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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 12, 1888)
ajiWjii -7. ! t THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : BUNPA FEBBlTAItY 12 , 1888. TWELVE PAGE& THE FINANCES OF OMAHA , City Treasurer's Annual Report and Accompanying Letter. A CITY OF PROMPT TAX-PAYERS. I , The Financial Condition of Omnlm Better Than Thnt of Any City In the West. At the next city council meeting the city treasurer's rc | > ort , now In the hands of the proper committee will bo acted uiwn. It is ns follows : In submitting this , ray first annual report to your honorable body , it affords mo great pleasure to state thnt the tax-payers have re sponded to the many calls upon them during the past year , with n degree ol cheerfulness and promptness thnt showed them to be ns good a tax paying community ns thuro Is In the world , and demonstrates the faith they have in this city of marvelous growth , and fitittcrlng future. - The total collections from May 17 , 1S37 to .December 31 , 1SS7 , Including bonds sold , amounts to tlloT ,7b ! > .83 , nnd the total dis bursements during the same period nre ? 1,1.11,8..1.87. Matiyof the balances shown on this statement have been paid out smco thu 1st of January. Among them nro thu amounts In the water fund and sidewalk fund , besides some $75,000 hold by bunks in the city. While upoh this subject , I beg leave to stnto Hint ns early iw August 1 , 1SS7 , the general , fire and ] K > llco funds were ex hausted , but I found moans to cash the war rants drawn upon these funds , without the loss of ono cent to the owners. Of course this 'Was but a make-shift , and to prevent a recurrunces of this annual depletion , months before the new levy , means ought to be de vised to enable the treasurer to pay every warrant npon the regular funds , ns soon as presented. I respectfully draw the attention of your honorable body to the fact that the new charter removes tlio old penalty , imposed upon delinquent special ussossmcnts. This enabled the city council to issue war rants immediately after the approval of the ordinance making the levy. The penalty and accrued interest wore ample to pay the in terest of the warrants. Hut there is now dan ger that the warrants with accrued Interest will exceed the amount covered Into the treas ury. Suppose that * 5,000 worth of grading is done the warrants nre issued to the contrac tor. Ho presents them to the treasurer who stumps them for interest. They bear inter est for fifty days nt least at 7 per cent , and the levy amounting to f5,000 is all collected without Interest except in comparatively few cases. The probability Is that there will not bo enough to redeem the warrants after all tax has been collected. The acquisition of moro than cichtecn square miles of. territory has brought Into our city a population that wo may feel proud of. Mostly thrifty wage workers , who acquired homes In the suburbs no sooner nro they brought within the city's jurisdiction than they willingly pay their share of taxes. From the middle of December to the 1st of Janu ary these people crowded their way into the treasurer's ollico and remained , many of them half n day , until they had obtuinod their re ceipts. In conclusion I would say that the lltuinciiil condition of Omaha 1 * better than that of any city in the west. Its government has been both conservative and progressive , and with the same wise heads to control and to govern I tun convinced that the year 188S will bo marked by n growth nnd develop ment unknown even In ourselves. Very respectfully , Jens Husn , Oity Treasurer. February 7,1888. Statement of collections nnd disburse ments by city treasurer from Muy 17 to De cember , ill , lbb : ( ir.xBUAi , Ilalnneo. May 17 , . $ B5.017 Oil Tux collections 0,4tl lilt Bpeolttl ilemxltH on account of erail- iiiK.ftc : 2I.HK 00 > 'rom building Inspector f > ,7iiO 00 From boiler Inspector l.turi ( K ) 1'rom special cash tunil Mil no From pound fens : tl 75 1'rom ilog fees full UO From Metropolitan tiiDlo company , . . 1112 70 From -Motoi Krnllway company Mi Ml l''rnin ( lootman ) Ulectrlc company. . . . f K Wl J'rom police court costs 2'ii.l Kr > From miscellaneous l.'ll ! i"i 1'rom real citato bold. . . . , Xi\m \ UO Total J a)4.1W ) ai Warrants raid ! IM.SIIJ 71 Ualuiuo ou huiul 4 , T I 41 Total JMI,153BO ) SINKIXO FUND. IlalanCP. Mftj17 t Wi.KB C3 'J'n\ collections ! ! 0ir , > t 17 Amount from district funds 14VK1 75 Total f i-.l,77iTii4 IlomlH redeemed i4Xi : ! ( ) IX ) Coupons puld 7.1,271) ) M ) ExpiobK cxrlmngo and commission. . . 711 lui llufancoonh.xnil 43,7. > 7 iM Total. . , $251778 54 SCHOOL I'U.M ) . Tux collections $ 10,837 M J.livnses 1M.7I17 70 1'ollco court tinea lf > , O.W ! W Total $ ] KlK8 ( M Transferred to bonl d of education. . . . IW.tijS 50 umuuY rusi > . Ilalancn May 17 8 5,01377 Tux collettloiis 4.UUI US 1'luen , etc. , ? ; I4 15 Total $ 10,10700 Warrants paid $ fl.Wl 4 Ualancu on b.viul ; i , ti 41 Total < . 10.1IJ7 IX ) RIDCWALK FU.M ) . nnltmroMay 17 * l.&IO fll Tax .collections. . . . : 11,211)10 ) Totnl : 12 , 0) Warrants paid. . . . . * 8.841 Oj llalunco cm hand. 4,01'J 04 Total S I2tw)0ll ) WATEU HUNT FUND. Balance May 17 $ Ifl.KE in Tax collections 1 , 'M 20 Total Warrants pnlil J 17.H71 20 llalnncu ou hand 2U,71r > It ! Total t IKyii-O ill ) Jl'DIIMCNl rtJXl ) . ItnlnnroMny 17 J 2fl,78S Tax i-ollculons . , If.OM ill Total $ : U,8707J Warrants paid $ nm W llnlancu on hund 33J,3 M Total , , $ oSSIfl 73 FIRE FUSU. nnlonroMny 17 . ' . . $ 4,987 3.1 Tux collect Ions 21.13T 41 Sale of old hoie , etc : * 79 08 Totnl $ ffll , n Ni Warrants pnlcl $ 18.20S 40 HixlttiK-o on liunrt : . . . . . 7W.1 iU ! Totnl $ 20.203 b5 roucn FUSIJ. nnlnnro Mnyl7 : * Mil 84 Uax collections W.tVW 12 Totnl $ 24.1(11 ( W Warrants paid , , S 12.772 7 llilUmoonlmud Total t 21 181 wi cuim , outrun AXD CLEVXIXO ruxi > . IlaliiwtOliiy 17 t H.Mil Oil Tax collect ions. , , v ia.27 81 buuilo * 117 * 1'J , Totnl t 2),7tirT4 ) Wnrrnnts paid f K.UVJ 3J IJaluucii on hand ! ! , ' . b4 Totnl , . , , , * 20.71H H VIADCCT KTSII. " Jlalftiice Muy 17 v. 313 78 Tax collection VK'6 ' U Total . . . . , . $ .1,707 VI Warrants pnliU i Tt4 47 Ilalancu ou bund , . . . , , . . Ul ) 41 Toltn ' . . . .I 1,7'J7 01 ' M'KCUL CASH rU.Stl. Itdlrtiice 17tb May f.n ) 00 Collectlonx , special penults 4)750 Colk'ctlou * , lent , . 1UO U ) Total , t 1,12760 Transferred to general fund I ( MM JluluDceon Uuud. , 4 ! W Totftl . . . . . . . . ! t 1,1-STfo * ' > Special Tin Collection * . / HlsTIIICT I'AVJSO 1'U.MIJ. fax collections t 9I.S30 20 At.LBT TAV1XO FUNDS , Tnx collf ctlona . | 4,12 37 HEW Kit FUNDS. Tax collections | 37.IS3 C5 crnn , n err kit A\I \VINO I rt'si > - . TAX collection * $ l,0tt ! 80 onum rt'MH. Tnx collections , t ZUJKa 33 ll.iVKNTI : : ! STIIIIUT VHDL'CT rt'M ) . Tax collections | 14,227(52 ( "I XTrnxl II STIIKKT VIUIL'UT FI'XIl. Tax collections f fi.i92 ; 14 Total . t 203,21)0 ) 41 \r.CI\l , WAIIHAXTS 1'AII ) . I'nvlnR bond fund . f 57.00150 Noith Omaha mjuer fund. . . , . . ; . Vyl- . " . ' in Smith Oinuha Saner fund . 24t > 74 fiB Kloventh street vlndtict fund . . 311 7. SlTteeenth street viaduct fund . 2.UI7 10 City bull fund . Ifi.'JTl 73 District puvliiK funds . 272 , < HtW Allovpnvlittr funds . 7,121 10 Cnrblnitnna Buttering funds . 41/171 70 OrndllnrfundH . lttSI7 hi Sewer funds . , . . , XO.WiS IK ) Total special warrants paid . J 51)1,51171 Mil.II. l > rocefdsof $ 4tt ,2M 05 roM.lXTIONs. Total amount of 8tlCS,7t9 W ToOal amount of.i $ 87 JOHN UUfii , Februniy" , ltS8. City Treasurer. AMUHKaiKNTS. AT r.OiO'STIliS ttECK. To-morrow tlio Howard Athcnenm Stnr company opens n two nights' engagement nt Ho.vd's opera house. This Is unquestionably n stoiiK attraction , much in the lead of the generality of variety companies. It otters an entertainment novel enough to nmuso the most constant theater-goes , varied enough to suit the most captious and suftlclcntly funny to make the most sober laugh to excess. The fun begins with Foreman and Meredith's "Lawn Tennis , " which is followed by Sweeney nud Kylnnd in their laughable net , the Irwin Sisters , und Ll/Jio D.illy. the most artistic dancer ou the vaudeville stage. Among the ether stars are Adams , Casey nnd Howard , Hooy nnd Dully , eceentiiu come dians und Itezeno and Uoblni , the grotesque gymnasts. The mysterious "Lc Coeon , " Is a wonder , und HurU , the magician , is always cordially received. The greatest nttractton of the season will , of course , bo the Uooth-Hnrrctt engage ment which begins at Uoyd's April 9 , und continues to the llth inclusive. Already Manager 13oyd is in receipt of hundreds of inquiries by mall with reference to the up- pu.irancu of these two renewed tragedians , and the prospects are thnt the attendance from abroad will exceed that of nny former dramatic festival. Excursion rates will bo granted on the different ro.ids for the citi zens of adjacent towns nnd cities , nnd there is every assurance that u great crush will bo the result. "OXLY A WOMAN'S unAiiT. " Next Wcdnesdny evening Miss Helen Blythi ? , a talented und bcnutlful young nc- trcss , will mnke her flrst uppearnnco before an Omaha audience ut Uoyd's opera house in a strong und intensely interesting melo drama entitled , "Only n Woman's Heart. " The pluv is of absorbing interest throughout , and thu company presenting it is said to bo above the average. The star of the produc tion , Miss Helen Hlytho , Is nn American girl , who has a bright future before her. Thor oughly earnest and conscientious her acting1 shows grent natural gifts , which have been won by hurd nnd intelligent study. The en gagement is for two nights. Mils. HtOTT SIDIIOXS. Appended is the programme of the selections to bo rend by Mrs. Scott Siddons nt the Grand opera house on next Tuesday evening : Scene from "As .You L.iko It , " Shakespeare ; "Tho Painter of Seville , " S. Wilson ; "Lovo in n H.illoon , " L. Mnsley ; "The Captive , " M. Y. Lewis ; "Sent by the Aiigols. " licv. F. Longbridgo ; "Anno. Hath- nwny , " E , Falconer : "Lost nnd Found , " Hamilton Aide ; "Amort Abigail's Advcn- turo , " U , E. Henry. TIIH HI1KX MU IE. The presentation of "Mascot" nt the Eden Museo the coining week will close the scries of operas that huvo been presented there. The production has been a highly successful onu , und has been the means of accomplishing what the management hnvo striven for , mak ing the Eden Museo u place of amuse ment tor the masses. In curio hall the coin ing week , Louando , styled the modern Hercules , appears. Ho accomplishes some wonderful feats of strength , nnd lifts .seem ingly impossible burden with the aid of his teeth alone. Uhodn , the beautiful illusion , is also presented on this floor among 'tho other new features. In theatorium No. 1 the Millar brothers present u series ot dioramio views , illustrating points of interest in Lon don , the world's metropolis. New features are presented in every department , und an entertainment of moro than ordinary merit will bo givun. TMK I'llESS RXTHI-.TAIXMEXT. Tickets nru now on sale for the Press club entertainment at Uoyd's opera house , and tlio box olllco will open on the 34th. Tlio pro gramme will bo given by strictly local tnlcnt , and piomiscs to bo the most novel , original nnd entertaining ever given in the city. Fol lowing is the programme : First part , minbtreis ; second part , the Madrigal quurtotto ; solos by Mr. Hovel Franco , Mr. 13. 13. Youne , Miss Pennell und the Mandolin quartette ; third part , n locnl- i/cd burlcsiuo , written by Mr. W. U. Good- all , entitled "Tho New Adonis. " lIltOTIl AXIMIAIlliKTT. These two famous tragcnlans will appear nt Boyd's opern house on the nights of April 7 , 10 nnd 11 , und n Wednesday mntinec. Dur ing their engagement Booth nnd Harrutt will produce "Julius CffisorHamlet , " "Mac beth , " nnd "Merchant of Venice. " Army News. General Hatch und daughter returned homo yesterday to Fort Robinson. The gen eral , It is understood , is ono of the gentlemen who may reasonably bo looked on as a suc cessor to General Terry in the event of the retirement of the latter. Ho is a brigadier general and is credited with brilliant achievements during the war. Ke.irnoy has boon stirring itself to secure the concentration of the regular troops of this state and contiguous sections for.tlm summer school of manojuvres and other exorcises , which is to bo held In n few months. It is churned for it that it has fresh water lakes , is ou the main line of the Union Pacific' , which would enable the tioops to bo readily dis patched to any section in case of danger , und Is besides wltnln about two hundred nnd fifty miles of nil the forts of Ouiuha , Sidney , Hussull , Robinson nnd Niobrarn. It is understood that several people nro getting ready to look for the selection of proi > orty bulongiug to them as the bite of the new Fort Omaliu whore the present ono shall bo disposed of. They are also expecting to icccivo hand-souio figures for the smnu. "It wouldn't surprise me u p.irticlo if General Sheridan cnmo out hero nnd selected the ground himself nnd paid what ho thought it wns worth which would not bo very much in vlow of the fnct that Chicago nnd Denver hnvo both given sites free for posts for thu govern ment. " said a citizen yesterday. "It would be strange , Indeed , " ho continued , "If Omaha pcoplo should expect pay whun ether places nro giving land for nothing. " I'cr.sonnl Paragraphs. H. J. Jones und wlfo , of Chicago , are nt the Paxlon. Mrs. S. N. Watson , of Chicago , -is at the Paxton. M. M. Parkinson , of Corning , In. , is at the Mlllard. David Moore , Ashlaud , Neb. , is nt the Mlllard. J. Harry Magcc , of Kansas City , is at the Millard. D. M. Lewis , Nebraska City , Neb. , is ut the Mlllard. H. S. Lipplncott , of Lincoln. Neb , , is at the Paxton. J. C. Hobinson nnd wife , of Uolcher , Nob. , nro ut thu Millard , Albert Patterson , Mnnncer of Knto Hens- berg company , is at the Millnrd. K. C. Morohouso und wife , of Missouri Valley , In. , uro at the Paxton. General G. O. Ncttleton and 'wife , of St. Paul , Minn. , uro nt the Paxton. F. N. . Dick und two daughters , of North Piutte , Neb. , uro nt the Pnxton. Messrs. J. L. Troboo. J. C. Post and C. P. lioynton , of Elwood , Neb. , are at thu Mil- lard. lard.D. D. Uutters , n vary genial ecnUomsm of Montreal , mid ono of the honvic&t exporter ) * of a-rain In the country Is In the city , . nnd will remain for a few days Inspecting the advantages whloii this section nltords. Ho has 'been very favorably impressed with what ho 1ms thus far seen of tills pm t ot the country. OMAHA WILL FLY THE FLAG , So Says a St. Paul Authority On Base BalL SPORTING IN VARIOUS ARENAS. How the AthlotoR Ainitflcit Themselves YestcrUuv Xlip Urcnt Walk lioenlHportHniul Gossip Future Kvonta. , Northwestern Sporting New * . ST. P.U't , , Feb. 0. [ Correspondence of the Hut : . ] All the imllcutloiia nt prcaent , point to n lively tlmo the coming sciison in the bnso hall world. The establishment of un American association , club In Kansas City territory occupied by n minor league club- Is looked uiKin by the minors us u violation of thu Hplrit , If not the letter , of the imtlonul aKrecmont , that grout oiio-sidud Instrument which gives everything to thu major leagues und leaves thorn to rustle for themselves , and then calls for ' 'protection. " It really looks to tin observer of events hi tlmbasoball world as though the whole echcme the grunting of so-called "reservation" to the minor leagues und the placing of n club in Kansas City In opposition to the Western league club had been cut and dried before the clqso of the lust tiluving season. So long as the two clubs In Kansas City let matters remain na they arc , things will un doubtedly go along smoothly enough ; but shouldahc now association club persist In its expressed determination to oust the West ern league club , und bring the matter before * that august body , the board of arbitration , a howl will go up from tliu minor leagues all over the country , such as was never heard before. Should the arbitration committee decide ) In favor of the new association club , it would undoubtedly bo one of the best things that over happened to the minor leagues of the country. Then they could or- guuizo among themselves , , draw up contracts with their players that will hold in the courts , and bid. dellanco to the major leagues nnd their protection. All this has been proposed by .lim Hart , the hustling manager of the Mil waukee club , nnd It would not bo surprising in the least to see some kind of movement among the minors before the season opens , toward organization. It has been lately discovered that the document - mont which gives the right of reservation to the minor league clubs is so worded that each league ( and not each club , us was supi > osed , ) is entitled to reserve but fourteen players. O. P. Caylor , one of the brightest base ball writers in the country , was the flrst to call attention to "tho Jumble of words , " as ho terms it. Of course the error was uninten tional , but were the minor leagues organized , they would bo somewhat more careful about paying out their good money for such "ques tionable" privileges us the above , before investigating them. Hut this question of protection and reservation generally resolves Itself down so that there is but one really feasible Hchcino left , and that is the "Millennium Plan" evolved by Editor Kichter , ' of the Sporting Life , the main features of which base ball readers In general uro familiar with. This plan will undoubtedly bo adopted by all the leagues of the country , in the course of time , which it is made to govern ; but it can easily bo adopted by the minor leagues , und its adoption would bo one of the wisest moves the miuor leagues ever made. All tulle of Mengcs jumping to the Ameri can association and Joining forces with the new club in the "Cowboy City" is unfounded , us ho has tiled his bond of good faith in the sum of $1UCO ( ) with Secretary Morton , and was the flrstuiembcrofthonewnssociation to do the same. Mcnges seems to hold the age on the dealus he has u good deal thostronger team.for the company ho is in than the new association can possibly get together ut this late day , and n winning team in the Western league would seem to bo prefcrablo to a semi-occasional winner in the American asso ciation. I met one of the numerous players who have been spending the winter in California this wcuk , und had quite n chat about his trip. Ho says that for a majority of the players the trip to the coast this winter was ono long-continued spree. The play ers run San Francisco to suit themselves. They could get drunk and smash windows and sidewalk signs , and if a policeman was in sight ho immediately dis appeared , for the arrest of u ball player for n trilling offense like the nbovo would have been folllowcd by the olllcer's immediate dismissal from the force. Games were thrown in certain cases , when the attendance began to grow light , and from other things that ho told me , it is no wonder that the Oalifornin season this year has been voted a failure. Duryca anu Vian , who were nlso on the coast this winter , the former with the Los Angeles club nnd the latter with the Philadelphia combination , arrived hero In time to take in the carnival. They both ex press themselves as having enough of Cali fornia to last them several seasons to como. Vian lias gouo to Cincinnati , with which club ho plays next season , and Duryca has gone to his homo at Osage , Iowa , where he will keep himself in trim until the April 1 , when the St. Paul club starts on n tour east nnd south , playing in Cleveland , Columbus , Cincinnati , Indianapolis , Louis ville , Davenport , and several other cities. This trip should give the boys sunlcient practice to be in good trim by the opening of the season , nnd ulso give thu management a good opportunity of placing the nioii to the best advantage. The sale of Billy Sowdcrs to the Boston club has weakened the St. Paul club a good deal more than thu management realize , I think , and just what kind of a flgurd the club will cut in the pennant race It Is hard to say. DCS Monies lias won the pennant al ready , in its newspapers , and I am afraid they will bo disappointed when the season clones next fall. They base their hopes on the batting ubilitv of their team , pointing out Stearns , Halllday , Macullar nnd Qulnn us tlio greatest quartette- heavy hitters that can bo found in any club m the league. Tills is nil true , taking past performances in to consideration , but how often has it be 'ii shown that a ball player's work ono season is a poor criterion to go by for the following ono. Instances without number can bo cited in support of this , and ttio noorcst player In n club this season may bo the star next. Be sides this Ilolliday nnd his two Topaka com panions will take considerable of n drop in their batting the coming season , or else I am greatly mistaken. They will find that the pitchers they will face this season are some thing better than third-class' twirles.and that is about what the western league pitchers of last season , as a whole , were. In support of this statement ono has but to compare the batting averages of the western league with tlioso of players in thu other leagues last season. In the western league no less than twentjvfour players had n batting average of over 400 per cent , while in no other league In the country wore there moro than ten players with n percent age above -100. Either the old Western league contained nvory poor class of pitchers or ulso It contained the largest number of phenomlnally hard hitters collected in anyone ono league in the country , Fitzslmmons , who was considered somewhat of a "star" in the Western league , occupied the box for the Northwestern league clubs part of two games the past season and in each instance ho was literally slaughtered , being knocked out of the box on both occasions. Hut I still maintain that Omaha will "fly the Hag" next fall , although I think the race will bo so close and exciting as the Western icaguo'3 patrons will wish to se. LOOKER-OX , Albert IV i mi the Huco. New YOIIK , Tcb. 11 , At (1 ( p. m , this evening - ing Albert made the 007th mile In the walkIng - Ing match appearing as fresh as ho did when ho began the race last Sunday night. At 7 ho niilshcd hla COSth mile. At 7lOMooro : hud covered MB miles , and at 7:1'J : Albert had laid IX > 0 miles behind him and wns going In good shape , occasionally breaking into n run nnd making his ClUth mile at a seven-mile gait , tying the record at 7'il : , 1 hour , 40 min ute * and SS , ' $ seconds ahnaa Fitzgerald's tlmo. Ho ran the (110th ( mile like a deer , Htoppinir high and without apparent effort. The Uwt milt ) was made in 11 minutes and 5 < K socondt. , A hiirging crowd followed him H'OIIJT encoring him OH , Aburt | wasii > rc- U&i.triil with'a handsome cuuo on his co- end Up , At 0 o'clock Dillon gave up the CJLVO wilt60A mile * and 0 laps \o \ 1 h's ' credit. Guerrero shared the honors of the evening with Albert * A friend of hK presented him with a polJ watch , nnd later1 ttnother admirer gave him n new beaver -overcoat. Hcrty , too , fared well , rcceiviAn'h suit of clothes nt8p. m. Allx > rtf8 pleajnre-as be broke the record , was somewhat nmriyjj by a brewing company serving him with an nttnchmcnt for12. > . At 8:2. : Strokel miMe his M5th mlle entitling him to share the gate' receipts. At 8f : > : t Nore- mao established , a claim to part of the gate receipts by covering KM miles. Guerrero left the track nt 8 . ' .VI with a score of & 54 miles , Hart stopped for , good ut 0:1U : p. in. with r IO'i. miles to his credit. Golden retired nt 'Jj.TO with n score bf r ! M / miles. .At 11:37 : Albert completed his (520th ( mile , ten miles nhcnd of the record. At 10 o'clock , the conclusion of the race , the score stood ! Albert , 031 * ; Ilnrty , 552 ! Rncrro , 5i4 } ; Hurt. 54(1 ( ; Golden , KM ; Moore , KU ; Strokol , f)4't ) ; Noromnc , 525 ; Dillon , JM ; Sullivan , IIS3) ) Taylor , ! C,8 ; Tilly , 320 ; Stout , An estimate of the gate moneys to bo re ceived by the men who covered 525 miles mid over is as follows : Albert , i-1,800 ; Herty , * ) , ( KK ) ; Olicrrco. * lUOO ; Hart , tWHf Golden , $720 ; Moore , * 'JO ; Strokel , $ J 'iO , and Noro- muclc * 340. Total , $11,570. The official re port Hhows that Albert covered t > 2l miles and 1.320 yards in 340 hours , und that ho rested 1'J ' hours and 22 minutes. Weir to Gltc Exhibitions. Mix.VKATOi.i3 , Minn. , Feb. U. [ Special Telegram to the BEK. ] It is quite probable that Weir has fought his last battle in Minn eapolis , for some tlmo to como at least , It was learned last night that arrangements might , however , bo made for a meeting in' this city between Weir nnd .Tack Havclln. , Weir is willing to moot Havolln in a twenty round match but declines to pay any atten tion to the latter's challenge for n finish fight for the present at least. A letter has been sent Hiwclin asking him If he would como to this city to meet Weir in n twenty round match , the winner to take 75 and the > loser 25 per cent of the gate receipts , but no reply bos been received. If Havolln should decline to accept the terms as above , It Is announced that Weir will go on the road , giving sparring exhibitions in charge of u Minneapolis manager. A clever light weight pugilist is to accompany Weir. The scheme is for each to meet men in their respective classes on the proposed route nnd to agree to stop all comers or forfeit n certain amount. The larger towns In Wisconsin , Illinois , Nebraska - ' braska , Kansas , Colorado and some of the territories will be visited. In Justice to Mr. Fnllon. In justice to Prof. Fallen it is only proper to state in connection with his wind-up at the athletic entertainment last evening with Tommy Chandler , that ho was utterly unflt for any exertion whatever , an'd it was against the urgent ndvico of his physician that ho sparred ut all. His looks plainly told that ho was u very sick man , jmd it looked very much as if Chandler took advantage of his weak condition. Ho this as it may , however , there is no disputing the fact that Fullon was in no condition for the work ho undertook and his consenting to ap pear at all was decidedly injudicious. But being averse to disappointing the public his anxiety got the best of his judgment. The entertainment was under Mr. Fnllon's per sonal supervision nnd ho was determined to bend every effort toward making it a success , which it was. t - Sullivan After Chandler. Patsoy Faljon called at the BEK offlco last night and announced his willingness to back Mr. James Sullivhn , of Boston , to the extent of $1,000 , to flphtTomtnv Chandler a stipul ated number , , of , rounds or to a finish , and within six weeks after the signing of articles of ngreeuient' ' . ' _ Chnmllcr and Sullivan. Ed Rothery thinks Tommy Chandler Is about the best man of his class in Nebraska , and he wants to put up $1,000 that he is right. As this morning's BKI : already contains a challenge from Jim Sullivan , of Boston , there is no doubt he will bo accommodated. JACKSONVILLE . , Feb. 11. The five- mile sculling race at Punta Gordo to-day was won by Teenier in 41:10 : ; McKay second , in 41 :50. : Hamm's boat became water-logged on the second turn. The water was very rough and the distance , as estimated , about six miles. The Creche Ball. Not the "fourth annual charity ball , " as , through some misapprehension , was the head ing of the programme , but the first and only crecho ball , unique and original , undertaken nnd carried out by n committee of two ladies who were chosen by tno board of trustees of the Omaha Charity associations , the objects of whoso work are "to provide a homo for the children of working women , n day nursery , n kindergarten for poor children and n train ing school for house girls , " and the corner stone of whoso platform is non-sectarian , nonpartisan - partisan , cosmopolitan. This crocho ball was given for the purpose of raising funds for the erecting of a suitable building for these objects. That there is a demand for such a homo has been amply proved by the number of applicants within the last two months. During this time suven children have boon taken Into the homo for weekly board and as many moro refused for want of accommodations. When it is understood that our temporary homo consists of but ono room , about loxlS feet , and that two persons arc re quired to look after the little ones , it will bo evident that wo have stretched our ideas of charity to their very utmost. It is hard to refuse to take the children of penniless mothers who must work or starve unless some charitably disposed person will provide for them , but this wo are now com pelled to do for want of room. The house wo propose to build will cost about 55,000. Our board has solicited about $1,500 in cash nnd much material for building. The city has given the use of the lot on the corner of Nineteenth und Hnrnoy streets for ten years. To add to this sum , the ball of last Tuesdny evening was given. It lias netted us $003.43. While it has been a full realization of our hopes financially , it has nlso proved ono of the most delightful social occasions Omaliu has over enjoyed. It was llko n private party on a grand scale , ns select ns the most fastidious could have desired and democratic and genial as the most hospitable could wish. If it has not overflowed our treasury with dollars , it has advertised our cause and created a public sentiment in our favor so that in the future , wo have only to tap the generosity of the citizens of Omaha and our needs will bo filled trom its abund ance. To the energy our committee nnd to the efllciency of these whom they called to their assistance , woowo'tho success of the ball. Miss Kimball , nided , by Mr. Bisbeo , with swift organization tuio/eliallod her forces and planed the undertaking. She being unex pectedly summonsed to California , Mrs. Orr was left ulon6'on'tho committee. With heroic fidelity she complitbd the managements , Mrs. General CrooK bwing her faithful ally and holier in maiiy ways. To these , tlpi committee on invitations and to Mrs. ,1. M. Woolworth , chairman of the supper couimliVep and to her assistents , to Mrs. Kountzc. chairman of the reception com mittee and to her assistants , to Lieutenant Greene , chairman of the floor committee and his assistants ' ti > ' Lieutenant Kiinnon who grntultuously' dol-orated the hall with the stars and stripes' of the U. S. A. and to his assistants , to Mr. Pnrker , the llorist , who added palms jnnd smilax , to Mr. Kitchen , of the Pavton , - who not only furnished ten waiters but gave his personal as sistance , to Mr. Swobo , of the Mlllard who furnished two waiters , to Messrs. Berlin Horbaclc , Clarke , to Mr Seavey , chief of po lice , to Bliss & Isaacs , to Dawoy & Stone , to Mr. Forby , to Mr. and Mrs. Andewon and to manyothcis for kind services and for ma terials wo tender thanks. And last , but not least , to the press of Omaha , who have gra tuitously and constantly kept our cause before fore the eyes of their readers , we offer our grateful acknowledgments. Ono word moro To these ladles who stood shivering In the cloak-room because they were refused their wraps without the forthcoming "quarter , " wo would say : It was entirely without our knowludgo or Intention. ! s'one of the money taken nt the windows of the chock-room came Into our hands' . It wasu private lUmncial bchcino for which wo uro not resliuiihiblu ami which met with pur disap probation-and was sUrppcd as ' .soon as ills- coveicd. , r.i.i/.Mii'.lli G. MLNIUIIII , Socieldry of the Omaha Cburlly AssVn. A CAS BILL ORDERED PAID , The Council Wrangle Over the Just ness of the Gltvhn. LEE SAYS ITS. A BIQ STEAL. Ho Fights For n Imw Suit and Is Downed lljr A Narrow Vote Special Election to lie Hold In March. Saturday Night In Council. Councllmnnlo eloiinnnce wns on draught nt the chambers last night , and for nearly two hours the members wrangled nnd fought be fore reaching n final understanding us to the disposition to bo made of the long standing bills against the city of the gns company. Councilman Leo fought hard to have the whole matter thrown into the courts for ad justment , nnd others of the members were divided us to how to handle the vcxntlous problem. The wrangle was precipitated by the committee- gas and .electric light making tliolr final report , whlcl wns not read , however , until after Councilman ICas- pnr reported back verbnlly the ordinance for voting $100,000 sewer bonds , nnd retmested thnt the clause that the election bo held February 37 bo stricken out and the words March 'M substituted. The request was complied with , ns was a similar ono effecting the ordinance authorizing the issuoof 1100,000 of bonds for intersection paving. Then the committee on gas nnd clcctno lights reported in favor of allowing the claim of the Omaha gas manufacturing company , amounting to $45,503.57 , which amount they recommended bo placed In the general appropriation ordinance. The report was based on the recommendation of the city attorney thnt it bo paid. Councilman Kicrstead said that he would like to hear the expressions of the councilmen - men on the claim before it was allowed. Councilman Lee retaliated by saying that the subject was n fruitful one , und made reference to the broken promises nnd agree ments entered into between the city and the United States Improvement Gas company nnd the Omaha Gas Manufacturing company. He denounced the whole matter ns n steal , nnd had the clerk read n report of the gas committee of the council submitted and passed by that body in 1SS6. The speaker maintained that if the gas company was legally entitled to the bill it should take it into court , nnd light it out there. But instead of this the comimny had srono into politics and secured nn administration thnt was favor able to them. Mr. Lee , in conclusion , moved that the claim bo referred to n special com mittee of five , together with the city attor ney. Councilman Alexander seconded the motion. Councilman Ford nroso and re marked that it was queer that the council from week to week , year in and year out , kept on ordering the gas company to put up now lights , etc. , if they didn't recognize the contract of the city with the Omaha gas light company , as Coun cilman Lee wanted to make him and the rest of the councilmcn believe was not in oxlst- nnco. The reason that ex-City Attorney Connell - nell had in the past fought the gas company , Ford insisted was based on Council's deadly hatred for the company. Councilman Lee Council hates all kinds of robbers. Councimnn Hnscall sustained the gas com pany , nnd deplored the fnct that it was being kept out of its money through spite nnd hatred. The contract with the company was a genuine ono , nnd it should bo paid. Councilman Munville informed the council that his report was based on an opinion from the city attorney. Ho was satisfied that the gas company had the best of the present con tract , and when another contract was made next October Manvlllo proposed seeing to it that the city had u little the best of it. Councilman Leo insisted that the city had no contract with the Omaha gas com pany , for Mr. Connell had decided that the company had broken it by consolidat ing with the United States Gas Improvement company. He presented a report from the comptrolcr which shows that the gns com pany is entitled to only $3J,000 , which was the claim up to December SI , Ib87. Councilman Kiurstcad asked for n vote on Councilman Leo's previous motion that u committee of five bo appointed to consider the claims. Councilman Hnscall ngnln insisted that the claim should bo settled at this meeting. The council could not expect to bo burning the company's gas nnd not bo paying anything for it. Something should bo allowed , and it should bo tnken out of the Judgment fund. Councilman Kicrstead inquired U the coun cil could legally order money paid out of the judgment fund before suit was commenced. Councilman Hascall replied that ii could. Councilman Alexandcrsaid that it occurred to him that a legal technicality existed , and ho was anxious to have the courts determine whether the city's contract existed with the Omaha GM company or the United Stntci Gas Improvement company. The city attorney , tiixiii being called uiwn , informed the council thnt the buying of the majority of the stock of the Omaha gns com pany by an Individual , presumably In the In terests of the United States pis improvement company , did not ivnlldato the Omaha gas company and consequently did not invalidate nnv contract the city might have with the said Omnhn pas company. In reply to n question , the city attorney said thnt the city had no contract with nny gns company other than the Omalin corx | > ration. Further ho know of no ordinance In existence ) regulating the price of gas for gas lamps. There was such nn ordinance proposed , but Id did not jmss , the council J > plng n tie upon it when it came up for adoption. Moreover ho could not say whether the bill of the gas company was coarect or not. Councilman Bedford said that ho was In favor of Mr. Leo's motion , but ns a matter of business principles ho moved that the coun cil order the payment of the claim of the company based on the comptroller's rcHirt | , SW.OOO , nnd if the company was not satisfied with that lot it curry the ease Into court mid sue for the claim. Ho ex pected in lieu of sucli.action It would disclose the Omaha company's relations with 'the United States company , whoso headquarters were in Philadelphia nnd who , ns ho WHS nwaro from his own knowledge , were al ways , nnd had to be , consulted in reference to business transactions. Councilman Klorstcnd was in favor of pay ing the company nt least $42,000 , for ho felt the city owed it , but argued ns there wa not n full council It ought to go ever for ono week for further consideration. Councilman Hascall moved that the report of thu committee be adopted. Tito president flrat put the motion , or amendment , of Councilman Bedford , thnt the company bo allowed $ .12,000 , In nccord- nncu with the comptrollur's report. This was voted down by n standing vote , Alexan der , Bedford , Hurnhnm and Lee favoring it , nnd Bailey , Boyd , Ford , Hnscall , Klerstcad , Lowry , Manville and President Bechct op * posing. Councilman Leo nskcd for the ays and noes , as It was voting money nwny and it was important , It was to see whether the city was to be robbed out of $10,000 or not , by a lot of Philadelphia dudes who were ' at present in iwascsslon of the gas work's. The president refused to accede to Mr. Leo's request , nftgr a heated exchange of compliments. Their there wns another exchange of opin ions in regard to adopting the report of the committee , which was done by the appended vote : Ayes Boyd , Ford , Ilascall , Lowry , Manville villo , Van Camp , Mr. President 7. Nays Alexander , Bailey , Bedford , Burn- had Kicrstead , Lee 1 > . The appropriation ordinance for .Tnnuary amounting to $107,183.09 wns read tlio third tlmo by" title and passed. The two ordinances providing for submit ting to the legal electors of the city of Omaha at n special election to bo held In said city on the 20th day of March , IhSS , for issuing $100- 000 bonds of the city of Omaha for the con struction nnd maintenance of sewers in said city , nlso a llko amount to pay the cost of paving in front of real estate not subject to nsscssment or special taxes for paving pur poses , were read the third time nnd passed , after which the council adjourned , Y. M. O. A. Notes. The gospel meeting this afternoon will bo led by Knox Bondo. Good singing nnd an interesting meeting mry be expected. The programme nt the lyccuni meeting Tuesdny evening will bo nn essay and n debate - bate upon "Homo Uulo in Ireland. " The regular monthly meeting of tlio * asso ciation will bo held on Monday evening nt S o'clock. There nro n number of applications for membership to bo acted uuon and ether matters of importance will como before the mooting. Prof. Kratz will meet the class In vocal music on Thursday evening and give a pre liminary lesson preparatory to taking up the course. The ladies of the Seward street Methodist church will assist in giving a reception next Friday evening to the clerks in the various dry goods stores in the city. HofrcMiuicnts will be served and an entertaining pro gramme given. _ A Wreck on the Omaha. Ln Suiiun , Mich. , Fob. 11. An east bound freight on the Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapo lis & Omaha went through n bridge a milo west of Blakoly this morning. Eight cars were ditched and hnvo delayed the express. Men have been working all day clearing the track. Petty Thieves Publicly AVlilppril , Wn.MixfiTov , Del..Fob. ll.--Sovcn negroes nnd six whites convicted of petit larcenies were whipped with from five to ten lashes at Newcastle this morning. Could Heading Homeward. LONDONFob. . 11. Jay Gould left Alexant dria on his yacht Atlanta yesterday. Ho will proceed from Liverpool in a steamer of the Cunnrd line. He hopes to bo at homo in. a month. Ho is anxious to return to work. DRESSMAKERS WANTED ! . TO INVESTIGATE THE KELLOGG- French Tailor System OF DRESS CUTTING. Now Hcing Taught nt No. 020 North 10th Street , Under the porsonnl mmvigement of Mmo. Kcl- IORK. Inventor anil iwtentou of tills celebrated 8yitem or Dross Cutting. Itumomber jou pny not hint ; for system or In- MructUms until you uru iiblo to cut , mid busts your drots < " < without rellttlnjr. llo\vitr of 1ml- tatloni. Never li'nrn nny chins , models , or mnclilnes. Ask merchant tailors \vlmt they Use In cuttlni ; mcn'H vUithlni : : loam wlmt they Hue , nnd you 111 obtain thulr icsults. Sucli Is the Hullofri ; Kiencli ' 1'nilor nyntcm , using a tailor's wooden hquuro nnd scnlo. Chraix'st nnd Host System Ever Invented ! J2tX > toMXn ( dny to nit ladles out of employ ment. Tenclicrs Kent to nil pat t.s of the country. Cull for troutlsu ou Dress Cutting. Free. Address , Mme. KELLOGG , Hotel Esmond , Omaha , Neb , AMUSEMENTS Crand Opera House EXTRA. MARCH 1,2 and 3 , THE CARLETON HOUSE Monday and May , Feb. . 13 and 14 THE BOSTON HOWARD ' Atheneum Specialty COMPANY. 25 ARTISTS 25. Selected from the best nrtlsts of Kurope and America , Secure scats nt bovolllcc. DIME EDEN MUSEE , WEEK of FEB. 12. Every department filled with new features this week. In Curio Hall LOWANDA : Marvelous Man of Might , This marvelous ninn lifts , with the nid of his teuth uloiio , a cask contiiiin/j ) / 52 pal Ions ot water , with four rami seated astride ofit. The cable contents und ridori weighing nearly three-fourths of a ton. RHODA , The Beautiful Mystery , Puzzle for tha Curious , . Living Head Without a Body , RHODA. Attraction Direct from Eden Musee , New York , ill THE HISTORY OF A CRIME ai CRIMEo CD Last Week of the Trunk Mystery. Last Week of Guitana , the Begum. London Punch and Judy and a. Host of Novelties. Thoatnrinm kin I New Art Entertaiment from Crystal Palace , Miller SlirfdiUllUlH nUi Ii Brosr. Dioramic Views of London. BIJOU THEATRE. Andrau's Ever Popular Comic Opera , Hy our own Juvei.ilc Co. UtcrytUinv JlfJghi una New. Doors open 1 to 10 p. in. l0ct Admits to all. lUc. Cbutivi , 6s and 10 <