Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 02, 1888, Page 7, Image 7
evtet. ' .THE OMAHA DAILY BE& ; THTfpSDAY , \ FEBRUARY 2. ISSa / ' : , " . ' " ' ' ; , 7 SPECIAL NOTICES. Advertisements unffcr this head. 10 tenta pnr line for thn timinscrtlon. 7 cents for each nub- i-eqtifnt Insertion , mill II JO a Una per month. No advertisement taken for lew tn n 211 cents for tins Ilrst Insertion. Seven words will b counted to the line : they mint run con ecutlve- ly and muit bo paid n advance. All advertlie * uii'HtH limit bo handed In before 1:10 o'clock p. jii. , anil under no clrcumMance * will they w tiiki'n or discontinued by telephone. Fartlon advertising In tliein columns and hav- Inij thn answers addre sued In cnro of the Ilee. will nlenne ask for n check to enable them to jnt their letters , a * none w 111 b delivered except on presentation of check. All answer * to ad vertisement * should be enclosed In envelopes. All advertisements lu these columns aru pub- llnhcd In both morning and jvcnlug editions or the IliHvtha circulation of which aggregates inbro than IC.tOti pnpcrs daily , and gh es the ad vertiser * the linnctlC not only of thu city circu lation of the Ute , but also of Council lllutfi , Lincoln , and other rlllcs and towns throughout this part uf the west , BRANCHOFFIGES AdvcrtlslnR for these columns will bo taken , on the above conditions , nt the Gfollowlng bus iness , who are authorized nReiits for Tin : ] ! IK Hpectal notices nnd wilt quote thofiamc rates us call bu had at the fnalu olllce , 10IIN W. I1KLL , KO S. lOtli Street. CHASi : fc KDDY , arid. 113 S.lCth Street. S. II. FAllNSWOllTH , Fliarmaclst , 2115 Cumliig Street. 0 IX ) . W. I'AIIK , KOJ St. Mary's Avenue. H. Il.WimT.HOUSK , I'li.arrM.o.clct , IBth nnd Webster Streets. (1. llKIJTHKIl , 2iTov7-a DDealor , TostOITIce , South Omaha. SITUATIONS WANTED. AYOUNd man of 3:1 : would llkn n position ns operator and retoucher , orui printer In a good pliotograph trallori' . Address , with salary , A 10 , tlce Olllce. 4iO 3 * SITUATION wanted byallrst-clnss meat rook ( deriimn ) In city or country ; good refereu- ces. Address. A f , Ilee. 4313 * WANTKD Situation. Our olllco is constant- ly Illled with parties seeking employment. If you need help rail and select for yourself. Canadian Kmp. olllce , Mrs. llrega A Son. 310 8 lith. ! Telf 4. 4108 * WANTED-A situation by a widow with 1 child , for housekeeping In or hear cltv. Ad- < ln'8S A iJ , Ileo ollice. 441 1 WANTED Situation In restautant aswaltor. Address A 4 , Ilee olllco. 4JU 2 W IANTKD Situation to take iaio of hoises. Address A 5 , llao olllce. 410 8 * WANTKD-Sltuatlonbyulady to do house work. 1517 Ohio st. OTt I'l WANTKD-Sltuatlou by llrst-class bakei bread and confectionery. Oood refer ences. Address , A 1 , Ileo. 3.V ) 6 * WANTKD A position by a > ouiiRman in a wholesale or retail house , wholesale pre ferred ; will do nnthing : can lend employer 1'iWl and f mulsh best of references. Addn ss X 72. Ileo olllce. 317-1' WANTKD 1'osltlon ns traveling salesman , address X Gil. Ileo olllce. 303 4 " \\7ANTKD A position as manager of n drug T Htore , 10)ears'experience , registered by ( xiimlnntlou lu Iowa : speak ( ierman and I'.ng- llsh. A ddl ess X ( .0 , Ileo. 8173 * WANTED--MALE HELP. irANTED AltrHt barber Immediately. Char T Icy Collins , Dmihip , Iowa. 4 _ ' 3' \\fANTr.D-\n experienced salesman by T wholesale fruit and commission house. Btato I'MU'ilunco and references. J 1 , Ilee olllce. men to handle ice. Hwlft's Ice house , Cut-oil lake. 4303 "l\7"ANTKD Immediately , a llrst-class baker f u sober anil Industrious baker , ( lood Vages and permanent job. Addtess , < ; . L. John eon , 30U Fourth st , Sioux City la. , stating wages. ANTIM ) A young sober nnd reliable man W as delivery" clerk , Oeimau preferred , ll ury Leslge's grocery btoie , 417 South loth bt. 44.11 * \ \ 7ANTUD 1 boy to learn Jeweler's trade. ' > must live nt homo : 1 baker out of city , * 3 tier day ; 1 second cook , Jo per week ; 3 colored v niters ; 1 man to work for board. Omaha Kmp. llmetiu. Telephone ordered. 4J7 1 WANTKD Knorgetlr , lellablo man to take agency for Ilio Insurance company. Address - dress A. II. lieu olllco. 4433 * " \\7ANTKD-Coireoand teahnlesman on com- TT mission to bell to pilvato families. Lib eral commission. 1WW rurnnm st. , room 0. 4US 1 * W"ANTKD A drug clerk , one who speak1 German prefened. Addiess All , Hoe. w ANTKD-Walter-nerman preferred IM-l Douglas st. Apply between ti and 10. 41. ) Ij \\7"ANTED-At once , a smart boy in to 17 TV lours ; wages J.I to comiiuxiLe. I.orrell M'f'g Co , . 221 North 13th nt. 41.V1J \\7ANTED A llrst.class pantaloon maker. v t Aililix'ba T. I1. Hen&huw , Long Pine. Neb. 21)7 ) ! ! ' \\7ANTED A snli'snian to travel. Must be a T > wotker. 2301 Dodge t , Omaha. IOiI2 ! * \ \ TANTED A reliable mnn with small means TV c.m hud a piolltable business by address- X 45 , Ileo. 147-1J "l\ IrANTED III every county lu Nebraska , re T liable enrrgetlo men to soil gixids by ho- llcltlng for a well established mtg company jitriiiunont eniplo > ment to the right men , no inpltiil or expeilenco niHiary , ruleri-nco re quired , iiddii'bs Hex i'U7 , Omulm , Nub. t30flJ i Men for railroad work. Ali - i Labor Agency.'M \ \ Farnam. 351 WANTED--FEMALE HELP. \V ANTED Womnn cook for McCook , 2 weT - T T men cooks for Columbus.l lu city , dining room gill for west $ JOfare paid , man and wife for ( ireeuwooil , ono for city , manand wlfo for ' ' h , must thoroughly understand the work tiocotnl KltLs and Klrls for housu ork tn and out of city.A Canadian r.innlDyment olllce , Mrs. A Bon. JI1U8. r.tlutel.Ml. 441 It WANTED 25 girls gen'l housework , 2 dining mom girls , DenlMin. Iowa ; 1 girl forSim- iml , Neb. , faro paid ; 1 girl to wait table for Imaid ; 1 dining room girl ifor restaurant , r > for hotels : lotrtof good places. Omaha Eiup. lln- iciiu , 1IU N. liith. Tel , ordered. 4J71 PToOI ) girl , IfflO California. [ \\rANTED Girl forgeneral housework , small T T family , gixxl w ages , apply ' . ' ( K3 Furnatn st. IID Immediately , Indies to work for u w holoMilo lioui-o on necdlow ork at their liomes. ( Sent any distance. ) Good pnv can bo mude. Everything furnished. Particulars free. Addret-s Artistic Needlework Co. , 1 V"i Bth bt. , New Vork City. 35J 'tT7 ANTED Laities in city or country , for our T l holiduy trade , to take light , pleasant work nt their own homes. (1 to j.1 per day cnn bo quietly iiindo. Work bent by mnll nny dlstnnre. Particulars free. No canvassing. Address at once , descent Art Co. , 147 A Milk St. . llostou. HBB . P.O. 1)0X6170. ; i54--P ! * MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. ANTHD-2 cows kept until April M. iToy nnd shelter. Inquire at U10 Hoard of Trade. G , W. HiTvey , aiw " \\fANTKD l.ndles to n o "Chlchpster's Eng- > T ll-h Diamond llrand , iVnnyroval I'llU. Pnfn , Always iflltilrte. The original. The only genuine. Abk dnigglst or send 4c btiimps for particulars , letnrn mall. Chlchobtcr Chemical Co. , Philadelphia , Pn. . ! B7 EMPLOYMENT BUREAUS. GHEAT Western Employment Hureati ; all rhibsca of help furnished ou short notice , iron Farnam. room U. 4lM I * CANADIAN Employment olllce , male and fo- male help brut to all parts if fare is ad vanced. Heference. Omaha National bank , firs , llrega i. Son , Ulii S. 15th. Tel. bM.DIB DIB f VJ BOARDING. 171 IHST class board with heated rooms , f4 Bit a JL1 weekillK : t'th ' , between Hurneyand Far- nuni ; also furnished rixjnis. SUf II' " \7"OUNO geiulenmnuntkboara In private X family in central location. Address A 7 , Ilee olllco. 4(2 1 * HI VATC boarding , $1 a week , 1015 Dodge. BOAIth for mnn and wife or two gentlemen with nicely furnished room , pleasant locn- I on , private family. lK > ck llox iiVJ , P.O. 41MJ WAMTED-TO HENT. EDTO rent 6 ncres of ground within T il mill's of South Omaha. Must have living water or good well. 'Canadian Employment olllce , Mrs. llrega It Son. , 31B 3. l&t Tel ttH4. . * _ _ _ _ 440J.1 _ WANTRD to rent. 15 to 20 ncres of garden land on easy payment ; address A 2 Ilee , " \\7ANTED To rent a medlnm-f ized storuby TT 1st of Mnrch , within two or three blocks of Ifith nnd Farnam. A pennnnont location do- Blred. Addriss O , Eckel , care luoo rnrnntn. 1117 f 5 _ _ _ _ _ _ r-'OR RENT-HOUSES. FOH HKNT HninJl house. California St. , near 20th , with or without stable. S. Lehman. 17IOH HUNT a to B-room llftt.nifxlern lmpro\o- JL ? ments , n. w. cor. l.'lth and Williams st. . over drug storo. Ituiulro Andrew Plculer.Ull S. ir th. FOH HKN.T 2 new 7 roomed houses , well , cis tern , large cellar , luth near ClnrK st. W. . 0. Shrl\er , opp postoltlco. _ Xfl HOUSE to rent ; 4 rooms , 310 N Slth. Inqulro at the premises. X It TJ1OH HENT-I louse of 4 rooms at 510 Williams J ? stleet. Inquire next door west. 412 TJVJH lir.NT 5-roorn cottage. Apply Emmet JU house. 4iU FH ) Hi.VT-Chcnp. : a 12-room house , with all modern imrovements. 2ilT10 Capitol nve. , block from cur line. Imiulroof A. splgle. Illtf urnum st , 4lu 7 * HOt'SE for rent , 2427 Charles st. Apply. Win. - Arthur , Harris A Fisher building. Mill and Nicholas st , or STM Chni les. UWJ f I ? FOR HENT To private family ten room brick house , modern conveniences , 2.VJ Douglas Bt , ; apply to W. F. Clark 408 N IBth. f l'i 3 * FOll HKNT 10 room house , steam heat. O. K. Thompson , 814 S. IMh St. 249 I HEOORV , F. L. . Heutul agent , .TU9 8 Ibtlmt. I * Uo 1710H HENT or Sale New house , fl rooms , cor. -U 2Bth and Capitol avo. Enquire 2SU Doilgo. FOH HENT-NIre cottage nt 2441 Davenport St. , apply northwest corner Davenport aud 22d. U.V > FOH HKNT NentC-room house.good locnllty , r-1) ) a mouth , llieiinnu & Co , Chamber of Commerce. 227 2 :6 HOUSES for rent from 112 up. ' F. Ii. Gregory , Hental Agent , 30 ! ) S. IBth st. 71OH HENT A 7-room Hat with bathroom. - 1U17 Howard st. Innulre at Lee i Nlchol's livery stable. Telephoneb40. 72(1 ( FOH HENT A now dwelling. H rooms , all modern improvements , good stable , ten minutes' walk from postollict1. npplyto D. J. O'Donahoe , nt O'Donnhoo it Shcrfy's , IBth St. , next to the postollico. flO FOH HENT .T-room cottnge. S'ltli near Mason , $12.50. A.P.Tukey , l.UI Fniiinm. IW7 2 T710H HENT (1 ( now 7 roomed bouses , city JU water , cistern , cellar , 20th st near Paul , W. O. Shrlvcr , Frenzer block opposite postolHco. iljil I71OH HENT If you wish to rent a house or L1 Hat I have them from M to $20 for cottages , nnd S nnd 10 room modern houses , from $ -i" > to $10 per month. Call nt J. H. Parrotte , Hental Agency , 1WW Chicago st. 6S7tll TT1OH HENT Hottso 11 rooms. W. M. Hush- Jman , N E corner 16th und Douglas. DM FOR RENT ROOMS FURNISHED. FOH HENT-rhoerfnl , desirably furnished ioom w Itn lioard in private family ; lefcr- renccs exchanged , f.To S. 25th nve. 148 2 * TCTOH HENT Nicely furnished room within 1 Jblock of cable car ; only snort dlstauco from P. O. Prlco per month JIO. Iuiulro2210 | Capitol ave. , 4 IK 5 * SMALL nicely furnished fiont room , on street car line , W. 1U17 Cass bt. 417 FOH HENT-Furnlshed rooms , 71 S. IBth St. . between Jones utid Leu\cnworth. 4252 * 1OH HENT A large room furnUhed , central location 1410 Chicago st. 'M\ \ IJIOK HENT-ltoom occupied by F. P. Fay , 317 L ? S IJth St. , suitable for light wholesaling. 4103 * FOHHENT Nlcelv furnished room with heat , M a month. Mil S.20th st. yj4 2 * FOH HENT Furnished rooms in Greunlg blk cor. l.lth and Dodge sts. Inquire of Geo. ' H. , Davis. M Illord hotel billiard room. U5S il'HNlSHKD rooms , day , week or month , to ladies or gentlemen , Jill N 12th. ; 1 5 * I7KH HENT Nicely furnished rooms with or X1 without board on car line , 113 S 2tlh. 354 It T71OH HENT Furnished rooms ; board. V1 N. JU 18th bt. < , ! i4Jj ( * TTIOH HENT Furnished room , 1813 Douglas. -E SU1 * FUHNISHED rooms il to $13 per month. 502 S. 1Mb st. , up-btulis. ! U1 12 171UHNISIIED front room , suitable for two , JP J12.00. Ii21 ( Douglas st. 17& 1 FOH HF.XT Furnished front room , with or without board , small family. UX1 N. 17thst. " room , ltd Dodgo. : f.3 f > ri"UVO rooms with nil modern conveniences , -L w 1th or without board. 11112 llanny. II1S-1 * FOH HKNT A biilto of looms hiiltnbloforr gentlemen , $22 per month. 1U21 Fnrnnm st Jill ! 2 P ( > H HENT Pmnlshril roems for ono or two gontlemen. ! Gir > Dodge btr 2N ) FOR HENT nirntshed room , with or without board , 2U2J St. Mnry's uvu. 25(1 ( POH HENT A nicely fuinlshed room with nl modern Improvements , nt 711 Dodge st. 2452- FOH HENT nirnlshed loom ; gas , bath am' heat , ut 201U Cnss st. 3 > )1 i NICELY furnished rooms nt $1(1 ( nnd $15 per month. No. 1211 Dutiglub st. 1941 ; V f urnlbhcd room. lOOil Farnam 201 AHOKnndsmnll room , sultnblo for gentle men , with or without bouid , 1MJ Dodgo. SOOTH front room with llrbt-class bo.ird al 1 14 Dodgo. 141) FIIHNISHED front room , suitable lor twi 1ICS1 Dodge st. 15 TTIOH HENT Funshed front room w ith bean i for two goiitlomon , 1724 Douglas street. KMK TJAOH HENT Suite of furnished rooms , A JHospe. . 54'J ' F OH HENT-Nlceroomfor2. 1H13 Dodge st. Fill HENT Nicely furnished rooms nt 2227 Dodgo. Gas , bath nnd f iirnaco heat. . ' 150 plUHNlSHEO rooms. 1MD Dodgo. 393 f7 171OH KENT 3 rooms nt 311 Woolwoith nvo. J ut $11 per month. 34J FOH HENT IVo nicely furnished front rooms on ground tloor , nt 211H Hurt , for 15 per month , with board ft per week additional. CO SINGLE and double furnUhed rooms , 24 Dodge , aw f nj FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES ATllIHTEEN-roomlious. ) with brick store buitublo for reituurunt or saloon. Inquire of Mrs P. Flannery , 1U18 South 10th st. 4133 TJ1OH HENT A gootl giound tloor olllco. Ap J ply 320 S 15th bt. 207 OH HENT Olllce , ground tloor. lion Hunk bteam heat. AUo small brick stoio oppo site. AUo good barn , S , Lehman. 211 TpOH HF.NT Deslrnblo ollico bpuce. or debk Jloom , at 1&2U rurnam St. , Odell liros. & Co. 1 14 TT OH HENT Oround lloor olllco room , con -13 trally located , heated and lighted. C. F Ilnrriou.41S S. 15th st. 100 _ ON Douglas at near llth. 2nd and 3d stories 3ixlUO ; eafh. Small space on ground tlixir F , L. Gregory , rental ugent , IM S. luth bt. SS ) TI1OH HENT-Olhres on Farnam st. at $10 to MO X ? per month. Ouo ollico f urnUhed. 1012 Fur num. a FOH HKNT Olllce , cheap ; boat location In the city , 1J1 o Dodge bt. UJl RENTAL AGENCIES. FL.GHEGOHY , rental agent. 309 S. 10th st. ground lloor. Telephone Ml. 431 SPECIAL attention given to renting houses furnished and unfurnished room * , List wltl us. W. M. IturrU , over 220 S. Utu it , 361 RENTAL Agency-List roitrn'on e * . for rent w 1th Odcll Ilros. & Co. . 1523 Farnam stW4 [ 7Vll HENT If you w Ish to rent A hmi e tall X1 on lie * wa A : Co 15th sU opposite P , O. OR RENT-ROOMS UNFURNISHED. mou HKNT J3 Two (2) ( ) rooms. No. 1P14 Howard < t. . . ! ? Oil Three (3) ( ) rooms. No. 1015 north aith nt. , . 15ml Three O ) room * , No. HOI north 21 tM. . 'Iliree (3i ( room cottnt' < ' .2lst nnd I'nul st. U'.ffl Three (3) ( ) rooms , No. 1133 north 2Ht st. II W 'I liree ( It roomt , No. 1(10 ( I'len-est. . . . 10.10 Three ( Hi nxim' . No. 1113 outh 7th st. , . 11.00 Three (31 ( rooms. No. 7UI Pacltlc st. . . . 1J.50 One (1) ( ) nice olllce , No. 31U i-outh 15th St. . 20.UO Mil FOR'RENT-MISCELANEOUS. _ IJVJlt ItHNT Lar o front room at 417 Mynster V St. , between7th nnd Mh. OMAHA LoilKiiiR llou e , 010 and IM2 Jackson nt , bet. lull and 10th sts. Uenti .ilnu-le beds at lljier eok ; clean beds. 6ffl Feb.'I * Foil HINT : llarn for 0 horses Uieap , 1707 fass t. 342 2 STORAGE. NK\V YOHK Htorn e Co. have most extensive facilities for storaKo of funilturc , pianos , uieples , general merchandise , west of Now TorK. Cash advances to any amount ; ware- louse receipts Riven ; Rood * Insured ; brick buildlnc fire-proof ; special arrnnuements for commission merchants. Call New York Storaco Co. , Capitol ave and N. 15th at. , llonnett's block. PERSONAL. MIbSIN ( ! Comrade Orange V. Hams. formerly a member of Co. H , 13th Iowa nfimtry , mysteriously disappeared from the lomo which he was prepailni ? for his family lear LaiiRWood , Cutter county , Nubruska , On Ort. llth. 1SS7. His wife and relatives ha\o searched con stantly and anxiously , but II ml no tracn of htm. lie Is Myeais uf nitf , live feetelKht Inches In t , llcht compli'xlon , pray eyes , rather llnht curly hair turning way , sanily beard , lias nhvnyn , since honorably discharged ftom tlio army , Millered more or less from disease there routine ted. If uny comrade or person can plvo any Information concernlim him to the sotrow Imr wife and children he will receive the urate- fill thanks of them and friends. Address Mrs , O. V. Uarus , Stute Center , Marshall Co. , Iowa. RJ4 It _ _ DHiSSMAKiUS : : InvestiKato the KelloRR Frentli Tailor System of dresscuttlnR'.ROod wapes and tiavelliiR expenses to ladles out of employment. Call or address for treatise on drevtciittlug free , Mmc. Kellogg , Hotel Ksmond , Omaha. 7l fl7 * PKIISONAL Michael Schmltt. please come to Orteu Tree hotel , 1718 Williams st. Matt Schmltt. 413 1 PKHSONAL KnKnRoments to rte dress mak- IHR lu families sollrlt > 'd. call on or Miss Jessie bturdy , S13 S 33nd. IbU 3 ; IJIJIISONAL ( Ireat foitunw teller Just nr- X rived , the young Madame C. L. I/iniont , the great astroloslst , will remain 30 days ; has trav eled through the principal parts of Kuropo ; tells past , present and future In person or by letter , will bring back the parted husband or lover , no matter If they bo ten thousand miles away : they will return to you In so many days ; will tell you wnether your lover bo false or truti ; will guaiantee to settle family quarrels to perfect patlsfactiou : can also cause speedv mariiages ; has charms for good luck which will cause par ties to bo successful In any kind of busi ness and prevent your loss In any kind of business you may undertake , breaks evil Inlluence , and nrlngs good luck to all who may try this lurky charm ; can give lucky numbers In lottcrv draw Ings : can give uest of reference in regard to abo\e statement. I was presented with an elegant gold'medal lu Demur , Colo. , for niy great success In my business. 1 have the natural gift of tolling the past , present and future. My grandmother before mo was also a great nstrologlst. 1'artles asking Information by letter must enclose ? , ! to ensure answer. I have a line pre paration for thfi complexion , wh Ich keeps It smooth and fair , and prevents premature wrin kles. Also a line hair tonic , which preserves the natural color of the hair and prevents it from falling out. Ladles who are in trouble call and see me at once. All business confidential. Ollico hours , 10 a. m. to U p. in. Madame C. L. Lnmont , No. li < 10 California street.between Ifcth and Illth sts. , Omaha , Neb. l.YTfl * PKHSONAL 1 want vacant lot. north part of city , for good house and lot in Omaha View. C. C. Spotswood , 305U S ICtli St. , Omaha. PKHSONAL Ladles and gentlemen can rent masQUcrado suits at 610 N tcth St. , upstairs , PKIlSONAL Prlvatehome for ladles during confinement , strictly contldental. infants accpted ; address K 43 I too olllce. 537 f 10 LOST. IOST Yellow canary ; liberal re ward will bo J paid if returned to drug store , corner 27th and Leavenwortli at. 4 30111 * OST A bunch of keys. Heturn to 517 8. lltli J 3472 * . FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. FOlt SALE and buggv ami harness. Inquire of P. A. ( iavln , walnut Hill. iiil.Mchl ? FOIJ SAL1' One good 3-horso power engine nnd boiler. Midland Ulectrlc Co. 121J Mnrnuybt. . 4.M 10 FOU SALK One full kit of carpenter' tools , imrt cash and part on time , H. K. Cochran - ran , 150U i'arnam st. 31s .2 * TT1OU SA LU A full blooded 0 mouths old Kn- J gllsh pug dog. Address X 51 lleoonice. FOHSALr. Cheap , fresh grnd Jcttev cow. Addres- . box 31)0 1' . O. 270 1 I foil BALK Sock of stoves , ranges , hardware , tinware , tinners'tools and llxtutes. rail nl 813 N. 16th st. si.i-fi- F Oil SALU 3 horses nnd 2 single wagons , all complete , very cheap. 114Slltjrtt. 34.13' Fill SALK At a bargain 50 Tettt of shelving , ilil feet of con liters nnd one icrf chest , suit able for grocery store. Enquire- SIS S. luth btu . - -u 713. ! "IT OU SALU-Safe und desk , 31 ? So. 13 h. i - i FOIl SALK Horse and covered"wagoli } 317 So IJth. ,2M FOIl PALK At a barpaln , n large bay fnmllj horse , s.ifii for a lady to drive ; a line ba > trotting mare and colt > montliH old : side-bar buggy , uitter , wagon , uiirnoss , 1 set wagon run ners , etc. C.ul at once , 2110 Harney st. 21,1-2 FOIt SALK Lease house and barn on Doug Ins bet 17th and letti. Inquire Meycr& lta.ii ) ke. Uft'i Hanioy. 171 $300 llrst mortgage for sale , 20 per cent oil rooiuST , 1'axtqn building. VJ33 * FOlt SALU Lease of store for ! ! years , cheap rent , nuest location In city for retail bus ! ness , address X X ) Ilee olllce. 0 Kf2 ) 0 H S A LK Fresh mllcn co\rs. Hill i. Smiley opp. Kvchango building , Union Stnrkyarys Telephone ( a. IDl-fub-l MISCELLANEOUS. rpilK banjo taught a.s an art by Geo. I' , ( lellen JL btck , S. o. cor 10th and Douglas , up stairs iOTANUAKD btoek Liniment will euro mange fj spralues , cuts , bruises , barbed-w ire w omul * weak back , swelled glands , strained muscles and every Injury which nus not Injured tin bone. AH nn nlluvlator of iialu In man or beast this liniment stands second to none. Manufnc tured by F.K. Banborn A ; Co. , 1703 St. Mnrv's axe. 401-8 rillir. On Time Household Vatr. X The great llargain house of Omaha. To the housekeepers of Onnha Wo arc bound to show you that we can rurnisl you homo comforts and save you money la pi ices. 1'arlor suit' . Chamber sets , lied springs , bed mattrasses , roldlim beds , side boards , carpets , Tables , chairs , mirrors , pictures Lounges , commodes , totes , Divans , rockers , curtains , stoves , 'Ilnware , crockery , glassware , lamps. Houses furnished complete , on Easy payments ! Easy payments ! Lusy payments ! l'.isy payments. 1'ilces lower tnan the lowest. Call and see 1'rlces lower than the lowest. Tall and see C02 and U ) I couth 1 1th street , Corner Jackson. 407 I T jou want your furniture , etc. , sold a auction and want to re.tllzo good prices fo > oui goods , call on Kutm He Wells , llccnsei unctlonecrs , 20 * . 210 , 212 S. llth Et , Omaha , Neb 173 1 . Is not a here In Nebraska that wotilt not bo beuellttcd by Standard Horse am Cattle 1'ood. In the spring of the year animal need something to cleanse anil fortify the sys tern and prep.ue it for the labors of the MiUHhmf Horse and Cattle Food supplies the v ant exactly ; buy a box now.feed it to j our horse and his improved health und greater capaclt > for labor will repay you ten fold. Manufacture by F. U. Sanborn .V Co , 1703 St. Mary's avenue For sale everywhere. 401-a IF you wish good , prompt pajlng tenants list your dwellings. Hats nnd store rooms with J. II. I'arrotte , llental Ageucy , IGOii Cbl cngo st. M7f II Ahraanson's OIB.CQ removed from Frenze cktofiUSlCUift , . , 833 F5 ' CLAIRVQXANT. DU. NANNIU V. Warren , clalrvoynnt. Med- Icitl , busIueM and twbinl'dluui. Diagnosis rre. Femnle diseases ix > Wwclalty. 11B N. IBth U WANTED-TO BUY. \V"ANTni ) A II rstclnr ? * second hand piano > * chc.ip for cash. AQdrcsj W , C. Ho.ttlng , led Oak , Iowa. 4 8 S * _ _ Jl'OT cash for furntturtt. stoves , hotisehol J goods at 117 North Ibfo St. Orll A Co. \\7ANTr.D-A larso lottin , Hamilton St. , suit- TT nblH for several fmtKct. Will pay Jj ash. C. II. Cninpbell , 15W Fnriiam st. " \V7ANTKD To buy iinfirt time paper. J. W. TT dross , at C. K. Mayuo's olfice , IMh and Inrney. JS" . MONEY TO LOAN. rplIR Tnlrbank Investment Co , orgnnlred JL with ample capital , makes loans on hordes. Nngons , furniture , pianos , and other personal > roperty or collateral. Deal with responsible mrtlcs. Apply at their olllce , 215 South 14th treet , up-sialis , 418 T IHECentralLoaii A Trust Co. . No. 1(111 ( Kar- nam st , will furnish money promptly on cholco city loans at lowest current , rates. MONUY to loan on improved city propel ty at lowest rates. Cn-sKon liand. First mort gages negotiated. K. 1' . Denver , room 15 , chum * > er of commerce. -J1 MONKY to loan on Improved real estate. F. 1' Fay , 317 So. llth. ! TX ) MONKY to loan on f urnlturt * . hoi ses , wagons , etc. , or on any approved security. Low rates. J. W. Itobblns , 1U1J rarnaui. KV f l MONKY to loan. Notes aim it. It. ticket , bought ahd sold. A. Format. , 21J S 13th sts- 3tu MONKY to loan at lowest i ales upon Improved and unimproved real estate in Omaha and also upon farms In western Iowa and eastern Nebraska. Mortg.igo notes bought nnd sold Odell llros. A. Co..1.-)3l : Kainam st. 30 M ON HY to loan on Improved real estate ; no commission charged. Leavitt Uurnhani , room 1 , Crclghton block. IM SHOUT time loans marte on any available security. In reasonable amounts. Secured notes bought , sold or exchanged. General financial business of any kind transacted promptly , quietly and fairly nt the Omahn Fi nancial Kxclmnge. N. W. cor. I'.th and Har ney sts. , over State National band. Corbett , manager. 'M' MONKY to loan l can now pmco some Mrst cln s city loans Immediately. Call at once If you desire to bo accommodated. D. V. Sholes , room 1 Darker block , entrance In alley. UUH MONKY to Loan lly undcrsicned , who has the only properly organized loan agency In Omaha. Loans of f 10 to 1100 made on furniture , pianos , organs , horses , wrgons , ma chinery , etc , without removal , No delays. All business strictly confidential. Loans BO made that any part can bo paid nt any time , each pay ment reducing the cost pro rnto. Advances made on flno watches and diamonds. Persons should rarefully consider who they are dealing with , as many new concerns are dally coming into existence. Should you need money call nnd see me. W. K. Croft , room i Withnwll building , IDth and Harnev. 3W ) M ONKY to Loan O. F. Davis Co. , real estate nnd loan agents , 1505 Karnum st. 370 TO LOAN Money Loans placed on Im proved real estate In city or county for New England Loan & Trust Co. , by Douglas County bank , 10th and Chicago sts. 371 MONKY to loan , casn on nand , no delay. J. W. and K. L. Squire , 1413 Farnam st. Paxton - ton hotel bulldlmt. 378 f OANSmarto on real estate. Cash on hand. LJ W. M. Harris over 230 S. 15th st. 373 $ to loan lit G per cent. Llnahan & Mahoney - honey , 1EOO Farnam. 374 MONKY To loan. l < owost rates. No delay J. L. lllco Ic Co. , over Commercial Na tional bank 375 31'Kll CKNT Money. 1'atterson At Kawcett I5th and Harnoy. 37 fl AN3 made on real estate and mortgages bought. Lewis S. lleud & Co. , 1531 rnruam. UJMO.OOO To loan on Omaha city property at 8 P percent. G. W. Day , 8. E. cor. Ex. JIM. , , 378 M ONKY LOANKD at O.-P. Reed * Co.'fl I-oan . Olllc . on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons , personal property of all klnds , , and all other ar ticles of value without removal. 319 8. 13th , over lllnghani's commission store. AH busi ness strictly confidential. 370 MONKY to Loan On furniture , pianos , wagons , or other personal property without removal ; also on collateral security. Iluslnesa confidential. Chas. U. Jacobs , 330 S. l.'ith ' st 380 TlfONEY loaned on furniture , pianos , organs , I'L horses , etc , low rates. J. J. Wilkinson 4 Co. , 1334 Farnam , over Burlington ticket office. BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR SALK-Half Interest in meat market do- ing JS.O'JO cash business n month. Iteahons , leaving city. Address , A U , Ileo. 41 > 7J | 7VHHALK tSOO will put you In possession of -1 ? hotel doing good Imsfness. Mrs. lliega Jc Son , 310 So. luth. Tel. 884. 410 3 SALK-Or rent.Manchester Hunch , beau- tlfully situated in the fertile valley of the Loup , within5 mills of I'ullerton , the county H.i.vt of Nance county. NebuiHka , and 1 mlle of postolllce. This well-known ranch has been spec ially laid out forfctorkrulblngund general inrni- ing and comprises BOO acresiul ; ; under cultivation , balance In pasture nnd hay laud ; MX ) acres being under fence. 3 largo cattle sheds , feed yards , 3 barns with gramules , carpenter shop , harness loom , " windmills ( I geared ) , n wells , scales , 3 watertaiiKsi3 with heating apparatus ) , constant supply of living water from I'liiiu creek and the Loupe river. 3 commodious dwelling lioiisus , one situated in the midst of a Hue orchard ; pri vate slile-trnck on the O. N. & It. Hy. wlthe\ery facility for handling stock ; good hog buying point. Stock , implement ! ) , etc . may bo had at a valuation. 1'or furtherpnrtlculars apply per sonally or by letter to the owner , K. C. Jllllur , \\Ystgord , Neb. 330 7 SALK Lumber and coal business. Not FOH oni ) yard In twenty as com tnlent or as well located , doing a good business. Address J. W , Quackenbiish , Oleeuwood , Neb. 333 inch IV 11OH SALK or trade Ilestauiant nnd hotel , doing good liuslness. In live westeiu town , population 1'iOt ) ; nddiess lock box C5 , O'Neill , Neb. 170 H FOH SALK Vlrst-clnss boardinghouse near P.O. . rooms nil occupied ; good cnuso for selling. X 43 Ilee olllco. 15Jf35 FIHST class meat market and buildings for sale , good tow n and trade , only market , ice aud eerj thing in shape , address X 32 Ilee. IN. 2 * ACTIVK partner , salesman , to take * half-Inter est In permanent and growing merchantllo business. Goods staple , prouts large ; * SJO re quired. Addresb Tfl. * , Dee , 711) ) FOH SAI.i : A clean stock of genU' furnish ing goods , hats , caps ; ono of the best lo cations In Omaha. Stock all bought within ono year. Address T ( W , Ileo olllco. 788 f 8 FOREXCHANCt. WANTHD A lot of .second-hand furnituao for some good Nebraska land. 0. Ii , Ilrow n , room 1.1 , Frenzer block , Opp. P. O. 4 H a Trade Good improved Nebraska land for drug stock and building , or horses and cuttlii , or property lu gooil town. Address liox Ml , Kearney , Nob. - * 4a : 4 * AJ2ono stock of furnlturo and two good real- bldencu lots to exchange for a good farm. Co-operative Land and I tCo.UU3N. 10th st. 4U1-1 FA It MS and city lots toqxchange formerchun- ilho. No commission. J. Carmlchael , 3.XI7 rr.inklln st. > . 315 lit \\rANTKD-To trade n good cart for n top T buggy ; will pay boot. Address X 71 , lloo oiiico. - \\7ANTKn To trade Omaha real estate partly i T Improved , fur established lumber yard in email ton n , address X t > 'J lice. < A * WANTEI1 If you have any land to trade , wtitetome. I catt find what you want. C. I * llro\Mi , loom 13 , riouzur block , Opp. 1' . O. FA U.MR , lands , lots , etc. , to exchange for good Inside , improved or unimproved lots , % \ 111 ns-sumo encumbrances.V. . J. I'uul , KW. rarnaui. { | _ Ir you have anything to exchange call on or uddrcbs U , K. Cole , u. o , cor , 15th and Doug las. an Fl _ WANTKD Houses and lots to exchange for Inipioved and unlmproued lands lu Nebraska - braska and Iowa. Charles C. Spotsuood , .tuii ! S. 16th. "VrKHHASKA ana Kansas farms to exchange ! > for Iowa and Colorado luinls , and \lc.i versa. Co-Operative Lund and i * > t Co. . 203 N liith at. tiiM I HAVE for trade improved farm In Cass Co , near riattsmouth , will trade for ImproTeO insldo property. Address M 'M , Ileo office. 938 WANTRD-Stock of groceries , dry goods , clothing or boots and shoes In exchange tor Omaha property or farms. BcUlcslnger Ilros. , on s , ivtu bt , i i-CJ * J . . ' ' ' ' A. > Mii > MOCKS of merchandise to or- rhangn for lands and city prouertj-J O. C. : swoi > il. 'Mil' S. liUa. i-0 Fill Exchange New jrooni j house and lot In Fairmont place , slightly encumbered , for othergix > d proppity. Lots In our addition to South Omaha , free of encumbrance , for good western farm laud.clear , or not heavily encumbered , or good Omaha property. Oood instdn business property , free of en cumbrance , for good house and lot in north l > nrt > f tlty. 8. A. Slomitti , rooms 22 and 23 , .Hdluian ' building , cor. Farnum and IJth sts. _ _ 141 FOH oxchamro Fine Nebuiska farms for stocks of gcnoinl indso. J. A. llerger. Long Pine. Neb. 321 f y.i * FOH SALE or oTchnnR1. hotel ; bargain. A. M. Merrill , llartlngtun. Neb. 427 7 \\rANTED-All kinds of Omaha property to v exchange for farms nnd w lid lands. Spec ial attention giloii to trading. Come and ? eo me or wrltn. C , L. llrown , room 13 , Freuzer block , Opp. P.O. 4.H 3 "IPOH Exciuinije. It you hare farms or lands to JL1 sell or trade send for our descriptive blanks. If you have any kind of property to soli or ex change , list It with ttsj wo con furnish you r\ customer. S. S. Campbell * O. W. llervov , 310 Hoard of Trade Omaha 3SJ WANTED Gooct rarnn in exchange for Omaha property , C. C. Spotswood. 30uV4 8 ICth. 11-14 ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. BENSON \CAItMICIIAIiIj furnish complotn Rtid guaranteed abstracts of tltlo to any real estate lu Omaha nnd Douglas coiintr upon short notice. The most complete set of abstract jooksln tho'city. No. 1510 Farnam st. : iSj MIDLAND Guarantee nnd Trust Co. . IfpOo FnruHtn stiect Complete nbstracts fur- ilflhed , and titles to real estate examined , per fected and guaranteed. 3vf gOR8ALE-REAL ESTATE. | JKH ) SAI.E-lTouso and lot In Wnlnut Mill. JU1 Kasy pnyinvnts. P. A. Gavin , solo auont. 417 ilch It IJAnOAINSinllancomel'lnco. If you think JJ of building next spring and want n site for i nice home , call and uelect a lot now , before [ > rlces nro advanced. Henutlful bouth front lot corner of Poppleton nve. nnd 't.ld st. I'oppleton nve. Is now graded mil this lot Is Just right tor gado. Price ti MX ) ; t"H ( cash , balance one , two , tlnee and four years. Lots 1 nnd " 4 , block 4,1itxlfiQ ! feet , corner Jit. I'lens.iut nnd Catherine s > t. ; elegant % lew. one- unit block fiom car linn. Ono of the biggest bargains In the city. J7.fOJ. Klegant resident site , 100x110 feet , south nnd east front , corner Poppleton live , nud Dela ware St. . ouo of the finest views in the nddl tlon. Can put block of llo houses on this prop erty , or two elegant residences. Prices $7,500 ; inly gfjX | ( ) cnsh. balance 1 , 2 , .1 , and 4 \ ears. Lot 21block . Elegant west frcml on Dela- waniht.s magnlllrout view , splendid neighbor hood. Ono of the tlnest wes > t front lots In Hans * com Place. Only K2,7"iO. Lots ( I , 7 , and H , block n , 1X1 feet east front on Duaue St. , just right for grade. No liner place In the city tor block of houses or largo resi dence. Can sell BO feet or more. Submit oiler. Lots 11 nnd 12 , block ( I. lOOxlV ) feet , south nnd east front , corner Poppliton nve. nnd Duane t. The utreet hns been graded lu front of these lots , and they nre about two feet nbo\o grade , i'he opposite corners uro all built up andoccu- pled by elegant homes. Can oiler this ptoperty at n bnrgnln If taken soon. Lots 1 nnd 2 , block 4 imixlM feet enst front ind corner on Park avo. and Mt. Pleasant ht This property Is all graded , on two car lines and Park avo. will bo paved at once. Splendid place for block of four houses. C'nll and get pi Ice. Lots H nnd II , block 11-lOOxlM feet , corner of Woolworth avo. nnd Delaware st. , facing and overlooking the park ; ono of the linest resl- den sites in the city. If bold soon , only J7.WO for both. Lot 2 , block 7 Hast front lot on Delaware St. , surrounded by elegant residences , splendid view. OH nor Is out of town nnd must luno money. Call nnd get pi Ice. Any ono of the nbovo lots nre llrst-clnss resi dence sites , high and sightly , commanding a magnificent view of the city and park. Water mains and gas are already laid In front of thet-e lots. A beautiful park of sixty acres , a splendid neighborhood , natural ele\atlon giving perfect drainage and pure atmosphere , quick nnd direct access bv two lines of stteet cars , nil combine to make Iliuisrom place a healthy and delight ful place for n home. Call and let me show you what we have to oiler in this beautiful addition. George N. Hick" , 421-2 215 South luth Street. L. HICK & CO. , Heal Kstnto. 213 EMSTIOKNnV & CO. mnito a specialty of property lu North Omaha , for sale or rout at Citizens' bank , -I'W ' Ciunlng st. U8S 7 , . HICE * CO. , Heal Estate. 213 FOH SALE-1-fl cash , biggest bargain In South Omaha. Look at the location , prlco and terms i-'Ofectof lota , block 75 , $1,200 ; fcot ) cash , balance 1,3 und a years. 1) . 1) . Smeatou , Barker block. IR ) HICE 4 CO. , Heal Estato. 215 FOH RALE or exchange. Omaha property and farms for merchandise , horses , etc. Hthles- inger Ilros. , 014 S. 10th st. Kti-tH $75 a foot , s w cor. Cnming and S4th sts , lriO\l 4 on Cumlng. Submit your ow n terms. Com parison with adjoining property Invited. Part sold In proportion. Addio s the ow nor , Frank Chrysler , Hnom 41M , Paxtonbulldlng. ail ! 2t T 1ST your property for sale or trade w 1th O. A. J-J\Vatsou , loom lu , Chamber of Commnico. [ MPHOVED farm In Iowa for Omaha resi dence prorcrty. J , J. Wilkinson , 1J21 Farnam. T L. HICE & CO. , Heal Kbtato. 215 OH SALE-Lot 5 blk 8 A. S. Patricks a 1 ; will sell for few days nt $ I,50U , $000 cash , bal. easy. s. 40 Ileo olllce. 017 FOH SALE ICO acres of land four miles from stock yards , at $12- per acre ; this is n bar- gain. Mcl'qgue. Opp. P. O. 3'J1 J L. HlCElk CO. , Hell Estate. 215 Dissolution Notice/ THE firm heretofore existing under the firm name of Guild X MHMHI has this dny been dlssol\ed by mutual loiSent. All outstanding accountsdiio thoBrmaro piiyabln to JolinCiUlld. Omaha , Feb. 1 , ltW8. .Ions GUILD , Ildlt * 11. M. JIA-ON. ! Nntiuo. MATTEH of nppllcntlunuf Thomns Ilurroll i Co. for Ililiior llrensu. Notlciil ln'reliyulvpnthiitTliomni llnrrrllo illil iipnn Ihu.lljt tiny ( it .Innunry , A. 1) . l S. IIlu hn uppll- ciitlnn totlin nmyoriui I tlty riiunclluf Oiuiilni | nr II- icMiMitoujll mult , iplrlluinis nnd Mniiuiiiiiirut.N'u. | | | l.'l lodte xtrect , Ihlnl Hiird. Uniiiliu. Neb . Irani thu first iluy ol Jiuiunrr , ISijS , to tliu llrst day of Junuury , If tlicro bo no objection , rpmonstmnconr prntpst tiled nltliln two < eks from Junuury Jlst , A. I ) , btlrt , thu Hutd lltcnso will bu Kruntcil THOMAS llniuiKLi. A Co. , Applicant ? . J. 11 Sot'THAlili. City Clurk. jm Tnkon Up. Ono grey pony about M years old , weight about KVI Ibs. ( "an bo had three-fourths of a mlle west of the poor farm , Pnik bt. P. jlHtflp for School IliHtrlct ItniulH , Sealed proposals w 111 be received at this olllco until February 1 , 1IW. at 12 noon for the pur chase of J2 < lOOi > ) of school district bonds of the school district of Omnha. Said bonds nre of the denomination of Jl.OOD each , dated January 1st lb * > , bear interest at the rate of live per cent per annum , payable seml-annuallv ut Kotiutze Iliothors , Hankers , Now York , principal to become duo In twenty years from date thereof. Said bonds are issued by the board of educa tion of the school district of Omaha under au thority granted by a vote of the people at thn general election held November 6th , 1b87 , anil will be delivered to purchasers on payment therefor ut the city tfi usury lu Omaha on Fob- niary'Jth. IHKri. lllus w 111 bo addressed to the undersigned nnd marked "Piopoiuls for School District llunds , " nnd must state the full name and address of the bidder , the amount of sild bonds dt-slri'd ami the prlco proposed to bo paid w 1th accrued In terest. The right is reserved to reject any or al bids. JOHN lil'bll. City Treasurer , Notlco of Incorporation. TO Whom It Mnv Concern : Notlco is hereby given that "The Ileo IlulUUmt Company'1 has tiled In the olllce of the county cleik of Douglas county , Nebraska , articles of incorpor ation. The place of transacting its business is at Omaha , In Douglas county and state of Nebraska. The general nature of its business Is to acquire , own , hold , lease , mortgage , sell nnd convey real estate , erect buildings and Improve ments upon thu same , for renting micli real estate , &c. The amount of capital stock authorized is | . ' , i ) , mn , ten per cent of which to 1m paid at the time of subscribing for thu same , and there umlnder as rvqulreii by the board of directors The corporation commenced January lull , A I ) , low , and will terminate the 1Mb day of Jan uary , A. D , 11HH. The highest amount of indebtedness or llabll ityto which the corporation shall ut any time subject Itself Is two-thirds of the capital stock Issued. The buslnosa affairs of the corporation are to bo conducted by a board of directors of live members who shall select from their number a president , secretary and treasurer. EtlMTAKI ) ItOSr.WATEIl , MAX MerBit , (1KO. II. TZSUIIUCK , HllUNOTZSCIIUCK. UlUUU 4. UAbBBU. 1. THE RAILWAY THE TABLES , OMAHA. Leave Arrive Omnha. Omaha. t'NION' PACIFIC. > epot 10th nnil Ma try st . nclllc Expre-n . . . 0:00 : p. m. 7fiO : a. m. .luilted Kxpreas . . . . . . . . 12:30 : p. m SM : p. in. Local Express . 6:10 : p. m. 13:35 : p. tn. Kxcopt Sunday. Vipot loth nnd Mason ts. "hfcago Express , Nos2 & 1 flits p. m , fi.os a. m. "hlcago Mull. . UM : > a. in. 7ir : > p. in. 'htcago Local . o:4"i : p. 111 , 10:2. : a. in. ) enver Express . 0:15 : n. m , a.u : p. in ? louver Mall . 8iio : p. m , ! > il. 111. "nllfornlii Mnll . 10v. : : a. m , Rti : p. in. Ciinsns City Day Express. Viu : a. in , 0.v : , p. in iansasCltyjilgnt express HifiU p. in , 7:00 : n. in. 0. St. I' . M. * ( ) . ) cpot IMhand Websterst Sioux City A Ill'k Hills Ex 100 : * a.m , 2M : p. in. litncroft Express 4110 p.m , 11:33 : n. in. 'Except Sunday. M1SSOU1U PACIFIC. ) epot 15th mid Webster st ) ay Express. . . 10 : l.r > n. in n:3s : a. m. Jlght Express v. . Uai : p. in , 6:30 : p. ni. F. K.V M.'V. UflF. lepot l.'ith and Webster st lastlngs St llfk Hills Pas IOM : a. m 4:15 : p. m. Norfolk Passenger ilS p. Ill 10 : l'i a. til. SU11UUBAN 1UAINS. Hnnnliig between Council IHuRs and Albright n nddltlon to thu stations mentioned , trains stop at Tweutloth and Twenty-fourth streets ami at the Suiniiilt In Omaha. Wodtwnril. Iroad- TransOniulm Shcely. South Al- way. fer. Depot. Omaha bright. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. n:4p : > r.ri : fltn : Gw : ; 6:37 : 8V : > 7:15 7 : 7- : ! . HV : ( > K:12 : H:3 : : > HVUi : Ui U:12 : ll:2.'i : 10:11- : . 10:12 : 10:3.- : . 10ri : 11:03 : 11:1 : 11:3- : . 11:41 : I'.M. I'.M. I'.M. I'.M. T.M. 12:12 : 12:3.- : . 13:4- : > ISsflS 1:12 : 1:2.- : , 1:45 : lifiS 2:1- : 2K : 3:0 : ; > 3:12 : 4:4'i : r.l2 : r.:41 : 0:12 : 7:0.- : . 7:13 : H.O'i H:12 : 8:4' : ) 0:12 : . . U:4f : > 10:12 : 10:23 : r.ll:0' l : > 10:4,1 : 10:53 : 11:30 : v.ll:30f : Eastward. Al- South Sheoly. > maha Transt- llroad Drlght. Oninlm. depot. way. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. A. M. A : 15 6:10 : 6:15 : 6:2.- : ) ' 6:4.1 : 7W : ) 7:03 : 7:15 : 7'l5 : 7tl : ; 7M : 7:5. : ' . 8.07 H:15 : M H:07 : 11:15 : U:55 : 111:07 : 10:15 : 10riO : 10Vi : 11:07 : 11:15 : 11:38 : HIM 11:55 : ] . M. I'.M. I * , u. P. M. 1' . M. 12:07 : 12:15 : l.:2S : 12 : M 12:5.- : . 1:07 : 1:15 : 1:38 : r.w 1:55 : 2:07 : 2lf : > 2:38 : 2.10 : Br : - , 3:07 : 3:15 : 38 : 3fiO : 3:55 : 4:07 : 4:1' : . 4:3H : 4M : 4:55 : fi:07 : fiiri 5:38 : GTO : * > :55 : 6:07 : 0:15 : 6:38 : 6:50 : 6:55 : 7:07 : 7:15 : 7:38 : 7 : l 7r : i 8:07 : 8:1 : } s-ja 8:55 : U:07 : . \t-.m \ :5T : > 10:07 : 10-r ! 10:38 : 10:50 : 10:55 : 11:07 urlll5 : 11:55 : H:5'J : ' 12OUam : 12:15am : COUXCILi Leave. A rrlvo. CHICAGO , HOCiC ISLAND & PACIFIC. ANo. 14 4:00 : p.m. I ) No. 1 10TOa. : m. H No.2 AilOp. m. A'No. 13 11:30 : a. in. O No. H 0:20 : a. in , O No. 5 11:115 : p. m. A No. 4 11:40 : a. m. A No.3 7:00p : , ill. CHICAGO , IIUUUNdTON & QU1NCV. C No. 8 6:50 : a. m.1 1) No.5 : lOa.m. A No. 4 fl:40n. : in.l ANo. 15 10.00a.m. C * No. 14 1.3:30 : p. in. O fNo. 7 fl:20p. : in. A No. I ! 7U : ) p.m.1 No.3 7UOp. : m , CHICAOO fi NOKTIIWKSTIMtN. A No.O 11:40a.m. : \ No.3 ! i:15 : a. m. ANo.8 4:00 : p. m. A No. 7 lli.kla. in. A No. 4 4Wp. : ! m. A No.5 7:00p.m. CHICAGO , MIUVAUKin : & ST. 1'AUh. A No.2 'J:40n. : m.ANo. | r. ll0a. : : ! in. A No.O 4:00p. : m.A | No.3 7:00p.m. : KANSAS C1T1'ST. JOi : & . COUNCIL ULUFl'S. A No.2 :25a.m.A : | No.3 6:3.-.a.m. : A No , 4 9:10p.m.A : | No. 1 0:30p.ui. : SIOUX C1TV i PACIFIC. A No. 10 7:05a.m.A : | No.9 fl:5na.m. : A No.13 7OOp.m..V : [ No. 11 0:00p.m. : OMAHA & ST. LOUIS. A No.8 3:40p. : in.A | No.7 ll-XSp. m. A daily ; II dally except Sat. ; O dally except Sun. ; D except Hon. : KFant Mall ; Limited ; Will probably chunse to 4:00p. : in.before Feb. 1. mo ii nucgiuiMTiD WITH TKI oioamrnr or rml couxikr WILL iii sr BxuuNiHa iuis MAT iOAT tun CHICAGO.ROCKISLAND&PACiFICRAILWAY . By reman of IU central position c.OBi relation to llnei Rait of Chicago , and continuum lla. } * at ternilnnl points Wo it , Morthiwst nnd Soathwcit , Is thu true middle link In that trinicontlnentai pyatcm vrlilch InTlUt and facilitate ! travel and trafflo between tba Atlanllo and 1'aclflc. Tlia Rock Island main line and branches Include ChiC - C KO , Jollet , Ottawa , LK Hallo , 1'eorta , Oeneieo , Molln * and Hock Island , In Illinois ; Darenpurt , Miucntlno , Wnlilnfflon , Tairflold , Oltumw , OsValnon , WestUb- erty , Iowa City , DesMulnbs.lnilUnola.Wlntfi'si't , Atlan tic , Knox\llle , Audubon , Harlan , Guthrlu Contra and Cuancll llluffsInlowat Oallatla , Trenton , 8t.0eph , Cameron and Kansas City , In Ulssourl ; Leal , jwortti and Atchlson , In Kansasi Albert IoaMinneapolis and il , 1'aul , in lllnnesotit ! Wntertown and Hioux Kails , la Dakota , and hundreds of Interniedlato cltlci and towns. .i'Tho Croat Rock Island Route" ' : Guarantees rpced , comfort , ctrtalntjr and retr. Its permanent war Is distinguished for Us escfllenre. Its bridges are of etono and Iron. Its track Is of nolM ttol.lts rolling stock perfect. ItspaHBengerequlpuifmt has all the safety Appliances that exporlencu has prorui nisful , and for luxurious accommodations Is uiu u- passed. Its Express Trains consist of superior U./ Coaches , elegant Tullman I'alaca Parlor and Slreplun Cars , superb Dining Cars , providing delicious meals , and ( between Chicago and Bt. Joseph , Atchlson and Kansas City ) restful Kocllnlng Chair Cars. Its man. aK rcciit ii coruurratlro , Ita dlsclpllno exacting "The Famous Albert Lea Ror , > e" Jlctwsen Chicago and Minneapolis and St. l' . Is the favorite. Over this line Solid Fart Kxpress Trains run dally to attractive resorts for toarlsts In Iowa and Ulnntrota , and , via WaUrtown and Sioux Falls , to the rich wheat and grating lands of Interior Dakota. Via Seneca and Kanlcalcee , the Hock Island offers superior Inducements to travelers between Cincinnati , Indian apolis , Lafajetta and Council lUulTn. St. Joieph , Atchl son , Leavenworth , Kansas City , St. 1'aul , and Interme diate points. All patrons ( especially ladliu and chil dren ) recelvoprotectloncourtesy and kindly attention. For tickets , maps , folders , copies of VTostern Trail , or any desired Information , apply to principal oftlccs la Uu > United States and Canada , or address , at Chicago , R. R. CftllE , f. ST. JOHN , I. A. HOLUOOI , ' ur. a .TU.aru < .ii rorchorons. Clydusdnlos nnd Plilrc , also homo bred coltn Kvury animal Kuar.inlfed a brt-ed 'r Our stock has been sleet ml with rifcrencoto both Individual murlt and iii'dl ri.'u Somu of these homes have takun nr t ] > rl/u at the No- brnsknhtatt ) Ki'lr , 1HS7. All our horses nro IIP- rllmnti'd , nnd colts of their cut can bu Nhown , I'rlcos ri'ttsonablu und easy terms. Is accessllilu by the thri-o li-ndliiK railroads of the state , II , A ; JL : r. , E. & M. v. . and K co. . FHV A : FAIlltllAll. Yoik , Neb . . imtiTlvm vrtmmm .1.- EwSt"JvjCTTTic l" " ' ' > oolbl" * ni U cf - * ° ' * ' ' ' ? * ? - I KVikt'11 ! * " , A * l'f ° ei' ' h'.l'ir | Sli ! Cwriti5 \ -f.liiniu llr ct w.fgrf.ltn'ixiu In c k. Orotiil Impronamu our ill uht r btlti. Vvuiil ( tin M f. K > i nll/cuitilnUiMiiio > u bttlid > mitll4 . MtniD Th Sindon EltcUid Co , IC9 LaSillc t.Chicago AOVIOX . HOW TO AOT. l tVlforu4Mtiihoo4HMtci < i. Pit. aiitort icliit * kid KuMlicfc * ! dlwi. h Mfellcliill. ' ' ' ' " is- ' . . ' . ' , ; : . . : - : . . - Tlio llorricrlntiil of Fobrtiury Korutn : Tlio cit t'otn o ( piXj- ln eminent linn-isler * liir 'o rotitniors to liolil their tun uu nnil not utipoiu * ou thu other nhlo , luu * the foaluros of own cousin to a hrlbo , copui'lntly it nny jurist s o I'onunlttotl stlllos his convictions mill looks on quietly to HOO injustice tloiiu. I wns Informed by the treasurer of u Miis achuxetts rallrosul , llfty years njjo , that , to cot ithcatl of parties wishing to tap it with a rival roatl , ho ran with nil hn.sto to Daniel Web.sterV olllco acros3 the wny. Webster , wlio had boon nl- ready niroiohud | | ) : but not rotuiiiod In the itdvorso iuturo.xt , nnd who ] ierhaps pro furred the now-eoiuor's oaiibo , an- snored , in tfuUurnl tones that nntilo the troaaurer shtnldor : "Tlioro nro no bones broken , there is no blood snilt , " and put tlio retainer of 6H ( ) easily earned dollars In his vest pocket. That minister of the law , part of wlio-o olllco Is to chock bribery , is himself bribed , who for pay undertakes a ease ho thinks ho can carry , but which ho knows or believes to bo bail , and who urges it on purely technical , the letter against tlio hjiirit , with argu ments that liavo no weight to his own mind. He is u pctUfotfuor , perhaps iv bully to , yet , so strong n. hold on court and bar has the theory tif foronsio light. in which , as on the actual battlefield , whatever weapon comes to hand is law ful , that 1 signally failed in trying to convince that excellent mnn nnd emi nent judge whom 1 well know , Chief Justice Lomuul Shaw , that the practice of the bar was in anyway bused on n wrong principle. llo still held that contending counsellors should do their best to represent or initiropro.ient , they having naught to do with : iK-oluto equity or truth ; it was for thu court and jury to decide after all the fair or unfair crbna- ing of logical swords. Safe , permanent nnd complete nro the cures of bilious nnd intermittent dis cases , made by 1'rickly Ash Hitlers. Dyspepsia , general debility , habitual constipation , liver and kidney com plaints are speedily eradicated from the system. It disinfects , cleanses and elimtnntes nil malaria. Health nnd vigor are obtained moro rapidly anil permanently by the use of this gront natural antidote than by any other rem edy heretofore known. A.s a blood pur ifier and toaio it brings health , renewed - nowed energy and vitality to n worn and diseased body. A brother of Krnnz Sehnbort , the great master of song and founder of tlio romantic school of composition , is said to bo living in Vienna , whoroSchubort , who died nearly sixty years ago , was born in 1797. Front Childhood Upward , far bpyond middle ago. the tooth will remain strong nnd white if standard SOZODONT bo daily used. The breath also , often unpleasant in life's decline , will continue pure , if this delightfully odorous tooth preservative is persist ently applied. Free soup has boon a source of trouble in Now York and is no longer provided for the poor. It was found to bring trumps to the city and to aid the unde serving poor , ns in nil indiscriminate charity giving. The market Is Uooded with ' nostrums of various sorts In DON'T BE the form of no-called "Kleo trle appliances and Porous 1'lnsters that have no meilt DECEIVED beyond that of n merw mo. chanlcal support to the parts to which they nro applied. Avoid these nostrums and USD BY ! only Bon son'B Plasr QUACKS torn in cases wnero outwaict applications are desired. For Lung and Chest Affections , BENSON'S ' Rheumatism , Sciatica , Lame Hack , I low el Troubles , nnd all disorders lesultlng from overexertion - exertion or exposure , thesa THE BEST plasters have no equal , anil their efficacy is entlorsed by thousands of 1'hyslclansPhar PLASTER macists and laymen. Ask fern , n Bonaon's Plaster and take no other ( JUATEFU COMFOKTING Epps's Cocoa DUE AKFA.ST. "Tlv a tliorriiiRU knnwlcil o of thn nnttiral Inwl wliltli K vern Dm iin-riitliin | > of illiipntlim nnil nutri tion , nml liy rimiful applluitlnn ut tliu line prnpurllu * of well nclueltil C'ncun , .Mr. Kpps Ims provlilud our tireiikfiist tables with u ilt'llrntulv Ilavurpil hmernuu wliUh nmv mivM us iiuiiiy liuiivy doctor' * hllK It II by the juillrlnus ui c uf Mich artlrU > ii uf illt't that a cnn tltiitlon limy liu Krniluiilly Imllt up until ilrontf enough tn rtHt t nvury tcnitiMicy to tllneiiau. Hun- ilioiU uf Mibtlu iniilmtloH nru lluatinu iirmmil us rcnily tdiittnck whprnver tlirro U a wenk point. Wo nmy r cnpe mnnv n fntnl li ( t by kdcplim iiurselros wufl fnrtltlt'il wltn pure bluoil anil a properly nourlahuil frame " I'lvll N'rvlto ( inti'tte. .Miulc nlinply with bulling ivMnr nr milk. Sold onlf In lialf pniinil tin : * br Oroet'rs latioltnl thus : JAMES EPPS & CO , , "IS S'a ' RCD CkUNTLCT 2ND. [ I 614. . DR H NOBLE Blair Neb , , , , , , Importer ami llrecileruf Clyflcsilale , EnglLsliCoaci & HaiulilBtoiiian They urn all flnn nnd In prlnii ) rnnilltlnn nnil rnn- nnt lull tn milt. Tlmy mimlst of prim whiners nnil thi'lr Ki't. In Scotlunil , Cuiunln and tills cinuitry. Our terms , prlrei unit IIIIT CH will null ynu Wrltnforprl * CCH unil purtlculnra Illulr l 4 mllen north of Omaha , on T. K. \ M. V. 11. II. unU C. fit. 1' . St. A O. H. H. OF TUB Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y , The Best Route from Omalia and Council niuffs to - = = = THE EAST = = - TWO TllAINS DAILY "KTWICKN OII4JIA. AND COUNCIL Clilcngo , AM ) Mlltrankcc , St. 1'Hul , Minneapolis , Cedar Rapids , Itock Island , Frccport , Rockford , i Clinton , Diibnquc , Daienport , Elgin , Bladlson , JancsTllIc , lleloit , AVlnona , La Crossc , And all other tmportnnt points EMt , Northeast and rloutbeast , Tor through ttrkst cull nn the ticket iwrcnt at HOt Farnam street , In I'm ton Hotel , oral Union 1'acino IXpou 1'ullraan Sleepers und the flnest Dining Cnrs In the World are run on tlin main line of the Chicago , Jill- waukve & f > t. 1'uul ltallwa.anil ovsrr atluotlon Is aid to patsungeri br cuurteoui employus ol tliu onipunv. llAlir.I.KIl. denrral Mananer. J r ' 1 UCKKit. Assistant Uonoral SUnsjcr. A V It UAltl'KMGlt , G u ral 1'astenfer and TlckBt Ak-i.nt UEO K. IIKAKKQUD , Assistant Q n ral Paueoger nd Ticket Ayuut. J.T. CJ.AUK.Gtriera ) Bap rtot na n . JU9ICIOU8 AND PERSISTENT AdvortlAlntr boa nlwujs piovo * successful. Ucforo placing anf Newspaper Advertising oonsu't LORD & THOMAS. IDTIKTISliO 1LKM8 , | It 4 .li > k 8lr.l , CHICAGO. WEAK , UNDEVELOPED PARTS Ot tin lloil ; roltriiil D' ' | ttrintttirimi. > 'ml " ' - lirii'ntiMltd frtt. iKIK MRU.UO.llorM > \