Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 14, 1888, Page 2, Image 2

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A Report From the House Commlt-
too on Fubllo Buildings.
Senator Pmlriook Tnkos Vest to Tusk
itcgnrdlnR Ills Clinr o About
tllO tlNqleSH 1'rltltlllK Of
I'ubllc liciiiiienls.
A Conscrvnllvo Dolny.
WASHINGTON . D. C. . Feb. 13. |
.The1 house committee on public buildings
and grounds to-day reported Mr. McShane's
blllcalllng for 11,500,000 for ji new govern
ment building nt Omaha ns amended by the
committee. The amendment provides for an
appropriation" of'$500,000 for the securing of
a site. The committee state thnt this action
lias been taken in view of the fact that legis
lation by the state of Nebraska Is necessary
bdjoro complete title nnd cessation of Juris
diction onthepartof the state can bo obtained
by flic government , nnd that Inasmuch us the
legislature will not meet until the coming
year this appropriation is all thnt is necessary
under the circumstances of the case. Mr.
McSliano has made a vigorous fight on bo-
Imlf of the full amount , as called for in his
bill , nnd ho has been aided by Messrs.
Laird and Dorscy. The action taken
is Stated by several members of the commit
tee to bo entirely in the line of the full
amount of the appropriation , as called for by
Mr , McShano's bill , and with no view to cut
the cost of the building when erected. They
believe that on the very strong she wing made
by Congressman McShano ns to the necessi
ties of the government at Omaha that there
will bo no dlfllculty at the next session of
congress in passing a bill providing for the
erection of a building to cost $1,000,000. The
report of the committee is undoubtedly in
fluenced by the approaching campaign nnd
the feeling among the democrats that appro
priations must bo paicd down to the lowest
jMisslble notch In order to make a showing in
the coming canvass. It is probable thnt the
bill will come tip for passage in the house be
tween the -1st and 25th lust. , and us
it will have the united and vigorous
support of the state delegation , there Is no
doubt of its adoption. It Is not sure , how
ever , thnt the senate will concur in the
amendment of the house. If it docs not the
bill will go to a conference committee , In
which event the bill , us passed by tbo sen
ate , may bo restored and finally accepted by
the house.
Senator Puddoek to-day in the senate in
troduced a memorial from the citizens of
Lincoln praying that the government should
bear its share of the expense of paving and
grading the streets adjacent to the govern
ment building. Ho also introduced u peti
tion signed by the governor and various state
ofllccrs nud citi/ens of Nebraska , praying
for a pension for Mrs. Nancy Pollack , which
was referred to the committee on pensions ,
During the course of the debute on the
question of the sui plus of publio documents
in resjOTiiso to Senator Vest's charge that too
many documents were printed and that he
hud thousand which he was unable to
dispose of , Senator Mandorson , the chairman
of the committee on printing , being absent ,
Senator Paddock took up the cudgels in debate -
bate in behalf of his colleague. Ho said
that his colleague , who is chair
man of the committee on printing , was , una
voidably absent from t > > o chamber , otherwise
ho would undoubtedly bo heard from in an
swer to the charges against him nnd his com
mittee mude by thts senator from Missouri in
the course of his remarks. Mr. Paddock
said there might have l > ccn some abuses in
the matter of printing public documents of
the classes referred to by the senator , but
that ho himself 'would be glad to receive
from the surplus of such documents a few
thousand for distribution to his constitu
ents ; that there wcro some hundreds of
thousands of pioneers on homesteads in the
frontier counties of his state and the same
Was true of Kansas and the other states and
territories of the newer northwest who are
hungry and thirsty for knowledge of any nnd
all kinds , and they would gladlv receive even
the documents so vehemently disparaged by
the senator from Missouri. There Is no sub
ject considered worthy of consideration by
the committees of congress or by commissions
appointed by its authority to consider any
report upon which reports wcro considered
important enough to print , which would not
interest the people of his section of the
country , nt least , and lie would bo glad to
have them for distribution. Being u new
senator , lie Is not entitled to documents for
distribution , and ho would bo glad to receive
from the senator from Missouri , or anybody
else , five or six thousand or more of these
disparaged documents for his constituents.
Senator Allison presented in tho'senate
to-day the resolutions adopted by the Iowa
Short Horn Hroedcrs' association asking that
the so-railed Mlllor-Cury bill , ns now changed
und argued upon by the commissioner of
agriculture , etc. , bo passed by congress , and
asking for nn appropriation to aid in the sup
pression of iilouro-pnemnonia. Ho nlso .pre
sented the petition of tbe liusiness Men's
R&sooititlon of Muscatino , la. , asking for the
establishment of nn experimental plant for
the manufacture of sugar in the state of
Abrnm Axtoll , of Scotia , Greoley county ,
"Neti. , and Alanzon Gaston , of Marshulltown ,
la. , were to-day admitted to practice before
tlio Interior department.
After to-niorrow the special mail service to
r Brondwav , Linn county , la. , from Union
town , will bo discontinued.
L The nt Center Valley , Cass
county , Nob. , and Kcya Palm , Holt county ,
Net ) . , have been discontinued. Mail for thu
Jirst onioo will now go to AVceplng Water and
{ or tno latter to Grand Rapids.
The time schedule for the star mall route
extending from Ewing to Harold , Neb. , has
been changed as fallows : .Leave Eiving
Mondays nud Fridays ut 11:30 : a. m. ; arrive ut
Harold by 4 p. m. Leave Harold Tuesdays
and Saturdays at 9 a. in. ; arrive ut Ewmg by
1:80 : p. m.
vXhotnns W. Wilson -was to-day appointed
postmaster atLlnwobd , Uutlcr county , Neb. ,
rice George E. Richards , removed.
Representative Struble , of Iowa , to-day in
troduced n bill amending tlio law which pro-
hiblU aliens owning lands in thntorrllorieii
by prohibiting aliens .acquiring title by loan-
tug'money cui lands and foreclosing Uiomort-
Ncbrnskn'nnil low * Pensions.
WASHINGTON , J-'eb. 13. [ Special Telegram
r to the nkE.t Pensions wcro granted the
* following Npbraskans to-day : Original in-
i Kalian-Joseph S. Coftln , Colon ; George D.
tv Mullltmn ! Crcighton ; Jefferson H. Fox-
worthy , Lincoln r 'Marion H. Brown , In-
alwola ; George W. Hagun , Outdo Rock ;
Oliver F. Reynolds , McCook ; Jumcs Ukin-
* m , Ufiatrlce ; JolmTiminerinan. Flora. In-
ercaso-lnvalld Montgomery Stroud , Uock-
villo : Jesse f. , Ferguson. Syracuse ; Claus
Young , M.idLsoq. * .Mexican survivors
Qanlel Scott , Scot la. Increase Samuel H.
lklMs.garoes. UolRsuo- Michael Sulllvun ,
Pensions' for lowans : Original invalid
John A" Cook < j , YalQi7acoblilatUter , Casev ;
Edward M , . Gerard , Council liluffn ; Jolm IL
f "Smith , Swnn Lake : John Grnndy. Tioy
MillBt Samuel W. Jiiuubon , Rlppey ; Churlos
.rotten , IJrldgewalcr : Calvin L. Urock , Olin ;
Henry L. CUpsadillu. Sibley. Increase
WinHold Green. , Cedar Rapids ; James T.
ff-f JotinstQii. .licdford ; John Dicua , JOxlra ;
Charles H. W. Pnyno , Adel : James Pugh ,
Atlantiu ; Jefferson IfoslinK , Onowu ; Jerome
Lpng , UonapArte ; Kliza K. S. Rico , Ames ;
Jes oGuttcryTinjtlpjr ; Lcnnder U. Urown-
ing , Clinton ; JohnOulick , Madrid. Kuissuo
Austin Crawford. Ainsworth ; Daniel F.
Hurncs , Washington. Ori 'mal , widows ,
etc. Mary tt , widow ofWiUii Lyou , Elgin ;
Jane M. . mother o ! John T. Earnest , North-
Held ; minor & Stephen S. Foster , Loots.
Jung Ah Lane' * Case.
WASHINGTON , Feb. 13.-jA decision was
rendered by the United States supreme court
to-day On this Chinese Immigration case of the
t Jang Ah Luue , brought
hero by appeal from the drciilt court of the
United States , district of California. The
decision of the lower court , by vlrtuo of
which Jung Ah Lung was discharged froin
custody on n writ of habeas corpus , Is uf-
A inijiCnouH :
Dentil of ArcliblHhop .fcnn UnptlKto
Lniny nt Snutn Fc.
SANTA Fn , N. M. , Feb. , IX [ Special Tele
gram to the UEE , ] Archbisliop Jean Blip-
tlsto Loaiy'dFed nt lils.bpmo at S o'clock this
mornlngLiii hls.scvcnty-fourth year , after nn
illness of flvo weeksaf pneumonia. His
death was"painless. The "pneumonia had
been subdued several days previous to his
death , Init hu. had not the strength to rally
from its cfft'cts. He was born in Franco ,
caino to America in 1839 UHd to Santa Fo in
1857 , having bctm npp'olulcd bishop of Agl-
then and Vicar hp6stollc Of New Mexico.
It was , to. n * great extent by
Ills labor , thattho Cnthollc church nnd Its
numerotis educational nlid chM'ltable institu
tions have rcnulicQ "their present degree of
piosperlty anil powcr nt'tho.southwest. His
early life hero "was ono of hardship , of
danger from hostile Indians on' his number
less visits to , tlie churches scattered over n
wide area bf country , and. oil his Journeys
across the plains to church councils held In
the 'Atlantic states , * Ho " was made
archbishop 'of Santa. Fo twelve jears
ago. with Colorado nnd Arl/ona In
cluded in his diocesu , but resigned
in 1SS3 on account of the breaking of his
health from ago and hard work. Ho was
succeeded by Kov.-J. 11. Snlpointo , who had
been his conductor. Archbishop Lamy's '
body will'lic in state nt the Cathollu cathe
dral here until Thuisddy or Friday , when the
funeral will take place. The Santa Fo
cathedral is u noble structure and u monument
ment to the archbishop , ns it was built
through his effort. Ho was known nnd
loved by more people than , any one in this
country und the mourning over his death is
general and profound.
A Hebron Woman Searching For Her
AlHconillnf ; Hiislmntl.
LINCOLN , Neb. , Feb. 18 ; | 6pcclal Tele
gram to the BEE. ] 'Mrs. Hnker , n lady from
Hebron , Thnyer county , appealed to the
police to-day for assistance In finding the
whereabouts of her husband , who at the last
state fair time deserted.hls wife nnd came to
Lincoln with another man's wife. Ho has
been seen on several occasions in this city
since leaving his homo.
LINCOLN , Neb. , Feb. 13. [ Special
Telegram to the Bnu.J Adolph Guuther , n
resident of tho. village of Hickman , this
county , was brought to the city to-day Insane ,
and will be titlcon to the asylum. It Is his
third attack and third visit to the hospital.
The Poll Hook Thief.
GRANT , Nob. , Feb. 13. [ Special Telegram
to the BEE. ] The detectives who were put
to work on the jxiil book robbery reported in
Sunday's Bun , hit upon a clue to-dny. Nearly
enough evidence is accumulated now to war
rant the arrest of the party suspected.
Only One Survivor Out of n Party of
KlRht Colored People.
NEW OKI.EANS , Fob. 13. A party of eight
| x > rsons , all colored , crossed the river Satur
day afternoon in a skiff. The boat was old ,
and when the party was returning and within
n hundred feet of the homo lauding the swell
of a passing steamer caused the skiff to go to
[ jicces and sevpn of the occupants were
The Gould nnd SUKO Larceny.
NEW YOIIK , Feb. 13. [ Special Telegram to
.ho Bun. ] It is said the charges against Uus-
sell Sago and Jay Gould for larceny of Union
'aciflc ' railroad bonds will be brought to the
attention of the grand jury at once. But ono
fact has corao to light that warrants the ex
pectation that the officers of the law will not
dismiss the charges without doino sort of
: > ublo ! inquiry. District Attorney Fellows
declarer he has bpen approached by men hav
ing an interest In the case. There bos been
some criticism in some quarters over the ac
tion of the district attorney's office in holding
a secret conference to hear arguments. The
district attorney in nn intervicxv said : "I
have been npponchud by men evidently bent
on an effort to influence me , suggesting I
should be careful. Some have even said that
if I would act agreeably to their view they
could arrange things pleasant for mo. " Peo-
p'o attached to Gould's interest say that Jay
Gould will bo in New York before March 1.
The following cablegram was received by n
Wall street agent from Mr. Gould : "See
nnd Und out how much he wants to stop this
business. "
PnlLAUKLi'iiiA , Feb. 13. [ Special Tele
gram to the BEE. ] Arrived The Indiana ,
fioui Liverpool ; the Minnesota , from London.
Feb. 13. Arrived The
Gallia , from New York ; the British King ,
from Philadelphia ; the Paleitine , from Bos
ton. '
lUviti ; , Feb. 18. Arrived The Cham-
pnpne , from New York ,
Dovnu , Fob. IS. Arrived The America ,
from Baltimore , for Bremen.
HO-TON , Feb. IS. Arrived The Lake On
tario , from Liverpool.
LONDON , Feb. 13. Arrived The Helvetia ,
from New York.
The. Crown Prince.
18&S 1m Jama Gallon licnnrtt. ]
SA.\ltKMO , Feb. 13-lNow York Herald
Cable SiKscial to the Br.E. ] The weather
continues cold und rainy and generally un
favorable for the crown prince , but no"fover
yet. Ho was permitted to talk. His family
doctors have suddenly become very reticent
and have very little tq say about the real
condition of the prince , but I am assured the
throat is doiity ? "wpl ) < He- " suffers no pain.
The inner tujje is taken .out. frequently for
O'Brien and Sulllvtip Honored.
LONDON , Fob.13. . William O'Brien and
T. P. Sullivan- Irish members of parliament ,
who were recently imprisoned , arrived in
London nnd received an ovation from 10,000
persons who. had gathered at the station to
welcome themv They , were escorted by an
immense procession to Hyde park , whore
40,000 people wnre assembled , trad held a
ucctiug'in UiCUruonor. " ' . -
xi { Smuggler -Bulled.
N > . , Fob : ! 3. 'Erwin A' .
Garner , who t'jUi'Jils "eousln Bphralm Gard
ner , was arrested and tak cn to .Ogdensburg
on Tue daj-'last ' on the chafgp of smuggling
opium , hai ticen.Ttilcasod on JVQOO | bail and
Is now in this city.Erwln's \runls. which
were seiiedPbayf-J i foWtV W contain doc
uments showinr-Uui1' Gardner was- United
States inspccioe-durlnir f our. nxon hs .In IWw ,
with headqun'rierspn the Pacific , coast ,
i T . - . - .
Hosi Wins' " ti SpjulUnVr Race.
"LONDON , Jan. 13. The" sculling race l > o-
tweon Wallace Uowvof Amurica , and George
Bubear , of E jflamL.for thocjiamp/onshlp / of
England , chullese cup and. & stake , of100 ,
took place to-day over the Thames course
from Putney la Murtlako. .
Hess had the Surrey aide of tbo-rlvor and
led throughout. AX Ituintticrstiflilf , two miles
from the btart , he wua U'n length * nueail. Ho
then ouscJ up and won by six lengths.
Weather lmlin tonn. |
For Nebraska ! Colder , generally fair
v.'oathor , v.'SVh' cold \vi .ve , fresh to brisk
northerly winds. "
For Iowa : Intent Jccal ppoivs , follovvejl by
fair , colder woatber , with cold wove , frcs'a to
brisk winds , shifting to northerly. *
For Eastim ana Southeastern Dakota :
Full * weuthor , preceded in southern portion
by light snow , colder , with cold wave , fresh
to light northerly winds , becoming- lighter
and variable.
Another D ko a
N , Dak. , Feb. 38. [ Special Tele
gram to the UKB.I Enrly this morning a
itroug wind troui tUo florUt ii4VJlopod into a
blizzard , completely blocking the rnilronds.ljy
noon. To-nlglit the thorinometer Is 10' be
low zero. Although the storm seems nearly
ns severe ns that of January 12 , no loss of
llfo Is anticipated , as the storm came up
The Kcnncbcc Journal insists on Blalno
staying In the rnqo.
In the French chamber of deputies yester
day Premier Tirnrd Killed for n credit of
IDJTOO.OOO francs , which was adopted. 5
Chief of Police Ebcrsold , of Chicago , ten
dered his resignation to Mayor Kucholast
evening. No reason was assigned. *
Two thousand men are still continuing the
effort to rescue the passengers on the mull
train on the Arlborg railway , burled by an
uvalaneho. *
The first clause of the socialist bill passed
the second reading in the rplchstarr yestOr-
day. The clause prolongs the existing htw
until September 30 , 1300.
IIar | > er Meadows , n member of a. highly
respected family nt Olnoy , 111. , has been or-
rested on suspicion Of having assassinated
Joseph F. Leaner on Saturday.
Judge Groshani was seen ntLouisville. .
Ky. . last evening und asked his < opinion. , of
Hlnlno's letter , but lefused to say anything ,
saj ing ho xvas not talkingpolitics. .
TUo coroner's Jury nt Mnrlssa , 111. , yostcc-
day decided that J , W. Guthrie , the 'wealthy
farmer Hum > o8cd to have been murdered by
burglars Sunday last , In reality suicided.
linlph Lee , who shot and dangerously
woundedohis step-father , Banker Kawson , in
Chicago some months ago , was yesterday sen
tenced to eighteen months * In the county Jail.
His mother will be tried next week. ' '
Chicago's city council 'last night passed n
new fus ordinance , the most important feat
ure of which Is that it compels the various
pas companies to supply gas to private con
sumers as well as to the city at $1 per 1,000
cubic feet.
No imiHjrtant cuts wcro made yesterday by
the warring western roads , but the Burling
ton announces that to-day , in connection with
the B. & M. road , it will reduce pram rates
from all Nebraska stations and the Missouri
river So per 100 pounds. This is n heavy blow
to the Iowa and Chicago trunk lines , as thev
have about l'J,000,000 bushels of grain cribbed
and stored in western Iowa wliich will bo
hurried to market ut the reduced rate.
Atmmpjotin honor of Lincoln's birthday
was given at Columbus , O. , last night , nnd
attended .by prominent republican speakers ,
including Senator Sherman , Governor For-
nkcr , Governor Luce of Michigan , Governor
Beaver of Pennsylvania , and others. Murat
Halstead , of the Cincinnati Commercial Gu
zettc , m responding to the toast , "Tho Press , "
paid u glowing tribute to the memory of the
martyred president.
The Treat of the SCHBOH at Bord'o.
The Howard Athenaeum Star Specialty
company opened nt Boyd'B last night. It is
n remarkably Uno attraction , one of the very
best that has been hero this season. Many
of the performers are previous acquaintances ,
but' their acts are now und prepared on- pur
pose for this tour , while the new engage-
incuts are of uncommon nicrjt and attract
iveness. The Whirlwinds of the Desert , the
four Arabs , give a performance that has
never had an equal in this country , and they
were greeted with the most enthusiastic ap
plause. Hoblni and Ilczeno , in an eccentric
trapero act , also brought down the
house ; the brothers. Fontc-Bonl in
n curiously clever boll imitation are
great , and a London mayician , Carl Hertz.
introduces some tricks that almost
partake of the preternatural. The Irwin
sisters May and Flora repeated their great
success of j ears gone by. "Home Uulo" is u
Teed medium for displaying their specialties
this including the singing by Miss May , who
carried the audience by storm with "Wuv
Down in Maine" and other novelties ; the
nale inicrsoiiutioii | of Miss Flora was cap-
.taL Adums , CHBC.V and Howard save a re
fined black-laced musical sketch of n similar
nature to that in which they have previously
won much favor. Miss Lbzio Daly inoru than
satisfied the demands of her unlimited nd
mirers for her inimitable work lit the shrine
of Terpsichore. Hoey and Dailoy need no
special mention , save to say that they are us
nopular as over In their not unfamiliar
dialogue act. The programme is quite
lengthy , but , every item Is good , and the com
pany will not bo duplicated hero this season ,
for its equal is not on the road.
A Traveling Man PlnjH Policeman For
a Little While.
A traveling man by the name of Shank-
land , representing a glass factory nt Glovers-
villo , N. Y. , stepped up to a darkey in the
corridor of the Paxton at midnight last
night , took him by the collar and marching
up to the ofllco directed thoclurk to telephone
to the central police station for an ofllccr.
The negro all this time presented a stolid In
difference , but when Officer Cullen and a
companion arrived ho weakened nnd asked
for what ho was to bo pigged.
'Lock liim up and I will appear against
him. I am directed by your superior officer
in this move , " said Shankland , and the offi
cers departed with their prisoner.
To u BKB reporter Shankland explained
that he had employed the negro , whoso numo
is Archie White , to assist him during tno day
in carrying about his sample case. As a re
ward. upon their return to the Paxton where
Shankland is quartered , he dove down
in his pocket and handed White ,
ns ho supposed , a silver dollar. But
a little later ho discovered that it was a I.H )
gold piece and not a dollar , and by advice of
the proprietors of the house ho started out
to find White , accompanied by n ] > olict'mun
delegated for the search by Chief Seavey.
White , however , succeeded in eluding his
pursuers , though they heard of him ns hav
ing been in several places spending money
freely. Upon his return to the Paxton ho
was quickly gobbled up , and to-day will bo
given u hearing.
A Veteran Become * lunatic.
Nelson Brown , the old G. A , H. patriarch
who has n candy stand on the corner of Doup-
las and Kith streets , has become insane and
was taken to the police station last night on
complaint of T. Erichson , the Bhoema'ker next
door to him. The old inanihasx ocn hard
times lately and this , coupled" with nc'glecV
nnd insufficient food , has weakened bis mind !
Some two or three months ago ho was mur
derously assaulted by a mulatto , who beat
him into insensibility with | > op bottles. Since
then the old man has never been himself.
m - it i > * .
Ninety New LwiornotiVj. . .
Fifteen of the new locomotives ordered''by
the Union Pacific railroad will UrrivV'w the
city by March 1 , nnd the balance will' follow
regularly at a rate that it" Is cypocica
the full number will bo in working shapeby
April 1. Koine , N. Y. , Philadelphia , P.B. .
and Paterson , N. J. , shops uiiu furiiisliulK
them. * , . , . - . , - , ' - . . :
Kapitl TrnnsU.- * > >
BALTIMORE , Fob. 13. A cohirmny was 'in
corporated In this city to-dny whigh pronged
to Rend merchandise uhl' l y" , by ejuutro-
antomutlo { rawer over elevated railway"wrs
wliich cannot run off , und'td wuVtijM'ilno.pi
tiansit from Baltimore to Washington In ton
minutes. Some very prominent buiJinesffirien
nnd capitalists have engaged
' ' ' " '
Patti'a BOKUH'Agent. . ' . %
NEW YOKIC , Feb. , 13. UaJCcd , ! staJesCom
mlsslonor Lyman jlocided , that 'the cv'idcncp-
wa * ' BUfllcicji'i to send Benson , the allcgci
Pattj ticket forger back to Mexico for trial
licnsou's counsel was granted a hearing for
to-morrow to allow the introduction of uuv
testimony , ' _ _ ,
Iloumanlan Elc-cllon. '
.UtrouiiKST , Feb. 13. The second ballot for
members of the Houmanlau chamber of deputies
ties resulted in the election of twelve gov
eminent candidates and live members of the
ElKln jlntlrr Market.
ELOJN , 111. , Feb. 13. Butter sold on the
tuurkut to-day at S9o per pound.
D9.00 saved by getting best warrantee
too Ui worth 115. 00 of Dr. Huughawou
for $0.00 , S. W. cor. 13th and Puruam s
Rest soft coal , Silver Crock. Try it
Jell , W. Bedlordj 213 S. Htb.
Wealthy Tottrl td Who Are Thor
oughly Killing Time.
Society In Gothain to Conio to an Karly
Close The PrcHldcnt'H Sister In a
aNoivIlolo A'tliliH | ! Character
Clara Iteifo's Letter.
NKW YoitK , FoU. 11. [ Correspond
ence of the BEK. ] Slnco WilUtun K.
irmidorbilt sailed nway on u trip around
lie uorld little 1ms boon heard of him.
Pho newspapers have not followed him
ip with closeness. Now and then a
) rief telegram bus appqarod , announe-
ng Unit Mr. Vandcrbilt hud graciously
consented to bo received by the sultan ,
ol1 some minor potyntutuvha would un
doubtedly gladly exchange boots with
ils money guest. That Mr. Vandorbllt
spent Chrlstmns in the vicinity of the
iardandlles and thnt Mrs. Vandorbllt
did not forget to _ send , a Now Year's
hock to Now York In. the interests of
charity. But some of Mr. Vandcrbllt's
rionds have been fortunate in obtaln-
ng private udvicos about him , and from
one of these letters I obtain a grout deal
of information. Mr. Vandcrbllt's ex-
lerlonccs thus far have been devoid of
mything remarkable from the point of
view of the adventurer. Ho has had no
encounters with brigandHoithor Italian
or Turkish , ho has not "boon followed by
) irates in the mediteranean ; ho has
climbed no diz/y mountain heights , nor
ins he attempted to enter Morquos in
linguist ) , ho has not bearded the tiger
n his lair , nor shot tho. sacred white
elephant on the banks of the Ganges.
In fact , Mr. Van dorbilt's llfo is , in his
own opinion and that of his friends , al-
.ogother too valuable to risk in any such
foolhardy manner. That may do for
iionoyless nobodies , but never for the
jiggost of American money kings. Mr.
VanderMlt , according to the best
authority , has , however , been able to
enjoy hinibclf much more to his satibfac-
,1011. At present ho Is in Egypt , and on
lis way up the Nile. Ho has chartered
, ho steamer Prince , Abbas , which re
turned to Cairo last week , having on
ward the Duo do Chartres and a party
of illvstrious gentlemen. Mr. Vander-
lt was introduced to the noble duke
And they had a pleasant time while both
pnrtics remained in Cairo. The
learner Prince Abbas is getting
LO bo the regular excursion boat of the
Nile lor parties wuq can afford to pay
; he exceedingly liir o price charged
tor her use. The UAtings and furnish
ings are of the mostj-luxurious charac
ter , and almost equal to the magnifi
cence of Mr. Vandefbilt's own yacht.
The steamer is a lu'fdo ono compared to
the general run of vessels in use on the
Nile , and the Vand bilt party will not
llnd it necessary toicomplain of cramped
quarters. The stacti was mudo a few
days ago Und the 'ultimate ' destination
is the First Cataract. Stops will bcs
made at Luxor , Car'nak , Thebes and
other towns and vill46 ° 3 on t'10 ' UP trip
and possibly at sofnp on the return.
Mr. Vanderbilt has written that Egypt
is not a country of . .pleasant sights , al
though abounding with things of inter
esting nature. He found more rags and'
misery in Cairo than ho ever before
imagined possible. 'The turbulent Nile ,
with its muddy wafers and loamy blaeliL
banks boa caused him to express sur
prise at the stories of Cleopatra
and her wonderful barge. To his
mind , floating on the dirty wavcjs.
and watching -crocodiles as they
impudently flirt thdir tails , is not such
a delightful thing us it is alleged to
have been. Ho admits , however , that
the moonlight , and beautiful houris in
picturesque costume and soft music may
have made u difference. Mr. Vandor-
bilt'H Nile visit will hist much longer
than the three weeks that it usually
takes , because he expects to be some
time in exploring the wonders of the
place where ho intends to stop. Ho will
manage to get back in time , however ,
to avoid any dangers from the annual
overflow. Ho has taken along with him
a goodly supply of choice Perfcctos to
prevent infection from the ill-smelling
nigs that are omnipresent in Egypt ut
this time. Ho believes that good tobacco
smoke will drive away any such danger ,
and invites his companions to puff
away at his best brands all the time.
"Doing" the Nile has apparently at
tracted a great many Americans re
cently. Mr. J. Plorrepont Morgfin , the
rich banker and uUitesinan , chartered
the fcamo steamer that Mr. Vanderbilt
is now using. Ho was in a hurry , how
ever , and broke the time record on the
trip by steaming night'and day iiibtead
of lying-to at night. Ho returned to
Cairo in a week and a half from the time
ho started. Mr. Ismay of the White
Star line also made the trip and a num
ber of well known Americans have been
there incognito. Letters have been re
ceived in New York from Mr. and Mrs.
Daniel B. Fearing , the wealthy society
couple who took u wedding trip to Japan
last fall , Mr. Fearing is u wealthy
gentleman of adventurous spirit
who became tired of the insipid pleas
ures of society life in Ne.w York ; Mrs.
Fearing is a charming young woman
who shares her husband's love for travel ,
and , us money is no object to them , they
have boon enjoying themselves royally.
They loft Now York on a special car
and their own servants for San Fran
cisco and thence traveled by private
yacht to Yokohoma. A 'beautiful resi
dence had been cng g d for them in ad
vance and hud Ixjon' llttod up in luxur
ious man nor. ' In thtfftolighlful climate
and surrounded by rtefr and curious con.
ditions they have lixanAgoil to entertain
themselves wondorf nljy 'well. They at
Hirst intended to uetjvrn in six months
i but their appetite > has only
( boon whetted by thWf experience vtitt
i they expect now to ( if relo the globe before -
fore they return. TfaJftr * next stop will
boinlnrtijw. , -
Society moarns thi f&rly advent this
yonr. It-is generally' agreed that Feb-
rii : ry 15 is a date altogether outrageous
charitable ha/.iuirs , u.iu " the carrying ol
'prayer books In th w"niornoon. There
was. a tlmo when jthts- Lenten season
might bo opened ignored , and church
authority dolled with impunity. But
boeioty doesn't do that tort of thing
now. It's fashionable to bo churchly ,
so the backcloth and. ashes are metu-
jihoricully donned without a murmur.
Some young women even go bo far as to
attend church two or Uireo times a day.
They may bo escorted homo by a differ
ent young man each time , but they coil-
solo themselves with a conscioutmc&s ol
duty performed. There is some talk ol
a great charity fair before Easter , to bo
led by such names as Astor and Vanderbilt -
bilt , but the project has not yet taken
definite shape , and come to nothing.
Notwithstanding the widespread JXJPU-
larity of Lenten observances , however ,
thora are a considerable number o :
wealthy Nuw Yorkers whoso ubsurt
independence of the . conventionalities
ma led them to n charming noW dopar-
lire in their sot. This is a departure
for Florida , Nittsau , or some other
: enlal clime a few days before Ash
'Wednesday , and a return to civilization
i few days after Easter. At least twenty
families have departed within the last
week , with the solo purpose of escaping
the dullnessof Lent , and many more are
.But if Lent isobsorvod rather strictly ,
society makes the most of the gay
sensou up to the last moment. While
the afternoon receptions and the evening -
ing "small nnd enrlys" at private houses
irons numerous as over , the ontortain-
inonts'ntDelmonlco's und the Brunswick
liavo greatly increased in number. For
Instance : Uelmonleo's second floor is
engaged for every night up to
Ash Wednesday , for balls nnd
other fcooittl , afiairs. Private cnter-
lalntnents in publio places admission
by cdrd only grow in favor and save
much \ vcr and tear on the goods and
chatt''handsoinq dwellings. It is
ilono by forming so-called "clubs" or'
"cirolo8 ( " and , issuing engraved invita
tions. . Delmuuico weeps when ho thinks
of Lent , but it is doubtful 11 ho goes to
enurcli oven ontio-a day.
The .dancing season closes with the
beginning of Lbntyof course , and it1 lias
been * n unusually gay ono , in conso-
qtumcoi of the condensation already
mentioned. A feature of the last ball in
the Astor coterie was the presence of
four bridal parties. In eauh instance
Lhe bride was there wearing the costume
in which qho has stood before the altar ,
except that the veil and orange blossoms
soms were "discarded. The four groups
of bridesmaids nlso appeared In the
dresses which they had worn nt the
weddings. These interesting bridul
parties kept themselves intact for an
hour or so , and around them crowded ad
miring siwctutors. An air of rivalry was
imparted the exhibition , too , for it was
inevitable that comparisons should bo
critically made , not ulono us to the per
sonal beauty or lack of it but in the
matter of clothes. At all events it was
a successful attempt to inject an almost
bonpationnl element into what would
have been a fine but conventional cli
max of the season.
Propriety and Shakespeare have had
a collision , and Miss Rose Elizabeth
Cleveland had something to do with it.
That is to say , the extremely fashion
able school in which pho is a member of
the faculty was the place of the impact.
The rules of that establishment , govern
ing the conduct of the pupils , compels
the girls who board there to got a-
special permission every time they go
outside tno walls , except for promenades
together and with a chaporono.
Applications -for leave to go
to theaters are generally refused ,
but Shakespeare has usually been hon
ored with a breach of this law. Wlion
Booth & Barrett last plnyed hero these
school girls wore allowed to go _ to the
matinees in chaperoned parties , and
oven at night , under approved escort.
Modjeska is in town this \\ook in a round
of Shakespearean plays , and the girls
under Miss Cleveland Bup | > osod that
they could witness these representa
tions. But when it came to 'Cymbo- '
lino" and "Measure Measure , " with
their shocking plots , the question had
to be carefully considered : On the one
hand it was argued that Shakespeare's
works wore above condemnation , oven
in these pieces usually offered by actors ,
while it was as strenuously urged that
the ad ventures of the heroine in each
in each instance wcro utterly unlit for
young girls to see. Miss Cleveland was
delegated to find out how far Modjeska
intended to go in u literal illustration of
Shakespeare , and she wrote a polite
letter tp the actress , asking if the bed
chamber bceno in "Cymbolino" was to bo
given as in the play. Modjoska
replied that not ' only would
every word in it bo broken , but that ,
after mature consideration , she had de
cided to emphasize it by the utmost de
gree of pantomime. She said that the
whole play depended upon this princi
pal scene for its intelligibility and in
terest. Thereupon she felt that artistic
reverence for Shakespeare not only de
manded that this particular passage
should not bo curtailed , but that it
should bo given with all possible dram
atic force. Miss Cleveland as emphatic
ally decided that her girls should not
see "Cymbelino. " Probably she was
right. There is a grcaf deal of good
poetry in this play of Shakespeare's , but
the principal feature of the btory is the
surreptitous visit to her bcdbide by an
advontureous scoundrel , in quest of false
evidence against her modesty. How
ever , several audiences did see Mod
jeska in this dramatic exploit , and por-
bonal observation of ' one Of thebo gather
ings impells the 'writer to declare that
Shnkespcnro literally illustrated on the
stage is u shock to sensitive eyes and
ears.This leads up to Comstock's raids upon
undruped art , and one of our variety
theatres the only ono close to Broad
way , and commonly visited by polite
people has this week taken shrewd ad
vantage of the subject. Wherever did
you hear of 'any body , oven the most
acute stickler for propriety , objecting to
skin-tight coverings on the circus per
formers ? Thrco athletes happened to
bo under engagement to this ubtablish-
meut. One of them was a young woman.
Ordinarily they threw flip-Haps , and did
other acrobatic things , in the costume
common to Iheir profession. 'But this
time tlio mauiigor saw the chance for
novelty iiiulhumor in keeping skirts on
the girlduring her performance. There
fore , we have'thn } remarkable eight of
summprwiults and contortlvo feats by a
maiden dressed in ' the long skirts of
conventional life.
In .the , busy throng of lower Broad
way tiud tributary thoroughfares , as old
Trinity' * clock is making toward noon ,
may dally bo won a buxom girl of about
twenty , * with' rosy-cheeks , intelligent
eyes , and a .big ba'skot of fruit on her
arm. Juand.oulqt buildings she goes ,
until ? wljV'X ' ro.Hev'e'd. . of her cargo she
disappcirs'for half an hour while she
loads'ugain. , i-To bo sure she is only ono
ofrtj"anuy'Owomen ( engaged in this
busincB 'but slTo'is iv unique character
for jilHSthat. They call her Jo.
Nobp.ily.Gver knew afi apple girl's eur-
liaiua , ' or perhaps over dreamed that"
she possessed buck a thing. Jo lju.3 been
workliig'tho neighborhoca' of Wall
street/i > i > 'a'nu > ubir ( 1)1years , and bho
has s.tru'ck"-avein ( * that wil ) make
her rlcl } intime. . At first aho
was a jjreelaneoand took trade
FiS U came ; but as soon as one found bus
iness thrivinj ? to an extent beyond her
capacity uhe weeded out her customers ,
retaining those who had proved most
prolitablo. ; 'Her patrons arc chiolly
brokers and lawyers. Jo is shrewd and
Jo is secrutivo and the method of her
money making may bo explained by a
simple transaction. Shu enters u bro
ker's ' oftico , und passes unchallenged to
the private room of the head of the linn.
An clderjy gentleman greets her cord\-
allybelccts u couple of , oranges und a.skb
her with a smile to "send up a couple
! ust like lu&twcok. " Jo makes an entry
n a little note book , the old banker
hands her a bank bill and she makes
her exit. But on the way out u young
man ut a desk Intercepts her , buys an
apple or two , whispers mysteriously ,
passes her a note and she vanishes.
Down in the market Jo had a contract
with a certajn fruit dealer , and buys at
bottom prices. There boon after wo
find her , engaged in making up three
baskets of selected fruit one larger and
finer than the others. Then she ad
dresses and attaches a card to each , and
orders them to bo HO lit uptown .before
sundown. Late in the afternoon a
basket of fruit is handed the brokor'a
wife. A larger basket is delivered to
another lady not his wife. , Basket
No. ! J finds its way to a very cosy flat
whore a Vaudeville aotross pays the
rent. Jo clears about $1 on each bas
ket , and the gentlemen concerned are
relieved of making purchases where
acquaintances might bo encountered
ana awkward explanations rendered
necessary. Jo holds the secret of many
a man , and the happiness of more than
one homo In that little note book of
hers. But she's very discreet.
Ram niul lloi-pcs Iliirncd.
Gininn , Kim. , Pob. 13. [ Special Teloprmn
to the nun. ] A livery stable ownod'by M. J.
Lovcnor win burned to'the ground together
with its contents. Ten hcml of horses , two
mules , sleight , b'lRKlcs ' and equipments were
nil destroyed. The horses wore Insured for
$1,000. Loss ? ISOO.
Burglarized Pullnmn'Cars.
, Kim. , Feb. 13. [ Special Tele
gram to the UCB. ] Oftlccr JamesQilloy ur. '
rested William Kelley last night for burglar-
{ ring fullinnn palliu'c cars nnd stealing pil
lows , blankets , etc. He Is In lull in default
of ball.
A grand benefit concert , for the bene
fit of the Nebraska heroines , Miss Min
nie Freeman , Miss Loie llo.yco and Mies
Lena Woobccko , will bo given nt the
Grand opera house , Thursday eve , Fob.
IW , 1888 , by .the members of. Second
United State. " ' infantry band.
The entire rcoipts will bo contributed
to the Omaha BEK fund.
Programme will appear at a later
date in all papers.
To lluy , Trade , Bell , Rent
Or exchange , see J. L. Rico & Co.
R. Kalish , tailor , has removed to Ex
position , cor. 15th und Capitol ave.
Tickets bold every day , good six
months , choice of routes. Special cheap
excursion Fob. 10. For particulars
write to or call at
13U1 Farnam at.
Architects and StiiicrintondcnU.
Hodirbon & Son. 26 , Iron Bunk.
J. L. Rico & Co. , Real Esttito.
For HntiNcom Place.
Improved properly , see J. L. Rico
; Co.
Unl Masque.
The Omnhn Turnvcrotn Fob. 522 at
Gcrmanin hull. Members cnn senuro
tickets for themselves and Indies , nnd
also for their friends by applying to the
undersigned committee. Tickets &J.OO
ouch including ! ! Indies. Phillip An
dres , Fred Anderson , Henry RuhllT ,
Fred WellsC. Hoarman , E. Stein , B.
M. Mohr , E. Meyer , B. Jobst , mid
Frank J. Lange , cummittoo on urrango-
Furnished House For Rent.
Five room house near btroet car , $25
per month. Furniture for sale at a bar
gain for cash or on time. Inquire of
A. Hoapo , 1513 Douglas.
llarney Street Corner.
See J. L. Rico & Co.
Rrook Trout ,
Parnell Social Clnli.
Remember Tuesday evening , .Feb. 14 ,
the above named club gives another of
Us series and a good tirao is assured all
those favored with invitations. Grand
march promptly at 9 o'clock.
Full lot between llth and 12th st.
Sale or trade. J. L. Rico & Co.
Soidonborg's Figaro is the only long
Havana filled lOc cigar for 5c ou sale
Another Piano 1'or $ ! ( ) .
A. Hospo , jr. , 1513 Douglas street , has
a piano for 840 , an organ for S80 , for
cash or on monthly payments.
A fine upright piano for 8175 on
monthly payments ,
A good square piano for 8100.
A. Hobpo , jr. , agent for the cele
brated Emerson pianos and Kimball
J. L. Rico & Co. , Real Estate.
Dr. Hamilton Warren , Magnetic Phy
sician and surgeon , Room il , Crounse
block , cor 10th and Capital avo. Chronic
and nervous diboascs u specialty. Telephone -
phone 944.
Sixty-throe foot front on paved street ,
$1,001) lohs than what is ubkedor prop
erty surrounding it. J , L. Rico & Co.
Musical gymnastics by the deaf .mutes ,
at the Grand Opera house , to-morrow
evening. Admission 50 cents.
- *
Jones and 1-tli St. Corner.
See J. L. Rico & Co.
A New Ice Finn.
F. Wcymuller and R. Pcter&on have
entered a co-partnorbliip under the
name of the Omaha Ice company. They
will handle on first-cluss ice , both at
wholesale and retail. The patronage of
their friends is solicited , and perfect
satisfaction is guaranteed to the trade
in instance. Their is
every ollipo locat--
cd at 310 South 15th st.
Hi root I/Ot.
See J. L. Rk'oGo , - - - '
A Dinner Party. , -
Quito a pleavant entertainment was
givan at the PU.\ton on Saturday evenIng -
Ing , the occasion being a ulnncr" party
under the auspices pf Juun JBoylo and
his accomplished wife , ' bf Kcanreyi The
dinner was in Jionor" General and
Mrs. Wheaton. There wcro several in
vited guests from , aiuontf army circles ,
nnd the iiffujr was a complete'to'clul bue-
cess. A vibit to Boydjj tkojtfro Jjy the
entire party completed u > uiost ylyueant
evening. . .
* ,
Capltitl Avcnuo hot. .
Between 14th and' 15Ui streets. See
J. L. Rice & Co ,
Had ( he Couple Arrested.
Mrs. 1 > . M. Walsh and Mr. 0. E. Sowi-rJ
were arrested at the Co//ona hotel lust night
on the charge of adultery. The charge Is
B.ild to bo brought by Mrs. Walsh's husband ,
with who in she Ims'not been living for sev
eral months past.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
When } Jbjr WM rick , we c r her Cutori * .
WlMB he fu Child , ( ha cried tor Cmtcr1 ,
Wk n th bccom * MU , b * cJu e to Cftu-U (
When sb Iu4 CbJJdrtti , h gttrt Uiun CMtorU.
Every Element Combines to Boost
the Prlco of Whotit.
Liberal ItnyliiR of Ont Knrljr In ( lie
Session ProvUlons Exhibit '
Spasmodic Trading
Cuttle Fair. i
CIIICAOO , Feb. 1 ! ) . [ Special Telegram td
tlio nr.n. ] UvcrythliiR which might Ijo cx
peeled to Influence the price of wheiit'poluteil
this mortiluK' towards a higher rAiigo of
values. Foreign news wiw the best for' ' a
long time , reports wcro larger , there win * a
largo decrease in the visible supply larger
than was generally expected niul , wlm't
scorned n totally unexpected nld to the bulls ,
n big cut in storage rates. There was not n
bear iwint In sight. All these things seemed
to possess strength early In tlio day , but the
power dropped pretty much out of them be
fore the session was over , and , ns a result of
the morning's trading , May wheat closed
Just } fc higher than it closed Saturday. The
explanation of the early advance wa4 tip-
parent to everybody. The reason for the
loss of it was not so clear. The only solu
tion of the problem offered wus that buying
orders from tlio outside wcro all tilled
early in tlio day , und they ceased to
conic. Local traders , for whom the market
consists of one day , und thnt only , believing
that the expected bulge was now coming In
deed , had bought wheat , nud when prices
failed to advance any further proceeded to
unload it as fast .is possible and only found
buyers at lower llgurcs. Trading was nctlve
nnd there was a good volume of business
early , but Inter the pit became rather dull.
Muv wheat opened at bl c nud immediately
sold up to Sl c. This WHS the highest point
of the session , though the market lingered in
that neighborhood for some time , with fdr-
clgn houses buying nnd good buying for
New Yoik account. In the latter part of the
session the price sagged to bU @SI o and
closed there at 1 o'clock. Juno wheat opened
nt bSQS'JXc , bold at 81Vc " "d Sl c und
closed at 1 o'clock with the last named price
While the visible supply of wheat continues
to decrease the supply of corn is rapidly pil
ing up , mid this in spite of u short crop und
comparatively light receipts In this marUot.
To this fact and the rather easier fouling in
provisions thu decline In corn to-day ought
probably to bo attributed. The market
seemed strong early and advanced a little ,
but later dropped ) c and closed nt nearly the
lowest point of the session. The increase in
the visible supply was 470,000 bushels. May
coin opened at C1)c and Immediately sold up
to Mc and hung between those two prices
for some time , then dropped to file and cloved
at 1 o'clock nt fiK fil c. Juno coin opened
at 51J < c , nnd declined to Olc , closing at 1
o'clock utfilc bid.
There was quite liberal buying of oats
early in the session for u local ojHiiator and
some buying to cover shorts , all of which hud
that market firm caily mid even advanced
prices a little , but later , with the drop in
corn , Ottts ulso declined. May outs opened at
Blc uud ivnrkod up to UlMfii'JSc , then fell to
ai c and closed at 1 o'clock at Bl& < 31Jfc.
Juno oats opened ut ! Wc and nt the lowest
point UlJ c was nsltcil for that delivery , and
the 1 o'clock closing was nominal at aiK.
Provisions woio n llttlo slow. Trading
was spasmodic , and except by the purchase
of pork by a couple of houses supposed to jep-
rescntu certain packing ilrm'.intercstcd on the
long side of that article , the buying of lard
mid shoit ribs by a piominunt operator ,
the day's business wits foaturolesss. The
market was wanting in life and vigor nud the ,
ruling prices averaged lower than those pf
baturday. In pork a decline of 5@7 } 'c , in ;
lurd of " ) < S5o and in slioit ribs of i ° wuai
suffered. , ,
AFTEitxooNStsgioN Wheat opened at l o
for May , closing at Bl > i"c ; February , TO c.
Corn opened at 51 o for May , and sold ,
nt Sl 'CSni c on the split , closing t
that. Oats steady. Pork was quiet ,
February closing ntgU.OSand MayutU.27& .
.Lard was a slmclo stronger ; February closed
nt * 7.U'2 > ; , March $7.05. May $7.60 and Juno
S7.05. Short ribs declined -He , closing at
| 7.y7K for February , f 7.40 for March and I7.C5
for May.
CHICAGO , Fob. 18. [ Special Telegram to
the UKR. ] CATTLH Trudo was fuir nud.
prices steady nt last week's ' decline lli@25o
on the ordinary run of fat cattle. There is
considerable speculation as to the effect tbo
opening of the Lenten season on Wednesday
may liavo 011 tha beef trade in largo cities.
Tlio bulk of opinion seems to bo thnt tbo
effect will not bo felt to any great extent and
especially if the run of cattle gets down to
40,000 or 42,000 in Chicago for
the weok. The supply of cattle
nt Kansas City and St. Louis wus reported
lisht , which would Indicate a moderate run
in Chicago for a day or two nt least. Ilutch-
ors' stock was In good demand nnd steady.
Yard simulators took nil the stockcrs and
feeders offered at last week's prices. Spec
ulators anticipate good business for the com
ing wcok. Shipping steers , 1HBO to IBOOlbs. ,
| 44 < > @ 500 ; 1200 to ISM ) Ibs. , $ .1 80@-1.50 ; 050
to ISiidlbs. , $ i.KKgM.t > 0. Stackers and feed
ers , W.iJ.'iQM.flO ; cows , bulls and mixed , $ l.7fi
( ! ; bulk , $ 'J 1fi@)0. ( Texas grassers ,
> .C > 0@.00 : ) : corn-fed sU-crs , * ; t. ' , > 5frf4 00. .
IIoos 'J rude was In isk and prices steady
to strong as compared with Katurday. Three
or four car loads of fancy heavy out of the
an ) fresh .sold at Ki bO , or Ka higher than luiy-
thing sold Saturday , but the great bulk of
prime to choice mixed mid packing sorts Bold
at $ " > 4Qtf > > IX ) , and butcher weights nt M.IXI ® .
5.70. fJhtsold ( utW.105.iO ( ! , and pigs' ut
Chlcpgo , Fob. 18. Tlio Drover's Journal
reports an follows :
Catilo Receipts , 2,000 ; market steady , :
shipping steers , $3.00ftSOO ( ; stockers ' imi
feeders , $3.25 < aa.50 ; cows , bulls and mixdd ,
1.7fi ( < ta.D | ; Texas cattle , $4 5001 ( X ) . , .
Hogs Kccelpts , 15,000 ; market steady to
strong ; mixed , ti.l5 < 35 55 ; heavy. W4k | !
6i'.i'IightiOO ! ; < JfcS.40 ; skips , $3.40@5.00 ,
Sheep Receipts , 4,000 ; steady ; natives ,
J3.50 ( < i5.15 ; western , f I ( W@'j.j.3 ! > < ; Tcxans ,
$3 01 % . ! i5 ; lambs , f4.7."K3 < i.lU.
National Klock Yards , 'Kntil St. '
Lou's , Feb. W. Cattle Receipts , Jl'/tO , / {
shipments , 500 ; market titroiic ; Lhoica liauvy
native steon. , $4. irKM Wi ; fair to good hatlve
steers , f3UO ( < . i4-W ; outchois * steers. im'iUum
to choic-e , f.J.l.'W.iO ; stackers "and ft'cdcrtT ,
'fair ' to goo * FJOO@i.40j : rangers , ordinary
, . -
Hogs Receipts , 3,000 ; shipments , 800 ;
market active and Him ; choice heavy ttlid
butchers' selections. * 3 50r < { .V70 : packing1
medium to prime , M 10025 55 ; lijdit grades
ordinary to good , U.M > igr > .lO.
Kntibau City , Fob. ! . Cattlo-iUpcolpte ,
700 ; shipments , . ; niarhet &tr < 5ngami
active aud values a Uodo hlituorfor footf ;
peed to cholco corn-fed , t4.30Vf4.80cojnniofa (
lo medium , f J.'Joi < v4.20 ; stockcrk , 41.60 < * t3.'iO *
feeding bteers , fJ.GlXcr.J.'Jj ; cows. ' $ I.aO < 5fc
3.00.Hogs Receipts , 4,000 ; shipment/-- j
market uctlvo. for medium to heavy aicnuy
tustiongsr , pigs nnd light wolkht 5 * higher ;
common to choice , ll O 5,15 ; skips Htm
W ) . -
NEW YOIIK , Feb. 13. [ Special Telegram
to the Hris.l STOCKS Thu day \ww unim
portant in stocks. The movement , sucli ns It
WB-J , turned downward , but it was scarcely
perceptible. Many stocks closed nt the sam
level ns Saturday und many others ut ( Xtf
point below. A very few were ? @ ' < point
lower , and Western Union , as the hlngle ex
ception , scored a point upward. It has been
a day of small things and neither Interest
can be said to have developed any new con
ditions to the situation. The market opened
moderately active , but the feeling was fever
ish. London offered some orders , but tbfjy
were of a scalping natulo , intended to work
the market either way for about % $ % point.
C'amiuaak brokers put out a' few tUouiwid
tft < r" * * > k2fl