W-vwi * s ; v * 7 * > ijr j ' f t THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUOTTAY , FEBRUARY 12. 1888. TWELTE FACTORY 2OO. - [ 3d Dls. IS. GRAND REPUBLIC CIGARRO. 17,000,000 Manufactured in 1887 , of which , we used one million seven hundred thousand. Last in voice , * January 20th , two hundred and fifty thousand , quarter of a million (25 ( cases ) . The only long ' full veulta Havana filler arid Sumatra wrapper Cigarro , sold for 5c. Read Testimonials : CitusTON , la. , Jan. SI , 1888. MKSSIIB , PEUKOOY & Mooiu : Cents : Wo have & 61 tftheGrand Uepubliecigal'- ros , manufactured by Gco. P. Leis&Co. lor the p ast (2) ( ) two years and can only cay that wo consider them the best five cnt goods in the market ; always the eamo. Yonrs truly , CnEttiiY & BAOLCY. IMOOKNB , la. , Feb. 1,18S8. MBSSIIS. PKKUOOV & MOOIIK , Council J31uffs , la. Gents : Please ship us per frat express 1,000 Grand Republic cigar- * ros , asst colors. Wo arc out and can't I keep shop without 'em. Very truly , GlNOLKS & CO. CITY la. Jan. 0 18S3. 5ii < VKii , . , . , . PBMEOOY & MOORK , Council Bluffs , la. , Gentleman : Wo have just given Mr. Shcppard a nice little order for some inoro Grand Republic cigarros , which wo think suits our trade better than any cigar we have over handled. Yours , etc. , "W. G. MOOIIE < St Co. NEBUASKA CITY , Neb. , Jan. 21 , 1888. Gentlemen : Replying to yours of the 10th , concerning Grand Republic ci garros , wo take pleasure in saying that they give bettor satisfaction than any nickel goods we have wo ever handled. Yours truly , II. C. FUEEMAN & CO. NoUKOMC , Jan. 9 , 1SS8. MKSSKS. P. & M. Council Blurts , la. Gentlemen : Wo hnvo sold over forty thousand of the Grand Republic cigarrog and find it one of the best sellers ill the market. Sales , increasing constantly. Please send us three thousand mo'ro by express , and oblige. Yours , &c. , SVAYNIK BUOS. RED CLOUD , Nob. , Feb. 1,1838. MESSRS. PEHEOOY & , MOOIIE , Council Bluffs , la. Gentlemen : After a good long trial ol the Grand Republic eigarros 1 am pleased to say that they oxcell all others. Having purchased them of you ever since they were offered to the trade. Have kept them in stock constantly and never lost a customer that has used them. Yours respectfully , HENRY COOK. SHEN'ANDOAH , la. , Feb. 2. PEREOOY & MOORE , Council Bluffs , la. To Whom It May Concern : This is to certify that wo have given the Grand' Republic cigarro a good trial and find them to bo a good' , frco , easy s > mokcr , and a good seller , and do not hesitate to recommend thorn-in every particular. Very truly yours , WOODI'ORD BROS. AlNSWORTH , Nob. , Jan. 18,1888. PKREOOY & MOORE , Council Bluffs , la. I have bold the Grand Republic cipari'os ono year and a half , and find thorn one of the best nickel cigars that I over used. SYVER BACKEY. COIN , IA , Jan. 0 , 1888. PEREOOY & MOOUK , Council Bluffs , Iowa : . Gentlemen : Wo have this day given your Mr. Shepard an order for Grand Republic Cigarro. They are.tho bebt C- cent goods and the most rapid sellers that wo have ever handled. Respectfully , ' - A. MISSOURI VALtKY.lA. , Jail. 30,1883. MESSRS. PEKEOOY & MOORE : Dear Sirs : I have sold your Grand RoJ publics cigarros for about ono year. They are.n , good and fast seller. I sell more of them than any one brand I handle. Always gives general satisfaction. Respectfully yours , W. M. HAHMON. BEATRICE. Neb. , Jan. 10 , 1S88. I have sold the Grand Republic cigarro for three years. It is the best five-cent cigar I have over handled. J. Q. HAMILTON. NORTH BEND , Nob. , Jan. 9 , 1888. MESSRS. PKREQOY & MOORE , Council Bluffs , la. : Gentlemen : During 1887 I hnvo sold over fifty thousand (50,000) ( ) Grand Re public cigarros , purchashcd of your house. My sales of this band verify the statements of my customers that the cigarro is uniform in quality , and the best cigars over placed upon the market at the price. Please send me two thousand (2,000) ( ) Colorado by first mail. Yours respectfully , C , B. TnEADWELI , . CRETE , Nob. . Jan. 23 , 1888. Mnssns. PEREOOY & MOORI : , Council Bluffs , Iowa : Gentlemen : Please ship us by rail road 10 mlllo (10,000) ( ) Grand Republla cigarros , to bo paid for on delivery , M it is the best cigarro for , the immoy w * have had this year. T. H. MILLER & Co. GRAND ISLAND , Nob. Jan. 21,1888. PEREQOY & MOORE , Council Bluffs , la. Dear Sirs : Having handled "Grand Republic Cigarros" for past three yean I unhesitatingly pronounce them the best 5c goods I have ever dealt in , and fully believe thorn to bo equal in qual ity of stock to most lOo cigars. Respectfully , F. S. HAZARD , Chemist and druggist. MARIE ANTOINETTE , THE FINEST TEN AND FIFTEEN CENT CIGAR SOLD. Perfectos , Londres Sublime , and Petit Lpndres , made from the highest grades of Havana , from the El Repaso district ; guaranteed Spanish work. PEREGOY & MOORE , - WESTERN AGENTS , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , ij > ! g handsome horse. Though thin In the thighs ho is a most commendable unimal in every way. ' ' Other lists of winners included Jack Tar fcy Jolly Tar , Fuvonius Lancestraln by Toxo- fhillto , Lord luarden by Lord Clifton , Silver ' Crown by Sylvester nnd Tiber by Endrincr. Amongst the beaten horses wcro DrumHead - Head , with which Sir John Astley won his match against Captain Henry Catty , and the "Wi/ard , once a hot favorite. American dealers present told rnothat they vrcro much dissatisfied with the show and think that they can get better animals on the Other side. 1 Mob Violence Threatened. . , CEXTIIAI.M , Kun. , Fob. 11. [ Special Telegram - gram to the BKB. ] A. D. Birchfleld , Oscar "Cummlngs and Dr. Hcddcn , the postmaster , nnd two bank officials , who wcro arrested for 'tampering with the malls here , are in charge pf their respective businesses. The commis- oclonor released them on their own rccogniz- iuncos. It proves to be a local bank fight. i > The feeling Is intense against the bank that caused the arrest. To-night an iiraignntion meeting is culled at which trouble is an tic i- 4inted. The band frcm this place has been > secured by these who were In sympathy with tbo arrested men and both sides will try to 'Bocuro the passage of resolutions favorable to them. Mob violence has been threatened * the cashier of the First National bank who is , M homo sick. K The Tmw Constitutional. ' ' TOPEKA , Kan. , Feb. 11. [ Special Telegram io the BRB. ] The supreme cotirt to-day gave . .nn opinion in the proceedings brought by the , state against the mayor and council of ICan- -nas City , Kan. , to compel them to pass an or- ' 'clinatico paying the police force , the object of "tho procedings being to test the const Itution- nhtyof the metropolitan i > ollco law. The court holds that the law Is constitutional and , that u court cannot Interfere by n mandamus \vhere there is an adequate remedy at luw ; 'that ' the police and others employed by the ' volleo commissioners of Kansas City. Kan. , Imvo an action at law to recover their saliv- * 'rlea tho. same as any other creditor of a city. A similar decision is also given in the Lcu- vdnworth case which ulso involved the con- 1 etitutioiiulity of the law. .s 3 J Must Pay tlio Ohnrgrfl. t , CHIOAOO , Feb. 11. Judge Richard S. Tut- hjil in the circuit court of Chicago to-day , made a decision of great importance to in ( . ' 'dustrJal schools for dependent boysi and kpj'ris throughout ! the country , and which has ' "attracted widespread attention. The in corporators of the Chicago industrial school uro all Roman Catholics and temporarily , until they secure a building of their own , con .tractwl with the Sisters of tlio Good Shop- r > , fiord to house and tench girls committed "There nro other industrial schools in the Utato , thu Incorporate of which arc protcs- tnnts. By law the county lias to pay for the support of such girls. The county resisted payment on the ground that it would bo tin payment of public money for sectarian pur poses. Judge Tuthill , iu an able opinion , do F cldcd that the purpose was not sectarian am * ordered the court to pay the amount , | 19V > 3 fe 1 Weather Indication ) ! . ' For Nebraska : Fair weather , followed bi B' local snows , warmer in eastern portion It warmer followed by slightly colder investci portion , light to fresh variable winds. ic For Iowa : Warmer , fair weather , prccedc < If in northern portion by local snows , light ti fresh winds , generally from sovth to west. . For Eastern and Southwestern Dakota * " -\Variner uud snow followed by colder , fai Weather , light to fresh variable winds. To Have a New Court Jlouse1 Oaii.LALANcb.Feb. 11.-Special [ Telegran \l \ to the UEB. ] The election on issuing bond 'fur l,8Wtobullda new court House wa carried by u good majority hero to-day , Thi fa one of the many substantlulbuildins tha will bo erected the coming year. Yeatoi-dny's internal revenue coltcc ttaus utaouuted to $0,831.88. AN INCOMPETENT COMMITTEE , Progress of the Investigation of the Reading Strike. * IGNORANT AS TO THEIR DUTIES Officials of the lload Charged With Conspiracy to Break Up the Knights or Labor Grave Robbing. Dense Ignorance. WASHINGTON Buucxu THE OMAHA. HKK , ) 513 FooiitnuNTii STHEKT , > WASHihQTON- . C. , Feb. 11. | It was made nioro plain to-day than was really anticipated that the special committee of the house investigating the Heading rail way strike and tlio mining troubles in Penn sylvania as ill-composed and ill-organized , The only man on the committee who had any experience In such investigations who appears to Imvo any adaptability to the work is Judge Parker , of New York. Ho is llfty-seven years old , lias been long on tlio bench and In the practice of law , but has had some expe rience in investigations by his connection in the last congress with the committee that in vestigated the strko on the Gould system of railways of tlio southwest. Judge Clilpmun , of Now York , is fifty- eight years old , and on his first term in con gress. Mr. Stone , of Missouri , lays no claim to being a probor of secrets. Mr. Anderson , of Kansas , is so very deaf that ho can scarcely keep track of the pro ceedings of the committee. The chairman , Mr. Tillinan , is sixty-two years old and no moro active or qualified for the work than was ex-Governor Cnrtin , who was chairman of the strike committee in the last congress. ' As a witness the committee had before them to-dav John L. Leo , u machinist in the Heading shops at Philadelphia , who was dls- charged in the curly part of the Heading J strike and who has been chairman of the executive board which has attempted , on a number of occasions , to bring about a settle * ment between the strikers and President Corbin , General Manager MoLeod and Gen eral Superintendent Swigard. This man was full of valuable information , but it seemed that no one , of. the committee was about to got it. Members of the committee . Inquired of Leo where tins strike , or "lock out , " as ho tanned it , began , and what the principle was which it involved , and not one itnew , when he left tlio witness stand after two hours of talk , what ho wanted to Know. To nuiko a long story short , the strikers charge these three rallioad offi cials with having acted selllshly and in bnd fuith. They claim that Swlgaid violated all of the various vcibal and written agreements cntei ed into by wlrtch the strikers wore to bo uvcrtcil , discharges mnda only after careful investigation and arbitration and the inteiest of the employes maintained under all condi tions of trade. He stated In most positive terms that Swlgard had , after acting in bad faith with the employes , attempted to act in bad faith with the Heading company , and that ho mudo propositions to him ( Leo ) , to glvohlm a better position than a machinist if ho would set him ( Swlgard ) right with the company , with which ho seems to have gotten into bud icputu within a short time. Leo charged Swigard and Coi bin with having proposed to enter into a secret compact witli the lockcd-out employes by which the latter were to assist the. former in bulling the coal market , when tlio employes and employers wcro to snare and share alike in the proflts , He also charged the railroad company with having delayed his tolo raphio messages an nouncing the striku at an end , and ordering the men to work for' the purpaso of giving the uillroad otllclals an oppoitunlty to dis charge the strikers > nnd tuko ltd vantage ol tlio emergency the strike ! had created lU the markets. Tin : Loxariiuor TO lusoncuxizE TUB KOF i. T.ho witness gave to the committee tko name of William T. Lewis , who is located at Columbus , O. . and who is at the head of the district organization of miners , nnd promised ; hat Lewis would give undisputed and posi tive testimony about the existence of a con spiracy between the railroad managers of the country , with headquarters in New York. \ \ ith a view of breaking down the or- [ jani/ation of Knights of Labor. The charge lias been frequently made during the post two or three years and a number of times labor agitators in tlio cast have connected the names of railway officials with this cc-i- spiracy. When Mr. Lewis is called to tes tify it will bo seen whether there is anything in this grave accusation. The investigation creates no interest in Washington because , as I stated some time ago , the impression prevails that no good will come of the inves tigation ; that after the committee next week visits Pennsylvania and other sections of the east nnd takes testimony from the strikes rtnd the railroad jxsoplo It will como back and postpone for months its Una ! report , for reasons generally only known to investigat ing committees , nnd that no action will eventually bo taken on the deductions of the committee by congress. ANOTHER rutcicAL IXVKSTKUTIOX. The investigation by the house committee on manufactures into the formation and maintenance of trusts throughout the coun try , authorized by the Mason resolution , is to begin next week. Several days ago each member of the committee was appointed a committee of ono to obtain information to bo used oa pointers and a basis upon which to operate , the committee having no starting point. This investigation has a novel pur pose , and inasmuch us it will bring into pub- lie view immense corporations , against which there have been howls set up for years , it could do u great deal of good to the country and prove very interesting if it was conducted with any energy and persistence. But an impression has got abroad in Wash ington that this investigation , like the ono into the Heading railway strike , will bo abortive and will not ainount to much in the end. It seems that the speaker , either torough negligence , ignorance or general In capacity iu such matters , manifestly so com poses the investigating committees , which have wide opportunities , so as to make a failure of the ends in view. Tim quuimi.i.ixo : nuutou > s. Meetings are being hold almost nightly by fiaffluents of u committee known as the cain- inltteo of ono hundred and composed of citi zens of the southern part of the city which is traversed by the railroads , for the purpose of determining whether congress shall com pel the : . ; llronds to abolish the present depots occupied by them and establish a union sta tion. A great deal of agitation has been given the subject within the past two or three weeks , and the citizens of the southern sec tion of Washington nro considerably per turbed. As stated in u dispatch to the HUB several days ago , the question involved is one of conflicting interest * between two of the great railroad companies entering Washing ton. The H.iltimoro & Potomac , which Is a branch of the Pennsylvania railroad , has a line station located on anunfrequentedstreot , but in u very , convenient locality for the 'travelling public. From it run the two or three roads to the south. About a milo in the opposite direction the Baltimore & Ohio is located. Its station is very dliigy and old , and that company wants an opportunity to rebuild. Above nil this , however it desires n union depot , so that It can get connections to the south over the roads which run into the Pennsylvania station , and which it canr not reach under the present arrangement. The tight has been going on for three or four yearn , and is a very bitter ono. U is a ques tion \\hlch interests all of the people who visit the national capital , as it affects their convenience. Congress is being Hooded with petitions on tha subject. The people in the District appear to bo in the majority for per- initiing the H.iltimoro & Potomac road to maintain Its pioacnt station , while the coun try at large , so fur aH heard fiom , is unani mous in that direction. HTUANIJB aiiAvr.-itonnixo INCIDENT. Grave robbing is about as common a thing- In this town now ns lobbying. Hardly it week posses that the body of some loved one is not discovered in a dissecting room. And what is OKI punishment for such ci lines f Next to nothing. A short , a very short term lu the District Jail. The latest and most sensational instance of body-snatching came to light under peculiar circumstances last nlcjht , when several men were arrested soon utter leaving a medical college with the body of a luxly which had botin stolen and which they were about to return to the cemetery. The body was that of the young wife of Uov. Dr. Teasdale. The lady had died on the first of the month. A few days later friends wont to the grave to place some flowers. A second end visit was made by the same parties two days later and they were horrified to find placed upon the mound with the other flowers a boquot that had reposed on the bosom of the dead woman in her coffin. This led to an investigation and the subsequent finding of the body. Mrs. Teasdalo was ono of the most beautiful women in this section of the country. She had been married but a few month and death had resulted from a maladv that had baffled the physicians. This fact probably caused the medical men to have the body stolen for examination. MISCKLLWfEOlia I'AlUaKAFHS. Hugh T. Reid , of Iowa , son of General Held , the first colonel of the Fifteenth Iowa , and a nephew of General Belknap , is at the Jefferson club. Neither house of congress was iu session to-day. The senate is to vote on the Blair educa tional bill next Wednesday. It is believed it will bo passed by a very largo majority , but doubts are entertained whether it will over come to a vote in the houso. T. P. Kcnnard. K. O. Phillips and wife , J. Ukoff and City Attorney Atkinson , of Lin coln , are in the city. Some of them leave for homo to-morrow night. PEKRT S. HRATII. Nebraska nnd Iowa Pensions. WASHINOTOX , Feb. J.I. [ Special Telegram. to the Ur.E.l Pensions wcro granted for Ncbrnskans to-day as follows : Original in valid Smith H. Bcoson , Lincoln ; Mabon A. Dickson , Pluttsmouth ; Charles S. Boughton , Omaha ; William Downey , Eureka ; Walter S. Grccnleyn , alias Walter S. Downing , Glcnalplu ; Randolph Fairbank , Graf ton. Increase James W. Clark , Albion ; Samuel James McMurray , Bonklcman ; Joseph Gake , Slocum. Original for widows Amelia , widow of James H. Smalls , Fremont. Pensions for lowans : Original invalid Thomas S. Patterson. Stone City : John M. Fredericks , Hayes ; John P. Nichols , Akron : David Carmen , Cedar Rapids ; William Med- dleton , Madison ; Daniel A. Gow , Martins- burg. Restoration and increase Fenton S. Do Song , East DCS Molncs. Increase John Ellenbergcr , Batavla : John I. Sccloy , Mar- tlnsburg ; James Hall , Greene ; William West. Corning ; William H. Johnston , Mount Ayr ; Charles Walkings , Algona Original for widows Sarah , mother of Daniel F. Ben nett , Redding : Elizabeth A. , widow of Ben jamin Chaffeo , Tama City. Tlio Hostoii Celebration. BOSTON , Fob. 11. The Massachusetts club celebrated the anniversary of Lincoln's birthday by a banquet tbjs evening. Hanni bal Hamlin sent a letter..in which ho said : "Let his birthday/lik'e that of Washington , be made national , and like that of Washing ton , let it bo forever ebfnmcmoratcd. " The sentiment was received with great applause. Judge Ijefllnrfwell's Successor. DF.S Moixns , Iu.r Kcb.ll. Governor Lar- rabce to-day appointed ! Mr. Hewitt , of Clin ton , to bo district jiidgo } to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Judge Lcfllngwell. Mr. Hewitt was the linmnmous choice of the bar association of the district , and is a demo crat. ( Morning lllazo. About 2 o'clock thin mgrnlng a chorus of shrill whistles from , tup locomotives In the vicinity of the de | > ots called attention to a lire. It was in a little frame building-on the corner of Pierce and Third streets. The oc cupant was a Bohemian bachelor. It Is alleged that ho came homo intoxicated and overturned a lamp , and hence the blaze. The loss was small. The emperor of Russia is decidedly a pa tron of music. Antolno Rubenstcin , the composer , has boon made by imperial Russian ukase a councillor of state , with the title of excellency , and Picrro Tschaikowski , an other composer , has been awarded a travelIng - Ing pension of 3,000 rubles--about J2.000. . Mr. Tony-Pastor will soon introduce n now asp'iant ' for musical honors , Miss Daisy Dublin , the daughter of u w ll known hotel proprietor of Ulica , N. Y. Miss Dublin , who la said to lie a musical phenomenon , 1s a tall brunette , of captivating appearance , and is well knawo. in social circles in central New York. THE NATION'S ' FIRST MARTYR , Lincoln's Birthday Appropriately Celebrated in Several Cities. A BANQUET AT DELMONICO'S Eloquent Addresses Delivered Ry Sen ators Kvartg , Mandcrson , Sherman and Others The Anniver sary Elsewhere. Onr Second Washington. NBW YOIIK , Feb. 11. The Republican Club of the City of Now York held a dinner nt Dohnonlco's to-night in honor of the birthday of Abraham Lincoln. About 273 persons wcro present , including the following gticsts : Sen ator John Sherman , Congressman William McICtuley , jr. , and Hon. Charles H. Gros- vcnor , oil of Ohio ; Senator W. M. Evarts nnd ox-Senator T. S. Platt and Warner Miller ; Hon. W.B. Allison , of Iowa ; Senator Mandcrson , of Nebraska , nnd Congressman Goff , of West Virginia. Among those who sent letters of regret wore ex-Secretary of War Robert T. Lincoln , ex-Vice President Hannibal Hamlin , General John C. Fremont , cx-Prcsldent Hayes , Chief Justice Wnite , of the supreme court ; Governor Forakcr , of Ohio ; Governor Oglesby , of Illi nois ; Governor Beaver , of Pennsylvania. Senator Hoar , Senator Ingalls , Judge Gresham - ham , General Alger and Hon. B. F. Jones. The first regular toast was : "Abraham Lincoln The fame of such n character brightening with the progress of humanity can bo measured only by the limits of the world's gratitude and the bounds of timo. " Senator Kvarts , who in the convention in 1SDO had moved- make unanimous the nom ination of Lincoln , rcsoouded. Ho said : 'T am proud to bo numbered with the members of this club and to take part In this tribute to Abraham Lincoln. Where can we find fame like this } His is a fame like that of Washing ton , and liU earner reflects upon Illinois a glory like that which Washington gave to Virginia , " Senator Evarts bricflv outlined the career of Lincoln , comparing his fame with that of King David. After the great' series of debates with Stephen A. Douglas.ho was the leader not of u party , but of the nation , that had risen to shako oft the encumbrances that bound its limbs , said Mr. Evarts. "Though without an army or navy this nation was able , as It would bo again , to equip on the sea and land an arma ment able to cope with the armies of the world , and Lincoln lived to see .peace over u subjected , not a compromised , rebellion. [ Applause. ] There was nothing left in the stages of human greatness but that this chosen leader should bo u martyr , [ applause ] and that ho should have been stricken down on Good Friday us u martyr of liberty adds to his glory. " "Tho Republican Party Summoned Into cxisxcnco at the call of fcoodom , trained in n school of unparalleled responsibility , Itstands to-day with a past that In glorious and a fu ture filled with promise , " was responded to by Senator John C. Spoonor , of Wisccnsln. Senator Spooner was received with hcaity applause. Ho sketched the hlHtory and achievement * of the party nnd continued as follows : "Tho coming campaign shoud ) not bo fought on economic ( | ue.Htlonn'alono. The question of civil service reform which gives all the ofllccs to ono party and which folds Eugcno HJgglns to its bosom , Is not the only issues. The petition of American Industry and of American labor demaudsournttenUon. The summer school at Red Top , of Prof. Car lisle , had scarcely concluded its labors before the administration won tlio applanso of all free trade England , with the smiling acquiescence of the northern democracy. The grcutmanufucturingiitateof Tcxa * [ laughter ] has the chairmanship of the house committee of ways and menus and the democrats of the north have but ono member. Thuso men are not fit to have charge of the Interests of American labor. In the coining contest Now York will havd a place of honor and 6f res ponslblllty and you can be assured that tbo republican states of the west nnd tlio north west will not fail you. " Senator Sherman's toast was : "A Frco Ballot and a Fair Count. " From the time of Washington , ho had found the great patriots of America had dwelt upon a frco ballot us the basis of our liborties. Even Grover Cleveland dwelt upon this In ono of his messages not the last one. [ Luughtciji That was devoted to pav ing the way for another campaign. Had there been a frco ballot and a fair count , in lbS4 .lames G. Blalne would have been elected. [ Tremendous applause ] . All over the north , as well as the south , the demo cratic party has tried to corrupt the ballot , and in Ohio even the democratic old Roman , Thurman , [ applause ] hud been prosecuting these enemies of the republic. It is in the power of the national honso of representatives to pass upon the qunlillca tlons of its members , and in this matter the speaker believed the republican party hud been direlcct. Several of the southern states would to-day bo republican If there was a fair count , and If the republican party does not do its duty in this matter the democratic party will break down the industries of the country. "Wo have been punished by one term of the democratic party , " said Senator Sherman , "and I think will not be punished with a second term like it" "Tho Union Soldier The republic that ho saved in war , he saved in peace , " was re sponded to by Senator Manderson , of Ne braska. Tlio speaker was very severe upon President Cleveland's pension vetoes , speak ing of the dependent pension bill us u most beneficent measure nnd the pension list as u roll of honor and n patent of nobility. The survivors of the war do not demand service pensions , ho said , but they do demand that when ono of thoirnumber is'disnblcd ho shall bo cared f6r by the government ho served und saved. [ Applauso. ] Congressman McKinley , of Ohio , spoke upon the tariff. Senator Allison , of Iowa , lespondcd to "The Surplus The republican paity sinoto the rock of national resources and abundant streams of revenue gushed forth. " Could It now speak the word of command the HewIng - Ing tide would ceaso. Senator Allison did not get a chance to begin until midnight and said ho would not break the Sabbath by speaking. Ho simply referred to the man agement of the muional finances by the re publican party , showing how the credit of the government had been improved nnd the war carried on , although the government was almost bankrupt in 1 )0. He pronounced the democratic p.uty responsible for the present situation , nnd , as Senator Sner- man suggested sot to voce , declared the democrats did not know how to manage the surplus because they never had one before. A SENSATIONAL ROBBERY. Thrown Down and Itoblpd In u San FranclHco Theatre. Stin Frnncisco Chronicle : Just before the curtain rose on "A Dsxrk Secret" at the California thentru hint nitfht u 111:111 : in the gallery was thrown down by three rouglib nnd.robbod of $81)f ) ( in fjokl. The theatre wns packed undliio moin- bor.s of tlio orchestra wore lllinp to tliolr iiluuuH , when Albert und Louib Mund- lienk , two youiiff Germans , residing at 1081 Sutler street , entered the b'nllory accompanied by their hihtor , 11 youiifr lady. Albert carried in a Hack , tucked away in his right hip pocket , $8M ( ) , mostly in doublu eagles. There was a dense throng of puonlo Btunduig behind the rear tiers in tlio gallery , and the little party of tlireo had to fall in single lllo to move down to their previously retained Beats. Louis pusliud on in au- viincu , witli Albert close at his hculs and the bistor following , Albert had jtibt begun the descent of tlio aisle when no felt a hand at his hip pocket. Ho turned quickly , but at the movement both of his hand's wcro fcoizod and wrenched in a rough and painful way behind him. lib was bent forward , a knee was pressed on his baclc , and he foil to the iloor. There was iv surge in the crowd , aml a great trampling about. Albert's pantalooria wore torn at the knee , und his right hand as ho lay pros trate was trod upon and crushed. In another moment the grasp' upon him 1'oliun.ulsliod and. he leaped to liib foot. Ho saw-throe men retiring-through the crowd and shoving people violently about until they wore lost to viow. He thought he saw one of the men hitnd th bag of golorto another , nnd caught a fair glimpse of the lattur'b faco. His slater was a spectator of the whole alTair , but was too agitated to take cognisance of anything. Such was the jam in the the ater that few beyond these within a radius of a few feet know aught of tha stiirtling episode. A moment inoro the ' orcheitra opened , tlio curtain rose and the play began. Tlio Mundhenk party , however , were not among those who heeded the performance , for _ as their entire fortunes was centered in that bag of gold , they could have no thought aside from it. With tears streaming down their faces , wild with excitement , the three ran down the stairs , crying , "Policol" The policeman on that beat rau Into a the theater , other c-llieers and detectives were called , and a quiet search of tha house began. On the end of the fifth center row bat a young man and run ning his eyes over the audience , Albert Mundhohk indicated him as the ono to whom the stolen packet had been handed , lie was instantly taken into uiibtody. Albert then pointed out two boys of whom ho was strongly suspicious. They , too , were taken to tlio station. When the play ended a close watch was kept on the crowd pouring out of tbo gallery , but without results. After the house was emptied the lights were kept burning by special orderund r. thorough faoarch was made of the theater in ev < ry part. Nothing was found. Mundheuu : was then taken to tbo city prison an confronted for a moro careful scrutiny with tbo throe prisoners. He re- alllrmcd bis identuication of the first one , but desired to let the others go , as nothing was found upon their persons nnd ho was not sure of his judgment ro- them. They were dismissed. Tlio man held is u youth nineteen years old , giving the name of Charles Randal Pike. Ho wept and bemoaned his ill-luck when told that ho must re main in custody. Nothing was found in ills pockets. "I live witli my parents at 87 Prairie street , " ho said. "Wo moved here from Lcavonworth , Kan. , about throe months ago. I hud a scat la the gallery of tlio California theater to-night , at Ih-ht down near the front. Later I moAod back to sit with a friepd. I never saw Mundhonk before , and know nothing of tlio robbery until ho tapped mo on tlio shoulder und said , 'This IB tlio man. ' Hois mistaken , and that's all about it. " Neither of the Mundhonk brothers can speak much English. Albert is a baker , and had worked hero tlireo years until ho wont out on the present strike. Louis is a blacksmith by trade , and came hero a few weeks ago from the mountains , Albert explains the pres ence of so much money in his pocket with the statement that it was their * joint funds , tlio savings of years , nnd i they had everything packed up ready to move this morning to Wotfconvillo , Santa Cruz county , where they were to Mart a bakery. I'lioy had their plant roiuly and partially paid for. They have not now a cent loft , nnd scarcely ] know \ \ hero to turn for their immodiata necessities. ' Mrs. John M. Davidson , a niece of Andrew Jackson , and the widow of a gallant Con federate oftlcor who was killed in the battle of Gettysburg , IB living in straitened circumstancoa in Siiuinnah. A Kansas City woman saw Booth and Br- rrtt play 'Othello" In' that city and wa asked which actor pleased her most. "Wall , 1 Imrdl v kniw , " she said , after due dolibwt- tleh : "I likrd ono'bout ' as well at the other. They were both Just as cunnin * K they MttU be. " . . ' ' . . ,