Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 13, 1888, Image 1

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    " " *
Ho Says Ho Will Not Bo n Presiden
tial Candidate.
Tlio Mnlno Statesman Dwells Upon
the Conditions Willed Mnko
Certain n. ' Ilcpuhllcaii
Triumph This Year.
OccllnvH to Itun.
PiTTsnuuo , PH. , Feb. 12. The Commercial-
Gazette will publish the folio wing to-morrow :
Mr. B. J. Jones , chairman of the national
republican committee , has received n letter
from Mr. Blnlno declining to allow his nnmo
to bo presented to the national republican
convention ns n candidate for the presidency.
Mr. Jones , when asked whether Mr. Blnlnc's
declination would prevent his friends from
nominating him anyhow bald :
"As I am chairman of the national com
mittee 1 do not think it would lo proper for
mo to have anything to say on that subject. "
"Do you think Mr. Blnlno would accept the
nomination if tendered I"
" 1 hnvo no nuthorlty to speak for Mr.
Blnlnu , nud hnvo no conjectures to offer on
the subject. Tlio letter speaks for Itself and
I must decline to bo interviewed on the
question. "
Following Is Mr. Bhiinc's letter in full :
FLOHENCI : , Itnly , Jnn. 25 , 1SS9. B. J.
Jones , Esq. , Chairman of the Hcpublican
National Committee Sir : I wish , through
you , to state to the members of the repub
lican party that my name will not bo
presented to the national convention
called to assemble In Chicago in June next
for the nomination of candidates for presi
dent and vice president of the United States.
lam constrained to this decision by consid
erations entirely personal to myself , of which
you were advised more than a year ago.
But I cannot make the announcement with
out giving expression to my deep sense of
gratitude to the many thousands of my coun
trymen who have sustained mo so long nnd
so cordially that the feeling has seemed to go
beyond thu ordinary political adherence of
fellow partisans nnd to partake somewhat of
the nature of personal attachment. For this
most cenerous loyalty of friendship I can
make no adequate return , but I shall carry
the memory of It while lifo lasts.
Nor can I refrain from congratulating the
republican party upon the cheering prospects
which distinguish the opening of the national
contest of IbSS ns compared with that of
li t. In 18b2 the republican party through
out the union mot with a disastrous defeat.
Ten states that had supported Gurfleld and
Arthur in the election of 18b ( ) were carried
by the democrats either by majorities or
pluralities. The republican loss in thu north
ern elections compared with the preceding
national elections exceeded a half a million
votes , nnd the electoral votes of the union
divided on tlio basis of the result of 18S-J ,
gave the democrats over tlneo hundred
electors out of n total of four hundred and
one. There was n partial reaction in favor
of the republicans in the elections of ISS.'i but
thu democrats still held possession of ( .even
northern states , and on tlio basis of the year's
contest could show more than ono hundred
majority in the electoral college of the whole
country. But against the dlscouin' eincnt
naturally following the adverse elections of
thcso two years , tlio spirit of the republican
party in the national contest of 1SS4 rose
lngh , and the republican masses ont ; rcd into
the campaign with such cnerjry that the final
result depended on the vote of n single state ,
and that state was carried by the democratic
party by n plurality so small that it repre
sented less than one-eleventh of 1 per cent of
the entire vote. The cliauuo of n single vote
In every 2,000 of the total poll would have
given the state to the republicans , thougl
only , two years before the democratic plu
rality exceeded one hundred and iiintey-lwo
The elections of 1SSO and 18S7 have demon
strated the growing strength in the repub
lican ranks. Seldom in our political history
has n party , defeated in n national election
rallied immediately with such vigor us has
the republican since 1884. No comparison is
possible between the spirit of the party in
lbS2-Sl ! nnd Its spirit in 18811-87. The two
periods present simply n contrast ono of
general depression , the other of enthusiastic
revival. Should the party gain in the re
sults of 18 over these of lSbO-S7 in anything
like the proportion of the gain o
lbS4 over 18S2-8 : ! . it would secure
ono of the most remarkable victories of its
entire existence. But the victory docs not
depend on so largo a ratio of increase. The
party has only to maintain relatively its prestige
tigo of 188IS-87 to give to its national candidate
every northern state but one , with u for bet-
tcr prospect of carrying that ono than it has
had for the past six years.
Another feature of the political situation
should inspire republicans with irresistible
strength. The present.national administra
tion was elected with , if not upon , the re
pented assertions of its leading su ) > -
porters in every protection state that
no issue on the tariff was involved.
However urgently republicans urged that
question as the ouo of controlling importance
in the campaign , they were mot by the demo
cratic leaders und journals with persistent
evasion , concealment and denial. That re
source the president hns fortunutcjy removed.
The issue which thu republicans maintained
and the democrats avoided In 1884 has been
prominently and specifically brought forward
by the democratic- president and cannot bo
hidden out of sight in 18W. The country is
now in the enjoyment of nn industrial system
which in u quarter of a century has assumed
a larger natural growth , a more rapid accu
mulation and a broader distribution of wealth
thiin were evc before known to history.
The American people will not be openly and
formerly nshcd to decide whether this system
shall bo recklessly abandoned and n new
trinl bo made of an old experiment-which has
uniformly led to national embarrassment nnd
I widespread individual distress. On the re-
unit of Mich an issue , fairly presented to
popular judgment , thcro is no room for
doubt. Ouo thing only is necessary to as-
biimo success complete harmony and cordial
co-operation on the part of nil republicans ,
on tlio part both of these who
nsplro to lend and of these who nro eager to
follow. The duty is not ono merely of honor
able devotion to the party whoso record und
whose alms uro alike great , but it la ono de
manded by the instinct of self-interest and
by the still higher prompting of patriotism ,
A close observation or the conditions
of life among the older nations
gives ono n more intense desire that
the American people shall make no
mistake in choosing tlio'policy which in
spires labor with , hope nnd crowns it with
dignity ; which gives safctv to capital and
protects its Increase ; which secures jKilitical
power to every citizen , nnd comfort nnd cul
ture to every home.
To this end , not less earnestly nnd inoro
directly us n private citizen than as n public
candidate. 1 shall duvoto myself , with the
confident belief that the administration of the
government will bo restored to the puty
which has demonstrated the purpose and the
power to wield fo the unity nnd the honor
of the republic , for the prosperity and pro
gress of the people. I tun very sincerely
yours , JAVES G. BL.UNE.
Kntulltice nt a Flro.
NEW YQKK , Fob. 12. Fira occurred early
this morning in u fashionable boarding house
in Brooklyn Heights. Thirty-nine persons
were nslocn In the house at the tlmo. M. G.
Comb , u Wnll street broker , jumped from nu
upicr | window and was fatally injured. John
Gordon , a Milcsman , nnd Minnie Reynolds
nud Mary Wyatt , servants , wore nUo badly
hurt by Jumping , having legs orunnsbroken ,
Murder and Itohlicry.
ST. Louis , Feb. 13 The treasurer's office ,
t Curtilage , I'anolu county , TOMIS , was
robbed Friday night , nnd County Treasurer
Hill killed. The ci Into was not discovered
until Into Saturday evening. The robbers so
Tin : n mcoiu > .
The Financial Transactions ol * the
Past Week.
BOSTON , Mass. , Feb. 12. ( Special Tele-
Bnim to the BBC. ] Tlio following table
compiled from dispatches to the Post from
the managers of the leading clearing-houses
of the United States , shows the gross ex
changes for the week ended February II ,
libS , with the rule per cent of Increase or de
crease ns compared with the amounts for the
corresponding week last year :
MJuluth and Topekn not included iu totals.
The Accomplices of Gould and Sngc
to lie ProM-cutcd Also.
NKW YoitK , Feb. 12. [ Special Telegram
o the Bin-Pal tics repicbonting the Kan
sas Pacific landholders In the criminal action
against Gould and Sago are evidently not
satisfied with their attack on these two mag
nates. For several days mystci louswhisper-
ng has been heard of further contemplated
steps in connection with the releasing of
> ' ) , UOO,000 of Denver Pacific , stock from the lien
if the Kansas Pacific consolidated mortgage
and its appropriation by the two trustees ,
ould und Sugo. There were other parties
mpllcntcd In that unique transaction. It Is
alleged that Frederick L. Ames , F. Gordon
icxter , Ezra H. Bayer and Elisba Atkinson ,
nil of Boston , obtained various proportions of
the proccedsof the Denver Pacific trust stock
: md that the testimony taken bcforo the
United States Pacific railway commission
urnishcs details and the amounts received
: > y thcso parties respectively. They
wcro all signers of the memorandum
of January 14 , ISsO , which provided for the
Appropriation of trust stock. All these
parties live out of the jurisdiction of the New
York stnto court , consequently the statute of
limitation docs not apply to them as in the
case of Gould nnd Sago nnd the defense ,
which is so strenuously urged In their behalf -
half , could not bo raised on the part of the
non-resident receivers of the
- alleged em
bezzled stock , The penal cede provides for
thu punishment of receivers of embe/zled
securities , nnd under this section the prose
cutors of Gould and Sago propose to proceed
against the Boston parties by presenting
their cases to the grand Jury und when in
dictments are found apply for requisition
papers , thus securing their arrest in Massa
chusetts , whence they can bo brought to
Now York for trial. The punishment pro
vided in case of conviction ol receiving of
ember/led property is either a flue or im
prisonment , or both.
Malno Citizens Preparing to Revolt
Aunlnst. the Prohibitory tmv.
AUGUSTA , Mo. , Feb. 12. [ Special Telegram
to the Bin. : ] A movement is on foot tyi this
state to overthrow the prohibitory policy.
For over thirty years the radical temperance
people have been given nil the legislation
they linvo asked for to suppress the liquor
trutllc. Nothing in the way of pains and
penalties has been refused. In addition to
the statutory law the constitution was
amended so ns to prohibit forever the sale
nnd manufacture of intoxicants. The object
of this was to prevent any legislature
substituting license for prohibition. The
amendment to the fundamental law
was voted for by republicans , democrats
nnd grconbackcrs alike , it not being con
sldcrcd n party question. But the measure ,
nftcr nil this trial , has , hi the opinion of
many , been n failure , and n reaction has set
in. It has its origin in Waldo county , nnd
means undoubtedly the formation of a license
law party. These interested in the move
ment declare that "tho present prohibitory
law is wrong nud Impracticable in principle ,
subversive of the personal liberty of the
citizens nud cannot bo enforced without
resort 'to extreme nnd arbitrary methods ,
repugnant to the sentiment of intelligent
communities , nnd in violation of some of the
most important provisions of the constitu
tion. " There is every indication that this
voices tlio sentiment of a largo and rcspcc-
tnblo number of voters in both republican
and democratic parties.
Ghastly Find of Two Arkansas Hun
ters In tlio Boston Mountain * ) .
IlAiinisoN' , Ark. , Feb. 12. [ Special Tele
gram to the BKI : . ] T. J. Patterson and Kiel
McMahon , while hunting in the Boston
mountains yesterday , found the body of an
unknown man , bareheaded and in shirt
sleeves , heavily armed. Thcro wore no
marks on his person to indicate the cause o
his death. Ho liy near the still of Mr ,
Jones , where Jones was killed by Hevenuo
Collector Fryo last fall. The body is sup
posed to bo that of u detective hunting ii |
evidence against illicit distilling and that the
moonshiners hanged him and then rut th
body down. This country is filled with
moonshiners and many bloody affrays are
caused by them , but no notice is taken o
these occurrences unless they uro of nn ex
traordlnnry character.
WtMithcr Indications.
For Nebraska : Fair weather , followed by
rain or snow in northern portion , warmer ,
followed by slightly colder , light to frcsli
southwesterly bhlftlng to northwesterly
winds "
For Iowa : Fair weather , warmer , followed
in northwest | rtion by colder , light to fresh
southerly winds , becoming variable.
For Eastern Dakota : Warmer , with snow
followed by colder , fair weather , light to
fresh vrrlablo winds.
ForSouttiwestc-rn Dakota : Snow , followed
by slightly colder , fair weather , light to
fresh variable winds , Incoming northerly.
SurvpyliiR Parlies Out.
FOUT SMITH , Ark. , Fob. 12. [ Special Tclo-
pram to the Bnn.l Two surveying parties
le.ivo hero Tuesday on railroad work. One
goes to Sapnlpa to survey the "Frisco oxtcn- ,
sion to Albuquerque , ana the other to Hot
Springs to survey u route from Iron moun
tain westward ,
Stcuiiibhlp Arrival * ! .
Nr.-.v Yomc , Feb. 12. [ Social Telegram
to tlio Br.K.Arrived ] ta Gascogno ,
from Havre ; the Mor.ivlafrom 'Hamburg ;
the Lykus , from ' Mediterranean ports ; , the
Newport , fiom AspluwalL
Dullness in Congress Ponding1 the
Measure's Presentation.
A Southern Senator Gives His Opinion
on tin ; Growing Unpopularity ot
Cleveland--Colored Sol
dier * Slurred.
A Dull Week In Prospect.
fill ) FOUIITEENTII STiiRirr , >
WASHINGTON. D. C. , Fob. 12. )
Another dull week for congress is being
entered upon. Everything continues to wnit
for the tariff bill , und thnt is being passed
over nud delayed more nnd more every dny.
One of the most prominent democratic- mem
bers of the house committee on ways and
means came into the Bur bureau to-night to
tell mo that the prospects nre ngnlust the
completion of the turifT bill before the end of
the month. The arguments at the meetings
of the committee nnd meetings nro being
held for the construction of the bill thrco or
four nights in the week ut times grow
very warm , nnd words of anger uro
spoken. It would be hard to conceive four
more unhappy members just nt this tlmo
thnn these from the first , second , third nnd
sixth Louisiana districts , and it is all on ac
count of the sugar tariff. The first , second
and third districts are these mainly produc
ing sugar , though n little is grown in the
hixth and the Hed river district. Tlio tariff
on sugar to the Louisiana planter is about $17
per hogshead of 1'JoO pounds. Their repre
sentatives dare not go with the average
democrat , who wants to take off ' . ' 0 per cent ,
nnd he is afraid of the republican party that
votes against any tariff changes because ho
believes if they ever como in again they will
tuku the tariff off sugar altogether. Tlio
tariff on sugar gave the Louisiana planters
last year $1,700,000. It gave to the treasury
6-VJiOO,000. ( The iron product for tlio sumo
period gnvo-tho treasury $12,000,000 and the
iron makers (00,000,000. And yet there can ,
it seems , be no reform of the tariff without a
reduction of the duty on sugar.
Till : 1II.A1U EDUCATIONAL 1)11.1 , .
About Wednesday the senate intends voting
on the Blair educational bill , which has been
the regular order in the upper branch of con
gress for two months or more. It is conceded
that it will pass the senate by n large ma
jority , nnd people nro wondering what pro
cess will defeat its coming before the houso.
When it goes over to that body it is to bo
strangled in committee or loaded down with
As stated n few weeks ago in the BUR spe
cials , thcro is every prospect thnt North Car
olina will go republican this fall on the inter
nal rovcuuo issue. Even the democrats from
that state uro conceding this and are urging
their pui ty in comrrcssto speedy action in not
only abolishing the tax on tobacco and fruit
brandy , but reducing it on whisky. They
say their party , in its eagerness to reform the
tariff , would do nothing with the internal
taxes if not driven. Hcprcscntative Brewer ,
of the Greensboro district , who was elected
as n republican by n democratic constituency
on account of his entertaining re
publican ideas in Internal rev
enue matters , says that if congress
decs not repeal or reduce the internal rev
enue tax his state will go republican at the
next presidential election , for the people of
North Carolina nro tired of the entire system ,
which bus become obnoxious to them. He
regards the whisky ring ns n power in legis
lation , for it has tlio means to back it , and ho
says the temperance people of the state are
beginning to see that the internal revenue
system is against their course , as it makes u
monopoly which they cannot successfully
fight against. Keifrcsontativo Goff. of West
Virginia , says the tariff and internal revenue
[ irinciples of the republican party are sure to
make liis state republican at thu November
CI.EVEIAND nnowiNd uxi'ori'i.Ait.
President Cleveland's unpopularity is not
confined to the democracy of the District of
Columbia and New York. It is becoming
widespread in the south , but the president is
hedging. Ho is trying to save himself by
giving some oftlces to "tho boys.1 Ho is
charged with not having rewarded the active
and thoroughbred workers of the party. I
know where ho is now trying to trade tno
ofllco of general land commissioner fora vote
in the national convention and where ho hns
lost n veto by overlooking 11 thoroughbred
worker in Indiana. One of the old demo
cratic senators from the south , who keeps his
identity to himself , gave vent to some ob
servations in nil Interview to-day.
"No democratic president , " said he , "will
again bo ronominated by Now England prin
ciples nnd New York ideas. Take this ad
ministration. What set of men influence its
action and create its policy I Not the southern
set , foivthough they furnish four-fifths of
the votes that placed it in power , they arc on
the back seats. Does the west , that vigorous
young Hercules which strangled the serpents
of centralization and anarchy while it was
yet in the cradle , hold any commanding in-
tiucncoi No , not n bit of it. Let mo'tell vou
that thcro are certain lines of thought and
tendencies which characterize New York
and New England politicians , just us their
emigration follows the lines of climate.
Massachusetts got u secretary. Vermont
received the best diplomatic post
in the gift ot' the administration for the same
reason for no other is ever given. What did
the democrats of these states do to obtain
such consideration i Nothing but get beaten.
Now York still has its cabinet minister ,
while New Jersey , Connecticut und Indiana
have none. What has the west received in
the form of recognition in the democratic di-
vldol Nothing. To bo sure , Vilas is from
Wisconsin , but old , rough , sturdy republi
can John Husk , the governor who smashed
tlio lifo of anarchy in his state , is n typical
western man , while Vllns' methods are mod
eled upom New England lines. The democratic
ocratic- people hnvo sworn u big
swear that hereafter the section
of country that elects the president
shall have Its opinions represented by n ma
jority of his cabinet. This is the feeling in
my stnto , I know , nnd that's ono reason why
the south nnd southwest is seriously think
ing of taking the second place on the national
ticket this year nud putting a man on it who
would not bo haunting the departments with
applications for oflice , but who would make
the place what it ought to bo , in fact as well
as in name the second ixjsition in tlio re
public. "
DOWN ON NE011O SOI.Iir.ll3.
To-day's Herald , which is edited by n man
who. was posted for the postmastcrship hero ,
calls down thu president for currying favor
with the colored people in a way that is re
markable for n democratic organ. It says :
"If reports bo correct the president has made
ono ot the most biartling departures In re
spect to the army that has happened since
the nrmy existed in nominating Sergeant
Charles E. Layman , of the Twenty-
fourth infantry , ana Sergeant Thomas
11. McGuIre , of the Twenty-fifth
infantry , to bo second lieutenants
In the army. The Twenty-fourth nnd
Twenty-fifth regiments of Infantry , in rank
nnd file , uro composed of negroes. To
placate a certain public sentiment , when the
hist reorgiini/atlon of the mmy occurred ,
four negro regiments were left in the military
establishment , that is , the men wcro black ,
but tho. officers wcro white. Flipper , the
only negro who ever graduated from West
Point , until Alexander lust year , was sent to
ono of thcso regiments , to the nwful
disgust of the other officers , who
number some of the best fellows
in the service , nnd now , if wo uro to believe
what wo read. President Cleveland has done
what no republican president ever dared denominate
nominate two men from negro regiments
( what degree of color they mny possess per
sonally I , of course , don't know ) , to bo lieu
tenants , and to Imvo Just us much rank and
swagger as the best man of this date from
West Point. What are wo poming to , pray ) '
H. D. Heed , of Omaha , is at the Ebbitt.
A five-story hotel , 150x100 foot front , ut the
coruer a ! FiUccntU guecfoud Pennsylvania
avenue , opposite to the treasury department ,
Is to bo built this summer.
Senator Palmer , of Michigan , who Is n
lover of youth , is not to bo outdone by Sena
tor Stanford's gorgeous dinner to the senate
jiagcs last night. Ho Is to give the boys of
the senate an entertainment at his magnifi
cent home on K street. The names of Sena-
lors Stanford and Palmer will bo cherished
by these boys as the frjcnds of youth nnd
promoters of futureambition. )
Government , Telegraph 8npcrvlnlon.
WASHINGTON , Feb. 12. [ Special Telegram
to the BBI : . ] Among the representatives in
congress who strongly favor government
supervision of the telegraph Is Guenther , of
Wisconsin. Ho would not have the govern
ment own and operate telegraphs or rail
roads , for that would Involve the necessity
of maintaining thousands of officials , with
all the evils which can easily bo foreseen ,
and the work would not bo done ns efficiently
or cheaply as it can bo performed by private
enterprise , but ho would have the telegraphs
controlled , like the raljronds , by the govern
ment through the inter-state commerce com
mission , nnd the commerce committee of the
house , which has Jurisdiction of this kind of
legislation , shows so Httlo Interest in the
matter that fears uro entertained by some
that the committee will not report the bill
for the regulation of inter-state telegraph
traffic in time for final action nt this session
of congress , and Mr. Guenther hns hit upon
n device to give the. house jtostnl committee n
chance to anticipate the slow-going commerce
committee. Ho has taken the bill introduced
in the senate by Senator Spooner , for super
vision of the telegraph by the iutcr-stato
commerce commission , nnd changed it so ns
to give supervision to the posunnstor-gotiernl
instead of the commission. Under the rules
of the house this would send the bill to the
postotllco committee , of which Mr. Guenther
is a member , nnd ho says ho has assurances
that his fellow-eommltteeinen will Join him In
securing prompt eomsIdoniUon and linearly
report. Ho thinks there is no doubt that the
committee will iigreo with him in restoring
the Ivill to Its original form by providing that
the telegraphs shall bo placed under the su
pervision of the inter-state commission , so ns
to sccuro reasonable rates without discrim
ination in favor of any individuals or class of
customers. He Intends to introduce the bill
on the next bill day.
Gulloiii's Tribute to Lincoln.
WASHINGTON , Feb. 12. A largely attended
meeting was hold at the club house of the
National Hcpublican league this afternoon in
commemoration of the birthday of Abraham
Lincoln. An address upon the life of Presi
dent Lincoln was delivered by Senator Cul-
loiu. Ho expressed the opinion that the people
ple of all nations were more familiarwiththo
life , character nnd cureer of Lincoln than of
any other man In American history save
Washington. The .fact that ho came up from
the common walks of life and was familiar
with the toils , struggles and anxieties inci
dent to n life of poverty , gave him a place In
the affections of the people that was strength
ened by his life of sympathy with and labor
for the oppressed.
Hefcrring to Lincoln's early life , the sena
tor said that the privations through which ho
passed , and the life which bo led , while cal
culated to cultivate ) some of the nobler vir
tues , resulted in many cases in the formation
of reckless habits. Lincoln , however ,
while absorbing what was best in
the pioneer lifo of his earlier days , avoided
what was It was unnecessary to erect
grand shafts or fashion marble temples to
perpetuate the mcniory of Washington or
Lincoln. They live JJ/.tjjg.heprts ot the , poor
pie , whcro are cnsnrfne < t-rc'collections "of
their virtues nnd nclrievemonts , ineffaceable
nnd untlecuyiug. The lifo of Lincoln be
longed to the world. , Wherever men were
struggling to be free , wherever the rights of
men hud been invaded , wherever the iron
hand of despotism fell with violence upon
the oppressed , there would the heart throb
to the memory of Lincoln. Lincoln's power
resulted from his wonderful insight into the
truth mid his courage in proclaiming it
against all opposition. In the conviction
that ho was right nndtho persistent advocacy
of what ho believed right , he rose above all
party claims and methods.
Lincoln was n pure mun. The study of his
lifo would conduce to private nnd public vir
tue. Nations were born to live longer than
men. Many generations mny pass away , but
the perpetuity of a nation must bo conserved
and the interest of the , majority of the people -
plo preserved. In commemorating the vir
tues of Abraham Lincoln , it was lilting
for Americans to renew their devotions to
the cause of liberty nnd to pledge themselves
to see that "this government of and by and
for the people shall not perish from the
earth. "
Thin Week' of Congress.
WASHING TON , Fob"121 The educational
bill still remains tlid unfinished business of
the senate , but thcro is unanimously un un
derstand ing that it shall bo disposed of next
Wednesday. Senator Edmunds will call up
some time during the week for consideration
nnd action the bill reported by him from the
foreign relations committee to charter the
Nicaragua Maritime Cnnnl company , Beyond
this no announcements have been made for
the coming week nnd no programme laid out.
It is expected that one or two speeches will
bo delivered during the week on the presi
dent's message , which still lies on the table.
To-morrow will bo given up by the house to
the consideration of buslricssoriginatingwith
the committee on theDistrict of Columbia
and the proceedings arc not likely to bo of
general interest.
A Now Counterfeit.
WASHINGTON , Feb. 12. The secret service
division of the treasury department has dis
covered that n new counterfeit of the flvo
dollar bilver certillcatq has been put in circu
lation. The bill is about three-sevenths of un
inch too short. There nro no distinctive lines
in the paper. The general appearance is good
nnd liable to deceive.
They Cause u Slcgo of Constables in
CHICAGO , Fob. 12. ] Special Tolegrnra to
the BEE. ] "Adonis" Dixoy paid outnbout
$ . ' 1,000 on account of ; pld debts during the
week's engagement here. Deputy sheriffs
and constables swurmed ubout the premises
so thickly there wnsno chunco of eluding
them. Most of his creditor * wcro satisfied ,
cither by ready momjy or forthcoming bonds ,
but some claims remained in the hands of
dogged constables who refused to bo put off.
Ono constable with a half dozen aides ,
waited nt the stage djqor lust night until the
property of the Uico-Dlxey company was
placed on the trucks to bo taken to the Fort
Wayne depot. He said he had a claim of the
Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul railroad of
$750 and a Judgment/ favor of n New York
broker , HarrUoii , for jlK)0. ( ) Ho levied ot
the properiy and scwicry. The constables
threatened , if ' not satisfied , that the property
would not get'on the cars , but it started , nm
Dixcy will probaoly appear at Baltimore to
morrow according to programme.
Jnbllco i'retjt-nlB Stolen.
HOME , Feb. 12. The Jesuits have presented
to the pope -10,000 ns the Peter's pence con
tributiou of their order. Various valuables
which were presented to the pope as Jubilee
offerings and which wore'on exhibition have
been stolen from the Vatican. Among the
stolen articles nro u challco valued nt 2,000 ,
some gold snuff-boxes and several pairs o
"Wolves IJOOBO In London.
LONDON , Feb. 12. A pack of caged wolve
escaped frpm Sawyer's cirrus to-day. The
elephants ' , camels , horse * and other animals
became 'mad with terror and wcro liberate !
with difficulty. The wolves wcro trapped in
tt.otablo , whcro ttifv. furiously devoured' a
hone already bhciu' . They still defy capture
The French Capital Infested With
Sir. ninnt Makes Some Interesting
AiiHwcrs On Ills Crons-K\niulna-
tlon lly Irclntul's Attorney Gcn-
crnl The Crowu Prince.
Europe Overrun AYIth Itobbcm.
[ CiipyrtuM tkSStiu James tlnnltm Jleiwffl.1
PAIIIS , Feb. 12. [ New York Herald
Cable Special to the Br.n. ] Four English
men nro now Imprisoned charged with con
cern In robbing a Jeweler on the Boulovnrd
Madeleine. This , with the fact that English
hlcvcs mid American swindlers arc supposed
o linvo made Paris their hunting ground ,
HIS led the French police authorities to com-
nunlcuto with London and Inspector Byrnes
0 keep a directory of suspicious characters ,
and prevent , if possible , the spread of the
dishonest organization In Europe. The
French police arc of the opinion that It would
bo advantageous to have resident English and
American inspectors in Franco able to keep
lie ground clear. The British embassy is
well posted on nil mutters appertain-
ng to English subjects living ferny
\ny length of tlmo hero. The Amcr-
enti legation also does its duty
n this respect , lioth ambassadors are
naturally disinclined to extern ! their labors
n the direction of criminal Investigations as
outsldu the limits of diplomatic' duties. A
solution , however , will soon bo arrived at ,
mil a Herald reporter was sent to make In
quiries. The result of the investigation came
Tom Information obtained from an agency
which has been employed by the London
homo ofllco to innuiru into the dynamite con
spiracy and also to give its attention to crim-
nal matters. This agency possesses an al-
ihabctical list of all supposed malefactors.
The names of sonio of these , if revealed ,
would bo of .a startling character and could
not bo divulged without n close study
of the niceties of the law of libel on both
sides of the channel or ocean. Sulllco it to
say that in Paris , Nice , Lyons and Bor-
de.iux there arc check swindlers , hotel
thieves , pickpockets , swell mobsmen , crooks
and even a sprinkling of bank burglars , both
English and American.
There arc two kinds of swindlers. Ono
speaks French thoroughly , freciuent gooit
lotcls , travel with a certain amount of
luxury and Imvo confederates on every rung
of the social ladder. Their operations tire on
1 largo scale. For many reasons they nro
lot frequently detected. The victims them
selves often have decided objections to
[ irosecuto , hence they carry on the various
l > rofessions unmolested.
The second category consists of criminals
who have managed to cscipo abroad or of
tickct-of-lcavc men in a state of ticket rupt
ure. Most of these do not speak any conti-
icntiil language , but they nro daring thieves ,
ind , as tlio generally act in an isolated way ,
; hey are dlfllcult to catch. Many of the great
owolry robberies of the last seven years
lave been pprpotratcd by thcso. There-
whom the jewels stolen tif the Boulevard do
a Madclino'huvo been traced , but who has
not been arrested yet , although the police
have clues to his whereabouts.
The traveling swell mobsman is to bo
round , as a rule , in the billiard room of cer
tain good hotels. His first object is not to
catch his victim at the table , but to take ad
vantage of his presence in the hotel to study
the Inmates of the hotel and lay the plans
which others carry out. There appears to bean
an American lawyer at the bottom of half
the thieving combinations which take place
111 Paris. Another mftkcs a point of dining
at all the best table do hoto dinners. Ho is
nearly always accompanied by a lady whoso
mission is to make him Jealous by flirting and
making assignations with innocent and
wealthy-looking travelers. Fromtno starting
point all sorts of conspiracies are concocted
by which money may bo extorted. The
pigeon is taken to gambling resorts and hon
estly or dishonestly lleccett of tils money. If
ho bo of an Imaginative turn ho is intro
duced to apparently respectable saloons.
Ono of these is in the Hue Washington ,
where the seductions of female society arc
plentiful. The ladies arc supposed to bo
titled and have an outward show of educa
tion. Even the men have highly aristocratic
names , while the pigeon allows himself to bo
made presents of sums of money. Ho is un
molested If ho is proof against thcso tempta
There nro other traps ready , with which
the police are thoroughly acquainted , but
which they arc almost powerless to prevent.
The timidity of the victim often stops detec
tion , or ho leaves Paris without giving notice
a despoiled but wiser man.
In the Paris swell mob gang there are sev
eral Englishmen and Americans. These , us
n rule , try to draw strangers into all sorts of
lucrative , but deceptive , speculations. It
would bo Impossibles to give the names of
these , although they are known. Four of
them have already done terms of penal servi
tude in England or America. Another belongs
to a highly respectable family in Boulogne ,
by whom ho has been discarded. A real
French vicomto , who wears nn eyeglass
and speaks English perfectly , belongs to this
gang. Ho has splendid apartments near
Madeline and has no visible means of sub
sistence. The agency spoken of has been re
peatedly commissioned to watch the party.
Only one has been arrested , for cashing n
forged bond , but the evidence against him
was defective , and the examining magistrate
was obliged to give orders to discharge him.
-Tho English or American pickpocket spends
his Sundays on the race courses. Ho
indulges In equine sports to supple
ment his winnings or cover his losses
by card sharping in railway compartments or
picking pockets ' .n the crowd oren the course
or at the station. They ( lock to Paris in the
spring after a bleak winter , and , as an Eng
lish Inspector says , "are as hungry as cuts
after fish. " Nearly nil the coarccr form ol
hotel robberies are committed by thcso.
During the two weeks preceding and follow
ing the Grand Prix the number of cases ol
robbery are more than quintupled. These
are committed on the huge vans which brlnj ,
the people back. Some of them live al
Chantllly. A receiver has n nice country
house about ten miles from Scnlis. The
stolen goods are sold in London or even sent
to America. The guards on the tidal trains
and boats state that some pickpockets are
constantly crossing the channel bnckwan
and forward. Formerly there were some
robberies on the steamers , but latterly this
has been dropped as too dangerous.
The death of Mr. M. Crclll caused a grcn
many inquiries to be made in Boulogne las
summer , the result being that it was clearly
proven that In any case the watering place
was n quasi domicillc nest of Kndish thieves
In Nice the gangs are , mostly. Italian am
Spanish , but there are also a few of the unal
loj'cd British nrticle.
1'ho pickpockets who conic to Paris have a
list of the good places for work and of special
occasions. Up to recently the balls given
at the largo hotels were Infested
vlth female pickpockets. The police have ,
lowevcr , been nblo to lesson the number of
nscs. A grout many eases of "positive for
gery hnvo been traced to Americans. These
are often of'the most glaring and apparently
lumsy kind. Not long ago n French banker
a < hcd n check for JL'flOO , drawn on the Bank
if the World. The check had been frnudu-
cntly engraved. The signatures of rich men
vlth banking accounts in London banks
mvo often been copied from the inverse
mp'ress upon blotting paper lying upon bank
counters. The robbery of n bank is a long
> roccss. Every phase of the establishment
s watched for weeks until the weak points
nro found and the crime decided upon. A
tank in the Hue Itoynlo has been robbed
wlco without tiny clue to the perpetrators.
Small robberies of diamonds nro constantly
occurring , 'the pollcq often concealing the
act until it has lost all newspaper interest ,
vhcn they expect to catch the culprit.
Burglars of English extraction , .with the
vorst prison antecedents , nro known to live
nt Asnlcrcs , Chantllly and Koucn. It is be
loved , however , that some of thcoo are only
seeping out of the way and living upon the
irocceds of crlmo obtained in England. It
ins been long felt that in consideration of
he facility of transit and in order to protect ,
> y anticipation and prevention , the inultl-
udcs of visitors who will como over to Paris
icxt year for the exhibition , u network of
igihinco will have to bo established , and
his can only bo done by a continuous
i ml thorough understanding between the
u-cfeeturoof police and the criminal Investi
gation department , with the co-operation of
ho American police authorities.
The system of refusing rewards is n dlfll-
culty in the way , but that will soon bo got
over. There is only one way to prevent
French thieves and English-speaking thieves
combining , nnd that is entente cordlalo cus-
odinus of the law in all countries , and , above
ill , designations of Jail blrds'who como upon
ho continent to break new ground.
Hln Interesting Replies to His Cro s-
Kxnininntlon nt Dublin.
[ Con/rtfilit tltSliu James Ouriliin Hcmutt. ]
Dum.ix , Feb. 12. [ New York Herald Cablq
Special to the Bii : : . ] Many of the Irish M.
s. here to-day nro returning this morning to
10 present at ParncH's debate on the arrest
of Irish members in the precincts of pnrlla-
ncnt. Many lawyers claim that M. Ps. , ex
cept for arson and felony , are exempt from
irrest like witnesses. Blunt 1ms been In
n town all day , his suit continuing to-morrow
or assault against the police magistrate. It
vlll only end in a disagreement or his losing ,
lis cross-examination last evening by the
icw attorney general of Irclatid was very
vindictive. Some of the answers arc worth
reading. For Instance :
Mr. Blunt I asked thrco or four times to
jo arrested before I was arrested. I used
ho words damned cowards to the police
once. I did not apply it in bad humor. It
was to enforce my words. I did not lose my
temper throughout. I was not in the least
Attorney General Lady Ann Blount
hrew herscW upon you and declared to high
icaven ' that they Were ( } Uni yp , .ancLroij ( ,
chHecT'lhe' police daihnod cowardsj'nnttyoU'
ivcro as serene ns possible ?
"I did not lese my temper. "
"Did you feel scrcnoi"
"As I felt satisfied in my own conscience. "
"Having used that expletive , you felt satis-
led In your own conscience ? "
"I felt satisfied. When I was in Ireland in
September I had decided to retire altogether
from political life. "
"And then a change came over the spirit of
your dream ? "
"Yes , in consequence of the Mltchcllstown
massacre. "
"That changed you ? "
"It did. I felt It my duty to go on with po
litical life. "
"You then felt that you had a mission to
fulfill 1"
"A iiission to do my best to prevent the
Irish people from receiving injustice. "
"And the Mitchollstown massacre deter
mined you to go forward and take part in
[ ) arliamentnry life ! "
"I won't say parliamentary life , It was
not parliamentary life. It was to do my best
to help the people on the platform. "
"As n means to the end , did you consider
the midnight meeting to bo a meeting in the
proper sense of the term ? "
"I considered it merely preliminary speak
ing. [ Laughter. ] I did not protest against
the burning of the queen's proclamation by
Mr. O'Brien. As I understood the law it was
not illegal to burn the proclamation of the
queen's viceroy. I considered Woodford n
bright spot in Ireland bright for its pntri
otism. "
Attorney General "Yes , burning the
quccu's proclamation makes its patriotism
bright , I suppose ? "
Macdermott "Mr. O'Brien is not a Wood-
ford man. "
Attomov General "There , your own counsel
sol says Mr. O'Brien is not a Woodford
man. "
"Tho placard convening the meeting was
headed 'Indignation Meeting. ' The placard
said the meeting was to encourage the
people. "
Attorney General . "That is to patience ? "
"Yes. "
"You have stated that your mooting was to
teach the people patience nnd for the preven
tion of crime. Why was that not stated on
the placard ? "
"It was headed an indignation meeting.
The indignation was on our side. I thought
n display of indignation on our part would bo
the best lesson of patience the people could
possibly have. I did not feel any Indignation
on hearing of the assaults on the police at
evictions. The homo rule association up
proved , I bellovo , throughout. "
Mr. Blunt , on being asked to read some
newspaper reports of his speeches , said his
sight was bad In consequence of his impris
Attorney general "Oh , como now , "
Macdermott "That is monstrous. "
Attorney General "I am sorry. 1 apolo
gizo. "
Blunt "I accept your apology. "
Blunt and lady wcro allowed to attciu
church. His appearance in prison clothes
created much of u sensation. Mr. Pyno was
denied bail and in the morning will go to
Kilwachomus for trial. Gilhooly has been
taken to Cork.
Tlio Crown Prince.
[ Coj/r//il | / / ( ; / ISStUivJnintiUwilm tltnnrtt.l
SAN KKMO , Feb. 12. [ New York Herald
Cable Special to the But : . ] A cold rnli
has been falling all day , preventing the windows
dews of the crown prince's rooms belli ; ,
opened. Ho is getting on woll. Ho sat u |
n while to-day. Ho has not resumed rcgulit
meals , but continues beef tea nnd milk. Tlio
largo tube was withdrawn and n shorter one
inserted this afternoon. Dr. Bcrgmunn vis
itcd him and expressed satisfaction with the
result of the operation. The physicians sign
two bulletins every day , stuting the condl
tlon of the crown prlnqc , and forward thrm
to Berlin. Mackenzie has postponed his dc
Parturo for a few days , ' , . ,
Iowa's Legislature Will Not Permit
the Question to Slumber.
A Sensible Reform Proposed In Re *
Itard to Criminal Court Procedure
Reducing tlio Number
or Jurors.
Prohibit Ion to Itecclvo Attention.
DES MOINKS , In. , Feb. I'.1. [ Special * to the
BEI : . ] Tlio pressure of railroad legislation
and the necessity of meeting questions in
which the anti-monopolists have n special in
terest has postponed so far any serious con
sideration of the temperance question. But
it will not bo forgotten or permanently neg
lected , ns the republican party is pledged to
some measure that will strengthen the pro
hibitory law. People outsldo the stnto might
think that Inasmuch as Iowa has prohibition
it is unnecessary to keep dickering the law
or Tie adding to it. But these who are hero
and familiar with its operation know that
evasions nro easy nnd violations are In many
localities frequent , largely because of the
special privileges thnt have been grunted to
the druggists. The pharmacy law , which al
lows them the exclusive sale of liquor for le
gitimate purposes , also opens loopholes for
violation of the spirit of the prohibitory law.
So many drug stores have become substi
tutes for saloons that there has been a gen
eral public uwakenlng and protest against
such flagrant violation of law. At the last
state convention the republican party pledged
Itself to enact such legislation ns would
prevent the drug store from becoming the
successor or substitute of the saloon. Nearly
half of the session of the legislature has
passed and the party has not yct arcdccmcd
thnt pledge. However , two bills for that
purpose have been introduced and are now
under consideration. They nro radically dif
ferent in their disposition of the drug store
business. The Glister "bill provides for taking
the sale of llquor.cntircly nwny from drug
gists nud giving It to county agents. It would
limit thcso to four in each county nnd hold
them responsible for nil liquors sold and
guard the privilege in n very strict nnd care
ful manner. The Hcdinau bill leaves the
druggists in charge of the sale of liquor for
legitimate purposes , but hedges them around
with new requirements mid provisions , malt
ing violations of the law a very serious mat
ter. This bill requires n druggist to sccuro
the signatures of one-third of the voters la
his ward and an equal number of women before -
fore n permission to sell can bo given him. It
requires him to furnish a bond for $1,000 for
the faithful performance of bin trust. It
provides thnt nil blanks for the
sale of liquors shall bo issued
t > y the county auditor , and , us nil nro
to bo numbered , It will mnku the failure to
report such sales n matter of easy detection
and serious results. Thcso are the two bills
upon the subject which are receiving the at
tention of the prohibitionists. The state con
vention in this city the past week brought to
gether the most radical and extreme prohibi
tionists , but oven they wcro unable to ngrco
upon any course to recommend nud left the
matter whcro they found it. Neither bill ,
IJigroforeJrpi.'clvc the , endors.cmQnt of nn.v
oTncfiifbocly'of prohibitionists. ' Some prefer
ono , some another , nnd 'some fnvor'leuvlng
the whole mntterto the wisdom of the s.tntqs-
men on the hill. Probably one or the other
of these bills hi Us main features will bo
adopted. Many druggists are in favor of.
the Custor bill nnd say thnt they would bo
much better off If the sulo of liquor wcro
taken entirely from them. As it is they htiyo
to bear the odium nnd reproach which violators
lators of the law bring upon the truffle , and
have to wink ut irregularities themselves in
order not to Injure their general phnrmncy
There has been n strong sentiment in this
legislature in fnvor of reforming court
methods , especlnlly in the line of criminal
procedure. The escape of the murderers ot ,
Haddock , nnd of many other criminals who
have evaded Justice by some slight technical
ity , has stirred up public feeling to demand
better protection from the laws. As the
criminal code is now constituted the stuto
has a very poor chance with tlio adroit law
yers for tlio offense In any criminal prosecu
tion. Severn ! bills looking to reform of this
kind have been introduced , and ono of thorn
lias already passed the senate. Tills bill pro
vides thnt in criminal cases , when the de
fense applies for n continuance nnd offers
ntllduvits us to what his witnesses would say
if they were at hand , thu state shall have a
chance to offer rebutting testimony nnd im
peach them if they. can. Heretofore it hns
been n common practice among criminals to
sccuro nil thu delay they could in trinl , with
the hope that necessary witnesses would remove -
move from the state or that something might
happen to impcdo the prosecution. If tncy
made affidavit that they expected nt a later
date to prove certain things by certain nbsent
witnesses the stnto had no choice in the mat
ter except to sit silently by , oven when it was
known that those affidavits swore to a lie.
Now it is possible under this bill for the state
to impeach such affidavits in the same way as
it would impeach the testimony of the wit
nesses themselves if they wcro present.
Another reform that is proposed in court
matters comes in the form of a constitutional
amendment offered by Hcpresontutivo Uiloy.
It proposes to amend the constitution so thnt
the ordinary Jury for the trial of causes shall
not consist of more than nine or less than five
members. Ah average of six would bo
probably the , usual number if-tho amendment
were accepted. This would sccuro n saving
of one-half annually in Jury expenses. It is
estimated that in the ninety-nine counties in
the state there uro about twenty-live hun
dred men drawn for Jury service nt each
term of court. Thnt is nt n cost of $5X)0 ( ) per
dny or $100,000 for nn average term of twenty
days. With four terms to the year the ex
pense roll amounts to ? 100,000 for jury ser
vice alone. As less than 10 per cent of the
population are ever found In court as liti
gants , 00 per cent therefore of the people
have this largo bili of expense to pay from
which they derive no personal benefit. AH a
largo percentage of the litigation involves
controversies of small financial interest , a
Jury of six could attend to the business ns well
ns a jury of twclvo. If this , change wore tuado.
therefore , it would effect a suving of $200.000
a year in ono item nnd undoubtedly expedite
court business and give greater satisfaction
Although fiorrrnor Larrnbeo's second term
has Just begun numerous candidates are pop
ping up anxious to succeed him. The lend
ing candidate at present is Lieutenant Gov'i
ornor Hull , whoso candidacy is open and $
nvowed , nnd with his genial manners nnd his *
good-fellowship ho is winning supporters . ,
whenever ho makes new friends. Other can- y
dldatcs mentioned nro Senators Woolson ,
Young nnd Sweeney , nil of them men now
occupying n largo share of public attention. ( f
Ex-Senator Graves , of Dubuquc , is another
candidate mentioned , nnd it Is understood
that thu ofllco Is in the line of his ambitions
und pride. It is sugfostcil that his recent
conversion to prohibition nnd untl-monopoly
Is larucly attributable to this ambition. There
will doubtless ho n fine field of candidate *
when the tlmo comes.
Applications for constitutions and other
forms of organization are constantly being
received ut the headquarters of the Iowa
League of Hcpublican clubs , Within the last f.
month clubs have been organized in a large * t
number of cities of the state and the work U f >
going forward rapidly. The amount of en. T ,
Ihushibin that is being displayed in mid- ; J ;
winter mouths bcforo the campaign is begun '
is n hopeful sign for future victories. It U f
intended to have u convention of clubs In thl ' \
city Inn short time that shall perfect th ,
work of the state organization and occupy
the same relation to Iowa that the convention
ut Now York laU December.uld to the
at large , '