Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 11, 1888, Image 1
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. SEVENTEENTH YEAE. OMAHA , SATURDAY MOJINING. FEBRUARY 11 , 1888 , 'NUMBER. 238. SHEDDING CROCODILE TEARS. Pathotlo Scene Before the House Oommlttoo on Pacific Railways. HUNTINGTON'S GREAT EMOTION. The Illc Mn nnU'H Painful Itccltnl In terrupted By Sonic Very Km- toarriiMfclitK Questions Pros pective Ijaml Legislation. A Snd Story. WASHINGTON' BCIIRAU TUB OMUIA Hnr , 1 M ! ) FOUKTHUNTIISTIIFKT , V WA niNiirox. D. C. , Feb. 10. ) Vice President C. P. Huntlngton , of the Central Pacific rallror-d , was before the house committee on Pacille rnllwuis this morning for one hour nnd a quarter In advocacy of the bill to extend the time for the liquidation to the government of the Indebtedness of the various Pacifies. Mr. Huntlngton confined Ills remarks to the Interests of his own road and attempted n piteous appeal in behalf of n povet ty-strlckcn corporation. Hcfcrring to _ the remarks of Mr. Huntliifiton as to tho" hearing , Mr. Mason , of the committee , said : "Ho came with tears in his eyes and prunes II ! in his throat. " A stranger to Mr. Huntington - ton and his past career would have been Im pressed with the Idea that it was the widow pleading for the retention of her last mite , but to thobO who arc acquainted with the his tory of the management of the Pacifies It was n line piece of irony and sarcasm , To begin with. Mr. Huntlnglon detailed in a racy way the trials nnd tribulations encountered by Lehuid Stanford , Mark Hopkins , Charles- Crocker nnd himself in raising money on their Individual names , buying materials and labor at fabulous prices , suppressing the Indians and chiseling their way through mountain and desert to complete n road which has never paid them a dollar in divi dends and which always has been extremely jtoor. Ho Iiad often wondered Jiow they ever pulled through and for years ho wanted it off his hands. Huntington's voice trem bled , and ns ho looked at the members of the committee and , gazing into their eyes , pic tured the time when ho and the other thrco men who wcro the architects of the Central Pacific were farm hands at $7 a month , tears trickled down his checks and his heart seemed ready to burst with grief as he found himself , after these long years , unable to hand the government n cheek for its balance due. Ho repeatedly called attention to the poverty of the road. "And have you , Mr. Huntington , nnd your companions kept poor with the Central Pa- elllot" inquired Mr. Mason , imitating the trembling voice of the railroad magnate. There was n painful silence for a moment , but the reply finally came : "Well , no ; wo nro said to be rich , but mind you , wo became so through our individual exei tions nnd not through the Central Pacille. " Then Mr. Huntlngton branched off again on the cost of the road , tolling the committee how he had bought rails from 40 to 100 a ton , sending them around Capo Horn to the Pacific slope , and In most instances not being able to use the materials , on account of de lays , under n year from the date of shipment. Ho said ho had paid as much as tli'J.OOO for locomotives when he recently bought better ones for ( t > ,000. Ho said , too , that the gov ernment had given the Northern Pacific moro than it had loaned the Central and had en abled their northern rival to so cut on rates as to take away nil the profits on through business. Mr. Weber , of the committee , wanted to know how much a duplicate of the Central Pacific would cost with its equipments. 'About us much as the first mortgage in debtedness , " replied Mr. Huntington , add ing : "Yes , less than that amount , and the road is not paying. No , it is not profitable. " "Well , " said Mr. Collins , "if that is true , .would it not bo money in your pockets to throw up the road to the government for the debt ! " For the first time the magnate was non plussed. Ho stammered : " \Vo prefer to pay off the debt nnd keep the road. " Again Mr. Huntington branched off into the cm ly trials of the projectors of the road , pleading for nn equitable settlement. Ho talked n great deal about the equity of the road as between it and the government and declared that , In reality , ho did not think the rend owed the government any thing. Ho was willing to let that bo deter mined by the courts , however. Tlio commit tee were a good deal surprised at the mys terious and continuous talk about "equity , " nnd requested him to submit them within n fortnight what ho meant by the road's equity , together with a proposition for the liquidation of the debt. Ho said he thought the entire indebtedness to the government ought to bo put into ono sum , to date say July next , then divide it np into 250 payments , to bo met scmi-annuully , aggregating f 1.- 0K,000 ! ) a year. The committee begun to figure that this was an extension of 135 years , whonMr.Hun > .ingtoii observed , placidly , thai it was nn extension about fifty-two years , No ono but Mr. Huutington could sco It in that way. 1(11)111. ( 1-llKllOEH TIIKKATBXS SlinitMAX. Senator Uiddleberger threaten to play liavoe with Senator Sherman's presidential boom by throwing all of the responsibility for the British extradition treaty upon Mr , Shcrmnn , who is chairman of the committee on foreign volutions , liiddicbcrgcr says the treaty is in opposition to all Irish-American institutions and hopox , and that no man whc lias any sympathy with homo rule for Ireland nnd who is opposed to the oppression of the queen will have any patience with senator' who have entertained the idea that the treaty should bo ratified. Mr. Uiddleberger did UK country a service by making the light against star-chamber practices and the barbarous executive or secret sessions of the senate Ho had n holy subject and nn admirable op portuulty to show his strength In the con sidcruilon of the British treaty , but ho seem : to have acted so outrageously that ho ha1 lost all of the respect ho won in tlio llgh no made against the treaty and against tin secret sessions , llu latest threat ugalus Mr. Sherman : snot considered u very scriou1 mutter. iMpoiiTtNT I.VNH I.FIISI.ATION . "There will bo some very important lam laws enacted by this congress , 1 tblnk , " Mill Uepresentatlvo Payson , of .Illinois , going ui to the capital in a street car today.llTh first thing will bo to stop the commutation o entries. The practice of entering under on law and proving up under another has led I great frauds. The committee on publl lands Is advised that in curtain sections o the country them are men who make n bus1 ness of colling rclinquishmonts nnd that the , ndveillsu them for sale. This is , of course in direct violation of the law , at least th spirit of the law , although there is no wn , of punishing it. That is to bo stopped , j law will bo passed which will make it next t on impossibility to soil n relinqulshment o turn over an entry In any way to anotho party. " Mr , Payson is the oldest member of th committee on public lands in the house un ono of the best authorities on land question ! A ritlnllTITI * M\N. In the rotunda under the dome of the cnj Itol a man probably fifty-two years old , very little gray , of medium height and liuiU modestly dressed , with a broad face fringe with u sandy beard , resembling n scagra roue , nnd wearies n iloncbi'd. ! mt , > " < ? ' ! f < ) oVci' nn hour this afternoon gazing at th large paintings on the wall , and seldoi looked around at the many people who passe him going to the house and senate , althoug lie scrutinized every ono and was observe by all who were near him. Ho rolled h largo , dcoseutcd | and wickcd-fookiiiK eyt nt every one , and could trace tlio passm-b a long distance by his nbllitv to turn hisoyc , Ills face was so remurknblo ami h eyes so penetrating that iijnny stoppc and In wonder peered at him , Woineu vrli looked Into his eyes drew away , for the blood ran cold. It was the mo-a l'"Mfi X c ttcy Uad evvr bccc , TUs u > uu ut ! _ < stalked down on the floor below nnd visited the committee rooms. It was observed that he talked to many members nnd that most of them were from Missouri. He went to the unoccupied senate chamber to sco the two Missouri senators and seemed to hove some thing on his tnlnd , although ho was ns coot ns an Ice chest. I asked n Mlssourlan who the man was , and lie said : "Maxwell , from St. Louis , father of the young man who is to hang for murdering Piciler. He cnmo hereto to work up a pardon for his son. lie fright ens everyone who see him , " . NEW 101IK POLITICS. In spite of the confident nssurnnco of ono of the New York mate eommlttcemcn. In which ho stated that the even division of the state committee on the question of n successor to Hubert S. Thompson had no presidential significance , there is u deciilcd feeling of un easiness In white house circles ovcivthu want of harmony In New York state. The presi dent Is worried over the outlook. His kitchen cabinet has been culled together and nervous consultations have been held almost daily to devise ways and means for cement ing the democrats of the Empire state to gether for harmony nnd Cleveland. Among those who have been consulted are ex-Mayors (1 race nml Cooper and Morris Powers , who have spent a great many hours with Cleve land within n few days past. Secierary of State Cook arrived to day nnd lost no time in proceeding to the white house , where he was closeted for a consider able time with the chief magistrate. Just what the outcome of the conversation was cannot , of course , be asecitaincd at this time. Other prominent democrats have been sent for and will shoitly bo here , and , if possible , some plan will bo arranged by which differ ences can be healed and harmony inaugur ated when the national committee meets hereon on the U2d. There is still a small amount ot patronage for distribution in Now York state Itself and several moi cor less important of fices to fill in Washington , and New York is getting her share and rather more. Cleve land may not be n candidate for re-election , but he has all the candidate's symptoms , and , if reports are to be believed , he is leaving no stone unturned which will aid him in secur ing it. It Is probable that the first two dele gates to the democratic convention will bo chosen for the District of Columbia. The Washington city convention will meet within u week after the meet ing of the national com mittee. Tlio city is divided up into twenty districts , each of which semis three delegates to the city convention. Tlio word has passed , and Messrs. Wilson , Trotter , Chiggett and Hess , respectively marshal , recorder of deeds , reeordcrof wills and postmaster , are working might nnd main in a quiet way to control the selection of delegates to the city convention who are friendly to Cleveland's interests. The workers of the paity are not among the number. Nearly every man in Washington who took a prominent part in the election of ISM is opposed to Cleveland. They assert that they collected : ! , UOI in small sums in ISSt and sent it to New York , and then , be sides , thev sent upwards of 250 voters homo to New Yprk state. In return their loader has been ignored and every prominent man among them has been disregarded in the local appoint ments , consequently they propose to send William Uiekson , the present secretary of the national committee , nnd another to the presidential convention. Dickson will not vote for Cleveland this time and his col league will vote with him. A member of the democratic central com mittee said to-night : "Cleveland may pull every wire nthiscom mand , in fact , he is pulling them all , but it will bo impossible for him to control the city convention , and it is as certain as anything can bo that the two delegates for the District of Columbia will vote for Cleveland under no circumstances. " conn WANTS RECOGNITION. DEx-Hcpresentativc Cobb , of Indiana , put in an appearance at the capital to-day. It is said that Cobb Is fishing for an appointment of some kind and that he Is so anxious to get into public llfo that ho has no choice about the recognition lie is accorded by the admin istration. Some of the Indiana democrats jvho have been working for the appointment of Acting. Commissioner Stockslagcr to bo commissioner of the general land office say Cobb has been working for the place himself and are inclined to speak a little harshly about him for it. They say that if he had kept away from hero Mr. Stockslager would weeks ugo huvo been appointed , but that since ho hus been hntiging around neither will get it. Mr. Stockslagcr and his friends are unable to fathom the object in delaying the appointment of sonic one to the commis- sloncrshlp. STOCKSI.AOEU VUOHIN'O TUB WO1IK. Acting Commissioner Stoekslagcr , of the general land office , seems to have turned out a great volume of work while ho has occu pied that desk at his department. During the past thrco months over sixteen thousand laud patents have been issued. Mr. Stock- singer , who is a modest man , said to-day that this increase of cases settled was duo to a change in the system of transacting the busi ness of the office rather than to u change of the policy which has prevailed during the present administration. Ho acknowledged that the work of thooftleo is behind , but says that it is duo to inadequate clerical force and says that business is dispatched us rapidly us It ever was with a like force. Mi-aii.LAXiois : M\rrnns. Captain Phillips , of Lincoln , and the Hon. Charles F. Goodman , of Omaha , were at the capltol this afternoon. Mr. Dorsey's bill for the relief of the Grecl.v arctic sufferers hus been favorably reported to the house by the committee. Uepresentntivo Conger nnd Captain E. L. Moorst , of Iowa , called on the president to day. POSTAL ciiAxan ? . Star mall scrvk-0 between Fairbury and Kestcrson , Neb. , will bo discontinued uf let the 15th inst. After March 1 the service from Almcnn to Pue.idum will bo increased to tri-weekly. Tim time schedule of star mail route from Beaver City to Spring Green , Ne'b. , has been changed us follows : Leave Beaver Cltj Mondays , Wednesdays nnd Fridays ut 9 a , in. ; arrive at Spring Oroen by 13 m. Leave Spring Green Mondays , Wednesdays and Fridays ut 1 p. in. ; tin ive at Beaver City bj ) p. m. 'L. H Staunton was to-day appointed post master ut Potter , Cheyenne county , vice John Scagul , deceased. The name of tin postoftlco ut Bainbridge , Harlan county , was changed to-day to Huntly. PituuvS. HCVTII. Fast Mull to Council UlufTs. WASIHXUTO'N , Feb. 10. Postmaster Gen cral Dickinson has entered into a new con tract with the Chicago , Burlington & Quine.\ \ railroad company for fast mall service be twccn Chicago and Council Bluffs , to taki effect march 13. The present contract call for u fast mail service on a schedule of six teen hours we t only six times a weok. Th new contract is for a daily service both en * and west upon a schedule of fourteen am one-half hour * , leaving the time at either em to bo controlled fey the postolllcc department By tills arrangement the California mail leaving San Francisco In the evening afte business hours , and urrivlyg at Comic ] BlulTs in the afternoon of the thiid day , wll bo taken up by the fust train , and \vill renc Chicago in time for the first n.ornlng deliver on the fnuit'u day from the PacllUs coast. 1 Is the ptirposoof the superintendent to ticeurc If possible , a fust mart from Chicago cast , t leave Chicago on the arrival of thu Pncifl const t rum and in Jl < o New York In about twer ty-llvo hours from Chicago , and ubout on bandied and twelve hour * from Kau Frui eisco , _ _ _ _ Affairs ill * tlio Army. W SIIIOTOX : : , Feb. 10. [ Special Telcgrai to the Br.n.l Llcutenu-it Van Vlret , ndji tout Tenth Infantry , left the city h"-t ever Ing with Ills fai''Hy for Tcrt Unbn , Nei Mexico. Captain ? V.i ; : < .ki , Fifth artillery , dcllvrrc an Intcrcstliu' lu-t'jre in the war dup.utir.cii library this jii'ia'na : ' on th'j luci'II1 * of his ! i vontlonHip piitniniUlc iruii. Amo present wi'io the M'ei-clurv of war , Het ! itn lluwlcy mill ninny dn-t.iiKJiihed auji and t..ivy ( flli-ers ni.d o JU-Jnls Thn lectu-o wurf IlluUntcd wl' storooptlcai' virxvs made from Instantnneou photmri'uiihs , showing tlio experiments mud ir with tlio ( run. All present expressed their Jl selves a * much iivtoret-ted in the invention , ' A .Afyii si-urn : I'li-bt LicUU-anut Hunter , Third cavalry , granted fourteen days' leave ; First Lieutenant William W. Tyler. Third Infuntry , granted leave , having been found Incapacitated by u retiring bourd. Nebr.iskn nnd town Pensions , WASHINGTON , Feb. 10. [ Special Telegram to the BEE. ] Pensions have been granted Ncbraskans ns follows : Original invalid William D. Davis , Waco ; Edward .Toslln , Franklin. Increase Henry Logan , Lincoln ; Samuel Ucmphlll , Ashland. Uclssue Andre C. Chamberlain , Stnnton ; Charles Q. Wyatt , Mudlson. Original Widow and minor of James T. Smith , Pickerell. Pensions for lowans : Original invalid Abraham Pope , Sharp'sbury ; John Galla gher. Luporto ; David Morgan , Hawlcyvlllo ; Washington L. Davis , Woodbine. Increase John F. Denser , Bedford ; Henry C. Leland - land , Council Bluffs ; Henry S. Lee , Webster Cltyt Ambrose Warren , Chilllcotho ; .lolm N. Wolf , Troy ; Joseph D. McGarruugh , East DCS Moincs ; Thomas C. Gregg , Hockwell City ; James Axlcy. Marion. Reissue ( navy ) Uoinyn ' B. Fish , Uolfo. Kelssuo and iu- cicaso John M. Worlz , Lyons. NEBIIASKA NEWS. Half of the Business Portion of Plntte Center Burnett. PIATTP. CKXTEII , Neb. , Feb. 10. [ Special Telegram to the Bin : . ] One-half of the business part of our town was burned down this morning nt 5 o'clock. The fire started in the store of K. W. Hughes. The following are the losses : Hallen & Byrne , $4,000 , In surance , 52,000 ; H. L. Hosslta , loss S-VX ) , no insurance ; T. Brady , loss000 ; A. Henry , Omaha , $2,000 ; Platte Center Argus , $2,000 ; Puist&Co. , * r > 00 ; D. H. Carrey , $1,000 , in sured tor $ i00. ! The damage to Dr. Edwards' store and stock of goods is $ r > 00. H. N. Hughes , total loss of stock , insured for ! M,000. , The fire is supposed to be the work of an in cendiary. Dr. Edwards' brick building was saved by hard work. Never in the history of Nebraska was such hard work done at a fire without water works. Our people are now red-hot for waterworks. , Bonril of Trade nt Friend. FHICNII , Neb. , Jan. 10. [ Special to the Bin : . ] A board of trade was orgnni/cd hero last night with quite a largo membership. The following gentlemen were elected di rectors for the ensuing year : L. E. South- wick. Hon. M. McDougall , J. Warren" , J O. Frnntz. H. 1C. Johnson , Hon. H. P. King , D' P. Hurley , Win. Porter and J. D. Pope. After the board of trade meeting the citl- 7cns present discussed the mysterious disap pearance of William E. Bcs and appointed eoinmitto consisting of H. P. King and A. S. McKay to go to Lincoln and make u thor ough search of the city to see if they could find any trace of the mlssingman. Up to the present time nothing whatever has been dis covered to lead to Ins whereabouts. CAPITAL STOCK INCHEASED. Meeting orKntiHna City &HnllnePnss Stockholders. KANSAS CITY , Mo. , Feb. 10. [ Special Tele gram to the BCE.I A meeting of the stock holders of the Kansas City & Saline Pass railroad company washeld in this city to-day , four-fifths of the capital stock being repre sented. The capital stock of the road was increased from $2,500,000 to $ . ' 1,000,000. First mortgage forty years ( ! per cent bonds wcro voted issued to the amount of $3,000,000 to take up $2-lSr > ,000 of first and second mortgage bonds previously issued. The $515,000 re maining after the old bonds are taken will bo used to pay for equipments. It was decided to build ttic road from Kansas City to Pierce City , Mo. , this year , a distance of 171 miles , the cost of construction being from § 15,000 to $18,000 per mile. The Subine Pass road , ns it is called , will extend from Kansas City to Sabine Puss , Tex. , passing through the In dian territory nnd Arkansas , and , when com pleted , will be 000 miles in length. Attainment Papers Filed. KAX&AS CITV , Mo. , Feb. 10. [ Special Tel egram to the BDK. ] A copy of the assign ment papers of the firm Kurtz , Bhinchard & Co. , bag manufacturers of New York , for the benefit of creditors , was filed in the recorder's olllco this morning. A branch of the firm transacted business at 1204 West Eleventh street In this city up to January 21. The as signee's name is Lucius Bradley , of Now York City , and the liabilities are placed at Sllll iKl..IO. No statement of the assets was filed. The assignment makes provision for the payment in full by the assignee of all the unpaid employes and prefer them to other creditors. Atlantic & Pnciilc Reorganization. KANSAS CITV , Feb. 10. [ Special Telegram to the Br.i : . | C. W. Smith , president of the Santa Fo railway company , H. C. Nutt , pres ident of the Atlantic and Pacific , and H. H. McCullough , general manager of the Chicago it Northwestern , and several other officials , left this city on the Santa Fc this morning to attend a meeting at Albcrquerquo looking toward n reorganization of the Atlantic & Pacific railroad company. Preparing to Consolidate. KAXS\S CITV , Mo..Feb. 10. [ Special Tele gram to the Bnn. ] A meeting of the direct ors of the Kansas City , Foit Scott & Gulf and the Kansas City , Springfield & Memphis railroads was held hero to-day and prelimin aries were arranged for the consolidation of the two lines. At the next meeting the con solidation will bo effected and a name adopted. General Manager McCool HcsijnB. ST. Josr.iui , Mo. , Feb. 10.- [ Special Tele gram to the Bnc.l D , McCool , general man ager of the St. Joseph & Grand Island rail road , handed In his resignation to-day , to take effect March 1. Mr. McCool goes to Los Angeles , Cain. , as general manager of the California Central and the California South ern , the AtehKon , Topeka & Santa Fo lines in that state. The two roads have a mileage of 450 miles. A Tlirfii-Cont Verdict. KANSAS CITV , Mo. , Fob. 10. [ Special Tele gram to the BER.I After two year's litiga tion the suit of I ! . W. Middleton against Calvin Moore for $10,000 , damages was con- eluded to-day In Judge Gill's court. Middle- tun traded land in Knysas City for land in Nebraska with Moore and claimed false rep resentation as to the land in Nebraska on the part of Mooro. Moore alleged fraud on the part of .Middleton. The jury returned n verdict for Middleton for $5115.73 and for Moore $535.79. Dangerous i , Feb. 10. Some men wore dig ging up soim < dynamite which had been bur ied near Bellevue , O. , to-day , when one of them struck the explosive material with his pick. The explosion instantly killed them. None of the injured will die. The injuries were mostly by flying fragments. The new Methodist church nt Wnpcllo , Pn. , 800 feet 0 away , wus completely wrecked. No trace of ' * the packing house was loft , not even the foundation. Uocks weighing over one hun dred pounds wcro blown to the top of a mountain a quarter of a mile away. * - Ilctnrned to ( lie Old SjMcm. NEW YonR , Feb. 10. A meeting of the joint committee of seaboard and trunk lines nnd their western connections was hold at the office of Commissioner F.ViU to-day , at which H was resojved to return to the pld syalcin of export lurllX rntus , Tlio Canadian Pacific to-day signed this joint circular re ferring to the abolishment of the payment of commissions to agents selling tickets in trunk line territory. Marble'Workers Strike. ' Bcssox , Feb. 10. A dciriand for nine hours' work per , dny .cuusud a strike of SC ( ROYALTY AND TRAMPS FEAST Two Notable Dinners Eaton In Lon don Yesterday. DESCRIPTION OF THE EVENTS. * . British Metropolitan and Provincial JourtialH Comment ] < 'rrcty OH tlic Aincrlcnn IlnrRlar Tlio Extradition Treaty. The Two Extremes. SSIiyJiimciUiinlon lle\niett.\ \ \ LOXDOX , Fe6. 10. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to tlio Bun. ] Two notable dinner parties were given thta evening nt a West End hotel to u queen , n prince , Ills nflimico and their suite , nt the East End to 1,200 tramps end vagabonds. Classes and masses were thus made as strictly differen tial as was possible. Of the two menus many would think the tramps had the best of it , since the Grand hotel , where the queen of Sweden , Prince Osertr and Miss Ebba Munck and suite arrived this afternoon is one not well reputed for the nicest bills of faro. In n royal sense the Swedish party may have also been called trumps , having been lately speed ing through Germany , Belgium and France. Prince Oscar and the cx-mald of honor whom he is soon to wed , probably nt Bournemouth , have already had their love romance told. I attended at their arrival at Victoria station , Pimlico , where the crowd of curiosity-mon gers outnumbered those who on a previous evening had welcomed the G. O. M. The queen was a motherly-looking person , dressed plainly in black. The prototype of her Swedish face has been often seen doubt less in Castle Garden. "A tidy sort of body , don't you know , " cx- iluimcd a masher-spectator at the elbow of a iraphic artist sketching the group. Miss Munck wore it ehocolatc-colorcd trav eling costume and velvet bonnet of the same material. She Is by no means handsome , argo cared , which Indicates generosity , a perfectly formed nose , rich pouting lips , n : iny dimple in chin , mirthful eyes and a : ieavy jaw , denoting determination. My aitist neighbor said : "It Is a face of constancy. She seems n lomely body in the English interpretation of : hat adjective. " Prince Oscar accorded with the manly de scription of him already given in the Herald. Their hotel was about two miles eastward. Carriages from .Buckingham pahico met them. The party took possession of the suite of rooms recently consecrated by the occupation of Jay Gould. The register bore the names of the Queen 'ountcss ' of Hague nntl the Prince Count of Gropsholme , but the lord chamberlain , the court physician , the queenly named maids of honor and the fair inliamoruta arc registered under their own appellations. The stairways were lined with flowers and palms and the especial chambers of royalty had been es pecially furnished. Nor were there wanting obligingly advcrtlsii.g toutors about to tell you who furnished the tapestries , the mir rors , the bed of the timo.ot Louis XIV ho called It Louis Cartherse the ollvo green silk chairs and lounges , the blue bedroom set , another chamber net for the prince of seal-colored plush , the portable electric lights , etc. , etc. Delmonlco would have blushed at the royal menu , which was , sim ply rendered into English , printaniero soup , olcs , plainly grilled for entree , chicken with asparagus tips , saddle of welsh mutton , roast pheasant , fried bananas , burnt almonds , as sorted fruits and cakes. Meanwhile , at tho'immensc "home" of Dr. Barnardo at Bow , In the extreme cast , 1,200 poor chaps of the unemployed , gathered from streets , docks , alleyways and casual wards , were feasting on huge rounds of roast beef , channel island roast potatoes and bread pud ding , liberally stuffed with plums. Hero also was the artist of an illustrated paper. If he caught the expressions upon all the faces ho has made a priceless picture of human misery and expressed in lineaments. The feast was provided at the expense of a rich \ustruliun merchant. Dr. Burnardo's homo of refuge is for .East London what the Five Points mission was for New Vorlc. When the feast was over and several plate- fulls had been given to each Lazarus , Dr. Barnardo addressed the poor fellows and in vited them to attend to morrow and ho would , with a committee , Inquire into the condition of each with a view toward obtain ing employment. Anyone who saw both the royal ami tramp parties at dinner would find Douglas Jerrold's London novel of "St. Giles and St. James" well worth reading. THE CHICAGO MUKOEK. English PI-OSH Comment on the Killing of Millionaire Snell. [ Com/riuM 1SK8 LU James Gordon nennttt. " } LONDON , Pcb 10 , [ New York Herald Cable Special to thoBF.n. ] Burglaries onn largo scale have become so cpidcmio in the suburbs hereabouts and so great n sensation is being produccil in the public tnlnd that the intelligence cabled hero about the Chicago murder has occasioned unwonted interest. This morning's News , referring to It , re marks : "Tho murder by burglars in Chicago cage has the vivid and startling interest of a sensational drama. Mr. Sucll fell a victim to his extraordinary courage. " The article then recounts their circumstances and again comments thus : "A speedy capture of the rufllans and u short shrift is the best wish that can bo sent to Chicago Just now. The la t is particularly important in ordinary circumstances , The murderers , if'caught to-morrow , may still bo holding levees in jail this day twelve month. Amcrlcan'justico is slow-footed if not rather slow-witted In the difficulty it seems to experience of making up its minden on the plainest questions of fact. Judge Lynch has often beqn due to mere force of reaction. A New York paper the other day commented in a lone of envy on the exem plary dispatch with which Dr. Cross , the Irish poisoner , was arrested , tried and hanged. " Pi ovlnclal papers are also commenting on the tragedy. Tlio Leeds Mercury , among others , says : ' 'An 'American millionaire has just died from what may truly bo called a preventable cause. Hearing u noise in his ofllco , he cfnic down stairs to learn what was the icuson thereof..Interrupted in their ex amination of his safe , ti ; burglars shot him dead , Science provides means of sounding gongs far and near the moment a Svt'lar crosses a threshold on tip-too or lifts up a window sash , but even millionaires prefer to avoid expense in making themselves secure against a midnight thief. " The same Issue of the Dally News next draws editorial uttentkm to the fisheries question. Chamberlain's empty seat in the conimCUSf with the loss of ills eyeglass and orchid , , rccaficcj the subjWjl generally , anil perhaps the sight of Colonel Huy5 : 3 Ilullctt , setting alone and shunned , suggested extra dition. The News'broke out thus : "The i new extradition treaty with the IJnitod State ? ) may pr/irea / falluie. ti has bOm luU bclorc the scuuie , which has postponed it till Do ccmber next. Tills decision was reached by a strict party Vote the republicans voting for postponement and the democrats against. This circumstance looks moro than sus picious. According to thclrown showing the republicans wcro anxious to postpone ratification until Great Britain had exhibited a duly complacent frame of minden on the llsliciics question. The fisheries question , however , is not a special concern of cither party and It is difficult to sco why their solicitude on that subject should have led the republicans to vote all ono way. The welfare of the republican ticket In the forthcoming presidential election would , on the contrary , bo Just the thing to unite thorn to u man , and the republican ticket , It Is said , at least whenever It bears the name of Mr. Blainc , docs not disdain to support the dynamite faction. Perhaps Mr. Bhilne and his friends would faro just as well In the long run if they dolgncd to consider the treaty on its merits. The people of the United States ought by this time to know how to draw a distinction between political offenders and the miscreants' who arc the com mon enemies of civilization , moro especially as the treaty , as drafted , draws it for them with every possible guarantee against abuses of power. Either motive of the republican senators would be unworthy of them and the motive alleged by themselves is only less unworthy than the one of which they arc sus pected. It is hardly the thing to carry the famous Blsinarcktan principle of barter into a transaction for bringing murderers to their doom. " _ JENNY iaNO'8 WIM/ . Disposition or tlio Property or tlio Demi Songstress. [ rnpyilgtit JS&i by Joinet Gordon RtmiclM LOXDOX , Feb. 10. f New York Herald Cable Special to the BEE. ] Probnto has been granted the will of Jenny Llnd Gold- schmldt. She bequeaths to the king of Swo llen her painting , "Tho Inundation , " to Mrs. Victor Benecko the portrait , "Mendelssohn , " to her grandson , Victor Francis Maude , the cabinet given to her by the lire companies of New York , to the royal museum at Stockholm the gold silver bronze : nedals struck in her honor. She devises her freehold estate of W.ynds Points , purchased from the private fund of JE10D,000 an Amer ican settled on her on her marriage , to her husband , Otto Goldschmidt , and bcqueathes from the private fund , annuities of Swedish kroner to several servants , n legacy of GO- 000 Swedish , kroner to the University of Upsala for the maintenance of poor stu dents , the same amount of kroner to the University of Lund for the maintenance of poor students intending to enter the Protest ant church and the residue of said private tund to such hospital in Stockholm devoted to the treatment of diseased children as the trustees may choose , subject to the life interest of her husband. Tlio common fund settled on her at marriage and consisting of the remainder of her then property one-third each in trust for her sons , Walter and Ernest , and her daugh ter , Mrs. Maude , and she recites that she had previously settled on each 5,000 from her moiety of ft so-called Joint fund derived from the joint earnings of her husband and her self. The executors arc Otto Goldschmldt , ' Edward Wingflcld and Richard Do Cane , and the value of the personalty Is declared about $250,000. _ The Crown Prince. LCupt/rfi/ht / 1S8S liy Jam * * Gonlon DentuH.I SAN UKMO , Feb. 10. [ New York Herald Cable Special to the BKE. ] Sympathy for the crowd prjnco has brought an unusual number of visitors from the Hiviera , who crowd about the villazirs , walking up and down discussing the imperial patient's pros pects. The crown prince's condition is un changed. Drs. Krause and Howcll arc in attendance in a room next to the crown prince's sleeping room and remain on watch until daylight to-morrow. The general im pression about the town is gloomy , but all the doctors are hopeful. Bulletlons from the doctors are telegraphed every morning to the queen. The crown prince's family had their outing ns usual at half past 7 this morn ing. The windows of villazirso were open all day except those of the crown prince's room , to let in the bright sunlight. The crown prin cess walked in the zirio gardens nt 8 , Count Sekcomlorft walking at her side reading to her the telegrams of sympathy that pour in from all sides. Hundreds of telegraphic con gratulations on the successful operation are also received. The crown prince had a good night's sleep hist night and took nourishment of beef tea and milk at 9 o'clock with great relish. The pulse continues normal and ho has no fever. The family are all in good spirits and confident that no serious result Is to bo feared. Several telegrams from tlio emperor and from Bismarck were received at the villazirio this afternoon. The cut in the throat , if all goes wellwill bo healed in a few days , but it is not expected that ho will bo able to go out before two or three weeks. Sir Moroll and other doctors assure mo that there is no danger if the weather keeps flno Smith nnd Kilruin nt Portsmouth. [ Cojii/rfi/ht / IkSS liy James Got dan Hcnnrtt.\ \ POKTSMOUTII , Feb. 10. [ New York Herald Cable-Special to the Bin : . ] Smith and Kil- rain are hero among the tars and naval heroes , who only box compasses. Last night and this evening the amphitheater was crowded. Fleming has got very easy now in speech-making and got applause in as many rounds as the boxcrtt gave with gloves. Ho said , among other things : "Every Briton admirco Kilrain for courage and coolness and Smith for pluck. " The rounds wcro unusually good. In round ono Smith led off nnd shortly after got homo upon the face , but Kilrain retaliated and Smith returned the compli ment twice , after which Kilrain was very active with lis ! left. In round two Kilrain resorted to his well-known strong hits upon the body and retired Just in time to save n hot 'un. Smith had the best of the sparring after' that. In round three the dashing leads of Smith and the use of tha left by Kilrain caused much cheering. Smith followed up a hit with a second one and Kilrain went down , but was up in a moment. Smith's ' activity and double shots were prominent nnd there was cheer ing when the rounds terminated nnd cries were raised with a view to getting four rounds , but the champions only bowed their acknowledgements , shook hands and retired , Bairour' LONDON , Feb. 10. In the commons this evening Balfour , chief secretary for Ireland , ymtinulng his debate on the addri"is in reply to the ijupcn's speech , commented on the changed tone Gladstone manifested in his speech of lust evening. Whore , ho asked , was the impassioned orator wfn3 "sed all the resources of rhetoric to irillamo the" J'ublk mind against law and against policemen. Gladstone interrupted tlio shaker , baying there was not an atom of foundation for suph assertions. Balfour , continuing , recalled inciting lan guage in Gladstone's Nottingham speech anil said 'ho 'did. not complain 'but nV.bpr eon- gratulated Gladstone o'u h1 change pf tone , ' Grave rjUc ( U'ons Uud bccu viuV ui > < mtb < resident magistrates In Ireland. It was true they wcro dependent for apKlntincnt | ujwn the government , but out of a total of seventy- thrco magistrates Earl Spencer appointed or approved sixty when ho revised the list. The number of persons tried under the crimes net was CM ! ) , of whom 22'J ' were acquitted. In 18S < J the number of agrarian offenses reached 2.1W1 , while In ISbT the total was only Ib3 , * . The total number of cases of ordinary crlmo reached I.IHM In 1CM1 , and In 1N3T was 1,0 * ! : ) . The number of agra rian offenses for the six months ending .Inn- imry , lb$7 , was 155 and for the same poiiod ending with January , It * " , was 455 , and for the same period ending with January , 1WS , was y < )4 ) , n decrease of HO per cent. The statistics of boycotting , especially , showed the striking result ! of the crimes act. Tlio number of persons boycotted at the end of July , 1 > S > 7 , was b70 , whereas now It was only ' . ' 03. The government's efforts to protect persons from Imycottors had been notably successful In the Counties ( Mare nnd Kerry , whcrotho league had been suppressed. People now traveling in Ireland declared the condition of the country was greatly Im proved. and the Judges confirmed this opin ion. The government was engaged in the old struggle , but never before had any gov- cinment arrayed against it the forces recog- lizcd by the opposition. Ho claimed the Inures adduced justified ccorcion and proved .ho government's policy successful , [ Cheers. J John Morley said the house would infer 'rom Balfour's ' speech what the temper was n whtrh ho administered coercion. Kegard- ng Irish ci-lmlnal .statistics , ho said the > crlod showing decrease of crime ncluded six months of calm , during which eviction notices could not bo xecuted. Die diminution of boycotting was ilue , not to coercion , but to an entirely changed state of feeling and a deeper sense of responsibility to liberal members , who were co-workers with the Irish to obtain Justice forlroland. [ Cries of "Hear I Henri" ! The Irish party , it was now assumed , would ultimately rcali/o its aspirations. If It should ever bo deprived of tliat hope the ef fect of coercion in aggravating social dlsor- ilers would become painfully apparent. Harrington , nationalist , called Balfour'.s speech "n choice example of his mendacity. " The speaker called upon Harrington to with draw the expression. Harrington acquiesced , but snid he did so only under command. Harrington , continuing , said everybody con versant witli the affairs of Ireland know the magistrates did all they could to Irritate the people. Balfour's regime oppressed tlio people ; he tried to suppress those vindicating the people's rights. But the principles of liberality would bo fought for until they triumphed. Parncll moved an adjournment of the de bate , which was agreed to. TcrinH of the Trinlo Alliance. VIENNA , Feb. 10. The Nue Frcle Prcsse publishes the triple alliance treaty. The terms of the compact are as follows : In the event of attack by Franco against Italy or by Russia against Austria the cabinets at Home nnd Vienna will maintain friendly neutrality. Austria will support Italy's interests in the Medltcrancan and promote no enterprise in the Balkans without previous agreement with Italy. The Italian-German treaty imposes mutual support against Franco in case of attack. An additional convention. provides that if Austria or Germany is at tacked by France or Russia , Italy will bo obliged to aid the country attacked with all her forces. Pnrnell's Amendment. LONDON , Feb. 10. The text of Parnell's amendment to the address is as follows : "Humbly to represent to her majesty that the only remedial portion of the last session of Irish legislation has tended to diminish crime , whereas repressive legislation has done much to alienate the sympathy nnd re spect of her Irish subjects for law , nnd that the administration of the crimes act , as well as much of the general action of the execu tive , has been harsh and partial. " The amend ment will receive tlio full support of the front opposition benclu Gilhooly Arrested. LONDON , Feb. 10. Gilhooly was arrested to-night and taken to prison on foot , sur rounded by a largo crowd. The police were tinnblo to take the prisoner in n carriage owing to the crowd. Many members of parliament followed the prisoner and tried to enter the jail , but were barred out by the police. Gilhooly will betaken taken to Ireland early in the morning. Par ncll , after witnessing the arrest returned to the commons. the Tory Opposition. LONDON , Feb. 10. J. D. P.yne , nationalist member of parliament , was arrested outside of the commons to-day. Pyno is the gentle man who shut himself up in Lisfarnoy castle In Watcrford nnd defied the police to arrest him , and who aftcrwands eluded the Irisl ) authorities and escaped to England. Mr. Pyno is charged with the crime of delivering political speeches without permission from the authorities. Remember Mitohcllstown. DunuN , Feb. 10. In court of queen's bench to-day the verdict by the coroner's jury in the case of the police officers charged with murder In connection with , the Mitchells- town riots , was set aside on the ground that the jury was chosen informally. Spanish Politic. * ) . MADIIID , Feb. 10. In the deputies Premier Sngastn said the government was satisfied with the results of their policy. Internal peace was assured , and in regard to the situ ation abroad the government desired to re main neutral while assuring respect for Spain and the colonies. The government would continue a liberal programme. The address was agreed to by u vote of 201 to 01. O'Brien and Parliament. LONDON , Fob. 10. After a consultation with Parncll , O'Brien obtained the consent of the Irish leader to raise a question of priv ilege in the commons Monday with icard to the arrest of 1'yne and himself. A .Sensational Arrest. LONDON , Feb. 10. Great excitement lias been caused in military circles by the arrest of Major Templar , of Chatham , under an order Iroin the inspector general of foitillca- tions upon the charge of divulging official bccicts. _ The Anti-Socialist Hill ; Bnni.iN , Feb. 10. The relchstng committee on the anti-socialist bill to-day dcUdcd tc 'favor prolonging , for two years , the opera' tion of the existing law and rejected the government amendments. Alpine AvuhinolieH. VIHNNA , Feb. 10. Enormous avalanche * along the line of tno Arlburg railway Imvc icsultcd in bcrious loss of life , and traffic on the road has been stopped. JEALOUSY AND UKVENta-3. HciiHiitlonnl .Mmdei'ami Suicide in an Indiana Tmvn. McviiKNiusiiuiiii , Intl. , Fob. 10. Lus.t night John Buttery went to the rcsldanee of his r.tep-mother where ho shot and killed Franli Moore and seriously wounded his ( Buttery's ' ) step sister , Etta Mc.Mullnn. Then he turned the revolver on himself and sent a bullet through his head , dying Instantly. Moon and Miss McMulfcn were to have been mar ricd within n month. ButteryM act was prompted by Jealously and revenue. Weather Indication' ) . For Nebraska and Iowa : Fair weather foliuVnl by light local SHOWS , slightly warmer , light V ? fresh variable winds , gen 'orally shifting to southerly. For Eastern Dakota : SHgutly warmer , fair Weather , followed by MIOW , light' ti fresh variable winds. Fur South western Dakota : now , to\- \ lowed by slightly cplfler , full1 weather , llflv to frvkU vwiuble wiiuXk , . ; . ' . . , ' MORE RATE SLAUGHTERING , Another Out Mnklng a Total Roduc * tion of $26 For Car. ALL IOWA POINJS INVOLVED. Iilvo .Stock Tariff * ) Muni Now Coma Down Throughout the llawknyo Slate The Hock iHlnnd'a Latest Slash. Klcrcof Than Kvcr. CniCACio , Feb. 10. The Milwaukee ft St. Paul to day reduced llvo stock rates from Omaha nnd Council IluffH ) to Chiengo from f.17.50 to S.'l.'i a car load , u total reduction since the fight began of ( X a jar load. Tim latest cut Is a serfoiHono , as it brings rates to n point where they cut live stock rates all through Iowa and make necessary n reduc tion from all points in the state. All compet ing lines met the rates. Thin was followed by a reduction on classes B. , C. , U. and E. , which Include car-load lots , a drop being" made from 15 to 14 cents , Then came n re duction in hard coal rates from Chicago to Ues Molnes from S ) . 15 a ton to Jl.M ) . The lock Island made n cut and all the les Molnes lines met lt klng house products from Mis souri river points were reduced from , 1:1 : to I'-'M cents , all lines again participating. Tlio Wnbosh & Western , which had agreed ivlth the other St. Louis roads not to fall be- ow the rates made by the first cut last week , 'ound It was losing all of Its lumber business md to-day reduced lumber rates from St. Louls to southwestern Missouri river points from bj < f to 5 cents per 100. The day waa rounded up with another big slash at through rates between Chicago , Council Bluffs , Omaha , Kansas City and Missouri river ; xilnts , the St. Paul making a reduction of 4 . cuts per 100 on the first four classes. Thhj makes latcs at present , first class IOJj ! centa [ icr 100 , second M cents , third ll > , fourth 014. The reductions made in freight ratea tinco n week ago to-dav averaged I'M per ccnn iff. So far passenger rates have not bccu involved In tfie war. The Hock iHlimd'N Urilnction. KANSAS CITV , Mo. , Feb. 10. [ Special Tele gram to the Biu.l The railroad war hero received additional impetus to-day by a ctlfi n rates by the Hoclc Island. Clijss 5 was re- ' lueed to lil cents , packing hoiisa'products to U cents , cattle nnd hogs $ ; r , per ear. Classes A , B , C , D nnd E were made at a uniform , ate of 14 cents. The Chicago , Milwaukee ! & St. Paul contributed its quota by i educing1 rates on packing house products nnd dressed beef to St. Paul nnd Mln- icrpolis to 15 cents for the former' .md HO cents for the latter. All these cuta wcro promptly met by competing lines. A peculiar fcaturo of the rate war , as far as this ; icctlon of the country is concerned , is that iti : ms not inci cased but ratncr lessened the freight movement , shippers apparently hold ing off as long as possible to await a fnrthcn reduction. As a result , railroad men predict that when the ten days' notice of a restoration - ' tion of rates is given the amount of freight shipped will bo so great that a blockade will bo inevitable. CUAMPKI ) ( JUAIITKIIS. The Uopiibllcnn Convention Hnu-Cont inlttco IHsciiNH Tickets , CHICAGO , Feb. 10. The sub-committee oj > ] the national republican committee this morn ing elected General .FiUMmmous of Chicago scrgcant-nt-nrmst > f the national convention. The Grand Pacific was selected as'tho perma nent headquarters of the national committee. About noon the committee took a look at tha auditorium building , and wore apparently satisfied that the vast edifice would bo ready for the convention. The national committee has limited the number of tickets to bo issued to 8,000. , Thq members of the sub-committee , after inspect ing the auditorium , thought It would not seat moro than 7,500. The Chicago committee ) wanted 1,200 tickets for local distribution. Mr. Clarkson said they would do well if they got liOO. There is no certainty of morof than .1,000 s. There are 810 delegated and as many alternates. All senators , con gressmen. Judges and state oflleors must hnva tickets. Each delegate will probably bo al lowed three tickets , admitting to thrco ses sions for llvo days , There will bo separata tickets for each session and the delegates can divide them and make them go farther. Mr. Clarkson said he had already had over two thousand applications for tickets. The com mittee adjourned to meet at the cull of the chairman. Messrs. Clarkson , Conger and Clayton will constitute the sub-eomniittco of this sub-committee , having immediate ) charge of arrangements. They will meotj here when Mr. Clarkson thinks they should. The full sub-committee will probably HOB meet again until Wednesday preceding the convention. KANSAS POLITICS. A Niimhcr of People Out an CnndU dales Kor Governor. TOITKA , Kan. , Feb. 10 , [ Special Telegram to the BIE.I : It is authoratlvcly announced , to-day by the friends of Attorney General Bradford that ho will bo a candidate for gov ernor , The official announcement of his can didacy will appear to-moi-j-ow in the Osngo City Free Press , Osngo county being Mn Bradford's ' homo. Mr. Bradford has been urged by leading prohibitionists of L uven worth , Wichita , Kansas City , Kan. , undoth p parts of the state where ho has liccn cndav oring to enforce the prohibitory lafrs , to become como a candidate. Hon. A. W. Smith , ot Mi'J'hcrson county , is already out as n can * dldate , and tlio friends of Huv. Bernard Kelly announce that he will enter the racoj some time during the present month. AtrocioiiM Crunlty at Son. ' Pilii.ADiiM'liiA , Feb. 10. The Record this morning says ono of the most atrocious casci of cruelty ever known in tlio annals of tha sea has been disclosed by the finding of tha naval court of inquiry in connection with the voyage of the British ship Maecdon. from Philadelphia to Illoga , Japan , Tim Miiccdoa left this pott May \'J \ , IbbT , and after n nro4 traded voyage of 'Jib days rrnohcd its des tination. Five of the unlortunato crow HUO- cumbod to tortures and weio thrown over board to bo devoured by sharks that followed the ship. The list of ( jead Includes Hoverat Americans. On the arrival of the Miu-edon at Hiogn , ontof seventeen surviving members on board , thirteen were suffering from scurvy. Of the live men who died at sea tlio evidence shows that their death was caused by uets ot ' ei uulty of tlio commanding otUcers. : 'l ' A Murderer's Kml. Hni.i'.XA , Mont. , Feb. 10. Patrick ( Toha Hart was handed at 11 : ! iU to-diiy. The crima for which ho was executed wan the killing ot f. John Pitts , stepfather of Ills sweetheart , November" , ISVi. Pitts had circulated false stories about Hart , mid on the day of the murder had gone to Boulder In secure hi1 * arrest for I ho aliened seduction of hla stcp-cuughtcr. ! Unit was born in NewBruns- wiuk , June''II , 1W3J. A HiihenH Cot put ) Granted. Loyisviu.i : , Feb. 10. Arguments werd heard to-day In the United Slates district court on a motion lor u writ of habeas corpus ! In the ease of Valentino Hntlleld and eight ) other elli/ens of West Virginia , confined In. jail In Pike county. The attorney for Westj Virginia claimed that these men wcie sol/eil without duo ptoceBA of law. Judge Harp grunted a writ returnable next.Monday week * t.xtrem.s ; Cold Hi Citnadn. , Tonys ro , l-Vl ) . )0 ) , Kxrecdlngly cold ' weather prey-ills in Ontario ami .Quebec. At ' ' Mvuhil points In tli'e' Ottawa vtiflcy VU mcps ctfry touched 4'iJ below 'zero. ' , '