; " - JAaBtgp , . v < : / . . . . . , " "VT , THE OHAHA DAILY BEE ; THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 0 , 1888. xrho hare BO kindly lolncd trio In an attempt to raise W.OOO by individual donations of $ : or more , for the special Shattuck fund , , to carry that fund over to the credit of Miss Louise Hoyco , nnd continue It us tho"Speclal Koycc fund. " I sincerely trust that the sud den development of Miss Iloyco's nilsfortuno will have the effect to at once run thut fund to completion. JOHN J. Moxru. . Sllnnlo Freeman. A largo photo 01 i ! ! Mlnnlo Freeman with her sod school house find ti C ; > " 1 > IU whom she saved from thn great storm will bo sent prepaid for tl.OO each. WOO per dozun , * 50.00 i > or hundred. Address The Quiz , Ord , Neb. Mr. McShane'M Liberality. WAMII.XOTOX , 1) . C. , Fob. 7. To the Editor o ( the HER : Learning of the unfortunate results In Miss Hoyco's case , I wish to ndd ? IOO moro to her fund nnd hope nho also will receive generous contributions from the charitable pcoplo of Nebraska. Jens A. MeSii.VNE. Liberal Kmployos. Mr. William Nccp is an cnorgsUo gentleman - man , ns his work will show. Through Mr. Nccp's efforts the sum of $118.75 has been added to the HIK : fund , the contribution of the employes of the Omaha ft Grunt SmeltIng - Ing works. The contribution is n very lib eral ono , for which the thanks of 11 friends of the cause nro duo the generous donors. KnnobliiiK Humanity. HEBHOX , Neb. , Feb. 0. To the Editor of the UEE : Enclosed find our check for $10 , the contribution of Mr. Weiss and myself to the Shattuck nnd lloyco funds. Wo do- Biro that $0 shall bo placed to the credit of Etta Shattuck , nnd $ t to the credit of Louise Uoyco. Your splendid efforts In behalf - half of these poor pirls. and the noble re sponse with which they are met , ore en nobling to humanity. J. II. STICKCL. At the Christian Church. The ladles of the First Christian church of Omaha will give a supper nnd social at their church Friday evening for the bcncllt of the Lolo Uoyco fund. Every ono who can should iittcnd. This Is the first church in Omaha to tnko active steps toward aiding this worthy cnuso and the ladles of the First Christian church uro entitled to great credit for their kindness and generosity. A Generous Alan. Some days ago lion. John A. McShano con tributed $ ' 250 to the Usa fund. Upon learn ing of Miss Koyco's mlsfortunn Mr. McShano promptly added $100 for that young lady , making his contribution 150. The pcoplo who have known Hon. John A. McShano for , many years are not surprised at any gener ous net of his. In every movement Nebras ka's congressman has been prompt to respond to the call for aid for the needy. Those who know him need not be told that his generous contributions to the teach ers' fund Is but characteristic of him. At all times n prudent , careful business man , John A. McShano has never failed to contribute to meritorious movements of .public and private - vato Interests , and these contributions have nt all times been noticeable by their liberal amount. That he Is a generous man Is evidenced by all his nets , nnd for his prompt action In the matter of Nebraska's unfortun ate teachers , ho Is entitled to the Increased respect nnd admiration of the people Of Ne braska. The generosity of Mr. McShano should servo as n hint to the many wealthy men of Omaha tha * , they should follow the excellent example of their public servant. KcHolutionH. OMAHACOMMEIICIATCoi.LF.oE.Fel ) . 7,1883. Whereas , It has pleased the Supreme Ku- lor of the universe to remove by death Miss Shattuck , ut Scwnrd , Nob. , February 0IS&i , Whereas , In the death of Miss Shattuck. wo realize wo have lost a faithful , devoted teacher , nnd also that a noble llfo has been sacrificed in the discharge of duty ; therefore we. thoiucmboreof the Omaha Commercial college , do offer the following resolutions : ' Resolved , That while wo deeply feel the cx- tent of our loss in the death of this noble woman , wo bow in humble submission to the will of the Divine Kuler. Ilesolvcd , That while in her wo have lost ono who was an honor to her state , and who was over active in the interests of humanity , nnd who by her strict integrity and lofty character , gained for herself the respect-ami admiration of all. Resolved , That as an expression of our sincere sorrow , wo extend to the bereaved family our heartfelt sympathy in this their deep affliction. Kesolved , That a copy of these resolutions bo sent to the family of our lamented he- rolno , and thata copy bo published in the Omaha iUKR and the Omaha Commercial College Age. OEOKOK O. HILT. , EDITH PEMnEirrox , CI.AKA SKKI.KMIUE , 'MAUD HATWAIIU , Euw. HIIISGIIMAK. Committee. THE UOLL OF HONOK. Shoio Who Have Recognized. Courage and Devotion. l.OIK KOYCIi FUND. Amount received up to Feb. 7 $ 8-48 70 P. T. Ulrchurd. Norfolk 2 DO Kathleen Erskine , St. Paul 1 " 4 J ) . Lonergcn 100 Compositors Omaha Uopubllcnn. . . . S 25 Cash 1100 J. H. Stlckol nnd M. II. Weiss , Hob- rom 4 00 Puwneo City M. E , church 50 Employes O. H. & J. S. Collins 7 25 Employes Smelting Works collected by Wm. Neep 47 50 Oxford League First M. E. church. . 8 ar Audltor.imss. acc't's office U. P 12 83 Hurry Gllniorodiv. 120 O. K. C 10 00 Employes gov't corrall 12 50 Employes Paul Platz 5 00 E. Comley , Unadllla , Neb 1 00 Cash : 15 Custom Tailors'Union of Omaha. . . 10 0 St. 'Stephen's Episcopal church , Ashland 13 BO Oimiha Lodge 8291C. of H 1000 Listof J.I. Watt ' . 2025 V. II. Orcutt , Council Bluffs 1 00 CitUons of Albion , Neb 20 00 It. D. Cobb , Cedar Hapids 2 f > 0 C. K.Clark , Craig 1 00 Wheeler & Wheeler 2 00 Metropolitan hotel and guestsHust ings , Neb 17 00 Morris H. Slonuin fi 00 Morton house guests , Nebraska City 23 00 T. H. L. Leo , Exeter , Neb fi 00 ' Biiptlst church , Ashlnml 1 80 C. Thompson U4 Cash 1 00 South Omaha list 1085 , Kcssler & Shalda's list 2 00 Hon. John A. McShone 100 00 Auditor's oflloe Pacific cxpress.froui spccialfund " .TO 00 llennison liroi.'solo 43 00 Total ? l,30l , SO M1XXIB PIIKKSIAK FUND. Amount received up to Fob. 7 $ 530 00 Kathleen Eraklno , St. Paul. : 1 03 Employes smelting works 1 75 Harry ( Jilmoro.Dlv. 120 , O. K. C. . . . 10 00 Cltirpns of Albion r > 0 Wheeler & Wheeler. 1 00 Uaptlst church. Ashland 1 SO C. Thompson , Ashland ! W Ivossler & Shalda's list 1 25 LIcmilson liros. ' sale 21.50 ' Total. . . I 001 00 1.KXA WOKllllECKK ftr.NO , Amount received up to Feb. 7 $ 2S fiO P. T. Ulrehard , Norfolk 1 ( H ) Cash 5 IK ) Employes smelting works. . . . , 47 50 Custom Tailors union , Oaiahu D 00 Little Turner children 1 75 Worklngumii 50 Kcsilor & Shalda's list . ' 100 DmiuUon lima. ' sale. . 43 Oil Total * 132 l > 3 TIII : CIIH.IIKKN'B FUND. Amount received up to Fob. 7 f 07 83 School children , Albion , Neb 4 'M Alieo Switfiirt's Hut. . 8 3'J \l \ Total J l * 6003 Thn "Itiio" Fuml. The present condition ot the funds opened by the HUE Is ai follows : Kttn Slmttuck $ 4,2:11 : M Loio Koyco li0l ! H ! Minnlo Freeman 001 ( V > Weotphulon monument 80 Ki Lena Wocbbocko 133 S Cash to spcciaHund. . . . . . . . .j. . . . Sip 00 Gn nd total. , . . ' . ' 10,553 CHI. Notice.- Severn ! lists of contributors linvo been omitted from this Issue owing to a lack of space. Each , however , will bo published. . If your list does not appear In this issue It will bo published as soon as possible. Ij | ts of Contributors. The J3Eic will acknowledge all contribu tions through th" * " columns. All lists re ceived , unless otherwise dircclCu , Vm 0 publlshrd In full with the name of everv con tributor Tho.su lists will bo published as noon after tnelr receipt as space will per mit. TWO MTTLR ailll.S. . DoNiniAX , Neb. , Fob. fl. To the Editor of the KKK : Plcaso find enclosed draft for &J.05. for Miss ShattucU fund. This small amount was ruircd by incklo' subscriptions by two little girls of the Donlphnn school. NITTII : : HL-IIORH. CI.AII.I MO.MIOE. A SEVCX-TKAU-OU . ST. PAUI. . Neb. , Feb. fi. To the Editor of UicHcE : Enclosed flnd T.80 to bo divided equally between Miss Freeman , lloyco and Shattuck. I urn only sovcn years old but papa said I could use my own money that 1 was going to get him a birthday present with and 1 went arouifd and collected the balance. KATHLEEN EUSKIXB. PAWNEE CITY" II. K. CIIUIICH. PAWXEH CITT , Nob. , Fob. fi. To the Editor of the HEK : Plcaso llml enclosed drfift for fS.50 for Miss Ejta Shattuck ; the amount of collection taken in the M. E. church hist evening. Also CO oenU for Ml.ss Hoyco. U. O. AD MIS , Pastor M. E..Church. I-OFP CITV'H TUIIIUTR. LoBpCirr , Neb. , Feb. 4. To the Editor of BKH : Herewith iind list of names and the sum of (54.25 , the contribution of our liberal citizens , to the fund for the noble heroine of the "blizrard , " of the 12th ulttlmo , Miss Etta Shattuck. Wo are grateful for theun tiring efforts you have made iu this cause , and trust that the fund will bo made largo enough to provide every comfort in the years to come that money can procure for ono BO badly afllictcd ns Miss Shattuck. The young lady shares the warmest sympathy of our people , Who contribute each their might , showing as It docs that all over the great west there arc warm hearts ready to respond , In deeds of kindness , to on appeal made In behalf ot the stricltcn and suffering. This sum is the result of only a few hour's work this afternoon. Wo arc only too glad to bestow - stow It whore It will help to do BO much good. Mits. O. B. WII.IAUD. 0. P. Stedman 11 00 Higclns & Tucker , 2 00 .l.S. 1'fdlor 1 UMJye HUHseto I. Smelacr t 00 Frank Urewer 100 . ) . M. King 1 00 A. Wilkinson 23 GCO.K. Taylor. . . . 1 OOOdendabl llros. . . . 1 W ) A. P. Cullen 10)Ott ) h BO A. W. ll ll 1 ODChas. Comard. . . . M W. It. Mellor. 1 C'J'H. ' Taylor BO Ditto liros 1 ( W K. F. Walker 50 J. W. Uose 231. Krochllch 50 J.H.Scott 1 OUThco I.PllKor. . . . Go M.U. Unrleton. . . . 1 OOMr.s.J.Klmonbon. ( . 50 ! ) . & J. W. Jones. . 1 OU Cash - . . . . . iTi M. K. Wholly 1 00 J. Hnsklns 50 M. A. ThPls 1 00 W. H. Morris 50 I.ulk & Knodihiu'r 1 01 0. P. C. Moor i Mrs. O. H.Willnrcl. M Wins. Gibson > JiunuM H.Owen. . . 1 OU ( Ico. W. Hunter. . . 50 E. W. Van Uorcn. . 50 II. L. Hums lil Mrs. J. Johnson. . . 100V.A. lluas BO W.T. Chase HI Cash - ' MiMid & llurrows. . 50.1.K. Pearson 50 C. II. Hpraguo 50 A. C. Cobl ) W ) Win. Ilalrtl. 50 llllly Monitor 100 M. I. . Thomas 2itWi | 50 W.Larson 50J. J. McCoy 50 0.1 < \ I'crrln 50 l > . S. Juchroy 50 K.MStearns 50 K. K. Long 1 ) M.I' . Ford 100Cash Si I.D. Kord 1 00 W. II. Conger 100 I ) . Kcarna BO II.Bchanpp 50 G.K. llunschoter. . 50 1't-ry Nobles 50 Nlsch & Sluvcn. . . . 1 00 lltiptist ch collcc'n 2 00 Jacob Albcn . Sill. 0. Ilurgpr 2. > Charles Hldcl . Krank Verilow. . . . BO Clms.Hunoy 50 I'etor Ollunniaun. Cnsh 1 00 ItalTcrty broa . 50 J.II.O'IIryan 1 00 1' . Treulscn 50 (1. W. iirooka 1 ( )0 ) KrcdIIaon 50 J.S. Mollltt 50 Total 54 II. S. Cony O. It. A J , 8. COLLINS' EMPLOYES. Cotributlons of employes of G. II. & J. S. Collins and their friends to be evenly divided between Miss Shnttuck and Miss Iloycc. C. T. Smith I BO.Thos. . H.-Cobry. . . Si Cliarlos Myers. . . . Nil Albert Wltto 50 J. H. Conzleton. . . 50 John Hoist M ) Thos. Hrnaklmrst 50 1 > . House 50 Mr. Morris 50 It. Kaufman ffii Wm. K. WIMlng. . 60 K. Stein 50 H. Thompson 50 Oeo. W. 1'onmor. . 2. " > M. Key 50 Wm. Thomas 2.i O. H. Newrelter. . 50Mlss | Collins UK ) J. P. Ulcliardjon. GO Mr * . Collins 100 J. Schamcl 50Cu ! > h a 00 Oeo. E. White 50 K. U. Yarnull 60 | Total ( U GO r. J. KAnnAcn LIST. P. J. Knrback. . . . ! 00 Frank Kllma 23 Arthur Karbach. . 3 00 Omll Karbuch 100 Ch. Uauer 100 Helnhold Keil 50 Total 82o HenCcderqulst. . . . 50 j. J. WATT'S LIST. Wo , the undersigned , respectfully remit to you the amount set opposite our names to help along the good work for Loulso lloyco , and wo .favor u petition to the next state leg islature ot Nebraska to enact a law provid ing for a reasonable ' ) pension for all those touchers that had'tho misfortune to lose their limbs during the late blizzard of January 12 , said pension to last during their lifetime. J. 1. Watt { S OO'.K. ' R. Ilenson 1 00 N. It. Helm fa A.O. lliirnctto. . . . a ( X ) T. M. llopmam. . . . 50 J.W.Martin 100 A.Stroblo 508. V. Watt 200 A.O. Mans SIMM. Hempliry 50 Andrew Johnson. . 2 OO.N. P. Johnson 100 IMIORUe 2508. Frace 250 C. J. AndruWM. . . . 100 Total WJ23 THE U. I1. LIST. OMAHA , Feb. 0. To the Editor of the BEE : Herewith I hand you $25.75 , the result of n subscription taken up in the auditor of pas senger accounts'oftlco of the Union Pacitlc railway for the bcncllt of Misses Shattuck and Hoyco. Plcaso have the amount men tioned herein divided equally between the above named parties , and thereby obllgo these whoso names are affixed to the at tached paper. Yours truly , F < H. HUMMEL. F. H. Hummel S 3 00R. ! Hartmnnn 3 00 W.F.Jacobs 100T. L. Kutton 100 FriuikGutmh lOOH.P. Orhlltreo. . . 100 Thos. Quarter 2513. W. William. . . . 50 A. Oavlu lOO.W.fiavln ' . . . . 50 l.H.W 100K.O H ) ( J.K.U 100W.W 100 O. A. U 1 no Jules Merle 50 K. It : Cook ] 00 W.J. Morris 100 II. C. D.ihl 100 P. II. Bchwaleu- C. F. Stockham. . . . 1 ( biire 100 M.C. Kastt 50 W. F. Monfort. . . . 2.- > Walter Mumecke. . W. It. Moran S > O.H. I , . , BOD. A. Sells 3. ' . Jcs'lo Emery 1 W ) Oeo. A. Itobluson. 50 Paid , . 300 I Total 575 THK TUUNEIt CHILDREN . To the Editor of the DEE : In looking over the contributions for the Nebraska heroines' fund I sco a very small amount going to poor little Lena Wocbbocko , the little cripple , who was crippled in the late storm. I hope to see the gooil pcoplo of Omaha do more for her. Enclosed find $1.75 , collected by little Hennottia and lloulah Turner , aged four , for little Lena : tlennettln $ Zillleulah I Si W. und K. Allem. . . ir.Ucorglo Drake 2J JlmmloJont < r > on. . . Si Hurry Wood ' Total II 75 AlUoFlm.on 2J I.ITTLr. ALICE BWIOIUT'S LIST. For chillis' monument fund. Alice Swlgart f 251 Louis Mttlefleld. . . * 2. ' Mayllahty lOt ell Francisco. . . . Si (1. ( Cunningham r.OJ. . | Iliecrlns W. Juskenny GO M. AlcUee 41 KiiKloinuun > Mary ( Ira S3 Alice ( Hbsnn 2" > Mablo Wllcox 11 Charlie Wlkox. - < UlIaFUiuen . 10 Kiln ) HeiiMm ' < Friends , cash 4 11) ) Total SOUTH OMAHA LIST. C. W.Biimnsr 11 00Miss ! IIlock 1 W l.onli llollinau. . . . f.J.H. Hunter. . . . . . M j. w. nun. . . ssc.it un-xci as (1 , Knospe SK > , Ixni Scott 15 Cash. . . . . Si U.O. Witchcraft. . I l > John J.Alt M > | A. J. Hatdwiu 1 uo J. .InskalttK MI.IMI. Toner Si J.I ) . Muher Si Van Akeu ) I * . A.Sears ! i > K. Spmildlnif i'i IMUonley STi'MnitluWulkur. ' . . . 10 Cash 25 Jeremiah Dee IW M < JWlw ? 1 > w _ _ ' Notes. The physicians'givo every hope that Miss Uoyco will live. Now let every lady help the Uoyco and Wocbbccko funds. What will the people of Nebraska do for poor Lolo Uoyco ! What will the people of Nebraska do for little Lena Wocbbooku ! Henrietta Kesslur und Barbara Slmlda huvo collected $4.25 for the UKE fund. Now Is the time to turn every thought and attention toward increasing the Uoyco and \Vocbbecko funds. The nauio of Miss Uoyco U Lolo Roycc. not Ixiulscjks has been stated hereto fore. fore.Tho The Omaha Pnnoramn company will give the net proceeds of next Sunday's biifinoes to the heroine fund , Uvmcmbnr the supi > cr at the First Chris- tla.i church Friday evening , The proceeds go to aid ix > or Lolo Hoyco. Contributions have been received from sev eral Nebraska churches. Among this num ber there Is but ono In Omaha. It must not bo presumed that the clergy of Omaha Is not deeply interested In the movement to aid Nebraska's ' un- crt'JS" ' . " k inr , TJiouch the ministers f OniH.hu have not yet bc n heard from thy vlll surely take active sttps to aid the good work. A quartette of little folks called at the Bun ftlco in Council Bluffs ycsterdny.nnd handed n four silver iiuartors , this being the second ontrtbullnti they have made. They pave heir names as Charlotte , Eliza , Allco nnd 'ommlo Camm. They wanted the dollar hus raised by them to go to Miss Hoyco. NEEDHAJU Axn "THE STATUTES. The Commissioner * Hny Ho Has Not Conformed With Them. The board of county commissioners met In regular session yesterday afternoon , Chair man O'Keffo presiding. E. A. Dukes' per sonality tax was placed at $3,250 and put on ho county tax roll in that amount ; the bond of T ) . Fitzpatrlck for the protection of a county warrant for ? 15'J.51 , that had boon est , was accepted , The following claims were ordered paid : Louis Grebe , Jailer , $07.42 ; Dr. C. P. Harrington , $35 ; George F. Keen , ttu.50 ; George B. Stry cr , $30 ; Louis Grebe , $4 ; B. Taylor , $7.50. The salary of the deputy county clerk was ordered paid from the general fund for the months of February and March , nnd P. U. julllvan was appointed constable for the Eighth ward. The following was adopted , Mr. Chairman : Your committee on Innnco , to whom was referred the report of ex-County Clerk C. P. Ntscdhain for the year ending January 4,1833 , beg leave to rci > ort hat said report is not iu accordance with the equircmcnts of the statute , and that said eedham has been requested to furnish an temizcd statement of all fees collected and all disbursements made In said ofHco during the year aforesaid. Work was ordered to be done on the coun ter In the ofHco of the cily treasurer ut an expense not to exceed { -J5. A communication from M. E. Mcgath , register of deeds , requesting the appointment of a deputy to bo custodian of documents from his ofllco while in use in that of the county clerk was referred to the committee on judiciary. The Judiciary was directed to take cogniz ance of the appended communication : OMAHA , Neb. , Feb. 0. To the County Com missioners of Douglas county Gentlemen : Under clnto of December 14th wo received u otter from the county treasurer saying that ho taxes on Bonllcld wore delinquent for the year 1879. During 1883 this property was purchased from John Frank by McCaguo & Bowman , and at that time all the taxes which were known to exist wcro paid , and it was supposed , by your petitioners that there were no taxes duo against this property. Inasmuch ns the treasurer , failed to report this tax when wo appeared to ) ay all taxes , and us the books of the treas urer's ofllco will show that the matter was never earned forward until the present ad ministration wausk that this tax bo cancelled from the records. Respectfully , Jens L. McCAouK , DAVID H. BOWMAN. Protests against exorbitant taxation and iRsessmcnts from John A. Mclqulst and D. W. Lane were referred to the Judiciary com mittee. The finance committee was directed to as sess the s. K n. c. 7-15 and 13 , last of Saun- dcrs & Himcbaugh's Highland Park ad dition. The bonds of Thomns J. Hickey , road su pervisor , and Lewis C. Duckor , . assessor , wcro approved. The following resolutions wcro adopted : Ucsolvod , That the county clerk bo and is licreby directed to present to each county ofllccr whose duty it is to make quarterly reports - ports to the county board , and also to ex- County Clerk Ncedham , a copy of a resolu tion dated January 13 , 1830 , referring to re ports to the county board. Ucsolvod , That the county clerk bo empow ered to employ the necessary help .to make up the assessment books and salaries not ex ceeding $73 per month , night work and over time at 85 cents per hour to be paid out of the general fund. THE FKEIGHT KATE WAIt. The Union Pacific Not Yet In the Affray Soon to Join. The telegraphic report to the effect that the Union Pacific bad been' drawn into the great freight rate war is denied by the of ficers of the company. Mr. Klmball , gen eral traffic manager of the company , was seen yesterday and oho stated that by this morning the company would prob ably declare their position , but that as yet no cuts in rates had been made. In his opinion the company woul d bo forced to lower their rates , inasmuch as the Bur lington and Northwestern had parallel lines with the Union Paciilc , and if the latter stood firm to keep up the rates , the two com puting lines would do all the business * . The origin of the great war , as explained by Mr. Kimbull , was thut the Chicago , Bur lington & Qulncy was supposed to own or control the Chicago , Burlington & Northern , nnd gave a lower rate to St. Paul and Minneapolis than that given by cither the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul or the Chicago & Northwestern. These two latter roads then notified-the Chicago , Burlington & Ouincy people that if they did not make a higher rate that they would join forces in a bitter attack , and would continue the war fare until the Chicago , Burlington & Quincy would como to timo. It Isnot positively known thut the Chicago , Burlington & Qulncy own or even control the Chicago , Burlington & North ern , as the road is officered by a distinct and separate management. Mr. Kimbull thinks that if the freight rates are lowered to points In Nebraska it will hurt the jobbing trade 'of Omaha from the fact that both the Northwestern and Chicago , Burlington & Ouincy can ship direct from Chicago to local points much cheaper than , the two rates which must be charged by the Omaha Jobbers that is , the ruto from Chicago cage to Omaha , und thence from Omaha. J. M. Bochtcl has been appointed general agent of the Union Pacific at Chicago. Mr. Bcchtol succeeds Mr. E. H. Wood. An oxchnnpre says : There arc more puns miido on Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup , free of charge , than are paid for by the owners. A good thing deserves the notice - tico of the press. In the treatment of rheumatism , gout , neuralgia , sciatica , &c. , Sal vation Oil should bo thoroughly rubbed in. It kills pain. Price 25 cents. THE MILLIONAIRES GRUMULE. Why the IMiimbora Object to Paying $1O For n License. The council was Tuesday night petitioned by the Master Plumbers' association to reduce the license fee they uro compelled to pay from $10 to $3 per year. For a class of pco- plo who are popularly supposed to bo wealthy a few months after opening business , and who are alleged to dlo many times million aires , this objection to the payment of tlio license sum first mentioned warranted atten tion. A BKK reporter asked a leading plumb ing 11 nh this morning why it desired the change , and was told that the license was excessive. "Why should plumbing firms pay for u Hccnio any more than grocers , and then , why should they pay $10 ! Two dollars ought to bo sufficient. All that ought to bo required is.to pay the cost of the printing of the license , and $ J ought to pay for such a bit of paper. We've got to give bonds In fJ,5'X ) in both branches of our business. That council ought to get n going-over anyway. They require us to remove the dirt wo take out of trenches and fill the latter with sand. That costs ou an average f'-0 ! per trench , and this of course Is saddled on tlie man for whom the work is ilono. But the gas and water companion don't fill their trenches with saml. Why should they l > o exempted uud wo coitipollcd to do all this work and incur Increased expense ! " Coughs and lloarnrness. The irrltal tlon which induces coughing immediate- ; relieved by nso of "Brown's Bronchily Troches. " Sold only Iu boxes. oi t Tst v PfVTpnin / Tir < ir < VPH GREEIA ( BIERS GRIEVANCE , Bho Thinks Hor'solf Entitled ito the County Seat. CAPITAL CITV REPUBLICANS. They Meet nnd Kl < ; ct onicors Monthly IlcorlM oftho I'enltcntlnry nnd : nnc Atjrlnm Supreme Court , Decisions. TUB I1CE' * LINCOLN On the 17th of January the county of Grcolcy voted upon the question of the relocation of the county scut. J. 11. liana , M. G. Gearon and J. R. Swain , residents of the town of Grcolcy Con- lor , which was declared by the board of canvassers defeated in its struggle for the county beat , have lllcd their peti tion in the supreme court asking that mandamus proceedings issue to compel the board of canvassers to recount the returns of the election , and declare the proposition voted upon carried in favor of Grcolcy Center. The complaint recites - cites that the board of canvassers , com posed of John Kavnnaugh , county clerk , and P. II. Berry nnd A. L. Covey , in their work canvassing the returns throw out the 121 votes cast in Spring Creole precinct. That 117 of these votes wcro cast in favor of Greelcy Cen tre , nnd in throwing tlioin out Greeloy Center was deprived of the three-fifths vote requisite to relocate a county sent. The vote of the county , with this precinct cast out , WHS 1,054 , of which Greoloy Center received 693 votes. The 117 votes cast in favor of Greoloy Center , the petitioners say , would have given the required vote to locate the county seat there. 'OUOANIZATIOX COSH'LETKD. The Capital City Republican club mot at the district court room Tuesday for the election of permanent ofliccrs us required by the constitution and by-laws as adopted. Tlio following well-known republicans were elected : President , Judge C. M. Parker ; recording secre tary , B. F. Johnson ; corresponding sec retary , W. C. Lane ; treasurer , M. I. Aitkon ; executive committee Elmer Stephen son , P. W. Collins , Frank M. Hall. John B. Wright , O. E. Goodoll , J. E. Philpot. CONVICTS AND INSANE. The monthly reports from the super intendent of the Lincoln asylum and from the warden of the penitentiary were received and filed with the secre tary of state yesterday. In the poniten' tiary January 1 there were 335 convicts ; four were received in January , the time of twelve expired and ono escaped , leavj j ing the total number February 1 , 320. In the hospital for the insane there wcro 409 patients 'January 1 , fourteen were admitted during the month and nine were discharged , leaving a total February 1 in the 'inbtitution of 413. AN Al'PBAL TAKEN. A case began iiL the supreme court yesterday in which Benjamin D. Do- " Yorman appeals from the decision against him in the district court of Holt county. The case' Is a criminal ono in which DoYorman' ' was fined $100 for as sault , nnd $138 , thej cost of prosecution. The copy of the indictment filed with the papers recitesclthat in the month of September DoYorman assaulted ono Jay Rcdfiold with a hay knife , inilicting in juries upon him nnjLfrom which the conviction in the lower court followed. A BUSINESS' VISIT. Governor Thayer departed yesterday Tor Springfield , Mass. , and will .bo ab sent from this state eight or ten days. The governor goes to look after arms that the state is procuring for the Ne braska national guards , and the nature of the business requires his personal attendance at the United States arsenal at that point. The supreme court yesterday handed down the following decisions , the ma jority of the cases being appeals from Lho Third district and cases arising in Douglas county : Phoenix Insurance company vs Omaha. Error from Douglas county. Affirmed. Opinion by Cobb , J. 1. The dross premiums received by every Insurance company , other than mutual com panies without capital stock within this state , during the year previous to the year of list ing in the county where the agent conducts the business. Hold , to bo assossiblo nnd tax able as personal property in the hands of such agent. 'J. The words "personal property , " taxable according to the laws of this state , ns the same occur in section 25 of chapter 18 of the compiled statutes of 1835 , entitled "cities of the first class. " Held , to bo used in the sense of "taxablcs" or "subjects" of taxa tion , and to embrace all subjects of taxation under the laws of the state other than real estate , which is therein specially named. Omaha Hotel Co. vs. Walters. Error from Douglas County. Affirmed. Opinion by Maxwell , J. 1. Evidence examined and held to sustain the verdict. 2. The owner of a hotel had constructed an area-way under the sidewalk for an elevator to lower baggage about twelve feet to the basement of the hotel , and , ns a guard , had placed a rail of gas pipe about sovcn feet six inches in length by from two to three inches in diameter In iron posts about two feet above the edge of the sidewalk. This rail was so arranged as to bo taken out when baggage was to bo raised or lowered by the elevator. The fastenings at ono end of the rail had be come loose and unsafe , of which the pro prietor had notice. Ono W. , a patron of the hotel , on leaving the same , in conversation with u friend leaned against the rail in ques tion , which gave way und precipitated him partly in the area-way below causing him to strike on the edge of the sidewalk , from which ho sustained severe injuries. Hold , That it was the duty of the hotel company to keep the rail in question in a safe condition , and that it was liable for the injuries sus tained by W. lilack vs Stein : Hanks vs Stein. Error from Hayes county. Aftlrmcd. Opinion by Cobb , J. Under section 31 ot phaptor 78 of the stat utes , providing f or establishment of roads , held , that a party having duo notice under said statute of the establishment of n public road over his premises , and having neglected within the time provUled to remove his fences , tlio enforcement of peiialty uud costs for such neglect Is not an abridgement of his rights under sections 3 and 15 of article 1 of the con stitution of this state , and ho is not thereby deprived of his property without auo process of law. ' Scgcar vs Scgcar. Isrror from Holt county. Aftlrmed. Opinion by Cobb , J. 1. The provisions pj ecction chapter 25 , compiled statutes , providing for the payment of alimony affords a Just and reasonable remedy , nnd , except'ln' extraordinary cases , none other will bb rosortcd to for the en forcement of Judgments or orders in cases of alimony or maintenance. ii. In an action for divorce by the wife on grounds of extreme cruelty and gross neglect of support , the Judgment of the district court will bo nfllrmed where there la sufficient evi dence to support it. Cosgrovo vs Urlfllth. Appeal from Lancaster county , lie versed and decree. Opinion by Maxwell , J. Ueeso Ch. , J. , concurs. 1. Wlicro a party through his brother pur chased "tho noithwcst quarter of section twenty-six , " etc. , his brother , well knowing that his grantor possessed but eighty acres of land In said section , viz : the nest hulfol the northwest quarter , and said purchaser afterwards sold und conveyed the northwest quarter of said section to n bona fldo pur chaser ; hold , first , thut the knowledge of the brother through whom the purchase was af fected being that of agent , waa knowledge to the purchaser : second , in an action by the actual owner of the north half of the north west quuitor of Mild section , such owner was entitled to the artuul value of said land at the time ot the eon- voynneototho honn fld'e purchaser : third , that uupald purchase inonny due from the bona lido purchaser would bo applied In satis * faction of the-claim of the Innd owner. 2. Whqrp the title of real ptoporty Is wrongfully obtained , as by a mUdivscrlptlon In Iho deed , nnd such ronl estate Is conveyed In fraud of ( ho rights of the owner by such prautoe , n court of equity Will convert him Into a trustee and compel him to account for the vnluo of such pro | > ortvf and will follow the Mtocceds of such sale * o long ns they can bo traced" , ! l. Held , That the pUkm stated n cnuso of action , and that there was n ? uiNJoluder of defendants. State vs lluokius. Exceptions from Douglas county. Exceptions sustained. Opinion by Maxwell , J , u'licracn 'ho ' trial of n person accused of crime , he introduced witnesses to provo his good character , the stuto may introduce wit- ncsBoa Iu robuttnU although their names uro uot endorsed on the information. In such case the question of character Is YolhiU'rnl to the main Issue and , being raised by the de fendant , the state niuy cull witnesses in re buttal. Schallcr vs The City of Omaha. Error from Douglas county. Uevcrs'ed. Opinion by Maxwell. J. lit awarding just compensation for prop erty damaged for public use , general benefits shared by the public ut large cannot be con sidered , while special benefits to the property damaged may bo. IlIieiituntiHin. is undoubtedly caused by lactid acid iu the blood. Tniuacid attacks the fibrous tissues , and causes the pains nnd nchcs in the back , shoulders , knees , ankles hips , nnd wrists. Thousands of pcoplo have founi1 in Hood's Snrstipnrilln a positive euro for rheumatism. This medicine by its purifying action neutra lizes the nciditv of the blood nnd nlno builds up and ( strengthens the whclo body. Real Estate Transfers. Clifton E May no nnd wife to James T Williams , lot 7 , blk D , C E Mayno's 1st ndd to Vnllcy , w d $ BO Michael Cahan and wife to John Pox , w 50 ft of 2 acres beginning nt a point 4QU ft o and 33 ft n of } sec col on south side 4-14-13 , w d 1,800 Frank Dcllono to Uichard C Gushing otal , lots ? nnd 8 , blk 03 , South Omaha , w d 2,750 Goo N Hicks ct al to Win France , lots 31 nnd 33 , Vinton place , w d 1,250 Arthur C Wakoley to Ellas Lcnini , lot 15 , Barker's sub of sec 34-15-14 , w d. 375 John Targorzenky and wife to August Krokowsky , ytol 150x25 ft beginning 230 It n of a point 440 o of so cor of Hunsoom park , w d 400 Same ct al to John Krakowsky , 150x25 > ft 205 ft n of a point 443 ft e of so cor of Hanscom park , w d 400 August Krakowsky to John Targor zenky , J of 50x150 ft beginning at same point , w d 800 Glcorgo A Joplln nndwifo to George W Uuck , lot 1 and 2 blk 10 Omaha View , wd 2,200 Williura H Thompson and wife to Jen nie A Latson. w 27 ft of o 04 ft lot 1 blk 5 need's 3rd. wd 3,000 Jos Neville nnd wife to Do Vcr Sholcs lot 5 A H Saundor's ndd , w d 4,000 , Do Vor Sholcs and wife tcLltobert ti Garlichs same , wd . " 4,000 W T Komineton Wood and wife to Jas K Sturgeon , lot 3 blk 0 Ulversido addwd 400 Jno L McCaguo and wife to Francis I McKenna , lot 3. 4,13. blk 2,1 , 3 , 3 , 4 G , 0.15,10,17. 18,10 , 20 , blk 4 , oil in Wakeley , Wd. . . . . . . . . 4,000 Frank S Urownleo el nl to Mary A Fitch , oK of wK of lot 5 blk 3 , First add to South Omaha , w d 450 R C Patterson and wife to F L Burbank - bank , lot 21 blk 8 Edgowood park add , wd 75 Llllio J Spauldlng and husband to ' Chos C Mlllard , w 80 ft of lot 23 Mlllard & Caldwell's ndd. except 10 ftoffnendw d 4,000 Chas L Blaser and wife to John J Wil kinson , e 30 ft and w 30 ft of e CO ft lot 5 , and n 20 ft of lot 8 and 0 blk 1 Pope place w d 8,200 Alex G Chnrlton and wife to Ella J Keller , lot 15 blk 2 Institute place wd 300 Frank A Gnstafson and wife to Goo Horst , lot 9 blk 1 Ueunion add w d. . 275 Duncan Finloyson nnd wife to Sylves ter D Winn , lot 19 blk 10 Albright's annex wd 350 Jerry Mulvihill et al to James S France lot G blk 43 South Omaha w d 1,500 Twenty-two deeds $35,575 Building PermitH. The following building permits wcro is sued yesterday at the office of superintend ent of buildings : John Benson , cottage , Nicholas near Ninth - . . $ 200 Goorgu Walker , cottage , Twenty- eighth and Blofido 700 Mick Shuty , cottage , Fourteenth and Bancroft 300 J. D. Davis , addition to dwelling , Elk near Blackbird 125 Four permits aggregating $1,325 The Only Iiino Thut Gets There. It has been well said by a distin guished writer that "tho Michigan Central is the only 'Niagara Fulls Route' in the country. " It is the only railroad that runs direct ly by th'e falls and stops its trains at n point from which all parts of the falls und the rapids are in full view. From this point , called Falls View , the scene from the 'Michigan Central train , whether in iln summer setting of emer ald or its winter setting of crystal , is ono of unexampled grandeur nnd sub limity. As it is on the direct route to Now York , Boston , ana Now Eng land , no oast-bound traveler should fail to take advantage of it. An Ord Delegation. Tlio little city of Ord is well represented in Omaha. A committee of citizens of the place are in Omaha for the avowed pur pose of securing clectrio lights for their town- It Is safe to suy , ' however , that Ord has other Irons in the fire equally as important as the effort to secure clectrio lighting. The party Is composed of J. H. Agcr , J. L. McDonough , editor of the Ord Democrat , F. L. Harris , president of the Ord National bank , and A. D. Robinson , ex-county treasurer of Valley county. _ A man giving the nnmo of James A. Gnrfield was arrested yestordry for stealing nn overcoat from u dummy in front of a Thirteenth street store. CREAM ItBBuperlor excellence proven in millions ot hem > ) .s far more thun u tiuarterot u century. U is used by the United Mates Government. Kn- dorsHd by the heads of the ( Irrat Unlver itie8 as the KtrougFht. I'lirert and most Healthful. Dr. 1'rlco'sCream Making i'owderdoes not contain Ammonia , I.lme or Alum. Bold only In can * . I'HICK IIAK1NO I'OWUUIIC'U. . Mew voux , CHICAGO. bf. LOUIS ARTISTIC DRESSING. tbc Ladles of Omalia Look So Beau- liiiil , Alcgnnt A Council 'lUuffh DrrasniAkcr'a Experience With A Itelonileiu Kneniyi Ever sine * Columbus i-oivcrod America thvrohR bocn a stonily wvitluuru rs'ivt'inrnt until to-ilnjr tlio wvMcm fcUtcs nrc ! > t > cnir"it thickly populated ultli thrifty people of all uvocnllons. In tm-ry oily , vlllnKo iiuil hamlet can l > o found the worknlioi > . imployt : > il therein are pcoplo of every nationality , UM well ns tjotli sexes. What department of Irmle mostly Inter ests the Indies IB It the fnxlilon delineator of some mechanical Institute uherc Inlwr saving mnehlnery Is innnufurtureil , or whnt Is It ? Whnt Is morn beautiful to behold tlinn the xlRhk of n Imly clad in n nkeljr lit ted null Hindu In tlio Intest , most perfect nnd highest Htylu Unit art ran design ? Tlio cltlo * of the vre.it hnve many beiiutlful women , ami to clothe them properly with nice llttlugKarmentH Is noeiisytiiHk. Tea become a first-cuss inniitutt mnkor one hnve patleneo nnd Bklll , Counell Illuffs Is not devoid of Mich peoplt , especially If one In to judge from the. magnificent unit splendid lilting ro.stumcs worn upon tlio Mreets by the wives ami UnitRhtcin of the. citizens. Tlmtndrrs - mnkerrtoei not always hnve eniy hailing on tlin Moruiy seas of llfo U fully demonstrated by the following conversation , which recently took place between Mlvt Millie IOKK ! < nnd ono of the lllutlH' most reliable and bent artliin In that line. During the interview with Jllsi Hoggs that young lady suldl "I hnvo been afllleted with catarih ever Mure I vns a child pin vim ; Iu the Minny climate of West Virginia. 1 left Ihero three yearx ago to Join my sister , \\ho reMdet iu Council lllutls. My symptoms were H stopped up nose , a ringing and buzzing iiolstt In my head , KNTIHK DKAFMESS IN ONK KA1I. r. fintlhued hanking n .spitting with un almost Incessnni ccvuh Rtirt rklxlug of muciin. I would blow hard scabs out ot my cose , which would bo dry , and my breath was HO Out'i ' ivo that my friends would speak of It , nnd I often iWl ally honrd them make the remntk about It nfirt I would leave the room. Of course. It would wound my feelings but I could not help it , nnd I would worry and fret about It. 1 got spells of despondency nntl often wished the pooil I.ortl would take mo to Join my pnientH , who were dead , nnd I have no doubt tro In heaven. I was scarcely ever without n cold , oven In the cum mer , nnd vrould take cold every tlmaa ilrnft of air would pass over me while 1 was In doors. That is not the case now , and I don't K K or vomit In the mornings us I used to whllo trying to clear my throat. Neither do I have tnoso dizzy spells nfter stooping down to pick somc- utng up. Why I used to get so giddy that w lien I would have to stoop down and rise up quick tmt I would have to have support or f would full down. I never knew wnut it wus to be without a headache until within the last few weeks , and my appetite was so poor that I scarcely ate enough to subsist on , and that I forced myself to eat. I lost in w eight until I WAS IIKDUCKU TO A ME1IR SKKI.KTON. I have an excellent appetite now. I sleep sound and awake -In the morning greatly rufrcshed , something I do not over remember of doing before taking treatment with lr . Mc Coy & llciiry. My eyei were sore and inflamed and would water very much. I was afraid I would go blind from the pains over my eyes and load. I had a bhaip shooting pain in my breast and through my ttumldcrs. My fret and himils were always cold nnd clammy. Last summer , Rf ter an Hb.sccnco of several years , I visited the scenes of ray childhood , thinking a changu of clli unto would do mo good , but I returned fcellug as ind as over , and was as miserable ns I could be. k > , after reading Drs. McCoy & Henry's SIICC H - 'ul treatment of cases similar to mine. I visited heir ofllco at 707 First avenue. Council HluITs , and began treatment ; and do you know that to day , after live weeks , I am almost entirely cured of my catarrh , and cannot thank thorn enough for wliat they have done for mo. I henrllly.nnd without reseive whatever , recommend them to any one Buffering from colds In tbr > bead or bronchial uffectlous. " MISS Ull.LIE nOGOS. The above portrait fairly represents Miss Doggs , who now resides with her itlster. Mrs. a. M.Bhephurd. at W Fifth avcnue.Couucll UluffH , where she will corroborate the above statement. A Few Symptom * of a Diieaae Tbat Mny Prove Serious to You. Do you have frequent fits or mental depres sion ? lo you experience ringing or buzzing noises in your earar Do you feel as though you must suffocate when lying down ? Are you troubled with a hacking cough and general debility ? . . . . Are your eyes generally weak and watery , and frequently InlUmed ? Does your voice have a husky , thick sound , and a nasal sort of twang ? Is your breath frequently offensive from some unaccountable cause ? Have you a dull oppressive headache gener al ! located over the eyes ? Do you have to hawk and cough frequently in the effort to clear your throat ? Are you losing your sense of smell , and is your sense of taste becoming dulled. Does your nose always feel stopped np , forc ing you to breathe through J our mouth ? lo you frequently reel dizzy , puitlculurly when Htoopiog to pick anything oil the Hoof ? Does every little draught of air and every slight chnugu of temperature give you a cold ? A ro you annoyed by u constant desire to hawk and spit out an endless quantity of phlegm ? Are you always tired and indisposed to exer tion , whether of business , work or amusement ? Is great effort required to keep your thqughts fixed upon matters that formerly wore easily performed. Do you rise from bed as tired and weak as you were the night before , and feel as though you wauled to lie there forever ? Is your throat filled with phlegm in the morning , which can only be discharged after violent coughing , and hawking and spitting ? Do you occasionally wako from a troubled sleep with n start und feel as if you had just es caped a horrible death by choking ? Have you lost all Interest Iu your calling or business or former pleasures , all ambition gone , and do yon feel Indifferent whether to morrow fiud.s you alive or dead ? Are you troubled with a discharge from the head in the throat , sometimes wat ry and ex cessive , sometimes mucus , thick sticking to whatever It touches , sometimes bloody and nearly always putrid and offensive ? The above are tomu of the many symtoms of catarrh aud the begluing of lung troubles , Not ono rasn In n hundred will have all of them , but everyone affected will havn a few cr many of them. The greater or more serious your symp toms , the more dangerous your condition. This class of diseases Is treated very successfully by Dr. McCoy or his associates. The many cases reported tluough tlio colums oftho dally papora prove this , and each statement published Is substantially the sumo as given by the patient cured. Dr. McCoy und his uHSQclate , Dr. Henry , tibono secret nostrums , but cure diseases by their hklllf ill combination of the best known ro- tnedle.s , applied lathe-most approved manner , and by using the latest and most highly recom mended nppllnnces known to the profession. They thus produce rssults that sneak for them- seluu.s Inthumnny patients cured , and wo as sure our readers that these eminent physicians have achieved u success in curing disease which rcw or no other doctors can dunllcuto. DOCTOR J , CRESAP McCOY , LateorBellByueHospilaljNBwYorK , AND Br , Columbus Henry ( Late ot University of Pennsylvania- * HAVF. OFFICES No. 310 and 311 IN UAMGU IIUILDINU , Corner Fifteenth aud Ilarneysts. , Omaha , Neb. where all curable cases aee treated with success. Medical diseases treated skillfully. Consump tion. llrlght'8 dlseusn. Dyspopslc , HlusumutUm. und all NKUVOUS DISKAb'lIS. All diseases pa- cullar to the sexes a specialty. OATAKUII CUIIKI ) . . CONSULTATION at office or by mall , tl. Olllco tiuurs-U to 11 a. in. , S to 4 p. in. , 7 to 8 p. m. . Sundays Included. Correspondence receives prompt attention. Many diseases are treated miccossfuliy by Irn , JlcCoy und Heury through the mUU. ; and It Is thus possible for thoto nimble to make journey to obtain successful hospital treatmen at their homes. No letters answered unless accompanied by 4c in stamps. Addruns all letters to Drs. McCoy and Henry ItoomnlllO and 311 , lUiuge bulldmc , OraaUa , Nob. Who It WEAK , If ERVOCN , nF.nil.ITA * TEI > . who In hit FOLLY and I UNO It ANrfc hai TRiri.r.l > away hit VUJOR df BOBT , 3SH nd M ANlaOnn.ruilit Xhnllnr drftlni Upon th F UNTAINM of LIFE , HKAIIAriir , HACKACBir , Dreadful Dreams , WEAKNF.MM of Mtmnrr , BABH. rVf.NEMIIn HOCIETT. PIMPI.WI Upon the FACE , and all the Kt'rECTft leading to EAKI.Y DECAY and prrhaM CONHl'MI' . T1O1V nr INNANITY. tlionld coainlt at once the CELEBRATED Ir. Clarkf , bttbllibr.1 1MI. Dr. Clark * hai mad * NF.RYOVH BE. Wli'TY. < ! HI101U and all Dlwam of the EKTO VRINAIIY org ni a uf Utudr. It make * * > O difference WHAT you bare taken or WHO has failed to ear * yon. 4VFEHAI < EfliuBcrlnfrG3 < llra eip Mar to their i z can couiult with the attnranco Of ip * dy r ll f and cur * . Sena 2 cnU poiUfi for worki on your dlicatea. _ * * -Hend 4 cent * poita ( for C 1 ) brat4 Wrka on rhrvnlr. Nrrvovc and D ll > * t DlMatM. CoDiullttlon , pcnonal'y or by letter , free. Conault the old Doctor. Ttionnaadi rur d. OBtors and pnrlera private. arThos * contemplating Marriare and for Dr. Clnrko'B celebrated guldo Male and Fcmnlr. earn lie. , both 26c. ( ttamn ) . Before conMIng your cae , eoninlt J r. CLAKIiC. A friendly letter or rail may ave future nuflerlng an J tharae , and add coldtn yean to llfo.Book " l.lfe'a ( Stcrct ) Er. rorm , " Me. ( itampi ) . Ucdlrln * and writings cent everywhere , wrur * from * > x | o > Hr . Houn , 8 to 8 : Similar * , 9 to 12. Addrrat , 7. D. CLARKE , M. > . 186 Bo. Clark 6U CHICAGO. ILU London Granules. Kllmlnnto * last \otlxe H'pullls , lllecrs , l'Unr > U. ' , Clinuilc Sores and Impure lllmxl. It has nn rqunl fur akin diseases. Hlnillar incUklno used In Ixmdun Hun- jmiils.with utmary inn juoci > s. I'l'inLv VKOKTAULK. B nt by mall In a plain sealed imt-iairti , nnd no delay , on receipt of II per box nn : for K. WE ni'AnANTXK six nuxKSTuriiliii AM-IMMK. Wltli each order ie- celvod lor ila : N xe9 accompanied by fc , wo will wml the | < unha rr our written ( 'immnU-o to refund thu inotier. If the treatment noon not effect a curr. 1'niuiiblet fre . l/l.Mot MtlilciNK AUKM'V , Kit Clicrr ; bt. , Kttnsus City. Mu. GOLD MEDAL , PARIS , 1678. BAKER'S Warranted i Cor on , from which th excem of Oil nan been mnorol. IthaarAm ( tmfj Ikt itimgtb of Cocoa mixed with Stnrrh , Arrowroot or Rtigar , and la thi-rrforu far morn oconoml- cal , totting ten than ont tttit a eup. It In tlellclcmn , nourlshlnf , strengthening , rMlljillgmteil , and admirably ndapted for Inralltla a * well ns for persona In hralth. Sold by firocortMCTtrrwhtre. W. BAKER & CO. , Dorchester , Mass. BANKING , BONDS. ACCOUNTS solicited. Banking In .all braoobM , Terms on application. Wu deal In UOVKHMMKNT , STATK. COITNTT andltu- Nirii-Ai. UONim nml nthur inveatineutt. Wlru or write for llsu. Also deal'in U. 8. Land Warrants and Scrip. J. B. HAYNES , OFFICIAL STENOGRAPHER , Third Judicial District. 87 CHAMHKU Of GOUMBHO K. MPOniED STALLIONS FOUSALB Percherona , Clydesdales and Bhlre , also home bred colts. Kvcry animal guaranteed a breeder Our stock has boon ( elected with reference to both individual merit and podlgrce. Homnof these horses have taken tint prue at the No- brasknStntorelr.18.S7. All our horses am ac climated , and colta of their get can b shown. Prices reasonable and easy terms. Is accessible by the tlirou lending railroads ot the Htato , U. A ! . ; F. . K. & M. V. , und 1C. ( J. * O. FKV 4 FAHKI3AII. York , Neb MID QtUNTLCT 2ND. ( SI4.J DR H NOBLE Blair Neb , , , , , , Importer and Ilreederof . Clydesdale , English Coach & Hamliletoiiian They are nil fln nnd In prtmo condition and cannot - not full to HUH. They conslvt of prUu winner * and their Kot , In Scotlund. CHnu < l nnd tills country. Our terms , lirlces und liorsta will ull you. Write for l > rl- ccs and purtlculnra. Hlnlrls 21 wllr * north of Omaha , on T. U. i M. V. U. 11. und U. St. I > . M. & O. U. It. THE OMAHA BEE , DBI.IVKHBD TO M PART OF LICOLN FOB- 20 Cents a "Week. Bovon papers a week. Bend your order to the otnVe. 1029 P Street. Capital Hotel Building THE CAPITOL HOTEL LINCOLN. , NEB. The belt known and most popular Hotel la la * Ute. 1/tcatton central , aitoolnlment'tnl-clua. Headquarters fur commercial" m a and fclTpolitical ana public .atU8ln. , . . Certificate of rub'.loinoru Of fICK AUDITOII OK 1'Ulll.lC ACCOUNTH , 1 STATE or NKIIHARKA , > Lincoln , r'obniftry lit , 1880. ] It U hereby certified that the Home Klre In- f-i BUI.inre Company , of Omaha. In the Btat of Nebraska , hub complied with the Insurance law 1 ws , of this Mtttto , and IB authorized to transact the biiHlncis of flro and other caiuualty Insurance for the current year. . Witness my hand uud the seal of the uulltor of public accounts thn ituy and year above writ ten. IHBAI , ] II. A. IIAIICUUK , Auditor P. A. J9dlt . KOWTOAtT. . re * ' / ° l aid Kuiic1lonal4U . * f