Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 13, 1888, Page 7, Image 7

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Aclvet t1 em utft nnaer tula head , 1G cent * pw
line for the tr t insertion , 7 cents for roca sub
sequent. Insertion , nnd I1.M n line per month.
No advertisement taken for less tnnnZScenU
lor the Brst Insertion. Seven word * will b
counted to the line ; they must run consecutive
ly and must lw paid n ndvnnce. All advertise
ment * must be handed In before 1 ; ) o'clock D.
n. , and under no circumstances will they be
taken or dlHconttnuod by telephone.
Parties advertising In these columns and baring -
ing the answers nddrensed In care of the Bee ,
will please nsk J , : ' a check to enable them to
Ret their letters , as none will bn delivered except
on presentation of check. All answers to ab >
Yertlsemcnts should bo enclosed In envelopes.
All advertisements In these columns nro pub
lished In both morning and evening editions of
tlie Ilee , the circulation of which aggregates
snore than 16(00 papers dally , nnd gives the ad-
rertlserH the benefit , not only of the city circu
lation of the lice , but also of Council Uluffa ,
Lincoln , and other cities and towns throughout
tliU part of the west.
Aclveitlslngfortheso columns will bo taken ,
ou the above conditions , nt the following bus-
Ini'.ss houros , who nre authorized agents for TUB
HIK : Bpeclnl notices und will quote thoHamo
rates as can bo had at the main olllce.
CO S. 10th .Street.
113 S. 10th Street.
2115 Cuinlng Street.
'E'lxarm.aclst ,
1C09 St. Mary's Avenue.
ICth and Webster Streets.
ITe-wa IDealcr ,
Post Olllce. South Omaha.
SITUATIONS Wanted Fur 3 flrst-olnss girls ;
ono 1ms been Tyenrs and the other : ; years In
luat place , nlso Scotch Canadian for second work
nnd hewing , mid nny number of girls for gen
eral housework , dlllercnt nationalities. Hotel
help constantly cm hand. Canadian Kinii , Olllce ,
Sirs. Horga & Sou , illti 8.15th st. Telephone F84.
\VrANTEb-SltuntlonH for S thoroughly cx-
T T perlenrcd coachmen. No olllce fee. ( 'a-
nndlnu Employment nlllcc. Mrs. Hrega & Son ,
illil S. l.'ith bt. Telephone . 821 llj
WANTED Situation for first class cook. 7
years In last place. Canadian Emp.
office , Mrs. Hrega tc Bon , 310 8 15th. Tol. 884.
820 11
ANTED-Sltuatlon by an Intelligent youna
man of good moral habits , 22 years of ago ,
lias had good business training ; can give very
best of references. Address A 48 , Uee olllce. .
n. ft *
iii4 11 *
' 'ANTED Situation as honskcepcr in wld-
ower's family ; reference given. 1113 S.
llth at. No' objection to leaving the city. 83713 *
ANTKD Situations for 3 splendid girls for
private families ; also ono nurgo girl. Union
KmploTniuit olllce. tin 8. llth st. 837 13 *
WANTED Position as traveling salesman ,
hardware or Implements prferred. Speaks
German nnd English ; good references ; address
J. Pllger , I'llgor , N b. y 10 *
ANTED-Places for good female help.
1609 Faruam. Hoom 1) ) . 721 la *
WANTED A good nrnt-clns < baker , a steady
man ; no other need npply. Address J. W.
1'ouls , Prop. City llakery. Norfolk , Neb. 897 13 *
ANTED A young man to asslht In ortlco
* * and do _ Lvtav v. v > * its . J * \i-k\ij giving age ,
roferencu and salary expected. .Address A 69 ,
llco olllco. t30 11
W ANTED-A jeweler. C. L. Erlckson & Co. .
2l2N.imh t. > H40 U
WANTED A j oung man to take care of car-
' * Mngutanm.flrivP , milk2 rows , take euro
of lawn , etc. Good room , board nnd $20 pet
month for n steady man. Inquire of C. L.
Erlckson. 212 N. Kith st. 84011
WANTED A man of good address , owning n
good suit of clothes , . ' 5 und able to glvn
bond , run find permanent position at salary ol
875 per mouth by uddiosslng A M , lleo olllce.
Bill 11
W'ANTED A guitar teacher In North Omahai
Address E.V. Walker , care Itces Printing
Co. b211 *
WANTED Apents to solicit membership In
tha "National Library association1 ; ex.
perk-need book agents , teachers and school
fcnperiutendents preferred ; energetic workers
urp making from li'i to $ 0 per week ,
Address with rotorence.s. National Library usso-
clutlon.103 Btato st. , Chicago , 111. 7li3 11
fl AN YASSER for shirts , good price to right
V man. ; m N Hlth t. 76HU
WANTED A good reliable drug clerk , regls
tcied. Address , stating reference , oxpor
lonco and salary wuuted , Palmer Ac Pardee ,
Hastings , Neb. 03 14 *
ANTED-2 , > men , $2.50 and $ . ) .00 per day !
HOT Farnam. Hoom u. 7Ji 13 *
W ANTED An energetic man. can make
money fast 2301 Dodge St. , Omaha.
707 15 *
T17 ANTKD A lx > y with pony to carry a rout <
T lu the southwestern part of city for clullj
evening Doo. 741
WANTED Cnnwt Inyer. Permanent place
Booil wngos. 8. 1' . Morse & Co. 1)78 )
WANTED In every county In Mebnuka , rn
llnblo rncrRetlo men to sell so
licitlng for a , well eiitaliltehea infg company
permanent emplojment to Uio rlisnt men , ut
capltiu or experience necessary , rrferfnca required
quired , adtlresa llox SOJ , Omaha , Nub.
W ANTED . Men for railroad wort. Al
brlghfa Labor Agency , 11SO Kaniam. 351
ANIED Head waitress nd side waitress
i" > cook and waltreaa for Norfolk ; 1 foi
( cook ) . 1 forTectimseh ; womau to takt
cave of nick lady ; ( lenunn girl to learn tola
Rrnpnlng ; Young girl to mlud baby ; lots of nlci
places in private- families for housework. Can
udlan Emp. Ottlco , .Mrs. Horga Jc Sou , U1U K. hill
st. Talephonu f&l. _ 801-13'
general housework , K4Jt
WXM3 *
WANTED Blnlng room girls , cooks , chum
bcn-malds , laundresses , hotel nnd res
taurant help of all kinds , in and out of city , nlsc.
girls for housework. Our orders are coining U
constantly aud wo want good holp. Oato C'ltj
Employment pfllcg. 314 B. Itlli. Tel. 1IUO. 87B H
lArANTED-A couipeteut girl for genera
TT housework , iniist bun good cook nnd luiiu
dress , and como \ \ crecommeiided. \ \ . Ali
room CO , Mlllurd hotel , bet\\cen2uud'Jp. m.
WANTED. Olrl in faintly of tour pers-ons
( ioiid cook and general hontework. Mrs
C. H. Frederick , a. > siSt. Mary's av. 874 14
WANTED ( Jlrl for general housework , mss
be good cook and laundress. Mrs. Uob
Purvis' 24UJ St , iliirys aye. 750
W \NTED-Oood washwoman nnd gox :
bturchcr at Ucunout Uiundry.1122 N. Ifitl
82S 11 * _
\\7 ANTED An experienced cook , who IH i
T T good M aahtr and Ironer.ut 17'4 Davenpoi
Btreet. KJM n
\VANTED-A urst-class saleslady nnd glove
' Utter. Apply , IM-'iS Karnam. lES u *
ANTfil ) ( iooil gliffor general housework
Mrs , W W. llliiKham. bli S l th st.
t50 11
_ _
T\TANT EA ) competent woman to do gen
_ T i eral housework In a family of three. > lu >
ue u pooil cook. Apply with trfuiencea at CO
Boulh &th st , befoi e noon or lu the uenlng. .
_ I _ _ 775 II ?
WTANTKtt-Ooort girls for general honscworli
T 2il nnduurso girls for private family ,
iiastry cook KW per. month. dining-room clrls
Selrla for lllalr. Tfor Denlbon , la. . 1 dlulnc
room gtsl for Norfolk , farra paid. Omaha Km
Dkmneiit llurcau , lit ) N. 16th. Itlcphoue 1112.
w ANTED-Olrl for housework. Nownsl
lug. Sirs. Wallace. IKi-'li St. Mary's av <
WANTKIV-A good looking lady owning
good wardrobe , with tii und blu to giv
Iximl. can tlml a penuanent ixultlou ut a salnr
Ct l 5 per mouth by addressing A 6T , Hee ollici
819 11
\ITANTED l.adle desiring good , conipeten
Tt help tnr their famllleto call at Omnh
Eniployinont Ilureau , lilt N.luth st. . or telenh inter
tor Uiclr glrhi , Tqlcphone 1112 , 11,13. Whin
proprietor. t-47 n
WANTED Immediately , Indies to workfii
u wholOMxleliouso ( > u needlcnor ! : at the I
tonics. iBcnt nny distance ) ( ] > d pay can b
. Kverytlilug fiirnlblio.l , I'uttUMilit
free. Addrevti Artistic tealework Co. , I. " . H
t. , New York City. Jii
WANTED A good girl with good references ,
tor nouscu orient 610 a. 22dnt. 785 11 j
WANTED A competent girl In famllyof two.
Mrs. D. 11. Wheeler , Wl B. 28th st. WJl
ANTED A girl for housework In small
family , ran Park nve. OWi
fANTED-Housekeepcr. Inquire 012 Doug-
1 las. 04U
WANTED 2 girls for general housework. 1
cook and 1 dining room girl tor Norfolk ,
Neb. ; good wages. Union Employment oinco ,
013 S. flth st. K17 m
WANTED ; Good girl for general housework.
Hofercnces required. 604 S. SUth st.
KB 13 *
_ _ _
WANT ED Lndy agents for our improv d
combination bustle-skirt. Immovable
hoops. Can be laundrled. Latest Paris stylo.
One agent sold fiTO lu Columbus last npring , and
made KOO. Spring trade now. Adttre with
stamp , E. II. ( 'nmpbell ft Co. , 484 W. Hnndolph
bt. , Chicago. 4lIJ ! (
WE hnvo several gosd places for good glrU.
lrO9 Fnrnain , room . Hlli ll
WANTED A girl for general housework.
ale a girl as nurse. 212 South 3uth st.
WANTED A music teacher to give lessons
on piano ut scholar's house. Addrev ) ,
"A C3" Dee olllce. CS'J 12 *
WANTED Ladles to u e "Chlchenter's Eng-
llsh Diamond Jlriiml , Pennyroyal I'llK
Safe. Aln ays reliable. 'Hie orlKlnnl. The only
genuine. Ankflruggltt or send 4c HtampM fur
hnrtlculsrs , loturu mall. Chlchester Chumlcal
L'o. . Philadelphia. Pa. s.T
/7J ATE City Employment olllce supplies mnle
VI nnd female help for nil kinds of work
Help sent to nil part * of the country If fiire Is
mid. Hi'fcri-uci' . DoiiKhis County Iiank. Isbcll
Sc ChrUtenson , I4 So. fith. Tel. 1IIW. b79 1 J
rpllE Union Employment office Is the place to
X obtain rellnlile help on nhort notice , In or
out of the city. ttlJ S. llth st. Upeu rvonlngs.
eagmio *
HEAT Western Hnrrau Wo furnish all
classes ot help on xhort notice. lrW ( 1 'amain
Bt. , roomO. 815 la ? P
fDIin'ATK boarding , $ i a week , IClo DO.IRO.
JL IHltii
w ANTRD Houses to runt. Campbell &
Hervey , 310 Hoard of Trade. M ) 1
EAHE chance Whole flat. No. I.'COl N. 21th st.
to rent very low. Enquire at residence as
above , S. F. Winch. Ml
[ T10H HENT One fi-roora house. ? 15 per month ]
-JJ buck of 845 8. 17th Bt. , 3 blocks S. of St.
Mary's ave. Inquire of K. Thompson , L. llrad-
fonVa olllce. cor. 10th und Douglas. 799 11J
" 171011 HENT 3 0 room houses , city water , cis > -
X1 tern , cellar , rent W ) , 5 room house , rent
81S. Co-operative Land & Lot Co. , SOS N ICth st.
7G'J U
WE have a ten roomhouso on Farnam st for
rent , rent jm. price of furniture J.HIXJ.
terms reasonable. Tills Is a fine boarding house
where the income Is 1214 above tno rent. This
you can readily Hen Is a very good paying Invest
ment. Call und see us. Co-operative Land Sc
Lot Co. , 20i N.llith st. 74 ! ) 11
A FINK brick house of 0 rooms in central lo
cation for rent ; rent J41) ) ; furniture ifCOU.
Co-Oporatlve Land & Lot Co.M5 N. Ifith st.
A BEAUTIFUL new eleven room residence ,
nil modern conveniences , within 2 miles of
postolllce on Capitol uve. Cheap if rented soon.
Address V 140)1 ) Furimm , downstairs. 454 1U
T71OH HENT If you wish to rent a house or
X ! Hut I have them from ffl to few for cottages ,
nnd 8 and 10 room modern houses , trom 25 to
J40 per month. Call nt J. IL Parrotte. Hontal
Agency , ICOfl Chicago st , 6b7fll
FOH HENT 2 now nine-room brick houses 3
doors north of Judge lundy'.s ; best loca
tion in Omaha. J. Williams , 1214 Harney st.
WU U *
F ° U ItENT A six'room cottage , 1513 Harney.
S57 17
FOH HENT-IIouteof 0 rooms furnlshed.aKo
stable , on paved street near car line ; fur-
nlturo for sail' , about I'iV ) . now , pait cash , bil.
monthly If desired. J. H. Watts , Chamber of
Commerce. , b4513
FOH HENT A desirable six-room cottsgi1 ,
modern conveniences. } 3 > ) per month , also
furniture for above fix-room house for sale lor
f-11,0 , J22.'i cash , bulance on time. Address A. 5f ,
Heo olllco. ST 13 *
FOR HENT or Sale nt n bargain , 10-rooni
house , all modern Improvement , U block
from street cars , 10 minutes walk from post-
oilico. Inquire at 1205 Douglas or ICJU Park uve.
814 14 *
"C1QH HENT Iloute ot fi-rooms , closet , hard
X ; 'and soft water , on Uth street car : llue. In
quire 1113 S. 13th st. 778
FOH HENT 4-room house , 2" > th und Mason ;
rent 140. J.S. Coihy , 1301 Fitinam. 7IU
ijiOR HENT 9-room , Lowe uve. . near
XJ Cumlng St. , K5 ! per month ; 8-room house ,
Cass St. , 2t th St. . at $25 per month ; T-rooni
house , Poppleton ave. , near 2ithHt. , at * 23
per month ; 0-room home , Omuha View , nt * !
per month. Itoggi Sc Hill , real estate , Ill's ' Fur-
nam st. 7.7 ! 14
"IT'Oll ' KENT My residence , cor. of 19th nnd
-U Icavenworth sts , about April 1st : contains
fourteen rooms , steam heat , and modern con
veniences ; carpets and shades If deMred. Large
stable on premises. Inquire 1333 Faruam. Mil
ton Rogers. 703
FOK HENT In Park Terrace , opp. Hunscom
1'ark , south front. All modern improve
ments ; 10 rooms ; mot desirable residence part
of the city. Inquire Leo Ac Nlchol , 28th and
Leavenwbrth. ( CO m5
FOR HENT Twelve-room house , 25th and
and Mason streets , $10 per month. J. S.
Cmilfleld. 1301 Farnam st , C34
ONE hundred and fifty houses for rent. II. E.
Cole , n. e. cor. 16th and Douglas. 5(17-211 (
TjlOR HENT My residence on corner of Nine-
XJ tcenth and Leavenworth streets about
April 1st , contains fourteen rooms , steam heat
nnd modern conveniences ; carpets and shades
if desired , Largo stable on premises. Inquire
1323 Farnam. Milton Rogers. 703
FOR HENT-House 11 rooms. W. M. Hush-
man , N E corner 10th and Douglas. D94
FOR HENT 2 now T roomed houses , well , els-
tern , largo cellar , IDth near Clanc st. W.
G. Shrlver , opp postolllce. :1M :
F I OK KENT-lIouiioot 4 rooms at 510 Williams
street. Inquire next door west. 4.M
TIIOH ItENT 5-room cottage. Apply Emmet
JC house. 433
FOH" ItENT 10 room residency bteam heat. U.
. Thompson , U14 S. lAth st. 'JI'J '
G HEGOHY , P. L. . Keutal agent , 09 S ICth st.
" 1T1OH HENT or Sain Now house , 0 rooms , cor.
- aWith and Capitol ave. Enmilro 2oH4 Dodge.
HOUSES for rent from ! 12 utf.
K , L. Qlegory , Keutal AJeut ; , 309 S. 16th st.
ffi'J '
EfiT Small house. Callfofhla"stTneai
i."Uth. with or without utable. S. Lehman.
TnoK HENT A new dwelling. U rooms , all
-I- ? modern Improvements , good ntahlo , ten
minutes * walk from postolnco. apply to D. J ,
O'Donah < O'Douahou le Sherfj'd , 15th st. ,
next to the pottolllco. 810
T71OH HENlVBlx room cottage , nio N. 17tlu
-L references required. Inquire 2aja Hurt bt.
8JO ! . !
U ltl3NT.-I.urgo front room. 322 S. ICth st ,
878 J3J
TpOH HENT. Plt-uiant funusheil rooms en
J ? sulto or single. Suitable for ladles or gentle
men. Hath , closers , furnace , Jill , ill ) , $ .1 Alone - > c
ono sulto for SJ4 , sultabloforfourludlosorgents ,
heat Included. 821 8.1'Jtli St. , 4 doors a. of Lvav
worthst. _ 875 13 *
Foil KENT rurnUlied room , * 'J per month
J010 Harney. 1IJ4 11 *
T UHNISIIED rooms , 2218 Cass St.
-L 892 18 *
HENT-llooms with board. 1810 Chlcagc
street. b63 14 *
OH HBNT-Furn ! ued room , 17U7 Dodge.
871 14 *
TTIOU HENT Furnished room , cheap.furuaco
-C gas , bath , 7UO South 17th avenue. ftti 10 *
lit ) looms , 1810 Dodge.
JJIUUMdllED rooms for rcat , 1417 Dodga st.
" \T ICELY furnished touth front room near si
-1.1 car and cable , suitable for two gentlemen
trcJJ Eougliu'st. S6J i.i * .
TT'ltONT room with alcove and 2 Urge closets
4 gas , hot air , and cold water 01
Mine llnor for S gents or man and wife * 20 pel
month and adjoining room With closet 110 pel
mouth ; 2 other rooms with closets for 110 pel
uipiijh.siuue conveniences , on car llne,207 8 24tl
TflOR nRNT FurnlMietl front room for ono or
X1 two cheap , liei Dousla.- . RM 13 *
JICP.LY furnished rooms for rent , with board
% If desired. 718 N. 10th 8t. 8K113 *
Foil HENT Furnished rooms , steam heat.
inis , bath room , on street car line at 115
and (10 per month. 2317 Douglas st. 821 18 *
TTKMl RENT Furnished rooms ; also a few day
JP boarders. 1B11 rarnamnt , 718 14 ]
T71OH RENT A laree room furnished , central
J location 1410 Chicago st. _ 3m
"CXMl HENT Furnished rooms In Oroanlg blk
JL1 cor. 1.1th and Dodge ats. Inquire of Oeo. 11. ,
Davis. Mlllard hotelmlllard mnm. 1KB
\TICEtA furnished room , 1112 Howard.
IN IJ19 13 j
_ _
TTOH HUNT Hooms furnished and unfur-
JL1 nlslied , 1724 Cap , ave. _ 041
TjUUlMSIIKD rooms and board , 1903 Farnaru.
6341113 *
" | j1OU ( Icntlemen-Two furnished rooms nil
I. ' modern Imiirovemonts. 1713 Dodge t ,
Foil HUNT Nice furnished room , f per
month , a w cor. 13th and JacKsou. rat
NEATLY furnished front room to rent nt 1M1 !
Farnani Bt , 1 block west of court houso.
H HENT Furnished roems for ouo or two
gentlemen. 1G05 Dodge str 280
UHNISIIED front room , suitable tor two
Iti23 Dodge st g nit
FOH HUNT Nicely furnished rooms nt 2231
Dodge. G as , bath and furnace heat , 3.VJ
Foil KENT Two nicely furnished front rooms
on ground lloor , at 21H Hurt , for Sli per
month , w tth board t4 per week additional. 001
FOH HENT-3 rooms at 311 Woolworth avo.J
atSll per mouth , au
FOH HENT FuntlHhed rooms , nil convent-
euces. A. Hospe , 31iN. 17th atreot. 1 1
TjlOH 11ENT-3 business rooms , ISlS
* 57 17
" j'OH HENT-Storo room reasonable. 1513
Dodge Nt. 7)7 ! ) 10
T710II KENT Two rooms , 44xGfl , where steam
Jpower can bo obtained. Enquire of Siim'l
Hoes Heus Printing Co. , 1013 Howard .st. 74J
FOH HENT Second floor , 44x70. good loc.a-
tion. Enquire of A. J. Simpson , 1100
Dodge st. 7")0
TTlOll HENT Store nnd C-rooms over good
- istand tor drug or feed store. Leo Sc
Nlchol , cor. 2alh and LeavenwortB , 0'3 m5
OH HENT Oflico room 3 , Frenzer block.f. .
F,00 (
FOH HKN'T-OllIco In Arlington block , S13.00.
Inquire of elevator boy. 4tO
irOHTlENT DTsira"bTo "oTlfco spur-e , or d'oslt
JL1 room , ut 1523 Farnam St. , Odell llros. & Co. ,
_ _ _ _
POH HENT Front ofnce. Arlington block.
Apply C. C. Valentine , 1515 Dodge. 62t
ON Douglas st near 14th. 2nd and 3d stories ,
iSlxlCO each. Small space on ground lloor.
F. L. Uregory , rental agent. 303 S. lilth st. 23J
OU HENT Offices on Farnam bt. at $10 to $13
per month. Ono olllco furnished. 1013 Far-
mm , im
SPECIAL attention given to renting houses ,
furnished and unfurnished rooms. List with
us. W. M. Harris , over 220 S. Kith st. _ 3(51
LIST houses , stores and flats for rent with II.
E , Cole , n. e. cor. 15th and Douglas. KHK.T )
L. GHEGOKY , rental agent. 3098.10th st. ,
ground floor. Telephone S54. 484
RENTAL Agency List your houses for rent
with Odcll llroa. A : Co. , 1523 Farnam ut.
_ _ t _
"IjlOH HENT If you wish to rent ahouso call
-L' on beimva Si Co. , ISth St. , opposite P. O.
Two (2) ( ) rooms. No. 1814 Howard st . 8.00
Three (3) ( ) rooms , No. 101" > north 'JOtH st. . . 15.00
Three (31 ( rooms. No. 102fl north 21st st. . . 11.00
Three (3) ( ) room cottago,21st and Puul st. 12,50
Three (3) ( ) rooms , No. 1123 north 21st st. . . 11. M )
Three (3l ( rooms. No. 1 UO Pierce st . IO.CO
Threw (3) ( ) rooms , No. 1112. south 7tl st. . . . 11,00
Three (3) ) rooms , No..Wt Pacitlcst , . . . . . 13.50
Four (4) ( ) elegant rooms till mod4en con- '
vonlencos. 1703 Webster st .
HENT-Uarn , llttl Clileago st.
OH HENT A livery barn DOxlOd , with three
lurce rooms 20x20 each , and n store 20x00 on
Dodge street. All three ( barn , store and living
rooms ) IUK ) per month or fl.uuu cash lu advance
forayeat'srout. Address , V , 1400 Farnani ,
down stairs. 451 11 *
UE8SMAKEItS lnve&tlgat6 the Kellogg
French Tullor System of dreascuttlngigooii
wages and traveling expenses to ladles out of
employment. Call or address for treatise on
diesscuttlngfree. Mine. Kellogg , Hotel Esmond ,
Omaha. TOfl' *
I > F.HSONAL Great fortune teller Just' nr-
rlved , the young Madame C. L. Lament , the
great iistrolo ist , will remain 30 davs ; has tiav-
eled through the principal partsof Europe ; tolls
past , present and future I n person or by letter ,
will bring back the parted husband or lover ,
no matter it they be ten thousand miles away :
they M 111 return to you in so many days ; will
tell you wuether your lover bo fuUo or true ; will
guarantee to settle family quarrels to perfect
satisfaction ; can also CHUM speedy marriages ;
has charms for good luck which will causa par
ties to be successful In any kind ot busi
ness and prevent your loss In any kind
of business you may undertake , breaks evil
Influence , and tilings good luck to \\homay
try this lucky charm ; can give lucky numbers
in lotierv drawings ; can give Ovst of reference
in regard to above statement.
I was presented with an elegant gold medal
In Denver Colo. , for my great success in my
1 have the natural gift of telling the pint.
present and future. My grandmother befora
mo was also a great astrologtst.
Parties usklng Information by letter must
enclose $ . ) to ensure answer. I have a line pre
paration for the complexion , > \ h Ich keeps It
smooth and fair , and prevents premature wrin
kles. a line hair tunic , which preserves
the natural color of the lialr und prevents it
from falling out.
I'jERSONAL LaTlie.s and gentlemen can rent
masquerade suits at 510 N I'Jth ' st. , upstairs.
Ladles who are In trouble call nnd see mo at
onco. All business confidential. Ollico hours ,
10 a. m. to I ) p. in. Madame C , L. Lament , No.
Irilil California streetbetwoen 18th and ll'th ' sts. ,
Omaha , Neb. i.VTf 15 *
LO8T-Hlack horse , star In forehead , one hind
foot white , about six years old. Howard for
return. Owen Haley , near Catholic cemetery ,
South Omaha. 677 18J
LOST Saturday eve , Feb. 4 , between 25th and
Karnam a d the Mlllard hotel , cope to
lady's ulster. Finder will please return same to
1514 Dodge st , and got reward. G5311
TJTOH SALE At old military bridge barn" 2WO
Ja Cumlnns Rt. , * 0 head ot line Iowa driving
and working horses which we will sell cheap.
Come and examine our stock. C. L. Walker and
F. If. Pumphrey. b 3-15 *
FTiTlNOEK has largo listof choice Omaha
business and residence property. Purlieu
wishing to sell , buy , or exchange should cull at
olhco or write to E. F. Hlngcr , no N I5th tt.
OOH SALK-Or trade a beautiful diamond set
A * of 31 stonea ; address Y lioa , down
Btalrs. 45411 *
TJ OH SALE Store fixtures In good repair ,
.1 ? stove , counters , shelving- , show cases , ta.
bios , chairs , etc. Apply 1512K Farnam.
75711 *
"C1OH SALE cheap , a nice clean stock of hate
X ? in lots to suit purchuser , u w corner Tenth
and Howard. 718 11 *
TIXMl 8ALE-Or trade a piano at a bargain !
-1 ? address V 140U Farnam , down stairs.
454 11
TJIOH 8ALE-20 shares of capital stock in tin
X ! ( loodrlch ledge No. 144 1. O. O. F. The fac
value of which Is fAti , will sell for $150. Inquire
Geo. Oerltughoir at Mendelssohn , Fisher Ac Law-
rle. B6 1,1
_ _
TTW ll SALE 3 good houses , 710 N. 10th st.
FOll SALE Luasa nonse and barn on Doug
last bet 17th und Uth , Inquire MeyerA : Itauu
ke. Hft'i Horney. 171
_ _
| 7 Il 8ALK-At a bargain W feet of Hheiving ;
-L' 3U feet of countera and one ice chest , suit
able for grocery store. Enquire at 812 S. loth St
TTIOR SALE or Kent-Civil and mlnlns engin
X' cer's business , office and Instruments Ir
San Juan county , Colorado. J. \Vannemuker
1500 Cass. 054 su *
A BLACKSMITH shop for Bale , has one forge
x * . or toola without shop f or sale. Apply U
Win. Uuseh , llluu HluYebrter Co'Nob.
TTIOR THADK A good , clean stock , of central
X ? morchanftlse'for young cattla or norses.
Address W. F. Stjles. Ulysnes. Neb. 782 14
HE. COLEpan , trade with you. Wrlto for
list. ifvii pea u
"IjTOR exchange , pmaha city lots for stocks of
X ; mcrchandisa : also , will exchange Omaha
Ilarb Wire nntl Nebraska Telephone Co. Mock ,
for real estate. Morse & llrnner , 1005 Farnam sts
i , . 097 13
TTlon exchanire Fln Nebraska farms for
X ? stocks o general tmUe. J , A. Herger ,
Long Pine , NejU. , v ail t 20 *
WHEN yon have anything whatever to ex
change go to. H , E. Cole , N. E. corner 15th
and Douglas. ' ' jwa n
WANTED-rOopn tarms in exchaug * for
OmahaprpDerty ; , C. C. Spotswood. 305H
810th. ' 884
FOU SALE Or trade n pair of wort horses ,
wagon and harness. Address V 1400 Farnam
clown stairs. 4.M lit
"IjlOH SALE Pome fine young mares and stal-
X ? lions , fit for road or track. Address H.
Gibson. York , Nob. KG m 7 *
B " AHOA1N Head : Elegant driver. H vcars
old , weighs UiTiO Ibs. , sound , stylish and
kind ; top buggy , harness , etc. , at great saca-I-
llco if sold at ouco. Address " 0. , " ivr > Far
nam tt. H311 *
FOil SALE And rent. Hare bargain. A new
brick store building , 2lxSO. with elevator ,
gas , etc. , for rout. Also , for sale , In the build
ing , nn asslguoo's stock of groceries , queens-
ware , and fixtures complete , lu Glimvood , coun
ty seat of Mills county , Iowa , Address , A. M.
Dyur. 7(11 11 *
f Oll SALE One thousand cords of wood In
X' car load lots. Orders from brickyard men
nnd others solicited. Prompt attention glvun.Ad-
dreaH D. C. McDonald , llarilett. Iowa. 051 2U *
TT1OH.SALE 19.42) ) names of farmers and tax-
X' payers In the state ot Nebraska ; 4W)7 )
names or farmers and taxpayers In lowu. A
rare chance for advertisers sending out clrcu-
urs. Address , 1. W. Hughes , t ! 'i S. llttti st ,
Omaha , Neb. TJ3 15 *
TO lluslnrss Men nnd Newspaper Publishers
In all large cities the business men employ ,
u regular man or resixjnslble advertising agents
to write , contract , locate , and look utter their
advertising Interests. Such men know the act
ual circulation of.tho papers and the class of
readers the advertising w l" reach ; ull mistakes
In proof und style of display wanted In copy Is
under the immedlatu suiurvlsion ot such a man
or iigi-ncy , hundreds und thousands of rtolhir.s
lire thus annually waved to the business men ,
Eriorsi , iion-colupU.inco with advertising con
tracts , dally calls from canvassers during busiest
honri nnd other annoyances uro thus areited.
Omaha , ulth her one hundred and twcnty-llvo
thousand Inhabitants , is sulllciently huvo to
sustain u first-class advertising agency , with
whom the niL'txli.inta can do their entire adver
tising business through ono that can give the
lowest rates In papers ull over the country ; ono
that will guarantee ullconfucts to be fully com
piled with. This Is th kind of agency \\e have
established In Omaha und we ask u portion of
yotir patronage. The name of the agency Is The
Omaha Eastern nnd Western Newspaper Adver
tising Agency , and as the nnmo indicates , wu
Hhull contract for nowspuper advertising , only ,
as thrco-lltthsof all other or srheme advertis
ing l.s simply n waste of money. Wo have filed
u bond with the Commercial National Hank for
Three Thousand Dollars , guaranteeing a faith
ful compliance with all business entrusted to us.
We huve un elegant suite of rooms with heat ,
telephone , etc , , Nos. 1 and 2 Puxton lllock. Wo
have ordered a first-class Job olllce. We secured
It that we may set advertisements ontiu.-ited to
us before furnishing came to the papers for In
sertion , thus avoiding all mistakes. As It will
roqulrn ten or twelve olllce clerks and : i largo
quantity of pilntcd circulars , wo shall use our
; | ob material for our own usa , and therefore
shall do no ontslrto Jon work. Wo have con
tracted for advertising space with over Five
Hundred Dally and. Weekly Papers In all parts
of the United Suites , and our list Is dally In
creasing , so w'o are satisfied we can glvo you bet
ter rates than , you-cnn obtain elsewhere , either
for Loail , Special or Display advoitlsement.s'
slnglu Insertion or by the week , month or year.
We are In possession of the publishers' lowest
rates and tin ifo you to call on or correspond with
us. Wo have the msjdo figures with loading east
ern paptrs and shall make a specialty of adver
tising the wauts ana needs of towns and cities
in Nebraska and thy west in such dallies , giving
such places a general wrltoup. Hoards or tnulo
and businessmotrare cordially invited to com
municate with u& if they dolre their city adver
tised in our Onuthd or eastern papers. Wo will
send a correspondent , w rite you up and Rive you
the l jst possible rates for the same. In brief ,
our work wllVlie to benefit the newspapers , by
taking c-harg , of.part or ull of tholr advertising
business when thjey are without solicitors or
have worthless agents , help the advertiser and
post the homo-seeker us to western advantages.
The best otUMnahniand Now York refeiences
furnUhed on < lanUil.lespe.ctfully , The Omaha
Eastern und "Western Newspaper Advertising
A gene v. W.H. . Vnughan. Munager , Hoom 3 I
und U Paxton lllock , cor. 15th and Farnam , en
trance on 13th. over Orchard's Carpet store.
Jn. SMITH , the expert bookkeraer , gives
Instructions In bookkeeping and assists in
procuring situations. Hoom 348 , Hauigo block.
723 15 *
STANDARD Horse nnd Cattle Food has no
equal us n spring food for horses , cuttio
or BWlno. 'llHHo who have used it will not ho
without It. Wo receive hundreds ot open orders
each month from dealers who will not bo out of
them , nil of them speaking of the popularity of
the Standard I'ooa umong itnckmen und farm
ers. Manufactured by I' . 1J. Sunborn tt Co ,
1703 St.Mary's uvo. For sale everywhere. 75(111 (
HAVIJ j ou a bottle of Standard Stock Linl-
- mcntIf nut you should supply yourself
Immediately. It is invaluable In case of acci
dent to man or boast. Manufactured bv F. E.
Sanborn & Co , , 1703 St. Mary's uve. 750 11
THE banjo taught as an art by Geo. F. Gellen-
beck , f OJ Harney st. 1B3
rpllE only cook book Is Silver Creek Coal. 213
X S 14lh. Jeff W. Hodford. 'TO4 29
IF you wish good , prompt paying tenants ,
list your dwellings , IIits nnd store rooms
with J.ILParrotto , Heutul Agency , 1000 Chicago
cage st. 687fll
C H.JOHNSON , cistern builder , wells bored
and dug , 40U N 30th st. , Omaha , Neb.
CTUB 609 mcli21 *
TUB On Time Household Fnlr.
The great llargnlu house.
To houst'keepQH.
We are bound to show you that we can saro
you money In prices.
Parlor stilts. Chamber sets ,
Heel Hprlnss boil mattruHsen ,
fulilliiK beds , side boards , carpets.
Tables , chairs , mirrors , pictures ,
J.ountjes , commodes , tctes.
Divans rockers , curtains , Btnves ,
Tmwaru. crockery , plassware , lamps.
llotiii'3 furnished complete on
Easy payments t Kasy payments 1
Easy payments ! Kasy payments !
1'rlces the lowest. Call and see
Prices the lowest. Call and see
COS and BW south lath street ,
Corner Jackson.
No connection with any other house. 514
NEW YOHK Htorajje Co. have moat extensive
facilities for storage of furniture , pianos ,
lnu Btes , general morchandlso , we t of New
York. Cash advance ; ] to tiny amount ; ware
house receipts given ; goods Insured ; bricfc
building fire-proof ; arrangements for
commission merchants. Call Now York Storage
Co. , Capitol ave and N , 15th st. , Uonnott's block.
S II'OT cash for furniture , btoves , househol
goods at 117 North Wth at OrlfiScCo.
183 f3i
T/ITANTED To..cny udort timu paper.J. . W.
TV Gross , at U. K. Muyuo's olllco , Lith and
Ilarnoy. " 2 5
\\7'ANTKI AiUpuse and lot ; will assume
T * some incnrifljrance , lor Ii20 acres of clear
land. Wanted Hit Improved farm for a house
and a lots , $8ooD'unlock of dry goods and cloth
ing , for clear propnrty and $2OOU In cash ; WO.IX10
stock of dry goons' , ; i cash , balance unencum
bered property ; 13 good cows , will trade for a
good lot. Striikler & Arnold , 424 and 42. ' > 1'axtou
block. , , ( s , 7CS U
DIl. NANNIE W..Warren , clairvoyant. Mod-
leal , business and test medium. Diagnosis
free. Female diseases a specialty. 119 N. 16th
St. . Itooins8&3t Tel. 044. 'M4
MONEY trfijoan Omaha real estate and
farms , llortgages bought. Odell Ilroi. &
Co. . 1523 Farnam'J lOi
HE. COLE Idafcs monev on Improved city or
farm property. Hoora 0 Continental
block. 6Ui
F CANS wanted on good , prodnciivc real es-
* -i tate security U and 6 years time , optional
payments and favorable terms and rates. Kim
ball , Champ it Uyan. U. B. National bank buliai '
Ina. 543 IT.
THE Falrbank Investment Co. , organized
with ample capital , makes loans ou horses ,
wagons , furniture , pianos , and other personal
property or collateral. Deal with responsible
parties. Apply at their qlllce , 215 South 14th ,
street , up-stulrs , 4\S \
MONEY to loan on Improved city property at
lowest rates. Cash on hand. Klrst mort
gages negotiate * ! . E. K. Seavur , room 15 , chamber -
ber of conunercd. H
MONEY to loan on f nrnlture , horsea , wagons ,
etc. , or on any approved aecurity. I ow
rat 8. J. W. Itobblua. 1B13 Kurnaiu. 836 f 31
MONEY to loiij. Notes aim it. U. 'ticket ,
bought uhd sold. . .A. Konuan , 213 a UUhit *
. . ' . . . , TO.
MONEY to loan on Improved r At Mtatej no
commission charged. Loavltt Uurnhum ,
room 1 , Crelghton block. 86
SHOUT time loans made on fcny
iecnrlty , in rra'onable amounts. Pecured
notes bought , sold or exchanged. General
financial buMness of any kind transacted
promptly , quietly and fairly at the Omaha Fi
nancial Exchange , N. W. cor. Uth and Har
tley sts _ overstate National baud. Corbett.
manager 367
MONEY to loan 1 con now place some first
class city loans Immediately. Call at once
If you desire to bo accommodated. D. V. Sholes ,
room 1 llarkiyr block , entrance In alloy. IBB
MONEY Toloan. Lowest rates. No delay
J. Ii. Hico Jk Co. , over Commercial Na
tional bunk 375
MONEY to. Loan-On furniture , pianos.
wagons , or other personal property without
removal ; also ou collateral security , llusluess
confidential. cha.s. U. Jacobs , 32U B. 16th st.
L _ _ _ _ ; tso
OAKS made ou real estate nnd mortgages
bought. Lewis S. Heed ic Co. , 1521 Karinim.
g600W To loan on Omaha city property at S
P per cent. G. W. Day , S. K. cor. Kx. Hid.
MONEY to Loan IJy the undersigned , who
has the only properly organized loan
agency In Omaha. Loans of 110 to llfl made on
furniture , pianos , organs , horses , wrgons , ma
chinery , etc. , without removal. No delays. All
business strictly confidential. Loans so made
that nny part can bo paid at any time , each pay
ment reducing the cost pro ratn. Advances
made on flno watches ana diamonds. Persons
fhould carefully consider who they are dealing
with , ai many new concerns are dally coming
Into existence. Should you need money call and
. PO me. W. K. Croft , room \VUhn ll building ,
16th and Harnev. 3Gfl
_ _
ONEY to Loan O. F. Davis Co. , real estate
and loan agents , Itfft Farnam st. 370
MONEY toloan , cash on hand , no delay. J.
W. and I ! . L. Squire , uis Farnam st. Pul
ton hotel building. 372
T OANSmartHonreal nstato. Cash on hand.
- UY.M. . Harris over 2303. Mth st. 373
ES. IUSI1EE loans money on real estate
_ lliilnge b'ld'g. 7S ) 10 *
( IJ.'iOd.eoo to loan on city and farm real estato.
P Lluahun A : Muhoney , 1G07S4 Farnam Mjrcct.
Patterson It Fan cett 15th and Harney. 37
MONEY LOANED at C. F. Iteed & Co.'s Loan
Olllce. on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons ,
personal pioperty of all kinds , and all other ar
ticles of value without removal. 019 S. 13th ,
over Illngham'a commission store. All busi
ness strictly confidential. 370
ONKY loaned on furniture , pianos , organs ,
horses , etc , low rates. J. J. Wilkinson *
Co. . 1334 Farnam , over liurllngton ticket oltlcs.
P A HTHIS having bankrupt stock for sale , or
persons who wish to close out their stocks
for cash , may find a buyer by addressing W. K. ,
Wlndfor Hotel , Lincoln , Neb. KM 1SJ
"C1O11 SALE A good paying saloon , Ice house
-1. and feed barn , In one of the liveliest towns
In PlattB county. Owner has too much other
business to atteml to. The right paitles cannot
find arty better investment. Address A. 43 , Ueo
QHice. C7S 11 *
"plOH SALE A nice clean stock of hats In lots
-I ! to siilt purchaser. N. W. cor. 10th and
Howard. 718-llj
fTMIE Pastou hotel wauts to contract for one
- * - year's supply of Ice. Any person who has
an ire house unfilled will do well to call and see
us ut once. Kitchen Ilros. 75'J ' 11
T OOK this tip A real estate , loan , collection
J-J and Insurance business for sale , with a
complete set of abstract books of Seward
county. Neb. , correct and written up to date ,
fates , ilesks , ntttre furniture , etc. , and will be
sold cheap. This Is a snap for a good live attor
ney. County Beat. Address Hainlin Ilros. ,
Howard , Neb. ,894 IOJ
SPLENDID business opening , 38 room hotel ,
located In best town west of Omaha. Ad
dress Itonday & Ilulderman , room 6 and 0 Mich-
ebon blk , Orund Island , Neb. H9 25 ?
FOH SALE Drug ; stock. As line location as
there Is Jn tno city. Clean stock. Invoice
about t'.OOO. Part cash. Part In good real es
tate or secured notes. M , A. Upton & Co , 18th
st , opp. Chamber ot Commerce. _ 451
TjlOR SALE Photograph car doing a big busl-
J ? ness. Hlg bargain. For further particu-
lara address W. J. Keen , Illalng City , Neb. OU3-17
TjlOK SALE Lumber and coal business. Not
JJ one yard in twenty as convenient or as
well located , doing a good business. Address J.
W. Ouackenbush , Greenwood , Neb.
_ 333 men ] . ' > *
"TjlOK SALE Orrent.Merchlston Hunch , lieau-
J3 tifully situated In thu fertile valley of the
Loup , within 5 miles of Kullerton , the county
saatof Nance county , Nebraska , nnd 1 mile of
pOHtoiltce. This well-known ranch has been spec
ially laid out for stockralslng and 'general farm-
lug and comprises 8JO acres ; 3jil under cultivation ,
balance lu pasture and hay land ; CM acres bclnd
iiniler fcnco. 2 liirgo cattle bheds , feed yards , 2
barns with grannJles , carpenter shop , harness
mom. 3 windmills ! r geared ) , 5 wells , scales , 3
watertnnKs 12 with heating apparatus ) , constant
supply ot llvliijr water from Plum crook and the
Loupe river. 2 commodious dwelling houses ,
ono .situated in the mldit of a tine orchard ; pri
vate side-track on the O. N. & H. Hy , with every
facility for handling htock ; good hog buying
point. Stock. Implements , etc. . mny be had ata _
valuation. For further particulars apply por-
Bonull v or bv letter to the owner. E. C. Millar ,
Wcstgord. Kob. _ 330 14 *
' 171OH SALE An elegantly equipped laundry ,
JJ almost new , w tth an established patronugu ,
in a thriving city near Omuhu. Terms easy ;
rent cheap. Splendid opportunity for u practi
cal man. Apply at once to J. 11. Lamur , 1400
Farnam st. U4 13
FOH SALE First-class Hoarding house near
P. O. . rooms all occupied ; good cause for
aelllng. X 48 Ilee olllco. _ Io3f85 wjj
H. E. COLE wants equity in houses and lots
. in exchange for farms. 1)03 ) 14
TIO exchange Nebraska , Iowa and Kansas
improved farms and wild lands , 100 acres
to 10,0mi acres , which I can trade for Omaha
property ranging in price from SS.OCO to JlOO.COa ,
and pay some cash. To exchange Omaha prop
erty und landf for good clean stock of merchan
dise. $503 to $1,000 stocks of trimmed millinery
to trade for unencumbered land. SICO.OWlclty
and s-uburban property to exchange tor land.
E. * ' . Ulliger , ll'J N. lath Bt. 84311
" \XTE have good Insldo property to trade for
TT Jiouso ami lot In Ixonntso placo. and will
pay some cash , llenawa & Co. , luth bt. , opposite
pobtolllce. 75411
T OIl Exchange Flock of TOO fine merino sheep ,
- * - ' all young nnd In good health.
" story house aurl lot to exchange for Improved
farm free of Incumbrance , price t\WO.
Stock of groceries for house and lot , with
light Incumbrance , stock about Jl.fcOO.
Farms m all the best counties for Omaha prop
IfO acres In Richardson Co. , highly improved ,
orchard , vineyard , free of incumbraiice , for
Omaha property. J. U. Watts , Chamber of Com
merce. 741 11
"POU THADK at a great bargain , 100 acres of
.1 ? nlco laad in UurlliiKtou county. New Jersey
8mI1e from the coast , just between New York
and Philadelphia ; address V 1400 Varnam , down
stairs. 4M U *
"TTIOtt THADK Two Jar ; e lots and a beautiful
-U * 12,0i ) residence on Capitol uve. also I5.UO (
worth of Karnam Rt property will bn traded for
business or lestilence property within three-
fourths of a mlle of postolllce or will trade for
Bto'ck ot merchandise ; address V 140J Karnam ,
down stairs. 4.11 11 ?
/ " ILEAK lota tooxchango for tarms or equities
V > In houses and lots. II. K. Cole , N , K. cor. 15th
and Douglas. 1107 31
I OK SALE Or trade , uierchadlso and good
land. 1513 Dodge t. 7U7 IH
W'ANTED Omaha property to trade for good
lands. Special attention given to trading.
C. L. Hrowu , Kienzer Hlock. CM
FOH Exchange House nnd lot 1 block from
Kountzo place , for one or two good horses.
Halanceou easy terms. Hamilton Bros. , 4USEo ,
Ihthat. dirt 10 *
INSIDE city iiropcrty In exchange for farms
or lauds. J , A. Helstaud , Arlington block.
"TJTOIl SALE Or trade , land and town property
X In Nebraska , Kansas and Colorado. Horses ,
cattle and stocks of merchandise wanted , Corre
spondence fcollclted. T. A. English i Co. , York ,
Neb. 745 m B
I HAVE for trade Improved farm in Cam Co ,
near Hatthmouth , will trade for Improved
Inside property. Address H 36 , Ilee offlc * .
"tXTANTED Stocks of merchandise to ex.
T T change for lands and city orouertyj C. C ,
Bpot8wood.30aK a We. SSi
w ANTED Stock of groceries , dry goods ,
clothing or boot * Khoes lu exchange
for Omaha property or farms. Schicsineer lira's'
C148.10th8t. IZS-tH
* | JX > B Exchange. It you bare farms or lanila to
-1 , sell or trade lend for our descriptive blanks.
If you have any kind of property to sell or ex
change , list It with us ; we can furnish you a
customer.- . 8. Campbell & Q. W. Hervey. 310
Hoard of Trade Omaha ail
, land * , lots , etc. ; to exchange foi
-aJ good inalda. improved or unimproved lots ,
will ustuiuejencumuraucea. W , j. Paul , IA
H.K. . COLK wants horse * to trade.
. 508-15
WANTRD Houies and lots to exchange for
Improved and nnlmproued lands In Ne
braska and Iowa. Charles 0. Bpotawood. 30SJ
8.18th. 3
'VTRnitASKAnnil Kansas farms to exchange
I. " for Iowa and Colorado lands , and rlco
versa. Co-Operatlve Lund and Lot Co. , 203 N
16th St. 63 >
H. K. COM3 wants cnttlo to trade.
. fAS-lS
T > ENSON&CAlMtCiAKL furnish complete
J- > and guaranteed abstracts of tltto to any
real estate In Omaha and Douglas county upon
short notice. The most complete set of abstract
books In the city. No. 151U Karnam st. 383
IDLAND Guarantee and Trust Co. , 1MW
Faruam utreot Complete abstracts fur-
nlshfd , and titles to real estat * 4xamlne < 1 , per
fected and ctiaranteed. 3 < < l
Foil 8ALi-We ; will sell 10 acres close to the
city , choice ot the addition near to the
Junction of two railroads and handy to factories
ut an especial bargain for a few days , suitable
for platting Into 4S beautiful lots nnd every one right for grade , Woodbrldgo Ilros. . opera
llOIIHO. Slit 1ft
SNAPS , snaps , snaps In South Omaha , 60
choice Inside lots at great bargains.
SO lots In .letter's add , a blocks from stock
yards , only JSCO each , 100 cash.
Two choice residence properties , beautiful
location , 7 nnd 111 100:11 houses.
Planing mill with good engine and necessary
Leasu , furniture and complete fixtures of a 45
room hotel , doing tlMt class business.
Also money to loan on chattels und long time ,
real estate hecurlty In South Omaha , at reason
able rules ; and tire Inmirancn taken In the
Itrltlsh American , one of the oldest nnd most
reliable companies. Come and see us , Ander
son & Cook , t-outh Omuha. Hfla
FOH SA Ml or Trade Full lot on Farnani Kt. ,
one block from paving and street cars.
Price $5,000. Equity W.OOO.
Two imv-fourth sections line school land In
Kossuth county , Iowa.
One-sixth Interest In an addition to South
Omaha , free ot encumbrance , for good western
farm land , clear , or not heavily encumbered ,
or good Omaha property.
Oood Insldn business property , free of en
cumbrance , for good hoiisn and1 lot In north
part of city. S. A. Sloman , rooms 22 and S ) ,
llcllman building , cor. Farnam and 13th sts.
$ l,8f)0 ) buy.s you a homo on o.isy pay.
meiitH. Don't mKs It. II. K. Cole , north ,
east corner lliUi und Douglas Rt , , Ns-14
$3.10. Easy terms. Iluy a beautiful lot lu
easy walking distance of U. P.shops. II.
E. Cole , north-oast coiner 15th nnd Douglas st.
LIST property for sale or exchange with II. E ,
Cole , n. e. cor , loth and Douglas. MK-lli
F OH SAI.E-House and lot. In Walnut Mill.
Eay payments. P. A. Gavin , sole agent.
447 Mch If
"C1OH BALK Lot Bulk ! ! , Ambler place , WOO.
X ? Lot fl blk 3 , Ambler place , S'sOO.
Small cash , easy terms
H. E. Thompson. 314 S ir > th st. C4fi
rOH SALE or exchange , Omaha property and
farms for , horses , etc. Schles-
Ingerllnm. , 014 B. 10th st. 120-CM
OK SA LK Two best lots In Mount Pleasant
addition , ouo corner ; can be divided and
make three east front lots. Make offer ; must
bo sold In few days. A 21) . Ilee olllce. 007
I HANDLE South Omaha property exclu
sively , and if you wish to buy , sell or trade
a bargain call. D. D. Smcatou , Darker block.
LOTS , block5. West Cumlng ; fine east front
lot 50x105 ft. lies only Y- block from Metro-
polltan Cable route on California St. , and a bar
gain at 1750 ; very easy terms. F. K. Darling ,
ICO. . Howard. 803-15
HAWLEY House , North Plutte.Ncb. , for sale.
On account of the death ot my wife 1 will
sell the terms. Address John
ty on
propel easy
. . . . . , , , ,
llntl tn. VnotV. Yll r > * * V > t * ' * n
FOHS A LE Cliolco trackage lots In vicinity
ot Nlcliolas. Izard and Grace st. Post your
self and see how much Improvement there has
Deon there lately. J. H. Watts , Chamber of Com
merce. 744 11
FOH SALE Or trade 280 acres of beautiful
Iowa land unencumbered. Prefer to trade
for residence within a mile of postofflce.wlll pay
dlllcrence ; address V 140U Farnam , down stairs.
454 11 *
sacrifice The owner of two fine lots
In western port of city , on cable line ,
leaves for the east in a few days , and will sell
an $ HK ) equity for J210 caalu Address A 55. lleo
olllce. BUI ) 11 *
T71OH SALE-Lot 5 blk 8 A. S. Patricks ad ; will
X ? Bell for tow days at $1,500 , $000 cash , bal.
easy. S. 40 Bee office. ' 917
A GOOD Investment , Head It 340 acres about
4 miles from stockyard on II. & M. H. It. ,
15 minutes from Omuhu , good soil nnd can alt
Do cultivated. Fenced with barbed wlro , living
spring , 4 acres of grovo. Hille range Is now lo
cated near bv , with prospect of locating Port
Omnha In that vicinity. I can oiler you this
land at $100 per aero for a short time , small In-
cumbrnnce duo on or before 5 years.
Also lu llellevuo near the above , 1 homo 7
rooms and 0 lots w 1th fruit tii'us , prlco If 1,200 ,
1 brick house 9 rooms , with 4 lots , barn , Ice
house. Hheds , etc. , now leased for u dairy farm
with 16 acres of the above land for ff > 00 a year
und one-half taxes , price , tli ( ( ) ( ) .
I house 3 rooms und 7 lots , rented for 8210 per
year , price , J400.
llluck walnut grove about houses , also fruit
trees. Adjacent property Is held at $150 to * 1UO
per acre , and advertised us being u bargnln ,
I am authorized to accept desirable property
us part payment , balance ou fuvorublo terms.
Investigate this and you wllll see that It Is u
bargain seldom offered.
J. II. Watts , solo agent , Chamber of Com
merce. 840 13
J L. MICE & CO. , Heal Estate. 215
FOR SALE 100 acres , of land four miles from
stock yards , at $ ! 25 per acre ; this is a bar-
gain. McCaguc. Opp. P. O. 391
T L. RICE & CO. , Heal Estate. 215
OH SALE Cheap If sold at once , li nice cot-
tagts nnd n uiloou building. Inqulro at
N. E. Cor. of Cumlng and Ifith sts. 82214J
FOR SALE New 2-story house , full lot , 1
blocs from street cais , small payment , bal
ance monthly.
To Exchange Corner lot nenr Hrownell ball
for lot in. Hun&com Place , will pay cubh differ
ICO-acro Kansas farm for house and lot In
320 acres land , clear. In Iowa , for Omnha prop
lii-room house and 2 lots 2 blocks from street
cars , for farm aud $1,000 cash.
612-arro Improved farm In Hamilton county.
Neb. , for sale cheaper trade for Improved'
Omaha property.
Chas. U. Woolley , 4IS 8. 15th Bt. E41 15
J 1 , , lllCE & CO. , Heal Estato. 215
South Omaha there are three houses for
IN sale ut J'.HIO ' , Jti'O nud Jl.tXH ) each , Hinall pay
ment down , balance monthly or to biilt. I ) . D.
Smeatou. Darker block , Omaha. Gi2
T L HICE & CO. , Heal Estate. 215
MSTICKNEY i CO. maw a specialty of
property in North Omaha , for sale or rent
at Citizens' bank. 2I'M ' Cuinlua at. 3M :
SALE-Onoof the best lots In lllllsldu
No. 1 , just across street from Yules' now
residence. Make olfer ; any reiiHonablu prnpo-
Hltlonwlll bo 1'iitci talucd for few days ; must
sell. A a ) . Ilee olllce. 007
MUST He Sold-Payment coming due on a
lot 3 blocks from new U. P depot , South
Omaha , price tl,2T > 0. requires { 200 cash. D. D.
Smeuton , Barker block. ftil
T I'HICE & CO. , Heal Estato. S15
Notice of Incorporation.
fTV3 Whom It May Concern : Notice Is horebv
X given that "TliH lleo llulldlng Company1'
ban tiled In the olllco of the county clerk of
Douglas county , Nebraska , articles of lucoriior-
atlon. The principal place of transacting Its
business Is ut Omaha , in Douglas county and
stutu ot Nebraska.
Thn general nature of its business Is to
acquire , own , hold , lease , mortgage , neil and
convey i oal ofetuto , erect buildings and Improve
ments upon the same , for renting such real
estate , ic.
The amount ot capital stock authorized Is
| .VH,000 , ton per cunt of which to bo paid at the
time of subscribing for the same , and the re
mainder as required by the bo.ird of directors.
The conx > ratlou commenced January 15th. A.
I ) . 1NW , and will terminate the 15th day of Jan-
uary. A.D.1WM.
The highest amount ot Indebtedness or liabil
ity to which the corporation shall ut uny tlmu
subject Itself Is two-thirds ot the capital stock
1 s.-med.
Thu business affairs ot the corporation are to
be conducted by u board of directors ot nvu
members : who gliull select from thalr number u
president , secretary aud treasurer.
OEO. H. TzsrittiCK ,
llKMIV A. l
Of UUoJyeuUrgc4 anil itrtuuiljecicd.fuJ ! | > attlcti-
tit free. tHIK ut.U. CO. . Ilorrim , N. V.
Kiult'ol e et-Wok , iQdllcrHlbB. etc. , J > Ut ck > r ! ,
nunnlngbetw Council Illutts and Albright
In addition to the stations mentioned , trams
Blot ) at Twentieth ami Twenty-fourth streoti
ana at the Summit In Omaha.
Leave. Arrive.
ANo. 14 4:00 : p.m. D No. 1 10:50 : a. m.
n No.2 Ji:10p.m. : ANo. 13 11:30 : a. m.
C No.fl ' ' ' ' ' ' " 6:20 : a. m. C No. 5 ' " ' ' ' 0:0) : p. m.
A . . . . . . . . : a. m.'JA . . . ! . . . - p , m.
O No.8 K:50a.m. D No.5 9:40o. m.
A No.4 11:40 : a.m. A'No.15 10:00a. : m.
C * No. 14 1.2:20p.m. : C UNo. 7 0:20p. : in.
A No.fl : A No. 3 7:00p. : m ,
A No.O 9:40a. : m. A No. 3 9:15 a. m.
ANo.8 4:00 : p.m. ANo.7 ll:3tla. : ni.
A No.4 4:3Jp.m. : A No.5 7:00p. m.
A No.2 9:40a. : m.A | No. 5 11:30a.m. :
ANo.fl 4:00p. : m.A | No.3 7Kp. : ) m.
A No.2 n : 5a.m.A | No.3 0r : u. m.
A No.4 ,0:10p.m.A : | No. 1 0:30p.m. :
A No. 10 7aa.m.A : | No.9 8 :
A No.12 7OOp.m.A : | No. 11 9OJp.m. :
A No.8 3:40p. : iii.lA No.7 11:33p.m. :
A dally ; 11 dally except Sat. ; C dally except
Sun. : D except Mon. : BKast Mall ; * Llmlted ;
Will probably chungo to 4UOp. : m.before Fob. 1.
Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul R'y ' ,
The Best Rout * from Omaha and Council
Bluffs to
- = = = THE EAST = = -
Chicago , AND * " Milwaukee ,
St. Paul , Minneapolis , Cedar Rapids ,
Rock Island , Freeport , Koekford ,
Clinton , Dnlnique , Darcnport ,
Elgin , lladlson , Jancsrllle ,
IJcloit , Wlnona , La Crosse ,
And all other rnpartant point * Halt , Nortboait and
' For through tleketa call on the ticket ent at HOI
Famam street , la Faxton llotol , or at llmoa Paclflo
Iullman Sleepers nnd tuo finest Dining Can In thn
worlil are run on the main Due of tlie Chicago , Mil
waukee A Ut. Paul Hallway , tnd every attention la
paid to passengers by couruiuus employes ol the
K. Ml la.KIt , General Manager.
J. V. TUCKKH. Asslitant Ueneral Monngor.
A. V. II. CAIU'KNTKU , Qeuoral PaMenger mnd
Ticket Agent.
HBO.K. HKAvrono , Auuunt Qonaral PMMBCM
Dd Ticket Agont.
J. 1' . CLAHK. Uunorai Bnperlotendwl.
NorthWestern -
Railway Short Lino.
Omaha ,
Council Bluffs
And Chicago.
Th onlr roafl to lake for Dea Molnei , Marlalltown ,
Certai ; Kipida. Clinton , Dlion , Clitraco , Mllnaiikoa
anil all point * east. To tb people of Kubraika , Colo.
rado , Wjtonilnif , Utali , Idaun , Nevada , Orunon. Watb-
Iniitoa bnil Cnllfornlii , U Hirers suptulor aJvaiitage *
DC t poMlilo br anjr other line.
Among B l w of thu numerous points of superiority
enjojroj by ibe pntrons of this roatl between Omiilia
ana Clilro o. aru Its two Irali-t aUaof WAV COACH-
KS. wliluh are Uio nee t Ilint numan art and iDutmul-
ty ran creata. lui'AIMCU HI.KBI'INU CAUS. which
' "
JUAWINJ IKXiM CAUS , uniurim. ! I ) anr. and
Its widely celrbraUid I'AI.ATIAL DININO CAlls , to *
qual ol which rannot l ) louml eisiiwliero. At Coun
cil lllulli the trains of tli Union raclOo Hallway , COB-
cect In union ileput with tiono ) of the Chicago 4b
Northwestern Ily. In Chicago tbo trains ot tblslln *
rnnk * close connection wilt ) those ot all otber eastern
For Detroit , Columbus. Indlanspo'.ls , Cincinnati ,
Niagara falls , Ilutralo , llttikurc , Toronto , Montreal.
IlditUQ , New York , I'hlladvlphTa , llsltlmnru. Wasti-
lnulooaail all yolatsU } toe east , uk f or a tlcbsl Tl
7o w ! ? J.t'.o.trtllccommcKlaUon-Alluc'ltw i
Geul. lianacer , UerJ. l-a * 'r Agent
Chicago , Ills.
i. KAI1COCK , ! < . IL BOLLKa ,
City L1us'r.A Bl >