Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 12, 1888, Page 6, Image 6

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    THE SUNDAY , Bftk FEBRUARY 12. i888. TWELO } PAGES ,
Delivered \ > y currier in any pnrt of the city at
twentyccntftper cek.
wiNKM OrrifK , No. 4.1.
imiT KniTQH N'
N. Plumbing Co.
Keller , tnllor , Full Roods cheap.
Money to loan on Improved city prop
erty by'W. S. Cooper , 1'IOMnln street.
Good coal , full weight .guaranteed.
C. B. Luinbct.fompuny , 000 Main street.
Marshal Ouunclla is bu y serving no-
tircs of Hpecial assessment on property
owners for the ijriuliiiR of Broadway.
A Htruy mid runaway team was found
on the aii-coln by t/he / police yesterday
morning nncl placed in a stable to awuit
afl owner.
M. A. Hoiiffh , of CruHcent , is suffering
from perious injtiricH caused by fnlliin , '
with ii broken ladder. His breast bone
in fractured and his recovery will bo
The remains of Mrs. Van Pelt ar
rived bore liwt evening and were taken.
to the residence of her daughter , Mrs.
lame A. Miller , No. 805 , Second avenue.
The funeral services will be held to-day
at 2 o'clock j ) . in , , from Unit residence.
The name of John Churchill is pre
sented by his friends as alderman at ,
largo. Ho is resident of the Fourth
ward , and the claim is made ( with some
justice , it is true , ) that from the fact of
the number of its residents it is enti
tled to double representation.
The Council HlulTs "Macnnerchor"
gives its annual masquerade ball in the
Masonic temple to-morrow evening.
The committee of arrangements con-
Bists of L. Klrscht , Christ Striiub , Christ
Paul , L. A. Bergman. A. Rink , Emil
Duorr , K. Hosch and K. Sperling.
Two of the Council Bluffs youths ,
Walter Swanson and Nina , Swunson ,
having their sympathies touched by the
bufferings of Lena Woerbecke , the
little orphan MI badly frozen in the
Nebraska bli//ard , yesterday gathered
up by a subscription nupcr $8. ! ! " > , which
was brought by them to the Biu : otllco
last evening.
About two weeks ago it was announced
by some of the city papers that the
Manawii hotel had been leased to
Messrs. Swan & Harmon , who would
operate itduringtheprcsentyear. Such ,
however , is not the fact. Negotiations
were in progress to that end , but they
have not as yet been consumatcd. Mr.
Harmon is absent in Michigan , and the
matter will not bo decided until after
liis return.
City Woighmiihtor , W. S. Amy , will'
again enter the race to bo bis o\\n suc
cessor to the otllco. He has held the of-
fieo during the past two years against
all the opposition brought to boar
against him. He has had little protec
tion from the city ollicials , and lias held
"his place by strict attention to business
and the faithful discharge of his duties.
It seems as though such qualities should
win their reward.
In defending the title to Fairmount
park the city's attorneys have exper
ienced difficulty in not having a com
plete abstract of property. Learning
this fact Messrs. Kimball & Champ have
had an abstract prepared and yesterday
they presented it to Solicitor Holmes ,
for the city. It is u neatly bound vol
ume of twenty-two pages , closely writ-
ton. If gotten in the regular way it
would have cost about S.'ttM ) . The pres
ent is invaluable to the city , and this
enterprising lirni deserve special tlmnks
for their energy , enterprise and liber
Last evening Abe Lincoln post , G. A.
It. , met in tvu old-time camp lire. The
proceedings wore interesting to an out
sider , and doubly so to the old soldiers
who ' 'fought , bled' and died , "and wore
honorably discharged. When the tales
of heroic action had l.'V'n told and the
old war songs had been sling , a halt was
culled , and while the post was at
"parade rest" one of the number , in be
half of his comrades , presented past
commander , Major II. ( J. Barnes , with
an elegant gbld-licadcd cane. The boys
guaranteed it to bo a typo of peace and
fully able to bear the weight of any
reasonable number of declining years.
Money to loan. W. S. Cooper.
Union Abstract Co. , 230 Main st.
Personal P
Dr. E. L. Cook , of Macedonia , is at
the Bechtolo.
C. H. Converse , the Oakland attorney ,
is in the city attending court.
Mrs. James MeNaughton is again
able to bo out , and it is thought sbo
will rapidly regain her strength.
Mrs. Max Molin , wife of the proprie
tor of the Creston house , was able to bo
over her room yesterday for the first
time in four weeks.
D. Hoist's family returned with him
from California. The son is much bet
ter than lie was. Mr. Hoist brought
with him , and bus on exhibition at the
Kiel house a pomegranate , raised in
China , weighing two and a half pounds.
It looks like u huge orungo and would
readily pass as sucli wore not Mr. Hoist
too honest to allow the delusion.
If you want to save money go to Hark-
nois Bros. , 401 Broadway.
Xo Money in AVhisky.
Henry Thcder and Andrew Schwcn-
Bon , of Minden , who have been trying
to run saloons in a prohibition state , are
having much trouble. They were
lately arrested and taken to Oakland ,
where they wo.o tried before a jury.
They wore found guilty and fined sev
eral Hundred dollars each. Thcdor is
in jail hero , and the other is out on
ball as ho purposes to appeal. Yester
day injunctions wore issued against
them. The one against Thcdor was a
temporary writ. The other was a per
manent injunction , and the attorney
foes were taxed up at $75 , so that the
poor follow will have to pay both his at
torney and the one , who prosccutedliim.
Neither of the men have boon in busi
ness longer than a few months , and the
balance shoot is rather heavy on the
loss sido. The attorney prosecuting
these cases is C. II. Converse-of Oak
land , and the attorneys for the defense
Culllson , Smith & Turner of Ilarlau.
The Union Pnulflo Bridge Hiitos.
The Union Pucillo railway company
bus prepared a schedule of ferry , train
and wagon bridge rates between Coun
cil Bluffs and Omaha. They go into
effect on the 20th instant and are as fol
lows :
Ferry Cars. Wagon Bridge ,
Foot passengers , each. . W
Ono homo uml riiler , . . . - " > U
Ono-horso vehicle ! I3
Two-horse vehicle SO 3 :
Thrco-horso vehicle..75 M
Four-horso vehicle W ) Ct
Extra horses , ouch ' > ' U
Cue man free with )
each vehicle. EaehV23 ' K
extra ntuu. ) . .
Hones , mules and I 0-i > ' ' . \r
cattle , i > er head
Bbcep and hogs , p
Private Parties Want to Wrest It
From the Public.
A IHufnte on a Itanch Dolnga 'n '
Court GninlilliiR Dens The New
llcjjlstry haw To-Day' *
Fight IHK For a I'nrk.
The first skirmish in the Fairmount
park case occurred yesterday morning
in the superior court. The question as
to whether the city has rightful title to
Fall-mount park , or whether the shadow
of a doubt rests upon it , is the one to bo
determined. It is evident that Wright ,
Baldwin & Haldeno , the law firm fight
ing the city in this case , is bound to
make as strong a showing as possblo ,
and if possible to wrest this beautiful
park from the city. If not it is proba
ble that they hope to rnlso such u cloud ,
that the city will be glad to spend a few
thousand dollars in clearing it away.
"Whatever the result of the litigulion
may bo , it is certain that the city park
commissioner ! ) will fight to the bitter
end to preserve the city's rights to the
In court yesterday there was a good
deal of sparring , but the battle wus not
really commenced. There were motions
and countor-molions to llx up the issues
so as to go ahead with the consideration
of the merits of the case itself. Mr.
Iluldeno was on ono side , while upon
Ihu other were Mr. l'usoy : Mr. Burke
and Mr. Holmes. The suit is not against
the city , but against the owners of lots
before they condemned the property for
park purposes. The city wants to bo
made a parly to the suit , for it is the
real defendant. Thosuit broughtugainst
the lot owners is a ono sided onons they
are scattered , and would not care to
light the case , even if the know about
it. The rity , which is. the real de
fender , docs not care to have the suit
decided in favor of Wright , Baldwin &
Haldonc by default , and hence it wants
to bo put in the place of thu man of
straw , Motions to this olToct tire Hied ,
and those preliminaries are to bo lirst
fought over boforooithorsidc gets down
to the real question as to who owns
Fairmount park.
There was little accomplished yester
day. The lawyers spent nearly the
forenoon in gelling their motions in
shape , aud then the matter was laid
over until next Wednesday.
On the market for over twenty years.
Still the most reliable and the -most
popular sewing machine made. The
light running Domestic. Olllco 10-5
Main st.
Travelers Stop at thu Bechtolo.
A lllulllto Un a Hunch.
Mr. C. K. Froidman , formerly of Odcll
Bros. & Co. , i3 now on a ranch near
Pine BlulYsVyo. . , seeking health and
strength. lie is by no means forgotten
by his Council Bluffs friends , and they
will bo glad to learn that his health is
improving. Some of his frio.nds hero
have bcun sending him some delicacies
to relieve the monotony of the ranch
menu , and in a private letter acknowl
edging their receipt ho says : ' 'The
ranch cuisine is too rich for a delicate
stomach like mine ( with grease ) , and I
am commencing to sigh for civilization.
It is all right for folks to como out for a
week or two and enjoy 'roughing it , '
but when ono stays for good , or next
thing to it , the novelty wears
oil , and loaves ' fried beef
steak and fried everything in
its terrible reality. I think these
cowboys would fry the eolToe , if they
could. When I am able to do anything
I must stay out doors while I work , and
so shall probably scratch for a living as
a granger. I may devote my finest
thoughtaud deepest research to
chickens. I have succeeded in persuad
ing them to lay one more egg each day
than on the preceding ono , and have the
score up to nine. I think chickens I
can round up and cut out better than
cattle for aear , or two , and their dispo
sitions are more gentle. Besides , I am
fond of eggs. I like them almost any
way. I shall probably like them best n't
155 conls a do/en when I take the addled
ones to market. When I got sufficiently
bettor I shall perhaps start an agricul
tural paper. 1 like the newspaper busi
ness , it boiig my llr-.t love , and I have
been , and am still , contributing an in
tensely interesting series of articles on
the 'Wild West' to the Dan bury News ,
my old paper. It beats nil what crime
a man will lend himself to , but I must
do something to occupy all my store of
gray matter ; and , then , ! am so faraway
from all the readers that I feel safe. "
F. d'Urrc , 828 Avenue A , being about
to remove to California , will dispose of
a very line piano worth $ I5U ! , by radio on
March 17 , at the Manhattan. Litllo
Annie Clark of Avenue A. will draw the
lucky number.
Shoufo loans money on real estate.
More Ilobtiery than Gambling.
Whenever anything is said through
the press to the effect that the gambling
hells of the city are yet operating in
defiance of law and under the very
noies of the police , the whole light
lingered fraternity rise up and with ono
accord declare the statement untrue ;
that the rooms are used as social card
rooms ; that no liquor is Hold and no
gambling going on ; that the places are
conducted quietly aud there is no just
cause for complaint. Of all the rooms
that wore operating six months ago , but
one .has suspended its gambling ar
rangements. All the others are run
ning whenever suckers enough can bo
found to make up a game. Liquor is
sold and rumpnsscs and lights are by no
means of rare occurrence. Within Iho
past two weeks there have been two
drunken brawls , and but for the res
pectability of the associalcs of the prin
cipals , their names would have graced
the police docket. In ,0110 case a man ,
evidently a stranger in the city , got
into a "pluggor" game , and when ho
kicked because ho was being robbed , ho
AN as knocked down and kicked out of the
buck door into the alloy. Most of the
places are run on the "plug" plan.
Professional gamblers , fighters and all
round crooks are hired , and from to a
half a dozen are on hand at all hours of
day and night to llocco the unwary , fill
him up with whiskey ( or drgusjand
"knock him out" if the occasion re
quires it to bo done. The second case
occurred on Friday night last. Two
young men , well 'known in sportintr
circles had been "bucking tub tiger"
and had lost. Ono of the losers . .al
leged a crookedness In the deal and for
his pains was set upon by two hired
toughs and knocked out in short order.
That this course of things is being
carried oil with the full knowledge of
Iho police ot the city , and in a sense
under their fspionugo is openly alleged.
.Such u condition ot things is a , disgrace
: o the city , but that the city Is powerless'
to remedy the evil is not to bo believed.
There are citizens enough In this city ,
men good and true , Who , working con-
cerledly , can elect a city council who
will oee that the law is enforced and
and these sink holes closed Up. Let It
DO done.
Ono thousand head of ono , two and
three-year-old steers for sale. Will give
credit to reliable parties. Enquire o
A. J. Greennmaycr.
A fine corner lot on lower Broadway
for this wcok'only. Johnston & Van
Patten , 8IJ Main street.
The now registration law will take
the place of the other in governing the
coming election , which takes plnco
March 5. Under this new law the vo
ters whcTso names were on the registry
list-last spring , will not need to be re
registered , Ihoso names being copied
onto the now books by the board. The
board will moot on the 2Hd and 24th for
the registering of votors.and then meet
again on the ! Jd of March. The board
will also bo in session on the day of elec
tion , but only such voters as wore ab
sent from the city during the previous
chances to register , and those who have
become naturalized since the last pre
vious meeting of the board can register
on election day , and they will have to
swear in their vote ? .
The following are the places for reg
istry and voting :
First ward John Hammer's store.
For registering on election day , .Ten-
ning's barn.
Second ward Dohany's livery stable.
For registery on election day , city
marshal's olllco.
Third ward Dr. Stewart's offlco , No.
4t5 Fourth street. For registry on elec
tion day , Hattenhaur's carriage factory.
Fourth ward , First precinct No. 5:55 :
Broadway. For regibtrv election day
King & Company's store , No. 540
Fourth ward , Second precinct Kcl-
loy house , No. 1212 Main street. For
registry on election day , Sandwich Man-
turing company's warehouse.
E. II. Shcafo loans money on chattel
security of every description. Private
consulting rooms. All business strictly
confidential. Ofilce 600 Broadway , cor
ner Main street , up-stairs. _
If you desire to pet a new Hall typo writer
cheap , drop n postal card to H. A. P. , Une
ofllcc. A great bargain for the lirst who
applies. _
Services anil Sermons.
The following announcements are
made in regard to the churches and re
ligious organizations of the city :
Preaching by the pastor at lOtfO-n. m.
and 7liO : p. m. ' Subject for morning ;
"Growth. " For- evening ; "Not Far
From the Kingdom of God. " Scuts free.
All cordially welcomed.
SAINTS' ciiuucii.
There will be services as follows :
Prayer and testimony at 10:30 : a. m. ;
Sabbath-school at 12. Rev. M. II.
Forscutt will preach at 7t : : < i o'clock p.
in. The public are cordially invited.
Services to-day , morningand evening.
Preaching by the pastor. Morning sub
ject : "Spiritual Relationship. " Even
ing : "Building Up. " .A cordial invita
tion is extended.
Divine services to-day at 1045 ; a. m.
and 7:80 : p. m. Sunday-school at 12:16. :
Young men's bible class at 12:15. : Ser
mon topics , morning : "Tho Conlllct
Between the Church and the World. "
The last sermon in the course on Tols
toi's great book , "My Religion. " The
Brotherhood of St. Andrew will wel
come all visitors at evening service.
Young men and strangers always cor
dially welcomed to these services. T.
J. Mackay , rector.
The Rev. Father O'Shea , the ro-
demptorist missionary , arrived in the
city yesterday morning from Storm
Lake , where ho has been giving a mis
sion for IJev. Father Smith. Ho is the
guest of his old friend , Father Mc-
Monomy. and will remain over Sunday.
Ho will preach at the high mass to-day
and will lecture at 7M : o'clock to-night
in the church. Mubjcct , "Tho Infalli
bility of the Pope , as Proved from the
Protestant Bible. " A collection will be
made at the lecture for the boiielit of
the Irish National league.
Revival services conducted by the
pastor at 10:30 : a. , in. and 7:30 : p. m.
Meetings will bo continued during the
week. Great interest is being mani
fested , and many are being saved.
Come. -
Y. 31. C. A.
Yes , the Y. M. C. A. rooms are open
every Sunday from 3 to 0 o'clock and
there will bo a gospel mooting for men
at 4. You are all invited. Good music
and good singing. All free.
Dot UK" ol' Court.
Yesterday morning Judge Thornoll
received a telegram Jrom Sidney , his
homo , which stated that his wife's
mother was in a dying condition. In
view of this fact an adjournment was
taken and the judge took the first train
for home. His return on Monday is
doubtful. Juugo Carson is in the city
and will preside in case his associate
docs not return in time to open court ,
The February session at Avoca begins
on Tuesday , Judge Loufbourow presid
ing. It had been arranged that ho waste
to preside during the trying of the Coff-
mnn case. The proceedings wore begun
while Thornell was district attorney ,
which barred him from presiding in
the case.
It is doubtful if the Richardson-Scott
cnso , which is now on trial , will bo con
cluded by Tuesday , the time set for
hearing the Coffman case. Should
Judge Thornell's absence bo prolonged ,
matters will bo somewhat complicated.
The Two
The ladies who are associated to
gether under the mysterious letters
"P. E. O. " cleared over $ -50 Dy the sup
per they spread for the purpose of securing -
curing funds to furnish a room in the
Cottage hospital. None outside of the
members seem to have any inkling
what the name of the secret society is ,
beyond the initials , but it matters little
tlo , so long asof \ \ purposes are appar
ent by their moving along such philan
thropic line s. The supper give by the
Indies was a bountiful and very tempt
ingly arranged ono. The tables were
beautifully spread. The ladies very
kindly remembered St. Bernard's hos
pital "also , sending down there a quan
tity of provisions and delicacies.
St. Bernard's hospital was also given
substantial assistance by the St. Monica
society , which is composed of the load
ing ladles of the Catholic church. They
called at the hospital in goodly num
bers , and left various donations , It is
the purpose of the society to give such a
donation monthly to this hospital. The
sisters are doing a noble won ? , and they
merit public encouragement and sup-
port. With two such worthy hospitals
started it seems that the generous 'citi
zens need bo in no sluto of hesitancy
about the .giving of. money and meuus to
care for the' sick and suffering , as such
money and menus will surely bo wisely
distributed through either institution.
Sweeping HcdiictlonH.
Wool blankets 20 per cent off , under
wear 25 per cent off , wool goods 20 per
cent off , ut Hnrkncss Uros. , 401 Broad-
Wh t'B In Nnnic ?
"Can you tell mo whore the transfer
is' ? " Inquired n gentleman of the BKK
man yesterday. Then ho continued :
"I am a stranger in the city , but I have
read the papers published hero for years
and have felt tolerably -well acquainted
with Council Bluffs and Omaha. I must
confess , though , ! have no Idea whether
the transfer is in this city or Omaha , or
at some point miles from cither of
them. "
The reporter indicated the location
of the place inquired for and in the con
versation that ensued he received a ,
"pointer" which Boomed to bo a goo'd
one.It is true that the papers refer to the
Union Pacific transfer depot in that
general way that gives to the stranger
no detlnite idea. Of course the local
population understand the phrase , but
inasmuch as the other fact is true would
it not bo well in writing or speaking of
that place to give Its full name ? "Tho
city Q. P. yards" would localize the
place. A citizen suggests that it bo
called the "Union depot" until another
ono is built. This is open to objections.
When the now one shall bo completed
this term , applied to the transfer now.
would cans ? confusion in the minds of
the reader hereafter.
If you want to furnish a house .go to
Hnrkncss Bros , for your carpets , 401
Shoe Flics.
Thursday -night Officer Dyer was
standing on the corner of Main and
Broadway. Upon the opjrosite side of
the street , on the First National bank
corner , was a suspicious character who
had attracted the policeman's attention.
After watching him awhile Dyer started
to cross the street to whore the follow
was standing , when ho took to his heels.
Away they went across Main street , and
when the follow disappeared in the
Scott house alley the officer was n poor
second. A long hunt failed to uncover
the hidkig place of the night hawk.
Returning to the bank corner the of
ficer found two pairs of shoes upon the
sidewalk which the runaway had
dropped in his ( light. Who was the
thief or who is the owner of the shoes
does not yet appear. The shoes are at
the police headquarters awaiting a
Mn sonic.
Excelsior Lodge , No. 2oO , A. F. & A.
M. , will hold its regular communication
to-morrow even in g at 7.30 o'clock. Work
in the second degree. Visiting brethren
cordially invited. By order W. M.
Viewing The Ijevee.
The city council yesterday afternoon
wont in the patrol wagon to view tho'
levee , and see what condition it is in.
It is found to need some attention , and
stops will bo taken at onc'o ' to afford full
protection from any possible trouble
from high water. Tiio- * importance of
this needs , no comment. Even if no
damage was done by high water this
spring , the very fact that there was any
water on the bottoms would bo harped
upon to the great detriment of 'tho ' city
at largo. Last spring , although the
water was very nigh , the levee was
such u protection that there was none
on the bottom lands , although across
the river there was some trouble. By a
little work and the strengthening of
weak places , it is believed that the bot-
loms will be kept equally dry this
spring. The city can afford to take no
chances , however , and should see to it
that there is not the least shadow of a
doubt as to the sufficiency of the protec
New embroideries just received at
Ilarkncss Bros. , 401 Broadway.
Another School Whipping.
The residents of Oakland are now
going through the sensation of a school
beating. It is claimed that the princi
pal of the schools , named Marsh , un
duly punished ono of the boys , using a
hickory ruler , with which ho struck the
boy BO heavily as to leave great welts on
his body. One blow is said to have
been across the small boy's back , and
the result of this may be serious. It is
also claimed that there are other in
stances of the teacher's severity. Some
declare that the teacher was in the
habit of using profane language to the
Supils. The reports are varied , and
oubtleis many of them exaggerated ,
but the school board has _ concluded ta
investigate , and will meet' the .coming
week for that purpose.
The seating and standing'capaclty of
Dohnny's opera hduso were required
last evening to accommodate the aud
ience who witnessed the "Fool's Re
venge. " The house was sold before the
chart left Bushnoll's , and when Keene
stopped before the footlights 1,122 per
sons received him. It was the largest
audience that has gathered there since
Langtry visilcd the city. Comment
upon and criticism of play and artists
are alike useless. Keene selects his
company to support him and not to show
his strong points by contrast. This is a
rule that might well bo adopted by other
The body of Mrs. McMahon was re
ceived by Undertakers Field & Estop last
evening. This was the first intimation
received hero of her illness , and no de
tails have boon secured. She was the
mother of Frank McMnhoa , who was
killed some six weeks ago , and also of
Mr. C. E. McMahon , who was for n time
connected with the Y. M. C. A. gym
nasium in this city. The remains were
sent from Tabor. In. , and will bo taken
to-morrow morning to the homo of Mr.
Dryden , in the country. The fun oral
will take place at 2 o'clock to-morrow.
Mead , the fellow who was arrested on
Friday lust for the larceny of nn over
coat from the Mergen hotel , was brought
up yesterday for examination. This ho
waived and was committed to await the
action of the grand jury.
Miss Addio Sawyer , of Sioux City , is
expected hero 'to-morrow ( Monday ) , and
while hero will bo the guest of the
Misses Bedison.
The Klcctrloal Distribution of Time.
Aa electric dog-cart for ordinary
roads has recently been devi.-ed. The
eleclric current which drives the cart
is supplied by six accumulators , which ,
when fully charged , are good for a six
hours' run. Those accumulators are
placed under the seat. Experiments
made with this electrically driven cart
show that on asphalt a speed of nine
miles an hour can be obtained , whereas
on a soft macadam road only four miles
an hour are possible.
Mine. Etelka Gcrstcr , the popular prlmo
doimu , whoso only appearance in New York
thin winter was effected uniler unfavorable.
circumstauce * , will be heard again In tUo
concert room.
The European Situation Ono Chain
Was Enough.
New Fntiglcd Departure Changed Ilia
Opinion A. Mttlc Close A WHO |
Girl Who ItcfiiHccl to nitc
A VVIntcr-ttny Dream.
The European Situation.
CMonyo AVirn.
Snys Franco unto Bismarck :
"Morbluul and sncro !
For AlHiico and Lorraine I'll '
Get .even Rome duyl"
To Himslii says Austria :
Hands oft ami bowarol
There'll death on your borders ,
There's wroth in the air ! "
Says the ivar with a bluster
Of trumpet and lance :
Mv Comic-Its shall pipe and
You UK Ferdinand shall dance I"
Bulgaria's princeling ,
As still UH jou please ,
Is courting the shade of
Umbrageous trees ,
Ami Bismarck , the crafty ,
Phlcumi'tlc in mood ,
As mum us an oyster ,
Keeps on sawing wood.
One Chair Was Knongh.
"Hold on. " said the doorkeeper at the
theater , as the swain pushed past him ;
"you can't both go in on that ; tliis
ticket is only for one seat. "
"That's all right , mister ; ono cheer's
been big enough to hold both of us
many a time , ain't it LixeV"
And in u cloud of Line's best blushes
they were gone before ho could sound
the recall.
Maid or the Hallet.
A pretty young maid of the ballet
Would not enter the stutfo from the allot ,
When she started to go
That way to the she
"Twos " there that the' mashers would rallct.
It Was About tin Kvcii Tiling.
In n cold night last week a druggist
was awakened by a terrible rapping at
the door. Going down ho found n poor
follow who wanted to purchase a dose of
salts. The shop was entered and the
dose prepared.
"How much did you make by that op
eration ? " asked his wife as ho got into
"About 'i cents , " was the reply.
"A shame it is , " returned the irri
tated cune , "for a man to disturb your
rest for a , dose of salts. "
"Recollel , my wife , " said the drug
gist , "that the dose of salts will prob
ably get oven with him before morn
ing. "
The Atlanta Campaign.
They unplugged ttye Kepofbugjulco
That was plugged with Cobofeornus ,
With the prohibition statute ,
With thu little paper ballot ,
Far down in thu realm of Georgia ,
In the land of Monsieur Grady ,
In the hunting ground of Colquitt ,
Then they rolled the plugsldc dow.nsidc ,
Holleil the bungsitle upside downside ,
Turnart the jugsiilo insiilo outside ,
Turned the wetsitlo from the Inside
To cho Inoldo that was outside ,
And drank deep the tribe of Antis ,
Drank the dark Itluo Af ricanus ,
Drunk the blcar-c > ed , red-nosed Paleface ,
Drank the hordes of Ignor.unus
Till they turned their insiuo outside ,
Till they felt their Jugside subside.
Till their wife and little ones sighed ,
That's why they op'd thu Kegof bugjuice ,
Why they rolled the plugside downside ,
Rolled the bungsldo upsiilo downside ,
Turned the Jugside inside outside ,
Turned the wetsldo from thu inside
To the liiRido that was ouy lile ,
Why they turned their insTdo outside ,
Why their \vife and their child sighed ,
Far down in the realm of Georgia ,
In the land of Monsieur Grudy ,
In the hunting grounds of Colquitt ,
For the curse they could not all quit.
Didn't Itcllevo in Them.
"Don't you want a few signs , 'Hon
esty is the best policy , ' hung on the
wall ? " said a man who had such signs
for sale , to the grocer : "there's money
in 'em. "
"No , I guess not , " replied the grocer ,
"I've been doin' bu&ijiess on this corner
for ten year in a stiddy , conservative
sort o' ' way , and I don't b'liovo in
makin' any new-fangled departures. "
Changed Ills Opinion.
Ho met her on the horso-c.xr ,
And ho offered her a seat ,
And ho thought sin angel ,
Till she walked upon his feet.
A Mule Clone.
Mrs. A. "What sort of people are
your next door neighbors ? "
Mrs. B. "They are about us stingy
as people get to bo. "
"Is it possible ? "
"They are so stingy they starve them
selves. Well , I'll give you some idea
how they live. I was there the other
day and saw a mouse reduced to a skele
ton como out of the pantry with tears
in his eyes. _
A Dilemma.
" 'Tis winter , my daughter , the coa 1's going
fast ,
I really can't tell where It goes to.
The period for trifling , it scorns to nio's past
You could marrynext week If you chose to.
And this is leap year dear , and youth cannot
last ,
A offer make ono of your beaux to. "
"Oh I've " the maid cried
, papa , so many , ,
aghast ,
"I cannot tell which to propose to. "
The Girl ItcfuseU to Bite.
A young man proposed for Ihe. . hand
of a beautiful girl. As she hesitated ,
ho said : "I await your answer with
bated breath. " The girl , who is a good
deal of a humorist , said : "Well , Mr.
Blank , .you will have to bait your
breath with something besides whisky
to catch your humble servant. "
A AVIntcr Day Drcnm.
Upon a flowery bank I Ho
And watch the swallows sailing by ,
Swift-winged , along the river's brink ;
The watch dog's distant bark I hear ,
The rooster's clarion , shrill and clear ,
Deyond the wooded hill , and near
Thu curot of the bobolink.
The far-off islets , creeks and bays
Lie shimmering In the golden haze ,
Beneath a blue and cloudless sky.
I gaze around mo and admlro
T io sunbeams gild a distant spir
And buttcrtlics , with wings of llrj ,
Como tlltting round mo where I Ho.
I see the mower leave the field
To seek the shade the branches yield ,
While his perspiring brow ho wipes
But now the vision fades away ;
I hear u voice , half angry , say ,
"John , will that plumber como to-day
To lliaw these fro/en water pipes I"
Only Signed With Her For n Season.
San Francisco Post : There is a good
story going the rounds about It. A.
Latham , the eccentric base ball player ,
who is somewhat of a clown upon the
grounds. Latham's married life has
been rather varied and his experiences
many. Last year ho mot a local base
ball player In the east , who asked him :
"How is your wife and whore is she ? "
"I don't know , " replied Latham , in
differently , "I only signed with her for
a season.
A I'ntiil Delay.
The young man had been trying to
tell her how madly ho loved nor forever
over an hour , but couldn't pluck up
"Excuse mo a moment , Mr. Fcath-
orly , " she said , " 1 think I hoar a ring
at the telephone. " And in her queenly
way she swept into an adjoining room.
Presently she returned and then his
mad passion found a voice.
"I nm p'orry , Mr. Feathorly , " she
said , "localise you pain , but 1 am al
ready engaged. Mr. Sampson , learn
ing that you were hero , has urged his
suit through thu telephone. "
Too Iionrnrd hy Half.
From tlie Jhttchct.
A college man from Boston town ,
Ono sunny day of summer leisure ,
Was introduced to Betty Brown ,
And thought that ho would try please her ;
For Betty taught a village sehool ,
And doubtless In her llfo had never
Beard much of ollgles and isms ,
In language dignified and clever.
The college man from Boston town ,
Of cosmos and of protoplasm ,
Talked like a book to Hetty Brown ,
And of the lute seismic spasm ;
Explained the reasons , using wordn
unheard before In country places ,
And spoke of ancient Greece spots , where
Explorers seek for antique traces.
Of abstruse iiucstions , now and old ,
Of art. Invention , progress , science ,
With volubility ho told ,
While Betty listened with defiance :
At lust said he , "I understand
That you're a teacher on vacation. * i '
"You'ro misinformed , " said Betty Brown ,
"I am a Bored of Education. "
No Alibi ibr Him.
"If you are innocent , " said a lawyer
to his client , an old darkey who was
charged with stealing a ham , ltwo
ought to be able to prove an alibi. "
" 1 doan specs wo kin , " said the
darkey , doubtfully.
"At what time was the ham stolen ? "
" 'Bout 'lebben o'clock '
, cloy say. ,
"Well , where wore you between 11
o'clock and midnight in bed ? " *
"No , sah , I was hidtn' do ham. "
She AViiM Supm-HtltloitN.
She ( just in from an afternoon's shop
ping and running to her husband ) "I
have had such a lovely time. I've just
como from Blank's and I saw two such
lovely jackets , ono at $1 li ! and another
at $22-3. "
' Well , and which ono did you finally
buy ? "
"You know , dear , how superstitious I
am about the No. IK , so I simply had to
buy the $225 one. "
Near Salt Lake City a forest flro surround
ed u flock of 500 sheep und burned them to
A Mcudvllle , Pcnn. , man says ho has al
cat who regulates the natural gas lire , turn
ing on more gas when the rooms gets cold.
WA colored woman near Dresden recently
gave birth to a child which hud twelve lin
gers and twelve toes on each hand and
foot. " ( f >
Wilbur French , of Flint , Mich. , has lost
five horses by lightning in thu lust seven
years , mid nearly every trea on his farm
has been struck.
On Christmas day Mrs. Wesley Hay of
Marshall county , Ky. , presented her husband
with a duurtetto of babies two grlis and two
boys. They are doing well.
A young owl came Hying ovnr the building
ng on Grant avenue , in Garden City , ICm. ,
and flow as straight as an arrow at a man
standing on the corner. When the bird
readied him the man throw up his hands
suddenly and caught it as ho would u bull.
nW. G. Sterling , of Greeley , Col. , recently
shot in North Park u magnificent specimen
ot the irolden eagle , ono ot the largest seen
in the state for years. It measured suven
feet liom tip to tip , and was evidently of
great ago.
A man in Gcneseo , 111. , saw two mlco in
his staolo. Ho hastily ran to u neighbor's
and borrowed u rat terrier. Thu ternur
thrown into tho. barrel , und at thu lirst nab
took off thu hcu'd of one of thu mice with a
eraek-llke breaking u clay pipe , lioth thu
mleo were fro/en to death.
A farmer near Galena saw a largo owl
sitting on a tree. Ho got a gun and bla/ud
away , but didn't disturb thu owl. His sons
and his neighbors tried their skill ut shoot
ing with no better results. After all the
ammunition on hand had been expended u
boy el Imbed the tree aud found that thu owl
was dead and fro/en fust to thu limb.
For several nights lurge flocks of screech
owls have been hovering around the cornices
of high buildings In Columbus , liul. A dis
patch says un investigation was instituted
und thu discovery madu that the "owls mo
catching und devouring hundreds of Knglish
sparrows. They drug them from their nests
or roosting places beneath the cornices , carry
them uwuy and devour them. "
John Ek cam Into a grocery at Ilib Lake ,
Wis. , ono day lust weuk with the tips of his
lingers frozen , und the proprietor advised
him to thaw out thu frost by holding his
hands in an open barrel of kerosene which
stood just outside thu door. Ek did so , und
when ho withdrew his hands a few moments
later found that they were fro/.en solid.
When u thermometer was placed in the oil
the murcur.y marked iil)0 ) bulow zero.
Last Wednesday there was born to Mrs.
Fred Miller , at HIcu Lake , Minn. , a speck of
humanity that barely tipped the beam ut a
pound and a half. Its fuel are not over an
Inch in length , und a gentleman's ordinary
linger ring will go over thu foot and upon thu
unklu. A child's small tea cup will cover its
head. The father is n large , heavy man , und
the mother u woman very little under the
average sizo. They are both Germans. The
child when two days old Ayus as lively as a
cricket , , and is perfectly formed and healthy.
Delaware township , Ohio , reports u colored
woman who yesterday became a grandmother
when but twenty-five years old. Tlio woman ,
Clarissa Jackson , was married when but
cloven years old , und in her twelfth year be
came the mother of u daughter. This daugh
ter , when twelve yearsof ago , married , und
yesterday gave birth to a child , the grand
mother buing two months short of twenty-
live years of ago. All the parties are ro-
spcctablu colored people iu good circum
Samuel Wright , of Albany , Ga. , for want
of something better to pet , devoted his atten
tion to n kitten. Ho afterward acquired un
owl , and housed the two together in the sumo
room , in the hopes of having a nucleus for u
happy family. Ono duy last wcuk hu went
to look in upon his puts , but was surprised to
ilnd the room us silent us the graveyard of
some deserted village. Instituting a search ,
ho discovered evidences that the cat had boon
devoured by the voracious owl , and that his
owlshlp had died of too much eat meat.
A big g-ray gander , which made friends
withJ. K. White , who runs u ferryboat
on Chucky river , near Jonesboro ,
Tcnn. , about a year ago , has
become remarkably attached to him.
It goes to church with him , und remains on
the outsldo till meeting is over , then
rotums with him. It also accom
panies him to the postotllco , u distance
of u mile and u half. It seldom goes
to the water ulone , but when Mr. Whitu is
ferrying it swims by the sidu of the bout. It
doesn't keep the company of any living thing
save Mr. White , to whom it scums entirely
Carl Holmor , of Oakland , Fla. , while
going homo the other evening after sunset
saw un object lying on the ground in the
woods. Paying no heed to It in the gather
ing darkness , ho was greatly alarmed to Ilnd
that it was u rattlesnake , but with rare good
fortune ho stepped squarely upon his head ,
when Instantly the tall was erected , he says ,
higher than his head. The snake was par
tially disabled by thu wulght of Mr. Holmer ,
who ran home , got u doublo-barrolod shot
gun , returned und shot the reptllo. The
snake measured seven feet In length , three
Inches through the thickest part , and hud
eleven rattles und u button.
Colonel MuplcBon was declared u bank
rupt In London last Friday.
Sir Arthur Sullivan is writing a new opera
for Miss Gcruldino Ulmur.
Miss Mary Anderson , her doctors say , must
not act more than oncu u day.
Mrs. Langtry's new private car , being
built In Wilmington , bus a padded bed-room.
Clay Grrcno has written the book ami
Fred HustlsUiomuslo for a now comloopura
called "BlRh-Cock-a-Ixrum. "
Fred Marsden bus signed H contract with
W. J. Scunlan to wrllo u new piece for him.
If Is U ) bo completed within nine months.
Atkins Luwruuco L4 spoken of as loading
man for Mrs. Soott Slildrms' tour next j-cnr-
Mrs. Skldoiis will play In her familiar ropor.
The lirst two months of "L'Abbo Con-
stantln" al the Paris gyinnasobrought to the
theater treasury the net mini of itHUMJOf.
( * 70tKH ) ) .
Tony Pnstor IIM engaged for his traveling
rotnpnnv Mist Annie On It ley , Buffalo Blll'n
"Little Sure Shot , " the adopted daughter of
Sltling Bull und his Irlbo.
The farewell engagement of Henry Irvine
aud Ellen Terry In tlw United Stales wlfi
open at the Now York Star thcalro on Mon
day , February W , In "Olivia. "
Miss Flora Walsh ( Mrs. Charles Hoyl )
has retired from "A Bole In the Ground" bo-
causouf til health , and will accompany her
husband to California for u vacation of sev
eral week * .
"Tho Wild Went" will again form Iho sum-
mcr attraction at Erastlna , Stated Island.
Buffalo Hill and his show will sail for New
York In May and take up their quarters In
the old stand.
Mrs. .Tosophlno Atnmon , the Cleveland
woman who went to Jail rather than betray
the whereabouts of her ward , once studied
for the operatic stage as the porlcgeo of
Clara Louise Kellogg.
, leanno do Oullancy , ono of the most popil-
lar of the younger singers of the Berlin
opera , died u few days ago In that city of
coiifitimptlon , at the ago of twenty-three.
She was born in Vienna.
John'McNally , the dratnallo editor of the
Boston Herald , has written u musical und
fan-leal drama called "Upsldo Down , " which
will bo produced at the Windsor thealcr on
thu UHh lust. , with the Dalys as the stars.
Anew sel of bells for performance of Wag
ner's Parsifal has been iniuiufactiircd at
Coventry , Eng. Mine. Wagner has pro
nounced them satisfactory , and they will bo
used at the performance In July aud August
Miss Monk Meyer , thegranduiecoof Anton
Hublnstcln and u pupil of Liszt , is thu mu
sical prodIpy of Vienna , Austria. She Is not
il eighteen years old old , but has composed
the music and written the libretto of au
At Alx-ln Chancllo , Franco , It was re
cently decided by a leading Judge Unit a
critic cannot bo excluded from a theater because -
cause his erlticisnis do not please the man
agement. In this case the critic obtained
largo damages.
John S. Clarke has commenced prepara
tions for a spectacular piodnctlon of ' "Hi m.
let" ut his Uroad Street theater , Phllad 1-
phla , In which his son. Creston Clarke , will
play the title role , supported by Miss Olga
Uroiidon , us Ophelia.
"Mam'/cllo Crenom , " the now three net
operetta of MM. Adolpho Jaine , Ovorges
Duval and Leon Vassour has apparently /'I
caught on at the HouffeH-ParisIens. Mile.
Crenom is n young lady with a latent for thu
use of strong language.
The original contract between the comedian -
dian W. .1. Seanlan and his manager , Augus
tus Pitou , which was for live years , and ex
pires at the end of next season. was on
Thursday last renewed for another flvo
years , making ten in all ,
Mile. Maria Hastia , ono of the best Aldus
produced by the country of Verdi , recently
I'ommitteed suicide by starving. Near her
body was found a letter. In which she said
that she had killed herself in eha 'in at hav
ing grown too stout to play her operatic roles.
Miss Helen Barry has accepted n new so-
ricty drama called "Held Assunder" by T.
Malcolm Watson , of London , which will lo
piodueed at the Prince of Wales theatre In
the hitter part of February. The first act Isi
laid in New York and the last three in Eng
land.M. . . Coquelin has started 'on another tour ,
lie beuins with Egypt , where no gives ton
performances , and then goes to NlccC.mni > s ,
Mcntonc , Triesio , Vienna , Prague , IJuclmr *
est , Belgrade aud London. With Iho ai-U r
went his son .lean and a company of four
teen.A bright . St. Paul hey of flvo summers tool !
a notion the other day to i ead Slmltespeiiro
for amusement , . When his sister im'ted him ,
what play he had been reading he hud to stop
to think. Finally a light broke in upon his
memory , and ho answered : "A great deal
about not much. "
Mile. SehaelTer , an actress from the Paris
conservatoire , recently refused to appear ut
a Roman theater in tights. The count galj
lantly exempted Mile. Schacffer trom play
ing in pieces in which tights are required.
The remarkable feature of the affair lies in
the fact that it occurred In France.
SrECIATi artvei them cuts , such as LostFound
To Loin , For Suits , To Kent , Wants , lUmrdltiK
etc. , will bo Inserted In this column at the lowr
ratunfTKN CUNTS I'KK LINK for the flmt In
sertion and Five Cents Per Line for eai-h subse
quent Insert Ion. Leave advertisements at our
olllrt ) No. 1U Pearl Street , near llroadway Coua-
ell Hinds , Iowa. .
Stocks of merchandise. Hava
Oimiha and Council ItliillK city piopeity.
nKo weitein hurl to vxchaiiKu for goods. Call
on or address J. II. Christian , 41'J Hroitdway ,
Council lllullH , la.
"Mf ANTI2D Three men to solicit in this and
T > Harrison counties. Salary $ .1 per duy.
Address (1. S. , this paper.
ANTKU-Three ladles to solicit in thiiTclty
and three In the smaller towns \\ustuin '
] o a. Salary $1 per iliiy. M nut come.ell recom
mended and give bond. Address X 10 , tare ot
this paper.
T71OK KENT 1'art of my ollice. No. O'W urond.
Jway. . opposite new post olllco. Dr. C. 11.
By Our Crank
lEAS Imported htiro from China ,
Codecs p C OASTED , none are liner ,
The best . t rtour , please bear in nilud |
These at TltO-'V ELL 1IH031. flnd.
Hero wellAV mmm the best of fruit
Everything we'll SEL | to suit.
And save you UUL | IIS , too ,
to boo !
If you have to M UV at all
lie your OltUC | large or small
Como and get your UK CEUIES ,
Surely you know where
the place I \
345 Middle Broadway 'I '
Telephone No. 20.
Council Bluffa , Iowa.
MWIJroodwfty Council Ilium , Iowa. Etabllb 4