Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 14, 1888, Image 1

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What the Nebraska Delegation
Think of His Letter.
Borne Ucllcvc It ft Bono Fide With
drawn ! ami Other * Only a Huso
Comments of heading
Dor * He Want the Nomination ?
513 FouitTEENTn STKRBT , >
WASIII.NOTOX , D. C. , Feb. 13. I
Mr. Hlainc's letter withdrawing his name
from the list of aspirants to tnc presidential
nomination was not u great surprise in Wash
ington , although it hui been the solo topic of
discussion to-duy. Hero nro now located rep
resentative men from every section of the
country , and several authoilzcd mouth pieces
of Mr. Hlnlnc. In secret ills intentions have
been known to so many men in congress and
around it that , generally speaking , they wore
prepared for the proclamation , but there were
few who expected it in such a formal way.
. A very few republicans some advocates of
Mr. Ululnc's rcnomlnation and some who were
opposed to it regard the letter as but an ef
fort to draw out an expression from the peo.
plo and to shift the responsibility upon the
party from Mr. Hlaltio In the event the nomi
nation is thrust upon him now , but these men
nre very few. Nine-tenth ! ! of the people ro-
purd the loiter In peed faith , and as being
Una ! . They rniv it Is the mature deliberation
of Mr. Blaine and that ho has
had this in contemplation for months
Many republicans of national reputation
while praising Mr. iilaino for his manly
course in coining out early with this declara
tion , thus relieving his party from any possi
ble embarrassment and giving it ample time
to select a candidate purely upon merit and
acknowledging his strength , are turning their
attention to the men likely to bo taken up
for the candidacy. Senator Sherman is first
mentioned by everyone , and then in order
came ex-Senator Harrison , of Indiana , Sena
tors Allison , of Iowa , and Hawley , of Con
necticut. One tiling is sure , If Mr. liluino
has not abandoned every hope of the presi
dency , this letter will , in the opinion of the
statesmen hero , take him clear out of the
range of possibilities. It is conceded on all
hands that there was no need of writing this
letter if it was not to bo conclusive and sin
cere. Therefore , the republicans arc almost
unanimous in the belief that Mr. Blaine ,
after a year's reflection and consultation
with his tried and true friends , has come to
the conclusion , that for reasons satisfactory
and personal to himself ho docs not want
another race.
Congressman John A. McShanc , who Is dis
tinguished as the ilrst democratic congress
man ever sent from Nebraska since she be
came n state , was asked this morning what
ho thought of Mr. Hlainc's letter.
"I have expected it for some time , " said
Mr. McShanc. "Mr. Ulaine is too keen and
too shrewd a politician not to note the signs
of the times. Ho lias seen the handwriting
on the wall and decided that it was wise for
him to seek shelter. So far as my own state
Is concerned there will probubly bo great dis
appointment among the republicans , who
have for years attached themselves to the
liluino boom and cheered and hurrahed with
the procession. It will have no effect , how
ever , upon Nebraska's electoral vote. She is
so strongly republican that any republican
nominee for president will secure a good ma
jority. "
"Who do you think the Hlalno following in
Nebraska will now support ! "
"Senator Sherman has many friends in
Nebraska , and if ho were a man of more
warmth would doubtless secure the vote in
the republican convention from my state.
There seems to bo a strong feeling , too , for
General Sheridan. Wo have many Irishmen
> u Nebraska , who went wild for 131aino dur
ing the last canvass. If Sheridan were nom
inated it is certain that a number at least of
thcso would vigorously support him on the
ground of his nationality and faith. So far
us the country at largo is concerned , I bellcvo
that Mr. Ulaino's withdrawal will give now
spirit to the democratic canvass. My Judg
ment is that ho was the strongest candidate
which the republican party could have pitted.
against Mr. Cleveland and for this reason
that ho would have attracted , as ho did be
fore , an immense number of votes of Irish
men which arc usually cast for the demo
cratic candidate. For all that I do not believe
that Mr. Hlaino could possibly have been
elected. His bugle blast for the maintenance
of a war tariff , whiles it might have helped
him In one or two states , would have , in my
Judgment , detracted more from the republi
can following tnan it would have added to its
material strength. "
"Mr. Blaino's letter will be a serious dis
appointment to his strong following in
Nebraska and the west , " said Senator Pad
dock. "I look upon it as a patriotic utter
ance from a man who more sincerely deserves
that success of the republican party than ho
does that of his own individual interests , hut
whatever the motives which Induced Mr.
lUIaino to take himself from the ticn T I do
not doubt that ho is sincere in his declaration
and that his name will not bo presented be
fore the next republican convention. The
effect of the letter upon Nebraska will bo
detrimental to republican interests. The
state will cast Its usual majority'for the
choice of the republican convention , which ,
I believe , will bo the best attainable. There
Is , of course , a feeling in the state in favor ol
a western candidate , and William U. Allison
would undoubtedly bo very acceptable to our
people. So would Senator Sherman , for that
matter , or General Sheridan , who is strong
In the hearts of the old soldiers and would
draw a good deal of the Irish vote. The re
publicans of Nebraska , however , will cheer
fully acquiesce in the best Judgment of the
party , and Mr. Hlaino's withdrawal will onlj
consolidate all Interests into a hearty support
of the republican nominee. "
Hon. J. Sterling Morton , of Nebraska
said : "I do not think Mr. Hlaino intended tc
bo considered out of the race entirely. Things
looked n little bad. Ho had' a headache
probably , something like the Irishman whc
had been on a long spree. On waking up it
the morning 1'at swore off forever. After t
While ho saw : i hottln on the mantel , whlcl
ho called the attention of his wife to , the fad
that It contained whisky , that there was
sugar in the cupboard and water In tin
bucket and told her to makoupatoddy , britu
it to him and 'Forco mo to drink it whether
will or no.1 I would have preferred to huvi
seen .Mr. Hlaino run against Mr. Clevolam
on the tariff issue rather than anybody elsi
because they both have deflneu their posi
tion and there could have been no dodginj
whatever. "
Representative Fuller , ol Iowa , said : "Mr
Ulalno's letter is sincere and honest and hi :
Withdrawal Is a wise and patriotic act. "
"Do you believe that ho means what I' '
"Of course ; who docs not 1"
"What effect will it have In your state ! "
"H willnotoffi-ctus at all. Wo nave
candidate of our own and it will crystalU
nnd solidify public sentiment for Allison. "
Representative Holmes suid : "Mr. Hlaino'
letter relieves , the situation of a good deal o
tension nnd I bollove thu success of the re
publican party is more certain no\ \
thai he is withdrawn from the canvas
even if ho should bo ultimate !
nominated. The charge that ho is not 1
earnest Is disproved by the fact it woul
greatly prejudice him In the inlndaof all Jut
men to indulge iu any by-play , and no on
Unaws that any bcltcrthuu.Jnmcb G. BlaUie.
Is Iowa for Allison I
"There Is no doubt about It , He will com
to thu convention with u solid delegation troi
bis owil state , with a great deal of formldabl
iupi > ort from other yai la from the ncylhw w >
and from the cast , where ho Is popular. I
think his prospects for the nomination are as
good as those of any other man. "
Senator Standford , of California , said !
"Mr. Hlaine's letter is , I think , a sincere ex
pression of his wish not to bo considered a
candidate this year. Ho probably had vari
ous reasons for.his actlou , and nt least ono
peed reason. There seems to be no doubt
that he is out of the race. The people of the
I'aclllc coast were enthusiastic for his nomi
nation and would give him a larger vote than
any other republican could pet. They now
have no choice , 1 think , as regards u candi
date , but whatever good republican is nomi
nated will pet the full party vote. "
Senator Palmer , of Michigan , said : "Mr.
Maine Is out of the race. Sherman , Harri-
n , Hawley and Allison are now good and
itrong men to chose a candidate from. I
hink myself that Sherman is now the strong *
cut candidate. Ho certainly is In Michigan
and probably the country at largo , "
Senator Wilson , of Iowa , said : "Ho Is sin-
: cre , and his name will not go before the eon-
cntion. Tlicro could .be no other interpre-
ntlun put upon such n letter. Ho probably
as good reason for his action , and the ropub-
leans will take his letter as a tliuil deciina-
lon in advance of the nomination. Mr.
11 nine's withdrawal will , 1 think , add strength
o the candidacy of Senator Allison , whom
he state of Iowa will present and support in
ho most enthusiastic and earnest manner
) osslble. "
Senator Sawyer , of Wisconsin , said : "Mr.
Jlulno means Just what he says. Ho will note
> o a candidate , and it is a good thing for the
'cpubllean party and ttio country that ho will
lot. His withdrawal removes a sourcoof dis-
: ord and the party will now bo united upon
iomo good man and wo will thereby be much
itronger , Who the nominee is now likely to
> o I cannot say. Had Mr. Ulaine reu. ? < ncd a
nndidatcho would probably have been uosil-
atcd. "
Representative. Chapman , of the Detroit
listrict , and a democrat , said : "Mr. Hluino
s simply acting a little boy. Ho is afraid of
Mr. Cleveland's strength and did not wish
to ho too publicly a candidate. The demo-
rats hope sincerely that ho will be nonii-
lated , as wo can easily beat him in Michigan ,
us elsewhere.
The republicans in the Indiana delegation
, re , as a whole , inclined to regard the with-
Irawcl of Mr. Blulnc as a favorable rrpubli-
an symptom. General Hrowno said : "I
.nticipated a kilter of declination from Hlaino
, nd am therefore not surprised. Public men
are generally misinterpreted and many will
lay that this is but a bid for the rcnomina-
ion , but , in my opinion , Hlaino is earnest
nnd will stand out of the race. This leaves
nn open field and now is Indiana's oppor
tunity. Let it but endorse ex-Senator Harri
son with unanimity and his nomination is
assured. "
m.Aisn OUT or TUB IUCE.
Representative Owen said : ' 'The letter
ilearly takes Mr. Hlaino out of the race.
There is no use to talk about it being a diplp-
nutic move , for he had the nomination in his
, rasp. Sentiment has crystalled so rapidly
n his favor for the past sixty days that if
ho convention had been held on last Sutur-
ay he would have been nominated without
icrious opposition. Mr. Ulainc is out of the
race. As usual ho creates a stir when no
novcs. The party will readjust itself and
lominato a man who can unite it and who
, vill bo elected. "
ooon Fen THE PAUTY.
Representative Chcadlo said : "Tho
lormal withdrawal of Mr. Blaine removes all
so for any further factional controversy
iVithin our party , and ought to inspire rcpub-
ican managers with u high resolve to select
a leader who can readily secure the united
efforts of the republicans in all sections. To
my mind his withdrawal will result in the
lelcction of one who has not been heretofore
prominently before the country as a candi-
.Itite. I llml hero that it is conceded that our
iekct should bo selected with special rcfcr-
nco to Indiana , Now York , Now Jersey and
Connecticut. These are the pivotal states ,
f Indiana republicans tire not divided they
'an ' name tlni'mon. "
itEOAHDS IT susnctousi.T.
Said Representative Johnston : "It may
lot the absolute withdrawal of the
Plumed Knights , although it looks that way.
has been suggested that it may bo but
notice that the nomination , If it is not made ,
jnust rest in its responsibility with the party
and not Mr. Ulaine. 1 am really at a loss to
know what it docs mean. Hlaino is a strong
nan in our state. Indiana has now an oppor-
unity to rally to her caudiuate , General liar-
A invmn MANAGEU m'n.ucs.
Colonel W. W. Dudley , ex-commissioner of
pensions , said there could bo no question
about Mr. Ulaino being out of the race. Ho
was not surprised at the letter because ho
had expected it for some time. Mr. Hlaino
really docs not want the nomination , and his
object in saying so at this early day is to give
liis party an abundance of time to cast about
jmd select the strongest candidates. General
Harrison , in my opinion , " said Colonel Dud
ley , "has a better chance for the nomination
than any man in the country. It may bo
Sherman , bat I believe the order will bo to
take a now candidate , one who has never
ligurcd as an aspirant before a convention.
Indiana has only to act with unanimity and
she can name the candidate , and I have no
doubt that she will send a solid Harrison
delegation to Chicago. "
Representative Jones , of Pittsburp , an in-
Irnate-f riend of Chairman H. F. Jones , of
the national republican committee , said : "I
am bound to accept Mr. Blaino's statement
that he- has withdrawn in earnest and I be
lieve that it Is on personal as well a patriotic
grounds. I am not much surprised , as I
heard hints months ago that he intended
withdrawing. The effect will be to encour
age republicans to look around for the strong
est men and to attach themselves to the best
candidate. Hlaino had a wonderful enthu
iastic following , a following that will bo
loth to glvo him up. but it will have to look
for another leader , and I believe it will result
In the selection of the strongest possible can
didate and ono that will win. Mr. Hlaino
went abroad for his health. The letter means
that he has been disappointed in his trip. "
Representative Heistand , of Pennsylvania ,
said : "It is u good letter and means tnat Mr.
Hlaino is out of the raco. He means busi
ness. He is out and no mistake. I think it
is a wise determination. It was a surprise
to mo , but sluco the is to come it
is timely now. It is well for the party's in
terests. "
Representative Fu-ntiar , , of Buffalo said :
"I expected it , but not In such formal slyipo.
It will give the republicans auvopportunity to
get a concensus of its best opinion and to se
lect a candidate without a struggle and
purely upon merit. There will bo no senti
ment about it. Mr. Ulnlnu is broken down
in health. I knew bofoio he went to Kurope
that ho suffered great nervous difficulty and
felt sum ho could not stand another cam
paign. The republican party has too many
men of strong minds , too much Independent
thought , to over get that discipline which
keeps the democratic paity together. "
Roprescntativc Harmer. of Philadelphia
who has been an ardent Blaine man , said :
"It will relieve a great many republicans who
wore pledged to Hlaino and who would have
supported him against their better judgment ,
I tool a freedom now myself and believe it
will ho to the Interests of the republican
party at large , for it now can act as Us impulses -
pulses will lead it. "
Representative Houtelle , of Maine , who i
the most intimate friend of Mr. Blaine in this
congress , was very angry whrn asked thlf
afternoon whether the letter was written It :
good faith. "That question , " said ho , "has
boon put to mo a dozen times within a to\\
minutes and it makes mo very tired. What
would you say if John Shcrmun would write
such a letter. What ! That it was sincere
and llnal , and that it took him out of the race
It is an insult to Mr. Hlaino and his friends
to intimate that he does not in P.I n what he
says. Ho will not bo a candidate nndvil
not bo nominated. Tills is no spcntancou'
matter. It is not the rcsulkpf a day'a retire
linn , but that of a j car. MivBluino Intondci
writing th's ' letter before ho left for ICuropo
but wa persuaded him not to do so. I knou
of my own persona } knowledge tha
since Mr , Hlnine has been in Kitropt
ho hi > 3 written no ixiHtical letters
. not even answering those of his ueA am
closest friends. 1 have for Jour months bsei
v. ritiiiu him uuJ gctUnjr the most f rouilnsn
Maine republicans In the country to do so ,
urging him for the good of his party to not do
Just what ho has now done. Mr , Hlaino is
not as robust as ho was once and ho prefers
to spend the rest of his days in literature
rather than politics. But ho is the best re
publican In America , and whoever is nomi
nated will not only pet his vote but all the
influence ho can wield. Ho is not n skulker. "
Piimr S. HEATH.
What Chairman JOIICH Says.
PiTTsnuito , Pa' , Feb. 13. Mr. Jones ,
chairman of the republican national com
mittee was Interviewed by n Chronicle-Tele
graph reporter this afternoon on Blaino's
letter of declination. Mr. Jones stated that
Blaine was In the best of health and It was
not for this reason that ho declined the re-
"HJs trip" said ho , "has been wonderfully
beneficial. " I have had many letters from
him and in. nearly all of them ho ha % spoken
of his health aud said he was entlrelj re
covered. No sir. it Is not ill-health nor fear
of the result , nor the worry and strain of
another campaign which impelled Blaine to
write that letter. As given to me at the
time to which ho refers his reasons were
hose , before the nomination by the repub-
icans in 1870. Blulno was very anxious to
ibUilu the presidency and worked
'or it. with the aid of his
'riends. Ho was disappointed when it went
.o another man in the manner it did. In 18M )
ho was still anxious , although in lesser de
gree , and his disappointment was less marked.
"In 1884 ho had to n great extent lost his
ilcsire for the oftlco and now ho withdraws
from the contest because ho has no wish to
become president. Ho takes a keen in.orcst
In literary works and wants quiet and rest.
I assure you thcso are the only reasons for
Hlaino's letter that are known to me. Every
body , sooner or later , loses dcslro for some
thing which they \vero once anxious to ob
tain , and this is entirely true of Blaine. "
"Is not Hlaine's letter somewhat incon
sistent with the action of his friends , pre
sumably with his consent , in working for the
control of the state delegations and commit-
"No , sir , it is not Inconsistent. No such
work has been done by us. Of course I have
received countless letters on this subject from
people north , south , cast and west. Blainu's
friends have not sought to set up or secure n
single delegate anywhere. Wo have made
no concerted action. Thcro has been
no meeting to map out a course favorable to
Ulttinc , and I assure you that whatever has
been done by the admirers of Blaine , has
been done of their own account and not at
the instance of his eloso friends. Wo have
ilonc nothing to secure the nomination of
Mr. Blaine. "
"Was this letter l id before any meeting of
liis friends or of the national committee. "
"It was not. The letter was received by
me Tuesday last , it having como direct from
Florence to mo. It was entirely in Blalnc's
iandwriting. As you see by its opening sen
tence it was intended for the republican
: iarty. I did not tell anybody of its existence
intil Friday. It was given out on Saturday
because many papers do not print Sunday
editions and I was anxious to give it the
widest publicity. I arranged to have it go
out by associated press. Even men as eloso
to Ulaine ns Stephen B. Elkius know nothing
of the existence of this letter till this morn
ing. " _
Views of New York Men.
NEW YOHK , Fob. 13. The Blaiuo letter
ivas the only topic of conversation to-day in
nil public resorts. An evening paper quotes
ex-Senator Warner Miller as saying : "In
: ny opinion Blaine has concluded his nomina-
ion would not harmonize all factions of the
; > arty. Ho is evidently sincere in his letter. "
Senator Hawley was asked if ho considered
ho letter as final. Ho said : "Thorocan bo
: io doubt as to the sincerity of Mr. Buiino in
his matter. Circumstances may arise that
ivillcompol | his friends to refuse to accept this
as a final answer , but that no ono knows any-
.hing about. " Senator Halo : "I think ho is
liuccro and means every word ho has written.
I cannot answer the question as to whether I
had any premonition of his intentions in this
matter , but 1 can say positively that Hlaino
was not anxious to run in 1884 and was
urged to do so. He will return in June or
July and when the campaign opens Hlaino
will enter the field and speak for the ticket
The Evening Post says : "Wo think
Blaino's letter docs .actually make him out of
the field as a contestants for the republican
nomination for the presidency. Wo think
that tins will bo the effect and result of it ,
whether ho so intended it or not. "
Chauncey M. Dejiow said : "Mr. Blalnc's
letter was a surprise and a disappointment
to mo. It is , I think , to all his friends. I
feel sure Blaino's friends will regret the
step ho tins deemed it was his duty to take
and that the majority of them will not con
sider it final. Mr. Blalno's declination will
: iot necessarily prevent his friends from
nominating him for -presidency ; neither
will it prevent him from accepting the nom
ination should it bo given him. As for
other pcsslblo candidates well , their na
tional popularity will not bo known until the
Chicago convention assembles. "
Wlmt St. Paul Prominent * Think.
ST. PAUL , Minn. , Feb. 13. [ Special Tele
gram to the BEE. ] Intense interest is evcry-
\vhoro manifested in the surprising change
that has come over the spirit of the dreams
of this great Maine statesman. Blaino's let
ter of declination for presidential honors
came like a bomb in the republican camps.
No ono seemed to possess the slightest idea
that the once great ambition of Blaino's lifo
would bo shattered thus early In the race.
His admirers hero are varied In their opin
ions as to the meaning of his letter. Some
accept it as a final , while others are wont to
consider it ns a feeler as to public sentiment.
Not a few are desirous of pressing his nomi
nation , while others favor Sherman , Sheri
dan , Gresham and Allison. The democrats
generally contend that Blaine withdrew on
ttio ground that ho would have no chance of
success with Cleveland in the field. The fol
lowing is what the leading republicans and
democrats say on the subject :
Hon. P. H. Kelly , chairman of the demo
cratic committee Blaine is a cunning fel
low. Like Tildcn in his letter to the Cincin
nati convention , no one knows whether or
not ho wants the nomination. Ho thinks his
letter will create , n boom in his favor. Any
way , Cleveland Is our choice.
Mayor Smith , a icadiug democrat Cleveland -
land can outtrotuny republican in the land.
Hon. Michael Doran , democratic candidate
for governor Cleveland can defeat any man
jn thu republic.
D. R. Foyes , republican It Is a wise move
on Hlaine's part. Ho will gain prestige by
remaining in the back ground for another
term and allowing Sherman to come to the
Channing Seubury , a leading wholesale
dealer and republican I am glad Hlaino is
out of the race and hope ho will remain in
Europe until after the election. Sheridan is
my favorite.
Frank Seymour , Merchants' National bank
I would vote for Cleveland In preference
to Blaine , though a republican.
Ex-Lieutenant Governor Giilman , repub
lican Blaine is only working up a little
boom in his own favor.
Governor McGill If Blaine retires the
party leaders will discover that they can get
along very well without him.
W. N. Seavereiico , a republican with con
gressional aspirations Blaino's decision
should bo agreed to by every republican in
the union. His letter was the wlscbt act of
his life , save getting married.
State Senator Shcffer Blalne's retirement
Is llnal , and Grcslmm Is the next best man.
Dr. Pay , ex-postmaster Major Blaine told
mo over a year ago that Jim was going to get
out. lie is now doing so I uir. not glad nor
Gordon E. Cole , an ex-Judge and leading
republican- is fortunate for the party tnat
Blalr.c has retired.
Clcn. Averill I am a pcr onal friend of
Bhiinc's. I'm sorry ho hus retired , and be
lieve he Is homwt in his statements.
Ctiptuin Hlakely , president of ttio chamber
ot ouimnr.ivo 1 uni in favor of nominating
Jilalucvicther hu wants It or not.
M.OUU : , Govenw M. G,111'8
hand man I think Blalnc means Just what
ho says.
Chairman ClarkRon'n Views.
DBS MOINKS , la. , Fcli ! 13. J. S. Clarkson ,
the Iowa member of thp national republican
committee , in an Interview on Blalnc's letter
of withdrawal this evening , said : "I have
been expecting this letter for some time. It
is in line with the letters I received from Mr.
Blaine In November and December , which
led mo to believe and say nt the national
committee meeting in Washington nnd New
York that I did not bclelvo he would bo In
the field. The press of the country , led by
tho. pursuing misrepresentations of the
malignant enemies of Blaine , has
refused to believe in the sincere
and unselfish attitude Blaine has held
toward the party. In 18S4 ho was not n candi
date for the nomination ; did not really want
it , nnd I received several letters Trom him in
the wintci1 and early spring before his nom
ination , strongly expressing a wish not to
run. So far from directing his friends at the
national convention that year , ho had com
municated with them nnd not a word passed
between him and any of them during the con
test there. The masses of the party , not the
politicians' , were for him and it was their
moving forward that sent the delegates
to Chicago for him. Before ho went abroad
last spring he told mo of his seRled disincli
nation to run and his wish to contribute in
every way that ho possibly could to the uni
fication and success of the party election of
1888. But people , still preferring anil believ
ing he was defeated in 18S4 by the treachery
of some party politicians , have been intend
ing a move forward again and ro-nom-
1 nil to and elect him , and would have
done so but for this letter.
His action now shows a new greatness of the
man. His devotion RS n republican has done
much to disarm cmnity before ; this should
certainly remove it "nil now. Ho will bo at
the front for the party next fall , and Blaine
republicans will bo for the candidate without
any sulking , whoever ho Is.
"Iowa has voted In three successive na-
tl n U convent'ons for Blaine , and believes in
him now more than ever. Now that ho
is out of the field it will probably pre
sent a candidate of its own. It has two
very strong and fit men In Senator Allison
and Justice Miller. Both are very strong in
the state , but the senator from his closer re
lations with the people in Inter years has a
great advantage. There will bo no contest
between them and the state will bo united for
an Jow.i candidate. Senator Allison is strong
in all points where Blaine is strong , including
the Pacific states. Ho la exceptionally strong
with the business interests of the east be
cause of his level-headed and sagacious career
In congress for twenty-five years. Justice
Miller is known as a trusted counsellor of
President Lincoln and of all republican presi
dents since , and us- the first jurist of the
country of the present age. The Indications
are now that the party will take a western
man for candidate. Sherman , of course , will
move jwwerfully into the contest under
the new order , but I believe the coun
try will respond to other men nnd
shut the choice , if made between western
men , will bo between Allison and Harrison
or Gresham , with Rusk , of Wisconsin , likely
to develop great strength. Sherman is n
strong man. but his age and the withdrawal
of Blaine clears thofiold , for now aspirants
such as the ones I have named in the west ,
with Forakcr added , 'and such men as Hawley
loy and Hlscock in the cast.
Thinks He AVI11 Run.
PITTSIIUHO , Feb. 18. Joseph D. Weeks ,
financial secretary of the republican national
committee , in comrnuntlng upon Elaine's
letter , said : "I think Blaine is perfectly
sincere in what ho Hays , but I do not think
his withdrawal will -prevent his nomfnation
nor his acceptance of the nomination if
thrust upon him. The issue this your will
bo tariff versus free trade , and as Mr. Blaine
is the strongest exponent of the protective
system now before the people , it would not
surprise mo to see him nominated , in spite
of all. "
Comment of Leading Newspapers.
NEW YOUK. Feb. ,13. , [ Si > ecial Telegram
to the BUE. ] Commenting on Mr. Blaine's
letter , thu Tribune , whoso editor has long
been on terms of most intimate personal and
political friendship with Blaine , and who
doubtless speaks with entire authority , says :
"A letter from Bluliio is published this
morning and withdraws his name , so far as
it is In his power to do so , from con
sideration of republicans for the nom
ination in their approaching national
convention. This letter is no surprise
to those friends of his who have known how
reluctant ho has been from the outset to glvo
the sanction oven of silence to tuieh consider
ation. It is a simple fact that Blaine was al
most dracooncd by his friends Inio the candi
dacies of 1SSO and 1SS4 , and that ho has con
stantly assured them that ho would not bo
put in the position of ever seeming
to seek the nomination. Wo regret the
decision profoundly , since wo believed that
ho would command more votes in doubtful
states than any other republican yet pro
posed. But various candidates , all excellent
men and deserving well of the republican
party , are actively In the field , and the next
two weeks may bo expected to present some
unusually lively politics. May the best man
win. "
The Herald says : "We accept the action
of Blaine as conclusive , and , looked at from n
republican ] x > int of viewit must bo regarded
as wise , and wo might even say magnani
mous. His nomination then ( in 1SSI ) was a
mistake , and such a mistake as ho should
never have made. The nomination belonged
to Arthur from every sentiment of chivalry
to a noble president and of approval of a great
administration. "
The Times says : "Blaino's Florence let
ter will bo variously interpreted. Those who
know him well and greatly admire him , to
gether with those who know him well and
greatly distrust him , will bo loth to accept it
as absolute and final pntting nsido of the
presidential nomination , which it is conceded
ho might have. "
The World says : "This letter has the
air of sincerity nnd it may bo said that it in
creases the presidential chances of John
Sherman something Jike 25 i > cr cent. "
CINCINNATI , Feb. 13. [ Special Tele
gram to the BEE : The Commcrcal-Ga- !
zctto says : "The faultless intelligence of
Blaine hus seen that ho could not go into the
field without confronting personal opposition ,
re-enforced by all the timorous element in
the party , and environed by all ancient ani
mosities ; and ho luia concluded to disregard
the expostulations of his friends and step
asidff- trusting the party may find for a lea
der ono w"ho , if not abler and more faithful
than hrt , has noftUivdlopcd so many elements
of personal opposition '
ST. Louis , Feb. 13. [ Spdckl Telegram to
the BEU. ] The Republican ( democratic )
says : "Tho letter is apparently a pcrOrajitory
declination of the honor of leading a forlorn
hope , but tha manner in which Mr. Jones
gave it to the press and the refusal to say
what Blaine will do if his friends Insist on
his nomination , seems to indicate that ,
though thu magnetic'inun from Maine is in
retreat , he has not burned the bridges behind
him. "
The Globe Democrat says : "Wo are frank
to say In so far us the withdrawal Is a sur
prise to us it Is not a disagreeable surprise.
It seems to us to make the republican victory
more feasible and better assured , and this , to
us , Is an object of much greater concern
than thu gratification of any man's ambition
or the elevation of any man to the presidency
orto any other position. "
CHICAGO , 111. . Fob. 13. [ Special Telegram
to the BIE. : ] The Tribune says : "Tho letter is
sincere. It was written without reserve. It
will ho accepted In good fulth by the people.
The party has no claims upon Mr. Hlaino thai
it can seek to enforce against his private
wishes. Though ho may not bo again a can
didate for the presidency Vbe public will have
the further sorvjics of ID Illustrious a citizen
Whether it bo In the > onnto of the Unitet
States or in the cabinet of the next rcpubll
can president , Hluino will surely fill a largo
plaeo in the history of the Unitei
Stati-s that has . not been written.1
, COLWSIBCS , Fpb. 13. | Special Telbgra.rn to
ho HUB. ] Concerning Ulnlno's letter , John
Sherman said ho had been expecting some
such utterance from Blaine for some time ,
and It was on this understanding that ho
Sherman ) had entered the lists.
Mr. Child * Is Wlllln' .
CHICAGO , Feb. 13. [ Special Telegram to
ho BEE. ] A dispatch to the News from
Philadelphia says in spite of all declarations
o the contrary George W. Chllds would like
he presidential nomination at the hands of
ho republican party , and that It is certain
hat a party will 'enter the convention in his
Several Hundred Thousand Dollars
Pestrojred Hy Flro nnd Water.
ST. PAUL , Minn. , Feb. 13. Another disas
trous fire visited the wholesale district this
morning. The whole fire department of the
city assembled at Ryan block , where It
started about 0 o'clock this morning. The
Ircmcn found great difficulty in locating the
11 reas the smoke increased. Despite the
efforts to suppress the fire , the entire block ,
Ivo stories high , from 225 to 227 East Third
street , was soon in its possession. The Ryan
Irug company , next door to the
fire , was damaged about $30,000 ,
wholly by water and smoke ,
and is fully insured. Footo. Schulzo & Co. ,
shoo manufacturers , carried u stock of $2bO-
000 or $300,000 , on which there was insurance
of about $2(10,000. ( J , J. Watson Brothers &
[ lyndman placed the entire Insurance on the
building , the amount being $35,000. Only the
walls of the building are left standing. Thcro
is $12,000 Insurance on the machinery In the
manufactory department. ,
The stock of Footo , Schulzo & Co. , is wholly
wrecked , that which Is not burned being
soaked with water. The fire wall which sep-
orated Foote , Schulzo & Co. , from the Ryan
Irug store prevented the fire from spreading
nto that portion of the building occupied by
: ho latter firm. Their stock is badly soaked
uid smoked , but the firm does not anticipate
; ho figures will go above the sum first men
tioned. The insurance amounts to about
t2T > 2,000. The loss nn building and fixtures is
fully covered by $42,000 insurance.
Dentil of a Mlsnourl Journalist.
ST. JOSEPH , Mo. , Fob. 13. [ Special Tele
gram to the BEE. ] Colonel Frank M. Tracy
lied at his homo in Troy , Kas. , this morning
at 4:20 : o'clock. Colonel Tracy was well
< nown throughout Kansas and Missouri. He
served with distinction in the union-army ns
colonel of the Sixteenth Kansas regiment.
Ho was born in Rolls county , Missouri , Jan
uary 3 , 1838. Ho learned the printing trade
on the St. Joseph Gn/ctto nnd afterwards
worked on thu St. Louis Republican and
Democrat. Ho established the Free
Democrat in 18. > 9 , nnd in 18715 purchased the
St. Joseph Herald and was its editor until
188. ) when ho retired on account of sickness.
Ho was regarded as ono of the most brilliant
writers in the Missouri Valley , being both
able and fearless. In 18SI while still editor
of the Herald , ho was appointed by Garlicld
liostmastor in this city , which position ho
licld until his retirement from the paper.
The newspaper men of the city will attend
the funeral at Troy Wednesday in a body ,
nnd will present a handsome floral offering.
The West Growing in Favor.
KANSAS CITV , Mo. , Feb. 13. [ Special Tele-
gramto | the BEE. ] J. L. Lombard , president
of the Lombard Investment company , re
turned from Boston and New York to-day.
Ho states that stockholders are much pleased
that so few foreclosures have been made in
the western states where they have loaned
millions of dollars. He says money is easier
for legitimate use , but not for specula
tive purposes. Western merchants
nro being sought for by east
ern wholesalers , showing the confidence
reposed in western people. Ho says trade is
quiet in the east. Bunks are not lending
freely to merchants , which is the reverse in
the west. Eastern merchants uro required
to give collateral besides personal indorse
ments. Ho says what is really needed west
is more conservatism and less dcsiro to
branch out too far in so many enterprises
outside of their own legitimate line. Ho be
lieves that spring business will bo good and
that eastern capital will continue to flow
west as heretofore.
The Freight Itatc War.
KANSAS CITV , Mo. , Feb. 13. [ Special
Telegram to the Biin. | There is no change
in the freight war. No roads are doing any
cutting to-day. Still all agents are unsettled
and very watchful. Cattle rates remain at
& ! 0 per car , packing house stuffs at 12 cents.
The feeling Is ono of uncertainty. A few
agents stutu that fears are now that it will
extend to passenger rates , when there will
bo ono of the greatest railroad struggles ever
known in this section.
A Fight in a Dive.
KANSAS CmMo. . , Feb. 13. [ Special Tele
gram to the BBE. ] Late lust night a fight
took place in a dive on Eighth street between
the inmates and visitors. Knives and razors
and clubs played leading roles. Tbo officers
dispersed the tough pang , but the notorious
Hicks Douglas , Rose Mott and Emrau Mont
gomery continued until separated. Officer
Davis had a thumb nearly bitten off by Rose
Mott while putting her in the cell.
A Young Woman's Sudden Death.
ST. JoaKi'ii , Mo. , Feb. 13. [ Special Tele
gram to the BEE. ] Sussuna Marshall , a
young woman living at the corner of Fourth
and August streets , was discovered by her
mother about 2 o'clock this afternoon lying
across a .chair in her private room , dead.
Mrs. Marshall had left the room only a few
minutes before , leaving her daughter uppur-
parcutly well. The coroner's jury returned
u verdict to the effect that death was due tea
a stroke of apoplexy.
Probable Infanticide.
KANSAS CITV , Mo. , Feb. 13. [ Special Tele
gram to the BKE.I While workmen were
cleaning the catch basin of a sewer at Seventh
and Grant avenue this morning , Albert ICcr-
win found the remains of n baby wiappcd iti
flannel , Tlicro was notiug on it to lead to the
capture of its parents.
Held For Manslaughter.
KANSAS CITV , Mo. , Feb. 13. [ Special Tele
gram to the BKK.I Green Patterson has
been bound over to the grand jury in the sum
of 81,000 charged with manslaughter. He
kicked a colored gill named Katie Howard in
the abdomen so that she died several days
A Disreputable Itunncr.
KANSAS CITY , Mo. , Feb. , 13. [ Special Tel
egram to tlio BKE. ] A runner for an em
ployment agency , named Frank Goylon , was
qabbed nt the union depot while attempting
to puido two newly arrived countrymen Into
a disrcpaUiblo joint on West Ninth street.
He will bo prosecuted vigorously ,
. *
Kaunas City Cnl'lc News.
KANSAS CITY , Mo , , Feb. 13. fSj cchil Telegram
gram to the Bnu. ] The Metropolitan street
railway has let a contract for two Corliss en
gines , 500-horso power each. Contracts for
grading and construction will bo let to-mor
row. Work on tlio.Maln , Eighteenth , Ninth
and Olive street lines will bit very rapid , a
the completion of the road is guaranteed by
contractors August 1.
Flro ill Brook field.
BuooKFlni.n , Mo. , Fob. 13. [ Special Tele
gram to the HEI : . ] Fire yesterday destroyed
five buildings in the confer of the business
portion of town. Owing to the hydrants ant
liozo being frozen no effort was made to
check the progress of the flames. The loss Is
estimated at ? 14SOO. , Insured for nearly
Itiirucd to Death.
KANSAS CITY , Mo. , Fob. l3.-Spccial [ Tce !
'granv to the HUE. } Infoviuatioa Is received
icro that James McKclly was burned to
loath at Dallas , Tex , , a few days ago. Ho
was a bricklayer ami well known here.
WASIIINOTON , Fob. 13. The address of the
constitutional convention of Dakota was
presented favoring division of the territory
and admission of the southern portion an n
The bill providing for n commission on the
subject of the alcoholic liquor traffic was
) la'ced on the calendar.
The following bills were introduced and rc-
'errcd :
IJy Mr. Platt To prohibit members tcrri-
; orial of legislatures from holding office ; also
.o pay $7,371 for the passage of General La-
fayctto and family from Franco to the United
states as guests of the nation In 1824.
0 Hy Mr. Sawyer Authorizing the appoint
ment of eleven railway mall superintendents.
By Mr. Vest To fix the number of docu
ments printed by congress and known as tlio
'usual number" at 700 ; also to specify the
lumber of certain documents to bo printed.
After some debate the resolution was referred
.o the committee on printing.
The senate next proceeded to the consider
ation of the Blair education bill , but after a
few remarks by Plum was laid asidu mid the
resolution in regard to the inefficiency of the
.wstiil service taken up. After some debate
.ho resolution went over and the senate ad-
WASIIINOTON , Feb. 13. Under the call of
states the following bills and resolutions
were Introduced and referred :
Authorizing the election of a delegate from
the Indian territory to the fifty-first cong
ress.By Mr. Townsend of Illinois Permitting
farmers and producers of tobacco to sell leaf
.obacco in any quantity to unlicensed dealers
or to any person without restriction and re-
icallng all laws Inconsistent thereto ,
A resolution Instructing the committee on
ways and means to report what progress it
IBS made in the consideration of bills repeal-
ng internal revenue tuxes and to state at
what time such bills are likely To bo reported
.o the house. In case the committee is un
able to agree Ujxin thcso bills it is instructed
to report _ the fact to the house and tho' bills
shall bo placed on the calendar.
To prohibit fictitious and gambling trans
actions in articles produced by American
farming industry.
Proposing a constitutional amendment lim
iting the membership of the house to 250.
By Mr. Brewer of North Carolina A reso
lution instructing thu committee on wajs and
means to report what progress it had made
In the consideration of bills repealing in
ternal revenue taxes and to state at what
time such bills are likely to be reported to
the house. In case the committee is unable
to agree upon thcso bills , it is instructed to
report the fact to the house and the bill shall
be placed on the calendar.
By Mr. Smith of Wisconsin For the es
tablishment of a postal telegraph system.
By Mr. Guenther of Wisconsin To regu
late telegraph companies.
Bills wuro introduced for the erection of
public buildings at Galesburg , 111. ; Daven
port , la. , and Eau Claire , Wis.
The house then proceeded to questions per
taining to the District of Columbia. The
bill punishing the advertising of lottery
tickets in the district was opposed by Air.
Rogers , of Arkaasas , upon constitutional
grounds. It would , ho said , prevent any pa
per , no matter where published , from coming
into the district , and would Infringe upon
the liberty of the press.
Mr. Brown , of Indiana , spoke In support of
the measure.
Mr. Cummings , of Now York , and Mr.
Grucnthor , of Wisconsin , said that if con
gress had tho'right to prescribe what should
bo printed in the advertising columns of a
newspaper it hud the right to exercise a cen
sorship over the editorial nnd news columns.
They regretted the growing tendency in this
country toward the methods of monarchial
Europe. Tlio bill was referred to thu com
mittee on judiciary.
Bills were passed to prohibit any person in
Washington or Georgetown from making
books or pools on the result of any races or
games of base ball. Adjourned.
Mrs. Grant nnd MTH Cleveland.
NEW YOUK , Feb. 13. [ Special Telegram to
the BIK. ] A Washington dispatch says :
There has been a civil war imminent here.
Every effort has been made to suppress its
mutterings. It seems Mrs. Grant , while a
guest hero of Senator and Mrs. Stanford ,
called at the executive mansion. The visit
was a formal one. It would naturally bethought
thought that Mrs. Cleveland at least would
have hastened to show her appreciation
of Mrs. Grant's courtesy by immediately re
turning the call. Mr. and Mrs. Stanford ,
however , as well as the public were shocked
and pained that Mrs. Cleveland failed even
In the common courtesy of leaving a card
upon her predecessor. Some people at
tempted to extenuate this rude and direct at
tempt at n snub in tlio fact that Mrs. Grant
was the guest of a republican senator. When ,
however , Mr. and Mr . McLean entertained
the widow , the excuse no longer existed , nor
was the return visit paid. Republicans hero
are furious at the slight put upon Mrs. Grant
nnd southern democrats delighted. Northern
democrats uro ashamed. The latter pronounce -
nounco it a case of too much training to
please thu south.
of Noted Criminals.
ST. PAUL , Minn. , Feb. 13. Three
prisoners Billy O'Connors , the no
torious Minneapolis postoffica rob
ber , Frank St. Clalr and William
Thomas , both awaiting trial for highway
robbery escaped from the Ramsey county
jail at 7:110 : last evening and their absence
was not discovered until about the same
hour this morning. Tlio hour of their de
parture was learned of Burlthardt , a United
Status prisoner from Milwaukee , churned
with passing counterfeit inonny , who was in
the same cell with Thomas , and who
refused to escape , giving as his
reason he would prove his Innocence if ho
stood trial. The escape was made by sawing
four bars from the cell door , which let. the
men into the upper corridor. From there
the prisoners reached thu attic by sawing
through eight bars forming the roof of the
corridor , and turn cutting through the coil
ing. A hole was then inudo through the
sheet iron roof and a ropnmadc of hummocks
was used to lower themselves to the giound
between the jull and the court bouse.
Murdered For Money ,
MAIIIIIRSA , III. , Fob. 13. [ Speeinl Telegram
to the BEK J A tmriblo inutder for1 money
was committed near hero Sunday , the victim
bolng George W. Guthric , a wall known and
highly rchjic'ctcd .citizen , at his residence lo
cated two and ouc-liulf miles southwest of
town. Early In the mnrning Mrs. Guthrie
and other members of the family went to
church , Waving Mr. Guthric at home. When
they returned homo Outline was lyini : on the
floor with his clothes saturated with blood
from a wound In his breast , H was suspected
at first ho biul committed suicide , but such
suspicions were dialled when Mr.s. Guthrie
dlMXJvercd that the safoin which the valu
ables , and at times large sums of money , are
kept , had been tampered with , but hud re
sisted the attempts of the robbers. The
pockets of the dead man hud been rifled ol
island a gold watch nnd chafn. It is pre
sumed Guthrie heard a tioise made by the
robbers , and going Into the room was sliot
through the breast. The'j of tin ,
room indicated u struggle.
Dakota Unnlc Gocn Under ,
DtUmvoon , Dak. , Fob. VJ. [ Special Tele
prutn totho { HKK.Tbo ) Central City hank
of Central City , cloned its doors todayLUi
bllltles , 130,000 ; assets , SEW.OOO. No taik : * in
thin city O.V3 ( sfcctC'JL by the failure. '
Sioux City Following the Example
of Nebraska's Metropolis.
The Drug Stores Dc'IVntpd A Slom
City Tcatihor Kliu-d For A anlt
ItiK n Cripple A I'clhl
Mill llunu'd.
Tlio Iowa I
Dus MOINKM , la. , Feb. III. In the scnaU
Mr. Mills introduced a bill making nn appro-
irlut Ion for the soldiers' homo at Marshall-
Mr. Kelly Introduced a concurrent rendit
ion that the Hccrotiiry of state furnish fet
he use of the general assembly ! UX > copies ot
tlio platform of the two political parties
if thu state for the year lbS7. After some
llseussloii and amendments that the order
ncludothii platforms of 1HJ4 and IbCS , the
natter was laid on the table.
The bill relating to the Issue of water
works bonds by cities of the second class ,
wasod the senate with a slight amendment.
The house resolved after the llith to hold
two sessions daily.
Tlio Groerrymen Win.
DBS MOINI-.S , la. , Feb. 13. ( Special Tele
gram to the Bii.l : : The grocery has mot the
Irug store and wet ) the light. To-duy the
eglslatiiro passed the bill permitting grocery
nnd other stores to sell concentrated lye and
) otnsh. Some time ago the stutu pharmacy
ward made a ruling that as lye was poison
ous , no one but druggists could bo allowed to
sell It and they must handle It with other
loisons. Immediately there was u great out-
: ry not only from country merchants but also
'rom their patrons who couldn't always thill
i drug storu convenient when they wanted n ,
ittlo potash , so the legislature , soon after it
net , took up the subject and kept at it till re *
lof was afforded and the country grocery
store once more enjoys its rights
Will Dntcrmlno Their
Dns Moixni , In. , Feb. lit. [ Special Telegram -
gram to the Bii : . ] Tlio broad gunge street
uilroad of this city , which has hud a long
itigution with the narrow guugeorold street
car company , scored a point to-duy. The de
cision of tlio supreme court gave the narrow
guuifo the right tq the streets under the old
ihartcr for use of horses ns motive power ,
but it was inferred that electric or other
notive power were to bo used by the new
comtniny before it would bo allowed to oper
ate. In order to get a ruling on this point
from the supreme couit before making an in
vestment , ono member of the company ap-
) licd to the district court Sat
urday for mi injunction to re
strain his associates fium introducing
electric power. Bo hoped in this way to get
the ease appealed to tlio supreme court and
; et an authoritative decision. The old. coin-
wily opposed this and claimed it was a sham
suit , and tried to have thu Injunction dis-
nisscd , but Judge Kavanugh to-day decided
.hat it should stand , and so Issued an mjunc-
, ion holding that the new company could not
use oven electric power , without infringing
in the rights of the old company. Of course
ho new company will promptly appeal and
, uus get the casts iit once to the supreme
court and find out what rights it has and then
to ahead. It js regarded us u clover victory
for the new company , and excites much 'com- ' '
ment. _
A Teacher Pined For Asnaiilt.
Sioux CmIu. . , Feb. Hi. [ Special Tele
gram to thoBcK. ] Prof. William. E. Palmer ,
> rineipal of the Wall street school , was
: o-duy lined -10 for assaulting on the street
, hreo boys who wore not pupils of his school.
The evidence showed that Palmer dragged
one of the bo.vs , who was a cripple , from iv
sleigh and kicked nnd struck him. The
school board meets to-morrow and it is said
will dismiss Palmer from his place.
The Thermometer Hapldly Falling.
Sioux CITV , la. , Feb. Ul. [ Special Tele
gram to the 13in.j : Reports from numerous
points to-night show that a tttorm of almost
Ili7zard violence has extended throughout
central and southern Dakota. The thcrironv
etcr hus fallen 20 ° heie , and tliero Is a high
wind , but no snow us yet.
A Mill Iliirned.
PEU.A , In. , Feb. 13. [ Special Telegram to
tlio Bnu.J Tlio flouring mill owned by M. C.
McCombs , at Otloy , eight miles | northwest
of this city caught fire at 10 o'clock last Sat-
daylight from u defective flue nnd burned to
the ground. Loss is about flSOO. Insured
for 1,800 in the State Insurance company ol
lies Moincs. _
Hlonx City innller.s Fined.
Sioux Cirr , Iu. , Feb. 13. [ Special Telegram -
gram to the BIE. : ] The proprietors of the
eight gambling houses which were pulled
Saturday night were in court to-day. Frank
Sharp and "Stub" Wilson were lined $100.
The other six wore also lined , but the lines
were remitted on condition that they would
immediately leuvo Sioux City.
An Unknown Blizzard Victim.
Dus MOINKS , la. , Fob. 1 ! ) . [ Special Tele
gram to the BUM. ] At 11 o'clock o-day
an unknown man , apparently fifty years old ,
und well dressed , was found dead live miles
west of Aldcn , Biirdin county. On his per.
FOII was an account book kept in German ,
bill no clue to his identity could bo obtained.
It is supposed that ho is another victim of
the great hlUrurd of January IB.
A Blast Fnrnaco For Duluth.
UULUTII , Minn. , Fell. 113. [ Special Telegram
gram to tha Bun. ] To-morrow morning
men begin work clearing the ground and
preparing for the excavations fo'r an eighty.
ton blast furnace to bo built at West Duluth
by the Unlon Blust Furnace company at
onco. This furnace , which is to bo built on
plans drawn by John Bickonbine , the well-
known Philadelphia engineer , ix to bo a lln
nnd complete affair and Is to bo of the best
and most economical pattern. Thu plans call
for a double eighty-ton furnaca and lull and
sheet Iron mills , but only half the furnuco Is
to be built at present. As soon as possible a
force of twenty men Is to bo increased uud
the work of construction will proceed rap
idly. it is expected that the furnace will b
In operation before winter. It is to bo ucok
furnace and the coking pits arc to bo built
near the furnaces of West Duluth. The capi <
tal of the company Is f l.OOf OOO.
The Visible Supply Statement.
CHICAGO , Feb. 13. The vUlblo supply o !
grain for the week ending February 11 ,
as compiled by the secretary of the Chicago
board of trade is as follows :
Wheat . 40,237.004
Corn . S.MW.OOO
Oats . 5iw,000 ! :
Hye . iWl.OOJ
Barley . . . . . . . . 2,802,00 ,
Train Wreck.
BKLVIDKIIB , N. J. cb. iy. A big wrecH
ratified by a defective air-brake , occurred on
the Delaware , Luckuwnnafc Western rail
road this morning In which a cattle train wai
telescoped and mariycuttlo killed. The roud
is blockaded ,
Snowed In.
WASHINGTON , Fob , W. Thereof of theord <
r.uv.o building at the Washington navy yard
fell In this morning , It being unable to supi
port Ilia heavy weight of snow upon it. Tbl
dnmugo- estimated at { 30,000 , ,