Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 12, 1888, Page 8, Image 8
're1 ' ? * a J " VT - - > Tri * f . < / -ri ; - - ; ' 'V' < * J'r * ' T t , 8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; SUNDAY FEBRUARY 12. 1888.-T\VELVE PAGES. BENNISON BROTHERS ' OOiMIE .A.3STJD SEE TJS PECIAL INDUCEMENTS will be offered in every department. Note the prices and don't forget we always have just what we ad vertise. Bennison Brothers. 25 Doz. Fancy Turkish Tidies 12c Each. 40 PCS , Turkey Red Table Damask I 25c Yard. Colors guaranteed . fiiht. Monday , 2oc n yard , worth / > ( ) Hoarding houses and sale. hotels should take advantage of this 100 Doz. Turkey Red Napkins , Guaranteed fast colors , 75c Dozen. Worth $1.26. MONDAY , ONLY 25 PCS. Fine Check White Nainsook Qc Yard , Worth 12 c. Bennison Bros , HAY-DEN unos. Special nnrgnhiR 1'ur This Week. On Monday morning , Fob. 1'Hh , 1888 , \vo will otter 80 in. wide Black Brncadcd Dress Goods which wo luivo boon belling ivt 40o a yard at loc a yard. Big bar gain. 4t in. wide all wool camels' hair , valued - ' ued tit $1.115 , on Monday reduced to Coca yard. 40 in. to 48 in. wide Henrietta cloth wo will offer ntfloc to $1.125 a yard. Don't fail to ecu this bargain. 40 in. wirto all wool French serges , colored , which wore U3c , will bo Monday 85o a yard. All wool double width suitings , hand some shades , will bo offered Monday at 22 } a yard ; good values. Special bargain in black 'silk , fully warranted , at & ! ) o , regular price $1.10. Don't miss this bargain. Wo will offer the best values in col ored and black silks which were ever shown in Omaha for llo ) ) a yard on Monday. Bo t-ilro and lie on hand. Special bargain in Faille Francai o at $1.15 , would bo cheap at 81.75. Silk plubhes in till colors tit Too. worth 11.25. Silk velvets in all colors tit C5c , worth 11.15. BARGAINS IN WASH DRESS GOODS ; 32 in. wide American witeon , now styles ; on Monday wo will oflor them at lOo a yard , worth 15o. 32 in. wide cambrics , foulards , indigo blue prints wo will offer on Monday at CJo per yard. Remember thebo-uiM not the narrow but the wide prints cambrio and foulards and well worth 12c. } 35 pieces dark style dress gingham on Monday at 7Jc < worth 12-Jc. 10 pieces 10-4 bheoting on Monday at 22o , worth 35c. 6 pieces cream colored table linen , fancy pattern , worth 85c , Monday price 21 c. 2 cases extra largo and heavy mar- Koillos bed spreads worth $3.00 ; on Monday and Tucbday wo will offer them nt $1.1)8 ) each , only two sold to ono cus tomer. This is n big bargain in spreads. Como and sco the towel which wo will offer on Monday at 7 o each , 0 for 45c nnd no more to ono ciibtompr. A few blankets loft which wo desire to close out at loss than cost to make room for now spring goods which are now daily arriving. HAYDEN BROS. , 110 and 118 S. 10th st. , Omaha , Neb. Thp Indies of St. John's church will give a musical and literary entertain ment nt the Guild room , corner of Twenty-sixth and Franklin btreots , Mon day evening , February 18. Admission , 25 cents. Architect ) ) and Superintendent * . Hodgson & Son. 20 , Iron Bank. Don't Spend Ono Dollar Until you BOO our great bargains in parlor suits , chamber suits , carpets. Btovos. pianos , organs. 60 per cent caved from dealers prices. NKW YOHK STOUAOK Co. , Capitol avo. and 15th St. * Notice K. of If. Members of L. A. 2122 will plenso take notice that hereafter the tibbombly will meet on third lloor ever Omaha Savings bank , south west cor. 13th and Douglas eta. every Monday night. M. W. Horses boarded at $13 per month , at Halltun & Sylort'a barn , 2413 Cuming st. Now Is tlie Time. A car load of elegant Plush suits at eost of frames. Plush buits * 29. Deal ers charge you $75. Doh't strand ono iolUr until you have got our price. . NKW YOHK STOUAUU.CO. , Capitol uvb. and 15th St. Bennison Brothers. 200 Pieces Fancy Salines , 15c Yard In figures , chocks , polku dots and all . tlio now spring . shades combined. All at lee a yard. 1 Bale Heavy Unbleached Muslin 29 Yards for $ ! , Monday Only. in II Yards for $ l 1 case 80 inch extra line bleached mus lin , 11 yards . for $1. This price for Monday only. 100 Pjeces INDIGO BLUE PRINTS ! ScaYard , Monday Only. HAVDKN HROS. For Monday. spring goods have commenced to arrive , and having a good many winter goods on hand to out , we will on Monday muko some of the lowest prices ever heard of in ladies and gents fur nishing goods. Gents heavy linen collars , late styles , only lOc each , reduced from 20c. Gents heavy ribbed shaker bocks , only lOc per pair , reduced from 20c. Gents heavy all wool half hose , only 15o per pair , reduced from 2oc. Gents fancy ever bhirts , in now styles , only 7oc , reduced from $1.25. Ladies heavy cnshmoro glovps , only 15c per pair , reduced from 25c. Our glove sale continued on Monday. Ladies kid gloves , two-toned , em broidered backs , on Monday only 75c per pair , reduced from $1.25. Ladies brown ilccccd hose extra heavy , only 2oc per pair , worth 5c. ( ) Misses Ctibhmoro hose only 19c per pair , reduced from I5c. ! On Monday the bcbt bubtlo made only 20c each. CORSETS. Money losing bale in corsets for Mon day. immense reductions in this depart ment. On Monday , casp of corsets , perfect fitting and all sizes , only 30c each , worth 75e. Dr. Stone's corset , for Monday , ono case will bo offered at 59c earn. Ladies line scarlet wool vests and pants only 75c each , reduced from $1.25 , Boys heavy cotton school hose re duced to lOc per pair. Ladies heavy brown balbriggan hose only 25c per pair , reduced from 5c. ( ) HAYDEN BROS. , Sixteenth street , near Douglas. Grand Masquerade Bull. The Valentino club will give a grand masquerade ball at Cunningham's hall to-morrow ( Monday ) evening , February- is , and from what can bo learned it will bo ono of the most sociable and best ar ranged gatherings of the season. This club is composed of all first-class young men who thoroughly understand how to arrange for an occasion of this kind , and as it is the hibt dance before the Lenten season , the public tire cordially invited to attend. Admission 75 and 60 cents. We are In the Business and to Stay. Wo nro not the oldest house in America. Wo are not the richest cither. Our trade in furniture , pianos and organs has increased steadily every month. We treat our customers right , sell tlrst class goods and cannot bo un do i > old by any manufacturer or dealer. Call and got prices. Nuw YOHK STOHAOE Co. , 1608 Capitol avo. A Card. Having puclmscd the business and good will of the NEW YORK DRY GOODS STORE lit 1310 and 1312 Farnam St. , Omaha , of Messrs. John H. F. Lohmann & Co. , I bog to assure the patrons of the store that by courteous treatment and honorable dealing I shall strive to merit a continuance of the patronage enjoyed by Messrs. Lehman n & Co. in the past. Please give mo a call. Now goods will bo advertised , and lowest prices given.A. A. R. LOGIE , i YOHK DHY GOODS STOKE. The Sunday "Wcstlicher Courier" is tho-most complete Gorman newspaper in. the west is the paper for the Ger mans of Omaha. Price , 6 cents , at Fruohauf's and Adthea & Co. 'a newi btands. ' ' . Bennison Brothers. KID GLOVES 79c Pair , 60 dszon ladles' 5-huUon Prime Kid Gloves , two toned , embroidered backs , . 70o u pair ; worth $1 .iio. BEHHI80N BROTHERS BED QUILTS Only $1. 1 case flno white crochet bed quilts , largo size ; Monday only , SI ; worth $1.U5 Very Fine Crochet Quilts , $1.25 Each. I case very fine , full sine , white cro- cho quilts , usually bold as leaders at $1.76. NOTE. Wo consider these quilts the very best value over offered. LADIES , TAKE NOTICE , On Monday we place on wile " .l ( Won Indies' BM Leather Wallets , I.Ike cut , indies long , plafi nnil nleklo mnutit- cd , actuiil vnluo 7" > u to fI , nil nt CU'Jc fiich Mon. day , POSITIVELY THE LAST GALL ! Any lady wanting a fine Wrap and Plush Sacque , can buy on ] Mon day , at fully 25 Per Cent , Less Than Actual Coot We dj not have very naiy , and are anxious to close thorn all out , as we need our present ihakrocm for other purposes , Bennison Bros. AIIISK ANll WALK. Dr. French at Grand Opera House. "Bo convinced or stay away , " said Dr. French to ti group of persons waiting to consult him at the Arcade hot el. "My time is too much occupied to litten to arguments. Go to the opera hout-e as others do and bo convinced before- com ing here to talk about treatment. Then if you are not convinced that you can bo healed by magnetibin save your money and remain a cripple as before. " Yesterday the audience witne ed some remarkable cures and everyone should have been there to fuUy appreciate the wonderful olleetof this subtle force in curing disease. The lirst who came was a man blind for twenty ve.vr.s. Ho had been treated la t Saturday. Ho htiid his sight was returning M ) that now ho could f-eo plainlv every ono in the audi ence. A young ladj aid to the audience bho had been deaf since bhe was nine months old. The doctor pas&oll hishand before her a few times when she was able to hear him whibper , and could hear his watch tick fully eight inches from her head. A Mrs. Hickby of Walnut Hill had been deaf eight years ; she too was made to hear a whisper. Mrs. Carlin had boon deaf twenty years ; bhe too was fully re stored. One of the most remarkable cases presented was a lady having neu ralgia of the face with a paralysis of the right side. She begged with tears in her oycs that the doctor might lay his hands upon her. Seeing the lady's anxiety ho told her friends to bring her forward. After a few moments manipulation she arose and walked free of pain or other trouble. Others wore then treated with bimilar results. ThebO things arc not done in a corner , nor docs the doctor vaunt cures made in far away cities , but invites all to see and believe or condemn. Ho denies all attempts at mcbinorUm or mysterious agency , but bays these cures are performed by natural methods. As evidence that the people have faith in what they see , his otllco parlors 7 and 8 Arcade hotel , arp full of persons com ing within a radius of 200 miles seeking his wonderful asisUnco. His charges tire light for the benefit given , M > that no ono need remain away. At Exposi tion hall every Saturday hereafter from 0:80 : to 10ilO : free , consultations nt his parlors also free. If you want to enjoy nn exquisite musical and literary treat , bo at S * . John's Guild room , corner of Twenty- sixth and Franklin btrcets , Mondav evening , February 13 , at 7:30. : You will bo well paid. Soidenborg'b Figaro is the only long Havana tilled lOo cigar for 60 on sale everywhere. CALIFOUNIA EXCUllSIONS. Burlington Route. Tickets sold every day , good six months , choice of routes. Special cheap excursion Fob. 10. For particulars write to or call nt CITY TICKKT OFFICE , 1824 Farnam st. Children's felt hats nt 25o and 50o for mer pvico $1.00 to $1.50. Trimmed hats at $1.60 , $2.00 and $2.50 , former price $3.00 to $5.00 , atF. M. Schadoll & Co , , 218 north 10th st. The Singer Co. repair all kinds of sowing machines , and sell noodles , oils and repairs at greatly reduced prices. Office 1608 Douglas st. Give Hallara & Syfert a trial on your boarding horses at 113 per month , 2413 Cuming st. Horses delivered at any part of the city. , . . 39c Each. 40 dozen corsets ; never sold for less than 50o ; on tale Monthly tit iWc each. 75 do/.on ladies' fancy strips lie > -o , now Roodjtibt received and on bale Monday ut 0 , : a pair. ASK TO SEE THEM. 1519-152iDouglas PrcH'tl Mil I'oo Vi'its Otnihi. ; : Mr. I. N. Pee , president of the Union Manufacturing company , Toledo , O. , spent part of last wool : inspecting tha work done by their western otllco under the mnniigeineyt of Mr. G. S. Smith. Thp condition of affairs was found so wilibfactory that the territory controlled uy thih olllco was largely increased. President Pee reports a very satisfac tory biibincb in all parts of their terri tory , the factory being at the present time over 5(10 ( machines behind. To meet this increasing demand , the com pany has erected a new foundry and has largely increased all of it * facilities for manufacturing the queen of sowing machines "The Union. " The atten tion of the public is especially directed to the following points of interest in re gard to the Union : It is made of the host material possible to bo secured. It is well and hnndtonioly Imibhed. It is simple in coiibtrui-tion and not liable to got out of order. It is the lightest run ning machine made. It will make but ton hole- * and will sew cither backwards or forwards. Although comparatively a notv' machine , its unprecedented sales indicate a popularity which any ma chine company might envoy. Before you buy a sowing nuichino call at their otllco , KlOil Howard street , where you will be waited upon in a gentlemanly manner and shown the best sowing ma- chiuo on earth , and at a price no greater than is asked by dealers for inferior ma chines. Valentines tit Hoipa's art palace. Thc Vlmiglity Dollar. Furniture , pianos and organs for the next 10 days ; goods must bo told to pay storage charges. Now York Storage Co. , 1508 Cap. avo. Few deaths reported last week from dyphthcria. Why ? People nro generally ubing Dr. Thomas .TotVori's provontativ-o and cure. No physician required. Ad dress Dr. Thomas JetToris , No. 817 south 15th st. , Omaha. Valentines at Ho&po's art palace. Dollars Saved arc Dollars Made. A carload of parlon suites just ar rived can bo bought at one-half the cost to manufacture. Now York Storage Co , , 1608 Cap. ave. Money Talks. Wo have a car load of elegant Plush parlor goods which must be sold nt your own price. Don't fail to call. NEW YOHK STORAGE Co. , Capitol avo. and 15th St. Valentines at Hospo's art palaco. Notice Owing to the sudden and dan- porous Illness of Mrs. Dr. Dybart she will bo unable to entertain her invited friends for Tuesday , Fob. 14. W. W. Bowlby , formerly manager of A. Hospo's Lincoln branch store , has accepted the management of the musio department of Mr. Hospo's Omaha store at 1513 Douglas st. Valentines at Hospo's art palace. What ! | Furniture , pianos and organs at a great sacrifice , WHEN ? Now is the accepted time. WHY ? Because the goods tire bought at bank rupt sales. WHERE ? At the New' York Storage Co. , 1508 Capitol avo. ValenUncs at Hospe's art palaco. v . Bennison Brothers. COUPON SALE - OF- 10,000 , yards duo embroideries , put up in Yard Lengths , Your choice Monday , per length or 41 yards , , 6,000 , yards fine ombroidorins , put up in 44 yard lengths , worth iioe n yard ; on Mondav , 4ya Yards for 67c. This is the opportunity to buy good embroideries very cheap. GREAT JOB 100 Ladies' and Childrons' Hoods and Toboggans Slightly boiled and worth up to $2 each. Wo will close the lot Monday tit 15c EACH. ison Bros. Bennison Brothers , Of Ladies' Muslin UNDERWEAR MONDAY. Ladies' Wo linv < i SO ( loxun nntt they usunlly neil at 5Uu cncli , On Momliiy only , ' { 5. 20 Dozen Ladies' 1 Trimmed with evurlnsttnj * Ince , Mothr.r lluhharddinpc. . .Monday oil 'can buy them nt 5Oo cnoti , worth OOo 50 Dozen Ladies' Muslin Underwear , Consisting of Niirht Gowns , ChenilH" , SkiiMH Drawer" , 'orMPt Covers , PIC. lOlccnntly trliiuned ; mtidu on lock stltoli innohiiip , relied Neniiii ; worm up to $ l.oO All at ono price Mon day , 98c Each , LOOK AT THIS ONE wlio nro interested in Fine Underwear , Will llnd OUR counter , .Monday , devot ed toonr ; line of flnn iinilerweiir.nmht COWIIH , chemise , skirts , drawers , cor- snt covers , etc. , worth $2 ; all nt one price. $1.48 Each , 1519-1521 Douglas BENNISON BROTHERS Dress Goods 100 Patterns of Fine De Beiges I5c a Yard , In crnyn , tnn nmt . browns ; put up In l > ntt < < rn IrniMlifl. . Vour choice MoiV liny lOo a yard. 15 Pieces Plain Suitings 25c a Yard. in Rrnys nnil brown * , -IS Indian Co tin- mill set thotn AlonUny nt 25o . n yaill. 1O Pieces Pin Head Check Suitings 25caYard , _ 1O Inches wldr. Monday only at 2Bo , a yard Dress Flannels 48c. JUST ARRlVKI48 IMocrH Spring WsichtN DroHH l''lamiols , In nil the newsprint ! SlindtnuN , 518 incjics wide , . nil wool. Monday , 4Hc a yard. Bennison Bros. REMNANTS. MONDAY we will place on sale all Remnants of SILKS , VELVETS AND DRESS GOODS , That have accumulated during the past season at one half actual value. DON'T PASS THESE REMNENTS , ' A Card. In Saturday's evening BEK we advertised 1,000 remnants of all wool dress goods at 25c per yard. It was intended to react 35c , but mistakes will boinolimes happen , nnd wo will bland the loss. Our customers know that what is ad vertised by N. B. Falconer they iincl is so , and wo shall sell these remnants at 25C , worth from 05c to $1.25 per yard. N. B. FALCONEH. Conveyed to Frank II. Johnson. Yesterday in consideration of .3,000 Frank Johnson had conveyed to him by Joshua J. and II. Woodland una Anthony Houscr the stock of tobacco , cigars and merchandise in ftoro known asNo. . > l ! ) North Sixteenth street , This transfer was precipitated by the failure of the linn to collect their debts iu time to meet impending indebtedness. Another I'limo for $4O. A. Ho. tpo , jr. , 1513 Douglas street , has a piano for $40 , an organ for $30 , for cash or on monthly payments. A line upright piano for $175 on monthly payments. A good bqunre piano for $100. A. Hospo , jr. , agent for the cele brated Emerson pianos and Kimball organs. FiirnUhcd HOIIHO For Rent. Five room house near street car , $25 per month. Furniture for bale at a bar gain for cash or on time. Inquire of A. Hospo , 1518 Douglas. THI3 PROHIBITIONISTS. Douglas County's Convention Held nnd the Delegates Selected. Wednesday next the prohibitionists of Ne braska meet in convention at Lincoln , ana yesterday tlioso of Douglas county meet at the Commercial college to appoint delegates to attend it. The chair was taken by the Hcv. T. C. ClcndiniiiK and G. G. Wallace was appointed secretary. Among those present were General Estabrook , Messrs. Savage , Graham , Clendining , John Dale , Charles Watts , G. M. Haskoll , J. W. Pliclps , J. Langtry anil wife und others. After routine business , it was resolved that those present form u committee and nominate the required number of delegates which was done until fifty-two were selected. Then it was decided to form a committee of four to ill ! up those vacancies nnd any other that might occur through the Inability of any nominees to attend , and the matter was left In the hands of G. G. Wallace , Charles Watts. E. U Graham and G. M. Haskoll. G. G. Wallace was also Instructed to act as a committee on transportation , and reported that the railroads would grant u ono and a third rate faro. The question of appointing a county chairman for the central committee was deferred , and an attempt to Introduce- the "Womcns Suffrage" question was Irowncd down by a Vote to adjourn being carried unanimously. THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. Considerable Business Transacted With Dispatch Yesterday. ' There was a short session of the county commissioners yesterday afternoon , and the business before them was disposed of with dispatch , The following resolution was passed : Resolved , That the county treasurer bo and ha is hereby directed to cancel the tax for the year 18bO on lots 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , B , 0 , 7 and 8 , block 4 , Park Place , said real estate being used during said year by the Crelguton uni versity for school purposes. The prayer of Charles McCorznlck that the assessor rectify a mistake on a strip of land was not allowed. The county clerk was authorized to employ the necessary help to make up the assess ment books at salaries not exceeding $75 per month and night work and overtime at 85 cents per hour to be paid out of the general fund. ' The committee on Judiciary reported that tha board bu no authority to cane * ! the taxes for 1879 on Bonllold , and the county treasurer was directed to place on the tax list of lbS7 at a valuation of $ UOO the fourteen aercs of so ) of nw of sec. li-14-llf , respectively. The appointments of W. F. Gurley , deputy county attorney , nnd Silas Gobi ) , clerk to County Attorney Simoral , were ratified. No additional help was allowed T. A. Mo- gcath , register of deeds , in Ills oftlco. The otllcial bond of 1J. 11. Sullivan , con stable of the Eighth ward , was approved , and H. C. Barnes was awarded the contract for running grader No. 1 anil Oliver Haney for running grader No. 'J for the year ISbS. The following claims were ordered paid : F. J. Uleick , * lli : Win. Olmstcad , H2 ; T. J. Hickcv , ? J1.50 ; H. U. Avery , WJ.oO ; Lewis Thomas , SltiS.-lO , and William Thompson , -H8 for road work. The committee on court house and Jail re ported as follows : Mr. Chairman : Your committee on court house anil Jail , to whom was referred the communication of G. Andrecn as to repairs in the county Jail , would respectfully icport that Gustavo Amlrcon bo employed by the board to make whatsoever repairs said board deem necessary in said Jail , said Amlrecn to bo employed by the day and u reasonable price be paid for material used. Communications from A. H. Widnor nnd Kerns Appleby , relating to their lands and those of others being damaged by high water were referred. On Monday the commissioners will make a personal inspection of roads and bridges In the interior of the county. Valentines nt Hospo's art palaco. BENCH AND BAR. District Court. VKiimcT rou Tim CITV. William Bruning , who sucil the city for damages , was yesterday defeated , the Jury bringing in a verdict for the defendant. OLKASOS ACqUITTHI ) . John Gleason was tried yesterday for burglarising a Nineteenth street grocery store , and the Jury found u venlict of acquit tal , after which court adjourned until Mon day next. UEl'I.EVINED Tlin STOCK. Messrs. Davis , Hces and Kaufman yester day rcpleviaed the stock of goods of Kauf- mann Bros , from the sheriff and will open the stores this morning. WAXT Tiiuin aoons. Yesterday an eastern firm of Jobbers be gan action in the district court to recover a largo quantity of cigars and tobacco sei/cd from the stores of Kaufman Hros. , and now in the possession of the sheriff. TO lit TI1IED MONDAY. L. M. Delhay , charged with burglarising the barber shop of S. P. Einmcll and Mutt KIcth , who are accused of robbing U. W. Lewis of a gold watch anil chain in the saloon of John King , will bo arraigned to-morrow morning for trial. County Court. rilOMISSOUV NOTE SUIT. Charles F. Schmidt and Carl O. Peters yesterday brought action against G. W , Duncan to collect WOO on a promissory note. HAS A KAUFMAN NOTE. Darwin II. Hull came into possession of a promissory note for faCO given to G. W. Eastman by Kaufman Bros , , and Darwin asks for Judgment in that sum against the Kaufmans. Kaufmans.THE linilOQUIST WILL CASE. Judge Shields yesterday found Mrs. Hcrg- quist , executrix of her husband's will , In debted to the deceased's two children in the sum of (007. TUo case will bo finally dis posed of on Tuesday ncxt ; when the Judge will hear testimony covering the immorali ties charged against the woman. JUDGMENTS UUNI1E1IEI ) . The following Judgments wcro rendered : Stewart vs Simeral , $200 for plaintiff ; Doug las vs Dayton , (50 for plaintiff ; Hennlbon Bros , vs Nellie McNamara , (43.GS for plain tiffs ; N. U. Falconer vs Nellie McNamura , f W3.03 for plaintiff. A 1110 COAL 111 I.I , . Je * W. Bedford yesterday commenced action against John Savulnu to recover a Judgment in the sura of $032.40 o-oui .Jolin Savcina for coal delivered. Valentines at Hospo's-art palace.- BURK'AU OF CHARITIES. Concert nt the Grand Opera IIouso Tuesday , February 11. The following is tlio unique programme of the llureau of Charities concert to bo given at the Grand opera house Tuesday evening1 , February 11 : Overture , Miiltairo Puenicr Second Infantry Hand. Arian Waltz Vogcl. St. Cecilia Quartette. Song , "Tho Vagabond" Mulloy Mr. Troynor. Song 1 Mrs. Murtin Calm. Piano Solo Concerto G minor ( with second Diane accompaniment ) .Mendelssohn Mine. Mucntefering. Song , "To Suvilla" Dessaucr Mrs. Penncll. Musical Gymnastics by the Pupils of the Deaf Mil to School CWrmmln J llutei Sergt. Kciulillg , 1 , n , , ,11 bcienailo } im , . , , , Mr. Eu,1 | , ( ] Second Infantry Hand. The Legend Mchring St. Cecilia Quartette. Aria , 13cl raggio tSemiramido ) Rossini Mrs. Cotton. Selection Swedish Quartette PUaieato. Dellbcs r > i , J nr 1 mno I b. Bubbling Spring Hive-King Mine. Muentofering. Song , "Chai Uy" Fuuro Mr. Young. Selection , ( Macbeth ) Verdi Second Infantry Hand. The admission has been fixed nt the nomi nal price of .r > 0 ceuts iu the expectation that the Grand opera house will l > u crowded. Ho- borvcd seat tickets will bo placed on sale to morrow morning at the Grand. Hcgular ad mission tickets can boprocuied lit Kiilin'fuinU Saxe's drug stores , Caulleld's , John Uaumcr's , Max Meyer's and at most of the banks. The Bureau of Charities are doing excellent work in searching out genuine des titution and exposing frauds , and their coa- cert should bo attended by all.i Valentines at Hospo's art palaco. Mccnspd to Wed. The following marriage licenses were issued yesterday by Judge Shields : Phillip Krticgcr. Omaha no Mary Spungcl , Oinahu " 3 John Hamaiin , Omaha 33 Catherine Sirncrs , Omaha 25 Joseph Wibthartmcr , Omaha 2S Gertrude Patzl , Omaha 27 Janius Hrown , Omaha 25 Emmu Flumnihig , Omaha SI Valentines at Hospo's art pal nco. A French provincial lawyer recently died. In hib will ho directed that an annuity of $400 a year bo paid to the borvant who should close hih eyes. " When this claubu was read the borvant who performed this olllco jumped with joy : but his delight was bpcedily damp ened by the nephew nnd heir of the dead man , who reminded the bcrvunt that his master had only ono oyo. And the servant actually failed to get hla legacy on this absurd technicality. Milton's cottage , where ho wrote "Paradiso Lost , " is to bo purchased by1 means of a fund and preserved as a rolio of the great pool. Queen Victoria has htibbcribed $200 , which , by the way , is about four times what Milton received for his master-piece. A letter written from Orange , Cal. , says that the mocking birds in that locality feed on the berries that grow ] on the Chinese umbrella tree , and that t this bert of food makes them tipsy. They 1 net very foolishly jubt after a hearty meal , and fatngger about badly intoxlj catcd. t Half a century ago there were not twenty" five sehools in all Servia ; now every viljago hasoijc , . , _ ' _ : - . . ' j Valentines tit Hospe's art palace , / ' , ' . . . j ' , i