Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 05, 1888, Image 1

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Revelations Made By the Police
Make London People Nervous.
Nothing to Prevent Blowing Up the
House of Commons.
Enormous Quantities of Explosives
Stored in the City.
BcurrH of DrtecllvcH In livery Oarh
On the Watch For SiiHplclotiH
I/ookliitf Men and Parcels
The Coming Commons.
Fearful of K.\pl < > HlvcH.
[ C jijrfuilSM11.Awirii'ionftm / / / / flcmi < f ( , |
L.OVDON , I-eb. I. [ New York Herald
Cable Special to the liiK. : ] The revela
tions ] ust made public by the police will
render some people very nervous. Two al
leged dynamiters have been convicted , but
others are known to be nt largo und n tin box
containing enough explosives to blow up the
entire house of parliament were In thcj pos
session , The convicted persons were in
debted to Joseph Nolan for getting
admission to the house of commons. Once be
fore it was proved that u man who
proposed to throw a bomb from the gallery
upon the floor of the house had no difficulty
in obtaining entrance , and this gives the
authorities some uneasiness. Joseph Nolan
is a member for south and an ardent nation
alist , not n frequent speaker in the house.
Ho declaics that Callan und Hnrkins were
htrungcrs to him and that ho got them orders
out of mere courtcsj. Nothing is more
common than for u member to procure orders
for persons of whom they know absolutely
nothing. The stranger may be a harmless
constituent or may have n pound or two of dy
namite In his coat pocket. Restrictions have
been placed on the Issue of orders und they
will certainly not bo relaxed now that u tin
box Is lying around Rouiewhcre nnd some
night it may find its way into St. Stephens
nnd send all concerned into the nlr.
Beneath the house of commons there is n
chamber which affords ample scope for mis
chief could any member of a modern Guy
Fuwkes gang get ncross the ground floor ,
which separates this chamber from the
house. As Percy the "I'cntllutor , " as pcoplo
call him , is in charge of the fateful vault , ho
will show u friend over it occasionally , but
has n keener scent than Joseph Nolan
for u dynamiter. I could not ndviso
the pcoplo who want to blow us all up to up-
ply to the doctor , still if his domain ever did
fall into the hands of the enemy nothing
could prevent our arms and legs living around
the top of the clock tower. This trial
will give the police an anxious session. The
total stuff employed in und about the two
houses Is ISO men. They cost the country nt
the rate of about .l'17XXIu , ( year during the
session , but less during the recess. Vigilant
us the force may be , It cunnot prevent evil-
dis | owd persons from going into the lobbies
under pretense of nsklng for members , und
opportunities for mischief must always' bo
plentiful , though risky.
When Hnrcourt was Irish secretary ho hud
detectives following him , even in the lobbies.
Hnlfour leaves his at the door. He is be
lieved to bo a pluckier man than Hurcourt ,
but his nerves have not been tried yt. Tlio
awkward time is Just comingon.
Some of the police say privately that nn
enormous quantity of dynamite hus been
Btaggcd into London. They know where a
peed deul of it Is ut this moment , but they
leave the bird lime till they sco the bird stickIng -
Ing to it. It is ono thing to bring dynamite
to London , another to convoy it to the right
spot. Every hotel , every lodging house ,
every place where n stranger could find a
bed , Is under survellunce. The dynamite
agents are known. The special staff of
detectives huvo become expert in recognizing
mid watching the mysterious strangers from
America. Sometimes they make u mistake
nnd shadow the wrong person. They did BO
the other day with n well-known New
"Find out the real man , " said my friend ,
cheerily , "and I'll forgive you. "
The detectives boned und went on
their way sadder and wiser
men. The whole precincts of both
houses nro now thoroughly searched every
day. The Thames police row up and down
In front of the parliament terrace. Country
men stand gaping up ut the clock or peer in
nt the iron gates. Workmen with their
baskets of tools over their shoulders walk un
concernedly by. These , are all mostly do-
toctlvcs on the lookout for enterprising dyna
This little interlude prepares the way for
the rising of the parliamentary curtain next
Thursday. A tremendous gathering will as-
scmblo to greet Gladstone on Monday , but
lie will not say very much. His programme
will bo nartly revealed In the debute on the
millrisi. The Imprisonment of Irish mem
bers forms l > Is main ground of attack.
Doric * , of Vanity Fair , says the government i-
ment Intend asking parliament for a vote of
credit und uro getting ready for war. The
ministry uro not'going to give themselves egivgiously as that. They will press
on their oproccduro nnd wult for further
actions till the scheme of tliu opposi ' "
tion is disclosed. One day ut IcaM
of rest Is before us , although to say the truth
Bundny is now becoming a great day for as "
semblages in political and fashionable sa -
lons. There are still half a down very clover
political ladies In London , like Mrs. Jcunc
and Lady Dorothy Neville. In their house s
politicians are met every day and hear every' '
II it actually possible that O'Urici n
might thcro run against Hnlfour. Lord
Honghlon used to bring all the animals to
gether in the same ark Just in the same
way. Other | > olltlcul bosses are more secret
und moro select. Then there nro dinners ut
night nnd the Grosvenor gallery club , where
to-morrow night thcro will bo n shindy over
the election of odlcers , followed by n selec
tion of music , for the members know how to
mingle pleasure with business.
The picture said to bo by Hogarth , not ex
hibited to the public , will nlso bo again on
view. It Is a coarse caricature of Jnmc * the
Second This gullcry club Is nil the rage on
Sunday night , but ladies uro not admitted ,
Tlio entertainments uro proper and even
dull , but the members insist on smoking ,
hence ladles are excused.
Soon I hear a very select club of nil the
tip-top swells Is to bo formed of one hundred
members , the only annual subscription being
n hundred guineas each , with no entrance
fee. That will take , for there would be n
tremendous rush to get in a reallv exclusive
club kept closed except to the
class for which it was established. It would
bo n novelty , but u hundred guinea club
would soon full under the control of the
gentry , who hnvo "Htruek oil , " and the blue
blooded would once moro bo out in the cold.
How club after club has fallen into the
bunds of the Philistines would bo nn inter
esting story to rolute , but one duro not.
Comments of the Home Itulc "Star"
on the Cam ; .
[ CniihtbiW ] | / ( { / / fiy Jainc * tlanliin Dennett. |
LONDON' , Feb. 4. [ Now York Herald Cable
Special to the BIE. : ! The morning , evening -
ing und weekly press Is unanimous in agree
ing to the convictions of Callan und Hurklns.
Even the radicals , und the Homo Hulu Star ,
conducted by T. P. O'Connor , draw
this moral : "If thcso men hud suc
ceeded in their purpose it is far
moro probable they would have killed
moro friends than enemies to Ireland.
The musses of the English pcoplo are on our
side. JA bomb thrown in any part of Eng-
un or Wales or Scotland whore tlio workIng -
Ing classes dwell would in nine cases out of
ten destroy a'man or woman who sympathizes
us strongly ns uny Irishman or Irishwoman
with the sufferings nnd hopes of Ireland.
Meantime , what uro wo to say of the atro
cious suggestion of lying Journals which op
pose the union of the democracy that the Irish
members were privy to these plots I The crown
advices know as well as every ono else that
everymcmbcrof parliament , English , Scotch
and Irish" , is nightly besieged by visitors
from every corner of the glebe whom ho
never saw before and never wants to see
again. But , in the eyes of torylsm , any stick
is good enough to beat an Irish member
with. "
Ono of the Impost Transfers Ever
Made in TCMIH.
IvAjcins CITV , Mo. , Feb. -Special [ Tele
gram to tlio'BuK. ] S. U. Moore , of Kansas
City , and Charles poodnight , the Texas cat
tle king , have purchased the well known
Quitequu ranch , located in tha Panhandle
district of Texas , paying JTOO.OOO. . This is
the most important out nnd out purchase of
ranch property that has been made for many
years und tno property secured is looked
upon us the finest in the stnto of Texas. The
greater portion of the land WHS
purchased from Mrs. James A. Adulr
of Ireland , although ono or two citizens of
Texas also figured on the ownership. The
entire ranch contains 44 , " > ,000 acres of grazing
hind , nil under fence. Of this land IfiO.OUO
acres was bought outrijjht , tbo remainder ,
2' > T > ,000 acres , being hold by the purchasers on
u flvo year lease from the state of Texas. It
is also announced that Mr. Goodnight , who is
the largest individual cattle owner in Texas ,
bus sold his immense ranch at Suludora. The
consideration is not stated.
Packing IfoiiHo Knijiloycs Organizing.
CIIICAOO , Feb. 4. The flrst step towards
organising a national district assembly of
packing house employes will bo taken hero
to-morrow , the meeting to bo held ut the
stock yards. The plans have been decided
upon nnd the general executive board of the
Knights of Labor asked for a charter. The
men in Kunsas City , Omaha , Minneapolis ,
Dubuque , Cedar Kapids and till other iwints
where packing houses uro located , will fol
low the action of the Chicago men und In n
short time u convention of all will be held
when national district will bo formally or
ganized. This | is the Initiatory step for un
eight hour day.
Will Not liaise Miners' Wages- .
Wli.KKsnuiE , Pa. , Feb. 4. The oMccrs of
the Lchigh & Wllkcsbaro Coal company , the
Dcluwaro & Hudson Coal company , the Hill-
mnnvcln company , the Susquchunnu Coul
company and the Red Ash Coal company , the
principal operators In Wyoming valley , em
phatically declare they will not grant u 15 pel-
cent advance to miners ut this time. They
say they uro paying nil they can afford ut
present. There is no possibility of n strike
here , us the miners uro opposed to such a
\ Copper Mlno leaned.
CIIKVKSSE , Wyo. , Feb. 4. [ Special Tele
gram to the Hun. ] A deul was consum-
muted hero to-duy by which Muthiason Bros. ,
u firm of English bankers , acquire a five
years lease of tlio Sunrise copper mine and
smelter nt Hartville , this county. The works ,
which have been idle for some time , will bo
opened ut onco. The smelter will bo started
in two weeks. The mines are valuable , but
have not been worksd heretofore on account
of the luck of railway facilities , which uro
now supplied by the Cheyenne & Northern.
Defended His Slster-ln-Ijaw.
Loxnox , Feb. 4. A well known society
man , Major Kihlaro Burrows , was charged
in court to-day with assaulting Lord Howard
de Wuldcn. Burrows stated that ho acted
in defense of his blstcr-ln-law , Ludy dc
Wuldcn , who was seriously ill ; that Lord do
Wnldcn , while drunk , tried to force his wuy
into his wife's rooms , and in thu fight that
ensued between De Wnldcn und himself the
former wus hurt. Burrows was remanded.
Henry George On Fron Trade.
WASHINGTON , Feb. -Henry George lee
tured hero to-uight on "Protection und Frco
Trade" for the benefit of the alumni association -
tion of Howard university. Ho hinted he
would not run for the presidency next year
if the free tiadc issue were clearly drawn
between the two dominant parties ,
liobltylng For the
PAIIIS , Feb. 4. Agents of the Panama
Canal company are negotiating with the dep
uties of the right for the promotion of the
bill allowing ( he Issue of the lottery loan of
775,000,000 francs.
arls Stupoflod By the Austro-Gor-
man Treaty Revelation.
But They Recover After Closely Ex
amining the Document.
The Latter Accepts the Invitation
to the Frenchman's Dinner.
" 'allure ' of a French Opera , Ilallct
and All A Scare IluUcd Over
Forced Ittink Notes
1'arlH News.
Thnt Treaty Kevclatlon.
[ fopyrftf/it / tfSS lin Jinnen ( lunlon Itcnnttt. ] '
PAWS , Feb. 4. [ New York Herald Cable-
Special to the HnK.1 The revelation of the
L'ontcnts of the Austro-German treaty fairly
stupefied Paris to-day. The audacity of the
revelation was startling , and it seemed at
llrst as though it might have such tremendous
consequences Unit politiciunsnnd diplomatists
ivho had not been warned of the coming of
ho coup Jo theater held their breaths und
gasped while they read the documents. The
flrst effect of the news on the bourse was
depression. Three per cent rentes went
ilown 40 centimes. Happily little business
ivasdono on Saturday. When the treaty
was rc-cxauiincd In cold blood , however ,
Paris saw it readily meant not instant war ,
but probable peace for a year or two.
One condition has been shown , that
Franco herself wants peace und will
not bo tempted across the swamps und
sloughs by the alluring prospect of a Russian
alliance. Hut docs she want peace I She is
sure .of Russia's friendship now. A few
r-ears later she might bo less sure. The rce-
oncillution mauo by Mohrcnhim nnd
Floquet is worth nothihi ; as a symp-
om of Russia's eagerness at this
noincnt to come to an understanding
with Franco. Two days ago Mohrcnhcim
accepted Floquct's invitation to dinner. Flo-
liict , to bo sure , mudo overtures which
brought about the reconciliation , though nt
flrst it was stated that the advance came
from Mohrenhcim. Hut , at uny other time ,
his sweetest smiles would have been met by
snubs. The dinner will not bo nn ordinary
dinner. The president of the republic him
self named the date of the banquet and prom
ised to attend with Mmo. Carnot. All the
ambassadors and ministers will bo Invited.
Nothing will bo loft undone to give solemnity
to what , ' under ordinary circumstances ,
would bo merely a patching up of a not ter
rible important quarrel.
Floquet's ' desertion of Holland has improved
his chances of being premier , but his prompt
ness of crying "Vivo la Russia Monsieur
C/ar" has brought n ton of chaff upon his
head. In the chamber of deputies yesterday
Cassagnau made nasty personal remarks
about it.
The president of the chamber proudly an
swered : "Your attacks don't touch mo. I
am above them. You call yourself u noble
man , I suppose. Where's your politeness ! "
This was hitting Paul In a tender place.
His usual readiness of repartee forsook him.
He muttered :
"You will have to nsk pardon for that. "
As the witty man of the Herald's European
edition remarks : "Salvayro's new opera
'La Dame Monnsrcan , ' which was produced
the other night ut the opera house ,
would be an immense success
but for the music nnd libretto. "
Ho might hnvo udded : "But for the singers ,
who , with the exceptions of Dctmas. the
Duma Monsorcau , nnd Jean do Rcszki , tenor ,
whoso sweet , well-trained voice was heard
to great advantage In the part of Hussy , the
Dame do Monsorcnu's heroic lover , the cast
was heartrending. For the music , it is weak ,
wandering , suggestive of declining inspira
tion nnd confusion which comes of
too closely studying the works of onft's
contemplation. The ballet , the usually
redeeming point , was the worst. The French
opera is n failure. The spectacular effects of
the opera , however , were marvellous , es
pecially one tableau with u procession of
mounted knights , priests , nuns , monks , sol
diers nnd workmen.
A scare has been raised in Paris over the
Issno of forged money and bank notes. It is
stated the Bankgf Franco Is anxious about
a number of false notes in circulation Some
of these have been so cleverly arranged that
the most experienced cashiers are unublo to
detect the fnlsa paper. The scandal has
reached such propoi tions that the bank has an
nounced that any manifestly fraudulent bank
notes will not bo cashed without reference to
the sub-governor.
The fierce frost and snow of the last few
days has been succeeded by damp , which has
once more ruined the hopes of would-be
skater * . The streets uro filled with thick ,
brown slush , and loungers have u rare treat
watching the pretty midircttcs , as they now
call the little work girls , stepping across the
boulevards on the way to their raid-day
flu Sails For the United Htatcs on the
[ G > n/rfi//t ; / / { SKJltuJatntiGnnlun Bennttt. }
LIVKKI-OOI. , Feb. 4. [ New York Herald
Cable Special to the UEIS. ! Rudolph Arn-
son vailed to-day by the Etrurla. In addition
to what he t jd the Herald correspondent in
London , as already cabled hut week , ho said
on the tender that when ho produces "NudJI , "
Its composer , Chassaignc , will come to Now
York to conduct. Also that ho has bought
the right , of an opera by Offenbach , little
, tv wliUh Gilbert , bdyrg bo became.
. -
so famous , wrote nn English libretto. Am-
son congratulated 'tho Herald on
having discovered Victoria Moroslnl ,
whom ho had befriended by giving
her musical employment Carl Rosa's com
pany has been doing great business here. Ho
has produced the opera "Galatea" with
Marie Jloze as the heroine , who poses in It as
wcetly as she sings } also "Massanlllo" with
great scenic effect , nnd next Wednesday ,
, vlth gorgeous appointments , is to bo pro-
.ented . Meyerbeer's ' 'Robert" ' the title role
iy Runclo nnd Isabella 'by Georgia Hums.
iVnson nmdo ono of the audience last night at
Josa's court theater , as did several passen
gers who awaited the Ktrurla's sailing.
The great Liverpool sensation , however ,
ivus the burning last night in Urnmbley
loore dock of the American ship Thomas M.
Jcld , belonging to Arthur Scwcll & Co. , Hath ,
To. , Captain Work. She had Just been over
hauled in Graving dock nt a cost of (5,000 and
ivus laden with 2,000 tons of coal for the San
Ynncisco gas works. The vessel was totally
destroyed und presented a magnificent sight ,
ho ( lames wreathing the topmasts and the
liold was ono vast furnacoof blazing bltumln-
us coal. The cause is-believed to bo sponta-
icons combustion ,
They Arc to Form a Htatc league In
Sriiixnriiii.n , 111. , Feb. 4. An ofllclal call
ivns jssued this evening for a convention of
nil republican clubs { n the state of Illinois to
Assemble in Springfield March S nnd 9.
Each of the permanently organized repub-
lean clubs throughout the state , and uny
that shall be organized prior to the date of
the convention , arc requested to select six
delegates to represent , the club in the conven
tion. The president of each club is ulso en
titled to u scut asa delegate. Each
club delegation is to cast but ono vote. In
these districts where there are no club or
ganizations republicans are urged to form
them nt once and elect delegates. The ob
ject of holding the convention is to encour
age und assist in the formation of republican
clubs , to unite such clubs by the formation
of a league for the state of Illinois nnd to
generally advance the principles of
the republican party. The convention
shall not name , recommend , or nominate
any candidate for ofllco. It is important that
clubs send ut once the names of delegates
and members to the executive committee of
tlio national league 'at Springfield. The call
is signed by D. Hurry Hammer , of Chicago ,
vice-president for lUiu'ols of the Republican
Leugue of the United States , William Tracy ,
of Springfield , member of the executive com
mittee for Illinois , and a lurgo number of
republican clubs throughout the state.
Horrible Discovery in a Negro'8 Cabin
In Georgia.
MACOX , Ga. , Fob. 4. In Uukcr county n
young man went to the house of Amos Grant ,
a colored farmer , and finding all quiet and
the house closed , looked around for the cnuso
and found the body of Grunt hanging from u
rope thrown over u projecting Joist in "tho
rear of the house" f-sido : ho found Mrs.
Grant's body in bed , her head crushed to a
Jelly. On the floor wad the body of Grant's
wife's sister and Grunt's
fifteen-year-old son.
The theory is that Grant brained all while
they slept and then committed suicide.
A Tough Trio'Msnn , Neb , , Feb. 4. [ Special to the
BEI ; . ] Yesterday afternoon the city marshal
arrested three boys , twelve , fourteen nnd
sixteen years old , lor burglary ut Sterling
und Vesta. They hud in their possession
revolvers , cartridges , knives und silk hand
kerchiefs , amounting in value to about 670.
The goods were readily identified by the
owners. While the boys were nt the freight
depot yards hero they gathered a lot of waste
nnd put it in ono corner of u freight car Und
set it on fire to warm themselves nnd then
left the cur to burn up. They uro now in jud.
Six Children isnrned to Death.
COI.U.MWA , S. C. , Feb. 4. Six children of
Lester Slnglctary , a colored man of Claren
don county , were burned to death Thursday
night. The parents locked them up in the
house about 7 o'clock und went off to u negro
church where u religious revival was in
progress. During Ithcir absence the house
caught fire and wns burned to the ground , the
six cnlldren perishing in the flames ,
YOIIHK HopkinH Arrested ,
CINCINNATI , Fob' ' 4. Charles Hopkins , son
of Benjamin Hopkins , was arrested to-day
shortly after his father had been found
guilty , und is now in 'a cell in the Htution
house charged with adultery with Mrs.
Albert Butler , of Columbus. Ho deserted
his wife on Monduyr
A Kansas City Sensation.
KANSAS CITV , Feb. , 4. [ Special Telegram to
the BEE. ] J. P. Washburn , a business man
of this city charged with theft nnd receiving
stolen goods , fulled to appear when his case
was culled In the criminal court this morning
and the investigation developed that ho hail
fled. Washburn was well known here and
his flight has created quite u sensation.
The Knw Ice Gorge Breaking-
KAXS\S CITV , Mb. , Feb. 4. [ Spcciul Tele
gram to the BKC. ] The ice gorge in the Kiw
is gradually melting > 4 y > and all danger
from that souco is now averted. Work has
been resumed on the piers of the Rock Islam :
bridge. *
"Will Tempt tlio liloiiB Again.
Dum.i.v , Feb. 4. It If now stated that the
Injuries of Mile. Scncidw , who was attackec
By a lion with which stb was performing this
afternoon , uro not of ji'-aerious nuturo. She
hus offered to appear again to-night and re
peat the exhibition with the lions ,
' -
The Di tlSt-Kecor < I.
WAsiuxaiox , Feb. 4i-iOtto P. Clarke , ox
commissioner of pensions , who was stricken
with paralysis last Tuesday evening , died this
morning. Major CUrko succeeded Commis
sioner Dudly and was succeeded by Gencru
Loxnox , Feb. 4. ' SlfHcnry JumesSumner
Maine , the eminent" writer on legal subjects ,
died at Cannes.
Four Men Fatally Dnrncd.
Wn.KKSiuniiK , Pa. , Fob. 4. A terrific ex
plosion of mine gus occurred to-night ut Slope
No. 1 ut Nunticoko , Four men ) vero fatally
burned , namely , David Evans , John Grlfilth
Joe Dlber und Anthony Mllaski.
Will Not do to liuffalo.
WADIII.NOTOX , Feb. 4. Mrs. Cleveland
has decided no to go to Boston to attend the
funeral of her uncle. Klior has abandonee
the reception which she bad announced for
this afternoon.
( _
National Capital Note * .
WANIIIXGTOV , Feb. 4. The bill to Incor
porute the Nicaragua Canal' company ha'
been icf erred b.y the house committee 01
commerce to a sub-committee.
News Which Interested the Amor-
lean Colony In Germany.
Vice Consul Murphy , of Chemnitz ,
Makes a Runaway Match.
Faust As It IB Portrayed On the
German Boards.
All Over-Head WircH at the Capital
to He Placed Under Ground
Lots of IntcrcHting Ger
man. Gossip.
From the German Capital.
ICupi/t liM ; ltt.s ! m Jamr * Onnluntcimclf.l , Feb. 4. [ New York Herald
! able Special to the BEE. ] The American
olony has hud this week an unusual amount
of nioro or less interesting news. Indlunnpo-
is people have been much interested in the
allotment to Bruno Schmidt , the Berlli
architect , of the prize for the best design In
.be Indianapolis soldiers' monument compe-
.itlon. Schmidt pulls to.duy to nrrungo for
nn immediate commencement of the monu-
ncnt nccording to his design. About 100,000 ,
iiivo been already raised and the site selected
s the finest in the city. Schmidt was a little
startled at the American quickness with
vhich the contract was awarded to him. All
ho preliminaries were arranged by cable.
His design is for a 2M feet square
tower supporting a bronze figure
which holds nloft an electric
Mil expected to bo high enough to light a
arge part of the city. Tlio Italian Victor
Emanuel memorial is the best known previ
ous example of Schmidt's work.
Another section of the colony has been
equally interested in the elopement of Vice
Consul G. H. Murphy , of Chemnitz. Murphy
ilocs not speak German , yet ho had the cnter-
in-lso to successfully court a young German
ludy who does not speak English. The pa
rents objected to the marriage , in u lurgo part ,
t is generally supposed , because of the
inguul difficulty. An elopement quickly fol
lowed nnd Miss Smith became Mrs. Murphy
nt Dundee , that being the nearest city per
mitting n hasty marriage ceremony. Mr. and
Mrs. Murphy were heartily received nt nil
the consulates between Dundee and Chemnitz
on their return to Germany , nnd the depart
ment of state rewards the enterprising young
man by permitting him to take his bride to
North Carolina for three months.
That part of the colony which is not too
busy to go to the German theaters have
begun to talk enthusiastically ubout the ver
sion of "Fuuht" which hus been for some
time on the boards in Berlin. It attracts at
tention because following closely the original
Instead of Irving emasculated version , with
a comic devil ns tlio hero and the scenery us
the attractions. This theater shows Faust
us the hpro and master of Mephistophelcs ,
who is himself very far from being a clown.
Fnust struggles to give the American r.ccus-
tomcd to the ordinary opera and theatrical
version nn entirely new idea of the theatrical
possibilities of the play. Where Faust flrst
sees the hound ami the scene in which Me
phistophelcs calls the mice to free him , the
audience fairly neld their breath , drinking
in the scene.
Lord Handolph Churchill continues to at
tract n sort of belated interest. The Kreuz
Zeitung , conservative military organ , still
thinks that he is not the coming English
leader for which , in German interests , It and
other papers continue to devoutly thank God.
The Bossener street tragedy is ono of the
most remarkable Berlin bus hud for many
years. Mr.Botzoon , reaching homewas , met at
the door by his wife and her lover , who
ccoly explained that they could not live
apart. They had therefore poisoned them
selves. Butzo was naturally somewhat sur
prised , but retained presence of mind enough
to rush for n dcctor und got back Just in time
to see his wife nnd lover shoot themselves.
Among the items of this year's budget is
ono of 8,000,000 , marks for the extension of
the German telephone system in Berlin. All
over-head telephone wires will bo placed
under ground during the year.
A contract for 500,000 pairs of military
boots has been given by the German govern
ment. .
The reichhtag has j , een petitioned to In
crease the duty on touacco from So to 150
In the opera house Director Sucho will lead
for the flrst time since July 1.
Fraulein Lclslngcr has returned from a
buccessful Braunschweig concert tour.
The fifth anniversary of Wagner's death
will bo celebrated by a memorial perform
ance of the Wagner union In the Iloyal opera
house , aided by the opera stuff.
It Is generally expected that early in the
spring Germany will strongly reinforce the
military guard on the Russian frontier.
All of the proprietors of automatic weigh
ing machines in nnd near Elbeencld haves
been arrested and fined for giving Incon cct
A coal thief has broken Into a Berlin rigar
store , tried all brands , took 10,000 cigars of
the brand which best suited him and escaped.
The opening of the bock season was to-day
solemnly celebrated by two big beer festi
Prince William uses a season ticket on the
railway between Potsdam , Berlin und Lcig-
The typhus epidemic is nearly over.
Prof , nnd Mrs , Dorchester , of Boston
university , started for Italy and Greece Tues
day. .
Miss Hollowcll , .professor of botany h
cgJlcgc , left for July T&vu
Till ; GlCllMAN 1'llKSS.
Its Tone Ono of Uncertainty Concern
ing the Situation.
/fvSSI/Juinr / ! / * Minimi Ilrmirff.1 , Feb. 4. [ New York Herald Cubic
Special to the HKI : . ] The tone of the Ger-
nan press is ono of uncertainty , tending
toward anxiety. The Herlln bourse showed the
leellng by Inactivity with a drop of one-
.hlrd of u | xlnt In Gcrmnn stocks. The general
opinion seems to bo that the publication of the
treaty was suddenly determined upon us an
inswer to Uusslu's action in ucceptlng Flo-
qui't ns a friend. Hut that moment of publi
cation wus adroitly timed. It comes Just
when Russia hudulreudy determined to with-
Iruw her trout's ' thirty miles from the
The Voslscho/"eltuni ; gives the best uverupo
view of the situation. It says : "Tho kernal
jf the thing lies here. Russia is now forced
o declare whether , In spite of this indtsput-
ible Indication of her neighbor's peaceful In-
: entlon , she will still continue her threaten
ing preparations. Russia must now show
tier colors. " .
The Post , sipcuklng semi-olllclivlly , suys :
"Wo stund before un Important turning
iiolnt of Kuropcan history. The publication
of this treaty resembles the drawing
of n powerful weapon , which shows
: ho aggressor the strength of the defender.
Who can say how this last demonstration
ivlll affect the nggresor until the lust mo
ment. Wo must hope for a peaceful effect. "
It is freely said that Bismarck's speech
next week will depend on Russia's answer ,
meanwhile received , this peaceful ultimatum ,
hat demands peaceful acts as well as peucc-
Tul words , nnd will make the February of
[ 888 historieul if sufficient assurances , uro not
'iven him.
The llcccnt Publication of the Aiistro-
Gcrninn Treaty.
ViplrfjMSVf ( liu Xcio I'm \fsnctatnl \ I'lfts. ]
UEIII.I.V , Feb. 4. While the scml-ontciul
| iress nflfects to regard the publication of the
Austro-Gorman treaty ns having u pacific in
tent , official nnd diplomatic circles know its
real uim is to force the c/ur to un Immediate
war or compel him to submit to terms for
icrmanent pence dictated by th6 allies. The
substance of the treaty has long been known
to both the Hussiun and French
governments. The publication reveals noth
ing to uny European government. Before
disclosing it to the people , the step wus
anxiouslynnd repeatedly discussed by Prlnco , Count Kulnoky und Hcrr von
Tis/a. The Austrian ministerial council , the
emperor presiding , consented to the publica
tion of the treaty only last week upon nn ur
gent representation from Prince Bismarck
that the time was opportune. Its appearance
at the present juncture recalls the utterance
of Prince Bisniurk when lib was reproached
in tho"reichstag for refusing to submit'.to1
that body certain diplomatic correspondence.
"Onco a government determines to publish
Important documents , " he said , "mutters
should have gone so fur that nothing but
war is likely to bo the outcome of the sit
uation. "
By the light of this meniorubl fltatcment ,
the immense significance of tin ? publication
of the treaty ut the present crisis will be
It is a step which precedes an ultimatum.
If Russia continues to at in and push for
ward musses of troops , menacing strategic
points on the frontiers and the pending nego
tiations for nn offensive and defensive ul-
lianco with Franco should succeed , the cen
tral powers will not wait the conven
ience of the French und Russlun gov
ernments to declare war. The
crisis , therefore , ncurs a climax.
Prince Bismurck , in his speech In the
rclchstug on Monday may place u
peaceful interpretation upon the motives of
the publication of the treaty , but nothing ho
can say is expected to lesson the strain of
the situation.
The Krcuz Zeitung records fresh urmy mo ve-
mentson the frontier , nnd the concentration of
troops along the line of the Nicmcn is ac
tively progressing. Russia still continues its
negotiations for a 23,000,000 , loan in Purls
nnd Amsterdam , und is reported to bo on the
cvo of success. The high terms offered ,
backed by the recommendations of the
French government , uro inducements for
bankers to vuluo.
A Cincinnati IiiHtitntlon Found $15- (
OOO Short in Itn ItcHorvo Fund.
CI.NCI.NXATI , Feb. 4. For Kovcruljduys past
rumors huve been afloat concerning the con
dition of of the Metropolitan National bank
and finally assumed such u serious aspect
that the stock of the hunjc sold wuy
down , The Commcrciul-Gazetto to-morrow
will say : The bank oxuinlner , nftor u thor
ough investigation , found the Metropolitan
hud not its legal reserve on bund by ubout
$150,000. This being brought to the notice of
the associated bunks un agreement wus ur-
rivcd ut to rediscount Metropolitan's paper
to the extent of fJOO.OOO. The bank hus
been currying considerable of its directors'
paper , but this is said to be gilt-edged.
Saturday morning a run wus inaugurated on
the bunk , but It wus of short duration. In
the afternoon Vice President Decamp resigned
signed , it is assumed , at the request of the
comptroller of the currency. No further
changes ut present uro anticipated , It is
thought the bank Is amply secured now and
President Means in un Interview hays the
Metropolitan bank is us solvent us any insti
tution in tlio city.
Meetings InTritfulgcr Square.
LONDONFeb. . 4. Sir Charles Russell \4U
move an amendment to the addiess In the re
ply to the queen's speecn raising the right of
holding public meetings In Truiulgur squure.
The ; Fii-ii Kt'cord.
MILWAUKEE. Feb. 4 , The gymnasium of
Racine college , near Haciuu Junction , was do
st i o ed by lire to-night. Loss , $ j-jooo. None
of the main buildings were touched ,
. -
\Voathur Indications.
For Nebraska : Fair weather , slowly rising
temperature , light to fresh northwesterly
winds , becoming variable.
For Iowa : Fair weather , colder In south-
cant 'portion , slowly rising temperature in
northwestern portion , light to fresh northerly ,
winds , licromlilg.varlubie.
.For Dakota : Colder , followed by-warmer
iulr weather , ligui to fresh variable wlnos.
The Movement Encouraged By All
Classes nnd Oroods. '
The Oront Dlvlno Fnvoro Cuttuljj
Dowu Foolish Expenses.
The Pompousness of the Present
to Bo Relegated.
Tlio Mistaken Kxaniplcs of Countries
Very Dllllcnlt to Ilrldxo Over In
telligent Patterns in tlio
A SensibleMovement. .
ISSSIiuJanuii Gitnlon lltmrtt. ]
LONDONFeb. . 4. [ Now York Herald Cublo
Special to tliu Uni : . ] Mention having boon
iniulo of a characteristic letter written by
Mr. Spurgcon , addressed to the secretary of
the Reformed Funeral association , n Herald
reporter to-day obtained a copy of It :
WI : TWOOII , HiMT.vit HII.I. , Ui'i'iit : Nou-
wooi ) , Jan. 18. Dear Sir : Anything which
will lessen the foolish expenses of funerals
nncl inako them loss pompous has my hearty
approval , yet I cannot bocoino an olllelul ,
whether patron or otherwise , for I
think that this business also wants
reforming , and that societies with commit-
k'cmen who do nothing and patrons who
know nothing about it are getting to bo mi
evil. Wishing yon every success In reform
ing in u way the absurdity conncctol with
the burial of the dead , 1 am , dear sir , yours
truly , C. A. .Srimncox.
This association has the Duke of WcHtmlns-
ter ut its head. Its secretary and chief
worker is Hov. F. Lawrence , of Wcs-
low , York. Ho was to-day visiting London'
lie showed an albumn of in *
[ cresting letters from
members and patrons of the association ,
union ) ; which the letter from Mr. Spurgeon
lias taken good place. There w siii letters
from both Archbishops , Lord Plunkot , the
archbishop of Dublin , all the bishop * of the
Church of Ungliind , exept those who for nil
oild ro.ison don't ' approve the objects , nnd
more from very distinguished laymen from
Gladstone down , as well as nearly all
the and nonconformists
clergy very many -
ists , nlso one from Dr. Dcscostn , rector of
St.idphnvHho Evanjjslist , New Yorlt. Vicar
Lawrence was told that of late yoara this re
formed movement had taken root In
America and was specially favored by Bishop
Potter , and was asked what were the exact
objects of the association. Ho answered :
"To promote a fuller appreciation of the
idea of Christian burial ; to simplify and
cheapen funeral and mourning ceremonials ;
encourage burial in perishable coftlns In
simple earth nnd discountenance vaults and
sarcophagi. "
"What are the evils that you particularly
wish to redress and to provonU"
"Extravagance In burials which the great
majority can bear. Many workmen with
earnings of 15 shilling ? per week will spend
JL"-it in a burial , burdening the family with a
debt for a long time , heneu the Importance
that the rich and Intelligent should avoid un
necessary funeral expenses and sot these of
moderate circumstances an example of econ
omy nnd simplicity. Wo do not desire to dis
courage giving honor to the dead , but the
dead can bo better honored by the survivors
aiming at higher nnd noiilcr lives in the fu
ture. Wo urge as a specific- reform nnd
economy the disuse of trappings or excessive
lloral decorations , nnd a meeting of
the mourners ut the cemetery instead
of the residence. The early interment
of bodies In caskets suniclcntly suitable
for dissolution Into the constituent elements ;
the use of materials for cofllns as will rapidly
decay. This is in accordance with the laws
of nuturo nnd avoiding the sanitary evils. Our
society originated years ago in York , Sir
F. J. Milncr , Hart. , solicitor , F. J. Munby.
Archdeacon Hoycs nnd myself hold the flrst
meeting. Above all things our society bo
liovcs in Christian burial. Surely the words ,
'Karth to earth' In the bible and service
moan something. "
" \Vhat nrogrcss have you made I"
"There Is scarcely a hamlet in Great Hrlt-
ain from which wu have not received the best
evidence that inexpensive funerals are becoming -
coming the rule. See what tin example our
present Duke of Westminster set In the sim
ple burial of his son lust year , Karl Gros-
vernor. If wo check funeral extravagance
and it can become n fashion not to
waste money on funeral tombs , but the
contrary It will bo recognized as a breach ,
of good sense and propriety. At llrst wo hud
to encounter deeply rooted social prejudice ,
cluRg interests , ignorance und like wannncsH.
Christian communities hud so long meekly
submitted to the abuses of the dismal
pngeuntry and proccs-tloni , from the ceremonials
menials of grotesque heathen , sym
bols , heavy , luminous jnournliiga
with all accompaniments of per
son , foul water courses and vitalised
air. Hut wo have made great progress In
these eleven years , although there Is much ,
more to be desired. The mistaken example *
of centuries uro not easily avoided. Wlmt Is
especially wanted In Knglund , und perhaps
mere in America , wheie the tendency to to
oxtravugunca is for the rich und Intelligent
to set examples to the middle and lower
classes , and the Herald can accomplish much
towards this reform In America , etc. , etc. '
Motion Overruled.
Fell. 4. Judge Uuvnvit this
morning overruled the motion of E < Uvl. , 'lf.
Chaj > mun for a new trial In the divorce IMS *
In which Annie SuniniiTvlllo , the cUc * , ;
.figured as plaintiff. . .