Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 12, 1888, Image 1

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    * * * ' '
German Enthusiasm Aroused By
n Bismarck's Great Speech.
The Greatest Effort of the Iron
Chancellor's Life.
Prince William Refutes the Slanders
Circulated About Him.
The Condition of the Crown Prince
Again * IlccoinliiK Alt Object of
Grave Concern The Doctors
Keninln llctlccnt
A CloHcr Union.
Sliu Juinrt Goiilim
nnui.iN , Feb. ID. [ Now York Herald
Cable Special to the Disc. ] Germany has
had it sensational week , beginning with Bis
marck's speech , which stirred the whole
nation as it has not been agitated since the
coronation of the emperor , then Prince
Wilhclm's remarkable toast nt the Branden
burg dinner , followed by what is to many
Ucrltners a very great event , namely , the
annual opera ball , and , last of all , the opera
tion on the crown prince , every detail of
which has been read with pathetic interest
nil over the empire. Prince Bismarck in his
wonderful speech came near to making Ger
many not only united , but also
more Prussian than Prussia itself. Countiy
parsons who have peasants who can read as
well as any ono can , wrlto that the speech
has made oven n greater impression among
those peasants than among city people , that ,
literally as Bismarck said , "Tho invader's
first footstep on German soil would start a
wave of feeling which would bring every
CTcrmnn to arms. I met one such person who
had been expelled from Prussia for liberal
"What will happen , " I asked him , "If some
of the kingdoms are tired of being ruled by
Prussia ! "
"No danger there , " ho answered me.
"There is not a dynasty In Germany which
would not cense to reign within an hour of
the time its people ceased to believe it true
to united Germany. If necessary wo will all
turn Prussian to maintain German unit. "
The cnthusiimm which Bismarck roused Is
not easy for any ono except those in Germany
to understand. His speech , unlike parlia
mentary speeches , is well worth reading foi
itself , but Its effect Is due to his having put
In words what has been germinating in the
national mind for the past twenty years.
Even that part of his speech which , to
American cars , had the familiar Fourth oi
July spread eaglelsm , "Wo are the biggest
nation on earth. Wo fear no one
except God , " scorned to bo all the more
pleasing because of its novel sound to Ger
man ears. Birmarck's words have not bcon
understood to indicate any long jxirlod ol
peace , but are taken rather as a tonic to keep
the nerves braced to the fighting point.
What they have done is to give all Germany
a certainty of victory in the nfcxt war , no
matter against how many nations it may bo
The German telegraph department deserve !
the highest praise for the admirable way ir
which it handled the extraordinary volume
of telegraph worlc thrust upon it in eight
hours after Bismarck began to speak. The
amount of local German telegrams is onlj
comparable to the rush of telegrams out ol
Chicago during the final hours of a prcsl
dcntial convention. In addition to the Gcr
man telegrams there wore others U
all parts of the world. Ono Englisl
paper got 5,000 words from its Bcrllt
correspondent. Other papers in England
Austria and Italy wcro a little behind. Kus
sin , Turkey , the Balkan states and France
waited so breathlessly that long telegrams
went not only to their capitals but direct tc
provincial press as well. Add to this tele
graph work the cable work to America and
you got an idea of why 23. > telegraphers were
kept busy In the Berlin ofllco transmitting
Bismarck's speech : In spite of the limited
time available and the great numbci
of languages in which the telegrams were
'transmitted , no great causes of complaint !
were given , and bo perfectly had the detail !
been arranged in advance that , instead o
blocked wires and delayed messages , it was
safe to file a telegram somewhat later that
usual. That which chiefly affected the Ger
man Imagination was the message of congrat
ulation received by Bismarck from San Fran
cUco after the whole of his speech had beer
read in that city , but only a few houn
after ho had ceased speaking. Prince Wll
helm's reply at the Brandenburg dinner has
probably already been telegraphed In sum
marv. It is"worth repeating , however , as i
manly , honorable protest against the way li
which ho has been represented , especially ! i
the English and American press.
"I know,1' the prince said , speaking will
some bitterness , "that public opinion , espec
tally lu foreign countries , Imputes to me i
frivolous desire for warrior's fame God
save mo from such criminal levity. I repel
Mich accusations with indignation. "
After this spirited utterance if there an
rumors of war they must bo considered du
the twenty pounds ofKtivlarwhich have beoi
sent to BUmurk from liussia and not in an ,
way to the royal prince's sympathy with th
war party. Little Prince William Is air cad
showing something of his father's love fo
military matters. If reports are true th
youngster has begun to give his govcrnes
lessons on military topics , this going a step i
advance of even his friend Bismarck , who doc
not , as yet , propose to orcnni o a reserve o
trained lady soldiers. The German 'polio
system would within a week .rum ccrtai
New York papers. Uncontly there wei
krlnUd hero two cnsutlon l uunv fakci
Then came the police nnd in a cold , heartless
way , ofllclously denied those fakes and ex
posed the author in such n way that It will
bo hard for him to get further newspaper
The new system of flying or field army
batteries which was recently tested promises
irrcatly increased comfort if not cffcctlvcncs
of the German troops during active scrvlco.
The Windhorst fund has reached 100,000
marks. His little excellency will , bcforo his
coming golden wedding , have contributions
enough to complete his favorite Hanover
Berlin expects by next Octobci' to have
1,500.000 inhabitants.
Continued Military Preparations In
dicate Their DcltiHlvo Character.
ICopj/i'fl'it'SSSbl/ ' ' Vork Arfnctatall'rcM. ' ]
BKIILIX , Feb. 11. The peace allusion with
which Bismarck's speech Invested the situa
tion has passed away. It Is beginning to bo
realized that there was really nothing pacific
in the speech beyond leaving the czar the al
ternative of peace or war , while pointing out
the load along which Kussla can retroift
if the czar feels himself safe in retreating.
St. Petersburg advices assert that the czar
eulogizes , within his own circle , Prince Bis.
marck's utterances , but Russian official opin
ion holds that the chancellor's words and
diplomacy are irreconcilable. The Austro-
Hungariau league of peace continues to bo ,
in the eyes of the czar's ad
visers , an offensive alliance against
Hussla , requiring unabated preparations
for inevitable war , and an alliance to coun-
tcrposo the league. If the official press of
Berlin were permitted to give frank utter
ance of its opinion on the situation It would
bo bound to concur in Russia's convictions.
Military activity continues in full swing in
Kussla. The czar had a grand council to
night at which every leading general was
On the Austrian side there is an increase
in the number of recruits and officers for tlio
landwchr. A largo purchase of Krupp guns
has been made , and enormous war contracts
for provisions nnd munitions of war have
been executed.
On the German side the most significant
feature is the extension of strategic railways
on the eastern frontier.
The condition of the crown prince ab
sorbs national interest. . The official
bulletins give but scant information
nnd the doctors are universally reticent in
response to private Inquiry. To-day's bulle
tin , which states that the crown passed n
good night and feels very well , did not relieve
lievo the gloom of Bcrlincrs who crowded in
front of the palace in silent masses , waiting
to give n sympathetic salutation to the em
peror. The German doctors , who have been
consulted since the first indication of the
malady , still continue to hold 'the opinion
that the disease Is cancer asserted with peri-
chondritis. The crown prince's hfo mny be
prolonged under favorable conditions for two
or three years without ablation of the larynx.
The emperor nnd Prince William were In
tensely affected pending the result of the
Ho Agrees to Fight Kill ft on More
Words to Smith.
[ Copi/rf0M JS8S Ity James Gordon OennM. ' }
LONDON , Feb. 11. [ New York Herald
Cable Special to the BCE. " | Knif ton having
challenged Sullivan in a grandiloquent card
for a stake oi 200 , Sullivan to-day thus an
swers : "I can hardly conceive what Knif tor
is looking for , because everybody hero tolls me
ho has been beaten or bested by every pugilisl
now before the British public. When I of
fered to present Smith with JC200 I did nol
advance the proposal for the benefit of a mar
who was not up to the form to warrant t
meeting of such a description. However
I'll accommodate Knifton and bet him 2X (
that I stop him in six rounds. But as for fight
ing him for that amount , It would bo follj
in the extreme. If the eighty-one tanner desires
sires to risk his 200 on such a proposal , lot
him name a day of meeting at the Sportsmar
office to clinch the bargain. ' Smith Is silent
now that I have removed every obstacle h (
claimed was in the path to preclude a matcl
with mo. I'll extend my time till the cnrlj
part of April and fight Smith then for unj
amount. Mr. Inncs suits * mo as a stake
holder , the referee and battle-ground to be
mutually agreed upon. I have no objcctior
to milling on the continent , but as I am r
party to the agreement and a stranger hero ]
am entitled to say where it shall occur. Mj
offer of 200 as a gift providing
ho faces mo 'for six rounds stll
holds good. I h.ivo not been ir
what I might call a first class condition foi
many years , not even for the many glove
contests I have won. But I shall bo In fine
order before a great while , and ouco prepared
pared I would like to talto on Smith and Kll
rain , so that I can scttlo beyond any dou'b
who Is the champion in reality. I'vo much
several concessions now to Mr. Smith. Di
as much , nnd sco how long it will take to ge
down ttfsolul work. "
Much fun is being uiaAo hero over an al
leged letter of Lurry Donavan , tnc Jumper
stating that he has discovered the Sullivan
Smith correspondence to be only a huge , ad
Gaiety K tiles Paramount.
PAWS , Feb. 11. [ Now York Herald Cabl ,
Special to the BEK. ] The weather wa :
rainy to-night Flvo public balls in dillcicu
parts ot Paris wcro bold , Includiiigono nt thi
opera and the grande military store , at tin
Continental hotel. Masks and domhiocs an :
pretty little ParUiana dressed as pastr ;
cooks | > crmeatctlic boulevards in spite of thi
drizzling ruin. Gaiety i tiles paraiuonut.
England' " "Warllkt- Movement * .
LONIIOX , Fcb 11. The BrltMi wnrofEc
has Usucd an order directing that a state
inenl bo prepared at each military center dc
tailing the facilities for siunmouini ; rewr
and strengthening battalions from donot
within forty-eight hours In the rvont of a > m
biluatiou of the army teccialcy nccc s y. |
That is What the Situation in Par
liament Signifies.
The Pnrnollitos at Sea Because of
Absent Loaders.
- -
Heady For an Onslaught That Did
Not Occur.
Whnt the English Puhliu AVI 11 Hay of
These Latest Acts QucHtioiiH
Which Need nil Answer
The Situation.
The English Outlook ,
[ Copy l/lit ( / JMW ti\i \ Jamcf Onnlun Ilcnnett.1
LONDON , Feb. 11. [ Now York Herald
Cable Special to the Bun. ] Tlio prologue
to the parliamentary drama is over and no
body seems able to interprctc. Wo arc ull
quite clear that it is the dullest thing of the
kind ever seen , whllo the performance has
been strained , unreal and lifeless. A faded ,
weary air pervades tbo whole house. No one
shows any light. The government came back
ready to face a tremendous onslaught , but the
enemy has vanished. What docs It mean ?
Hamlet , In answer to that question , said , "It
means mischief. " Ho would probably give
the same answer to the great parliamentary
conundrum. What wo should judge from the
experience of these thrco days is
that the home rule fight Is about
over and the Gladstoulun forces arc
in full retreat. Docs anybody believe that !
Some youngsters' , perhaps , certainly not woll-
scasoncd heads , liberal or tory. I think the
Parncllltes are rather at sea for the moment.
No definite plan is before thorn. Gladstone
was absent on the very eve of the session
and so was Parnell. There was no
time for settling the details of
the campaign. Even Sir Charles
Kussel's amendment had to be
taken back because Gladstone did not ap
prove the form. The plum trutli is that tlio
opening of parliament found the Gladstonian
allies at sixes and sevens. The two chiefs
had not met , and even now Dillon. Sexton.
Wm. O'Brien , Tim Hcaley and Justin Mc
Carthy are all absent from ill
health or other causes. Harrington is
still in prison and Sullivan is but just
out. Altogether , the party must expect to
suffer when so many of its leaders are hors
du combat. I admit , too , that the government
has had wonderful luck. It has put down
disorder in London and has shown a firm
front everywhere which people like.
Why was Palmcrston so popular ? Be
cause ho was always in pugil
istic attitude , a regular bull degas
as the people used to say. They think they
perceive the same qualities in Lord Salis
bury's government. They have made Balfour -
four a hero , surely to his infinite amazement.
But now comes the arrest of Irish mem
bers in London at the very gates of the house
of commons. What will the pcoplo say to
that ! It is a difficult conjecture. If a man
resists legal scrvlco of a warrant
in ono place , may ho now be
made to obey the law in another ) That is
ono view , but is it wise or judicious to drag
members of parliament to jail from under the
shadow of the doors ? Docs the government
act prudently in thrusting the ugliest features
of the Irish struggle under the eyes of the
English public ! These are questions
on which the fate of the ministry
may possibly turn. The pcoplo may make
up their minds very suddenly and the roar ol
their thunder may .fill the air before next
week is over , or now events may bo regarded
within the difference. Personally I shoulc
have thought the government would do well
at least to make its arrests at a respectful
distance from the house.
Parliament Monday will test the matter tc
a great extent. There will bo a great thronp
to receive the released members and the
latest arrest will bo discussed in the house ,
Parncll's amendment raising the whole
Irish question will bo put aside if necessary
Probably a motion will bo moved condemning
the government for laying violent hands or
M. P's. It could not bo carried
but the ministry would not get its usua :
crushing majority. That would bo a bcttei
opening of the ball for the opposition thai :
the tume , dreary business of this week.
Gladstone and Harcourt are absent , anc
there Is a row of empty bcuchcs be
hind them. Scarcely a dozen Irish mem
bcrs are in their places. The boxes or
the sides are twadding away to a jadci
audience. Who could suppose that vital is
sues wcro at stake ? The opposition muf > '
dash in on Monday or the people Will say'ii
ought to bo taken out and burled.
What Is going on behind scenes ? Hicks
Beach , they say , does not approve of Ba' '
four's methods , and means with Handolpl
Churchill to attack the government. Then
U no truth In the latter part of the
rumor , though the first part Is near the mark
Bcuch mny bo asked to succeed Stanley a
the board ot trade. There must bo sovcra
ministerial changes before long , but as for i
cave against the ministry In onj
quarter , It cannot be. Note care
fully that Randolph Churchill has had ui
Interview with Lord Salisbury , the first slnci
his resignation. What may follow that , win
can say ) Not a cave , anyhow. Die con
scrratlvc party mny have some Internal dif
fcrcnccs , but they still stand in solid pha
lanx when Gladstone's charge sound :
In their ears. The * same spirit fire
the opposition , talk of dissensions among Par
noil's lollQwm being groundless. His worsi
troubk'.ij that ho Is ulono and In weak health
Glddttor.c looks fairly well but time Is plafi
Ir.g Mc-.Ht to his activity. Morlcy has en
Irrfly recovered ) Hnrcotirt Is fat
ml ruddy. Smith Is cheerful
and hearty. Balfbur's legs seem
o luivo grown longer. His manner , even , is
more languishing and ladylike than ever.
-orcl Hartlngton still sleeps like an Infant.
Sharloy Bcrcsford tacks briskly about and is
preparing to pour a raking broadside into the
irst lord of the admiralty. Goschcn fidgets
n nnd out , his head filled with big financial
The members generally seem already
borcu to death. The part of the voting ma
chinery la liRlo noticed until they arc
wanted. Why do they tnko so much trouble
to eet elected to parliament ! Some of them
would bo very much puzzled to toll you.
llloodthlrsty Attack on Itov. John
I'utcrgon nt Mlndon lown.
MINIIKX , la. , Feb. 11. [ Special Telegram
to the BII : . ] Almost a tragedy occurred
liere this evening when Henry Hcsley at
tempted to settle an old feud which has for
some time existed between himself and Uev.
John Peterson , pastor of the German
Evangelical church. Hesley met Peterson
ut August ICavcn's place and proceeded to
attack him a la Sullivan. Mr. Peterson suc
ceeded in making his escape nnd sought n
place of concealment.1 In the mean time
Hesley declared ho would finish the preacher ,
and arming himself went gunning for him.
The constable was called upon to arrest
Hesley but was somewhat timid about
risking his life. Not finding Peterson
nt his residence , Hcsloy shot the net dog in
the dooryard and began his search elsewhere ,
Leaving his shotgun at his room ho visited
the store of John Stuhr to call Mr. Stuhr to
account for having asked the constable to ar
rest him. Taking off his coat and vest Hes
ley made an assault on Mr. Stuhr , who
stepped back , caught up his revolver , and
had not the constable , who by this time lyid
been reinforced , arrested him , would prob
ably have put a stop1 to his thirst for goro.
His case will probably to investigated by the
grand jury.
Must Get'Perm Its.
Sioux CITV , la. , Fob. 11. [ Special Tele
gram to the BEE. ] A ethod of attacking
the illicit liquor business was begun to-day
by the arrest of the driver of the Sulzer
brewing delivery wagon. He is charged
with illegally transporting liquor. The pro
hibitory law provides heavy penalties against
any common carrier or any other person foi
transporting liqvors , without having first se
cured a certificate ) fro'm the county auditoi
that the person to whom It is delivered if
authorised to sell it , The brewery driver had
no such certificate. The fact is that many oi
the customers of the brewery are keepers of
holcs-in-the-wall. ThcVbrewory secured from
the board of supervisors a permit to manu
facture and sell beer for "culinary pur
poses , " and under cover of such permit has
been enabled so far to supply the lllicii
traffic. The Law an4 Order league has de
termined to break up this business , nnd will
watch and arrest the brewery driver when
ever ho goes forth without the necessary
permit. j
Laying It on , the Governor.
DKS MOINES , la. , Feb. 11.4-Special [ Tele
gram to the Br.E. ] The bbiird of railroad
commissioners to-day submltto'd their reply
to the resolution of the house asking whj
their report had not bo : n published before
this. They state that it was submitted tc
the governor on December 1 , as required bj
law , and has since then been out of theii
control. It is understood that the report was
not delivered to the state printer till the
middle of January , six weeks after it came
Into the Rovernor's hands , and it is reported
that the governor has held it back till his
own idea on the railroad question should be
carefully digested by the legislature , for il
is known that the commissioners do not
agree with him in all his positions on ralhvaj
The Town Licglslntnrc.
DBS MOINES , la. , Feb. 11. The senate
committee have decided to make a favorable
report on several bills , including the follow
ing :
To authorize the railway commissioners te
change the names of railway stations in certain
tain coses ; for an act to provide greatoi
safety for passengers on sail and steamboat !
on the inland waters of Iowa ; also a favor
able rcDort on the joint resolution licensing
railway conductors. "
The tide of petitions Is beginning to turn it
favor of railroad legislation providing for i
reduction of rates.
In answer to the resolution inquir
Ing why the railway commissioners re
port has not been published and dis
tributcd , the commissioners presented ni
explanation of the following Import : Abon
a year ago the executive council decided
after the commission had handed over the re
port to the governor , that ho was rcsponslbli
for its publication and not the commission
The facts of the matter are the report wa
handed the governor In proper time but hi
held it over until his inaugural was wrlttei
keeping it seven weeks , and after that th
delay was caused by the printer boini
crowded with work. However , portions o
the report are now in print.
The following bills were passed :
Relating to the time In which suit can b
brought against cities for dangers with HI
amendment that unless notice bo given thrci
months after injury , no person can comment
suit. '
Giving legislative assent to the congrcs
sional act of March 3 , 1887.
Providing for the establishment of ngricul
turnl experiment stations and approprlatlni
To appoint and org'qniai a board of trustee
for the Chirlnda insane hospital to take th
place of the present bpard of commissioners
The house committees mado'favornblo ru
ports on the following bills : The Hohemini
oats bill ; making appropriation to the Stut
.Agricultural society Of $15.000 ; to dctcrmln
the liability in sulU for personal injuries am
that the jury Khali determine the question o
comparative negligence.
A number of other measures were intrc
duced and several engrossed.
Creston'd Building Activity.
' Cnr.sTOtf , la. , Fob. 10. [ Special to UK
BEE. ] Property owners hero attach consld
erublo importance to the fact that T. J. Pot
ter , who owns city property hero , has re
ccntly given a local architect Instructions t
submit plans for a three-story brick buslncs
block to bo crectetVon one of his vacant lot
near the poatoftlce. Contracts are made fo
all the rooms , to be ready for occupancy Jun
1. It is understood however , that Mr. Pot
tcr had thin In view merely us an invcstmcn
over a year ago when ho purchased the lots
Contracts are out for a now business blocl
for John M , Gibson , bunker , nnd work upo
the now city hall and Congregational ehurcl
will gq forwaril us soon us. the wcathc
How the Prlnco of Wales Is Consld-
orod in Paris.
His Great Bonoflconoo and His Sym
pathy For Everybody.
Ono of tbo Useful Agents of Inter
national Poaco.
Jlccclvcil AVIth Open Anns By AH ,
AnxloiiH to Pay Homage to
Queen Victoria's Son and
Coming Heir.
Tlio Oenlnl AVncs.
[ Copi/rfo'il ' WM//James / [ fJorclmi Jlcnnrtt. ]
Pxurs , Feb. 11. [ New York Herald
Cable Special to the Bui : . ] The Prlnco of
Wales arrived tit the Hotel Bristol to-day.
Ho Is probably one of the most useful agents
of international i > caco in two hemispheres.
Wlillc Austrian , German and Italian politi
cians discuss the vexed question of massing
troops on the ticklish frontiers , while the
bourses of Europe arc being moved by sinister
or optimist rumors , the heir of the Uritish
throne goes on constitutionally and quietly
giving a helping hand to every eood and every
perfect work. To him the Paris exhibition
offers more Importance to the pence of Europe
than the calculations of statesmen or the
eventual fate of little or big Bulgaria. The
prince is related to everybody , nnd
as a royal scion ho can affectionately kiss
more princes than any living potentate. His
oldest sister will , or may bo , the German cm-
press , the king of Greece is his brother-in-
law , his sister-in-law is the empress of Rus
sia , his mother-in-law is queen of Denmark ,
Prince Waldcmar is his kinsimtn. Ho is , in
a word , the bright spot in divided and har-
rasscd Europe. His arrival in Paris must
therefore always bo n big and happy event.
Who does not remember , in 1877 , Paris had
just recovered from the reactionary shock of
May 10 , the French republic had just made
its great point , but there wcro rumors In the
air that Tillers was dead and Gambettn was
rising. MaeMahon was dolefully puzzled.
Amid this came the Prince 'of Wales. The
effect was electrical. In an instant he
showed that ho was before all things a man
of business. Ho said substantially to the
committee : "Let us take our coats off to
this exhibition and let us pull It through , "
and he did so. Possibly the priuco may
render the same service In-1688 that ho did
just cloven years ago. Tbo exhibition ques
tion must bo decided , and perhaps while the
prince is in Paris the vexed question may bo
solved whether the great show is to take
place fn 1889 or n little later. In any case his
royal highness will bring matters right.
How few know anything of the life of the
Prince of Wales. Ho is supposed to bo a
king amongst social swells and a
regal sybarite. The real truth is
that ho is one of the hardest
working men in Europe. Much has been said'
concerning the 30,000 dossiers of M. Wilson ,
the ox-Dauphin and President Grevy. The
figures scarcely cover the number of docu
ments in the pigeon holes of Marlborough
House. There is not a single enterprise
likely to benefit the world of which his royal
highness has not a written account in a com
pendious form. In flvo minutes the prince
could tell us all about the channel tunnel , the
Panama canal , drinking fountains , cattle
shows statistics , telephones , ambulances ,
schools of cookery , aid for discharged pris
oners , electric tramways , immigration in
short , everything. The prince Is in every
thing. Ho spends half his fortune in beneficial
locomotion. Ho gives diamond pins to genuine
celebrities , ho lays foundation stones , ho
gives tone to the English hunting field , ho is
an'Officer , a bencher , a mason among ma
sons , a naval officer , an art patron , a judge of
horses , cigars and cigarettes , a believer in the
robust traditions of the prize ring , an all-
around admirer of good and beautiful women ,
a Jolly good fellow. There are other phases
in.the prince's character which those who
know him well will testify to. Ho is n fast
friend and large-hearted Englishman. When
the late Colonel Baker was iiiHorsekmongor
lane the good , lenient prince visited and com
forted him. There ' are scores of instances
of his gentle gift of sympathy which makes the
prince loved by all. "Tho prince , God bless
him , " is no idle word. Ho is the coming
king , and as such there is a touch of sym
pathy between him and every English speak
ing man on tills wide earth , bo ho British
subject or American citizen.
In Paris life his royal highness is only an
extension of the busy routine of his daily
existence. If ho bo not king of Franco and
Navarre , ho is the king of Lutctia. He un
derstands that the two cities arc within a
stone's throw of each other and their pulses
beat in unison. When ho reaches the Calais
pier and sits down with the common of
mortals in the spacious refreshment room , his
brightbluooyesseem to say , "vivola Franco. "
When at lust ho mounts the staircase of the
Hotel Bristol it is evident at once that ho is
a Parisian to his finger ends. The visitors
crowd up to see the princo. The book is
covered with living signatures , the good old
names of respectful and affectionate friends.
No politics hero for him. The president of
the republic and the Orleans princes , Galli-
fect and Clcmcnccau , ail the ambassadors ,
the Princess of Fugan , the Countess do Pour-
talcs , the Countess do GrcfTulho , French and
English officers , Homan bishops and Anpcll-
can clergymen all vie With one another in
paying homage to iho genial son of Queen.
Victoria , who comes to republican Franco ,
with his arms outstretched and the harbinger
of pcaeo and prosperity. ,
Leon Gambetta was a great admirer of the
priuco. Ho was inti'oduced by Sir Charles
Dilkc at a breakfast ivcn iq honor of tils
royal highness , who took kindly to the
effusive tribute. They talked Joyfully to-
jcthcr of friendship between the two na
tions. At the end of the meal the prlni'o
shook hands with Gambctta and said : "Au
rovolr , Monsieur Leon , " for the constltu-
loiml prince Is always clover and full of
: act.
The prince's life In Paris is quite misunder
stood. The fact Is that lie rcall/os that Par-
.slim life must bo patronized. Sarah Bern-
hardt , Judic , Jcannu Grimier , Theo
Coquclin and a host of others are
for everybody. He's ever ready to visit a
[ winter's studio or patronize rising sculptors ,
He knows the Hertford hospital nnd once
javo his arm to Miss Leigh nt the laying of a
n fountain stono. Ho takes the princess ,
when she accompanies him , to tlio Cafe
Anglais or Lyon , and he fi'cls It his duty to
bo present at n first night or ilof show when
ever he la In the French capital. Once ho
gratified her whim by taking her on top of an
omnibus from Madeleine to Uustillo.
Tills is what wo may call an all-round
Drlnco very humane and more thoughtful of
others than himself. It might bo supposed
that all this betokened too much familiarity.
Ho would bo n bravo man who would act
upon this theory. Ho would probably find
that the most dignified nnd frigid gentleman
in Europe was the Prince of Wales. Any at
tempt nt liberty is at once resented and
the luckless obtrudor very soon put into his
place. Tlio Princess of Wales loves Paris.
Slio is the companion of the Princo. When
ever she crosses the channel with him her
bright and ever juvenile face charms every
salon into which she enters. Every after
noon she drives in the Hois , nodding
pleasantly to English salutations as if she
saw in them the welcome of an old friend.
Once , when she was here , the wife of an
English clergyman told her of a poor stable
man who was formerly at Sandringham and
who was dying.
"What is his unmet" said the princess.
"Hyncs , " was the reply.
"Oh , I rememborthepoorfollowpcrfcctly , "
said her royal highness .
_ "Let us go nnd see him. "
Off went the future queen of England and
the lady in a hired cab to a dingy street in
the Terues. They climbed the six flights
which led to the sick man's bedroom.
Imagine the poor man's Joy when
he saw his former mistress by his
side. After a few words of sympathy , the
princes wont away , leaving 50 to solace the
patient. The Princess of Wales shares her
husband's ideas about I'nrls. She Bends for
actors , actresses authors to her box. She
visits jjjo salon. She goes wherever high
position allows her to go. Darby and Joan
is her maxim. Sometimes she gets frightened
when she hears of Louise Mitchol and other
dreadful revolutionary persons , but she is
soon reassured when she is smilingly told
that If the people only have time to look at
her face they are not likely to attack her ,
she remembers that when the amnesty was
granted Jules Voiles wrote her a beautiful
letter , thanking her for the shelter which
England gave to the proscribed communists
when other countries would have none of
them. The Prince and Princess of Wales
are undoubtedly the most popular royal per
sonages who visit Paris.
A London Paper's Editorial Comment
011 the Affair.
lCoi/r/ ) / < ; 1SSS by James Gordon llcnnett.\ \
LONDON , Feb. 11. [ Now York Herald
Cable Special to the BEK. ] The Star has
n double-leaded editorial on the alleged con
versational disturbances at the production of
"Araian" nt the Opera Comique by the
Prince of Wales In his box. It says , nnd
this is copied into the late edition of the Pall
Mall Giuetto : "Suddenly , as the people
wcro straining every ear to catch every word
from tlio pallid lips of Mrs. Bcere , there
came from the royal box a loud bum nay ,
that is not the word loud conversation. At
first even the well-trained audience in the
stalls was startled out of Its propriety and
looked around with a shock. It was soon
seen what was the matter. Before the whole
audience the Prince of Wales was speaking
not in a natural tone of conversation but
in such a voice as you would expect If he
wcro shouting from one end to another of a
largo field. As to the people on the stage
and the people in the house , his royal high
ness acted as if they were all thin air , or us if
ho recognized and wished to flout their ex-
istanco. Tlio shouted conversation was not
a momentary outburst. It went on continu
ously for at least a quarter of an hour , and
though It was less audible in the latter hours
of ttio evening , it broke out afresh pretty
Upon this serious social Incident the Her
ald correspondent who wrote the notice
nb'out the play and 'sat it through was ap
pealed to. Ho had sat on tlio side near the
royal box , but neither heard nor had seen
anything of the kind. Two or thrcoothci
auditors have this evening bcon asked about
the charge , as well as some behind the
scenes , and all say the same. The negative
testimony is not so strong as affirmative
evidence , it Is true , and it Is at least to be
hoped that the Star was in an eccentric orbit
when It twinkled , as above.
The polite attention of the priuco during
any performance nnd ffis deference to tin
comfort of others behind or fronting the
footlights have been often commented or
favorably. Besides , ho presented ills per
sonal compliments to Mrs. Bernard Bcere ,
who is his friend , and would do nothing U
injure her.
The Crown Prince Doing Well.
ICojiyr/u/it / / J8SS In/ James florilon H'.nnttt. }
S\N KCMO , Fab. 11. [ Now York Herald
Cable Special to the BEK. ] The crown
prince sat up in bed a while this afternoon
with no fcvor or pain , The ordinary treat
ment of the larynx has been suspended for a
few days. Prince Henry and the three
princesses witnessed the battle of flowers ol
Via Carll this afternoon. Flowers In grcal
quantities wcro thrown at them. The crowr
prince-slept splendidly last night and c.oiitln
UCB doing wclL . ' , '
. . . . ' . : > t
OIoso of the Great Exhibition at
The Queen's Plates Originally Given
to Encourage Racing.
Strong Inducements Being Offered
to British Farmers.
They Mnko n Good Iniprt < s < < lei > and Sc
euro Second Pi-lzi : American
Dealers niBsntlNlled With
the Show.
[ Cu | > j/rfu'i / ' ( iSSSbuJamt * 'ion/on /
NOTTINGHAM , Feb. 11. [ New York Herald
Cable Special to the Br.i : . ] In the cattle
market hero n fresh chapter In the history of
liorso breeding was closed to-day by tlio
judging of thoroughbred stallions for the
queen's premiums and the ending of the
show. The queen's plates were originally
given to encourage horse racing , and in
George's time lovers of racing had no greater
ambition than to win his majesty's guineas. <
Picking up tlio queen's ' plates was the last j
work of champions of the turf until twcnly
years ago when a hundred guineas weight forage
ago over ten inllcs was not considered worth
training for. The result of this was thai
only weeds competed for the premiums.
The British army was short ol 3j ?
horses. The guards even wcro
half-mounted on animals not up to the aver
age quality of omnibus tiorsos. AU agitation
on the matter in tlio house of lords , headed
by Lord Ulbblcsdate , resulted in the trims-
ferrcnco of the grant from the racing track
to the agricultural show yard. It was the
first of these showa that has made Nottingham
ham pleased with Itself , for 111 thoroughbred
stallions have been paraded bcforo a larga
company of its citizens and guests.
Tlio Duke of Portland , master of the horse ,
is lord of the manor in this ancient town.t
His place , Boelbcck Abbey , within , a
short distance of hero is a famous riding
school , the largest in the world , almost as
largo as Olympin , nnd is all underground
the late duke spent millions in burrowing ,
the whole place being a long net-work of
subterranean terraces , beautifully lined and
decorated. The present duke is popular in
the neighborhood and puts himself as much
IA evidence as the late duke hid himself la
the dark. His horse , St. Simon , which is
second only to Ormondo in racing fame and
the soundest of tlio stud , was inspected in
the box by a largo number of pcoplo from all
quarters. I
The duke is chairman of the royal co minis *
t"A appointed to make Inquiry into tha
whole question of horse heeding in England , ]
an inquiry which is expected to bring out A
great amount of valuable information. I
Major General Kavcnhill , chief of the car *
airy buying department , one of the commis
sioner * , , has given his opinion that England'
cannot look either to Canada or the United
States in times of mobilization for horses , undr' *
there is little sccrot , therefore , la
stating that the British government Is now '
doing its utmost to induce British farmers to '
breed horses suitable for all branches of tha |
service. French and German agents huva j
been purchasing England's best stallions and ;
marcs for their government establishments \
over since the last war and It seems now
almost as if Englishmen wcro taking up th
qucsti * of bleeding utility horses when it is <
too late. '
England pays on an average $1,000,000 pel
annum for cab , carriage and 'bus horses , and
It is thought that she might OH well spend ai ( .v
that money among her own agriculturists. II ' ;
is intended to start a stud book for thcs ( '
utility horses , and this , it Is expected , would
* '
give a sort of directory of horses , and so '
middlemen , who keep much of the profits , ' '
won't b6 wanted.
A welcome to the Duke of Portland ha
been arched over every street. Ho came iq
with his party and all the royal commissioners |
on liorso breeding wcro present except Lord j
Hibblcsdate , who is In India. The jockey
club division were hero In strong force , nnd
Jem Lowthcr was to bo seen in earnest com \
vcrsation every now and then with the duko.
Gcorgo Barrett , one of the exiled jockeys ,
was looking over some of the horses ho has
ridden , and among the old hunting faces waste
to bo noticed the veteran Jack Anstruthoc
Thompson , of the Fife hounds , once mastov
of the Pytcholey and the oldest huntcrman N
In England. Ho was as usual dressed in an
old coaching attire. Mr. M. Cookson , o ?
Morpcth hounds , was there ; also Mr. {
Fcnwyck , Mr. Harvey , Mr. Bailey ana j
Captain Warnir , master of the famous Qora \
hounds. The duke of St. Albans had a big > <
party , and there wcro In the grand stand at ona ;
time many of the hardest-going Lady Gay "
spankers in the hunting field of England , in.
eluding a well-known countess who came
with her arm strapped In a sling. Alto * \
gether It was such a sporting gathering us t
has seldom been seen in England one , la- ?
deed , In which Whjto Melville would Imva j
rojolccd. i
The veterinary surgeons condemned six *
out of every ten of the horses. Tills fnctt
shows how many unsound thoroughbred ' '
horses have been traveling In Britain of lato. ,
Tlio queen's pi cmiums of f25,000 wcro up-
plctnentcd with the usual grunt of fi.OOO la .
flvo equal premiums allowed by the Hoyal ' -
Agricultural society. The flvo wlimem ot '
these latter premiums n o ull good , fate
horses but fourth raters so far u '
the liorso breeding of England is concerned * - \
Out of the thirteen horses chosen during '
thti day Kentucky's Blue Grass was , in tb
opinion of the bctt hunting Judgcir present '
j the bast iiv the show and took 'the prize la
I class U. The Blue Grass remains a