Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 05, 1888, Page 5, Image 5

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M. BEERS , President ,
$350,000,000,00 , ,
Interest Income for " 13,722,502 , ,
Death Losses for 1886 , $2,757,055 , ,
ING 1887 , OVER
_ Eor Exposure Results in Crippling
Her For Life.
Over Five Thousand Dollars In the
"Bco" Fund FOP the Three llrave
Toachpps The Roll
of Honor.
Mian ROJCO'B Condition.
The following telegram received at 3
o'clock ycstenlny afternoon explains itself :
Nonroi.K , Neb. , Feb. 4. [ Spcciul Telegram
to the Hun. ] I have just hud au interview
with Dr. Menr , who returned from Pluluvlew
this morning. Ho stated that utter a careful
examination ho became satlsllcd that it
would be necessary to amputate both of Miss
Iloyce's feet. Onu foot was almost entirely
frozen and the llcsh Is sloughing ott from the
toes , forefoot and heel , und it will Imvo
to bo amputated above the ankle
Joint , in order to give her a peed stump on
which to pluco an nrtltlciul limb. The other
foot i-i frozen and sloughing oft as fur up us
the instep , while a great piece of frozen llcsh
has sloughed oft from one side of the heel.
The doctor thinks the ankle joint afld heel of
this foot may bo saved. In addition to this
Miss Iloyeo will p.irtially lose the. use of ono
hand us her arm was fro/en just above the
wrist , and here the flesh i.s alhO sloughingotT.
lr. Hear will return on Monday to perform
the operation and will invite Den. Kelluy or
Husson of the Norfolk asylum und Dr. Alden
of Plerco to accompany him. The operation
will bo performed on Tuesday.
The doctor stated that Miss Hoyco's recital
of her experience during the terrible night is
truly a pitiful ono , two of her little charges
dying in her urmn and tins last remaining ono
pleading through the night for inoro covering
to keep her warm. Miss Uojco's is Indeed
ono of the greatest cases of heroism in mod
ern times.
MIsH Hoyuo's AftUution.
The neoplo of Nebraska will earnestly re
gret the. misfortune of Miss Louise Uoyeo.
The suffering of this joung lady , the result
of many hours exposure to the cold , havu
been givut , yet her physicians had given
her hope that all her limbs would bo spared.
The announcement that the surgeons had de
termined upon the amputation of her feet is
a sud blow to the expectations of friends and
the most sangnlno holies of the young
teacher. The sad tale of MUs Koyeo's cx-
uerienco during the storm is well known.
In uu effort to save the lives of thieo
pupils she herself was so badly
frozen that for u time her
life was despaired of. Later it was bollovcd
that no permanent injury would result from
her exposure. Now conies the sad Intelli
gence that the bravo girl must lese both
foot and an arm. The regret at this
turn of affairs will bo universal. If the per
fect sympathy of n kind and generous pco-
plo can sustain this bravo and suffering girl
she will bo nblo to pass through her hour
of trial.
The contributions to the Royce fund
have been permitted to full behind fn the
endeavor to provide for Miss Shuttuck.
The jwoplo of Nebraska are reminded that
Miss Royeo'8 additional misfortune calls for
u moro liberal contribution to the fund for
her benollt.
Many who have not contributed can rend'
lly afford a mite for this unfortunate and
deserving girl.
Mis * Slinttuck'ii Condition.
In resiwnso to a telegram sent ta Sownrd ,
Nob. , the HKB received ut U o'clock je -
tcrday morning the following :
"Therq hiw oecn no change for the worse
in MUs Sh&ttuck'a condition , Shu rested
-.veil last night , uud U somewhat better this
learning , "
From Mr. McSlmno.
The following dispatch was received lasl
night from Hon. John A. McShane , ant ]
hews that with all his duties in con-
( TOM ho still ha Uiao to keep posted on
ionics afTairs and that ] his generous heart
ms been moved by the sufferings and hero
ism of Nebraska teachers :
WASHINGTON , Feb. ! . Kaitor Hen : Place
me on your list $2. > 0 .subscription as follows :
For benellt of Miss Shattuck , $151) ) ; for Miss
Freeman und Miss Koyco , $ . ° K > each. Will in
struct my Omaha oftleo to hand you the
money. JOHN A. McSuvxis.
Kx-Scnator A'an Wyck's Tribute.
The following letter forwarded unopened
to Now York , has just returned to this office :
NKIIIUSKA CITV , Neb. , Jan. 29. E. Rosewater -
water : A few days ago I commenced a let
ter enclosing donation for two teachers
Miss Freeman and Miss Hoycc when I no
ticed that another teacher in Holt county ,
Mis Shattuck , has suffered almost to death ,
und I waited further parculars. I saw by
yesterday's UKK that you had opened a list
for her. You nro entitled to the
thanks , not only of the unfortunate
ones , but the state generally far the Interest
you have manifested. The heroes of that
fearful storm can novcr be forgotten , and
many homes will long bo dcsolato. The hero
ism will form a portion of that history which
enables humanity , tender delicate girls just
budding Into womanhood , calm , bravo , in the
shock of the blinding frost and snow , with
death and Deity before them.yet manifesting
intrepidity , coolness , resources and unselfish
ness worthy the bravest soldier in the storm
of battle , I enclose > 50. Plcaso assign $ 'M to
Miss Shattuck , us she is disabled for life , und
her lot is a particularly hurd one. Her father ,
whoso support she was , was a veteran of the
last war. Divide the remaining K5 dollars
equally between Miss Hoyco und Miss Free
man. Continue the godd work ; if they huvo
suffered provision , should also bo made for
them , and If citizens do not pluco them beyond
want the next legislature should make suitu-
bio appropriation.
C. H. VAX Wvcic.
A Generous Man.
Mr. B. F. Norris guvo the proceeds of la
dinner given at his restaurant Saturday ,
February 4 , to the linn's Heroine fund. The
dinner was nicely prepared , thoroughly en
joyed und well patronized , the capacity of
the house being taxed to its utmost. The
cashier , Miss Kutio Norris , exhibited an en
thusiasm that was worthy of the good cause.
Wherry and Eaton furnished the street slirn
gratis. The proceeds amounted to0.5 !
to bo divided as follows :
Miss Etta Shattuck $ in 25
Miss Hoyco 7 IX )
Mias Mlnuio Freeman 0 00
For Miss iloycc.
Osuuv , Neb. , Feb. . To the Editor of
thoLlKr. : In view of the news concerning
Miss Hoyco's ' condition , I feel instilled in
changing the condition of my donation uud
now propose dividing the proceeds of the sale
of my pony equally between i\ilss Royce and
Miss Shattuck. 1 see by this evening's edi
tion of your paper that another little boy
proposes to contribute to the sale. I earnestly
IIOIHI that before the 15th other contributions
will bo made , > > o that the salo' will be both
attractive und profitable.IlKXitv
Omaha Stable , 417 S. Hth St.
Marble Stock.
HOT SPKIXOS , Dak. , Feb. 2. To the Editor
of the UBE : Enclosed you will find 500 shares
or Battle , Mountain Muiblo stock. I also scud
sample of marble. Wo have made thecer-
tllloates small fifty cents each in order
that they will sell better. This is good pro | > -
crty , consisting of 100 acres of mnrblo and
josiH > r , and the company U sound und does
not owe u dollar. 1 make this statement orf
secretary , und over the seal of the company.
This stock should sell at 20 cents per share-
not less. Plcaso add the proceeds of the sulo
to the Shattuck special fund.
; : E. T. PIKHCK ,
IL. S. : Secretary.
The sample of this marble can be seen at
the Hue counting rooms. The shares of stock
can bo procurml ut the business olttct ) of thu
UKK upon implication ,
A Road Cart.
Ovuii , Feb. 4. To the Editor of the HRK :
Wo huvo placed In the hand * of Mr. L , P.
Pruyn , nt his curriago repository , u hand-
sotuclynnlshed road cart , which is subject to
the order of thu HEE , the proceeds to go to
the heroina funds
The offer of the Omaha Carriage und Sleigh
The New York Life's Nebraska Interests ,
The company's operations in Omaha and Nebraska are almost identical with those of a state company. By this
is meant that the NEW YORK LIFE'S invcstment'in ' Omaha alone will amount to nearly ONE MILLION OF
DOLLARS , and that it will be a long time beforb the profits on business done in this state snail amount to the unv
total that the company will have invested. In other words , money paid to this company will not only remain in
the state , biit goto enrich ahdennoble it , as well. A grand and most practical illustration of this is shown in the
above cut of the NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY'S building , which is now in course of construc
tion. The building will cost ground and all Ninq Hundred Thousand Dollars. It will have a basement and
sub-basement , and be ten stories in height and one hundred and thirty-two feet square. The first three stories will
be constructed of brown stone ; the other stones ofpressed brick h'nished with Terra-cotta. The extreme height
will be 1GO feet. There will be three hundred rooms , four elegant passenger elevators that will carry a man from
cellar to dome in half a minute , and electric lights and steam heating apprratus which will bo free to all. The
interior of this superb structuio will be finished in Cherry and Marble , and all glass used will be of the best grade
plate. It is expected that the building will be ready for occupancy by the first of May , 1889.
Company Is a very generous ono. Tuo Hr.K
suggests that this cart bo delivered to Mr.
Henry L. Owens , and that the same bo by
him sold on Wednesday , February 15 , in con
nection with other sales to take pluco ou that
I ) . W. Sato's Fountain Fund.
On lust Wednesday night D. W. Saxo , in
the Opera house pharmacy , opened his most
beautiful und marvellous soda fountain , with
its concomitant of mixed , pure , healthful and
invigorating drinks , and announced that ho
would ( five to the BKK'S heroine fund ono-
hulf of his receipts of the evening. The
fountain wus litesully surrounded for four
hours with eager patrons with the dual mo
tive of enjoying the elegant .draughts and
contributing to the relief of the bravo girls
who have achieved imperishable renown.
Mr. Saxo wan us good as fits word , and to-day
Bent to the BEE his check for $25.50 , as one-
half of his $51 receipts of his fountain's open
ing night.
The Secret Orders.
OMAHA , Feb. 4. To the Editor of the BEE :
When I saw in the columns of the BEE the
donations of Mt. Shasta lodge , No. 71 , and
Nebraska lodge , No. 1 , Knights of Pythias of
Omaha , to the BUB fund for the Misses Shat
tuck , Royce und Freeman , whoso well known
bravery has brought honor to themselves ,
their profession und our state , I felt proud of
membership in that order and especially
proud that my own lodge , Nebraska No. 1 ,
had boon Iho first to follow the noble exum-
plo of our sister lodge , Mt. Shasta No. 71.
While the steel panoply und deeds of war of
the knights of old do not remain with those
of modern times , I am sure that courage and
duo appreciation of deeds of bravery uud de
votion to duty In the unpretending und often
obscure wulks of private life , as well us in
public life , or oven ou the ' 'tented Held , " still
glitter on our helmets nmong the brightest
jewels Inherited from our wuriior ancestors.
Wo have now before us , In three heroic
3 oung school teachers of Nebraska , un example -
ample of rare bravery und devotion to duty
such us should rouse the heart of every man ,
especially if ho pretends to bear worthily the
proud title of knight , to prompt cncrgotio
and effective action in aiding to rescue those
young girls from the disastrous results of
their splendid und heroic devotion to duty.
Let every lodge of the order of
the Kulghts of Pythias hasten
to follow the exainplo of Mt. Shasta No. 71 ,
und Nebraska No. 1 , of Omaha.
Substantial recognition of such heroism is
not nslced of you simply in performunco of
duty , but is placed before you us u pleasure ,
the pleasure of doing good , uud I trust no
lodge will bo found thinking itself too poor
to do reverence to these examples of bravery.
No man is top iwor to hud some money for
what ho considers un object of pleasure , und
I soy to you , that while what U asked is un
deniably jour knightly duty , it is etpjully a
pleasure. I feel us though the knight whose
heart fails to leap to warmest enthusiasm ,
and whoso hand does not promptly proffer
such donation us his moans will permit In
this worthy cause , does but slender honor to
his noble title. For the Knights of Pythias
to eagerly avail themselves of this rare op-
iwrtuuity to place the numo of our order con
spicuously upon this ' 'roll of honor" would
bo alike un appropriate and graceful action.
Let each lodge send in at least f.10 or WO.
If so much is not found In the exchequer of
the lodge , let individual knights' furnish
what may bo lacking , by pot sonal donations.
If the amounts named cannot bo thus raised ,
raise what is possible , but let each ledge do
something. Donations should be sent to the
Omaha daily UKE with specific
orders Q as to whether they urn to
go to the "Shattuok special fund , " "Shat
tuck genernj fund , " "Hoyco fund" or "Free
man fund. " While no distinction can bo
made between the Misses Shattuok , Royce
or Freeman , in point of merit , because each
of noble young girls did her whole duty
nobly and bravely , yet attention U moro cs-
peclally called , and donations uro moro
largely flowing into tha Shattuck special und
the Shattuck general funds. This arises
from the fact , that while the other two PS-
cu | > od fortunately witu no permanent Injury ,
Miss Shattuck did not. In consequence of
the delay -asioned by her efforts in sue-
cvssfully looking after the safety of the little
scholars under her rare , she was loft to en
counter alone the diru penis of that frightful
storm. Partially sheltered in a hole in a hay
slock , which her rapidly falling strength
prevented her from making deep enough for
complete shelter , her feet and limb * were
loft partially exposed , and for seventy-eight
hours this frail young girl bore the full furv
of the worst storm of snow und wind thut
has ever swept the prairies of Nebraska , As
a consequence she had to submit to the am
putation of both limbs just below the knees ,
and now lies nt her homo helpless and suffer
ing. Besides being thus incupuciatcd from
earning nor own living , her gentle heart
is wrung with anxiety for the future
of her used parents , who depend upon her
labor for support. Just think of it , brother
knights , who , by your profession , ndmlro and
emulate acts of bravery and unselfish devo
tion to duty I Think 'of this young girl sev
enty-eight hours out In this frightful storm-
more than three days and nights und now
both lower limbs gone. Remember that this
did not result from the pursuit of selfish
pleasure or the effort to accomplish merely
selfish ends , but from her delay in securing
her own safety , that she might accomplish ,
as she did , the escape of the little scholars
under her care. Of the three great secret fra
ternities of the day , the Knights of Pythias
were the ttrst to step to the front , artd , under
the leadership of Mt. Shasta Ledge , No.
71 , of Omaha , speedily followed by Nebraska
Lodge , No. 1 , of the same place , they have
placed the name of our order in shining let
ters on this "roll of honor. " See to it that
the glory does not rest with these two lodges.
Let each ledge in Nebraska and each Knight
of Pythias , through his lodge , send some
thing , bo it moro or leas. Hemombcr , brother
knights , it Is not the amount , but the giving.
which justifies your right to bear the proud
title of knight , and uct now , that future
regret may not tinge your checks with the
blush of un Ignoble shame. Look well
to your laurels , brother knights , for
you do not wear them undisputed.
The magnanimous order of the Knights
Templar huvo entered the field , led by Jordan
Commandory , No. 15 , of Blair , with a liberal
gift , and the valiant Knights of the Temple'
never do things by halves. Nay , more , I
hear the tramp of the van guard of another
mighty host approaching the Held of noble
und generous contention , for the muster Ma
sons of the Blue lodge , urousod by the "con
tagion thut is in the uir , " havu entered the
urenu under the leadership of St. John's
Ledge , No. 2.1. of Omaha , taking u $ .10 shnro
in the ? fi,000 Shattuck special fund , besides
liberal donations to the Misses Koyco and
Freeman. The Independent Order of Odd
Fellows will not bo left behind In this "battlo
of the gods ; " they , too , will soon bo "In the
thickest of the light , " striving no less en
thusiastically than the rest to do good and
generous deeds. A noble und generous strug
gle is before you , brother knights , for you
moot foemen "worthy of your steel. " Brace
on your bright armor of friendship , which
protects friend from foe , lot your bare weap
ons glitter in the sunshine of generous char
ity und sympathetic benevolence , fling your
bright bunnors to the bieezes of u manly yet
friendly emulation ns to which order shall do
the * most In a noble cause , and show the world
that the Knfehts of Pythias can never bo loft
In the rear when1 the fallen and suffering are
to bo raised uiuUcomforted , und thut secret
societies do , fur , more than pass evenings in
their ledge rpoma practicing mysterious rites.
f Jens J. MONKI.I. .
SIIEXA.NDO.UI , jla. , Feb. 2. To the Editor
of the BEG : , I urn glad to know that there is
at least a probability of Miss Louise Koyco
accepting the lito scholarship und becoming
u member of1 our school. 1 hope Miss Free
man can come ulso. I cannot overlook the
heroism of Missl Ktta Shattuck , und enclose
you papers thut will admit hur to the depart
ment. of short-hand and typo-writing in the
Western Normal college , including all her
expenses from the time she leaves the train
at Shcnundoah until she completes the
course. If Miss Shattuck U unublo to ucccpt
the above proposition , you may add my imuio
to the "Shattuck Special Fund" for WO.
Wit. M. Cnovx ,
Superintendent und Proprietor.
Minnie Freeman.
A largo photo of Miss Minnie Freeman
with her sod school house and the pupils
whom she saved from the great storm will bo
sent prepaid for tl.lH ) each , fri.OO per doion ,
. ' ) ( ) .no per hundred. Address The Qul-c , Ord ,
Those Who Have ICocu iiUed Couriijco
* find Devotion.
The BKE fund U steadily Increasing and the
roll of honor ls growing. If you Imvo not
contributed do so at your earliest conven
Amount received un to date , Feb.4.$0i3 16
Hon. John A. McShano 50 ( HI
Hon. C. H. Van Wyck 12 50
J. Berobard's ' children 2 00
B. F. Norris. . " . 700
Western Newspnpci Union list 10 40
Mrs. H. J. Stirling 50
Fire deportment 1 00
Total $70050
Amount recclvi-d up to Feb. 4 t3 044 HO
D. W.Saxe ffii 50
Mondclshn Fisher & Lawrio list. . . . SO 00
J. W. Plumer , Craig 1 00
Stuto Prison list 41100
Simmer , Mich. Vulloy , Kas ! )5 )
Orafton , Neb. list 19 00
Bradshaw , Neb. , list ftl fiO
Hon. John A. McShano 15000
Hon. C. H. Van Wycke 25 00
Engine house elty Waterworks. . . . 850
W. U. Orummond carriage \vorks. 14 50
Veterans list , Kaufman's store. . . 21 50
B. F. Norris 18 25
Omaha Saddlery Co and employer 17 75
WestcinNewspaper Union list. . . : u oo
Hardy Herald'llst 5 73
J. N. Counter 1 00
J. H. Pickel 1 00
Meyers & Meyers , 1 00
Hurry Brown 5 00
Teachers und pupils Omaha Com
mercial college 51 00
Mrs. H.J. Stirling 50
U. P. H. H. Motive power ofllces. . . . 23 M )
Mrs.K. U. Huthven W )
Mrs. Ennico Kuhn 1 00
Byron Kuhn 1 00
Fire department .15 25
Total . ify.lKI * 00
Amount received up to Feb. 4 . frllil 00
Hon. Jno. A. McSliuuu . 50 ( M )
Hon. U. H. Van Wycke . 12 50
B. F. Norris . li IK )
Western Newspaper list . 10 35
Mrs. H. J. Stirling . 50
Fire department . 50
Total . ; . frUM 75
i.uxv wor.nmicKK FIIXD.
McCIurg Cracker and Candy Co . * 7 50
Bradahuw Lodge No. ( W , A. O. U. W . . . 5 00
Mrs. H. J. Sterling. . 50
Total . fill 00
TIII : nut.nitKX's Ft'\i > .
Amout rcceivi'd up to Feb. 4 . $51 85
Hunmih and Laura McNalr . 1 00
Bertie und Bcssio Kincaid , list . I 91
Total . 457 20
The "lleo" Fund.
The nrosent condition of the four funds
opened by tlio Buu U as follows :
Etta Shattuck . f : ) , < 7 0(1 (
Louise Hoyco . ! . 700 5(5 (
Minnie Freeman . 4Kt ! 75
Westphulen monument fund . 57 20
Cash to special fund . 240 ( H )
Lena Woebbccko fund . Ill 00
Grand total . K ,1&1 Si
The Shattiiuk Special Fund.
Miss Etta Shattuck , the young school
teacher who lost both limbs from the ex
posure In the recent storm will bo incapaci
tated for any sorvica by which oho may derive -
rive ttlivmg. Ills desired that $0,000 bo
raised. If 200 persons will each subscribe
not less than . ' ( ( ) this amount can be raised.
The money need not bo paid until the full
uuiouut is subscribed. This is to be known
as the. "Shattuck Social Fund. "
The following pledges to this fund have
been received :
John J. Monoll . $0000
Bonnison Bros , , cash paid . . ' 10 ( Ml
W. O. Albright . 80 (
Misses Annlu und Maggie Trulund . . . . 30 00
Ooorgo W. Hathbun , cash paid . ! ) ( K )
Wui. A. Puxton . 'M W
Olive Branch . 80 00
Pacific uxprcss auditor's office , cash
paid , . 8000
Nebraska Ledge No. 1 , K. of P. , cash
paid . , . TO 00
Omaha ladies' afternoon collet ) , cash
paid . . . . , . . . 3000
St , John's Ledge No. 23 , A. F. & A.
M.cushpuld . , . . , . 3000
Wm. M. Croan. . . . ! . . . . : n > 00
.C. H. Wlllard , Lincoln , east ! paid . 30 OU
During' the construction of this building
the Company's Offices will be
ROOMS 1 , 2 and 3 ,
011)0 )
Corner Farnara and 12th Sis , ,
General Agent.
Special Agent.
1097 TELEPHONE 1097
U. S. Postal service , cash paid 80 0
Who will join them (
Lints of Contributors.
The BIK : will acknowledge all contribu
tions through thcso columns. All lists re
ceived , unless otherwise directed , will bo
published In full with the numo of every con
tributor. ThchO lists will bo published as
soon alter tuuir icccipt us space will per
Wo the undersigned officers and employes
of the A. U. T. company subscribe to the
amount set opposite our names to assist the
Misses Shattuck , Iloyco and Freeman ,
sufferers by the blizzard of the 12th of Jan
I , . M. Ithucm KOOiWIUIn Itownn 2T.
J. DonnBty Jr 1 no Michael Hynn . . . . H )
H. K. Cooper 1 OuL\ntonSm > ivuk )
It. P. Ityner 1 UO.Clmrles Young 2T >
< ; . L. Kciidrlck 1 ( M Knltty Foster 25
J.I ) . I'euclii-y 1 (10JohnSImman ( JJii
J. W. WlllliuiiH 1 00 Kild Klrlc- >
J. Hammond fin I.onls I'reonnlcke. . Sf >
T.IKmlcs ISO'P. ' Hn > lon H )
H. Kelly Nnlft AiulerMm H )
C. Uwtnes P. Henderson 8 }
M. Korol 2iU. II. Austin 1 ( O
John Lynch 2"i M.B. Werley 100
WlllloM. Cuuly. . . . W ) I ) , u. Jlllls 1(10 (
F. Mnuhnn NllW. Konndy Si
M. BUvurwlsu HA. | Smith , . . M )
William Abshor. . . . i.lunies | Hpencor M )
J. K. 1) . I.ltco ) < : . Anderson M
8. Mentions M Oi-oijtn llalluy CO
Otto X. Johnson. . . " " > ( 'has. Senenbeiger. M )
John Weber/ / * " " > !
Mutt Kammoml. . 1 ( O.Totul . fcil 00
Charles Kick r > |
Emma Welsliams.J 1 UiW. ) l-.Htuter I 1 00
Minnie Shields . . . fir Prank Itcvi-rly. . . . M )
I. . Tcnpjik fill riissln Onyer fiO
Jll JennieFeireu M ) (1. ( S. Swlck M
O. K. Sciiflfld. . . . 1 ( Hi.I.C. Hthrlver 100
CJ. K. Dlcksnn fid.lames ( limy . . . . fit )
Mlss < ; .riurk . . . Klla V. Klrhlinrn. .
MHH | Surah Iliady. MtssMimiloSlmw 1 ( ID
.Mis. Kelli-rstruura 1 ( J Mr.O. I.fhmim
Cash fifl.Cnsh 50
T. Kelley M ) Ml * I. . Ueldant. . M
K.T. Allen 1 U ) J. II. Shanburkur. 1 00
W. | | , Illlard . ai'.l. ' W. Wflshuns . 1 0,1
Mli-sO. .Ji'iihon. . . . fiUU.Woolf M
II. U. Moody fid.Mr. AUhott ill
M.S. Krmlal . . . . HI Mis * I , . Hall fid
(3. II. liuxtur fiUMuiy Wilght. . . . m
Cash Si Mr. S. < ! . Smart. 1 (
J.T. Illrkox fiUjMlssM. Kuiiirinun fO
Miss W. ivter ou. Sil'minlo Hviiiielt. . . 1 IW
Lnura Dorsey . 1 ( Kl Mr. II. Strcfter . ft )
Chas. Kunlrman , . fiO Mis. J.O. Monison )
Mrs. U.J.IInrkH. . MlMrrt , C. McKemm. . 1 ( M
Chus.Vlnlmig. . . . fiU.lMUiu-Sjlventiir . . M
Miislnr It. Hulls. Si llui Vi-yMorhK. . 'J'i
Miss It. Council. . . l l I.Mw.T. ( , ' . Donalbon M
J. W. Ciiinloli I ( KI.CiiHh . 101) )
r. M. ( Itione 1 ou.Suth Druku 1 ( )
II.Mills I 0)0. It. l.on 10) )
. ) . K. KlliB 1 OU V Ittlhsell 101) )
CllHllf.S btlRSMier. 1 00 Miss ntclier W )
Total HO ; 5
Wo , the undersigned , subscribe tha
amounts siit opposite our several names , for
the pur | > ese of swelling the fund now being
raised by the Omaha UKI : for the bcnellt of
the three Nebraska heroines. The sum
raised hereby to bo divided equally.
Holdeu Ic Lane. . . . II ( JO.A. M. ( llthens SB
J. W. Kay and son. 1 ( ) Itobert Hull . . . . W
Krkvldoon it II. . . 1 OO'Albert ' Welsuy . . . . r.'l
IliUley H Kluinli. . I UllLoliimm A : K 1 0) )
II. Hamilton 1 OOCail Henrlkm-n. . M
O.N nvmun 1 00 Miss S. A bunford Ml
A. Wfllmun. . . ) \V. K. Wldu'er ni
Frank Chambers. , 1 on Cornelius Kllelve , iil
i : . 0. ItiigKy. M James Cannon . . . lot
8. II.Chambers. . , . iWIM'utfiHtmHr. . . , si
KleKenlmum llros. t 00 II. J. . InnallH 1 mi
K. A. Schneider. . CO , 11. J. Hull f > '
1) . 8. WiMxlurd. . ni'j. ' A. WINou M )
C. II. Kiimlull. . . 1 OO.W. I ) , Otla M
Frank Cook . . . . lOU'JM.Cox ' ft )
11. K. HiK'kley . . . . 1 U )
.1.1' . WIlllaiiH , . . Ht Total saw
Mrs. Oerrick .
Lixcni.x , Neb. , Fob. a. Wo , thn under
signed employes of the State of Nebraska ,
not having Lccipsollcited to subscribe to the
teachers' funds , and desiring to do so , sub
scribe lliu amount set opposite our names :
O. M. ILutlelt. . .flUIIOSam K. Ixiw 1ft )
II.M. Will-Ing . . . fi OO.rtlloM'ebe , . . . S M
H , T. CnUhM-ll. . fi 00 JolmM.bteu.itt 5 It )
J.I ! . Alton ! ; i ( MJ. W. llaruhuit. . . S 00
T. H. Hellion 4 UOjKlla I ) . Vail 100
1 ! . ( J. llabcotk. . . IIOA. V.Colo , 1 (
( I. 15. lUmenuun : i no dibit a Oil
< ; . II. Allen : i UUA friend U )
l.oia V. llrbtol. . . U Wl'j.T. ' Holler 1 fll
II. K.Couili'iy. . . . 3 00,11 , , 1Hoae 100
N. I. . Mi Dowell. : i ( l
(1. U Melssiier. . 1 Ui Total. . . . , Ml GO
James K. IVrrls. I oo |
Several lists of uuiirlbutors have been
omlltt-d from this issue owing to a luik of
space. Each , however , will bo published. If
your list docs not npi > ear In this issue it will
bo published us soon ns possible.
Ilnvo you contributed }
Who will help increase Louise Royco's
fund I
The Louise Iloyco fund should bo materially
Those who have not contributed can now
aid In increasing the Louise Iloyco fund.
What do you think of the manner In which
NcbruskutiB recognuo courage and devotion !
Will you attend church to-day I If BO go
prepared to contribute to the teachers' fund.
Will the lailios of Omaha now Interest
themselves In the interest of the horolno
fund )
When the Masons , the Odd Fellows and
the Knights of Pythias are hoard from it
may bo expected that the returns will swell
the fund materially.
If you have not contributed and are able to
give something read the sud experience of
LouUo Royce , Ettu Shattuck and Lena
Woobbccko and tender your mite.
W. F. Erdman , 107 South Sixteenth street ,
offers the fallowing toward the "Horolno
fund : " 10 per cent on all retail sales of his
goods for the next ten days and 10 iwr cent
on nil wholesale sales of tils pure npplo and
peach cider for the same number of days.
The express companies huvo made a special
rate on all cider shipped by him.
The Great Ulizznrd Proves KxoiiNe * for
thu Cur Stove UrielcHM.
Now York Commerclal-Advertisor :
The great bll/.x.ard in the weal IIIIH put
to the severest tcbt the system of heat
ing railway trains by stenm drawn from
the locomotive. The Wagner vestibule
trains from Now York to Chicago , by
wav of the Now York Contriil and the
Lake Shore roads , wore providotl with
the btuam heating apparatus at the be
ginning of the si.'iisou und found it en
tirely satisfactory during the compara
tively mild weather. Its coiujileto BUG-
ccbH , however , was not iwcortainud until
the recent very cold weather , when it
wan found thut every requirement was
fully met. The cars have been moro
perfectly and uniformly heated than before
fore , and at a very great reduction of ex
pense , while a purer atmosphere can at
all ti men bo maintained The Ions of
power by the locomotive in furnishing
the necessary steam , oven for a lout ;
train , has boon found almost impercept
The Pullman vef\lbulo \ train over the
Pennsylvania road , which is alsohoatod
by the same system as the Wagner com
pany have udoiitcd , recently inudo a
trip with the thermometer registered
below /cro , and was able to Keep an
equitable temperature of 70 ° in thb
cars with thu ventilators all ouen. But
the most remarkable instance of the
complete success of steam hunting oc
curred tiiis week on the Chicago fs
Northwestern railroad , which was run
ning an excursion train over its linos.
The excursionists wore composed of oltl-
ce iy of the road , practical railroad men
from other roads and invited guests.
During the journey neross the prairie
the train was caught in thu terrible
bll//ard that swept o\cr Die west and
the thermometer went down to 10 ° be
low /.oro. lint the train was bound to
bo ns warm and comfortable as the moot
porfm-tly-conslrueted house , and all the
passengers were delighted with tha
all-am heating innovation.
After all these tests it will bo hard t
find un excuse for the deadly itovo.
W\SIII\OTOX , Fob , 4. [ Spoclal Telegram
to the. HII : : . ] Thu | > ostofllco ut Croswcll.
York county ; May , Kearney county ; IMetxs-
ant Home , Yoik county , and Heafurd ,
Furnus county , wore discontinued to-day
E. E. Garnlcr was to-day appointed post
master or Able , Duller , county , vlco Frank
Fruytlngor , resigned. Thu nuino of of the
IHwtnfllco at Motu , Yo'rU county , wuS chanced
to McGool Junction.