Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 05, 1888, Page 11, Image 11

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'I ' -
fclrs. Frank Losllo'a Energy and
Mrs * Cornclliid Vniuli-rblll A. Hinge
Struck Iluauty Tlio Art of
Dancing A New Whim
Clnru Itcllc'H IiL-Her.
, Fob. 1. [ OoiTOfepomlenre
o ! Iho HIK. : ] Poi-lmps I Hhnll ot Mr.s-
Frank Loollo iissasaiitiitcd' hut IIUVPI-
mind. It inny be noted , by th < j way ,
that riho IH now u trademark simply
Frank Lcallo , without .preface , ncconi-
ingto her legalized signature. This
cleverest of New York buslnex ! * women
dlscufned to mo Rome points of her re
cent hoVourn in Km-ni > o with a jroedom
which might. Hhock many of her alstcrrf.
She met there all sorts of people , under
nil Boris of elrcumatanees. She hap
pened -to inontion the fact that she WHS
' lirought in rontuet with u number of
women who devote their lives to the
{ struggle for woman suffrage in England ,
nnd I inked her how thin tribe of fe-
innluH compare with their ulstora
in the United States. Her reply
is not calculated to make her beloved
among America's strong-minded daugh
ters. Said she : "They urw quite as
earnest and indomitable and life uway
at parliament as regularly us our women
do at the legislatures. The only polns
of difTt-renee which I observed were : The woman suffrage champions
whom t mot in England were ladies ,
eharming in manner and fair to look
upon , and , strange as it may hecni
ladies who took considerable interest
in gentlemen and their Mu-iely. TIerc
you may have observed , they are not al
ways charming , are seldom comely , and ,
as ii rule , abhor the society of men , ex
cept Biifh as openly espouse their
theories. "
Sneaking of peculiarity 'n ' manner ,
everybody has heard of
The description of hiaimage of
Itudhn , which stands in the hpaeioiu
liallwavof his beautiful residence on
West 'Fifty-fourth street , has been
spread far and wide. Hois a believer
in the religion of Dudha. His frequent
appearance- before thepublic in 1m
hpccial line , as an autliority upon all
eases in which the brain is a prominent
. .feature , has Mjrved not less to win for
him fame. His ( icrsonal uppcarancv
has been thoroughly discus-ed , and hi'
iirominent physical characteristics have
1 > een frequently described. It is in
his study , however , where he receive *
his patients , that his appearance is tin
most impressive. Seated in his high-
backed chair of carved walnut , ho bear *
at times a striking and most awful re-
bomblanco to the grim figure that lias
for many years silently stared from it *
pedestal 'in the corridor. Indeed ,
there is an almost laugha
ble likeness between him and the
imago of his deity. Im | > osing , inajestk
and grand , ho looks like an oracle ,
One feature of Dr. Hammond has so far
escaped nubile notice ; that is. the man
ner in which ho receives his fees. Tt
understand this thoroughly the _ readei
must have some idea of the position in
whidi ho sits and that occupied b\ tin
Tiatiotit. Imagine a largo room will
high ceiling , beautifully furnished
decorated in dark and impressive
colors. A largo desk , covered will
iiapers and pamphlets and books thai
look chock fiiU of wisdom , and tlu
doctor in his chair , wheeled clo ely U
the desk. Immediately behind tht
desk stands a high screen , which afldi
to the wizard-like appearance of tin
room. The patient sits at one cornei
of the desk , facing the doctor. Onl ;
the corner of the desk is between bin
and his adviser. Among all the thing ,
in the room and si-altered over tin
desk , thai which at once rivets the at
tontlon of the visitor and which hi
eye cannot , however much it will
escape , is a small glass weigh
resting upon three carefully arrangci
bank notes- The lower note rosls in >
diagonal position , the one above i
crosses it diagonally ; and resting upoi
this too , in such a manner as to bid
their denominations , is a crisp $20 note
It stares at one with an awful threat
It seems to say , "Don't dare to prosum
to hand oul less than me.
liven as the doctor talks , pouring ou
words of wisdom to his suffering patient
or perhaps the patienl's friend , his ey
- glances calmly upon this $20 note
There is ovidenlly a sympathetic feel
" ing between the bank note and it
owner. 1 know its effect upon mo who
I had occasion to visit the doctor some
time ago was that which I hav
described above. Try as I wotd
to keep my eyes away , the
would always revert back then
until I became so nervous that much e :
what I wanted to learn and much c :
what I wanted to say , wore forgotten
Itolontlcssly , remorselessly , that bil
hold my soul within its grasp. Who ;
the time came for leave taking I dare
not ask the umonnl of Iho fee , bu
tremblingly drew forth a note of mmila
( Jonoinliuitioii.
MUP. etmjfi'.uus .7. VANmnmii/r
pata-cd mo in Kinth avenue Ibis mornin
and I inontion it bocauo she illustrate
the now fact thai Iho outline ot the No *
York women of fashion , when on dross
jnxnulo , is undergoing steadily a pos
live change. This is not ob or\ \
able in a front view , but ' i
located in that section of ontl
denominated the bustle. This is stem
ily dropping from the waist line , and :
apparently endeavoring to reach tli
knees as an ultimate destination. Tli
extreme slope from the waist to tb
points of the busllo in the case of Mr
Vanderbilt was about forty-live degree ;
The new style is voted by the critics <
taste who promenade Ilroadway , to c
no improvement. Hy way of a eostuni
topic , they are telling in burlestit :
circles thai stately Annie Sommorvilli
the principal actress In a current bui
losquo at iv Hroadway theater , place
her litllo daughter in a proconium bu
nt u matineu. It was a cold day. Anni
wasskirtless , of course , and bare as 1
arms and shoulders. The ohlld lennc
bolicltoutily over the box railing , at
time whoa she fane-led Unit noboil
would notice the confidential commun
cation , and said :
"Poor mamma , ain't you coldV"
The front row of dudes overheard th
portiuont question , and laughed i
loudly that Annie's "HuhV" wu
silenced to the rest of the audience.
Nearly everyone among the amuse
incut loving public has witnessed tl :
startling exhibitions given in show i
border Ufa. They have garoel with at
miration on the young woman fro
Texas or any one of the territories , a
tlrod like ) a fcnmlo cowboy and giftc
with a nerve and an eye which onabli
her to perform the most diUIcult fea
in miu-Kbiiwiibhip with pistol or rifle , i
a distance of fifty to one hundred foe
This young lady from the great ar
. rolling west ih also a familiar figure t
thei variety stage.
The other evening I happened In i
Texas Charley's little shooting gallery
on Bleaker street. Charley is a little
down on his luck temporarily , and picks
vp a dime in the conventional Bowery
style. As I entered a young woman at
tired cheaply but showily , stood with a
light rifle at her shoulder , aimed at the
mosit conspicuous bulls eye while
Charley was explaining to her the
science of marksmanship , Including the
l > ositlon of the feet. Besides the young
woman stood a slender voung man of in-
onVnslve meln nnd colorless complex
ion. He looked dismally on while she
shot wide of the mark , and for every
failure criticized the gun or her In
structor , for fully live minutes. She
was Hiiro she could"do belter if allowed
to have her own way. Finally the pair
left and Charley ga've way to his feel
ings. Said he :
"That makes mo very tired. She
wants to go on the stage as
but she'll never learn if she keeps on
this wav. There's plenty more just
like her. too. "
"A Wild West shooter ? "
"Yes. Don't von know that game
yet ? Why , nearly all these women who
ligure as Texas Jennie , or Wyoming
Lior some such name , hall from New
York or Chicago. Why , I've taught a
do/en of thorn myself but it's bard
work , for they always want to talk more
than half the time. However , I've
-tirned - out several who can cut out a
licture with a pistcl , or split a card
ivlth a rifle. They re all Now Yorkers.
You , it pays fairly well to teach them. "
"Who is that young man who was
lore just now ? "
"Oh , he's the girl's husband. He's a
lork in a big dry goods store uptown. "
Pistol and rillo shooting , by the wav.
ontliitu ! to be a fad among the solid
wells of the metro | > olis , and more than
mo of them took his first lesson in a
nodesl shooting gallery on some down-
own thoroughfare. The genus dude islet
lot proficient in the art. Perhaps lie is
if raid of a gun , or ho may consume
nore cigarettes than are good for his
lerves. But such solid men about town
s Pierre LorillardFrank LordHerman
Oelricbs and others of that classare cx-
lerts with both weapons , although as n
nle preferring pistol practice. Kuro-
[ wan duellists cannot challenge such
Mow Yorkers with the impunity of a
'ew years ago.
A do/en or fifteen young society
men from Murray hill confess that they
t rayed far down town in their cabs , the
ilhur night , and halted at the notorious which is known as Billy
Mclory's. ( ! Alter waiting an hour and
'icing bored by a common place
variety entertainment ou the stage ,
"irokcn overj now and then by i wait/
on the wa.xed floor by the men and
women who make the piacearenele/.vous ,
the uptown swells decided to enjoy await
waitthemselves. . One of thorn tolls' mo
that the girls needed no introductions
> r persuading , and the young male
mrtnors in the previous dance slunk
nick to the chain * around the tables ,
mdor the shadow of the gallery. The
band struck up and the dancing began.
Then a very queer scries of incidents oc
curred. First one of the young
women dropped her partner in the rniel-
illo of the floor , and walked to a chair ;
then another fair walt/.or stopped and
romonstnited"with her escort , so did
iinothor and another. Two or three of
the women presently re-appeared on the
floor with partners chosen from among
the loungers at the table.
"What s the matter ? " inquired the
spoke.stnan for the uptown youths.
' "We've f and will
got plenty e > money ,
buy all the wine in the house , if neces
sary. Why don't you ladies dance with
' '
us ?
"Because you can't dance , " was the
' But that's nonsense , " said one of the
_ wells. _ "Wo all dance at the best par
ties a nil balls uptown , Come , what u
the real reason for you all behaviny this
way ? "
"You don't any of you know how to
dance , " ' " \ ou are as clumsy as goats , '
"I ain't a going to fall over a man's feet
all round the room , " wore the replies ol
three e > f the young women.
Never wore a lot of men more non
plussed than these. Almost before thoj
could got oil the floor the women wen
in the arms of the men they were ac
customed to dancing with , and the
throng slid and turned in unison us
graceful and e sy as the heaving of tlu
ocean on a calm day. The uptown
swells took their defeat as graciously
as possible , but they looked unhappy
ami confused. The truth was that
though they could waltz well enough foi
the average society belle , and as grace
fully as the ordinary mau who tunes his
stops to music one or two elo/.ei
times a year , they wore not fitted tf
take the places ol. the regular dancers
at a dance house like this. Tlicw
follows dance for a living , anil an
at work at this singular calling betweei
five and ton hours a night every day ii
the year. In this city and Brooklyi
something more than lour hundred m'ei
follow that vocation in the dance houses
music halls and low resorts. They an
paid from one elollar to live dpllars ;
night , according to the skill and reputation
tation they possess , and they scarcely
ever dance anything but waltzes. Thoj
literally do no other work than dance
For the rest of their living they doponi
on the women and on hotting.
Constant partnership with them cdu
to a proficiency as high iii their own , si
that in those places the lust one.s it
which one would look for a graceful ac
cninplihhinont there is a greater churn
of rhj thin to the wait/ movement thai
is soon in an assembly of the Junior Pa
triarchy or the F. C. D. C''s in Dolmen
icoV. These MIIIIU men and wome'n an
employed at most of the great masquerade
ado balls of the win tor in thi
academy and the opera house , gome
times to dance in costume ) , and some
times in evening dress. They attrac
all eyes , and never fall to win ad mini
tion , if not applause for their finished
performances. Now and then a conn
try beau , who prido.i himself on hi :
dancing , asks for an introduction to ;
girl whose charming movements ho ha
admired , and ton to one ho is stnggurei
by hearing her respond to his compli
montn with ; "Sa-a-y , shorty , gimme
little loss taffy. If ycr want to dance
climb in nnd show us" what yer can do.
If ho proves aw It ward ho is summaril ,
The newsiest whim in that p-irt c
Now York polite society which suffer
from chronic ennui may bo called tlu
"pug dog reception. " It is yet too earl ;
to say whether this form of social ontoi
tainmont will become a jwrinnnont feat
ure of high lifo , or oven enjoy a season
able run of the season. But ft has man
a beginning under such auspices as shov
that its promoten > are considerable ii
earnest. The set which inauguratei
this diversion is composed almost entirely
tirely of unmarried girls. The alfai
which came under my noticnasav
ranged for at an afternoon call , when-
three or four of the parlies ceme-ernei
happened to meet. All brought alon ;
limit- pugs and ihe dignified doligh
with which the snub-nosed creature
viewed each other led to the suggestio
of giving to the pug the complete ; llavo
of the grade of lifo in which they exist
Two or three conferences had to bo hel
over the matter , and when it took shap
those who wore upon the list as 6liglbl
i received adalntj invitation , uixm tinte
and perfumed paper , in which "Chai
t ley , " of No. Fifth avtinuu requesto
the pleasure of "Danny" or "George' * ,
or "Jim , ' ' as the name of .
might happen to ho , to a b o'clock tea
upon a Wednesday afternoon.
The pugs began to arrive , each one In
ils own coach of course , and allonded
by Its mistress , ' shortly after 4 o'clock ,
and by fi there Were nearly a score
present. It must bo said that the ladles
concerned in the affair enjoyed the
thing thoroughly. There was a con
tinual chatter as they passed from one
pug to another nnd inspected its niona-
gram stroked its ears and said cunning
things to the haughty little animal.
There were * doubtless not a few jealous
heart-burnings either on account of the
evident superiority of some one dog
over another. But such feelings wore )
carefully concealed and everything
moved with that bcrinity and animation
which together mark the doings of all
highly cultivated people. As for the
dogs , there was a good deal of snarling
and such confusion that before the af
fair was over , the ladies Iwid each to
take her own dog and hold him in hoi-
lap to prevent canine mtsundorstand-
intrs taking place upon the parlor floor.
Tea was served at 6 o'clock in the re
ception room , the pugs maintaining
their places In the laps of their mis
tresses who sipped tea from china cups
and nibbled cake and confectionery
placed upon the napkins beside the pots
in their silken laps , and when
it was over , the respective
maids of the mistresses and pugs
came in with warm coats and elegant
wraps , and tucked up the ugly creatures
so that they should not by any possibil
ity suitor from the chilly air of the win
ter evening. The maids saw the dogs
homo while the mistresses tarried for
further chatting , and altogether they
agreed that the occasion had been an
immense success , so that it is quite prob
able that others will bo hold before the
season is over ChAUA
Dr. McCosH's resignation ns president of
Princeton took uffect February 1.
A school of mines is to bi ! established as nn
auxiliary to the college ) of Montana ut Deer
George . Cable , the novelist , has been of
feree ! the presidency of Fairmount colleges for
women , at Wichita , Kan.
The endowment fund of the Kansas Agri
cultural college now amounts to iJ.'iOO.UlX ) , and
yields an income of fIfJX)0. ( )
Prof. Brewer , of Yale is engaged in malc-
ihg a topogniphie-al map of Conucctlcnl on a
si-ale of one mile to an inch. The cost will he
about $ COlX ( ) ) .
The public schools of "Massachusetts are
so badly managed that parents are with
drawing their children and sending them to
priv.ite schools.
The failure of the trustees of Union college
to elect a president at their meeting in Al
bany , January 'J4 , resulted in a lively display
of indignation on the part of the students.
Richard F. Kemble of the class of 1718 of
Columbia college , died ut ColdSpnng-on ;
Hudson on Monday , at the ago of eighty-
cight. Ho was the oldest living graduate of
the college.
John Tullon , Texas state treasurer under
Governor Hamilton , died at Galvuston , Mon
day , aged sixty-two years. Ho bequeathed
his fortune , JlfiO.OOO , to the city of Galveston ,
< or the establishment of an industrial school.
Glrard college now contains tiSO ! pupils.
The total capital amounts to $ IObai , :30 : , of
which nearly eight million dollars is produc
tive. The net revenue Is nearly half a mil
lion dollars , and the college is sustained nt n
e-oKt of little more tlnin four hundred thousand
Calvin Foirbank , the abolitionist who re
ccived ; ( . " ) , 150 lushes ut , the hands of south
erners , Is still living in good health ut Angel
ica , N. Y. A movement has been started to
rulso a fund of ir > , ir > 0 , or $1 for each of his
stripes , to endow u Calvin Fulrbank college
for the education of negroes.
II. J. Furbcr , Jr. , is a yoilnp man not yet
twenty who is pieparing to found u great
university at Chicjgo after that of Heidel
berg. He will devote $1,000,000 as un In
ducement for other citizens to join in the
movement. Ho is a graduate of the late
Clilc-ago university and is now in Berlin
The State Colorado university is In a flour
ishing condition ; there is u much larger at
tendance than ever before ; the boarding cot.
Uigos are full. The courses have been con
siderably modified , and in such a way as to
atford greater opiwrtunity for the study ol
science. A normal course , covering foui
years , has been provided ; graduates for the
normal department will be qualified to teach
in any public school of the state of whatevci
A $100,000 cathedral will bo built by the
Catholics nt Lincoln , Neb.
The international scientific congress ol
Honuin Catholics will meet in Paris ncxl
April , and has for its object the promotion
and development of science for the defence
of the Catholic faith.
The Protestant Episcopal church of the
United States reports for 18S7 a total ol
4U7.785 communicants , un increase of lHr ! ! >
There is an incicasa of ninety clergymen , tin
tolal being ! ! , b.'l.r .
It is only fifty-six years since the llrsl
Catholic church was erected In Now Hamp
shire ) . The builder was the well known Kov.
Virgil Hor.xe'o Barber , who was before con
version to Uoman Catholicism un Episcopal
General Booth of the Salvation army has
pushed his forces into the holv city of Judah
Instead of "David's harp of solemn sound'
the modern Jew will have his car vexed will. .
the ringing of the tambourine and the rattle
of the drum. But the forces will not sto |
hero long , ns they are en route for Xululnmt
The British Blblo society has bec-n operat
ing in Belgium for the last fifty-two years
during which period it has put in circulation
7tGM ) copies of the scriptures in a country
where ) the bible was so completely forgottc-i
that many of the people did not know thai
such a book was In existence.
The special coricsioiidcnt | of the Baltimore
Sun at Homo writes that important change'
in connection with the government of the
Catholio church In the United States are con
templated. Though nothing has been formu
luted , \ ct , it Is agreed UIKIII in ccclcsiastica
circles that Archbishop Williams , of Boston
will be made a cardinal at n consistory ii
The Congregational church , which has hail
mi existence ) in this country sine-o KiJO , now
numbers 4-77 ehuri-hes , 4,000 ministers mn
) , 'li'T' ! ; ' , ) communicants. The net gain during
the last four years has boon ! f 11 churches , Ili ! (
ministers and 4S,7l'iO communicants * An in
creasing activity , especially in the west ,
promises still greater icsults In the foui
years to come > .
A table showing tno percentage of collcgi
students who enter the ministry , prepared
by I'rofoswr G. P. Morris , shows the follow
ing decrease : At Harvard , from'ru pei
cent lOoO to 1 per cent in 1S75 ; at Yale , fron :
74 nor cent In 1710 to 8 per cent in 16sl ( ; ui
Princeton , from 40 percent in 1850 to 18 pci
cent In Ih7."int Williams , from " 5 per cent ii
IRK ) nnd 40 per cent in ISi'i , to 12.7 per cenl
In ISM ) ; ut Amhcist , from ( U ( > orcent in 1W.1
to 111 ! i per cunt in IbsO. Wcsloyun stil
shows : to per cent of mlinstcis among hci
The Univcrsalist Hoglstor for 1SSS report1
a total of ( bS parishes , : toiiiS : families , 'A (
churches , 117,807 church members , 1J57 Sun
day schools , r > tr > : itl members of Sundnj
se-hools , 7W1 church edifices , nnd a vuluatioi
of church property amounting to $7 , ! > 'J1.V > 0
IUiK > rls uro given from twclvo ne-ademies
colleges , seminaries and divinity schools
having in all 110 professors umr teachers am
1.-JS4 students. The estimated v.iluo o
school and college property i * $ . ' ,7IMO ( ! , o
which total $1,100,000 represents Tufts col
A younc preacher picked up Blsho |
Pierco's hat , and put It on his own head , am
it was oxaclly a lit.'Why , Bishop , " suK
ho , "your head and inlno uro exactly tin
same &Uo. " "Yes , " replied the bishop , " 01
the outside. "
He-nrl Hcrz , the pianist , who died rcccutl ;
at an advanced ago , wus a Juvemilo prodigy u
far back us 4311 , At the ago of eight year
ho had played in concerts , and his tlrst com
position for tpo piano fortu waa written whci
ho wus eight anil a half years old.
A whltfl raccoon has been caught by a
hunter of Purls , Mo.
Froel Gibson , living four miles from Carrollton -
rollton , Md , killed a large eagle near hi *
house. U was go loaded down with sleet
that it could npt Hy.
A man In AvoniPenn..has Just cut a squash
which weighed 140 iKninds. It was one of a
family of thlrte-cn , all of which grew on n sin
gle vine , and the smallest of which weighed
SiTlncy Smith , of Swnrtrwood , N. J. , getup
up In his sleep ami walke-d three miles
throngh the snow barefooted.Vhcn found
he wus still asleep , but badly frozen , the
thermometer being below zero.
A Sallnu , Kas. . man walked a quarter of
a mile to get u gun to kill a Jack rabbltt which
he saw In Ihe road , and after he had tlml a
heavy charge at ft ho found thai the rabbilt
was already fro/en to death.
A dog was scon In Akron , O. , e-oastlng on a
sled with a party of Doling people , nnd ho
sucmed to enjoy the sport fully as much ns
the rest' He rode both down Iho hill nnd up ,
and nttracted much attention.
Little * Dennis nnd William Pumell. of Snow
Hill. Md. , found a covey of partridges e-on-
tnlning three nlbinos. Two of the birds \\ero
tilled. One was pure white und the other
nul n single brown feather on its back.
An Orlumliij Flu. , ncwspa | > or man has sub
stituted u nalr of sand hill cranes for wute-h
dogs , and he tlnds that their loud , clear note
of warning when u tramp or u burglar comes
near is un effective means of protection.
A strange freak of nature wus noticed re
cently In Gainesville , Flu. An orange tree
vith deiul nnd decayed limbs , from which the
caves had fallen months ago , suddenly put
forth new leaves and a full set of blossoms.
The Dayton ( Oro. ) Chronicle says that n
> ctriflcd man has been discovered by a far-
ner in a lonely gulch nine miles from that
ilue-c. The man was leaning against n small
> Iuff of rock , ami upon examination was
'ound lo bn completely turned to stone.
A man in Milton , Gu. , owns n mule which
will not pull a wagon even beaten with
u club. The proprietor of the mule has dis
covered , however , that a handful of sand 01
cottonseed thrown nt the animal makes it
move off ut a lively rate. He keeps u bag of
joth in his wagon.
A singular accident happened to n horse
Lhat was standing ne-ar the planing mill at
Heaver Fulls , Pa. The circular saw struck n
* not In u board , causing the knot to Ily like u
tmllet through the wall and into' the side of
the horse , where it imbedded itself in the
llesh and caused u paidful wound.
A Scotch terrier , owned by C. Graeme ol
Wuterton , Wis. , can ut a glance detect n
bogus silver dollar from a genuine one. A
few duys ago ho wns tukon to u bank , nnd 11
handful of good dollars mixed with bad ones
was placed in a pile on the table. The do ; ;
Jumped on the table , scattered ttie money
with his paw , and quickly picked out nil tlu
food dollars. The bad ones ho would nol
Abe Marsh , a farmer , residing about seven
miles northwes of Dallas , Tex. , rojKUts thai
while a party of young folks wore cnjoyinp
themselves at his house , three rattlesnnks
glided out of n hollow log which hud beer
placed on the flre and began moving aroma :
the room. The company stnmpede'd all but i
baby , over the lap of which one of the snake-
crawled harmlessly , The snakes , the largest
of which measured over live feet , were dis
patched with u pitchfork.
George Morgan butchered n cow the other
d y and took out of her stomach the follow
ing articles , which have been examined by 11
rciwrtcr : Forty-two nails and pieces o
nails , four buttons , one brass safety pin , out
pin with black rubber head , one copper cent ,
three pieces of Vvutcli chain ono piece si )
inches , one four inches and the other one ui
inch long : thrco'lurge ' pieces of glass , one
piece of oystjer shell , four pieces of brnsi
wire , three small pieces of iron , three piece'
of brass anda piecei of hoop skirt. If any
body can kill a e w with Inore articles inside
of her than this , we would like them to Irot
her out.
At Albany , Gn. , n short time since , Mrs
Dowdell , wife of the presiding elder of tin
Ameiieun 'Methodist Episcopal church
stepped into.hcr yurd and saw her pet mill
teso cat playing With n huge snake. The ca
is a very largo ouo. The snake was celled t (
strike. Every tjmo the serpent would striki
at it with its wicked-looking fangs the ca
would give it a vigorous slap on the side o
head nnd it would bo withdrawn. This by
play continued for fully an hour , Mrs. Dow
dell standing upon the stops watching tin
combat , and fearing every moment to wilnos
the death of her pot. At last the cat pouncci
upon the snuko und killed it.
A Nebraska church fair netted 11 cent
five law suitsnn , Incendiary ttrcand , a brokci
Sam Small says that "if there is an abom
ination this side of hell it is a eliurc
fair. "
Sam Jones now declares Kansas City to b
closer to the bottomless pit than any city h
has over visited. Mr. Jones is just bcgiutiinj
his travels.
In the Sunday school : Teacher Whn
can you tell moot Lot's wife ) } Little girl-
Mother says I mustn't tulk about other folk
behind their bucks.
A Chicage preacher is talking about "huri
Ing sinners into the endless despair of tli
bottomless pit. " It it all right for the pee
sinner if the pit is bottomless , Falling i
easy , but lighting is what scrunches.
"My brethren , " said Swift in a sermon
"there are three sorts of pride viz. , of blrtti
of Helios , and of talent. I shall not speak o
the lust , us none of you is liable to that abom
inublo vice.
Tlio man who goes fishing nnd sits in
trump-inviting posture on a narrow thwar
from early morn till dewy eve nnd calls i
fun , Is the same chap that never goes t
church becuuse the pews aren't comfortable
A congressman who heard House's versioi
of the Psalms sung and was assured tha
David wrote and sang them , said ho now un
elcrstood what was before u mystery wh
Suul tried to kill him.
A Lon Ion firm a'U'ortispi ocond-hand ser
nnnsjlightly dunu'ol , 5 shillings pu
hundred weight ; assorted , 7 shilling * pc
hundred weight ; hand picked , splcndli
valua , durable , 13 shillings per hundrei
Will S. Hayes , the lyric poet of the Ohi
valley , has written n now hymn for Mi
Sankoy. Mr. Hayes can write hotter hymn
nnd guess the ngc of whisky more accurate ] ,
than any other man between Cincinnati mn
A party of Jocose Americans recently san ,
"Hero's n How Dy'o Do" and other scrap
from "Tho Mikado" hoforo the great bronz
imago of Binldlm , at Kumukiira , Japan. Tli
Japanese were awed by the bong , am
thought it was offered as nn invocation t
"Do you intend to hear the now mlniste
to-morrow I" inquired a member of th
dcaeon'No , I iiou't. I'm not going to he.i
any now preacher until I know what folk
think about him. " "But yon ought to us
.vonr own Judgment. " " 1 never work 01
Sunday. "
Country minister ( to Vermont Deacon- )
"A stranger In 'town to-day rather ndmlrei
that > of yours , Brother Jones.
shouldn't bo surprised if you could make i
good tnulo with him. " Vermont Dcacon-
"AH right , dominie. Just point the follu
out , will you } But don't let on that lam i
deacon. "
A Snapping- Shoals , Ga. . colored preache
a few Sundays ago from tliu pulpit solemn ! ;
read : " 1 was oiico young ; I is now old.
hub nober seen do righteous forsaken , no
hit ! seed begging oh bread. But , " ho said
laving the book down and raising his specs' '
" 1'h ' seen them hustle llko the dobble fo
meat. "
Two brotheis not living moro than flft ;
miles from Hurrodsbnrg , Ky , look BO tnucl
ullle that when ono of them Joined the Bi ; )
list chu.ich and was nbont to bo Immersed
nnd found that he had no clothes suitnbV ? fo
the e > ccasion , ns ho expressed It , ho paid hi
brother 10 cents to bo bapti/ed in his place
This story seems incredible , but it Is the fuel
and would never have ) been found out hii
not the brother got angry und given it nwaj
"Dal 'nr 'Lias Snodgrass um thoinos' or
rollpious nltrgor lobbcrelid co , " roniurke- -
old Jordan Johnson to Uncle Billy ( ! u hei
What's ho bin eloin' now I" "Ain't bin doln
nuniin. Hit's 'is way ob tnlkin' . " "What1
ho bin snyin' f" "Why , the odder day w
were all tellln' Mm 'bout the golden street
nn' do crowns of glory an' do place whn
dero am nnflln to do but Jes' to plnv goldc
ha'hps. " "An1 didn't 'Lias b'liobo UI" "
dnnno for suah , but all ho said wuz dtit c
eluy'd give him u golden banjo ho mout mat
ago to git erlong , but ho nubber could pi a
on a hn'hp , and ho reckoned ho wuz too ol
to learu. " ;
The Mnltl Across the Wny The
Walk Didn't Grow.
The * Oi-gnn Grinder An Kasy Divorce
A Peieir Offer Fme The lloss
Linguist Out il' Order-"Ho
Miulo n Iteport.
The Mnlel Across the Wny.
fYwn the Hurtli ,
There Is a maid lu-rosa the street ,
In form and fae-e extremely neat ,
With raven locks uiiel tiny feet ;
I see her every day.
And yet she e-oldly looks on me ,
And e-arcs not for my misery :
A cold und haughty maid is she ,
The maid across the way.
No smile upon her face appears ,
No glune'o of love my sad heart cheers ,
Though I bo bathed in sorrow's tears ,
And for affection pray.
No light of love creeps In her eyes ;
I've never seen her laugh or cry ,
Though often I may pass her by ,
The maid across the way.
Her hair Is llko the raven's wing ,
She cannot play , or dance , or slug , !
But In her nose she wears a ring ,
And is dressed in raiment gay.
Yet she is wooden to the e-ore.
This Indian maid that stands before
The door of the tobacco store
That's Just across Iho way.
The Walk Didn't Grow.
Mr. Bean anil Miss Alllbono wore.
walking in Green's pasture last Sunday
und sat down on a mossy bank.
"Isn't this moss beautiful ? " said Misa
Allibouo. "I low to look at it ; how it
grows upon you. "
'Very likely it does on yon , Miss Alli-
bono , but it does not on mo ; I'm not a
mossbaek. "
Tills remark shortencel their walk
about three hours.
as She Is Wrote.
The Icachcr , a lesson ho taught ;
The preacher , u sermon ho pruught ,
The stonier , he stole ;
The heeler , ho hole ,
And the screeehcr , he awfully scraught.
The long-winded speaker , ho spoke ;
The poor oftlce seeker , ho soko ;
The runner , he ran ;
The dunncr , he dan :
And the shrieker , he horribly shroko.
The flyer , to Canada flew ;
Thu buyer , on credit ho bow ;
The doer , ho did ;
The slier , ho sid ;
And the liar ( a fisherman ) lew ,
The writer , this nonsense ho wrote ;
The lighter ( an editor ) fete ;
The bwiunncr , ho swam :
The skimmer , he skam ;
And the biter was hungry and hole.
The Best Time to Itc Born.
"Mamma , dear , " said Janet , "at what
limo in the day was I born ? "
"At 2 o'clock in the morning. "
"And what time was I born ? " asked
"Not until 8 o'clock. "
"Ah , " cried Janet , "my birthday's
longer than yours. "
"Well , " said Jack , "what's the use of
being born before it's time lo got up ? ' :
Protection vs. Free Trade.
They sat together on the lounge ;
A blush suT ( sed her face
As round her form his manly arm
Stole in u tight embrace.
"Is it quite proper , John , " she said ,
"That you should hug mo sol"
"It is , my dear , " ho prompt replied ,
"My warmth of love to show.
"Free trade in kisses wo have had
You never did object ;
And now that you should disapprove
I scarcely did oxpcct.
"Besides , my arm a symbol Is ,
To show my future wife
The duty of protection which
I'll owe to her through life. "
Then in low tone she archly said :
"Perhaps you may , dear John ,
If that's the view you take of it ,
Just keep the duty on. "
An Ensy Divorco.
"If your Husband makes life so un
pleasant for you , Mary Juno , why don'l
you got a divorce ? "
"I hav.e thought of it , but I don't need
ono now. I can got rid of him chenpoi
than thai. "
"How so ? "
"John has been engaged for next sea
son as a base-ball umpire. "
The Illoatctl Humble Bee.
Unlso the pickens for the chickens ,
Raise the buby on your knee ,
But never raise a rumpus
With a bloated bumble beo.
Don't you slight him , don't you fight him
Even on your own domnlnj
If you do It you will rue It
While you wrestle with u pain.
Don't you boss him , don't you cross him
When the flowers are in bloom ;
If you meet him try to greet him
With respect and lots of room.
Don't attend him , don't offend him
On the fragrant llow'ry clumps ;
I toll > ou why , ho'll dot your eye
And give j our oar the mumps.
Ono allusion In conclusion
To the weapon you should fear ;
Only ono , a noodle gun ,
Which fetches up the rear.
If you enrage him and engage ) him
In a battle with his foes.
Friends will wonder why in thunder
You wear that poultice on your nose.
In conclusion , in confusion ,
Just break the ranks und run
From this yeoman , dauntless Honian ,
With his hypodermic gun.
A Poor OITcr.
"I understand , Softloy , " remarked
Nibson , "that you are going to got mar
ried. " N
"There is homo truth in the report. 1
have offeree ! my hand to a young lady in
Harlem. "
"Was that the best you could do ? "
"What was the matter with that ? "
"If the hand you ollored her was nn
boiler than the mcaoluy pair of nines
or bobtail flush that you generally hold ,
she would bo justified in throwing it
up. "
The ) Organ Grinder.
I bore it with cxusiioratioii ,
That organ-grinder's din :
Most dismal sound In all ci cation ,
A music that's u sin !
But when I went with spirit groaning ,
And nccunts wild , though sad ,
Beseeching him lo stop that droning ,
Or he would have mu mad.
Ho stayed his crankand stared in wend r. i
Indignant cap-u pie ;
"It makes you cioy , docs it ! Thunder 1
What d'ye think of moi"
Ily a lii Majority.
A writer says : "No man emu mustoi
Iho whole ) range of human knowledge.1
If ho is a good ban ) ball pituhor , ol tlu
curvu brand , it is not necessary to know
anything else. This acquiromonl in
Iho newspaper race for fame and wealth ,
outweighs all other branches of human
knowledge by a big majority , with nc
distriela lo hear from.
Well , of Course.
A wc.slcrn judge has decided that i
man is in duty bound to toll his wife
whore he spends his evenings when he
is away from homo. Ho generally doe-
but nine times out of ten ho hasn'l
boon there. And when lie tolls her the
truth , she thinks ho hiu been somewhere
else anyhow.
The HOHN li
Burdollo : "And so Tom has go
home from college , Mr. Higboo ? J un
derstand ho is quite a linguist. "
'lie's the boss linguist , " remarkoe
old Bigbeo , but not proudly. "Ho
lingers down town till " rtVUn'k In the
morning , nnd ho 'lingers lit bed till
noon , and ho lingers at the table long
iftor everybody OMO has gone away
foundered , and there Is going to bo a
reform in this linguist business , or
you'll hear of a case of felo-de-se' In this
family by wearing of a voung man out
with a hickory gad , " and the * old man
looked rocofute" , then me'lted Into
thoughltulnes's and said that was the
first Greek he had u-cd In thirty jears ,
sinccd ho clerked In a drug storo. nnd
studied the old masters on the botllcs
ami jars.
The beauteous night fell o'er us like n mist ,
Through which I saw the glory of her
e.cs .
Unspoken pain within their sombre depths ,
Like stormy se-as sleeping 'neath stoimy
skies ,
By stars nnk ! scd.
I saw the rlustcrcel brightness of her hair ,
A red-gold halo round her wearied fae-e ,
Where.1 one e-ould rend , in dreamy lips and
eyes ,
That sorrow's hand had left Its blighting
trace )
Forever there.
I pleaded of my love , but all in vain ;
She only gazed into the dim afar ,
A hunted look within her elusky eyes ,
Fixed on the swift , bright falling of a star ,
In silent pain.
'Tell me , " I cried , while lowly nt her feet ,
I told the longing of my throbbing lourt | :
'What is this cloud that o'er your jouujj life
leans I
Can I of Its deep anguish bear no part ,
No bunion sweet ! "
She spoke no word to me , but drew her hood
Of filmy lace from oft her red gold hair ,
And pointed , with a white and shuddering
hand ,
Across the gray nnd dusky dark to where
A white horse stood 1
Out of Order.
Detroit Free Press : Colonel Parnllno
Daw had been moving about in an un
easy manner for some time , nnd ho now
l > opped up and offered Iho following
resolution :
Ueseilved , Dat no man worthy of do
name of an American will submit to do
tyrant's hcol.
"Brndder Daw , " replied the presi
dent , after a painful silence , "did you
ebor see a tyrant ? "
"No. sail. "
"What do you mean by de tyrant's
heel ? "
"I I dim no , sah. "
"What's do objlek of dal resolushun ? "
"I jist wanted tor interduco it.1'
"Oh , you didl Brudder Daw , do
quicker you kin sot down de heaUbierit
will bo fur youj But fur do fact dal you
am a comparatively new member , an'
um down on de rolls marked 'harmless , '
I should flue you seven or eight thou
sand dollars. You has probably been
made the inslrumont of some member
who has owed his butcher fur a y'ar
pasl an' been dunned fur it. De resolu
shun ar' dcclar'd outer order.
He Made a Keport.
Detroit Free Press : A citi/en of blow
slop and melancholy look entered the
Woodbridgostrool stalion Ihe other day
and said he woulel like to make a re
"Ou what ? " queried the sorgean t.
"On a matlor which happened at my
house an hour age ) . "
'Very woll. "
' I had a loaded revolver lying on a
shelf in the clocl , " continued the man.
"Got that down ? "
"Yes. "
"My wife's mother , who has boon liv
ing with us for a year past , \vont into
the closet to look after something.1
"Ah ! She did ? I see ! "
"Anil in p.vwing around on the shelf
she knocked the revolver to the floor. "
"Just like a woman. It wasoxploded ,
of course ? "
"Yes , sir. "
"And the bullet entered her leg ? "
"No , sir. "
"Horanklo ? "
"No , sir. "
"Wonl into her foot , then ? "
"No , sir , it never touched her at
all. "
"It didn't. Well , that's very queer.
What did you want to report about it ? "
"Why , , that it never touched her. 1
can't understand it. "
The sergeant laid down his pen and
looked at the man a long time. Then
ho rose and look him 'by the arm ami
walked him out doors and headed him
down the street.
"Can'thelp it , " said the man ns ho
buttoned his coal , "that bullet never
touched her and I can walk her down
bore to prove it. "
Hho Will Wnnt n Change.
"Maria , , " said Mr. Wipedunks , ns ho
ciuno in and throw u folded document
on the table , "I have just insured my
life for $ o,000 in year favor. There is
the policy. "
"Thank you. Ulinkcrson , " said Mrs.
Wipodunks. "I hope it may bo many
years before it will be of any use to mo ,
if over. "
"It will bo of much use to you if
you wish to marry again , " ho growled.
"With $5,000 in cash you can pick out
almost any fool you like. "
"No , Ulinkor.son , " bho replied , alToc-
tionatoly , "I think I should want a
change next time.
A Hulitlc Scheme.
Boston Transcript : "Is Charley
wailing on you or Mis Sniilh ? Excuse
mo for nuking mieha question , tout foi
the life ) ot mu t can't initko out whosa
boiui hu is. " " \Vull , te ) toll the Irtith ,
neither e-iui I. Charley H lUtlo
lieklo , ilnil ho is like most men , who ,
e'hlliii-eMt of iv largo growth , esteem
what they have not rather than what
they lutvo. I've an ieleir 1 gne-t.3 I'll lot
him marry Miss Smith , iiiiii then ho'il
always think the world of inc. "
Intuition , Not CoiiNi'lonee.
Uurdutto : "Did you never think , "
naki'd the ehaiilain , "did there never
e-omo to you a eoniellon , in your sinful
lifo of rohht'i-y , that you were doing
wrong'/1' ' 'Ofton , therei did boss , " ro-
nlied the burglar half-nay , roth-eel ,
' 'many a time it has flashed on mo when
1 was' in the nursery , whom the tlrst
Hash of a bullV-oyo would waken lialf u
( lo..en howling kids , whem I ought to bo
in the old man's bed-rojm n-akinln' his
trousers and goln' through tho1 wardrobe -
robe and btirenu drawers regular. Oh ,
yes. I've often felt asl wn doin' wronir.
Hut" apologolically ' 'that was when t
L'recii mind at the business , don't you
Know. "
To effee-tiiiilly punish nn liullnn wit htm to
No wintheuhas appeared yet nblo to frecto
n brass liuini.
An nwkwiml waller frequently plays the
deuce ) with ttio trny ,
Mexican laborers pot 2(1 ( cents n day anil wo
sincerely hope they earn It.
An expensive ) pievo nf sculpture ) of any
liotiso is tUo "bust" ot n water pipe.
Is there any euro for snoringi nsks an In-
qurier. Yes ; marry u woman with n temper.
The proprietor of a new Florida hotel in
iiinnod Cut. Hut Ills rules ni-o not numo-
It nniy take n thief to entrh n thief , but the
fne-t is n bad slant on thu well-meaning po
The niljectivo is the bustle of literature tv
deformity lather than un ornament gener
ally useless ,
The unselfish sex. He ( ardently ) "I'd
give a million dollars to win jour love , Aile-
lalae. " Shu "CashI"
Of all the vlec in the world respeetablo
viee is the worst. And how black it does
look when It's fomid out.
" 1 am ple.vsed to learn , " writes Senator
Ingulls , concerning the ! recent fire , "Unit tlio
neighbors saved the well. "
When Dakota bevomes n state It will doubt
less admit UM its e-ont of arms an ear iiuiffcou-
ehiint und n shiver rampant.
In tratliu' mules de man w'nt doun put n
little fringe nn' u few buttons on do truf gits
n IKI' bargain in iinimnl or boot.
The Transcript speaks of the turtle ns tak
ing a "lending piirt ut dinners , " We thought
he generally nppeare'd ns n snpe.
A e'orrespomlent imiulres if the reason that
so many eor | > oratoiis ! are on their uppers
nowadays is because they have no soles.
If the pen is really mightier than the
sword , wo wonder why it doesn't turn on
some of the poets unit stub them to death.
Lndy "There ! for the first time your bill
is rensonnblo. " Florist ( excitedly ) "Quick 1
Let me see 1 I must Imvo made u mistake. "
Sometimes it is hard to tell whether a man
is lirm hi piinuiplo or simply obstinate , but
the iniin.hlinsclf never oxpi esses any eloubt.
Physician's wife How is the walking out
dear ! J'liysiciun lieiintiful
to-ihiy , my ,
beautiful 1 the pavements are one glare of
ice !
Heal estate is so high nt Wichita , Kansas ,
that bootblacks , it is said , will give you n
"shino" und pay you n dollar fer tha mud on
your boots.
A great university in Chicago Is promised
by ono of the city's millionaires. Of course ,
hog Lilt in will be included among the clas
sical studies ,
The kind of reed bird wo get at present in
most of tlio city restaurants will Bland up em
the toast nnd cry "chestnut , " if you say
"keep off the grass ? " to them.
Wo don't know whether to bcllnve thostory
that Mr. Howells replied to n persnn who
asked for a list of the best hundred books :
"I have not written n hundred books. "
Twenty-threes members of the present con
gress claim lo Imvo been newspaper men at
some Htngo of their development inte ) states
men. That is how the profession gets its bud
The Spectator gives as a good example of
nn Irish bull the "celebrated remark of tlio
man \ylio nsscrted that the state of affairs
was 'enough to muko n man commit suicide ,
or pcilsh in the attempt.1"
.Judge What is your unmet Witness
Matilda Flanders. Judge Where do you
live I Witness See here. * jeiige , 1 ain't
hero to bo insulted. I bed that air masher
run in for iixin' mo that wery sumo question.
When It is thirty-eight degrees below nt
St. Paul , it is just cold enough to harden up
the rose buds and get 'cm ' in good shape for
spring. If you doubt this , write to any rout
estate dealer in the city , or consult the St.
Pnul papers.
Ono wntorvillo lady expressed a great deal
of anxiety ever thu result of the vote on the
charter question. When asked her reasons
hho replied : "I don't want Wutervlllo to bo-
t-oina n city because they suy cities ure very
unhcnlthful places to live In. "
When Landseer , the great animal painter ,
was introduced to the king of Portugal , the
I lull or , whoso knowledge of English was
sti icily limited , welcomed him with , "I am
1 delighted to muku your acquaintance1 , Mr.
Landseor I mil so fnml of bcusts. "
| A Kentucky man who was on his way to
i Niagara Falls , nnd got laid over by uu
accident , tolcgruuhcd on to see if thu falls
operated on Sunday the same us other days.
Ho was much gratified when informed that
busine'ss continued right ulong every day in
I the year.
I Citi/en You look thoughtful , Unelo Uas-
tus. Unrlo llastus--Yes , sah. Isogot wmio
ilmuieiorin' business on ban' . Ynso hoerd
I ob dcso different trusts , hnhhent yo' ?
Citl/on Yes. Uncle Hnstiis Well , IBO
gwine down to Iho grocer's fo' tor negotlulo
fo' er 'stablishtn' ob a codfish trust.
Who is WE AH , HMJtVOUa or l..l..i > . uc
in nn HOUR OF FOOLISHNESS MH trilled away lls STRENGTH.
liis Mind , Unstrung his Nerves or sappul his SEXUAL
STRENGTH and who now llmls hlmsnlf Hum-rftTplroS
fjnjygry Middle-aged and Old Man 3
\\ho finds I'OWJ'.K nnd VITALITY , XKRVn and
KUXUAI HTllVltOTlf , CAI'Aain'nnil rJllILItX
FciiHlhlyvonkrncil. . WHETHER BY EXCESS OR NOT. nr who
litmnolf abashed unit nslmmecl of ( ill UllJLDlSll
WVAKHVHS , can linvo a luting oaf
Jill a few it'icks or Minnf/i * UK * af the
niscoTPror and Orlslnatnr of thin Mf Hiod.
burgron lo I'Hotil I'lru. ' GIVIftLE TREATMENT Midi and ether Hotaltuii'
I\irlMi Mtmbcr of the ' VcncA lca < i.inif , .
cf Aitdidne. < te. ; < tv.'n"f" uiiAJii'u , itrjtiifttixii , nuuit , i-ozjit/vx AND
TIltllilTY nro rapidly restored nnd every Nsrve , Fillip , anil TlMim of the licdy nnd of the
no N-vr8iors : iiHiinniNa-Nn roiMiot > F.i > | Kin.TS.
hlOM Ve-ll" , 1 > 1AINH ANl > I. < > HiHl'HO.Ml''l I.V O III I ,
K I Ill'l-rit AUBOI.IITK tIKIII'AIM Y , M ) PI I-'A 51
< llJIi.H > ltK I IIIIIEUT MI.IHOA'I lllVl Mlril\ > _
JtOU.Nll.AIIOUT MtAMLIlLH , I'llOMl'l lit. | AllhOl.Ul Ii I
Thcsu O UICK , PAINLESS and GEIITA romedloa am now the Btnmhnl adopted treatment la
Every physician and patient whn 1ms used them rpoak'l
in thu IiUhvbt terms of them nml recommends thuin tel ANLY VIGOR
others na the greatest kuonn Jlcstorattvct o/ |
3\F / . ItTtTEP 3 > fI3TiT nrnl will flml In this cn-al < li coery of 1'ror. Jrtu Crvut a ,
tS fHim * an ' i'f . . n r v fjrcMpst ppecl/ilht. a CKltTAIN ML'Alf.l of ( iAl
Twenty Yeart Extentlve Trial his only served to Fix and Widen Iha great reputation ol Prof. Clvlalo'i Method.
Arciu'7 , we ( tiGulldcemouriKlrMiiioru than cullty were we to uturavord or < nilortomrnt , * c. This theory
pi nctUuof medicine. ai unelniUxl tr Prof. Cituuc , linn iMlronUiro onn tf rrthlna knnwn for tlilirlui ol dlu-nwn ,
and Inlt nuinj a m-rrelo i > outh itnil Impotent man will nnd Imilth anil horn ntu. .V , V. Trttntni Kt\irmtr , July tt.
hiualtlnu nt l-rof. Ji-uii tltlulfxm nu * u folluwm "At n verr ( arlrnee.wlillanpup linpuytrcn.ot tb *
Jlcltl Uliulnlttrti. M attention u u'd to have lift-ncilM to Mi future iliwoTiry mi'lulUr ' many luirn ct i r
rcranco he succt-edeit In j-rfrrtni ! and Intrmluclmrlt in ll.e neitlral rrc.frtiHon , Ac. f | Io vu thn
toaol.crijl uteral tieneratloniof ntholrlntuu. Uxnmon mrnitwrof ilmilbDIVAL ACADEMY ana au ctlliot nt
thu I-cflon of Honor. " Afplttm't Ettrmlijtdla. IV. u' , njn e unit 8.
W cm only Bay that we rarouttfy hop * for Ilia " > V ot In wh Uxllul Bclrneeehit tli * nccew of ttww
rcmrdluwlll he u k'n-at In America ai It h IHM-II In I'nuira- unuttt ilei Hop IIIUT , Junt , IStZ.
W u rliltod N w York In | vr on and found thnt Iho clrlili * Remedial AKencjr and nurRooni , wlu eu wl for IU 11 would IM dlBcult tu Ulid i O.CA
Complete ? Ir ltcnl Work FIIKK. Upon receipt of 4 cin. In eUmT w vrlllnenil to ny tdilmi ,
courrly ulvilt cap ? of our iplenillil 40 vas" treatise , glvliiK tire Nature , Cause * , I'ttliplouj aud
Treatment of BpernmtoirUu-i. Impoteucy and Urluirr Uioeaaci , vrlth cuJorbcmeuti , Uatlmoulali , 4o. A.U
Cout mil n lent ItiniiluvloUliljrCiiii fill Kiit I ul.
ff Proa Consultation by Mall , or in porion , with full couialttng Hoard of Regular FhjrslcUnf .
Alii agcnt3fortlia IIOM celulirattil JUattte KelfA < t-
ntdiu/.uiil ( llnw-l'ltttnii Vnntlo Cotniircmor VARICOCELE
{ it the lluplJ , rAlN.l > H aud I'KKFI'.OT VVIiK > '
Address , OIVTALE BEBCEDIAL AGENCY , 178 Fulton Bt. , New