THE COOD WORK GOES ON. Over $0,30O Paid Into the Boo'o Hcrolno Fund. THE REWARD FOR DEVOTION. Encouragement I-'rotn Various Parts of Nclirnnkn Mstn of th Imtcst Contributors The Ilojco mill Wocblicukc Fund. Tlio S * rot Orders , LINCOLN , Nob. , Feb. K ) . [ Special Telegram to the lin. ) : ] The following sums Imvo been rontrlbtitcil to the Hoyco funil : > , Scottish Masons' lodfc , Lincoln ? 10 Scottish Masons' chapter , Lincoln 10 Individual contributions : I ) . E. Cummlngs 2 K. S. Gore " K. S. Dudley 1 W. W. W.one8 ) 1 K. A. Church 1 W..I. Turner 1 H. H. Nicholson 1 A. M. Duvis 1 _ Total 8JO C. H. WIM.AUO. Valparaiso MctlioillstH. VAI.I'AHISO , Neb. , Feb. ! ) . Totlio Editor of tholJr.r. : Tlio Indies of the M. E. church of this plnco itiet nt my IIO-.IBO last evening fern n social gathering , iinil I being u brother-in- law of the Methodists know some of their secrets , ono of which Is where there are two or more gathered together there also may bo expected n collection to be taken. So after having read u few extracts from the Uii : : , 1 projwsed u collection be taken for the un fortunate and most worthy Miss Loio Hoyce and Lena Woobbcoko , Hie result of which was $1S BO , to bo equally divided between the two. Hy request of friends interested I hold the list and amount collected for a short time to give others a chiuiee to add to it , and then will forward draft for the whole amount and list of givers. Brothers-in-law , follow on. f It is a good cause. E. H. I'IIELV- ) . I Latter Day Snlnln. " ' ' OMAIM , Feb. 10. To the Editor of the nr.n : In accordance with n suggestion in your * la | > er , n collection was taken up Sunday t evening , February fi , at the Latter Day * SaintH chapel. Enclosed please find W , the if' amount raised , which you muy apply to NcDraskn heroines as yon think best. I I. , Secretary. Kor tlio Hoi-oincH. PHTTriMot'Tii , Neb. , 11. [ Corrcspondonco of the UiiJ : : A good deal of work for the teacher heroines hits been done hero during the past few days. Several subscriptions have been in circulation hero and have been well signed. Last night McConhie post , G. A. H. , held a camp lire for their benefit. The fighting chaplain , John Hogaith Lo-iler , was here. He is a whole circus with u camp- mceting thrown In. Everybody was highly entertained , and the proceeds footed up handsomely. Other cntei taliinicnts are bet - t Ing given for the same inn-pose , and when all , ' * Is through I'laUsmonth will not bo behind In her liberal donations. Wo are pleased to f see the prand work the HII : : is doing in that f cuusc , nnd hoj > o it may result in raising a j fund snlltclcnt to pluco Miss lioyco and little ,5 , Lena Woebbccko beyond the reach of want. ' ' } , , Notice. Several lists of contributors have been omitted from this issue owing to a lack of space. Each , however , will bo published. If your list does not appear in this issue It will DO published as boon as possible. IilMtn or Contributors. The Bur. will acknowledge all contribu tions through tbcsi ) columns. All lists re ceived , unless otherwise directed , will bo published in full with the name of every con tributor. These lists will bo published as soon after tnoir receipt as space will per mit. iMiVTr.nsNP nr.coiuTous usiox. A committee of Local Union No. 32 , Brotherhood of Painters and Decorators , have raised the sum of $21.50 for the o x- eluslvo benefit of Lena Woebbccko. Thcr committee turned this amount over to the BKK last evening , but are still continuing their labors in the good cause and announce that there will bo more to follow. The ' . following is n list of the persons contributed : A..1. Moreen $1 ( O.Tohn Tronlseii. . . . 2" J. Weimlngliotr. . . I U ) U. U. r'ltlnnn r,0 .1. Wi-bu I ( ) Henry Lehman. . . 2 00 Henry Sthoenen. . "iN. | .lon un fill J. 8. t'liristvnsen. . fiO.Ciish fin I , . Neliu M ) A. II. McKlu 101) ) A..I. Llbby 1 00 Mrs. A. II. JIcKlo TO J. Illlgen J ( M.L' . ( ] . Hunt 1 IK ) K. Ilonnsklll 3.1(1. ( Whltlock no M. Diibelstuln Ml , It. Ogden no K. Hi-ran " > Kennedy & Woods CO .lolm llohs fiO II. A. Dublin . . . . no K.Diihlberg Ki.l.J. llerold 2" , John Tnclis 2VU..1 , Wheiry ) Otto l.i'lin > A..I.Katoii r,0 W. 11.1'lietepluco. tt 'S. ' M. Sheehey. . . . fiO Anton Stotnio no'.l. ' Smith ft ) John Schmidt fiO.l' . J. Itvlly ! T > 1'riHiK Schmidt. . . . nn C. A.Sclnilzo M | Total $2150 .MRllilMIIKIII.lHT. To thoEditor of the I3m : : Enclosed please find check for flO.W ) for the relief fund for Miss Loio Uojce ; it is given by E. D. Mead- imer'a Novelty Carriage works. LIST OP rONTIUMUTOIIS. E.I.Meadimber. . 1 OOI.I. H. Muaro W > U.1 { . Turney 1 HJ. ) t'omiers fill D. Mi-Kenzio 1 l A. Spencer no Fred Killer 1 fin'.l./.utes ' no C. ( J. Wlittuing , . . . 1 UjW. ) Smith no J. JncomiH l unit. N. Pimois 50 O.CiiNklo 1 On ( liiht Ketzer fit ) D.W./.ates 1 (0 ( It. II. Davey M ) W. K.ilcKciwIe. . . 100.1. II.rnrpenter. . . . nu H. II. llnshiimn. . . Ml John llnrland. . . . 2. > niiHttJtvberK fAK. Delivers 2"i N. Cliristluinon. . . Hi'J. ' Sclicidtu 25 lMe\t-is MUI. llarmnn 2. II. AliO > r on 'W. ' Kelly 2.- . P. Itlnelmrt 50W. ilradley 25 M. S. Schlltz > r. Aibeni-iiu no Total 11060 J. Holland no AX/ITU. , xnn. , T.IST. F.N.rnlrnmn * 1 0ill. I Ilnlbung 1 00 Kosbery lOOCusli M II. 15. Moorehons. . 1 ttCuHh ) fO II. IlL-nsctto llKICusli fin II , iKUiun I CO Cash no Dr. Bclioir 1 ( M .1. Duvlson 100 C. Cmlson M ) 0. Dodge 100 J. Frchtnil r.O T. A. Olson HID. I.imdeis 100 lllmiulst Hios. . . . 1 UK ) . U.Hands 100 11. KtepheliMJll. . , . . fid H. Sou nit 1 ifl Cash Mil1.Miller I in ) I. Itotit no Cash 100 CruwfordA.Wiirr'11 1 U ) A. II. CttiUou Total K200 il'COOK LIST. McCooK , Neb. , Fob. 7. To the Editor of tholtnK : Enclose d find check on First Na tional of McCook for $ ' 4 , which I take great pleasuieln placing ut your disposal for Miss Etta Shattuck. These contributions wcro loft at the McCook Democrat onlco to bo for warded. The contributors1 names are on en closed slip. U. B. WAIII QUINT. B. P. Hurt 1 on.n. . K. DnrliiiKtun. . 100 J.Stelnmetz I HO ( . W.Snively..t W ) Miss lihilloin-tor 1 ( . ( ' . II. MeoWnr . . . . K.II.Wiililnulst. . . 1 00 P. M. Klnimell. . , , JiimeHMcl.ntoo. . . 1 ui II.T. Anderson. . . Walsh * lloyd , . . . 1 00 II. II. Davis Jr Kd Uiyeock V ) ( ! . M. Chenery. . . . f ( I. W. Raima fO i : , K. Ummiiu K TliomuH ( llusscut. noirrunk HiirKebS. . . , f 3.15. Coclirun ICOJ. A.Kudil B.Htrn > * er I tM.H.Trowbrulgo. . . . J. H , llennett j U ) Cash W. H. Morlim 1 i Trunk Newman. . . Frank McAlpin , . . 1 00 J , 1 ! > ran Jennings 1 00 Total } 21 00 A. C. Kbert . 1 00 MCCI.I'IIO CIIAL'KKII A. CAXDV COMI'\SV. McClnrg Cracker | W. Ilombcrger. . , . ! no & Candy Co..w.f 10 mti.fiobPl . HI O.O.Drow . . lOJT.CmtU . 1 IK ) II.U.MiiMm . 1 WVJ. Iliimberger . . . . no U. W. Close . 1WK ( | , Moon . 25 V. Armour . 1 00 J. Donovan . 1 < W.H.Stevens , . . . 1(011. ( Horn . 2f T. H.Strntton . 1 0)'M ' > rtlcSwliert. . . . W C. K. Holtertson. . 1 WUIelle Dcloiig . 6" O. F. Coon . 2V.nulo Swlgeit. . , .V M. Hums . 2VI. lnCurl . M 11. Southard . 10 Mnrr llollmau. . . . a W.Bmlth . noilelloCiibey . 60 JB.Mnuaii . 21 NorulloaitH . 2 ! O. UnriRlit . W ) Flora Smith . ft ) J. A. Keller . HI Mnttle llin . H ) K. Kesuler . no'Aunle ' Sehlndle. . . . W J ) . McCreary . no K. A. Lord . tf S ] THE WAYXE GAZETTE LIST. WATNB , Neb. , Feb. tjTo the Editor of IhoHEE : EneloBC.d flnd check for ? ? , f > n kelnc the amouilt collected hero for the Nc- iruka herobo fund , 1'lcdsc' divide equally I.I 1'IATTi : , SVlll'V CO. This contribution is toward the fund for the Westphnlcn Klrls monument collected byllunh Patrick Dehiny , a boy of 11 years from the children of La I'httte , Harpy county school. Arthur Ilaclioldcr. fi Nclllo lliicholdcr. . 15 IMdlM minds nllnth | I'at Dcluny. 25 Iiyiidloy l.nce 10 Arthur ( J Delany. . 15 HertMuImiin ai U. W M. Deliuiy. . Ill V. P. Mc'IlnnleH. . . 2' . Amber II. DeUny. f > I' . IlllndH i5VIvln ! , Wood ; . n I51ctnllachuliler , . 10 Uthel Wood 5 ( l.C. Heed 2.5 M. Shuson 2i | Total t S Si iHTrr.K mtF.nic LIT. - . MlssMllleUiechoIsuo nnd Mrs. Kato P. Hurforil collectcd from the citl/ens of liattlo Crccic , Neb , the sum of i"i ( ) to bo equally divided between Iss Hoyco and Miss Lena Woebbeck. Tlio contributors arc us follows : F. J. Hiilo J ( I ( KIM. J. IltlKlics 25 C.eo. S. Ilinford. . 1 'M 1) . W. IJrjnn no H. 11. Maxwell. . . . 1 no U , 1) . Scott no II. A. I'olack 1 OOT. J.IInlc fl 110 ( leu. lli-iry n no ( , ' . It. ( inderian. . . . 1 ( Dr. 15. Tanner 1 00 S. MontrotmTy. | . . . 25 Jus.8. Monow. . . . 1 ( II D.ivld 1'hllllps 101 W.I , . Willis 1 Kl.Thos. . DiiKhcr 25 F. J.Tilylur 1 001' . llrechehen 1 ( H ) MlssJennieriood. 1 U ) John K ust H ) MH. Julia linur. . . no'.l. ' N. Walker fiO H. Clans fiO.l. , H. Hostelimindt 25 John Heck 1 ( Hl'.I. ' W. Taylor 1 00 II. I.Mit-'hoop . . . . 1 lie Win , CrulB no Ueo. II. Adams. . . . 1 0) ) .1. I ) . lno\er | 100 Cash 1 UI John Untie 100 Ca h 1 ( Kl Mrs. I , . A. Pieirer. fiO Henry Stotej.liurg. f/ ) Cash , 10 JiiHcph Sc'.mjler. . fiO.M. M. KillUKcr. . . . no I ; . II. linker 1 ( M.lolin Mnoie. . . . . . . . 25 A , II.CniMiimcrur. . 25 H. Taylor 25 J.T. Jlllljr S.5Cubh 25 ( I. A. Sthott 25. Win. Hates 100 Win. Young ai'A.Tost ' no C. 15. Ilnnsen 25'W. ' 13. Morrow . . . . no W. R Iteavls 25 Frnntz F. llhyn. . . 10 ( ! /Immeiinnn. . 20 1'red Hiechler CO Total JJOCO THE CHIMIItEV OP .MIVDKN- . MISDI-.N , Neb , Fob 1" " . To thoEditor of the HII : : , Omaha , Neb. Dear Sir : Enclosed find money order for $11.110 , the contribution of the school children of Minden , Neb. , to the Wcstphnlcn monument fund.WiM.M. WiM.M. Mun > i.v. Hey Kenneth Lucille McCiosky. fi I.iuir.i Kinueth. . . Ida Mor e fi IHtl llnoth n Hnth Me > 'k fi Lnln Snjder fi Karl Foiney fi I.tiunnuiCrald. . . Kimna llootli llnrt Taylor , r.iyllojrers 25 lred Ayers , ' .lettlo Hond fi Noel Mllbount. . . . 25'Cordella ' ( iraiiaiii. 10 HerlenMackoy. . . . 25TliomnH Hond fi Hnrllo Illlhs fi'Artlmrlloriley. ' . . fi Ccimethnillett. . . fi Hay Cheney fi lurry MOMIII. . . iLMlnulo Miller fi rands 1'tilvir . . . 10 MttlicI ( h p'n 10 lamlo Melson. . . . fiilenu Chapm 10 felllo Ilrown lOlhona 1'tilvcr 10 MtaPntu Id Alma Sinter 1 ; inls Miller fi Ad.i llumiiliiey. . . K ) Vllllii DuiiKan. . . . fi Ili-llo llunipluuy , . JO r'lola Martin 25Anna | llootli fi .eiita Pornev fi'Coru ' Hill J , . , . .25 KarleMntblo fi Olive Vunlliso. . . . : , Arthur llootli n'Anna ' Copclnni ) , . . 10 Inzel llnrtsoutjli. T > ! 5vn 1 horn ill 'lessleMeek filHay Tliorn ] 0 Piieolledden fi llnfusShappel. . . . fi Harry D.uilt-ls. . . . fi llrnco Meek n 'Icnrcle JncUson. . 10 I.oln Crnlic 10 Ktlici 1'arks 2'i Cnl S. UOKIT.S 2' , Unry Hammond. . 10 KntliorlnuMcI'licely 25 tasmusJoiBcnsen 20 Cora Illalr 10 ) orn Jort-'enscn. . . 10 Iiyiili Monk 10 "ennMnikenson. . fi Fred lllitl 15 \ntonllyer 10 1'etcr I'etersen. . . . fi lesslo Illrd 15 Alfred 1'etersen. . . fi tlyrii Mnxou Fisher fi llettiu I'ltzer 10.Willie CrnlBen. . . . fi llanch ( iates fi Tims Olsen : 10 Alice I'ickttnl fi Chas Humphroy. . C 3mrllo Ilouli fi Harry Ilumett. . . . 1 : inud Denliam. . . . fi Walter Hull ( I Jlias Ilutchliibon fi Anco Johnson. . . . 25 Mary Klik fi Vaull'itzer fi lacobKlik fi Inn Miller fi Nellie I'inklmm. . . fi Mathilda Hond. . . . fi Willie I'nto 10 Carl Witta-nknecht fiO loel Hull fi Hyuney Illlss fi C.ull'eters fi Marv Ivlltto 10 llowutil 1'nlver. . . 11 Ira Mclntyre fi Cazettuforco 1 ( H Maud Mclntyre. . . fi W H.VnnHlso . . 25JolinMrIiityre..r. files los ( Witeuknecht | 5.1 MalielMclntyre. . . 1 Carl lledden . . . . fi liattlo Chlttenden 10 1'dgar Clinpln fi I.tiln Snyder IB Nellie llro\\n Ifi Willie Kainich. . . . 2 Mary lleyer fi Mamie. Selbeie. . . . n Joseph lie ) or 10 si'Hi'iiisn , XKII. , LIST. The undersigned have subscribed the amounts opposite their names for the relief of Miss Shuttuck , of Sowardj Neb. , a school teacher who lost both limbs during the storm of January 12 , IbSS. F. A. Harmon I 2 CO'.T. Hunter t .25 W. rtmtsnnu 1 U ) P. I1. Welch 25 JolmTuincr fiO.W. Crnimnhnft. . . . fiO J. K. \ \ llaou 1 UI 15. Illnzo no Myrunl'nyne 1 OJ W. II. stino 2fi T. ( Joimly 25C. ! Witter 1 U ) H. II. J mill 100C. IIIH7H 25 Frank D. Miller. . . 1 ( X ) II. ll ° ikiteail 1 IK ) Tliei-un T. Palmer. 1 00 K. ll.aalmuKO. . . . 25 1.11. Morrl ou. . . . Hi . ) . C. Column no W. N. Thomas. . . . SfilF. Strnub 1 ( X ) ( ! . C. Kuckle 2fiW. , II. Schmidt. . . 25 II. J. Crapeuhoft. 1 ( H A. F. Illno h 25 J.D. HatneH 25C. H.Walker 1 OJ A. K. Meeger 25 O. Bhrader no W. HlKhly B5iK. H.Sliruder HI A. Thorp 1 OO'A. ' Heckimui fiO I. . I.uililen no ( J.rll. Miller 1 ( ) Frank I.emon 251W. LcilKer. . . . . . . . 25 A. D.Sptrry finr. | Towmr , , . , , , , . 25 I. . llerL'land no C. ( hrlstensan. . . ,1. K. Verity Ml D. I , . Sylvester. . II. Nenjnhr W. HocfenberKer. . M ) J. M. llently S. H. ( illlette. . . . HI F. Smith A. A. Lord no P. W.Merrill. . . . A. S. Chapman. . . 110 * Total .KiOOO The "IJec" Fund. The present condition of the funds opcnod by tlio HEK is as follows : Etta Shattuck Wfi57 71 Loio Kovco 'J , ! 17 87 Minnie Freeman Wft 'IS Westphalen monument fund US its Lena Woebbecko fund 57H 09 Cash to special fund lf > 0 00 Grand total $8,393 43 A Tough Qttni-tetto. - Charles Welnptrdner , Charles Smith , John McOulro and Ted McUuIro , n quartette of toughs , who have been for n short tlmo the tenor of the people residing along Cumiiig street , wore finally run in by the jiolico yes terday , The chin ges brought against them uro the larceny of a gold watch and twc highway robberies , perpetrated on belatei ! citizens in that quarter of the city. It is said that thcio fellows have been a source 01 inlltilto trouble to the police on that strccl for a long time , by their various devilish am criminal acts. Their latest exploit ovcurrcc yesterday , when they wantonly smashed the glass of a saloon wjndow on Cuniiug street. IJn-vltlos. On complaint of Cnptuin O'Brien ono Park Green wits arrested yosterdny ovoninp on the churgo of steuliiiK nn ovuramt from O'Brien's homo on the eornor of Thirteenth anil Lcnvunwortli htrcots. Green claims that ho lini merely borrowed the overcoat and was only a little slow in returning it. An nlnrm of lira was turned In from box lit shortly before 7 o'clock yester day morning. Knjrine company No. - responded , when It was dibcovorcd tha' ' at'himnoy was merely burning out in ft I'ottngo near the corner of Tenth ana Hickory streets. Ftiht Drivers Arrest oil. A negro named Samuel Simpson was ar rested yesterday for driving nt a breakneck pace across the Sixteenth street viaduct Frank Hush and . .loo Hlcli , a couple o drunken fellows. , were ariested last evening for drivlni ; fui iously down Douglas yelling a the ton of their lungs. AN AWFUL NIGHT IN A STORM SufTorlcfrs of a Son and Anrloty of a Mother. CAUGHT OUT IN THE ELEMENTS. Kxpcricnco of tlic l-'inecn-War-Oltl Son of n Huptlut Missionary lit a Terrible Dnkdtii Illlzziml. Tim find Narrative. Hov. W. H. SwnrU , wlio until recently 1ms been In the cmp.loy of the Hnptlst Mlsslonnry society of Now York , us it missionary In the neighborhood of Parkston , Dak , , about ilvo miles from which pluco hli family rosldo , Is In the city the guust of brother-ln-liuv , Mr. A. L. Frank , of 1314 South Thlrty-fourth street. A HIH : reporter called upon the rev erend gentleman lust evening to obtain from ilm the particulars of n son's experience and ho anxiety of Mrs. Sw.irtz during the terrl- ilc blizzard which swept over the wcstou the icinorablo January 1'J last. Mr. Sivurtz VIIB away from homo at the time , but ho per- iltted the reporter to copy the appended lot- era from his wife and BOII narrating the clr- unistunces. Tlln MOTIIEIl'S I.r.TTKll. My Dear Husband : You have doubtless cnrncd cro this all about Arthur'B sad ex- lerlenco in the terrible blizzard. Hut the ads have not all been told. After lying Ightecn hours in his little filed ho was so ic urly fro/en that ho had to inuko a debper- ite effort to get out of the sled and onto his cct and when ho reached the house , which ortunutely was near where ho lay , ho alnted. The fun A' supposed ho was dying , mt they gave him some stimulants which cvlvcd him and then kindly prepared him omcthing warm to cat and drink , and during ho duy ho seemed to recover , but after toil- ng hard all day trying to save his team and then losing them , as they wcro so badly fnwn , ho was thrown Into n fever and delirium. Ho raved plteously about his poor lorses , did not know how wo could do with out a team , but t'ortilnatoly wo were able to secure a doctor who gave him an opiate and ho went to sleep. Ho bucins quite well now , though weak. How grateful wo nro over his ccovery. Oh , how near death's door ho was. Jut how- shall I describe my own suffering. t seems 1 have suffered moro than our poor ) oy. I am almost prostrate. When the storm came up wo know ho must bo lost and til afternoon and night as the wind howled and the storm and cold intensified. The icxt day your brother started in searcli of lim but the cold was so intcnso and the dls- nncc ho had to travel prevented his return hat day. Oil I what weary hours. The icxt day while watching out for him wo caw ilm coming through the Holds alone without Vrthur. without the team , and wo knew bomething was wrong. Could it bo that our > oy wus buried in the snow , cold in death ! Oh , the suspense the anxlte.v of those noinents. I thought I could not live till ho cached the house. And I could not speak , feared to open my lips or to hear him utter i word , but the children , you know how eager hey would bo and impatient. They gathered t the door pale and agitated and as soon us 'unclo" was near enough , to bo Heard riedout , "Did you lindhimf" "Yes. " "la ho itlivoi" "Yes. " Oh , the burden that oiled from my poor heart , and as wo learned hat ho had escaped witli scarcely any injury t all you cannot Imagine our Joy. Surely vo have many reasons for congratulation mil thanksgiving to God. I foil HO sorry to ese my poor "Dollic , " but what is the loss of i horse when our dear boy is preserved to isf Your loving wife. MAY It. SWAHTZ. Parkston , Dak. Tin : SON'S J.ETTBK. My Dear Father : You wish to know where was lost in the storm and what my thoughts vcro when 1 found myself lost. As you nivo heard I started for Parkston about 11 o'clock for some coal , and when about Jlvo nilcs out I was overtaken by the storm and n a few minutes the air grow so dark with ho driving snow I could not see the horses leads , and I was unubla to see the road , so I Iroppcd the lines and let them drift with the storm. In a little while they began lloundcr- n the snow and stopped. I sup- rased I had got into a ravine but on ixuminatlon I found I was in a corn field in Ivo to six feet of snow. I got back into the sled again and tried to urge thorn through it , > ut in their plunging one of them throw his 'ront leg over the polo and neck yoke. Then : know it was all up with me , so I unhitched thorn and let them go. I then got into the sled , wrapped the robe around my feet and cgs , put the cmiltover my head and shoulders and laid down in ttio box and thought "Well , jy God's help I have got this far. and by God's help I will get through , " and in ten minutes I suppose I was sound asleep. This wus about 1 o'clock in the afternoon. About dark I awoko. I raised up and looked out mil the bliz/ard was just getting there , and I said "Well , this is all right , for it may bo I will get through it all right , and may bo I won't , so good bye to all , and oh , Ijord , help mo , " and I laid down again. I did not feel afraid. I was not alarmed at all , and soon I was aslccj ) again. About daylight I woke up. I was all right. I thought the snow had drilted over qjo and I did not feel cold , though I found presently that I was badly chilled and stiff , As I got out of the sled and attempted to walk I fell over. I getup up and tried again , but no go. My legs were stiff and so numb I could not move them. I began to pound them and rub them , and by and by I got on my feet , and us I started I caught sight of the top of a house only about twenty-five rods away. I made for it , you bet , and after stumbling over four or flvo times I got to the door and woUo up the fam ily , and they helped mo In. lint us soon us thuy made a fire and it began to grow warm I was seized with a terrible pain and things grow dark and I foil over on : i chair. When I came to , the man gave mo some stimulant , and it revived mo , and when I got something to cat and drink I was all right , only a little weak. I guess I am the stuff they need out there. I run into the mower once , you know , but the doctor managed to savomy feet. Last summer I was In the barn when the ryclono blow it down , and now I have been eighteen hours in the worst'blizzard that over howled over Dakota or any other country. 1 am going to school now , and I expect somebody will hoar of mo some time. Your loving son , AllTlIUll SWAKT/ . "AT 8UNIUSE 1NJTHK MOHMNG. " The Union Pacific Ktenls ItH Way Up tlio OnH-AVorks Alloy. Yesterday morning at ( iM : : ) o'clock the Union Pacltlo mnssca about sixty laborers at the intersection of the alley between Jackson and Lcavcnworth streets with Eleventh street. The force was under the direction of Hoadmuster Holbrook and immediately stretched ties and rails al ng the -alley west from the cast side of Eleventh street. Up to the latter point the track had already been laid and used for a couple of yours by the Hlchardson Drug company and other heavj shippers on that thoroughfare. A short dis tance west of Eleventh street the workmen encountered opposition They were orderci by some of the gas company's employes to lay no tracks in front of the property of the corporation which lies on both sides of the alley , on ono sldo being the generating works and ono largo receiver and on the other the big receiver , The tracklayers , however paid no attention to the orders and continuci at work putting down tics , extending rails mid spiking them with rapidity. The gas men then resorted to their hose and directed it heavy stream of water UIMJII the railroui men , but that also was without effect. As soon as ono gang got thoroughly saturatei with water and then frozen with a coating of ice , another gang took its place. In this manner the truck was extended past the works and out of the reach of the hose , after the men had boon subjected to the latter for nearly forty minutes. About Stt : ! ) o'clock the rails were hud in a very rough manner up to the cast side of Thirteenth , and a line of platform cars for nearly the entire distance extended over them. Uoud master Holbrook was like an Ice man whci ho got through with his ducking , so much so that it was with difficulty that he took oft his coat , nnd when ho did it stood up as rljrk and glossy as if it had been made of glass Ho then dismissed his men to save them frou colds. Besides the water , it is claimed tha the gus employes threw several pieces of caa at the trackmen , striking on. the bock a man named Gorman , who resides on Thirteenth street , near the scene.and , injuring him pain. 'ully Another mnn hnd hit.nnklc sprained mil was taken to St. oJow.'ph's hospital , Vhcnco ho afterword left to go to Dr , Osil- iralth , the ompany's .vurflcon , Mr. Hoi * > rook , It Is claimed , wasstruck on the head vitn a chunk of coal nnd bruited. Holbrook's gang was succeeded at about 10 o'clock by a smaller force of men under Fore man Carey , of the Bluffsrtvtm put the flnl h- ng touches to the rough - > work of the morn- ng. This over , Conductor Uussidy settled n string of cars over the lluo ami the work was over. over.A nr.n reporter called uxm | the superln- cndcnt ut the gas works nnd learned from ilm that the employes atiho works had acted on their own authority , yet -what they had lone was heartily In accord with the feelings if the company. Ho considered the act an llegnl one , and if ho hud been there ho vould , perhaps , have acted even ' moro letermlnedly than the men did yet. The Union Pacific had no right In the alley and mil their laying of track was wrong and ihonld have been prevented by forco. Mr. ? rltchett , the attorney of the company , ho said , hud been no tilled of the affair and had said that the road in question hud no right of way through the alley , and would in the Horning take the steps necessary to oust it. VIr. iiutton said the company was opposed to he truck there bccuuso It closed the alloy up to them. They could not unload there or Irlvo team in or out without danger. He- sides , it would Interfere with their heir pipes as readily as required , and would shut off connection with them nnd their receiver when cars stood on the track. Again , there wcro places around their works near which they never used a light , and they had Instructed their iien never to go near them with n cntidlo. nmp or match. These engines which would un up nnd down there , would boa danger o such places with their sparks , and might MIUSP great loss of llfo and property. Mr. Button , in conclusion , said that the company uul no knowledge that the march was to bo stolen by the Union Pacltlo until after the work had been commenced. Ho said , how- svcr , that a steal hud not been entirely over- ookcd , because Injunction patters had been undo out some time and all that remained to bo inserted before making application to the court was the time and pluco of the laying of the track. SOUTH OMAHA NEWS. The 1C. of L. Social club will celebrate St. Valentino's eve with a musquerndc bull. Saloon keepers have fallen into line and arc observing the 1M o'clock closing law with out n murmur. The police say so. Now the owner of the building rented by ho council dent want to have the cellar used is a lock up , and won't ' sign a lease , but as ho city has possession it's probable they will stay there. There were no arrests reported Saturday and Sunday , and the prsspcctsnrothut.Iudgo Heuthcr will observe Monday as a holiday. Business men on N street are rising to the emergency or rather to the level of the roud- wny. LJids nro uskcd for by several of theme o learn the cost of raising the respective mildings to a point where customers can see heir shop windows without having to take n tumble of about seven feet to the sidewalk. Quito a number of convalescents will make heir first appearance to-day. Councilman 3eary has recovered from his recent attack of nahtria. andO. E. Shannon , of the Hoof and lorn , is allowed to take an airing. John Sluckoy , who moro than oncewas given up by ho physician' ! , has ulso pulled through and vill bo around in a day or two. Irish National Licncuc. The regular monthly meeting of this or- ranizatlon was hold in St. Plillomona's hall ust evening. Mr. T. Fallen occupied the hair. Owing to the indisposition of the cgulur president of the leuguoitho entertain nent characteristic of these meetings was icglcctcd , neverthless those present enjoyed hcmsclves in djsoussmg the present aspect of mutters pertaining to the league. From ho zeal and earnestness displayed by those tresent there is every reason to believe that hero will soon bo n very flourishing branch of the orguni/ution in this city. The next meeting will bo held in the sumo pluco on the second Sunday of Marcn ut the usual hour. several prominent spealcors will be present o address the meeting. Personal Paragraphs. A. V. Bass , of Randolph , la. , is at thoPax- on. on.J. J. P. Smith , Scribner , Neb. , is at the Pax- ton. ton.Mrs. Mrs. J. P. Mills , of Chicago , is at the Mil- aril. J. II. Farish , of St. Joseph , Mo. , is at the ? axton. Oswald Oliver , of Hastings , Neb. , is at the ? uxton. L. Walker , of North Plntto , Nob. , is at the Millard. W. B. Humphrey , of Lincoln , Neb. , is at the Millard. Clltt Wise and wife , of Kansas City , Mo. , are at the Paxton. J. F. Bellinger nnd wife , of Crawford , Neb. , arc at the Millard. Messrs. U. M. McLuin and A. M. Le\'y , of St. Paul , Minn. , tire ut the Millard. Mrs. J. H. Harris , of Clfcycniic , is in the city , the guest of her father-in-law , J. Harris , 511 South Eleventh street. Mr. Henry Hardy , of H. Hardy & Co. , has gone cast to pluco import orders and secure novelties for the spring trade. C. 1C. of A. On next Wednesday the annual meeting of the state council , C. K. of A. , will convene in Lincoln. The order is in the main benev olent , having twelve brunches and about < > 50 members in the state. The president is W. Fit/gerald , of Lincoln , nnd the state secre tary T. F. Hrennun , of this city. There is ono brunch of the order in this city , Leo , which will send four delcgutes to the council. Ho Will Ho Courteous Hereafter. A \Vashintftoii correspondent relates the following : The story of the little boy who picked up a pin in front of the wealthy merchant ami was rowurdcil for his industry by a Sl.liOOclorkship , is now rather eclipsed by recent incident in Postmaster General Dickinson's career. It happened after ho had been appointed by the president and before ho had boon confirmed by the bonato , during which period his status at the postotlico department - partmont was rather doubtful. Ono nf- tornoon , Into , ho was about to stop into the side entrance when the zealous door- kcopor interposed : "Too late. " "But , by man. I have important busi ness iiibido. " "Are you a member of congress ? " "No. " "Have you an order from a member'1" ; "No. " "Can't got get in , then ; too late. " "Well , when can 1 get in ? " . "Dunno. " * "Who can toll - ' "Dunno. move on now. " It was then that Mr. Dickinson re tired and entered by another door. The doorkeeper in the meantime pursued the oven tenor of his ways , satisfied thai ho hud done the right the right thing nnd vindicated the authority of the authority of the postmaster general' Not long afterward lie wivs astonished , however , to receive an order to call on the now postmaster general , who had in the meantime boon confirmed by the senate. His ahtonishmentsintiy bo hot ter imagined than described when lie confronted in Mr. Dickinson the fatrnn- gor whom ho had treated so ungraci ously. His now chief , though , proved magnanimous. "I didn't rare anything for your dis courtesy to mo , " ho said , "but it might have hurt the feelings of a thiru-chujS pobtma.stor. Answer questions after this. That's what you're paid for. " A boy at Philadelphia dropped the rope of his ulcd into the slot of the cable and waited developments. Pretty soon the cable cought the rope and the small boy wont whsz/.ing along the street. It was great fun , until ho reached the curve , and then the rope broke , mid the sled and boy brought up against a lami > - post , and the boy { .utTored At the hospital the young doi'iors patched up his nose , and rctUjcod 'his dislocated wrist. "I had iv dandy ride , " ho said , "but I never t'ought of do curve. Whore's mo slcdV" The Pacific Ocean boundary of the United Scutes has u greater extent of const line than the Atlantic shore. The aggregate of our shore line of the ln- clllc is 12.7.'M miles , while on the Atlan tic it is 11.800 miles , and on the Oulf of Mexico ( I,84U. It was the annexation of Alaska that promoted the Pacific coast to a higher figure than the Atlantic , Alaska having 9.830 miles of cost line , [ f the lake boundary is added it gives us a total coast line not very far short of twice the circumference of the * earth. ' IAt Halifax recently a perfectly formed egg , shell and all , about the si/.o of a robin's egg , was found in the yolk of iv hen's egg. This powder never varl03. A mnrvcl of purl- ty. strimidlkiiml uholes < mienes-i. Moro cconom- cul than the ordinary kimK anil cannot IIP sold n competition wltn thn multitude of low cost , short \ \ eight uliini or phosphate pow tiers. Sold inly In can . Hoyal linking 1'owder Co. , KO Wall street. Now Vork. SteekPiano Ht'innrkable for powerful sympa thetic tornpllulilo nctlon and ab- holulu durability. ! ) years rt-iind , thu le t giiiirunteu of tliu cxcul * lencu of tlieso Initnimenls. WOODBRIDGEBROS. T. B. HAYNES , OFFICIAL STENOGRAPHEB , Third Jntllciil District. 87 CHASIliEll OK COMMUIIO E. 'i IUUIU U. S. DEPOSITOR ? , OMAHA , NEB. Paid Up Capital , - $26OOOO Surplus , - 6O.OOO II. W. YATKS. President. LEWIS S. KbEU , Vice-Prcsldeiit. A. 13. ' 1'ouzAi.iN , 2nd Vice-President. W. U.S. lluiniis , Cashier. miiECTOiis : Vf. V. JIonsK , JOHN S COI.T.I.SS , H. W. YATES. LKWIS S. ULKU , A. E. TOU/.AMN. Ilanklnc Office THE IRON BANK , Cor. 12th nud Fnrnnui Sts. A General Hanking lluhlness Transacted. FOR SALE. T&G & Kearney Land Office of Kearney , M The oldest and best established Heal Ilstato and Loan Iluslncss In Central Nebraska. 1 now offer It for snla att.-r 14 j ears' continuous own ership and management , on account of falling health. Hood hotiso moporty can o with It. Al-oiOlOJ ( ( worth of lands and Kearney city lots If wanted. Address Tlio Kearney IjancI Olllco , Kramer , Noll. Health is Wealth ! Iit. E.G. Wrsr's NKII\R AND IlnAin TIIKAT- MBNT , a irnnrnntPt'il ( .pcclttc for Hysteria , Dizzi ness. Convulsions , Fits , Nervous Neuralgia , Headache , Nervous 1'iostrntlon. caused by the use of alcohol or tobacco , Wakef illness. Mental Depression , Softening of the llraln , resulting In Insanlty.and leading to inlsery.decayaiid death , Premature Old Ago , Hal-rennets , Ioss of Power In either sex. Involuntary Losses and Pperma- torrlupn caused by over-exertion of the brain , helf-aliuso or over-Indulgence. Kach box con tains one month's tieatinent. JI.OOii box , orslx boxes for J > .UO , sent by mall prepaid on receipt of price. WKGUAUANTKK KIX HOXKS To euro any case. With each older received bv us for six boxes , accompanied with f" > .00 , wo will send the purchaser our written guarantee to re fund the money If the treatment does not clfect a cure. Guarantees Issued only by C. V. GOOD MAN , Druggist , bole. Agent , 1UU 1'urnam btreet , Omaha , Neb. JOSEPH GILLOTTS STEEL PENS COLD UK DAL PARIS EXPOSITION MS. HOB. 3O3-4O4-I7O-O4. THE MOST PERFECT OP PENS. E.T.Allen , M. D. , Homceopathlc Specialist , EYE AND THROAT NOSE , EAR Spectacles Accurately l'i escribed. JiAJUGE JKL'JL , OMAHA J.W. Barnsdall , M.O Hotna'opatliic Specialist , ' SURGEON Guncecolofjlitt and Obstetrician- Telephone 070. RAMGE BLOCK , - - OMAHA. U" . / . OALBRA1T11. Surgeon and Physician , Office N.'W Comer 14th and Douglas St. Office , telephone , iC3 ; Residence telephone , WIS , , Display at their warerooma , 1305 and 1307 Farnam Street , the largest assortment of Pianos and Organs to be found at any establishment west of Chicago. The stock embraces the highest class and medium grades , Including STEINWAY LYON&HEALY FISCHER , , PIANOS Prices , quality and durability considered , are placed at the lowest living rates for cash or time payments , while the long established reputation of the house , coupled with their most liberal Interpretation of the guarantee on their goods , affords the purchaser an absolute safeguard against loss by possible defects in materials and workmanship. LYQN & HEALY , 1309 & 1307 FARNAM QTRERT * IE SEE PHIL STIMMEL 8c COMPANY , OMAHA , NEB. Catalogues and Price List upon Application. m + AJ ! 9 xli SOLE AGENT. nrsT nnd MOST Sowing Thread of Blodcrn Times. OE\VAIIE OF IMITATIONS. WHOLESALE IIV Kir.i'ATitlCK-Kocil DryOoods Co. M.K.SMITII&CO. PAXTON , OALraoiEii & Co. SLOAN , JOHNSON & Co. ANKATUETAILUr 8. P. Moitsi : i Co , IIVDK.N llllOS. . TllOMl-hON , IlKI.DEN JLCO. IitlllCIN& CO. CIIAS. South Omaha , and all first- class retail dealers. Easily digested ; of the finest llavor. A hearty voiaKO for n stronK appetite ; a ilollcntu drink for the bcnsltivu. Tluiroiighly testi d ; null Itlous ; palatable ; nnoxcolled In purity ; no unpleasant after elfects. Requires no bolllne : . SOU ) Y W. R. BENNETT&CO. II. O. WIL.BUK & SO\S , , PA. M POUTED STAfctilONS FORSALjE Pcrcherons. Clydesdales and Bhlre , also home bred colts , Every animal utiarauteed a breeder Our stock lias been selected with reference to both Individual merit and pedigree. 01110 of these horsen have taken llrst prize at the Ne braska State I'elr , 1887. All our horses am UP- rllmated. ondiolts of their pet can bo shown. Prices reasonable and easy terms , is accessible bv the three iPiidliiK railroads of the state , U. & J ? . ; r. . E. & M. V . Vork. Neb 1742 Lawrence St , Denver , Col , Of the Missouri State Museum of Anatomy , Rt. Louis , Mo. , University College Hospital , Lon don , Olesen , Germany and New York , having devoted their attention SPECIALLY TO THE TREATMENT OF DISEASES. More especially thovt arising from Impru dence. Invlto all BO sutTeilng to iorrespond with out delay. Diseases of Inlectlon and contagion cured safely and speedily without USB of dan gerous drugs. Patients whose cases have been neglected , badly treated or pronounced Incurable - able , should not fall to write us t-oni ernlng their symptoms. All letters receive Immediate atten- Ion. JUBT PUBLISHED , And will be mailed FKKK to any address on re- the Itenroducth e Organs , th * whole forming u valuable medical treatise which should be read by all young men. Address DRS. S. & D. DAVIESON , 1742 Lawrence St. , Ce&rer , Col. Wt coffdTiily rcconcnrM TOUlf ) tt lt > ct kt remedy known to us ( ui Oonorrncrft and Gleet. We hue toll tonlJet. mbl * . tnttln every CIW il kUftt utiittctlco. Altott * Wtk. Bold by Dniff Ittk frltt ! . . . Pianos CHIGKERING , KNABE Vose & Sons , Instruments eschangod , rentei and sold on Easy Payments , below FACTORY PRICES. Instruments slightly used at GREAT BARGAINS Max Meyer & Bro , , Omaha , Neb. FOR SALE. The Standard-bri > d trottliiKStalllon ALARIC No. 2O83 by Curler ( Mro of lllvira Z\sy : \ . Day Ilruam'J.iilJK , Afcathl : , also the ihim or I'utronll : ) by Itysdyk'H Iliimhlotonlitn. iHb dam Kthol Colddnst , ( lull t-Nti'i- /Ilcudlu ioldtlnst tilul'i Old Golililnst ( : -'i ) by islreof I.uclllu2:10 : > 4 , and Ilvo ntht-iti with records be low \i'M \ : ) . " ( Idaiu ( tin ; /.Ik-ndlo " : ; ) ! ) bji Importud Scythliui. ; id dum Sally Kussell ( thu grand dam of Maud S. Si.lW3 ; ) by lloston. Aluric was lin-d by J. C. .McKerr.m , Louisville , Ky. , fouled IhH ) , iJ hands hlch , weighs IIV ) p < mndajj he Is a rich old dust in color and thu hamu soinost and most stylish horse In the west. I la w 111 ontshow anybody's horbo on the Htreet oe thoHliow rliiK , has no retold but Is veiy fast1 perfectly K 'ntle on the road or In the stable , ha-fl no vlci-.s and IH wumuitud Hound In every par ticular , llu will bu sold very cheap , 'rhuhorsa ! Is in this city. Address DR. U. W. HAYES. SOtli and I.nko Strccts- O ttf AH A MEDICAL $ SURGICAL iNSTITUTE , N.W.Cor. 13th A Dodge Sta BR..A.OH2S , APPLIANCES FOR DEFORMITIES AND TRUSSCt. llest facilities , apparatus and remedies for sue > cessful treatment or every fotm of dUeaseTernirf- Ing Medical or Surgical Treatment FIFTY ROOMS FOR PATIENTS. Hoard and attendance ; best hospital accommo dations in the west. WRITB FOU CIRCULARS on Deformities and Ilraces , Trusses , Club I'eet , Curvature of tlie Spine , Piles , Tumors , Cancer , CaUrrh , UroncliitU , Inlialatlon , I'.lectrlclty , Parnljsls , Ittjilensy , Kid ney , Illadder , Kjc , I'.ar , Skin and lllouu , and all burgical Operations. Diseases of Women a Specialty. HOOK ON DISEASES or WOHKN KIIIB. ONLY RELIABLE MEDICAL INSTITUTE HiKINU A ei'UCULTT OF PRIVATE DISEASES. All Illood Diseases successfully treated , fiyph- ilitlc Poison removed from the system without mercury , New restorative treatment for loss ol Vital 1'ower. ferrous unable o visit us may be treated at home by correspondence. All commu nications confidential. Medlcine-ior Instruments sent by mail or express , occtirely packed , n marV.9 to Indicate contents or tender. One per * fonal interview preferred. Call and consult us or fend history of your case , and we will send ill plain wrapper , our BOOK TO MEN , FREE ; Upon Private. Special or Nervous , Jm > potency , Sjphilis. Gleet and Varicocelc , with question list. Address Omaha Sftdleal and ftirglcal IntttuteOT DR. Mc'MENAMY , Cor. 13lhin Dodo * Sis. . OMAHA , NEB. _ _ . . . _ - rlr * * 3inff - T- f ruu.ooB > blni < l. ou r nt e < Hhtl onlr ono lathe .conllnuon. gltctrte * HowlO Scl nilOe , Powerful , imrtbltv d rfT.clu. . Avoid frautfj. Alio xuKvfuia likiTi rfiu WbEA.iH Ot. HORHE. UV KTOL ICI WAUM AVf. . CHIBACA , ' JUniCIOUS AND PERIISTEHt Advertlsliit' Ima always pror is gucccssfnl. Heforo pliiclni ; any Newspaper Advertising consul ! LORD & THOMAS , I 1DTIBTI8IXI1 IGIYIrl , I 41 u IB Kttfeltk Slreel , CHICAQOj FOUNTAIN" FINE CUT AND PLUCK Incomparably th BMt * : is ,