Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 05, 1888, Page 7, Image 7

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"Old Hutch" Btopa the Advance By
Unloading Whont.
The Usiinl Saturday IliislncHS Trans
acted In tlio Provision Pit A
Good Dcinniul For Prlino
CmrAfio , Feb. 4. [ Special Telegram to the
Br.r. . ] Local traders in wheat had appar
ently como to the conclusion over night that
there was nothing of consequence in yester
day's war scare and before the market
opened there were Indications of weakness.
The first sales of May wheat were at S2c , but
all the commission houses appeared to have
buying orders and the price soon ran up to
82Xi * . H was evident that the "country"
wanted some of the advantages to bo gained
by a foreign war nnd were buying a little
wheat to start on. There was good buying
for foreign account and for Now York.
Against all this buying stood "Old Hutch , "
who had almost unlimited quantities
for sale. Ho not only stopped the
advance , but turned the market again almost
to the starting point. But the buying con
tinued and the weakness was only temper
ary. Tlio market was strong enough to take
nil the offerings nnd the advance with them.
The highest iKilnt'wus S2 ( aS2 > c nnd this
wns followed by a drop to 82 ? < V , the
closing price being 82Ve. March wheat
ojioned at 7iJc und closed nominally at 70.JjJe.
A further drop of 4 points in consols follow
ing that of yesterday , a decline of 42U'cen
times in French rentes and private advices
of weakness in Russian securities tended to
confirm the warlike rcix > rls received yester
day and to discourage short selling , although
there were not wanting cables advising that
there was nothing in the war scare.
There was very little interest taken in the
speculative corn market and tr.ido xvns light ,
liutchinson was selling corn , as ho was
nearlv cvcrything-clso on the lloor , but what
ho offered was taken without affecting tlio
market. The cntiro range of prices wits
only } 4 < iila. May corn opened , at tf2)f@ )
f 2Xe , sold nt 5'ijfo and 52Jrt ( > 53e , closing ut
Kljjf. March corn sold at 48'fe. ;
There was a fair speculative trade in onts ,
entirely in the Mav delivery , but there were
only two prices 33e. and ! 52 > ( tf33o. The llrst
named price was bid at the close last night
nnd was naked at the close to-day. Hutchinson -
son wits a seller of outs , but ono commission
House bought quite us much us ho sold.
In provisions trading was largely of the
Saturday order. Outside orders of all de
scriptions were limited and with lloor traders
there was no particular disposition to do
mrro than setlle , cover or provide for some
contract they were disinclined to have remain -
main open or unprotected. The new busi
ness transacted during the day was
restricted and without sixcinl feature. In
the general market , however , the feeling was
quite strong , though under comparatively
free offerings of lard and short ribs by late
speculative buyers prices averapcd a little
easier. Still nt the adjournment of 'change
pork was only 2J c und lard and short ribs
2k"i. ( ! > e lower than last night's llnal quota
tions. May , as usual , was the pivotal delivery -
livery in tlio business transacted. It sold for
IKirk at $14.47i@l 1.55. for lard at S7.87V ®
7.05 and for short ribs at $7.7.V 7.77K. For
May pork closed nt $14.52)4' , hml "I $7.87 bid
und sliprt ribs at * 7.75.
CHICAGO. Feb. 4. [ Special Telegram to
the HII : : . ] CVTTU : Tlio few natives
on snle ] > erhaps 1,000 , the remainder being
Texaus were sold out nt an early hour. The
general market closed steady. Many sales
men aro. of the opinion that fat , not half-fat.
cattle will soil higher next week. "Look at
the situation , " said a level-headed salesman.
"Out of an aggregate of about forty-live
thousand cuttle not over S,000 have been
really fat and of line quality. Corn
Is scarce and high , while snow is
plenty and cheap and a largo majority of
the cattle coming to market seem to have
been fed on the latter. The demand for
prime cattle is good , nnd the few who have
the nerve to fatten their cattle well , even at
the present high prices of corn , may obtain
prices for them that will pay well for all cost
and labor. Last Saturday's market was lower
than Friday's and Monday the general mar-
Ice t declined sharply on very heavy re
ceipts. Since then then there has been a
general recovery and the market closes
to-day at substantially the same quotations
ns a week ago on all grades below exporters.
Good export cattle have been strong all the
week and arc worth iir > e. per 100 more than n
week ago. Steers , KISO to 1500 Ibs , $4.50ffi >
fi.OO ; 1 00 to 13.V ) Ibs , t4.CO@4.40 ; OoO to
1200 Ibs , W.00@3.7. ) . Stackers and feeder ? ,
* 2.00 ( < Ji.4l : > ; cows , bulls and mixed , $1.95
< ? ! UO ; bulk , S3.150tt3.dO. Texas cows , ? 1.83@
2.U1 ; steers , f3.50Wa.00.
HOGS Trade was dull , the general market
closing weak with u decline of 5(2llo ( ( ) all
around , making a decline of 10@20c in fact.
Prime heavy are li. ie lower than a week ago
to-day. The receipts show a large Increase
over last week and had it not l > ocn for the
sustaining influence of the provision market ,
which had averaged strong , hogs would have
had a heavy break in price. Heavy shipping ,
tS.OO&'i.TO ' ; heavy packing , ft.Wy5.40 ;
butchers' weights , $ T > .35S ( , ' > .50 ; heavy mixed ,
5. 5@5.W ) ; light , l.bO@5.00 ; skips and culls ,
Chicago , Fob. 4. The Drover's Journal
reports ns follows : ,
Cattle Keeclpts , 3,000 ; stronger for
good , others weak ; steers , $ i.OO@i.OU ; stockers -
ers and feeders , ftXKii ! ( 3.40 ; cows , bulls and
mixed , JU.WI.OO ; Texas cattle , fl.NW3.00.
Hogs Hecelpts , 14,000 ; slow ; mixed , i.YOO
d5.40 ; heavy , * .ViVtt4.TO ; light , $4.1H ) @ : ; skips , 8J.i-iCS4.dl ) .
Snoop Receipts , 1,000 ; strong : natives ,
M.OO ( . 5.L'0 ; western. &t.MKH.VO ; Texans ,
f3.OOOJ4.00 ; lambs , S4.750IO. ' . > ri' .
National Stock YardH , Kast St.
tiotilH , Fob. 4. Cattle Ucccipts. 100 ;
shipments , none ; market strong nt un
changed figures ; heavy native steers , fl.lf
( < ? 5.40 ; fair' to good native steers , ? . ) . 'JO@
MO ; butchers' steers , medium to prime ,
Ki.lO@t--20 : stackers and feeders , fair tc
good , $ -.tXig3.iO ) : ; rangers , ordinary to good ,
S'J.W ? ( . ' , ' 3 ,
Hogs Receipts , (100 ( ; shipments , none ;
steady ; choice heavy nnd butchers' selciV
tions. fi.40 5.5.1) ; packing , medium to prime ,
W.UXffS. 15 ; light grades , ordinary to good i
* I.W > ( < T5. 0.
Kansas City , Feb. 4. Cattle Receipts ,
040.shipments ; , none ; steady to strong foi
peed fat cattle of all classes , with common
cows , * i.aooji.oo. ;
Hogs Hecelpts , 1,710 ; shiiimcntf. , iiono1
nmrKut steady * , common to choice , $ l.WKa',53 :
skips uud pigs , $3,0003 . 10.
NKW YOIIK , Feb. 4. [ SK | > cial Ti'legrair
to the Hun.l-STOCKS The bank statement
was a hurprlso to the street. Instead o !
showing un Increasoof MX OOOor 1,000,000
us expected , the reserve decreased $004,000
The Bhrhlkago was moro apparent tluu real
as the iuereasa in deposits of $0M5bOO offioi
the increase of $0,013,000 In loans and sitnplj
Bhov.-s that a larger amount of money is lieli
subject to cheek than a week ago. Operator *
who KUtuco hastily at figures and rush off am
buy or , soil stocks when the rcscrvo increase
or decreases , nra liable to bo badly fooled 01
a statement like to-day's , which on its faci
appears bad , but un analysis proved differ
ontly. The bears , however , regarded tin
statement & nn unfavorable one and It uidei
them In1 depressing values. Tha marke
opunod steady , but won berumo.weak. Lon
don vrus a teller of long1 stock , butasido frou
ppcrat'.viid ' by foreigners there was no outsid
liu > ujic s. The savage rate war being urgoi
by the G.-ungcr rooJ between Chicago am
tha Mlx o\irl river showed Increased fury , i
r Juetlon of UJ couts .bclnjj made by the Si
Paul and promptly met by the Burlington.
There were also Indications of reduced rates
being made early next week on grain from
the west , with such a good outlook for de
creased earnings that traders do not feel dis
posed to buy stocks , and , as a broker put It ,
"Wall street has them and con , keep them ;
western speculators don't want them. "
Northwestern broke J/ , but St. Paul only Jj
per cent. The latter showed a wonderful
stubbornness that operators are unable to
satisfactorily explain. Missouri Paclllc broke
} { per cent Coalers exhibited decided weak
ness on the threatened trouble among the
Wyoming miners , who want Increased wages ,
which the com'uanles are disK | > sed to grant.
Lackawannn broke -Vt Delaware St Hudson
Xi Rending % and Western Union \i \ per
cent. The rest of tlio list was slow , with un
important changes. No change occurred dur
ing the closing hour , the finish being tame at
almost the Inside llgures of the day and week ,
the sales for the day bring 87,000 shares.
GovniixvnxTs Government bonds were
dull but steady.
U. 8. 4s registered.K'fi'SlO. & N.V 107' ;
IT.H.4scoupon. . . linm doprefrrrcd Ill
U.B.4 > { sreKlstrpd.imiN. ) V. Central I'
ll. S 4lis coupon..KITH O. 1C N 10
1'nclllc ( Is of'Hi U ) v. T ai ? ;
Canada Southern. . M Pacific Mail 3.V/
Ontral I'nritlc . ! 3H5.O , 1) . A : K . I'.i'i '
Chlcnpo AAlton..iw : fpullnmn P
C. . 11..VQ . k.127' , ' Itenilltur . ir.i ?
1) . , l.ScW . lai.'i Hock Island . 11.1
K.itlt.0 . 21 st. ii. * s. K ; n >
Krlu do preferred 7'J
ilo tirpferrcd. . . . IU C. . > 1. 4 ; St. I'nul. . . > ( \
Illinois ( Vutral . 1 J' ' do prpfoircd. . . . < III > i
I. , II.4\V . } ' ' , , St. I * . * 0 33
K..VT . Hi ? ; doprt-ferrud 11)7
r.nko Shore ! Hs ITexns 1'aclllc
! / . * N Hi'i Union Paclllc. ,
Michigan Central. K' ' , ' W. . at. I , . At ! 14
MissouriI'aclilc. . . . SIU do preferred "n
Missouri Pacific. . . , 1 > 4 \V. U. Telegraph. . . T7
dopreferred .
Moxr.r On call , easy at 3 per cent.
PIU.MI : MuiiCANTilu PAPEH 5@7 per
STKIIMNCI KxcnNGE - Dull but steady at
Sl.byjf for 00 days ; f4.W ) for demand.
Fob. 4. Following are the 2:30 :
closing prices :
Flour Steady nnd unchanged ; winter
wheat bbls , $ : t.500Ti:5.50 : ; sacks , $ j.r > Uii'l.7ri ( ;
wheat , bbls , ? : i.500j.4.r)0 ; sacks , $ i.70 < rf4.W ! ;
spring , $1.75@3.'J ( ) ; rye Hour , (3.bo0i.lO : per
bbl : buckwheat Hour , f5.000ill.75 per bbl.
AVheat Steady nnd considering circuin
stances was llrm ; oicncdi | : trillo ejsy and
after lluctuating closed } ( ( & } & above yester
day ; cash , " ( i e ; March , 10Xu ; Moj * . Si c.
Corn Dull and light business being done
with narrow range ; prices were n trillo under
close of yesterday and fluctuated within
' < @ } 4C range and closed about the sumo an
yesterday ; cash , 47 15-10 < r , March , 4 $ , ' u ;
May , 53 UUCc.
Oats Dull , with very little chungo ; May ,
Me.Kyo Dull at dOc.
IJiirley Nominal at SlOJS'Jo.
Pi line Timothy $ J.4i. (
Flaxseed1. . 40.
Pork Kosy with light trade ; cash , J14.25
0314 30 ; May , * 14.B3tf.
Lard Moderately active and easier ; cash ,
? 7.7J@7.72 ( ; March , $7.73@7.77X ; May ,
Dry Salted Meats Shoulders , $0.00070.03 ;
short clear , $8.00 < * j.03 ; short ribs , 7.57 .
Huttnr Easier ; creamery , " ' ' { di'.Wa ;
dairy , Sl@20c.
Cheese Dull ; lull cream Cheddars , 10J < J
flats , ' 110 1 Ujc ; young Americas ,
Eggs Dull ; fresh ,
Hides Unchanged ; green hides 5Kc ; green
fro7en , 5c ; heavy green salted , 0 > ; light
green salted , O f ; salted' bull , fiVe ; green
bull , 4'ie ' ; green salted calf , Sc ; dry flint
and dry calf , 13@icbranded : ! , 15 per cent
off : deacons , ! )0o ) each ; dry salted , lOc.
Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 , country , ki ?
c. No. 2 , 3K ? cake. 4jfc | > erlb.
Hcccipts. Shipments.
Flour , bbls . 10,000 0KV (
Wheat , bu . 20,000 15,00 (
Com , bu . 00,000 Sfi,00 (
Oats , bu . 111,000 bO.OOl
Hye.bu . 3,000 8,0X (
Uarluy , bu . 23,000 23.00C
New Vork , Feb. 4. Wheat Receipts ,
1,300 ; cxixjrts , 1S,400 ; options ruled strong ,
iidvancing > 403Kc , closing steady with n re
action of } $ ( tttfv\ \ ) > ot a shade higher ; un-
Broiled red , bJk ( < OJl c ; No.l red , nominal at
. Ke ; No. 3 reel , SK ! ) < 2We. in elevator. 910j
91'4'c nlloat , Wife f. o. b. March closing ut
Corn Kcccipts , 40,000 ; exports , 2,0K ( ) ;
market u trillo better , but comparative1 ! !
quiet with an absence of material export in
tercst ; ungraded , G0rt01fc ( } ; No. 3 , Miit
Slltfe ; No. 2 , OlOJOlMc iu elevator , 01i
delivered ; March closing at GOJtfe.
Oats Kcccipts , 11,000 ; exports , S2fl ; shade
hotter but quiet ; mixed western , 370J4lc
white western , 41@IGc.
Coffee Spot , fair ; Hio , firm nt $10.25 ; op
tious 15@'J.- ] ) outs ! higher , with tlio mnrkcl
llrm and fairly active ; sales , 82,500 bags :
February , $ r > .tXfll3.00 ) ( ; March , $12.75 < gl2.y ( )
April , $12.25@l2.73May. ; * 12.5OJ12.70 ; June
$12.45@12.00 ; July , S12.150J12.23.
Petroleum Firm at 90e.
Eggs Quiet nnd weak ; western , 2222) < c
Pork Firm and fairly active ; mess porli
was quoted at # 15.000115.50 for one year old
Lard 3@5 points lower , with the market
dull and heavy ; western steam was quotci
at SS.05.
Huttcr Dull and unchanged ; western , 1 <
Cheese Quiet nnd generally steady ; west
cm , ll i@12e.
St. I/ouln. Fob. 4. Wheat Higher ; cash
D > @ 91)4'o ) ; May , 93' c.
Corn Hlifhor ; cash,40X@4c ; May , 4S > fc
Oats Steady ; cosh , 30 < 230tfc ; May
Lard - 7.50.
Whisky 81.0S.
_ Butter Firm ; creamery , 24@30c ; dairy
Minneapolis , Feb. 4. Wheat Firm
receipts , 341) ) cars ; shipments , 07. Closed : Ii
store No. 1 hard , cash , 77o ; March , 77) c
May , SOJ e. No. 1 northern , , 75j c
March , 7lie ; May , TSJfc. No. 2 northern , casli
72o ; March , 73o ; May , 75Jfe. On tnick-
No. 1 hard , 78c ; No. I northern , 7GX ; No
2 northern , 74e.
Flour Unchanged ; patents , in sacks t
ship , &UO& ! ; bakers' , Sil.2K-3. ( 15.
Mllwnitkpe , Feb. 4. Wheat Strong
cash , 7ic ; March , 70 } c ; May , bOJ c.
Corn Steady ; No. a , 47J < e.
Oats-Dull ; No. 2 white , : ! ) c.
Kyo Lower ; No. 1 , OlJ < fc.
Hnrley Firmer ; No. 2 , 7 ( > c.
Provisions Steady : pork , Febnmrj
Cincinnutl , Feb. 4. Wheat Firmer
No. 2 , red , is'Uc.
Coru In fair demand ; No. 2 mixci :
. .
Oats Dull ; No. 3 mixed , 31c.
Hye Dull ; No. 2 , 0 $ ' @ 0.1e.
1'ork-Quiet at $14.73.
Lanl Sready at 7.70.
Whisky- Active and higher at J1.09.
Kansas City , Fob. 4. Wheat Stead.1
No. a soft , cash , 7.1'fo ' asked ; Mny , bOj !
bid , &lc asked.
Corn Steady ; No. 2 , cash , 43'j'e ' askeil
March , 44 > fo asked ; May , 4liSo , bid , 4.
O.\tb Tso. 2 , SOc bid.
Llvorpodl , Fob. 4. Wheat -Quiet , wit
supply good ; California No. 1 , Us 9d pc
Corn Quiet ; new mixed western , 4s lOjff
per cental.
Ntxv Orleans , Fob. i. Corn Qulcl
mixed nnd white , ( Vic ; yellow , doe.
Oats Quiet and weak ; No. 2 , 40(2410. (
Coru Meal Firm nt * 2.SO.
Hog Pi odiiets Firmer but not quotnbl
higher ; pork , $1,1.00 ; laru , t7.25.
IJulk Meats Shoulders , 0.20 ; Ion
clear and clear rib , fT.S''Xi
Saturday , Fob. 4. 1SS3.
The receipts of cattle and hogs during t !
nast week have been moderate and slightl
in excess of the concsponding period in 1S3
The quality of cattle offered during tl
period indicated has been only fair Until ti
day when , notwithstanding very light r
eeiptc. there were some first-class catt !
offered. Tlio hlgncst price paid for nath
steers during ; the week Just closed was H.l
Prliuastcere are now worth on this marki
1.15(3450 ( , but they must bo of tlrst-chi !
quality to command those llgures. Otln
grades of cattle are slightly better and goc
stock vyiH brfnp higher prices than a wee
ago.The receipts of hogs have been inodcra
nnd prices are higher the close last night
being 5o higher than the top of ono week ago.
Prices during the past few weeks having
fluctuated some , owing to variations In the
Chicago markets , but It is believed by many
that the market will Improve from now on.
The receipts of cattle were light but there
was some very line s.tock among the offerings ,
there being six loads of pritnecorn-fcd native
steers for which $4. 115 was bid and refused ,
and they were shlpiwd to Clucngo. Huyers
on this market have for some time com
plained of the Inferior grades of cattle offered
and when llrst-elass stock is offered they de
cline to pay decent prices. If good fat cattle
are desired this | tolley will have to bo
changed. Prices on the other grades were
steady , but owing to the limited demand but
few head were sold.
The receipts were light and the quality
about tlio same as for some days past. The
markpt opened steady at yesterday's Mgnres
and Hosed llrm with everything taken. The
inund was purely u local ono and the offerIngs -
Ings were all taken early.
Only two loads were received , which were
forwnrdodsto Chicago.
oniolnl Itceclpts.
Cattle . . 1S4
Hogs . 2n ll
Sheep . K'7 '
Prevailing Prices.
Showing prevailing prices paid for llvo
stock on the market ;
Prime steers , 1 300 to 1 500 11)3 . . & , < . * 074.50
Prime steers , 1100 to 1300 Ibs. . 3.50 0 > l.OO
Fat little steers , 000 to 1050 Ibs. 3.33 OJ3.S5
Corn-fed range steers , 1200 to
1500 Ibs . 3.50 071.00
flood to choice corn-fed cows. . 2.25 W3.00
Common to medium cows . 1.75 ( i > 2.25
Western cows . 1 .50 ( 2.50
Fair to Good range feeders . . . . 2.30 d < 3.ll5
Medium to good native feeders ,
! K > 0 Ibs and upwards . 2.2:5 : 03.40
Common to medium bulls . 2.23 ( < 2.50
Fair to medium native feeders ,
' .100 Ibs nnd upwards . 2.25 072.50
Stockers , 400 to 700 Ibs . 2.15 ( 2.7fi
Prime fat sheep . 3.75 ( it4.25
( Jood fat sheep , JKiMCO ) ( Ibs. . . . 3.25 0 .50
Fair to medium shcoi . 2.25 ( < < 3.00
Common sheep . 1.75 42.25
Light and medium hogs . 4.SO ( itZ.ilQ
Fair to choice , heavy hogs. . . . . 5.20 (55.50 (
Foir to choice mixed hogs . 5.15 4i3.35
Representative Sales.
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
3 . 11503.50 2J . 107S 8.70
12 . 1012 2.50 IS . 1139 3.00
1 . ' . 11.10 2.75
2 . 13M 2.15
No. Av. Sr. Pr. No. Av. Sr. Pr.
1..240 3.00 78. . . . 201 120 5.2'J,1
70..1IK1 SO 4.SO 59. . . . 252 5.25
74..1S39 2SO 5.00 77. . . . 227 120 5.25
U4..1UU 5.03 74. . . . 120 200 5.25
7S..191" SO' 5.10 S'.l..225 200 5.25
5S..23i : 200 5.15 77. . . . 22(1 ( 120 5 f,5
77. . . . 197 ItiO 5.15 01. . . . KH 40 5.30
t > 3..2U 200 5.20 ( W..23200 3.30
f > 0..22 < ) 80 5.20 ft ! . . . . 253 200 5.30
02. . . . 211 120 5.20 G1..20T , 40 5.35
5S..195 40 5.20 73 _ 228 5.35
77. . . . 210 W ) 5.20 09. . . . 290 120 5.40
73. . . . 203 SO 5.20 40. . . . 319 5.40
) . . . . ! W 320 5.22K 00..2T.9 120 5.40
77..210 100 5.22 04. . . . 310 SO 5.50
Live Block Sold.
Showing the number of head of stock sold
on the market today.C .
Shippers . 59
Omaha Packing Co . 190
G. II. Hammond A ; Co . 319
Armour & Cudahay . ! C > 09
Swift Packing Co . 1,100
Total . 1 . 2.290
Eleven head unsold.
Sheep , 2 cars , N. W . Chicago
Meat , 20 cars , C. , B. & Q . Chicago
Meat , 10 cars , Mil . Chicago
Cattle , 10 cars , Mil . Chicago
Kaoge or I'rlcoH.
Showing the extreme highest and lowest
rates paid for leading grades of hogs on dates
mentioned :
Iock Kc mill Coiniiilssldii.
Public inspectors dock pregnant sows 40
pounds , slags 80 pounds each.
Dead hogs. 100 pounds and over , S1.00@
2.00 pot- cwt , less than 100 Ibs , of no value.
Yardage : Cattle , 25o ; hogs , Sc ; sheep , 5c
per head. Feed : Corn , $ l.K ( ) per bu. ; timothy
hay , $30 ; prairie hay , j'W per ton.
Commissions : Cattle , 50c per head ; calves
nnd yearlings , $10 | r car. Hogs and sheep ;
Single decks , $5 ; public inspection on hogs ,
15e | > er car. All sales unless otherwise
stated per 100 Ibs llvo weight.
Tiivc Stock Note * .
Hogs steady.
No sheep market.
Good cattle higher.
Frank Kuddella , of Wahoo , marketed hogs.
Tlio railroads are enjoying a small rule
war.Swift was the heaviest purchaser of hogs
W. T. Ilicklcy , of Columbus , marketed
hogs to-day.
George Green , of the llrm of Savage &
Green , is quite ill.
Fred Powell , of Grand Island , topped the
hog market with a 310-lb load.
The demand for cattle yesterday was con.
fined exclusively to shippers.
J. II. Lincoln , of Hampton , was on the
market with a load of cattle.
Kpps Corey was not at his post as usual to !
day as usual. Inquiry developed tlio facf
that ho is slightly indisposed.
J. A. Moore , of Gibbon , offered six cars of
prime fat cattle to the buyers ou to-day'f '
market. Ho was bid § 1.05 but refused ami
had his stock shipped to Chicago.
As will be observed in the prevailing price
column prime steers weighing from 1.300 tc
to 1,500 pounds nro quoted at M.00.l ( 1.50. Cir
cuinstunccs justify this quotation. When sii
lo.uls of good natives nro bid 1.05 lindrofuscc
it is high tlmn to udvanco tlio quotations
Shippers must remember , however , that hall
fat and Inferior grades will not couiuiani
those llgures.
Produce , Fruits , Ktc.
Saturday , Feb. 4. '
Tic foUmt'lnrj arc the prlvcn at ic/iH /
round /of / * / jinx/nee ( ire so/il / on this mar
Itct. Fruit * urotlier Uiicnofdoiiiln ,
citra labor of jxirMmcanlot / alwaui In
siipji/ftd / on oiMIcori/m ( / > ' ( it tlict > ntncj > rleci
quoted the local trailc.
UUTTUU Receipts were fairly liberal , bu
the demand was good. All offerings wori
sold at tlrm and unchanged prices. Wi
quote : creamery , solid packed , 22i1 24c
hoice rolls , HX < { lSc ; medium , 14@ltk : ; lov
grades , 10iZ12c.
Eucs Receipts are ouly medium , but pricci
though firm are. unchanged. Woquotc20@21i
for cold storage ; 22@23c for strictly fresh
Limed eggs are very slow ut 15c.
The demand was In excess of thi
supply to-day and prices nro quoted Urn
with nn upward tendency. Wo quotn
Drasscd chickens , 7@ > * c per lb ; turkeys , 8i (
9c ; ducks , 8 < < | 'Jc ; geese , JKglOc.
AI-W.KS Are still llrm , aud while no ad
vauce is noted , outside quotations an
the rule. . Prices are 'given unchanged
Wo quote eastern fruit , fair to choice stock
g.50S3.75 ( ; fancy stock , $3.75M4.00.
BRANS Are scarce and In demand , and w
quote : Good stock. 2.UVtr. > . .30air ; t
good , tl.GOSl.SO , and California beans a
SWKUT POTATOES Are very scarce , am
tlioso who want them have to pay an ad vane
.on previous prices. Wo- quota $1 pordoznn <
3K to 4o for Califonila.
IHTES Persian , 80 per lb.
O.MOM3 Aru firm at the recent advance
and prices are no v quoted : Homo grown , 7
Spalilsli onions , per HO-lb crate , $1.50
( (1.75. 1 ,
OiuxnM-iJrho csjiectcHl ronslgiimcntshavo
not yet como tahntnl , but the supply is fully
e < iual to the demand and prices nro quoted
unchanged. We quote : \ alenclos , $7.500 ?
8.00 per case of 420 ; Florida , brights , $4.250 *
4.50 ; russrtts.a.50 l.iw : Mexican , H.OO.
CAiint.OKU'W scarce and lu good demand ,
but we quota prices unchnnired nt $1 per doz.
und2K03evl > ti5 tt for California ,
TfUNMi'sAtip selling nt 75o per bushel ,
with rutabagas at V > ( rfiHc ) per bushel.
SiL'Kii Kn'Xv/f Manufacturers seem to bo
olosiugoutWock on hnnd nnd n reduction Is
noted. WoliuDto : Choice per bbl. of n ) gal. ,
$8.25(33.50 ( ; - > fi bbl. , $4.570J5.lK ) . $11.00 per
bbl of 50 gnjt
on hand nro fully
equal to alUicmand of buyers and prices re
main unchaiiged. Wo quote $3,00 to 3.60 for
medium aud fS.M ) to $4.00 for choice.
LKVOXS Mtsslnas , $5.00 ( 5.50 per box.
POTATOES No change to note but prices
are firm nnd unchanged. We quote : '
Utah and Colorado stock , it. I0 ( < 41.15 and
choice homegrown. 9.1@1. 00 ; common grades
at OOo.
CBI.F.HY Wo quote 40JM5c ( per dozen for
choice nnd45rf50c ( for fancy.
S Are without change and wo
quote * 7.50i ( .OO jier bbl. forMalngiis , and
larger sized libls. in proportion up to $10.
CiDEit Choice Michigan elder , $0.00@0.50
per bbl. of 3'i
Porcoux Choice rice corn Is quoted at
4ftlJ ( < c per tti , other kinds , 2 } ( tf3c per Hi.
CAIIIIOTS $2.2507'2 50 | ier barrel.
PAIISXIKS Now stock , $ J.50 i > cr barrel-
There are few on the market.
aOusTKits Plain standard , 25c ; plain se
lects , 3c ( ) : standard , 40e ; extra selects , 35c ;
Now York counts , 40o ; bulk oysters , counts ,
$1.83 per 1IX ) ; selects , $2.00 per gal ; standard ,
$1.25 i > cr gnl.
CAUI.IFI.OWEII Good stock , $3.00@2.80.
CALIFOHSIA FIIUITS 'I'lioro are only a few
pears in tlio market , at $2.50 2.75 ; extra
tine , 3.00.
Cuvsnr.iiiiins Bell & Cherry , * 10.00@ 10.50
Bell & Bugle , $10.50@11.00Capo ; Cods , Ull.OO
Fios In layers , 13@10c ; cake , lie per lb.
Ntrrs Peanuts , H ( ( j7c , raw ; Brazil nuts ,
13o ; almonds , Tarragona , 22o ; English
walnuts , 150318c : filberts , 18o ; Italian chest
nuts , 15c ; ( tecuiis , 12c.
HONEV Is somewhat scarce nnd found at
previous quotations ; lQ2lc ! ) for 1-lb frames ;
canned honey , 100J12cper lb.
Grocer's Lint.
PROVISIONS Hams , HJ QllKc ; breakfast
bacon , lUjXSllijc ; bacon side.sUfR9) ) c ; dry
salt , 8@Slic ; shoulders , 0 @ 7c ; dried beef ,
CANO'Y Mixed , 9@lle ; stick , 9@9J < ? c.
C.vs.NKi ) Goons Oysters , standard , per
case , $3.30@3.3.V strawberries , 2-lb per case ,
$3.25@3.35 ; raspberries , 2-lb per case , S3.20 ( < §
3.30 ; California pears , pur case , $4,700J4.SO ;
apricots , per case , $4.f > 0@4.00 ; peaches , per
case , $5. ( < 0fi5.75 ; white cherries , per caso.
? 000 ; Cul. pluinspcrcaso4.30@4. 10 ; blueber
ries , per cose , $2.30@2.40 ; egg plums , 2-lb
per case , $2.50 ; pineapples , 2-lb , per ease ,
$3.20@5.75 ; Mb salmon , per doz , $1.85C'1.95 ;
2-lb gooseberries , per case , $3.250J3.35 ; 2-lb
string beans , per case , $ l.bO < VJl.S5 ; 2-lb Lima
'icans , nor case , $1.000J1.05 ; 2-lb marrowfat
.icas , $2.000J2.70 ; 2-lb early JunO pear , per
case , $2.85 ; 3-lb tomatoes , $2.50 ; 2-lb corn ,
* 2.30@2.40.
Ditiin : FUCITS Apples , new , } { * , 7@7JjCc ;
evaporated 50-lb ring , 9Jf10c ( ! ; raspberries ,
evaporated , 27022Sc ; blackberries , evapor
ated , 9)f@10o : pitted cherries , 21@22e ; East
ern , J < fs poaches , now , 8@8 } < Jc ; California
pe.ichos , new , K9 , 14 < ( ; evuixir-
uted , peeled 'peaches , 29@30c ; evapor
ated. unjinred , 20@21c ; now cur
rants , 7i } < > 7J.fe ; prunes , now , D05Jc ;
: itroti , 25cifnilsins , London layers , 82. 15 ( < ?
. 'Jfc : fiO.tb i . . .
7Kc ; 10-lb'pdlls , Stfe ; 5-lb pails , 8\'c ; 2-11
palls. Se.
Roi'K Suven-sixtccnths , _
Toiucco Lgrillard's Climax , 45c ; Splen-
ilid , 45c ; Affjchinic's Delight , 44c ; Leggett &
Meyer's Star,45o ; Cornerstone , "Me ; Drum-
mond's HbrsOshoe , 44c ; J. T. . 40e ; Sorg'a
Spearhead , 4-le ; Catlin's meerschaum , 31c ;
Catlin's Old Stylo. 23c ; Peiner Hcidsick , Olc ,
, Granuhltcd , 7M@7Ko ; couf. A ,
" } { @ Xu ; Avhito extra -'oMw ( ; ; extra C ,
K(3 ( < ! % c : yellow C , 5K@5/ < c ; cut loaf , sjflrt
5 < < c ; itowdcrcdj Sj ftaSjfo ; New Orleans , 5
BKO'OMS Hxt'ra4-tle , ' $2.00 ; No. I , $2.00 ;
No. 2 , $1.75 ; heavy stable , $4.00.
STAIICII Mirror glass , 5Jjc ; Graves' corn ,
i' e ; Oswcgo gloss , Cc ; Oswcgo corn , 7c. .
HOU.AXD Hi'.linisos 70(7t73 ( porkog.
PicKi.r.s Medium in bbls , * 7.0l ) ; do in hall
bbls , $4.00 ; small , in bbls , $8.00 ; do lu hull
bbls , $1.50 ; gerkins , in bbls , $9.00 ; do m hall
bbls , 5.00.
Cori'KU Ordinary grades , 18@I9e ; fair
10S20c ( ; prime , 20S21c ( ; fancy green am
vcllow , 22@24c. ; old government Java. 2ii (
liOo ; interior Java , 25@2Sc ; Moclia , 2S@30c
Arbucltle's roasted , 2t'4e ; ' ; McLanghlin' ;
XXXX , 23 , 0 ; Dilworth's , 23c ; Red Cross
23c.JKI.MRS 30-lb pails , $1.50@1.75.
TEAS , 20ffi55c ( ; gunpowder , 20(7i (
OOc ; Young Hyson , 25ijo5c ( ; Oolong , 20i ( [
C5c.BupoMS No. 1 varnished handles per doz.
$2.50 ; extra No. 1 , $4.75 ; extra No. 2 , ? 'J,50
common plain 3-tio , $1.05 ; heavy stable , # 1.00
Sviiurs Now Orleans molasses per bbl.
43c per gal. ; corn syrup , 35c ; half bbls. , 37c
4 gallon kegs , $1.55.
S \LT-Per bbl. car load , $1.40.
MAI-LI : SUOAU Bricks , 12) o per lb ; pcnn ;
cakes , 15c per lb.
WOOIIKNWAHE Two-hoop pails , per doz.
$1.40 ; three-hoop pails , $1.05 ; No. 1 tub , $050
No. 2 tub , $5.50 ; No. 3 tub $4.50 ; Wash
boards , $1.50 ; fancy washboards , $3.50 ; ns
sorted bowls , $2.75 ; No. 1 churns. $9.50 ; No
2 churns , $3.50 ; No. 3 churns , $7.50 ; outte :
tubs , $1.70 ; spruce , in nests , $1.75.
CIUCKCIIS , CAKKS , ETC. Prices subject ti
change. Sodu , 5c ; soda ( city goods ) , 7e ; sodi
snowtlakes ( in tins ) , lie ; soda dandy , r '
soda wafers ( in tins ) , lOc ; soda zephyr , 8c
city oyster , 0 } c ; excelsior , 7c ; farina o.vs
ter , 5J c ; gem oyster , Be ; monitor , 7c
Omaha oyster , 7c ; pearl oyster,5c ; picnic , 5c
snowdrop oyster , 8c ; butter , 5c ; Boston , 8c
Omaha butter , 7o ; saw tooth butter , OJ c
cracker meal , 5Ke ; grahum. 8c ; grahaii
wafers , lOo ; graham w afers in pound pack
ages , 1'ijic ; hard bread , Be ; milk , 7 > c ; oat
mealj 8e ; oatmeal wafers. lOc ; oatmeal wn
fers in lb pkgs , 12J c ; animals , 12o ; bolive
ginger ( round ) , 7c ; cream , 8c ; Cornhlll
lOc ; cracknclls , lOc ; frosted cream , 8Mc
ginger snaps. 8c ; ginger snaps ( city ) , yo
homo made ginger snaps in boxes , 13c ; horn
tuuae ginger snaps.I ( lb cans ) per dozen
$2.50 ; lemod cream , 8c ; pretzels ( ham
made ) , HKc ; assorted cakes and Jumbles
11X1'S assorted lingers , 15u ; afternoon te
( in tins ) per dozen , $7.00 ; banana lingers
14c ; butter jumbles , ll'jc ; Brunswick , 15e
brandy snaps , 15c ; chocolate drops ( new )
lOc ; chocolntawafers , 15o ; Christmas luncl
( in tins ) , per dozen , $4.50 ; cocoa taffy snaps
14c ; coiTco cake , 12o ; Cuba Jumbles , l\c \
cream pulls , 20c ; egg Jumbles , 14c ; ginge
drops , lie ; honey Jumbles , llKo ; jelly llnj ;
ers , 15o ; Jolly wafers , 15o ; Jelly tart ( new )
15c ; lady fingers , 13c ; vanlllu bar , 14o : vu
nillo wafers. 14c ; Vienna wafers , 1 dozci
packages in WX , per dozen , $2.50.
All good 'pal'Jted iu cans 1 ct , per lb. nil
vnnco except SnowfUko and Wafer Sodu
which is panked'only in cans. Soda lu 2 11
and 3 lb. plvinii boxes , yt cent per lb , ndvnncu
nil other gjod.s , I cent per lb. advance. Sod
In I lb. pap"rlwxes ; , I cent per lb. advance
The 2 lb. btixfis are packed in cases holding 1
la a caso. Tho'O lb. boxes are lucked in case
holding 12lHWhise. The 1 lb. boxes ur
packed in cofciifcholdhig 30 in a c.iso. Ono It
Graham and.Outiucal Wafers packed 2 do ;
lu a case. . , . , j
Show Tousjiir boxes , with glass opening t
show goods. TJ cents. Cans for Wafer Sodi
$3. < K ) not rcTurnftblo. Cans for Snowlhik
Soda , fO.OO tier , doz. Tin Cases with GIn
Face to di < * ) llaj''tho goods , 75conts each. N
charges far-P.adcngcs except for cans and r <
turmible c.ifjyjGlass Front Tin Cans un
"Snowlliikf ! ' S/xla Cans are returnable t
prices char | |
( > ) < '
Dry GoodH.
DECK West Point 29 In , 8 oz. . 10 } < c ; We ;
Point 29 In. 10 oz. , 12H" : West Point 10 In. 1
oz , 15c ; West Point 40 in. 11 oz , lOe. Chocli
Caledonia X , OYc ; Caledonia XX , lOKc
Economy , UJ c ; Otis , 8J < c.
KE\TUCKV JEANS Memorial. 15e : Cantoi
18c ; Durham , 27 ! c ; Hercules , 18c ; Leamlni
ton , 22Ko ; Cottawold , 25c.
CIUSH Stevens' B , Oc ; bleached , 7c ; Sti
vens' A. 7Wc ; bleached , 8 > fo ; Stevens' 1
8Kc ; bleacheil , OJ c ; Stevens' N , U > c
bleached , 103 < c ; Stevens' S R T , 12Ju !
Miscr.i.LANEOL'S Table oil cloth , $ ' 2S
plain Holland , 8 > c to Oc ; Dado Hollani
CAMnuics Slater , 4tfc\ \ Woods , 4 > je ; Stai
dard. 4fc ; Peacock , 4'c. .
dBl.AXKCT8 White , $1.00 57,50colorodl. ;
8.00. ' . .
Phillip cambric , lie ; Lonsdale. l
dale , 8fc ; New York mills , 10 > c
42-ln , lOKc ; Pepperell , 40-ln. , llH
0-4 , Ifio ; Pepi > crcll , 8-120o ; Pepporell SM , 22c ;
Peppercll , 10-4 , 24o ; Canton M , 8 e ; Canton ,
4-4,9 , c ; Triumph , Oc ; Wiunsutta , lie ; Val
ley , 5c.
FLANNF.I.S Plaid Raftsman , 20c ; Goshcn ,
I'Va f * VlUUUlt MybU * IWWt iwflllLllt IIT6Vi
K , 24-inch , 21c ; GO. 24-Inch , IKe ; U A F , 4'
2oe : J R F , } { , 27V ; G , 94 , 5e.
PIUNTS Soi.nt COLOUS Atlanta , 5 > { e ;
Slater , 5c ; Berlin OH , nVo ; Garner Oil , OOJ
7c. PINK ASH HOIIES Hichmond , do ; Allen ,
tic ; Hiverpoiit. 5c ; Steel Hlver , Oc ; Hich
mend , Oc ; Pacllle , nWo ; INIIIOO UI.UE Wash
ington , do ; Century indigo blue prints , lOo ;
American , Ok ; Arnold , fijiv ; Arnold H ,
lOj c ; Arnold A. 12o ; Arnold Gold Seal
O'fe. ' Dur.ssi Charter Oak , 4)ie ) ; Hamnpo
lfc ; Lodl.7l e ; Allen , fi'iu ' ; Klchmond
! iic ; Windsor , Oc ; Eddystono , do ; Pncitlo ,
COTTON FM.NNKLS 10 per cent trndo dls-
v t , AWJjjt itu , 141. iui ; , iv. * , iou , iv , wWj ,
No. 10 , 8 } < e ; 40 , lei c ; 00 , UJtfo ; SO , 15c ; 30
colored , 10c60 ; , colored , 12c ; 70 , colored , 15o ;
Urlstol. 13WC ! Union Pacltle , ISe.
CAIII-ET W.viti' Uebb while , 10' c ; colored ,
N' SiiF.r.TiNa - Atlanta A , 4-4 , 7Vc ;
Atlantic H , 4-4 , 7c ; Atlantic I ) , 4-4 , ( lSe ; At-
hintic P , 4-4 , fi'Je ; Aurora LL , 4-4 , 5fe ; Au
rora C , 4-4 , 4)ie ) ; . Crown XXX , 4-4 , OJ c ;
Hoosler LL. 4-4 , 55fc ; Indian Head , 4-4 , 74o ;
Lawrence LL , 4-4 , S c ; Old Dominion , 4-4 ,
5Kc ; Pepperell H , 4-4 , O 'c ; Peppercll O , 4-1 ,
dc ; Pepperell , 8-1 , ISo ; Pepperell , 0-4 , 20e ;
I'epiHirell , 10-4 , 22e ; Utica C , 44 , 4fc ; Wa-
chusett , 4-4 , 7c ; Aurora Ii , 4-4 , Oj c ; Aurora
IJ , 4-4 , Ilo.
HATTS Standard , 8c ; Gem , 10 > fe ; Beauty ,
12) ) 0 ; Boone 14c ; B , cased , 10.50.
GiNcitiAM Plunkett checks , 7 c : Whlt-
tunton , 7 > fc ; York , 7fc } ; Normundl dress ,
8) ) 0 ; Calcutta dress , 8ji < fc ; Wliittonton dross ,
lie ; Kcnfrcw dress , 90712 > jC.
TICKS Lewiston , ! ! 0-ln. , 12 } e ; Lewiston ,
32-in. , lilWc ; York , 32-in. , lie ; Swift river ,
7KcThorndlkc ; , OO , 8 > fu ; Thorndlko , EF ,
8 } < fe ; Thorndlko , 120 , ) < fc ; Thomdike , XXX ,
15o ; Cordls , No. 5 , 9' < fc ; Cordis , No. 4 , lie.
DUNIMS Amoskeag , 9-oz. , Idy ; Everett ,
7-oz. , 13c ; York , 7-oz. , 13c ; Haymaker , 8Kc ;
Juffrcy , XX , like ; Jnffrcy , XXX , 12Xe- !
Heaver Creek , AA , 12c ; Heaver Creek , HU
lie ; Beaver Creek , CC , lOc.
General Markets.
Price * on ( ill itrtlclcH quoted hi thii rnl-
J/XKI arc wholc-wlc uii < 1 ntc corrected / < iHj/ .
Jifr ( on ( jirai ( t fccAuro jobbers prices
aniltircnot rctittl. Prices i > n uruln arc
the < icliHiM li\l \ OiiMliii millers ilcllrercil. Quo-
tdtltju on hltlcx ami fum arc Ownclucu ( / liu
the leatllntj purchasers of the. cltii.
Si-i HITS Cologne spirits 188 proof , $1.14 ;
do , 101 iireof , $1.10 ; spirits , second
quality , 101 proof , $1.14 ; do , 1W ;
proof , $1.13 ; alcohol , 188 proof , per wino
gallon , $2.18 ; redistilled whiskies $1.00@1.50 ;
gin , blended , 81. 50@2.00 ; Kentucky bourbons ,
$2.0007.0.00 ; Kentucky and Pennsylvania
ryes , $ J.Hftd.50 ( ) ; Golden Sheaf bourbon and
rye whiskies , Sl.50073.00 ; brandies , im | > orted ,
f5.00078.50 ; domestic , $1.30 ( < ? 3.00 ; gins , im
ported , $4.500(000 ; domestic , S1.25@3.00 ;
champagnes , imported , per case , $28.00 ®
33.00 ; American , per case , SIO.OOOJIO.OO.
Fi.ouit AXI > FHED Minnesota patents , $3.00
iwrcwt ; Kansas and Missouri fancy winter
patents , S2.0007.2.75 per cwt ; Nebraska pat
ents , SJ.45@2.50 per cwt ; rye Hour ,
$2.00 per cwt ; wheat graham , $1.75 per cwt ;
rvo graham , $1.40 per cwt ; Now York buckwheat -
wheat , $0.50 ( 7.00 per bbl ; Excelsior , $0.00
Ijerbbl ; ready raised , $5.X ( ) per 100-lb ease ;
cornmcal , yellow , $1.00@1.10 per cwt ; white ,
$1.10@1.15 per cwt ; bran , $10.000217.00 per
ton ; screenings , 814.0007jl5.00 per ton ; hominy
iny , $3.25 per bbl ; chopped feed , $19.500120.00
per ton ; chopped corn , 818. 50@1U.00 per ton ,
HAY Upland prairie , S0.50t7.00 ( ? ] ; common
coarse , $3.50@0.50 ; straw , $0. ( > 0@0.53.
CoviEgg , $10.50 ; nut , $10.50 ; range ,
$10.50 ; walnut block. 94.25 ; Iowa lump ,
$3.75 ; Iowa nut , $ : i.OO ; Illinois , .f45.OOOJ4.75.
GUAIN Wheat , No. 2 , OOe ; rye , 55c ; corn ,
yellow , 40@43c ; corn , white , 4207.45e ;
onts , 29@30c ; barley , C0@05c , occordina
to quality.
FIAXSKED Quoted at $1.25 per bushel.
SHOT Shot , $1.50 : buckshot ,
$1.75 ; Miami powder , $5.00 : half kegs , J2.75 ;
one-fourths , $1.50 ; blasting , kegs , * 2.15j
fuses , 100 feet , I5it73c.
DKUOS Ammonia jonrb , 14c ; camphot
rctlned SOc ; copperas , IJ c : cream tartar ,
45o ; cream tartar powdered. 20 ( < f50c ; In
digo Madras , 75c ; morphia sulph , $3.50 ; sodu
bi. carb , 05c ; Venice turpentine , 40c ; gum
opium , J4.05 ; ( pjicksilver , SOc ; quinine , Ger
man pur o * , 55c ; quinine , 1' . St W. , Olc ; wax ,
yellow , pure , 3io ; wax , white , 40@.V5c ; citric
ucid , per 11) . , 70c ; oxalic acid , per lb. , I4c ;
tartnric acid , powdered , per lb. , 54c ; alum ,
4c ; borax , refined , per lb. , lOc.
OILS Carbon , 12fe25c ; linseed , boiled ,
02e ; linseed , raw , 59c ; castor , No 1 ,
$1.20 ; No. 2 , $1.12 ; sperm whale , $1.00 ; fish ,
bank 35c ; ncatsfoot extra , 53c : neatsfoot No ,
1 , 50c ; gasoline , 74 degrees , 15c ; W. S. lard ,
IMC ; No. 1 lard , 50c ; No. 2 lard , 50c ; W. Va !
zero , 14c ; W. Va. summer , 12c ; golden No. 1.
40c ; golden No. 2 , 25c ; whale , 20c ; naptha 1
degree , 14c ; headlight 150 degrees , 12c ; headlight -
light , 173 degrees , 15c ; turpentine , 4Ce ; cas
tor. pure , $1.45 per gal.
ExTiiACT.s Sanderson's oil bcrgamot , pel
lb. , $3.00 ; oil lemon , per lb. , 1.75 ; oil pep
permint , $4.00 ; oil wintergrecn , $2.50 ; olivt
oil , Malaga , per gallon , $2.25.
SOAI- Castile , mottled , per lb. , 8010c ; cas
tile , white , I0@t3c.
PAINTS White lead , pure , GI O ; white
lead , fancy , lij e ; putty , in bladders , 3 ; Paris
white , 3c ; common , 2 > c ; red lead 7c
WINDOW OLAHSmglo,00.100i05 per cent :
double , 70 and 5 per cunt discount.
HIIAVV HAUIUVAHK iron , rate , $2.00 ; plo\\
steel , special cast , 4J c ; crucible steel , 0.fe }
cast tools , do , 1215c ( ; wagon spokes , per sot
$2.00 < a5.50 ; hubs , per set , $1.50 " ; felloes ,
sawed dry , $1.50 ; tongues , each , 75o ; axles
each , 75e ; square nuts , pcrlb , 007jl3o ; col !
chain , per lb , 0) @l.'fc ; molleablo , SOJIOc
iron wedges , Oc ; crowbars , c ; harrow teeth ,
4c ; spring steel , 4@5c ; Burden's horse shoes
$ -1.75 ; Burden's mule shoes , $3.75 ; barhoi
wire , in car lots , $4.X ( ) per 100 Ibs ; Iron nails
rates , 10 to 50 , $2.40 ; steel nails , $2.50.
LKATHKII Oak soles , ! l50737c ; hcmlocl
slaughter sole , 2 < Wi29o ; hemloeK dry solo
2li2r > c ; hemlock kii. ] 05@90c ; A. & B. run
ner kip , 50@75u ; A. hemlock calf , 90c02l.X ( )
A. A. hemlock calf , "backs , " 75u ; 1101111004
upper , 190124c ; English grain upper , 23c ; hem
lock grain upper. 21 ( < i24e ; Tiunpico B. L
Morocco , 2902i3e : ; Tampico pebble , O. D. Mo.
220729o ; Cunicou , B. G. Mo. , 3c ( ) ; Simon O
D. Mo. , $2.73 < 3.00 ; Dangola kid , : K35c ) ; X
M. JCangaroo , 40 ; American calf kid , 'IJo :
Gricscn kids , $3.K)023.50 ( ) ; French calf kids
$3.20 ; oak kip skins , 80etfl.X ( ( ) ; oak call
skins , $ l.00fil 25 ; French calf skins , $1.256. !
2.03 ; French kip skins , $1.10@1.50 ; Kusslf
linlug , $0.00@0.50 per dopfiik ; , cream am
white lininu's , 67,5010X ( ) per doz ; coloici
to | piiiBSy.005711.lX ) ; preen ox pClts , 30l3 c
kip skins , ( unfrozoiO , l@0 > fo ; cowhides , a ) ,
075c.HIDES Green butchers' , fiOTj c ; grcoi
cured. 0070-.c ; dry Hint , 9o ; dry salt , 8c
green calf skins , 7c ; damaged hides , tw <
thirds prico. Tallow 3J4C. Grease Prim
white , 4 , ' c : yellow , 3o ; brown , 2c. Slieei
pelts , 25c ( ( $ l.lX ) . Steady and unchanged.
FniS Kacconll ) ( dkiiilnk ( ; , 1507 lOo ; musl
rat fall , 20 7c ; striped 8kunk,50J25 < ; ; mountaii
wolf , No. 1 , Sl.fiOfifi.riO ; No. 2 , pruirio , ) ( !
7fie ; No , 2 , 2.X"VH > < : ; beaver , No. 1 , per lb
$ t > . ( )00,3.00 ) ; ; No , 2 , $ l.oOC , l,25 ; otter , # 1.000
15.00 ; dry deui * skins , 200tt5o : pur lb ; dry uuU
lope , elk , moose , etc. , 150f-5c.
Dry Iiiiinher.
2. U Art I I I
1 ft. IHt SOft -
Sxil. . 17 ) : DO.1 , : ! rtlSI MZl
17 HI" ) ( it21 W" UI"J
( , ; ' . " . ; ; " . " . . . . . . . . ' 1.17 .inaxm'si > ' .ai ODJI ;
ZxiS | . .is , aiai ( H)2i ou'at ' ini-ii
4X4-SXS ' . .IK.'iOlO tYI3IH ) : ! ( I ! !
No. 1 com , s 1 s.$18.50 I No. 3 com , s 1 s.$15.
No. 2 com , sis. 17.00 | No. 4 com , sis. 13. . ' ,
No , 1 , 4 &G in 12 & 14 ft. , rough. . , 819. . '
No.l " " I " W- '
No. 2 , " 12 U " Id.t
No. 2 , " " III " lb. (
A , 12 , 14 & 10 I C , 12 , 14 & 10 ft.SI.Vf
B , " " 20.501 D , " " 12. !
Adih VhlUjPino $25. :
Brtln " " , S3. !
C01n " " ! ) . (
Ddin " " < , . . . 21. ;
EOIn " " ( Sel. Fencing ) . . . . , . 19. !
0 in. Drop Siding 50o iwr M extra :
2d coinjf in-White Pine Ceiling.f34. . (
" " " " " . . . . . . 28 00
Jlear , } ( fn Norway " " . ! ! > ! ! 1IUM
dcom. X lu " " " 14.00
12tnchsls $15.50
112 ' W.20
13 " 30.01) )
)12 " 23.00
S'o. loom , I'Jlusls , 12ft 20.50
" " " 14 ft lli.OO
" " " 10 ft 18.50
" " " 10 , 18,20ft 21.M )
0.2 , " s 1900
" " " 12 Si 14ft 18..V )
" " " 17 ft 17.60
2 In Grooved roofing , $1 per M. more than 12
in Stock Boards same length.
0 In Grooved Rooting same price ns 12 lu
Stock Boards.
vim * I. dr.
io. 1 Plain 8 nnd 10 In , $19.00
Jo. 3 " " " 17.50
Vo. 1OGS in lU.t)0
st and 2nd , clear , 1 , H { In sO $51.00
" " " l { , 2 61.00
, clear , 1 In , s2 s 44.50
" IK , IK. 21" 4000
\ , select , 1 In s-Js 40.00
" W , IK , 21ns2s 44.00
i ; " llns'Js 30.00
B , " 14 , IK. 2lns2s 37.00
Com. 4 Ino h Flooring $17.50
Star " " 21.50
st and 2d clear 4 Inch Flooring 23.00
Six inch 40c less.
lloar lnch Celling 21.50
Jlenr < tf inch Partition 25.00
Clear % Inch , Partition $2 above ? 8'
Inch Ceiling 25.00
Clear Finish , 1 and I'f Inch , s 2s 29.1X1
Jlear Finish , IK and 2 Inch , s 2 s 30.00
"llcar Corrugated Ceiling , 4 inch 25.50
Hear Yellow Pluo Casing and Base. . . . 27.00
loi't.ui uiMiimi.
CPoplar Bx. Bds. K In. , s 2 s $35.00
" " K in. Panel , s 2 s 27.00
" ' Corrugated Colling , ; < „ 28.50
O. G. Butts , % X In C5o ; ) x3 , s 1 s. 40c ; ilin
Veil Tubing , D. St M. and Hov. . $23.00 ; Pick
Is , U. & II. Flat , $ J0.5 ( ) : D. H. Sq. , $21.50.
XX clear , $10 ; extra * A * . $2.85 ; A stand-
ird No. 5 , No. 1 , $1.45 ; lath , $2.55.
White cedar , 0 in. , if s. 12Xc ; 0 In. qrs. ,
IKi'i White cedar , 6JJ ? in KS UJ o ; 8 in.
| rs lOo ; white cedar. 4 in. round , lOJo ; Ten-
lessee red cedar , split , I4c ; split oak , lOo ; ( I
n 7 in. , und 8 in. ( ft each ) 8 ft. , round , W.C.
) OStM.
CommercialChips. .
No change in prices on groceries was noted
Spirits advanced a trifle to-day.
Produce Is quiet.
Mr. Roger Henly , of St. Joseph , Mo. , has
accepted u position with Pnxton , Gallagher
Dudley Smith , formerly connected with
ho Wyelh Hardware company of St. Joseph ,
do. , bos assumed the management of the
vholesalo grocery house of D. M. Steele ft
Co. , of this city.
Rates ou heavy hardware uro unchanged.
Prices on drugs , paints nnd oils uro the
sumo as at the beginning of tlio week.
Tlio Week's
While the week Just ended has been
: nnrked with no very important events iu
rado circles and no changes in prices have
occurred beyond the usual slight fluctuations ,
, hero has been a very marked increase in the
volume of business done ns shown by reports
from leading jobbers in the city. Dry goods
neil are busy taking orders for early spring
delivery witli marked success , ono llrm re-
wrtiug an increase of nearly 8 per cent
during the past six days. Groceries are
moving some better than heretofore and
country merchants are already beginning to
replenish thuir stocks preparatory to the
opening of the spring season. Tlio feeling
among wholesale men who are dealers in
this line concerning the outlook is one of
confidence , nnd great results are anticipated
this season. Heavy hardware is picking up
and trade is quite brisk for this time of the
year. Agricultural implement dealers are
now preparing to 1111 orders which are
already being received , and there is no good
reason to doubt that there will bo a good bus
iness done in this line. Tlio population of
the state has been greatly increased during
tlio pas > t year by thrifty immigrants , who
have taken up or purchased farms , and , hav
ing completed the preliminary arrangements ,
are now ready to begin work in good earnest
and reipilro plows , harrows , etc. , in order to
enable thorn to do so. Boot and shoo men
report a good business , especially in the. line
of rubber goods , one llrm stating that the
sales in this line during the winter have ex
ceeded those of last by at least
15 per cent. Orders for spring
business seems to bo on the increase and
prices on u few lines are becoming slightly
llnnor. General merchandise is practically
intlio same condition as It was at the close of
the preceding week. Lumber , which has
been quiet for some time , is , however , begin
ning to move u little moro freely nnd country
orders nro beginning to bo received. Dealers
are replenishing their stocks in anticipation
of un immense trade season , it being gen
crallv understood that the building record of
18SS will bo equal if not greater than that of
1887. Coal continues steady at former prices ,
although some slight changes may bo antici
pated soon. Spirits remain steady at the ad
vance noted last week , but another change is
looked for soon. Leather , nliles and furs arc
much the same as before as regards rates , but
business is more brisk.
The Week's Salon of Onuilia Dirt In-
creaHo lu ClcaringH.
The real cstato market has been very active
during the past week and the following table
shows the aggregate sales :
Monday , Jan. 30 . ? 29,127
Tuesday , Jan. 31 . 143,355
Wednesday , Feb. 1 . 00,71.1
Thursday , Feb. 2 . 30,590
Friday , Feb. 3 . JSO.ObO
Saturday , Feb.I . -
Total for live days . * ; 100,40 ?
Following is n statement of the clearing
use business for the week :
Monday , Jan. 30 . $501,090.7. ' ]
Tuesday , Jan. 31 . 432.237.d2
Wednesday , Feb. 1 . . . 622,232.w :
Thursday. Feb. 2 . fivo.iRit.h ! :
Friday , Fell. 3 . 671 , 027. 7
Saturday , Feb. 4 . 491,572.5'J
Total . * 3 , 1 13,879.21
IncraiM ) over the corresponding week foi
18b7 , 23.7 per cent.
tin * First AniilvcrHary 01
Invatlliiu v
Tlio Salvation army people , full of thnli
usual demonstrative spirit , uro celobratlnt
With duo eorcmoily the llrbt anniversary o
their organization In Omaha , The exercihei
are extended " thrco dJys , comnicrtclnf
last evening , uud terminate to-morrow night
At the depot last- evening they met Mrs
Captain Wllkms , the original recruiting oM !
ccr hero , nnd Mrs. Major Dale , ploncerofllcci
of America , and escorted them to their bar
nicks with blare of cornet and strcainlni
banner. At the barracks the usual love
feast , relating of experience and oxhortlni
varied with minstrel music , were Indulged it
until at a late hour. Their programme fo
the thrco days is us follows :
AT TUB ( ll.II C'lTV lltl.t. .
Saturday A Salvation reception night n
S p. m.
Sunday A knee drill ut 7 a. m ,
Sunday Great Holiness mcoting at 10G :
u. in.
Sunday Great incotingh at 3 and 8 p. m.
Monday Monstrous banquet , tickets 23c ,
to7:3Up. : m. ; great procession nt 7:30 : p. in ,
whim Council Bluffs corps and officers wll
unite with us , brass band to the Ii out ; gi
guutlc anniversary meeting at 8 p. m. Mrs
Major lJ.ilb.wiU locturu on "The Work of tli
Army in America , " und many of tint princl
pal trophies reclaimed by the Salvation arm ,
in Omalin will speak.
The Omaha corps of the Salvation arm ,
now numbers 200 persons.
Ii * . Hamilton. WniTOn , Muffnolta Phy
aicimi nnd surgeon , fJoota a , Growth
block , cor IGthiindCtijiiturtwi ) . Ohrniil
'und nurvous ( Hneascd u specialty. Tttle
. 'phono OH. , .
The Money Mnrkot Unusually .Qulot
For tlio Benson ,
Foreign Fumts Plnntjr nnd llntc * of In
terest IKMV Now York Stock *
llnlhnr Qulot Provisions
Show Sonic Life.
The Dullness Continue * .
CntCAoo , Feb. 4. [ Special Telegram to
the Hr.r. . ] Locnl tlnnnchil affairs rouiiitn In
about tlio same condition as noted during tlio
past two or thrco weeks. There Is no par
ticular demand from any source for dis
counts , yet bankers ex | < erlcnro Httlo dlfll-
cully hi placing all their available funds.
They hnvo lonncil considerable money ex
tending Jute tlio spring months , coimoquontlv
thuy liuvo not as much iviuly money nt com-
luiuul as tliey hiul some thno ago. Aa a.nilo
bankers heretofore hnvo hud an urgent de
mand for money during the winter season , as
grain usually accumulated nt the largo ship-
plug centers nnd packers wore liberal bor
rowers , but the present season Is an exeep-
tlon. G r.iln Is being hold ut the smaller Interior
points and packers have not boon favored
with their usual supply of hogs , thoruforo
the demand for money on behalf of these In
terests has been somewhat limited , and
bankers have. encouraged borrowers In other
branches of trade. Inquiry for discount * on
behalf of operators In grain and provision ! *
has been limited , ns speculator's apparently
uro not trading beyond tholr prlvnto moans.
Some money Is being forwarded to Interior
iwlnts , but not much In excels of the i-ollcc-
ions. Itceont storms have interfered greatly
, vith business of all kinds , and shippers are
icglunlng to move produce again from smaller
whits. Merehiints hi the wholesale trade
resented considerable paper for discount ,
omo In the way of renewal , owing to back-
ivnrdnesH In collections in some sections.
{ atesof interest were steady , and unchanged ,
mil good names and choice collaterals are
'oadlly ' accepted at 0 per cent on call or time ,
\thile small loans to parties not regular cus
tomers of the banks , command tl ) ® " per
cent. Outside loans command 7 per cent.
Ucports from eastern llnancial centers' In-
iliciito ii little more easiness In the money
market , but no particular ohangu to note In
ntcrest rates. Prime mercantile paper com-
nuiids 5@7 per cent. Advices from ubroud
lire also more favoniblo to the borrowing
nterest. Money Is apparently plenty nuil
rates of interest low. New \ork exchange
, vas In fair supply durlne tlio past week and
, ho demand \vas moduratcly active , Suloa ,
between bunks were made at 25 ( < Tf > Oc pre-
nluni per $1,000 , and the market closed
steady nt 25e. Foreign exchange WHS in
light request during the past week and offer-
tigs wore fair. The market was wealc nnd
ales were made at lower llgures. Shippers
sixty days documentary bills on London
elmngcd hands at $4.J > 2JiiiJ4.82 ( f and closed
steady at $4.82Jflci4.b2 .
Stocks In Now York were Inclined to mild
ness during the weak Just closed , and the
market was week. Trading was confined
argoly to Wall street operators , the out ldo
.mblio apparently taking little interest In
stocks. Uoportsof the earnings of lending
railroads are loss favorably than so mo time
ago , which may bo attributed to sevcro
storms and the competition In freight rates
In most flections , particularly in the west.
Foreign operators were less anxious to take
hold nnd in most cases were on the ( tolling
side of the market. Prices ruled somewhat
.rrcgular , and for the principal stocks a re
duction was submitted to. Western stocks
wore the weakest. Aggregate sales on the
Now York stock exchange for the weak wore
Trading has shown a little more llfo In pro
duce circles during the past week , but chiefly
in n speculative way. Dally changes In
prices wore slight nnd fluctuations for the
week were eon lined within n narrow range.
Recently of gram nnd live stock
have been increased boniowhat. ns the rnil-
roads in seine sections of the west hnvo been
reopened and the snow blockade removed ,
but are still moderate for the season of the
year. Shipments to eastern markets hnvo
been only fair , ns buyers of grain have been
watching the unsettled feeling In freights
nnd anxiously looking for a reduction. Con-
'cssious ' in export rates have encouraged an
increase in the movement of Hour , grain nnd
revisions to foreign marts , but the aggre
ate is still light. Advices from foreign
markets have been unfavorable to holders of
grain , as supplies are liberal nnd buyers
backward about purchasing nt present prices.
Tlio bamo is true of hog products with the
exception of lard.
Tlio markets during the week hnvo shown (1 (
considerable nervousness nnd changes in ;
prices were made on slight Influences. Grain ' 1
exhibits n little strength curly in the week ,
but outside prices were not supported. Pro
visions were easy early , owing to the largo
receipts of hogs , but rallied later on the re
port of stocks on hand. Speculative trading
centers dealt almost exclusively in May de
livery , trading in the near futures being re
stricted to parties desiring to oven up tholr
trades or to transfer them ahead. Trading
beyond May is gradually extending. Dome
stic markets lir.vo not given holders much
encouragement , and trade in all the leading
cities is reported dull. Merchants confid
ently look for improved business after the
close of the present month , or os soon us
farmers in the west nnd southwest can com
mence tholr spring work. ,
The packing of the west Is progressing
favorably , though the aggregate is still con
siderably below the returns of last season to
What Was Doiii ! nt hast Nl ht' ,
The special meeting of the city eoundl last
night was fairly attended by the members.
The object of the meeting wns to consider n
batch of ordinances on tholr Hist and' ' second
reading relating to special assessments for
paving grading , curbing and sewerage.
Messrs. Elliott , Bnrunclo mid Joties were
granted licenses as plumbers , and their bonds
were accepted.
AVhen the subject of keeping the Directs
and crossings clean came up Councilman
Hnseall arose nnd moved that the i council
concur in any action the hoaid of public
works or the mayor might take. Tito motion
was seconded by Councilman BurHhain , Aand
The city attorney was directed to draw up
the annual levy ordinance to be passed'b.v tlio
council on Tuesday night next. Ho was in
structed to leave blank thn amount to bo
levied for the benefit oftho
school fund , several of , tlio
councilman belicvinif that the school , boinl
would not bo s-.itlsllod with a 1 mill lury./riio
levy , as proposed , is : Cencral fund , II mills ;
sinking , 8 ; water , 3 ; judgment , 'J wJiool , 1 ;
library , 1 ; police , fi ; lire , 4J < J ; bov/isrVJJ ; pav
ing , curbing and guttering , ii.
The council , after adjournment , Informally
considered the paving ordlimneo for the year
isss , preparatory to the Html pasnaw ou
Tuesday night next. The couiiciluii'li fully
expressed their minds on this matter , and
there was ,1111 evident unanimity on tlii ) part
of the meuiberw to rush paving thli ye.u * .
An ordinance creating a city physician
under a stipulated salary was also debuted.
All at once Councilman Huseall nroso and
moved that a special meeting bo called for
Monday night next to consider the contract
of Architect Myers on the city building.
Hascall intimated that Myers1 conduct re
quired coiinullumnlo consideration , and the
moftlng by a unanimous vote was ordered.
Tlin 1'rcNliInnt of tlio Federation of
Triidrn < > ! ' Am < rica.
On Saturday evening , February 11 , V83 ,
Mr. Sam Oompors , president of the. Ant rlcaii
Federation of Trades and Labor Unions , will
deliver a lecture on "Labor" under the UUR.
pices of the trades-unions of Omnhft. All
workingmen rordiallv Invited. Admlttanca
f rw. Uempmbyr date Saturday , FHUvuury
11 , ut the Kxitoaition hull. COMMIT fw ; .
Chiilly Dlmies nf I'alconbr's Mpnday ,
McfJIymi nnd HIM Follower ) * .
New You K , l' > b. 4. [ Special ToloKi-um to'
the 'llui : , ' ] At'lh < sujual Friday muoUng of