OMAHA DAILY , EE5C : SUNDAY , FEBRUARY 12 , 188a-TWEIi\TE .THE DAILY BEE. PUBLISHED KVKUY MOUNING. TERMS OF BCHSCHtmON. IHIly ( Morning Kditlun ) Including Sunday Hrr , Ono Year . 11000 For Hlx Month- ) . , . 500 KorThiw Months . , . . . . a 60 'llw Omnlm Hnmlsy HKK. mailed to any ad dress , One Voar . 200 OxAilA orriCK. Non.aUANnnin KAIISAM STIIKBT. Nr.vr YOIIK Orricr. . IIOOMS 14 AMI ir.Titim'NF. lltm.titNn. WASHINGTON UrriUE , No. 51J COHHEPI'ONDKNCE. All communications relating to news and edi torial matter should be addressed to the Kri iK All mulnr-ss loiters nml remittances should be addressed to TUB HKK I't'iiLisniKn I.'OMPANV , OMAHA. Drafts , checks and postoOlce orders to be made pnyabla to tin. order of the company. The Bee PnlsWnFcinany , Proprietors E. ROSEWATEU , Editor. XHK 1 > AUY I1EE. Sworn Statement of Circulation. State of Nebraska. I - , County of DnuKlnRS. I8' ' ( teo. ll. Tzschnck , necretury of The He * Pub- Itahlng company. docs uolumnly swear that the actnalclrcumtlon of the Dally llco for the week ending Feb. 10 , 188H , v as as follows : Saturday. Fob. 4 . 15.075 Sunday. Feb. 6 . 15.KM Monday , Kelt , n . ! . < ) Tuesday , Feb. 7 . 1WKO Wednesday , Feb. 8 . ISKk ) Thursday. Feb. 0 . 15.CTO Krtday , Feb. 10 . 1WBO Average . 1R.TU9 ( KO. II.T7.SCIIUUK. Sworn to and snbucrtbed In my presence this llth day of February. A. U. , 18iW. N. P. FKII , , Nofury Public. Btato of Nebraska. I County of DotiRlaM. fs's' Oco. II. Tzschuck , being first duly sworn , do- poaes and says that he Is secretary of The Bee I'ubll.shtnK company , that thn actual average dally circulation of tno Dally lleo for th month of January , iwt" , 10,2 [ copies ; for February , 1887 , 14.178 copies : for March. 1807 , 14,400 copies ; for April , 1W. 14.ilB : copies ; for May , JWW. I4JH7 copies ; for June , 1 M7 , 14,147 copies ; for July , 1187. 14 , ( J copies ; for August , 1B 7 , 14.151 copies ; for September , IW7 , 14t4 : ! copies ; tor October , 1PS7. 14.3X1 ; for November , 1NJ7 , 16.&X ) copies ; for December , 1 87 , 15,041 copies. or.o. n. TZSCHUCK. Sworn and subscribed to In my presence tills Jdday of January , A. D. KW. N. P. FKII , , Notary Public. IT is to bo hoped that the authorities will bo fully prepared \vhon the first pleasant days come to begin thcbunitury work which Omaha is so greatly in need of. FIWCIALITV was a characteristic o ! the late Jenny Lind , and the result is shown in the faot that who left a personal estate valued at a quarter of a million dollar.1) . MR. CARlisiiK must have come bach to his seat in tolerably good health tc bo able to thrust the bulls and beara of the stock exchange from the house corridor. OKNEtiAL MILKS should be satisfied with his reputation as a soldier and avoid acquiring that of a wire puller , There would bo no honor in promotion gained by practicing the insidious artf of the politician. TnK vendetta between the Hatfioldf of West Virginia and the McCoys ol Kentucky has now lasted for a qunrtci of n century and many unpunished mur ders have been committed. It is about time for the sovereignity of the states t < assort itself and put an end to the bloody strife. | i f THE custom of cremating the dead it not gaining very rapidly in this country or In Europe. The movement , however has not boon abandoned. There are now twenty crenmatory societies in thli . country and twenty-two in Europe Prom a higionic point of view crematioi is preferable to burial , but to most pee pie this method of disposing of the bodi looks more like extinction than inter * ment. The matter is ono which mus > bo.faottlod by individual preference. THE railroad rate war continues will unabated vigor , and the general opluioi appears to bo that the end is far off. I would seem , however , that so fierce i conIlict must speedily bring about over tures for a settlement. It is noted thai thus fur shippers have not taken notabli advantage of the cut , it is supposed foi the reason that they nro waiting for till lower rates. If this policy of ship pers is maintained there will inevitably bo a blockade of freights from thi moment notice is given of u rct > toratioi of rates. THK first annual report of City Treas liror Rush , showing the condition of tin municipal treasury for the past year , i published in this , issue of the BEE. W < ommond it to the attention of tuxpay era us an instructive document , with thi ictuils of which they should make them elves familiar. They will find partic uluc gratification in the complimontar ; , statement of the treasurer ns to tin I , promptness and cheerfulness with whicl > taxes are paid , and also in the nssurunc ho gives that the financial condition o Omaha is better than that of any city ii the west. All citizens will bo glad t note the e'onfidonca expressed by th city treasurer that the growth and dc velopmont of the current year will sur pass that of any previous'year in tin history of Omaha , and very few wil doubt that there is excellent ground fo this faith. THEUE scorns to bo 'an excellent ipeet that the bill for the opening of th Bioux reservation will pass the prcsen congress. Senator Dawes , who has pet Istontly opposed * any invasion of who ho considers the rights of the norther : Bloux , Is understood to favor a bil which will compensate them for their land , and which will offer th Indians in several separate reservation euilloiont ground for experimenting li farming and taking a further series o lessons in the art of civilization. Man of the objections urged against forme - attempts to open the great Sioux reser J vatton have boon removed in the niens uro which is now under discussion. Th clause in the bill which proposes that al the land taken up shall only bo open b entry under the homestead law wil meet' with general approval as romov t , ing all chancps for heavy steals on th part of land grabbers and speculation ii the hands of bogus pro-omptors. Th Bontlmout o ( the west is almost nnnnl mous in demanding the opening of th Sioux reservation , and it lias made Use ] very powerfully felt at Washington Nebraska will gain thirty-six township of added territory if the hill bewouios : law- the greater portionof which i prime-farming land , lying north of 'th Niobrara river. ' . ' . ' ' ' . ' I tonsbnck i to thi > Hear. One of the most injurious of elemontfl 'or ycnr in this city has been the mon who have grown wealthy in our midst .hrotigh a prosperity to which they invo contributed little , and who have ) ecn .steady fault linden with and ob structionists in the path of every move ment which had for its object the ma terial nilvtincotnunt of our city. They have steadily declined to add their names to subscription lists , have , lirown dumpers upon ovcry suggestion which required work and money tc 'urlhcr ' it , have been the first to predict disaster for now enterprises and the last .o croak ruin for the real estate move ment. During the winter now closing we have heard much on the street * and in the corridors from thcso venerable mosjbacks nnd birds of ill-omen about a permanent check to Omaha's prosperity which they believed was approaching , [ n spite of their prophesies , however , the city has been steadily advancing. The prospects for the coming season liavo never been brighter than they nnj at present. The movement in real es tate , when compared with other years , lias been sternly and. on conservative lines. The predicted drop in available property , both business and resident , lias failed to materialize , and the de mand in ndvaiK'e'of the spring season is all that could bd expected ) if not desired. ' Omaha has reached a point whtm her material welfare cannot bo seriously re tarded , oven by the mossbncks and ob structionists. She is peopling with n class of active , energetic and progres sive business mon who have had enough experience of the world to know thai the way to build up a city is not in the line of destroying public confidence in its future. The men ot moderate means are , after all , the men who have done the most'nnO are now doing the most to advance the interests of this community. Year bj year they lire manifesting a spirit o community , of enterprise and of confi dence in the blllcacy df the combined and steady work which is accomplish ing nnd will accomplish in the futim great results for Wlw is needed more than anything Is a shoulder to shouldoi effort of our business mon and enter prising residents in furthering the on ward march of progress. Wo need 't fuller and freer discussion of Omaha' : needs by those who have Omaha's interests torests at heart. Wo need an en tin elimination of petty jealousies and o supposed rival business interests. Ii short , wo need : i thorough approciatioi by our business men of the fact that thi interests of all , so far as Omaha is concerned corned , are in reality the interests o each individual. Military Opportunities. The appointment by the president o ten non-commissioned officers of tin army to be second lieutenants calls at tention to the opportunities which an afforded under our government fo worthy privates to rise from the rank : to a commission. In other armies , es pecially in time of peace , the chance for winning a commission in the per mancnt establishment are not of thi best. In England for years commission : were a matter of purchase and sale , am social standing and wealth wore tin prerequisites to command. Under ou laws every private has a right to aspir < to a place on the rolls of commissionei officers , and , although our army is smal smaller in proportion to populatio : than any army in the world there ar numerous instances every year of sue ! promotions. The opposition to promotions fror the ranks which is sometime heard in officers' messroom has its basisin a fooling o snobbery which is1 foreign to thi spirit of American in'stltutions. A larg proportion of our army officers , who nr graduates of the military academy , ar the sons of poor mon who securea thei education at West Point at govornmon expense. That they have had greate advantages than some of their brotho olUcors who have risen from the rank is , perhaps , to bo admitted , but it is question whether long service in th school of the soldier and long exporionc in the handling of men in the barrack and at the guard house docs not vor. greatly * offset the lack _ of a purel theoretical education. As a matter c fact , every applicant for promotion froi the ranks is obliged to pass a bevero o > simulation upon common schoo branches , nnd must receive endorse ments from the officers under whom h has served which commend his churactc and qualifications for the otllco whic ho seeks. An investigation of th army register will show thr some of the ablest and inos distinguished officers who are no1 berne on the rolls never graduate from West Point , but gained their cdt cation in the school of a civil war. It is highly important that some sue incentive as promotion from the rank to a commission should bo hold out t the privates of the army. Army disc : pllno at least is irksomt The subordination of the Ind : v id ual will to that of the machitu while necessary to a well organized an properly contacted military establisl mont , is galling in many instances t mon who have ambition and big spirits. If there were nothing boyon tlio monthly pay of the soldier thor would be no incentive to duty , oxcoi such as was drawn from a fear of pur ishment for infractions of military dii cipllno. But to each and every prival under our laws is held ov the possibility of rising 1 a commission nnd of stead promotion from second lieutenancy ute to the highest military olllco in the gi of the republic. The fact that at prc : cut West Point is likely to supply larger iiumbor of candidates for secern lieutenancies in the army than thor nro vacancies makes the appointment by the president of ten non-commli sioncd olllcors to second lieutonaneie an interesting commentary on the co ; iiiopoUtanismofouvurinycstubllshmon This influence .upon the rank and 'fil cannot but be beneficial. It evidence to our soldiers that there is somethin beyond-tho b.nrrackBjn .store for thei if by strict attont Jon todu'ty nud pro part tlon they cnn qualify themselves to pass the needed examination for promotion. Another Monopolistic Tcntncle. It Is nnld that the house committee on judiciary has decided to report favor ably an amendment to the alien land bill paused by the last congress so tlmt the law shall not apply to mercantile and manufacturing corporations organ ized under the laws of the United States or any state or territory , which have acquired lands in good faith. This scorns eminently proper , as the ten dency of the law ns it now stands , is to discournge investments of capital in railroad and other enterprises which incidentally acquire lands. Indeed there is room for free discussion whether a further amendment which the committee rejected is not deserving of consideration by congress , that Is , to allow foreign bankers and corporations loaning money on real estate who ac quire tho'samo'by ' foreclosure , a reason able time to dispose of the sumo. It seems to the BKU that so long as the American farmer nnd land-owner finds it'necessary to borrow money ho shouldJiavo the privilege of securing it at as low rate of interest as possible. If foreign capital is debarred from fore closing on real estate security for loans it will soon not be found in the borrowing ingmarket. . Such n condition is di rectly in the interest of the liomo capi talist and against the borrower , because the less competition there is , the highokr will bo the rate of interest. It is the protection to the home monopolist in another garb than the tariff , but it is the same old scheme in the interest of the rich and privileged class just the samci Make capital scarce and timid and you will let the western farmer bankrupt himself paying usurious trib ute to tlio city money-sharks. American .l A London journal , commenting on the sensational Sticll murder In Chicago by burglars , satirically remarks : "The murderers , if caught to-morrow , may still be holding levees in jail this day twelvulnonth. American justice is alow-footed , if not rather slow-witted , in the difficulty it seems to experience of making up its mind on the plainest questions of fact. " The patriotism that excuses a multitude of defects will un doubtedly resent this imputation , but itniuy bo wise to inquire whether there is not some ground for it. Undoubt edly all Americans will insist that in no other land is justice moro surely and fairly meted to those who violate late law than in this country , and if it must bo granted thai the proverbial lawrs delay finds hone n rather more marked exemplification than in most other countries , they will not fail to find an extenuating argument in the fact that in this republic over the criminal is assured every right and every proper consideration which undei the most liberal construction of the laws can ho given him. The American wil' ' claim with justifiable pride that if tin system of criminal jurisprudence in hi ; country is somewhat less rapid in its operation , and moro magnanimous ir its treatment of those subjected to it than that of other countries , it is because the American theory of justice is s < broad and liberal as to give tin fullest possible scope to the com mon law principle that a per son charged with crime is helc to bo innocent until proved to be guilty In no other country , certainly , is this principle so thoroughly regarded as ii is in this republic , and it is a commend able fact duo to political institution ! which teach the largest respect for the rights of all men in all circumstances The alleged criminal is entitled to al his chances of defense , without preju dice from any source. But it would bo a great mistake tc say thst this proper prinqiplo' ; necessary to protect the innocent us well us to se cure exact justice to-tho guilty , is no often grossly abused and so pervertcc as to defeat justice. Almost every mar has knowledge of some instance in his personal experience where the law's delay has resulted * in defeat ing the law. The court annals of the older and larger cities could furnisl numberless examples , not a few of then cases of criminality of the most heinoui character. It is undoubtedly a faC that there nro now hundreds of met charged with crime "holding levees ii jail" who ought to bo doing the state some service in the penitentiaries. In lluonco secures delay in some cases , ii others the tardy course of justice is dui to the indolence or some other fault o those who are chosen to administer th < law. Prosecuting attorneys put off a long as possible the labor of securiiif evidence that may bo had enl ; with considerable difficulty , ane popular lawyers obtain from in dulgent judges the largest possibh latitude as to time for the proparatioi of their cases. The amenities and cour teslos between bench and bar an strained to the utmost , and in ono waj or another the ot justice is im pcded and retarded. It must bo con fcssod , also , thati this depends ver ; much upon the charuutor and prominence nonce of the criminal in his class , am this is the hardest reflection upoi American justice. The fellow who i able to command all the money require ( for liis defense has a vastly greate : chance of holding levees in jail for in cxtondoel period than the criminal win is poor and helpless. An authoritative ropeirt recontl ; published regarding crime in tin United States showed that it i steadily Increasing at a rat < moro rapid than the growth of popula tion , and while ono explanation is in tin fact that many foreign criminals fine their wav into this country as olTorinj an exceptionally rich field for theirdcp rcdations , the fact that crime is not si summarily dealt with hero as in mo other countries must not bo ovorlookci as another very important explanation There may bo a measure of injustice ii the London Journal's reflection on thi American-method of administering justice tico to criminals , hut it is well worth ; of attention in view of notorious fact supporting it and the knowledge thn crime in this country is rapidly incrcuu .ing. ' . ' ' . ' C. P. JIUKTINOTON' , the.unscrupulous plunderer of the Central.Pacific road making a tearful appeal to the house over , will hardly bo found a serviceable substitute. i POINTS. The Milwaukee Sentinel denies that then Is any evidence at nil kiowlng that Wiscouslt Is a Blatno state. Tammany hall Is engaged in trying to maki the state legislature abolish trusts and maki them Impossible , Every week's unnecessary delay in rcduc ing the revenue takes 13,000,000 unnecessary taxes out of the people's ix > ckcts. A Boston Post correspondent says outsldi of Massachusetts the Now England delcga tion to the dcraocration convention will bi solid for Cleveland. Illinois democrats talk Judge Julius S Grlnnell as a possible candidate for governor Ho was a prosecutor in the Chicago anarch 1st and boodlor cases. The Llttlo Kock Gazette , the leading demo crntlo newspaper of Arkansas , is an carncs opponent of the Blair bill , which It sayi "would thoroughly demoralize our school sya tern. tern."Tho anti-administration movement in Ncv York state has not yet reached the sl/.o of i split pea , " is the cruel way the St. Loul < Post-Dispatch ( dcm. ) summarizes the 1J11 boom. i The state of Georgia pays Its governor am supreme court Judges only ? 3,000 salary , am the Macon Telegraph wants the constttuttoi amended so asto provide for moro Hbera salaries. W , W. Crape , William F. Draper , Gov ernor Ames , Charles S Noycs and Congress man Whiting arc already in the field as can dldates , for the republican nomination fo governor of Massachusetts. Forging tally-sheets in Indiana Is less pop ular than it was. It is a bad practice nnd oni that is hurting the reputation of Ohio as wcl as Indiana , besides it is n clumsy practice reasonably certain to be exposed. Attorney General Garland writes to an Ar kausiis paper that ho will strictly adhere to i resolution formed in 1SS3 that ho will not under any circumstances , again bo a candi date for the United States senate. The Keoknk Gate City Insists that low ; should send to the republican convention : delegation solid for an Iowa matt for prcsi dent. It suggests Justice Miller of the Unitci States supreme court as a candidate. The Chicago News says th'at if the Blai bill , the Grand Array measures and the Ps ciilo railroad bond schemes can bo pu through and sojnoikind.of a war fomented wo shall have a pt-jwiyul Irredeemable dcAi assured. ' ! | The Brooklyn Eagle says : Mr. Conkllng' eplstlo loaves unsaid that which his countrj men would be most interested in knowing Has ho any political hopes or plans for th future ? If he has , what are they ) Were h Invited to take thon-clns would ho accept o decline thoml ' ' Roscoe Conkllnnr oncfl'inoro announces tha ho is out of politics. Ho says : "I have no the faintest expectation of taking any pai in the campaign of , this year. " This belli ; the case , it would scarcely seem necessary t consult Hon. Roscoo's preferences in th selection of candidates , The whole belt of ' "states ' { n the wcsj , c which Dakota is a part , are to bo low-tari states. That is their inevitable tendency Minnesota has already taken her stand then Fobraska-has In effect Joined her. Kansu will soon come In , and the movement is t spread east through Wisconsin , Iowa an Michigan. The legislature of Louisiana will elect tw United States senators next May. One o thcso is to succeed Mr. Handall Gibsor whose term will expire March 4,1S89 , th other to succeeded Mr. James B. Eustlcc whose term will cnpire Maach 4 , 1S91. Th long interval between the sessions of th Louisiana legislature makes it necessary t elect both senators at once. There nro two bills pending In congress t change the time for opening the session o that bo-ly. Mr * Hoar's bills fixes the date o ; October 15. This would give the , longer time for a session , but would keep congress inon at Washington during the elections an close of the campaigns , and would also cove the holidays as at present. The other bll provides for a session to begin January 1 This would skip the elections nnd holidays but would leave much less time for wor weather. * A Case of Ilctnllatlon. SiimciTflft Journal. Actors seldom go to church , but the mlnlf ters really ought not to complain. They so dom go to the theater. Fully Qualified. Chicago Herald. A sporting paper , to bo edited by John I Sullivan , is talked of In Boston. No on would ever apply to this editor for a "corrct tlon. " Will Bear Politicians , However. Loifttt Citizen. The cost of the fences in the United State is more than the national debt ; but the fene will bear Interest , and cannot bo sold fo moro than they cost. A Itcal Oh out. TJo.idm Gli > l > e. There was a ghost In a coal mine at Unlor town , Ponn. , Saturday. The ghost of famln stalks abroad through the anthracite regio to-day and puts all disembodied ghosts in tli background. * A Oloriotui hand. Dclnilt Free I'm * . In Italy no statement of account is sent t a debtor until thrco months have passed , an it is expected that ho will take three more t look the bill over and sco'if ' it Is correct. A Chicago Jificii Unless there is an improvement In Clncit natl banking methods soon it might bo we for the financiers of that city to brush up o the rules laid down by Mr. Hoyle In his mai ual on games of chance. , * j A Fluniiolnr. Chirac Iffet. * A Now York man stole a barrel of whisk valued at ? 100 and sold it for $25. Then h spent the money In buying whisky. Wit such ability as a financier it U strnngo tha he should have c.scapeil bolng the prcsldci of a Cincinnati banlc. A Melaucholly Situation. Kew York 'J'rlhwie. A western critic of the democratic part says that you never can toll whether it I going to play the lion or the donkey. This I not happily put. The late Edwin Forres use-d to say ; "I pla-ay 'Loar,1 and I pla-a 'Othello1 ; but , sir , I am 'Hamlet. ' ' A Boon In any Event. Tttai Sl/Mny * . A Minneapolis Judge , in'pronouncing th death sentence , tenderly observed ; " 1 guilty , you richly deseryo tjie fute thi that awaits you ; if Innocent , It will be gratification for you to ; feel that you wet hanged without such cnmo on your con science1. In cither case you will be dv'liverod from a world of care. " ' Memory' * Picture. . . I RPO her now , the fairest thing That over mocked man's picturing. I picture her as ono that drew Aside life's curtain and looked through The mists of all life's mystery , As one looks on the open sen. The soft , wldo eyes of wonderment That trusting looked you through nnd througli ; The sweet , arched mouth , a bow not bent , That. sent Love's arrows swift and true. That sweet , arched month ! The Orient Hath not such pearls In all her stores ; Not all her storied nplro-sct shores Hath fragrance such as It 1m th spcut. ' I picture her as ono who know How rnro is truth to bo untrue ; As ono who knew the awful sign Of death , of life , of the divine Sweet pity of nil loves , all hatci Beneath the iron-footed fates. f picture her as seeking peace , And ollvo leaves nnd vino-set land ; While strife stood by on either hand , And wrung the tears like rosaries. I picture her in passing rhyme , As of , yet not a part of these. A woman born-above her time , A woman waiting in her playo , WitlfpaUent pity on her face. Her face , her earnest , youthful face , Her young face so uncommon wise ; The tender love light in her eyes. Two stars of heaven out of place. Two stars that sang as stars of gold Their silent cloiuionco of song , In skies of glory and of gold , Where God In purple passed along ; That patient , youthful fuco of hers That won a thousand worship | > eisl That silent , pleading face , among Ten thousand faces Just the ono Tlmt I shall love when nil is done , And life lies by , a harp unstrung. LAUOIl FKDEUATIOX. President Gompers Talks to n tinrRo Audience. However antagonistic the views of Presi dent Samuel Gompers. of the American Fed eration of Labor , may bo to many of his fel low worklngmen , there is no doubttlmfa largo number of those in Omaha are in sym pathy with him. The meeting last night was a representative one , the auditorium of the exposition hall being filled with members of the various city unions , and It Is safe to hay it never held a moro orderly or attentive audi ence. Tlio arrangements were In charge of n commiUeoof Messrs. Uidclt , Tanner , Noll- ninnn , Anderson , Williard and Dillon , with J. B. Schupp chairman , nil of those gentle men being on the platform with the speaker. J. H. Lewis was called on to preside , and shortli after 8 o'clock the lecturer took the lloor and spoke continuously for upwards of two hours , choosing for his thcmo "Labor Is the "Creator of all Wealth. " "If this prop osition is true" said Mr. Gbmpcrs , the question arises : How is it that those who work the hardest have the leastof the wealth while those who never work have It all I It proves that there is soinctning perverse in the economic system of the country. The tendency of the times is to lower wages , to increase the number of wage earners , and to encroach upon the rights and liberties of working peopleIt is owing to this tendency that women , girls and children are employed in the mills and factories , that the emplo3'ers refuse to give a reduction of the hours of labor , undjit Is about time that a halt was called. The workingincn , however , were entitled to but Itttlo sympathy , for they were themselves to blame. When they allowed their children to work they displaced so Jnany men , who in turn came into competi tion with themselves. To meet the emer gency , the workingincn should organize under the head of their respective trades and not of workingmen. Lot the unions of each trade liavo a central ast > 4uibly in each city , ana these in turn Have a state assembly , and then again a national assembly. Then let the national representative of each state meet in one grand federation of labor , and take up the cause of the working mun nnd women. The Iron heel of the employing class wns on the neck of labor , and they must organize to prevent - vent it. So long as there was an In justice , so long as there was a grievance , so long ai there was a wrong to right. So long there was work for them to do , and not until the work- ingmcn had establlshad a true fraternity among nations and a federation of labor to the world , would their work bo done. " The speaker then announced his willing ness to answer any questions that might be put to him , but none were asked and tbo mo.-l ing closed. Mr. G mpers leaves today for Sioux City , where ho will speak tomorrow row night. _ FOU , JEl'TKKSON SQUARE. Nineteen Citizens Want the City Hall Located There. Last night at the Bank of Commerce pn North Sixteenth street was hold a called meeting of the citizens of north Omaha to discuss plans for getting the city hall moved to Jefferson Square. The only persons pros cut w ro the following : Henry Osthoff , Captain O'Donahue , M. T. Murphy , Tom Swift , John B. Furay , Joseph Redman , Prof. Bruncr , J. J. Brown , Thomas T. Daley , U. H. Walker , John Wigman , J. T. Corby Erick Peterson , K. O. Backus , Ignace Shcrb , Au gust Benson , St. A. D. Balcombo , Fred Snock , Frank Dulono and Mr. Siovors. Mr. Daly acted ns chairman and Mr. Slcvera as .secretary. For two hours there was a ton- era ! discussion distinguished mainly for its dctlanco of parliamentary laws. The talk consisted mainly by thebellttllngof Jefferson square us a park nnd breathing spot , and puffing It as a site for the city hall building. A motion was finally mudo to appoint a committee of live to draw up a petition to present to the city council asking for a special election for moving the city hall from ts present site. Messrs. Furray , Brown , Swift , Hcdman nnd Slavers were appointed and they presented the following : Whereas , the point sclocted in the past for the location of the city hall , appears to disap point the expectations and desires of the people ple , and a change of location to some point moro convenient to thu business interests of the city Is desired. Kcsolvcd , That the city council in its efforts in this direction meets our hearty ap proval nnd support. Kcsolvcd , That wo are opposed to the ex penditure of further inonoy for the purchase of any additional grounds at the present time and until the people have had ample time to discuss the matter f rcoly. This was adopted , 'and a committee of cloven wore appointed to draw up u scries ol resolutions to present to the council next Tuesday night. It was then agreed to ad journ until next Monday night. Ono Iiittlo Boy In School. James Collins , a lad of fourteen yearn , who ' has boon confined in the county Jail with 'two others of equally tender years , charged with burglary , was yesterday released on the promise of hi * parents that they would edu cate him in acollogo near St. Louis. Equally satisfactory promises having been mudo In the case of the two other boys , they , too , wore dismissed. Ills Guilt. John Coves , n rather prepossessing looking boy of fifteen was arrested yesterday after noon on the chargeof stealing notes and inonoy from the safe of the Chicago Lumbot company oftlco. The theft was noticed shortly after the boy hud bcen-secn coming out of the oftlco. The drawer , in which the valuables were deposited , was discovered hid under the sidewalk with the contents tin. touched. The boy confessed the guilt upon being arrested. _ Attempted Hulcido. O , Patten , formerly n street car driver , made an unsuccessful attempt at sulcldo yes terday morning , at his homo on Lake street , He used a revolver , and although ho mail' aged to wouna himself the bullet failed to do fatal worlc. It U sald'that the cnuro of the Insane act is the conduct of his wife during his absence from homo. Ho has .worried u great deal over the matter , and finally tried to end matters yeatorday by au attempt on hi * own life. WORK GOES ON , Over IO.OOO Paid Into the Boo'e Horolno Fund. THE REWARD FOR DEVOTION. Encouragement From Vnrlonn Parts of Nebraska Msts of tlic I-ntest Contributor * The Itoyco and Woelibccke Funds. . From Teacher * nnd Scholar * . , Yesterday afternoon County Commissioner Mount , at the request of the teachers iiml scholars of the Fnrimin street school , forwarded - warded fW.07 to Miss Lole lloyce , and $7.ftC to Miss Lena Wocbbceke as their contribu tion. tion.County County Superintendent of Education Bru- nor received the following contributions yes terday ; School district No. .T3 , Mrs. Emma LoncRim teacher , for Miss Koyce $5. lit. School district No. 4(1 ( , Hood's school , H. Eb.v , jr. , teacher , for Miss Koyco $8 ; for Lena Woebbcche , fcJ-UU. Scliool district No. 10 , Miss Lnura A. Welch , toucher , for Miss Hoycc , men. School district No. fi , Miss Minnie Pratt , teacher ( primary department ) , for Miss Koyco * 1 : for Miss Wocbbecke , SI. Miss Welch , of Rchoul district No. It ) , Is the young lady who displayed such good Judgment In keeping her children in the school building and remaining nil night with them on the memorable llHh of January. In appreciation of these services Miss Welch bus been substantially remembered by par ents and pupils. 'The Churches. OMAHA. Feb. U. To thcEditorof the BKK : Enclosed please llnd check for frJS.SO , which amount wns raised by Trinity M. E. church last Sunday morning. As Miss Koyco sccma to be the ono most In need oC assistance , it is desired that the amount be divided as fol lows : Miss Koyco . 27 SO Miss Shattuck . 50 Miss Freeman . v. . . . f > 0 Wo are clad to note that your appeal is be ing rnspodcd to so liberally. May God speed you In your noble work. Ai.ciiunH. HnxiiY , Pastor. The Heroine Athletic 1'crformntico. The athletic entertainment given at the Graridopera house lastcvcnlng for the benefit of the heroines of the late terrible hlizrard passed oft very enthusiastically and success fully. In addition to n number of set-tos with gloves by local and foreign pugilistic talent there was a varied programme of bicycling , balancing , club-swinging , dumb-bell lifting , etc. A number of the performers of the Pco pic's theutor contributed toward making the programme Interesting , with a clever variety bill. Among the athletes who took part in the performance were Tom Chandler , Patsey Fallen , Jim Sullivan , Prof. Hawley , Neil Mo- Laughlln , J1m Lindsay , . Dan Dally , Toin Kooney and Charlie Kundall. The finances of the entertainment were looked after by Mr. Southard and Mr. Sher wood , who comprise the well known . real estate firm of Sherwood & Southard. The not proceeds amounted to Ml. 00 which will be turned over to the Bin ; Monday morning. A statement of the receipts and expenditures is as follows ; nncEirts. 1 Ticket at $1.00 . $ il'JTicKctsut ' .75 . 20.-J5 05 Tickets at . .M ) . 4r.50 UuTicketsat . ys.75 Total . " . . , , .f 100.50 Distributing dodgers . . $ 1.35 Bill posting . 9.00 Orchestra . IG.'i.T Printing . : . 18.00 Total . ? 44.GO It will bo observed that manager Jones charged nothing for the house , and It must bo remembered that it costs no little sum to open , light and heat u great opera house like the Grand. The orchestra was exceedingly liberal and only charged half rates. The 8(11.00 ( will be divided among Misses Koyce , Woebbecko and Freeman as follows ; Miss Uoyce & 7.GO , Miss Woebbecko f.'r.50 and Miss Freeman JO.'JO. i ; < l Rothery's Contribution. Mr. Ed Uothcry , who so generously do nated the receipts of liU sporting headquar ters yesterday to the Bcu heroine fund , netted f25. A check for this amount , to be added to the Lena Woobbceko fund , will bo sent to the BEE Monday. Schuylcr's Liberal Citizens. ScnuYLEii , Neb. , Fob. 11. [ Special Tele gram to the BEE. ] A benefit dinner and sup per were given hero to-day , the proceeds of which go to the Loio Uoyco fund. This en tertainment was given by the ladies , ably headed by Mrs. J. J. Uiley. The not pro ceeds will be about 842. Mr. F. O. Kaiser is also deserving of credit for what ho has done. He not only helped In the entertain ment , but ban been busy for some time so liciting subscriptions , having raised 131 for the Freenmn-Koyco fund and $22 for the Shattuck fund. The schools have also raised (25 for the Royce fund , making a total of $120. This money will all bo sent to the BBE fund in a few days. Hoof and Horn Compositors. SOUTH Osi UIA , Fob. 11. Some of the com positors of the Hoof and Horn oftlco send the enclosed amount , $ ' ! 85 , to be applied to the Lena Woebbecko fund , The compositor who is res | > oisiblo for the raising of this fund desired - sired tlmt it should go to the orphan , whoso way through life is always hard. CojirosiTom Hooi ? AND Houx. Millaril Hotel Contribution. Mrs. Swobo and Mrs. Williams , at the Millard - lard hotel , have collected $115 for the bcnolit of the heroine school teachers to bo added to the Bnr. fund. They request the HER to say that the money will ho handed In Monday , ami assure the contributors that they have not spent the money for now spring bounds. lowu Friends. Woonmxr , la. , Fob. 7. To the Editor of thoBnn : Enclosed llnd draft for $18.50 to bo divided equally between Miss Itoyco and Lena Woebbecko. This amount was con tributed by residents of this place and Is the result of the efforts of Mrs. John Danforth. II. M. BosT\vicKtCaahler. A Itlhcrnl Offer. SBWAKD , Nob. , Feb. U. [ Special Telegram to the BKK. ] Mr. Shattuck authori/cs the request that a portion of the contributions to the Br.n fund since the death of his daughter bo directed to the relief of sufferers in Holt county , the same to bo distributed by a re sponsible commiUeoof citizens of said county. Mr. and Mrs. Shuttuck deslro to express gratitude for letters and telegrams of sympa thy , also for timely and generous financial aid so unexpectedly given. CAUOI.IM ; M. WOOWVAIIB , Vice Prca't Nob. W. O. T. U. Notice. Several lists of contributors have boon emitted from this Issue owing to a lack of spaco. Kach , however , will bo published. If your list docs nut appear in this issue it will bo published as soon as possible. Walnut Hill H. and I. Co. The Walnut Hill Saving and Investment company at its annual mooting elected the following board of directors ; Dr. S. D. Mercer , Adolph Meyer , Henry Bolln , J. F. IlorUmann and W. J. Mount. The company is In prosperous condition and declared a dividend of $100 on each lot , that being part of the profits of last year's business. The following were elected olllcers for the en suing year : Adolph Meyer , president ; W. J. Mount , vlco president ; H. liolln , treas urer ; J. F. HorVmann , secretary. IiUtH of Contributor * ) . The BEE will acknowledge all contribu tions through these oolumriH. All lists re ceived , unlostt otherwise directed , will bo published In full with the name of ovcry con tributor. Those lints will be published as soon after their receipt as space will per mit. THE UBXAWA LIST , . Wlllard Bonawa , aged 10 years , sends to the editor of the BEE the following amounts which he has collcc.tcil for C nVi Wlllaril flrtiawn.,1 IQ.llerife . . IUn. , . , . Charlie Hoimvra. . . 10 Florvnco Uln . Cash 10 . M. Iunion. . lIiiMn Meyer. . . . . . 10 Mrs. I' Agnes My r . - - ; i. -i- Walter Meyer 10Ca u. , . Axel Meyer I0r sh Sum Meyer lOiNorman Kuhu. . . . W.It. Homnn wrrash „ , M ( "ash 45Mrs. | Williams. . , , M Ijtnrit .lornnnnon. lO ash. . . . . . . 83 . . - ! -.i. Mrs. Oursict'.i. AnnloUursko 10John V. Flack. M - ; Cash. . , . . aVltah „ in CnMi i. lleurwn 100 Mr. * . Craw ford i. . . Cash onnon. . . 15 CO Cash . 05.Mrs. Anderson. . . . 10 Hobble rnmpbt > ll. in dish l no Carrie Campbell. . in Cash . . . is Total. . . . . . . 11375 Caeh . 10 IIV1IANT KStllXK ASM ) HO.sB CO. Clms. Vlshrr . ' 1 m Kdw ard Andrews. GQ Jnnles Hirhle . 1 OO.lmnes Oavln.T' ; (3 ( } WMleorifoHeed. . M .lotmHci'cl . 1 i < l Tom ItosMte . U ) JohnHhrarnnn , . . . W.I. 1 1. Messer-smlth. 60 1' . II. Connive. . . . 00 IMTuytor . U ) H. K. Fry BO John Wells. . . . . . . . ffl ir.U. Itynn . M J. C. flunkey . no John Rehtmller. . . M ) ToM Molurmn . 1 Wl Ij. ( J. McUrew . fie A. A. Ulbnon . 1 1 John Lyons . no W. M. Fleming. . . . 1 ( M I. . T. Litton . NiT. II. MrMllllnn. . . W 1'nnjtiwick . no John u. wiilctt. . . l oo John T. Adams . . . 50 . August Munson. . . no Total . 118 CO YUTA-N , NUM. , LIST. H. Anderson . II one. W. Jamison . 100 flit ) . H. llrdffo . 1 U'ja ) ' . Srhnlx . 100 1'etrrM.VLnw . 1 ( M John Pc-hula . 100 Kdllnll . 1 ) > . ! . M. | { ed n . , 1 00 WlllUniMA Koch. . 1 UOJ. li.Ilatfleld . DO K.A.Jcnkx . 100 - F. llnnmmi . 100 Total . IK W W.J. 1'auuicuUT. . II 00 ] roVTAL CI.K11KS. BI.UII , Neb. , Fob. 7. To the Editor of the Br.n : The postal clerks of the Missouri Valley ft KamdClty railway postoffloo and its connecting lines recognizing that courage and devotion , such as was manifested by thu three Nebraska heroines in the great bli/j.ard of Januury 12 , should bo suitably and sub stantially remembered. We enclose postal order for $1H , to bo given to Miss Koyce. Contributors : J. It. Mcl.unghlln.t MMJ. S. flurnee.HcrlU. C. H.Mullln . 1 HO ArOakilnleUl'.O 100 C. II. Sargent . 1 tx.U. NiiMiu.Scrlbnor C. Kennedy 1 00 St Oakdiilo U. I'.O 100 K. U. Viites t HO.W. J.Crow.CrelKh- J. K. White 100 ton A ; Norfolk R. Ceo.llaiiKK 1 00 | 1MI 100 F.K.Murray 1 00. F. W. Ftmis worth 1 oO H. ttiitet , . . . I M ) | , J. K. McLtuonux. ciTuiss or nivoA. : GnxoA , Nance Co. , Nub , , Feb. 0. To the Editor of the BIE : : Enclosed pleasetlnd draft for J30 from the citl/cns of Genoa ns a substantial token of their appreciation of the heroism of Nebraska's now far-famed bchoolteachers : A. Spear At Co. J 2 OO.n. A. Wlllard 1 00 ' IM' . Adams . . . . 1 ( KW. ] II. Wiuterbol- 11. 11. llulslev : a. ham 3 01 Francis Smith. . . . mr.Tolm If. SchmoefcO M F. IIYouni * " ' 1' . llembncl bil John Iluuhes M. V. Monrty no 12. V.Clurk F.I ) . Hlntuuu noM Miss 11. M. John O. K. ( Jreen M ston W Mrs. I1. A.Iltillen. . M H , It. Chase 1 OU8. H.Aniler.siin. . . . 2 tig IM. . Mi-Puydon . . iV ) Samuel KwliiR 50 I' . W. lleix 1 OO.ltobert YotniK Ml-s ( iertrudeV. | . It.llollmitn. . . . M 1'nrton fiO.S. Ii. I Newman. . . . ! tt Miss U.M.Abbott 1 K ) A. II. Hamey M .1.1. . Itumey WJ. Davis ICO A rrleml 25.W. 15. Wiiltou a 00 a.A.Mollln 1 m I'.K. Clark l oo U. W. Wake SSO.WllHim ' ' ' ' ' ' " 1 2."i J. A. Wllhud 1 OOA' | Netsell. . . ! . . . 25 Mus. S. Axnnitsos , Mus. G. WILLSON. nni.t.EVUB , sun. , LIST. Win. Kayser and | A. Wright 6 00 Dfi W. w.'VlarVliiV. i ' ? . * . . ' . . ! . " . ! ! ! ! ' . ! 75 i.n. itouuui aVcash no fash i oo.q.a. . uetz , . lee M. 1' . Lftuphlln. . . . 1 OJiW. V. Martin B ( M Walter IJilllu 1 UOM. K. Lewis 1 00 F. v. ( irahnm 1 00 Mrs. McDermut. . 60 John Nolan W ) U Lodge 100 MM. Dastler no U. Preston HI F.l. Lyman 2.1 A. Qi-rtsch M. II. Hamilton. . SKU. A. Mitchell Ceo. S. llurtcl. . . 2 Wil. 11. Stoiiller Alpha Khumoy. . . HCnsh T. L. Nolan H ) Itov. L. Lortgo Cash. . . . 1000. K.Hover ? . . . , . . F. A. LuuQhelnc. . . 1 00 II. K. Clarke. IMwaril Low 1 00 KM f us Trent ! ' . Bllla no Cl.Joyce L. 1 litlsrher , 2-i H.M. O'Neal Dr. . CO Cosh C. Patili-k COClius. n , Smith. . . Sam l'ntter on. . . . 1 00 HelloChnpman. . . . H , ' mi Jesse Hint Sophia U'estfiUV. . Mury Itolund. . . . . Nora Nelson Leta Led e. , llcrtll llrownlee. . . Kate Van TuyL.i 11.1. 1'addock 75 Wm. Iletz lleUerue school II. Carahun children 1 T > J. U. Maddox Mr.Shelton 1'red Maddox Total 10300 The "Beo" Fund. The present condition of the funds opened by tne BEB is as follows : Etta Shattuck 14.557 7l Loie Koyco 2,815 87 Minnie Freeman C14 88 Weatphalcn monument fuiid 08 3 § Lena Woebbecko fund 630 4Q Cash to special fund 180 OQ No Friends in Death. The body of Pindra Vcmslaus , a friendless Bohemian woman , llcsat , Barrett & Heafy's , If not claimed by to-morrow the remains will bo turned over to the couuty for interment * The deceased was aged thirty years. Not Open. Kama * Ofy Time * . A correspondent in Nebraska writes for full information about Oklahoma. Ho nnd a party of friends propose to muko n trip to that part of the Indian , or ritory. Oklahoma is a rich body of land lying in the center of the Indian territory. It has plenty of timber nnd plenty of wator. Our correspondent would enjoy a visit thorobut ho would bottar stay at homo. Ho mid Ills friends would bo driven out at once us intruders. All readers of the Times should bo too well informed to muko mistakes about the Htatun of Oklahoma. It is govern ment land , but not public land. It belongs - longs to the pcoplo and the people paid hard cash for every foot of it , but the people cannot settle on it cannot oven visit it. The authorities have decided - cidod that until congress changes the laws thu Oklahoma country must bo hold in idleness , bucauso the 1x3 iy a proinibo out not to use it , except tQ nettle upon it friendly Indians and freedmon' Congrchs has decided not to put any more Indians on the land , and ' there i's no way of bottling frccdmen on it. ' So it remains ns a conspicuous proof of how silly a nation can bo whou a billy policy has once got started. The pcoplo should not waste mon oy nnd time trying to got admission into Oklahoma. As a matters now stand qd admission can bo obtained except by act of congress and ovury man who desires - sires a change ought to agitate for con * grcKHionnl action. Our correspondent might organize a movement in his own 'town ' or county , send letters nnd poti tlonsto his congressman , gel his local paper to take up the cause nnd then , como to the Kim bus City ormferonco. Ho and all other persons whono oycs turn toward Oklahoma should romem- bar that it is not open to settlement and will not bo until congress acts and when congress docs act there is danger that the action will bo of a sort to ixwtpone the entrance of settlers for several years. The Times advises everybody to make a drive at congressmen and stimulate them to interest in the ques tion. Concerning No Man's Land It may ho said that while the soldiers do not in to rf ore with entrance , no title to land can ho secured us no land laws hay bqen applied. Manrico Grau has sailed for Europe. Ho will go from Paris to HucnoHAyrcsinMarch. to nrranh'o for the South American tour ol Mmu. I'atti , which will btigin on April A and cmbraco a Reason of four months. At tha conclusion of this tour Mr. Grau will start M. Coquelln In his trip , and uftor thl h will manage ) Mme. B rnoardt' tour oi Ka- rope and the world , ,