Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 04, 1888, Page 5, Image 5

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Nearly $3,70O Paid Into tbo Boo's
Horolno Fund.
Nearly * $2,7OO For Her Miss Uoyco
D Will IJONO Ono of Her Feet
TlioBlinltlick Hpnclal Fund
The Hlintttick .Special Fund.
, Miss Kltn Sliattuck , the young Rchool
tnu'licr who lost both limbs from the ex-
iwsure In the recent storm will bo incapaci
tated for any service by which hho inny do-
rlvo u llvlnj , ' . It Is desired Unit H'XH ' ) bo
raised. It'M ) persons will cadi subscribe
not less than Ji ) tills nmount can bo raised.
rj'ho money need not bo paid until the full
iimnunt Is subscribed. This U to bo known
us the "Slmtluck H | > cclal Fund. "
The following pledges to this fund linvo
been received :
John J. Moncll . 30 00
llunnlson Bros. , rash paid . ! W 00
\f. G. Albright . MOO
Misses Aunlonnd MiiggloTrulmid. . . . ! KI 00
George W. ItiiUibun , cush paid . 3000
Win. A. Paxton . .TO ( H )
Olive Urnncl . 0 00
1'ucillo express auditor's oflloo , cash
paid . . . 30 00
Nebraska Ledge No. 1 , K. of 1' . , cash
paid . 8000
Omulia 1 miles' afternoon coffee1 , cash
paid . 30 00
St. John's r edge No. ! > , A. F. & A.
M. , cash paid . W ) 00
Win. M. Croan . 80 00
Who will join thcmj _
Mlmili ; Frcciiinn.
A largo photo of Miss Mlnnlo Freeman
with her sod school house and the pupils
whom she saved from the grout storm will bo
Bent prepaid for Jl. 00 ouch. $3.00 per do/on ,
$ . .0.00 per hundred. Address The Quiz , Ord ,
A ItiK Contract.
Referring to the actions of John F. Kates ,
ex-county superintendent of schools In Val
ley county , the Omaha Republican yesterday
morning says editorially :
"Mr. ICutei never undertook a worao con
tract than that of belittling the exploit of
Miss Freeman. The charitable assumption
is that ho was misinformed. "
Ijlfo Sctioliirnlilps.
OMAHA , Feb. . To the Editor of the
Enclosed please find Ufo scholarships for
throe persons to Valentino's Shorthand Insti
tute , Including all necessary text-books and
Stationery. 1'leaso send them to Miss Freo-
rnun , Miss Shuttuulc and Miss Uoycc , with
compliments of C. H. VAI.KNTINB ,
Ofllclal Stenographer Third Judicial District.
These scholarships wcro forwarded to the
young ladies yesterday.
Itcsljrned to Her Fntn.
Nebraska City News : Mrs. Jerry Urown
received a letter from her sister , Mrs. Her
bert Westbrook , who Is at present residing at
Seward , In which she says that she visited
Mlsa Etta Shattuck and that she is getting
along ulcoly and Is recovering rapidly from
the effects of the surgical operation wherein
her limbs were taken off. The bravo little
teacher scums resigned to her f ate and much
lloasod ) with the interest the people through'
out the state are tatting In her case.
The Traveling Men.
"Tho Elkhorn Valley Traveling Men's
Fund. " has been started , by Jay Helphroy ,
who heads the list with a five dollar bill.
Mr. Hclphrcy Is one of the oldest traveling
men up the IClkhora country , and has been
connected with the Poycko Bros. Co. of this
city for a number ot years. Hi
suggests that the "boys" get up n suoscrip
tlon at tholr different Sunday towns , com
xnoncing next Sunday and have the lanalort
forward the amount to 1) . F. Locke , proprlo
tor of the Pacillo hotel or Bcllislo & Ilcllmiin
of the Tillcnburg. of Norfolk , on Monday
February 27 , when the total amount will be
forwarded to the BEE. It would bo mori
satisfactory to state to which fund they wisl
to contribute , Freeman , Shattuck or Uoyco
The Ladles.
OMAHA , Fob. 3. To the Editor of the BEK
At n mooting of the Omaha Ladies' After
noon Coffee , held yesterday at the rosidcnci
of Mr. M. Goldsmith , No. 1023 Dodge street
I was instructed to pay you $30 towards tin
Bhattuck special fund. Enclosed please iim
check for the amount. It Is the wish am
bopo of our club that the J. J. Moncll plui
will gloriously carry through , but should th
well meant effort fall , wo then want Hi
nmount divided as follows : For the Ktti
Hhattuck fund , $20 : for the Louisa Hoyci
fund , $ . " ; for the Minnie Freeman luud , &
Yours rcsiioutfully ,
Treasurer of the Omaha Ladles' Afteruooi
The ladles who so kindly contributed th
nbovo amount are : Mcsdanics I. Oberfcldet
M. Hollmon , M. Goldsmith , F. Adlcr. Ma :
Meyer , A. Meyer , M. Meyer , Gcorgi
lleyn , IT. Kchfujdt , L. Mendelsohn
] 1. Newman , A. Polack , Lcopol
Holler , Louis Heller , Albert Heller. Th
] ! KK extends the thanks of all friends of th
cause to thuso generous ladies who have dis
played such substantial sympathy with th
A llnnilfloiiiu Picture.
PAWNEE CmNeb. . , Feb. 'J To the Edlto
of the HICK : As ono of the citizens of Pawuci
I would like to make a suggestion : Why can'
it bo so arranged that the school teacher , wit
her children , can bo photographed , in the sain
position , all tied , as they wcro at the time o
( he storm. I am satisfied onongh could b
flDld in this town nlono to pay for all oxpons
of getting the uegativo ; or , In ottjer words ,
am satlstlcd 100 could bo sold bora at $
. apiece. All money to goto the fund. Now
this may have been done , and if so , woul
like to have you send some to us. Now , thi
U only a suggestion , and would bo pleased t
hour from you , and think right now is th
tlmo to do it\vhtlo , the snow is on the ground
The "Hoc" Will Uo There.
HASTINGFeb. . 1. To the Editor of th
HKK : Your unceasing labors for the fun
for the Nebraska heroines Is highly e'en
incndablo and if Jewels arc added to crown
in heaven yours slircly will bo thickly BtXiil
cd. As ono of Iowa's teachers I will con
< 2rlbuto my mite to Miss Etta Shattuck'
fund , as from long years of suffering I knoi
liow great her trial is. Plcaso Unit enclose
91 toward her fund. I wish you godspeed i
your mighty effort for good.
Iitr.NK HiLi.iuitr : .
The kind words of Miss Buobo are apprecl
nttxl. There U little authority in the supreme
promo hut for an entertainment oC tha belie
that u newspaper will bo circulated 1
heaven , but if such is the case , it is safe t
soy that the HKE will bo there , and fully pn
pared to make anidavit to an extensive an
ponu lido circulation. _
St. Jollll'H IiOllgO.
OMAHA , Fob. 2. To the Editor of the BKE
At o'ur regular meeting this evening S
Johns lodge No. 25 A. F. & A. M. , nppropr
uled the following to the Beo's fund for Nc
br.iska's heroines :
For the Shattuck special fund . f30 f
Miss Koyco . 10 l
Miss Frocman . . . S C
Westphalen monument fund . 5 0
for which amounts .please And order en
U IsthodealroofSt. John's lodge If tli
special fund for Miss Shattuck does m
reach the proposed amout to bo raised tin
the WO bo placed to her credit In the Elt
Bhuttuck fund. JAS. B. Buu.Nnit ,
Sir. OWCH'H 1'ony.
OM ui v , Feb. a To the Editor of thn Bcr
In reply to your sugircstlon that the pony
propose to donate to the fund fur the bcnef
ot Miss Shattuck bo sold at public auction ,
would say that I have delayed setting a da
for the sale , hoping that samoUilns oh
would be Uouatod for tuo bcuoiU ot tuo f ut
that could bo disposed ot at the game time
and In like manner. Agreeable to your sug
gestion , the pony Vrill bo sold to the highest
bidder at my jitnbles , Wednesday February
15 , and I would like to have the HKF furnish
n representative to manaeo the sulo and re
ceipt for the proceeds of the same. Should
nnyono else fel disposed to donate anything
to bo sold at the snmo tlmo and plnco for the
benefit of this most deserving young lady , I
would bo pleased to furnish every accommo
dation for the sale.
HENKT L. Owns * ,
, Omaha Stables , 417 S 14th St.
KntornrlHi ) nt Gcnon.
OEXOI , Nob. , Fob. 2. To the Editor of the
BKK : Fooling that It was our duty , as well
as pleasure , to contribute something to the
Nebraska horolno fund , wo have made ar
rangements to give n grand charity ball Feb
ruary 14 , the entire proceeds to go to the
heroine fund.
Wo are also making arrangements with
the ladies of our town to give a supper , the
proceeds to go to the same fund. If the sug
gestion , ihat the towns in ttic state would do
likewise , meets your approval , please inako
it known through the columns of your paper.
The proceeds will bo distributed ntnong the
three heroines by n committee selected for
the purpose and a statement sent to the BRK ,
together with the amount raised. A largo
sum can bo raised In this way , which other
wise would not bo contributed. Let the
good work go on. J. A. OSDOUNB.
Scrllmcr Subscribes. , Neb. , Feb. 3. [ Special to the
BEC.J A subscription paper is In circulation
hero to raise a fund for Miss Shattuck. The
nmount now contributed is about flO. The
amount raised will be forwarded to the HUB
in a few days. The people are responding
handsomely. _
Oakland. Mttlo Folks Help.
OAKLAND , Neb. , Feb. 3. [ Special Tclo-
gram to the BER. ] Misses Lllllo Dale and
Ida Samson , aged thirteen , begun this even
ing collecting funds for the relief of Miss
Shattuck. Their hearts have been touched ,
and they grow tired of waiting on older ones
to take the matter in hand. They are moot
ing with liberal responses and will send their
collection to the Bnn fund Monday. Tne In
dependent also started a fund to-day for the
relief of Miss Shattuck. Let the good work
con tin uo.
Itoyco's Additional Misfortune.
NORFOLK , Neb. , Fob. 3. [ Special Tele
gram to the BEE.Dr. . Boar , ot this city ,
received n message this afternoon requesting
him to como to Plainvlow prepared to assist
in amputating the foot of Miss Loutso Koyco ,
ono of the teacher sufferers in the late bliz
zard. This amputation places her sufferings
in a new light and gives her an additional
claim upon the sympathy of the people of Ne
braska. Norfolk's contribution to the special
fund is already over (100 and will bo sent In
In a few days. _
Old Holdlcrs Enlisted.
The old soldiers of Omaha and the sons'of
old soldiers met last night and formally re
solved to lend their efforts in raising a sub
scription for the unfortunate Miss Etta Shat
tuck , the daughter of an ox-veteran. The
meeting was held in the rooms of Ueorgo A.
Custcr post , G. A. K. , No. 7 , and was of
ficered by John A. Cuscnden as president ,
and John H. Sawhlll secretary. All In at
tendance expressed tholr sympathy for the
unfortunate young lady , and resolved to lend
their energies In raising a purse expressive
of their appreciation of her bravery. The
following committee was appointed to solicit
contributions : Major Clarkson , C. E. Hotli ,
F. E. Munn , Moses O'Brien , John Butler , J.
H. Hurlburt , Mrs. Major C'arkson ' and Mrs.
General O'Brien. This committee will meet
in the oftlco of Ambrose & Munn , rooms 10
and 11. Union block , to-morrow afternoon to
perfect an organization and make arrange
ments for au active campaign.
A Tribute From St. Paul.
ST. PAUL , Neb. , Feb. 3. To the Editor ol
the BEE : The people in our little city have
taken great Interest in the reports of the
heroism of Nebraska's noble heroines , and to
show their appreciation In a substantial man
ner the pupils of our city schools started o
subscription paper among themselves , teach'
crs and friends , and raised $53.12 in u few
hours. To-day I had the honor to send this
money by draft to them , divided as follows :
For Miss Shattuck , $111.07 ; for Miss Uoycc ,
$ 21.05. Our deepest sympathies accompanj
our mito. Uespcctfully , N. E. LKACII ,
Superintendent city schools.
Several lists of contributors have been
omitted from this issue owing to a lack ol
space. Each , however , will bo published. II
your list docs not appear in this issue it will
bo published as soon as possible.
TUB noiiit "OF uoxon.
Those Who Hnvo Recognized Courage
and Devotion.
When the BIK : trusted to the liberality ol
the citizens of Nebraska to provide for tht
heroic and nflllcted it did not trust in vain
Every mail reaching the Bm : ofllco brings
additions to the fund and adds now names
to the roll of honor. Every day the line re
ceives letters and words of encouragement
from the people of this growing state ; nn < ]
though the contributions have been liberal on
the part of these who have contributed then
are many who have failed in tholr duty.
It Is not presumed , however , that these who
have not contributed and who are able U
lend a hand will bo remiss in their duty. Oi
the contrary there is every warrant for thi
belief tliat the next few days contributions
will add largely to the amount iiMfcady ro
colved. From all parts of the state comes
the charge "Let the good work go on , " unil
this instruction will bo obeyed by. the BEE so
long as the people show u disposition to aii !
the good work. If you have not contributed
do so at once and increase the fund , to thi
proper amount.
Amount received up to February 2 , . f 2,2 11 0 !
Mrs. L. J , Babcock , Gibbon . . . 2 0 (
Mrs. Joseph KcrnnhnnGrund , Island 1 ( M
Mrs. Henry Sprague . 101
H. P. Hnlleck . 1 ( M
Teacher and pupils Tekamah school 30 ( X
Mrs. D. Gushing . 1 01
Irene H. Bcebe , Hastings . 1 ( X
Lyiium Hichardson . 10 ( X
Business men of Atkinson , Neb . & 7 3 :
Paplllloii list . 42 fii
Mrs. J. B. .lono' list , Platte Center. . 20 IX
George A. Coulter . ' 1 0 (
John Andf rson . 1 0 (
William Ellis . l 0 (
MnuriceTerkelson . 1 IX
Mrs. Howe's 2nd court hoiibo list. . 13 ( X
S. C. Abbott , Abhlund . 1 ( M
Mrs. J. Bauman . S ( X
New Homo Suxving Machine Co . 2 in
Hallio Winterstein's list . 11 ( V
Win. Lister . 1 (
Gcrtlo Ulggs . 2
H. A. Tcbbcts , Lincoln . 50
S. A.'Sloner , Ogallala . 3 tt
Ella K Shaw . 10
Prof. Gaynoro's social . 4 0
American Prcsi , nsao . 15 0
Win. Fair's b > t . 10H
Boarders nt Mrs. T. C. Mac-key's. . . 15 0
Employes City Steam Laundry. . , . . 253
George Franklin . 1 0
Vredorickn Wcssells . 15
Total $ 2XV , > 1
Amount received up to February 2 , . . $ 510 7
Mrs. L. J. Habcoek , Gibbon , Nob. . . ! 3 0
II. P. Halleck , Chicago 1 0
Mrs , Howes second court house list. fi
New Home Sewing Machine Uo 3 0
S. A. Stoner , Ogalalhi , 10
1'rof , Gaynoro's social 4 0
American 1'ross Association 5 0
George Franklin 10
Frotlericka Wossolls D
St. Johns lodge , A. F. & A. M 10 0
t Total t 5437
a Amount received up to Fobruary2. . 5349 4
Mi-s. L. J. Hitbcock , Gibbon , Neb. . . 1 0
H. IMIalleck , Chicago 1 0
Mrs. Howe's second court house list JV
New Homo Sewing Machine Co JO
S. A. Stoner , Ojralalla 1 0
I Prof. Gaynoro's social 4 l >
t Ameiican I'ress association GO
I George Franklin 10
Frcdericka WossoU .1
St. John's Lodge A. F. & A. M fi U
a Total 4 J3CO 4
TIIK cntM > nsN's . _
Thl fund belong * exclusively to the chll'
xlrou , And the amounts contributed will bo
used for the of erecting a monument
ever the graves of the llttlo' Wcatnlmlcn
girls. It Is n penny collection.
From pupils of thu Izard school fll.42
Annie and Hooslo Camerotl 8 M
St. I'aulsMission school 2 10
.Tcunno Wnkolleld , , , , , W )
Fred Shlnrock 2 00
Georgollusslo 1 00
Harvy and Kittle Ager , Ord 1 00
Jcssloli. Haynes 40
Jesslo and George Frost. North Uend. . 1 00
Pupils of Hickory school 1 47
A. It. Graham 1 00
Grant Children 5 00
Harry and Charley White's list 4 10
Abraham and Annie Kallsh's list U 00
Lulu Wolty ' 05
Frances and Harry Lovl 45
St. John's Lodge No. Uo. A. F. & A. M. . B 00
Total $ 43 10
The "Uco" Fund.
The present condition of the four funds
opened by ttio Uin Is as follows :
EUn Shattuck ; $2TM 11
Loulso Koyco M3 70
Minnie Freeman . ' ( ) ! l 45
Westphalen monument fund 4310
Cash to special fund ISO 00
Grand total $3,072 43
Ijlsts of Contributors.
Tlio BIB : \vlll ncknowlcdgo all contribu
tions through these columns. All lists re
ceived , unless otherwise directed , will bo
published in full with the name of every coiii
rlbutor. These lists will bo published ns
BOOH after tucir receipt as space will per
The flro laddies can bo depended upon In n
joint of liberality. The following letter ex-
diiliia Itself :
To the Editor of the Hun : Inclosed please
find (4 to bo applied to Etta Shattuck fund
ind donated by the members of No. 5 engine
louse :
3co. A. Coulter $1 00
Tohn Anderson 1 00
William Ellis 1 00
Maurice Torkelsen 1 00
PJATTK CKNTDU , Neb. , Feb. 1. To the
Editor of the UER : Enclosed llnd money
order for $20. 1 started out Tuesday and
iuccecded in collecting quite a nice littlu sum
or the benefit of Miss Etta Shattuck from
ho citizens of Platte Center , which I trust
vill bo added to her fund.
Mu-i. J. 13. Joxcs.
To the Editor of the HIB : : Herewith flnp
Omaha cxuhungo for ! 0 , Tokamuli's contri
bution to the HKK'B fund for Miss Etta Shat
tuck. There are forty-siovon subscriptions
ranging from 25 cents to 63.50 , the teachers nnc ]
pupils of our public school giving quite liber
ally. 1'leaso acknowledge receipt through
the columns of tlio Ucc. W. J. WILSON.
The following employes contributed as re
ported yesterday as follows :
ThosCleary 1 00 L. F. Perkins. Co.
Wm.Stowart | 1 W 1) 44th Mo. Inf.
John I.inlmrg 1 m Vol 1 OC
HcnlMholm 1 60 ChuK.Worthlngton 1 W
James Uedmnn. . . 1 COlA. ( l.Elchelberger fid
Edw Knnntejr . . . 2,5S. F. McOluro 1 W
John W. Nichols. J.U.Scunlan I Ol
Ol K IV ) . P V. I'.A. Hell lot
bucktiills. 1 60 It. Johnson.
John C. Williams. 1 50 John Ulley 3 OC
W. Urnln 100 Win. Cronse 101
N. Nicholson 60 ! . L. Logsdon 1 ( K
.TohnMlkehCll B 00 J. M. Smith 5 (
Gnu Olson 1 HO 1. H. Crime 10
Jai-iib Huniscy. . . . 1 U ) J. F. Henzle 1 U
Win. Ix'hmnn 1 l ) 'A. ' N. Olovcr H
JnmesScanlan. . . . 1 CO s. Wright 2 tx
PoterSmlth 1 ou ClnrK Woodman. . 10 Ov
Seth I , . Petersen . 1 OOGi'O. Itudmaii 7 ;
John II. Harrison 1 CO !
A. C. Weeks 5 ! ) Total J 50 ( X
Jus Trotter 60 ]
THE OMAII \ itL'sixn's cou.noE.
Prof. George IJ K.ithburn , president of the
Omaha Uusincss college , has contrihutei'
very liberally to tlio horolno fund , and his excellent
cellont example has liocn followed by the pu
pils of his school as follows :
MrsU.U.ltAthbun.t 1 COIClius. Poesch 2 :
n. < : .Solomim. . . . 1 W Chaa. F. TacKart. 1 IK
A. llurbank y , Harry II. ll.iker. . . H
A. F. ( Iwln 10 A.O. Wllk.ii- , B
Itobt. ( MIITniil 2. " , U. Sullivan 2i
W..Nicholson. [ . 2.'i W.O.llurtnn 1M
.1. T. llnijlies 2.VA. 1) . Id'sler 1 (
Emll I'rlcsson 25JO. N. Johnson. . . . n
1) , C. DtMViT 85)11. ) lleerluo 2i
( J. Andrews 25i | | . Peter * 1. .
A. llecker 251 W. . Wilson Si !
Jaine-i Hush 75 Nets Hanson 2. .
Daniel llnnnan. . . 1 00 A. ( 'onrney U
J. M. I om ? 2fiJ. ( Kllllnger H
Neim.Mellhede. . . . llntd n
It. I ) . MorrUon. . . . ffi J. A. Hanoy 6
Nelly Lynch 2.VA. M. llurgason. . . 2
Floroncti Warren. . 25L. | M. Fltzputrick. 21
Frnnk Itourko 60 C. II. Newton 1
Win. FUinngiin. . . . 25 F. Wlnki'lmnn ft
II. A. lc.iry no II. Lunpstrom. . . . "
M.H. Itlstenball. . 60 J. J. Zucho.
Cory II. Lutlitn , . . . 60V. . L. Crowe
H. C. Homier 25leorgu Jolm&OU. .
John Ketelien. . . Boll. Heard.
Nellie Porstyko. . . 60 F. J. King 2
IS. Hanson 50 i : . P. Itellly 2
Fiwik Murphy. . . . raF.C. Tlmmo 1
Kdwln Oiven BW.C. ! dowdy 61
K.T. Morris 25lM. U Wilson S ,
M.J.Weils 25. ) . Moran 6
H. i : . Conipton , , . . 25T. , 15. McDonald. . . 2
L. J. Hnin. . . . . . . . . 1 ud. ) | I ) . ( Ktrom S o
1' . 12. \ AURUiui. . . . ION. II.Neodham. _ . . 6
S. Will 25A.T. . Givln 6
I.lllle llecker 25 D , L. Mivliouey. . . . 2
Keller IIM John Cnsh 6
W. H. Taubiunn. . 1 Hi Peter Cnsh 2
M. Davis 2,1
Otto Dnnlelson. . . . 25 Total Ml 1
E.A. Wlllcox 1 UO
Heportcd ycstcnlay.
E. II. Webber , 1 uoiThonifts Gannon. . 2
John llai-hln BOD. K. Douclas . . . . 7
W. F. lloyil 1 CO-A. L. WIllToms. , . . 6
J.J.VouilK 60
A. L. Jeamug4. . . . 25 | Total , 'i 7
Your money more judiciously than to expend it wisely in your clothing.You , will find at
the MISFIT PARLORS this week what remains as special bargains , as we will offer greater
inducements than ever offered in genuine clothing. NO TRASH , but such as are equal to
any marl's taste or price.
$ 8.
IL' ,
1H.M. .
8 0.20 which wti3 mmlo to orilcr $15.00 $ 9.70 which was mndo to order . $1UOO
8 .70 u IIII 18.00 11.4 u u . 25.00
10. .00 u IIII 22.00 18.0 u iiii . 30.00
12. .40 u II 28.00 15.8 ii iiu . 83.50
14 .20 u IIII H2.00 17. .35 itu u . 88.00
IIu IIII 35.00 10.8 u itii . 42.50
70 u II 40.00 21.8 ii iiii . 40.00
SO u II 45.00 25.7 ii iiu . 52.00
45 III IIII 50.00 28. .00 ii u . 00.00
40 ( I II 65.00 U0.4 ii u . 70.00
thousand nine hundred and sixty-seven pairs , embracing all the leading styles of cuts
and patterns in pantaloons that man ever had an idea of wearing , at the following prices ,
which in proportion to quality never was worn by man. You are invited to investigate this
$ 2.M which was made to order . ' . $ 0.00 $2.50 which wag mndo to order $ fl.60
3.40 " " . 8.00 ; t.8 ( ) " " 0.50
4.80 " " . 9.00 4-CO " " 0.50
6.20 " " . 10.60 c.yo " " 11.00
0.70 " " . 18.60 0.10 " " 12.50
" " . 15.00 7.20 " " 15.00
8.40 " . " . 17.00 8.10 " " 17.50
9.10 " " . 20.00 0.30 " " 19.50
Having overstocked our furnishing goods department , we now find we will need the room
more than the money ; in consequence we will , in order to reduce the stock as much as pos-
ibleat this advanced part of the season , offer All Winter Furnishing Goods , including Fur
Caps of muskrat , cat and seal skin , at 50c on the dollar. Any doubts , satisfy them
N. B. 6rders by mail receive prompt and careful attention.
SUTTON , Neb. , Feb. , 3. To the Editor of
the HKK : At a sale , yesterday elf ht miles
northeast of Sutton I succeed in raisins $20
for the benoilt of Miss Etta Shattuck , of
Sewnrd , Neb. Please urge all auctioneers
in the state to do likewise. Enclosed find
draft for the same and u list of donors.
P.T.Walton t 1 US'Ii. French 1 ( X )
O. K. Itten 1 OOJG. Itnme ill
S. F. Fruli-y IJOlKrertllolTman. . . . K )
K. F . Fraley Sfi.Tom Watt B )
K. French W ) A. L. Thompson 50
Valentino Peters ftVOro. Thompson. fiO
.1. Hodman ! ! V John Salman. . . . 5J
Joseph Miller. . . . 31 FrertOrosshnns. 100
U. Fuurbanks. . . . 85.F. Amos & ' )
1'hll Peter ! TiK. | W. Arnold. . . . 100
It. Shepard COI | > eterIIuber " 0
W.I , . Forbs r > ODau ( leorKO. . . 1(10 (
M. linker . ia > ( 'arl Ilollman. . .
A. Sweatfeger. . . . 45 Kob. llenderbon
O. Poltuan . a"iC.O.Westoott. . .
F. ShetdlRBcr . HI J. I. Westwrtt. . .
Frcil ( Jenwr . " " > C. Moon .
John Heater . 85 John Fuhrer. . . .
P. ( lorncr . SJ5
M. W. Btouord. . . 1 eel Total . 82000
Tlio lawyers should , and doubtless will
contribute liberally.
Will the ladies of Omaha assist in raising
the Shattuek special fund !
H. P. Halleck , of the Mardor , Lusc & Co.
Typo foundry , Chicago , sends $1 for the linn
Mrs. B. M. Howes , of the county clerk's
onico. has imulo another very liberal payment
into the liir. : fund.
The churches of Omaha should bo filled
Sunday and the contributions to the Shattuck
fund should be liberal.
Mrs. Jennie Masrouo promises to give a
social at the Metropolitan hall at an early
day , the entire proceeds to go to the heroine
Uut ono lumber merchant bus been heard
from. These gentlemen will probably con
tribute handsome suius If some ono will wait
on them.
Mrs. L. J. Uabcock , of Gibbon , Neb. , sends
$5 to the Ems fund. Mrs. Gibbon is the first ,
contributor from Gibbon. She predicts ,
however , that more will follow.
Mr. T. N. Parker , the florist , lias designed
nmt constructed a beautiful lloral ship , which
with two oilier similar designs will bo dis
posed of at an early day for the benefit of the
teachers' fund.
Very few members of the medical frater
nity have contributed. Will some physician
or other person wait upon the gentlemen
of this profession and remind them that
contributions from them would swell the
fund !
It is true that the contributions tothothrco
teachers have been very liberal. There nro
several thousand people in Omaha , however ,
who have not contributed and who could give
liberally without the slightest inconvenience
to themselves ,
Is it possible that Omaha has not among its
100,001) ) population 200 persons who will i-nch
pledjre the Shattuck special fund 5W Omaha
has many hundreds of i-ili/cns who can afford
this contribution. WUHhcyuo ill 'Now is
the time to act.
Saturday , February 1'Mr. B. F. Norm ,
proprietor of Norris' restaurant , will clvo a
dinner , the entire proceeds of which will pete
to the hcroinu fund. This is a chance to get
an excellent dinner and 'at the same time aid
a worths cause.
When tlio P.vthinn lo < lr ( < w of the city and
stnto are heard from , the funit will be Rrcatly
increased. Pythian instruction instills most
tender motives into tho-Jieart of nun , and the
members of tills prosperous order can , as a
rule , bo relied upon tojfnllill the principles of
Friendship , Charity ami Hcnevolunce.
Mr. W. G. Boston' ' , La prominent mer
chant of David City , l Neb. , writes , enclos
ing ills contribution to the fund , as follows :
"This is a duty that the business men of the
towns of the whole state of Nebraska should
not neglect. My voice shall bo let tlio ( jood
work go on until every city and town in the
whole state of Nebraska bus contributed to
this fund and shown to the rest of tlio world
what a penerous and noble people wo have
in our state. "
Mr. T. N. Parker , proprietor of the Hivcr-
vlow Green houses is onpitfed in a
commendable task. Mr. Parker Is arrang
ing and packinp four boxes of bis choicest
( lowers , which ho will send by express to-
nisht to four deserving pirls , Miss Shattuck ,
Miss Koyco , Miss Freeman and llttlo Lena
Woobbocko , of Soward. Kach will receive
ono of these boxes , Mr. Parker could in no
way tender the young ladies a tribute moro
tender than this.
Rco the DllVerciico.
Woven wire springs , OSo. Dealers
clmrgo $3.00. Everything else In pro
portion ut NKW Yoiiic STOKAOB ,
1508 Capitol ave.
Yesterday's internal roronuo collec
tions for the district were the lowest
for some time , being but $1,000.59.
The Fort Omtiha military hand , gave
another delightful soranade in the lobby
of the Pnxtou to General
Crook. The balconies ns well as the
vestibules wore crowded with enthusi
astic listeners. Several line selections
wcro rondo rod.
Tlio Omaha Wheel club filed articles
of incorpoiation with the county clerk
yesterday. The general business of the
association is that of leasing club rooms
and grounds. The capital stock is $1,000 ,
and the incorporators arc E. B. Smith ,
Perry Badollut , F. N. Clark , G. F.
Schwartz and George Patterson.
W. F. Hennessey , who issued such a
sweeping challenge to Jiimnio Lindsay ,
present possessor of the middle-weight
championship medal of the state of Ne
braska , has not as yet been accepted.
Hennessey will claim the medal in a few
days , and if Lindsay refuses to give it
up will apply to Richard K. Fox for his
' A man giving the name of S. Sanboru
was arrested yesterday for stealing a $7
rug pattern from the Lovcll Manufac
turing company on the eighth day of
last March. Sanboru was greatly sur
prised at the arrest as ho supposed the
affair had blown ever and had been for
gotten longjigo. Uo will bo tried t ho
Complaints have boon mn < lo about the
general dumping of garbage and other
tilth near the corner of Ninth and
Dodge streets , and the chief of police
has ordered his men to arrest any per
sons caught dumping there. It is said
that there is already accumulated at
that place a largo heap which a few ,
warm days will convert into a reeking
mass of pestilence-brooding corruption.
On complaint of Robert D. Duncan ,
plumbing inspector , warrants wore
sworn out for the arrest of J. C. Elliott
and John Wallace yesterday afternoon ,
Elliott on the charge of failing to cork
and tightly fasten the soil pipe loading
from a sink to the sewer at No. 1104
South Thirteenth street , and Wallace
for making au excavation on Jackson
and Fourteenth streets without obtain
ing a permit.
All the special policemen , commonly known
ns "block watchmen , " npjminted by tlio
board of police and fire commissioners , uro
notified to furnish u ? 1,000 bond , with ap
proved security , to Chief of Police Scuvoy
without further delay.
Itsinpsrlor excellence proven In millions of
home * for moruthnn a quarter ot a century. It
is ubi'd by tlie United bt.UeK ( iovernini'iit. Un-
dorsndby thuheudunt Ihudri'ut lrntver.iitlrsas
the StrotiK 'St , Purest and moU Healthful. Dr.
J'rlce'g Cream llaklnK I'owdcr docs not contain
Ammonia , I.lmo or Alum. Hold ojily In cans.
1742 Lti'vrcnco St. , Denver , Col.
Of tbo Missouri State Museum of Anatomy. St.
Lculi , MIL , Univerblty CollfHii HunpiUl , Lon
don , ( Uoseii. CJermnny and New York. Hnvl t
devoted their attention
cured wifely and eunedlly without USD ot dan-
Kerous driiRs. Patients whoso cn es have boon
lU'Rlected. badly treated or pronounced Incur
able , should not full to writu us coiicernlnK tholr
symptoms. All letters receive immediate atten
And will be mailed FHER to any addreM on re
ceipt ot one lucent Htnmp , "Practical Observa
tions on Nervous Debility and Physical Kxlmus-
tton , " to which Is added an "Essay on Mar
riage , " with important chapters on diseased of
the Heproductive Organs , the whole fdrmlntf a
valunble medical treatise which should bo
by all young men. Address
DRS , S , and D , DAVIESON ,
1742 Liiwroncu St. , Douvcr , Col.
J.W. Barnsdall , M. D
lloinropathic Siiooinlist ,
Gyn < i'colo/ixt and Obstetrician. a
Tclophono 979.
-E.T.Allen , M. D.f
Hpma-opathlo Specialist ,
Spectacles Accurotely I'rctcribml.
Surgeon and Physician ,
Onico N.V Corner 14th unil UoiiKloH Ht. Ofllco ,
telephune , iU ; Ituslilcnco telephone , OC8.
Knslly illRCSteil ; of the finest flavor. A hearty
liuvurnKO for H turonu uppetlte : a dvllratit tlrlnk
for tlioHviMltive. Thoiouijlily tBHteil ; nutritions ;
paluliible ; nnoxcellrd In purity ; no unpleasant
uf lur cllucttt. Requires no bollirm.
nml all othnr utlectioim ( it the skin can 1m
quickly cur nl by Si'.Aiuniv's MII > IOATII >
TOII.KT SOAPH , rtcllciitfly pcrfumud amJ euch
ciiku In a ( It'coratud tin box. .
I JNI'LAMIJI ) UI'MK , from any cntiho ,
promptly ri'lle1 1 by DMIIIV'S TOOTIIAUIIK
IMiAHreiiR. wlilcli take the plaro ot opIutfK
and Unnguruu&tootlmchu drupi.
S iis.\ouii\iii.i : : : UASKS tan im i < Mi < iurcii
inocuous by burning HKAIIUIIV'S Hvniios-
AITIIOI , I'AbTii.i.KS. 'Ihn safest , meal fra-
Kruut and mobt ellicleut deodorl/.Hr.
pOIINS AND HfNlONH am pixinptly rolluVcd
U I ) ) ' MKAI > ' 8 ( 'DUN AMI Hir.MON 1'I.ASTM tl.
OiiBoft felt , lilglily jnvdlcuU'd , Ituliovu
auru itiid reduce inllumnmt.on.
AM , Unuouisrs Si ; LI ,
Dr reason of It * central politico , t'xx * nUtlon to line *
least of Chicago , and eontlnuom Un < * t terminal
point * West , and Southwest. U th * Ira *
middle link In thai transcontinental tjHrm which
Invites aud facilitates tratel and traffic between th *
Atlantic- and Paelflc.
Th * Rock Island main lln * and branch * * Inctnd * Chicago
cage , Jollet , Ottawa , LaSalle , fvnila , Oeneseo , tlolln *
and Kook Iiland , In Illinois ! Darenport , Muscallne ,
Washington , ( 'airfield , Olturawa , Oskaloosa , Wstllb-
rljr.IowaCltj.OoMolniiB.Inrtlanola.Wlnlenet , Atlan
tic , KnoiTllln , Audubon , narlan , Outlurlo C ntro and
Cuancllllluir , lnlorai Oallatln , Trrnton , Ht. . .topu ,
Cameron and Kama * City , la UUiourlt L l. iwortli
and AtohlionInKnn aii | Albert L aMlnntapolli and
t. Paul , In Minn t lot i Wattrtown and Sloui Falli , la
Pakota , and hundroilj uf Intwrmetllato cttltf and town * .
' . 'The Great Rock Island Route" A
Ouarantooi ip M , comfort , certainty and * afotjr. til
permanent war 1 < illitlngulilird furlta eicellinc * . It *
fcrldgot are of etono and Irou. 11 * track ! of lolld
te lIU rolling Block perfect. Itspai9enfferqulpmnl
ha * all th * latetr appliances that eipcrlmeo bupror4
nxeful. and for luxurious accommodation * U anm * * .
p lasted. Its Kiprois Trains consist of tuperlor U f
Joached , elegant Pullman 1'alace Parlor and Bleeplnff
Cart , superb Dining Cars , prorMlne delicious meals ,
and ( batwetn Cblo go and St. Joseph , Atehlion and
Kansas Cilj ) restful Retllnlns Chair Cars. It * man.
BKement 1 * eonsturaUT * , IU dlsclpltn * eiactlof
"The Famous Albert Lea Rowe"
Detween Chicago anil Minneapolis and Bt. 1'a. ' U th *
farorlte. Orcr Uilj Una Solid Fast Cipres * Trains run
dally to attractlro resorU for toirlsts In Iowa aad
Minnesota , and , via Wnt rtown and Sioux Falls , to th *
rich wheat and irrailni lands ot interior Dakota , Via
Seneca and Kankakee , the Hock Island offers superior
Inducement * to trarelera between Cincinnati , Indian ,
polls , Ijufayotto and Council lllutfs , St. Joseph , Atchl.
on , Leavenworth , Kansas Cltjr , Bt. Paul , and Interme
diate point * . All patrons ( cspntlallr ladles and chll.
drenr elreprot * tlon.eonrt < > * 7aadklmllrattaiitlon.
For ticket * , maps , folders , cople * of Western Trail , or
any deilred Information , apply to'prlnclpal oBlces la
to * United State * and Canada , or addrn , at Chicago.
R. R. CAIlf , I. ST. JUKI , I. A. MlUigit ,
Awl Ceil Mtaant. 0 .nt , * > rsel.A , %
IVrchorons. ClyiluHdnlos and Hhlrc , also linma
brril eu\ti. \ Kvury nnlmiil Kuaruntood a lirowtler
Onr stock has IHMIII Hulucti'd wllli rufcrenroto
holli Inillvldiuil merit iind pcdlurce. Homo ot
UieitonoriuM havu tiilcun llrat prizu ut the No-
liruskii State I'ulr , 1M7. All our horttn * nro ac-
rlliiiali-il.niKl rnlts of tlielr K t ran bo Hliovrn.
1'rln-s ri'iiHiinablo ami umy tt > nnn.
liv thu thruii liindliiK rallrondi of thu stuto. II. It
Jl. ; K. . i : . & M. V. . nnd 1C. ( J. & O.
I'll V & 1'AIIItllAH , York , Neb
- lir.MVEnr.ii TO
20 Cents a Week.
Bovrn pipers a week. Bond ) our order to the
( lIlll'O ,
1029 P Street , Capital Hotel Building
Advui lining Iim nliYRya proven
Biicrcssful. riofoiu pldclnunnf
NowspHpnr Advetllslnif cornu"i "
U I * \uitttk nuwc , CHICAGO ,