Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 14, 1888, Page 3, Image 3

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Iharca In stocks like Heading nnd Erie and
attacked the list generally. The buying was
by cliques and by professionals. The general
temper of the room favored n reaction , but
when the noon pause came but llttlo impres
sion hod been made on the bear side. The
decline in London on American securities
continues , extending ( gjff points on railway
nharcs , except Canadian Pacific. The o | > cn-
ing prices were generally lower and some
further declines took place during the day.
The total sales were 110,000 shares.
GOVEHNMEXTS Government bonds wcro
dull but steady.
IT. R. 4s registered C.AN.W 107J4
U. H. 4 * coupon. . . do preferred 142
1T.H. 4'isrequired. N. Y. Central 100X
U.8 4MHcoupon ) . It. N tO
I' . T 2lg )
I'nrmdn Houthern. . IK I'ocIOc Mall M
Central I'nclHc ! W ) . D. AE 18J {
Chlrapo A Alton..1.18 I'ullman I'nlaccCarUO' ,
: . , II.AQ isn Hearting osy
n. , i , . * w JOT Itock Iwland Ill
U.AH.U 21 8t. L. AH. K : i4U
Erie -M'i dopreferred 7IU
do preferred Blr C. . M. A Ht. Paul. . . W.i
Illinois Central lie do preferred 1H4 !
1. , 11. AW Hi Bt. P. AO : i7 ! .
K.AT 10 do preferred loft
Lake Shore to I'CXBN 1'ucinc ' " <
L.A N f.O-4 Union 1'n.clBc M'i
Michigan Centrnl. . fl'i W..8t.Ij.AJ' 14
Missouri 1'ncillc. . . . KIJ , dopreferred 115't
MlMiourll'acinc. . . . " " W. U. Telegraph. . . 7Bli
dopreferred 44 > 4
MONET On call , easy at 2@2J4 Pcp cent-
Last loan m per cent , closed offered 2 per
cent.PIIIMK MERCANTILE PArcn 5@7 per cent.
14.84 for 00 day bills , 11.85 for demand.
Clilcnizo.Fcb. 13 , Followlni ? arc the 2:30 :
closing prices :
Flour Quiet , steady and unchanged ;
winter wheat bbls , M.&OC'tn.W ) ; saeks , J.S ( ) ©
3.7S ; wheat , bbls , ; sneUs , $2.7069
4.2.1 ; spring , ( l.TrKga.iXl ; rye Hour , I2.85@3.10
per bbl ; buckwheat Hour , M.00i ( < i.7r > per bbl.
Wheat Moderately octlvu and a shade
higher ; ojicticd % o nbovo Saturdav und
oloicd j < c higher than Saturday ; cash , TO o ;
March , TllKc ; May , 81 , ' c.
Corn Fairly nctivo but easier ; opened
n shade hlvhcr than Saturduy'a close , fluctu
ated within J < @J < o raiiKu and closed jtfo
lower ; cnsh and March , Ifi uiMay , 51 3-lCc.
Oata-Qulct hut flrui ; May , 31c.
Kyc Quiet at COc.
Barley Nominal at 77c.
Piltne Timothy I2.45g2.-10.
Flax-seed * 1.44.
PorT < Trading llcht and prices weak ; cash ,
114.05 ; May , IM.aTH-
Lard Moderately active but weaker , with
free offerings ; cash , 17.00 ; May , $7,80 ; March.
Dry Salted Meats Shoulders , $ fi.00(3fl.15 ( ;
short clear , $8.X8.Cr ( ) ; short ribs , $7.37 .
IJutter Quiet and easier ; creamery , 22 ®
80c ; dairy , 2lff20c. (
Cheese Steady ; full crcatn Cheddars , 10 V
; Hots , ll@lljtfcj joung Americas , 12
ERRS Scarce and firm for strictly fresh at
24@ilic. !
Hides Unchanged ; green hides 5 } c ; preen
frozen , 5c ; heavy green salted , 0 ; light
prccn salted , 0 % ; salted bull , fl o ; green
bull , 4' e ; green salted calf , 8c : dry flint
und dry calf , 12@13c : branded , 15 percent
off : deacons , 30c each ; dry salted , lOc.
Tallow In fair demand ; No. 1 , country ,
solid , 4 > { c ; No. 2 , 8J4 ; cake , 4 c per Ib.
Hcccipts. Shipments.
Flour , bbls . 20,000 14,000
Wheat , bu . 18,000 8,000
Corn , bu . 00,000 58,000
Oats , bu . 82,000 84,000
Kycbu . 2,000 2,000
Barley , bu . 44,000 25,000
St. Louis. Feb. 13. Wheat Lower ;
cash , 80o ; May , 81 c.
Corn Lower ; cash , 45(3fc'4Cc ( ; May ,
4 ; < c.
Oats Lower ; cash , DOciMay , 29J c.
Lard -$7.50.
Whisky tl.09.
Butter Unchanged ; creamery , 24@30c ;
dairy , lb@2C.c.
Afternoon Hoard Wheat Firmer ; March ,
80 o bid ; May , b2ffiS2'e ; June , S2'e asked.
Corn Higher ; February. 4. > " > c nskcd ;
March. 15 < c asked ; May , 47 ( - 47.Vc. Oats-
Milwaukee , Feb. 13. Wheat Firmer ;
cash , Tile ; March , 75' c ; May , 79" '
Corn Neglected ; No. 8 , 4ti c.
Oats Steady ; No. 3 white , a2j
Rye Dull : No. 1 , COXo.
Barley-Steady ; No. 2 , 75Vc.
Provisions Steady ; pork , February , $14.0C
@ 14.25.
Cincinnati , Feb. 13. Vheat Fair de
mand ; No. 2 red , 87c.
Corn Light demand ; No. 3 mixed , 52c.
Oats-Steady ; No. 2 mixed , 33 < c.
Hye Dull ; No. 2 , ftl-Mc.
Provisions Pork , Quiet nnd easier n (
Lnrd Firm at $7.85.
Whisky- Steady at lt.OO. .
Ijlvcrpoql. Feb. 13. Wheat Firm ; do
niand good , holders offer moderately. Call
forniu , No. 1 , s 8d ( < ? Gs lkl ( per cental ; rei
western spring , (5s ( 7fe ! s Od.
Corn Firm ; demand fair ; new mtxei
western , 4s 10 } c IH.T cental.
New York , Fob. 13. Wheat Receipts
B.800 : exports , 2i")00 ! ( ) ; options opened } { < &
? c mghcr , but soon weakened and lost inos
of the advance , closing steady a trifle nbovi
the bottom ; spot , a sliado higher ; ungradc <
red , S , ' { ( ( ! l > 2&c ; No. 1 red , nominal a
029fo ; No. 3 red , b'.lJ @S' ) c in elevator
B9) < Ci0 ? ! o f. o. b. ; March closing at SOJffc.
Corn Receipts , 17,000 ; exports , 22,000
options advanced u trillo and shot % @ l4c
closing steady ; ungraded , 58O0 ( ! c ; No. 2
til o in elevator , Ulo utloat , March closini
at 59gO.
Oats Receipts , 73,000 ; exports , none
market 3T@J ( c higher ; mixed western , 39 ( <
Ho ; white western , 41@4Sc.
Coffee Spot , fair ; Rio , dull at (10.00
options very dull , opening 10 15 point
higher , but closed with the advance lost
sales.23,7.r > 0 bags ; February , 13.1K 13.30
March , tl2.55@13.70 ; April , $12.35 ( 13.50
May , I12.25@13.40 ; Juno , $13.15 12.25 ; July
111.75 ; August , ll.55@11.00.
Petroleum Firm ; united , 88 < c.
Eggs Firm and in fair demand ; western
s'ork Dull and unchanged ; mess porl
was quoted at $15.00 ( 16.50 for ono year old
Lard 2@3 ixjlnta lower and moderatol ;
active ; western steam , spot , was quoted a
I7.07O7.98. .
Butter Quiet and generally steady : wesl
ern. 14@32c.
Cheese Steady and unchanged ; wrsterr
K na City , Feb. 13. Wheat Strong
No. 3 soft , cosh , 7SKo ; May , SOo bid , 81
Corn Lower ; No. 3 , cash , 43c bid 44
kskcd : March , 43 > fc bid , 44 'c uskcd ; Mai
Ifio bid , 4tl ) 'c asked.
Oats No. 2 , cash , no bids nor offers ; Ma ;
Bl > { c asked.
New Orleans ] , Feb. 13. Corn Dul
weak and lower ; white , 60@01c ; mixed , 01 (
Vio\ \ yellow , 62c.
Oats Easier ; No. 3 , 30K40c.
Corn Meal Steady at $3.bO.
Hog Products- Dull ; pork , tlS.OO ; Ian
Bulk Meats Shoulders , $0.20 ; Ion
clear and Clear rib. $7.87Kt
Minneapolis , Feb. 13. Wheat Thei
was fair Inquiry in wheat in the uggregat
though Individual buyers were not takiti
any largo lots. Receipts for two days. 4 <
cars ; shipments , M cars. Closing In ston
* lo. 1 hard , cash , "fltfc ; March , Ti o ; Ma ;
Tfljrfc : No. 1 northern , cosh , 75Ko ; Marcl
76c ; Mav , 78c ; No. 3 northern , cosh , 73i
March , 74c ; May , Ttic. On track No. limn
TUXo ; No. 1 northern. 70@77o ; No. 3 nort
ern74@75c. |
Flour Patents , In sacks to ship , $4.10
4.25 ; bakers' , $3.20(5345. (
Mondoj.Fcb 13 , 18SS.
The rcc ( ipts were light and although tl
major portion of the offerings were corn-fi
natives there was but little done on the my
kct What few changed hands sold at prio
10(315o ( lower. Right at this Juncture it w ;
bo well to remark for the bencllt of shipper
Don't be deluded Into sending in your catt
on account of low rutcs. Hold them bac
Hnycrs aru only waiting , for u heavy run
order to get them at ruinously low prici
Keep your stock In the feed lot for ten da
longer at least and await results. If yo
neighbor ships observe what success ho h
nnd bo guided thereby. The low rates i
stock will llcod Chicago markets and the lx
torn is galnc oat of prices us soon as. the si
rises , stick it pin hero it will do you good.
Hog * .
The receipts wcro good and of n fair qual
ity. The market opened at Saturday's open
ing aild n few loads of good hogs sold at those
figures but prices soon cased off and the mar
ket closed early with evcrylhlng taken wilh
the exception of two loads that arrived , at
prices a shade lower on good heavy and Oc on
other grades.
Hhc ; p.
There were no receipts and nothing was
nothing done on llio market.
Official ileoelpts.
Cattle 329
Hogs 2,010
Prevailing Prices.
Showing prevailing prices paid for live
stock on the market :
Prime steers , IJKX ) to 1500 Ibs.$4.00 ( $4.35
Prime steers , 1100 to 1300 Ibs. . 3.33
Fat llttlo steers , 000 to 1050 Ibs. 3.35
Corn-fed range steers , 1200 to
1500 Ibs 3.50 @ 4.15
Common to choice corn-fed
cows 2.00 Q3.15
Western cows 1.50 ( 2.50
Fair to good range feeders 2.30 Qt2.75
Medium to good native feeders ,
900 Ibs and upwards 2.25 ® 3.00
Common to good bulls 2.00 ( JJ3.00
Fair to medium native feeders ,
900 Ibs and upwards 2.25 2.50
Stackers , 400 to 700 Ibs 2.15 § 2.75
Prime fat sheep 3.75 < tM.3B
Good fat sheep , OOftclOO Ibs. . . . 3.25 C 3.75
Fair to medium sheep 2.25 ( S3.00
Common sheep 2.00 ( § 2.35
Light and medium hogs 4.50 ( a5.15
Fair to choice heavy hogs 5.20 ( ( t5.55
Fuir to choice mixed hogs .5.15 QJ5.30
ItciircHctitativo Sate * .
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
14. . . 050 $2.75 20 1033 $3.40
1 1000 3.00
Liivii Stock Bold.
Showing the number of head of stock sold
on the market toilay.CATTLE.
Harris .t Fisher 1
U. H. William * 18
J. L. Hill 15
Total 34
G. H. Hammond & Co 5(51 (
Swift Piickinp Co. ; 278
Armour & Cudnhuy 1,107
O in aim Packing Co 042
Speculators 17
J. W. Vtm Husklrlc _ 8/J
Total. . . . . 2,094
Halite > f Prices.
Showing the extrumo highest and lowest
rates paid for leading grades of hogs on dates
mentioned :
Date. Heavy. Mixed. Light.
Feb. 2. S3. W 40 5 10 an : io 4 00 ( & 505
Feb. ! l. 2A Wi fiO r. 10 < < ( . > : io 4 70 4 l > U )
Feb. 4. a ; < & > no a ir > cm so 4 HI W 00
Feb. fi. Sunday. Sunday , Sunday.
Fob. 0. r , ; c ; : ' ) IK ) fi 2Tt Wi 40 4 V ) < & ; . ft' )
Feb. li > ttfi K > 5 'M an : to
Fob. 8. 45 J M ) tt i5 ! 4J5 & 0 4 R5 W , IW
Feb. W. ai fito 70 4 in en 20
Fvb.10. 35 ATi ( ITi 4 : w w > 2. i
35 < & .r co 5 ! ] < $ CO
Feb.2. \ . Sunday Sunday I Sunday
Feb. VI. ! W , 65 i < B'I an 15
of Prices.
Showing highest and lowest prices paid for
leading grades of uattlo on dates mentioned
Space left blank indicates that no sales of
that particular class of cattle wcro made on
that date :
and Commission.
Publlo inspectors dock pregnant sows 40
pounds , stacs 80 iKUimls each.
Dead hogs. 100 pounds nnd over , 11,00(3 (
2.00 per cwt , less than 100 Iba , of no value.
Yardage : Cattle , 25c ; hogs , 8c ; sheep , 5 <
per head. Feed : Corn , tl.OO per bu. ; tlmothj
hay , * W : prairie hay , $20 per ton.
Commissions : Cattle , 50cper head ; calves
nnd yearlings , $10 per car. Hogs and sheep :
Single decks , $5 ; public inspection on hogs ,
15c per car. All sales unless otherwise
stated per 100 Ibs llvo weight.
Live Stock Notes.
Hogs easy.
No sheep market.
No cattle market worth mentioning.
A. Hedges , of Elm Creek , had cattle on tin
H. C. Oldhatu had cattle and hogs on thi
J. M. Cloc , of Sioux City , was a visitor a
the yardfl.
T. J. Aldritt. of Friend , was on the marke
with cettlo.
Douglas , Terry , of Cowles , disposed of i
load of hogs.
Bower ft Morrell , of Northboro , la. , mar
kctcd hogs at the top tlgure.
John Bower , of Blanchard , la. , amrketci
hogs' One load topped the market.
Charles A. Mallery and J. W. Foresmano
the Arm of Mallory & Son , of Chicago , weri
at the yards to-day.
John Hastlo , of Talmago , marketed a loai
of 224-lb. hogs at $5.40. John Bays Omaha i
the best hog market In the world.
"You tell the shippers not to get anxlou
about shipping their cattle on account o
these low rates. Anybody that makes an ;
special effort to get their stock on this ac
count gets fooled and will lose money. Th
packers are smiling up their sleeve and ar
waiting for a bargain In order to get stoc
for almost nothing. Unless a man is con :
polled to ship ho had better keep his cattle o
homo. " This remark was made by a proa
inent salesman yesterday.
Produce , Fruit * . Nats , Etc.
Friday , Feb. 13.
Thc/olloirlno ffuntatlfins are wtiolemil
and not retail. Prices quoted on produt
are the rates at which round lota arc sold o
this market. Fruits or other lines of good
requiring extra labor in packing cannot
tcui/t be supplied on outxlde orders at tli
name price * quoted for the local .tr.ul
Hates on flour and ficd are jobbers price :
/ rices In nraln arc those paid by Omnh
minors dfUrcmi. All quotations on me
cluuitllse arc obtained from leading haunt
and are corrected dully. Price * on cmcl
crs , cahes , etc. , arc those given by Icatlln
HUTTEU Hecolpts were fair to-day an
prices unchanged were inclined to bo caste
However , wo still quotu them unchanged i
creamery , solid packed , 23riJg25u ; choice roll
IS(3COoj medium , 14@Uc ! ; low grade :
10 < $12c.
Koos Heceipts wcro llljcral and price
wont awop down to day. Although 20o we
was paid larly in the morning prices ruled t
from 22f 2lc for strictly fresh , and shoul
receipts bo liberal to-day , they will probub )
range from V.Hg'-U' . We ijuoto 22 ( < f24c fc
strictly frvhli. and 20Q2lo for cold storaf (
with limed eggs slow at 15o.
Pot'LTiiY Ueceipts were light , but price
were easy and sho'uld the present mil
weather continue they will go still lowc
We quote dressed chickens , lOQl'Jc jx
Ib ; turkeys , 10@12c ; ducks , lH-QU'c ; gees
10(312 0. -
POTATOES- The demand has to qmo ex
tent fallen off. but prices remain os before.
We quote : Utah and Colorado stock , (1.10
( < l\\r \ \ > nnd choice homegrown. 95 1.00 ; com *
uion grades at COc.
UANA.VAS Are In Rood supply and more
will bo received this week. Wo quote prices
unchanged at f2.r > 0 < 3 for medium and
W.OOft3.M for choice.
OHANOCS A car of f Mcssitms will ar
rive to-morrow , but otherwise there Is no
chanpo to note. Wo quoin : California Klv-
crslde , 4.0 Ca4.2.1i ; : Valcncias , | 7.60@8.00
per case of 420 : Florida , briphts , f .2r > @
4.W ) ; russctts , W.GO ( g4.0 ( > ; Mexrcan. (4.0H.
LHMONS Two rurs of Mcssinas will come
to hand to-day , but will affect quotations
which arcW.20g4.r ( > 0 per box.
C'Aiiiuor. Is very scarce , but a con
signment is expected from California to *
day. Wo quote $1 per doz and 3J to 4o for
SWCBT POTATOES Are very scarce , and
the quotations wo give are nominal. Wo
quote prices unchanged at $1 per doz. , and
2 > { @ .1o i > cr Jb for California.
ONIONS Some jioorcr erodes or those
that were spoiling have sold at 76@8Sp , but
for fair to good stock wo quote : Homo
grown. 95@tl.00 ; Spanish onions , per 50-to
crate , 11.60 1.75.
CAMFOKNIA FntiiTs A few fresh pears
have been received and constitute all that
uro to bo had In this line. They sell at the
oltl prlce-r3.502.r5 ( , with extra choice at
CKI.ERV There is really none In the mar
ket , but wo quote 4XH45c ( per dozen for choice
and45@Vc ) for faneyT
Art'LKs Are still firm , and while no ad
vance Is noted , outside quotations are
the rule. . Prices are given unchanged.
We quote eastern fruit , fair to choice stock ,
g.50d3.76 ( ; fancy stock , (3.75@4.00.
UKANS Are scarce and in demand , and wo
quote : Uood stock , ( J)0a2.30 ( ) ; fair to
good , $ l.OO@l.SO. and California beans at
(2.25i2.40 (
DATKS Persian , 8c per Ib.
TuiiNirs Are selling at 75c per bushel ,
with rutabagas at M@tiOc per bushel.
SALT.II \UT-Manufacturers seem to be
olosing out stock on hand and a reduction is
noted. Wo quote : Choice per bbl. of.'Kl gal. ,
(8.25i ( ? > 3.r > 0 ; X obi. , fl.5705.00. (11.00 per
bbl of W ) pal.
CIDKH Choice Michigan cider , (0.00@0.50
per bbl. of 32 gal.
Poi'COHN Choice rice corn is quoted at
4 < iMKc P 11) , other kinds , 2X@3c per Si.
CAUIIOTS (2.25Ci 2.50 per barrel.
PAitsNirs New stock , W.50 per barrel-
There are few on the market.
OVSTEUS Plain standard , 25c ; plain se-
lectii , SOo : standard. 40c : extra selects , a > o ;
New York counts , 40c : bulk oysters , counts ,
l,8fl per KX ) ; ' selects , (2.00 per gal ; standard ,
(1.25 per gal.
CAt'LirtowEn Good stock , (2.60@2.80.
UitAi'Ks Stocks are light and the demand
the same , but prices are given as before , nnd
wo quote (7.50 8.00 per bbl. for Malagas ,
and larger sized bbls. In proportion up to (10.
CitANiinnitins Bell & Cherry , J10.00@10.50
13cll A , Bugle , (10.50@ll.00j Cape Cods , (11.00
@ 11.50.
FIGS In layers , 13@10c ; cake , lie per Ib.
NuTS-Poanuts , Oi ( < ji7c , raw ; Brazil nuts ,
13c ; almonds , Tarragona , 22u ; Engllab
walnuts , 15@18c ; fllbcrts , 18o ; Italian "chest
nuts , 15c ; pecans , 12c.
HOXBY Is somewhat scarce and found at
previous quotations ; 19@21c for l-tt > frames ;
canned honey , 10@12c per Ib.
Grocer's Ijlst.
PUOVISIONS Hams , llj @llj c ; breakfast
bacon , llj © lifc ; ; bacon sidc9y0c ; dry
salt , 8f@8'ic ; ; shoulders , 6 > @ 7o ; dried beef ,
CANDY Mixed , 0iillc ( ; stick , 9@9Kc.
CAXXCD Goons Oysters , standard , per
case , (3.30(33.83 ( ; strawberries , 2-lb per case ,
(3ao@3.35 ; raspberries , 2-lb per case , $3.20@
8.30 ; California pears , per case , (4.70@4.80 ;
apricots , per case , (4.50@4.CO ; peaches , per
case , (5.X5.75 ( ) ; white cherries , per case.
(6(10 ( ; Cal. 4 > lumsper case(4.30@4.40 ; blueber
ries , per case , . (2.30g2.40 ( ; egg plums , 2-lb
per case , $ ' .50 ; plnuappleo , 2-lb , jicr case ,
$3.20@5.75 ; 1-lb salmon , per dor , (1.85@1.9 , " > ;
2-lb gooseberries , per case , (325@3.85 ; 2-lb
string beans , per case. (1.SOQ1.85 ; 2-lb Lima
beans , per case , ( l.CO@l.M ; 2-lb marrowfat
peas , (2.00@2.70 ; 2-lb early Juno near , per
case , (2.85 ; 3-lb tomatoes , (2.60 ; 2-lb corn ,
$3.tO@2.40. :
RKriNEiL\nt > Tierce , 7c ; 40-lb square
cans , 75tfo ? f > 0-lb round , 7c ; 20-lb round ,
7 e ; 10-lb palls , 8 0 ; 5-lb palls , 8'fc ; 2-lb
pails. S' c.
BitooMS Extra 4-tie , (2.CO ; No. 1 , (2.00 ;
No. 2 , (1.75 ; heavy stable , (4.00.
STAUCH Mirror glass , 5J c ; Graves' corn ,
OKc ; Oswego gloss , ( kj ; Oswego corn , 7 > c.
HOLLAND HEUKINOS 70@73 per keg.
PICKLES Medium in bbls , (7.00 ; do in hall
bbls , (4.00 ; small , In bbls , ( S.OO ; do in hall
bbls , (4.50 ; gerkins , In bbls , $9.00 ; do m hall
bbls (5.00.
COFFKE Ordinary grades , 18@19c ; fair ,
19S20o ( ; prime , 20 < a21c ; fancy green ami
yellow , 22@24c ; old government Java. 28 < < J
; tOc ; Interior Java , 25@28c ; Mocha , 28@30c ;
ArbucKlo's roasted , 23Jfc ; McLaughlin'i
XXXX , 22c ; Dil\vorth's,2JKcUcdCross ;
2J > c.
jELLiES-30-lb pails. (1.50@1.75.
TEAS Japans , 20@55c ; gunpowder , 20u
60o ; Young Hyson , 25@55o ; Oolong , 20fe
65c.HOPE Seven-sixteenths. HdJllKo.
TODACCO t.orillard'8 Climax , 45o ; Splen
did , 45e ; Mechanic's Delight , 44e ; Leggett &
Meyer's Star , 45c ; Cornerstone , 89c ; Drum
mond's Horseshoe , 45e : J. T. . 42c ; Sorg's
Spearhead , 44o ; Catlin's meerschaum , 31c
Catlin's Old Style , 23c ; Peiper Heidslck , 64c
SUOAK Granulated , 7 @ 7VTo ; conf. A
7 , ' < @ 7ifo ; white extra C , 6J < @ 6Jfe ; extra C
; yellow C , 5K@ . ' c ; cut loaf ,
8 we ; powdered , SjtfPHc ; New Orleans , ty
@ 5c.
SYIIUPS Now Orleans molasses per bbl.
40gttSc ( ] ) ergal. ; corn syrup , 35o ; half bbls.
3c7 ; 4 gallon kegs , (1.55.
SALT Per bbl. car load , (1.40.
MAI-I.R Sue AII Bricks , 12 > c per Ib ; penn :
cakes , 15o per Ib.
WOODENWAUE Two-hoop p4n , per doz.
(1.40 ; three-hoop pails , (1.05 ; No. 1 tub , (0.50
No. 2 tub , (5.50 ; No. 3 tub (4.50 ; wash
boards. (1.50 ; fancy washboards , (3.50 ; as
sorted bowls , (2.75 ; No. 1 churns , (9.50 ; No
2 churns , (8.50 ; No. 3 churns , (7.50 ; Dutte
tubs , (1.70 ; spruce. In uests , (1.70.
DKIED FRUITS Apples , bbls , now , K8 > W
@ 7o ; evaporated 50-lb boxes , 9J @yic
raspberries , evaporated , 2S-j@2c } ; black
berries , evaporated , 9Ji@10c : pitted chet
rios , 2J@23c ; peaches , Eastern , new , KB , >
@ 8 > o ; evaporated , peeled peaches , 30@32c
evaporated , unpared , 18gl9c ( ; new cui
rants , 7 < ® 74'c ; prunes , new , 49 @ 5o
citron , 24s25c ( ; raisins. Californla-Londoi
layers , (2.40@2.50 ; California loose mua
catcls , (3.00@2.10 ; new Valencia , 78c.
CKACKBKS , CAKKS , ETC. Prices subject t
change. Soda , 5o ; soda ( city goods ) , 7c ; sod
snowflakes ( m tins ) , He ; soda dandy , 6Vc
soda wafers ( in tins ) , lOc ; soda zephyr , Be
city oyster , 0 } o ; excelsior , 7o ; farina oyster
tor , 5Xc ; gem oyster , 5c ; monitor , 7c
Omaha oyster , 7o ; pearl oyster. 5c ; picnic , 5c
snowdrop oyster , 80 ; butter , So ; Boston , 8c
Omaha butter , 7o ; saw tooth butter ,
cracker meal , 6) < o ; graham. 8c ; grahar
wafers , 10e ; graham wafers in pound pack
ages , 12 > o ; hard bread , 5c ; milk , 7Jo ; oat
meal , Sc : oatmeal wafers. 10o ; oatmeal wa
fcrsin : Ibpkgs , 12J c ; animals , 12c ; bollve
ginger ( round ) , 7c ; cream , 80 ; Cornhil !
lOc ; cracknclls. IGo ; frosted cream , 8Wc
ginger snaps. 8c ; ginger snaps ( city ) , c
borne made ginger snaps in boxes , 13o ; horn
maue ginger snaps ( i Ib cans ) per dozer
$3.50 ; lemod cream , 80 ; pretzels ( ban
made ) , ll } o ; assorted cakes and Jumblei
HKc ; assorted fingers. 15o : afternoon te
( In tins ) per dozen , $7.00 ; banana ttngcn
14c ; butter Jumbles , llXc : Brunswick , 15c
brandy snaps , 15c ; chocolate drops ( new ]
lOc ; chocolate wafers , I5o ; Christmas lunc
( in tins ) , per dozen , $4.50 ; cocoa taffy snap :
14c ; coffee cake , 12e ; Cuba jumbles , lljfc
cream puffs , 20c ; egg Jumbles , 14c ; gingc
drops , lie ; honey Jumbles , UWo ; Jelly flni
ors , 15c ; Jelly wafers , 15c ; Jelly tart ( new ,
15c ; lady fingers , 13c ; vanilla bar , 14c ; vi
nllla wafers , 14o ; Vienna wafers , 1 doze
packages in box. per dozen , $3.50.
All goods packed In cans I ct. per Ib. at
vance except Snowflake and Wafer Sodi
which is packed only in cans. Soda in 2 11
and 3 Ib. paper boxes , X cent per Ib. advance
all other goods , 1 cent per Ib. advance. Sod
in 1 Ib. paper boxes , 1 cent per Ib. advance
The 2 Ib. boxes are packed in cases holding 1
In a caso. The 3 Ib. boxes are packed in case
holding 12 In a caso. The 1 Ib. boxes or
packed In cases holding 30 In a caso. Ono 11
Graham and Oatmeal Wafers packed 3 do :
in a caso.
Show Tops for boxes , with glass opening t
show goods , 75 cents. Cons for Wafer Sodi
$3.00 not returnable. Cans for SnowHak
Soda , $ d.OO per doz. Tin Cases with Glo :
Face to display the goods , 75cents each. N
charges for Packages except for cans and n
turnablo cases. Glass Front Tin Cans an
"Snowtlake" Soda Cans are returnable i
{ .trices charged _ _ _ _ _
Dry Goods.
DUCK West Point 29 in. 8 oz. , 10Kc ; We
Point 39 in. 10 oz. , 12 > < o ; West Point 10 la , :
oz , IBc ; West Point 40 in. 11 or , ICc. Checks
-Caledonia X.9Yc ; Caledonia' XX ,
Economy , 9fc ! ; Otis , 8'c.
rxTtTKY JEANS Memorial. Ifto : Canton ,
18c ; Durham , 271 c ; Hercules , ISc ; Leaming
ton , 22Vc5 Cottswold , 27'c. ) ,
CUASII Stevens' B. W ; ; bleached , 7c ; Ste
vens' A , 7K < 2i bleached , 8' c ; Stevens' P ,
8Kc > , bleached , li < o ; Stevens' N , Ke ;
bleached , lO c ; Stevens ; S H T , 12 We !
Mi < CELtANEofs Table oil cloth. (2.ST > ,
plain Holland , 8)'c to Oc ; Dado Holland ,
CiMniiics Slater , 6c'f ; Woods , 6c ; Stans
dard. 5c ; Peacock. 5e. <
BLANKETS White , $1.00 < a7.50eolorcdUO ;
8.00. I < '
BLEACHED SIIBBTINO Berkeley eumbrir ,
No. no , 9 > fc ; Best Yet , 4-4 , tl4u ; bulter cloth
OO , 4Xc ; Cabot , 7K - > l.Farwell , bj c ; Fruit of
Loom. Qt-.Cc : Greene G , Oc ; Hope , 80 ; King
Phillip cambric , lie : Lonsdale , ll ) o ; Lous-
dale , He ; New York mills , lOJ c ; Pcppcrell
42-ln , rile ; Pcppercll , 40-ln. , 12cPepperell ;
0-4 , 15c ; Pepperell , 84 21c ; Peppcroll 0-4 , 23e ;
Pepperell , 10-4 , 25c ; Canton 4-4 , 8/c } ; Canton ,
4-4 , u fc } Triumph , Cc ; Wamsutlo , lie ; Val
ley. 6c.
2c ; Clear L
VHltc-G H N
7' c ; B H No. B , ? i.K , ' < ic ; u H > o. i , ,
lOo ; QuccheoNo. 1 , 5f , 42cQucchee ; No. 3 ,
{ , 37Hc ; Ouecheo No. 4 , % , 32 , c ; Aunwan ,
ifli c ; Windsor , 22Kc. Red-C. 24-inch. 15J < c ;
E , 24-inch , 21c ; GO , 34 inch , 18c ; HA F , * ( ,
25c : J H F , f , 87KC5 O , X3 \ - " ' .
PniSTS SOLID COLOHS Atlantic , Oc ;
Slater , 5Kc' Berlin Oil , 0 c ; Garner Oil.Ofo )
7c. PINK ANH ROIIKS Richmond , 0 > c ; Allen ,
tlXc ; River poliit , 5c ; Steel River , ( \ o ; Richmond
mend , Oc ; Pacific , CJ < c ; INDIOO BI.UK Wash
ington , Oc ; Century Indigo blue prints , life ;
American , 7c ; Arnold. 7c ; Arnold B ,
lie ; Arnold A. 12c ; Arnold Gold Seal
c. DIIESS Charier Oak , 5 } c : Ramajio
; Lodi , 5c ; Allen , Oc ; Richmond
; Windsor , fl c ; Eddyslone , Oj./c ; Pacific ,
oc ; .
COTTON FLANNELS 10 per cent trade dis
count LLlo ( : CC , 7 [ < c ; SS , 8 < < c ; Nnmo-
tess 5) ) < Jc ; No. 5 , Oc ; EE. 9Wc ; GO , lOJ c ;
XX , 12c ; OO , 14oNN. ; . Itlo ; KX , ISc ; H , 2oc ;
No. 10 , 8 > fc ; 40 , lO' c ; 00 , 12' ' ! 80 , 15c ; 30
colored , lOc ; 50. colored , 12c ; 70 , colored , 15c ;
Bristol. 13 > < c ; Union Pacific , 18c.
"iVAiir Bebb white , lO c ; colored ,
BUOWN Siir.ETiNo - Atlanta A , 4-4 , 7J o ;
Atlantic H , 4-4 , 7/c , ; Atlantic D , 4-4f.Jfc ; Atlantic -
lantic P , 4-4. c ; Aurora LL , 4-4 , tljfo ; Au
rora C , 4-4 , 5c ; Crown XXX. 4-4 , 7Ke ;
Hoosler LL 4-4 Oc Indian Head 9-4 7
, - , ; , - , c ;
Lawrence LL , 4-4 , tc ! ; Old Dominion , 4-4 ,
flJi'e : Pepperell K , 4-4 , 7c ; cppcrell , O. , 4-4 ,
tie ; Peppeiell , 8-4 , 18) ) < c ; Pepperell , 9-4 ; 2le ;
Pepperell , 102)c ) ; Utica C , 4-4 , 4o Wa-
chusctt , 4-4 , 7ijC ; Aurora H , 4-4 , O e ; Aurora
B , 4-4. Co.
BATTS Standard , 8c ; Gem , 10 } o ; Beauty ,
12Kc ; Boone. 14c ; B. cased , ( O.W ) .
GlNOHAM Plunkett checks , 7)jC ) ; Whit-
tcnton , 7 } c ; York , 7J < c ; Normandl dress ,
b > c ; Calcutta dress , 8c ; Whlttentou dress ,
9c ; Henfrew dress , 8X'd. ! > c.
TICKS Lewiston , 30-iu. , 12o ; Lewiston ,
32-lji. , 13) ) c ; York , 32-iu. . 14e ; Swift river ,
( McTnorndike ; , OO , 8tfc : Thorndike , EF ,
8' c ; ThonuilHc , 120 , 9 > c ; Thorndike , XXX ,
15c ; Cordis , No. 5 , 9 > c ; Cordis , No. 4 , lie.
DENMMS Amoskeag , 9-oz. , lOc ; Everett ,
7-oz. , I3c ; York , 7-oz.,13c ; Haymaker , 8 } c ;
Jaffrey , XX , llj e ; Jaffrey , XXX , 12Vfc ;
Beaver Creek , AA , I2c ; Beaver Creek , BB
lie ; Beaver Creek , CC , lOc.
General Markets.
Dncas Ammonia c'arb , 14c ; camphor
refined 30c ; copperas , ijfc ; cream tartar ,
45c ; cream tartar j > owdercd. 20W50c ; In
digo Madras. 75c : morphia sulph , (3.40 ; soda
bi. curb , ! MJ < jC ; Venice turpentine , 40o ; gum
opium , (4.50 ; quicksilver , 80c : quinine , Ger
man per oz , 55c ; quinine , P. i w. , Olc ; wax ,
yellow , pure , 32c ; wax. white , 40fe'4Sc ; citric
acid , per Ib. , U2c ; oxnlic acid , per Ib. , 12c ,
tartaric acid , powdered , per Ib. , 54o ; alum ,
4c ; borax , refined , per Ib. , Hc. )
OILS Carbon , I2 ( < i25e ; linseed , boiled ,
C2c ; linseed , raw , ( 59c ; castor. No 1 ,
S1.20 ; No. 2 , (1.12 ; sperm whale , (1.00 ; fish ,
bank 35c ; ncutsfoot cxtr.i , 65c ; neatsfoot No.
1 , 50c ; gasoline , 74 decrees , 15c ; W. S. lard ,
05o ; No. 1 lard , 50c ; No. 2 lard , 50c ; W. Va.
zero , 14c ; W. Va. summer , 12o ; golden No. 1 ,
40c ; golden No. 2 , 25c ; whale , 20c ; naptha 1
degree , 14c ; headlight' 150 degrees , 12c ; head
light , 175 degrees , 15o ( turpentine , 4Gc ; cas
tor , pure , (1.45
EXTKACTS Sanderson's oil bcrputnot , per
Ib. , (3.00 ; oil lemon , per Ib. , (2.5U ; oil pep
permint , ( 'i.OH ; oil wintergreen , (2.50 ; olive
oil , Malaga , per gallon , (1.25.
SOAP Castile , mottled , per Ib. , 8@10c ; cos-
tile , white , 10@l3c.
PAINTS White lead , pure. Cc ; white
lead , fancy , Oc ; putty , in bladders , 3 ; Paris
white , 8c ; common , 2)-fc ) ; red lead 7c
WINDOW GLASS Single. 70 per cent ;
double , 70 and 10 per cent discount.
i LEATHER Oak soles , 85@37c ; hemlock
slaughter sole , 20@29c ; hemlock dry sole ,
2l@25c ; hemlock kip. 05@90c ; A. & B. run
ner kip , 50@75c ; A. hemlock calf , D0c@(1.00 ;
A. A. hemlock calf , "backs , " 75c ; * hemlock
upper , 19@24c ; English grain upper , 25c ; hem
lock grain upper , 21C < l24c : Tampico B. L.
Morocco , 29@33c ; Tampico pebble , O. D. Mo. ,
2229c ; Curacoa , B. G. Mo. , 30c ; Simon O.
D. Mo. , (2.75@3.00 ; Dangola kid , 80@35c ; X.
M. Kangaroo , 40c ; American calf kid , 32c ;
Griesen kids , (3.00@3.50 ; French glazed
kids , (2.50@1.75 ; French -calf kids ,
(3.20 ; oak kip skins , 80c@(1.00 ; oak call
skins , $1.00@1.25 ; French calf skins , (1.25(3 (
2.05 ; French kip skins , (1.10@1.50 ; liussitt
linings , (0.00@0.50 per doz ; pink , cream and
white linings , (7.50@10.00 per doz ; colored
toppings , (9.00@11.00.
HIDES Green butchers' , 4J @ 5c ; green
cured. 5M@Oc ; dry flint , Oc ; dry salt , 8c :
green calf skins , 7c ; damaged hides , two
thirds price. Tallow Sj/c. Grease Prime
white , 4J c ; yellow , 3c ; brown , 2c. Sheer
pelts , 2ica(1.00. ( Steady and unchanged
Green ox pelts , 3cZ3c ( ! ; kip skins , ( unfrozen ) ,
4@0 > fc ; cowhides , 4 @ 5c.
FtiKS Kaccon,10@COc ; mink , 15@40c ; musli
rat fall , 2@7c ; strlt > ed skunk.5@29c ; tnountnir
wolf , No. l(1.50)2.50No. ( ) ; 2 , prairie , 50(3 (
75c ; No. 2 , 25M40c ; beaver , No. 1 , per Ib ,
(2.00@3.00 ; No. 2 , (1.00@1.25 ; otter , (1.00@
0.00 ; dry deer skins , 20g35c ( per Ib ; dry ante
lope , elk , moose , etc. , 15i$25c. (
HAY Upland prairie , (0.00@7.00 ; commor
coarse , (5.00@ri.50 ; straw , ( fl.00@0.52.
SPIKITS Cologne spirits 188 proof , 11.14
do , 101 proof , (1.10 ; spirits , sccont
quality , 101 proof , (1.14 ; do , 188
proof , (1.13 ; alcohol , 188 proof , per wini
gallon , (2.18 ; redistilled whiskies (1.00@1.50
gin , blended , (1.50@2.00 ; Kentucky bourbons
(2.00gO.OO ( ; Kentucky and Pennsylvania
ryos(2.00@6.50 ; Golden Sheaf bourbon and
rye whiskies , (1.50@3.00 ; brandies , Imported
, (5,00(38.50 ( ; domestic , (1.30u3.00 ; gins , im
porU-d , (4.50(2000 ( ; domestfc , (1.25@3.00 :
champagnes , imported , per case , (28.0CKS
33.00 ; American , per case , (10.00 ( 10.00.
COAL Egg , (10.50 ; nut , (10.50 ; range
(10.50 ; walnut block , (4.25 ; Iowa lump
(3.75 ; Iowa nut , (3.00 ; Illinois , (4.50@4.75
GUAIN Wheat , No. 2 , 60o ; rye , 55c ; corn
yellow , 40@43c ; corn , white , 42@45c
oats , 29@30c ; barley , 50@55c , accordin )
to quality.
FLOUR AND F D Minnesota patents , (3A (
per cwt ; Kansas andi Missouri fancy wintei
patents. (2.GO(2 ( > 3.75 pqr cwt ; Nebraska pat
ents , (2.45@2.50 per cwt ; rye flour , ( l.WKs
2.00 per cwt ; wheat grab am , (1.75 per cwt
rye graham , (1.40 per cwt ; New York buck
wheat , (0.507.00 per bbl : Excelsior , (0.0 (
per bbl ; ready raised , (5.00 | > er 100-lb case
cornmeal , yellow , (1.00@1.10 per cwt ; white
(1.05@1.15 per cwt ) bran , (10.00@17.00 poi
ton ; screenings. (14..VX315.00 per ton ; horn
iny , (3.25 per bbl ; chppped feed , (19.50@20.0i
per ton ; chopped corn. (18.00@19.00 per ton
POWDEII AND SHOT Shot , (1.45 : buckshot
(1.70 ; Miami powder , (5.00 : half kegs , (2.75
one-fourths , (1.50 ; blasting , kegs , (2.15
fuses , 100 feet , 45@75o.
FLAJCSEBD Quoted at (1.35 per bushel.
HEAVY HAUDWARE iron , rate , (2.50 ; plov
stool , special cast , 4c ; crucible steel , O c
cast tools , do , 12 < S15c : wagon spokes , per set
(2.0005.50 ; hubs , per set , (1.25@2.00 ; felloes
sawed dry , (1.35@1.50 ; tongues , each , 70c
axleseach,75o ; square nuts , per Ib , 5@13c ; coi
chain , per Ib , 613c ; melleable , 7@10c
iron wedges , 6c ; crowbars , 6c ; harrow teeth
4o ; spring steel , 4@0c ; Burden's horse shoes
(465@4.75 ; Burden's mule shoes , (5.75@5.5
barbed wire , In cur lots , (4.00 per 100 Ibs ; Iroi
nails , rates 10 to 50 , (2.40 ; steel nails , (2.50.
Dry Lumber.
.14 UU. > UUi > il WU UU.-M )
.17 60 8U OU'21 ' 0023 00.22
,17 H ) 20 00.21 00.2:1 : 00,211
.18 2R 20 00 21 (1)24 ( 00 24
4x4-8x8 . .18 Ml IB 50 20 & 0123 ( Ul 23
No. 1 com , s 1 s.(18.50 I No. 3 com , s 1 s.(15 5
No. 2 com , s 1 s. 17.00 | No. 4 com , sis. 13.5
No. 1 , 4 & 0 In 12 & 14 ft. , rough (19.C
No.l , ' w 19.C
No.3 , " 12 14 " 1050
No.2 " " 10
, 18.00
A , 12 , 14 & 10ft.$2l.50 C , 12 , 14 tt lflft.llfi.SO
B , " " 2t.501 ) D , " " 12.50
ACin White Pine $25.50
BOIn " " 33.50
COIn " " flO.OO
DOin " " 21.50
EOln " " ( Scl. Fencing ) 19.90
n In. Drop Siding 50o per M exlrn.
2d comjf in While Pine Ceiling $34.00
" " " 28.110
Clear , J { In Norway " " 1(100 (
iMvoin. # in " " " 14.00
A ISlnchsls $15.50
B12 " ; w.uo
ci2 " an m
D13 " 23.00
No. 1 com , 12 in si 9 , 12 ft 20.50
" " " 14ft 19.00
" " " 10ft 18.50
" " 10 , 18,20ft 21.50
No.2 , " s 1900
" " " 1814 ft 18.50
" " " 17 ft 17.50
2 In Grooved roofing , $1 per M. more than 12
In Stock Boards same length.
) In Grooved Hoofing same price us 12 in
Stock Boards.
, $1111' LAP.
1o. 1 Plain S and 10 In , $19.00
2 " " " 17.50
S'o. 1 , OG , 8 In 19.50
st and 2nd , clear , 1 , 1M in s 3 s $51.00
" " " 1)4,2 ) , 51.00
d , clear , 1 in , s 2 s 44,50
" 1'f 'K' ' B1" 4U ( ) °
V , select , 1 in82s 40.00
V , " 1W , IK , 2 in s 2 s 44.00
J , " Iins28 30.X ( )
B , " 1J4' , VA , 2 In s 2 s 37.00
Com. 4 Inc h Flooring $17.50
star " " 21.50
st and 2d clear 4 inch Flooring 23.00
Six inch 40c less.
Jlear < lnch Celling 21.50
Jlear J { inch Partition 25.00
Jlear % inch , Partition $2 above %
Inch Ceiling 25 00
Clear Finish , 1 and 1V Inch , s 2s 29.00
Jlear Finish , IJf and 2 inch , s 2 s 30.00
Jlcar Corrugated Ceiling , 4 inch 25.50
Clear Yullow Pine Casing and Base. . . . 27.00
CPoplnr Bx. Bds. X in. , s 2 s $35.00
" " yt in. Panel , s 2 s 27.00
" " Corrugated Coiling , ; < . . 28.50
O. G. Bntts , 2 ! < ? in t > 5c : U'x.'t , s 1 s. 40ns 3ln
Veil Tubing. D. & M. and Bev. , $23.X ( ) ; Pick
ts , D. & H. Flat , $20.50 ; D. H. Sq. , $21.50.
XX clear. $10 ; extra A . $ -.S5 ; A stand
ard No. 5 , No. 1 , $1.45 ; lath , $2.55.
While cedar , 0 in. , } ( s. I2jfc ; 9 in. qrs. ,
IJ e ; white cedar , 6)4 in Jfs ll'ifc ; 8 in ,
rs lOc : while cedar , 4 in. round , Ki 'e ; Ten-
cssco red cedar , split , Me ; split ouk , lOc ; .
n 7 in. , and S in. ( > each ) 8 ft. , round , W.C
Oninlm Ilctull Markets.
Thursday , Fc b. 9.
AH quotation * ( /II'm / In ffito column arc
obtained f torn IcaUtim dcatim and arc cor-
cctcd dally.
COAL Per single ton , delivered : Egg ,
12.00 ; nut , $12.00 ; range , $12.00 ; walnut
block , $5.50 ; Iowa nut , $4.50 ; Iowa lump ,
Real Estate Transfers.
Wm G Albright nnd wife to Nelson
Toncray lot 8 blk 3 Matthews' sub ,
w d 700
A Perry Nichols lo Jcnnctto R Nich
ols , w J s wi \ s w l s c ! .f and s J
n w ' „ ' s o V , : , 1(1,13 ( q c 1
Wm P Stevens Chas U Lee , lot 23 blk
2 Stevens' plucc , w d 1,000
Wm G Albright and wife to Mary E
Banker , lot 3 , 0 , 14 , blk 3 sub of B 30
Albright's choice , w d 2,200
Wm R Shotbolt to Dellone , n ei n c
< 4'se > l , 14 , 13 , wd 0,500
ouis W Sautter lo Gus A Engcl , lot
10 blk 7 Lyninn place , w d COO
Wm G Albright and wife to C R Web
ster , ct nl lot 9 blk b Matthews' sub ,
w d ' . 450
Preston Gants nnd wife to Wm L
McCague , part of lot 5 and 0 blk 9
McCau'ue's add , qu 3
Wm L McCague to Merrewcather I
Waugh , part of lots 5 und 0 blk 9 ,
McCagucs add , w d 2,000
John H Butler and wife to Gilbert J
Levellle , lot 4 blk 4 , Philliltsndd , w d 4,500
Wm F Sellncr to Jacob Scllner , lot 14
blk 4 , Arbor Place , wd 750
Herman Kountzo and wife to Olof
Hanscn , lot 9 blk 1 , Kountzo Place ,
w d. . . . 1,450
J H Crommett and wife to Nick Ohm ,
lots 9 and 10 blk 5. Myers , Richard
& Tildcn's add , w d 1,500
R M Patlerson to Mrs Annie Cardey ,
lot 5 blk 1 , Patterson's 1st add to
South Omaha , wd 1,200
J W Griffith trustee to Jas R Borland ,
lot 3 blk 8 , Baker Place , w d 400
David R Archer ct al trustee to Sarah
Amscon , lots 5 , (5 ( and 7 blk 5 , Llpton ,
Place , w d 1,575
Margaret B Berger to Olof Hanson ,
lot 10 , blk 1 , Kountzo place , w d. . . . 1,050
Jos Barker and wife to trustees of
First Christian church , lot 8 , blk 11 ,
Myers , Richards & Tilden's add , w d 050
Mrs Eliza Buckley and husband to
Erastus A Benson , lot 24 , blk 9 , Ben
son , wd 500
Augustus Kountzo to the public plat
of blocks 10,17 and 18 , Kount/o's 3d
add , located on sw } noj 27-15-13. . .
Augustus KounUc ct al to the public
map of Kountzo's south Itith st add ,
located on ne nw,1 27-15-13
Twenty-ono dccda. J 27,038
Ono Building Permit.
The only building permit issued yesterday
was to Ira B. Mapes to put up a $250 frame
stable on his lot on the corner of Thirtieth
and Popplcton avenue.
MAKE No MISTAKE. If you have
made up your mind to buy Hood's Sara
nparilla do not be induced to take any
other. Hood's Snrsapurilla is a pecu
liar medicine , possessing , by virtue of
its peculiar combination , proportion
and preparation , curative power su
perior to any other article of the kind
before the people. For all affections
arising from impure blood or low state
of the system it is unequalled. Bo sure
to get Hood's.
MU Front's Death.
Dr. F. J. From , of Danncbrog , brother of
Miss Ida From , whose unfortunate death oc
curred in this city Wednesday , February 8 ,
states that the friends of Miss From have
been grieved at the Intimation that the young
lady came to her death by suicide. Dr. From
states that there la not the slightest founda
tion for such a supposition and that every in
dication shows conclusively that the death
was purely accidental.
Safe , permanent and complete are the
cures of bilious and intermittent die
eases , made by Prickly Ash Bitters.
Dyspepsia , general debility , habitual
constipation liver and kidney com
plaints are speedily eradicated from the
system. It disinfects , cleanses and
eliminates all malaria. Health and
vigor are obtained moro rapidly and
permanently by the use of this great
natural antidote than by any other rem
edy heretofore known. As a blood pur
ifier and tonic it brings health , re
newed energy and vitality to a worn
and diseased body.
Bilking Brooklyn.
Chief Galllgan of the fire department is Ir
receipt of a letter from the chief of the fire
department of Brooklyn , N , Y , , Inquiring
about ono H. K. Fletcher , who has beer
palming himself off among the firemen of UK
city of churches as the assistant chief of the
Omaha department. Gulllgan telegraphed
in response to these inquiries that Fletcbci
is a fraud.
No Safer Remedy can be had forCought
and Colds , or any trouble of the Throat , thai
"Hrouw's lironchlal Troches. " Prico25cts
Sold only In boxes.
Attaching Their Property.
Deputy Sheriff Houck yesterday starlet
out with attachment papers and attachct
fourteen lots in different parts of the cltj
said to be owned by the Kuufinan Bros. Tin
proceedings were iiibtltulcd by creditors o
the burstcd firm.
_ AgrloulturaMmplomonts. _
Dealer in Agricultural Implements , ! agons ,
C rri gf iinJ lliiKgln. Jdtim Ptreet.bttweenyttiand
lutli , t'liulm , Nobruka , _
A ricnliiiralliiiclenienls.Wagons.CarriaEes . .
Hu > Klei , Ktc. .Wliolomlt. Om h .
Wholesale lH > * ler In
Ajpullnral Implements , Wagons & Buggies
Wl , KB , IW > and Wl Jonet Btrcct , Omaha.
P. P. MAST& CO. ,
Manufacturers of Buckeye Drills , Seeders ,
Cultivator * . lt r HaiM. Cider Mllli and l.ulmn lul-
TcrllcrK. Cor. 14th and Nlrholns Mrvetn.
-Whole * le-
Agricultural Implements agons&BnEgies
Corner Ulh and Nlchol Streeti.
' ) t V t VI I VNU I.
( Akron. Ohio , )
Harvesting Machinery and Binder Twine ,
W. K. Mead , Mummer. l iJ l avenwurtb St. , Omalin
Manufacturers and Jobbers In
fagons Buggies , Rakes , Plows Etc , .
Cor.Ptli ami 1'aclflc Streets , Oranlin , Neb ,
Artlsta' M o tori ale. _
' "
A HOSPE.'jr" ,
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
151,1 IKiuulnn Street , Oiiialui. X
Boots and8hoes. _
w7 VTMORSE & CO" .
Jokers of Boots and Shoes ,
1411 Fiirnam St. , Omaha , Neb. Manufactory , Summer
Mruut. ilusluii.
( Hiucersurn to Heed , Jones A Co. )
AKcntslur IkiMon Itubber Mine Co. 11U3 , Hut A 1UK
llnrnvy M. , Onialm , Nubranku.
Book8ellorVancl Stationers.
H. M , & B. W. JONES ,
Successors to A , T. Kenyan A Co. , Wholoalo & Itctnll
Booksellers and Stationers ,
Fine VTcddlnit Stationery , Commercial Hlntloncrr.
Wtl DouKliw Struct , Oiunlm , Neb.
Uninlui Coltec und fplco Mills.
Teas , Coffees , Spices , Baking Powder ,
'lavorlni : Kxtrncts , Litundry lllur. Inks , Ktc. 1111-
14UI lliirney Street , Oninlm , KcbrmkK.
Crockery and Claa
A pent for the Manufacturer * nnd Importers of
Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Chimneys ,
Etc. Offl ce , IH7 a. 13th St. , Omnhn , Nebraska.
Commission and Storago.
Coinmission and Joking ,
Duttcr , FiqtR anil I'rudticc. C'unrlciiuiiiitn solicited.
llfailuuiirlrrs fur btnncnnri * , lli'rry lluxi't and
lirapu llitskcts. Hit Duilgo bt. , Umulm.
Storage and Commission Merchants ,
Specialties Mutter , Kve % Choetp. Poultry , Came ,
Uystcrii , Ktc. , Ktc. 112 South 14th Street.
Produce Commission Merchants ,
Poultry , Uuttcr , Came , fruits , Ktc.'JO South 14th
ht. . oinahit , Nebraska.
( Successors to McMiano k 8chrocder. )
Produce Commission and Cold Storage ,
Omaha , Nebraska.
Coal , Coke and
Johhers of Hard and Soft Coal ,
209 gouth 13th Street , Omaha , Nebraska.
J. J. JOHNSON , & CO. ,
Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime ,
And shippers of Coal. Coke , Cement. Plaster , I.lmo ,
Drain Tllo , and Hewer Ppo. | Office , I'axton Hotel.-
Farnam Ht. , Ooinha , Neb. Telephone till.
Shippers of Coal and Coke ,
214 South 11th HIT. . Omaha , Neb.
Dry Goods " and Njotjoris.
M. E"SMITH & co. ,
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions ,
1102 and 1104 Douglas , Cor. lltb St. , Omaha , Neb.
Importers and Johbers in Dry GoodsNotions ,
Gents' Furnishing Goods. Corner llth nnd llainer
His .Oninlm , NVbriukH.
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
Karnam Street. Omaha. Nebraska.
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
TOfi , 707 , TOO and 7118.10th St. , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Grocers ,
12th and LeaYenworth Street ) , Omaha , Nebraska ,
D. M. STEELE & CO. ,
Wholesale Grocers ,
1319,1221 and 1223 Uarney Street , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Grocers ,
1114 and 1116 Harney Street , Omaha. Neb.
LEE , FRIED * co.
JoNers of Hardware and Nails ,
Tinware , Sheet Iron. Ktc. Agents for Howe Scales ,
and Miami Powder Cu. , Omaha. Neb.
Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop ,
Mechanics' Tooli and Buffalo Scales. 141& Uouijlai
Htraet , Omaha , Nebraska.
Wholesale Hardware ,
10th and Hartley Bts. . Omaha , Neb. Western Agenti
tor Austin Powder Cu. , Jefferson Mteel Nails ,
Fairbanks SUndard Hcales.
Heavy Hardware.
" '
Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
Springs , W * on Slock , Hardware. Lumber , Ittc. 1XK
and ll llaroey btreetOmaha.
Wholesale Iron and Steel ,
Wagon and Carriage Wood Stock , Hoary Hardware
Ktc. 1117 and lil'jLcaTenwortii Ht.Omaha , Neb.
All Kinds of Building Material at Wholesali
Ifltli Street and Union Pacific Track , Omaha.
Dealer in Lunger , Lath , Lime , Sash ,
Doors , Ktc. TarJs-Corncr 7th and Dcugiai : Come
Pth und Douglas.
C. N. DEIT2 ,
Dealer in All Kinds of Lnrnher ,
13lh and California Streets , Omaha Ncbrflika.
Lninher Lime Cement Etc Etc
, , , , , ,
Comer 6th and Douglas Stl. . Omaha.
_ Lumber.
To Dealers-Only ,
Office , 1403Farnam Street , Omaha.
Wholesale Lumber , Etc ,
Uulncr While Mme.
Dealer in Hardwood Lnmlier ,
Wood Carpets and Parquet Vloorlng. Mh and Dontlai
Iron Works ,
Wrongbt and Cast Iron Building fort
Knftlne * . llra Wnrk , Mineral Foundry. MRbin * an4
TllnkMiillti Work. omro nnd Works , U. t * . Mr.
and 17th Hired , Omaha.
Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings
Desk Halls , Window ( luanls. Mower SUmli , Wlr
funs. Ktc. 1 Nnttli Iftli Htrei-t.OrnaliiL
Man'frs ' of Fire &Barglar Proof Safes <
Vaults. Jail Work , Iron and Wlro Fencing. Sinn * . KM.
O. Andrcen , 1'rup'r Cor. lilli and Jackson tUi.
Iron and Wire Fences , Railings , Guards.
nd _ Srrticnst fnrbunks , ofllcun , Ktores , rrsldencei , , " tc
liu | > roTed AwniiiKu , IxirkmiiltJi M ciilni'Vr anil"
lllacksmllli Works. 4 l South Illh M.
Fire and Burglar Proof Safes , Time Locto ,
( ipncral Agents for Difbolil Safe A ; Ixck To.'a
Vaults ami Jail Work. 1415 Kunmia strcut , Omaha.
_ _ Hot8 ' , Caps , Cto. _ _
w. L. PA'RROTTE & co. ,
Wholesale Hats , Caps and Straw Goods ,
_ HlTi lUrncy Street , Omaha , Neb.
_ Mllllnory nnd
I. OBER > ELDER&c6. , *
Importers & Jokers in Millinery & Notions
an. 81(1 ( anil 212 South lull Stm-t.
_ . . _ . . . _
- - - - - - - -
Wholesale Notions and Fiirnisliing Goods
4(1 , ' ) anil < QTi Si utli 10th bt. , Omaha.
Notions and Gent's ' Furnishing Goods ,
1105 llarncr Htrcot. Omalm.
f holsale Refined and Lubricating Oils ,
Aile ( iri'gsf , Etc. . Onialia. A. II. Bishop. Manager.
Wholesale Paper Dealers ,
Carrr a nice stock of Printing , Wrnpplnii anil Wrltlnf
I'apcr. Spt'cliil uttontlon itlvon to < ar loatt ontars.
_ _ _ _
Auxiliary 'Pmilishers ,
Dealers In Tyiie. I' anil Printers' Supplies. KI3
South mil Street , Omaba.
Rubber Goods *
Manufacturers and Dealers in Rnooer Goods
311 Clothlnii and leather lleltlnK. K08 Karnam BtrMt.
Pumps , Pipes and Engines ,
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
Steam and Water Supplies. Headquarter * for Halt.
Koost & Co's gixiils. 1111 [ nrnniu St.Omaha.
Steam and Water Supplies ,
nd Mills , ( lit and ( CO Farnam St. , Omaha.
U. K. Koss , Acting Manager.
Engines , Boilers and General Hacbinery ,
Sheet Iron > Vork Steam PumpvHnw MIMg. 1213-1215
LeaTenwurtb Mreot. Omaha.
Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seeds
Oil and Oil Jones Street Omaha.
Storage , Forwarding < t Commission
Storage , Forwarding and Commission ,
Dranchhouioof the Hennor DuKfrrCp. Iluagltiat
wboletale and retail. ! W IJIOand HU liard Btreet ,
Oniabu. Telephone No. 750. . .
0 imm.
Manufacture Galvanized Iron and Cornice ,
Jobn Epenctcr , Proprietor. 03) Dodge nnd 100 end 1UI
North 10th Street. Urn Ji .
Lager Beer Brewers ,
Ittt North ElKthtoeuth Street. Oranhn. Nrb.
Manufacturer of Oyeralls ,
Jetnt r nU , Stilrt' , Kto. 1101 nd 1104 Uouglai Btrttt ,
Omah , Neb.
ash. Doors , Etc.
M. A. DISBROW t , CO. . .
Wholeimlo M nuti turert of
Sasb , Doors , Blinds and MonldiniE ! , ,
Brunch OIBcn , nth and Iiard BtreeU , Om h , N b
Manufacturer of Sasn , Doors , Blinds ,
Moudln | i , SUIr Work nd Interior Hiixl Wood Klti
lib. N. K. Corner 8th nJ l areaHortb btrMU.
Ouiab * .
Manafactnrers of Monldini , Sash , Doors ,
And mindi , Tumtnif , Bt lr-work , Btnk and Offlc * Fll-
tln i. .aitb nd 1'oppletoo ATCUU .
Smoke Stacks , liollera , JEto.
" " " " '
Manufacturing Dealer in .Smoke Stack ? ,
BrttcLlngi , Tank * and Ueneral Boiler Repairing. Ull
. IXxlgo Btreet , Omaba. Neb.
C. IU I'ALUKIl. N. I' . IllatUAN. J. D. 1II.ANC1IAUU.
Live Stock Commission Merchants.
OOlce-Ruom 21 , Opposite Kichange Ilnlldlog , union
IHOtk VnrilibouthUmuli , NeU.
Live Stoc-k Commission Merchants ,
Market furnl hncl free on application. Rtocken and
focileri luriilibixl OIIIKHX ! tcrmi. lls'fiencei : Oma
tia National Hank ana Houtli Ouaba National , CulbB
block Y..rrti , foutl : Omaliu.
Liye Stock Commission ,
Iloom 15 , Kichento IlulldlriR. Union Block Tart * ,
rSdith Umaba , Nob.
Commision Dealers in Live Sock ,
Room a , Opponlle Kxchange llulldlng , Union Stock
Yimli , tfoulU Omaha , Neb.
Of Omalia , Limited ,
JoU V. Bora ,