Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 02, 1888, Page 8, Image 8
8 -THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : { THURSDAY , FEBRUARY 2 , 1888. A FOOTPAD. Capture of tlio Notorious Jnek Linger , Highwayman. A suspicious character , Hiving the nnmo of Dan Campbell , was nrrestcil Tuesduy nlnht In the stnblo of It. B. Woods , on Cms , be tween Fifteenth and Sixteenth streets. Yes terday , on the nrrlvrtl of Jailer Ormsby nt the Htatlon , ho took his customary glance over the Inmates of the different cages , nnd In Campbell ho recognl/cd John Lager , a man who bus been wanted here for highway robbery over since lust October. As the police nnnitlH go , James McCulpln , of Vale , la. , WHS held up out on North Sixteenth street during the second night of the fair , and robbed of $45 In money nnd n gold watch. From the description given by MtCalpin , Lager wns the man suspected of having done the job. A Sotirch was made for him , but ho had Jumped tlio city , and only returned Tuesday. McCulpIn was notified by tele graph of Lnger's capture , and responded , saying ho would bo hero to iippour against the limn In the morning. More of Mayor llroatch'H Mistaken. The numerous statements presented dur ing the past ten days , showing the loose man ner in which the city's finances worn looked nftcr , hnvo drawn forth from Mayor Uroatch several statements , nearly everyone ono of which have been erroneous and so proven by an examination of the books of the city comptroller. Of course thcbu djs- closures have been anything but pleasant for his honor to peruse and Ilnally he has resorted to a vain attempt of casting rellcctlons upon the reporter , who , acting under Mr. Hose- water's special Insttuctlons , made tin ex amination into tlio city atTairs. In his note ho says : "The mayo/ says that , 'notwithstanding ' his lamentable ignorance of the financial af fairs of the city , " that ho was right and the reporter of the Hr.i : wrong. The actual overlaps on outstanding indebtedness of the llro department , which will have to be made out of the levy of IbbS is * 'J,01 ! . . ' > , to which there muv be some slight additions. " In the Jlrst plnco ( thcro was no "overlap. " Tha definition nf the word used in connec I tions with debits nnd credits Is. that the dis bursements exceed the income. The partment , as will bo seen by the following statements taken from the books of the comp troller , cost the city 2i.'iI.Ul : ! less during the six months ending December HI , 1SS7 than the amount of the levy , and that the balance was applied to the partial wiping out of nil old debt handed down by u previous administra tion other than that of the present mayor. The statement Is us follows : Levy for six months ending Dee. ill , li > S7 $30,412-30 Amount old hose sold by IIre depart ment 4T.70 Totnl $ : i,4no.M : ) ) Amount expended VIiU.US : Halanco in fund SITS.'JS Overlap from last year $ ll'J02.'jt : Hills on hand not paid O.lMl.iiO Halanco a , ICiO..KJ Hnlancoin fund 1T8.08 Actual gain f2,8.19.91 The above is an nctuul copy from my books. ( J. S. OooDuicii , ( Signed ) ( Jily Comptroller. The mayor started in with the declaration that tno overlap was so great that the depart ment would hnvo to bo decreased fully 50 per cent during the year Ibbl ns the levy was inadequate to meet the expenses. The levy will b > ; made next Tuesday evening nnd if It is the same as for the past dlx months will amount to * a'l,42'J.wi. : Fifty per cent of that amount would bo $10- 721.18. Mayor Hioatch the same as said in the llrst Interview published that the overlap lor 1888 would bo over $ K , IXX ) . Later , in the Herald , after the mayor wns shown to have been woefully mistaken , ho places the llcurcs at $12.000. nnd now ho has dropped to $ ' .I , < H1.'IO , which is correct. His honor , In his note , accuses the reporter f "willfully misrepresenting" him. What docs ho think of the above statements } Mayor Hroatch further says that Comptroller Goodrich denies making the statements credited to him in Saturday's 13ni : . Mr. Goodrich was seen yesterday and emphati cally denies that ho over imido such a denial to the mayor. Ho said that Mr. Uroatch thought that ho was responsible for an interview In which the name of the gentleman interviewed was not given and that was what ho denied being responsible for. How about "willful misrepresentation ? " The subject is an excellent ono and n great deal can bo said upon it. The following para graph is clipped from Saturday's HKB : It is quito likely that the removal of Mr. Baker as superintendent of the city hall will bo made permanent. With respect to tlio Biliary of this gentleman for the months of October , November and December , the mayor says ho did not know of it in advance. The comptroller placed Maker's nnmo in tlio list of employes , and the council passed the appropriation. If this statement made by the mayor docs not show lamentable ignorance , then it must bo "willful misrepiTsation. " Comptroller Goodrich threw Maker's name out of the gen eral appropriation ordinance and is Indignant that Mr. Hroatch should make this accusation against him. The books of the comptroller Bhow that Mr. Halter's salary of fl'J'.l.US ' for the thrco months mentioned nbovo wns ul- lowed-ln the amendments to n special ordi nance passed by the council nnd approved by the mayor. If the reporter was wrong and the mayor correct \yliy do both of the other morning dailies ridicule the mnyor's statements as foolish and untrue. If the mayor Is not lamentably Ignorant con cerning city linanccswhy are $ , r > 0iOO , ( worth of warranty deeds , for land sold by the city to private individuals , permitted to Ho in the ofilco of the city treasurer when by enforc ing the payment of them the general fl id would bo greatly Increased I These deeds uro for strips of land sold to property owners on streets which were narrowed. Yet the mayor , ns the executive municipal ofllcor , lets them remain In the treasury uncalled for. There nro several other cases which will be called to his honor's ' attention In the near future. Railroad Notes. > . ' Mil. TOTTKU'S ' UETIItCMKXT. 5- A reporter mot u prominent railroad man 5v v yesterday and the conversation which ensued led to the statement by the latter that Mr. Potter of the Union Pacillc had told a Lin coln friend of his Hint on the 1st of April ho would resign the position of vice president of f the Union 1'acillo nnd ictlro to his stock farm V near HurlinuMon , la. It was n cherished tie- sire of Mr , Potter's , the railroad man claimed , to lay down the burdens of railmad management and tnko up the lesser nnd moreagreonblo ones of pnvato business affairs. This had specially become bt'como the case t'lnco ' Mr. Potter becnmo connected with the Union 1'aulllc , the task which lie has since performed being the most exacting ho ever set himself out to no- complisli. It Is known also that Mrs. Pot tor has been and Is averse to her husband longer continuing In the railroad business , and favors his retirement to their peaceful homo near the city nbovo mentioned , when it is known Mr. Potter has an excel lent farm. The Hiir.'s informant claims fur ther that when Mr. Potter became associated with the Union Paclllo his intention was to remain with it but a corthln length of time , nnd that that period had been shortened by the danger to his health which was occa I sioned by his recent Illness , "because. " said the informant , "Mr. Potter is not a well man r by any means. " A SKW ltOUKI > I10fi : . The now round house of the Union Pacific nt Council Hluffs was opened yesterday. These in nttendanco from this city were : General Master Mechanic Hackney and his assistant Mr. Wilson : Master Mechanic feI I- - - Hovoy and Master Mcchaniu O'Heurno. The now house will bo supplied with machinery buitublo for making light repairs. UNION IMCmC THUS IHSI'ATCIIKUS , Tlio general train dispatcher's otllco of the Union Paclllo has boon removed from this city to Council Hluffs. the chnngo being effected yesterday. The now ollico is located in the old laud department building west of tlio transfer depot. 11. P. Humphrey , ticket agent of the Krit road with headquarters nt Kansas City , was in town yesterday. A. H. Newton , northwestern passengei ngcnt of the Kansas City , Ft. Scott & Gull railway , whoso headquarters nro In Kansas City , wns around town yesterday. Hynor Taken lo Iowa. Borne eight weeks ngo ono A. J. Hyncr , or Information ol his wife was urrestcd .hero fOi r plundering n numt > cr of cars nt DCS Mollies , In. The authorities of that elly were notified of his cnpturo , but for some unaccountnblo reason no reply wan received from them. Ho wns therefore released from custody , nnd the first thing ho did tiKm | snuillng free nlr waste to make a bee line for homo nnd give his wife n most merciless thrashing. lie wns then re-arrcstod nnd fined ? 20 nnd costs. The shrewd DCS Molnes detective * who have been rnrofully working up the case for n year past Ilnally came to Omaha yesterday looking for the culprit. Ofllcer Cullcn huutcd H.yner up nnd arrested him. The formalities of surrendering the prisoner to the Iowa authorities was gone through with and the detectives left for DCS Molnes last evening with their prisoner greatly dated over their capture and the reward they uro to receive for capturing him. District Court. A I.IMIIUU ( 'HIM. James W. Palno ft Co. , In their complaint filed yesterday , say that they furnished Cleorge A. lloagland with * HOO worth of lum ber , and that the bill has never been paid. The plalnUlT.s nslc for n Judgment In that sum , AI.HXNnr.ii roncK snn. : The gents' furnlstiing goods Jlrin of Wil liam Cohen & Co. , San Francisco , complain that Alexander Polack Is indebted to them In the sum of S.2SS.75 for goods , and they want , judgment for the full amount. sunn iiv Axoriiiiu IUNK. The Maverick , of Douglns , W.vo. . did nn exchange business with the First National bank , of Omaha , to which It Is alleged they are indebted in tlio sum of f'J , 0.yi : through ovordralts. Judgment is asked. County Court. Judge Shields yesterdny granted n judg ment in favor of Swan it Co. of SISO against John M. Ludwig. Tliurston Follows I'opplcton. John M. Tliurston yesterday entered upon his duties ns general attorney of the Union Paelllc , succeeding A. J. Poppleton , who has hold the position for nearly n quar ter of a century. Vestorday Mr. Poppleton had straightened up all the business of his ofllco. Mr. Tliurston called upon him nnd in a few words had committed to him the trusts which had so long . been cherished by his predecessor. The legacy wns accepted. Mr. Tliurston then bade Mr. Poppleton , with whom ho has been associated 'or severnl years , a professional , though , as he says , not a personal good-by. This morning , for the llrst time , Mr. Tliurs ton walked to the Union Pacific headquarters with the distinguished title of general attor ney of tlio Union Pacilie company. Mr. Poppleton intends to resume his pri vate practice of the law , and will open an of llco in the First National bank building. Frozen Limbs Amputated. John Peterson , who was found badly fro/en by the police on the mulit of January 7 , nnd who has since sulTcrcd ono or UIJo amputa tions , was agnin operated dn yesterday at St. Joseph's hospital. This timohis left foot upto the instep , tlio heel of the same foot and the thumb on his right foot wore amputated. At the former amputations , half of his right foot , the heel of the sumo and four lingers on the loft hand were taken off. Ho is thus iclplcssly crippled , and as ho has no friends r means of support ho will have to submit n public charity the rest of his life. At the line ho was found by the ofllecrs ho had ecu on a several days' spree. A You Hi l'u 1 Itiinnwny. Melville Uraicc , a boy thirteen years of ge , arrived hero yesterday by the Union aciflc express from Ogden , Utah. He came inder the assumed name of Frank Dauncl , laving run away from his homo in San Jose , Jal. His father , q wealthy , banker , telo- traphed'that the boy bo detained here , prom- sing to forgive him and to come on for him mmedlatcly. He is quite willing to return lomo. MAKK No Mi&TAKn. If you have made up your mind to buy Hood's Sars- iparilla tlo not bo induced to take any ) thor. Hood's Sarsaparilhi _ is a pecu- iar medicine , possessing , by virtue of ts peculiar combination , proportion md preparation , curative power su- > orior to any other article of the kind before the people. For all affections irUing from impure blood or low state of the system it is unequalled. Be sure to get Hood's. Trade IHtllculticfl. James Nnden , of Lincoln , a grocer , has jccn closed up by foreclosure , the liabilities being ? 4,5UO. Further developments in the failure of Tosoph Glik , boot and shoe clothing nnd dry goods dealer , St. Paul , Neb. , show a confes sion of judgment for * ' . ! 2,2.'V. > .2ii. The liabili ties are $25,1X10 and the assets $18,000. "I have been occasionally troubled with Coughs , and in each case have used llrnwu'H Bronchial Troches , whiuh have never failed , and I must say they are second to none in the world. " Felix A .V < ijUaiihlci ; St. I'aiil , Minn. Itcnl lOstnto Transfers. ' E Hnwley et al to Kmma G Cook , lot 1J ! blk a Exchange Place , wd. . . . ? 750 Cornelius Warner and wife to Homer L Payne , w yf no N in , U ) , w d 2.200 Harry D Heed to Frank Kelly , s 45 ft of lots 10 and 11 blk 11) ) Wllcox's 2nd add , w d 750 Thos U JefTeris to Thos JofTcris , undv % lot 0 Shiloli add , all lots 111 nnd 14 oik It Potter and Cobb add to South Omnha , yt of lot 7 blk 2 JelTeris re- plat and lots 20 , 21 and 22 blk 2 Jcfferis replat , w d 1 J W Haughawout and wife to Jacob Kendis , lot -I bU : ICO South Omaha , wd 2,000 , Hobcccn Hollows and husband to W L Solby , beg nt sw cor lot 4 Marker's allotment , being bx220 ft in 'A w sw 2(1 ( , 15 , 1H , qe 1 Egbert E. French trustee , to Ella E Lntson , lots 1 to 11 blk 1 , 1 and 2 blk 8 , lot 14 blk 4 , all in Pullman ' Place , q c . 1 It H Pickard and wife to Hiram L Picliard , n yt of s ' , of no 12 , 14 , 12 , q c 4,000 It D Morrison and wife to Chas C Spotswood , lot 21 blk 2 P.itterbOn sill ) , w d 2,000 South Omaha Land Co to Israel Gluck , lot U ) bllt Ul South Omaha , wd 412 Edith L Baldwin and husband to Christian Hartman , lot 4 blk 15 , Meyers , Hiehard & Tilden's add , w d 700 Glen S Hengen and bus to Frank M Crowl , lot 1H , 11 , blk 4 Hawthorne , w d 5,000 Annie L Hayd > 'ii and husband to Mary Ann Dugdulo , w yt of lot 7 Oak Knoll , wd 5,000 Stuart 11 Hayden and wife to same , o X of lot 7 Oak Knoll , wd 5,000 Henry Finger and wife to Jno F Jack- i-rott et nl , lot 1 and 2 blk IJ , Jotter's 2nd add to South Omaha , wd 1,200 Jno H Cuneo and wife to Louis Cuneo. lot 5 and 11 , } { of I ! blk 2.VJ , Om n K of o y of lot 2 blk 7 Kount/o's ilrd , w d 15,000 Louis Cuneo nnd wife to Catherine Cuneo , same wd 15,000 Henry Ambler ct al to Lauretta Hegg , lot 14 blk 11 Ambler place , w d 400 W E Hawley ot al to F E Gilmore , lot 5 blk 1 Exchange plnce , wd 700 Nineteen deeds ? 00,71E IluiltlliiK Permits. The following building permit * wcro is sued yesterday at the ofllco of superintend ent of buildings : John KnmscottageElghth near Hick ory fJOO T. Wnulmnii , cottage , Twenty-llrst near Dorcas 500 Two permits aggregating $1OOC Dlolxilil Call and see the Inrgo stock Mcaghor & I.cneii , tfononil iiKonts , have on hand at 1415 Fartium ot. , Onmlm. A Maine man who owns a biff and slinky and black Newfoundland do cut oil the dog's hair carefully , had il carded and spun , atil got two and n quarter pounds of jot ulack yarn as soft as lamb's wool.- , A LIGHT MOXTH. Kevnpltulntlon of Police Court Cnsos For January. Following will be found n recapitulation of the cases disposed of in the police court dur ing the month of January : Vagrants 1HO , suspicious diameters 5 i , drunks 145 , prosti tutes M , disturbing the peace 51 , disorder lies 2.3 , inmates of houses of prostitution 20 , assault nnd bnttery ! 1 , | > ctlt larceny 22 , grnnd InrcenyS , fnst driving 2 , obtaining goods under false pretenses 1 , vlo'ntlng ' li quor' ordinance 3 , street walking 8 , attempted sulcldo 1 , wife beating 2 , defraud hotels 1 , leaving team unhitched 1 , peddling without license 1 , violating hack ordinance 1 , moving ordinance 2 , selling liquor on Sunday 4 , receiving stolen property ( > , nuisances 5 , larceny from person H , receiv ing stolen goods 2 , Interfering with an of- Jlccr 4 , carrying concealed weapons 2 , fugi tives from Justice 1 , burglary 12 , violating lumbers' ordinance B , resisting ofllcor 2 , eiling mortgaged property 2 , obstructing lew to saloons 2 , foigory 2 , insane 2 , rob- cry 1. house-breaking I , selling liquor with- lit a license 5ussnult to kill t , libel 1passing ogus coin 2 , violating expressman's license , assaulting an ofllfcr I , keeping assignation ouso 1 , belling liquor after 12 o'clock 2 , tabbing 1. Totnl ( Ml , which constitutes ono ' the lightest months for over two years. MOKTUA11Y.\init. : The funeral of Miss Dora Lehmcr took lace yesterday at H o'clock , the services clng held In the First Presbyterian church. nosi : Joseph W , the seven-year-old sonofJ.U. lose , the Dodge street art man , was burled esterday , the funeral taking place from lie residence of the parents , Twentieth and California streets. siVvrritnv. Mrs. Hose McCaffrey , ngo sixty-two years n old resident of this vicinity , died yesterday norning at McArdle precinct. She will be mried to-day In St. Mary's cemetery , the uiidral services being held in St. Bridget's hurch , South Omaha. DOWNS Tlio death of Mrs. Downs , mother of M. J. ) o\vns , ono of Armour's men , took place esterday. She hud attained to the re- narkablo ago of ninety-four years. She had omo here from Chicago to visit her son. She vill uo Uuricd Friday. SOUTH OMAHA NEWS. ' E. C. Goodcll Is In with two loads of nttlc. J. Wldlck is in with a load of cattle from ) orchester. - ; ' The nostofllco book store cnn receive ' -nds" or the BEG. There were no cases before Justice Levy esterday. K. A. Glenn , of Ilildrcth , Neb. , is In with car of cattle. T. U. Acorn , of North 13cnd , brought in wo cars of cattle. J. H. Conklin is in from Lincoln with a hipmont of cattle. E. M. Gilson , of Clnrks , wns on the market vith a ear of cattle , John C. Riley representing Wood Bros , of Chicago , visited tlio yards. G. H. Babbit , of Ashton , brought in a load f butchers' stock. Colonel Lewis Bublor is combining busi- icss with pleasure , and is visiting the yards n Chicago. After some weeks illness , \V. H. Gates is lack to business , and getting ready for the pring boom In real estate. r Mob rule vs. law and order are to bo the allying erics at the next municipal election. Vt least so a reader of the BEE told the ro- lorter. A telephone is ono of the wants of the po- ice department and the sooner the council irovides ono the better service the lorco can icrform. The 0 o'clock dummy going south Tuesday light struck n boy named George Siobeok at ho J street crossing. Ho was not seriously njiircd , but was removed to St. Joseph's hos- litnl. Packing-house men nro receiving their sea son's store of ice and Fowler Bro.'s nro ar ranging to take in 1)00 : ) cars. So far Hiiin- nond & Co. have arranged for 150 cars aud ho other houses are to bo heard from. Fred Kroibs was brought before Judge Mouther , charged with attempting to mur- ler Adam Portz some weeks ago. The evi dence was so contradictory , and there was so much of it , that the case was adjourned until this afternoon. Tlio Nebraska Improved Stock-breeders' issoeiation will meet at Kearney , February Jl , and all stock-raisers are asked to attend iind , it possible , furnish an essay on some subject of interest. 'Hailroads will issue the usual excursion tickets , and nil other information mation can bo obtained from the secretary , Colonel E. P. Savage , South Omaha. Among the guests registered at the Ex change hotel are : J. H. Atler , Grand Island ; 13. T. Kenyan , HowardJ. F. Lewder , Stroms- burg ; E. C. Munn , Orel ; Alva Smith , Wav- crly ; John T. Uobcrts , Ashland ; E. W. Van Durcn , Loup City ; Thomas It. Acorn , North Bend ; C. G. McPhorsoii , David City ; J. H. Cameron , Herman , Nob. , mid W. B. Bass , Uanuolph. Marshal McCrackcn is getting the police force Into working order , and for the llrst time they nro detailed for regular beats. Tlio day w.itch is in charge of tlio marshal him self , and consists of Olllcor George Dixon , who will patrol N street and vicinity , and Thomas Loonoy , who will bo on duty on the south hill. At night Al Kecnan will bo on duty from Twenty-fourth to Front street on N ; John Sexton , on Front street from the depot to Q ; Moso Kcilmond from Twenty- sos-enth street west on the hill , and P. McMahon from the bridge on Q street west to Twenty-seventh , and once a night to Albright. Tlio day and night men will report for duty at 7 a. in. and 7 p. in. respectively , the same as the Omaha lorco. Olllccrs Sexton and McMahon hnvo the beats that heretofore have the hardest record , but will no doubt give a good nccount of themselves. Strange as Any Fiction. St. Joseph correspondence , of the Globe-Democrat : A wedding of more interest than is usually attached to events where the parties are so little known occurred to-dno about four miles west of St. Joseph. Tlio contracting parties wcro W. li. 1'otter , living near Denver , Colo. , and Airs. Julia Crumm , who for a few years ptist has made her homo with her brother , Hoary Withers , in Doniphan county , Kansas. Both the pnrtiof arc of middle ago , and hail not been ono another for years until a foxy months ago. When they were children they went to school together in Carroll county , Kentucky , and when I'otter was ayoting man of twonty- ono years and came west lie wan botliro- thed to Julia Withers , who was the belle of tlio neighborhood. Potter wont llrst to Knnsis , and than to the moun tains , returning to visit his old homo twice in live years. On the hist visit it was agreed that the marriage should take place the following spring , by which time ho hoped to have enough money to miiko his homo what ho thought it should bo. Ho returned west and was not heard from for years. Some ono who had known him in the mountains happened to pass through his Kentucky homo and circulated the story of his death , founded upon a rumor , as it afterward appeared. His sweet heart mourned him as dead , and in two years wedded his rival , with whom she lived happily for about eight years. Her husband died in ISSo , when she enmo to Doniphan county to make , hoi homo with her brother , having no children and no nearer relatives in Kentucky. Her husband loft her a considerable fortune , nnd as her forty years biit lightly upon her , she eoon hocamo the center of an admiring circle ot friends. A few months ago Potter cnmo through St. Sosonh , quite accidentally , on his way to Chicago. Ho mot Withers at the union depot , and , what is moat singular , the men knew each other. Explanations followed , and Potter was driven to the pleiiMint country homo o the Withers family IIo mpt his sweet heart of early days , tjijd. 'the old love which had not ceased to'burn in their icarts through Jong years , soon nindo tself felt. The courtship wns com menced where it had been broken off , tnd the two wcro married , leaving this jvenlng lor Air. Potter's home near ) envor. ho strange pnrt of the story Is yet to come. Potter , while working in the nine * , had been accused of murdering lis partner. Nqt.boidg able to estab- ish his innocence' ' nt tno trial , ho wns convicted and the sentence commuted o imprisonment ilor life , several good easons appearing for this. Too proud o Imform his sweetheart or family of lis dlsgarco , he did not write any letters lomo about it , nnd the story of the crime did not reach them. The inur- ler waf committed in a new claim vhich Potter nnd his partner had just > ogun to work in New Alc.xico , and it vns not known thuro what part of the inst ho hud ho come from. After ho had jeon in prison nearly live years a man vho was to bo hanged made nconfession clearly establishing Potter's innocence , iml ho wns released. Ho wont nt once 0 Ghent , Ky. . but found his intended irido was another's. Without making ilnisolf known ho left the place and re- urned to Denver where lie soon amassed 1 considerable fortune by speculations , lo was on his way to Chicago to dispose ) f some property when ho accidentally not his old schoolmate , Henry Withers , n St. Joseph. The wedding is one 01 he inobt , singular , because of the pe- juliar history connected with it , that ins over occurred in this section of the country. - FUhin n llotljjkc. Silver Stnte : There is a pond on the 'My ranch tit Golconda , which is fed by ho waters from the hot springs. This ) end has an area of two or thrco acres , md the temperature of tno water is about 8o = , and in fcomo places where the hot water bubbles up from the bot- om the temperature is almost up to the Killing point. Recently the discovery insbeen made that this warm lake is iterally alive with carp , some of which ire more than a foot long. All efforts o catch them with a hook and line uivo failed , as they will not touch tlio nest tempting bait. A few of them nive been shot , and , contrary to the general supposition , the llesh was hard md palatable. How the lish got into , lie hike is a mystery unsolved. Within .IK ) feet of it are springs which arc boil- _ ng hot , and the ranchers in the vicinity ise the water to scald hogs in the jutchcring season. In Salt Lake City the houses of the \Iormons all have two doors , even the smallest of them. Some have also two woodsheds and two wells. A house that s begun with only ono room is fre quently lengthened out room by room tud door by door us new wives are taken. Absolutely Pure. Tills powder never varies. A marvel of purl ty. strength ami wholesomeness. More ecoiiom lea Hhan the ordinary kinds , and cannot bo sold in competition with the multitude of low cost , short weight alum or phosphate powders , goldenly only In cans. Uoyal Unking Powder Co. , 120 WallSt..NuwYorlc. The best and surest Beraedy for Core of all diseases caused by any derangement of the Liver , Kidneys , Stomach and Bowel * , yspepsia , Sick Headache , Constipation , Bilious Complaints and Halaiiaof all kinds yield readily to the beneficent influence of It la pleuont to the taste , tones np the system , restores and preserves health. It la purely Vegetable , and cannot fall to prore beneficial , both to old and young. Aa a Blood Purifier it it superior to all others. Sold everywhere at 81.00 a bottle. DON'T BLAME a man for groaning when he has Rheumatism or Neuralgia. The pain is simply awful. No torture in the ancient times was more painful than these tin diseases. Hut oughtn't a man to be blamed if , having Hheu- matUiu or Neuralgia , he wont use Ath-lo-pho-ros , when it has cured thousands who have suffered in the same way. It has cured hundreds after physicians have pronounced them incurable. "The bkill of five physicians couM not cure me of Uhcumalism which had settled in the hips , neck and shoulders. So in tense wa tne pain that sleep wa * almost impossible. 1 he first dose of Athlophoros Rave me relief , and the thir J enabled mete to sleep for four and n half hours without waking. I continued its use. and am now well. KEV.S II TUOVKR. New Albany , Ind. " THE ATHLOPHOROS CO. , 112 WallSt.N.Y. W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE. Vli only 83 SKAMI.KS. blion III llio world , with out tarUg or nnlli. FInoit Calf , perfect nt , in < l warrants ) . Congrcei , ' Mutton and l.acc. all - itjltitoc. As styllfli ami durable as those cintlntHnrl.llo all wtur the W. 1. . DOUGLAS ' IT. T , . DOUtil.AS 87.60 HIIOH It unei- eflli J ( or heavy wrar. If not tnlii by your dealer wrllu W.t. DOUGLAS. Urocktoa. Mail. For bale by Kellev , Sttger & Co. , Corner Dodge and 15th Sts. ; H. Sargent , Corner Suward and Sargent Sts. . Ceo , S. Miller , 612 North 10th Street , CLEANING UP ! Our patrons , who at the opening of past seasons , have examined our stock of men's and boy's clothing , will endorse when we state that we enter a second season .with new goods only. Our spring goods are already on the way , and we must make room for them.ftTe \ have not the space to carry over a haavy stock of winter goods as is done by most clothiers. Our largely increased business compels us to utilize every foot of room in our establishment for the transaction of our aily business and we are therefore compelled to close out every hea vy weight garment on our counters. To do this we make any necessa ry sacrifice in pricess. The reductions we have made on overcoats and suits , and the values we are offering , will surprise everybody. To bargain seekers this is the greatest opportunity , as the pri ce of every garment is about one half what other houses ask for same quali ties. To make a clearance of a large lot of all wool scarlet shirts and drawers'we offer them at 35c. This is an immense bargain , as they are good , heavy goods and would , in the early season , be cheap at 75c. What little there is left of Fur , Jersey and Knit Caps , is offered at one-half what they are worth. Closing out odds and ends of gloves , furs and mufflers , at greatly reduced prices. All goods marked in plain figures and at strictly one price. Nebraska Clothing Company Corner Douglas and 14th , Streets , Omaha. MEDICAL OSURGICAUNSTITUTE , N. W. Cor. 13th & Oodgo Sts BK.A.OH3S , APPLIANCES FOR DEFORMITIES AND TRUSSES. Bet facilities , Apparatus mid remedies for sue. cessful treatment of every form of disease requir ing Medical or Surgical Treatment. FIFTY ROOMS FOR PATIENTS. Board and attendance , best hospital accommo dations in the west. WKITH FOR CIRCULARS on Deformities and Braces , Trusses , Club Feet , Curvature of the Spine , Piles , Tumors , Cancer , Catarrh , Ilronchitis , Inhalation , Electricity , Paralysis , lipllrpsy , Kid ney , Bladder , Kye , Ear , SUiii and Blood , and all Surgical Operations. Diseases of Women a Specialty. BOOK ON DISEASE" ! or Won KM Fnti. ONLY RELIABLE MEBIOAL INSTITUTE MAKING A SPECIALTY Or PRIVATE DISEASES. AH Blood Diseases successfully treated. Syph ilitic I'olsou removed from the R > stem without mercury. New restorative treatment for loss ol Vital Tower , reruns unable to visit us may be trailed at home by correspondence. All commu nications confidential lUcdicmcsor instruments scut by mail or express , securely packed , no ninrks to indicate coutcntb or sender. One per sonal interview preferred. Call and consult us or send history of your case , and we will send ill plain wrapper , our BOOK TO MEN , FREE ; Upon I'rivntc. Special or Nervous Diseases , Ira- potency , Syphilis. ( Heel and Varicocele , with question list. Address Omaha Jletltcal ami Suraieal Institute , ot DR. McMENAMY , Cor. 13lh and Dodge Sts. . OMAHA , NEB. DRUNKENNESS OrthcLlouor Habit , Positively Cured ! ) Administering Dr. Unities' Gulden Snedllc. ut It can be Riven In a cup of coffee or tea wltho o-tlie know ledge of the person taking It ; nbsolut rtly harmless , and will elfect a permanent an fspeedy cure , whether the patient is a moderat fdrlnkfr or an alcoliollc wieck. Thousands o drunkards have been made temperate men who have taken ( Jolden Specific In their colfeo with out their knowledge and to-Uaybellevothevqult drinking of their own free will. IT NftvKIt FAILS. The system once Impregnated with the tipecllle , It becomes an utter impossibility for the liimor appetite to exl't. For sale by Kiilm A : Co. , 1.1th and Douglas Hts. and IHth and Cnm- Ing stH. , Omaha , Neb. ; A. 11. 1'oster A : llro. , Council llluir.s. In. O:1M.T. : H SOT GEORGE A. CLARK , SOLE AGENT. The BEST nnd MOST Bowing Thread of Modern TJme . BKWAKK OF EXITATIOXS , wimi.Ksu.t : nv Kir.PATiiiCK-Kofii Dry ( ioodd Co. if. r. . SMITH Ac Co. 1'A.XTON , ( i AliUAO IF.II & CO. SI.OA.V , JOHNSON \ Co. AMI ATIIETAII.I IIV 8.1' . Mousi : A ; Co , UAYIIKN lliux , Tnoui'MiN , mi.ui.s' : : & Co. IMKKI.S ji Co. . . . Cius. SisnEii , South Omaha , and all flrst class retail dealer * . DREXEL & MAUL , ( Succi'ssora to John G. Jacobs. ) Undertakers & Embalmers At the old stand , HOT Furjinm St. Orders by tele graph solicited and promptly atlemivu to , UXlvpUoue No. tf The Standard Remedy. For Catarrh , Asthma , Bronchitis , Neuralgia , C'roup , Deafness , Lung Troubles , Dyphthorin , etc. IT NKVKR FAILS TO CUitH. CAUI1OUO S.MOKH IJATJi CO-Ountlomon : A frlonil advi-cd mo to trv your Smoke Hall. I Immudiiitrly procured ono mid iifteriiMng It one week was completely cum ! CIIAS. ! ' . I'OTTKlt , Snpt. Mo. Vnlluy Snwl \ ( Irnrcl Co. , cor luth mid Km 1mm Sts , Omalin. CA1UIOUC SMOKR IIAU , CO.-nontleman : T nsuffoiort so had from Catarrh. Hint at last the disease began to cat through the membranes of the mouth and nose , causlnc Mivvral pieces of tie- rayed boms to come from my head. After using your Complete Treatment , three months was en- tliuly cured. ilHS. U. A. NIW.MAN , cor. litth andCumtngsHts , Uiuuliii. CAHI1OUC SMOKT3 HAMi CO. Oentlempu : My wife used your Smoke Hall for Catarrh with urcnt biicceaa , and 1 do not % \l h hur to be. w Ithout one. A. I ) . HL'CKWOUTir , 1'roB. State Hunk of North 1'latto. CAUIlOIJCR.MOICr HALL CO. Oentleincn : Your Caruollc Smoke Hall Is the best medlclno for Catarrh 1 have ever tried. 1 can recommend It to every onu. ( iKO. MAVHLK. 1'rop. Depot Hotel , Lincoln , Neb. THE COMPLETE TREATMENT includes the. Dubellator 1'ackago , which muni bo usca In all chronic case.s of Catarrh , Asthma , Hronchltls , laing Troublus , etc. MAIL ORDERS Carbolic Smoke Hall bent by mall on receipt of price , fami I cents post age. Uebclhitortraddltlomil. ONK COJII'I.KTKTIIIAT.MENT : isbtirnciK.NT KOII A Cuii : : . Circulars and all Information freo. CARBOLIC SMOKE BALL CO , , CKCI < iIlTOiRMHJK , OMAHA , Mill. Display at their warerooma , 13O5 and 13O7 Farnam Street , the largest assortment of Pianos and Organs to be found at any establishment west of Chicago. The stock embraces the highest class and medium grades , Including STEINWAY FISCHER , , PIANOS LYON&HEALYJ BURDETT ORGANS , STANDARD : Prices , quality and durability considered , are placed at the lowest living rates for cash or time payments , while the long established reputation of the house , coupled with their most liberal Interpretation of the guarantee on their goods , affords the purchaser an absolute safeguard against loss by possible defects in materials and workmanship. LYON & HEALY , I30S * 1307 FARNAM STREET * THE OMAHA BEE , . IIKI.IVKIIUI ) 10 ANY PART OF MOM . ' IIV CAKllll.'H 1'OIt 20 Cents a Week. Seven papers a week. St-nil your order lo the . ollice , 1029 P Street , Capital Hotel Building JOSEPH GILLOTTS STEEL PENS COLD MEDAL PARIS EXPOSITION 187 ? . Hoe. 303-4O4-I7O-6O4. THE MOST PERFECT OF PEIT& GLUCK & WILKINSON.