Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 12, 1888, Page 11, Image 11

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% Enter Enpe M , Mather Makes
PdbMeStornf a Remark
atile Event
list W * Ilcccntljr Rumored In
Quiet War Concerning a nit of
History Connected With
HH | Life.
Tn March of Information conecrnlngsn Alleged
rpinarknlilovcnt that happened In the Kainoinl
Hotel , ronierof Hlxtecnth and Websterstu , the
reporter made hln way to that place and met the
engineer , Mr. KiiRrno Mather , who. It had been
rt'ported , was closely connected with the event.
" 1 iinileratunil you were very near death's door ,
Mr. Mnther. " observeil the writer. "That was
true , " was the reply.o nnd , after a moment's
thought , ho concltulril tlmt he would bo ufiling
to giro for publication all the factH connected
with the event.
"To begin nt the beginning " "Well , T can't
rny Just when my trouble originated , but It was
Bomi'thlng over two yearn ngo Hint I llrnt uottcitd
more or le'S Impairment of tlic appetite ; naiuea
anil vomiting a liquid cuntiitnltiK bile anil Bour
water. I would huvo an uiuinKlinws or distress
In my Mtomiich. nnd my bowels worn very much
ronstlpnteil. My tonmm was coatvil and 1 hail a
bitter tasti'iinil my brenth was lery offensive.
I would take cold eusy ami of recent years was
Hiihjuctto a pitn tn thu frmital region of my
hnnd. My rontenance would frequently have a
nallow appvnrnnr , and I feltmoroorles.s liilloiiH
all the time , 1th a burning sensation or a feelIng -
Ing of he it 1n thu pit of my stomach Inch w as
soasntlre to jariior shock * .
"I low long dltl you say you were In this con
dition1/ "
"Uh a good while , neven 01 eight ycnra at le ist ,
and It wan constant , snmetlnifH worse than
othcrH. 1 became riMltircd InhrulthnndHtrunctb ,
and nt tlmex would fed low pirltoil nnd dps-
pnmlont. with noambltlrnor rtierjrv. Then my
mental facnlt'oi fulled me , and It was wllhthe
greatest ilitllculty 1 rould iet my thoughts eon-
centrat'd ) on ont < subject toni ; ouoiigh to maku
any oxplnnntlon I drslred to linpnrtto any other
person , Tnko It iiltofiutlier. I was In a bud way.
My stomach at times wus In Kiich a condition
tlnitlt would nrnrccly rc-tnln unv fcoil whntovrr ,
Sleep didn't Heem to do me much Rood.aud In the
morning 1 would fi-i-l tin If I hadn't Nlcpt at till
more tired tliiinl was when I went to bed the
night before. What ttleep I dlclhiuu wus atten
ded ) ) y some of the most horrible drcums onu
could ImiiKlne. "
"Can you tell mo how It began ? "
"No. not exactly. My trouble seemed plight a
flrnt , anil I think w as caused by a cold , and 1 hail
no Idea that It wa going to tl reaten my life , be
came I paid uo attention to thu cold , lly anil by
I found my nose would ston up. Ill s t on one skip ,
thenonthootlirr , and finally lx > th sldesdwonld
be plugged up at the same time I began to huve
Huuilen attacks of illzzlneiw ; especially would
this bo the CHSO when 1 would ttonp down and
then rise up quickly. I found that the mucus
would drop from the back part of my 1100 Into
my throat and thut.I think , caused the trouble
In my Htomach. At time * 1 would raise conitd-
ablephleirm. 1 was sick anyway and was al
most an Invalid for a time , and 1 suppose that
thu fear that my lungs were directed made me
still more despondent and gloomy than I other
wise would have been. "
"And the remarkable event "
"la my recovery. That Is what I am glad to
tell you about , hwanso I think It Isof Interest to
the people tci know * that there Is a euro for such
a disease , About two months a jo I vfslted and
placvd myself under Dr. McCoy's treatment.
You ran heo the results for yourself. I began to
Improve ut once , and rout 'nueil to Improve right
along until today I feel us much like a new mnn
as the difference between daylight and dark
ness. "
"I can. " continued Mr. Mather. 'Vay there Is
no doubt la my mind but that Dr. McCoys treat
ment Is both prucltcal and scientific , and that
and that every promise he makes to his patients
are fully and tlatthfnlly carried out on his part. "
Mr. Mather , ns above stated , can bo found at
the Kxnioud hotel , corner Slxteenh and Webster
htH.where ho will corroboiato the nbove. The
doctor respectfully Invites the public to Invest
igate Iliu truthfulness of the htutomentsho pub-
bMie.s from week to week In thu dally papers.
Cut the Proposition Is 'We Have
llune It. "
Ono ot the local dallies not long Mnro hnd the
following : That Ur.MtCoy's offices are both day
and evening thronged with patients has been a
mutter of surprise to ijome. who murk the fact
that although he advertises , his advertisements
are chnriicteilsed by no alluring promises or
guarantees. They had expected , doubtless , that
hlH course would bo similar to that pursued by
thu advertising unuck ; tlmt ho would promise
to. euro everything right and left , nud ufter
making n few hundred dollars leave the ton u.
On thu contrary , helms not promised , but per
formed. From out , of the hundreds that ho in
treating the statement of onu patient has been
Riven each week for the iost : eight mouths-a
Mat.'uieut to the offo < t that a complete euro hud
been vlTocteil by Dr. McCoy's treatment.
Tliosts who have made these statements have
not bet-n obscure or unknown. In mnnv cases
they huvu been well-known people , standing e.s-
iwclnlly high In the commuultjVflielrstatoments
havn been voluntary and the Inquiry they elicited
shows that they became matters of general In
Some time since a lady said : "I would like very
much to use lr. McCoy's treatment , but nni
afraid to consult for fear he would publish my
imm . " Now , to nil such persons let the writer
here M y tlmt Dr. McCoy does not publish ( un
person s name without llrst nsklni ? and obtain-
fau the person's consent. Again , he does not
publish one-tenth or oue-huudreth part of his
cases , nor thu letters from hl.s grateful patients
whom he has treated. Dr. Mi Coy publishes u
few statements of Hasen trentod by him. Ho
lets his w-urlc speak for Itself. No one need be
afraid of the doctor's publishing his name with
out tlrst asktnguud obtaining his consent.
That Dr. McCoy nnd his associates are perma
nently located In the Knmge HUick. Omaha ,
1 assured from the facts that their lease nnd
contractsuru made by the year. .During tlu >
cold weather pel-sous are more or less troubled
vlth colds , which should be promptly attended
to. Consultation nt the oltlco or nn opinion by
umll Is only } 1. The doctor furnishes nil medi
cines to Ills patients , thus avoiding the expense
of having prescriptions Jllled nt the drug stores ,
All letters should bo addressed tn Dr. J ,
tt * " ' 1. . McCoy , HooiiiH .110 and 311 llnmgc
lllock. Omaha , Nebraska , nnd to insure an uu-
ewer should bo accomi auled by four cents In
* ' * |
Tlio iMnln Truth.
\ When a person wllh u ilellcnte constitution
has a tendency to catarrh or roiLsumptlou-
Mhether this tendency Is Inherited or renultn
from taking cold easily-lt U noticeable that
that per > ou lavurl.iblv loses tlosliind loses
Btrvngtli , bhowlug that the nutiltlon Is Inter
fervdlth. .
In aiu-li a case the sufferer nhould at once bt <
placed under InHnences Unit " 111 restore the de
fective nutrition and lead to Invigorate the cun-
It U tn be remembered that tn every rase the
pretence ol rnturrh Is an evidence of predUira
elliou to consumption , and uo mutter ho
Blight the attnrlc may should bo treated
jvlth the gu-ate&t rare , and the truatmenthhonlil
uo routluued until all traces of the catarrh have
lU.nniH'ared. .
If the catarrh In allowed to reach the small
ext tubes In this lungs \\hlth cnndltlou is Indt
rated by the Milttlng up of a yellow matrrlul-
tu nlinme < llateattfittron to the umludy Ude-
luanded. or rx-rlous lung trouble will result.
Catarrh K nlnu times of ten , thocuuiorthal
rrtduce consumption , and hence no ouo can
"ft0. 1" neulm a caw of catarrh , however
Might. It N easily cured If taken In time anil
treated regularly ami correctly by u | H-clallst ,
If left to Itjtelf It U rarely cured without u
change of climate , but with carh new cold U
Ki'ts mor and more trouhloMOne. extending ul
jrays llttla deeper Into the lunrs. until u curt
Iiix0ni ! i OUUcull and sumetlmes luiiHi .ilblo.
Wheat Shows Activity and Strength
In the Morning.
A Narrow ltnn o In the Price of Corn
and Very Ijlttlo Business Done
Cattle Trading Slow
CIIICAOO , Feb. It. [ Special Telegram to
the Ur.K. ] The whcut tnnrkct opened this
morning with considcraljlo activity and some
show of strength. Foreign advices were en
couraging. The Now York market was steady
nnd advancing und exporting houses were
buying wheat hero and there was good buyIng -
Ing curly for New York account. The advance
wus small , however , nnd after the first hour
even this wus nearly nil lost und the pit bo-
cuino lifeless and dull , with no feature what
ever to the market. Tbero was said to bti
some selling later for foreign account , but
business for outside was of small volume and
nothing interesting Is to bo expected from
local traders on a Saturday. Hutchinson wag
both buying and selling wheat , but as he
bought nt higher prices than ho sold and
sparingly it was thought that the pur
chases wera ruthcr to sustain -the
prices for some reason of his own
than because ho wanted the wheat.
This i view was rather corroborated
by his selling 250,000 bushels of May In ont
lot to Lindblooin at SOJjtfiMle when 81o was
bid In the pit at the sumo"time. . May wheat
opened at Slo and after soiling'at 80 > ( < 8lc
gradually worked up toSl fe , then slowly de
clined , touching buc shortly before the
close , but u small reaction followed and the
close was at 81 ( < Sl } < e. Juno whcut oi > ened
with 81Xe bid , sola at 81 ( gSlc , and closed
With nn entire.range of prices covered by
} { c not much was to be expected from the
corn market and there was not much done.
For this state of affairs the crowd united to
blame Hntchtnson. That erratlo trader
odcrcd to buy ull they wanted to sell for May
delivery at 51\c nnd sell them all they
wanted to buy nt.M c. With only a moder
ate amount of business to be done for outside
account such a proiKisitlon was a dcadencr to
trade. The sentiment seemed to bo rather
bullish and the light receipts wore encourag
ing to holders. There wus good buy ing early ,
some of it by exporting houses , but
prices never advanced more than Jc
above the opening figures und the
close was a trifle lower. Mai' corn opened at
51J c , ranged between that price and 51c
during ull the curly part of the session , then
advanced to 6t e ana fell backtoSWc ,
where It closed. Juno corn openi-d at r > 19 ( jt
GlKc. The high point was 514@31o bid ,
the low Bljtfc and the close 51 } c.
There was a very quiet but steady market
in oats , with fluctuations amounting to } { c.
May oats opened and closed at 31j c , which
was fractionally above yesterday's close , and
during the session ranged between 31) c and
Jll c. Juno oats ranged between 3l'o and
81Xe , closing nt the last named price.
The provision trade closed the week in a
rather slow manner. For cash delivery there
was some Increase In the demand , but
speculation was under an average volume and
without special feature. Lard was depressed
n little by free offerings by a promi
nent trader and closed 2 c lower than
last night's prices. In suort ribs a decline ol
2JlR5c ( was also suffered. Pork was steadj
nnd unchanged. In the moderate future
business transacted May was the favorite
delivery. It sold for pork nt Sl4.3-y4@14.40 ,
for lard at $7.80@7.8T , and for short ribs at
* 7.00@7.orj . The same month closed for
short ribs und lard ut the lowest prices
touched and for pork at $14.35. For neurci
deliveries than May , final quotations stood al
$14.10 for February nnd March pork. $7.05 foi
February nuu March lard , * 7.12K for Feb
ruary short ribs and $7.45 for March shorl
ribs. Junu lard was quoted ut the close at
$7.SK nd Juno short ribs at $7.07 . Cash
lard sold quite fairly.
CIIICAOO , Feb. 11. [ Special Telegram to
the BKK. ] CATTLE Trade was unusual ! }
slow and prices lower than any other daj
this week. With the fresh arrivals there
were at least 4,000 on s.ilo nnd some sales
, men would not. oven show their cattle , prc-
forring to hold over for Monday's market ,
Steers , 1350 to 1500 Ibs. , $4.20 ® MJO ; 1''Ot
to 1330 Ibs. , $3.GO@4.00 ; 050 to 1200 Ibs. ,
$3.oq@3.55. Stackers und feeders , $2.40 < ji
3.50 ; cows , bulls and mixed , $1.75@3.10 :
bulk , $2.00@2,50. Texas grass steers , 800 Ibs.
Hoes Trade was brisk nnd prices aboul
the same as yesterday. During the week the
market hiis ruled fairly steady and closes al
about the same quotations as a week ago , al
though the receipts have been 65.000 less
than last week. The demand for hog pro
ducts continues light nnd tire provision market
kot has been dull all this week. Heavy ship
ping. $3.00@5.75 ; heavy packing , $5.35S5.GO (
butchers' weighu , $5.35 ( )5.50 ) ; heavy mixed
$5.35(35.50 ( ; light mixed , $3.15@5.30 ; light as
sorted , $5.10@5.30 ; light light , $4.80@5.00.
, Fob. 11. The Drover's Journa
reports us follows :
Cattle Uecoipts , 2,000 ; market dull
steers , $3.00 ( < ? 4,00 ; stackers und feeders$2.41
(33.50 j cows , bulls and mixed , $ l.bO ( 8.10
Texas cattle , $3.75.
Hogs Receipts , 12,000 ; market slow aw
steady ; mixed. * 5.15@5.50 ; heavy , $5.35S (
5.75 ; light , $5.05@o.83 ; ; skips , $3.25@4.S5.
Sheei > Uecoipts , 1,000 ; steady ; natives
$3.50(115.50 ( ; western. $5.00@5.10 ; Texuns
$3.00@4.00 ; lambs , $5.00@(1.10. (
National Stock Yards , East St
Louis , Feb. 11. Cattle Ucccipts , UOO
shipments , 1,100 ; ' market strong at un
changed figures ; choice heavy natlv (
steers , $ -1.40(35.35 ( ; fair to good na
tlvo steers , $3.00j4.50 ( ; butchers' steers , fail
to choice , $3.10 ( < ? 4.25 : stackers and feeders
fair to good , $2.3o@3.25 ; rangers , ordinan
to good , $2.25@4.20.
Hogs Heceipts , 1,000 ; shipments , 700
market firm ; choice heavy nnd butchers
selections , $5.50@fl.03 ; packing , medium t <
prime , S4.15@5.55 ; light grades , ordinary t <
good , $4.85@5.15.
Kansas City , Fob. 11. Cattle Receipts ,
SIX ) ; shipments , none ; marhet slow bu
steady for good of ull classes ; gooi
to choice corn-fed , $ > @ 4.80 ; common t <
medium , $3.25@4. : > 5 ; stockers , $1.80C < 2.50
feeding steers , $2.00 < < J3.25 ; cows , $1.30(5 (
3. IKK
Hogs Receipts , 0,500 ; shipments , 500
market irregular ; common to choice , $4.70fi
5.45 ; skips and pigs , $3.00(51 ( Utt ) .
NEW YOIIK , Feb. 11. [ Special Telograu
to the Ben. ] STOCKS There was hardl ;
enough business on the New York stock ex
changu to create the impression that thcr
WHS u market , the sales being 27tOO ! share
for two hours , the lightest over known. St
Paul furnished 2,500 shares and Ruiidlni
4,800 shares. Outside of these two stock
nothing of consequence was noted. The bij
traders left the market In disgust , dcclurini
It too stupid to pay attention to , and said Urn
those who depended upon u living on th <
dully fluctuations found decidedly scant ;
picking. The pools that were said to b'
working numerous specialties did nothing
for there wus no use trying to trado. Rot
cutting stories from the west continue uumer
ous , the .situation instead of Improving i
getting worse ana the Indications are that th
end is us far off us over. The Northwester !
made a 20 cent first-class rate to St. Paul
Minneapolis and Duluth und the roads run
ning to the Mississippi river quote a 80 > f con
rate. Packing house products are now takoi
from the Missouri to Chicago for 13 > tf cents
and live stock from all Iowa points nt $35 i
car. Operators have become hardened tc
thorato cutting stories ami no reduction tin
roads can muUo causes any astonishment
The bank statement , showing a decrease ii
Uio reserve of $ J,45l,500 and 'un Increase , ii
the loans of W.fitW.TOO , stirred operators up i
little and trading boeurno a trifle more aul
mated before the close. The gcnrral tone wai
bearish and declines of K@X per cent wore
recorded. The decrease In reserves of th
New York banks was regarded as a bcnrisl
argument , but the largo Increase In leant
shows that Instead of the money bcmglockcc
up In banks it Is finding employment In yurl
ous channels that will In the end probably re
suit advantageously to the bulls. The ROBS ! )
Is that St. Paul will lower Its dividend to ' (
per cent , and In some quarters It Is predicted
that It will pass It entirely. The strength 1 :
has shown of late comes in a measure froir
London , where prices are relatively hlghci
than In New York. Speculation with Chi
eago stock houses was never lighter. Th <
legitimate brokerage transactions do no
average over 500 to 1,000 shares a day , whlul
is hardly enough to pay the expenses of those
having private wires und high-priced oftlccs
GovKitXMF.XM Government bonds wen
bull but steady.
ChlcnKO.Feb. 11. Following are the 2:31 :
closing prices :
Flour Quiet , steady nnd unchanged
perbbl ; buckwheat flour , $3.000.75 per bbl
Wheat Quiet and dull ; opened u shade
better thnn yesterday's close , nnd closed fa
bettor ; cash , 75 5-10c ; March , 750-lOe ; May
Corn Moderately active ; prices showlnf
but narrow fluctuations ; opened firmer thai
closing yesterday ; fluctuated within > e rnngi
nnd closed } < o higher ; cash 4tHfc ; March
40 13-llc ( ; May , 51 ? < c.
Oats Steady , within yesterday's range
closing © tfc better ; May , 31 21-10.
Hyo Quiet at OOc.
Barley 77c.
Piime Timothy f2.40@2.17.
Flax-seed 41.45.
Pork Moderately active and steady : cash
$14.10 ; May , $14.35.
Lard Steady ; fluctuations being wlthit
narrow limits ; cash , $7.05 ; March , $7.05 ; May
Dry Salted Moats Shoulders , $0.00fi.l5
short clear , S8.00@S.C3 ; short ribs , $7.42i4' .
Butter Quiet ; creamery , 22@30c ; dairy
2220c. (
Cheese. Steady ; full cream Cheddars , lOJj
flats , HJllJ ( o ; young Americas , i :
Eggs Firm ; fresh , 24@2tic.
Hides Unchangedgreen ; hides 5Kc ; greet
frozen , 5e ; heavy green salted , OK ; ligh' '
green salted , 0 % ; salted bull , 5J e ; greet
bull4Jfo ; green salted calf , 8e ; dry Win1
and dry calf , 12 < gl3e : branded , 15 per con'
oft : deacons , 30c each ; dry salted , luc.
Tallow Unchangea ; No. 1 , country , 4J (
4J c , No. 2 , 3 > f ; cake. 4J cper Ib.
Kccoipta. Shipments
Flour , bbls 11,000 14,00 !
Wheat , bu , . . 23,000 10,00 <
Corn.bu 80,000 89,00 (
Oats , bu 59,000 02,001
Hyo.bu 1,000 S,00i
Barley.bu 20,000 20,00
Liverpool , Fob. 11. Wheat Quiet an <
steady ; demand poor : holaers offer moder
Corn Quiet and steady ; supply good.
St. LoulH. Feb. 11. Wheat Higher
cash , 80c ; May , S2c. - '
Corn Shade higher ; cash , 45K@40e
May , 47J/'T47c.
Oats Firmer ; cash , SliXe ; May , 29 % ( <
Pork Dull nt $15.00.
Lard-Dull at $7.40.
Whisky * 1.09.
Butter Dull ; creamery , 2o@30c ; dain1
Milwaukee. Feb. 11. Wheat Steady
cash , 70c" ; March , 75 0 ; May , 7UKc.
Corn Weak ; No. 8 , 4Cc.
Oats Dull ; No. 2 white , 8Jc.
Hyo Firm ; No. 1 , Ole.
Barley Ste.idy ; No. 2 , 75 > o.
Provisions Quiet ; pork , February , $14.0
@ 14.25.
Ciiiclnnntl , Feb. 11.Vhcat Quiet
, No. 2 red , 87e.
Corn Steady ; No. 2 mixed , 52c.
Oats Steady ; No. 2 mixed , 33) ) 0.
Hyo Dull and lower ; No. 2 , 05c.
Provisions Pork , easy at $14.75 ; lard
quint ut $7.5flf.
Whisky-Steady at $1.09.
New Orleans , Feb. 11. Corn Dull
weak and lower ; white , 00@01c ; mixed , Old
02u ; yellow , O'Jc.
Outs Easier ; No. 2 , 39 > (5li40o. (
Corn Meal Steady ut $3.80.
_ Hog Products Dull ; pork , $15.00 ; lara
Bulk Meats Shoulders , $0.20 ; loni
clear and clear rib , $7.87Ki
Kansas City , Feb. 11. Wheat Steady
No. 2 soft , 80o asked.
Corn Steady ; No. 2cash , 43u bid ; Marcli
43o bid , 44J < c asked ; May , 45Xo bid.
Oais No. 2 , May , 30c bid , 31J c nskod.
Minneapolis , Feb. 11. Wheat Dull
Closing In store : No. 1 hard , cash , 70 , c
oru , cash , 7i ; } < e ; March , ? J3 < c ; May , 70i
On trark No. 1 hard , 78c ; No. 1 northern
70o ; No. 2 northern , 74@75c.
Flour Unchanged ; patents , In sacks t
ship , $4.10@4.25 ; bakers' , $3.20@3.45.
New Vork , Feb. 11. Wheat Receipts
none ; exports , 85,500 ; options made u gai
of W ® ? ! ! " and closed linn after a few feobl
reactions ; spot was quiet und firm
ungraded red , 89 © 'Jlc ; No. 1 red , nomi
nal at Oljfc ; No. 2 red , 89J < c in ok
vntor , h9Jf ( . < iHc ) f. o. b. , 90 5-10@lH ) c ailoal
March closing at 89Xc.
Corn Receipts , 11,000 ; exports , 40.50C
market a trltlo better but quiet , closing firm
ungraded , OO OOKc ; No. 3 , 58o ; No. 2 , 5S >
@ 5Wo in elevator , 00 % < 202o afloat , Marc
closing at oOUc.
Oats Receipts , 43,000 ; exports , 117.00C
market higher ; mixed western , 341e
white western , 41@47c.
Coffee Spot , fair ; Rio , quiet nt $10.0C
options 10 points higher , but closed weu
with advance lost ; sales. 55,750 bags ; Fol
ruury , * 13.10@1 .25 ; March , $12.55(312.05 (
AprU , $12. 5i ( ( 12.55 ; May , 112.25 ( 12.30 ; June
$ ! i'5of U'OB' ' Julyi IU-75 < 5U'IJ05 * " & * *
Petroleum Firmer ; unlti-d , 89c. . .
Eggs Firm und hi fulr demunu ; westeri
Pork Steady and unchanged ; mes
jiork was quoted ut $15.00J15.50 ( for on
year old.
Lard Steady and quiet ; western stean
spot , was quoted at $3.00.
Butter Quiet and steady ; western , 1
Cheese In light demand ; western ,
Friday , Feb. 11 , 1SSS.
The receipts of cattle during the week ju !
closed have been only moderate and exceede
that of the same week last year by 130 hcai
The market during the week has varic
somewhat us will be seen by the folio win
quotations of each day during the period ii
dicated. On Monday the receipts were ligl
nnd the number of head sold and the quallt
offered does not Justify the giving of quoti
Tuesdays receipts were liberal and a goo
demand , both local and shipping prevallei
Prime steers ranging , from 1803 to 151
pounds sold at , $4.00@4.50 ; the same clas
weighing 1100 to 1800 pounds selling at t3.t
04.25 ; common to choice cows brought f l.i
( < j3.20. according to quality.
VVedncsday's market was not ns good t
Tuesday's , although prices were nearly th
same- Choice steers of the' weight fln
quoted sold at $4.10(54,43 ( ; second grade , $3.W
© 4.10 ; cows. $3.33@3.00.
On Thursday the receipts were light and th <
quality of the stock offered somewhat Infcrioi
to those of the two days previous. There won
no prime heavy atecm offered. Sccoiu
grades brought $3.85@4.10 ; common , $3.25 ( < i
3.00 ; cows , $2.000 3.15.
Friday's market was a little better. Cholci
stock selling at $4.40 ; second quality , (1100 ( nl
1300 iwunds ) at $3.75@4.15. The offerings o :
butchers' stock were not ns peed ns bofon
nnd prices ranged at $1.50@3.10 , according t <
The receipts of hogs have been liberal , nni
show an increase of 5,770 over thocorro
spoudmtt week in 1887. Prices , too , hnv <
been bettor , nnd extra choice heavy hogi
brought as high ns $5.80 on Wednesday. .Th <
present state of the market on all grades 1 :
about 15 cents lower than on that uate , will
a very active demand to-day , local packer.
being heavy purchasers.
The shcoi < market is quiet. There Is onlj
a limited demand at present , nnd the receipt !
are sufficient to fill all orders. It was though
that when Swift opened his house here thai
the market on sheep would speedily Improve
but not getting enough' to kcej
the house running nt its full capnc
Ity , the firm closed down entirely. I1
would have been fur bettor to havn reduced
the force of men employed nnd took whui
sheep came to market for a time , us the coil'
dltion of affairs would have chaiTged when t
demand was created. At It is largo numbers
of sheep which would bo sold here art
shipped to Chicago. So with the cattle mar
kct , once It is known that u steady domain
for good cattle exists , they are bound U
come , but simply because the receipts nn
heavy ono day and light the next should no' '
bo used as a pretext for closing entirely
Better run nt u disadvantage for u time witl
u certainty of better days to come.
The receipts of cattle to-day were light nni
there were hardly enough sold to call It i
market. The local demand was very ligh1
nnd shippers were about the only buyers
Nearly everything desirable was taken u
prices about 10 cents lower although semi
salesmen contend that considering the qual
ity hero the market was about stcuay.
The receipts were liberal for Saturday am
the average quality of the offerings vor :
good. The market was about -live cent !
lower nt the close than on yesterday. Al
the offering were taken early , the local pack
ers purchasing freely.
The receipts of sheep were 304 head
but there wus practically nothing doing ot
the market. _
Official Uecoipts.
Cattle . . . 25 !
Hogs . 48o :
Sheep . aa
Prevailing Prices.
Showing prevailing prices paid for llv <
stock on the market :
Prime steers , 1300 to 1500 Ibs. . $4.1)0 ) W4.35
Prime steers , 1100 to 1300 Ibs. . 3.35 < < i4.00 !
Fat little steers , 900 to 1050 Ibs. 3.35 (33.85 (
Corn-fed range steers , 1200 to
1500 Ibs . 3.50 @ 4.15
Common to choice corn-fed
cows . 2.00 ( S'S.OO
Western cows . 1.50 ( < i3.BO
Fair to good ranije feeders . 2.30 ( 2.75
Medium to good native feeders ,
900 Ibs and upwards . 2.25
Common to good bulls . 2.00
Fair to medium native feeders ,
000 Ibs and upwards . 2.25 (3 ( > 3.50
Stackers , 400 to 700 Ibs . 2.15 ( 3.75
Prime fut sheep . 3.75 © 4.25
Good fnt sheep , 90@100 Ibs. . . . 8.25 ( ! * 3.75
Fair to medium sheep . 2.25 M3.00
Common sheep . 2.00 M3.25
Light and medium hogs . 4.25 W5.20
Fair to choice heavy hogs . 5.30 $5.00
Fair to choice mixed hogs . 5.25 ( ! i5.40
IteprcHcntatiTO Sales.
Live Htoclc Sold.
Showing the number of head of stock soli
on the market today.CATTLE.
Local ,
Shippers 4fl
Total . 40
G. H. Hammond & Co . 48
Omaha Packing Co . sfi
Armour & Cudahay . 383
Speculators . 40
.1. M. Uoud . S
Swift PackingCo . ! )
Range ol' Prices.
Showing the extreme highest and lowos
rates paid for leading grades of hogs on date
mentioned ;
of I'ricos.
Showing highest nnd lowest prices paid fo
leading grades of cattle on dates mcntioue
bpaco left blank Indicates that no sales o
that particular class of cattle were made o
that date ; * '
Date.I'rimo 1'rlme Kt'rs , ( 'ommou t
ib. ii ) . CholceCowi
Feb. 4. . .
Feb. 5. . . tuuhiy. Sunday. Sunday.
Feb. 8. . . 3 V > . 65 _
Feb. 7. . . 4 ; u i.i BO < /t42.- |
Feb. 0. . . 4 IU < iil 390 4 10
Feb. 0. . . j Ho 444 10
Feb. 10. . w 3 75 a 4 K
Fob. 11. . 4 & 420 375 M 75
Doc'kngo anil Commission.
Publlo inspaotoru dock pregnant sows 4 (
; Kund8 , slat's 80 pounds each.
Dead hogs. .100 pounds and over , Jl.OM
2.00 per cwt , loss than 100 Ibs , of no vuluo.
Yardage * . Cattle , 25e ; hog * . 80j sheop.'C
nor head. Feed : Corn * l.OO per bu. j timoth
hay , $30 : pralrlo buy , * JO i > er ton.
ComuiUslous ; Cattle , SOoper head ; calve
and yearlings , fib per car. Hogs and sheep :
Slngla decks , $ .1 ; nubllo InstR-ctlon on hogs ,
16o per car. All snlos unless 'othorwiso
stated per 100 lb llvo weight.
Stock Noted.
Hogs n cents lower.
Cattle 10 cents lower.
A very dull cattle market.
BNo sheep market worth mentioning ,
H. Ulx , of Calhoun , marketed hogs.
H. Ii. Dexter , of Ulalr , disposed of a load
of hogs.
J. C. Welch , of Clarlnda , disposed ot two
loads of hogs.
It K. Roberts , ot Washington , sold hogs on
to-day's market.
H. H. Uarber , of Ellwood , had hogs on
to-day'tt market. (
I , W. Conn , of Plattsmouth , was lookltiR
over the mnrhct.
William Carter , of Bccmcr , came In with
three loads of cattlo. *
I. L. Uukcr , of West Point , marketed n
load of good hogs at $ r .4'Jif.
G. H. Weldemnn , of the firm of Weldoman
& Johnson , marketed two loads of hogs.
John Hastlo , of Talmago , exhibited lui
pleasant face nt the yards to-day. John sold
Abe Hull , of Cuba , ICnn. , was hero to-day
with lings. Abe formerly shipped to Kansas
City , but has reformed.
William Dougherty ft Co. , of Hawthorne ,
la. , had two loads of hogs on the market ,
One load brought the top price , $5.00 , and
Dougherty St Co. are happy.
Produce , Fruits , Nuts , Etc.
Friday , Fob. 11.
Thcjnllnwlng ijiiontimn ( ( tire te/iofwifc /
and nut rctntl. Prices quoted on produce
arc the rate * at ic/ilc/i / / round Intxurc milt ] on
Oils rmiHvct. lVit ( or other Hue * of aoodn
rcqutrlnu extra labor In jutclilnu cannot al-
icry be tuppUcd on autxhle orders at the
name prtivH quoted for the local trade.
nnten on flour and feed arc jobber * prices.
PrJccs ( ti iimla ore those paid by Omaha
miller * dellvcrdl. All quotation * onmcr-
chnndlxc arc obtained from lending house *
and are corrected dully. 1'r/cc.i / on crach-
crs , rakes , etc. , arc those ulvcn bu leading
litiTTEH Heceipts were medium and prices
unchanged. Wo quote creamery , solid packed ,
234ft25u ; choice rolls , 18@20i : ; medium , 14 ®
U5e ; low grades , 10(3) ( ) 12e.
Eooti Were in light supply and quoted
unchanged at yesterday's prices , ' ! 04ik ! ; ) for
cold storage ; 20@37o for strictly fresh.
Limed eggs are very slow at 15c.
POCI.TIIV Were very scarce , and prices re
main firm at Friday's advance. Wo quote
dressed chickens , 10@12o per Ib ; turkeys ,
10@12e ; ducks , 10@12c ; gecso , 1012o.
OKA.NOES CalilornlaHiver8idoiH.OO@4.2rt ;
Valcncias. $7.50@3.00 per case of 420 ;
Florida , brlghts , * 4.2r @ 4.50 ; russotts , $3.50
@ 4.00 ; Mexican , W.OO.
CAIIIUOC Is very scarce , but a con
signment is expected from California to
day. Wo quote 31 per doz and 3X to 4e for
SWEBT POTATOES Are very scarce , and
the quotations wo glvo are nominal. Wo
quote prices unchanged nt tt per doz. , and
2K@3c per tt for California.
ONIONS Some poorer grades or these
that were spoiling have sold at T @S5o , but
for fair to good stock wo quote : Homegrown
grown , 05@1.00 ; Spanish onions , per 50-lb
crate , 11.5001.75.
LKMOXH Early next week present stocks
will bo increased by a car of Messlnas , which
will bring present prices , $4.25 ( ; 4 50.
CAUKOUXIA FUUITS A few fresh pears
have been received nnd constitute all that
are to bo had in this line. They sell at the
old price * 2.50@2.T5 , with extra choice at
S3.1X ) .
CELEIIY There is really none in the mar
ket , but wo quote 40@45e per dozen for choice
nnd45@50c for fancy.
BANANAS Stocks are sufficient to meet the
demand nnd prices remain ns before. We
now quote * 2.50@3.00 for medium and $3.00@
.50 for choice.
POTATOES No changn to note but prices
are firm nnd unchanged. We quote :
Utah and Colorado stock , * 1.10@1.15 nnd
choice homegrown. 95@1.00 ; common grades
AISLES Are still firm , nnd while no ad
vance is noted , outside quotations are
the rule. . Prices are given unciinngcd.
Wo quote eastern fruit , fair to choice stock ,
& .50@3.75 ; fancy stock , $3.75@4.00.
BEANS Are scarce nnd in demand , nnd wo
quote : Good stock. fcJ. < )0@a.W ) : ) ; fair to
good , l.60@1.80 , and California beans at
* 2.25@2.40
DATES Persian , 8e per Ib.
TuuNii'3 Are soiling at 75c nor bushel ,
with rutabagas at 55@fiOc per bushel.
SAUEII Kit \UT Manufacturers seem to bo
olosmg out stock on hand and a reduction ia
noted. We quote : Choice perbbl. of 11(1 ( gal. ,
$8.25(38.50 ( ; } { bbl. , M.37&5.00. $11.00 per
bbl of 50 gal.
CIIIEII Choice Michigan cider , $0.00@0.50
per bbl. of 33 gal.
Poi'coitN Choice rice corn is quoted at
4@4 } c per Ib. other kinds , 2-X@3o per Iti.
C AH HOTS $2.25(5)2.50 ( ) per barrel ;
PARSNIPS Now' stock , $2.50 per barrel-
There are few on the market.
OYSTEHS Plain standard , 25e ; plain se
lects , 30o ; standard. 40e : extra selects , 35ej
Now York counts , 40o ; bulk oysters , counts ,
$1.85 per 100 ; selects , $2.00 per gal ; standard ,
$1.25 i > er gal.
CAULIFLOWER Good stock , $3.CO@2.80.
GUAPES Stocks are light and the demand
the same , but prices are given OH before , and
wo quote $7.50@8.00 per bbl. for Malagas ,
and larger sized ubls. In proportion up to $10.
CKANIIKUKIES Boll & Cherry , $10.00@10.50
Bell & Bugle , 10.50@U.OOCupo ; Cods , $11.01 ]
@ 11.50.
Fios In layers , 13@10c ; cake , He per Ib ,
NUTS Peanuts , 0 > ( ! j7c , raw ; Brazil nuts ,
13e ; almonds , Tarragona , 22o ; English
walnuts , 15@18e ; filberts , 18c ; Italian chest
nuts , I5o ; pecans , 12c.
HONEY Is somewhat scarce and found at
previous quotations ; 19@21o for l-lt > frames ;
canned honey , 10@12c per tb.
Grocer's List.
PUOVISIONS Hams , ll > f@llKo ; breakfast
bacon , lliflgll c ; bacon sides5 ! @UJ < c ; dry
salt , 8 # < SSXc ; shoulders , 0 @ 7o ; dried beef ,
CANDY Mixed , 9@lle ; stick ,
CANNED Goons Oysters , standard , per
case , $3.80@3.35 : strawberries , 2-lb per case ,
f3.25fe8.35 ; raspberries , 2-lb per case , $3.20g (
.80 ; California pears , per case , $4.70@4.80 ;
apricots , jier case , $4.50@4.GO ; pouches , per
case , $5.00g5.75 ( ; whlto cherries , per case ,
$000 ; Cal. plumspercnso , . : U4.40 ) ; blueber
2-lb gooseberries , per case , $3.25@3.35 ; 2-11
string beans , per ease. $1.80@1.85 ; 2-lb Lima
beans , per case , $1.00@1,05 ; 2-lb marrowfat
peas , $2.00(33.70 ( ; 2-lb early Juno pear , per
case , $2.85 ; 8-lb tomatoes , $2.50 ; 2-lb corn ,
$2.30ft2.40. (
HEFINED LAUD Tierce , % a ; 40-lb square
cans , 7 < o ; 50-lb round , ; 20-lb round ,
7 > ' 'c ; 10-lb pails , 8 , 0 ; 5-lb palls , kitfc ; 2-11
palls. 8e.
BIIOOMS Extra 4-tlc , $2.00 ; No. 1 , $2.00 :
No. 2 , $1.75 ; heavy stable , $4.00.
STAUCII Mirror glass , 5Jic ; Graves' corn ,
OWc ; Oswego gloss , Oo ; Oswego corn , 7c.
HOLLAND HEIIHINOS 70@73 per keg.
PICKLES Medium In bbls , $7.00 ; do in hall
bbls , $1.00 ; small , In bbls , $8.00 ; do in hall
bbls , $4.50 ; gerkins , in bbls , $9.00 ; do in hall
bbls , $5.00.
COPPEK Ordinary grades , 18@19c ; fair
19T20o ; prime , 20 ( < 721c ; fancy , green nni
yellow , 22@24c ; old government Java , 28(5 (
0c ; interior Java , 2Xa23o ; Mocha , 2s@30e
Arbucielo's roasted , 2o ; McLaughlin'f
XXXX , 2Jo ; Dllworth's , 2J o jjltcd Cross
" "
"JELLIES .TO-lh pails , $1.50@1.75.
TEAS Japans , 20@55c ; gunpowder , 20y (
OOo ; Young Hyson , 25@55c ; Oolong , 20y (
IJopE Soven-slxtcenths. HQlU4'c.
TonAcco Lorillard's Climax , 45e ; Splen
did , 45o ; Mcchanlo's Delight , 44o ; Lcggott &
Meyer's Star , 45o ; Cornerstone , 89o ; Drum
mond's Horseshoe , 45e : J. T. . 4Jo ; Sorg'f
Spearhead , 44o ; Catlln's meerschaum , 81c :
Catlin'8 Old Style , 23o ; Pelncr Heldsick , 64c
SuoAU Granulated , l OiT Ao ; conf. A
7 > f@7 ? < e ; white extra C , 05 < ( ftfic ; extra C
OKiOXc < : yellow C , 5U5 < o ; cut loaf , 8 w
8Ke ; powdered , StfQsXo ; Now Orleans , 5 j
viiurs Now Orleans molasses per bbL ,
43o per gal. ; corn syrup , 35e ; half bbls. , 37c
4 gallon kegs , $1.55.
SALT Per bbl. car load , $1.40.
MVPLK SuoAitf-BrickH. 12 > e per Ib ; pennj
cakes , 15o per Ib.
WOOIIENWAKE Two-hoop pals ( , per doz.
$1.40 ; three-hoop palls , (1.05 ; No. 1 tub , $0.50
No. 2 tub , $5.50 ; No. 3 tub$4.50 ; wash
boards. $1.50 ; fancy washboards , $3.50 ; as
sorted bowls , $2.75 ; No. 1 churns , $ 'J.50 ' ; No
2 churns , $3.50 ; No. 3 churns , $7.50 ; uuttci
tubs , $1.70 ; spruce , in nests. $1,70.
DuiKU FKUJTS Apples , bbls , new , # 4 , GJj
@fc ? : 'evaporated 50-lb boxen , 'OKGJWo ;
raspberries , ovaiwrntcd , 2SX1Q3901 ulaok-
berries , cvniwrated , SJfQlOo : plttod cherries -
rios , 2.23c ; ponchos , Kostcrn , new , K . W
_ . .j ; evaporated , pooled peaches , 80 ( < ? S2c ;
evaporated , uupared , ISttflt'c ' ; now cur'
rants , 7 ( < | 7)4'c ; prunes , now , 4J < 35o ;
citron , 24g25o ( : raisins , California-London
layers , $2.40 2.fiO ; California loose uius.
catels , $3.00@3.10 ; new Valencia , * { Ciii9o.
CiuCKKits , CAKES , KTC. Prices subject to
change. Soda , 6c ; soda ( city goods ) , 7o ; sodn
Miowtlnkcs ( in tins ) , llo ; soda dandy , flKe ;
soda wafers ( In tins ) , Uta ; sodu zephyr , So ;
city oyster , 6c ; excelsior , 7e ; farina ova-
ter , .6 ] c ; gem oyster , 5c ; monitor , 7e ;
Omaha oyster , 7c ; pearl oystcr.Bot picnic , fie ;
snowdrop oyster , 8c ; butter , 5c ; Boston , 8c ;
Omaha butter , Tc ; saw tooth butter , OJ c ;
cracker meal , t > Xagrnhnm. \ . 8c ; graham
wafers. tOc ; graham uafors In pound packages -
ages , I''Kc ; hard bread , 5o ; milk , Ko ; oat
meal. 8e ; o. tmeal wafers , lOc ; oatmeal wa
fers in Ibpkgs , 13Xc ; nulinuls , 12o ; bollvcr
ginger ( round ) , 7e ; cream , 8c ; Cornhill ,
lOc ; cracknells. lOc ; frosted cream , 8c ;
ginger snaps. 80 ; ginger snaps ( city ) , o ;
home made ginger snaps in boxes , 13o ; homo
mnao ginger snaps (1 ( Ib cans ) per dozen.
$2.50 ; Icmod cream , 8c ; prot/els ( hand
made ) , ll e ; tissorted cnkc and Jumbles ,
HKc ; assorted lingers. I5c : liftcrnoon tea
( In tins ) per dozen , $7.00 ; barmna fingers ,
14c ; butter Jumbles , ll < c : Brunswick , 15c ;
brandy snaps , IRc ; chocolate drops ( new ) ,
lOo ; chocoluto wafers , IBo ; Christmas lunoh
( In tins ) , per dozen , $4.60 ; cocoa taffv snaps ,
14c ; coffee cake , 12c ; Cuba Jumbles , HXc ;
cream puffs , 20o ; egg Jumbles , 14c ; ginger
drops , lie ; honey Jumbles , 11 Wo ; Jellv ling
ers , 15o ; Jeljy wafers , 15o ; Jelly tart ( now ) ,
Ific ; lady fingers , 13o ; vanilla bar , 14c ; va
nilla wafers , 14c ; Vienna wafers , 1 dozen
packages In box , per dozen , $3.50.
AU goods packed In cans 1 ct , per Ib. ad
vance except Snowllake nnd Wafer Soda ,
which is packed only In cans. Soda In 2 Ib.
nnd 3 Ib. paper boxes , M centpor Ib. advance ;
all other goods , 1 cent pur Ib. advance. Soda
In 1 Ib. paper boxe , 1 cent per Ib. advance.
The 2 Ib. boxes ore packed in c-iscs holding 18
in a case. The 3 Ib. boxes are packed In cases
holding 12 in u caso. The 1 Ib. boxes nro
packed in cases holding 30 in a caso. Ono Ib.
Graham and Oatmeal Wafers packed 2 doz.
In a case.
Show Tops for boxes , with glass owning to
show goods , 75 cents. Cans for Wafer Soda ,
$3.00 not returnable. Cans for Snowllako
Soda , § 11.00 per do/ . Tin Cases with Glass
Face to display the goods , 75cents each. No
charges for Packages except for cans nnd re
turnable cases. Glass Front Tin Cans and
"Snowflako" Soda Cans are returnable at
prices charged
Dry Goods.
DUCK West Point 29 in. 8 oz. , lO c ; West
Point 39 in. 10 oz. , 12&c : West Point 10 in. 12
oz , 15o ; West Point 40 in. 11 oz , lOc. Checks
Caledonia X , 9Yc ; Caledonia XX , 10 > fo ;
Economy , 9 ! c ; Otis , SJtfc.
KENTUCKY JBANS Memorial , 15c ; Canton ,
ISc ; Durham , 27Xe ; Hercules , 18c ; Leaming
ton , 22 > e ; CotUwold , 27. } c.
CUASII Stevens' B , Oo ; bleached , 7e ; Ste
vens' A. 7 > < o ; bleached , 8 } c ; Stevens' P ,
8Kc ; bleached , 0 < $ c ; Stevens' N , 9Ko ;
bleached , lOJ c ; Stevens' S H T , 13Ko.
MISCELLANEOUS Table oil cloth , $2.85 ,
plain Holland , 8 > 'o to 9o ; Dado Holland ,
CAMIIIUCB Slater , 60 ; Woods , 5c ; Stan
dard. 5c ; Peacock. 5c.
COMFOIITKUS $ i.OOittJ5.00. (
BLANKETS Whlto , $1.00@7.50 ; colored$1.10
8.00.BLKACHED SiinivriNO Berkeley cambric ,
No. CO , J e ; Best Yet , 4-4 , Xo ; butter cloth
OO , 4K ° ; Cabot , 7 < cFanVell : , g c. j , > uitof
Loom , Sl ) c ; Grctmo G , Cc ; Hope , 8c ; King
Phillip cambric , lie ; Lonsdale , UKc ; Lous-
dale , .tc ; Now York mills , 10) < c ; Popporoll
42-in , rile ; Pepperell , 4Vln. ( , 12o ; Pepperell
ft-4 , 15c ; Pepiwroll , 8-4 21e ; Pepperell tM , 2ie ; ;
Pepi > orell. KM , 2. > c ; Canton 4-4 , 8Kc ; Canton ,
c ; Triumph , Oo ; Wamsutta , llo ; Val
ley , 5c.
' 'FI.ANNELS * Plaid ' . Raftsman , SOcGoshen . ; ,
, , , , - ,
25c ; J U F , % , 27 0 ; G , X , 85e.
PIIINTS SoLtn COLOKS Atlantic , flc ;
Slater , 5Mo ; Berlin Oil , OKc ; Garner Oil , C@
7e. PINK Ajtn HOIIKS Uichmond , V > yto\ \ Allen ,
; Hiver point , 5a ; Stool HI vcr,0 > o ; Hich-
mend , Oc ; Pacific , OVc ; INIIIOO BLUE Wash
ington , Oo ; Century Indigo blue prints , lOc ;
American , 7c ; Arnold. 7c ; Arnold B ,
He ; Arnold A , 12c ; Arnold Gold Seal
10 } c. Dunss Charter Oak , 5 > e ; Hnnuipo
4 c ; Lodi , fie ; Allen , Oc ; Hlchmond
3 > ? c ; Windsor , 0 } c ; Eddyalono , O e ; Pacific ,
COTTON FLANNELS 10 per cent trade dis-
l.U > iv/t u/niif ivAUJU1 UU1 1V J M OL'f litj * 'U
'colored , lOc ; 50. colored , 12c ; 70 , colored , 15e ;
Bristol , 13 } o ; Union Pacific , 18c.
CAIU-ET WAIII * Bebb white , 10 > o ; colored ,
BUOWN SHEETINO Atlanta' , 4-4 , 7i < fc ;
Atlantio H , 4-1,7Ko ; Atlantic D , 4-4 , < % c ; At
lantic P , 4-4. Oo ; Aurora LL. 4-4 , OVe ; Au
rora C , 44 , 5o ; Crown XXX , 4-4 , 7K" !
Hoosier LL 4-4 Oe Indian Head 9-4 .
, - , ; , - , 7j.Cc ;
Lawrence LL , 4-4 , Oc ; Old Dominion , 4-4 ,
" ' 3 ; Pepperell K , 4-4 , 7o ; Pepporell , O. , 4-1 ,
Oc ; Popporoll , 8-4 , 18 > tfe ; Pejjpcroll , 9-4 ; 21c ;
Pepperell , 10-1 , 2.'lo ; Utica C , 4-4 , 4Jfc Wa-
chusett , 44 , 7 > c ; Aurora U. 4-4 , fll o ; Aurora
B , 4-4 , Oc.
BAITS Standard , 8c ; Gem , lOl c ; Beauty ,
12Wfc ; Boono. 14c ; B , cased , $0.50.
GisonvM Plunkcit checks , 7 , 0 ; Whlt-
tonton , 7 > fc ; York , 7Kc ; Normandl dress ,
8 > o ; Calcutta dress , 8Ko ; Whittentou dresa ,
Oc ; Ileufrow dress , 8K@12Ko.
TICKS Lowlston , 30-in. , 12Xc ; Lewiston ,
32-in. , 13V < c ; York , 32-in. . 14c : Swift river ,
7KoThorndiko ; , OO , 8JCc ; Thorndiko , EF ,
8 > io ; Thorndiko , 120 , Jl o ; Thorndiko , XXX ,
15o ; Cordis , No. 5 , 9 > c ; Cordis , No. 4. lie.
DBS-IMS Amoskcai , ' , 9-pz. . lOo ; Everett ,
7-oz. , 18o ; York , 7-oz. , 13o ; Haymaker , 8 > c ;
Jaftroy , XX , llj < o ; JalTroy , XXX , 12 > | c ;
Beaver Crook , AA , 12c ; Beaver Creek , BB
llo ; Beaver Creek , CC , lOc.
General Markets.
Dnuos Ammonia carb , 14e ; camphor
refined 30c ; copperas , l-jfc } ; cream tartar ,
45c ; cream tartar powdered , 20S50o ( ; Indigo -
digo Madras , 75o ; morphia sulph , (3.40 ; sodu
hi. carh , 04j < e ; Venice turpentine , 40c ; frum
opium , $4.50 ; quicksilver , 80o ; nuliiinc , Ger
man per oz , 55o ; iiuinino , P. & W. , Olej wax ,
yellow , pure , 32o ; wax , white , 40@4Se ; citric
acid , ( Mir Ib. , 02o ; oxalic acid , per Ib. , 12e ,
tartario acid , powdered , perlb. , 54o ; alum ,
4o ; borax , refined , per 11) . , lOc.
OILS Carbon , lUgS5u ( ; linseed , boiled ,
C2c ; linseed , raw , 59o ; castor. No 1 ,
$1.20 ; No. 2 , $1.13 ; sperm whale , Sl.OO ; fish ,
bank 33c ; noatsfoot extra , 55c ; neatsfoot No.
1 , 50o ; gasoline , 74 decrees. 15cV. ; . S. lurd ,
05c ; No. I lard , 50o ; No. 2 lard , OOo ; W. Va.
zero , 14o ; W. Va. summer , 12c ; golden No. 1 ,
40c ; golden No. 2 , 25e ; whale , 20oj nuptha 1
dopreo , 14o ; headlight 150 degrees , 12e ; head
light , 175 degrees , 15c ; turpentine , 40e ; cas
tor , pure , # 1.15 per gal.
ExTitACTn Sanderson's oil bergamot , pei
Ib. , $3.00 ; oil lemon , per Ib. , $ i.50 ; oil jwp
permiut , $3.0d ; oil wintergreeu , fJ.50 ; olive
oil , Malaga , per gallon , 81.23.
So vi' Castile , mottled , per Ib. , 8Q10c ; cas'
tile , white , 10@l3c.
PAINTS White lead , pure. Oc ; white
lead , fancy , Oc ; putty , in bladders , 3 ; Paris
white , 80 ; common , 2) < o ; red lead 7c
WINDOW Guss Single , 70 per cent ;
double , 70 und 10 per cent discount.
r LEATIIEI ! Oak soles , 85 ( < r37c ; hemlock
slaughter solo , 20ffi29e ; hemlock dry solo ,
21$25c ( ; hemlock kip. 05TtyOo ( ; A. & B. runner
nor kin , 50@75o ; A. hemlock calf , Wc@1.00 ;
A. A. hemlock ealf. "bucks , " 75o ; hciulooli
upjMsr , 19@24e ; Kngllsh grain upper , 25c ; hem
louk grain upi > er , 210i24c : Tumpico B. L ,
Morocco , 29@ : o ; Tamplco pebble , O. D. Mo. ,
22 < l$29o ; Curacoa , B. a. Mo. , Sue ; Simon O
D. Mo. , r3.75@3.00 ; Daugola kid. 30@35cv X
M. Kangaroo , 40c ; Amoriuan calf kid , 8io ;
Gnesen kids , $ ; j.00@n.50 ; French glazct
kids , * 2.0@1.75 ; French calf kids
$3.20 ; oak kip skins , bOc@$1.00 ; oak call
skins.Jl.OOi l 25 ; French calf skins , I1.35A
2.05 ; French kip skins , f 1.10@1.50 ; Kusslti
linings , tflOOQO 50 per doz ; pink , cream am !
whlto llninps. $7.6010.00 per doz ; coloret !
HiUES Green butchers' , 4K@'So ' ; greor
cured. 5K@ o ; dry Hint , 9o ; dry salt , bo
green calf skins , 7o ; damaged hides , two
thirds price. Tallow 3 c. Grease Prlm (
white , 4fc ; yellow , 3o ; brown , 2o. Shoci
lielts , 23c@1.0 ( ) . Steady nnd unchanged
Green ox polls , S Stfc ; kip skins , ( unfrozen )
4@OHo ; cowhides , 4K@Be.
Funs Haccon.KHiiOOo ; mink , 1540c ; musl
ratfall.ije7c ! ( ; striped flluink,5U'.i ( , ' > o ; mountnli
0.00 ; dry deer skins , VOGiiXia per Ib ; dry ante
lope , elk , moose , ete. , 15ic25o. (
1UY Upland prairie , W.WK'7.03 ; wmmoi ;
cparse , fiUO ( < j0.50 ; tru > v , { 0.00(211.62. (
Coitr-Epff , 110.50 ; nut , $10.50 ; nuifrel
I10.M ) ; walnut block , $4.33 ; town lump ,
Ki.75 ; Iowa nut , $3.00 ; " Illinois , ftS.OO@4,75t
GitAts Wheat , No. 2 , OOo ; rye. 65o ; corn , ,
yellow. 40M3c ( ! : cornwhit , , 42 ( < ? 45o ; .
oats , 29j30oj ( barley , 60\g08c , according
to iiualtty.
St'iniTs Cologne spirits 198 proof , ll.Ui
uo , 101 proof , $1.10 ; spirits , second.
quality , 101 proof , U4' do , 188 ; .
proof , $ l.ii : ; alcohol. 183 proof , per wlna
gallon , rJ.18 ; redistilled whiskies $ l.OO@1.5U {
gin , bloiulodl..VXi'J.OOj ( Kentucky bourbons ,
$2.00(40.00 ; Konlueky and Pennsylvania
ryes , $2.00(30. ( W ) ; Golden Sheaf bourbon and
rye whiskies , $1.50C'M.M ( ; bnuitllcs , Imported ,
$5.lXKrt3.50 ; domestic , $1.80JU.OO ; glim , Im-
jwrteil , fl.&OSO.OO ; doinosuo , $1.2H ( < i3.0H :
chnmpngnos. lui | > ortol , per case , $23.00(3 (
83.00 ; American , per case , $10.000.00. ( !
FuCii AND Fs i > Minnesota patents , $3.00
pcrcwt ; Kansas and Missouri fancy winter
patents , $2.00\ir2. 75 per cwt ; Nebraska patents
onts , $2.45 ( 2.50 i > or cwt ; rye llour ,
$2,00 per cwt ; wheat graham , $1.75 txjr uwt ;
rye graham , $1.40 per ewt ; New York buck
wheat. W.fiOW.OO per bbl ; Excelsior , $0.00
porbbl ; roauy rait\l , $5.00 pur 100-lb case ;
comment , yellow , Fl.oiKtfl.lO per cwt ; whlto ,
$1.05rl.l5 ( pcrcwt ; bran , $10 00017.00 per
ton ; screening * , $ $15.0i ( jxir ton ; hominy
iny , W.23 per bbl ; chopped feed , $19.50(320.00 (
per ton ; chopped corn , $18.CO@19.00 per ton.
PnwiiKii ANI > SHOT Shot , $1.50 ; buckshot ,
$1.75 ; Miami jiowdcr , $3.00 ; half kegs , $2.75 ;
ono-fourths , $1.50 ; blasting , kegs , $2.15 ;
fuses. 100 foot , 45(3750.
Fl.AXsnr.ti Quoted nt $1.85 per bushel.
HKAVY HAIIDWAHK Iron , rate , $2.00 ; plow
steel , special cast , 4 * < c ; crucible steel , O c ;
cast tools , do. 12l5o ; wagon smkospor set ,
$2.00 3.50 ; hubs , per sot , $1.50 : folloos , ,
sawed dry , $1.50 ; tongues , each , 75c ; axles , .
each , 75e ; siiuaro nuts , peril ) , OWllic ; cell
chain , | > er Ib , OX ( < $ lHo ; mellcable , S@10o ;
iron wedges , Oo ; crowbars , ( kj ; Imrrow teeth ,
4o ; spring steel , 4 ( 5c ; Bunion's horse shoos ,
$4.75 ; Burden's mule shoes , $ & ,75 ; barbed
wire , In car lots. $4.00 per 100 lb ; Iron nails ,
rates 10 to 50 , $2.40 ; steel nails , $2.50.
Weekly Trade Itevlow.
Commercial circles in this city hnvo boon
quite active during the present wcck lthough
the volume of business done Is not appar
ently as great as the week preceding. Whole
sale firms are for the most part engaged In
replenishing their stocks to meet demands
for early spriuij delivery which are even
now beginning to come In , and nearly all ot
tha class mentioned are unanimous in tho-
opinion that the present season wlll be n most
prosperous one. At present the tone of the
market on all lending lines is very healthy
n-ul while values In other cities have fluctu
ated to u considerable extent , prices on nearly
all classes of general merchandise have re
mained nearly steady. Prices on grain have
remained steady during the week with onu
exception , rye easing off 'a point. While
there is not much of n demand for grain on
this market at present the outlook Is very en
couraging for u new mill going into opera
tion in a few days with n capacity of font
hundred barrels. Otnahu had , previous to the
absorption of the Her distillery by the trust ,
enjoyed an unchanged market on spirits , but
since that event prices have changed in uni
son with other markets. Hides and fun are
unchanged with but little doing. Other lines <
of general merchandise arc moving out moru
freely. It was believed that when the cut In
rates was established that prices would un
dergo n change , but none has yet 'occurred.
Groceries and dry goods are In about the
same condition as during last week.
Swiss"Nainsook , and Hamburg
Edgings ,
Insertings ,
Flouncings ,
Of our own importation , in now and
elegant pntlcniH. Wo have some spec
ially good ImrpuinsatSe , lOc , 15c,20otmtl
2oo. After sooiiitf the prices nnd oxam-
ing the quality of thoho goodtj , you can't
resist them.
Wo call special attention to our lurgo
and complete stock of
Which contains bcsido the tttvplc styles
many now and desirable wouveu.
For Ladies and Children , a most com-
ulotc assortment from ono of thu lead
ing manufacturers of this country , made
exclusively for the best retail trade on
lock stitch machines , and of the best
material and trimmings procurable. In
short wo guarantee them to give cntiro
satisfaction to the purchaser , and our
prices will bo found as low as these
usually iiskod for much inferior goods.
Our spring stock is now open for in
In sending for samples ot Embroid
eries and White Goods plcaso state aa
nearly as possible the qualities desired.
KHVo prepay express charges on all
goods ordered by mail.
& CO. ,
1319 Farnam St. , Omaha.
Notice of Incorporation.
T O Whom It May Concern : Notice Is hereby
given tlmt "Tim Dee llulldliiK Company' '
has filed In the olllce of lh county clerk ot
Douglas county. Nebraska , articles of Incorpor
ation. The principal place ot transacting IU
business U ut Omaha , In lou lus county and
state ot Nebrnnka.
Thu general until re' of Us business IB to
acquire , own , hold , lease , mortgage , sell and 1
convoy real estate , erect building * ana IraproTo-
meats upon the same , for routing vucu real
estuto , ic.
Tim amount ot capital ntock authorized U
l.'iUi.UKi. tun per cunt of which to bu paid at tha
tlmuof suhncrlbliig for the same , und the re *
mulnder us required by the board of director * .
The corporation comiinmcail January 10th , A.
I ) , low .and will terminate the Utn day ot Jan
uary , A. U , 1W '
'ilia hluhost amount of Indobtednris or liabil
ity to u filch the corporation Mlmll at any Mm *
Bubjoct ItHclf U two-Uilrds of the capital stock
The ImsImwH otlalrn ot the corjioratlon are to
bocoudurtt'i ) liy u board of director * ot llvu
members wlioh'iull bcloct ftonx their number a
president , sucrctary and treaturer.
- ( i o. n.'iv.scnucat ,