphia , on the 21st and ii-'nd ol
February next.
It is earnestly desired that this state
tnay bo well roprcsontod.
The National league embraces in its
membership a largo number of the best
men of tlio country , prominent foi
patriotism , philanthropy , morality , hu
manity nnd Christianity ; who are united
upon the broad principle of the enforce'
tnent of the laws ; and maintaining the
doctrine that the perpetuity of free
government depends on the supremacy
of the laws , ana the safety of the people
on their efllciontonforcemcnt.
They assemble upon the broad pint'
form of the Law and Order league , ask
ing only obedience to the laws ; sinking
all partisan and sectarian differences :
agreeing to disagree about all question :
ns to what laws would best accompli si
the suppression of the ovilb which it i ;
their aim to remove , but firmly unitct
in favor of upholding the laws nov
Btnnding on the statute books of the nn
t ion , and of the .several states , and o
compelling obedience to their provl
uions , while they remain the laws of tin
The specific object and work of the
league is to secure obedience to the lawi
enacted , to restrict and supprcsscss tlu
liquor trnlllc , to suppress gambling am
licentiousness , to prevent Sabbath dose
crotion , nnd all other olTcnsos again B
the woll-bolng of society , and for the
prevention of pauperism , insanity and
crime , produced by the sale of intoxicat
ing liquors. It aims also to encourage
tuid assist the authorities to enforce the
The league antagonizes the most powerful
orful and malignant enemies of bocia
order , of the state and of morality.
In furtherance of the work , request ii
tnado this year , ns it has been in pro
feeding years , that all clergymen of nl
denominations will speak upon the sub
jcct to their congregations , on the Sab
bath immediately preceding this anuua
tueeting ; and I uesiro , through youi
columns , to repeat this request to thi
clergymen of Nebraska.
All law and order leagues of the stati
ivi'O requested to send representatives t <
this national congress of law and ordei
workers ; and individuals not nssociatoi
with such leagues , but intorobtcd ii
puoh work , are cordially invited to at
Porspns desiring information concern
Ing the league , and those proposing ti
nttond the meeting at Philadelphia , an
requested to communicate with L. E
Dudley , secretary National Law nn <
Order league , -8 School street , Boston
Muss. T. H. LKAVITT ,
Vice Pros , for Nob. , Nat. L. and O
league of U. S.
A Shrewd Swindling Heheino.
Now York Telegnm : "Can anybod ;
change n $5 gold piece' ? " As a thin
nvcnuo conductor made this inquiry th
other night a , brawny passenger stooi
beside him waiting the reply. Nobod ;
could change the piece , and the pas
Eongcr said : "All right , give it to mo
I'll get out' and get it changed and tak
the next car. "
"Don't got off , " saldared-mouBtachci
young man in glasses ; ' 'let mo lend yoi
live cents. "
"But you don't know mo. No I'll geOff
Off : I havpn't far to go. "
"Nonsense , ' tald the red-moustachci
young man. "Sit down , there , I'v
| mld your faro. "
"Well , I'm over so much obliged t
you. "
"Don't speak of it ; I've been iu tha
fix myself/1
t "Delicate situation ? "
"Yes , hut likely to happen tonny one
This in bad weather for getting off an
Dn cars. "
"Then the two conversed ainicabl
Ull ho who had bcon obliged rose an
left the car , with an adieu and re no we
"I'll bet that that fellow hns mor
dimes and nickles in his pocket than
luivo , " said thu rod-moublachod youn
man to thu conductor ,
"What ? No ! " said the latter.
"Yos ; that's an old fnko. His S
piece is counterfeit , and ho wanted I
work it on you or EOIUU of the
J > ! tt-t * t ,
Llfo Scholarships Presented to Two
Blizzard Heroines ,
Contributions From Over the State A
Unique I/c al Document on the
"Age ofConient" Lmw
Lincoln News ,
frnoM THE nnn's LINCOLN
The fund that Sttito Superintendent
Lane la receiving from the schools in
ho Bttito for the relief of the touchers
> vho suffered In the storm is increasing.
Yoslerduy Mr. Lane' hud some 8300 on
land and the following now contribu-
ions wore received : From the state
normal schoolllio ; Pavvneo City board
f trade , $2o ; Edpar public schools , $11 ;
pupils of the ninth grade , Omaha high
chool5 ; Herbert Myrick , editor of
ho Farm and Home , Springfield , Mass. ,
! 1 for Miss Iloyeo. Prof. Furnlmin , of
.ho . state normal school , has olTorcd to
five Miss Freeman n full corn-so of in
struction in that school , board included.
The North Nebraska normal college , of
Madison , Neb. , has forwarded to Super-
"ntondent Lane two life scholarships for
Miss Royce and Lena Woebbecko. The
certificates state that the parties named
nave paid tuition in heroism from Feb
ruary 10 to the end of their lives. , and
are entitled to full college instruction ,
art , music , commercial studios and
short-hand. The btato superintendent
has received u letter from Valley
county reciting the good work in the
fitorm of two teachers , both of whom
have their postolllco at Vinton , Valley
county. Ono Mary Powell , whoso ago
's sixteen and who was teaching her
Irst term , staid with her children at
the school houbo until the fuel gave out ,
when she safely took them home , li
distance of a half mile. The other
teacher , Mrs. Jane Powell , took her
school a half mile facing the storm and
in keening the wraps around one child
froze her hand severely. When she
reached a place of safety she was so
exhausted as to bo unable to speak.
The Grant-Wright case , which
brought out Judge Morris' celebrated
decision on the ago of consent law passed
nt the last legislature , has boon appealed
to the supreme court. Yesterday JUdge
Miihon , who appears for the court below ,
filed his brief in the supreme court
which , to the court , will bo an interest
ing document. The brief goes over all
the points in this case and dwells
especially on the criminal code as
amended in regard- rage and the
ago of consent the point seeming to bo
whether the law arbitrarily btating that
a female under iifleen is a child , or
whether proof is.necessary that the per
son of such ago is yet a child. The
brief holds that proof is necessary , and
in commenting upon this point the leg
islature is discussed in tlio following
highly entertaining way. The brief
says : "Some things the legislature of
Nebraska can do. There are some
things it cannot. They cannot reverse
the laws of nature or the decrees of di
vine providence. They cannot make a
woman a female child , nor make the
child a woman. If she has reached the
period of lifo when nature puts on for
her the bloom of womanhood , she is a
woman whether the ago bo twelve , thir
teen or fifteen. Any other construction
than that insisted on in the court below ,
or that which is hereinafter contended
for , makes the statute a rape on nature ,
an absurdity , and brands the legislature
with the folly of attempting to instruct
God. "
At the secretary of state's office the
number of articles of incorporation
Hied during the past year have been
compiled , and they show both in num
bers and in the amount of capital stock
over double the amount filed the year
previous. Up to December 1887 , the
close of the year , on the record there
had boon fifed 225 raiscollnneons cor
porations , including banks , manufactur
ing companies , street railways , water
works companies , building associations ,
etc. These miscellaneous corporations
have in their combined capital stock
$54,000,000 , although in but few in
stances is the entire stock of a corpora
tion paid up in full. It is , however , u
great showing for now business in
Nebraska for a single year. During the
same year thirty-two railroads , real and
on paper , have filed articles of incor
poration , the combined capital
stock of these roads being fixed
at $71,1550,000. Some of these roads ,
which are branches of old roads previ
ously contracted , represent n largo cash
outlay , but by far the greater portion of
the $71,000,000 has boon expanded on
paper only. Another evidence of the
increase of both wealth and business in
the state is shown by the returns of
banks that are made annually to the
auditor of state. These returns show
for the year ending January 1 , 18S8 ,
that there are over seven hundred
banks in active business operation ,
against 420 reported for the year end
ing January 1 , 1887. There is a great
deal of practical worth in the showing
of the increase of banks for , unlike
many of the now corporations , they do
not exist on paper and , almost without
exception , their capital is largely paid
in. A compilation of the capital in
vested in the banks would show figures
representing a great deal of money.
The following notarial commissions
were issued from the governor's ofllco
yesterday : William A. liodino. Reed ,
Box Butte county Ralph A. Weslon ,
Alliance , Box Butte county ; Edgar S.
Bradley , Omalm ; John P. Broon ,
Omaha ; William Elmer , Gothenburg ,
Dawson-county ; S. S. Kauffmau , Goth
enburg , Dawson county ; David C. Van
Dorn , Plum Crook , Dawson county ;
Walter E. Price , Max , Dundy county ;
D. S. Hardin , Liberty , Gage ounty ; W ,
M. Ilulburt , Atkinson , Holt county ;
Richard Miller , Norfolk , Madison coun
ty ; Gilbert Mott , Lawrence , Nuckollf
county ; John A. Johnson , Holdredgo
Phelps county ; William McMann , Bo-
dare , Sioux -county ; Horloy F. Morton
Niota , York county ; J. H. Cowoll , York
York county.
Superintendent McCluskoy handeO
over $ -53.47 yesterday to the state super
intendent , funds collected at dilToron !
schools in the county for the heroine
fund. The teachers who have collected
these funds are Minnie J. Snraguo , A
B. Cooper , S. S. Huttcn , J. H. Spelts
E. II. S'app , J. S. Bner , Miss Alice
Flower , Lottie Cochrun , Florence
Baker , Edith Bowman , Minnia Sprnguo
Oscar Bowman , S. B. Hoover , Edith M
Maryland , Jennie Kathon , EvaCulter
Carrie Blizzard , Mattie Gilbert , Emmi
Bruce , S. B. Hoover , E. E. Bishop , E
II. Sapp , J , G. Soidoll and Surah Leiibe
The Hitchcock County bank filed ar
ticles of incorporation with the bccre
tnry of state yesterday. Place of bust
ness Culbortson , Hitchcock county. Th <
incorjiorators are : Aden D. King
Wesley G. Teruploton , John C. Bono
diet , John W. Wray , G. M. Daniels
irvr. . .
C. G. Crows , R. L. Perry , C. Arm
strong , jr. , W. C. Dullard and Q.V. .
Hunter. '
Nebraska Jotting * .
The. Loun City frlrls' kiss is nalil to bens
ns impressive ns tlio kick of u frolicsome
The Emmet Icho ! is silent. The local
postolllco failed to increase its rever
Brown county lias fourteen Replica
tions for divorces on the court ilockot.
Tlio crop oUlnmcslia jtu-s is pretty largo
for a young county.
The Syracuse poilolllce fight has de
veloped sulllclent bitterness to justify u
cull of btato troops to prevent possible
bloodshed. There are four candidates
in the Held.
Five hundred persons searched for the
remains of Mrs. Chandler , who wtvs lost
near Nordon in the Into blizzard , with
out success. The impression is that
wolves have devoured her.
The Running Water lyceum nfter four
hours' session , decided nlllnnntlvely
"That bli/.zardBnro inorobonollcialtlmn
lawyers. " Such clear cut wisdom rises
lilco incense to bless the founders of the
The Long Pine ttnglo is out of tune.
A local capitalist has plastered the con
cern with n mortgage , and as soon as the
Bugle noted his faults instead of his
beauties ho promptly hushed it with
The contract for the Paddock hotel
and opera house in Beatrice has been
let to a St. .loo linn for $ < i'J,850. ' This
sum is for the superstructure , without
the interior trimmings. The founda
tion has already bcon built.
The harmony of the Becmcr prohi
bition convention hist week was rudely
broken by the clink of the beer glass.
The meeting wrs hold in n hall over a
Miloon , and the privilege cost $1 per
hour. The deliberations , however ,
were spiritless.
Ex-Police Judge Parsons , of Lincoln ,
who precipitated the capital mayor and
aldermen into the Omalm "bastilo" and
worried them into national notoriety ,
has thrown his "shingle" to the breeze
in Grant , Koitli county. And "Grant
feels proud of her acquisition. "
A. L. Bixby , ox-editor of the Fullerton -
ton Journal , who hurried to Colorado
last fall and struck a mlnoof experience
minus cash 1ms returned to his old
homo in Manco county. Tlio reception
given him comprised un escort on foot
and two brass bands. His was the en
tree of a conqueror. The enthusiasm
illled him with joy , and in n few days
ho reciprocated by lit-ing" a now-born
the Uancn County Sentinel at the jieo-
plo. No other means was at hand to ex
press his sentiments and reach the sur
plus of the residents.
Iowa Items.
Bucna Vista county is receiving bids
for a now jail.
Messrs. D. C. Dunbar&Co.ofOmalia ,
are to do "Sioux City Illustrated. "
Missouri Valley hns secured a canning
factory and a sy&tom of waterworks.
During the year 1887 there wore 27fl
births in Shelby county , 70 deaths , and
5 marriage licenses issued.
The bachelors of Missouri Valley have
organized u protective society. The
movement draws unnecessary attention
to their ugliness.
The oitizoim of Northwood ofTor a re
ward of $1,000 for the apprehension and
conviction of the parties who fired part
of their town-a short time ago.
There are ninety-seven artesian well a
in successful operation in the territory.
The survey of the1 Manitoba line from
Aberdeen to Pierre is completed.
Pierre may expect the rood soon.
A number of tin discoveries have re
cently been made in the immediate
vicinity of Custer City , which bid fair
to rival any yet found in the Hills.
The Manitoba engineers will finish
their work on the Yankton end of the
line next week , and will then start from
Spring Valley for Hurley , Lennox and
Sioux Falls.
The Manitoba railroad bridge has
been completed , and rails will bo htid
at once. The bridge is i)00 ) feet long ,
and the only ono crossing the Missouri
north of Bismarck.
Licensed to AVcd.
The following marriage licenses wcro is
sued yesterday by Judge Shields :
William Ilelm , Omaha . , . 2 !
Mary Johnsnfcycr , Omaha . . ' . .2 :
John B. Conto , Omaha . 31
Emma S. Olscn , Omaha . S-
Thomas F. Cage , Omaha . 2
Minnie Hunnol , Omaha . K
Hugh McQuillan , Omaha . 3-
Ann Carey , Omalm . , . 2 ;
Daniel llyan , Omaha . 2 :
Katie Hogau , Omaha . 2-
Ed Martin , who has been detained at th <
county Jail for several weeks as a witness t <
appear against Lottio Mnlcombc , convicted ii
the district court a few days ago of stealing t
watch , was yesterday released , and from al
appearances enjoyed his freedom.
"Years have not seen and time shall
not see , " the people sit down quietly U
suitor pain , when enterprise can affort
such a panacea as Salvation Oil.
The old saying "opposition is the lif (
of business"1' has not been sustained it :
ono instance at least. Since the intro
duction of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup al'
other cough remedies have been deac
A cripple named Del Perkins was ar
rested ycbtcrday afternoon for stealing
u couple of salt cellars from a Sixteenth
street restaurant.
The approaches to the Center atrcoi
school are almost impassable , ns th <
sidewalks have been torn up and tlu
street recently graded. Parents im
unable to bond their children to tin
school , and complain that there mub
bo great negligence somewhere.
Charles Woingardner , who is said t <
bo a member of the lawless Cuminc
street gang , was fined $5 and costs yes'
tordny for viciously breaking a largt
pane of glass in a saloon. The polio
are determined to put a stop to the clop
redntions of this gu-ng who have bcon i
terror to the people of that neighbor
hood for sp long.
Frank Rush and Joe Rich , botl
drunk , while showing off the speed o
their horse on Capitol avenue , ran eve
nnd seriously hurt a little boy on tin
Twelfth street crossing. They won
both arrested , and aftdr spending several
oral hours behind the bars , wore cacl
taken before the police judge and cacl
fined 310 and costs.
"Toot" Nugent was arrested yesterday
day for stealing a shoo from a Dougla :
strcot shoo storo. Nugent plead guilt ;
to the chnrgo but said ho was drunk a
the time or ho would never have com
mitted sucli a crime. As he has here
tofora borne a good character the judgi
was dis | > oscd to bo lenient and instoai
of sending him to jail let him oil will
So and costs. .
Ituddy nnd Healthy.
Rinsing the mouth with SO/CODONT
after cleansing the tooth with it , renders
dors the gums if llaccid , palo and sons !
live , hard ruddy and strong. Of tin
beautifying action upon thu teeth o
this inimitable dentifrice , the world hu
known for thirty years.
The Boo'sHoroJuo Ftind Approaches
Nine Thousand Dollars.
The Iloll of Honor Stcntllly Increasing
Norfolk CltlzciiH Show Their
Appreciation of Devotion
Other Sections.
Good Work | nt Norfolk.
NOUFOLK , Neb. , Fob. 13. To the Editor of
ho DP.K : The citizens of Norfolk nro still
lolng good work In the interest of the
icroino fund. On Friday evening last the
3rclghton dramatic company , consisting of
Vs C. Ong , H. G. Hlalr , E. li. Bruce , Miss
da Sundcrlnnd , H. J. Klmbnll , Miss Miiltlo
ilcGonlgul , Joseph McCmin , Miss Llwlo
Crow , C. S. Hlalr , Miss vVitinio Hartley , H.
G. Corcll , Miss Albina Crow and E. D. Hliilr ,
all of Crolglrton , gave an entertainment at
'ho opera house hero in behalf of the Lolo
Joyce fund. The plcco , "Among the liroak-
irs , " was most admirably rendered. The
louse was crowded , and altogether it was
complete success , netting $48 for the fund.
H. F. Locke , proprietor of the Pucillu
louse , is unceasing in his efforts with the
raveling men's list , and it now foots up
over SiU Tins is also for the Hoyeo fund and
will probably bo sent in within n week or ten
lays. If the hotel proprietors in other towns
vould start a list mid keep it upon their reg-
stcr.s quite n fuud would cmeuato from this
Tlio action of the Uyn In behalf of Ne
braska's heroines is being most loudly com-
nended. Keep up the food work. Very re
spectfully , K.
Those AVlio Have Itccoffnlzcd Courage
nnd Devotion.
Amount previously reported f 1,852 07
E. U. Meudlmber's list H ) f > 0
Win. Jay , Euiporla , Kas 50 00
Trinity M. E. church. i 27 81) )
Posten , Nob. , list 23 50
"litizens of Howells and Cornlca ,
Neb 1925
Masonic lodge , Lincoln 10 00
Masonic chapter , Lincoln 10 00
Lincoln list 1000
U. P. sheet iron shops 9 75
Latter Day Saints'chapel 8 50
Pupils Irani night school 5 'M
11. E. Longneckor. St. Joe 4 80
Citizens Yutan , Neb 7 00
Mrs. Folton and Mrs. Vanllorn's
social 9 10
.TohnF.Daloy 1 00
First Christian church , Omaha 15 00
Painting department U. P. car shops 17 50
HlackRiniths and helpers U. P. shop 15 00
Mrs. Winu's list 1500
Douglas county farmer 2 00
Minnie Uobbins und Lena Eidcs' list 7 15
Alice Howell's list 1300
Mnggio und Katie Sullivan 1 00
D.T.Scott 100
Cash 4 50
Machinists U. P. shops. , 17 SS
Frank H. Largo list. . . " , 1 87
Ninth street coach und'freight ( car
repairers ri 7 00
Poundry employes U. P ' shops 10 00
Omaha lodge IK-JO G. U. , O. O. F. . . . 2 50
Durant engine and hose 'company. . . 0 So
Postalclerks 30 00
Finance com. sleighing carnival. . . . 1000
Scribncr , Neb.list..v 41 50
M. E. church , Norfolk 51 85
Mrs. Swobo and Mrs. Williams $ 100 00
Scholars Sidney , Neb. , school 400
Fontanolle , Neb. , list.O ; 850
Gov. Jno. M. Thayer. . . , 5 00
Boarders at A. K. Hcnscl's 1 50
C. 11. Willard , Lincoln 80 00
Plumb Creek. Neb. , list1. 0 00
BallntHoldrcdgc.Nebj.t 21 00
Hep. Valley traveling men US 00
John Norton' Westboro ! , Mo 2 00
Josiah Peck f 50
Al tSlgwart and Tom Onnsby list. . . . 23 00
Total 13,003 37
Amt. previously reported $ 372 52
Cash 1 75
Hoof & Horn printers 3 85
Posten , Neb. , list 21 50
Latter Day Saints 2 50
Will lard Hone wa list 12 75
Sympathi/crs , . 3 10
Felton & Van Horn social 15 ! K )
J.F. Daley 50
First Christian church 5 00
Minnie and NoraTrovett 4 13
Painters U. P. shops 17.50
Blacksmiths and helpers U. P. shops 15 00
Madison. Neb. , list 10 00
Minnie ligbbins and LoimEides 7 15
Cash 50
Machinists U. P. shops 31 03
Locomotive carpenters U. P. shops. . 5 00
Coach und freight car rep irers 7 75
Foundry employes U. P 15 00
Omalm Lodge ! J-J2j. ( G. U. O. O. F. . . S 50
Durunt Eiu'ino and Hose Co 'J t5 !
Walter and Nina Swunson , Council
'Bluffs 8 3-i
Mrs. Swobo and Mrs. Williams' list 13 00
Boarders at Ball's , 27th und Leav-
enworUi 3 00
Painters' and decorators' union 21 50
Scholars Sidney , Nob. , school 207
Fontanclle , Nob.- , list 3 50
A. U. Hensal's boarders 200
Scholars , Arapahoo.Neb 13 00
Plum Creek , Neb. , list 0 00
Ball at Holdredgo 10 00
John Norton , Wcstboro , Mo 2 00
Josiah Peck , Wcstboro , Mo 50
Total $ (551 ( O'J
Amount previously reported $ 033 03
Trinity M. E. church 50
Posten , Neb. , list 3 00
H. E. Longncekor , St. Joe 4 80
Yutan. Neb , , list 5 50
Foundry , U. P. employes 50
Ball at Holdrodgo o 40
John Norton , Westboro , Mo . 1 00
Total $053 78
Previously rejwrted $ 81 50
South Omaha schools 20
Pupils Mimleu schools 11 00
Alice Howell 10
Maggie und Katie Sullivan 1 00
Holy Family school 2 33
Alir-oPratt 1 00
Total $ 93 33
The "nee" Fund.
The present condition of the funds opened
by the HKB is ns follows :
LoioUoyco 2,003 87
LenaWoobbecke fund. ' . ; Uol 01
Miiuiio Freeman ' . . ' C53 7i
Westphaleu monument" fuud 93 3'
Etta Shattuck ] | Jf 4,557 71
Grand total nr..1 $3,504 93
The Kttu Sliut'tiiek Funds.
The following is tho'condition of the Etta
Shattuck fund : 'I' ,
Previously rejwrted.\ \ ' | $4,510 21
Trinity M. E. church. . ! . ' . 50
H. A. Siienccr , Grand Junction , Col. 2 00
D. C. Harrison , Hluo Uapids , Kas. . . 1 00
U. P. machinists .1 3 00
W. Webster , Munroo , Npb 5 00
Total / f. $4,557 7 :
Bychocksont Miss Shattuck 3,752 0
By cash on hand ' . ' , 80570
Total , ' M.55T 71
Several lists of contributors have bcon
omitted from this issue owing to a lack o
space. Each , however , will bo published. I
your list does nut aj > i > ear in this Usuo it wll
bo published as soon as possible.
IjUt of Contributors.
The B ! B will acknowledge all rontrlbu
tions through these columns. All lists re
ceived , unless otherwise directed , will bo
published in full with the numo of every con
tributor. Thcsa lists will bo published as
soon after tnclr receipt as space will per
TWO MTTLE oini.s.
Minnie and Nona Trovott's list for the ben
cfit of llttlo Lena Woobbccke :
MmnioTievutt I : n Nona Trevctt 2o
Adelaide Iloeikoll , .jMrs.Treon lu
Mury Drage , 10 Mrs. leo iu
Frank Ilrunlug. . GO Mra.l ) . Gilbert. . . M
I.B. W
ToUl 1413
tr. r , snors.
The following In the contributions of the
employe , * of the Union Pacific uiitchlno shop ;
C. Cheny < 0,0. , Mnahan
David Knox NIC. Ponton ta
U.Mnrlejr BO 0. Coplojr ta
11. lilnckham WiF. , Kefloy. taM
lLKl < naer Krenzer. . . M
T. F. llofmnn SV.1. Hnttleld * i
J.S.Onvls noH. Hhyn ino
K. Daratlry Wl.O.L. lllrst 60
.1.1 , . Flanagan , . . . Si 11. Chullmnn. . . . . . . CO
J.dhec SVA. McArdlo 25
Il.Thorpn W l . llrldel Wl
.1.11. llnllnlinn. . , . 1 COM. Ubrlno 25
M. Sullivan . . . ; , . 25.11. Uohlnson. . 2ft
11. C. I.lebon Ml'J. ' Wotnwn
Win. McCrmn 25.1. Sheridan 25
Wm. Cunning 2.VO. I'.Chubbuck. . . . ta
A. WIKsn tti.J. F. lloulovler. . . . 25
C. Wllllnms Si A.Htreltveler 25tt
1' . Hnezlet 55.1. II. Snndberg. . . . ! tt
II. Loved 2n J. W. Whltmanh. CO
II. Hirst 1 on M. Faloy COM
H.M. wilmct t * , noo. irmtt , . * * * M
i : . II. Dully . ! ljoellntfleld. . . . <
II. ClirUtenscu. . . . W\V. , Klnzel ta
A.liny 23 Win. Ilrown . lee
.1. llnrnelt i : . Dunn .
K. Ilruwor W. II. KlilrliHlgo. . . 85
c. inimit WJJ.Pmltt . taM
J , Mnthlesen ttl.H. Miner . M
Al , A. lar.iou 2.1 John Hnrst . M )
( J. 1'eterxon M.I. Sclilrmer . W
J. Hwlubtiru 2&lDiin Uaucy . do
It. Carpenter S 50IMward | Illcholleu 1 00
1'i'tur J , Pagan 1 IX ) Joseph llnnnoy. . . 1 W )
T. 1' . U'lirlcn . . . . 1 OOdeorgeKlllott. ' . . . IPO
.1 limns WINon. . . 1 W.lnmvH 11. Young. ta
Dai Id Shields. . . rn'J. ' ll.Sheeler taw
W. McDonald. . . C. Miller , GO
11.11. Kirbv nn'.lnmes ' Wright. . . . 2.f
Harry Illbtlnd. . . . W ) Dun Kennedy.
I' . Linger , Wl W. llolmn.
J. Kay fiu'J. ' Sullivan
M..1. O'Connell. . . M.W. Chndwlck
.1 , Hnveiienmp M'Lcw ' llurko
Dun Urnn riOTlios.Treulierth. .
Clms. Mullhnll M ) James (1 ooder. , . .
I'.J.Cnrroll W Thos. Hurry
Ed. Kllllou W ) W. Uormnn
A.Snvder M.I. Dnuphton
MJohn RiitKht
W. Olawimi ! ' . ! ! ! ! ! ! Wl"i" ! Ilolnm'ier ! " . ' ! . ' ! !
Klmmell Wl.lamesll.Crnndcl.
Joseph Foashoo. . . . CO AllenMcLoarlc. . .
1'hll. Smith Wi'.lohiiKfnally '
Dun Dlnnu S.i Win. Tieney
Itobert Sketnhloy. , Ml'nt O'Connor's. . .
fiOJohu Hourly
C. Clii-lstmnRaii ! ! ! ! WITho-i. King
Dentils O'Hoiley. . . l-11'nt Kennedy
It. L. Itnmsey 1 ( U.ll. Morton ,
.Ins. Hltchlo WCfin. Hnckloy
/ohn Llildlll WITlios.aentleinnn.
It. A. Kaiser HO
M.liurns CO Totnl Wl 50
UAH in
By the Ninth street Coach and Freight
Car Repairers , for the bonclit of Miss Uoyco
and the orphan girl , Lena Wocbbeeko :
Lester Klnley $ 1 NVJohn Nelson 8 Wl
Krnnk r.mkcns , . . . 1 0).loo ) Cover
JI.O.Holmcs 1 tKUt.lIell
.1.11. r.mkens. . . . 1 00 Iliirney McKevltt.
'Hios. ( VDonnell. . . 1 00 John O'Neill
Thos. II , Murphy. . WLnrs Mnrtls
.1. K. ( lllllgnn WJ A. Anderson
John Sknnko Wl 1'atrlck Dnlcy -i
Jos. L. Adcoefc. . . . Wl'nt ! McCuno 2. ' >
W. J. Stncey WI.I.A.Slindlierg. . . . Wl
Lnrs. C. Camp . . . . W ) Lewis A. Wobb. . . . 1
HenrvMaher W ) Tlios. Kelly ta
K.J. Johnston. . . . no
U.lteistcrcr 60 ] Total 11175
The following are thu contributions of the
Union Pacific shops :
Jnmes Manning. . . * 1 O1) ) Frank Lewis 9 W )
JohuK Cotley. . . . 1U.lames ) Mallty. . . . 26
John McDermott. 100A. I'unrnon 25
John H. Wills 1 CO Hobt. Itoblnson. . 25
John Logan 1 OOiWm. Lindner
M. W. Kennedy. . . 1 00 John McKinnn. . . .
lloburt Atz. W ) W H. Macbeth. . . .
T. F. LOUR 50 KraiiH
W. Mnrley Taylor 50 Clms. Newhouser.
Anton Nobler. 50 8nm Clemson
A. II. Dort 50 Ohns. Lomerlnc. . .
11. D. Ostrom . . . Wll . ( nines Manning. . . 1 01
Henry Hirst 50 Ilonry Hirst Wl
W. II. Ilurstall. . . . 50 M.C. HobcrU 50
Houry Vanduson. W ) T. A. Kempton. . . JiO
A. II. Ilennevlor. . 50 Kdw Troy 20
J. V. Whalen no ! Wm. Goodsell. . . iifi
W. P. Nuttcnt. . . . 61) Geo. Klaus
A. C. Murphy 50.1. C. Mnhonoy. . . . 60
James Cossravo. . WA. llawllzer 1 00
Trunk Hleoenuers 50 U. Hurley 60
Vul Sorensen . . . . 50
Union Pacific shops , Omaha.
M. 8. McKiltrick. . ! 60 J. F. Fink
.T. II. Murphy ITi'.Joo ' Miller
II. ( J. llutler no'EtlwCoyle ' , Jr 25
A. S. Leslie nOi'lhomas J. Caskoy
P. 1'eterson 50Tlioinas , Gogglu. . .
M. Sullivan 2.VU. F. Coons.
M. V. Connor 50
U. S. Colvln Total J 5 00
P. McK\oy 25
of the Union Pacirlc railroad :
P. Clemenson $ 1 ( XIWm. 11iompson. . . $ 1 00
JohnUuef 1 CiOPatrlclc | Klemlng. . 50W
Thos. Precious. . . . 1 00HonryK. | Leeder. . W )
John llrovrnlte. . . . 60 Tom llrlartey 50
Oco.Tuthy 1 00 Wm. Itobert on. . . 50
Win. Hodgetts. . . . 1 00 A. Metzler 50
James White 1 00 J. H. Marsters W
W. P. Malojoy. . . . 1 ttl A. ] ' . Hurtung 1 00
J. Nyere COJAndrew Peacock. . 1 00
Dan Colbert. W ) . ( > . F. Gewlnnor. . . 50
C. Haynies 50 Jnmes McCabe. . . . 26
J. McDonald 50 G list Loedor. fa
JohnStipberg. . . . 21 Sam Dutsou 50
II. llrower 50Chns. , Gnomes. . . .
Thos. Tlghe 50 Tim Dolan . 25W
John P. Mullen. . . fiO.IM Wlckstrom. . . . W )
A. J. llrcnuau , . . . . 503. Johnson no
A. Kilday 85 11111 Lnlloy 25
John llonles nfl ( , ' . M. Wallace 50
Jerry Mullen 60 Henry Solben none
M. Murtagh nO.Chas. . Henry no
Tfios. Johnson. . . . nOhnH. Klonung. . . . 25
John O'Conncll. . . nO.C. Hrewer. 50
T. II. McMilllen. . . , . . . . . . i ilrailr. . . . . . Ji'i
C. J. Diamond W ) James Chonlti 25
Mlk Douglas no'John ' Campbell. . . . 33
John Wallace mum smith
J. A. llonulvlerc. . no
Kil Cell 25 Total $3000
James Moylau. . . . 25
A Social.
OMAHA , Feb. 10. To the Editor of the
BKE : Herewith find eheck for 825 , result of
last oveiiiug's social , given by Mrs. M. M.
Van Homo and Mr3. S. 1C. Felton , at the
residence of the latter , at Orchard Hill. The
musical and literary programme , while not
elaborate , was very complete nnd rendered
In n manner that gave entire satisfaction ,
making the occasion ono of real enjoyment
to all present , who Join in assuring both you
and the Misses lloyco und Woobbecko that
the contributions herewith are coupled with
their kindest wishes and sympathy for the
young ladies , and utmost respect for the
editor of the BISK in his untiring efforts in
behalf of the unfortunates. Herewith list of
contributors :
M. M. Van llorno.l 1 00 Mrs. J. Kpeneter. . 50
Mrs. M. il. Van 8. K. return 100
Horn 1 03 Mrs. 8. K. Fulton. 100T
Coroyell I ft ) MlssMcCumber. . . T >
Mrs , Coreyell 1 008. W.Wilson fO
Mrs.J. H.Vlomlng 50 Miss Free 85
W. A. Gardner. . . . W ) Miss Kvn 1'rco 20
II. D. Neelcy 1 W ) Mrs. Mnnu 2T
K. A. Ityley ta Miss Hamilton. . . . 26
Dr. McKean 1 ffliMlss Carter
Mrs. S. U. Btagg. . . 1 OO.Sovural items c sn 1U5
Fred It. Felton. . . . W ) Misses Ilohn mid
Ooo. filioemakcr. . ! W Grnnt 1 no
Wm. Wilitou W ) Mrs. Wm. Stlno. . . 1 OJ
11.8.1'helps nOTowneend&Co. . . . 100
Laura 50 M. M. lllley 60
It. M.Taylor 1 00
John Kpeneter , . . . 1 00 Total ! iOO
O. A. Lindipjest , N. Cline , C. Ilonstrom. J.
Green , A. W. Alsan , G. Hcrg and H. Gun-
dorson left yesterday at 10 o'clock to at
tend the golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. N.
P. Remington , in Washington county , In
this state.
proven la mllllonooi
lionioHtor morn than a quarter nf a century , li
Is used by the United bfates Government. Kn-
dorscdby the heads of Ihe Great Universities us
the Strongent , Purest und moit Healthful. Dr
Price's Cream llaklns 1'owder does nnt contain
Ammonia , Ume or Alum. Hold only In caiiH.
And Establish to His Satisfaclioii-All
tlicFacls ,
The Keport Was Proven Tru Hovonil
a Doubt In JJvciy 1'nrtluulnr by
i'artlcs Principally Interested.
In search of Information concerning mi nllpRfil
omnrkiible event happened In tun K mon < l
Hotel , rorncrof Sixteenth atul Webster ts. the
reporter made his way to tlmtplnco and met thu
engineer , Mr. KIIKCIIO Mather. lio. It Imil been
reported , was closely connected with tlio event.
" 1 understand ) on \ \ ere wry near do ith's door ,
Mr. Mnthor , " olxcrvod the writer. "UnitVIIH
rue , " win the roply.ound , nffr n moment's
hoiiKht , ho concliuUil Unit liu woultl 1 > o nllllng
0 Klvo for publication all the fuels connected
with the e\ent.
"To begin nt the bediming " "Well , I can't
say Just w hen my trouble oihilnnted , but It wiw
something ever two yearsugothat I llrst noticed
nero or less litip.ilrmont of the appetite ; iia-siu'ii
nnd vomiting 11 lliuid cnntnliilnK bile and hour
water. 1 would have an uneasiness or illatross
n my Htomnch. mid my bowels \\ora very much
constipated , My toiiKiio was coated nnd I luul n
litter taste ntiil my breath WHSery olVenalve.
1 would take cold easy and of recent j ears was
uilijcct to n p.ilu In the frontal region of my
lead. My cjnti'tiniico would lrt' < | ticiitl ) * havn n.
sallow appearance , nnd I foltmoroorloss bllloiH
nil the time , with a burning sen-wllon or a feel-
ni ! of hoit In the pilot my stomach , which was
bensatlve to Jura or shocks.
"How lung dlil you nay ypu were lu this con
dition ? "
"Oh a peed while , PC veil or night years at lenst ,
and It was constant , sometimes Morse that
others. Ibecamoiediiredlnhealthiind Mreuuth
and at times would feel low-spirited and uos-
ixnulent. with no ambition or energy. Then my
mental facult'os failed mo , and It was with the
Krintt it dllllcvlty I toiilduet my thoughts con
centrated on ( inn subject lon enough to inuko
any explanation I desired to Impart to any other
, > erson , Tnko It altogo her , I was In a bad way.
Uy f-tonitu'li at Units was In such a condition
hat It would scarcely retain anv fooil whatever.
Sleep didn't seem to do mo much cood.nnd In the
morning I would feel IIH If 1 hadn't slept at all
more tlicd than I was when I went to bed the
nlnht befuit' . What sleep I did have was niton-
( led by some of the most horrible dreams 0110
could ImnKlne. "
"CJU you tell mo how It began ? "
"No. not exactly. My trouble seemed slight a
first , and I think w as caused by a cold , and I had
no Idea that It was Rolngto ttroaten my life , because -
cause I paid no attention to the cold , liy and by
I found my nose would stopup. first on one side ,
then on the other , and ilnally both sldesowould
bo plugged up at the same time. I boiun to liuvo
Midden attacks of dizziness ; especially would
this bo the case when I would btoop down and
then rl up quickly. I found that the mucus
would drop from the back part of my nose Into
my throat and thutI think , caused the trouble
In my stomach. At times I would ralso consld-
nblophUicm. 1 WUH nick anyway and was al
most an Invalid for a time , and 1 suppose that
tliB fear that my lungs were affected made mo
still more despondent and gloomy than 1 other
wise would have been. "
"And the remarkable event "
"Is my recovery. That Is what I am plad to
tell you about , because I think It Is of interest to
thn people to know that there Is a euro for such
a disease. About two months mo I visited and
placed myself under Dr. McCoy's treatment.
You can see the resultsjor yourself. 1 began to
Improve at once , and consulted to Improve right
along until today I feel as much like a now man
as the dtllureiico between daylight and dark
ness. "
"J can. " continued Mr. Mathor.'say thre Is
no doubt In my mind but that Dr. MtCoy.stieat-
mcnt l.s both practical and scientific , and that
and that every promise ho makes to his patients
are fully and tlulthfully curried out on his part. "
Mr , Mather , as above stated , can be found at
the Ksmond hotel , corner Slxteenh and Weh'-tor
sts. , where he will corroborate the above. The
doctor respectfully Invites the public to Invest
igate the truthfulness of the statements he pub
lishes from week to week In the dally papers.
But the Proposition Is "Wo Hare
Done It. "
One of the local dallies not long since had the
following : That Dr.McCoy's olllces are both day
and evening thronged with patients has been a
matterof Mil prise to some , who mark the fact
that although hi ) advertises , his advertisements
are charactoilscd by no alluilng promises or
guarantees. They had oxpettid. doubtless , that
his course would bo similar to that pnrsued by
the advertising quack : that ho would promise
to cure everything right and left , ana after
making a few hundred dollars leave the town.
On the contrary , ho has not promised , but per
formed. From out of the hundreds that ho Is
treating the statement of one patient has baen
given each week for the past eight monthu-a
statement to the elluct that a complete cure had
been effected by Dr. McCoy's treatment.
Those who huro made these statements have
not been obscure or unknown. In many cases
they have been well-known people , standing es
pecially high In the community.Thelr statements
liavo been voluntary and the inquiry they olkltud
show R that they becumo muttera of general In
Some time since aladjrsald : "I would like very
much to use Dr. McCoy's treatment , but nm
afraid to consult for fear he would publish my
name. " Now , to nil such persons let the writer
hereoiijr that Dr. McCoy does not publish any
person s name without ( list asking and obtain
ing the person's consent. Again , he does not
publish one-tenth or ono-hundreth part of his
cates. iior the letters from his grateful patients
whom ho has treated. Dr.McCoy publishes a
few statements of ttasis treated by him. He
lets his work speak for Itself. No one need bo
afiald of the doctor's publishing his name with
out llrst asking ami obtaining his consent.
That Dr. McCoy and his associates are perma
nently located in the Itnmgo I Hock , Omaha ,
Is assuied from the facts that their loose and
contracts aio made by the year. During this
coM weather persons are more or less troubled
\flth colds , which should bo promptly attended
to. Consultation at the olllco or an opinion by
mall is ( inly $1. The doctor furnishes all medi
cines to his patients , thus avoiding the expense
of having prescriptions nlled at the drug stores ,
All letters should be addressed to Dr. J.
Cro up McCoy , Itooms ail ) and nil Itamgo
llloik , Omaha , Nebraska , and to Insure an an
swer should be accompanied by four cents lu
The Plain Truth.
When a person with a delicate constitution
has a tendency to catarrh or consumption
whether this tendency Is Inherited or results
from taking cold easily It Is noticeable that
that pel ton linarbiblv loses llesh nnd loses
strength , showing that the nutiltlou Is Inter
fered with.
In such a case the sufferer should atonrohe
placed under Inlhiemes that will lestore the de
fective nutrition and lead to invigorate the con
It Is to be remembered that In every case the
presence of catarrh Is un evidence of predispo
sition to consumption , and no matter how
slight the attack may be. It should be treated
with the gi eatest care , and the treutmt-nt should
bo continued until all traces of the catarrh Uuya
If the catarrh Is allowed to reach theitmall
en tubes in the lungs condition is Indt
cated by the spitting up of a yellow ninteilal-
then Immediate attention to the malady Is de
utaiided. or serious lung trouble w 111 rnsult.
Catarrh Is , nine tlme.s of ton , the cause that
produces consumption , and hence no one can
ntford to neglect a cnso of catarrh , how over
Blight. It Is easily cured If taken In tlinii ant
treated regularly and coriectly by a specialist
If left to Itself It is raiely cured without n
change of climate , but with each now cold it
gets moio and more tiouhlexome , extending al
w yg allttlrt deeper Into the hums , until ucnu
becomes dlllicult and bouttlmttd impossible.
Health is Wealth !
DM. n. ( ' . VlST | NFUVK ANII IlitAi ! *
HUNT , n Kunrnntcrd KiH'cltln for Hysteria ,
nmi. ConvulsloiH , Fits , Nenous .V-urnlRln ,
llt'iulnrlip. Ni-rviius I'mstmtlnn. rnn otl by the
Koof ok'ohnl or tobnrro , WiiVofiiliifKMentiil
llcpri'tslon , SottPiilngof the llrnln , mmltlngln
tisiitilty.und lending to mlvory.ilocny nnd dentil ,
' Age , llnrremio s. Loss of 1'om-t
U plthcr sex. Involuntary Ixvsei niul fpcrnin-
orrluvn cntispil bvover-rxcrtlon of thn brnln ,
M > lr-ulmso or ovcr-imlulgi'iu-o. Knch box ton-
Kins onn month's treatment. fl. < * > n box , or six
IMJXM fur&UM , Kent by mnll prepaid on receipt
of prlre.
To euro nny case. With each order rerclx ed liv
is fur MX liotn * . nrrompiinled with $ .VW , wn will
send thn purchitser our written mmniutce to ro
tund the money If the treiitnietit ( loot not effect ,
iiMirt ) . ( luiirnnteei IHSIUM ! only liy lK. . ( iHD- (
MAN. Druggist , Solo Agent , Ull ) Farniuu Street ,
Oniiihn , Nob.
For l.ornllred Itlicumntlsm ,
BENSON'S ' Sclntlra , Ni'tirnluln , Pleurisy ,
LIIIIR and Chest DllllPilltles ,
lliicljiielii' . Spiuo nnd Hip DN-
cnse. I.tiinlinud. Kprntns , Kid
IS THE ney and Liver AlH'ct Ions , Ner
vous Action of the. llrnrt ,
Clumps. LimoiH ( < s , StlirnosH
orWeiikhiss of tlio Jointer
-BEST- Miiscle't , Severe Arhos , Pnlns
and Stitches , Inlhiiumatlon ,
and nil muludles for lilch
Pdrciiis Planters , Liniments ,
PLASTER ! Medleuted Oils , Salves , oint
ments and Lotions have been
found useful , llonnro of llul-
ttnns nnd worthless substl-
AVOID tutus that may lw oirerrd ,
Ask for n 'Bonson's
P nstor and tnke n < i sub-
Htituto under names Klmllar
IMITATIONS , to"Capslno" or any other
Oi- the Liquor Habit , Positively Cured by
Aumlnlsterinc Dr. Halites' ( loldcn
It ennbe ( riven Inn cup of colTooor ten with-
nit the knowledge of tlio person tnKlng It ; nbso.
utely hnrmless , and will effect n perninnt mid
M't-edy euro , whether the p.itlent Is a modointo
liiulier or an nledhollc wreck. Thousands of
IrunknrdH liuvo been niiido tempornto men who
nivotukeii Golden SpeUllo In their coffee with
out thulr Xnuuledgo nnd tod.iy bcllevo they
quit drinking of their own free will. It never
rails. Thosyhtom cineo linpiegnated with the
Speelllc , It becomes un utter Impossibility for
[ he liquor nppotlte to oxlst. Kor sale by Kiilm
He Co. , and Dougliis sts. , nnd lsth and Cum-
Ing Hts. , Omnhn , Neb. ; A. U. Foster & llro. ,
Council lllutlb , lou'u.
Epps's Cocoa
"Br n thnroiiKh kniiwlpdico of tlio nnturnl l wi
nhluiKuvurn llio openitlou of illiiostlon uiul nutrt *
lloit.iuul hy curofnl iipplltitltun of tlio line properties
of m'IMHuctcil Cocoa , Air. Kpps hni * pruvlifeil our
breakfast tnblea with u dotlcntulx flavored hoverutio
which nmy PHVO us ninny lieuvy doctor's t > IIIs. ills
liy the ] iiillclou line nf mirli nrtlclci of diet thut a
coiiHtltutlon nmy lie KrH'tually hiillt un until Blronff
ononuh to reyl t every tomloncy til olneiiHo. Hun *
ftredi of nultllo iimlHillo uro llonllnit nrountl IM rondf
to iittnck wherever llicro li n wenk point. Wo muy
escnpc mnnr n fntnl nlinft by kcpplnx ourselves well
forlllled with puru blmnl mid a pmimrly nourished
fronio. " Civil Survlcodiuulto.
Mmlo simply with boiling wiUer or milk. Sold only
In linlf pound Uni by ( ! nicer lubuloJ llius :
RED GAUNTLET 2ND. [ 814. .
DR H NOBLE Blair Neb
, , , , , ,
Importer und llrooderof
Clydesdale , EngliCoacy.HamUetonlan
They nrc nil flno and In prlmo condition nnd cannot -
not full to milt. Theeonnlal of prlzo wlnuura und
their Ret , In Scotland , Cuimdu und tills country. Dm
terms , prices nnd IIUI-KCH will null ) on. Wrltn for pri
ces nnd pnrllculnn. HlHlr l 24 nillc north of Onmha ,
on T. K. A , M. V. U. It. nnd C. St. P. M. & O. It. It.
The bent known nnd mot popular Hotel In th
Male. Locution central , appointment * tlr't-clim ,
llendiiunrten for commercial men and all political
andpuUoButU , , , . , s.
E.T.Allen , M. D. ,
Homoeopathic Specialist ,
tit AND NOSE ,
Spectacles Accurately Prescribed
J.W. Barnsdall , M. D
Homoeopathic Specialist ,
Gynaecologist and Obstetrician.
Telephone 970.
W. J.
Surgeon and Physician ,
Office N. W Corner 14th nnd Homjlas St. Omcs ,
telephone , 406 ; Kealdunce telephone , 50t ) .
Nos. 3O3-4O4-I7O-6O4.
( Successors to John O. Jacobs. )
Undertakers & Embalmers
At the old stand , 1407 I'nnmm Ht. Orders by tele-
BCllclted and promptly attended to ,
Telephone No
Tlio itrentcit
London Granules sprlnx mod ) .
, clnuou eriU
Kllinlnatcsji : t vejllueof Hyphllls. Ulcers , I'lmplua ,
Unrunlu Horei&lmpuro lllood.Thuy Imve nn oquu ) fur
tlln dl eaiRn. Hliiillur nicillrlno lined In l indon llo '
) iitat , wlthuiirnryliiKiiucw > i , I'tiiiKi.Y Vi.OKrAin.K.
hent by mull In a plain > unled imcktmii. mid nil d lny.
on recHlplof f I per box nr li lor . " > . WE UIMItANTKU
HIX IKIXKHTdCIIIIK ANV CArtK. With l-HOll Ortlur to-
telred fur sir hoiu ni-compiinlpil hy fX wo vlll nvnd
thu purchaser our written uuHrnntcio to refund tlio
nuinoT , It Ihu treiitment itoon not elTact n cum.
I'nmphlct froo. I IMKIS MhUICINK AOEvur , Ull
Clicrry at. , Kau City , Mo ,
Wft ccnlU y r eommen4
curil t l
and ( , UtU
Wcluie loM coaildtr.
&LUanitlii every riit l |
h ljlv n sitnl.cllcn.
Aloott A LUk ,
W. Y.
CoMhy Drnpfllts.
Advertising Imu ulwuya pov a
succcsBful. Ilcforo pl.tRlniranf
Newspaper Advcrtlsliiff consul
U I * u tuu k UMt , CHICAQQ.