t tij - - , ffHB OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , FEBRUARY 5 , 1888t-TWEI/VE : PAGES , THE DAILY BEE. PUKMSIIKD KVKTIY MOUSING. TKUM8 OK BUnSCKlTTlON. D iljr ( Morning Kdltlon ) including Sunday IlEr.no Year . 110 J For Hlx Month' . f > M For Three Months . . . . 260 Tlio Oinalin Sunday UKK , mailed to any ad- < lre s , Orio Your . . . " ° 3 OM AH A Ornrit. Nos.BH AND 010 PAIIN AM BrnRRT. NKW YmiKOrriCK , KOOM fin. TIIIIIUNK llutMi- 10. WAHIIIMITOX OFKICE , No. 613 louu- TCENTU COHHESl'DNDENCn. AH communications relating to news and editorlul matter should bo addreased to the EUITOII or TUB lice. 1IUSINKSS LETTEIlS. All buslnm letters ami romlttnncei should 1 > o addressed to TUB HKK I'UHLISIIINO COMPANY , OMAHA. Drafts , rln-rks and poitofllco orders to be made payable to the older of the company. The Bee PQbliSuliiiHSiaiiy , Proprietors , E. ROSEWATEK. EDlTOlt. THK DAILY IHI : . Sworn Statement of Circulation. Btntcof Nebraska , U , County of DouKlnfS. | s < Hg . Hobert Hunter , clerk of Tlio Uco Tub- llshlng company , tloos solemnly MM > nr that the aetunrclrcumtlou of this Dally lite for the wuck cndliw IVb. 8. liw , was us follow s : Saturday. Jixn. ! W . i . ,10,1.7) Hiindny. . .Ian.M . 1T.UK ) Monday , .Inn. : u > . 15,0 1. ' , Tuesday , Jan. ! ) ) . . . 15,17 \\"p < l no vmy , 1'ub. 1 Thiirsdiiv , Knb. 8 Friday , Feb. a Average . 15.7' ? ! IIUIIKltT HUNTKH. Sworn to nnd subscribed In my iiresem-o thH 4th day of I'obruary , A. D. , 188S. N. 1' . KT.I U Notary 1'ubllc. State of Nebrnskn , I CountrotlimiRlass , | B > ' Cleo. II. Tzsrlmck , being llrst duly sworn , deposes - poses nnd says that ho Is werctary of The lieo rnlillhliliiH company , thnt tlio nctual nveraco daily circulation of tlio Dully live for the month of.lanunry , IW1 , Ifl S'/.l copies ; for February , , , , , . ,1 tf | H"lii ui : , nxjf jt i ? i > 'i wi i\ii'd. , 14M : ; fur November , 1KB" , l > "i , ! U copies ; -tor December , ItM , 15,011 copies. OKU. II. TZSCHUCK. Hworn nml subscribed to in my prefcnro this 2d day of January , A. I ) . Itw. N. r. FIJI I/ , Notary I'nbllc. TUB natural gas of Chicago is found principally in the newspaper ollices of that city. THE supreme court of Missouri seems to have no poetry in its soul. It bus rendered a decision ngiiinst feinalo stiffrugo in that Male tw regards politics. Women can vote on school mutters , how- over. A GKUMAN ehomi.st , has invented tin ftiiiusthetic bullet which explodes and strikes u person and puts liiin to sloop for n number of hours. Every soldier can thus live to fight another day with- ont running siwuy. AN experimental course in manual training lias recently been introduced into some of the public schools of Now York city with marked success. The iiumbor of applicants for such instruc- { ion was much lirgor than was antic ipated. . TOWA is iv young Htntc. comparatively , .but will nevertheless have occasion to Celebrate the centennial of her first settlement - tlomont this year. Thin ia the founda tion of Dubuque which was made by Julian Dubuque , a Fronconmn , in 1788. The occasion will no doubt bo appropri ately consummated by tb.3 people of Iowa. Tnic experiences of the present win ter should tench the patrons of the pub lic schools In this state to pay some attention to their sehoolhouses. During1 the recent blizzard many of thcso build ings were untenantable , nnd in many cases tbo supply of fuel gave out. Such negligence is Inexcusable. IT is to bo hoped that no ono will bo BO moan us to collet money for the Ne braska heroine fund and retain the funds. It would bo advisable , however , for contributors to exercise a little cau tion , and not glvo any money to any party whom they do not know or believe to bo perfectly honest. OVER five thousand dollars has been received by-the BEE for the thrco bravo touchers , and still there nro no prospects that the generosity of the people has boon strained. The sad case of Miss Royce will touch the hearts of all , and pocketbooks which have so far remained closed will undoubtedly bo Opened in her behalf. IN the east there has boon moro than usual attention given to the bad effects of impure ice this winter. Chemists nfllrm that impure ice is as dangerous as impure water , the perms of disease not being destroyed by freezing. Con sumers of ice should boar this in mind nnd take pains to know from what sources they are supplied. THE lion. Charles A. Pillsbury. a prominent mill-owner and republican politician of Minneapolis , Minn. , thinks that the president's recent tariff message will recreate party lines in tbo west. Mr. Plllsbury makes a good brand of Hour , but does not seem to bo much on the manufacture of prophesy. There nro other issues than the tariff between the republican and democratic parties , nnd buck-sliding Minnesota is only n small fraction of tbo United States. THE generous fund thus far subscribed for Nobnwkn'H heroic touchers is honor able to the liberality of * the people ol Nebraska , but it must not bo allowed to atop at anywhere near its pres ent proportions. The work is but begun. Nino-tenths of our people are yet to bo heard from , und no man or woman who can give so muchnsnnlcklo to this cause should fail to do t > o. Es pecially should the women interest themselves in it nnd work zealously for its succe&s. The conduct of those teachers ennobles womanhood , and everywhere tholr sex should show that they nppprociato and honor these bravo and faithful young women. Par ticularly should the case of Miss Royce enlist the efforts of women to se cure for her such provision as would inure - ure this most unfortunate girl against Want and she'd some cheer upon her blighted life. But the appeal of the &KK is to all'and wo confidently expect the ensuing week wi\l \ witness a still toore rapid growth of the .fund for'Ne- fcraeka'tr teacher heroines. The Call to the Churches. It is hoped thnt throughout Nebraska to-day the churches will make generous response to the appeal thnt hits been made to them to contribute to the ben efit of the heroic teachers whcl brnvod the terrible blizzard of January 12 , and hnvo so sadly nnd fearfully suffered therefrom. The Br.i : bus already given reasons why It thinks every religious congregation in the slate may most ap propriately assist in placing these noble nnd suffering girls above want. Kvory Christian sentiment , every humane iin- pul-e , every sympathy that is touched by grout sacrifice in the faithful per formance of duty , makes appeal in be half of these stricken young teachers. Where could this appeal bo more prop erly inudo than to the religious congre gations of our stnto gathered in worship nnd praise of Him who put charity above all things ? The extremely sad case of Miss Shut- tuck is well known. She bus lost both her feet nnd will be helpless for life. The situation of Miss Royce is equally pathetic nnd makes u no less touching appeal to public benoficenco. It was thought this young teacher .would fully recover , or nt the worst would not lose her frozen limbs. The BEE , however , is advifced that both of her feet will bo am putated , and that she will also lose one of her arms. What heart is there that will not bo touched with the tendercht sympathy for this most un fortunate girl ? * Is there one Christian woman lu Nebraska who will not feel , when this most painful and pitiful story is told her , thnt it is her duly to give something to the terribly stricken sibter who lies in helpless suffering , por- hups under the shadow of death ? What n theme is here for summoning to action the love , the tender .solicitude , the benevolence which it is the olllce of the church to teach nnd lo foster ! Wo confidently hope and expect thnt the churches of Omaha will show such zeal und results in behalf of these heroic and unfortunate tenchors.ns will give them claim to the highest honor among the Christian congregations of tlie blnto. They have nn opportunity to sot nn example which the world will ap plaud. It is most earnestly hoped they will improve it. Tlie Case of Miss Iloyuc * . Tlie saddest and most distressing case appealing to the sympathy and philan thropy of the people of Nebraska is that of Miss Louise Koyce , of PlainvioM" , Pierce county. This young teacher , it will bo remembered , accompanied by three of her pupils , lost her way in the blizzard and passed the fearful night in a snow drift. Her efforts to protect the little ones in her care from the biting and freezing storm were unavailing1 , and ono after another the little forms became motionless in death. The teacher , herself badly Irozen , managed in the morning to got to a farm house and there announced the heartrending fact of the death .of the children. The whole pathetio story of that aw ful experience in the pitiless storm has been given in the BEE as related by Miss Royce. It was among the most sorrowful incidents of the many that have boon told as the result of the memorable blizzard. Miss Royce bus experienced severe suffering from her frozen limbs , but it had been hoped until yesterday that they would be saved. That hope , bow- over , had to bo abandoned. A dispatch to the BEE from the physician attend ing Miss Royce stales thnt she will lose both of her feet and ono of her arms , it having been decided to amputate them next Tuesday. If she survives so tcrri- . bio nn ordeal , MibS Royce will bo ut terly helpless. Thus far the subscrip tions in her behalf have boon made chiefly as a recognition of her noble devotion. Expecting her ultimate re covery the thought of the subscribers to the fund has boon simply to generously honor her heroic faithfulness and forti tude. The inexpressibly sad change in her condition makes her case the strongest possible in its appeal to sym pathy and philanthropy. It must touch all hearts who can feel for human suf fering nnd misfortune. It must cxAvoy to all , in a languugo moro pathetic than words can frame , a call to help , with such aid as it is within human power to give , this most unfortunate girl , bereft of all power to hereafter help herself. She did her duty heroically , unselfishly , and her sacrifice is great. No reward can bo beyond her merit. Tlio Demand For n Hospital. At n recent meeting of the bmalia board of charities the subject of a city hospital was discussed and the urgent need of such nn inbtitulion strongly pointed out. A committee was appointed to request the council to sot apart a lot on which a temporary hospital could bo built for the care of persons in the city who must have rocour&o to hospital treatment. Tlio mutter will very likely be brought to the attention of the coun cil at its next regular meeting , and it is hoped will receive such consideration from that body as the importance and pressing nature of the subject demand. The BEE has several times within a few months referred to this question of a city hospital nnd urged that some thing should bo done I/ ) moot the steadily increasing requirements for such an institution. The demand no- cossurily grows with the growth of the community. Every day brings its evi dence of this. The number of accidents , of homeless people stricken with sudden illness , nnd of helpless poor whoso indi gence compels them when suffering from injury or sickness to appeal to pub lic care , grows with the advance of popu lation. At probont those unfortunates nro cared for with difficulty , and not In the way that should bo provided by so largo and prosperous a city as Omaha. Wo are in the matter of suffic ient atlil well-provided hospital accomo- dallons behind every other city in the country with which in all other respects wo favorably compare. This is very much to our discredit , and will bo in creasingly BO if wo permit it to continue. ' It is a disparagement of the humane sentiment of the community. It is a re flection upon the liberality ot our pee ple. Every citizen roust earnestly de sire that the good repute of Omaha shall not be thus tarnished , when the cause may bo removed with so little ef fort and co4. It Is not a satisfactory reply to this demand to say that we shnll hnvo ample provi sion for those clly people who will re quire hospital care and treatment when the county hospital building is com pleted. Better provision is wanted now , and In any event n distinctively city hospital , centrally located , will always bo needed. The county building is re mote , and all hospital cases cannot bo expediently convoyed there at once. Some of them need the promptest at tention with the least possible addi tional strain to already nearly ex hausted vital forces. To convoy such eases a long distance before proper treatment ould bo secured might bo to render any treatment valueless. But the arguments in favor of a cen trally located city hospital , fully piovidcd with every modern accommo dation and appliance , ore obvious. The demand , also , is plain , nnd Is declared by those who have the best opportunity for Information to ba urgent. It is for the council to listen and pive heed to this demand , nnd it Is confidently hoped that the appeal to bo made to that body by the committee of the board ol chari ties will not bo in vain. The llond to Culture. Every year is adding to the culture of the west nnd removing from the most active and stirring section of the coun try th'o grounds for the charge of "social erudoness. " Year by year as wealth has accumulated and society has Settled down to a stable basis of permanency , the culture which accompanies wealth and leisure bus increased in our midst. Taste which has been stimulated by reading and travel has found means and leisure for its gratification. Increased incomes have afforded their po-"nessors tlio wherewith to gratify the desire for books , paintings and works of art. Generous citizens Imvo founded universities , schools of nrt , conservatories of music and galleries of painting and sculpture. The art move ment in the west which was recently the subject of an admiring series of articles in a popular magazine is only another1 exemplification of the general law that culture follows leisure and leisure wealth. _ But while leisure nnd wealth are necessary for tlio proper inception and _ stimulus of culture , it must not bo under stood that the cultivation of correct tastes is impossible whore both or cither nro not found. Every youth or maiden with a library , a series of con certs or a collection of pictures within reach has the chance to cultivate himself or herself to a correct taste in litera ture or music or nrt. The study of the best is the road to culture. Acquaintance with the best authors should be sought as much as ac quaintance with the best people. The trash of literature should bo ns widely shunned ns the trash of society. A simply bound volume of a standard author on the book shelves is moro val uable than a do/on copies of the scaven gers of literature though arrayed in nil the glory of "crushed levant. " An hour with Burke is worth moro to a student of style and the nrt of expression thnn a month with Howolls. A month's hard study of Beethoven will pay moro for the toil , a thousand times over , thnn a year expended in the tech nical musical pyrotochny of the jingle stringers of the modern school. Ar"modcst etching or line en graving with motive and execution showing the fire of genius will do moro to educate its possessor than a score of ' 'shanghai" daubs in oil which are dignified by the names of "paintings. " It is the failing of the present ago that quuntitynot quality seems to bo the prevailing aim. But is is quality not quantity which gives the stimulus to culture. Culture after all is only the approach to the ideal through the study of literature , of musio nnd of the arts. It is an acquisition which lies within the reach of all where means for its pursuit are within grasp. And it is largely because such means are becoming more widely dis seminated in the west through public and private benefactions , nnd nro moro generally sought for by the individual as communities settle down into the cur rent of nstable and continuous life , thnt culture is showing itself in the manifes tation of correct taste among the people. Arresting IrUh 1'rlestH. The frequent arrest of Cutholic priests by the British government because of the identification of the clergy with the nationalist movement in Ireland , makes it clear that the Salisbury ministry despair of enlisting the papal inllucnco against the cause of homo rule. The representation of the Duke of Norfolk and other tory Catholics at the Vatican have been clearly outweighed by the protests of Archbishop Walsh and Car dinal Manning. There can Do no doubt that the influ ence of the Irish clergy has been so great with the depressed people that they have boon restrained from grave agrarian crimes or a repetition of the Phamix park incident , though sorely goaded by tory persecution bent upon provoking overt acts which might justify the tory policy of coercion and repres sion. The arrests of Catholic priests are doubtless designed to the same end , but happily for the Irish people there have not boon any outbursts of indigna tion and revenge. With Gladstone nnd -00 liberal members of parliament at their back , the Irish people have a powerful incentive to golf-control under oppression , and they seem fully alive to the danger of any atrocious folly which might estrange them. The reaction against tory rule will inevitably bo hastened if the Irish people restrain themselves , for the English people recognize in the Catholic clergy the moat powerful influence at work to keep the homo rule movement within the lines of law nnd peace. POLITICAL POINTS. Chicago is still several laps behind in the race for the national Ucmocrutta convention. Steps have been taken'ut lloston to effect u thorough club orgunlrutlnu of young working democrats throughout the stixto. Since the republican-club meeting in Now York over 7QO republican clubs have been or ganized throughout th4 country. " TJic democratic papers ore rejoicing over the prospect of Ulalno'j getting the republi can nomination , S4's the Washington Post. Congressman Groff , of West Virginia , is regnrecd by the Atlanta Capital as the best selection for vice preTsident the republicans could make. ' " / It is predicted tlmVtho Hlnlr bill would bo declared unconstitutlSnal by nearly every judge on the suprttiioj bench if brought be fore that tribunnl. j f ' ! Tim late mugwump Vress has como around to Mr. Cleveland's Jrio * , that political actl- vltynmong onicclunders is pernicious only when the ofllcoholdcrs nro republicans. Indiana will send a Harrison delegation to the Chlcngo convention , but it is moro thnn hinted Hint Judge Qrosham could have their votes should the indications favor him. The Kcokuk Gate City ( rep. ) insists that "tho republicans of Iowa should this year go to the national convention solid , united , nnd resolute in their support of un Iowa man for president. The Albany Journal ( rep. ) says ; "New York is too close a slate for republicans to . tuko nti5' cliauccs on the non-partisanship and fnlr intent of acnlocrats who will spend the public funds this year. " Mayor Hewitt of Now York Is saidtobo _ the most independent man that over occupied the mayor's chnlr. Ho cares no moro for the politicians who nominated him than ho docs for the mummies in a dime museum. Ho does just as ho pleases. He walks over the political bosses every hour m the day , rind upsets every plan that the ward leaders mako. He dislikes professional politicians. In fact , ho hates them. Ho has no use for them. Ho knows how to snub them , and ho plainly tells them that he docs not want to sec them. _ A Suggestion for Ilnbblcrs. Phtlailcltfliia Call. An of Is better ounce kccp-your-mouth-shut ter than n pouuu of explanation after you've snid it. - Where Hucon Missed It. iiifii < / < i ] > utfa Jonrwil. If Bacon had known what good stuff ho was grinding out ( ns the police reporter would express it ) he never would have al lowed worthless Will Shukcspcaro get all the glory for it. Correctly Geared lioncvolonoe. Kcw Yuri ; H'urld. Chicago gives work to its unemployed by hiring them to keep Iho sidewalks clean under Iho direction of nn organized charity. This is double back-action uenevolenee it helps the poor uud gives the city a good footing. Chenp'Notorlcty. Chicago ft'euii. Tills is the very time of year that every prominent man in tljo country finds time to run down to Washington nnu got "men tioned" for the office of president or vice- president. It only'eosts a round-trip ticket and a pocketful of cigars. No BaiilcrurftC- In Sight. The country seems Jo bo about as far away from a practical bankruptcy law as congress is from a knowledge of the real wishes of the poorlo | > yho elected it. The first gap will not bo filled until there has been some genuine progress in the latter. - r i - A Shower of Blessings. C/iic / < iyi > Keics. With oil and natural gas Philadelphia syn dicates , and a bip republican majority all within its own borders' ' , "Illinois can shako hands cordially with , Pennsylvania and lay claim to being somewhat of a koystoac state herself , v > Present Days are Rest. Anaellquc De Laiule. The past is dead and buried , nnd I have locked the door Upon its joys and sorrows , to open never more : Its key is safely hidden on memory's faithful breast , And to my heart I whisper , "The present days t = ) are best. " Think-not I Imvo forgotten the cherished friends of yore , Call thorn not lost , my loved ones , they're ' just within the door ; And often when I'm lonely they share my evening rest , And their dear voices whisper "The present days are best. " O golden days of childhood 1 O girlhood's .sunny hours I When in the fragrant wildwood I plucked the summer flowers , Your very memory cheers me like some dour welcome guest ; Yet chide mo not for saying , "Tho present days uro best. " Dear nro the friendly faces that moot mo on the way , Swcot are the roadside blossoms that smile on nio to-day ; A few bright sprays I'll gralhpr and wear them on my breast ; For they , too , softly whisper , "The present days are best. " To do the work appointed 'by Him who rules my life , To face , with dauntless spirit , the world's op posing strife , Or if , in utter weakness , o'er noonday I must rest. God wills It , and I answer , "Tho present days uro bust. " O friends ! who count oyoxir dearest among the silent dead , Sit not within the shadows , mourning the joys now Hod ; The living claim your service , and they in deed uro best Who help to make for others the present days the best. CHEAT UNKNOWN HUSSIAN fwllITTEX FOH TIIU SUNDAY IIHU. ] "WholsStcpnlaki" Who is the seemingly presumptuous nuss who has ventured to write an open address to the United States senate from his hiding place in London , in "protest against a pro posed extradition treaty between the great est republic and tho'groatest ' empire to-day on the face of the earth ? ' "A remarkable fojjowj' the discriminating reader will say after , re uding his protest , bo- twcen the lines of which ; npiwur Indubitable evidence of nn Inspiring mind of power , but so inadequate un estimate docs not satisfy the interest which his letter stirs. "Who is Stepnlakt" Is a query you might address to any exputriufed Muscovite , mul the gleam of pleasure and enthusiasm which would light his eye would swiftly assure you that Stopniuk is ono ; ' held in high esteem. ' There uro over one'jiunilrcd million souls in Husslu , and thout'h , pol , moro than ono In ono hundred thousand of them have ever seen Stopulak in the nosh and not moro than oho hi a million of them have over known him us Stcpniuk , ho is known to nil Hussia reverenced by the liberty-lovers and feared by royalty and its minions. * Stcpniuk is the nom do plumoof a man of ubout five mid thirty years. Ho Is of noble bhth nnd a man of considerable literary distinction. Hut it U from the fact that ho is the known head of the Nihilists , tbo great secret political organization which is slowly but surely revolutionizing Russia , that Stop niuk takes his fame and repute. Hour little the uvcragc person ut this side of the Atlantic knows of Itussla , Its people , its literature , Us social condition ! The acquaintance to be gained at such long-range U perforce meager , bccuute it is but recently that translutioni of Iltusiau books attracted attention. Through the newspapers wo Icaru by cable occasion ally of the killing of a czar , the frustra tion of a plot designed for nssassluation , or the exile to Siberia of suspected enemies of the state , but unless one has rend deeper than the current news roH | > rts the knowl edge of nihilism , its purpose and adherents , is very superficial indeed. Stipnluk's "Underground Russia * ' is n book the perusal of which will shock the av- crago Amorlcuu who , self-satisfied in his own liberty , docs not dream that In this so- culled ago of enlightenment such semi-bar- barism , despotism nnd legalised alroclty can prevail , and that over one hundred million people are subject to It absolutely wlthbut constitutional guaranty or protection nt the autocratic will of one man. Such a condition the American mind will readily concede to bo sufficient justification for ngltution , as we call It. But agitation is prohibited In Russia , nnd agitators are declared convicts with scarcely the formality of u trial. Naturally the policy of repression has forced those holding to the theories of the broader rights of the people Into secret organization nnd the nihilists nro thus a legitimise product of autocracy. The people of this country have by some unknown process of miscducatlon come lo look upon nihilists with ill-favor , akin to hor- "ror. Tlieyjiuvo confounded nihilism with other Isms nnd generally bollovo it an ad mixture of laziness nnd blood-thirstiness. To bo a Russian besotted nnd stupid , with n fierce look and voluble tongue is to bo a nihil ist in the American mind , uud yet no miscon ception could bo grosser. Nihilism docs not prevail among the peasantry and the lower classes in Husslu. Intelligence und educa tion are prerequisites to admission to the revolution elution society'sranks. . Blood-letting is . not a cardinal necessity with the nihilist it is the dernier re- sort. Society conserves its safety with the block and the rope ; the nihilist deals with the enemy of society with his own weapon assassination. He may bo wrong , but so are the conditions which produced him nnd amid which ho exists ; conditions maintained defiantly and by brute forco. .As said before , nihilism is the penchant ot the intelligent classes. CoiitcinH | > rury Russian literature deals with no other ques tion. Even the peace-loving Tolstoi can write only of socialism us a moro desirable euro for the ills which nihilism seeks to rem edy. So insidious nnd ull-pcrmcutlng bus nihilism become even members of the royal family , it is said , being numbered among the adherents thnt the Kussiun government bus been unable to cope with it politically. An instance demonstrating this may bo cited. The present czar avowedly wishing to con tinue the policy of his father , whoso manu mission of 15,000,000 serfs lives in history ns evidence of the progress of civilisation , concluded some time ago to educate the children of the poor , with the. ulterior purpose of Inculcating in their minds respect for uutocrncy. The min- isjer of education accordingly broadened the scope of Russian schools and through his cen sorship of studies endeavored to npply a corrective - roctivo for tyrrancido by pointing out to the youthful mind the fate of Brutus and Tnr- quin , Harmodius and Hipparchus , etc. It was a fad , but it was not without its lesson. The increased number educated , increased the number of nihilists and the growth of nihilism , and within n few months the minister of education bos issued a circular to the cura tors of all scholastic Institutions/lircctiug that henceforth they refuno "to receive as pupils the children of domestic servants , cooks , washerwomen , small shopkeepers and others of like condition , who should not bo raised from ; the circle to which they belong and bo thereby led to become discon tented nnd irritnled ugainst the inevitable inequalities of existing social positions. " It is the autocrat's policyof repression cropping out the apology nnd excuse for nihilism. But to Stcpniak ho is the acknowledged head and leader of the great nihilistic move ment. Ho lit in volunteer exile because Si beria is the only portion of Russia in which the czar would allow hint to reside , if indeed ho did not hare him shot. He took to nihilism in his youth in the uni versity and by natural force of character nnd brain power became a leader in the secret councils of the nihilists. Thoroughly patri otic ana unselfish , his life is devoted to the betterment of his fcllowmen. Ho is the npos- tlo of force as opposed to Tolstoi , the apostle of suasion. Ho is a much younger man than Tolstoi yet with him has been the contem porary of Tourguenioff , Katkoft and Hcrzeii the most prominent men of Russian letlers at this day though Tourgueniff und Kalkoff are now deceased. Ho writes a great deal for Russian papers , but always over the signature "Stcpniak. " The press censor prevents any atlcmpt ho might make to disseminate his doctrines in the public prints , but for all of that the propa ganda of nihilism , the strength of Stcpnlak's pen and his hold upon the people of Russia are beyond the power of autocaacy to prevent or break. What ho has written in protest against the proiwscil extradition treaty between this country and Russia are not idle words , nor impudence , as some self-sufficient journals have been pleased to suy. "Tho land of the freo" should not cease to bo the refuge and asylum of liberty-loving patriots , at the in- slunco of u despot who denies to his people even n constitution. If Russians who would make their homes in America can bo arrested and taken back to Russia for political of fenses , as the proposed treaty contemplates , why not n treaty with England which would put Fenians at the mercy of Downing street , nnd Dublin custlo ) The peoploof the United States can well listen to StopniuK , even if they revolt nt dynamite and conspiracy us weapons in regulating society. Will Stcpnlak's real identy over bo known to the world ) Perhaps. His death may reveal it. Or if Alexander III shall over Issue such u proclamation us his fnthnr signed March 11SS1 , summoning u national assembly to formulate a constitution , but which was never promulgated because of his assassination the following day , Stcpniak may divest himself of the mystery envelop ing his pcrsonulity , and como out into the world to bo honored us his talents nnd patriotism deserve. But whllo spies of the Russian police uro constantly lurking in the shadow of his footsteps ho will remain to the uninitiated simply Stcpniak. F. R. M. Seized By Foreclosure. Yesterday the Esmond hotel was seized by the foreclosure of a $ U,700 chattel mortgage hold by S. P. Morso. About * 1,000 had been paid on this. At present Mr. Porter Carson , the clerk , has charge of the hotel until further arrangements are made. It is ex pected that the hotel will bo continued , but the cafe part of it will bo run as n separate enterprise. Mr. Corby claims to have bunk nearly $0,000 in his hotel venture. Major Hurt's Promotion. Major Andrew S. Hurt , of the Eighth In fantry , located nt Fort Robinson , Nub , , has been promoted to lieutenant colonel , with headquarters at Fort Luramlo , Wjo. , vice Lieutenant Colonel Collins , retired from uctlvo service. Flru at HturglH. DEU > WOOI > , Dak. , Fob. 4. [ Special Tclo- grum to the BKK.-I-A flro broku out In O'Clino's restaurant in Sturgis at Hi0 ! ! o'clock this morning. The fire was caused by a small boy playing with matches. The flumes spread to a livery stublo ofllce , a big now barn , u tailor shop and a Chinese laundry , all of which were destroyed. The Adver tiser oftlcu saved most of their material. Charles Waucls was. the owner of ail the ' buildings. , ' , . , . f , WANT THE RATE CUT IN TWO , Lincoln Lumberman Fllo n Complaint Against the B. & M. THE PRICE OF COAL REDUCED. Finally Decide to Do Ilio Pair Thing Preparing For u Cumimlgn Axalnst Olandcrs City llrevltlcs. frnoM TUG ncr.'s UXCOLX mtnctu. 1 Tlio Lincoln lumber dealers yester day filed the following complaint ngninst the 13. \ M. road with the state board of transportation , demanding that the board investigate the rates nnd declare n reasonable schedule , alleging that 60 per cent of the present rates would bo reasonable , nnd that the lumber trade of the city sutTors through the existing discrimination : Tlio Lumber Dealers of Lincoln , Ncb.vs The liurllngton & Missouri Ulver Kallro.ul Com pany , nnd the Chicago , liurllngton & Qulncy Itnilroad Company ( owner ) . To the Hoard of Transportation of the State of Nebraska Your complainants , the lumber dealers of Lincoln , Neb. , are engaged in buying und shipping lumber to and from said city. Complainants desire to sell , and ship from Lincoln to divers and sundry sta tions located on the line of said defendant's railroad in the state of Nebraska. Said com plainants arc permanently engaged In and expect to continue in.tho business of buying nnd shipping lumber , nnd are obliged to ship their freight largely over said defendant's rood , and the same will bo shipped from Lin coln on the lumber tariff published and posted up by sntd railroad defendant. That the llguros named in said tariff on lumber from Lincoln is hereto attached and made n part of this petition ; that said tariff is u local mlluago tariff , and Is applied to the distances from Lincoln to the various sta tions to arrive ut the rates quoted uud charged by said defendants. That the said tariff so printed nnd posted up is unjust mid unreasonable , und the rates of freight demanded by said railroad com pany from said complainants are unjust and unreasonable. That said tariff rates.discriminate against this locality , mid against the ilrms making this complaint , and by way of illustration , a statement of rates is attached comparing the rates from the cities of Omaha , St. Joseph , Kansas City nnd Lincoln. That reasonable and just rates would bo at least onojhalf less than the present rates re quired to bo paid by the present lumber tariff of said defendant , to nil points on said respondent's railroad , from Lincoln , in the state of Nebraska ; which unjust and unreasonable rates uro as iKcd by tlio pres ent tariff , nnd demanded and required to bo paid by said respondent railroad company. That the said schedule of rates ns set forth , und the tariff rates on lumber now published nnd posted up , mul the rates of freight therein set lorth uro required to bo paid by said com plainants to said respondent from Lincoln in said state of Nebraska to stations in thostato of Nebraska. That the suid rules so required to bo paid by said respondent uro neither just nor rea sonable , but the sauio uro unjust und unrea sonable , and that 50 per cent of the rates required bv said tariff from Lincoln over the line of said respondent's railroad , would bo just und reasonable ; nlso that said tariff discriminates ugulnst this city , und gives undue preference to other localities within and without the stutc. Whereupon complainant prays your honora ble board of transportation will Investigate the matter herein set forth , and of which com plaint is herein niado , and ascertain untl de termine what are reasonable and just rates , for the distribution of lumber over said de fendant's line of railroad from Lincoln to the various stations thereon in the state of Nebraska , and when such just ami reasonable rules for the transportation of lumber from Lincoln over snid railroad is so ascertained and determined , n schedule of said just und reasonable rules be furnished snid respond ent , nnd said respondent bo required to put the sumo in force , over and along said rail road to all points thereon from the said city of Lincoln , nnd that the order of said board bo enforced by the proper legnl proceedings therefor , and for such other and further re lief us shall bo just and reasonable in the premises. State of Nebraska , 1 Lancaster County , f The undersigned being lirst duly sworn , on their oath depose nnd say that they uro deal ers in lumber ut Lincoln , Nebraska , and thnt the facts as above set forth uro true us they verily boliove. UUKJKK LUMIIKII Co. C. C. MUXSON & Co. CHICAGO LUMCEII Co. S. A. HUOWN & Co. Subscribed In my presence nnd sworn to be/ore mo this 3d day of February , 18S8. Enso.v KICII , ( seal ) Notary Public. G. M. Lambortson , Attorney. THE 1'llICK 18 DOWN. The price of coal in Lincoln , like Davy Crockett's coon , bus coma down. During the past week the dealers in Lincoln wont ana reduced the price from $12 to $11 per ton. This reduction was not based on any reduction in rates and it is entirely immaterial what caused it. Sufficient it is to the people to know that it is down to nn honest , fair basis , compared with former prices ; nnd the appearance at least is that the pool has retired from the business of swallowing the reduced rate that tlio board of trniiRiKtrtution and tlio freight bureau secured for the citizens of Lin coln. It is to bo hoped that this is tlio cu&o am ] Unit jin honest prollt will sat isfy the dealers in the future. KXTKltMINAUNO OhANDKItS. The live stock sanitary commission is hard ut work pushing the complaints made in the olllcu , to a settlement , most of the board being out in the state the greater part of the time. Since the change in the quarantine rules which does away with inspection ut points of entry , the board Und they will have much moro time to stamp out epidemics and in the course of the next throe months they hope to have all complaints passed upon. The amount paid by the commission during tlio month of .ianu- ary for stock condemned and killed was 81,014. INSUHAXCK KKTPKN'S. Insurance returns hnvo been received from the following additional compan ies : Agriculturalof Watortown , Is. V. Premiums , $ ! lH5J.l. ! ; losses incurred , $815. ± 2 ; leNses paid , hunto. Itoylston , of Benton Premiums , S , Hit.81 : : ; looses in curred , $ : i,7H.7f ( > ; loises paid , $ ltli.7fi. : ) Clti/.ons , of Now York Premiums , $17,1.I.5'J { ( ; losses incurred , ill,5t.r5.il ! ; ; IOMCS paid , $11,01)0.48. ) Insurance com pany of Dakota ; of Sioux Falls Pre miums , $2,750.01 ; lo.i&cs incurred , none. Syndicate , of Minneapolis PrumiuiiH , $438.87 ; losses incurred , none. Sun , of San Francibco Premiums , $4,716.50 ; losses incurred , $510.U.V Losses paid , $1,110.6. " ) . Sun Fire Ollleo , of London- Premiums , J.VJOO.iSJ ; losses inifurrcd , $2,774.00 ; lobscs paid , $ > l,7i.lt : ! ) ! . Union of 1'hiludolphiii Premiums , $10i.OU : ; losses incurred 119110. CIIUHUII AND CITY. Tills afternoon the meeting at the Y. M. C. A. rooms will bo addres&ed by Rov. O. A. Williams , pastor of tlio First liuptibt church , nnd the male choir from the tame churoh will furnlsti very acceptable musiii. The invitation to attend is extended to all. Ir. T. II. Lenvitt , vice president for Nebraska of the National Law and Order liwguo , has called tlio attention of the htulu league to meeting of the national league which meets in its sixth annual &o&sion in the city of Phila delphia on the illnt and Mof February. Stops will ho taken to have Nebraska represented. Kuv. K. II. Chupln , piihtorof the Unl- yersalist church,4 has arranged for n iiumbor of Sunday evening addresses on reform , topics. Tlieso' are as follows ; Sunday evening. February 8 , "Th Totnpornnca Problem , " Albert WaU kins ; Sunday evening. February 1'J , "Tho Suffrage Problem1 ' Mrs. Corft.IJ. Colbv ; Sunday evening , February 19 , "Tho Labor Problem , " N. S. Ilnrwood ; Stuulny evening , February 20 , "Uo llgion and Poverty , " Chancellor Irving , T. Mmmtt. C. 1C. Ober , intorimtionnl college secretary of the Y. M. C. A. , is in the city nntl to-day addresses the students nt the stnto university morning , ntternnon nnd ovoning. Mr , Obur is n very prominent worker in the cnu o mid will undoubtedly greatly in terest all who may attend his meetings. Trinity Methodist church , which has only botMi orgunl/.cd in this city for a few months , has miido very raplu pro gress. When orgunl/.od it had ft mem bership of sixty-one and shortly after ward they built a commodious chapel in which to worship. During n recent ser ies of meetings liM hud boon added to the membership , make a total of 181. The people of the Christian church are pushing their subscription list for their now church on the corner of Fourteenth nnd K streets. The founda tion work was commenced in the fall months and the edifice when completed will cost not less thnn * l.riOO. ( There \\ore between two nnd thrco thousand in attendance at the Y. M. C. A. rooms during the month of January. The special meetings for young men had a total attendance of 551 ; UM ( baths wore supplied and 285 letters were writ ten for the association rooms. The liiiuiH'lul secretary is doing active work collecting subscriptions. DKXCH AN1 > IIAll. District Court. WANT Tlir.lll ruoi'KllTT. The United States Electric Ltehtltitf coin- pany ycstenliiy be-tfun a suit against Charles S. Higt'lns , ' 'is ' wife mul tlic Omaha National bunk to recover possession of two Wcston electriu dyniunos of the value of W,000 ; two armatures valued nt MOO ; two iratcnllul in dicators valued ut JlVi ; two rheostats valued at WO ; two base frames valued at 10 ; 'jr > 0 lamps valued nt ? ldO ; ! > 30 lump holders valued ut SIM. s. A IIIIIUCII OP CONDUCT. James W. Hunt , In his petitilon filed yes. tcrdny , alleges that ho engaged In a contract with Janios S. Horn , Edwin Sharp mul William Fitch , which wan not fnUlllled on the part of the defendants and that lie has thereby suffered In the stun of C-1TW.0 , for which ho wants a judgement. County Court. c. s. ninoiNs si'ini. Suit was brought yesterday by the Midland Electric Light company against Charles H. Ilipglns to Ms'J.D'J ' recover on n jirouiisory note. i ) \MAOED rivr. nrvnunn nou.uts woiiTrr. John Samuolson mid his wife Lillie com plain that they were ejected from their prem ises by John Mulvihlll and Daniel P. O'Con ncl whorei.v ) they were dnmnged In the sum of 6500 for which amount they ask judgment. JtlDOMKNT AUVINVT TUB MilI. Mil ) , Yesterday Judge Shields rendered a Judg ment in favor of John G. Mnlono for J42.N ) niralnst the proprietors of the Mlllnrd hotel. The action wiis based on the loss of property loft in care of a porter omyloycd at the hotel. THE STEVENS IjEVEE. In Wlilcli There Was n Communion of Genial Souls. Max Meyer & Hrothors , tojrcthor with their numerous oniidoyes , held a most joy ous lovco in Mr. Julius Miner's rooms hist evening in honor of Mr. Charlie Stevens , an old and valued attache of the IIOUHO , who is about to launch forth In business as a mem ber of the now Hrin of Alfred Mcinborg & Co. To sny thnt the occasion was recherche , would not bo saying too much. No pains or expense were spared in Insuring it ns such , and fully mid completely did Its cnginecra succeed. After a bountous repast on all the viands of the season , there was music and speeches. Messrs. A. Muudcrbcrk. MoriU Meyer , A. Hart , A. "Wlldo , II. Hohmo , H. A. Hollctt , A , Mct/Riir and do/cns of others made happy oratorical efforts , and the con viviality was continued until Into in the night. Truly Max Meyer , and his army of employes , gave to Mr. Stevens , tholr old , confrcro , a most felicitous send off , and It Is safe to say the occasion will bo remembered as oue of the brightest events in his life. Licensed to Weil. The following marriage licenses were Issued yesterday by Judge Shields : Name nnd residence. Atrc. Philip Kllnkcrbccr , South Omaha Xi Gertrude Newman , South Omaha li'J Herbert Uorry , Sioux City , la SI Mary Lundgreu , Sioux City , lu ! i7 Harry Mom-o , Beatrice , Neb 23 Jussio M. Davis , Oiualm 10 The judge performed the solemn service in the cases or Phillip Kliukcubocr and Herbert - bert Berry. A COWIIOV KILLED. A. Scvcntcen-Yoar-Old Lad Kills HI * Woulcl-Uo Slayer. CIIRIKNXRVyo. . , Feb. 4. [ Special Tele gram to the HEE.I A shooting affray oc curred at Dayton , near liuffalo , Wyo. , at 4:30 : o'clock yesterday moruing , which resulted In the instant killing of Will Smith , a well known cowboy. The killing was done by Hobert Atkinson , a boy seventeen years of ago. The light was the continuation of a quarrel commenced by the men a weelc ago , when Smith beat Atkinson over the head with a boor bottle. Yostcrdny morning Smith , with several comrades , rode up to the house whcro Atkinson was sleeping , and IIred through the winnow. Atkinson re turned the ilro with u Winchester rifle , killIng - Ing Smith and wounding ono of his coin * panlons. To Close Up I lie Demi Rcpn. ST. Joir.i-11 , Mo. , Fob. 4. [ Special Tcla- gram to the Uci : . ] A bitter war 1ms broken out among the dcmi-mondo world In this city. The prosecuting attorney has taken advant age of it , and it Is highly probable that what is known as the "roomers" will bo driven out of town. The keepers of the regular bawdy bouses Imvo become so Incensed that they Imvo employed regular detectives , who uro engaged In getting a complete list of all the "roomers" in the city. Thu lines will bonny- where from * ! to $1,000. Thlsclassof society has grown und increased In this city , because the polleo Uiivo been unable to got them "ou the list. " Tlic DongliiH Coal Find. Douai.iM , Wyo , , Fob. 4. [ Special Telegram to the liii : . ] The big coal strike a few miles west of Douglas slono proves to bo n seven- foot vein of coal equal to the Hock Springs product. This bonanza Is owned by Douglas men who have unlimited capital and who in corporated under the name of the Fottcrman Coal company. The company comprises Deforest - forest KIchurds and J. Ware Foster , presi dent and cashlor of tliu First National bank ; A. D , Chamberlain , mnnngrrof the Wyoming Lumber company ; C , H. King , wholesale grocer , and others. They Imvo sent a man cast after machinery and will soon bo In shape to supply Nubrasku and thuliluck Hills with fuel. _ _ _ Going Through DouglaH. DofGi-AH , Wyo. , Fob.4. [ Social Tolpgrum to the ) : : , ] The Cheyenne ft.Northern surveyors drove grade stakes through the city to-day. The end of the road U now twcnty-sovcn mlles from Douglas , where FiUgorald has a force of men at work. The road forms a Junction hero with the Wyom ing Central. I'rovlNloiiN for Port MoKlnnny. POUT McKiNNKV , Wyo. , Fob. 4. [ .Special Telegram to the UBK. ] The commissary stores tp replace loss by the fir" of January 14 arrived to-day and were Unloaded la good condition. h i. dndMifilfkli'iii.V. . .