Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 06, 1888, Page 7, Image 7

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Advertlsemtnts unffer this heart , 10 cent * TIM
line for the nrst Insertion. 7 coals for each nub-
iequent Insertion , and 1160 allnomr month.
No advertisement taken for leas than25 cents
for the Unit Insertion. Seven words will be
counted to the line ; they must run consecutive
ly anil must bo paid n advance. All advertise
ments mutt bo handed In before 1:30 o'clock p.
tn. . and under no circumstances will they M
taken or discontinued by telephone.
Parties advertising In these columns and bar *
ing the answers addressed In care of the Dee ,
will plecne aak for a check to enable them to
Ret their letters , a * none will be delivered except
on presentation of check. All answers to ao >
Tertlscmentfl should bo enclosed In envelopes.
Allad\ertlcuicntH In these columns are pub
lished in both morning and evening editions of
the lien , the circulation of which aggregates
more than 15.UX ) pnpcrs dally , and gives the ad *
Ypnlsora the benefit , not only of the city circu
lation of the Ilee , but also of Council DIulTs ,
Mncoln , anil other titles aud town * throughout
this part of the west.
Advertising for IhesoirolumtLS will betaken ,
nn the aborn conditions , at the following bus
iness hou oi , who ore authorized agents for Tun
IIK ! : spuclul notices nnd will quota the Kama
ratca us can bo had at the mala ottlco.
CO H. 10th Street.
2rln.tera and. Engravers ,
1138. IGth Street.
SllSCumlng Street.
OEO. W. PAlilt ,
E'liarm.aclst ,
1(03 ( St. Mary's Avcnuo.
16th nn-l Webster Streets.
ITeTTT-a Dealer ,
Test OIllcc , South Omaha.
WANTHD Slfffatloifln u wood-turning RUop
to lourn trudo.Hao had borne experi
ence. ! ' . P. 1) . , 01U 8.17th ht. C.V ) 4 *
WANTED Position as traveling salesman ,
addiess X03 , lieu otlice. U02 4
WANTED Situation ns foreman mason or
tone cutter ; thorough expetlenced In
plans. A 27 Ilee offlce. C04-6 *
WANTED Situations. Lndtoi In need of
domestic help can call at our olllce and do
their own selecting. Our office Is constantly
rilled with pertons seeking employment ,
Canadian Emp. otllco , Mrs. Ilrega i Son. 31US
15th. Tel 8X4. 553 U *
A POSITION by an expcrleiuod salesman and
bookkeeper with n reliable llrm. llefer-
enccs good. Addreis box 1 > , Crete , Neb. C.K 8 *
\\7ANTKD-Hltuatlon. In drug store ; regls-
TT tered ; two years tn Chicago College Phar
macy ; would buy an Interest In good paying
store. Address A 15 , Omaha I loo. 471-h *
TITANTED In c\cry county In Nebiaska , re-
TT liable cncigetlc men to bell goods by so
liciting for a well thtubli&hed nifg compuny
jieimanent emplnjmint to the right men , no
capital or experience necessary , reference ro-
qulrdl , aihlrt'fcH lox ! 2 ( > 7 , Omuhu , Neb. CJOflJ
W ANTED Agents to sell the Mo. Steam
Wusher. It will pay Intelligent men nnd
women seeking profitable , oiniilo } ment to w rite
for my Illustrated circular and tenns for this
celebrated washer. Why does It pay to act as my
agent ? llecauso arguments In Its favor are so
numerous and convincing that sales are made
without dinicultr. Seutontwo weeks' trial at
my cxpetihc , both wnys. If not satisfactory , J.
V , orth , Dole JiiTr , 1710 Fninkllu avo. , 8t. LoW \ ,
WANTED Man waiter , 1117 Farnam st.
615 a *
WANTED First-class hat ness maker. Ton
Htendy man. n good steady job. Married
man prelorrei ] . Address J. 11. Armstroiifi.Slien-
uildoah , Iowa , 6C8 4 *
AI'lRST-rlasssalesman for city trade. Must
understand the Hour business , nnd hu\
iincxt references. No other need apply ,
Enquire at 1011 N Idth st. 5U 4f
WANTED A good blacksmith on general
work , such as Hiring wagons and buggies ,
etc. , at Muldoon's shop , 14th und Jones.
475 4P
A drug clerk , one who speaks
German preferred. Address A t ( , Ilee.
WANTED Men for railroad work. ' Al
brlghfw Labor Agency , 1120 Farnam. 361
W ANTED A chambermaid at City Hotel al
once. 610 li'
w ANTED- Good girl for general housework
Inquire 528 Colfax at. 527
A GOOD girl or middle-aged woman for gen
cral housework. No. 191. Ohio st. 4'J9 ' 6
\\MNlrED-Glrl , Swede or German , for gen
TT enilhotuo.voilc. In small family. Refer
Mice required , call this week. 815 8. 19th ht.
641 4 *
WANTED Girl for general house work
mufct bo good rook and laundress. Mrs
Itobt. Purvis , 2402 St. Mary's uve. 547 4 *
LADIES , we need good , reliable canvut > serH u
hell the Williamson Corset. It is a standan
article and good Introduction for any worryu
who has to help herself. Williamson Corset i
Brace Co , Bt. Louts.
WANTED First and swcond cook out of city
2 dining loom girls out of the city ; 2 pas
try cooks In illy ; 2 llrst-class cooks , prlvati
family ; llrst and f > c < omt girl , same place ; nnrw
to take euro of child ; llrst-class colored cool
( woman ) ; 25 girls forhousu work. We have gooi
places nnd want good girlx. Our parlor for la
ufbsexclusively is now open. Gate City Em
ployment otlice , 314 S. Uth , rooms 3 und 4. tele
phone HUH. 6164 *
AN experienced girl or woman to take cor
of children nt 2514 Douglas st. 497 4t
WANTED A girl for general housework
Good wages. Call at 110 South 25th itvo ,
near Dodge. 4U5 I
WANTED laidy iigeuts for our Improvei
combination bustle-skirt. ltcmo\ai > :
hoops. Can bo laundrled. Latest Paris st > le
One agent sold U 0 In Columbus last spring , am
made f"tm. Spring trade now. Addio-s witl
htamn , E. 11. Campbell it Co. , 484 W. Randolpl
fct. . Chlciigo. 4H2-K1J
WANTBD-ImuH-dlulely , ladles to work fo
a w holtMilo house on needlework at the !
homes. ( Sent any distance. ) Good pay can b
made. Everthing furnished. Ptutlcnlnr
nee. Address Aitlstle Necdlewoik Co. , I'KBi
Bt. , New York tlty. 3W
fT * ANTED Ladles m city or country , for ou
f i holiday trade , to take light , pleasant WOT
at their own homes. Jl to f3 per clay can b
qnletly made. Work sent by mall any dlstaua
Particulars tree. No canvassing. , Addrc n a
once. Crescent Art Co. , 147 A Milk sU Ilostoi
> mss. P.O.boxilTU. 354-28p
WIDOW 1 money badlv , will give mor
guguonhur furniture nnd pavalmoit uu
intercut for short time. Addresa A t\ Bee.60.V7
H.E. . COLE wants horses to trade.
. 698-15
\VANTED-2 cow a kept until April 1st. Ha
mid shelter. Imiulre nt UIO Board c
Trade. G.W. Hervey. UlW
TT N COLE wants cuttle to trade.
WANTKlLadtes to UhO "Chlchoster's Eni
1UH Diamond llnnul , Pennyroval Pill
Pate. Always reliable. The original. Thcanl
genuine. Auk druggist or nend 4e stamps ft
imrtlcularx , leturnmall. Chlchester t'hemki
Co. , Philadelphia , Pa. U.-7
TUST Opened An em t ortlce by a lad
an of J resident of Omulm , Uo is now rend
to fimitsli gocxl und reliable help both mule an
female cm short notice. IU3 , touth cud ot lith h
Viaduct. ft 0-7'
CANADIAN Employment olllce , mal'iandf
male help sent tn all parts If fare tit ai
Tuucr.l. Refereuce , Omaha National ban
> lr . Brega & Son , 3Id 3.Mi. . Tel , 4.
618 f 13
Pill VATE booi ding , H&cefc , MB Dodgo.
vir ( i
"I OOM nnd board for two at xouthue t conn
-II 28tandLeuvrnworlb ] , fij ' ,
BOARD for man and wife or two gentlenu
wlthnkvly furnUhed room , pleatxint loc
tlon , private family. Address Lock Box 2u
ONE hundred auii lift ) ' hoiiKes for rent. If. E.
Cole , n. e. cor , 16th nnd Douglas. 507-29
FOR HENT-Hou5cs.
2-story bdck , 0 rooms , on 25th avenue and
Indiana st. , (27.60.
6-ioom house , ; utli nnd Grant st K9 will furn
ish If desired. J , H , Watts , chamber of com
merce. 585-7
HOUKP , 2127 Charles St. Apply
Wm. Arthur Mnmlerson's building , north
east corner 14th und Capitol ave. , or 2U20
Charles. 675 10 *
_ _ _ _ _ _
Tjiblt RENT-Two of the choicest resldcncesln
JL the tit y , Cortland Place and Chicago St. , all
modem Improvements. Clarkson , 219 8. Uth at.
AN 11 room Hat in best location. Rent Vf > .
Brings In ! < fl per mo. , above rent , furniture
81,000 Terms easy. Co-opcrathe Land and Lot
Co. , 205 N ICth st. 4TO 4
FOB RENT 6-story and basement sttfre , Ames
building , lth ) und Jones ; trackage , steam
heat nnd elevator. Clarkson , ageut , 219 8. Uthst.
UU 4
A TWO room cottage In good location on loth
-t\ . st ; rent VJ.W ) , turnlturo $12,1. Co-operative
Land and LotCo..gqiN 18th st. 4794
\VEhave nlwnys on hand a largo list of fur-
TI nlshod houses and Hats , rents nnd price
to suit nil ; rents ranging from 17.50 per month to
111 and Jiio per month ; price of furniture from
(12.1 to f l,5iio. Call and w o can surely unit you.
Co Operutlvo Laud i Lot Co. , 205 N. 18th st.
FOR RENT 10-room house , barn , fine loca
tion , on street-car line , cheap , MO per
month. Call nt-1408 Douglas. _ 654
TTVJR BENT 10-room brick house , comer 21st
J-1 and Hurt St. ; all modern Improvem-nts.
Inquli o next door or Dr. Paul , \ \ llllams block.
65,1 7 *
FOR BENT-2 tine ll-room brick dwellings , nil
modern Improvements on street car line , 15
minutes walk from P. O. 1C. M , Genius , 1408
Douglas. 472
A BEAUTIFUL new eleven room residence ,
all modern conveniences , within 2mile" of
postolllce on ( apltol ae. . Cheap if rented soon.
Address V 1400 rat mini , down stairs. 414 lit
It RENT Small house , California St. , near
iOth , with or without stable. 8. Lehman.
TTIOR RENT 3 to 5-room llat.modern Improve-
-13 ments , n. w. cor. nth nnd Williams st , , over
drug store. Inquire Audicw Pleuler,1214 S. 15th.
3I3 ! U *
T71OR BKNT 2new 7 roomed houses , well , els-
JL' tern , largo cellar , luth near Clone st. W.
G. Shrher , opp postotnco. ! KIJ
If RENT House of 4 rooms nt 510 Williams
Ktreet. Inquire next door west. 4.K
T710R RENT 5-rooin cottagv. Apply Emmet
JL1 house. 4'KJ
TjlOR RENT-Cheap , a 13-room house , with all
-L modern Improvements. 2i > .iO Capitol nVe. ,
1 block from car lino. Inquire of A. Splgle. 1110
Fnrnuni st. 445 7 *
ROUSE for rent , 2427 Charles st. Apply , Wm.
Arthur. Hnrrls & Fisher building. 18th and
Nicholas st , or 2U20 Charles. 1000 f4 ?
FOH KENT 10 room liouse , steam heat. O.
E. Thompson , 314 S. Uith st. 240
GHEQOUY , F. L. . Iteutal agent , 309 S 10th Ht.
TjlOH KENT or Sale New house , 6 rooms , eor.
-I ? 28th and Capitol ave. Enquire 2824 Dodge.
5 < i HOUSES for rent from T12 up.
F. L. Gregory , Itental Agent , 303 S. 18th st.
FOU UKNT A 7-room flat with bathroom ,
1017 How aril st. Inquire at Lee & N Idiot's
livery stable. Telephone MO. ? JO
OH KENT A new dwelling , 9 rooms , all
modern improemcnts , good stable , ten
minutes' walk from postoffice. apply to D. J.
O'Doimhoe , at O'Donahoo & Sherry's , 15th St. ,
next to the postodlce. 810
TJ1OH KENT If you wish to rent a house or
J-1 Hat I have them from $5 to $20 for cottages ,
nnd H and 10 room modern houses , fiom J.B to
JIO per month. Call at J. H. Parrotte. Hental
Agency. UOO Chicago st. fikrtll
U KENT House 11 rooms. W. M. Hush-
man. N B comer ICth and Douglas. 004
FOH KENT 1'mnlshed loom , heat , gas and
bath , 2J13 t'ass St. . 693-10.
TIKHl KENT Nicely furnished south fiont
JJ rooms , single orvn suite , gas , bath and fur-
nnco heat. 2214 Farnam st. 670 7 *
FURNISHED rooms and board , 1941 1'arnum.
Mima *
T710R RENT Nlco large fiont room , nllmod-
JL' ern Iminovements. furnace heat , sultublo
for tinee gentlemen. U22 Notth 1,1th bt.
TJIURNISHED Rooms cheap , 1510 Harney.
FOR RENT I'mnlslied room ; gas , bath and
heat , at 20U Cass &t. 301 4
LARGE pleasant warm room , snltablo for 2 ,
near P. O. , board or not , 1C15 Capitol ave.
539-10 ?
ONE furnished room to let to respcctible
pentloninn In private house. Address A 22 ,
Ileo ollicc. 529 0 *
"IJ10R Gentlemen -Two furnished rooms , all
Jl modern Improvements. 1713 Dodge st.
"ClOH RENT Nice Mrnlshed room , * ' pet
J3 mouth , s w cor. Ifcth und Jackson. 604
N EATLY furnished front room to rent at 1SJ1
Farnam s.t , 1 block west of court houso.
"I7TOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms ; mortem
JL : conveniences. 1718 Cass st. 482-9 *
FOB BENT 2 handsomely furnished rooms ,
single or ensulte , steam heat , 1013 Douglas ,
4B27 *
SMALL nicely furnished front room , on street
car line , J8. 1917 Cuss st. 417
FOR RENT A largo room furnished , central
location 1410 Chicago st. 304
FOR RENT Furnished rocjns in Oreunlg blk
cor. 13th and Dodge sts. Inquire of Geo.'H. ,
Davis. Mlllard hotel billiard room. 3,18
T71OR RENT Furnished rooms ; board. IM N.
J-1 lothst. 3410 *
TJ1URNISHED rooms 4 to 813 per month , Oft
JL ? 8. IMP St. , lip-stairs. _ 311 1J"
FOR RENT Furnished roems for one ortwc
entlemen 1605 Dodge str
FH RENT Furnished room , w 1th or w Ithoul
boaid. 202J St. Mary's nve. _ 25(1 (
LARGE and small room , suitable for gentle
men , with or without board , 18 2 ] > odge.
S 1OUTH front room with Un > t-clusd board al
Kill Dodge. 140
TGniBNISHEO front room , suitable tor twt
JP 1023 Dodge St. nil
T7IOR BENT Nicely furnished rooms at 22S
JL1 Dodge. 359
plURNISHED rooms , 1810 Dodge.
398 n
TT'Oll RENT Two nicely f urnUhed front room :
-L' on ground floor , at 2118 Hurt , for fl5 pei
month , with boards per week additional. CO
FOR RENT 3 rooms at 311 Woolworth ave.
at til per month. 31 i
TOH gentlemen , 2 south front rooms. Oaf
JD bnth und hcut at lUl Hurt st. 64116 *
FOB BENT anicoly furnished rooms. Batli
gas , hot nnd cold water and tlrst-cla1 K board
62i ) Pleasant st. C48 7
FOR RENT 2 furnished rooms for lighthouse
kceplug. 12.flN. 19th St. 650 B *
FOR RENT Furnished rooms , all convenl
cuces. A. Hoape , 315 N. 17th street. 491
1J1OR HKNT-WhoTe"or part oFstore "ar617
-1. ' Uth st. , enquire at premises. 691-7 *
| { U > R RENT Oliice rooni3 , Irenzer block.
FOR RENT-OH'ce In Arlington block , 'lift
Inquire of elevator boy. 4S-0
T7HRTlE NT resirable olllce biiace. or des ;
-U room , utl.U3 Farnam St. , Odeil Biod. & Co
T7\OB \ RENT Front oniee. Arlington block
JP Apply C. C. Valentine. 1515 Dodgo. 524
FR RENT Ground tloor offlca rooni , cen
trally loriited , heated and Ughted. 0. S
11 n rrlson. 413 S. 13th st. 100
ON Douglas xt near lith. 2nd and 3d Mode :
33x1(0 ( each. Small PRW > on ground tlooi
F. L. Gregory , rental agent , ! HX > 8.10th st. 229
T7KR"REN'l'-Omces on Farnam st. at 110 to J.1
JL ? per month. Ono olllco furnished. 1012 Fai
num. 3uu
' '
SPECIAL attention given to renting housei
furnished and unfurnished rooms. List wit :
us. W.M. Harris , oter220 S. 15th st. 801
1 .1SThouses , store * and flats for rent with H.
Lt E , Cole , u. e. cor lfith and Douglas , 690-29
PL. GREGORY , rental agent. 3098. ICth St. ,
ground floor. Telephone 854. 484
RENTAL Agency List jour houses for rent
with Odell Bros. A. Co. , 1623 Farnam'J
FOH HUNT If you wish to rent a house call
on He iwa i Co. , 15th nt. , opposite I1.0.
II HKNT a unfurnished rooms Tioil"s !
19th st. 411 4
JD Two < 2l rooms. No. 1814 Howard st I PflO
Tltree ( II ) rooms , No , 1015 northXth ! st. . . lfi.00
Tineo(1) ( ) rooms , No. lU2fl north 21st st. . . 1U
Three ( HI room cnttaRe.Slst end Paul st. 12.H )
Three pi ) rooms , No. 1122 north 21 tst. . . ll.O )
Tliree ( Hi rooms , No. 1411 Pierce st 1IHO
Three (3) ( ) rooms. No. 1112 south 7th st. . . . 11,00
Three (1) ( ) rooms. No. 7m Paclllo st U.50
One (1) ( ) nice office , No. 310 south 15th st. . 20.UO
FOU HF.NT-A livery barn BOxlOrt. with three
larpe rooms S0x20 each , and a store 'JOxfiO on
Dodge street. All three ( barn , store and living
looniB ) line per month ortl.omi cash In advancn
for n year's rent. Address , V. , 1400 Faniam ,
down stairs. 4fil 11 *
NEW YOUK Storage Co. have most extensive
facilities for storage of furniture , pianos ,
hURples , general merchandise , weit of Now
York. Cash advances to any amount ; warehouse -
house receipts given ; goods Insured ; brick
building fire-proof ; special arrangements for
commission merchants. Call New York Storage
Co. , Capitol ave and N , 15th st. , Dennett's block.
w I ANTED JohnT. Smith , a shoemaker from
Ida Grove , to write at once to his mother.
PEHSONAL Great foitunu teller Just ar
rived , the youug Madame C. L. Lament , thb
great astrologist , will remain 30 days ; has trav
eled through the principal parts of Europe ; tellB
past , present and future In person or by letter ,
will bring back the parted husband or lover ,
no matter It they be ten thousand miles away ;
they will return toyou In BO many dajs ; wilt
tell you wncther your lover be fulso or true ; will
guarantee to settle family quariels to perfect
satisfaction ; can also cause speed v marriages ;
has chat ins for good luck which will cause par
ties to bo successful In any kind of busi
ness and prevent your lo'S lu nny kind
of business you may undertake , breaks evil
influence , and urlngs good luck to all who may
try this lucky charm ; can gl\o lucky numbers
In lottery drawings ; can glvo Dest of reference
in regard to above statement.
1 was presented with an elegant gold medal
in Denver , Colo. , for my great tucccss in my
llunotlio natural gift of tolling the past ,
present and future. My Grandmother before
me was also a great astrolaglst.
Parties asking Information by letter must
enclo o $3 to ensure answer. I have a fine pre
paration for the complexionwhich keeps It
Hinooth and fair , and prevents premature wrin
kles. Alto a line hair tonic , which preserves
the natural color of the hair and prevents It
from falling out.
La dies who are lu trouble call nnd see me at
once. All business confidential. Office hours ,
10 a. m. to I ) p.m. Madame C. L. Lamont. No.
1H10 California Btreetbetwccn Ibth and lith sts. ,
Omaha. Nob. IS.fa *
DKESSMAKER3 imcstlgato the Kellogg
French Tftllor System of dresscuttlngjgood
wages and traveling expenses lo ladles out of
employment. Call or address for treatise on
dreascuttlng free , Mine. Kellogg , Hotel Esmond ,
Omaha. 761fl7 *
PEltSONAL 1 want vacant lot. north part of
city , for good house and lot In Omaha
View. C. C. Spotswood , 305H S IClh St. , Omaha.
) EH90NAL Ladles and gentlemen can rent
masquerade suttb at 610 N IGth St. , upstairs.
fife f 11 *
PEKSONAL Private home for ladles during
confinement , strictly contlduntul. Infants
aecpted : address E 42 Ilco olllco. 637 f 10
T OST 3 letters In the postofflco nddrevwd to
J-J Jas. Cook , 1205 Harney st. Please icturii
to same address. 4U1 4 *
FOUND At 230 ; p.m. , the place to buy fur-
turo. pianos , organs , stoves , etc. , nml oil
easy payments' NOW York Storage Co. , K0 $
CapltJiavo. 6M > i
mAKEN UP A light red cow , broken horn ,
JL'cut ears , 2528 Parker street , IB7-C *
- dollars buys an elegant or
gan. Call and s e and" } ou will buy. New
York Storage Co . 1.103 Capital eve. K-9 U
OH SALE J good houses , 710 N. 10th st.
4CI15 *
T71OU SALE Ortradoapalr of workhorses ,
X ! wagon and harness. Address V140B Farnam
down stairs. 4M lit
FOIl SALE Must bo sold'Immediately , very
cheap , one large , bay fomlly horse , kind
and gentle ; ono bay trotting mare. 1 bay tllly 8
months old , 1 side bar buggy , 1 euttcr , 1 wagon ,
harness , 1 set wagon runners , etc. Call at once ,
2110HurneyHt. 63110
FOR8ALE Cheap , fresh grade Jeisoy cow.
Address bat ! C P.O. 270 4
ri IA V E piirch user f or good" House "and lot , '
modern Improvements , near car or cable
line , price not to exceed l',000. ' ) Give me descrip
tion , price und beat terms. T. S. Clarkson , 219 S.
14th st. 603 4
TDTOR SALE The leass. furniture , mid every-
JL ? thing complete of a 45-room hotel doing top
business of South Omaua ; furniture new ; house
equipped with tlty water ; failure In health
caiiho of selling. '
2-story planing mill , 10-horso power engine ,
supplied by < ity water , splendid opening , only
mill In South Omaha. Ownei financially unable
to handle it.
Call on Anderson & Cook , South Omaha , Neb.
b 600 4t
bI AGOODfaralnPottawatamle Co. , to trade
I for land or city property. Cooperative
Land and Lot Co. , 205 N , 10th st. 479 4
A LARGE stock of dry goods and groesrles ,
X\ . for sale , nt Invoice price , In a good town ;
will Invoice about J-COW , Ca-opeiathtil > aiid and
LotCo.,205NlGthst. 470 4
A OOQIi large flouring mill to exchange for a
J-V good farm. Traders call and 1 seeus. Co-
operative Land aud Lot Co. , 205 N Ibth &t.
1 Tj OR Trade Good Improved Nebraska land
Jt ; for drug stock and building , or hordes nnd
t cattle , or property In good town. Address Box
581. Kearney , yeb. 4J3 4 *
FOR SALE Lease of store fora years , cheap
rent , finest location In city for retail busi
ness , address X3J Ileo olllce. W0t3
OR SALE Or trade a piano at a bargain ;
address V 140,1 Farnam , down stairs.
. 451 H *
FOB HALF Ono good 2-horne power englno
and boiler. Midland Electric Co. . UU
Ilunicy st. 421 10
R SALE-Safo and desk , 317 Bo. Uth.
250 ,
"IJ1O11 SALU-Horse and covered wagon , 317 So
JL ? Uth. 250
AT .A sacrifice for 10 days. Furniture. Fur
niture. Must bo sold. Will you hear our
prices/ New York Storage Co. , 1508 Capital ave.
" 171011 8ALK Or trade u beautiful diamond set
Jof 31 stones ; address V HW Faruam , down
stairs. 45411 *
| 7UR SALE Lease nonso and barn on Doug-
-U las bet 17th and ISth , Inquire MeyerJe Raiip-
ke , 140,1 Harney. . 171
OR SALE 1 Erie grader , complete ; 15 scrap-
ers. railroad plow1 drag. 2 pumps and
cylinders , very cheap. J. H. Watts , chamber ol
commeice. 6M-7
BUY your organ now at less than ever before
nnd ou easy payments. New York Stoiugc
Co , 1508 Capitol ve. 5f9 0
SAFES are safe to have when you can buy a
safe for W7 and one. for 147. Cull at Now
York storage Co , 15US Capitol nvo. 589 0
lit SALE-At B bargain 60 feet of shelving ,
30 feet of counters and one ice chest , suit
able for grocery hloro. Enquire at 812 b. 10th St.
C. IIa . JOHNSON , clktern builder , wells bored
and dug , 409 N 30th St. , Omaha. Nob.
6C9 uich21
fPIIK banjo taught ns an art by Geo. F. Gollen-
.L beck , 10) Harney st. 1S2
B. Ahmansou'H office removed from Frenzet
block to 612 a Hth at. 3iOFJ *
= TF you wish good , prompt paying tenant ,
* , X list your dwellings , tlats ami storerooms
h 1 with J. II. Parrotte. Banta ! Agency , 1UOO Chi
cagosi. C87m
TJIE On Tlnm.llonsehold Fair.
, Tl > e great Bargain house.
J * ' 1housekeepers. .
We are bound to show you that we can save
you money In prlcf s.
Parlor sults.rnmmbcr sct ,
Bed springs , bed mattrasc * .
FoWIni beds , side boanls carpets
- vvn nine ifuutii t niLnji t
* , chairs , mirrors , plctnros ,
tounp6s , cornTiioiles , tctes ,
l > lvans rttclwrn , curtain * , sloven ,
Tinw rc.tcrockerv. Rlas' ari1 , lamps.
Heine * furnished complete on
Easy tin ) mental KnsypuymcntBl
Kftsy pityments I Kasy pay rannts I
Trices the lowest.- Call and see
Prices ( he low cst. Call and see
WO and 004 south Illth street ,
i " Corner Jackson.
fo connection M 1th nny other house. C44 _
Dll. NANNIE V. Warren , clatrvovant. Med-
leu ] , buMnei ) and test medium. Diagnosis
fne. Female diseases n specialty , llfl N , 10th
St. . Kooms2A3 , Tel. 044. Ml
WANTED House , 5 or 0 room" , cheap , small
cash payment , bal. anorterly , or wral-nn *
nually. Owners address J. H. Watts , chamber
of Commerce. 6 ft-7iiil
WILL pay cash for Borne coed lota If cheap.
( Iruham , Crulghton block. rctl u
WANTED to lluy-gecond hand furniture.
Btovesi , carpets , etc. , at 1718 St. Mary's
ave. M210 *
W ANTED-Pome chcnii lots for cash. (5ra-
ham , Crulghton blk. Ki 0
WANTEU-Homo good \acantlots and will
pay cash If cheap. Uraham , Crelghton
blk. rail )
S 1POT cash for furniture , slovoa. housohol
goods at 117 North 16th st. OrlT It Co.
"ITITANThD To buy snort tlmo paper. J. W.
TT Gross , ' at C. B. Muyno's offlce , 11th and
Harney. 385
TT ' E/COLE lonnsnibney on'lniproved'clty or
jn. farm property. Boom 0 Continental
block. U8
r OANS wanted on good , productive real 'cs-
JLJ tate security 3 and 5 years time , optional
payments and favorable terms and rates. K 1m i
ball. Champ St Ityuu , U. S , National bank but Id ]
ng. 64J 17
THE Falrbank Investment Co , organized
with ample capital , makes loans on horses ,
wagons , furniture , pianos , and other personal
iroperty or collateral. Des.1 with responsible
j.irtles. Apply at their olllco , 15 South lith
itreet , up-sialrs. 418
MONEY to loan on Improved city property at
lowest rates. Cash on hand. Fln > t mort
gages negotiated. B. F. Scuvor , room 15 , chain-
ier of commerce. ! ? J1
MONEY to loan on Improved real estate. F.
Fay , 317 So. 13th. 250
"MONEY to loan on furniture , horppa , wagons ,
JJletc. , or on any approved security. Low
ales. J. W. llobblns , 1U1J Farnam. bWl f 21
TVfONEY to loan. Notes ana rt. H. ticket.
lU. bought olid sold. A. Forman , 213 B l.Hh sts
MONEY to loan nt lowest rates upon Improved
and unimproved real estate in Omaha and
ilso upon farms In western lown aud eastern
Nebraska. Mortgage notes bought and sold
Moll llros. & Co. . V&S Farnam st. : W3
MONEY to loan on Improved real estate ; no
commission charged. Leavltt Uurnham.
room 1 , Crclghton block. UOO
SHOUT time loans maflo on any available
security , in reasonable amounts. Secured
notes bought. Hold or exchanged. General
financial business of any klud transacted
promptly , qmetljr and fairly at the Omaha Fi
nancial Exchanm , ' N. W. cor. 15th and Har
ney sts. , over Sukto National band. Corbott ,
manager , j ! K)7 )
" \TONEY ti loan , ' lean now place some tlrst
1TJ. class city loans Immediately. Call at once
If you desire to be accommodated. D. V. Slioles ,
room 1 Darker block , alley. ! fW
MONEY to Loan Uy the untlcrsiened , who
has the only properly organized loan
agency in Omaha. .Loans of f 10 to (100 made on
furniture , piano ? , organs , horses , wrgons , ma
chinery , etc , wIthout removal. No delays. All
business strictly confidential. Loans so made
that any part can be paid at any time , each pay
ment reducing Uje cost pro rata. Advances
made on flnu watches and diamonds. Persons
should carefully'consider who they are dealing
uith , as many nrw'concerns ' are dally coming
Intq.oxlstence. SbouldypUfneed money call and
cee We. W.'lt. Croft , loom 4 Wltunnll building ,
15th and Ifarnoy1 : ' 3(19 (
MONEY to Loan O. F. Davis Co. , real estate
and loan agents , 2505 Karnaru st. 370
MONEY to loan , on hand , no delay. J.
W. and E. L. Squire , 1413 Karnam st. Paxton -
ton hotel building. 372
T OANS made on real estate. Cash on hand.
W.M.Harris over2208.11th st. 373
$ l 750,000 to loan at 6 per cent. Ltnahan 4 Mahoney -
honey , K09 Farnam. 374
61'Elt CENT Money.
Patterson & Fawcett 16th and Harney. 37 6
M ONEY To loan. Lowest rates. No delay
J. L. Bice & Co. . over Commercial Na-
tlonal bank 375
LOANS made on real estate and mortgages
bought. Lewis S. Heed & Co. , 1521 Farnam.
< J 500,000 To loan on Omaha city property at 0
percent. G. W. Day , S. E. cor.Ex. lild.J78
MONEY LOANED at C. F. Reed i CO.'B Loan
OlHcfl. on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons ,
penonal property of all kinds , aud all other ar
ticles ot value without removal. 319 S. 13th ,
over Hlngham's commission store. All busi
ness strictly confidential. 379
MONEY to Loan On furniture , pianos ,
wagons , or other personal property w Ithout
remov al ; also on collateral security. Business
conUdentlal. Cbas. B. Jacobs , 820 8. 15th st.
! 180
TVTONEY loaned on furniture , pianos , organs ,
ML horses , etc. low rates. J. J. Wilkinson 4
Co. , 1324 Farnam , over llurllngton tlckut omce.
TT1OR SALE Lumber and coal business. Not
-U one yard In twenty ns convenient or as
well located , doing a goou business. Address J.
W. Ouackenbush , Glecnwood , Nob.
323 men 15 *
TjlOR SALE Orrent.Merchlston liancli , bcnu-
JL ? tlfully situated lu the fertile valley of the
Loup , within 6 miles of Fullcrtoii , the county of Nance county , Nebiuska. and 1 uillo'uf
postolllco. llila well-known ranch has been spec
ially laid out for stockrnlsing and general farm-
barns with granluies , carpenter shop , harness
room , 3 windmills ( i geared ) , 5 wells , scales , 3
water lanKs 18 with heating apparatus ) , constant
supply of living w ater from Plum creek and the
Loupe rlor. . 2 commodious dwelling houses ,
ono situated In the midst of u flue orchard ; prl-
vato side-track on the O. N. Jc 11. Ity. with every
facility fcr handling stock ; good hog Imjlnp
point. Stock , Implements , etc. . may bo had at
valuation , lor further particulars apply per
sonally or by letter to the owner , E. C. Millar. '
Westgord , Neb. 320 7 *
FOR SALE A clean stock of gents' furnish
ing goods , hut : ) , caps ; one of the best lo
cations In Omaha. Stock all bought within ono
year. Address T OS , Bee olllce. 788 f 8
WE have for. sale groceries , restaurants
meat markets , feed store , hotels. Motion
ery store , griVt ttrlll In paving locality , a first
clas&bukerjMn-flixid local Ion In this city , u good
foundry in ihgqnjljtown. price $22,000 , nnd othm
chances. Parties wishing to go into business
we Invite you to call on us before jou purcluve
Co-operatU e La&l ii Lot Co. , 203 N. Itsth st.
i rfj 5520
_ _
OR S A LEATf Interest In moat market do
ing ? > . > ] cJlli business a month. He.ibous
leaving city.jdiirea3. , . A 9. Boa. 43.1 7j
"C1OBSALH tlh ng stock. As line location a <
.V there Ls In tpe city. Clean stock. Imoli-i
about $7.000. Partcusu. Part in good real ea
tate or secured notes. M , A. Upton & Co , lot !
st , opp. C'harrtDQt ! of Commerce. 431
OR SALli liVst-clastf boarding bouse neat
P.O. . rsorhH all occupied ; good cause foi
selling. X 48 Bee , olllce. 153f25
TNSIDE city property In exchange for furmi
Jorlunds. . J , A. Heistaud , Arlington block.
OREXCHANOE-Wo have a. No. 3 Vlcto
safe to trade for u larger ono. Will paj
the dlireronco. Co-opcratl\e Lund & Lot Co.
203 N. ICth St. 668 7
WE have u clear lot , which we will trade fa
a good safe. Co-operative Lund and Lo
Co , 2C5 north Ibth Ht. 667-7
OUTH OMAHA lots for good building lot li
West part of the city , Stevens Bros. , 152
1'arnam bt. f7-fi
OUSE In 1'ope Place for Orchard Hill o
other lots , titevens Bros. , I5il Furnam st
IVB LOTS near Park ave. and 11 Worth fo
goad house. Stevens Bros. , 1521 Farnau
ht. 687-0
NENCtm BEBED fnnu for honoo and lei
Stcveiu Bros. , 1521 Furnutu st. 6)17-0 )
W I LIi exchange two houses and lota , well lo
cated , for tuck of groceries.
Will exchange house and lot for team , wagon
and harness and some cash.
Will exchange lot 175xlfi ( , with two good
houses for farm in noutheast Nebraska.
Will exchange house and lot on north Hth st
near Lake for a good residence lot centrally lo
Will exchange very flno residence with largo
ground * , alt ImpHncmenUi , In St. Louis , value
IIR.OOO , for Omaha property or Nebraska land.
Will exchange the follow Ing for Omaha prop
erty :
1(0 ( acres , Hnrdln Co. , la. , well Improved.
100 seres , Merrlck On. , Neb. , 2 ! { mile * from
railroad , well Improved , clear ,
80 acres. Wheeler Co. . Neb. , Improved ,
320 acres , dimming Co. . Nob. , unimproved.
C5 acres , Cnss Co. , near Plattsmouth , very well
improved ,
1H ( ) acres , Cass Co. , near Plattsmouth , some
timber , gro\ , l.W acres cultivator ! , all clear of
100 acres , Webster Co. , Neb. , near Bed Cloud ,
Improved , nearly all cultivated.
Gclso'8 add. , house and lot , ( Cxl48-.l,600 will
take good lot and some cash for equity.
Slots In Clifton lllll , fOSO each , will trade
equity for other property.
Choice lot In Union Square , will exchange for
land. J. H. Watts ,
685,7 Chamber of Commerce.
TJIABMS In nil parts of Nebraska for vacant
JR lots. Stevens Bros. , 1521 Farnam st.
" \ATANTED Stocks of goods for exchange for
T > all kinds of property. Stevens Bros. , 1521
rarnam st. BhT-fl
WE have for trade a largo list of Improved
unimproved lands , houses nnd lots , va
cant lots , stocks ot goods , restaurants , feed
store * , stationery , furniture , 2 grain elevators ,
hotels In this nnd neighboring cities , and other
kinds of property. Call and see us. Co-operative
Land & Lot Co , 205 N. 10th st. 6.U 6 _
FOR SALE-Or trade 341 acres , 4 miles from
Union Stork Yaids. Very best Improve
ment. Can 1m divided Into W or liM ucies , all
good for garden. Fine location adjoining rail
road station. Small Inrumhrnnce. Address 510
North IGth street , Omuhu , Nob. Ml-10
T HAVE for trade improved farm In Cass Co. .
JL near Plattsmouth , will trade for improved ,
inside property. Addresa M 38 , Boo offlce. "
BtocKs of merchandise to ex-
chnngo for lands and cty | uroDertyi C. C.
Spotswood ; 305 > i 8. l ° tt > . 382
W ILL trade house and lot In Walnut hill for
land , Graham , Crelghton blk. 520 0
FOH SALE-Or exchange , $7,000 grocery stock ,
half cash , balance real estate ; no ( omnils-
Mon. Address A 21 , Heo. Mil U
WANTED-Stock of groceries , dry goods ,
clothing or boots and shoes In cxclmngo
for Omaha property or f anus. Schleslnger III os. ,
014 S. 10th St. 125-K4
FOR THADE Two , o lots and a beautiful
( I2.IM ) residence on Capitol ave , also J15,000
worth of Faruam st property will bo traded for
business or lesklenco property within three-
fourths of a mile of postolllce or will trade for
stock of merchandise ; address V 1400 Farnam ,
down stalls. 451 11 ?
T71OH Exchange New 8-room house and lot In
JU Fairmont place , slightly encumbered , for
other good property.
Lots In our addition to South Omaha , free of
encumbrance , for good western farm land.clear ,
or not heavily encumbered , or good Omaha
Good Insldn business property , free of en
cumbrance , for good house and lot In north
part of city. S. A. Sloman , rooms 22 and 23 ,
Hellinan building , cor. Faruum and 13th sts.
T71OH TKADE at a great bargain , 100 acres of
X ? nice la.ut In llurllngton county. New Jei sey
Smiles from the coast. Just between Now York
and Philadelphia ; address V UOO Faniam , down
stairs. 454 11 *
WANTED To trade a good cart for a top
unggy ; will pay boot. Address X 71. Heo
office. 31W8
R SALE or exchange , hotel ; bargalu. A.
M. Merrill , Hartlngton , Neb. 427 7
TjlOH Exchange. Jt you have farms or lands to
Jt ? Bell or trade send for our descriptive blanks.
If you have any kind of property to sell or exchange -
change , list It with us ; wo can furnish you a
customer. S. 8. Campbell & G. W. llcrvev. 310
Hoard of Trade Omaha 383
FAHMS , lands , lots , etc , to exchange for
good Inside , Improved or unimproved loin ,
will ussumo euuimtuanccs. W. J. Paul , 1 09
Farnam. 233
WANTED Houses and lots to exchange for
Impiovedand unlmproued lands in Ne
braska and low a. Charles C. Spotswood , 305'/i
8.16th. 385
NEI1HA8KA anrt Kansas farms to exchange
for Iowa and Colorado lands , and vice
versa. Co-Operative Lund and Lot Co. , 205 N
16th st. ' 694
FOH exchange FIne Nebraska farms for
stocks of general incise. J. A. Merger ,
Long Pine. Neb. 321 f 211 *
WANTED Gooa larms m exchange for
Omaha property , C. C. Spotswood. 305Vt
BENSON te CAIIM1CHAEL furnish complete
and guaranteed abstracts of title to any
real citato lu Omaha and Douglas county upon
slioi t notice. The most complete set of abstract
books In the city. No. 1519 Farnam st. 385
MIDLAND Guarantee and Trust Co. , 1505
Farnam street Complete abstracts fur
nished , and titles to real estate examined , per
fected and guaranteed. 3-0
$ lfVO buy.s a homo on easy paj ments. IL E.
Cole , ne. cor. 15th and Douglas. UJ1-7
A CHANCE for you to get a beautiful home ,
furnished completely from celler to garret ,
a htnall cash payment , balance monthly , quar
terly or annually , to suit purchaser. Come and
see this. Wo taice pleasure In showing property
and answering questions. H.E. Cole , Continental
building. 600-7
LIST property for sale or exchange with II. E ,
Cole , n. e. cor. 15th and Douglas. 608-15
$ lbi)0 ) bu > H a home on easy payments. IL E"
Cole , ne. cor. 15th and Douglas. UU-7
06x132 , 8.10th Kt. new Martha , with g < x >
at 2.000 less thau actual cash value. Clark-
bon , 219 8.14th ht. 503 4
T71OU 8ALE-Or exchange , a good lot on Hurt
8tGraham. . Cielghtonblk. 6201) )
" "
( Or trade 2tO acres of beautiful
low a land unencumbered. Prefer to trade
for residence within a mlloof postofflco.wlll pay
dllTerenco ; address V140U Farntim , down stairs.
454 11 *
SPECIAL On 21th street South O. ( Syndicate )
$1,200 , fOOOcash , 1,2,3 vis amid mos. Ank
about this. Active Heal Estate and Property
Exchange , 112 ( Dodge st. 4784
"I7HMI RALE Great snap on Cumlug St. , way
-U under value. Clarksuu , 219 8.14th st. 503 4
Oil BALE Fine house and lot In South Omaha -
ha , rents 8JJ , for which I will take llrst
mortgage paper. Clai k"on , 219 3.14th st. 603 4
TCIOHISALE-Houso and lot in Walnut Hill.
JL1 Easy pa ) ments. P. A. Gavin , sola agent.
447 Mth W
T L. HICE 4 CO. , lleal Estate. 215
A LOT which must be sold ; payment coming
duo ; only3 blocks fiom new U. P. depot ,
South Omalm ; ubaiguln , wit hi ) . D. Smeuton ,
Darker block. 61U 0
L. BICE & CO. , Real Estate. 215
L BICE & CO. , Heal Estate. 215
FOH SALE or exchange , Omaha property and
farms for merchandise , horses , etc. Scldos-
Inger llros. , bU S. 10th St. 120-B4
OTS13and 14 blk 59 , South Omaha , 81.900.
Graham , Creighton blk. 62U U
FOR SALE-3 lots. 1 corner , 20th nnd Dodge ,
3 lots , 1 comer , 29th ave. and Dodge , JH.603.
2 lots , 1 corner , 2Mh und Douglas , is.wo.
2 lots , I corner , 28th nnd Dodge. M.500.
1301 holcu lotc. Oinnliu Vlow ; w 111 build housrt
to order ; only ! HA > to J1,214J will buy jouanlct
homo ; terms easy.
1M ) cheapest lots in city ; teims easy.
lluautlfiil resilience lot Hunscom 1'liice , $ .1,000
Splendid business lot , Cass , between 14tn nnd
15th sts. ; H bargain.
Sulphur bpilngadd. . , lots 0 and 10 , block0
$ f ) , ouo.
I Ml P , block I ) , PhuU'H 2nd add. , & .COQ.
2lots blk 3:1 : , South Omuha , easy terms , IJ.200
Lot 12 blk 2. Potter's add to Omuhu. gl.ILV ) .
5 room benne nnd lot , 17th near Center , fi,40X
For exchange Good clean lots for cuttle
South Omuhn lots for good land In Nebrusku
720 acre finely Improved ranch near Kearney.
Bule or exchange Farms in Dodge , Cuiulng
Cedar , Holt and * AnteIope counties for Oiuulu
property. '
Wanted Equities In Omaha real estate am'
farms for cash and clear lots. Well sucurei
mortgages for cash und clear lots. First UUH ,
i-tock of hardwnre or merchandise for gooc
Oiniihu real estate.
Money to loan on goodlnslde Omaha property
Drake Bros. , KruIKstute , 310 S. 15th Bt. 46U I
UJ1.WW buya n home ouej ny payments. H. I !
P Cole , no. cor. 15th und Douglas. 001-7
OB 8A l.K-l-tf cu h , blg est bargain In Soutl
Omaha. Ixiok at the locution , ill Ice am
tenns-20feetof lot , block 75 , If 1,200 ; MX ) cash
balance 1,2 aud 3 years. D , D , Hmeaton , Burke
block. IbO
IMPROVED furm In Iowa for Omaha reisl
denceproferty. JJ , Wilkinson , 13211'uniam
OJl.HIO hu > BU home on easy puymeutu. H.E
P Cole , lie , cor. IMh und Douglaii , oOl-J
MARSHALL A LOBKCK , members Om ! '
Heal Ehtnto Rxchange.
Special Bargains !
4 lots In Mncoln at much IMS than value.
4 lots In Hitchcock's nrst add , MOO to..I MO
Lot a In block 4. WestCumlng 1.IUO
It lot * . In block 5 West fuming , each KW
I/ot 3 In block 0 , roppl ton ] mrk , rait
front on Low avenue , l.TiV )
Lot Ifi in block 3. Mmint riea ° ant tea
ft lots lu Wpstitldo. ttuuto nil )
Acre lott In Solomon' * addition KW
Aires In SprlnK Valley on MU ourl 1'nclllo ,
and Fremont , Klkhorn Ss Missouri Valley
rntlrcmil MM
T.iis Is 00 less than la asKcti for ntljotnlng
Here * .
Lots In firing Valley near South Omaha ,
nml on Fremont , Klkhorn & Missouri
Valley rnllroail 3TO
Corner Twenty-third nnd California , WlxW 8,300
nxnmlne ourliiruo list of property In city nnd
addition * , iilsoof fanua ntid farming luuds lu
NclrrnRlcn and lown.
Marshall A Lobeck ,
UooniO , Chamber of Commerce. BtfS
IHANDLK South Omaha property exclu
sively , and If sou wish to buy , soil or trailo
u bargain call. I ) . 1) . Umcaton , Darker Mock.
TflOH 8ATiK-Ix > t r , blk 8 A. S. Patricks adj will
J ? soil for tow clnys at < 1,600 , KXU cash. bal.
easy. B. 40 Heo office. U17
FOU SALE 160 acres of land four miles from
stock yards , at 1125 par acre ; this Hn bar-
Rain. McCugue , Opp. P. 0. 3'J1
EOK 8AIi-00 ft front on Franklin near -'Till
st.fc.N ! ) . UomtlotflOxUTon Charles nnd
27th sts , $ J.OOll. ea v tuims. two lots In West
Cnmlni ; add , * .SX ) each. 0 ralinm , CreiKhton blk
CO ) u
J.L. . IttCE & CO. , Iteal Estale. 215
EM STICKNEY & CO. a specialty ot
property lu North Omalm , for sale or rout
at Citizens' bank , Ztcw Cumlng st. 3ss
J.L. . HICK & CO. , Heal Kitate. 215
Notice of Incorporation.
TO Whom It Mav Concern : Notice is hereby
given that "The lien Hulldlng Company"
has tiled in the otllco of the county clerk of
Douglas county , Nebraska , articles of Incorpor
ation. The principal place of transacting Us
business Is at Omaha , in Douglas county and
state ot Nebraska.
The general nature of Its business Is to
acquire , own , hold , lease , mortgage , sell nnd
convey real estate , erect buildings nnd Implore-
incnU ) upon the same , for renting such real
estate , &c.
The amount of capital stock authorized Is
$ .VK,000 ) , tell per cent of which to bo paid at the
tlnioot subscribing for the same , and Ihoie-
malnder as required by the bouid of directors.
The corporation commenced January 15th , A.
D.1NW and will terminate the 15th day of Jan
uary. A. I ) , inss. , , , , „
The highest amount of indebtedness or liabil
ity to which the corporation nlmll at any tlmo
subject Itself Is two-thirds of the capital stock
The business affairs of the corporation ar to
be conducted by a board of directors of llvo
members who shall select from their number a
president , secretary mul treasurer.
llKNHr A. IIAKKKI.r , .
Dissolution Notice.
rTMtEflrm heretofore existing under the firm
JL name of Ilcverldgo & Allen 1ms this day
been dissolved by mutual consent. J. F. lle > -
crldge will continue the business , assuming nil
obligations and collecting all bills ,
Omaha , Neb. , Feb. 2nd , 1888.
, J. K. nr.VF.lUDfl * ,
f3d3t E. 8. AI.I.EX.
SEALED proposals will bo recehed nt the
olllco of county clerk of Douglas counly.un-
til noon of Saturday , Feb. 11 , ItWS , for furnishing
and setting up railing in court room of Douglas
county court house , according to plans mul
specilicatlons on llle In county surveyor's olllce.
Omaha , Neb. , 1'ob. 3rd , IBM.
fidlt M. D. Kucnii. County Clerk.
How General tin Gr < ngo I'rcfrcntod
n I'nulo In Him KrnnolHoo.
Now York Graphic : "Thoro pees n
mtui with a history , " pointing to n largo . 1
tind Blow-moving mrtn walking up Broadj&l
wny just in udvunco. ' -r
"Who Is ho V " wns uskotl. ; I
"By the wny , ho knows a good deal i > |
nbout tlio Rnlston iniittorH in 'Frisco Si
that has never been told , I BOO the |
Graphic 1ms teen talking nbout 'lllll'
Italston's son n very clover , brighti \
follow , by the wny , whoso untimely end
I regret greatly. Who is the man in
advance ? Why , that is Gonorul La
Grange , who was superintendent of the
mint in Frisco. Ho saved that city
from a torrlllo commercial panic nt the
tlmo of Rulston's death. You'd hardly
think PO n ho moves along in that , -
elephantine wa\v , but ho was ono of the I-I
most dashing of western cavalry oflleors M
during the civil war , nnd at the head of
the First Wisconsin cavalry was with
Colonel Pritchard of the Michigan rogl-
iiiunt , ono of the cupturors of Jefferson
"CJencral Grant made him mint super * .
Intondcnt in 1801) ) . Before that ho was , *
teaching school and practising law in i.
Almaila county , just across the bay. Ho .
won't talk nowadays. A bltcvnlcal and | |
poured , you know , but a fine fellow for ( |
all that. Howoror , lot's turn In hero 5
and I'll ' toll you nil nbout It. T was in L
'Frisco shortly after and have talked '
with La Grange nnd others. It's just na
well to understand just how much D. O.
Mills did towurds.snving the the Bank
of California. "
Of course Seneca's wishes were fol
lowed and seated over a beaker of Apol-
Hnurls , with "a stick in it , " the Graphic
heard this interesting narration :
KnlHten's failure was not duo to his
personal appropriation or misapplica
tion ot the funds of the Hank of Califor
nia , as it was by his intonbuprido in the
state and its dovolopmont. The bank
wns so much the creation of men like
Mills. Rulslon , Sharon. & Co. . and thq
state's development was so largely
the product of their ouorgy , ns
to direction at least' , that it could
not bo much wondered nt that
they should consider the bank , and pos
sibly the sUite , too , as their own prop
erty. Evidently Mr. Halston , did.
Everybody came who had a project or
enterprise on hand. Ralston loaned
nnd invested right and loft. When the
crash cnmo his own and the bank's
funds were apparently inextricably in
volved. It was Senator Sharon , who
looked like a tailor and acted , says Sen-
ecu , like a prince In the matter , to
whom credit is really duo for saving the
bank und what was left of Rulston's
estate , not Mr. D. O. Mills , except us
later on his carefully conducted presi
dency restored full confidence. There
was n great dilTcronco in the methods of
Ralston and tho-so of Flood and O'Brien ' ,
who with Fair and Mackay were in the
Bank of Nevada. They wore "on the
mako" by loans and paying J
and safe investments in the j , "
usual wny of bankers und
capitalists. They were something more ,
for they practieully vulod a principality
the Comstock lode. Ralston and the
Bank of California had been toppled
over. It U an old chestnut on the coast ,
the row between these powers , but it
may not bo known that It oecamo so per
sonally bitter , especially against that ot
Mr. Flood , who had been twitted of hav
ing kept a bar , declared that ho would
turn the rival banks into ono , for nt '
„ Janst ono day. Ho had the power for a
few hours , too , to carry out his throat. r
John J. Mackay prevented the consum
mation of the old bank's ruin by threat
ening to withdraw from the bonanza
General La Grange came in nt the
nick of time. He had coin , and plenty
of it , in the mint. There was bullion
in the city nnd enough t6 meet till obli- i
gallons. The trouble was coin. La >
Grange bought all the bullion brought i
to him. There was n , decided kick from I
Washington , Mint Director Lindorman
growing alarmed at the risk ho sup
posed La Grunge to bo running. The
latter tendered hib resitrnation but went
on with his plan. Senator Sharon , who
hud never seen La Gr.ingo , called on
him and ottered to become his security
for millions if necessary. Ho also tele
graphed the president to the Eiimo
effect , asking him also to refuse iho
proffered resignation. A panic was
saved , nnd when La Grange's accounts
were audited which ho demanded im
mediately on the cessation of the
trouble the books balanced to a few
cents ngalnst him , which ho paid at
once and renewed ins resignation. It
was not considered.
"If Sharon risked a cent nt the time
ho put at least $7,000,000 in peril , " re
marked Seneca. "And that was not all.
Ho took hold first of the bank und then
of Rulston's affairs. " No ono will over
know what occurred unless General La
limn go should toll , Ho wiw present , Jt
is understood , on invitation at the first
director's meeting after RulstonV death.
Still , opinion is settled in Frisco into n
belief that Sharon bulldo/.cd Mr. Mills
und others into standing by the bank
und hubhing up the Ralston opisodo. It
is said to have cost 810,000,000 to have
done It. Then Mr. Sharon took clmrgo
of all Rnlston's unllnlshcd ventures. Hoi
had undoubtedly to do that , and make
the hank safo. It was an herculean
task , but ho cat-Hud it through. Wlmt-
ever Mrs. Ralston and the family pos
sessed thereafter was duo entirely to
Senator Sharon's fidelity and biigainty.
Ho actually made the greatPalace hotel
meet its , outlay , and Jt is now a paying
property. Mr. Mills is not believed to
iwvo entered into any risks , but of
course credit is duo for making the
Bank of California a safer institution
than over bofovo.
William M. Ralston was a remarkable
character. Ho had u certainly rude ,
but magnificent typo of generosity and
and public spirit. It was material nnd
cour = o clean through , but it was es
sentially California ! ! and therefore largo
and showy. His hospitality belonged
to that bchool , and his enterprise.albo.
Ho helped everything. Ono of the mou
who was disappointed greatly when
Ralston walked into the hay waa our
little , but noisy friend Henry George.
Gcorgo P. Jones had loaned the Eye-
ning Post , which George and William
Swinton started in 1871 , a good deal of
money. Gcorgo was in possession when
thoRalbton episode occurred. A mornIng -
Ing paper had been started just before
by a printer who hud been n partner ot
Henry Georgo'n. It bcemcd to bo doing
very well , which was more than the
Evening 1' was. But Its career ended
with Itnlatou'fl death. Since those days
it has been whispered that thoJones Jn-
vcfatmonts and loansn.s well as the business -
ness of the Post , were diverted to the
building up of the morning "pOdgor"
mentioned. Ralston was known to have
aided it , and George is credited with
being inanagur. Senator Jones boon
after found reason to fuel that ho hod
been unfairly dealt with. The Post lost
its editor. The .world gained a book ,
" 1'rogrct.H nnd Poverty , " and the two
Californians never "take the wind. " of
each other aa they pass by.
Noo. 3O3-404-I7O-CO4.