I THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , FEBRUARY 6. 1888.-TWELVE PAGES. . THE WEEK IN SOCIETY. ' Mrs. Hitchcock's .Fancy Dross Ball a Grand Affair. THE DEUTSCHE CLUB BALL. Tli6 t The Ijcnp Year I'nrly Ilnrker Hold Noeliil Ksincrnlda Club-Chit Clint. Uclow li given a comitlcto record of the events occurring In thi-f world of Oiaidm society ! * * Mns. G. M. HITCHCOCK pnvo n fancy ilrcBB party at her clepint home on Thursday evening in honor of Miss Aliny , of Suit Luke City. The nffulr was a imtublo oao from the fact that BO many iniigiilllccnl toilets have never before been teen ut nay party given in this city. The several parlors were draped in yarled colored satins with a profusion of flowers artistically arranged. The fair hostess nnd her guest received together. The former took the character of Mar guerite and looked very charming In u simple cown of white trimmed with light blue. Bhc wore her hair in two IHIIR braids. Miss Almy , as a Hoinun maiden , donned a a gown that was n.-cullarly becoming. It Wan of white and the IOOBO flowing garb was fashioned nftcr the best of ancient patterns. She also wore a magnificent diamond neck lace. Among those present together with the character they represented wort ! the follow ing : Mr. Hitchcock , Charles I. ; Mr. llurk- ley , Louis VI. ; Mr. Hedge , Klchcliou ; Mrs. Garneau , the lirido ; Mr. Gurneau , Corin thian boatmun : Miss Carr , fisher maiden ; Mr. Wilbur , artist : Mrs. Squires , "Llbby"aad Mrs. Estubrook , Mrs. GlllloryMss ; ! Uridgcs , TltaniaDr. . Hrldgvs , court jester ; Mrs. Chase , Prisellla ; Mrs. Piiterson , mermaid ; Mr. Piitorson , Hamlet ; Mrs , llrlght and Miss Lake , sunflowers ; Mr. Berlin , courtier ; Mr. Duel , tobogganer ; Mr. Carey. Turk ; Mr. Harvey , Louis XVI ; Mr. Gaylord , Faust ; Mr. Hrcckcnridirc , Gypsy Huron : Mrs. Brad ford uml Miss Tin-all , Gypsies ; Miss Moore , KatoGrceiiway Mrs. S. Dumly , Xln/ara ; Miss Lulu Uundy , Daughter of the Uefe'i- incnt. Among the others present , all of whom were elegant costumes , wcro the following : Mrs. Gaylord , Miss Halcombc , Miss Hlshop , Mrs. Hetllck , Miss Shears , Mis. Irvine. Miss Walker , Miss Pluiiimer , Mrs. Higgmson , Mrs. Harvey , Miss Kennedy , Mrs. Kennedy , Mr.McMlllan , Mr. Heed , Mrs. Fuiikhauser , Lieutenant Green , Mrs. Wheeler , Mrs. Keller , Mr. and Mrs. Grcenhuw. Mr. Heed , Miss Young , of Salt Luke City , Mr. and Mrs. White , Mr. Funkhousur , Mr. Chuse , Mr Dana T buyer , Mr. Kecd , Mr. McCague , Mr. Domic. Supper was served up-stuirs , and was followed by the cotillion led by Mr. Mc Millan , In which several novel figures wuro introduced. TIIK srMi'TTousi.Y furnished parlors of the Deutsche club presented u brilliant scene lust Thursday. The occasion was the annual ball and banu.nct and the various rooms pre sented an unusually handsome appearance. All of the chandeliers were hung with smllax and flowers while the mantels were bunked with roses. Wherever u place could bo found for plants or blossom they were there In rich profusion. Theio were nearly two hundred couples present. The costumes of the ladies were very rich indeed , and most of the gentlemen were full evening dress. At 10 o'clock the supper , or more properly speaking , an elaborate lunch was served in the dancing hall. On the rostrum , uiul screened from the guuntH by a huge hudgo of ruro flowing plants , was u largo corps of the Musical Union orchestra. Caterer Kosen- inund had fairly outdoao himself and the tables presented a magnificent appearance. He had spared no cxpcnso in Iho purchase of flowers and three huge boquots wcro placed on each of the sixteen tables. Mr. Hosen- iiunid also showed what wonderful things could be done with the napkins , which under Ills able direction assumed iiumy unique ) and Imndsomo shapes. A largo corps of waiters attended to the wants of the guests. Follow ing was the M'UISK-KAHTi : . Austcrn. Sellcrie. Houillon. Cuvlar. Xunpo In Gcloe. Schlnken , glaclrt. Gehroselto Paslctchcn mil gruncn Erbscn. Hahncr Mayoiialse. Hummer-Salat. Truthuhn mil Prcisxel-Uceren. Kurtoffcl-Salut. Olivcn. Gurkea. Kuso. Kuchon. Nusso. CafTeo. Wines were also served ami were of the finest brands. The untieing began at about II o'clock and was continued until daylight. The music was simply gratul and was thor oughly enjoyed by all. Among these present were the following : Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Lunt and daughter , Mr. und Mrs. J. Huumer , Mr. and Mrs. U. 13ruehooiel , Mr. and Mrs. Marchncr , Mr. and Mrs. L. Kyfert , Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Meyer , Mr. and Mrs. E. Silbcrstein , Mr. and Mrs. H. Mont- fery , Mr. and Mrs. S. Kimlskopf , Mr. anil Mrs. Martin Calm , Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Win- mers , Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Hurmcister , Mr. nnd Mrs. H. J. Meyer and daughter , Mr. and Mrs. H. Jobst , Mr. and Mrs. D. ICcmper , Mr. and Mrs. Peycko , Mr. nnd Mrs. Engermunn , Mr. nnd Mrs. C. H. Schmidt and daughter , Mr. and Msr. F. G. Urlan , Mr. and Mrs. Calm , Mr. and Mrs. Gladstone , Mr. and Mrs. George Tzsehuek , Mr. and Mrs. H. IVschtick , Mr. nnd Mrs. A. L. Meyer and Mr. and Mrs. L. Itaupko. * TUP , OIUSD ciuiiiTV HALT. , which takes place at the exposition hall next Tuesday ( ivcnlng , should bo a grand financial success. The leading ladles of the city uro interested nnd ho who possesses wealth , or even means that will pcrunt the oxi > cndltura of$5 , should respond to the cull of the ladles who uro imm- oging the affair. Do you know the object to which the pro ceeds will be devoted < For fear you do not let us tcl > you. It Is one of the grandest objects over con ceived by mortal. It will not only foster in dependence to the ixwerty stricken women of Omaha , but will relieve from their mi mis n greater burden than ls borne by their physi cal exertions to maintain their homes. It is proposed to erect a building where women who are obliged to "work out" can leave their babes or llttlo ones during the day. Coaipctent nurses will bo in charge and the poor woman whoso bur den is heavy enough can bo relieved of the annoyance of caring for her offspring. The ground on which the building Is to bo erected Ims al ready been donated , and the architect firm of Mcadiessohn ft Laurie have volunteered their services to draw the plans and superin tend the work. It Is desired to erect a build ing to cost fS.CKX ) to * 10OtX ) , The following Indies have given their undivided attention to the grand work : Mrs. Koimtzo , Mrs. Kimball , Mrs. Wool worth , Mrs. Mercer , Mrs. Henry , Mrs. Hurton , Mrs. Hcllman , Mrs. Copcland , Mrs. Patrick , Mrs. Nye , Mrs. Crook , Mrs. Council , Mrs. Holdrego , Mrs. Dundy , Mrs. Woolworth , Mrs. Crook , Mrs. Popplcton , Mrs. Groff , Mrs. Pratt , Mrs. Council , Mrs. Stephens , Mrs. Uyroa lived , Mrs. Lewis Heed , Mrs. Caldwell - well , Mrs. Hurton , Mrs. Allen , Mrs. Howard Smith , Mrs. Joseph Hurker , Mrs. W. H. Mil- lurd. lurd.Do Do you know what it is to "work out I' ' Hciull"With "With fingers weary and worn , With eyelids heavy and red ; A woman sat In unwomanly rugs Plying her ncndlo nnd thread. Stitch , stitch , stitch. In poverty , hunger and dirt , And still with a voice of dolorous pitch , Would that Its tone could reach the rich , She sang the song of the shirt. " Sometimes the weary woman grows weary f life , nnd before her eyes appears the shroud and all the dread paraphernalia of death. Then she muses thus : "But why do I talk of death , That phantom of grisly form , I hardly fear his terrible shape , H.Beem8 so like my own ; It seems BO llko my own Because of the fusts I keep Oh Godl That bread should be so dear And flesh and blood so cheap. " Tomas Hood touched the tcnderest chords In the human heart and the BKK trusts that the suffering women of Omaha will receive the support of the thousands of wealthy citi zens within her boundaries. TUB lanv EM runes of N. B. Falconer gave a most delightful leap year party Wed nesday evening to the gentlemen who entcr- tulued them a few evenlups before. The KELLB IT , STIGKpJR & CO. , MONDAY MORNING , FEBRUARY 6th , WILL COMMENCE THEIR ANNUAL SALE OF Muslin and Cambric Underwear And Embroideries. This lot embraces every artlclo of Ladles' Undergarments known to the trade , nro of the latest and most approved shapes , are warranted perfect In fit , and are made with flat foiled soruna and look stltohod , elegantly and tastefully trimmed with Torchon Modicio and Valloncionnes Laces , flno Cambric and Hamburg Embroideries , Introducing now Ideas in combining Tucks , BufHos , Embroideries , Laces , Etc. T. Notwithstanding the recent marked advance in all kinds of cotton goods , which will In a short tlmo compel an advance in prices , wcfchuU at this sale , offer those goods at last year's prices , whlch.mado ours the most popular house on Muslin Underwear in Omaha. EMBROIDERIES. EMBROIDERIES Wo will place on sale MONDAY MORNING , our first importation of Embroideries , direct from one of the largest and most renowned manufactur ers in St. Gall and Herlsaw , Switzerland , comprising : New Hamburg Embroideries , in all widths. New Cambric Embroideries , in all widths. New Cambric Embroidered Sets , in various widths to match. New Nainsook Embroideries , in all widths. New Nainsook Embroidered Sets , in various widths to match. New Swiss Embroideries , in all widths. New Swiss Embroidered Sets , in various widths to match- New 45 inch Embroidered Swiss and Nainsook Skirtings. * These Embroideries were selected by us last April , with the greatest of care. After having looked through the lines of all the importing houses reprosenteo in this country , and were made to our special order. Wo offer thorn to the public with every confidence , as being the most complete lino' shown west of Chicago , not only as regards patterns , finish and quality of material , but what is the most important of all is the extremely low prices at which wo shall offer them. Wo have just received a very large assortment of Torchon Medlcod Sanmyrna Laces , which we will place on sale Monday Morning , at our usual popular prices. KELLEY , STIGEft & CO. , Corner Dodge and 15th Streets. ladles exhibited no little success in making the affair one of the most perfect possible , and In "gallantly" particularly distinguished themselves toward their partners. At the close of the eighth number on the dancing programme , Mr. William Iloss , utUrcd in full Highland costume entertained the guests with the "Highland Fling. " Miss Muggio E. Hoylo followed with the ballad entitled "Sea und Shore , " which she sang In so line a manner us to provoke an encore to which she responded and rendered "Old Folks ut Home. " An elegant supper was then an nounced. There were many dainty dishes , but that which caused the most interest was a lurgo leap year cake In which was con cealed u gold ring. Mr. A. G. Buchanan was the lucky one who received the piece con- tuiiiiiiK It , and if all popular traditions are not erroneous the chances an : but why go into particulars. Dancing was continued until late. Among those present were : J. U. Cowie nnd wife , A. Buchanan , C. A. Yost and wife , W. D. Davidson , Miss Mollm Hcelan , George Hess , Miss Eva Morse.E. , Guiister , Miss Annie Sullivan , J. H. HfggniB , Miss Maggie Urailon , William Spence , Miss Nellie Heel.ui , Frank Bowers , Miss Euph Bowie , .lohn Bowie , Miss O. Brandies , F. L. Mandlovo. Miss Florenc'o Grosgroth , U. F. Booten , Miss Emma Myers. W. Norris , Chris Peterson , Miss Sadie Kothholz , Miss Grace Goodlctt , .lohn Kurkquit , Nellie HollhiKS- woith , D. A. Kobinson , Miss Blanche Fru- zier , J. W. William. F. W. Jones and wife , S. C. Harris and wife , G. A. Wilrox , Frank Stundish , Miss Lillie Minnette , George Nor ris , A. McKenzie , Mrs. Jones , Miss Kate Lid- dell , James Trail , Orof Hanson , Alex Mil- liney and Victor Munecko. Tun EsMr.nu.iu cum gave Its fourth party last Wednesday evening at German la hall. It was n most enjoyable affair and everyone present said they wcro delighted. Among these present wcro : Misses Sexaner , Me- Kcnim , Benson , Congdon , Drcxol , Kyan , Lcland , Steinhouser , Fntcher , Edwards , Scott , Stelley , Allenspaugh , Shlpman , E. Brandt , M. Brandt and Fitznerald , und Mrs. Bcebo nnd Mrs. Hyan. Messrs. Drexel , Bowers.Bnlch , McKcnna , Vauglmn , Wheeler , McMullon , Chupin. Jefferics , Allan , Tanner , Begley , Beebo , Mocller. Goodman , Baker , Buchman. Brodbeck , Kurbaugh , Philbin , Wakeflcld , McCoy and Schlenk. The next parly will be Kiven Monday even ing , February 13. THE YOUXO ladles of the Sacred Heart Con vent , Park Place , held another one of their pleasant literary entertainments on last Tuesday evening when the Shnkcspearo- Bacou controversy occupied the attention of the talented students. It was considered un der the following heads : filUKM'HAIlK VEH-.US 1HCOV. Origin of the Controversy Miss Dcllono Hamlet's Noto-Book Miss Nash An Ai > elegy for ShaUspearo..Miss W. Lowe The Shakspeare Myth Miss N. Gray The Authorship of Shakspearo..Miss Gregg Bacon's Proinus Miss Stenhenson Bacon's Heal Work Miss C. Kubcock The following choice musical selections were introduced between the several literary subjects : Overture "MaRio Fluto" Mozart Misses McNumara and Kinslcr , Ida Puudt and MeSlmue. "Adelaide" Vocal Solo Beethoven Miss C. Habcock. "Khapsodlo Honproiso" No. 13 Piano Solo Liszt Miss Dellono. "Hope" Vocal Trio Hossini Misses Nash , Gregg und C. Bnbeok. "Andante and March" Instrumental Duo Faust Harp , Miss Nash. Piano , Miss Dcllono. "I Know u Bank" Voeal Duo Horn Misses Dellone and C. Babcock. "Norma" Instrumental Duo Bellini Harp , Miss W. Lowe. Piano , Miss Gregg. "Sleigh Kido" Chorus White Misses P. Lowe , J. Gregg , M. Uegan , E. Gibbon , E. Jones , M : Lemon , E. Crelghton. M. Keel nnd N. MuNamura. Tun BSTEIITAIXMEST to bo given February 13 and 14 at the First Congregational church nnd which is to bo culled the festival of the season , promises to bo a most elegant affair. The different booths will bo presided over by the following ladies : Mosdamcs Leavltt Burnham , G. A. Hoagland , P. F. Igoc , G. M. Hitchcock , William Fleming. Clark Woodman - man , H. H. Bright , T. C. Brunncr , G. I. Gilbert , C. A. Harvey , E. B. Branch , Dr. Sprugue. This it Is well to remember takes place in the lurgo parlors of the First Con gregational church February 13 and 14. Mr. Clark Woodman very kindly assisted the ladies in arranging the plan for the booths , work upon which has already been begun. * . Tnr. SEVENTH annual ball of the Omaha Uricklayvrs' Protective and Benevolent union occurred last night at Exiiosltiou hall. There wcro about IfiO couples present when the grand march was culled at il o'clock. It was u icorgeous procession and presented a brilliant spectacle. Leo Frost , president of the union , and his wife were m the lead. Dancing was kept up until a late hour this morning , there being twenty-eight numbers on the programme. From 11 o'clock until 1:80 ! ! : n grand supper was served on the upper floor of the hull , where the tables wcro pre pared to accommodate 235 people. It was one of the most successful nnd best attended balls ever given by the Bricklayers1 union. The net proceeds of the ball will go to the school teachers' fund. * The programme for dancing was well got ten up and was something novel. ONE nuxnur.n couri.us attended the party given by the Purnell social club at the A. O. H. hall , Wednesday evening. The ball was a most enjoyable one nnd is said to have been the pi easantcst of the scries. The pro gramme comprised twenty numbers and the last cotillion was not called until nearly It o'clock. Mr. W. F. Ormsby was master of ceremonies , Messrs. J. T. Fitzmorris and T. J. Conwa.v constituted the committee of ar rangements. The reception committee com prised Messrs. J. F. Price , W. H. Franklin , J. T. Fitzmorris nnd Louis Connolly. The floor committee was : Messrs. J. J. Lloyd , Morris Cain , John Kervan and S. E. Collins. # * Miss LIZ/IK KUIKK was tendered n sur prise party Wednesday evening at her father's handsome residence , I'M North Eighteenth street. Miss Lizzie was not at homo when the gay party arrived. When she returned she was for a moment struck dumb with amazement for her friends had tnkcn possession of the house and when she entered a flno orchestra begun playing. All the guests were in full evening costume , the toilets of the Indies bo more than hand some. At midnight un elegant supper was partaken of. The festivities continued until nearly 3 o'clock n. m. Miss Knbce is a most charming young hostess and bus ninny friends. THE HAKKKU SOCIAL ci.un gave another soirco on Wednesday evening in the hand some dancing hall of the Barker hotel. Twenty couples belonging to the club , nnd nil guests of that famous hostelry , together with ten invited couples , were present. The Musical Union orchestra furnished the music and dancing was continued until nearly 2 o'clock. The toilets of the ladies were un usually handsome. Supper was served in the spacious dining room under the personal supervision of Mr. Halch , Jr. Mr. S. A. Purco tilled the responsible position of prompter to the satisfaction of all. Chit Chat. Mr. Leo Stephens is in California. Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Babcock nro in St. Paul. Paul.Miss Miss Clnra Walsh , of Lincoln , Is visiting Miss Miller. Miss Emma Balback has returned homo from Chicago. Mr. nnd Mrs. Ira P. HIgby have a bran new daughter. Mrs. Wendell licnson and daughter are visiting in Chicago. On Monday evening Dr. Cannon enter tained the Whist club. Colonel and Mrs. Eddy , are attending the Ice carnival at St. Paul. Mr. Charles Suundcrs Is expected homo during the present week. A hop will be given by officers at Fort Omuhu to morrow evening. Miss Nellie Hall gave a party to her old friend , Mr. Morris Hall , ou Wednesday evening. Mr. Morris Hall , formerly of this city , but now a resident of Boston , is visiting his par ents here. Miss Lilu Alexander will give a party to her muny friends on the evening of St. Val entines day. The ladies of All SainU church will clvo a basket soohiblo at the residence Judge Dundy next Thursday evening , . Mr. Frank Moore , a former schoolmate ot Mr. K. C. Barton , is visiting the latter. Mr. Moore resides In St. Louis. General and Mrs. Cook were serenaded Thursday evening at the Paxton. A largo number of Invited guests wcro present. Colonel and Mrs. Henry gave a dinner party at the Paxton oh Friday to Mr , and Mrs. J. N. H. Patrick and Mr. U , W. Pat rick. rick.Miss Miss Wakely gave a very elegant party at her home , tier North Nineteenth street , last night , in honor of her friend und > gucst , Miss Thrall. , ' The fifth nnnual'bull of the Omaha division , No. 18.1 , Brotherhood of Ix > c6niptlve Engi neers , will bo given Thursday ut Masonic hall. The affair will be a notabld bne , as no expense has been spared. The invitations arc simply bcnutiful and a first-class time may bo expected. The ladies of the reception committee at the charity bull are requested to meet their chairman at the Paxton to-morrow morning ut 10 o'clock. On Friday Mrs. Kountzo entertained the following guests at dinner : General nnd Mrs. Crook , General and Mrs. Breck , Judge nnd Mrs. Cowin , Mr. and Mrs. Joe Barker , Mr. and Mrs. J. N. H. Patrick , Colonel ami Mrs. Henry , Colonel and Mrs. Hall , Mr. nnd Mrs. Lynuin Kichardson. Mr. Thomas A. Berry , of St. Joseph , at tended the Deutsche club ball on Thursday evening. Mr. Berry is one of the best and most favorably known young men in the Queen city and has many friends in Omaha. He is a'lincal descendant of one of the oldest and most aristocratic families in the south , and not only that , ho is one of the most pol ished gentlemen wo have over known. Ho was the guest of Mr. Charles Metz. Miss Addle Colby , one of St. Joseph's most charming daughters , was in the city last week the guest of friends. Miss Colby re turned homo on Friday , und ills whispered that n very fashionable wed ding will soon take pluco in her native city , and that she will bo more interested than any one else unless it bo a prominent young gentleman who occupies a prominent position with the Hock Island railroad company. KCIIOE8 FJIOM THK ANTE-ROOM. Items of Interest to the Various Secret OrilorH. SrKCi.u , nmiEits No. 0 , from brigade head quarters K. of P. , culling u meeting of the officers and sir knights of the Omaha regi ment K. of P. was issued on the 1st. This meeting will bo at the armory on the 35th inst. ut 8:10 : o'clock p. in. A large attendance is expected as business of much importance Is to be transacted. # GKNEUAI , ounnus No ! * ! ! ! , headquarters U. H. K. of P. by General Carnahnn proscribes the style of uniform for chaplains of regi ments and brigades and is in keeping with the elegant uniforms of the officers of the U. U. K. of P. THE KNIOIITS op Pi THUS' ball for the 22d will bo a grand success. A largo number of tickets have already been disposed of. Every knight should turn out and bring his friends and help to make it u success in every respect. Jens HOFOCSANO , the proprietor of ahand- seine hotel and saloon In Railroad avenue and Market street , opposite the Eriodcpot in Paterson - erson , died yesterday morning of enlarge ment of the heart. The following circum stance is related as a remote causa of his trouble : About seven weeks ago ho took his third degree in Humboldt lodge of Free Ma sons. The worshipful master , Samuel Kind , Is an enthusiast 14 the order and one of the finest German workers In the state. Ho was making the ccrenfeny'iiartlcularly impressive for Mr. HofgesanK oi > th on account of his being a man of superior Intelligence and be cause ho had prepared a collation for the members of the ladgojaftcr the closing. At the end of the first partof the ceremony of the third degreeo Mr. Hofgesung retired to the ante-room In eotapnny with.his guides , nnd was prcparedfov | Iho last part'of the cer emonial. Ho appeared to bo much agitated. Ho said that ho fijlt ve/y sick , nnd asked how much longer th * ceremony would last. Ho was assured that ft w s almost through , and was encouraged 'riot to be excited , us all the others hud pusscoTthrOugh the same ordeal without harm. Itv apparent that ho was sick , but ho stood > the rdcul with fortitude , and soon he was I raised to the degree of Master Mason. At Ufa end of the ceremony ho was so prostrated , that ho was unable to accompany the brethren to the supi > er ho had ordered , and while others were having a good time ut his expense ho was in his bed. Ho has never been well since that night. Ho has been troubled with fits of prostration and feelings of weakness about * his heart , und al though ho has been about u great dcul of the tlmo ho has been far from well. A day or two ago ho took to his bed. There was an unusually large attendance at the regular meeting of United council , No. 1,035 , American Legion of Honor , at a recent meeting In Now York , und many of the best known actors and act'csscs of the city were present. The cause was that Miss HOBO Coghlan , tbo actress , was to be initiated into the mysteries of the order of the Legion of Honor , an ordeal which she went through without flinching. Uuited council 1,035'is composed largely of actors and actresses , arid nearly every stock company In this'city , with' , many { raveling organizations , U represented in its membership , which is the largest of any council in the order. A social dispensa tion of the Supreme council permits it to hold its meetings on Sunday afternoons in order to accommodate the theatrical profession , nnd the meetings nro always of a nature to invite second attendance. # Tinioraii THE efforts of Colonel H. F. Downs , of the Seventh regiment , Uniform Hank Knights of Pythias , Governor John M. Thuyer has requested the recommendation of two officers of the uniform rank to be sent him for npiwintmcnt on his staff to represent the rank ; ono to bo selected from each regiment. The niimo of Captain Charles P. Ncedham has been sent in by Colonel Thomas Burrell to represent the Omaha Second regiment. The first regiment has suggested the niimo of Lieutenant E. H. Sizor. Governor Tlmyor has taken the initiative In the recognition of this powerful organization. CAPTAIN W. S. Srr.xcnn has been commis sioned major and aide do cnuip on the stuff of Brigadier General W. L. Dayton , Uniform Hunk Knights of Pythias. Major Spencer is known by every Knight of Pythias in Ne braska. It Is unnecessary to say that this promotion Is deserved , for all who know W. S. Spencer know that , any duty ho under takes will bo discharged by him to the fullest extent. A Call for Organization. To the Editor of the BRK : I wish to call attention to the necessity of organization. Let the republicans of every precinct organ ize a republican club. When that has been accomplished there will bo found substantial subjects for discussion. The republican party is u party of principles. There are live Issues which should bo thoroughly discussed. Because wo nrc strong In Nebraska Is no ex cuse for apathy. The transportation ques tion , the tariff question , the prohibition ques tion , the national bank question , the surplus , all are questions that the republicans of Ne braska should thoroughly canvass and de cide upon , lor the issues will soon bo made up and the verdict at the polls in November will be determined by the thinking men of the day. What better opportunity can wo wish than the free dlscussslon of all political questions In the republican clubs ? Nebraska should step to the front as one of the stalwart republican states. Her influence should bo felt in the republican ranks nnd acknowl edged by the leaders of the party throughout the country. Inattention will not receive at tention. Slothfulncss will not receive un In crease. Well-wishes without labor will not return a reward. Therefore , I earnestly ask the republicans all over the state to club together and send to mo immediately the name and address of every club organized. Let us see what can be done by this boom ing young commonwealth during the next eight months. Gio. : D. MEIKI.EJOHN , Chairman Republican State Central Com mittee. AN 1NGENIOUH CONGIIKHRMAN. How Sunset Cox Fooled Ills Wife When Ho Wished to Go Out. Washington Corrcspondonco Chicago Herald : Sunset Cox has been a quarter of n century in the lower hogso of con gress , und in his time has been a little wild and needed more fun and excite ment than his own witticisms nnd the debate in the house afforded him. But be has changed his habits in this rc- 8 ] > ect und is taking much better care of his health than ho used to do. Cox mar ried 11 comely woman with u handsome fortune , and never likes to do anything to dlsplctibu her. Ho has no children , and is wrapped up in those domestic re lations which his wife alone affords him. But ho used to want to hnvo a good time , iiway from the restraining influences of domestic mutters , nbout once a week. "Cox used to get out of bis hou.se by a very novel and character excuse , ' said ono of his old chums to-day. "When he intended to make u nfght of it ho would invariably go homo at an curly hour , dress himself in his slippers and smoking coat , crawl well down into a comfortable chair , read to hib wife and congratulate himself in audible tones on his ability to got away from the cares of public life. Ho generally expressed himself as not feeling tlr&t rutu and crawled into bed before 11 o'clock. About midnight the crowd , down at the club who were to enjoy the society of . the 'funny Btutebinati ItnMior ilootp , for Men , Women , lloyn , MIKSCB and Children Men's Jtuh- licrs OUc , Women's Hubborn iI7c , MU cV Heel Iltitibora UUc. Child- ron's Heel Hnt > l > ern iiilci Mon's Rubber Boots , good quality , $2.46 , worth $3.OO. . Men's Light Rubber Boots , finest quality , $2.86 worth $3.5O. Moil's Imitation Snndnl Rubbers , best quality OOo , worth 76c. Mon's Self Adjusting Sandal Rub bers , best quality 76c , worth OOo. WOMEN'S Women's Light Rubber Boots fin est quality , $1.7O , worth $2.OO. Women's Croquet Sandal Rubbers , good quality , 27o. Light Jersey Rubbers , flno quality , 6Oc worth 76o. BOYS' , MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S. Boys' rubber boots , good quality , $1.96 , worth $2.26. Boy's light rubber boots , finest quality , $2.45 , worth $3.OO. Boy's imitation sandal rubbers , 40c , worth 60c. Misses' light rubber boots , finest quality , $1.47 , worth $1.76. Misses' croquet sandal rubbers , good , 23c , worth 3Oc. Children's rubber boots , finest qual ity , $1.19 , worth $1.6O. Children's imitation sandal rubbers , 22c , worth 30c. ONE PRICE TO ALL. Kelley , Stiger & Co. , Dodge and 16th Street. as per nrrnngemont , would send a dele gate to COX'H residence. He would raj ) gently on 'ho door , and the statesman would complain bitterly at being dis turbed , although ho had been resting with one eye open and his mind bent on the good time in waiting. He generally felt too badly to go to the door and Mrs. Cox would kindly consent to go herself. The delegate from the crowd always were a very serious look , and spoke in a tone of great imixirtunce and apprehen sion , lie would tell Mrs. Cox that there was a caucus on bund at which her hus band was to preside. lie always depre cated the fact that the business of the caucus could not proceed unless her hus band was there , us no ono could conduct the proceedings without the information ho carried in his head. Cox would first hear this statement and would groan like a boy who has gorged himself with June apples. When Mrs. Cox returned to the bed and informed him of what was wanted ho appeared to bo in the grcutobt agony , and would threaten to resign his place in congress , if this thing is kept up. Then he would go to the door with Mrs. Cox and beg like a peed follow to bo lot off. But iho mes senger would bo immovable , and would declare that his absence from the caucus would entail untold inconveniences. Then Cox would dress himself , and in going out of the house would express considerable discomfiture in suppressing his laughter over the accomplished manner in which the scheme was worked.Vhen ho returned to the lipuso in time for breakfast next day , cis prolonged absence would always bo on account of the lateness of the hour at which the caucus adjourned nnd his dis like to awaken the good housewife. " A Voice From the Went. Milwaukee Sentinel : Mr. Charles Dudley Warner muncs the astounding statement that people of the cast do not understand western people , and are dis posed to regard them as barbarians. This is funny. The first thing the people ple of the east know , wo will discharge the whole lot of them. For they are all our moro hired hands. The people of Now York and Boston and other eastern cities live on what wages they receive from the grout and booming west nnd what they steal from us. Now York city is only a wharf for the handling of western business. The resident ol Murray Hill is able to live only because ho works for the west or steals in Wall street from his neighbors , who are hired by the bounding westerners. The Now Yorkers are hired to do the drudgery ol dockwollopcrs and commercial go-be tweens for the west. The belle of Fifth avenue is , after allonlyonoofour hired girls , living off the wages her dud re ceives , or the plunder ho steals from west. The great west has long contemplated the discharge of the whole gang ol cust omers. Wo have become disgusted with their dishonesty and their airi ness ; wo are nauseated by the boundless trivialities of the custom newspapers ; wo have already drawn much of our money from Now York and Uoston anil established money centreat Chicago , Milwaukee , St. I'uul , Kansas City , Omaha , etc. Before thsse upstart em ployes of the great west know what wo are about wo will have direct water communication by two ways between Chicago and F.uropo , and will dispense with the services of our eastern para- bites. Look to it , yon light-minded vus sals of the eastern coast. KvorthlriK Wont. Chicago Mail : "Did you muko enough money on your stock deal , John , to buy the sort of carriage you promised')1 ) : suppose you did , though1' she addet confidently ; "you said you put in yaui money at the bottom of the market. ' "So I did , my dear , HO I did ; but the bottom jthcH dropped out. " Buy Garncau's Snowflake bread. DR , GEORGE L MILLER , And the Now York Lifo Insurance ! Company. An Interview With Mr. IVrklns , the Company's hisp.'ctor , Concern * liiK the Doctor and Ills AMMIL'llltCH. A roeont report to tlio ofToct Hint Dr. loo. L. Millur luul boon appointed to ho general inunugiMm'nt of the Now Vork Lifo Insurance company for the Into of Nebraska , has been K > ircnl ; a .urprlbO . to the public , near in id far , that x roi > ortor for the Hr.tJ resolved to in- Cbtlguto the subjeet. Learning that Mi. CJeo. W. Perkins , the I'ompuny'J 'nspector of agencies. was in the oily , he reporter ealled ut the I'axton for the uirposoof inU'rviinvlng him. The MICH'S ] iecetsltu'8 were made known iust aa Mr. 1'orkiiw was issuing from the dining ; oem , and that gentlonmn , recognizing he justness of pnblie curlositv , very graciously responded to the following juerios : "Mr. 1'orkiug , " linked the reporter , is it true that the New Vork Life hua -eenred the services of Dr. Miller n , 'eneral manager for this state ? " < "It certainly Is trno'Mr. Perkins. ro ilied. "Do yon reali/e how valuable the services of such a man will bo to youij oinpanyV' . "Yes , I believe 1 do. 1 fool that my * ompany is to bo congratulated on hav- ng secured the services of Dr. Miller , nul the company proposes to baek him 'n every possible way. On the other land the doctor has boon very Migni'ioua n determining the matter , and wo , of ourse feel complimented that ho baa boson the New York Life as the eom-J > iuiy which he propofcs to represent. " "Whtit is the outlook for IbSS that is , ' throughout the companv's western tor * itoryV" , The outlook is excellent. The Notf York Life , you see , has a peculiarly strong hold on the west. Hero , in your- wn city , we are about to invest nearly ; i million of money. Why , sir. your peo- itlo have no idea of the magnitude ami grandeur of the building wo now luvvo' .inder . way. This alone should incline , Omaha to bo most friendly to the NO\Y Vork Life. In Kansas City and St. Panf. whore my company are erecting similar liuildings , the business men have cotuo out openly and Driven our represent atives largo policies ; and , " Mr. 1'erkina continued rollectively , "I'm sure that Omaha will not bo at all behind her sister - tor cities , especially with Dr. Miller to lead our work. " "What peculiar claims do you urgd for the Now York Life ? " "Well , the claims of our company on Lho insuring public are almost too well' ' known to need mention. In the first place it is a purely mutual company , and there being no stockholders , the profits go to policy holders exclusively. For example : In forty-two yearrf the total profits earned its policy holders by the New York Life has amounted to $ 12,000,000 , while the total claims of nil ' kinds paid to policy holders , with the accumulations for paying future claims and dividends , have amounted to nearly $200.000,000. ' ' "That it a wonderful record , " the in terviowcr remarked. "Yes. it is wonderful ; but still moro wonderful is the fact that for thirteen years the New S'orlc Lifo has paid all death claims with its interest receipts ! Think of that , sirP It certainly shows most excellent man iigomont. " "It not only bhows good management , ns.to investments , hut careful and dis creet management in the selection at risks us well. This latter fact , in truth , is being recognized by the insuring public moro and moro every year. Av man who is so fortunate as to bo ac cepted hv our medical board , may indeed feel Haltered. " "Mr. . Perkins , the UKK has curiosity to know why men of known wealth in sure so heavily. One would suppose , naturally enough , that they were able to do without life insurance. "Ah , well , there are many reasons for ? that. In my judgment , the most prom-i inent reason is the absolute snfeiiess of the investment , and a guarantee of immediate - mediate payment at death. An illustra tion of this presented itself the other day. Our company was to prompt in paying a claim that the widow , in acknowledging receipt of the draft , said it came to hand before she had been able to ascertain the condition of her hus band's bank account. " "What kind of policies nro most bought lifter ? " "You-ask mo a very difficult question. Different policies for different men and conditions , you know. I am sure , how ever , that men are seeing the dcslr- ability of not only insuring against jj death , hut ii ( , ' unst old ago as well. " "What do you mean by that ? " "Well , you take a policy that will protect agiiiiibt death while a man's family is growing up ; then in after years" when his children are able to provide for themselves and the need of protection is not so heavily felt , the pol icy can ho cashed and becomes a two fold blessing it is payable if ho diua and a recourse if ho lives. " . "What bert of policy would you rec ommend to a man of forty , nay for $50- ( MX ) . " "Well , really you must excuse mo. T am very busy , and besides , I am sure that Dr. Miller or Mr. Taylor will ho , glad to answer any question in that line. " "Is the public impression that Dr. Miller's connection with the company in nowibo interferes with Mr. Tuylora position , correct ? " "Most decidedly yes. Dr. Miller's po sition is the necessary outcome of the company's incrciibing business mid in terests in this section of the country. Mr. Taylor continues with us aa general agent for Nebraska. Ho has served the company well and faithfully , for fifteen years , and we know how to appreciate him. Ills connection with the company will remain the sumo that it has been. We have another valuable man in Mr. J. C. Thomas , of your cltyj whom wo have appointed special agent. Ho is a thoroughly accomplished busi ness man and a gentleman whoso largo and influential acnuaintanco will render his services peculiarly important. Mr. Thomas will also occupy u confidential position towifrd Dr. Miller , who places the highest estimate on his character and abilities. " And , so saying , Mr. Perkins'lmdo the reporter a courteous good night and re tired to his rooms. Funeral of Another Hi oilier IlrlcV- Imyer. The funeral of Hrother Fred Nell will tnko place at Walnut Hill on Monday , February 0 , ut 1 o'clock i > . m. Pull bearers Tlioina * Momfnrt , Hum Williams , Ucorge Cridge , Charles MuUrady , Dun O'KecfT. Hy the order of the U. H. P. U. No. 1 o Nebraska. LKE Fitosr , Prcs't. All are Invited to attend. Hcv. O. \ \ . Front's Fimernli The funeral of Hov. C ! . W. Frost will take place tills afternoon fium his lute residence , liO-Jl Chicago street , ut lHOp. : m. Uev. Mr. Hoiifto , pastor of thn First Methodlflt cliurcli , will oftlciuto. The remains will not bo borne to ttiu fliiipTlioy will b'o tukui on the uvcnlnj ; train < ) Wultham , Mass , , where they will bo Interred.