Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 05, 1888, Page 8, Image 8

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    --B W - * - '
, -y .
" t .
Will bo o.irlore , to to tlio
' charged at ( - Monday go
Of Monthly's Cash Sale1 * go to the
Heroine .1519-1521 Douglas Street. Heroine ITuncl
Two-Fifths to Miss Shattuck , Two-Fifths to Two-Fifths to Miss Royce , Two-Fifths to Miss
Miss - Royce ; One-Fifth to Miss Freeman : A Novel Idea. A Bold and/Worthy Undertaking- . Shattuck and One-Fifth to Miss Freeman.
ON MONDAY , FEBRUARY 6th , an admission fee of 6c will be charged to every person entering our store. The entire proceeds , also 5 per cent
of our-sales will be given to the Nebraska Heroines , and divided as follows : Two-fifths to Miss Shattuck , 4wo-fifths to Miss Royce and one-fifth
to Miss Freeman. After entering our establishment and seeing our display and prices , should any one feel dissatisfied with the charge of 5c.
she will have but to walk to the desk and inform the cashier of the fact , when the 5c will be refunded without any questions being asked. Re
member the prices made special for this sale are away down low , and for Monday only. We would advise the ladies' to come early in the morn
ing and avoid the afternoon rush. Turn out everyone and help out a good and noble cause , and get a benefit yourselves.
NOTE The Omaha Bee has appointed two young ladies' to Collect the Admission Fee at the door.
Guaranteed best mndc , best , trimmed ,
made on lock stitch machine , felled
scums , and surely the best values ever
offered in Oiniiha. On Monday wo will
Bhow three lots :
Lot No , I , 50C
Consisting of" Liulics' Night Gowns ,
Chemise , IJrawers , Skirts , Corset Cov
ers , all lit one price , SOe each.
Lot No , 2 ,
Consisting of Ladies' Night Gowns ,
Chemise. Skirts. Drawers. Corset Cov ;
ors , elegantly trimmed , all at 7oc each.
Lot No , 3,98C ,
This line is simply grand and worth
double the price asked. Ladies' Night
( jowns , Chemise , Drawers , Skirts , Cor
set covers , all at ! ) Sc each.
Bennison Ite
Bennison Bros. Write- Another to
the Boo.
Their Fuml to be Divided One-fifth
to Miss Freeman tlie Halnneo
Equally Between the Other
The Letter.
To the Editor of the Bir : : It is with
deep feeling that wo hear of Miss Royco's
additional loss of Jimb on account of her
recent exposure , and wo therefore de
sire to amend our formorfpropobition in
regard to our sale Monday , so that it
will read as follow & :
Wo will on Monday , February G , give
for the benefit of these three funds 6 per
cent of our grois receipts on that day ,
to bo distributed as follows : Two-fifths
to Miss Shattuek , two-fifths to Miss
noyeoimd.tho remainder to Mibs Free
man.On the same day wo will charge at
our door an admission of 5'cents , the
total amount so raised to bo distributed
the tuima as the 5 per cent of our sales.
If any person objects to paying the 5
cents admission he or she can have the
same returned by simply asking for it
at the cashier's desk. BicxxisoN Buos.
Bonnihon Brothers look upon this mat
ter in the right light and in clr.inging
their plan have acted very properly un
der the now circumstances j.i&t . .omo to
Lot everybody come out and give to
the fund thus to bo raised. Bennison
Brothers have very generously con
tributed to the fund already , and this
additional work of theirs is very com
mendable. See if , \ on can't find somc-
tning you want in their advertisement
in to-day ! Bin. _ .
White goods at Falconer's Monday.
Mn.\ Meyer & lira.
can 1111 orders for timing pianos very
promptly , having throe of the best
timers in their employ ,
Furniture ! Furniture ! !
Now ip the time to buy those parlor
suits , chamber emits at less than any
,3- price over offered by any dealers. Will
you hear our jirloob ?
ir > 08 Cap. avo.
White goods at Falconer's Monday.
Soldonborg'h Figaro- the only long
Havana filled 10 ; cigar for 60 on sale
Cluvlly Dlasies at Falconer's Monday.
Tickets t-old every day , good six
months , choice of mutes' . Special cheap
excursion Fob. 10. For particulars
write to or call at
1821 Fttrnam st.
White goods at Fulsoner's Monday.
Uuy your organs now at less than over
before , and on easy payments.
Nli\v YoilK STOUAUK Co. ,
160S Cnpltvl ve.
Morund's classes lor dancing in Ma-
toulu hall Adults every Monday . -and
Saturday at S u.n. ; children beginners ;
Wednesdays at 4 p. . in. , advance ; Sat
urday at4. ! p. m. The.'hu.t term for this
HMUOU begins this week. ' ' . ' '
Special sale Monday of 4 lots of line
Kihhroidcries. All now goods jnst
Lot No. 1 , lOc | Yard.
200 pieces fine Embioidericrf for one
day only , lOe per yard.
Lot No. 2 , ISc
200pieces very fine Edgings , IGc yard ,
worth 25o.
Lot No. 3 , 20c Yard.
150 pieces at 20c yard , worth 35c.
Lot No. 4 , C Yard.
100 pieces nt2" > c yard , worth up tofiOc.
Don't fail to examine these Embroid
eries. They are markcil for this special
sale only.
Bennison Bros.
Haydcn Bros.
Wo have just finished invoicing and
wo find among our stock quite a number
of dry goods whieli wo do not wish to
carry over. Wo liuvo , therefore , cut
the prices so low on this special line
which you will find advertised below
that we expect to see our store crowded
on Monday , February 0 , tind during the
Co pieces ol brocaded ottoman ,
silk brocaded satins and striped silk in
! ! 0 different shades worth in value from
$1.50 to $2.50 pur yard , cut down to 76c
per yard.
50 pieces silk marblcized plushes cut
down to 7oc per yard.
US pieces black and colored silk velvet
cut down to 53o per yard.
200 remnants of silk plush and silk
velvets cut down to one quarter their
value in order to close them out.
70 pieces all wool double width suit
ings , ladies cloth and flannel suitings ,
cut down to Hoe per yard.
All wool French basket flannel wortli
C5e cut down to 15e per yard.
All wool navy blue twilled flannel
worth ; > 5c cut down to ISc per yard.
120 pieces of dress flannel in plaids
only cut down to lOu per yard.
18 pieces all wool skirting and shirt
ing flannel which sold for 35c and 40c
per yard cut down to 1'Jc per yard.
10-1 red wool blankets worth $3.75 cut
down to tl.OS per pair.
10-4 Npwbury grey blankets cut down
to Toe pair.
Twenty pairs of white blankets worth
from $ -1 to $5 cut aown to $2.75 pair. ,
Ten pairs 12-1 fine white wool blank
ets worth W , cut down to $1.35 pair.
Sixteen pairs of all wool red blankets
from Davenport Woolen mills , Iowa ,
worth 45,60 a pair , cut down to 83.75 a
Ten pairs of all woolen blankets from
DCS Moiues Woolen mills , Jowa , worth
Jo , cut down to Ss5.60 a pair.
White bilk embroidered flannel cut
down to O'Jc a yard.
20x45 size and all of our large 19c
towels cut down to 12jc each.
Largest , & 'r/o honey comb white bed
spreads cut down to 65o each.
Two hundred and lifty remnants of
table linen and crashes cut away down
to close.
Twenty-five pieces white cheeked
nainsook cut down to Cc a yard.
Twentypieccsiipron checked gingham
cut down'to Hlc a yard.
Ten pieces heavy blue canton flannel
wortli 2o ( ) cut down" 7e a yard.
Forty bed comforts worth * 1 cut down
to 45c each.
Thirty-five fancy chintze covered
comforts that wore $3.00 cut down to
82.25 each.
Eighteen sateen covered comforts that
were 54 cut down to $1.50 each.
Itcmnants of calico , muslin , shootings
gingham , shirting , etc. , have all been
cut down to clear them out.
Bo on hand early Monday to secure
the best bargains.
110 and MS tenth IGth Mi-cut ,
Omaha , Neb.
IManoTiinliii ; OriU-rn ,
If left with Miix Meyer iV Bre. , mce
with prompt attention. They omploj
only this most export tuners and repair
crs. Telephone 270.
Must le Sold.
Estoy organs , Mason & llnmlin'p Chi
cnco Cottage , Western C'ottajrc , Lake
shk ) , : it an immense saci-Ulc to pa >
storage charges and on cojy payments
NKH YOISK Sroit.uiKCo. ,
150s Cap. avu.
' 'Notice'ol'llciuoval. *
' AVc . have removed to .the coricr : o
E'.ovcnth.f.nd Howard' streets. , . '
' . ' PiiYCKB Buos. Co. .
fit Tilt WIW < tt' ttiWi it' '
Great Offerings in
Dress Goods !
1 case 34-inch Cash
meres , all the new
spring shades , Monday
only 19c yard.
5O pieces handsome
new spring Suitings , all
wool , 38 inches wide ,
Monday SOc yard. Ask
to see them.
1 case fancy Dress
Goods , 34 inches wide ,
Monday 15c yd ; worth
Bennison Bros.
loslcry and Underwear Sale For
Will commence on Monday to close
out all winter goods in this department
egardless of cost.
Ladies' heavy fleeced linen hose ,
ilticks only , at lc ! ) , reduced from 40c.
Children's heavy all wool hose , 5 to
OJ inch , to bo closed at Ific , worth 35c.
Children's heavy wool hose , 7 to 8J , at
.9e per pair , reduced frojn-lOc.
Gents' heavy all wool 1 hose only 15c
) cr pair , reduced from 23c.
Ladies' cashmere hose , extra long ,
extra heels and toes , reduced to li'Je ,
worth GOc.
Ladies' scarlet vests and pants , nicely
finished , only Too each , reduced from
Gents' heavy grey merino shirts and
drawers , only'SOo each ; reduced from
Our stock of laundricd and unlaun-
dried shirts is now complete. Wo carry
the largest line of these goods in the
Unlaundried shirts , 48c , 55c , T5c , 05e.
Tlio best values ever given for the
100 doladies' kid gloves in dark
bhadcs to bo closed out Monday at SOc
per pair ; reduced from $1.00.
Ladies' line kid gloves , two toned
embroidered backs , as an inducement
for ladies to attend our gravid sale on
Monday ; wo will sell 2o doz of this glove
at Toe per pair ; reduced from Sl.oO.
Do not fail to attend our corset sale on
10th St. , bet. Dodge and Douglas.
Found at1 p. in The place to buy
furniture , pianos , organs , stoves , carp-
otb , etc. , at less than any price ever of
fered , and on easy payments.
Ni\v : Yoiiic STOUAOK Co. ,
luOS Capitol avc.
Embroideries at Falconer's Monday.
Important !
The entrance into our city by the
Illinois Central , in the vicinity of Table
Land , make an investment in this addi
tion a sure thing. Shrewd business
men never sneer , but investigate. Ev
erybody can purchase some of these lots ,
because they are very cheap , viz : $150 ,
$200 , $2.50 and $ ; tOO very easy terms.
For full information call upon or write
for plats , and courteous attention will
bo given you. These prices hold good
for u short time only.
M. Cooi'EH.1609 Farnam.
Annual liall.
The Brotherhood of Locomotive En
gineers will hold their fifth annual ball
at Masonic hall , corner Sixteenth street
and Capitol avenue , Thursday evening ,
February 0. The ScoUish Rite hall has
been secured as a reception room for the
Embroideries at Falconer's Monday.
Wo are prepared to furnish abstracts
of title complete and guaranteed. H.
R. E. & L. Co. , IJ20 S. loth street.
Ton years' trial of Dr. Thos * Jefferis'
diphtheria remedy has proven it to bo
infallible as a preventative and euro.
"Blood bo upon your head , " if you per
mit your children to die with diph
theria. No physician required. Lull
directions for u o can bo obtained only
by addressing Dr. Thos. JolToris , No. 31'
South Fifteenth street , Omaha ; or sent
by expreson receipt of price , $3.00.
Embroidpries at Fal.coner'b Monday.
Arclidrum and SujicrinteitdenU.
& Son , 20 , Iron Bank. ' ' -
Gloves ! G
60 dozen Ladies' 5-button scalloped top
Kid Gloves , Monday only
450 Pair
WORTH 75c.
100 dozen Ladies' Prime Kid Gloves ,
two toned , embroidered backs , in
tans , browns , greys and blacks , Mon
day only
790 Pair
WORTH $1.25.
40 dozen Ladies' finest Kid Gloves , fancy
embroidered backs , two toned fingers ,
all colors , Monday only
$1.00 Pair
WORTH $1.75.
22 doxon Ladies' line Cashmere Gloves ,
jersey wrist , never sold less than C5c ,
our price Monday
390 Pair.
Bennison Bros.
Our Embroidery Sale Will Open On
Tuesday , Fob. 7.
Wo Will Show an Elegant hliio of
Deep Embroideries In Skirt
AViUths to Be Sold in
Tills Sale.
Wo would call special attention to our
SETS of narrow edging , skirt width and
insertion to match. These are some of
the finest goods thut are imported.
FOR WANT OF ROOM wo must close
out two lines of goods that we are carry
THE GOLD SHIRT the best that is
made warranted Wnmsetta muslin ,
twenty-two hundred linen in bosom
and four-ply , with linen bands , re-en
forced front and French yoke in back.
Wo guarantee the lit. If you think they
do not bring them back and we will re
fund the money. Price 85 cents unlaundered -
laundered ; $1 laundered.
The Silver shirt , same shape and
style , only difference is not quite as line
linen or muslin , but has the same guar
antee as to lit. Now , every 0110 knows
the firbt requisite of a good shirt is the
fit. This wo guarantee. Thc&o we sell
for GO cents unlnundorcd ; 85 cents laun
dered. These shirts would bo cheap at
double the price wo ask for them.
Wo have a handsome line of these
goods in the now patterns that I bought
before wo know wo wore going to bo so
crowded for room. These , with the
shirts wo have placed on counters in
centre pf store ask you to look at them ,
as wo have marked them at prices that
must close them out soon.
French sateens at Falconer's Monday.
Alma K. Kcttli.
Every French felt hat and bonnet
marked down from $2 tooOe. Those are
all nice shapes. 109 and 111 Fifteenth
street , opposite post ollico. All trimmed
millinery half price. Fine Milan straw
hats and bonnets , 2oc , SOc , Tfic and $1 at
Alma E. Keith's , 109 South Fifteenth
Switches , $3 , long cut hair , short stem
ana ilrst quality , at AlmO E. Keith's 100
and 111 Fifteenth street/ opposite post
ollico ; grey switches a specialty.
French sateens at Falconer's Monday.
Grand Masquoratfcitlall.
The U. P. band will give their Annual
masquerade ball at the ( exposition hall
Friday evening , February 11) ) . Tickets ,
gotlemon in masque , $1 ; . tidies ami spec
tators , oOc. _
Dr. McClanaban , a young physician
of some note has decided to make
Omaha his future home and is at pres
ent looking for suitable ollices. Ho
now resides at 2-522 Culdwell street and
comes well recommended after live
years successful practice in Stark
county , Illinois.
'French sateens at Falconer's Monday.
artists' velveteen in cream color at $1.30
per yard. Thompson , Belden Si Co.
We did not sign liverymen's agree
ment. IlQMAN & TKUIlV.
Piano .tuning orders loft with Max
Meyer & Bro. 'will bo attended to
' romptly and warranted U ) give eirtis-
icttou. .
100 dozen faicy Turkish Tidies ,
Monday only ,
1Oc Each.
Would be cheap at 25c.
25 pieces Turkey Red Table Damasks ,
guaranteed fast colors , and really
worth 50c yard , our price Monday
25c Yard.
IOO dozen Turkey Red Napkins , guar
anteed fast colors ,
75c Dozen , Worth Double.
100 dozen fine Bleached Turkish Bath
Towels , size 24x28 inches , Mon
day 26c Each.
Bennison Bros ,
Health mid Happiness Restored.
"It is past comprehension , " baid Mr.
Ilonslow , "I can raise my arm with per
fect ease , " and suiting the actioh to the
word ho swung his palsied arm above
his head as if to convince the audience
nt the Grand opera house of the cura
tive power of human magnetism. Wo
cannot deny or bcruplo at what wo see
and hear. When we see a man who had
well-nigh lost the use of his lower limbs
and hear him say he had been getting
worse for theo years , and then after a
few manipulations Dr. French com
mands him to walk , and he does so be
fore the audience at the Grand oncra
house yesterday , wo can only exclaim I
' 'What manner of man is this ? " The
patient was Mr. Kuhn. of Sixth street.
The next was Mrs. Daly , deaf bix years.
She was made to hear tlio ticking of u
watch. Mr. Kennedy , Tenth and Ban
croft , reported himself cured of asthma.
Ho had buffered twenty-six years. A
lady crippled in her feet for years dem
onstrated to the audience that she was
cured. Hereafter Dr. French will pub
licly heal the sick free at Exposition
hall every Saturday from 0:30 : to 10:80 :
o'clock. Admission to the hall free.
Consultations at his parlors , T and 8
Arcade , also free.
Tlio U. IVs New Ijocal Train Service-
On Monday the Union Pacific will
make one of the greatest innovations in
regard to its local train service that has
ever been attempted in the history of
that corporation. Two additionil trains
are to be put on between Council Bluffs ,
Omaha and North Platte , to accommo
date the rapidly increasing local busi
ness of the road. The equipments for
this now service will bo the most buita-
blo and convenient that modern skill
and ingonuitv could devise. Now cars
built oxprcbbly for these trains will bo
provided for the comfort of its numerous
patrons. Two first chibs trains will
leave Council BlulTs regularly every
day except Sunday at T:45 : in
the morning and 6 o'clock in
the evening , composed of bag
gage , mail , express. and chair
cars , bmokcrs and llrst-ehisb
coaches. Passengers can now seat
themselves in an elegant now coach at
Council BlulTs and Omaha and reach
Valley at 0:45 : a. m. and fl:2o : p. in. , Val
paraiso at 10:55 : a. in. and T:50 : p. in. ,
Lincoln ut 11:35 : a. m. and 8:85 : p. m. ,
arriving at Beatrice at 1 o'clock p. m.
for dinner and at 9:60 : p. in. David City
and Stromsburg passengers need not
make but ono change after leaving
Council BlulTs and Omaha and that is at
Valparaiso at 10:55 : a. in , and 7:50 : p. m.
Close connection is made whereby
Stromsburg is reached at 1 o'clock p. m.
and 10 p. m. passengers desiring to go on
through to Manhattan will have plenty
of time to transact their busine&s in
Beatrice after the arrival of the 1
o'clock afternoon train for Omaha , leav
ing ona mixed train at 3 o'clock and
arriving in Manhattan at 11:40 : , or they
can remain over until the next morning ,
leaving at 8:45 : a. in , and reach Man
hattan at 11 p. m. for dinner. This
now arrangement gives the patrons of
the Union Pacific three dally trains
each way between Blue Springs , Beat
rice and Lincoln , and the same number
each way between Lincoln and Val
paraiso , two of which are daily each
way , and the other daily except Sunday
each way. Manhattan passengers for
Omaha can leave there at 4:15 : a. m. and
stop over for dinner at Beatrice at 1:2-5 :
p. m. , connection with tlio through
train at Beatrice at 2 p. in. , which
arrives in Omaha at 7:20 : p.
m. Passengers from Lincoln for Omaha
can take . this train from Beatrice at
3:28 : p. m.- and . Valparaiso .passengers
CH'I , uk the suuc train nt 4:15 : p. m. ,
1OO pIcvcn new Hue Saline * In
fancy Hgiirc , cIiuckM and solid
color , on Sale Monday
2 cnNCH indigo blue I'igururi
Print * , I' 11 Ktaiulnrd , Monday Sc
c Yard.
< 1O pifcc * Apron Cheek Ciii { ;
, Monday only Oc j nrd.
Bennison Bros.
arriving in Valley at 5:45 : p. m. Pas
sengers leaving Strpmsburg at 2 p. m.
arrive at Valparaiso in time to make
close connection with this train at 4:10 :
] ) . in. There is a train also leaving
Stromsburg af 80 a. m. , which arrives
at Valparaiso 7:9:25 : : a. in. , connecting
with the early morning train that
leaves Beatrieo at 7:20 : a. in. , Lincoln ,
8:43 : a. in. , and Valley at 11:05 : a. in. ,
arriving in Omaha at 12:25 : p. in.
: . At Columbus close connection is made
at 11:15 : a. m. and 8:10 : p. nil for Oconco ,
Madison , Norfolk , Genoa , Albion and
Cedar Rapids. Grand Island is reached
In time for dinner at 1:45 : p. m. on the
morning train from Council Bluffs and
Omaha , and at 10:10 : a , m. on the even
ing train , this being the end of the run
of the latter train. Continuing the
morning train reaches Kearney at 3:38 :
p. in. and North 1'latto , the present ler-
minus of this local service , at 7 p. in.
Returning next morning this train
will leave North Platte at 7:30 : a. in.
and Kearney at 10:57 : a. in. , arriving at
Grand Island for dinner at 12:35 : p. in.
E&Tho other local train leaves Grand
Island at 7:15 : a. in. Hero the morning
train from North Platte connects with
trains from Nantaskot , Loup City , How
ard , Ord , Scotia and St. Paul. The two
trains leave Central City at 7:58 : a. in.
and 1:47 : p. in. respectively , arrivintr at
Columbus at 0:15 : n. in. and 3:20 : p. m.
Both trains connect closely hero with
the trains from Norfolk , Madison , Oco
nco , Genoa , Albion and Cedar Rapids ,
arriving at Schuyler at 0:42 : a. in. and
435 ; p. in. , Fremont 10:40 : a. in. and 5:15 :
p. m. , Valley 11:05 : a. in. and 5:45 : p. in. ,
where trains before mentioned connect
with trains from the Omaha & Republi
can Vnlley'district , arriving in Omaha
al12:2o : p. m. and 7:20 : p. in. and at
Council Ulu'lTs at 12:45 : p. in. and 7:10 : p.
m. , respectively. These local trains
stop at all stations.
A daily service has boon provided for
Lincoln and other points in that same
district as far south as Beatrice by run
ning extra trains on Sunday between
Co'incil Bluffs , Omaha , Valley and in
termediate points , lea\ing Valley at
11:05 : a. in. and arriving hero at 0:22 : p.
in. ; arriving at Omaha at 12:25 : p. in.
and leaving there at 5 p , in. ; arriving
at Council Blutls at 12:45 : p. m. and leav
ing at 4:30 : p. m. By this means the
residents in the locality named nro en
abled to receive the Omaha and Council
BlulTs newspapers daily.
Black silk at Falco'ner's Monday.
I have for sale a beautiful corner on
Sherman avenue and Seventeenth
street and ISli south fronton Clark , rents
at $100 a month.
1 am owner of the above properly.
Cor. Fifteenth and Harnoy ,
Jtunigc Block.
* -
Miss C. Nissen studio , Paxton block.
Black silk at Falconer's Monday.
Wo will sell at public auction on Mon
day , February ( I , at 2 p. m. . at our store
a complete outfit from a ton loom house ;
good furniture and carpets. West ft
Allen , auctioneer * , Nos. 108 and 110
North Fourteenth street , between Dodge
and Capitol avenue.
Black silk at Falconer's Monday.
.Max Meyer & ilro.
have now TIIRKK of the best piano
tuners luOio we t. All orders reoislve
prompt attention. Telephone 270.
Our ofllce can be ruiitcJ. 820 S. ) Mh.
Chally U'.aiies ut Falconer's Moiujuy.
On Monday we will
show you Cloaks at
prices never before
heard of in Omaha. The
prices will be fully 20
per cent less than
actual cost for one day
25doz. Ladies' Boucle
Jerseys , nade of fine
imported cloth , and
really worth $1.75 ; our
price Monday
75c Each.
Bennison Bros ,
Miss Clura Morns , uninioMIoimulv tlio
greatest ( Miiotionnl actress in this country ,
appears at Hovel's on next Monday , Tuewluy
and Weilnchilay ovoninj , ' . There is no liner
work on tliu staRu than that displayed in her
acting. In sjiito of many physical disabil
ities , she has attained to nil almost irresisti
ble mastery over llio sympathy of the largest
and most intelligent audience , certainly a
mastery far beyond the power of any woman
on the American boards. To-morrow night
she appears in lier new play , "licuno do
Mary , " Tuesday evening in "Article 47" nntl
Wednesday oveiiiiig ia the "New Magdalen. "
KM i i.i i : I't'i.s-Aiu.'s iir.xt'.rir.
Mrs. Puls-Ahl is the soubruttu of the C5cr-
imm theater company now playing every
Sunday night at Hoyd's. She is ono of the
most successful and popular German iiutori
that has ever appoan d la this city. She plays
almost every line of character and acquits
herself most creditably. Hut in light viva
cious charactorl/atlon she is particularly In
her element. The stage Inc'lis not liveliness
when she is bolnru the audience , and the Int-
ter docs not have to wait in vain lo indulfro
a laugh. Her acting and vivaciousness aio
greatly enhanced by her sliming , which is
generally heartfelt anil excellent. To-night
Mrs. I'uls-Abl takes her immml benefit , ap
pealing In "Unscr Liobling , " a very funny
comedy with song , no less than thirteen
vocal numbers being outlined. Mrs. Puls-
Ahl deserves a largo audience.
"A noi.i : i.s TIIK imoi-xn" AT Horn's.
This is the title of Churlds H. lloyfa
latest comedy satire which comes to Hoyd's
for three nih'Iits and Huturdiiy inatinca com
mencing Thursday the Dili. Mr. lloyt's
pieces are among the most popular attruc-
tionson tlio stago. Itissln'cd thnl ho bus
concentrated a j ; rent deal of fun in this bis lust
piei'o. Hoyt uses u basis of nature and ex
perience for all his pieces no matter bow
much they may bo exaggerated in some of
thulr scenes. . They ainuso the people and it
is said that the above named is ono of the
best that ho has written.
The Eden Museo , over on the alert to sc-
cure now features and attractions , which
will interest the public , will present to its pa
trons the coming week a llfo-sl/o ( Iguro , in
wax , of Miss Minnie Freeman , the brave
young lady who rescued the sixteen little
children from the bli//ard a short tlmo ayo.
Tableaux Illustrating the .Hiinonmlimrs ami
descriptions of her noble act will bo faithfully
produced. An entire uhan o or programme
will bo given the coming week. Heveuil new
features will bo intioduccd Irt curio lull. In
the.itorium No. 1 will bu introduced Millar
Hi us , ' diorama intioducing a tour through
Germany. Jn Hijou thciitio will bo rendeied
a IK- i feet production of the opera "Mikado , "
New scenery and now costumes have been
provided , and the present company has been
Ri-catly strengthened.
"ANIghtOfl" is ono of thi > giuatist and
most hinvosslul of AuKUbtlu Daly's piece * .
It has already been produced hero mid with
givut sutisfaetion. It will bo produced by
Hartmm & Hurbrlduo's company commenc
ing on Monday evening and continuing until
Wednesday niKht. On Wednesday afternoon
tboiowill ho a inathife , when the ] > ioceeds
will bo devoted by the management of the
house and company to Miss Shattuck. The
excellence of both play nnd object will bo do-
of u larm ; audience.
' ' "
r tlctTof IncoT'p'oratlbn.
rPO Whom It MiivCoiiirin : mmm . hurciliv
-L nlveii that The Ili-o Iliillilliu Compnny '
luis lllrd In the ollli K < i ( the conutv rleik < > t
Douglas ( ( Jiiuty , Nubr.i'ikH , articles or Inrorpor-
Htlcm. The jirlnctpjl pluro of tuins.ictlnii ll
buMni : s Is ut Omnhu , In UauRlna county anil
ulut" ot Nobrankn. , .
Tim Bent-ral n.itnre of Its bHsliicni Is to
acquire , own , hold , louse. inortKitw , > ' " "I
coin ey r ul untntc , croct b.-.llillncs ami Improve-
upon ho sunu' . for renting such icul
aoHnt of capitul * tock BUtl.orJzo,1 N
WHMU. ten lini cent of wli'.cli to \ > o jmUl at the
xlme of nubWll'liiK ' for the Biiinc , uiKl the rew -
mulnacrHsmiulr.Mll.ythoboHra of lUretl/jw.
The corporation umi..icm'e4 .Kimiary IMIi. A.
1) . 1 A uml will tcvinlnnto thu lith d yof Jnn.
Ufii'e hiJnV ? H'wuiit of Indebtcdnsss or I'.ftl'il.
Ityta hlch the convjnitlnn diml nMinytlino
siihjoi-t Itself 1 two-tHlr-ls of the capital stoclc
UTJu5 iuslncs affairs of the corpoiatlon aroto
be lontlnctvil by it boird of dlinctoiT. i nvo
finm tli Jrnuia'Jtri
unil treasurer.
MAX Mtvxii ,
HE.MVV A. IlAUk. .u