. . . . r'- " r-.J..r--- ' ' . ' ' . ' , I. - ' r ' ' : r ' P . . , . y . , , . 4 TJjl OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUR1At FEBRUARY 4. 188. S 2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - : . : E\V \ CIVIL : sERVE RULES. - The 1'oBtdo t Approvb and Pro- inulgatos Their floviBion. HE MAKES A FEW CHANGES. : 1No ( ( ) i , tie Old ItcgIRltltltIIM : J4cIcR Alterat 4tI-'rIe Chest nut itliiiiL InIIt leni Cunt ilinit Ioii- Soldiers Hecoiiilzctl. CRH SrvIee ItaIi CIniigt'd. ASItlUT ) ( ) ? ' , F'eb. 3.-'rho Iresltlent , has 1IIIroveil flhIl promulgated thu ravision of the civil service rulcM , which In:1k03 : several iry Imnportttiit cliatigeM lii the systwn of n. , IOlfltIIICiItS 1pofl tcstJ4 of i1tiies apUe1 to nPiIlICaflth for 1)ltLccs ) in Urn (1eIartzncnts ( , W'ashlngton and in c1ufflIed custom ofilces and lOtOfllCCS.rrlIo omtukslon has also ro ' 1set1 the clvii service regulatoiis to c'iiforin : with the new rules. These revisions liavii liecli under cooddoratlon by the coiiunsslon , ilurhag tue gruater part of the year , and both have recolveti careful coiislderatoii by 1'reslden Cleveland. lie real theni at length severut thxics and niado changes and mollllcations. Not one of the old rules or regulations rcrualiis hi Its orli.rlnal. A fcw of : ' the most sullent features of the now rules may be stated a follows : 1. They are dlvitled Into four larts-gCfl . oral rules , ( kplIrtneI1tn1 rules , custom rules ¶ and lwtLLt , rules. j. The general rules are nine In tiumber . and are alpflcabll' ) , except In one or two lIr- : ' tleulars , to all parts of the clasMItled service Und to sonic Iarts of thu service not set clas- sifletl nod IA ) 50010 piirts of the survicu not yet classified under the law or rules , fl. , tlae.o ii1cs It 35 irnule flfl OffL'flSO Pun- isliuble h.s' disniissal in nny oflico of the exec , titivo civil service ( I ) to use his official nu- thority or Influence for the ltiriose of inter- feriog with an election or coiitrolling the ret - t suits thereof , or (2) ( ) to tlisrnlss or cause to be IliSflhiSSC(1 or to use infiucuco of nay kind to procure the disniissal of any person from any 1)15cc In said service because such iersoii , has : refused to he coerced In his lOlitia1 ) nt'tion , or has refused to coiitrihuW nionry for any Political vurlose or to render political scr- vice. AOl it is especially 1)rovided ) that any : officer , clerk or other enIiloyo ) who ( I ) shall violate section 11 of the civil service act which Vrohibits the receipt or so- f licitation of an nsscssiiioot , subci'lption or w contribution for any lolitical PulPose whatever - ever , or (2) ( ) who shall violate section 12 , which lI'OVilCs that any lOES ) n who shall so. licit or receive In any manner whinto.ver a contribution or money or other thing&of . 'uluo for irny 1)OiitIL'll iUiOSO whatever , or (3) ( ) who shall violate section 13 , vlucli provides - vides that tin officer or enqloye of the United , Stutes mentioned In the civil service uct shall discharge or vromoto or in aiiy maimer ? change the oflichul rank of mmmy officer or eta- PIOYC , or threaten to do so , for giving or ro- fusinga contribution or (4) ( ) sylmo shall vie. late section 14 , which iroviiies that. tin officer , cleric oi' other versoii iii tlmo iervice summit dl. . . . rectly or Imidirectly hand over to any icrsoim ' inolley or other valuable tIming on account of ' - promotion for any imlitical ltU'lOSO ) whatever - -shalt be dismissed fromim thu service. Also provided that. no ijuestloit in any - , cxaininntioii be so framed as to elicit a olit- . icul or religious opinion or affiliation of coin- . petitrs for place , amid If any appointing or nominating oflicer make iiiiuIry concerim- lug or iii nhmy other way attempt to ascertain time lmolitics 01' religion of nimy 1mersmm who iia' - lmtss'tl examination or vho shall disciiiiiinnto in favor or or against such Person shall be dismijissed. ' , By time general rules several non-conipeti. tivu exnmnmnatioims are provilctl for timid coin- liUisoi'Y cxumuiimatioits for jroiiiotioim directed. 'l'lie conipulsory examination imi'ovisiciii , its ? ' suggested by the conimnission , was anmended S by the presitlent , who added the following . words : "lint iersoims In classiticu service - . who vent lioimorably discharged front tim 5rullitary or naval service of the government mitid widows and orphans of deceased soldiers . and tiallors summit be CXCU11)t from such exam- iflitjofl. - ' Another Important feature of the general i'ules gIvs authority to the appointing or , nominatingotllcer , to whout thu coiiimission- . ers may send the imamnes of persons declared by theta to ho eligible to it certain llae , to object in writing to , uil. or any of the Iersons titus certified , stating that for reasons to be par- tictilatris' spceihlcd such persons , or any of S them , nrc not capable of performing the duties oftho vacant plmice , and the comnmis- sinners arc directed to mnako certification of . otlicrimamnes if the objections are ascertained to 1)0 good itimil volt foummded. The gemieral rules also vrovldo that soldiers - and sailors who liiive been honorably discharged - charged lccause of siclcness or wounds shall bQcertItled for mmiPintmncnt lit Preference to oilier iteoiis of higher grude in examination , . nimil iii immaking ammy reductiomi of force in amiy 'bradch ofthe classlhledservicolionorably dis- . imlnmrgt'tl soldiers tutU sailors and alsO widows and orphans of deceased soldiers amid sailors lmalt ho retained in itroferemico to others. Tie iicpartmeiital rules are eleveim in numu- .bcr. . These rules authorize the classification . of various eoimiiimlssions mid independent bureaus - ' reaus as vell as departments at Washington and prescribe the exiuniuntlon that must bc , , provided to test candiduWs for admission to , this branch of time s'orviclm. 'hiey provitlo that . the followint ofiicersmaybeappointed without -S Uxaliiiiilition.4 : Oimo iwivute secretary or one contidciitiitl clerk or head of eadi classified . dCai'titWI1t mmmiii of each assistamit secretary tliercoLaud also each lmettl or a bureau ap. , . pointed by the presitlent ; direct eustolians of money for whose lldeiity another oflk'er h ' under official lOtids ; dislnmrsiiig ofilcem's tvlic . give bonds ; persoims cnipioyed exclusively it . the secret service of the govimrimmeimt ; chief ; clerks imnd chiefs of divisions. Time mmmxi nmm ago limitation of t'oi'ty.hlvo years is ab , rogated amid tIme inininiuma limitation is raised , frommm eighteen to twenty emmrs. Soldiers ami sailors svlio have a claimim of ir&fercmmee iii rci'il appointments are let lit nt 63 PCL' ccitt , but Iii nil other cases time aminlmnummi grade oh eligibility lots liceim m'aisetl front ( I.S to 71) ) l' ' ccitt. 'I'ho miummiber of minutes to ho certified S to an imppoiimtiiig oflicor front which to select for mum Impointmmiemit ) himis been reduced from .1 to 8. 'l'ransfers ni'e allowed its follows Front one department to uHotimem' ; front a bu . roan of the treasury departnment iii wlmici business relating to custemmis is trimosacted t 5nmmy Cimtsihied custom houiw , and vice versa ft emn lm lostoflfce departimment to imimy classi 1)cd ) office , mmd s'ice vomsa. 4. 'l'hmo ctmtomns rules mii-o eight fit number Tie ! fOlowing ! exnmmmlmmimtloims for time custon service ore irescribed In : mdlit ion to othe - competitive and mion-cointitive oxammmiima m oiis : For cleric , day inspector , Iimspectz-ess night itispectot' , uwsseilger , assistan woitIicr , opener and paelcer , gauger , exam S iner and samnphr. ? The mniiilmnuiii ago limmil tatlon of forty.hlvo years is abrogated ama tlmo miniomuin raisctl to twcnty.oimo years , ox S CCitt as to elerk immiti nmesscmmger , which I raised to ts'cmit' . Only three mmamcs miiay ii certified to time imoininating officer. 'rh , 1Jlowiug ofilcers limny be appointed withou exisuinatlon : Deputy collectors , ' 1to (10 00 t1so act us inspectors emmaiimmcrs or clerks : cashier , assistant cashier niul nutlitor or eel k ector ; chief assistant disbursiog oflicer iteputyimavul oflicvi-s ; deputy surveyors ; on , rtvuto seerctai'y or otto commlldenthmt cler ] . icr emiclm nominating oflicer. Soldiers an' ' j S sailors are given the ttmme mulvaimtnges ac corded to cxnntlnatlomis for departniciital sci vice. 'rho mnatmimor In which irommiotion ma , S. be meade In time etistoam house to which tii S coummmmissioners haVe not tilIiiicd the lmroiilotio regulations . is SleViflmfl.v tietitied imitti tram ; ; eI.s are authorized as follovs : 1"romim on S 0111cc to another in a custom Imouso ; fl-cia on : - cUtoimt iiottso to : mnotliei' ; trout the ti'asur , depum-tmucutt to time custom house and vic -ersa. . 4 . Time iotal rules arc oiglmt in nutimber , I ' additloim to sisclaI meal non.ctmiiipetitlve exmtu S that'ous ' , thu followiimg are Itrescribed : 1"t ' clerk , carrier amid messenger. 'rime mnessci ger exatninatiomm is to be used for testing U 1itncu for the PositiOns of idler , stampe junior clerk or other places , the duties 'which are chiefly manual. Only three nmitm : S iimay be certilied to as lostmaster. The Ic oving ofltcers nmay be appeluted witimoot c amluatlon : Assistant postiunster , lrivu . . ecrottu-y or contidentlal clerk of postmaste : cashier and assistant cashier ; superiuten emits desirmaUt1 as such by the postoflico d 1. Vartmuent ; custodians of money stamp stamped envelopes or iosta1 cards designat its such by the postofileo department , I v1moso Molity the postmaster is under ofllei bond. PromoUon. may be upon any test' ' Ltneu determined by the commission. TI . sQty-gvo years'LizntuiUosm Is &brouted as . ' - - thegrado or clerk nmmiI the huintim for tEl's. 'graUi is raised from sItecn . to oiiziitcen. years. ; tiati mnmnlntiii fOr carriersis raised Iromii sixteen to ts'cnty-oimo years iid tii miiaxlinuni fromji thirty-five to forty yeitr. ' .i'rammmfrs are autliorize4 us folloWs : From one clnsstfled hosthfllcO tQ imnothier nod frotmi any elnssihled P5tOfl1Ce to the postomco do- lnrtiileht ) ihtid vice versa. 'I'Iicso rules amid regvlations , which wIll go into effect on Maich , l8S , were jrejutred by Coimimimissioner Oherly. In cotuinout.ing ou the revised clvii service rules Conminissioner Edgerton called this attention of time Asso- elated iires reporter to the imbcncc of tim rule which , it rumored , had been subiiiitted to the tiresident for his approval , requiring impioiimt1mmg officers , whemmuver ii dismnissmml front the execiltms'o civil service is mmmdc , to ll l in the department or office frotim which time dismissal is mmmdc , a written tntc- immemit orlime cause of such tlisi.nlssnl. } dger- ton simiti it was trUe that suelm a rule hind beumi submitted to time lmrcsidemit , but it fulled to receive hi mPImrovAl. "Front first to last , " said Edgcrton " 1 have beemi stetmdiiy nimil emraestly.opposed : to any such ruio. lii time llar'ity report nod later in the rcirt in the case of Collector Seebcrger , of Chicago , titid again 1mm submnittiiig tlwsim revised rules to time presldeot I lowe recorded my Protest ngmmlimst Its adoptloml , nmmd time imresldemit , iii tIme exercise of his suporjur autlmority , bus sustalimod mime. " - F1FTIETIfCONGRESS. _ house. \VA5II1NnTO , Feb. a.-Sonnto amend. meats were concurred In to the hoimso bill to Punish robbery , burglary and larceny in the Ilidlan territory. The commIttee on udiclary submitted adverse - . verse reports on the bills to create a court of custommt and proposing a constitutional umendimiemit emmipowering congress to grant mild to the several states. Laid on the table. Time house thou proceeded to the comisidera- tiomi of lrivato business. A dozen irivuto bills were considered amid asscd. Mr. Nuttlmmg of New York offered a rosolu. tmomm cailimmg on the secretary of the trcmtsury for lnforimmmttion imu regard to time refusal of the Canimilitimi authorities to allow American wreclciiig vessels and mucimimiory to assist Amerlcaim vessels while 1mm dlstrcs imm Cmtn- adlan waters ; amid as to whether Citnadlami wrecicimig Vessels and machinery are icr- mmiittcd to operate iii Amuericaim wators. Re- ferred. Adjourimed. will Meet the Cut. Sr. .TosErmr , Mo. , Jcb. 3.-Spccinl Tole. gram to the IIEE.j-TheChilcago , Rockisland & Pacific aimfi time Chicago , Burlington & Quimmey announced rates today to macct the cuts made by the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul , ammmmohmmccd titl niornimig. - e 1'IIESS CLUB RECEPTION. Time Ernrts of theY. M. C , A. Ladies l'rVO Jilgitly SuicccsHfLml. Last ovcmming the ladies of the First Cimristman cimtmrcii , svimo comirlso the Ladies' Auxiliary of the 'Y. M. C. A. , tenderea a comnplioientnry reception to the members of the Omaha Press club at the Y. M. C. A. rooms. About400 lndlesantlgenticnmen wore in nttcmidtmmce and through thd efforts of the ladies 1mm charge a lmlensalmt evcnimmg was la ) .se d and time members of time lrcss and time other guests expressed timemn- selves as highly pleased with the graceful reception mtmmd pleasing entertainment ten- dered. 'l'iie evening sviil doubties result in reciprocal sympathy and benefit to both imostesses amid guests. After the reception , which lmtsted until mibout 9 o'vlock , time follow- lug irogramitnie was prcsemltei , witim ex-Gov- ernor Alvimm Saumidors as presiding officer : Music..First M. E. Churcim orchestra l'rmtycr..G. E. 'rorry Address of welcome..W. W. Slabitugh Imistrumnental solo..Miss Nmntiitm Claytomm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jessie Scott Tmotmmboue sole..C. E. Anderson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . At time closoof this pleasing cntertuimmmmiemmt refreshments were served maid a brief social was imidulged 1mm. Toasts were mmoxt an- mmoimnced , and ox-Goverimor Saunders was called on to respond to the "Y. M. C. A. of Oommmhn , " mmd , with his usual readiness , ho wits equal to time occasion. Mr. Lu Ii. Cake. a member of. the club , ro- spomided to tim toast "The Press Club , " and did so to time utter satisfaction of his fellow members. lie described the purposes of tim club umi its brief but wommderfully successful growtlm ; he touched on the numerous temup- tations to which reporters particularly are subject , and the force of character neeossury to successfully pass by theta unscathed. He 81)01cc of the power the micwspaper mcmi have to blmmckemm or glorify the character of a per- soil , amid time euro geimcraiiy exercised by thorn imm properly restraining from an abuse of this vower. General Ocorgo B. Smith was the last speaker , and he discoursctj. oloquemmtly cmi the great opportunity the pres has to aid 1mm time alvanccmnent of time Y. M. C. A. He urged upon the mnembers of the press to ally themselves - selves with time Y. M. C. A in their gramirt mind noble cause-aummiomiof both forces would result irm immcmilculabio good. flEISTROM FOUND GUILTY. 110 is Found Guilty of His Brutal As- Nflhult ( > ii Wmi.lthers. Time trial of John Iledstromn for his murderous - ous assault omm Ilemmry Waithers ott time imlght of time 27th u1t consumed time ommtiro atteim- tiotm of time police court yesterday mifternoon and developed 50010 brutal features of the desperate attack before umipublislied. The court room was crowdoti with spectators , vlio stood up the entire afternoon to listen to ' the case. it appears fromn the testlmmmony givcmm that Oberg , time vroirietor of limo saloomi itt frommt of yiiiclm time stabbingoccurred. writ immore or less coormected with the affair , For soirie rerisoim Obcr had a vorsommiti grudge against \\'rmltimers , but 1m iris abseimee his bartcmmder Iledstrommm , immvitettVmtitiror L In to tmmlco mm drmnk. Vhen Oberg returmmed ime ordered Iledstrom to put. Waltimem's omit. Withoimt vuittmig to be ejected , Wmmltlmors walked omit. 0mm reaehiiiig the outside of the : door he dared Hetistrommu to step out mmd have it out lit a fmttr light. Arm Hedstromn refused teL L comno out , Wimlthers started across the street to his imomno. Oborg timen urged iledstrommt to step out mmcl assault Waltimers fronm be- : hind. Arming hImself with a knife time bartender - tender sllped up beiiiud his viclm mind m stabbed imimim iii time bride of time head , inflict- ) log a terriuiQ wound. Thu blow stunned ; \Valtimers ammrl lie fell to time grouumd , bleedfmmg - imrofuse1' . Ilemlstronm titemi jumlied UflOfl time lrt-n4tl'ato man muiil.struek him several tiiurc lii thu face tvith his hrmmifo. A lOtVcrfUl Swede m arimued Parloitmist lent a helping immmnti by r comnmmmeocuimg to kIck the woumided mmmii jim timc hicrid. 'l'oui Qnmutrimm , a witmmes of this brutal ' act , rushed to time rescue amid struck Park. t ( luist over tlme imerid whim a tin bucket , tutu caused him to leave time wounded moan L- % Vnltiiers wits loft. lying senseless omm timc groummd mmml till irmumitis mmdjotmrmicd to the artioom - tiguimi , where Oherg pmtttcd Iledstromn omm thu 5 buelt , Prrtlsed Imimmi for time bloody mlced nut 0 everybody liar ! a ( trinlc around.Vtmltimerm U S'ts carried to his imoumme mind ( liii miot regair t coumsioiisimeis ; : umuthl the mmcxl morning. Au t Iledstrommt ummttdcm time muttacic at the imistigatlor ; of mu third party , time umdgo let hint oft easy L fuming him IO and costm. ; Tim htetui'it to time Old Rates , Nit' Yomtm , Fcl > , 3.-'rlmo executive corn L mnittce of tlmd trauk lines continued them maccling te-dmy : An annonmmcemnemmt : immmulo third , time C rand 'rrunk litre timid thm C " 500" 11mm ould go buck to the old rates. - ' mm " 1 hmavo been octmmstonally tioobhcrl with 0 Coughs. mmd in erich case have tisci U lIi'mit'ui'u , hirouciulmil Ti'oolies , which have failed unit I mmitlst they 3' never , say are , o second to ' none ma the wrltL"-i'eZL.m 4 itoh , Cmisiti' ) , t. L'auf , .hltmumu. a - 1- hiostout Clgrmtnmnkcrs V.'hIl Strike , mr Uuio , : , Feb. a-Tho cigarmakors vote : mtoniglmt ummamihmnously to make a strike agaimu me - time reduction of vaes. Slty I'er cent c tiiecig5urmnukers are mmvolved . - I Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla _ 1 Whea lisby was sick , ) m cutori& When strum wu s 1id , aim , crud fmw catorfa , of Whoa itmo beesmu. M1 , ibe clung to Ca.itois , to 10 5 CONViTED SEN.TEEDI : . li 'iwo Alleged ynEtndtor 'otmd Guilty in London. FIFTEEN YEARS IN CHATHAM. Callimim nuid hiarkins to Uitdet'go 14o- ml ed Confluemuiemit-TImeIr I'Icas For' Mercy 1)Isregarmhcml - Jua. thee Ilnwkhums Summits Up. Sent'nccd Every Tinme. tCopjrfgm ? I 1&4 Lip JmItnts Gonhmm , Ikmm , melt,1 LosmoN , Fob. 8.-New [ ' ( eric Herald Cahile-Speclal to the 13im.1rhme'alleged : : dyimmuumituruls were convicted and scntemmccd to-dmiy amid inmmnemliately removed to Chmttiumnm lirisomm to undergo time hifteen years of isohateti comihimmernemmt which wmms fully descrIbed when time PreVious rlynnmitarmls were Semmt there. Time result was inevitable after timotestlummeny of time chmemnlcal eximerts that time twenty- eight lotmnds of Imstuft fotitmtl in time sltml tmt Cellrmmt's lodgings wits dymmaimmite , . coujmlcd with those nulumlssiommum of his and. Ilarkirms' . ills couumseller said : "I admIt timiut Collan imad Poscsston of dynamite - namito from September 10 until October - tobor 0. W'heu Cohen died amid time report of the Inquest was published , Callan wished to get rid of time dynamnitof and for this imumrvose Toy client imhuced' tht dymma- immito 1mm iris lortmmmmmterlu for time , lirim0so of takimmg it down into the yard. Cuilami , kmmow- mug timat Cohen vrts Ill ammd that at tummy time time dynamIte might be found , bud lmmnocimtly Possession of it fortimo PurPose of preventing its discovery.'hmat Cmmllurm laud done mimight lmrive been a stupid , a foolIsh ttmimmg , but not a crimimirmul thing-a timing I ask time jury to be- hove. Cullamm lmmmd been led away by time ox- cesi of Iricumdshmip for Cohemi , mind 'was not mu irmenmbor of the dynaumito gang. " Mr. Fritim , eu behalf of Itnrklns , admitted that his client hind acted 1mm an Indiscreet manlier by muahclng chance ricqualntances on board ship amid 1mm taking too muu h limterest In tlmemmm afterwards. Ho nske1 the. jury to free their minds from vroiudico and give his cliemmt time benefit of the doutt. The convictiomm was under this statue : "Kmmowingly having lit possessiomi utmmd under control an explosive substauco under clrcumu- stances as give rise to the roasommabie sus- , vicion that they did hot imave it in their 1)05- sessiomm and under their control for a lawful object. " No evidence was offered for time defense ammd time jury came to time coimclusion that If twenty-eight Pouimds was In their possession , wimen eight vounds vrodueedthe Westminster explosion , and if' mmmcli moro was wmmshed away iii the sewer , Ilme object of the losses- slon was not lawful. Colonel Mmtjendie testi- fled timat Imo also found 'particles of dymmammi Ito in the vortnmaateaus of both vrisormcrs. Timoy could imot testify in their own behalf. Stramigoly enough the bill allowing such tes- tirnony vas killed by time Irish members last session. Minister Phelps occupied aim honorary seat 0mm time bench , and Justice hawkins several timnes seemed maying him time cornhlimmment of commsultlmmg. Calirum , on standing for sentence , merely protesta his innocence of guilty intent , but Iimurlcimms mmmdc a little speech , saying , In substance - stance : "I have a wife amid six clmihiren , no of whom was born slmmco I loftAmmmerica. The oldest is six years. Therefore , as far as life is comcerned , I ought to be one of time inst In world , knowing the value of the lives of those v1mo are dear to rae , to engage in ammytimimmg to destroy the lives of other PeOlle. I did imot comae over here with rmmiy such inteimtlon as alleged against me , and I many any 'I know not wimat dynamite was. I never bmmmidiod it and I Imavo no knowledge of what it is. I never knew anything about it until I heard of it in the courts hero In London. Further , I would say if I had any dynamite iii my box , lmow is it timat it was not found by time ofljcers vliorm they searched my luggage when I canto over in the City of Cimesterl All else I pave to say Is , I hope God will forgive timoso who have swormi against me , at ammy rat I vI1l. Thnt is mill I imuvo to say. " Jim semitenciog thmerd the judge , among other things , said : 'Although one of you has ns- sorted timmmt ho is inncxont , amid the etheE has said ito (11(1 ( not know whmmt dyimarnito. was , I caum hardly credit those asservatloas. I cami- not believe you two were emmgaged 1mm domimg wimrut you did on Scptcmnber 10 in carrying that imirge timm box of dymmumite to Calluu's lodging witimout kurowing yon were taklmmg it there , temmmporarily , lerimaps , iii order that It umighit be Put out of tire way ; nnd if ' you , Cahinmi , felt timat you were immnoccmmtly iii l)05505510fl of a imarnmless substance , Anu were commmmnltting no crime , it can hardly be ' supposed tlmmit. you would , in time right , time , have taken out piece after piece of dymmamnito amid timrown it lmmto limo water closet In time htoimo that it might be forever concealed , As rpgards time character wimieji has beomi givemm you in affidavits from Amnericmi , I would with refcreimce to you , Caliamm , gladly listen to threat imm mnltigatmon of your sentohee , if my lUbhie duty would vermit moo so to do. But , iii commsmdem'ing the volume of testimony I aiim bound to ask mimysoif , 'Is time character those persomms have given 'you mm cimarricr they would have i'm if timey immud known Piow you were engaged iii' timis coumm- ' tryi You nmrmy have pcmtade1i , timemmi timat you diii not do these wicked timmmgs. $ With regard to you , Harklmms , although you have almlealc(1 ( to mc , vitlm regard to your position nmmd vrofessed ignorammco of time substammec witim wimicim yi wore dealing , I roust , say IIQ mnnmm of comnumomi sense could believe you. The law perirmits me , in mny discretion , to pass on each of you ii muclm imeavier sentence thrmn that which I am about to proumnuumeO. If I hail before mo your guilty mmrineiplos , for I beiieve timoro is one mind porhrmi's there arc nmoro than one , wimo vrommmlmted you ' to the coummisslomm of time crimmmes of whict L mmow stand cemivicted , I smoul ; lowe felt that 1113' duty towards the public safety mubsolutely required that I should ImaS sentence involving time full extent of punish. mcmmt time law allows. 'rime srmteneo yotL can hot but Oxitect to receive must be movcre , Indeed , mis a warniug to nIl men , sc L timat others may be deterred from time commmmrssloim of such amiscimievoum acts or time entertainment of' tin designs you have been found to have elmer islmcd. Lookiumg at all the circurn5tummccs mint everytiming I have been able to see mum you r favor , I feel that at best I can only look om S 3 this case mis one 1mm whicimwitimout passing ujmou you both time oxtremmmo semmtcmm o f time 1uv , it I necessary I should Impose a sentence of eon t siderablo severity. Therefore , under alL timi m circumstances , it is amy vuiriful duty to comm a doom each of you to vemmal som-vitudo fifteen years. " There seems no reasonto thljmk that ttmm accimscd have riot had fair play by undue cvi d deuce. iloth the attorney geumeral amid judg seemed to have carefully guarded time cas it , f against any Luict of itrejudices , rind time vres lets not lit numy wise comnmucuted on time ens - until now. Sold to time Standard Oil. ST. Louis , Mo. , Fob. a.-Ttmo entire plait p of Wihlinum Vmtslmburmmo & Sons , of this city dealers in naval et.ore , oils , otu , , was sot to-day to time Waters & Pierce company whmlcb is the local branch of time Starmdur Oh commmpmumy , Wasliburno & Sons ran tim tank hues of the south and imrueticali' eor trollmsi' the oil and turpeirtiumo Products C those states. The Stauthurd Oil comupuny I now without any competiUon worthy' of mrei tlou In the south. , : ' . . ' ' 5 , _ ' 'S. , . 1 ' . Vo1tKS. . . , .Juiillciutc City"1riII Pinmis-flad 1'miv.y , , lug i Curb. Coumtractor Etl lirenimay yesterday tim- cremisod time force of flnemm svliiclm ho lots Immul a't work uimomi thmo uqy- hail btscmnemmt slimco last Frluhny. Suplitendcnt limuicor was eu humid and wntehmed.1mmi work as It pm'ogrememd. Time latter was nskim if ho still considered hinmself 1mm time erm1Thy of time city and salmi that lie did , mind it''th.rThayor ' , refused to sigum imls wmmrratmt there * ro sonic versoims "over there I indicating time court lmovso mmmiii mumean- lug tire jtmdges ] wlmo.wiil is-rite tlmenm for lime. " Mayor liroutcim's mit4ticmmtion ( to Mr. litmicer , however , implr,1 , , hint of Limo fuel timmut lie WA bet to be imaiml for Jmmumurmry , immasmmiuclm as ho imrmd dommo imo work ; lint now , tlmrtt lie hmns gone to work , time i'resuummptiomm is timrtt , lie objectioim will be nmrtdo to prmyiumg him , Mm- . Hither tofu time reporter thmatMr. llremm- minim , time eomitrrmetor , lmad no imlutis to work fi'omn. Mr. I irenmman corroborated time state- immemit amid elmulnmed that imo could not s'ork vitbout timemn , and that time delay iii gettitig them wits mmuterfcrimmg with imis Imrogress. Mr. I3alcer said lie lund beemm to see time city engi- mmeer , who , imvaver , was sick , and was repro- settled by Glover. This gommticmimmmn , Mr. I3mmker said , Imad refused to give up time imlamis , without , however , mussigulmig Li rcasomm there- for. Mr. Clover was then sccmm by thti.m reporter amid , stated timrmt time Plunshe had were it copy of timoso mmmado by tIme umrchltect mmd were intended solely for time use of time city erigimmeer's ofilce. Time origlnril virmums were in Mr. lirmcloimmbo's o - sesslout , Messrs. linker and llrennaim saw time irutter amid wom'o inforimmed timrmt time Ihiuims in time city emigineer's ofhlce were for time use of time eommtractor and suimerimmtemmdcnt amid imum- immediately gave aim order-for Mr. Glover to sum'rondeu' timcmn , svimlchm lie did , mind lunmume- d lately they were delivered to Coimtructor Llreuimmmmn. Mr. ilaicombe uris viuced tmmo original pinims In mu safe svitim the Iulea of preserving timeimm for misc iii time ovoumt of mu discussiomm nrisiimg which mnny be based upoum some feature ium time original sketcim. hAl ) rAVRMaNT8 , Time pavommmeumt relnid between time cable trrtinwtuy track is in ii wretched coimditioum In mnammy imarts of timir city. Time opemmiogmi be. tween limo stommes were large and water is now ruommiag tlmrotmgim themum without ulililculty. Au the paving mmemur the cormmcr of Tenth ummid Harmuey streets Is loose and vitimout mncicimmg. At time corner of 1"armmmimui amid time sumac timer- oughfrmro time water is rushing into mm imolo immado by the droppiuig of limo grmmnito blocks , and so strikiiig time bed beneath as to wamsim away mmmuch of the sante. llcsides mit lntei'vals limo street rum'e scattered blocks , semite lmr- tinily and otimers entirely pulled out of vlace by time too mind heel caiks of imorss. The immatter tiernaimdod immncditmte attention. ctliuiuuNm 1)OW'N. ) A large section of ctmrb iii the south yard of the court imouse dropited this nmormiing. Time road up time terrace hmmd beemi excavated inst fall for vntvenront wimicim wits not humid. This soft weather removed time earthen support and time stone dropped. lEiTltO or vita iio.utit , Yesterday time first nieetimmg of time board of vublie vorks was held for a mommth. All the nmonibors were vroscumt. The following csti- mates vore allowed : Andrew Rosewater , royally on flush . tammk' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23O 00 J. . D. Knowles , building sidewalks mmd loather..t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,314 20 Herald l'ub , Co. , ad'r.mcity hall prO- vosnils. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 00 Dewy & Stone , oflico"furmmituro for Obonird..J.u . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 7 (3. E. Fammmmimmg , street swcepimmg in Decenmbcr. . . . . . . . d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 2 Time following lmrovosal was received front Fauinlng Li Slnuvcims ' for reconstructing time Iitmrmmey street seweri between Nineteemitim and Twentieth strcetsm' Imtiiimoios mis ver pinmim ver vertical foot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 500 Brick immusonry lor' . t,00IJ bride in wall..i. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S 00 Rubble stone nrmmsotmi'yiher cubic yd imiwail..t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IS Co Piimo hummiber per 1,000 feet , 13. M 21) ) 00 Constructimig arch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 50 'rime fohlowimmg vroimis were i'cceivcd for commstructing an eigimt-luchm sewer bctwcemm Eigimtcemmtlm and Niucitetmuth and Nicimoinms amid Charles : Joimum Dahoy , ver foot , . . ; . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hugh'Murphy , per foot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 03 .1. 0. Corby , per foot- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . till Janies Fox , per foot. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 14 Time contract wits awarded Hugh Murphy. The board then nuijourned until7:30o'cloclc : p. nm. At tIme evoiming session Mr. Heiinrod moved timat time cimumirnmnun of the board of public works order Fmmmmmmimmg & Siavin , the street sweepers , to rcnmove the smmow mtmmd ice from time follovirig streets mmd gutters : Dodge to Howard front Niuithm to Slxteemmthm , Timirtcemmtim froum Howard to Union Pacific tm'mmcks Six- teoimtim street frommm viaduct mmortim Id Nicimoinms , Cuunlng street frommm Sixteenth to Tvemmty- fiftim , Farimaun fromim Sixteenth to Eigimtceumth , mind St. Mmmry's avenue to Twentietim. This wmms carriett-llcinirod and Mrmyimo votimmg aye , IJaleomimbo arty' . Mr. Mmmymme moved that Dammiel Icemmmmistou be nmppoiiitcd inspector to sea that the worlc out time streets is ProPem'lY done , sulam'y' to cease as snout as the voric is coummphetcd , ammO to be pal(1 only for time actually employed. Cmmrried , Ilcimmmrod mind Muyimo votimmg aye , llntiComflie mmo. Mr. Slavrmm was present mmml promised tc conmmnemrco vorhc on time street this immornimig. Mr. Mmtyno presemited mm resolution that time cimnulrnman of time beard of vubhie works inVite - Vito time couumcil to nmeet ritim the bommm'd timit eveumimmg to discuss the city' ball nmmttter. Mr. lialcomnbo opposed timis on time groummd thmmmt the board wmis subject to time order of time council , mind that whatever the coummcii wished limo board to do it was their duty t do it. Mr. Imlmmyuo finally withdrew his rcso lutlon. AMUSEMENTS. "Arounil time Vorht Iii Elglmty Days' lit. Boyd's. Iciralfy's "Aroumml time World in Eighmty DnmysI wums imreseumtcd mit Boyd's to one of thu inirgest audicimecs of time seusomm , Dotvmi strOm's time baicoimy , grmllery , 1mm fact time emmtiro lmous wrms packed , and rut tinmes , r markabie as ii was , coumsidering the mediocre chmmuracter o time porfOrmnammce , cimthuslasmu Imirly ran riot , 'l'lmo crmst of characters is especimtily wemmir , witim time imossible excelmtlomm of Nowuom Cottimolul , as Plmimmenis Fogg , time Fi-encim vrmiet ' but time Possibilities for good acting rmre so mit ' tommumtted , timat probnmbh.s' it Is iumvidiotms to crit icise. Time miceiiiu effects were good , barrin several ludlclous faliurcs in the workimig o : time mmmnichimmery , ammd time costuumming vmms simov itiid picturesque. 'rime bullet 'mts shmummiy' pus sable , time druicing of the prenmiers beimmg timi ommly.vork worthy of commommdatiomm , lVeIr WIuis tii Fight. L DIYLtTU , Miumn , , Feb. 3.-Time hifteen-roumu L flglmt between Weir , tii , Belfast spider , nun George Siddoims , of QmUty , Ill. , w.ms emmuled ii time eleventh round , f.II referee givitig tim' ' flgimt to Wemr omm time ittisai of Siddomms to gen on after ime hail cmuled mu foul. wimichm tim referee would not muli. Time ilgimt wa an interesting one timougl 'J3mddomms wmms cicnmrl ) overmunutcimeti imud quUmrmdly Imunisimed , Fu-onm Chhhul9bd Up'u'ard , ) far boyomrd nmiddhi age. thmo teeth wil m'omrmnmum strong mtiitl vhiito if stnndmti'm - SOZO1)ON'l. ' be dmtthy'used. Time breath tulsa , often uumhlemuuiumt i'm life's ( IodIne r vIll continue 1tuiro,1J thai doItgiitfumll m odorous tooth proovrttlve i persist m ently applied. 5 I One iimmlimhhiig t'erinlt. D Bitt one building Pcrtuit was issued yes terulay umumd hunt was to.th Omuha Oum'm Maim ufnmcturiurg comoimalmy' ' Id build a 100 vrmgo shed at their works mmenr time corner c Twelfth timid Leavenworth. See time IIffercmioe. 0 1"Tovemm wire springs , OSo. Denier 0 charge * 3.00. Evorytimhmtz else iii tmt'C S portiomm at NE' Yoitic S'IOltAOI , 0 1503 CapItol ave. - Steaumsimti ) Arrivals. NEw Younr , Feb. 8.-Speciiul [ Telegram t time 13EE.Arriv1'rlm0 ] City of Obleagi ' 1 from Liverpool ; the California , front hair burg. - : QuaasTowX , Fob. 3.-Arrived--Time Mid 0 Igan front Boston. Gm.imsoow Fob. 'j-Arrived--Thahlibernt from PlmIIau\elpimia. \ , . m- L. b. Vllmar , of Kansas City . , Is at tL MiUard. , . . . , , , , , ; -r-r - _ _ A A 1URllEflER Governor Thetyor Offers $200 For Sergeant Starico's Slayer. MONEY FOR THETEACHERS' FUND Cotit'riliumtiim oFtime f3umtomi Schools nuid tlmi , B. & 'I. AuitUtlmmg iepni'tummemmt -Street Car I'zmss.'migers ilmuily Simmikeut UJiIirc'ttIem , Irnmm Tan 111i''S uirom.x rmt'uivn.uu.l 'l'o' mmlii the local mLtmthmuuIticn4 1mm theIr sentreim for tile mnumrderer of Sergeummmt Stumiec and to mmsslst to time extemmt time mtmmte mihloim to bring time guilty pat'tles to justice , Uovou'imom 'l'lmmuyer yesterday issumed limo foliowiimg proclutunnitlon : To All i'crsons to W'moin ) 'l'fmis Shall Conic , Greeting - \Vimeri.nms , It linus commmo to mmiy ktmowiedge In forum lmrcscu'iimed by law , timnmt heretofore , to-wit : 0mm tIme 2tIm tiny of he- oemmmber , A. I ) . , lSST , 1mm time cotmumty of i.twcs , immmml stmito of Nebrmtsicit , a ummurdem vmms coot. mumitteui nmm , First Sergeniiit , Emmmrmmmumel Stnmmcc , 'l'roOlm ' 'F" Niumtim cnmvaimy , by sommm'e i'ei-somm or 1)m3m'somlS umikumowim. 'l'iiereforc , I , Ioimmm M. Timmmy'er , govermmor of tine stimteof Nebraska , by' virtucof tire nuttier' ity vested Iii mime by lav , mmimd 1mm immmrsmmmumeo , of time statutes inucm [ case minnie mmnut provided , do imoreby Issume mumy prochummmutioum , mutt ! 011cm' it reward of :2tx : ) for time mmrrcst mmmmd coumvietlomm of snilul rnimrdrer or murderers. In witness whereof , I imavo imcreimmmto set my hand rind caused to bommflixeti time great sent of the state. 1)omme at Limmcohmm , timis 3d ukiy of Fobrunmry , A. D , , 1SSS. By' time govermmor : JomuN M. TmmAvamt. 0. L. LAws , Secretary of State. ADDITIOXAL CONTIIIIIUTIONS. State Supeu'ititemm dcii t Lamme yesterday received it draft 1cm' $ h0.ii7 from Princi- 1)rtI Sttmphmomms , of time Sutton scimools , as a contribution fronm time inmvihs of time seimools for time relief of Miss Etta Simat- tuck. Time auditing depat'tnments of time B. & N : . gemmerul offices itt Omnalma yes- terdity forwnmded time superimitcmmdeumt a draft for 4O , for hmimit to use as ho mummy deem best for thto tortelmers. Time letter utecompairyimmg the draft expresses sy'urt- ) atimy with the immovemmicmit turd time Iioio thmit time npcntls iruide vill macct with imearty emidorseummeuts. SlLJitIttAN COUNTY IS SAFE. Fohlowimrg is a coy of a letter from time su7)eri ) mmtemmdcmmt of Simernmnim coummty' : Ceom-ge B. Lane , State Superinteumulent : Dear Sir-I rim in my office to-day' . Found 3'oummletter of inqumir.y amid I hasten to reply' . Simermuami county tcrmclmers until scholars are nil " 0. We lmad instructed our schmooi boards mmmmd quito mm mmuniber of ommr teacimers to stay' 1mm time seimooiroonm iii case of rt storm em' "bliz. " My termchmers mire nIl hmeroes. They stood by their scimoois to the last mtmmd canto out iifo. One iOy in time county left time schoolhouse rumul refimseut to obey umis tenmeimor , but lie cntmne out safe. I iunr pleased vitim your efforts to nld time nmcrmtorious. TimIs county vi1I forward its commtribution In a few dutys , as I learn to-dmmy. 11. L. Bumms , County Superimmtendcimt of Schools. A hiICKLES $ IIIIVEiI. Passengem-s emi time street cam's rummmiing out South Fotmrtecnthm street wire lump- pemmed to be ott a nruu'tieular cur Thai's- day umighmt that was behmimmd time had a lively shaking up at the corner of M aumd 'rhmirteemmtim street. At thmitt point the driver was rushing Iris tentrn alommg on ii gallop , mind wimeim time switch located rut that hOimit wnts struck the car left the track , lauding in the tnud vithm a sud- demmmtess that stacked time passeimgers in it PI'ommmiSctmeUs hiemul ) 1mm time ft-omit end of time car. A lady ViLS throvmm comiletoly ovum. time stove , 101(1 timmotimer lady , who was cam'ryiumg IL valtmrtblc ) aintilmg , hmnd it smnmuslmcd in time melee , while a pitssoii gr riding omr the i-eric Irliutfermu was thu'owmm timi'ough time glass of time door , cutt'mmug his imammds anmd items soverely. If tue driver is not diselmarged he.oughmt to be , and damage suits are promnised. CITY IIIIIEFS. A Russian hums been playing a beat game in time city time 1)imst few days in mm moderate way. Ho would npproaoim poovle and , under the pretense timmit Ito could not speak Emiglishm , would successfully - fully supplicate funds fot' it nigimt's lodg- jog or a square meal. He enlisted Constable - stable hunger in his behalf , who eel- loeted fummds from a imumnbor suihiciemit to get a ticket for time stm'rtmiger to a poimmt ime wisimed to make. Wimen timey wem'e 0mm the way'to the depot time iiir : moot a woumami vhmo 1mm gooI English wummtcd to know ef'tito mncmmdicnummt why ito was not rut womlc , amid it wits quickly revealed that lie vmis rum emnploy'o of a second baud store iii time city' rtmmd was znitking a good timimmg begging out the outsido. 'flmo Limcoimm fire deprurtmnomit have mnule imrrummgemnemits for it grand ball mit Teimmple hall to be given on 11th 22&1. The boys have a habit of mumtlciimg timeir ' emmtElrtutirimfleiitt4 a complete success. 'l'hme Nebraska State 110100 for time Friomidless viil be ropresommtod at time conning scssiomm of tIme. woimman's congress wimtclm will macoh. \Vushmimigtoim the iast.of mImmi'im. Time imome bits selected ) Miss P11001)0 EllIott , Mrs. H , A. Mmmmmley ' amid 'Mrs. H. A. Babcock as deiegmttcs. Tao m'egUhmur progranmmes of the stitto tmn1vers'it' societies wore eumimctod at time society imnli'1at nigiit , each lmavitmg Its ' i'eguiti rttuitdmimmts front imimmong time m4udommtms rtmmd thmoso 1mm thu city wimo up- lIrceimute time Iitem'ntL'y wom1C nit the uni- versity. , John Livingston , time hitimograpimer , wim ( ) imumnt hiitd hsom"mcs _ of strife amid vuum'- b furo with , Im'ts nmmrital irmrtnmor , hmims failed r amid his ilntcd. of iius'mmmess jim time Led- with 1)1)1iC $ has beemm clocd. It wrms ; stated yesterday hint Liviumgstoum inn ! m left time city. A Ira ! fotiimda pOcullur lookimig box omm time stair of the l3Ilhimigsly block 'I'lmum's- day Q'eltimrg rind 1itsetmtd it to mm iicemmmnumm as a dangerous collection of f ' ciymmimmrmitm. Time policemimim crmm'mied it - to hmomuuiqummit'ters ammi lmmsimm.mctloum liow'ed it wrms filled with a peeumimmu' lot of cnut't- ridges timat mute yet nit hmemmuiqururters awmmmtitmg mm hmtimnitmit. 'limo ommly case 1 ( loiirluuu tremnuns trout the btnmqiet : temmdored time prc its- socintion by time Linc9lui irnmmrd of tm'nulo [ uiueLum'S to be located rim timmi pu'oimibitmon rr ollicci of time New ltepuiiic. Tlmrtt nuict' D hits 1)mmlli5lCLi ) SO mummy irate ( riced amid 0 OUturugeous fnlshoods that it is iutuu1ly It begiimit'iimg to believe mull Its criuzy' vaga- y ries mummd demmoummcomneimts of the boam'd of trade , A cmii' lead of iromm for mmmc mm time con- stmtmctioum of time clonic to time cuupitol iiulidiumg vas t'eeeI'ed ycsterlny fm'oumm Loum'isville , iCy. Tlmts is ommiy oume of time m miumimbem' of trim's timat viil be required , I , sovem'nul having beomm received mind deV - V posited at the buildimmg pmior to this. ACTlV1 ritOlIhimi'I'IONISI'S. 'l'imo timird paiy ieoiU [ iii Limmeolim immuvo hmui'dly recovered fromn their mis- toimiImmmmeuit over time failure of timcim' limit cnimmpalgmm , thmum they tmrc mu time held - ugnimm for time commting crtimitulgii ) , stmmtc u immid' umuitiommiul. Time past weclr they hmeld a county convemmtioii nit 'reomple imrufl mummd bOieCtC'I 11 , delegate to their comnl 1mg atmute eommvomition omm tii 15th.Vimiio a i'mrohmm- 5 iitioii coimvontlon is regarded its tmnurdiy an immcldemmt time ammo time past week hum' I- corpou'iitetl it few mmev inimovmutions 1mm its platformmm , one bulmmg time m'epeuml of iumtor tin 'ovommuo out mvimisky and tobacco en time grouimd timmut time vices of mu PCIlC 0 1t113 imot P' ° P ° 5Uijeetit fan' taxntiomm. , 'rime treasurer roportol a $20 { ) doliciemmey : from the campaign of 1880 wimich wam raised by P01)Ulam' subscription. Forty. five delegates , fur of whom are ladies , m- voro elceteU for time state convention. Li , flimoumatism iii caused by lactic acid tim time blood , wiileim hood's Saz'snuIarthlr mc un&mmtrahizcs & , 'amid thus cure rhouma' ' Usuu , , , _ ' . ' . ' , . : . . ' - , ' ' - ' - : - : , , - . , . - - ' . . ' - , - ' ' - S . . ' _ - . , ' ' I ' , . , , , ' . ; ' ' ' . ' ' : ' ' . : . , . ' , , - _ ' ' ' ' , _ - y. , . - _ _ ! ' : t : ! t- I ' , t . . , m..s t _ . . , _ 9 i ' . ¶ 4 n , . 1' . . -.5 ' ( ' ' _ ' 4' 1 , : m I I , : . ' ' * r'I , - : : : : . _ . - -f : " i'I ' , _ - : _ , i , - . In retimrntna thanks to you for umy' amtrniemilons cure of eczemm , . om sait rremmmmm. ) I deemmi It mmirisni. , 1mb to give 31)11 Ii dst mhftil it CeouliL of immy cae numul mis timrt , l , muiml miiwnvs rIi1 ho a ir.Jnmltce , mignm1n-t adm'ertis'd memmiodfes , you Imavo mmmy cim. si'uit to immmmmi isii this testi mummemla ) . nnui all hum' ' ItmhltC. by letter or iii per'nln , I viIi mnimom'limii' mum-over. I J ( this thiut lme0iit' u'imm , go ott , t'emmr mifter year pitying out large um in , ' of , mmomn'y' to himcoimm ut' toimt rrm-sfclans umnti receive mme cmmri' , om' evemm re- ilu'f , or curd him flillumg a prcmumatmmm' , , grnn'o , its mts imearlytny ca-to , mmin3' he luohimeed to ummake trial of the vomm,1erfumi Cum-ritomat utM : EmmEs. At time migo of three mmmommtims mm mash niatit' Its mtipeniruLiiit nit immy face. A im1msIcInumm w mu. crmlleii , lie said teotimfmmg i'as tine ( -iumme. tam lm'ccmhieti sommie cooilmmg mmmcthicfni' , I.mnmt time rores rpri.itml to mmmy ours mummd imenmd , Ammotimtr M , I ) , mints 0,11,41. , lie pm-mmfessetl I , , knmo' all ibomit tIme case , eaik'ti It "Kiimg's Ivil , " mummi prescribed gmmmmpowder , briimmstomme , mmimd trim-ti iii Ixed limit , mu salvu , . him I timmm d1enmo continued. 'rimey' coumiri mmot do ruiytinlmmg m'Ithm It. Andtmmer nrest'rllmel , borax ratr mitmul tlommrl another , ihimseoul pommltIce. None of timein 1hl mit , mmny gusm1 at mdl , mImI imimuilo mmmc wrse. 'I'ime disease comillnumeil unubated : it sprerui to Iii ) . arlmms anti leg't tfii I wmus lalti tip ( mmturelv , iummd froimi commttnumnm slttimmg on tire flout' oil ft i'll- low' moy humPs contracted mo that. I iost. nil ccii- trol of timemmi , itmal was utterly' helpless. It ! mmmotimvr wonmlit imave to lift mime oimt mmmi tmmtn bet I coimhi get aroimmmtl time imommse elm may hmnmmmis ammd feet , but I could mid getmny' ciotimes orm at. mmii , almA had to wear a sort of dme..tn gown. Ny' imimtr han null rmmmuttod down or fimileim off , suit mmmy Imi-nit , fare anti ears wemo 010 scat , , mmmmtl I Inniti to 1nrmvt mm tonal out mimy' imemel mmii time tinme mm tint' .limmmimt'r to keep time tiles off. uly pr.ints coim-4rmltetl a I ti'omnluit'imt physician and atm m'geon lit-re 1mm ( 'lii- cage ( limo ttimer p1m-slcinuTm4 ia'fore immommilommeti vero of Immmmtla-s anti ilaummlitomm. ( mrmai1a ) , Ito , -imitl imu multi tie mmotlmlmrg for mmmc , that time cimimmmcts were that I tvoimlti gmow ommt of It , cm' that It woimirl strike immwmmrdiy muuitl kIll mmnc 1mm thmmit' . lie wanted to emit tim sInews of my legto timntt I could walk. bmmt I wommiti mInt let hIm , fmr' It I did get bettem' I wommltl have ho commtroi of tiicmmm u-lmo dtsoa'to couitImmmcd in this mimammmmer imimthi I was SO'eimttCui years olti , nun omme tin , ) ' him J mum- mary , 18n' ' , 1mm the Clmlcrmgo 'l'rllmmme , I m'-nmcl mmmi account - count of y'umr Immetitclmnes. 'riiey desci'lbeti immy cac o cxmittly tlmnut I tlmouglmt , as mm lust resort , to give theft a tmInul. V1memt I Imm-t uppllt.tl time ( 'uTmcm'mt u , 1 was all ram' mmmii blee ilmmg tromt mcratcimhmmg mmmymeiif , html \i'lmon I nimplhtti It I w'imt , to .leep a inmost Immmmmne- Atately , ioimrelimtng I inruti hot domni , for yc nmm-s , tine effect was so sootfmtng. RETURN OF' TIlE aIiAIIA'roht. A Talk % % 'tlm Tommmimmy Miller on Ills Mlnmmenpohits Experience. Time sporting emmterer , Ed Rotimcu'y , together witim Toinmny Miller , returimed from Mimmime- rmpohis yesterday. Timcy have been timere the guests of time leauliung spot'tiimg mmcmi of timid. city amid St. Paul simice time mnemnorale battle betweemm Tomnmy and Weir , time Ucifast Spider. Rothery looks fat , m'osy and satis- fled , and say's that time stuff is jim Miller for a wimmuier ngmmimmst time best of timemmi. ITo made aim effort to match him to a fhmmisim with \Vcir imeforo leaving St. Paul , but was tmnsuccess- ful , but Ime says time imrospects for nrrammging for tire go riro good , amid he expOcts to imear dellimitely' from Weir's brk'ker out time mutmbjcct early next week , Iliiiem' is iii lm'iniO imeruitim. amid ftmlis to show a nmnmm'k of his recent hmmuu'd fhgimt 'itim time rum- uiommhitmmblo Simider , imm f.mct tine Spiden' s'as time worst mmmnmrked rmmnmmm of time tvo , tIn' I ide uIiliem' gave hiumm mum the t's'o lenmvimmg mi discolormmtioum tumitt s'iil rcmnnium for' s-eeins. Jim m-espommso to s'1mnmt lie tinougimt ofVeir , imo said lie tlmougimt hue svmms atm axIom good immnmmm , hut that it was emily' rm chance blow tlmnut mo got iii omm iminm ( Iililer ) that svltmmIed imlmn , mmmiii c'mmabicd time Spimier to evemmtuail.s' kmmock imiimm out , "lie eimmm't ho it agrmlmm , ' ' commtiumued Tommy' , umummi tinoro 'vas mu rmmrmllgmmutmmt. ghcnuumm tim his eye , "mirmtl time mmcxl tine wo mumeet you reporters riil have mmmmntimor song to simmg.I 'l'ommmuny writs mmskoti how hits lmnmmmd'u were. He replied timid. timey wemo yet a iittie som'e , but t'ero rnmpklly' commming nroimmmd mdi might agnmin , Time sportlmmg oioimment of thin two Iuliumnesotmt cities , togetimer tvitim his frlemmds imere , ai'e mmmrmk immg hi'Clmmm'rmtmOmms ) to gi vim 'I'mmumm mmmy' a grnimmml bemimihit , st'imlcli is CxICLted to commmo oft lmcme sormmo tinro this mmmommtlm. Hilly Ilium'- hums mimimi ( jimarlle ( ) iemsomm m'ihi ho imoro to tithe purl , uimtl there iii no dommbt but 'imut mm miDst mmttrnuctive vm'ogranmmime vill be am'rammgod for time occmmsiomm. A CiTY LEAGUE ORGANIZEL ) . Fmmhi hicpom't Ol'tliO Procccuilumgs ( ml' tim ? 'IOetitmg. - Tlmero was a large mmmiii cimthmtmsinmstio mimeet- liii' held mit Penrose & Jinurmiiim's sportimig imcndqunurtcrs last cveimlnmg for lImo immmrposu of orgaimiLiimg a City' ] 3ris l3alI league. Timis s'us Ilumully mmcconmlmiimmimeil by time ehi'ctioum of It. A. I'eimm'oso , imm'eiulnltint , VV. E. Rockwell , 'ico lmeslmicumt ) , C. H. Sobnmticem' , setnrctuury miumd .15. ' .1 , ' . Lnmiby , tiermsmmuo , Enmclm club emmmhrrnmceni imm thrum leaches is reqtmired to deposit afou-feit of n25 with the secm'etmmry as mm gmmmmm.mntcu that they xviii play time sermson out. innmcim club titlist be fully ummiforirmed , ammd time organlzmm. tioim is to Ire kiio'mm mis time Omimimima Amumnuteur hinmse Unmil mtssocirmtiomm. No climb vili Imo mmliosved to plmmy imm'ofessiommai mmmcmi. All mlnmy'mnms vhmo receive mm miioiley' dmmmimmg time ycnmr 1SS3 shmnmli ho commsrlcrett ! mmmimmmtcurs imumd eligible to pimmy 1mm this : ms'uocintmonm. A comim- immitten of hive wris appolurted to select mmmd secui'e grotmmmds , nmmml to tmnmnsitct mmli bmmslmmess portmmimmimmir to limo iimterests of time mmshmdlrutlonm. Messrs. Pt'mmroso , i4mufy' t'mmrrisim , Soimathem' mini ! Lang weio muppOlmmWt.l as huchm conmuiiitttMi. ' , I'ho immltinmtlomm ice writ Ilxtmti mit iO. Uluimu fuillmrg to mmmunot nmssssmnonmts w'lil ftmrftlt their -5 gtmimraumtce. Emmeim ciuh is imliomvtd limit JiIteezm mmmcii in itit roster , 'l'lmo mmnmncs imimmst he imrimmdcd iii to time secretary two weeks before time olteimimig of time scrmsomm , BACIc is iiiOijI - ) Cfljlj. W'ililumii 'WilInt ( IIIIO Et4CaiCI JailBird - Bird , C4iptmmu4ni ut % Vecimiuig 'Vater. \ VlhiinxmmmVlharti , , time burglar vlmo unridin imis ( 'scal.O from time courtly' jail last Monmlnmy' evemmiimg , v.ms caittumeri ut \ 'oepingVrmttnr uud is imow tmgiuiim In his old ccli mit ' ' ' at about 4 time jail , 'J'hmursdnmy allem'umoomm ' o'ciocic time sheriff wrms notIfied by wim-o third. ii ' ummmmmm ummmsvtirImmg time descm'iptiomi \Viiinmrd \s'as lnmrmgiimg mmitoumt W'ecpimmgVuter. . 'l'hmc sheriff wired iaL'lc mmskiimg fur a full descrin tion. 'J'imis canimo mm at about S o'clock , ummt Deputy SimerlIf Grebe wits sent after tin fugitive. ( Jrcbe munmnedlrmtely recogimlzcd ho mmmc ammil 4 o'clock yesterday morning stamteu with hmimum for Omaha rmmmivimmg at 0 : 'iO o'clock , W'ihlard has scarcely' oimeimcd imis mriouthm siimc ( arrest ; is morose , maid absolutely rdluscb ti make ummy btnmtcummcnt tvlmatcvcr. S Fish for time Strenumn'4 ' , There was a mutc ctlmmg of time Nehrnmska Vlsi : coununissioum lucid itt time office of Ii , l. Ii Kennedy , there being pm'esemmt ( rein ahroac. , ComnmlssioumcrMay , of Fmcworm , amid Super Time first mrmormmturg after tuslmmg It mmry lieqim ( I leirl mit , slimm oimlS' Oil I lie eiitl of mmm y' mro..i'i 'i'm's ' mm ptimk color , Ne.'nt day It vunu kimiti of s'imItt' , ammil I t-oimiti imlurti muiy lmnmnnmls omm limo sort'svit ho mmt It bet mug Pnutim I mml. I mm nitoim I titi , u'eeks I snafu sti-uitgit. , lmmmt lmmt wnlk , I t met ) t ) wemtk , bmit mmmy nnrem % , 're litany' well. 'Ilitnim I commmmmmttimcoml timi , ute of time Cu'rmcemm' htusumi.visi' : , auth 1mm three tiny's I was tiomse thmnumm eu-mr. I was cute mmmi , ss of i Phiuihle't frommm I 0 e ttf , (1 t lim _ % ' imend to time 501,44 I ) f mmmy teet ; to snuy' t hey mu's'r , ' vnilmmfmmi vmmmiml mint tIn jmmstl'e to thu ens , ' , 1mm fromnm two to four ( iniys I hey' bnirst mmmd left it summnmli , .cnmht' whmtrlm d mttped dl aumul left tim , , spot immmu o mmmiii linu skin % lmlt ( ' , mmii its umemur nms I umim irmulgo I wits cured lu multotmtIx to t-igint s't'plt , mmmmti imp I , , t iiu M tiat 0 , (1. ( e. hi'oumm .lmmmmumntry , l59 , to , lmummumntrv ' , ilth7) ) I imave mutt bocum sick 1mm any' tu'mty , om immmte 'imnni time icust uigmms of tintm hisenmse rm.nulmpenum-Iumg cmi mmmo. I immivo no xcriieimt mml'petite , Immuvo time 'cry best of hmtmrmltlu , Mv liimmbs are strruigiut. smmiplo , mumti mtu'mrC , I have btemm I'XiOi'tMl to miii sorts ( uf veut1mer : without the least signs of tii , disease yet. 'i'm , ' oumly' dultereumce 1 mtoti hum immyself is thmmut limy sklum Is lImier. m.oftem , iotA mmcl sum liable to get clnmmltped mis Is lit hmer t No loubt mmmmmmv ) ei'flS will mmot believe tim1 aimnost immimrobnmbltm , stony' , ummnummy mIil thml umk It groMsly , 'xniggrmmteI. , , I , iomm't liluumie t lmemmm a Imit If tiney tic , hmmt to p.mmtisf3' tlienmmselu'04 tlty calm caii or % u'rltu to mmmc aummi ilummi out If whmmt I imave w'm'Ittomm mihOVe Is true or umot , 'J'lmtr , , mmro ummmmuy persimums vimo calm testify to time woimtl'rfumi cure have m , nct'IvetI froim , yommr Cu-m'munu : ltmnmmmomis. : ( I enteurmeiItt ] mime mug.uuum timmmmmk yoli I'or mimy cure. at : lenmrtamum ) St. , % V. .1. y1uDONLI ) . L Cii idAOo , lt.i. . , Jaum , 30 , 1557. Nothing isknowmm to scionceat all coummparmmbte to time ( 'urmcnnmu.i It iim in , m ms him I imeir mimtmrvollimums inropert ics of t-ionmumsIumi , mumrlfyiuug aurA lmemuimt I fy- Immg I lie sklim anti Iii cmmrImmg tom-i , mm-immg , disltgtmi'- lumu. Itclmimmg. scmmly rmmmii 1)IlumPiY dl-.t1u4in4 of time skin , scalp uummti litotl , wit Im loss of imnttr , ( 'uTncumuA , tine grenmt Skimm Cure , auth CnITmctninA St mAm' , an 4)XimmIite ) ( Sklmm I lentil lifer , prepuired li-out it. t'.termmall3' , numd CIri'lciIin.k itEsmmivsNT ; , tim , ' mmt'u' I Iiootl Inurltitr , Imtermnuily' , , mire a ptslt lye cumre for every formmm ( ) t hiotmd mmmiii mmklmm tiIst'mnie front itlmmmuli's to scmmfmminu. , , ' . l'micn cmrrieutut to cents Sti ( t'crytvimoro. : u , ; So.mm' . 2 ceumt.-4 ; ( ) % ENT , fi , l'roumrmmttl by tire IOTTut ; liii en A ' . m Cii mM : mem u. Co. , I iostumm.i , ms , rsr.mmtl for 'How to ( 'mIre Skimm Disi-ases , " Ill pages , 51) Iuiustrattoums , mmiii ! IOU tvsttmimommimtis. lntemudemmtM , E. O'l3ricmm , of the state flalmery at Soutim Bend. A imlnumm for time imnmnodiato work of the semsoum : vmts outilumed w'imich mm brief irovldes for time 1ammtImug Ilossibly next week of i,000,000 loire herring In time llluo river amid otimor stroanis In time southmerrm vart of time state tumid 20,000 brook or speckled tm'etmt 1mm tIme stm'eammms iii time mmorthwcstcm'n part of time state. 'l'ino plnuumtlmmg will be commdutgd by Supcriimtemmdeumt O'liricmm. Safe , perrnnumommt mtmmtl complete are time cures of bilious and Immterrnltteut ( its cases , made by l'u'iclciy Ash Bitters. Dyspepsin , gemmem'iul debility , iirihitunml eomistiimat'momi , liver utmd , lcidnoy cemmm- plammmts rtm'e speedily em'mtdicrtted Im'om the' t4\'stein. It dimiumfects , cleanses ttumd elmmmmi immutos mmli mmmaimmu'la. health amid vigor mire obtained moore rumpldly nuid pom'mnaumetmtly by time muse of timis great mmmttmmmal mumtmdotc timimim by' rmumy' otimor z'emmm- edy hcretolom'e kmmomvn. As ii blood pmmr- I liar amid ton ic it hm'iumgs imeaithm , ye- mmemvmmd energy mummd vitality to mm. worn rind dioased body' . p MOIt't' hA it Y. ruros'r. It has not yet been miccimleti when time funeral of time liutut George Vu" . Frost will take pinmce , time fmmmaiiy nvmuitiumg time mmrm'ivmmi of Geougo I' . ilonmis rmummi Mm's. Marsimmmli , of Me- dlmmmm , N. Y. , mm dmumglrter of thro doccntseml , hlotim of tlmese will probitmty renmtIm imeru to- Onty , 'rime remmmnuiims lie 1mm time lute hmommme of time deceased , 2tI Cimk'nigo street. mmA'i'lIOI.'F. . Snmdio , time dniugimter of A. Rnmtimolz , time South 'rcmtmm , stm'tut ciotimiumm.r ummerclmommt , vnms lurleml , y'ettorlnmy nut 1 o'clock ium time Ilebuew cemmmctem'y. Shin wnms uievcum years of uigo mmmiii imer dcmmtim vmi1 mnnrusId by dmimhmtlmuria. Anotiner _ dm110 of Mr. ltrmthol , ms simm , ! to be drmmmgem'ousi. ' iii ofthmmi emmume diumease. - -a--- If home euitorpmisimmg fei1o''otmiI miow com'imlJm' thu mnamiret eu lu' . Iluill's Cotigh Syi'tmh ) lie cotmid immrtko hits fortune. Lie- wimm'e ci frmumds. ' 'F'tjm' 1 ummim miechiumod into time vutlo of years"shme said mm little stuutly , bitt Imideed I tiomm't mtmchm rmmimmd. it siumea I can got Salvatloum Oil for 25 ceimtit , -p vihI Mau'ry igaiim. Mary Kholnmt , who imas ommee before in. duiged mm wedded bliss , wmms yesteu'tlmmy flgalim mmutltorized iy' Judge Siuielmls to mmmarm'y , Jumimes Ilolmolleic , u1is. Kiotfnmt is tinim'ty.tlim'eo y'ermrs of age , mind tire irosiective bmidegrooum twcmm- ty.imimmc years old. 1)1 El ) . CI.JItTJS-Bchimmtlni Curtis , murotimor of Colonej S. S. Curtis , died iii W'asliiogtomm , Li. C. , l-'ebrunmry :3. : :3.DYSPEPSIA DYSPEPSIA CauSes its victims to be mniserablo , imopoleSS , crmmmfusctl , mmml dcprcsbcni lii mmmlumd , very Irrita- hIm , , IaumguId , mmml ilruwsy. it Is a disease 'shmiclm does met get well 01 itself. It requires careful , vorsisteimI nttciitioum , ammO a reummody to tImroW oft liii causes amid touma imp time diges- live orgaums tIll time ) ' ilerforma their ditties whulimngiy' . ilooti's Harsapau'lhla Inas luroven inst tine m equmim cii renmedy 1mm hnumnulrctls of cases. ' 4 I Imavo taken hood's Sarsaparilia for dys. pepula , tromnu which I lint-u sumfiemed two years. 1 tried many otimer unliclncs , bunt none proved ' $ aralar11i" ) En satisfactory a lic'od'i 'rilommis Code , lirusli 1lectriC Liiim Co. , Ncy York City' . Sick Headache ' I , For tIme last IWO years I lmrm'o been fflictcd tutu uevere headaches ammO dyspep- ida. I was Immdmmceti to try llood'mi SaIsaiimL- ' relief. I cheer. rilla , and lmavo foimnul great fully recnnmnmcn'i ' It to all. " ! mlimS. E. F. ANAr.Li , New haven , Coon. ; 1Ims. Mary C. Sunitlm , Cambrimigeport , Mass. , was a sufferer from dysineimsia autO sick head- ) nclno , lime took hood's Sarsapanilhit imumul founit it time best rented ) ' bimo ever used. Hood's Sarsaparilla u Sold by all druggists. $1 ; six for $5. tads 'I emily Iry C. I. iioOI ) & CO. , Lowell , Mass. 100 Dp80v One , Dollar. . . : " : ' : . ' . . " ' . . . ' ' ' . . : ,