cato hor'ftl some good achooll Let us try to do something for this unfortunnto pupil. On request the county superintendent has filed n bond with the county clerk clerk for 1ho proper disbursement of the Wocbbecko lund. Oro. V , Ut'iiKKTT : The Hr.n will receive and acknowledge nny contributions to the Lena Woobbc-cko fund. KrlrnilM nt l ) % n Iwoo I. ' Dcadwood Pioneer : At no plnco in the vrestnro deeds of sclfsncrlflcingheroism : held In higher regard than Deadxvood. Sympa thizing deeply , anil desirous to testify in drcds rather thnn Idle words , the respect nnd ndmlratlon that 1 hero held for Miss Shat- tuck's fortitude , n number of gentlemen yes terday determined to co-ojtorato with the Omaha linn , nnd aid Miss Slmttuck In a sub- Rtnntlal Jiiniiner. Accordingly committees wcro opiiolnted to solicit subscriptions In iJe.idwood and Load City. The Ueadwood commltteo Is composed of Charles McKlbbon , John P. Holding and A. E. Hoyt. That for Lead of Messrs. Allison and Mullock. The committee will ask donations of mining Blocks j the stocks to bo forwarded to the UKK. nnd auctioned in Omnhn for what they Will bring. The money thus realised to bo nppllcd to the fund for Miss Shattuck's- - lief. Those desiring to contribute , nnd who may not meet a member of thocotninitteocan lenvo their donations with M. O. Lincoln , nt , the Merchants' National bank , who will ro- celvo nnd glvo credit for them. The under taking Is a worthy ono , nnd w 111 undoubtedly meet n rwidy and liberal response. MlssShat- tupk's example of foitltudo , courage andsolf- Piicrlflco entitles her to n nation's admiration nnd grutlludo. Generous Ttcply. Omaha Herald ; Nebraska lias reason to bo doubly proud. Its school teacher heroines { ; lvo primary ciiuso , nnd the generous re- ftponso to nn appeal In the behalf of these bravo young women would bo creditable to nn older and richer state. At first Miss Freeman stood alone , nticl the proi > ostton ! was to present to tier some lasting memorial. Then , as returns came in , Miss lloyco di vided the prnlso , and later , when the storm .liad subsided and Miss Stmttuck had been discovered , the congratulation nnd the sym pathy were for the trio. The case of Miss Shattuck reaches tlio licnrt most directly. She is the ono who was crippled and rendered unlit for future labors. For a tinio even her life was in the greatest danger , and only by the amputation of both legs was it saved. It is fitting that she should receive the largest sum , for while Whatever Is tendered the others will bo purely in the nature of u tribute , u token of public regard , and a compliment to courage , what she will receive will bo not only this , but will represent the wages she would have earned. In collecting these funds there has boon no rivalry. Offerings have como from strangers in the distance , and from people In all sta tions of life. The HKU has received n lareo Bum , nnd ono which is daily growing larger. 'Tho Herald did 116 soliciting , but announced that It would care for whatever might bo Bent in , and it will take pleasure in adding this nnd Its own subscription to the fund now in the hands of tholiKK. That paper HUR- Rcsts that ) ,000 bo raised for Miss Shat tuck , and no doubt such an amount will bo raised. Were the circumstances simply such ns surround Misses Freeman and Hoyco , any urging would be in bad taste , and would rob the presentation of its real meaning. The fact that Miss Shattuck is a i > oor girl as well ns a bravo ono , and that she has been sup porting her veteran father , alter nil this. Let it bo remembered that u fortune could not fully rcquita her , and that iu contributing , every little counts. 'A Bravo mid Worthy Girl. OMAHA , Fob. 1. To the Editor of the HER : I have just received a letter frontHov. J. H. Prosson , of Seward , Nebraska. Mr. Prosson is the pastor of Miss Etta Shattuck , and ho gives some facts-.of interest to all. Mr. Shattuck , Etta's father , left Seward BOIUO two years ago nnd wont to Holt county , but while there ho did not raise any crops , nnd met with other losses. Last fall lie returned to Sownrd , leaving his daughter In Holt county , to finish a term of school. ITho amputation was performed in Seward last Thursday by Drs. Heynolds and Potter. Mr. nnd Mrs. Sliattuok are members of the M. E. church In Seward , and arc industrious but poor people , Mr. Shattuck had to borrow tuoncy to bring his daughter back to Soward. The father is nn old soldier. Miss Ktta is 19 years old , is nn intelligent nweet tempered , bravo girl , nnd is a true Christian. She told her pastor lately : "When nlono in the hay stack I sang mid prayed to God. The religion of Christ sustains mo in this aOilctlon. I have sufTorod but very little pain , for which 1 thank God. " Ho pastor says : "Sho has a wonderful faith. I bollcvo her life was spared that she might show us how victorious a Christian can bo. " Now , Mr. Editor , would It not bo well for us as churches to remember this Christian girl in hornflliction } I shall glvo my people nn opportunity to do so next Sabbath. Her pastor , Hov. J. II. Prosson , of Sewnrd , "Will bo the faithful custodian of any fund In trusted to him. C. W. SAVIIHJK , Pastor Seward street M. E. Church. Commenting on the nbovo letter the Omaha Itopubltcnn said yesterday editor ially : The Uopubllcan is pertain that the sugges tion of Mr. Snvidge will receive the approval of the pastors of all the churches In the city. U'ho case Is ono which appeals to the deepest nympathy , and the response Is prompt. To lust evening the fund nt the DEI : ofllco had been swelled to $1,700. All over the state the people are contributing to local funds. U'hu public heart is touched , and every com pensation that human sympathy can bring nor Miss Shattuck will receive. It will place her nbovo want , nnd oven surround her with luxuries , but after nil the deepest consolation to her will bo the sympathy of the thousands v ho pity her for her affliction , nnd love her for the qualities they Imvo developed. The Frcotnnn Fftinlly. . Mr. J. L. "McDonough , editor of the Ord Democrat , and J. H. Agor of the snmo place were nt the Paxton yesterday. These gen tlemen nro citizens of the homo of Miss Mtu- lo Freeman , nnd both well acquainted with the young lady. They state that Miss Freeman's horoiim is fully , appreciated by the people of her homo , nnd that she is hold In the most tender regard by the people of Valley county. Miss Freeman appreciates fully the kind expressions from the people , yet is disposed to think that too much pub licity has been given her actions during the Btorm. The mail the young teacher receives Is enormous , and did she undertake to answer every letter addressed to her she would bo compelled to call to her aid several secreta ries. However , Miss Freeman answers only those coming from responsible persons whose interest she feels is earnest. The wosto basket of this young lady would bo Interesting rumaging for n col- Icctorof the curious. Offers of marriage uro not Infrequent , requests for nutographs or sentiments uro many , applications for bits of the now famous rope with which the little ones were tied nro many , while novel nnd ridiculous , not to soy Impudent requests are numbered by the hundreds. The applications for photographs of the young lady are numerous , but each of these eho has declined. The father of this.voungheroine is William Freeman , now a resident of California , for merly a merchant nnd stock dealer at St. 1'itul , Nob. Miss Freeman is now living witli nn aunt , Mrs. Swift , of Ord , though she upends much time at the home of an intimate. irioitd , Miss Huttlo Kcmmick. a teacher in Valley county. At mi entertainment hold at ttio Methodist Episcopal church , Ord , re cently , Uov. George O. Ferguson , the pastor , presented Miss Freeman witli a handsome gold watch nnd chain , the present of her f riciuU In Valley county. Miss Freeman attended - tended a leap year ball at Ord last week , In which she represented Cindcrrella. A young telegraph operator of Ord was hon ored by being escorted by the Nebraska heroine , and it is said the young gentleman did not succeed well in hiding the satisfaction be felt at the honor conferred. Miss Five- man's every day Hfo is not in the least dis turbed by the fame which she has achieved. On pleasant days she may bo seen on the streets of Ord , iu n handsome little cart drawn by n spotted pony , her own property. It is said that nerve and practical common sense are characteristics of the Freeman family. Mr. Freeman was regarded as a man of sound Judgement and indefatigable courage. Twelve years ago MUs Isabelle Freeman , now the wife of William Hell , an attorney-In California , taught school near Sti Paul , Neb. , nnd during her residence t there located and improved a government claim. Mr. Leo Heron , living nt 1413 North Sev enteenth street , Ouiaha , was well acquainted wUh the Freeman family. It was , "Mr. Heron thlhks , 1ST5 when the family came to St. Paul , Neb. , from western Pennsylvania. Mr. Freeman was engaged in the mercantile business nt Ord , St. I'aul nnd other towns of the state and was atone time in more than comfortable circumstances. Mr. Heron remembers - members Miss Minnie Freeman well , first as n school girl In 1S70 , while she was attending the Spring Creek school , near St. Paul , and later as a clerk In Walbaeh's dry goods store at St. Paul , Neb , Miss Freeman later at tended and graduated at the York college. An OlIlettMii Ucitllcirtnn. A special from Lincoln to the Omaha Re publican yesterday says : A gentleman from Valley county was in the city to-day , mid re ports that there is general Indignation in that county over the wet blanket-letter of ex- County Superintendent Kates relative to the work done by Miss Freeman In "saving her pupils from that terrible storm. Kates wrote - to State Superintendent Lnno ns though ho was still county superintendent , and though suggesting that Miss Freeman had done something out of the ordinary , implied that there was nothing in it to call forth this outburst of npplauso that was going up from the Atlantic to. the Pacific. This gentleman says that she did tie. the children together with n long twine string , nnd that she says , without BO doing , she never could have saved them. The people ple of Ord and Valley look upon her work in that matter as the work of n heroine , and are Just as appreciative of her service as are the people of the world outside. The people of Ord , where Miss Freeman resides , tried to suppress the Issues of the local papers containing Kates' letter. At the meeting in Ord , when the watch was presented to her , the Hov. George Fur- gorson made the presentation speech , and it is said ho surpassed his usual eloquence in the effort. Mr. Kates' rose to reply for Miss Freeman , nnd reiterated the same wet blan ket stories told In his letter , and Ills best friends left the room , sorry for the course ho had pursued. From n Tcnchcr. Scnim.r.u , Nob. , Feb. 1. To the Editor of thol5ii : : I have seen no contributions to the teachers'fund from Colfax county , but will send ono dollar ( $1.00) ) to MlssShnttuck ; would llko to contribute to Misses Uoyco and Freeman also , but as I cannot do so , think Miss S. the most needy. I am a teacher of this county , and spent the night of the storm in the school house with twenty of my pupils. Wo were quite comfortable , however , thanks to our director , who brought supper and lights to us. Hoping the fund for those bravo girls will reach a largo amount I remain , CI < AIK DAVIS. A Nnrsoyman's Tribute.1 HOMKII , Neb. , Jan. 81. To the Editor of thoHrn : IthlnK von nro deserving of the greatest praise for the noble work you are doing in behalf of the heroine cause. You nro not only affording relief for the suffering nnd descrvin g ones , but ns well you nro edu cating the pee pie in the ways of the bli/.iard , a thing which ought to bo as much a part of every teachers education ns arthmetlc. and should bo ono of the requisites for gaining n certittcato. Keep it botoro the people in every ix > ssiblo manner , nnd may wo never forget the terrible lessons it has taught us. I will not offer n moneyed gift , to Miss Freeman , the teacher , who lead her little band to safety ; but enclosed please. II ml a receipted bill for two beautiful evergreen trees , with n request that Miss Freeman accept them and present the same to Mrs. Westphalcu to bo planted nt the graves of the two little sisters who perished in the storm , iu remembrance of their noble acts of sisterly love , faithful ness and devotion to each other in that last sad hourr I also suggest that the nurserymen through out the state contribute to the scholars saved by Miss Freeman enough evergreens to en close their schoolground a living monument to the memory of the bravo , hoblo teacher who saved their liyes. All honor to the heroine 1 nnd may such noble deeds as hers bo over treasured in our book of recollections , nnd may they each bens ns n thread in the cord that shall bind man kind together in that bond of Icllowshlp and humanity which will enable us to comfort , help and support each other. Miiinio Freeman , Miunio Freeman. Knew you then how well you buildedl Or did impulse strong within jou Prompt you to that act sublime ! Did necessity forth drive you , Was It duty lead you on , Or the wish to leave behind you Noble record when you're gone ! Was it force of circumstances } If it was , the tho't enhances All the more , the bright romances Of this lifo web wo are weaving , Hy that Power that made the storm cloud , Hy that Power that made the wind. Never doubt you , Mlnnio Freeman , That same Power will reward you And will always twine about you Consciousness of having done That which seemed to bo your duty , To the setting of life's sun. sun.LCE M. WARNER. THE ROLTj OF JIO.VOU. Those Who Hnvo UocoKiiUed Courage null Devotion. The HCB fund for the benefit of the Ne braska teachers is growing. Each mail brings in now contributions nnd the end is not yet. Have you contributed yet I If not , do so as soon as possible. KTTA SIIVTTUCK FUND. Amount received up to February 1. . $1,091 , 10 Scott Assembly 1U07 1C. of L. , Stella , Neb 750 W. A. L. Gibbon 3 00 Grand Island list 20775 Morse & liruncr 5 00 S. P. Davidson , Tecuuiseh 1 00 P. T. Walton , Sutton list 2000 Jordan Commnndcry , K. T. , Ulalr , Neb 1000 Clalr Davis , Schuylcr 1 00 Three-year-old boy f > 0 Michael Cody , Fort Omaha 1 00 Hichnrd Cody , Fort Omaha 3 00 Haehclors' table , Noligh house , West Point 10 00 Employes Woodman Linseed Oil works 50 00 Office general superintendent and car accounts , U. P. railway 80 00 Harry and Charley White's list. . . . 2 20 Mrs. Hendrix , Atkinson , Neb 9 00 Miss Alllo Swiler's list 10 50 F , L. Ucevcs 1 00 Employes Haven & Rhodes Co. 3 75 Clerks freight auditor's oflico , U. P. railway 49 25 M. P. Kinkaid , O'Ncll 1000 Mrs. G. W. Ahlqulst's list.- . 23 bO Valentino Shorthand institute 4 00 L. H. Noyes , Mondamin , la 1 IK ) Y. Y. Noyes , Mondamin , la 1 00 P. C. Spooner 1 00 J. H. Kuony 3 00 E. A. Mills 1 ( X ) Morrison & Read and employes $ l 50 A poor map 10 A. H. Kuysar 1 00 W. G. Uosson , David City 3 00 Charles Poncy , Wahoo 5 00 C. E.Ualtz 100 H. H. Markoff and employes 0 00 A. P. llauck 1 00 Total * 3 211 03 I.OUI3H IIOTCD FUND. Amount received up to I4eb. 1 $ 473 41 W. A. L. Gibbon .N 4 00 Morse &lirunor 0 00 Haven & Rhodes employes BO Pacillo express auditor's ofllco 10 00 Clerks freight auditor's ofllco U. P. . S 7.7 Valentino's Short-hand Institute , . . . 3 75 J. H. Kuony 1 00 Genlo Mill * 60 Nebraska Ledge No. 1 , K. of P. . . . 5 00 W. O. Hosson.Davld City 1 00 Children St. James Sunday school , Fremont 325 Tojal * 510 7U MISXIK FIICEMAX lu.s'n. W. A. L. Gibbon 400 S. P. Davidson , Tecumseh 1 00 Haven & Rhodes employes W ) Pacitla express auditor's ofllcc 10 GO Clerks freight auditor's onlco U. P. . 4 00 Valentino's Short-hand Institute. . . . 3 75 J. H. Kuony 1 00 Genlo Mills 50 Nebraska Lodge No. 1. K. of P 5 00 W. G. Hosson , David City _ 1 00 Total . ' TSUI 40 THIt CIltl.DIiK.S'.S rU.ST ) . This fund belongs exclusively to the chil dren , nnd the amounts contributed will bo used for the purpose of erecting a monument over the graves ofthe little Westphalen girls. It Is a iwjnny collection. From pupils of the Irard school. , . (11.43 Annie nnd Hcssio Cameron. . . . . . . . 3 GO St. Pauls Mission school 4 2 10 Jeanne Wakellcld 50 Fred Shlnrock 2 00 George HusMo , 1 00 Harvy and Kittle Agcr , Ord 1.00 Jessie H. Hnjnes 40 Jessie and George Frost. North Hcnd. , 1 00 Pupils of Hickory school 1 47 A. R. Graham A. . . . ' 1 00 Grant Children 5 00 Harry and Charley White's lUt 4 10 Abraham and Annie Kallsh's list 3 00 Total ? 37 GO The "Hoc" Funil. The nresent condition of the four funds opened by the Hue Is ns follows : Etta Shattuck W.041 03 Louise Royce 51(1 ( 7li Mlnnio Freeman Hin 40 Westphalen monument fund 37 ( X ) Cash to special fund 15000 Grand total Lists ofContrllmtors. WINDOW IIOTEIi LIST. Reported yesterday : Rctitunk * 1'rlnco.J 5 OO.Snm Khrllch . 1 00 Slujor I ) . H. All- P. I , . Loomls . 1 00 tit-own . n 0011. llcrthoM . a CO C. K. ( 'nnnii . 1 ( W II. .1. Tucller . 1 M ) H.I , . .Mills . li(0 I'.J. Minor . 10) ) J. II. Howe . 8 t S. rrledmun . 100 Cash . ! im Kills As Wester- .1. K. Hurt . 1 00. . ( aeon . 100 ( I. W. Irving . 80011. Stelnhnuscr. . . 5' ' ) Ueoi-Ko ey 1 in loo. llnickH M A. 1'rince ] w Murk Hosenstock. 60 15. .1. Mraliss 1 0) ) lien II. Wiley 60 .1. linger 1 IX ) II. C. Hell 1 UU I.alor bherrey. . . . 1 00,8. , 8eliIesHlugcr . . . 2 oO Thomas llucknur. 1 01 M. K , Xing 1 IX ) W. II. Watson. . . . 1 00 K. K. U-vy 1 PU M.rianklln 1 ( * ) H. C. Walker CO C. l . Kornxth 1 (0 William Wolf 100 Total W > GO ItVMOi : IIUIUII.Nli LIST. Reported yestcrdny : H. P. Itedmon . . . . ! 2 OO.Cash I IX ) P.McArdle a liu C. 12. llallcr CO Mrs. .lolintlruut. . COlCa-Oi 100 ( ! . K. Squirt's fi ( H.Oii-h 100 K/K. Sin-ago 1 IWlWIncoto * Hlluy. . 200 fli-o. W.Coster. . . . 1 ( , . It. Mcllurney. . . 1 ( 1 ! . S. Illsbeo CO IM. Copeland. . . . CO W. M. Wejch 10) ) II. W. llulUey. . . . 1 00 PudaT. Deutimn. . 'J IX ) W. K. Klmcr 200 Totnl V. P. Musdelmun . 1 OJ WOOMSY A. SUTl'HBS'S NEW LIST. Ilcportcd yesterday : W. V. Morse I 2 ( HI O'Donahoo&Sher- O.C. Campbell. . . . 20) , fy 200 Geo. Peterson 1 00 W. A. Hedlck. . . . 200 J. Jouasen 2 IK ) Trank Dellono. . . . 2 00 Cash HOC. S. Hlgglns.T. . . 200 Cash NlUasu 200 H.T ) . Wlnn 1 00 W. V. Morao 100 K. Sellgshon 1 ( H ) Schroeder & Me- K.Herberts CO Cambridge 200 llarryllillar COC. , H. Prederlck. . . 200 II. I , . Cuvanuugh. COO. S. Hlggms \ ni Aug. lltholT CO Hurry K. C.uly. . . . 200 Schroder & MeW.V.Morse I UU Cambridge 2 00 Sehroeder & Me- II. H. Allen 100 Cambridge 100 Ilurrv K. duly. . . . a ( WO. II. Frederick. . . 1 UO C. II , Frederick. . . 3 00 ! - | Total $4301) ) VAI.r.VTISK'S IXVTITUB. The sum ( if $11.50 has been received from tho'Valentlno Short-Hand and Typewrit ing institute , Omaha , to bo equally divided be tween thn three touchers. The following are the contributors : C. C. Viilentme t 3 001II. I ) . Itoyles t S 00 .1. n.Mnrshall V 00 II. C. Ptult 100 COJ. A. Hull 100 Cash 100 . | Total J11GO _ Notes. Did you think the people of Nebraska were not appreciative ! The Shattuck special fund is Increasing but not nearly so fust as It should. Now lot everybody join hands and pull to gether for the good of the cause. Will the lumber merchants of Nebraska aid in raising the Shattuck special fund ! Arthur Baldwin , eaq , is circulating among his fellow attorneys , soliciting subscriptions for the heroine fund. The ladles are responding nobly. Will those who have not yet aided the cause Join in the movement to raise the Shattuck spe cial fund I The "bachelors' table , " at the Noligh house , West , Point , Neb , , sends $10 to the Shattuck fund. "A mother" sends flftv cents to the Shat tuck fund , the contribution of n three year old boy , who sympathizes deeply with tlio young teacher in her nfllction. P. J. Walton of Sutton , Nebraska , col , lected $20 at u sale near Sutton on Tuesday- and paid the same into the BEE fund , The store of Charles Singer on N street near Twenty-Sixth , South Omaha , will give 10 per cent of the receipts of Friday Feb ruary 8 , and Saturday February 4 , to the heroine fond. The entire proceeds of Prof. Gaynoro's social party to-night , nt No. 1515 Dodge street , go to tils teachers' fund. Good music has been secured and all who attend will enjoy themselves besides aiding a worthy cause. Messrs. Sclilaiiuck ft Prince , of the Windsor hotel , circulated n list among the guests of their house nnd collected $50.50 for the fund. The Windsor is the first hotel to respond to the call , and for the liberality of that response is entitled to all duo credit. Nebraska lodge No. 1 , 1C. of P. , the mother of the Pythian lodges of this state , proudly comes to the front and contributes by a unan imous vote 440 out of its treasury for the three heroines. This liberality is in accord with the enterprise and generosity the oldest lodge in Nebraska has displayed at all times since its organisation nineteen years ago. A. H. Graham of Wisnor , in enclosing his contribution adds : "I am glad to note the success of the Ben in this grand work. I hope eaeh fund will bo made suflicicntly largo to muko the 'heroines' ' a comfortable lifo competence. They surely deserve it. " Notice. Several lists of contributors have been omitted ftom this issue owing to u lack of space. Each , however , will bo published. If your list does not appear iu this issue it will bo published as soon as possible. Peace on Knrth AwnHs thnt countless army of mnrtyrs , whoso ranks nrp constantly recruited from the victims of nervousness nnd noryousdibciibos. Thopricoof the boon is nsvstematic course of Hosteller's Stom- nch Bitters , the finest nnd most genial of tonic nervines , pui-bued with reason able persistence. Easier , pleasanter and safer this than to swash the victualling department with pseudo-tonics , alco holic or the reverse , beef extracts , nerve foods , narcotics , sedatives and poisons in disguise , "Tired Nature's sweet restorer , balmy sloop , " is the providential recu- perant of weak nerves , nnd this glo rious franchiuo being usually the consequences quences of sound digestion nnd in creased vigor , the grout stomachic which insures both , is productive also'of re pose at the required time. Not unro- freshed nwnkons the individual who uses it , hut vigorous , clear headed nnd tranquil. Use tlio Dlttoi's alto In fc or and ague , rheumatism , kidney constipation and billiousncss. A Branch of ilio Illinois Central. A Surveying party , belonging to the Illinois Central railroad , has been at work in the vi cinity of the North Omaha addition running a line to connect with the Belt railroad near the round house nbovo the sulphor springs. The work of this surveying party proves con clusively that the Illinois company contem plate building uu extension to this city. Fred Nash , general agent of the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul road , has returned from a trip to Milwaukee. General Agent Babcoek , of the Chicago & Noathwestcrn road , with his wife has gone to St. Paul to attend the ice imlaco festivities. J. H. Buchanan , of the Fromcut. Elkhorii & Missouri Valley road , is at the Millard , Frequent accidents occur in the house hold which cause burns , cuts , sprains and bruibcs ; for use in such cases Dr. J. II. McLean's Volcanic Oil Liniment has for many years boon the constant favor ite family remedy. Dull In the Courts. Yesterday was the dullest day experi enced for years in the district and county courts. Thcro were no now cases tiled in the district court , and only ouo small ono In the county. KEEPING IT All THEMSELVES , I Lincoln Lumbermen Do Not Shnro Reductions " \yith \ the Pooplo. THE INSANE IN' ' COUNTY JAILS. Great Inconvenience Cnuseil Hy DC- laying the Completion of the Norfolk AHylnin Delin quent Counties. " * frr.ou Tiin urn's LINCOLN ntmmu.1 There isjovldcntly n lumbar pool in the city of Lincoln us well ns > ncuil : pool , nnd the members of the state board of Irnnsportntion who have secured reduc tions on lumber rates to Lincoln would like to sou the people got the benefit of them. In the month of December lum ber rates were reduced some 3 cents per 100. This represents , on common build ing material , a reduction to lumbermen of nn average of $1.60 per 1,000 , yet no one hus been nblo to discover that the people have been benefited by this re duction. A now joint tariff sheet has been received by the board of trans portation that announces nn additional reduction on lumber rates to Lincoln to take clTcct in a short time , this reduc tion being about the same as the ono made in December. A member of the board states that those two reductions represent an average of nearly $3 per 1,000 less than rates were at the close of the building season last fall , and that the people of Lincoln who build themselves homes during the .coining year nro in every sense entitled to the & per 1,000 reduction and the board would like to see the people re ceive it. A reduction of this amount secured means a great deal for the city and its building prosperity the coming year. When concessions arc wrung from the railroads and the power of the state is invoked to gain reductions it is n hardship to all parties to have the middlemen swallow the profits. Con- coal men have maintained a pool through the winter that has swal lowed ISO cents of the people's money on every ton of hard coal consumed. For the good of the city and its upbuilding and the people who invest their money in homes it is to bo hoped that the lumber dealers will not take pattern from the coul ring. I'OOIl INSANK ACCOMJIODATIONS. Lancaster county yesterday had to consign the second patient in the last week to the county on account of the overflow tit the state in sun o hospital and a lady was in the city from Pawnee county "with a patient for the hospital , who could not bo taken , and had to bo returned to the jail of Pawnee county. The olllccrs in this county hold that in justice is done the , ditleront counties and the helpless insane by the non-com pletion of the Norfolk asylum , which is lilling county jails' with insane. A su perintendent and 'steward have been under pay for months at the Norfolk asylum , and yet no patients are re ceived there , whlcji , gives very plausi ble grounds for complaints from counties that have to keep insane in the common jail , with attending'meagre accommo dations. The insane man committed to the jail in thia county yesterday has been kept at the Howard house by the city missionary for some time. The man's lame is Jones , and iio claims to have relatives in Ohio. At the time of the great storm on the 12th ho was caught out near the village of Cheonoy , in this county , and was bovorly"frozen in the face mid hands. The day following the storm ho walked to Lincoln to got assistance. The city missionary took him in ehargo iind he has boon lying very sick with pneumo nia , caused from exposure. Wednesday evening he showed marked symptoms of insanity , and escaping from his room ho ran out in the mud and the streets until captured yesterday. The sheriff took him in charge. In the meantime the sheriff has the young Gorman in charge who recently jumped from a window , nnd followed that up with cut ting his throat from car to car in his fran tic olTorts to suicide. This patient re quires constant watching , and ycstei'- day morning ho jumped through n scuttlo-holo nt the jail in a renewed elTort to take his lifo. Through the hours that ho is awake lie puts in his time searching for a nail or u splinter of wood for the avowed pur- poao of slitting his neck open where it lins been sowed up. A more dillicult case to manage it would bo hard to find. The sheriff has no accommodations at the jail for the violently insane , and ho has no means nt hand to hire the help absolutely necessary to care for them. In the light of such circumstances it is no wonder that ho , with the other county ollieials would like to see the state hasten to prepare for the proper care of the insane. UnMNQUKNT COUNTIES. The 1st of February was the date upon which the time proscribed by law ex pired in which-treasurers are to make annual settlement with the state auditor. After this date the county treasurers who have failed to mnko oot- tlemont are liable to a penalty of 10 per cent interest. The following counties are delinquent and their treasurers subject to the penalty : Hoono , Colfax Ouster , Cherry , Dakota , Dixon , Grceloy Ilarlan , Hayes , JelTcrson , Lancaster Logan , Morrick , Phclps and Sarpy. CiOVKKNMKNT LAND IlUCOIl .S. The state auditor has received rO' turns from the dilTorent government land ollices in the state with the exccp tion of the North Platte ollice. Two o these olllces , tho&o at Sidney and Chad ron , were opened late in tlio year and the showing is from the time they were opened. The others are the final proofs made during the ycilr 1887. The num her in each district is : Niobrarn , 1,320 Lincoln. 180 ; Noligh , 701 ; Grand Island 1,300 ; Valentino , 1,091 ; Sidney , l.SO Bloomington , 5U5 ; McCoolc , 2,005 ; Chad ron.SOO. . NKW NO'J'AUIKS. The following notaries public wor commissioned yesterday by the gov ernor : J. A. Tulloys , Red Uloud , Web wtcr county ; Edwin S. McWhinno'y Tnmora , Sownrd comity ; John L. Hutch inson , Indianola , Red Willow county William J. Robertson , Cleveland , Hoi county ; Fnyotto T. Dimmiok , Exeter Fillmore county ; rFrank J. Burkloy Omaha ; M. V. Gannon , Omaha ; Soy mour.S. WerU , Jewell , Dawson county William R. Barnard , Mullen , Chorrj county ; J. Chase , Weeping Water , Cas county ; Albert P. Brown , Ong , Clay county ; J. P. Nixon , Fnirfiold , Clay county ; Willis G. Sears , Tokamah , Burt county ; W. H. Neoley , Gibbon , Buffalo county ; James E. Martin , Hum- bolt , Richardson county ; John G. Cogo- shall , Omaha ; William B. Morrison , Hickmnn , Lancaster county : Julius F. Halo , York , York county ; George W. Coohran , Trumbull , Clay county. STATE HOUSE 1TKJIS. Returns wore received yesterday by the state superintendent from a 007.011 counties or more in answer to his cir cular letter. From these counties no deaths or serious Injuries were reported In a few of the counties reports were made of teachers being obliged to burn furulturo and in . ono instance , in Wheeler county , the teacher burned n portion of the floor of the building to > Keep his school warm through the night. Several rccominondntions were inado in regard to recognition of heroic deeds nnd the reports were all full of encouragement for contributions. The Btato normal school board was called to moot last availing at the olllco of the state superintendent. A largo number of bills were in the hands of the secrctnry for the board to audit. John Harper , county treasurer of Butler county , nnd A. J. Meals , county treasurer of Holt county , \\ero at the capltol yesterday making settlement with the slate auditor. Commissioner Scott and Secretary Lawn , of the board of public lands and buildings , wont to Hastings yesterday to select the location for the incurable insane hospital building. The state board of transportation held n short session yesterday , the date being their regular monthly meeting. Tlio settlement of the complaint from Hulu was ratified and n numborof mijiorcom plaints were continued. The fiourd re ceived a complaint from a woman living near St. Paul , who complained of stock kfllod by the B. & M. Secretary Ager will go to St. Paul to-day to investi gate. The monthly report from the hospital for the insane was received by the board of public lands nnd buildings yesterday. The report shows a total ofIJ8 patients in the institution , against 4UOtho lirstof the month ; of these 223 uro males and 100 females. In the supreme court yesterday the following causes were argued and sub mitted : Cobby vs Wright , motion ; Pratt vs Miller ; Sweeny vs Durall ; Gal lagher vs Council. The court adjourned until Friday next nt 8:80 : a. in. County Treasurer D. A. Campbell , of Cass county , was at the capitol yester day closing up his annual settlement with the auditor and treasurer. . Gout has various names according to the parts affected , as podagra , when in the feet ; chiragra , when in the hands , etc. ; but whether the attack is first felt in the feet or the hands , rub with Salva tion Oil at once. It annihilates pain. Price , 2oc. Popular trial shows the worth of every article , and 43 years' constant use has proven the cillcaoy of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. It has no superior. Trying a Libel Suit. Tlio Bohauisou libel suit consumed the en tire afternoon In the police court yesterday until twilight put a stop to the proceedings and the speeches of the opposing attorneys were postponed until to-day. The principal in the suit are A. E. Thurslc , oropriotor of the Svcnska Tribune , and Carl Gustuf IJo- huinson , city editor of tno SvcnsUu Postcn. Hohamson was formerly in the employ of Thursle on the Tribune , but for some reason was discharged. Ho subsequently secured a position ns city editor on ttie Postcn. and a short time afterwards ho wrote and published the philllpic which brought the present libel suit upon his head. CREAM BAKING Its superl or excellence proven In millions ot homes for morn than a quarter of a century. It Is used by the United htutes Government. Kn- dorsed by the heads of the Great Universities as the Strongest , Purest and most Healthful. Dr. Price's Tiearn Hakims Powder docs not contain Ammonia , Iline or Alum. Sold only in cans. PlllCC 1HKI.NO POWBWlCO. KEWVOniC , CIIICARO. 8T. I.OUIS Health is Wealth ! Dm E. C. WEST'S NEIIVE AND BRAIN TIIEAT. MEKT , ft guaranteed snocinc for Hysteria , DIzzt. ness. Convulsions , tits. Nervous Neuralgia Headache , Nervous Prostration caused by the use of alcohol or tobacco , Wakefulness , Mental Depression. Boftenlng of the llrnln resulting in Insanity and leading to misery , decay and death. Premature Old Age , llurrenness. Loss of power In cither sex , Involuntary Losses and Spermat- orrlni'U caused by over-exertion , of the bruin self abuse or over-indulgence. Each box contains ono month's treatment. II Wa box. or six boxes fort. " . > . sent by mall prepaid on receipt of price. \VK GUAKANTKK SIX I1OXKS To cure any case. With each order received by us for six boxes , accompanied with li.ou. woxvlll send the purchaser our writleu guarantee to re fund tno money If the treutment does not effect a cure. Guarantees Issued only by (3. F. GOOD MAN , Druggist , Bole Agent , 11111 Varnam St. , OmahaNnh Dr. OTTERBOURG 13th & Douglas Streets , Omaha , Neb , 11KALTII. WEALTH. SPECIALIST. Nervous , Mental and Private Diseases Prompt intention given to correspondence , by enclosing postage , Onico hours 0 to 12 u. in , , 2 to 5 and 7 to 8 p. m THE CAPITOL HOTEL LINCOLN. , NEB. The best known and raon popular Hotel In the itate. Locution central , npjiolntmonts flr l-clai . Headquarters for cuiumurclul uicii anil all , .roprlctor ooljr on * InUi * world vent tontlnuoHt MltctHo tf tliiantwr currrrl. Scientific. row rful. Durable. _ . , - _ Oomforubl * * nd IITccilTe. Atold Irsudfc ii OrcrO.OlMI cured. 6amlHimp fnrparni Ulofc ALKO KLEof UIU 1IELTH FOIt UIHCAHtS. Di. HORNE. tMUNTon , 181 WASAM AVE. . CH > CACO. JU1ICIOUS AND PERSISTENT Advertising has always proven successful. Iloforo placlnirany Nowspnpor Advertising connut LORD & THOMAS , Ut i H 4 li > k 8UwU CHICAGO , THE AMERICAN 1WAPER A VOM'NTAHY ASSOCIATION FOIl Tlin 1'HOMOTIONOrTlli : INTKKKSrS OF NKWSl'Al'KU I'UOl'lllinxilia AND I'UIU.ISIIIlltS. OFFICERS , \V.xi. M. Si.snKiu.v , of tlu < Philadelphia Hecord , U' . H , lliu : , of thu Detroit Journal , HM'UKT.MIV. W. C. llnvANT , of the liroolclyn Times , TIIKASUIIKU. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. . J , A , , of the IHiirnU ) N'o\\s. \V. J , IUcil.\nt > 4 , of the Indlmm polls News. K. 1' . CAllf , , of the lloston lli'raltl. C. H.JONKI , of the Jm-ksotn Illo ( lln. ) Times- Union. S. 11. IC.xurr.MNtf , of the Washington Star. NEW YORK OPFIOB , 104 Temple Court , New York City , JAMKS S. MLTUAI.FK , Mutineer. MEMBERS : 1.1IANY ( N.T. ) Alia US. UIANV < N. V. ) KXl'UKSS. VLIIANV ( N. V. ) I'lUISS AND KNICKClt- 1IOCKKU. UIvriMOKK ( Ml ) . ) HRIIAI.U. OS IXN ( MASS. ) (11,01115. IOSTON ( MASS. ) HUKAr.D. IOSTON ( MASS.JOUHXAT ) , . I08TON ( MASS ) Tlt.VVBr.r.KK. 'ION ( MASS. ) votrni's COMPANION. IKOOKIiVNiN. Y. ) TIMI'.S. HOOK f.YNN' ( . Y. ) HAG MI. mnOKl.YN ( N. Y. ) 8TANDAUD-UNION. IU1'TAI.ON. ( Y. ) r.XI'HKSS. IUKKAI.O ( N. Y. ) NUWS. ! ! UIU.1N(1TON ( VT. ) rilfiU PHUSS. iiic.uioor.i , . ) IIIHAU : > . Jllir.U)0lt.IMAH ) ( ) , . CINCINNATI ( OHIO ) POST. : i.rvniANo ( oiuo ) MUDHU. uviiANiOiiiooiiiopAiiMnit. : : ( ) UVKIANU ( OHIO ! PIjAIN DKAJ.UK. OIitTMHUS ( OHIO ) DISPATCH. COIiUMllIIS ( OHIO ) STAT13 JOUUNAL. } 0 LUM IIUS ( OHIO ) Tl M IIS. DAYTON ( OHIO ) HKU.U/l ) . DCNVKH ( COL. ) IIIH'UHLICAN. DKS MOINKSIOWA ( ) f.HADKU. DiTU01TMICH.JOUUNAr : ( ) , . DKTH01T ( M ICH. ) TUIIHINK. Ml , PASO (1T.VAS ( ) TtMKS. ? OIIT WOUTH ( TUXAS ) 0 AZETTK. GAIVKSTON ( TKXAS ) NEWS. OHAND U A PI 1)3 ( MICH. ) DHMOCIIAT. OltANI ) UAPIDS ( MICH. ) Tin.KGAM-HEnALD IAMILTON ( ONT. ) SPECTATOR. lAltltlsnUKO ( PA. ) INDEPENDENT. IAIITFOUD ( CONN. ) COU11ANT. NDIANAPOL1S ( IND. ) JOUKNAk NDIANAPOIJSdND. ) NEWS. ACKSON ( MICH. ) C1TI/EN. ACKSONVILI.K ( FLA. ) TIMES-UNION. IIHSEY CITY ( N. J. ) JOUHNAIi. KALAMAZOO ( MICH. ) TBLKQUAl'Il. KANSAS CITY ( MO. ) STAll. 1TTM3 KOCK ( AUK. ) GAZETTE. [ XJNDON ( ONT. ) ADVEKTI8ER. UISVILLK ( KY. ) COMMERCIAL. : , OUISVIUK ( KY. ) COURIER-JOURNAL. LOUISV1LUKKY. ) TIMES. .JEMPIUS . ( TENN. ) APPEAL. MEMPHIS ( TENN. ) AVALANCHE. Ill , WAUKEH ( WIS. ) JOURNAL. MILWAUKEE ( WIS. ) SENTINEL. MINNEAPOLIS ( MINN. ) JOURNAL. MONTltfiAL ( QUEIIEC ) 8TA1L NASHVILLE. ( TENN. ) 1IANNER. SEW HAVEN ( CONN. ) JOURNAL AND COUR IER. NEW HAVEN ( CONN. ) REGISTER. NEW ORLEANS ( LA. ) CITY ITEM. NEW ORLEANS ( LA. ) PICAYUNE. NEW ORLEANS ( LA. ) TIMES-DEMOCRAT. NEW ORLEANS ( LA. ) STATES , NEW YORICCIt'Y ( ) GRAPHIC. > NEW YORK ( CITY ) 8TAATS-/EITUNG. NEW YORK ( CITY ) 8TA71. NEW YORK ( CITY ) WALL 8TR EET NEWS. OMAHANKIi.llKn. ( ) OMAHA ( NEII. ) HERALD. JSHKOSH ( WIS. ) NORTHWESTERN. HILADELl'HIA ( PA. ) CALU PHILADELPHIA ( PA. ) INQUIRER. PHILADELPHIA ( PA. ) RECORD. HILADELPHIA ( PA. ) STAR. P1TTSIIURG ( PA. ) PENNY PRESS. 1TTSHURG ( PA. ) LEADER. PORTLAND ( ME. ) ARGUS. PORTLAND ( OREGON ) ORBGONIAN. POTT3VJLLE ( PA. ) CHRONICLE. PROVIDENCE ( R. I. ) JOURNAL. PROVIDENCE ( It. I. ) TELEG RAM. IIALKIQII ( N. C. ) NEWS AND O1ISERVER. READING ( PA. ) BAG LE. RICHMOND ( VA. ) DISPATCH. ROCHESTER ( N.Y. ) DEMOCRAT AND CHRON ICLE. ROCHESTER ( N. Y. ) HERALD. ROCHESTER ( N. Y. ) POST-EXPRESS. ROCHESTER ( N.Y. ) UNION 4 : ADVERTISER , SACRAMENTO ( CAL. ) IIEK. SALEM ( MASS. ) NEWS. SAN FRANCISCO ( CAL. ) HULLETIN. SAN FRANCISCO ( CAL. ) CALL. SAN I-KANCISCO ( CAL. ) CHRONICLE. SAVANNAH ( GA. ) NEWS. SCRANTON ( PA. ) TRUTH. SPRING FIELD ( MASS. ) REPU11LICAN. SPRINGFIELD ( MASS. ) UNION. SYRACUSE ( N. Y. ) HERALD. SYRACUSE ( N. Y. ) TIMES. ST. PAUL ( MINN. ) DISPATCH. TOLEDO ( OHIO ) 11EE. TOLEDO ( OHIO ) It LADE. TOPEKA ( KAN. ) DAILY CAPITAL. TORONTO ( ONT. ) GLOI1E. TORONTO ( ONT. ) MAIL. TORONTO ( ONT. ) NEWS. WASHINGTON ( D. C. ) CRlf 1C. WASHINGTON ( D. C. ) NATIONAL REPULI- CAN. WASHINGTON ( D. C. ) POST. WASHINGTON ( D. C. ) STAR. WATERBUHY ( CONN. ) AMERICAN. WILMINGTON ( DEL. ) EVERYEVENING AND COMMERCIAL. WILMINGTON ( DEL. ) NEWS. WOONSOCKETR. ( I. ) REPORTER. WORCESTER ( MASS. ) SPY. The minimi mectlnc of the AMERICAN NEWSPAPER I'UIILISHERS' ASSOCIATION xx 111 bo held ut thu new Dunlson Ilotul , Indian apolH , liul. . beKlimtUK nt 11 A. M. , WEDNES DAY. FEIIRUARY B , 1N . Applications for niutnlierslilp may bo sent to W. II. lillKAllI.KV , ShCllKTAllV , OlllCO Ol tllO .lo.unnl , Dutiolt , Mich. , or to JAMKS S. MKT- MA.NACIEH , 101 Temple Couit , New York City. J.W. Barnsdall , M. D Homoeopathic Specialist , - SURGEON GytKccoloyiat and Obstetrician. Telephone 079. RAMGE BLOCK , - - OMAHA. E.T.Allen , M. D.f lomn.'Opiithlc ( Specialist , CYC' THROAT tit AND NOSE , Spectacles Accurately Prescribed KAMUK lll.'K. , OMAHA ir. J. Surgeon and Physician , Onico N. W Corner lUli ami Douglas St. Otnee , telephone , 4Uj ; Residence telephone , MS. FOUNTAIN 33KA.NDS FINEJ CUT AN13 P Incomparably the B t. Who U WEAK , NEKYOVN. Dr.nil.ITA > TKn.wholnhliFOM.YftniimNOHAPK-K hut TKin.KII nwnr Mi \ 1OOK of 1IOIIY , MINI * anil M AMIO I > . rAiiMiiR exhuming rtrnlns upon the FOUNTAIN ! * of 1,11'K , IIEA1 A 'IIR , IlAl'KAClir , prraitml Ilronnn , WEAUNKMN of Memory , HARM. rUI.NF.NH In HOCIF.TT , riMl'l.F.n Upon tli FACE , ami Ml tlio EFFECTN ledillne to EAHI.Y DECAY unit TION or INNANITY , MiouM coiiMiltnt onro tlio C'EIEHKATEI > lr. CUrko , Kttabllnlirtl IBM. lit. Clurko tmi mndo NEKVOL'M UK. nil.ITY. ClIRONir nnd all lll.fUfj of the UENITO HUINARY Orpina Lifo UMlcljr. It mnkra NO illUVronre WHAT you & YC tixkon or WHO has fulled to cure you. , . liar to their cx can contult with the auunnco of ipecdjr relief and cure. Send 2 ccnti pottngo fur wotki on your dlsiiur * . * -8cnd 4 cent * poetnKe for CflrbrAted Work * on t'hronlr , Norton * and I > cll * t DlioAies. Coniiiltntlon , personnl'jr or by letter , tree. Ooniiilt tlio old llortor. ThuntaniU cured. Ofllre * ami itnrlors prlvntr. 49-1 hose contcmplRttng Marrlxro end fur Dr. t'lnrkn'n celebrated Rtililo Mnl and Frinnlp , each l&o. , both ! Sc. ( ttatniw ) . Iloforo confiding your caip , conliilt Dr. CI.AKKK. A friendly letter or rail may lave future uflerltiR and slmme , and add iroldcn yean to llfo. * 9 RGok " Mf * B ( Secret ) Er rors , " Wo. ( stamps ) . Medicine and xvritluia rent ovoryxrhcre , tecuro from t > mpoiuro. Hours , 8 to ? : Sundajs. 9lo12. Address , P. D. CLARKE , M. D. 180 So. Clark St. . CHICAGO. ILL. ( iiiuiiui udiiiu u , s. EErosiTOBY , OMAHA , NEB. 'nld ' Up Capital , - $20OOOO Surplus , - OO.OOO il W. VATKS. rrcshliMitT" is S. llKKD , Vice-President. A. K. TOUZAI.IN , Cd Vlco-Pivsldent. W. II. H. IIUdiiKS , r * millCCIOItS. W. V. Monsr , JIIIIN S. row.1. . . . II. W. YATKS , l.KwisS. UKKU , A. E. TOU7.AI.1N. Innklng OfHer > THE IRON BANK. ] Cor. 12th and Tarnum Sts. A General ll.inkliig lluslness Transacted. Jt KJlM Lft 1/11 I llj 1742 La'vrenco St. , Denver , Col. ) f the Missouri atntoMuneum of Anatomy , St. /oul.s , Mo. , Unherslty Collegu irospitul , Lou- Ion , Ulcsen , Uermauy aud Now York. Havl leroted their attention SPECIALLY TO THE TREATMENT OF DISEASES. More especially those arising from Impru dence , 1m Ho all so suffering toeorrespond with- DUtdomy. DlKeiuesoC Infection and coiitagloq cured safely and siii'odlly without USD of dun' i pcroiiB drugs. Pntlcnts nhoito cases have boon neglected , ludly treated or pronounced Incur. able , should not full to wiltx uu concerning their ymptoms. All letters receive immediate atten- JUST PUBLISHED. And will bo mulled KllKK to any address on re ceipt of one 2-ccnt stamp , "Practical Obaerva- 'Ions on Nervous Bcblllty and 1'livslcnl Exhaus- Ion , " to which is added on "Kssax on Mar riage , " with Important chapters on diseases of the Reproductive Organs , tlio whole forming a valuable medical which should be read by all young men. Addres * DRS , S , .and D , DAVIESON , 1742 Lawrence St. , Denver , Col. MED GAUNTLET 2ND. [ OI4.J DR H NOBLE Blair Neb , , , , , , Importer ami Breeder of Clydesdale , English Coach & HaiuWcloiiian Tliey are all flnn and In prime condition and enn * not full to bull. They eonslst of prlzo wlnnum and their Ket , In Hcntlimif , Oniimlii un < 1 tills country. Out IcrniN , mltos iui l hews Hill HUH you. Wrlto for pri ce * niiil pnrtlrulnm. Ithllr lit' ) mile * north of Omulia , on T. K. & M. V. U. H. and C ! . tit. 1' . M. A U. U. U. MI'OIliED BTAIjMONS FORSAbD Porchorons , Clydomlaloi and fihlro. lso home bred colts. Kvery animal irimruntood a breeder Our stock has been selected with rofertmcoto IxHU Individual mm it and pedigree. Homo of those horses have taken first prize lit the Ne braska Btute Folr , 1KHT. All our horses nro ac climated , and colts of their net can bo shown. Prices reasonable and easy terms. IH uccea lblo by the three leading railroads of the suite , II. le M.lK. ; . &M. V. , umlK. C. & 0. , . . Fit V & PAIIIUIAU , York , Neb J. B. HAYNES , OFFICIAL- STENOGRAPHER , Third Judicial Dlstrlet , 57 CHAMIIEIt OF CO MM lilt 0 R. JOSEPH GILLOTTS STEEL PENS GOLD MEDAL PARIS EXPOSITION W8. HOB. 303-404-170-5O4. THE HOST PERFECT OF FENS. CLUCK & WILKINSON. SteckPiano " ' "tlietlcjo'ne. pllaliln aetlon ami ab- yiiTirtoWnrblTlty. iu ytuiH'recorir Uiuliem KUiirunleti of tlio umel- lenco of thi'Hii Instruments. WOODBRIDGEBROS ,