Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 07, 1888, Page 7, Image 7

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i * . ' * J / * i > t
Advertisements tinner ttiU head , 10 centi pnr
line for the tint Insertion. 1 cent * ( or each tub-
sequent Insertion , and tl.GO A line per month ,
Ko advertisement token for less than 25 rents
for the first Insertion. Seven words will bo
counted to the line ! they must run consecutive
ly and must bo paid n advance. All advertise
ments must be handed in before 1:34 : o'clock p.
in. , and tinder no circumstances will they be
taken or discontinued by telephone.
. Partlei advertising In these columns iind bar-
Inn the answers addressed In cnro of the Bee.
will plcaio ask for a check to enable them to
get their letters , iw none will bo delivered except
on presentation of check , All answers to ad-
Yortlscments should be enclosed In envelopes.
All advertisements In these columns nre pub
lished In both morning and jvonlng editions of
the Oieo , the circulation of which aggregate *
tnoro than 15,100 papers dally , and gives the ad
vertisers the benefit , not only of the city circu
lation of the Dec , hut iilso of Council IllufTs.
Lincoln , nml other cities und towns throughout
Uib ) part of the west.
Adycrtlslng for these columns will betaken ,
on the above conditions , at the following bus
iness lion ? 01 , who are authorized agents for Tin :
HER special notices anil will quote the same
> rates as can bo had at the maiu olllce.
DPliaxmaclst ,
KO 8. 10th Street.
2rln.tcrs and. En
113 S. 16th Street.
2115 Cumlng Street.t '
OEO. W. PAlllt. a.acistt
ItOU St. Mary's Avenue.
11.11. W1I1TEHOUSE ,
I'la.arm.acJjpt ,
10th on'l Webster Streets.
ISTc-cva IDoalor ,
Post Ofllce. South Omaha.
Position for a competent and re'
WANTED and florist. Parties deslr'
Ing such help for thn coming season should not
fall to answer this notice Imnusllatcly. Ad
dress Lock llox M ) , Lincoln , Nebraska , U47-7J
"IXTANTED Situations , ladles can call and He
TT lect theironn help. Our waiting rooms
re filled with persons seeking employment.
Canadian Employment oflice , Mrs. llrega It Son ,
815 8 15th. Tel. H 4. < K9 7J
WANTED Situation as traveling salesman
or bookkeeper , had 5 years active expcrl
once , 2 years In bank , : i years manager of tniiua
facturlng business. Address A iVJ lleo olllce.
A WET nurse may be found by calling at the
day nursery , cor. Harnoy and IDth st.j also
n girl for general housework. 013 8t
WANTED A lady wants situation as house
keeping for a widower. Address A
lleo ofllno. KO C *
WANTED Situation as foreman mason or
stone cutter ; thorough experienced In
Jilous. A 27 lleo olllce. &G4-5 *
WANTED-Sltimtlons. Ladles In need of
domestic help can call at our olllco and do
their own selecting. Our olllco is constantly
filled with persons seeking employment.
Canadian Emp. olllce , Mrs. Ilrega & Son , UI08
15th. TelW4. 653 ( !
A POSITION by an experienced salesman and
bookkeeper with a reliable llrm. llofer-
cnces good. Address box IK ) . Crete. Neb. C35 JT
WANTED Hltnntlon in drug store ; regis
tered ; two years in Chicago College Phar
macy ; would buy an Interest In good paying
Store , Address A 15 , Omaha lleo. 471-8 *
WANTED Coaihman for private family , ! 20
per mouth ; canvassers , boll boy. Cana
dian Employment oflice , 310815th. Tel. KM.
030 C *
WANTED A good barber at once. Call at
Melcholr llros. , Omaha or address Joe
Morsch , North Platto.foob. C24 7 *
WANTED In every county.ln Nebraska , re
liable energetic men to sell goods by so
liciting for a well established mftt company
permanent employment to the right men , no
capital or experience necessary , reference re
quired , address llox 2G7 , Omaha , Nflb.
W ANTED Men for railroad work. Al
bright's Labor Agency , 1120 Farnam. 351
WANTED-OIrl for light housework , no
washing. Mrs. Wallace , 1S22JS St. Marys
five. 6218 $
W - looking for situations to cnl
at the Union Employment olnce. 013 S
end of 11th i.t vlndnnt. KSl 7
ITANTED Housekeeper. Inquire 912 Doug
> Ins. 640
Vi ANTED A girl for housework. Inquire
1302 Douglas , 3d lloor , room K. 038 8 *
W ANTED Second cook at Windsor hotel.
WANTED flIris for-housework ; laundress
for hotel , tlH ; dining room girl , $18 ; polish
crs , plain Ironers and 2 dining room girls for
lown. till for same house nnd two experienced
"d girls ; woman cook for west , Canadian Km-
iiloymont olnce , Mrs. Hrega & Son , 310 8. 15th.
Telephone 884. CMC *
WANTED A Swede or German girl to do
general housework. Call this week at 815
B. 19th st. < W4U *
W ANTED-Ntirse girl , 810 8.18th.
W ANTED Girl for general housework , good
wug s to flrst-clu3.s help ; apply no cor.
! rt and Hurdette. 612 7 *
WANTED Girl for general housework , must
l i good cook , call between 0 a. m. and 1
p. m.,2il22 Capitol ave. 000 0
\\7ANfED-nirrfor general housework. 803
T > S. 181 h st. 010 Ot
W ANTED-A chambermaid at City Hotel at
once. , 6 ( Wi *
WANTED- Good girl for general housework.
Inquire 62t ) Colfux St. 627
A GOOD girl or middle-aged woman for gen-
jtl. eral housework. No. 1912 Ohio st. 4111 0 .
WANTElMLady agents for our Improved
combination bustle-skirt. Removable
tioops. Can bo laundried. Latest Purls stylo.
Ono agent sold NO In Columbus last spring , and
made & 00. Spring trade now. Addiass with
stamp. E. It. Campbell ic Co. , 4H W. Randolph
at. . Chicago. 4'.i2-inj '
\\TANTED Immediately , ladles to work for
T aw holosole house on needlework at their
tomes. ( Sent nuy distance. ) Good pay can bo
made. Everything furnished. Particulars
free. Address Artistic Needlework Co. , l.V. uth
Bt. . Now York City. 352
"tfcTANTElV-Laalcs in city or country , for our
T * holiday trade , to take light , pleasant work
Hi their own homes. H to U per day can bo
quietly made. Work sent by mall any distance.
Particulars free. No canvassing. Address at
once , descent Art Co. , . 117 A Milk St. . Boston ,
tiass. P.O.box5170. 354-2ip !
TCE wanted 400 tons , to bo put Into ice house
4corbthnud Howard. Apply on premises.
I > . II. lleemer. a * 8 *
A WIDOW needs money badlv , will give mortgage
gageon her furniture and pay ulmost any
interest for short time. Address A 28 , Hee.
_ _ 695-7
HE. COLE wants horses to trado.
. _ 698-15
f V ANTHD-S cows kept until April 1st , Hay
T > and shelter. Inquire at 310 Hoard of
Trade. O. W. Hervey. _ : M
HE . COLE wants cuttlo to trado.
. 60 15
"WANTED Ladles to use "Chlchester's Eng-
i ' llsh Diamond llrand. Pennyroyal Pills.
Bate. Always reliable. The original , The only
genuine. Ask druggist or send 4o stamps for
particulars , return mail. Chlchestcr Chemical
Co. . Plilladellila. | Pa. 3J7
USTOpcned An employment office by a lady ,
an old resident of Omaha , w ho U now ready
to furnish good and reliable help both male ana
fenmle on short notice. V13 , south end of llth st.
Viaduct. 606-7'
CANADIAN Employment office , male und fe
male help tent to all parts If faro is ad
vanced. Reference , Omaha National bank.
lrs. Urega & Son , 3ia S. l&th. Tel , 8M.
818 t 13
put VATE boarding , H a week , 1615 Dodge'
TJOOM and T > oan1 for two at southwest comer
JV 21st and Leavenworth. 57 7
ANTll ) To rent 8 or "room cottage 1st of
next mo. , not too far nut , will pay * nto
(40 per mouth cash. Address A 35 lleo , C22 U *
ITIOIt HENT In Park Terrace , opp. Huuscom
-L1 Park , south front. All modern Improve
ments ; 10 rooms ; most desirable residence part
of the city. Inquire Lou & NIchol , 28th nnd
LcavonwoTth. C.1) mf.
FOR RENT 10 room house , modern Improve
ments , 2rth and St. Mary's nve. ! 70 ; also 6
room house , city water , tM per month : ! ! room
house , city water , fAi per month , s. A. Slomnn ,
Rooms22 and 23tlcllman building , cor. rnrnnm
nnd iilh : st. C32 10
TjlOH HKNT Twelve-room house , 26th nnd
-I ? nnd Mason streets , $10 per month. J. 8.
Caullleld , 13W Fainam st , C34
F 1011 KENT rrooin Inuse with barn. O. E
Thompson , DM 8.15th at. 040
O NIJ humlrvd ami fifty houses for rent. II. E.
Cole , n. c. cor. 15th and Uouglas. u'j-'JJ
OK HENT-Hotises.
> ' - tory brick , G rooms , on 21th avenue and
Indiana St. , tTM.
n-room hourio , : tiili ! and Rrant sis.CO will furn
ish If desired. J. II. Watts , chamber of coin-
inerco. 68.V7
Fll llBNT-Hotise. 2137 Cliorles st. Apply
Wm. Arthur Muuderson's ' building , north
east corner 14th und Capitol nve. , or V.rM
Charles. 675 10 *
V\7E have nlways on hand a largo list of fur-
Tf nl.sliod houses and Hats , rents nnd prlco
to suit all ; rents ranging from f'.tt ) per month to
115 and txa per month ; price of furniture from
( I itof4nw. Call nnd wo can surely suit > ou.
Corporative Laud Ic Lot Co. , 205 N. Wth _ st.
50w 0
"ITIOIt KENT ID-room hou ' , barn , flnu loca-
-U tlon , on Btiect-car line , cheap , J.V ) per
month. Call at H0 Dougl.xs. & 54
T710U KENT 10-room brick house , corner lst
JL1 and Hurt at. S all modern improvements.
Inquire nexf door or Dr. Paul , Williams block.
FOH KENT 2 line 11-room brick dwellings , all
modern Improvements on street car line , 15
minutes walk from P. O. It. M , Genius , 1403
Douglas. 4" ' "
A BEAUTIFUL new eleven room residence ,
nil modern conveniences , within 2 miles of
postolllce on Capitol nve. Cheap If rented HOOU.
Address V 1400 Turuum , downstairs. 454 IK
I710H HENT Small house , California St. , near
> - 'Mtli , with or without stable. 8. Lehman.
TflOK KENT 3 to 5-room llat.modern Improvo-
JJ munts , n. w. cor. llltli nn < l Wllllums st , , over
drug store. Inquire Andrew Plouler.lUU H. 1.1th.
U'X ! 0
FOR HENT 2 now 7 roomed houses , well , cis
tern , largo cellar , ll'th ' near Claric st. W.
0 , Bhrlver , opp postolllce. 3JO
F I OH UKNT-House of 4 rooms ntfilG Williams
Htieet. Inquire next door wcbt , 4U
F' IOU ' HENT 6-room cottage. Apply Emmet
house. 4TJ
OH HENT Clicnp , a 12-room house , with all
j modern Improvements. 2ii.0 ! Capitol iivo. .
1 block from car line. Inquire of A. Splgle. 111 ! )
Farnam st. 445 7 *
HOUSE for rent , 24'J7 Charles st. Apply , Win.
Arthur. Harris * Fisher building. 18th and
Nicholas st , or 21BO Charles. 1000 f4t
F I OH HENT 10 room house , steam bent. G
12. Thompson , 1114 S. Iflth st. 21 ! )
G HEGOUY , F. L. . Heutal agent , Hull S 16th ht.
F IOH HENT or Sale New house , Grooms , cor ,
28th and Cupltol avo. Enquire 2s24 Dodge.
K6 HOUSES for rent from $12 up.
O i < \ L. Gregory , Hcntal Agent , 309 S. Ifith st.
6'K )
FOH HENT A 7-room llat with bathroom.
1(117 ( Howard st. Inquire at Lee&Nlchol's
livery stable. Telephone 810. 7 l
FOK HENT A new dwelling , 0 rooms , all
modern Improvements , good stable , ten
minutes' walk from postolllci' , apply to D. J.
O'Donahoe , at O'Donahoe & Sherry's , loth St. ,
: iext to the postolllce. 810
FOH HENT If you wish to , rent a house or
llat I hnvo them from tii to tM for cottages ,
and 8 and 10 room modem houses , from $25 to
} 40 per month. Cnll nt J. II. Parrotte. Rental
Agency , ICOti Chicago st. 6Kitll
IjlOR RENT House 11 rooms.V. . JL Hush-
P man , N E corner lutb nnd Douglas. UU4
\\0ll \ \ HENT-Fiirnlshcd room with all modern
conveniences , 115 South 20th st. 042 ! > *
F I OR HUNT Rooms furnished and unfur
nished , 1724 Cap. ave. 041
F IOH HENT Furnished front room for ono or
two cheap. 1K1 ! Douglas st. ( Si 8' '
* > FURNISHED rooms to relit , heated wltl
A steam , 004 S. 13th. U03G *
FOR RRNT Rooms' furnished for gentlemen
and two for light Housekeeping , HOfl How
ard St. UOfi 8 *
FOH RENT Furnished room , 1817 Davenpor
St. G05 b *
FOR KENT 3 rooms for light housekeeping ,
( i3l S 17th st. Oil Q *
FOR RENT A nicely furnished front room ,
7 blocks from postollico , tlO per month. Ref
erence required. Iiuiiilro I'JOJ Lcavenworth st ,
Ol'J 7 *
T71OH HENT Furnished room , heat , gas and
-C bath , 2013 Cas > s St. . 6U3-10.
FOH RENT-Nlccly furnished south from
rooms , single or on suitegas , bathund fur
nace heat. 221t I'nrimm st. 670 7 *
"I71UHN1S1ICD rooms nnd board , 1U03 Farmtm ,
C34 ni3 *
T. ARGE pleasant warm room , suitable for 2
J-i nenr P. O. , board or not , 1015 Capitol nve
ONE furnished room to let to respectable
gentleman In prlvuta house. Address A 22
lieu olllco. 621) ) ( i *
J10R Gentlemen-Two furnished rooms , nl
J modern Improvements. 1718 Dodge st.
[ 1OR RENT-Nico furnlslu-d loom , JD pc
mouth , s w cor. 18th aud Jackson. 601
NEATLY furnished front room to rent nt IW ]
Furnam st , 1 block west of court honsu
"I7KR RENT First-class furnished rooms nnd
-U board ; modern conveniences ; private fam
ily ; 6 blocks from P. O. ; terms $2o and f-'io per
mouth. A10 , lleo. , ,
R RENT Nicely furnished rooms ; modern
conveniences. 1718 st. 482-9 *
FOR RENT 3 handsomely furnished rooms ,
single or ensulte , btuam heat , 1013 Douglas ,
4112 7
S nicely funitshed front room , on street
car line , H 1917 Cass st. 417
FOH RENT A large room furnished , central
locution 1410 Chicago St. 304
FOR HENT Furnished rooms in GrennlR blk
cor. 13th and Dodge Rts. Inquire of Geo. It. ,
Davis. Millard hotel billiard room. 358
T71OR HENT-Furnlshed rooms ; board. 003 N.
JD 18th st. 34-J U *
FURNISHED rooms | to 113 per mouth , 602
S. Ibttt St. , up-stairs. 331 12 *
II1OR RENT Furnished rooms for ono or two
1 } gentlemen. 1605 Dodge str 2s < 0
UTOR HENT-FurnLshod room , with or without
A ? board , 2020 St. Mury's uvo. 250
S front room with first-class board at
1M4 Dodgo. 140
FURNISHED front loom , bultuble tor two
llttl Dodge st. ! U5
-R HENT Nicely furnished rooms at 22JI
Dodge. Gas , batn and ftirnuco h at. 359
TCTOR HENT Two nicely furnished front rooms
J ? on ground lloor , at 2113 Hurt , for $15 pur
mouth , w 1th board f 4 per week additional. 001
OR HENT-3 rooms at 311 Woolworih avo.j
ut til per mouth. 3U
gentlemen , S south front rooms. Gas ,
jbath and beat at ItUO Hurt t. 6lt5 C *
T7IOR HENT-3 nicely furnished rooms. Hath ,
X' gas , lint and cold water und flrst-class board.
62il Pleasant bt. 648 7
I7HR RENT 2 furnished rooms for llghthouso-
JP keeping. 12WN.mhst. 600 B *
"ITWJR HENT Furnished rooms , all convent-
JL1 ences. A. Hospe , 315 N. 17tb street. 4U1
TT OR RENT Store and C-rooms over good
- * - ' stand tor drug or feed store. Leo Se
NIchol. cor. 28th aud Learenwortb , 825 in5
* I71OH RENT Whole or part of store at 617 a.
Jlath St. *
- , enqulrtvat premises , 6U1-7
TJKJH RBNT-Offlce room 3 , trenier block.
FOR HENT-omco In Arlington block. IW.OO.
Inquire df elevator boy. 4J-0
TTHR ! HKNT Desirable olTlco Hpacp , or dcMc
-L1 room , at 1523 Furnam at. , Odcll llros. & Co. ,
ft4 !
T7HR RENT Front oflice. Arlington block.
JC Apply C. C. Valentine. 1515 Dodge. KH
FOR HENT Ground floor ollleo room , cen
trally located , heated and lighted. C. F.
Hnrrlsou , 418 S. 15th st , 100
ON Douglas st nenr llth. 2nd nud 3d stories ,
Ittxlui ) each. Small space on ground lloor.
F. L. Gregory , rental agent , 300 BJtith st. 2-.l
T710R RHNT-Olhrcs on FnruamTt.lit J10 to MJ
-D per month. One olllco furnished. 1612 Far
nam. UfiO
SPECIAL attention given to renting houses ,
furnished and unfurnished rooms. List with
us. W. M. Harris , over 220 S. 15th st. 'Ml
LIST houses , stores and flats' for rent w lib H.
E , Cole , u. e. cor. 15th and Douglas. 6'JO-29
-T1 L.GHHGOIIY , rental agent. 3098. Ifith St. ,
JL grouud lloor. Telephone 854. 484
RENTAL Agency List your houses for rent
with Odell Uros. Ac Co. , 1523 Furnam st.W4
T71OH RENT If you wish to rent nhou o call
JL1 on Do iwa & Co. , 15tli St. , opposite P. O.
JU Two (2) ( ) rooms , No , IfHIIowanlst J R.OO
Three (3) ( ) rooms , No. 1015 north 20th St. . . 15.00
Three pi ) rooms. No. 102fi north 21st Ht. . . 1I.IXI
Three (3) ( ) room cottugo,21st und Paul st. 12.6(1 (
Three (3) ( ) rooms. No. 1122 north 21st st. . . II.H )
Three (3i ( rooms , No. 1410 Pierce st 10.10
Three (3) ( ) rooms. No. 1112 south 7th sf. . . . Il.iw
Tlueo (3) ( ) rooms. No. 71(1 Paclllo st 12.60
One (1) ( ) nlco olllce , Mo. 31(1 ( south 15th St. . 20.00
FOH RENT A livery barn 60x101 , with three
laigo rooms 20x20 each , nnd a store 20xfii ) on
Dodge street. All three ( barn , store anil living
rooms ) $1(10 ( per month orfl.VUO cash In advance
for u year's rent. Address , V. , 1408 Farnam ,
down stairs. 454 11 *
NEW YORK Storage Co. huvo most extensive
facilities for storage of furniture , pianos ,
buggies , general merchandise , went of Now
York. Cash advances to any amount ; ware
house receipts given ; goods Insured ; brick
building fire-proof ; special arrangements for
comtnls lon merchants. Call Now York Storage
Co. , Capitol ave and N. 15th St. , llonuott's block.
! ! C3
PRIVATE patty will mnko loans to sultan
chatties , reasonable Interest , no publicity ,
A 31 , lleo olllco. 027 12
A YOUNG , Intelligent gentleman from the
cast , who recently drew $10.000 in the Lou
isiana state lottery , wishes to marry an Intelli
gent lady. Strictly confidential. Address , with
photo , A. 32. lleo 039 n
W ANTED John T. Smith , n shoemaker from
Ida Grove , to wrlto at once to his mother.
" 5'JO OJ
PEHSONAL Ureat fortune teller Just ar
rived , the young Madame C. L. Lament , the
great a trolo3ist , will remWn 30 rtaVs ; has trav
eled through the principal parts of Europe ; tells
past , present and future In person or by letter ,
ivlllbi Ing back the parted husband or lover ,
no mutter It they be ten thousand miles away :
they will return to you in so many days ; will
tell you wnetheryour lover be false or true ; will
guarantee to settle family quarrels to perfect
catlsfaction ; can also cause speedy marriages ;
"las charms for good luck which will cuuso par-
, les to bo successful In any kind of busi
ness nnd prevent your loss In any kind
of business you may undertake , breaks evil
'nllueuce. and brings good luck to all who may
: ry this lucky charm ; can glvo lucky numbers
n lottery drawings ; can glvo Dest of reference
, n regard to above statement.
1 was presented with an elegant gold medal
, n Denver , Colo. , for my great success In my
I have the natural gift of telling the past ,
present and future. Jly grandmother before
: no was also a great nstrologlst.
Parties asking information -by letter must
enclose W to ensure answer. I have a tine pre
paration for the complexion , which keeps It
smooth and fair , and prevents premature wrin
kles. Also a'lino hair tonic , which preserves
thn natural color of the hair and prevents It
from falling out.
Ladlcswhonro In trouble call and see mo nt
once. All business confidential. OHlce hours ,
10 a. m. to It p. m. Madame O. L. Lament , No.
1810 California Btrebt.between 18tU unuMWu'sts.
Omaha , Neb. 157f8 *
KESSMAKER5 investigate the Kellogg
French Tailor System of dresscuttlngigood
wages and traveling expenses to ladies out of
employment. Call or address for treatise on
dresHcuttlng free , Mine. Kellogg , Hotel Esmond ,
Omaha. 7C5fl7 *
PEHSONAL I wont vacant lot , north part of
city , for good house and lot in Omaha
Vlow. C. C. Spotswood , 305J4 816tU St. , Omaha.
PERSONAL--Ladles and gentlemen con rent
matquerade suits at 510 N Uith at. , upstairs ,
688 fll
"PERSONAL Private home for ladles during
X confinement , btrlctly conlldental. Infant ;
aecpted ; address E 42 Ilee oflice. 637 f 10
T OST ? 1 reward for black fur glove , fur lln
JLJ int * and wrists. Lost between cor. Chicago
and lUth &ls. , and 411 N. 17th. 015 12 *
TfSTIlAYED Or stolen from my residence at
JLU York , Neb , . Jan. H , 1888. One sorrel nuiTd
weight ubout l.WJ pounds , marked with star In
forehead nnd branded with the letter "II , " on
left shoulder. About 18 years old. Any informa
tion leading to hsr locovcry will bo thankfully
received and properly rewarded. Addi ess J. If.
Hamilton , bin-riff , or I.N.llloodYorkNeb. 018 0
TT1OUNO At2TOp. ; m. , the place to buy fur- .
Jv turo. pianos , organs , stoves , etc , , nnd on
easy payments' New York Storage Co. , 1C03
Capitol avo. ' .Ktt 8
rilAKKN UP A light red cow , broken horn.
Jicut ears , 2')28 Parker street , 637-fct
FOIt SALE One thousand cords of wood In
car load lots. Orders from brickyard men
nnd others .solicited. Promptatteutloii given. Ad
dress D. C. McDonald , Hartlett , lowar Oil 2U
FOIl SALE At a blir bargain , two Now llruns
wick Hulked Collendar billlnid and ono
pool table , with complete outfit. $ ! 00 cash , bal
ance monthly payments or trade. 8. L. Iloikley ,
Missouri , 'afley , la. C3/1 / B
WHOLESALE auction of clothing , hosiery ,
furnishing goods , hats , boots and shoes ,
from late sheriff's sale , Wednesday , Feb. 8 , 10 a ,
m. 208 , 21U , 212 S. llth st. Kolm If Wells. Auc
tioneers. UIU 7
TTIORTY-SEVEN dollars buys nn elegant pr-
.1 } gun. Call and s > e and you w 111 buy. New
York Storage Co. , 1503 Capital avo. 689 0
F SALE Or trade a pair of work horses ,
- wagon and harness. Address V 1400 Farnam
down stairs. 451 IU
FORSALE-Mustbo sold immodlately , | .
cheap , ono large , bay family , kind
and gentle ; ono bay trotting mare. 1 bay lllly 8
months old. 1 side bar buggy , 1 cutter. 1 wagon ,
harness , 1 set wagon runners , etc. Call nt once ,
2110 Harney st. 62510
"ITlOHSAliE Lease of store for 3 years , cheap
JL1 rent , finest location in city for retail busi
ness , address X 33 lk-o olllce. 9 Xf2 )
FOR SALE Or trade n piano at a bargain ;
address V140U Furuum , down stairs.
451 11 *
FOR SALF Ono good 2-horse power engine
and boiler. Midland Electric Co. . 1213
Harney st. 42110
T710R SALC-Sufo and desk. 317 So. 13th.
JJ 250
| ? HH SALE librae and covered wagon , 317 So
JL1 Mth. 250
AT A sacrlllco for 10 days. Furniture. Fur
niture. Must bo sold , Will yon hear our
prices ? New York Storage Co. , 1508 Capital ave.
fe9 0
FOR HALE Or trade a beautiful diamond set
of 31 stones ; address V 14W Farnurn , down
stairs. 454 11 *
ESTEY organs. Lakeside organs. Western
Outage organs. Mason & Ilumlln organs ,
must be bold to pay storage charges and on easy
payments. New York Storage Co. , 1508 Cup-
hot avo. 6S9 6
FOH SALE I .raw nouse and barn on Doug
las bet 17th and 18th , Inquire Moyeric Haap-
ke , 1405 Harney. 171
FOR SALE 1 Erie grader , complete ; 15 scrap
ers , railroad plow , 1 drag , 2 pumps and
cylinders , very cheap. J , II. Watts , chamber of
commerce. 6854
BUY your organ now at less than ever before
nnd on easy payments. New York Storage
Co. , 1508 Capitol ave. 689 6
CAFES are safe to bare when yon can buy a
kJ safe for t37 and one for HI. Call at New
York Storage Co , 1508 Capitol ave. 689 6
I7KU BALB-At a bargain 60 feet of helrlmr ,
-I , HO feetof comntern ttnd one lea chut , uft-
bl lor grocery uwr , Boq.uln tt IU 3 , Wtu Bt.
F ' ° SALH-3 good hotwa , 710 N. 10th ft.
, , , f 4 4 15 *
BARGAIN for the lud.li4.Tlib newest nnd
best thing out. A Udy's work-box , con
taining settlers , thimble , rotton. neodles. pin-
cusblon nnd looking-glass , complete. I will
Kend the nlxivo to any udowss In United States
on leculpt of * I.X ( ) . Amnt wanted , Llndley
Olbbciif 3:1 : H.tckct St. . Ilrt'oUyn. N. V. 017 G *
\\7IWLEHALK auction of clothlnp. hosiery.
furnishing goods , tints , Ixwtii and shoes
from late sherlirs FBO , Wilnesday , Feb. 8 , 10 u ,
m. 2ivs. 210,212 S. llth st. r.Kohu Ic Wells , Auc
tioneers. " 010 7
. II. JOHNSON. cIsterii-HiuiKler. wells bored
nud dug. 4UU N iWtli sU , Omaha , Neb.
QJJ 6U'J mchil *
T HE banjo taught us all art by Oeo. F. Gelleu-
beck , 10) ) Harney st. is ;
D H. Ahmanson's olfico removed from Prenzcr
block to 612810th st. . 353 Fli *
IF you wish good , prompt paying tenants ,
11st von r dwellings , flats nud storerooms
with .1.11. Parrotto , Rental Aguucy , Iftin Chicago
cage st. r > 8m
On Tlmo Household Fair.
The great llargaln house.
To housekeepers.
Wo arc bound to show you that wo can save
'you money In pi Ices.
I'nrlnr suits , Chamber sets ,
lied springs , bed mattraws ,
1'oldlng bed * , sltlo boards , carpets ,
Table ; ) , chairs , mirrors , pictures ,
Lounges , commodes , tetes ,
tin-nil ? , roekers , curtains , stoves.
Tinware , crockery , glassware , lamps.
Houses furnished compluto on
Kasy paymentst Easy payment si
Easy paymentsi Easy payments I
Prices the low e.t. . Cull and see
1'rlces the lowest. Cnll and see
lUti and ( Kit south 13th street.
Corner Jackson.
No connection with any other house. 044
DH. NANNIE V. Warren , clairvoyant. Med
ical , business and test medium. Diagnosis
free. Female diseases n specialty. 119 N. 16th
Bt..ltoon ! ! & 3. ' Tel. 944. 3G4
WANTED House , 0 or 0 rooms , cheap , small
cash payment , bal. mmrterly , or seml-au-
nunlly. Owners address J.H , Watts , chamber
of Commerce , &M7
WILL pay cash for homo good lots it cheap.
Urahaui , Crelghton block. KJ U
WANTED to liny Second hand furniture ,
stoves , carpets etc. , at 1718 St. Mary's
nve. f > 4310 *
W ANTED Rome cheap lots for cash. Gra
ham , Crelghton blk. f0 D
vacant lots and will
payca h If cheap , UnUmni , Crelghtoii
blk. Wiril
S POT cash for furniture , stoves , housohol
goods at 117 North 10th st. Orll & Co.
"XyCTANThD To nuy snort time paper , J. W.
T T Gross , at C. E. Mayne's olllce , lath and
Haruey. 285
PIHVATE party will make loans to suit on
chatties , reasonable interest , no publicity.
A 34 , Hee oflice. 627
HE. COLE loans money on Improved city or
farm property. .Itoom o Couttnoutal
block. 602
f" OANS wanted on good.uproduc.tlve real es-
J Into security 3 and 5 years time , optional
ayments nnd favorable terms nnd rates. Kim
mil , Champ & llyan , U. 8National bank bulkl ,
ne. 'ii 64317.
THE Falrbnnk Investment Co. . organized
with ample capital , nnkes ) loans on horses ,
wagons , furniture , plauo nnd other personal
roperty or collateral. De jl with responslblo
uitlos. Apply at their tolllce , 215 South 14th
treet , up-stairs. no 418
MONEY to loan on Improved city property at
lowest rates. Oi h aihand. . First mort
gages negotiated. E. F. Stavcr , room 15 , chain-
bur of commerce. 2U1
MONEY to loan on Improved real estate. F. P
Fay , 317 So. 13th. , ' 250
MONEY to loan on furniture , horses , wagons , '
etc. . or on any approved security. Low
rates. J. W. Hobblna. Uiiajfornam. 890 t21
MONEY to loan. Note1 ana rt. U. ticket ,
bought ahd sold. A , fc'orman , 213 S 13th sts
TITONEY to loan at lowest rotes upon proved
J-Ti nnd unimproved real estate pi Omaha and
also upon farms in western Iowa and eastern
S'cbraska. Mortgage notes bought and sold
Udell Hros. & Co. . 152J Farnam st. 333
MONEY to loon on improved real estate ; no
commission charged. Learitt Uurnham.
room 1 , Crelghtou block. 3GU
SIIOHT time loans made on any available
security , in reasonable amounts. Secured
notes bought , sold or exchanged. General
financial business of any kind transacted
promptly , quietly and fairly at the Omaha Fi
nancial Exchange , N. W. cor. 15th and Har-
ney sts. , overstate. National band. Corbett ,
manager 3i7 !
MONEY to loan i can now place some llrst
class city loans Immediately. Call at once
if you doslro to be accommodated. D. V. Sholes ,
room 1 Harkcr block , entrance in alloy , 3GH
MONEY to Loan lly the unrtersitmed , who
has the only properly organized loan
agency In Omaha. Loans of $10 to tlUO made on
furniture , pianos , organs , horses , wrgons , ma
chinery , etc. , without removal. No delays. All
business btrlctly confidential. Loans so mailo
that any part can bo paid at any time , each pay
ment reducing the cost pro rata. Advances
made on fine watches ana diamonds. Persons
should carefully consider who they are dealing
with , as many new concerns are dally coming
Into existence. Should you need money call and
ffo mo. W. H. Croft , room i Wltluwll building ,
Kith and Hnrnov , 3 < j'J
MONEY to lx > an O. F. Davis Co. . real estate
und loan agents , IHfi Farnam st. 370
MONEY to loan , casn on nand , no delay. J ,
W. and E. L. Squire , 1413 Farnara st. Paxton -
ton hotel bulUlm : . 372
JOANS maao on real estate. Cash on hand.
W. M. Harris over 220 8.15th st. 373
$ 750,000 ' to loan at G per cent. Lluahau & Mahoney -
honey , VJfJ Farnam. 374
Patteihon k Fawcett I5th and Harney. 37 6
MONEY To loan. Lowest rates. No delay
J. L. Klco & Co. . over Commorclal Na
tional bank . 375
OANS made on real estate and mortgages
i bought. Lewis 8. Reed & Co. , 1521
$500,000 To loan on Omaha city property at 6
per cent. G. W. Day , S. E. cor. Ex. Hid.
t 378
M1 ONEY LOANED nt C. F. Reed & Co.'s Loan
. Olllce. on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons ,
personal property of all kinds , nnd all other ar
ticles of value without removal. 319 8. 13th ,
over lllnglmm's commission storo. All busi
ness strictly confidential , 37U
MONEY to Loan On furniture , pianos.
wagons , or other personal property without
removal ; also on collateral security. Huslnesa
confidential. Cbas. II. Jacobs , 320 S. 15tli st.
_ _
MONEY loaned on furniture , pianos , organs ,
horses , etc , lowrutesjuf J. J. Wilkinson &
Co. , 1324 Farnam , over Itur ngton ticket office.
. , , J81
M AN with small means can obtain Interest In
profitable business , If5 , at 310 S. 15th st.
/ B14 12 *
"TJTOH SALE-Half Irterestln meat maruet deL -
-L Ing $8.000 cash business * mouth. Reasons ,
leaving city. Address. A 9iloo. 435 7J
"I710R SALE Lumber and coal business. Not
JU one yard lu twenty ns convenient or as
well located , doing a goodbUsiness. { Address J ,
W. Quackenbush , Greenwood , Neb.
' 323raclil5
TjlOR SALE Orrent.Mercfllston Ranch , bcau-
-L1 tlfully situated lu the fertile valley of the
Loup , within 6 miles of FuUerton , the county
Bout of Nance county , Nebraska , and 1 mlle of
postoltlce.Thls well-known ranch has been spec
ially laid out tor etockralslns and'general farm
ing and comprises 800 acresSOUunder ; cultivation ,
balance In pasture and hay land ; GOO acres being
under fence. 2 large cattle sheds , feed yards , 2
barns with granajleS , carpenter shop , harness
room. Z windmills ( r geared ) , 5 wells , scales , 3
water lanics 12 with heating apparatus ) , constant
supply of living water from Plum creek and the
Loupe river. 2 commodious dwelling houses ,
ono situated in the midst of a flno orchard ; pri
vate sldtrack on the O. N. & U. lly , with every
facility for handling stock ; good hog buying
FOR 8ALK-A clean stock of cents' furnish-
Ing goods , hats , caps ; ono of the best 1ft-
cattous In Omaha. Stock all bought within one
year. Address T 68 , lleo office. 788 f
WE have for sate groceries , restaurants ,
meat markets , feed store , hotels , station
ery store. grUt mill in paving locality , a JJrst-
cuss bakery in good location in this city , a good
foundry iu a good town , price 122,000 , and other
dances. Partleg winning to go Into business ,
T * invite you to call on us before you purchase.
Oo-operatIre.Laad * Lot Co.,306 N. 18th t.
/ ;
WHOLESALE nitctlon of clothing. hosiery ,
furnishing goods , hatu , boots and shoes ,
from late sherltl s snlo , Wednesday , IVb. ( , 111 n ,
m w , 210,2128. llthst , Kolm it Wells Atio
tlonoers. ( HO'
"filOUSALrf brug stock. As line location ns
V there Uln tno city , riom stock. Involca
nlionUT.lHiO. 1'art ciiHli. 1'art In good real cs-
tate or si-cured notes. M. A. Upton & Co. 10th
t. opp. Chamber of Commerce. 451
FOIl SALE First-class boarding house near
I' . O. , rooms nil occupied ; good causa for
selling. X491loonlllco. I'MKS
FOR Exchange 211 aero faun and 10 to 15
hordes for merchandise. Hutchlnsou A ;
Itlgeley , Hlicniindoah , la. 1KB *
TNSI III ! city property In exchange for farms
JL or lauds. J. A. Holutaud , Arlington block.
fjlOR KXCHANOE-Wo have n No. 3 Victor
JL cafe to trade for a larger ono. Will pay.
14 > o difference. Co-oporatlvo Laud & Lot Co. ,
2UJ N. llitll st. 688 7
- LOTS near Park nve. and 11 Worth for
good house. Slovens llros. , 1521 I'artmm
st. 6S7-0
TTNENCUMHEItEDfann for house and lot.
J * Slovens Uros. , 1521 Farnam bt. 687-0
' rxchamrotwo IIOIIIC.H and lots , wull lo-
rated , for stuck of groceries.
Will uxclmngti IIOUHU nnd lot for team , wagon
and InuncMj nnd some cash.
Will ( ixcliango lot 175xl ( " , with two good
houses for farm In southeast Nebraska.
Will exchange house and lot on north 19th st
near I.ako for good residence lot centrally lo
Will cxtlintiKo very fine residence with largo
grounds , all Improvements , In 81. I.ouls , value
13.000 , for Omaha property or Nebraska land.
Will exchange the following for Unmlm prop
erty :
liO acre1 * , Hnrdln Co. , la. , well Improved.
IGOncres , Merrlck Co. , Neb. , Ji miles from.
railroad , well Improved , clear.
HO acres. Wheeler Co. . Neb. . Improved.
81) ) acres , Cummlng Co. , Neb. , unimproved.
05 acres , Cass Co. , near 1'lattsmouth , very well
IW ) acres , Cass Co. , near Platt'inouth. some
Umber , grove , 130 acres cultivated , all clear of
ICO ucrcn , Webster Co. . Nob. , near Hod Cloud ,
Improved , nearly all cultivated.
( ielso's add. , hollso and lot , HJxH8 13,000 Will
take good lot and some cash for equity.
'lots In Clifton Hill , $ KX ) each , will trade
equity for other property.
Choice lot In Union Square , will exchange for
laud. . ! . 11. JruttD ,
6h5-7 Chamber of Commerce.
T710U Exchange A (7,000 stock of general mer !
Jt ? thandl e. Will glvo some ono a bargain If
taken before March 1. It will pay you to wrlto
me for particulars. J. T. Eugelhardt , lira Ishuw
Neb. tSiiy
WE have a clear lot , which we will trade fern
n good safe. Co-operative Laud and Lot
Co. , 205 north inth st. t07-7
SOUTH OMAHA lots for good building lot In
West part of thu city. Stevens Ilroi. , 1W1
Famam st. 687-fl
H 1OUSE In Pope Place for Orchard mil or
other lots , Stevens llros. , 1521 Farnnm st.
FAHMS In all parts of Nebraska for vacant
lots. Stevens llros. , 1521 Fariiain st.
WANTED Stocks of goods for exchange for
nil kinds of property. Stevens llros. , 1521
Farnam st. 587-0
WE have for trade ft largo list of improved
unimproved lands , houses and lots , va
cant lots , stocks of goods , restaurants , feed
stores , stationery , furniture , 2 grain elevators ,
hotels In this and neighboring cities , and other
kinds of property. Call and see us. Co-operatlvo
Lund & Lot Co. , 205 N. l th st. 05S 0
FOH SALE Or trade 341 acres , 4 miles from
' Union Stock Yards. Very best improve
ment. Can be divided into 80 or 160 acres , alt
good for garden. Flno location adjoining rail
road station. Small Incumbrance. Address 510
Noith lllth street. Omaha , Neb. 601-10
I HAVE for trade Improved farm In Cass Co. ,
near Plattsmouth , will trade for Improved
Insldo property. Address M 'M , iloo oflice.OS3
WANTED StocKs of merchandise to ex
change for lands and cUy pronertyj C. C.
Spotswood , 305)4 ) S. IBtC. 382
W ILL trade house and lot In Walnut hill for
laud. Uraham , Crulghton blk. 620 U
T710H SALE Or exchange , $7,000 grocery stock ,
-L1 half cash , balance real estate ; no commis
sion. Address A 21 , ! lee. fcW 0 *
WANTED Stock of groceries , dry goods ,
clothing or boots and shoes in exchange
for Omaha property or farms. Sculeslnger llros. ,
014 S. Will st. 133-f24
TJ1OR Tit ADH Two lar ; e lots and a beautiful
JO S12.0IK ) restdouco on Capitol ave , also 115,030
worth of Faruam st property will be traded for
business or residence property within three-
fourths of a inllo of post oil ice or will trade for
stock of merchandise ; address V 1400 Furnam ,
down stalls. 454 lit
FOR Exchange New 8-room house and lot In
Faimiont place , slightly encumbered , for
other good property.
Lots in an addition to South Omaha , free of
encumbrance , for good western farm lunJclear ,
or not heavily encumbered , or good Omaha
Good Insldo business property , free of en-
cumbranfte , for good house anil lot In north
part of city. 8. A. Sloman , rooms 22 and 23 ,
licllman building , cor. Faruum and 13th sts.
FOR THADE at a great bargain , 100 acres of
nlco laad lu Hurllngton county. Now Jersey
8 miles from the coast. Just between Now York
and Philadelphia ; address V1400 Farnam , down
stairs. 454 11 *
\\rANTED , To trade n good cart for a top
buggy ; will pay boot. Address X 71 , Iloo
olllce. 31U-F8
FOR BALE or exchange , hotel ; bargain. A.
M. Merrill , Hartlntcton. Nob. 427 7
TI10H Exchange. ] It you hare farms or lands to
JL. sell or trade send for our descriptive blanks.
If you have any kind of property to sell or ex
change , list If with us ; wo can furnish you a
cubtomer. S. S. Campbell & Q. W. Hervey , 310
Hoard of Trail o Omaha 383
FARMS , lands , lots , etc. , to exchange for
good Inside , Improved or unimproved lots ,
will assume encumbrances. W. J. Paul , IBOD
Fiiriiam. 233
WANTED Houses and lots to exchange for
improved and uutmprouod lands in N o-
braska and Iowa. Charles 'U. Spotswood , 305Vi
8.10th. . IS5 !
NEIIKASrCAuncl Kansas farms to exchange
for Iowa mill Colorado lauds , and vlca
versa. Co-Oporatlvo Land and Lot Co. . 205 N
Ifith st. 694
FOR exchange Fine Nebraska farms for
stocks of general mdso. J. A. lierger.
Long Pine , Neb. 321 f 20 *
WANTED Goon larms in exchange for
Omaha property , C. C. Spotswood. 305H
BICth. 384
BENSON ic CAUMICHAEL furnish complete
and guaranteed abstracts of title to uny
real estate In Omaha nnd Douglas county upon
short notice. The most complete set of abstract
books in the city. No. 1519 Farnam st. : > S5
MIDLAND Guarantee and Trust Co. , 1505
Farnam stieet Complete abstracts fur
nished , and titles to real estuto examined , per
fected and guaranteed , . 3bu
1 , 01 buys a home on easy payments. H. E.
' Cole , no. cor. 15th and'Douglas. 001-7
A CHANCE for you to get a beautiful home ,
furnished completely from celler to garret ,
n small cash payment , balance monthly , quar
terly or annually , to suit purchaser. Como and
see this. Wo taKe pleasure In showing property
nnd answering questions. H.E. Cole , Continental
building. 600-7
LIST property for sale or exchange with H. E ,
Cole , n. e. cor. 15th and Douglas. 608-15
$ 1,800 buys a home on easy payments. H. E.
Cole , no , cor. 15tb and Douglas. 1.01-7
R SA LE Or exchange , a good lot on Hurt
t. Graham , Crelghton blk. 6200
T71OR 8ALE-Or trade 280 acres of beautlfnl
JL1 Iowa land unencumbered. Prefer to trade
for residence within a mile of postofflcowill pay
difference ; address V140U Farnam , down stptrs ,
454 H *
R SALE-Honse and lot In Walnut Hill.
Easy payments. P. A. Gavin , solo agent.
L. RICE & CO. , Real Estate. 215
A LOT which must bo sold ; payment coming
due ; only 3 blocks from new U. P. depot ,
South Omaha ; a bargain , withD. D. Smeaton ,
Murker block. 6190
T L. BICE & CO. , Heal Estate. 215
T L BICE& CO. . Real Estate. 215
OR 8ALE-1-0 cash , biggest bargain In South
Omaha. Look at the location , price and
terms 20 feet of Iot3r block 75 , 11'JUO ; 1200 cash ,
balance 1 , 2 and 3 yearn. I ) . D. Smeaton. Darker
block. 180
TMPJIOVED farm la Iowa for Oman * rwl-
-L UeflW property. J.J. Wilkinson. I32i i'arnara.
$1WO buys a home on easy paraanta , H
Col , at , cor. 1Mb Mia JJcui&i. 1-
MA IIS HAM , & LOlinCK , members Omatin
HeaiKstnte Kxciiauge. - "
Special llargnlnsi
4 lots In Lincoln at much leas than vniuo.
4 lots In Hitchcock's llrst add. , * 5UO to..J CM
lKtilnllocX4. ; ) WostCiimlug . l.liil
3 lots in blwk 6 Wetacumlug.ench. . , . . too
Lot 2 In block 9 , Po ; > plMon park , cqst
fronton Low nvt > nue. . . , . . . . i . l.TV )
lx > t 15 In block 2 , .Mount Pleasant . T < 0
6 lotsln Wostslde , Ktklto . ( irtl
Acrn lots In Solomon's addition . KiO
Acres In Spring Vnileyon MNsourl Paclllc ,
and Fromom , Elkhorn A Missouri Valley
railroad . , . . . . . . , . . . . WM
Tins Is tM > less than 1s asked fur udjolnlng
Lots In Srlnt ? Valley near South Omaha.
nnd on Fremont , Elkhorn is Missouri
Valley railroad . , , a > l
Corner Twenty-third nud California , MxUJ 8.3M
Examine ourlargc list of iiroperty In city nnd
additions , also of farms and farming lauds lu
Nebraska and Iowa.
Marshall , V l.obeck.
Room t' ' . Chamber of Commerce. MP-8
OH SALE- Lot 6 blk 3. Ambler place , * HO.
Ixit 0 blk 3 , Ambler place , f-OU.
Small cash , easy terms
U. E. Thompson. 314 S ifith st. B45
FOH SALE or exchange. Omnhn propotty and
farms for merchandise , horses , etc. Schlr.s-
IngcrUrus. , 014 S. lUth st. 120-KI
L * 'OTS iTnnd iTTiilTh' ! . South Omaha , tl.m'
( IrJham. Crelghtoii blk , 620 9
F Olt SALE 3 lots , 1 corner , 291h and Dodge ,
3 lots , 1 corner , 20th nvo. and Dodge , f 111.600.
2 lots , 1 corner , 28lh and Douqlits. JJ.WO.
2 lots , l corner , 28th and Dodge. WtM.
130 cholco lots , Omaha View ; will build housrs
to order ; only fcCO to J1.2UO w 111 buy you u nlco
homo ; terms easy.
l.'O cheapest lots In city ; terms easy.
Keautlfiil residence lot llnnscom Place , M.OOO.
Splendid business lot , Cftss , between Mth and
15th ts. ; u bargain ,
Sulphur Springs add. , lots 9 and JO , block 0 ,
Lot'9 , block 9 , Shull's 2nd add. , .roO.
2 lots blk 33 , South Omaha , easy ti-rms , 12,200.
Lot 12 blk 2 , Potter's add to Omaha , tl.ilfti.
6 room house and lot , 17th near Center , # 2,403.
For exchange ( iood clean lots for cattle ,
South Omaha lots for good land in Nebraska ,
720 acre llni-ly Improved ranch near Keaiuey.
Sale or exchange Farms In Dodge. Cumlng ,
Cedar , Holt and Antelope counties for Omaha
wanted Equities in Omaha real estnto and
farms for cash and clear lots. Well seemed
mortgages for cash and clear lots. First class
stock of hardware or merchaudUo for good
Omahu real estate.
Money to loan on good Insldo Omaha property.
Drake llros. , RealEstato. 316 S. 15th at. 4B9 6
$ lhOO buys a homo on easy payments. It. K.
Cole , no. cor. 15th and Douglas. 001-7
FOR SALE Two best lots in Mount Pleasant
addition , ono corner ; can bo divided and
make threw east front lots. Make otter ; must
bo sold in few days. A S ) , Hco olllce. 007
I HANDLE South Omaha property exclu
sively , and If you wish to buy , soil or trade
a bargain call. D. D. Suieatou , Darker block.
T71OR SALE-Lot 5 blk 8 A. B. Patricks ad ; will
JL1 sell for few days at 81,500 , (000 cash , bal.
easy. 8.40 Ilee olllce. 9l7
Tj OR SALE ICO acres of land four miles from
JC stockyards , at ? 125 per acre ; this is n bar
gain. McCague , Opp. P. O. 3U1
FOR 8A LE0 ft front on Franklin near 27th
8t , ft.KU. ! Good lot I xl27 on Charles and
27th sts , Si.lXX ) . easy terms , two lots In West
Cumlug add , 1800 each. Graham , Crulghton blk
620 9
TjlOHSALEor trade for good Omaha prop-
-T" erty , 4 line bred Polled A-npus bulls. 8. A.
Sloman , Rooms 22 nnd 23 , Hellman building ,
cor 13th und Furnam sts. Ka 10
L. RICE & CO. , Real Estate. 215
EM STICKNEY & CO. maico a specialty of
property In North Omaha , for sale or rout
at Citizens' bank. 24W ! Cumlng st. 388
FOR SALE-Ono of the best lots in Hillside
No. 1 , Just across street from Yntes' now
residence. Make offer ; any reusonablo propo-
HltlouwIIl bo entertained for few days ; must
sell. A 3 ( ) , Hcc olllco . CU7
J , L. 1UCE & CO. , Heal Estate. 215
Dissolution Notice.
fTUIE firm heretofore existing under the firm
-t name of lleverldgo & Allen has this day
been dissolved by mutual consent. J. F. llov-
eridge will continue the business , assuming all
obligations and collecting nil bills ,
Omaha , Neb. , Fob. 2nd , 1888.J. .
f3d3t * E. S. ALI.UN.
SEALED proposals will bo received at the
olllce of county clerk of Douglas county.uu-
til noon of Saturday , Feb. 11,1888. for furnishing
nnd setting up railing in court room of Douglas
county court house , according to plans and
specifications on Die In county surveyor's olllce.
Omaha-Neb. , Feb. 3rd. 1888.
f4d4t M. O. ItocitE. County Clerk.
MATTER of application of Sculu'ctcr & Jecnlcko for
liquor license.
Notice Is hereby given tint Schlucter A Jeenlcko did
upon lli27tluluy of January. A. I ) . 1 SS , tllo their up-
Mention to the mayor and city council of Omaha for
R ccn o toxellmalt , spirituous nnd vlnuiu liquors al
No. 'i : > n l.envenwortli street , Fourth wnrU , Onialm ,
Neb. , from the Urst day of January , ISM , to tile Bret
dnjr of Jnnnnry , 1HS9.
If there bo no objection , remonstrance or protont
filed within two weeks from January 27tu , A. U. 1&3 ,
tbo said license will bo granted.
HCIIMIEIRU .t jKE.MCIiE , Applicants.
J. D. SOL-TIIAllli , City Clork. JjHi (
\TATTKIl of application of I.o Grand & Son , for 11-
ATI. qunr license.
Nntlco In hereby given that 1,0 flrand A Son did
upon the 4th day of February , A , l > . I'M , tllo tholr appli
cation to the nmyur mid city council of Omnlm fur II-
cennotoaoli malt * spirituous and vinous llfiuora at
N. K. corner aith nnd Walnut Mreotn , Seventh ward ,
Oninhii , Neb. , from tbe tlp t dity of January , Ibsa , to
the llrHt day of January. ! $ > .
If theru bo no objection , romonMrnncn or | > rote t
filed within two wiieka from February UIi , A. J > . ISa
the xald license nil ) b Krantcd.
Li : ( iiA.NI ) ) i. SON' , Applicants.
J.H.SoUTllAlil ) City Clerk. fG-1,1
Articles of Incorporation.
N'OTICE ( s hereby given that the ' -On Time
Household Fair Company" has this day
adopted and recorded its articles of Incorpora
tion.Tho principal place of transacting business of
said corporation shall bo Omaha , Douglas coun
ty , Nebraska. ' and the general nature of such
business shall be the wholesale and retail buy
ing and selling of furniture , stoves , and all
kinds of household furnishings , the buying ,
selling nncVleastng of real Ohtnto. and the loan
ing and Lorrowing of money. Its authorised
capital stock Is thirty thousand dollars , one-
third of. which must bo paid In at the tlmu of
commencing business. Said incorporation shall
commence on the 27th day of January , A. I ) ,
1&S8 , and bhall terminate on the " 7th day of Jim-
nary. A. I ) . 1U38. Iti highest amount of Indebt
edness at any ono time shall bn twenty thou
sand dollars , nnd Its nltnlrs shall be conducted
by n president and general manager , and n
board of directors ,
1' . F. IUI.DWIN ,
J30f5-13-10 WM. Kni.iir.
Notice of Indebtedness.
Notice Is hereby given that on this date , the
amount of all the existing debts of the I'axton
& Vlerllng Iron Works , including iucumbrauces
on real estate. Is I35.4U3.K1.
Dated nt Omaha , the 4th day of Fobruarv.18.S8.
W. A. I'AXTON , President.
JOIIKL. KENNEDY ; ( Directors.
Notice of Incorporation.
rpOWliom It May Concern : Notice Is hereby
-L given that. "The lleo Hulldlng Company
has tiled in the olllco of the county clerk of
Douglas county , Nebraska , articles of incorpor-
ntlon. The principal place of transacting Its
builnoss is at Omaha , lu Douglas county and
state of Nebraska.
The general nature of its business Is td
acquire , own , bold , lease , mortgage , soil nnd
convey real estate , erect buildings und Improve
ments upon the .same , for routing such real
estate , ic ,
The amount of capital stock authorized Is
1500,000. ten per cent of which to bo paid at the
time of subscribing for the same , and thuru-
malndcr as required by the board of directors.
The corporation commenced January 15th , A ,
D. 1888 , and will terminate the 16th day of Jan
uary , A. D. 11)88. )
The highest amount of indebtedness or liabil
ity to which the corporation shall at any tlmo
subject itsulf is two-thirds of the capital stock
The business affairs of the corporation are to
bo conducted by n board of directors of llvu
members who snail select from their number a
president , secretary and treasurer.
or TUB
Chicago , Milwaukee & St. PaulR'y.
The Dost Route from Otnnhn nnd Council
HlulTs to
- = = THE EAST = = T-
Clilrnpo , . . .AND Mllnnnkcp ,
St. I'nul , Mlnnrnpolls , Cedar Rapid' ,
Rock Island , FrocporL , Rockford ,
Clinton , ' Dulniqup , JnYcnp < > rt ,
JnnrSYllle ,
Brlolt , AYliionn , Ln Crossp ,
And all other Uapcrtnnt rolnu Eut , Nortbciut and
For through ticket * c lt on Ilio tlcknt itcmit ftt 1101
r rn m ilrtel. In Paiton llotul , or tU Unlu PiclOo
illman Sloop * n and the flne t ninlnc Can In the
World an run nn the innln Mn * of tlio Clilrwto , Mil
waukee A St. Paul llnllHor , and CTCCT Munition It
aid to paiaengcn t > 7 courteous mplojM of lb
llAlir.I.Kfl , Rrneral Manngtr.
J. V. TUCKKIt , Anlitant General Mana er.
A. V , 11. CAIU'KNTKIl , Uenenvl l'B § onf r and
Ticket Aicvnt.
(1KO. K. 1IKAFKOUD , Attlttant Central
ad Ticket Asvnt.
NorthWestern -
Railway Short Line.
Omaha ,
Council Bluffs
And Chicago ,
Tk * only real to take for no Molnoi. Marlalllown ,
Cedar UapliK , Cllntnn , Dlion , Cblcago , Mllw uk
and all points east. To the people of Nebraska , Cole *
rado , WjoinlnK , Utah , Idabo , Nevada , Oregon , Wall *
ingtea and California , It often lupeJtor advaotagi *
c ( poMltle br.anr oihtir line ,
Among a row of lh numerous point * of superiority
olojrod br tbo patroni of thli road between Omaha
and Chlrairo , ar lit two trnlri a dar of DAY COACH-
KH , wbleb are the tlnent that miraan art and Ingf nul
tr can create. Its TALACK Bl.BBl'INO OAIIS. which
are model < of ecmfort and oleganco. 1U 1AHLOK
DKAW1NO KOOU CAIIH , uniurpamcd br anr. an
IU wldtlr celebrated PALATIAL D1N1NO CAllA , tn
quill of which cannot bo found eitewhere. At Coun
cil Illufft the Iralui of the Union Paoino Kallwar , eon.
poet In union depot with thote of the Chicago *
Northweilera Hj. lu Chicago the trains of ttili lln
pake cloie connection with those of all other eastern
For Detroit , Colnmbns , Indianapolis , Cincinnati ,
Niagara Falls , lluffalo. IMtUauri , Toronto , Montreal ,
Boston , New -Tork , Philadelphia , Baltimore. Wah-
If TO * with the best accommodation. All ticket actttt
E1 tickpts via tbli line.
Oenl. Manager , Qenl. Pass'r AcrasV
111 * .
M.BAI1COCK. ' r > .n.BOLI.ES.
V Clt r Pas T. Agooa ,
Oauba. Ntbnakih
Leave Arrlva |
Omaha. Omaha.
Depot 10th and Marcy sts.
Pacific Express 0:00 : p. m. 7:50 : a. m.
Limited Express 2:20 : p. in. 2:65 : p. in.
'Local Express 5UO : p. m. . in.
* Bxcept Sunday.
Depot 10th and Mason sts.
Chicago Express , NosA 1 3:45 : p. m , 0OS : a. m.
Chicago Mall PM : a. m. 7:25 : p. nt.
Cblcago Local 6:45 : p. m , 10ZJ : a. nt ,
Denver Express 6:15 : a. m , 8:80 : p. ml
Denver Mall 8:00 : p. m , 8:40 : a. m.
California Mall 10:35 : a. m 5:45 : p. m.
Kansas City Day Express. U:00 : a. m 6:55 : b. m
Kansas City night express B:50 : p. m 7:00 : ft. m.
C. St. P. M. 4 O.
Depot Uithnnd Webster st
Sioux City & Ill'k Hills Ex ' 10 :40 : n.m 2M : p. m.
Uancroft Express , 4:10 : p.m. . U:35 : a. m.
* Bxccpt Sunday. . . . . _ _ . . ,
Depot 15th nndWobsterst
Day Express. . . 10:45 : a. m. . 0:35 : a , m.
Night Express. 0fl : ) p. in , 6:30 : p. m.
F. E. & M. V. H. RT
Depot 15th and Webster st
Hastings & Ill'k Hills Pus 10:55 : n. m. 4:15 : p. in.
Norfolk Passenger 6:45 : p. m 10:45 : H. m.
Running between Council muffs and Albright
In addition to the stations mentioned , trains
stop at Twentieth and Twenty-fourth atroots
and at the Summit In Omaha.
II road Trans Omaha Shooly. South
way. fer. Depot. Omaha irlght.
A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M.
6:45 : 5:51 : 0:00 :
0:10 : 0:1 : 6:30 : 0:37 : 0:50 :
0:55 : 7:02 : 7ln ! 7:22 : 7:33 :
7:45 7:52 : 8:05 : 8il2 8:25 :
8:45 : 8:52 : V:05 : U:12 : 9:25 :
0:45 : ff:52 : 10:12 : 10:25 :
10:45 : 10:53 : 11:12 : 11:25 :
11:45 : 11:53 : I'.M. I'.M. P.M.
P.M. P.M. 12:06 : 12:12 : 12:25 :
12:45 : 13K : 1:05 : 1:12 1:25 :
1:45 : 1:52 : 2:05 : 2:12 : 2:26 :
2'4) 2:52 : 3:05 : 3:12 : 3:25 :
8:4" : > 3:52 : 4:0.- , 4:12 : 4:25 :
4:45 : 4:52 : 6:05 : 6:12 : K:2J :
6:45 : 6:52 : 0:05 : 6:12 : 6:25 :
:45 : 0:52 7:12 : 7:26 :
7:45 : 7:52 : 8:12 : 8:25 :
H:45 : H:52 : 0:0" : 0:12 : 0:25 :
U:4.e : 9:63 : 10Ki : 10:12 : 10:25 :
10:4' lv.ll:30f : 11:30 : 11:42 :
Leave. Arrive.
A No. 14 4:00 : p.m. D No.l 10ROa.m. :
H No.2 5:10p.m. : A "No. 13 H:30ii. : in.
O No.U 0:20a.m. : 0 No.6 6:05p.m. :
A No. 4 9:40a.m. : A No. 3 7:00 : p , m.
O No. 8 0:611 : a. m. I ) 0:40a.m. :
A No. 4 9:40 : u. m. A * No. 16 10:00 : a. m.
C "No. 14 1.2:20 : p. ni. 0 SNo. 7 8:20p. : m.
A No.C 7:00p. : m. A No. 3 7:00p. : in ,
A No.O 9:40a.m.A : | No.3 015a.ra. ;
A'No. 8 4:00p.m. : A'No.7 11:30a. : m.
A No. 4 4:3ip.m.A : ) | No.6 7 : < 0p. m.
A No.2 0:40a.m.lA : No.6 11:30a.m. :
A No.6 4 : ( p.m.lA No.3 7:0 : > ) p.m.
A No.2. , 9:2.-ia.m.A : | No.3 6a'.n.m. :
A No , 4 9:10 : p. m.A | No. 1 0:30 : p.m.
A No. 10 7Or : a.m.A | No.9 8Ka. : m ,
A No.12 7OOp.m.A : | No.ll 9:00pm : ,
A No.8 8:40p.m.A : | No.T Ili33p.m.
A dally ; I ) dally except Sat. ; 0 dally except
Sun. ! D except Mon , : I Fast Mall ; Limited )
Will probably change to 4iUOp , m. before Feb. 1.
Stockholder * ' Meeting- :
The annual meeting of the stockholder * of
the Clarke Coffee Co. . will beheld at the offlco
of the company , 1414 Hartley street , Omaha.
Neb. , at X o'clock p. m. on the flrat Tuctday id
February , next , vizj February 7th , 18B8.