Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 06, 1888, Page 8, Image 8

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    gs iv iysimf if
' ' '
Oyer Flvo Thousand Dollars Paid
Into the Several Funds.
A Crowded House Present atallcticfli
Kntertnlmncnt at I'lnlnvlow Com
ment's of tlie I'rcss Theljatest
Tim CrrlKtiton IJcucHt.
CRKiniiTo.v , Kcb. , Fob. 5. [ Special Tolo
grian to tlio Hiic.l Ong's dramatic clul
played in Plalnvlew lust night to n erowdec
hottcsc. An excursion party of sixty-live
went from Crclghton. About $ M ) was nettuc
for Miss Koyce , who needs hulp more thai
ever now. _
Very Conuiirndiibtc.
WuliooWnsp : Tlio efforts of the Oninht
VKK in raising u fund for the Misses Free
man , Koyco und Shattuck , the thrco heroine :
of the bhist is very commendable. The fum
has already reached several thousand dollars
lars and is still growing with rapidity. Th (
history of these thrco bravo teachers Is fresl
in the mlndn of nil our renders and scared :
need bo referred to. The Wasp will receivi
contributions for this fund and will ncknowl
ciTgo all gifts through Its columns and for
ward the sntno to the Hnn. The Wasp fum
has already reached 10 , and is stilt growing
A Moc SI Fund.
Dundy Democrat : The Br.c is raising !
very nice-sized fund to reward the braver :
of Misses Koyco , Freeman and Shattuek , tin
three Ncbruslcti school teachers who luu
such a terrible experiences In the recent bib
rard. The move Is a very commemlnbli
one , and Is meeting with the success it do
Wood River Gazette : The BKI'S effort tc
secure contributions to n fund for the bcnelT
of Misses Freeman , Royce nnd Shattuek , tin
Bchoolmn'nms wjio utmost faced death itsel
In behalf of their pupils during the late coh
spell. Is mooting with gratifying success. 1
Into Issue of that paper says : llWo want in
more "poetical" contributions on the blii
zurd. What wo do want is llnancial con
trlbutions to the fund for the benefit o
Nebraska's heroic school teachers , Mis
Freeman , Miss Royce and Miss Slmttuck.1
Front the Imkes to the Gull * .
Falls City Journal : The fame o
Nebraska's heroic school teachers has sprcai
from ocean to ocean nnd from the lakes t
the gulf. The heroic acts of these thre <
girls arc to bo in some measure rewarded
The Omaha Bnu has started a fund for the !
benefit which has grown to n neat little sui :
n'ready , and is steadily increasing. Woul
it not bo well to start such a fund In thi
city ? Two of these heroines have been dis
nbled for life and the fathers and mothers
teachers and pupils of this state should ren
der them independent of charities.
Ica < l City and Doadwood.
Rapid City Journal : Lead City and Deail
wood arc being canvassed to raise money t
add to the fund the Omaha BBC is raising fo
the benefit of the thrco Nebraska school mis
tresses , who are the heroines of the late blii
zard. The cause is a good one.
A Plcammt Task.
Plattsmouth Herald : The Omaha BCE ha
taken up the task and a very pleasant ono i
Is of receiving contributions of people wh
dcslro to aid the thrco lady teachers who sui
ferod so much or acted so heroically durin
the late blizzard , Misses Minnie Frccmar
Louisa Royce and Etta Shattuck. The sui
fcrings of Miss Shattuck , who lost both he
limbs , seems to hnvo been the saddest caa
nnd the ono which has received ' most syn
pathy in the way of contributions. The Jou ;
nnl hopes that the work thus begun may li
continued vigorously and effectively. Mis
Shnttuek should bo put beyond the need c
further charity.
Arlington Not Behind.
AKMNOTO.V , Nob. , Feb. 4. To the Edlto
of the Br.B : Arlington is not behind. Th
subscription to the Miss Shattuek fund no\
amounts to J41.95. The amount raised wil
bo sent in in n few days. Wo will also get u
a dance on Washington's birthday , the nc
receipts to go to the Shattuck fund. _
L. C.
Mlniilo Freeman.
A largo photo of Miss Minnlo Freorna
with her sod school house and the pupil
whom she saved from the great storm will I
sent prepaid for $1.00 each , $8.00 per dozot
fSO.OO per hundred. Address The Quiz , On
| | j The "lice" Fund.
The present candition of tho. four fund
opened by tno Bui : is as follows :
Ettu Shattuck . $3,037 (
Louisa Royce 700 I
Minuio Freeman 499 'i
Wcstphalen monument fund 57 J
Cash to special fund 240 t
Lena Woobbccko fund 13 l
Grand total Jj.lul t
Several lists of contributors have boc
omitted from this issue owing to iv lack c
gpaco. Each , however , will bo published. ]
your list docs not appear in this issue it wi
bo published us soon as possible.
Tlio Shattuek Special Fund.
Miss Etta , Shattuck , the young schoc
teacher who lost both limbs from the c :
posuro in the recent storm will bo incapac
tatcd for any service by which she may il
rlvo a living. Ills desired that $0,000 I
raised. If 200 persons will each subscril :
not less than 50 this amount can bo raisci
The money need not bo paid until the fu
amount is subscribed. This Is to bo know
as the "Shattuck Special Fund. "
Tlio following pledge : , to this fund ha\
been received :
John J. Moncll $ 30 (
Hcnnlson Bros. , cash paid 30 t
W. O. Albright 801
Misses Annie and Magglo Truland. . . . 80 (
GoorgoW. Rathbun , cash paid 110 (
Win. A. Paxton ! ! 0 (
Olive Branch - . 30 (
Puclfio cxpi-oss auditor'a ollioc , cabb
paid 30 (
Nebraska Ledge No. 1,1C. , of 1' . , cash
paid 0 (
Omaha ladieu' afternoon coffee ,
paid 3'J (
St. John's Ledge No. > , A. F. it A.
M.cushpaid 30 I
Wm. M. Groan 301
O. H , Willard , Lincoln , cash paid ! tt ) i
U. S. Postal service , cash paid UO i
Who will Join thorn i
Ijluts of Contrilmtorti.
The UCK will acknowledge nil contrlb
tlous through these column1 ! . All lists r
celvcd , unless otherwise directed , will 1
published in full with the nmnc. of every co
irlbutor. Thcso lists will bo published i
soon after their leccipt us space will po
oiiArrox's MR r.
Guriox , Neb. . Fob. 4. To the Editor
thoBi'.u : It is with much pleasure I hai
you the enclosed draft for f I'.t , contributed
the Etta Shattuckund by the following syi
puthctio ladies and gentlemen of Gtuftou :
\V. A. ,
iJeorxo H. Warren : ! mT. , P. Comln . . , . .
It. t : . Price : i uo'Josi ' > h Pinnz . . . .
T. il Moon 1 Ui.l , II. I'.uttrjon . . .
W. A. Kccler . . . . 1 tu'J. ' K. lloiinlman. . .
W. U. llwliiey 1 tXlXi-HIu Whlt , .
1' . B. Heal. , . . . . , . . . . ! ( rj Mr * . 1'k'ki-tt
C. J. Uynu , . 1 no'.V.ov ' Walters
A. W. thaso HiW. , H.Johniim. . . .
It. J.Day rtOJoim I'lMi-l'-r
U.M.Ilatnett 'folio * . ,
U. E.UIchi"on. . . . WiX. | llolUnd
Weiido ADlttmur. . iiiHi.T. llalney . . . . .
Jf.C. Wild WlA. Kautnmn . . . ,
T. M. risher 2.vKmniot I' . Iti-al . . .
Mrs. M. Keelor. . , . 2''Or. ' C. 1' . Uallai'J , .
W.M. .MtttlU : i- ! | t
K.Woori' " 'i Totul , , (10
e.Jl. Itoby. . . . , . . . 2. ' |
. STTK 1'fcNITrSflAltV.
HVKUSVIIAU. Neb , , Fob.To the EUU
efthoBr.i ; : Enclo'.od Und I'orcwltli ' choc
mountiiiK to flO , tii bo placed to the credit
the Ktta Siii' jch [ und , subscribed by t
niccrs and employes of the Nebraska state
onltcntiary. We feel thnt the heroine ol
' . 'ebrnskn , Mtns. Kttn Shattuck , Is Indeet
vorthy nnd entitled to the most cordial recog.
It ion on the part of the people of this state
nd others. At u tima when the strong a ?
veil us the weak wcro falling victims to tin
cadly bll/.7ard , this heroic joting woman ,
ftqr having done her duty In returning thi
hildrcn In her cnre safely to their homes
net her sud futo in the loss of both limbs , nut
Ills only -ifter she had discharged every obli
ration to the children committed to her care ,
'ho record speaks for Itself. It Is with pleas
ro that wo add our names to thu list as sub
cribers , and trust that many others wil !
cop tlio good work going on.
Ian Hopkins $ 5 HIT. . Hnrlbut li
t II. livers n 01 V. H. llalncr 2 n
V.W.Marsh r , Mill. M. llalrd 1 or
' . Xaslmriuson. . . . 1 wr.l. ( J. Hanson 1 Ol
. . 1 00 II. A. Alvoy 1 w
. .A. iii-ll 1 OdKobcrtUmcan. . . . 1 W
; . H. Itoublns 1 Wl.ll. I , Druid UK
l.ll. llalley 1 ( M.I ) . Dawson H
Vllls.Short 1 UlOforge Se.xton. . . . N
\.llarr finiw. Young M
l. Ullll.ims WM.Christopher. . . , N
I. A.Nhermin. . . . W'A. ' Mutlra. . . , W
Iniest Low , , fiUiTlioiniirtSlattcry. . M
J. A. Wlrirk lion. Jntnci fit
] . D.Htniit Mi'll. ' Holtzman. . . . . . 2'
' . llutteilleld r | Wlllle Marsh a.1
luuli Illuney 2.1IA. I. . King 2i
' . W. Taylor 2. " ) |
V. II. Donjon r , Oi ) | Total , . $100.
Yours Very Truly ,
HOPKINS , Deputy Warden.
The A. O. U. W.
Bmnsiuw , Nob. , Feb. I. To the Editor ol
he Bin : : Please lind enclosed herewith ex
hango W.OO ns a donation from Bradshaw
Lodge , No. 03 , A. O. U. W. , to n fund for thi
cllef and benefit of Miss Lena Wocbccke
ho crippled orphan girl of Seward county ,
loping to see our sister lodges throughout
ho state take favorable action In this matter ,
Jos. TIOIIC , Recorder.
F. , u. & sTTvT it. n. Co.
GKXEVA. Neb. , Feb. - ) . To the Editor ol
he BIK : : Enclosed please tind Wells Fargo
nonoy order for $ (1.00 ( contributed to the Etta
Shattuck fund , as follows :
I. H. Whitney , conductor ? 1 OC
' . Bassford , engineer 1 0 (
Yank Ketchum , iireman 1 OC
1. W. IHoshnor. baggageman 1 OC
I. H. Wishait , brakeman 1 OC
Yank Reid , agent at Linwood , Neb. . . . 1 0 (
Total . ' ? 0 OC
All for Etta Shattuck.
H. B. WIIIT.NIJV , Geneva , Nob.
Conductor Seward Line F. , E. & M. V. R. R
Wo the undersigned citi/.cns of Brndshaw ,
Vork county , Nebraska , in token of oui
sympathies for the toiturc and suffering en
dured by Miss Etta Shattuck , one of No
> raska's own heroines , during her terrible
experience lu the bli//ard of January 13 , am !
tor subsequent loss of limbs as a result
.hereof , nnd in order to help lighten as much
is possible the burden which she is obllgctl
o carry during tlio remainder of her life
icro by subscribe the amounts set opposite
our names , said amount to bo forwarded tc
' .he Daily BEE and made a part of the BEL
'und for her use and bcnellt :
Joseph Tigho $ 1 00 C. II. Palmer J 03
< \ I ) . Kcynolils. . . . 1 00 II. II. Teaguo 1 ( K
Mary M. Hol.ncr. . 1 00 b. Shulleiiberger. . 1 CK
I..I. Wall 1 Oll.lohn Abrahams. . 1 Oi
lulmShrs 1 OOO. M. Mooie 1 Ol
J'hotnas Mrrs 1 OiMV. Ij. Tilden 10 !
l.W.Tiudull 1 OU W. ,1 , Pratt IOC
K.Slmllunberger. . 1 00.1. W. Newman. . . . 101
A. SlmllcnberKor. 1 OO'.I.T. ' KiiRelliault. . 1 ( K
P. Shallenberger. . 1 01 W. C. Iluchanan. . 1 0) )
S. A. Morrison . . . 1 00 A. U. Allen 1 CK
W. H. Halt/ 1 OUO. H. Richards. . . . 1 ( X
O. Mori Ison. . . . 1 00 J. H. Tilden 1 0 (
Jos. I'onntnln 1 ( X ) A.W. Wilt 1 W
r. H. lliickmastcr. 1 00 A. W. Wellmnn. . . 1 W
Geo. C. Keck 1 00 II. ( Jnstlnean 11X
N. F. Tilden 1 00 N. Simmons 1 Ot
A.TrnesdPll 1 10 E Kolton 10
A. J. Adams ] Oil J. A. lluckmuster. "f
A..T. fjnwln 1 00 Carl Hvrnes 5 (
3has. Thomas W ) Sanniel dine U
Jims. Pope 50Jeo. ! 1' . Adams. . . . W
A. Unsli-y 00(1. MnsOn U
( Jio. M. Cireor fXI . . fit
lacob Merklo W ) A. Lichteuber er. . ft
David M alloy Hl'JI. ' Knnk W
W. A. Miller 50'J.T. Adklns M
II. K.Vandiuir. . . . HO Alex Miller U
Vi' . C. Markliam. . . no A. It. Worrell C , (
Oeo. W. Dorioy. . . fit ) A. C. r.berhardt. . . ft
W.W.Kim ; M It. C. llyrnes 51
L.N. Ituelt SOiMrs. A. M. Stubbs K
O. A. Stubbs no Andy Kline fii
A. C. Mu on fiOJiio. A. lluimsey. . ft
Thos. dray. , I1A. M. Ailnms &
S. L , llltcuiock. . . ftllMlssn. Hedges. . . W
W.J. I.opor fie ) Mlis M.Hampton. ft
Jos. M on Ison nOMisiNettloGreer. tl
Chas. Miller iXI.John . Hamen ft
W. J. I/eamiug. . . . WIS. P. Wood
L. Hollow-ay SiChm. Ditloff
W. CJrnto iA. llroker z
M. II. Williamson. 2.V.I. K. Twnier 2'
Mrs. Delia Calkins 3tH. ; | 1) . T.ognn 2
Willaid.laekson. . SI'.I. ' W. McArthur. . . 2
A. O. Christie J. U. Carlylu.
loviKIerhivdt.- . .
lolntM. Cailyle. . . Total. . . . ' 8t3 &
H. Shallenberger. 1 OU
OMAHA , Neb. , Fob. 4. To the Editor of tin
BIE : : Enclosed wo hand you check for 00.50
donations to the Shattuck , Royce and Free
man fund , from the Western Ncwspape
Union , its employes und country press , it ;
patrons. Thrce-lifths for Shattuck , one-flftl
each for Royce and Freeman :
W. N. U JIO nni.Tolm Mathewso . .J 1 0
( < eo. A. Joslyn. . . . 7 ( O'll.C. ' laiburkneelit 2
W , II. Norton 4 00 IVlIx Stuo U
C. W. Hammond. 2 no U. S , IMrkoju 1 0
Chas. I.unt 2 OJ Percy I'cpoBn 10
O. P. Ulack I. O'l-'llin ; 1 0
William Kllno 200 lames lllack. 1 0
Oeo. C'otter 201 W. Trapp 1 0
C. W. Hello 10) ) Willie II. Ilenson. . li
M.S. Uhl 30) ) Lottlu ilyrue 1 C
John n. Ilmblem. . S.S. Hall 30
O. 1) . Slmltz 3
II. L. Testlvan. . . t 001lotal S517
The followinp ; tothe _ sninq fund , subscril
tion sent in by Ralph 1C. Hill , publisher o
the Hardy , Nub. , Herald , all for Miss SUat
tuck :
Hardybank 8 1 OO.W. M. Peebler. . . . 2
T. ( ! . llenter 2 > A. L. Pclrce 2
C. It. HockhlU 2T > Henry Vcrrlck. . . . 2
It. K. Hill 2 > J. Kiuniett 1
C.Oepfert 8.1 N. W.lllxby 2
IlenryWrlKlit a'/Owt-n McDowell. . S
Henry Abbott. . . . 2 : > ] W. .1. Haynor 2
J.W. Ilees 2.VA. E. Kves 1
Wellington &leo. fO
C. A. Hayes 2.1 Total K. '
V. A. I.owe. % 23 ,
J. N. Counter , Wray , Colo. , for Mis *
Shattuck $1 0
J. H. Uickel.Junla.ta , for Miss Shattuck 1 0
Movers i ; Meyers , Denisou , lu. . for
MissSluttuck 1 0
Gio. A.
Siindny Spout in Continued
on CHaili-ls of Sin.
At the early hour of 7 o'clock yostcrda ,
morning the valiant soldiers , of the salv.ulo
army , scarcely rested from their late cclc
bration of the night before , tore themsclve
from their beds to answer roll-call ut th
"kneo drill. " The evolutions wcro pci
formed with that ease thnt only comes frur
long practice , but the fury of their war eric
wcro rather weakened by sleepiness. A
10 : uO again tlio forces assembled in notici
ably larger numbers , and the martial fcplri
of tin' aggresslvo v/arrior ran rampant , an
it vhs determined to make u grand , assaul
on the citadels of Omnha. lu the aftcrnooi
the entire army , lu-adcd by Mrs. Major Ual
ana husband , brcvit major , as aldi1 , wit
Captain Asplnull anil Mrs. Captain Wilkiti
foiiuuandiiig the rcspectivo companic :
marched through the streets with loll c
drum nd melancholy cornets , calling on th
legions of sin to desert their cause , as the
days wore numbered. Altur this innrtii
drmoiibtration the army went agal
Into bivouac into Exposlikm hall and dl
cussed the situation wltli impassionc
spocches until ran Jlo light. At & o'clock til
foivcs again nwt at the tsamo place and
largo audience assembled to witness the o ;
orcisos. The t'litlro army was scaled enlarge
largo stage ut the wcs > t cad of the hall , Ai
dri-sscs and uxperlcnccs were given by all tl
commissioned ofllcors , wl'U ' hearty rcs-ponst
frc-nt the common sohV.cry. The nnihic (
concertinas and tambourines , with a fu
brass band , wcro intcrj-'cted at regular inlc
Vals. The admission luid been udvcrtlsr
as free , but a fcmalu warrior slur
ns a grim sentry at thu door and .e.\acti
tiibutc ftom every virtue , and if the net1' '
bary was not foithcoir.inj ? , certain pointi
remarks were liurlod at him as were thougl
liable to loosen tils gi ip on his purse string
Thy exercises were continued until n lai
hour and tha speceli of Mr * . Captain A'-pli
wall was nuddenly curtailed by iiliont half i
thr > largo audlnnco getting up and Icavini
U was then thought bent to close the nice
inp , and after the usual intermittent mlnstr
demonstration , in which every warrior uctc
r.n , the cntcrlalninont' dosed.
Mr. and Mrs. E N K. Wto'd , ' of. 'Nc
York , arc nulie Vaxlon. , ' . . , '
B. F. Ncal Sees His Llttlo Boy'E
Brains Dashed Out.
Slid ClrcuniHtnnccH Attending ttic
Dentil ofn Hrloklnycr nt the Poor
Fnriu Mrs. Grant's Demise
City NCWH.
A Hoy's Frightful Dentil.
Ono of the most terrible accidents that has
happened in Omaha for some time was the
dashing to death of little Robert Neal , n
thlrtecn-ycnr-old boy , on the 13. & M. cross
ing over Thirteenth street yesterday fore
noon. In company with his father , 13. F.
Ncal , who lives on the corner of Sixteenth
and William streets , the boy was walking
west on the B. & M. tracks , and when he
reached the bridge ho ran ahead of his
father. At this moment the 10:40 : train came
rushing around the curve from the west , but
was obscured by the smoke from a Union Pa
cific train passing on the track below. The
father was Just stepping UJKNI the bridge and
.he boy was about two-thirds across when
Mr. Neal suddenly espied the train only a
lew feet from his son. He shouted to the
joy to get to one side , and had ho understood
ils father's words , lie might have been saved.
iJut not noticing the approaching danger , ho
turned to hear what his father was saying ,
when the locomotive struck him. His feet
became entangled in the cowcatcher and ho
was dragged several feet. When within
ibout twenty feet of the spot where his
father stood the head of the boy struck an
upright bolt , and the entire top of the
skull was broken off and the brains
scattered along the track for a distance of
fifteen feet. The entire brain cavity was
emptied. The engine carried the body to the
spot where the nironlrcil father stood and
lashed the mangled remains of his boy at his
"ect. The father was distracted with horror
uul grief nt the terrible sight.
The coroner was summoned and the re-
nains were carried to the morgue , where an
nquest is to bo held this morning nt 11
o'clock. An examination of the body shows
.hat in addition to the frightful bursting of
.ho skull , the Jaw bono and both legs were
broken. The father blames the railroad com-
> any for the accident , as ho says that the
train was running at an unlawful rate of
speed , and that no warning of any kind was
given by the engineer.
Sad Fate of Noble Hearted Fred Nell ,
n Bricklayer.
.This afternoon the members of the brick-
ayers' union will lay to rest one of their
members , whoso experiences previous to be
ing claimed by the messenger of death were
particularly sad. The name of the deceased
is Fred Neil , and he passed from this life in
the hospital attached to the county poor farm ,
where ho was driven , it is claimed , by n
icartless brother-in-law whom he had aided
financially and in various other ways. A
jrother is also openly censured for his appar
ent lack of love and respect in a trying mo
ment. Neil was a hard-working , industrious
young man , and , as the story goes , contrib
uted his earnings toward bringing from the
old country his sister and brother-in-law ,
whom ho established in a pleasant homo at
Walnut Hill. Several days ago ho was taken
down with malarial fever , and , as is alleged ,
its money became exhausted on Friday last.
Ho was stopping with this brother-in-law , and
when Fred's finances became low ho forced
him to leave his room and seek shelter
n the poor house , whither he walked. There
ho was kindly received by the management ,
and while his fellow workingmen were mak
ing merry at their annual ball at Exposition
ball about 2 o'clock Saturday morning his
spirit took flight to the other world.
Intelligence of Neil's death was communi
cated to the union on Saturday , and the pres
ident , Leo Frost , nt once appointed a com
mittee to investigate the circumstances and
make arrangements for the funeral. The
committee reported the foregoing details to
Mr. Frost , who nt once authorized them to
secure a coflin for the deceased and carriages
for the members to attend the burial this
afternoon. Ono hundred dollars has been
donated to defray the expenses of the obse
quies , which promise to bo of a quiet out im
posing character.
Death of Mrs. Grant.
Mrs. Susan 13. Grant , mother of Mrs. AVil-
Ham Wallace , died at 11 o'clock Saturday , at
her late residence , nt the ripe age of seventy-
three. Yesterday Mr. and Mrs. Wallace left
for Cannon O. , in charge of the remains ,
where the interment is to take place.
Western Union Telegraph Ofllcers Ar
rive In tlio City.
Colonel R. C. dowry , vice president and
general superintendent of the central divis
ion of the Western Union telegraph company
with headquarters in Chicago , accompanied
by Ci H. Sommers , electrician ; T. P. Cook ,
assistant superintendent with headquarters
at Dallas , Tox. ; M. C. Bristol , superinten
dent of construction , and H. E. Roberts ,
private secretary to Colonel Clowry , arc in
the city on a personal inspection of the com
pany's quarters and its belongings. The
delegation , with the exception of Colonel
Clowry , are stopping at the Millard , and last
night n Bin : reporter was accorded an inter
view with Mr , 13ristol. Ho stated that the
visit was strictly an inspection , and that nc
additional improvements were contemplated.
However , the gentlemen were open to con
viction , and if it was demonstrated to them
thu Omaha was not receiving prompt and
effective service on the part of the company
all defects would be promptly attended to.
Mr. Bristol stated that the delegation had
been on the road nearly two weeks and had
visited St. Louis , Kansas City , Pueblo anil
Denver. To-day they journey on to Chicago ,
with the exception of Mr. Cook who will re
turn to Dallas. _
Corny Is IiiHiinc.
Mr , John Rasicky , editor of the Pokrol
Xapadu , yesterday received a letter fron
Vaclas Cerny , the Bohemian who attempted
to commit suicide at Cedar Rapids , la. , and
afterwards claimed to have been the mur
derer of Rev. Mr. Haddock at Sioux City
From Ccrnoy's letter it is easy to see thai
the man is insane. Ho now claims that hi
is wanted for killing a man and a womai
named Burta , and fears that ho will b (
lynched. Cerny is still at Cedar Rapids am
will doubtless bo placed in an insane asylum
Nought the Casino.
Joseph Nelkcn has bought the Casino gar
den , corner of Fourteenth and Howard , am
also the entire stock of the Omaha club , ant
proposes to open the Casino soon as a strictly
first-class restaurant and place of resort
Mr. Nelkcn has had considerable cxperienci
in such enterprises in Europe , and intends ti
model his restaurant after the best Frencl
cafes. His place will bo known as tin
Omaha Casino.
Personal Paragraph * ) .
S. L' . Martin , of Kansas City , is ut the Mil
lard.C. H. Cornell , of Valentine , Neb. , Is at tin
P. S. Burger , of Hastings , Neb. , is at th
PuNton ,
' R. E. Dent , jr. , of Friend , Neb , , is at th
Mrs. S. P. Uubinson , of Tampa , Fta. , is a
the Mitlard. *
Miss Sin-ess , of Grand Island , Neb. , is a
the Millard.
N. S. Harding , of Nebraska City , Neb. , i
at the Paxton.
S. Mncho.v and wife , of Rconsburg , Wis
arc at the Millard.
E. W. Guuthcr and wife , of Albion , Neb ,
are at the .Millard.
J. O. Jullon went on du y last night a
niglil chirk tit the Paxton.
C , II , Smith has returned from a trip t
Denver und Is accompanied by his dnughtc
Dr. Connull loft on lire "tljcr" nt 3:30 p. n
yesterday fur a ten days' business trip 1
Ohio :
Cultural C. V. IJalnaford. the rustler fr
PoycUu'd.tho gentleman who'ha
Mich n thrilling extcricno | with the capital
ist at Big Town some timeslare , lias returned
from a very profitable trip-on the road.
John M. Conlstock has ( returned from hl
Jaunt to Denver , Pueblo , Lelidvllle and Kan
sas City.
Max L. Rich , who was called to Chicago n
few days Ugo to visit a slcU brpthcr , returned
Dr. A. A. Parker returned Irom San Diego ,
Cnl. , yesterday , where ho had taken hi !
daughter , Alice , for her hfcalth. ,
E. P. Holzcr , editorial writer on the Slonx
City Dally Journal , who 1ms been in the city
for n day or two , returned homo last evening.
Frank Watson , the agreeable night clerk
at the Millard. has reslgnr'd , to accept a re
sponsible position at the Walker house , Salt
Luke City. Mr. Watson Is In every way
qualified for his new duties , and he leaves
with the best wishes of his employers and
the traveling public with whom ho is so popu
Mrs. Jcnnlo F. Holmes , of Tecumseh.
president of the Nebraska W , C. T. U. and
Mrs. C. M. Woodward , of Sewnrd , vice-presi
dent and state organizer , have been in the
city for the past two days to arrange for the
cxtention and strengthening of the W. C. T.
U. organizations in the city and throughout
the county and district. In their delibera
tions they have conferred with Mrs ; Watson
B. Smith , president , of Buckingham W. C.
T. U. Mrs. M. E. Covoll. president of Doug
las county , Mrs. G. Willis Clark and Mrs.
Dr. Bryant respectively , president and sec
retary of the third Judicial district who will
licartlly co-operate with and second these ef
forts , together with Mrs. V. G. Lantry , state
treasurer , who renders all possible assist
ance and whoso excellent judgment is much
relied upou.
The members of the Wotuans' Chris-
; hm association wish to express their
.hanks to the Indies at the Paxton hotel
and others for the donations in money
jlvon during the past few days to help
thorn in paying the expenses of the
liomo for the friendless , No. 18 Burt
Two rnthor attractive-looking repre
sentatives of the demi-monde , recently
imported from St. Paul , were arrested
yesterday afternoon near the corner of
Ninth and Dodge streets , on the charge
of fast driving. The girls had driven
just half a block , and they claimed that
iiheir horse had bccomo seared in turn-
jig the corner and had got beyond their
A little four-year-old boy named Rilcy
was picked up on Cuming street yester
day afternoon , where he had los > t his
way. His parents will find him at the
police station.
This powder never varies. A marvel of puri
ty , strength und wholesomeness. More econom
ical than the ordinary kinds , and cannot bo sold
In competition -\\itn the multitude of low cost ,
short w eight alum or phosphate powders. Sold
only In cum. Hoyaf llakiug Powder Co. , I'M
Wall street. New. York.
Omaha , Nebraska.
1742 La-vronco St. , Denver , Col.
Of the Missouri State Museum of Anatomy , St.
I.ouls , Mo. , University College Hospital , Lou-
don , Gleson , Germiny aud Now York , llavl t
devoted their attention
More especially thosa arising from Impru
dence , Invite all so sullerlns to correspond with
out delay. Olheascs of luffctlon and contagion
cured sufely and annedlly without use of dau-
gcrous drills. 1'atfeuts whose cases have been
neglected , Imdly treated or pronounced Incur-
iible , should not fall to wrltotu concerning their
symptoms. All letters receive Immediate atton-
And will lie mailed FItER to any addrois on re
ceipt of one a-cent stamp , "Practical Observa
tions on Nervous Debility and 1'hysical Exhaus
tion , " to which is added an "fiWy on Mar-
rtnge , " with important chapters on diseases of
the Reproductive Organs , tlie whole forming a
valuable medical treatise wlilch should be road
by all young men. Address
DRS , S , and D , DAVIESON ,
1742 Lawrence St. , Denver , Col.
Epps's Gocoa
"Br a thorouah knonleilco of the , natural l ws
Ktilcu Kuvern the opornlkm * of mgeitlon and nulri'
lion , und by car.iful application of tlio tine properties
of wi'lUalfUcU Cocou , Mr. Ki | | lint provided out
breakfast tables wild a Uullcateljr flavored beyeraiia
which nmv invo u umnjr beitvr doctor't bllli. Itti
by tlio Juillcloui me of such article * of dlot tliata
runklltutlon limy be ( jraduslly built up until triinK
rnouKU to renlit crfry tendencr to rilieaie. Hun-
ilredi of lUbtlu niHlaillut are noitUntt around ui ready
to attack whumver thcro l > wouk point. We may
mcapatiianr a fatal ihafi by Lceptna uunetvcjwen
furtlnud with pure blooU ami a jiruporly nourlibed
frame. " CUIIbiTfIcellaielte. . . . „ . .
Marte Mruply with bollliii ! watf r or iMt. Bold onljr
In lialf pound tint by ( irnceri labFlcn thus ;
flfl llouiu ( < iitliloClienjiU | ( | ,
) , ,1.LOMON. . . B.S.II.AHU. .
W. L. DOUGLAS , Manufacturer of the Celebrated
Made Seamless , without Tacte or Nails , and as Easy as a Hand-Sewed Shoe-
Why the $3 shoe is the
Best in the World.
1st , It Is inado seamless.
2d. No tacks or nalh are used In lasting.
3d. U will not tear the " .tocUlns or hurt the fjj
4th. Nothing but the. bt-bt material Is used.
6th. His better than most shoes costing ? ) orJ
Oth. Every pair warranted , and so stamped.
7th. It Is ns o.isy as a Imud saed shoe.
8th. Warranted to glvo the best bathf.ictlon.
Made In Congress , lluttouauil , with all
styles of too.
Is the only hand-vowed welt shoo rohl for ( I. Ills For Hoys Is very stylMi and nonti It will wear better
made pcnmlojs. of tlio best inntcrlnl , und very stylish tliiiu u liU'li priced aliue ; never loses Its aliupc , and U
Wears and looks us well us u custum-mudo shoe , toat- la adapted for either ( truss ur school Made lu
InglruraCliioFJ. ' , Uiitton iiiid l.ace
For sale by Keller. Stlficr Si Co. , cor. Dodge and 15tu Sts. ; H. Sarueut. cor. Sowurd and S.u-gent
Bts. ; Oeo. S. Miller. 012 North liith. St.
Catalogues and Price List upon Application.
Display at their warerooms , I3O5 and 1307 Farnam Street ,
the largest assortment of Pianos and Organs to be found at
any establishment west of Chicago. The stock embraces the
highest class and medium grades , Including
Prices , quality and durability considered , are placed at the
lowest living rates for cash or time payments , while the long
established reputation of the house , coupled with their most
liberal Interpretation of the guarantee on their goods , affords
the purchaser an absolute safeguard against loss by possible
defects in materials and workmanship.
FEBRUARY 14 and 15 , 1888.
150 Head of Saddle , Draft , Coach
ant ) Standard Trotting
Stallions , Mares and Geldings ,
, ALSO -
12 Extra Jacks , 6 Kentucky Jennets ,
All to bo sold ns guaranteed , without
reserve or by-bid. This is a rare oppor
tunity to secure a prize in most any
class of Horse or Jack stock , for they
are a selected lot and much the best
over offered in the state ,
Send for catalogue.
J. . ,
Third Judicial District.
'a '
. . OuaraotMdthe
onlr one In the world Kontratloff
aconUnuou * MlKtrla * JTaiMlM
R V rr l. gol.nOBc , Power Jul. | ) r MA .
comfort bl and Effective. Arold fr tt < U.
OT rB OOOcnrrd. B n4flUinp for pamphlet.
n.Ucrcttcu. lc. ,
Pcrcheron1 ! , Clydesdales and Shlro , also home
bred colts , livery animal Kuur.uiteed a breeder
Our stock has been selected with refereucuto
both individual merit and pedigree. Komoof
these horses have taken ilr t prlo at the Ne
braska State Veir , ] 87. All our horses am ac-
rllmatcd , and colts of their et can bo shown.
Trices reasonable and easy terms. Is nccehslblo
Iiy the three leading railroads of the Btate , H. &
M. ; F. , K. Si M. V. . and K. (3. It O.
FHV If FAIIIlilAII , York , Neb
Tlie Rtixndnrd.bred troltlnubtnlllon ALARIC
No. 2O83 Iiy Ctiyler ( sliu of Illvlrn 2:1SJ : ! ,
Day Dream a.SIV. AlBntlil : , thu dum ot
1'ntrou ! iU : ) by Itysdyk'w llumlilctoulan. 1st
dam Kthel Golddust , trull flster of Xllcaillo
Oolddust trinl BSi : ) Iiy Old Ooldilust islieof
liitclllo alfi'4. : nnil live others with records bu-
lo\vBi : : < ) ) . ! Mdam ( tlm dam of X.ilcndlo 2:114) : ) by
Imported Scythian. : M d.iiu Sally Kiihiell ( the
grand-dam of Jlaud S. 2USi : ) by lloston. Alailo
wus bred by .1. C. MdVrr.ui , J.oul \ illo , Ky. ,
foaled Ibrfl. 151i hands hluh , wulKtiH IIW pounds ;
he in a rich gold dust In color and the hand
somest and most btyllsh horse in tliom > t. Jlo
will ontshow anybody's hoi'sti on the street or
the show HHK. has no ic .oid but is very last ,
perfectly K''nlln on the road or in the stable , has
no vices and is warranted hound in every par-
tlnilar. lie will bo Bold very cheap. The horse
Gth uiul Lake Streets-
nco CAUNTLCT 3no , [ BI4.J
DR H NOBLE Blair Neb
, , , , , ,
Importer and Breeder of
Eii2lisliCoacli & HainWeloiiian
Tlieraroall flno unct In prime condition and c n-
not tKll lu full. ' They coiiilut ef prlJu.wlnnun unit
their gel. In htotlanil. Canada unit ttiln < .n 'it'r. ' | Our
termuT iirke. and borwi will null you. Wrlie lor prices
. uille. nortli < f Oiualiit ,
ces un < I r rtlcular Hl lrl 24
ou 1' . K. A M. V , U. U. und C. tit. 1' . M. U. It. it.
N. W. Cor. 13th & Oodgo 8ts.
13 R , .A. O El S ,
Hc t fncllltlcs , nptmnttu ntiit rcmrdtc * for sue.
ce sful ttcntmcnt urc\erv form of disease requir
ing Million ! ur Suiglcnl treatment.
noaul attendance \ ; bes.1 hospital nccommo
nntluMS In the west.
WRITB ton CIRCULARS on Deformities ntul
llrncci , Trusses , Club 1'cet , Curvature of the
Spine , I'llcs , Tumors , Cancer , , llronchltls ,
Iiihnlntlon , Klcctrlcltv , Paralysis , Htillciisy , Kid-
( icy , lllmUler , Iye , Car , SUu and Wood , nnil all
Surgical Operatiuus.
Disonsoa of Women a Specialty.
All Illowl Diseases successfully trcitcil. Syph
ilitic Poison removeil from tlie BJ item \vklioiit
mercury. New te&lorativc treatment for loss ol
Vital Tuner. I'erfotis unable to visit us may be
ttvntcd ut home by correspondence. All commu
nications confidential. Medicinal or Instrument *
fcnt by mail or express , securely packed , no
marks to Indicate contents or t-cmler. One per
sonal interview prefcrnd. Cull and consult u or
end history of your cac , nnd we vtlll scud ill
plain wrapper , our '
Upon I'rlxale. Special or Nervous DUi-ascs , Int.
potency. Svplitlis O.lccl nnd Varicocelc , with
question list. Address
OinalKt 3trtlir < il anil St4i-fiicnt Institute , or
Cor. I3than1 DodaeSti. . OMAHA , NEB.
bna TRIFLED away his VIUOIl of IIODY ,
MINI ) and M AN HOOD , musing exhausting
drains upon the FOUNTAINS of LIFE.
IKEADAOHE , BA ; KAt'HE , Dread fill
Drcnrnn , WEAKNESS nf Memory. IIANH-
the FACE , and all the F.FrECTN lending to
KAUI/r DECAY and perhaps rONNUMP.
TION or INSANITY , should consult nt once
the CELEBRATED Dr. Clarke , Established
IBM. Dr. Cliulio hns made NEUVOUH DE
BILITY. t'HRONM ! and all Diseases of
the UENITO URINARY Orcnns a Llfo
H'uJy. It makes NO dillurcnco WHAT you
iiive taken or W1KJ has failed to cure you.
T FEM ALESsUflcrlng from diseases pecu
liar to their sox cnn consult with the assurance
of ipecdjr relief and cure. Scud 2 cents postage
for works an your diseases.
O-Scnd 4 cents posture for Celebrated
WorkM on 4'hrniilc , Ner oim and Dell *
eate Diseases. Consultation , pcrsomil'y or by
letter , free. Consult the old Dot-tor.
ThonKRndi cured. Office * and ratrlora
private. * S11ioso contemplating Mnrrlnze
end for Dr. t'lnrice'n celebrated guido
Mnlo and Female , each 15c. , both 2&c.
( stamps/ . Before contldini ; your case , consult
Dr. OLARKK. A friendly letter or call may
lave future suOcrlneand shame , and add golden
years to life. B-Book " Llfe'B ( Pccret ) Er
ror * , " 50e. ( stamps ) . Medicine and wrltlnr >
sent everywhere , secure from vxpomiro.
Hours , 8 to 8 : Sundays , U to 12. Address ,
F. D. CLARKE , M. D.
186 So. Clark St. CHICAGO. ILL.
Thread of Sludern Times.
wnoi.rsAi.i : nv
Kil.PATiiiCK-Kocu iry Goods Co.
M. K. SMITH fc Co.
B. l > . MOIISI : A ; co.
HAYDK.X linos.
CIIAS. SIMIKII , South Omaha , ami all drab
class retail dealers.
20 Cents a Week.
Sprcn papers a v eek. Send your order to tlia
1029 P Street , Capital Hotel Building
Tno tic U known nnd mo t popular Hotel In the
ttalo. 1/icaUou ( cntral , appointment * llrst-cl J.
lleadquartera lor cuinmurcltti inun and all po itlcivl
" " " " "lc * " " " ' " " "
K.1-UOUUK.S l-n.prt.tor
Barnsdall M. D
J.W. , .
Honin'opathlo Spooiuliet ,
Cjjna-coloyM and Obstetrician *
Telephone 0711.
' E.T.Allen , M. D. ,
llomreopatlilc PpeclKllst ,
( Spectacles Accura
JlAMClli JUL'Jf. ,
' . Surgeon and Physician. .
ullfoueUsSt. OfflOV '
" " > | 64 S