Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 11, 1888, Page 2, Image 2
[ Fy W" * * ' " ! ' * * " ' " " " " rr * " " * ' ' " " * - . . " > iTwiH * t. - , . w. . , ? -T - : ' : ? ' ' ' TT - ' ' ( ' i 'K' , . 2 THE OMAHA. DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , FEBRUARY 11 , 1888. BOHEMIAN OATS SWINDLERS. ' * ' The Bill , to Suppress Thorn Passes Iowa's Sonata. JURISDICTION OVER RAILROADS. A riCHolutlon PnsBdl Aslclnc For n liaw Conferring Ik oii Htato Courts An Honorable Tlilcf Discovered. .1'lcnnlnK to DES Moisr.s , la. , Fob. 10. [ Special Tclo- pi-am to the Bur. . ] The general assembly la devoting Itself to routine work pretty well , occasionally it loses It head us the Bcnuto did io-day , and wastes a good deal of time and money under the prctcnso of being econom ical. A bill had been retried favorably raising- the salary of thc'sccrctary of the state board ot. health from (1,300 to * l.bOO . pur ntmum , but a few senators , who are always posing for a record , raised objections to the bill , and It kept the senate In a wrangle for nearly tvyo hours. These two hours of wasted time cost the state several bundled dollars , so that there was not much economy when the account was filially figured up. The salary was fixed at $1,50But \ there are several legislators who think It Is economy to spend $ ) In order to savcfl. The formers of the Mate will bo glad that the son a to to-day passed thu "Bohemian outs" bill , ns it is railed , to punish the swind lers who have been plundering them s > o freely. That Hwindlo was of n very smooth kind und looked very fair at first but when , later in the season , the farmer was called upon to pay a promissory note for which ho had no value received it wasn't BO funny. The Bohemian oats swindlers will probably move farther west now. They have been driven gradually from ono state to another , having left the east some years ago. This law will rid Iowa of the pest aud it is a good riddance too. Thu house passed to-day a Joint resolution which is in line with thu sentiments of the anti-monopolists. It calls upon the Iowa sncmbcrs of congress to work for a bill re quiring railroad companies to incorporate in the states in which they do business. The legislature two years ago passed the Sweeney law for this purpose , but the supreme court hold that it was unconstitutional , as beyond thu powers of a state legislature. Now it in aslicd that congress pass such a law. HO that the people of this state can suu a railroad lu state courts , und not bo subjected to the delay and expense of having the ease transferred to the federal courts , as has been the rule heretofore. _ The Iowa legislature. Dr.s MOIKE.X , Ia. , Fob. 10. The Vaschal bill , which passed tlio house , fixing a penalty for selling tobacco to minors uuder sixteen years of ago , will bo favorably reported by the senate committee. The concurrent resolution concerning the solo of 'ye ' nnd potash by grocers aud others bcsldo druggists was indoliultcly postponed. Thu bill was passed allowing general mer chants to sell lye and potash. By Mr. Bayloss a bill was Introduced to amend iho law relating to registered phar macists. The bill to increase the salary of the secre tary of thu state board of health to a sum not exceeding $1,800 per annum was considered nnd ordered engrossed after being amended HO as to cut down the sum to f 1,500 , on motion of Mr. Caldwoll. By Mr. Wolfe A bill to establish and maintain a school for the instruction and training of teachers. By Clark ( by request ) A bill with the same conditions as the Ucdtnan prohibition bill. bill.By By Mr. Vale A bill to amend the law re lating to the examination of tcachors. TWO members will boadded , to tko commit tee on Judiciary for the remainder of the f * " session. The "Bohemian oats" bill was considered and amendments adopted so as to make a sale at four times the , market price fraudulent. The penalty Is placed at the discretion of the court , not to exceed three years In the peni tentiary. The bill passed on a vote of sa to o. The special order for Monday afternoon at 2:30 : will bo the concurrent resolution asking the Iowa congressmen to work for thu Wilson , Dos Moincs river land bill. The house committee made a favorable re port on the bill providing for the taxation of telegraph and telephone lines. Mr. Hipwoll Introduced a bill authorizing cities under special charters to condemn a right of way through private property for sewers und drains. By Mr. Robb A bill making the onico of school treasurer elective In independent dis tricts. , The following Joint resolutions were intro- ' ' duccd : By Mr. Hall Relating to combinations of ' ' capital. Passed. Joint resolution No. 11 , by Mr. Ball , re lating to service pensions. Passed. No. S , by Mr. Chantry , relating to a double track railroad from the Atlantiu ocean to Sail Francisco. Referred back to the committee on federal relations. No. 2 , by Mr. Hotclikiss , relating to the constitution of the United States prohibiting f non-resident aliens from acquiring or holding 1 > title to real estate in any of the states aud * ' territories. Adopted. No. S , by Mr. Head , asking congress to puts a law requiring Judgment liens in federal courts to bo tiled in state courts la the coun ties where the property lies. Adopted. No. rt , by Mr. Robb , in relation to tha elec tion ot postmasters by the people. Indef initely | x > stponcd. t - No. 91 , by Mr. Bocm , referring to the de feat of the Sweeiioy bill by tlio supreme { court , amended by Mr. Cummings and passed. To * : resolution Is as follows : Resolved , By the general assembly of the state of Iowa , that our senators and repre sentatives In congress bo urged and requested to use all honorable efforts to secure the en actment of a law compelling railway corpora tions operating lines of railway in two or more states to bccomo incorporated In eaoh state in which their lines are located , and ' withdrawing the Jurisdiction of federal I courts oycr coses ia which foreign corpora tions aru u party. Mr. Boom nccefltcd the amendment , and the resolution ns amended was adopted. The following bills were passed : Relating to lines und forfeitures. Relating to the time of paying taxes to township clerks. Relating to the trial of equitable cases. An f lonoraliln Thief. DcnnquE , Ia. , Fub. 10. [ Special Telegram to the BEK. ] Jacob Driscoll , n noted charac ter of this city , was convicted of highway robbery , two years ago. His attorney ap pealed iho case to the supreme court and UrUcoll was let out on ball , his mother fur nishing the bonds. The supreme court affirmed the decision , but Driscoll in the meantime bad gone west , and hearing of the decision ho returned and met the sheriff ut the depot to-day ho starting tn | fN - , Just .us was fNf the penitentiary with another convict. Be f voluntarily guvo himself up and accompanied L the sheriff to Auamostt to HOrvo his sentence Of two years. . A Farmer Frozen to Death. DBS MOISES , Ia. , Fob. 10. [ Special Telo- i gram to the Br.n. ] John A. Borg , who lives about six miles west of Laku Mills , Wnnobago county , started homo last night from town with bis team. lie was found this morning , about half the way homo , frozen in the snow. As ho was accustomeil f to drinking to excess it is thought he WOK drunk and lost his way uud died iu the snow The Marnhnlllown Burglars. I' Cniciao , Feb. 10.--Charles W. V. diet , the young man caught recently with e * ( , i of burglars' tools ia hla possession , wat taken away to-day by the sheriff , to Marshall .town , Ia. , where his father , who U R ralllor , 'lire * . It appears that Benedict was n mem br of t gang of burglars Who had been w * | itag Marshalltown lately. About a wed ago they broke into n paint store and. . other tnlngi stolen ; was it diamond clas * rut- tcr with which they cut n pane of glass fioni the window of the drug store and then ontei cd and robbed It. They had commissioned Ik-no- diet to come to Chicago and procure a burg lar's outfit , which ho did and resulted lit his being arrested. _ Tlio lowii G. A. It. CEDAU UAI-IOS , la. , Feb. 10. General Tut- tic , commander of the Iowa department of the Grand Army of tho'Hepublic , has llxed upon April 11 and 1- for the next annual meeting , In Cedar Kuplds. The Iowa depart ment of the Sens of veterans will convene at the same time and also the department of the Woman's Hcllcf corps. Mrs. Hull's Ilrccptlnn. DM MOISES , la. , Feb. 10. Tlio crowning society event of the week was the legislative reception given last night by Lieutenant Governor and Mrs. Hull , assisted by Miss Hull. .SHICllMAN AT PIIOVIDKNCE. lie AdilrussoH tlio Yotuiii ItcpubllcunH onthn , Orent Nsnc. PIIOVIDEXCE , Feb. 10. The Young Men's ncpubllcnn club was addressed this evening by Hon. John Shermun and Hon. C. H. Gros- venor , member of congress from Ohio. Senator Sherman In his address referred to the auspicious opening of the prcsldc'ntial campaign and the imiwrtunt Influence young men's republican clubs would exert upon the political movements of the day. Ho spoke In most vigorous denunciation of the Immigration to this coun try of communists , anarchists and socialists. Touching ilpon the tariff upon wool and sugar , he said the democratic party wauld take the tariff off wool but strenuously objects to a reduction of U cents on sugar for the reason that sugar was grown In the south. He would take the tariff off sugar and give the grower a bounty , Ho then entered into an exhaustive analysis of the proposed reduc tion of the tariff. Ho was presented at the close with a handsome gold-headed cane by the club. * DAKOTA HL1X AH U . V 1CTIMS. The Account or l < o s of Life Greatly Minn. , Feb. 10. The Even ng Journal will publish an official statement showing that the loss of life by the recent blizzard in north Dakota has been greatly exj aggerutcd by some papers. Governor Church writes saying there is no want of food In the territory qnd the loss of llfo In Yankton county was only throo. Ex-Gover nor Pierce corrobates Governor Church , and is Joined in his stutoincnt by bankers and prominent citizens of North Da kota. As to live stock , the exaggeration is still worse. Of 0,000 horses , 7,000 sheep , 80,000 cattle and 15,000 hogs in Yankton county , not over fifty In all were lost. Hail- road Commissionsr N. T , Smith , of Huron , writes that , us fur us learned , the following is an authentic summary of the loss of life in the recent storm : Beadle county t ) , Bon- hommo 10. Codington ! 1 , Tcrauld 0 , Clark B , Edmunds 0 , Brown 5 , Hand 7 , Kingsbury ! ! , Lincoln 29 , Spink 4 , Turner. IS , Yankton 3 ; total 114. 114.Mrs. Mrs. Mncklii SriiiNOFiBiD , 111. , Feb. 10. The wife of Joseph C. Mackin , the famous election " 'flno worker , " who is serving a sentence In the Jolict penitentiary ou a technical charge of perjury , made a formal application to Gov ernor Oglesby to-day for a pardon , for her husband. Mrs. Macklu's interview lasted nearly two , hours. She left with him a largo number of petitions and letters signed by large numbers of the most prominent , wealthy and reputable citizens of Chicago urging their belief that in Maekin's case the ends of Justice had now been fully served. A letter from Mackin himself was also submitted in which he promises , if par doned , to so comport himself as to win the approbation of good citizens. Mrs. MacUm hopes to carry with her to-morrow to her husband a pardon from the governor. Defaulter Imcfts Discharged. TonoNTO , Feb. 10. Israel Lucas , the de faulting treasurer of Anglalso county , Ohio , and his wife , wcro discharged at police court this morning , the crown being unable to trot sufficient evidence to extradite them. An Earthquake in Ohio. CINCINNATI , Feb. 10. Heports from Tiffin , Sandusky and Put-ln-Bay , Ohio , say that a perceptible earthquake shockwasfolt shortly before 10 this morning , The Fire Record. MAIHSON , Wis. . Fob. 10. Ten business houses in Deerflcld , about fifteen miles easl of this place , burued last uight. Loss $2-2,000 ; insurance .small. All the village records were burned. The Walking Match. NKW YOHK , Feb. 10. At midulght the score in the walking match stood : Albert , 54i ! ; Herty , Ml ; Guerrero , 512 ; Hart , 83 ; Moore , 404 ; Strokel , 445 ; Noremoo , 430 ; Dillon , 433 ; Sullivan , 435 ; Taylor , .135 ; Vint , 40i5 ; Tilly , U73 ; Stout , 187. Tccmer Wins. TitoiiUE , Fla. , Feb. 10. A single sculling race took place hero to-day for a purse ol $1,000 , and the championshipof America. The rowers were John Teomcr , of Pittsburg ; Albert B. Humm , of Boston.and John McKay , of Halifax , Teenier in SO-.04 , McKay 20:03 : , II omm 'M :10. : > _ _ _ The "Sjilder" Coining Here. Those of To-nmy Miller's friends who di ( not see his fight With the "Spider" at Minne apolis , will have a chance to see them to gether at the Grand opera house next Satur day night. It's Tommy Miller's benefit , and his old opponent is coming down to make it n success. Pat Kilien will also boon deck , and many of those who mudo the Minneapolis affair what It was Imvo promised to bo there with him. SUKD you OVER $10,000. Five Separate Actions Brought Agalnttt tlioKuuf , man * . Five different actions wcro filed at a late hour yesterday afternoon with the clerk o ; the district court against Kaufman Bros , and David Kaufman as follows : The Bank of Commerce sues to recover $3,000 , the balance duo on a promissory note for $4,000 , made December 20,1SS7. C. H. Slomnn alleges that W.100 Is duo hln on a promissory note made Doormberlil , 1887 C. H. Sicilian's second complaint is basci on the allegation that the Kaufmans obtainoi from him $ l,000.on January 25 of the present year on a promissory note. C. H. Sicilian in his third action alleges that January 25 of tho'present year ho agaii delivered to the defendants $1,000 , tuktnj , their note for the amount. ThoBank of Commerce say In their secom action that on December 0 , 1SS7 , they loaned tHe Kaufman's $3,000 , , taking their promlssoo uoto. Another Jefferson Square Scheme. At a railed meeting of residents ot the northern part of the city held last evening at the Hunk of Commerce , the advisability of the removal of the location of the city hall was discussed. It was resolved by these present to favor locating the building , with rooms for the school board and public library on Jefferson square. A committee of ten was appointed to draw up resolutions for another meoiintr to bo held to-night at the same place. About thirty people were pros- out at last night's meeting. Joseph Ucdmon and Henry Osthoff arc among the principal movers of tlio scheme. ' In Secret Session. Last night a number of the members of the painters and decorator's union assembled in secret eonclavo in the large room la the rear of the office of the Mlllard. They were In session for some little time , and the utmost secrecy was exercised ia their talk and ae tlons. To a BKE reporter one of th < j partlci' pants said that the business ihtnsactod wa. strictly confidential , and further than that be could not spuk. Cough * and Honrnenesr. The Irrltal tlon witch Induces cougliinif Immediate * relieved -by use 'of "Brown's Broocallj . Troches. " . Sold , only ia boxo * . ROBBING AMERICAN ROADS , Wilson , of lown , Discusses Our Bo- Intions With Canada. GIVE THEM AN EQUAL SHOW. , Vliy Dominion Ilon < l < * Entering This Country Hhonhl Ho Subji-ot to the Intcr-HtHto Law Other Washington NUWH. Corporation Ethlco. Feb. 10. General James A. Vllsott addressed the Intcr-stnto commerce ommitteo of the senate this morning pro- rosing certain amendments to the intcr-stato lommcrco law touching the relations of Canadian railroads to the law. Ho said it night bo fairly assumed that one of the best catures of the Intcr-stato commerce law Is hat It requires imbllcity to bo giicn { to all rates , and that-whatever needs to bo con cealed In connection.with contracts for 'rates on either freights or passengers.Is wrong and should be prohibited. Ho therefore proposed hat the first paragraph of section 3 should > o amended by adding tlio words : f'Or to any private or secret contract or undcrntand- ng whatever in reference to or connected directly or indirectly with rates or condl- Ions , and all .contracts and conditions , other than ordinary , shall bo deoemwl o bo public contracts and shall bo made on a written or printed form in - triplicate cate , one for each parties thereto and ono to > e forwarded to the commissioners appointed mdcr this act under such regulations as hey shall prescribe. " Ho also sugge'stcd hat section 0 bo amended b5' substituting for the second paragraph the following : "And nothing In this act shall bo construed to allow any common carrier to receive any freight in the United States to bo carried In sealed cars or in bond by the railroad through a foreign country to any other place in the United States free of duty , and all laws and regula tions thereunder which have been construed : o permit such practices are hereby repealed. " 1'hls , he said , was a radical measure , but ho liopcd to convince the commlttco that it was called for and fully Justified by our para mount and permanent national Interests. General Wilson then entered into a long argument in which he called attention to the fact that it always had been thu settled policy of congress to reserve our coasting trade exclusively for the benefit of American ships. When these regulations were first made railroads were unknown , but If they liad been in use along our land borders there could be no doubt congress would have pro tected them in the same way. Referring to the privileges granted foreign railroads en tering partly jnto this country , ho said thcro was not another government iu the world that permitted suchj favors , uud the absurd ity of it was abundantly manifest when It was remembered that the government of the very dominion which was becoming enriched by enjoying these privileges refused posi tively to allow American railroads any favors. He said the whole of the Canadian Pacific and Grand Trunk systems were built as much for military and political purposes as for commerce. By thu intcr-stato law the hands of American railroads were bound while the Canadian roads were picking their pockets. "Back of these considerations , " said Mr. Wilson , "is the question : Shall wo live in such relations to these British provinces us to encourage them in allegiance to the British crown , or shall wo manage our affairs so us to force them , ultimately , to political union with usf" Ho did not hestitato to declare that nianyof our best and niostthoughtfulcitizens were coming to look uixm the existence of Canada and the allied British possessions in North America as a continuous menace to our peace and prosperity , and that they should bo brought under the constitution and laws of our country us soon as possible peaceably if it can be so arranged , but forcibly if wo must. "f is self-evident , said he , if we give Cana dians all they Want without compelling them to come Into the union they will bo sure to stay out of it so long as Great Britain will pay their bills , lend them money , subsidize their enterprises , light their battles uud dls- tribute title and honors to their leading men. " , General Wilson expressed .the conviction that the fishery question ought not to bo set tled on any other basis than rtio recognition of equal rights. Farm Btoulc Statistics. WASHINGTON , Feb. 10. The February sta tistical report of the department of agricul ture relates to the numbers and values of farm animals. There is reported an increase in horses , mules and cattle , and a decrease in sheep and swine. The largest rate of In crease is iu horses , n per cent. It in general throughout the country , though the largest increase is west of the Mississippi , The aggregate exceeds 13,000,000. The increase In mules averages a > jf per cent. The in crease in cattle is ' > > per cent. It makes an aggregate of over 49,000,000. The increase is nearly as largo in milch cows as in other cattle. In sheep Iho decline appears to bo between 2 and 3 per cent , the aggregate of flocks being about 43r,00. ( X ) . There is a smaller decline in the number of swine , lens than 1 per cent , Ieavingthcnggrcgateover44,000,000. The aggregate value of all farm animals is $3,000,000 more than u year ago. The Central 1'ueluo's Debt. WASHINGTON , Feb. 10 , By appointment C. P , Huntinjrton , vice president of the Cen tral Pacific railroad company , appeared be fore the house committee on Pacific railroads to give his views ou pending legislation touching these roads , aud to explain the re sources of the Central Pacific railway com pany. He said he had been with the road since its organization in 1SOO. He coatinned at some length aud went over the same ground ho did when before the Pacific rail road Investigating committee in New. York some months ago. In conclusion ho made u proposition for a settlement of the debt of the Central Pacific on thu basis of 250 semiannual nual payments an extension of fifty-two years with interest at 2 per cent. , . Hu promised to lay before tlio committee , not later than thirty days hence , a definite and authoritative proposition for the liquida tion of the Central Pacific's Indebtedness. The Reading ; Troubles. WASHINGTON , Feb. 10. Tlio special com mittee appointed to Investigate the existing labor troubles In Pennsj-lvanla elected Rep resentative Tillman chairman and then lis tened to un informal statement from Kepre- scututlvu Hruinm , whoso district Is in the Reading regions. Ho said the railroad and mining companies were ono and controlled mining and prices of coal in the entire region. Ho thought this whole lockout was fostered by the Reading company , and that the other corporations wcro as deep in the mud as the Reading was in the mire. If the mining business were not connected with the carry ing business the effect would bo to put higher prices on coal at thu mines and lower price ou freight. WANT TO RUN THE MACHINE. ISIcU Sent Into the County Couituls- Hloncrs iiy Grailcrx. Commissioner Turner presided over the deliberations of the county commissioners yesterday afternoon in the absence of Chair man O'ICeefe. Scaled bids for the running of the county grading machines ono and twofer for the year 18S3 were opened as follows : Knight Bros. , 14 cents per cubic yard for the frou haul of 1.000 feet and 1 oont per cubic yard uddliiomi " ' * of JJUO feet. Cyrus Baync , running No V cents per cubic yard to the llrst 1 , 00 feet and 1 cent per cubiuyard fur each additional UOO over haul -Vuriipiking for 'i U-1U cents per yar.1. Oliver Honey , runnlug No. 3 , 0 cents per cubic yard for 1,000 feet , 0-10th of a cent for each 200 feet overhaul and 2 7-10 per eent per cubic yard for turnpike work. H. C. Barnes , running No. 1,11 cents per cubic yard. U cents per cublo yard for 200 foot ot overhaul and 3 cents per cublo yard lor turnpike -work. C. W. Finn company , running No , 1,1,000 feet haul 12J * c8uta per cubic yard , 200 overhaul 13 } f rents per cublo yard , 400 overhaul M f cents' per cubic' yard , 000 feet overhaul 16 > $ cents per cxiblo yard and 1 cent additional for rit ] S00 ! feet overhaul. Running No. 2 on turnpike work \i cents per cubic yard. ' - The bids wcro referred to the commlttco ou rules. _ " { THE W12YTlflil | Alexander Pollock Veils An Aiullcnco Haw to JlWbmo One. Mr. Alexander L. Po'tlock , formerly of the United States signal yljfps , delivered a most Interesting and Instrut-Uvo lecture last even ing In the Y. M. C. Ai'ballt His subject was , "How to Become n Weather Prophet. " A largo nnd npprcclaltV"audlctico was In at tendance , showing that' these weekly frco lectures are becoming very popular. Mr. Pollock sK ) > ko first of the origin of meteorol ogy. The stars at ono time were supposed to Indicate not only what would bo thu fate of nations and Individuals , but also the kind of weather wo might oxpeqt. People supposed the earth was the center of the universe and all the other planets were merely hero for our convenience. The fact is wo can sco with the naked eye 'on any clear night 0,000 slum , each the center of n system identical with our own , lu which the earth plays a very Insignificant part. Astrology took hold of the weather , and Is loth to give it up yet , " though It has made ItsMf ridiculous" every time it tried * lo meddle with the weather. Meteorology deals with an element that Is indlspcnslbloto life. There Is notraco of air in the moon and we know the moon is dead. But outside of the scientific part of meteorol ogy , nnd aside from Its effect on our physical wolfm-t ) . which is n subject for physicians to discuss , it has a practical , commercial every day bearing upon us all. If wo could predict thu weather with perfect accuracy wo woula save millions of dollars worth of property that is annually ruined by the unexpected ap pearance of severe cold or intensely hot weather. Besides , the farmer could regulate his crop to suit himself. How far can we fore see the changes in the weather , und by what mcansl Don't look at the temperature when you sco n weather bulletin. Ix > ok at the barometer first. The pressure of the air is of greater importance than any other thing. The , tendency of the air 13 to fill up any vacuum that might exist anywhere. There fore , If there is high barometer In the west or northwest , and u low barometer hero , and the influx of air will therefore bo u north westerly that Is to say u northwest wind , and if the temperature In that section hap pens to bo very low , as It usually is in the Winter , we may expect with absolute cer tainty a cold wave and can hoist our own black Hug withoilt notification from Wash ington. In the United States storm paths move invariably towards a point nine degrees north of east , and wo can therefore follow the promise of a storm very easily. The average velocity at which a storm moves is twenty-six miles. But even without the help of the signal service wo need not despair. Indications can bo made with a fair degree of success from the sunset observations , u yellow , green or rose-tinted sunset being equivalent to a Jlno day to fol low. A bank of cloud's accompanying a sun set presages a storm. A scud passing across a hazy cloud means the same. A contrary movement of the upper clouds from a lower indicates a change of wind. Twinkling stars , halos , coronas , show the presence of hurndity in the upper strata , and therefore denote early rain. indications were given , after which Mr. Pollock gave any one prosunt un opportunity of ask- intr any relevantquestion. . About fifty were asked 3 concerning tor nadoes , cyclones , hailstorms , the effects of cultivation and rainfall , lightning , cause of thunder , etc. , t y Mr. Pollock showed a thorough knowledge of the science of meteorology that was appre ciated by bis hearers-slnd u most hearty vote of thanks was extendebVto him. Personal PjArkiKraphs. John Riley , of Walloy , Neb. , is at tuo Puxton. " S. II. Van Slttcrt , df Ardcn , Neb. , is at tbo Paxton. ' .V' , D. L. Darr , of O'ScUl , Neb. , Is at the Millurd. -\f \ William Biles , of Pcudqr , Neb. , Is at the Mlllara. " . . , ( W. H. Snider"of Dav.ejiport , Ia. , Is nt the Millard. L , . Walker , of North Plattc , Neb. , Is at the Millurd. Robert Miller , of Norfolk , Neb. , Is at the Millurd. L. Walker , of North Platte , Neb. , is at the Millard. C. J. Pratt , of Lincoln , Nob. , Is ot the Millard. * D. W. Moriurty , of Wayne , Neb. , is at the Windsor. R. F. Davis , of Wnboo , Neb. , Is at the Windsor. Thomas II. Thorp , of DCS Moiues , Ia. , is at the Millard. Fred C. Fisher and wife , of Wyoming , are at the Puxton. J. D. Brewer and wife , of Albion , Neb , , arc at the Paxton. William Wakcman and wife , Oshkosh , Wis. , are ut the Windsor. Messrs. G. R. and J. A. Krause , of Colum bus , Neb. , are at the Windsor. W. H. Preston , wife nnd children , of Fort Scott , Kan. , are at the Windsor. George B. Jordan , of Kansas City , secre tary of the inter-state associated press , is at the Millard. E. A. Fitzgerald'for a good while the obliging and popular day dark at the Paxton - ton , has resigned to accept a position with the Cunard line of steamships. Ho will re main in the city for a few-weeks previous to starting for New York to assume his now labors. Convict honor. To tbo Editor of the Bun : As you Imvo a largo circuliitiou , I hope you will allow mo a hearing1 in regard to a plan for placing convict labor on a just , and , it booms to mo , sensible basis. As you well know wo are now taxed to build prisons , court houses , pay olllciuls , and very of ten support tbo imltgont families of convicts. When a man has commit ted a crime , the state need not commit the crime of robbing his family of his support , but should confine him at some productive labor , and utter deducting enough of the proceeds thereof to pay the expense of such confinement , allow the balance to go to hla family or these who may happen to depend on him for support. This would eliminate the great and i growing wrong of leasing tbo > 1 Convict's labor ' to contractors at lo .wa'gus , thus throw ing his labor into competition with that of these who are tux ijl to support the machinery made no'cpesnry by crimes committed. Thus ( t'rjmimilB may bo made to support theUi families , and ut the sumo time roleaft from taxation these who huvo not'-owmmittod crimes. No labor orgnnizoliun can find fault with the system heroin proposed , as there will bo no injustice involved. None who labor will I bo wronged by making convicts selPajipporting. That this Is practicable np'iMie can disprove. It is the only solutW of the convict labor question , and ( frxmands immediate attention by these wj o toll. JnMADISON HOOK. Catherine Woodbon'u negro woman living in Macon , Gn. , saw air > y thrown from the back of a runaway mule anil fainted. Shu dic'u teen alter , und the coroner pronounced her death duo to heari disease , caused by cxcesslvo fright. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. When Hibjr jres tick , we gaie her Costori * . Whca sue vr a a Child , > > be cried for CtitorU , When the became Hlu , she clung to CtftoriA , When theiwd Children , tbo gare them CMtorin. POLITICS AT THE CAPITAL , Some of tlio Onndldnton Suggested ' For Aldornitinlo Honbra MAYOR SAWYER'S PROSPECTS. Strong Probability Tlmt Ills Successor AVIIlllc n IlcpuMlcnit A Faith less HuRbiuul Captured The Industrial School. frnoM THE nr.n's t.txcoi , ! ? ntmiun.l There is ixu awakening boom In city willies , mid discussions nro conducted n a quiet \vny over prospective candi dates. Tlio fuel Unit a largo amount of mving will bu douo in tlio city the coin- tip year Booms to add particular zest to ho coming ulilormiintp contests , and it a stilted that the asphallum men will enter the light with a zest born of do- oats sustained the past year in their efforts for paving contracts. It will not HJ a surprise , therefore , if there will bo developed nsphaltum candidates and cedar block candidates and granite can- lidates and brick candidates when the voting time comes around. In the First ward the term of Nelson C. Brook expires , and ho has a good nany friends who want to sco him ro- urnod. Oliver Mnggard and H. B. Vail arc also being groomed by their republican friends. As this is the only vard in the city in which n democrat las a fighting chance , Isaac Opcu- icitncr is feeling the public pulse. The Second ward is evidently out of politics. The Third ward has one or two aspir ants in the field who have a desire to suc ceed II. H. Dean. If a fight is made on Sir. Dean , it is stated that a good many Dmaha friends , who mode the acquain tance of Mr. Dean in jail , will move to Lincoln to vote for him. In the Fourth ward General Webster and Mr. Graham , the present member , are Doth mentioned , and in the Fifth : ho friends of Louis Meyer are advocat ing his election. It is very evident that : , ho republicans who loft their party in ihe delusive hope that they were get ting reform in electing Mayor Sawyer will not be cstrny this spring and the heavy republican majority in the city will miiko a democratic ticket prae- lically useless. On the general city iickot no ofllcos arc to bo lillod except iho police judge and members of the board of education. Mr. W. J. Houston and Charles .H. Fqxworth are the only announced republican candidates as yet for the ollico of police judge. COMK TO O1UEF. The police have had an eye on a man named Fred Abof for several days , who lias left his homo to follow the footsteps of another woman. Thursday night at midnight the police located him at an O street residence and proceeded to the place. Upon gaining admission they found Abel and a girl named Vina Bechtol occupying the same couch and they were routed out and escorted to the jail , where they wore locked up pending a heaving. The charge against Abel is adultery and the charge against the Bechtel girl is prostitution. The scandol and disgrace is not so much to the immediate parties in the scrape as to Abel's wife , who is in every way aro- spectablo and deserving lady. It was stated at headquarters yesterday that she had known of her husband's adulter ous proceedings for some time and that now that the-fact had boon so clearly lo cated she would secure a divorce as speedily as possible. Late in the after noon the preliminary hearing was opened against the parties by the police judge. TUB INDUSTRIAL IIOMK. The board of public lands and build ings returned yesterday from Milfqrd , where they located the site of the build ing for the industrial homo upon the forty acre tract of ground donated by the people of Mllford in securing the location of the homo at that place. The tract of land upon which the building will bo erected is a sightly one , and the homo when constructed will bo just a milo from town. The contract for this building was lot pome time since. The state made an appropriation of 816,000 for the building , and the contract to construct according to the plans was lot for some $13,000. It is to bo completed , ready for occupancy , by October next , when the state will turn the homo over to the Women's Associate Charities of the State of Nebraska , who are to re ceive no compensation for their work and who are to be allowed not more than $ .300 yearly for their expenses. The in stitution , in its work as comtomplatcd , is to furnish employment ana means of self-support for pcnitcn- womcn and girls with a view to aid the suppression of prostitution. The projec tors of the homo expect to make it prac tically self-supporting and , while it does not pass beyond'tho legal control of the board of public lands and buildings , the trustees of the Women's As-socwto char ities will ; to all purposes , have perfect control of the management and govern ment of the home. 6TATB IIOUHE llItlKFS. Attorney-General Leeso is at Seward on a business viuit to his former homo. W. W , Abbey , of the live block com mission , returned yeslorday from a trip in the north west part of the state. Superintendent Luna departed at noon yesterday for Hastings to attend an educational gathering in session thoro. ' Superintendent McClusky , of Lan caster county , turned over to the state superintendent yesterday $31.08 for the fund for disabled teach er H. This fund was collected by the following teachers : Miss Anna Shickinan , Q btreet school , Lincoln ; Miss Dora Squires , District No. 7 ; Mibu Nellie M. Crowell , District No. 21 ; Miss Lizzie Adams , District No. 89. and by F. A. Davidson , in the school at the village of I'.oca. WheoloV , at the state library , received a letler from Guy A. Brown yeslerday containing the intelligence that Mr. Brown was improving blowly at his temporary residence in California and that hu was very hopeful of much greater improvement during the com ing spring months. With the finishing of the central part of the state house building the coining summer the stivta 'library \ 11 bo re lieved frotji its present ovoiu-owdcd state r.iid on the second floci' of the 'ouildlng ample room will bo got aside which will accommodate the growth of the library for years. There is no defi nite disposition of the now rooms in the main building among the different stale officers , but different plans have been suggested. One of these contemplalcs locating the supreme court in the top story , which will not bo very pleasant , either for the court oy.tho public , cmIIUIEFS. . There wna a large delegation of vngriuits arraigned before the police juiigo yesterday who had either boon rounded up by the police or had of their own accoru gone to Jail for food and lodging. The judge fined seven of them and committed them to the hill to .worff out their fines cleaning tno streets. Several plain drunks wore also disposed of , a portion of whom had the necessary funds to. yay out. The numbbr of In- mates In the clly jnl ) 1ms largely In * creased utnco the tint of the month niul February' promises to bo nrollllo In ar rests. Tlio convoentlon of Episcopal clorpy- inon Umt hns been in xcsslon for two days has closed IU labors und the prciitcr part ot the clergy returned to tholr homes yesterday. During their stay lu the city they were the quests ono morning of the faculty of the wtiito uni versity , the bishop conducting Iho chapel exorcises. , County Judge Stewart held r. poultry show in n small wny nt his ollico tit the trial of Boino chicken thieves. Mr. Branson , n breeder of fine poultry , lost 160 birds in ono nlglit recently , and the thieving was traced to two worthless chaps living on the outskirts of the city. At their trial the owner of the birds brought n collection from his farm with which to identify the stolen ones and the judge's ollico resounded with the lioarso cackle of Plymouth Rooks , Black .lavas. Cochins , Lungshans and numer ous other birds of high dogrco. In the meantime the thlovcs go to jail to await a hearing in the district court. The Woman's Relief corps of the O. A. R. will meet in Lincoln on the 29th of this month , the sumu ( Jute as. the Grand Army encampment. The sessions of the Relief corps will bo hold in the Boimto chamber of the cnpitol building , and a largo nttcmlnuco is promised. The ladies of r'arnigut corps No. 10 will have all preliminaries arranged for the moot ing and the following ladius will act as a reception committee : Mrs. D. G. King , Mrs. Sarah Latta , Mrs. A. J. Cropsoy , Mrs. J. C. Uonnoll and Mrs. John me Arthur. Union meetings commenced at St. Paul M. E. Church last evening , led by the evangelist , Rev. U. W. Drown. The city churches uniting in those services nro the different Methodist , Baptist , Gongregationalist and Presbyterian churches. Leland hotel , Chicago. Brevities. Yesterday's internal revenue collec tions amounted to $15li02.70. Mr. Churchill Parker states that ho is not now nor docs ho expect to bo identified with any bhoo factory inter cuts in Plattsmouth. The Omaha Wood and Coal Co. state that they have no ono in their employ by the name of James Colin , and that consequently no employe of said com pany could have been guilty of tlio as sault on little John Miller , as narrated in Thursday's ' BEK. Last evening the corridors of the Paxton - ton wore full of appreciative listeners to the music by the band from the fort in their weekly serenade to General Crook. The general and his invited guests sat in the balcony and enjoyed the treat , which was extended over two hours. There is consldor.iblo'comnlaint about a gigantic pile of stuff that is said to have been left by Riley & Co. and other contractors near the corner of California nnd Fifteenth streets , almost completely obstructing the passage of vehicles , and making H a very dangerous place on a dark night. James Murphy was arrested yesterday on the charge of Interfering with a witness. Field , the main witness against "Big Frank' ' in the highway robbery case tried yesterday in the dis trict court , informed the ollicors that Murphy hud offered him $ oO to suppress his knowledge about the case. At this time Field was under $200 bonds to appear witness " Frank. " pear as against "Big The annual masquerade ball of the Union Pacilic band last night at Ex position hall completely eclipsed any thing of the kind given in Omaha , this season. Between live and six hundred persons were present and ever $ i00 ! above expenses wcro cleared. The scene in the ball room was a fascinating ono and was a strange commingling of the elegant , tasty and grotesque. Some of the costumes worn by the ladies were strikingly beautiful nnd all the comments passed on thorn by the spec tators in the gnllory wcro compliment ary to the highest degree. The dance passed off delightfully and smoothly , the unmasking taking place at mid night. Mr. P. Rhyncr was master of ceremonies. A riiKB and easy expectoration is produced by a few do.ies of Dr. J. H. McLean's Tar Wine LungUalm. In all cases of hoarseness , bore throat or ditll- culty of breathing. Secret of the Kaiser's luingcvity. Pall Mall Gazette : The compara tively robust health of the venerable emperor of Germany , in bpilo of family trouble and official care , has given ri.o to a legend , which , it is stated , is ob taining credence among the supersti tious pcashntry of aortal n Bavarian vil lages. According to this legend the long lifo of Kaiser William is duo to a mysterious philter of which his imperial majesty alone possesses the secret. How the emperor obtained the magic bev erage is not Known. It is described as a kind of spirit , which , if it docs not give him immortality , will enable him to live many years more , and to supply him with buHicicnt mental and bodily power to retain the government of his vast umpire in his own hands. The logonrt furthermore states that the Gor man sovereign has condcbcondud to inaice a present of a few drops of the charmed liquid to Marshal Moltko and Prince Bismarck , hence also their re spectable ago ; but , strange , to bay , ho declines < o give any of it to the Crown Prince , because ho fears his heir would make us > o of his health , restored by the philter , to force him to abdicate. Several - eral crowned heads huvo , it appears , ap plied to the emperor for his wonderful secret , but in vain. The ezar , in par ticular , prayed for some of the spirit , nnd it was the refusal of the kaiser to oblige him which was the real cause of the present conlllct bolwcon Russia and Germany. The Importance of pmlfylns the blood can not lie overestimated , for without jmro blood you cannot cujoy good health. At this season nearly every ono needs a good mccllclno to purify , vitalize , and enrich the blood , and Hood's Sarsaparllla Is worthy your confluence. It U peculiar In that U ttrengthens and builds up the systemcreates aa appetite , and tones the digestion , while It eradicates disease. Give It a trial. Hood's BarstjiajlUa 1s sold l > yilldruegMj. rieparcil by C. I/lIuod & Co. , Lutvell , Majs. IOO Poses One Dollar THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , * "Old Hutch" Lends the Bortr Elomout mid Solla Whont Freely CORN STRONGER AND HIGHER. Nothing or An Umisnnl Nature No ticeable In tlio I'rovlslon I'll Cattle Trading Slow and Unsatisfactory. CHICAGO riionucK MAKKKT. CHICAGO , Feb. 10. { Special Telegram to the Bun. ] The benr clement In tlio wheat market In llutehln- to-day win personified - BOM. IIu WUH n heavy seller * ami was evi dently determined to drive prices lower , selling ut the bottom about as freely as at tlio top , but his efforts were not entirely suc cessful , as ut tlio close there was a reaction of ifu from the lowest point reached. lu.tho early part of tlio session there was some buy- liiK of wheat by English houses , but this did not last long , no'r did any other sup port poem to bo coming from lUu out side , and for a time it looked as if the local bulls had about given up the strupRlo. However , Jus * before the 1 o'clock close It was reported that 60,000 bushels of wheat had been taken for export to-day In Toledo and an amount variously given at from llftcen to twenty-live boat loads In New York , and UJHMI this encouragement the local traders generally seemed to want some wheat and bid the price up a little. May wheat opened ut blf c. which was } tfc higher than last night's eloie , and imme diately went to 81 ' e , then fell to Sc. ( grad ually worked up to 81 V" again and then slowly sagged to 80 < c and hung about that price and a trllle above until near the close , when It advanced to SOJifo and closed there at 1 o'clock. .Tune wheat opened at 81J4'c , sold down to 81 Vc and closed at 1 o'clock at Corn was strong and higher early , but' Inter nearly all the advance was losU There was good buying early under the inllncnco of light receipts 11 ! ) cars when HO cars had boon expected. Of these US cars , 41 curs were "through shipment , " leaving an un usually small amount to come en this mar ket. This atruugth was taken advantage of by one local bull to unload grain , most of which was bought at higher prices , and the burden of thono offerings was too much for the market , stopping the advance and caus ing a decline , which was helped later by the estimate of receipt of 180 cars for to-morrow ; May corn opened at 5 life , advanced to 51"tf 1Me. fell to filJife , advanced to and then dropped back to Die , advancing later to 5tV ( < I51J. ( e , which was the 1 o'clock close. Juno coin opened at * il < > , fg5ti ( c , nuvmiral to GWSMJie , fell tofil ! < o and closed ut 1 o'clock at 51 i u. The feeling in corn is undoubtedly strengthened somowlmt by the recent report that on the line of the 13. ft M. road there are now but lilX,000 ( ) bushels of corn , against about four times us much a year ago. The argument of the bears that cut railroad rates will Induce heavy shipments now is mot by reference to the argument that they used pre viously that there was abundant corn in the country which would bo sent forward if cars could only bo obtained. The conclusion is drawn that if the railroads would not furnltth the needed ears at high freight rates they will certainly not furnish them uow that freights nro reduced. There was gobd buying of oats early , partly by shorts and partly by those who note that the recent break in oats has been , for that market , greater than in other gralus. The early demand caused un advance early , but , with that satisfied , a decline set in which curried prices lower than they opened. First sales of May wore ut ! ilXu , and after a decline to Dl c prices advanced to ! 11J @ UJc : , then followed a decline to Ill' e and the 1 o'clock close was at ! ! % bid. Juno oats opened at JJlii)2c ( ; ) , sold up to 32kfe , down to aud ebbed nominally at 1 o'clock at . In provisions there were no sensational de velopments. Pork was supported by n packIng - Ing Arm credited with being- large holder. and in that article , as. well as in lard and short ribs , fluctuations were limited uud without special feature. The actual changes in prices were also unimportant. In a gun- oral way business was comparatively slow. Speculative interest , us usual , wits confined to May. At 1 o'clock pork was quoted at $14.10 , February lard ut 67.0. > , February short ribs at f 7.45 , March lard ut $7.07 uud March short ribs at $7.47)- . AFTHUNOOX SKS.-IIOX Wheat steady. May closing ut SQJta. Corn sold curly at 61 M@ 51o on the split for May , then to r lj.fe , then to r.K's'c ' , closing ut nii/fufil&o. Outs Hrme ; May closed at ! HJ < Cil\'c : bid. I'ork was quiet. Lard unchanged. CHICAGO 1AVK STOCK. CHICAGO , Feb. 10. [ Special Telegram to the HrjH. ] CATTLH Trade was slow and the general market an unsatisfactory ono tor salesmen. With fresh arrivals there wore between 10,000 aud 11,000 on sale. Of course , a largo number of cattle wont over the scutes , but business was late in starting up and pro gressed slowly from the opening to the close. As to prices , there was little or no change as compared with the down turn of lOhjjISo noted yesterday on the ordinary run of ship ping and dressed beef stock. Choice , * Y ) ( ? 55.iO. : Good steers , 1J50 ! to 1KOO Ibs , , W.-WOM.W ) ; 1UOU to lllfiOlbs , , SU'OC&l.riO ' : K50 to liK ! ( ) Ibs. , W.OOQa.gO. Stockers and feed ers , f2.40itt ( < , ( iO ; cowi , bulls and mixed , $1.80 ( ittl.lO ; bulk , | 2.15@2.7S. Texas gruss steers , fJ.UTygH.OO ; corn-fed , * 3.20j4.00. ( Hoes Business was brisk , with an up turn ot about a nickel all around , thu gen eral market closing steady and tlio pens well cle.ircd. llest heavy mudo f5.10i4 ( .1.75 , and best mixed , ? r > .4iiii ( ) 00 ; common and light mixed , frVJO&'ri.HO ; light assorted of 100 to 170 Ib. averages , f.VJOi ( 5.5 : ! : averages Of HOtolDOlbs. , $5. ( > % 5.10. J < fJXANCIAli. YOHK , Feb. 10. [ Special Telegram to the HKE.I STOCKS The slight Improve ment in the stock market noted yesterday was continued to-day and values on all active properties , excepting Chicago , Burlington & Quiucy , averaged higher. The volume of business was fair , but not of a kind to attract special comment. A more hopeful feeling oxlbtcd , as tlio meeting to-day in Commis sioner Fink's onlco was expected to result In an amicable udjubtinent of the various dull- cultlcs under which the western roads have been working of late mid also in the stopping of the ruinous rate war. Tncrn was less dis position to sell stocks and more demand from traders , who Uuvo been selling short for some time Considerable talk about ttio largo p.Viort Interest in the west continues to' bo the burden of the bull gossip. " 11 there Is such u largo short1 Interest wo would Hko to know where it is , " said u prominent opera tor. "None of the western houses huvo done any business of consequence for two mouths , and hud they been selling short there would not bu the general complaint about dullness. The bhort interest in the west has been over estimated. " London was quite buoyant nd advanced ) .f@ % per cent. St. Paul earnings for the llrst week in February Increased $21MS. This , in the face of cut rutos , was a favorable feature , and prices advanced Ki but dropped ? per cent. The rest of the Grangers followed. Lackawunnaspurted < f , but dropped Jf per cent. Heading was stub born and advanced ) ( per cent. VunderbllU went up % per cent and remained flnn. Chicago , Uurllngton ft Qnincy declined 1 # per cent on the bad statement for 1887. Were the stock plentiful In the loan crowd it would sell materially lower , but the dlfllculty In making deliveries prevents traders from soil ing it freely. The general list ou ed off frac- tlonully toward the close , but last laics showed a net advance of ; V < 2 % on the Grang- oiB , X on Krio , % on Luke Shore , J { cm Louisville & Nualivlllo and Heading , but de clines of * j ( on Chicago , Uurllngton &Qulnoy , \i on Uolawnra & Hudson and ) $ pur cent cpi Lackiwunna. The total sales wore 13SCn , shares , agaln&t ITO/JW shares yc tcrdy. OovKitXMKXTa Government bond * ww < dull but steady.