Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 02, 1888, Page 6, Image 6
* 1 6 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THUBSDAY , FEBRtTARY 2. I88a THE DAILY BEE , COUNCIL BLUFFS. OFFICK NO. 12 , 1'KARIj BTUKET Delivered by c rrt T In nr part of the city at tw rnty cent * per we k. II. W TII.TON , ( Manager. TFll.KPHONKSl Tlt'UNFRO Orrirr , No. 4J. NICIIIT KniToit No. a. MINOll MIONT1O.N. N. Y. Plumbing Co. Keller , tailor , Fall goods cheap. Mrs. K. Burhorn has secured ft com petent engraver to operate in connec tion with her jewelry business. In the police court yesterday the cases of Ed Corrigan and George Shcan for larceny were continued until this morn ing.Jacob Jacob Neumavcr hns decided not to remove to Omaha , but will continue in the hotel business hero , and make some extensive building improvements. Two youngsters named Warren Hancy and Albert Kossncr were arrested yes terday afternoon for the larceny of some cigars from Larson's store on lower Broadway. i The funeral of Rasmus Rasmussen. of Boomer township , took place yesterday afternoon at iJ O'clock. The deceased was thirty-three years of age , and leaves a wife and two children. In furnishing his conservatory of music Prof. Baltons purchased one of the celebrated Hardman pfcmos of the Mueller Music Co. This is a decided compliment to the merit of this instru ment. Four new pairs of pants were found in bti ash barrel at the corner of Pearl btroot and First avenue yesterday morn ing. Several of the clothiei-b siv they have not handled any such goods , and pxpress the belief that they werU stolen in Omaha. James Leo died yesterday afternoon ut his home , 212 Grace street , of lung fever , at the ago of twenty-eight years , after an illness of but one week. He was in the employ of Dan Carrigg , and was well known in sporting circles throughout the city. Henry Woinheimei' , of Neola , and Mathilda Handko , of this city , were married yesterday by Squire Schur/ . Mathilda was granted a decree of di vorce but a few days ago , and rushed blindly again into the state of double- blessedness. The funeral of Rev. Joseph Knotts was largely attended yesterday morning at the Methodist church. The church was draped and the services were very impressive. A biography of the de ceased was rend by Rev. Mr. Alexander , of Plattsmouth , and Rev. Dr. II. H. O'Neal , of Des Moines , delivered the funeral address. The case of state vs. Monroe was called in the district court yesterday mornintf ? The defendnnt is ono of the trio charged with breaking into the res idence of W. A. Maurer a few months ago. They are being tried bopnnttely. Wilsoyas convicted of burglary audit ) awaiting sentence. The Monroe case was given to the jury at 4 o'clock , and the case of Turner , the remaining one , was called immediately. It was not con cluded last night. A Him p. Splendid chance to g6 into the imple ment business at Beatrice , Neb. Since the history of Beatrice there has never been half so favorable a time as at pres ent. If taken at once will sell the en tire stock of general implements , con sisting of seasonable goods , regardless of cost. Address mo at Council Bluffs , la. , or Beatrice , Nob. O. P. McKesson , assignee forW. I. Shullenburgor. For best quality coal and wood , call on Glcason , 20 Pearl street. * On the market for over twenty years. Still the most reliable and the most popular sewing machine made. The light running Domestic. Olllco 105 Main st. Guns of all kinds at Odoll & Bryant's , 604 S. Main St. One thousand head of ono , two and three-year-old steers for sale. Will give credit to reliable parties. Enquire o A. J. Grecnamayer. Money to loan. W. S. Cooper. Wo have Nebraska and Kansas land to trade for city property. Johnston & Van Patten. Union Abstract Co. , 230 Main st. * > The Pacific HotiHo Property. k The committee appointed at the board of trade meeting Tuesday evening met with the members of the Pacific house ( , syndicate at the olllco of the county clerk yesterday morning. After spend ing considerable time in deliberation it was agreed that the syndicate shoiilt } submit a proposition to the committee , the same to bo reported by the com mittee to the next meeting of the board of trade , to bo hold Tuesday evening , February 7. The stockholders say that the proposition that they will submit will bo the same ono presented at the last meeting. * Shcafo loans money on real estate. If you desire to get a now Hall typo writer cheap , drop a postal card to H. A. P. , BBE ofllcc. A great bargain for the first who npplics. All kinds of groceries at Fearson's. Travelers 1 Stop at the Bechtole. Union Pacific Bridge. Official notice is given through Mr. J. M. Ourslor , agent of the Union Pacilic nt the Broadway depot , that tralllc be tween Council Bluffs and Omaha for vehicles and foot passengers will bo free from February 2 to 0 inclusive. Begin ning Monday , February 0 , the bridge will bo opened with established rates. West bound teams and foot passengers will use the south , and east bound the north roadway. All kinds of groceries atFcaron's. K. H. Shcafo loans money on chattel security of every description. Private consulting rooms. All business strictly confidential. Oftico 600 Broadway , cor- . ncr Main strcut , upstairs. S. B. Wadsworth & Co. loan money. Just n Moment , Iiadlcs ! Wo are making a great reduction in ladies' and childrons' underwear. Also in woolen blankets and woolen dress goods. Wo mean it a great reduc tion. Just received the largest and finest ! line of embroideries over brought hero. \\o oiler them cheap. \Do you want anowcarpeti1 If so , please fjivo us a call. Wo have numerous other spccUil in ducements. In order to give a llttlo leisure to em ployees , wo close our store at 0 o'clock i ) . m. , so please call only in the day , and thus supplement our efforts in this di rection. HARNESS BROS. 101 Broadway. MAYOR ROHRER'S ' OPINIONS , An Inaugural Full of Facts and Practical Suggestions. ANOTHER BRIDGE OPENING. Toot I'nspriiRcrH mill TCAIIIH to Be AK < I' ' Allowed to CroHs Cred itors MotJicrliiK n Grocery House Other Notts. TJic Mnyor'H Lnst evening Mayor Rohror delivered hln inaugural address , which touches upon to many points of interest and bo practically trentH of important enter prises , that it merits a careful reading : Members of the City Council Gentlemen : You approved my official boud ( is mayor on thu evening of the .M tilt. , and on the follow ing morning I entcitd ? upon the discharge of my duties. To succeed such a man as Mayor William Groncwcff , who nas ahvn.\s been successful in his large private Interests iJnd suflleientli1 successful as chief executive of this glowing city of yj.OCO people to bo elected to a sent In the state senate , Is not an easy task , I can assure you. I'Hturi.lltTV. To my personal knowledge for the past seventeen ycais the year 1SS7 , taken ns n whole , has been the most prospcious and ac tive In city Improvements ; public and private building , mil way building , shops , round houses , trackage , bridges , grading , etc. , man ufacturing , Jobbing , wholesale and retail trade , platting additions , sale of real estate , Increased growth in population , etc. The population in Ih70 was 0,000 and in 1SS7 it wss 115,000 , showing a nice , healthy average - ago annual guin of 1,700 people , for the last seventeen years. The universal expression in our sister city , Omaha , is that Council .Bluffs , at no distant day , will bo the largest "city in Iowa. Com nun dally 1SS7 1ms been , perhaps , In all respects the best year Council mult-urns ever known. There has been no feverish , ovcr- wiought commercial strain to excite unnatu ral activity , and no consequent period of re actionary stagnation from which to recover. The activity has been normal and naturally increasing like the growth of a healthy child. There have been no impossible or impractica ble schemes entertained or attempted , liusl- ness men have found little time for chasing illusive phantoms , consequently there lias been no unfortunate speculation. In the single feature real estate , the high tension of a year ago has been mamtained , tint the slight fever then only quickened the public pulse in all other respects. The comparison of almost oyery class of business for thu past year with the year that preceded It shows a very gratifying in crease. In ISM ! the inanufacturnig products of all characters reached over * HNH , ( > , ( HK ) and for the past j car they will reach fully that figure and moie. The wholesale trade has increased , both in its volume and extent of territory over which it lias been distributed , showing that thu wholesale merchants of Council Uluffs are widu awake and deter mined to supply the territory that is natur ally tributary to this city. In ISMi it aggre gated the astonishing figure of $ 'M,5M,000. ) Last year it exceeded this large sum by suv- eral million dollais. Thu agricultural imple ment business for the year that closed last January amounted to $ .10,000,000. All of the score of houses and branches of eastern nanu factories in thq city report an increase of ut least $12.000,000 , keeping Council Hluffs still in the position of the second greatest .listributing point for agricultural implements 'n the world and pushing her along to her tosition as first. A great part of this ncreaso has coino from the old territory worked by the agents of these great houses , showing a remarkably prosperous condition of the territory tribu tary to this city , and the prosperity of the farmers comimso its bone and sinew. There luivo been during the year 743 now houses built in the city that were designated almost exclusively for homes for new citizens. Hut few of them were built by speculators for tenement purposes , but ncnrly all of them by individuals for homes. The peoplingot these new houses lias added nearly 5,000 to our population , citizens of the most desirable character , sturdy mechanics whose wealth is cumulative and whoso presence in any city is a guarantee of thrift and permanent wealth. These houses Imvo ranged in cost and char acter from the pleasant little cottage of $1,000 to the pretentious city homo costing $15,000. Every important branch of business lias shown an increase during the year. The banking business the surest index to a city's prosperity shows a remarkable increase. The school census shows the same increase. The grand total of last yohr'8 business of all kinds may be safely estimated as showing an Increase of more than 10 per cent over the year preceding , when the grand totul was $ : U , 129,500. THE tm'S FINANCES. Hy long established custom you will re ceive the annual itemized statements of the city auditor and treasurer as provided by or dinance. Their quarterly reports servo for your current information. I am now making as thorough examination of the city's finances as my limited time will admit of , and will re port to you from tune to time all the informa tion at hand. I regret to state that the fund which the mayor must draw on for the police depai tuicnt , etc. , is overdrawn on account of certain licenses being cut off by state laws. It will possibly bu interesting to submit for your information thu following list of city improvements , inaugurated and compiled by you gentlemen during the year 1S0 : Street paving assessed to prop erty M9,7W87 Strect paving intersection ( city ) . 5,005 42 Street paving Inspector ( city ) . . . 243 ( K Sewers assessed to property 44,591 ! i" Sewers intersection ( city ) 17 , : > 7 7 ! : Sewers inspector ( city ) 1XW ( 5C Grading assessed to property. . . . 11,115 ! 57 Grading intersections ( city ) 3,39030 Curbing ( by contract ) assessed to > property. 2,44780 Curbing ( private contract ) as sessed to property 3,000 00 Sidewalks ( by contract ) assessed to property 1,700 0 ( New patrol house 3,3711 2J New engine house 7Ml , 00 Ginnd total 1150,493 44 1 trust it can bo readily seen by every citi zen that all the city improvements completed to date and these In course of construction are well worth all they Imvo cost , and with out them wo , as a city , would bo compelled to sink into insignificance instead of being , as wo are to-day , a commonwealth competing with other metropolitan cities of the United States for national importance as a commer cial railroad center in supplying the vast ter ritory tributary. bTHiiT : l'AVlX , SK\VEKAaEAXI ) GUAD- 1NO. After taking into consideration the number of miles of htroot paving ( granite - ito and cedar blocksowcrugo ) and grad ing , 1 must congratulate your honorable body on the comparatively few protests , when compared with the whole num ber , who are paying as promptly a& the certificates anil bondH mature. 1 havoa examined the Iisf3of unities of the taxpayers who Imvo entered protests. I find it to contain the names of esteemed citizens , who , I nm confident , have no desire to enjoy the improvements in front of thch own property at the expense of all the tax payers ( rich and poor ) in thn city , even in the event justice would stray in their favor. I urn satisfied In my own mind that not ono of these having cnteicd protests would con sent to remove the Improvements from in front of their respective lots if the cost was double what it actually is , I would earnestly recommend that your honorable body act as a committee of the whole , assisted by our en terprising , pushing citl/on > > in holding a con fcrcnco at a very early day with those hav Ing entered protests and 1 belicvo the llttlo misunderstanding can he wiped out am hence forward all the taxpayers will move forward united In making Council J Hulls the largest city In the state of Iowa. sriiKEr I'AVixu , urc. It becomes necessary almost daily to tear up the paved streets , in making water gas and sewer connections. I would rccoin mend that an ordinance be passed requiring , every person who wishes permission to taki up the street pavement to pay a sufficient amount of money porsqunio foot to the cit ; clerk , before n permit is issued , to enable the street commissioner to replace the same without expense to the city. The ordl nance should prescribe the manner of taklut , up the pavement material , etc. , ns well as u place to pile it , ns > is done iu ull largo cities ) ur system now Admits of paving being re- ilncetl by unskilled labor , and In n few yearn t will have to bo repnved at the expense of ho city. NATfntt , ADVASTAOF.5. Natural advantages have ruined more cities than they have made , for the lenson hat they encourage delay , Inactivity of cltl ens , watting year ufter year for some stranger to come along and make ue of them. Our natural udvantngcs , which am bountiful , vlll not avail us anything unless our citizens mite and use them and invite Idle capital and machinery from the cast that will tcit he capacity of every tallroud and the Mis souri river as well. . The United States will this year complete" our postoftlcc and custom house building at a cost of over $2 , " > 0,000 ; likewise I'ottawntlamlo county will complete our new court house at a cost of 1MOOU ) and jail f.f > ,000. The small brick building we occupy to-night is a land- nnrk of the past. It has outgrown its use- 'ulncss ' and no longer compares in value with he smallest brick retail grocery house In the city. It is not largo enough to nccomodate all the city officers , and the rooms allotted to lie city clerk , auditor , engineer , wcighmns- tcr , Judge of superior court and city council are so cramped that the taxpayers can scarcely get In and out without treading upon ono another. 1 would recommend , vhllc the price of real estate Is yet reasonn- lie , that you take the necessary steps o provide the ways and means to secure the grounds and then advertise plans for a modern city building , so that the cost nay bo arrived at satisfactorily to the tax- layers. The building should be sufficiently arge to accommodate all the city officers and ho people having business to transact , in cluding the public library. rtnu.ia I.IIIUAIIV. The Council Bluffs free public library , es- abhshed In IfeSl by an ordinance of the city if Council muffs , has now 10,000 volumes on ts shelves and is extensively resorted to by ho people of the city ns n lountain of Intel- ectual cuUuro and improvement. It was the Irst free public library , supported by mu- ilclpal taxation , established in the state , and t deserves and should receive the fosterinc care of its municipal authorities. The trustees , In their annual rupoit , ircsentcd to the city council the irst of the year , among other hingssay : "The room now occupied for ibrary purposes is steadily becoming too inmll and cramped for the accommodation of ts patrons , and its steadily increasing pro- lortions. We cannot refrain from express- ng the hope that some way will bo found by vhich our city will , in the near future , pro vide quarters more adequate for the use and iccommodation of this most beneficial Insti- .ution and its patrons. " I should recommend hat no greater expense be incurred in ront- ng rooms for the public library until the council have first fully disposed of the ques tion of erecting the new city building. VAULTS. I would recommend that the council take ho necessary steps nt once to secure , if pos- ilble , ono of the vaults in the new court louse for the safe keeping of valuable books md papers that are now stored in u room in he city Jail. Said books and papers are lia ble to bo burned at any time. I congratulate your honorable body and the citizens generally that we , as a city , are on the best of terms with all of our various rail roads terminating here. I am convinced , after having made u recent very agreeable visit to all the general managers of railroads running in and through the city , that the nagiiitudc of their duties prevents them from Hilly realizing the number of miles of streets they have been so generously granted the use of by the various common councils. I would therefore out neatly recommend that you ap- iropnate sufficient money to purchase and express a large , new mounted map of Council Hluffs to the general manager of each rail road. SI.KEl'INO CUf . The sleeping car service rendered our citi- 7ons and the general traveling public by the Kansas City , bt. Joseph & Council UlntTs railroad is not in keeping with the number of miles of streets the railroads occupy in this ity. 1 would therefore recommend that you take the necessary steps to better the ser vice. UlIMMV Til UN'S. The city of Council Bluffs and the Union Pacific railroad nro mutually interested in the magnitude of the passenger , carriage and wagon traffic between Council Bluffs and Omaha. The business would be more than double what it now is. if the Union Pacific railroad was induced to comply with the Union avenue charter by running their trains every half hour. The risk of being ono nun- ute late in cither Council Bluffs or Omaha involves n delay of ono hour waiting for the next train. Such a serious interruption to commercial business can only bo endured by the comparatively few who crowd the pres ent passenger trains. The distance between Minneapolis and St. Paul is" ten miles , and the trains run every half hour. I earnestly recommend your concurrence in the enforce ment of the ordinance requiring trains to bo run every half hour. The blocking of Broad way from the United States postolllco to the Union Pacific Broadway depot , day and night , by wagons loaded with traffic for Omaha , obliging the teamsters to sleep on cots in the street awaiting their turn for passage on the hourly wagon trains , must not bo repeated this year. Business firms cannot stand such disastrous delays and our growing city cannot afford to block its streets. If the Union Pacific railroad makes it appar ent to your honorable body that their present double-track bridge will not admit of their running the wagon and passenger trains every thirty minutes , then I recommcijd that you grant , if possible , permission to a steam ferryboat to ferry wagons , carriages , etc. . until such time ns the Omaha & Council Bluffs Bridge company complete their new bridge. I will guarantee to furnish the steamboat. I hope it will not bo required. Inasmuch as there have been a number of accidents b.y backing long trains of cars through the city , I would suggest that the railways place a reliable flagman on the first car with a horn , whoso duty it shall bo to blow the same n few times before the train reaches a street crossing. An occa sional sign should bo displayed by the rail roads Informing the public of the use of the horn. nUIUIINO I'EUMITS. I also recommend that you pass a specific ordinance requiring all persons who intend to erect either business or residence. build ings or make repairs to the amount of $300 or over to first make application to the city clerk , stating size , material , probable cost and location , who on receipt of not exceeding ? 1 ( sufficient to cover expense ) will issue a permit. The clerk should enter the applica tion in a good , bound book kept for that pur pose. This will furnish the city clerk with absolutely correct building statistics that cannot bo procured in any other manner , SANITAUY MEASl'HKS. Nothing has greater influence upon the health of man than the air ho breathes. Wo must have air to breathe every moment , therefore it Is Impossible to overestimate the value of pure uncontaminntcd air. Council Bluffs has kept pace with her sister cities ; however , she 1ms omitted ono very Important matter , v\ \ ? . : The framing of a proper sanitary ordinance governing plumbing work , connections with sewers ; locating , constructing and ventilat ing cess-pools , etc. There is nothing which spreads disease more rapidly than what is known ns sewer gas. VAIHMOUNT I'AHK. I heartily Join in the universal regret of our people that any possible question exists in reference to the title of Fairmount park other than that vested in the city. If the legal contest continues it may consume all the money at the ilisposnl.of the park com missioners and thereby make it necessary to neglect Bayliss park and all other parks dur ing the year 1Mb allowing them to become unattended by a policeman and grown up in weeds , theioforo becoming an eyesore instead of athing of beauty. " Allow mo to assure you that the people fully endorse the assistance you have thus far given the park commissioners , and I recommend that you render such further assistance when actually required. MAVAWt fcTHKI , IUII.WAY COMPANY. I take pleasure in informing , \ on that I have been advised that the Munawa Steel railway company bus now passed into the hands of paitics who intend to put the line Into opera tion ns soon ns possible. As soon as you are officially and hatisfactonly advised 1 would recommend that jou grant them a new char ter , the old charter having expired in part July 1 , 1S 7. TUI.KUIIU'II POLES. In order to give our paved streets the new and bright appearance they so richly deserve I would recommend that you pass an ordi nance requiring all telegraph , telephone , dis trict telegraph and electric light poles to ba painted black to the height of seven feet and the remain der of the distance white , 1 also ixcom- mcud.Uut you effect the \vaj'i and luvuus to sweep , or clean the paved streets in the busi ness part of the clt > v EI.ECT1IIC I.UltlT TOW nil' . I communicate with pleasure the sntUfnc- Ion expressed In favor of the system of elec- rlo light towers for Hghtinir the city. If , ifter further trial , they continue to give sat- sfactlon I would recommend that you erect n few more towers In growing parts of the city not now lighted. mil : IIEI'AIITMEST. In company with John L. Templcton , chief , ' have made a thorough examination of the ire department. I found everything In ex- client shape and the mdn all seem to be In- crested and attentive to their duties. For tunately wo have no fires. 1'OI.ICR lIF.l'UtTMEXT. Unfortunately the police department comes mdcr my special care and guidance through the chief. James Mullen. The department Is composed of gentlemen whom I tnkc pleasure n recognising as such. They are doing good service and 1 belicvo have been trying to guard the sacred trust committed to their are to the best of their ability. They uro as larraonlous at this particular time , possibly , ns the close proximity to the new adminls- ration will admit of. I unhesitatingly prom- so you good service during the remainder of ny term , provided any needed material Is irocuruble Inside the corporate limits of the city. W.tTKKIO1IK8. . Council Bluffs feels justly proud of her system of water works and wo can but com- iliment the company upon thu quality of water supplied , which at all times has been nalntained clear and bright ( n luxury no other city , supplied from the Missouri river enjoys. ) us well ns upon the thorough and careful management of their works by Chief Engineer Harry Birkinblne , which has been nest efficient and reliable in time of fire. This 'act alone should entitle the property owners to the minimum rate of fire Insurance. StMUlKS AMI IIO.NOUH. Since it has been my pleasure to be a citi zen of n city I could never understand why a city should expect a portion of Its officers to icrform their laborious duties and practically receive no pay. No growing city like this can expect to cxiwdlto business under such a tolicy. In order to remove a portion of the Iruclgery fiom the shoulders of aldermen and make the office more Inviting , I would recommend that you take the necessary steps 0 elect u board of public works who can ns- ssist you and bo paid for their services. I am lot a candidate for re-election , therefore I nako the following recommendations for the jcnelit of tax payers : PCII AX'M Salary of Mayor . # > AM ' Auditor . 1,500 " Solicitor . 2,000 " Engineer . 2,000 " Treasurer . COO noil. 1:11 : INFECTION. As we look forward to being n manufactur- ng city in a few years I would recommend .hat at least once every year every boiler that carries steam shall bo tested by a competent person by both hammer and hy draulic tests. The Union Depot company feel assured : hat they have their plans about matured which will give the city its second union depot this year. It will bo magnificent and convenient in all its appointments , and cost over f.'OO.OOO. The Council Bluffs Chautauqua Assembly Grounds association also feel assured that all parties being financially interested , in cluding the various railroads , will have their plans matured before the frost is out of the ground so that during the year 1S68 they will open up their "Natural Park Grounds" of one bundled acres , which , when completed , will bring over 100,000 visitors to our city every year. The grading of Broadway from the Chicago & Northwestern railway depot to the river , 1 distance of about three miles , is about completed and the street will bo paved as soon as the Omaha and Council Bluffs bridge is opened to the public , which will not bo later than the glorious Fourth of July. The exact cost of this work has not been deter mined by contract. " With the above recapitulation of the city's business and the suggestion of such measures as I regard necessary to its future welfare , I leave the matter of tho' necessary legislation in your bauds , where it properlv belongs. M. F. KoitHEit. Mayor. Council Meeting. The city council met in special session last evening , Mayor Rohror in the chair. Present Aldermen Danforth , Ham mer , Keller , Lacy , Mctcalf and Wells. The mayor delivered his inaugural ad dress , requiring about twenty-live min utes. On motion of Alderman Lacy the mcbsago was referred to the finance com mittee with instructions to cause bjuno to bo printed in all the papers having ollices in the city , and to place 10.000 copies in the hands of the real estate men for distribution through the coun try.A A communication from R. C. Bergcr in regard to the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul railroad company enjoining him from completing Ins contract in grading Soventli street , was referred to the judiciary committee. ' Petition of John Skinklo and fifteen others for additional water service in the bouth western part of the city was re ferred to the water committee. Petition of J. S. Flageolc to cause dirt to bo moved on High School avenue was referred to the committee on streets and alleys witli power to act. Petition of J. D. Odoll and ten others asking that Sixth and Seventh avenues , between Tenth and Twelfth streets , be raised to grade , was referred to the committee on streets and alleys. In the matter of the suit against the city of Eli/abeth Cronin , the city at torney reported in favor of referring it to the judiciary committee. The board concurred in the opinion. It was ordered that the city proceed to advertise for bids for sidewalks on llarribon and other streets. The city clerk was instructed to ad vertise for bids for grading Ninth avenue from the east bide of Tenth street to the east line of the Union Pacific grounds , and Twelfth avenue from Fifth to Eleventh streets. Bids to bo received until February 20. Also bids for grading Pierce and Bluff streets from Glen to Willow avenues , The meeting then adjourned until Monday evening , at which time the board will moot in regular session. The meeting was then called to order ns a bo.ird of health. The committee for drawing up rules fpr a bcavenger ser vice was granted an extension of time. The city marshal was inbtructed to notify John Allies to clean up the alloy in the rear of his property , between Main and Bryant street. Domestic patterns at 105 Main st. * - Troubled IJy Creditors Petitions were filed in the county clerk's olllco yesterday for attachments against the Boston Tea company and its members , William Richmond and George W. Fulton. The attachments are made to secure the claims of Pore- goy & Moore , $700 ; D. B. Scully , $000.71 ; Siiraguo , Warner & Co. , $ Uif ( ( ; McCord , Brady & Co. , * 200,10 ; N. Martin , $1,018.2 : ! . Mr. Fulton claims that the liabilities do not amqunt to ! & ,000. and that their assets will foot up over $20,000. _ KniulilH of I'ytliiiiH. All members of Concordia Lodge No. 52 , K. of P. , are requested to meet at Castle hall Thursday , February 2 , at 1 p. m. , sharp , to take part in the funeral ceremonies of our Into brother , Louib Biorwirt. By order of L. Ludwicg , C. C. Attention Regular conclave of IvanhooComman- derv No. 17 , 1C. T. , this evening at " : ( ) . Visiting bir knights cordially invited. By order of the 1C. C. In 1809 Butcher Pas-chko began busi ness in Berlin. On December 2 ho killed Ills 200,000th geese , which , to suit ably celebrate the occasion , was specially fattened and afterward eaten with great ceremony , Otltl Xewnpnior | Nitnios. Chicago Nous : Kansas has moro newspaper nnmes than any other state. Hero are a fo\v of them : The V.'ar.o Rustler , Chcstcrxlllo Parnlys-or , Cherokee Cyclone , Cimanon Sod House , Lake City Prairie Dog , South Center Bawi , Valley Falls Lucifer , Garden City Irrigator , Fargo Springs Prairie Owl , Garden City Bundle of Sticks , Dodge City Cow Boy , Greenfield Cap Sheaf. In Iowa is a town called Wood bine , and when a paper was started there , the editor naturally called It The Woodbine Twineth. At Oakland in the same state the only Journal in the place is called Oakland Acorn. Ono in Spoar- villo ts called the Spcarvillo Blade. Among the papers with nllttcratives names in Kansas nro : Lobo Light , Lenora Leader , Lovado Ledger , Kin- Kaid Knuckle , and Sltnson Sittings. Pleasant to the taste and surprisingly quick in roleiving coughs and colds it is not at all strange that Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup always succeeds. Salvation Oil , the greatest pain euro on carih , is guaranteed to olToot a cure where it is possible for the seat of the disease to bo reached by a liniment. Price 25 cents a bottlo. A Mounter locomotive. The largest passenger engine over constructed is now being built in the Scheneetady locomotive works for the Michigan Central railroadand is calcu-g latcd for express and passenger pur poses. It is almost completed , and will bo sent out in a few days. It is a ton- wheel engine , having 'three pairs of coupled driving wheels and a four- wheeled truck. The drivers are ( > 8 incnes in diameter. The cylinders are 1 ! ) inches in diameter , with 24-inch stroke. The boiler , which is of Otis steel , is 58 inches in diameter , and has 147 two-inch semi-steel Hues. The lire- box is 8 feet long by 42S inches wide , and , like many recently built , is placed above the frames , which gives increased width. The tank is curried on two four-wheel channel iron trucks. The capacity of the tank is 't.feOO gallons , and the tender has a capacity of eight tons of coal. SPECIALJVJOTICES. NOTICE. SPECIAL artvertlscmpntssuchns Ioi tFound To Lonn , For Solo.To Kent , Wnnts. II ( Hireling etc. , will bo Inserted In this column ut the low rutoofTEN CENTS I'Kll LINK for the drst In sertion and Five Cents 1'er Line for ench sul > se- ( | Uent Insertion. I'nvo advertisements ut our olttcH No. 12 Pearl Street , near Hroudwuy Coun cil lllutts , lowu. WANTS. FOUND Valuable dot , ' , 1'rank .1 . . Omaha , on collar. Apply to O. J. Smith , U51 Scott st. WANTI2D Aclmmliprmalilamltalilonalter ; must lie tli ft-class. Apply at Creston House , Council Hlulls. \\7"ANTKI ) Position by * .tenoKraphei : thorn- > t uglily competent. I , ao , HKK otllce , Council Illitirs. OK SAT.K At a bargain , one nt the Ilncst eatdi < n plats adloinltiK Council or Omaha. Insldookl city limits of Council lllutrs. M. K. Myers. ANTIM ) ( Jood cook at Creston house. Council lllutrs Iowa. WANTKD Stocks of Tiierohandl-o. Iln\o Omaha and Council Illulls city property , also western liui'l to exchange lor K < > ds. Call on or aclcliess J. 11. Chrlhtlan , 41 ! ) lirouiUwiy , Council Illuirs , In. FOU KENT New hoii'-o , 7 looms. Inquire W. T. Cole. WJt Pc.ul t. FOIl SALE I'urnlturo and Moves nt n Micrl- lice to reduce stock , you can buy at your on n prices. A.J.Mnndel. "CTOK SALK Second-hiitid Columbia bicycle -C very cheap , KJ-lnch. : it llee oltlte. BUILDINO lots nnd acre property for ( .ale by F , J. Day , ay Pearl t. UOSI'ITAL AND OFFICK 45 IfOUUTII BT. , Council HUUts , la. Veterinary Dentistry a Specialty , A BARGAIN FOR SOMEBODY I have now for sale a 4-ycar-old trotting stal lion. Ills sire and dam both xtandaad DR , WADE > GARY , 417 South lull Street , Omaha. O B D R f&A L N L T THE CHICAGO AND NorthWestern - Western Railway Short Line. Omaha , Council Bluffs And Chicago , T * only rota to Uke for Dei Molnei , Marlalltown , Cedar Kaplds , Clinton. Dlion , Chicago. Milwaukee nit all polnti east. To the pcnplu of Nebraska , Colorado rado , Wjomlnif , Utah , Idaho , Ncrada , Oregon , \Vaib- IniitoQ fcnd California , It otTeri lupcilor adraotagt * n < t pop l le br any other line. . , . AtnonK a raw of the nuinuroui polnti of luperlortty enjoyed br lee patroni of tlili road bctwvrn Oni b and Chicago. ar Iti two Iralr * a d y of DAY COACH- KS. wlilcb are thu Itaeit tum nuinan art and Inm-nii > tr can create. Iu I'AI.ACK HI.KltriNU CAHS. whlcli are model > of comfort anil elegante. Its i'AUIAm pltAWlNd UOTiM CAHS. unsurpnuod liy anr , anil iu wldelr celebrated I-AIMIIAI. IIININM CAltA. tb * qual nf wblch caonot be found eiirwhere. At Coun cil Bluff * tbo traloi of the llulnn Pacltlc Hallway , con- In union depot with tboie of the Chicago A orthwotern llr In Chicago tUo trains of tills lint pmku close connection with tboso of all other vaitura Kor Detroit , Columbus. Indlanafollt. Cincinnati , Niagara Falls , Iluffaln. rilttaurx , Toronto , Montreal , Sloslon , New Tor * , rblladelpula , llaltlrooro , WaiU- InntoD , and all polnti to tbu east , ask for a ticket la Ui "NORTHWESTERN. " 0 TO wlih tbo best accommodation. All ticket a nU MM tlckt-ls Tla tuls line. . , . EllUOIlIIT. B. I' . WILSON. Ui'nl. Manager , nenl. 1'au'r Aieut .M.IIAUCOCK. eg0' 'IJ.R.BOI.LES. DO TU INTEND TO BUT O23 BO. ETQ-W IS 2TOXJOR PUNOS TllK FIII.I.B8T , . f . HlrilKSTTONl. Olid INK-SMOOTH IN TO ! II. ' . . . ' . , . . I lANOK-'lllK I.ATFKT 8TYI.ICR IN CASKS. OlKUNH-r'ttl.l IN Vol.ttMR. riAMJS-llIK SltlKT lllAtlTKTI. FINISH. | OllMNS-liL ( IANTI.V KlNISnim OASIS. We Defy All Competition and , Chi llen e n' Comparison of Good * ftml 1'rloci With Any Huime In the Writ. SEE US BEFORE YOU PURCHASE I SWANSON MUSIC COMPANY , 329 WEST BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , . . . . IOWA , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CASH GROCERS HAVE SOLD OUT ! Several times and stocked up again , and so they will do to the end of the chapter. GOODS THE BEST ! PRICES" ! ! LOWEST ! Call and be ronvlnvotl. Semi In your mull orders. COMPETITION 'DEFIED. m mf IVo. 3-15 middle IlroHdwny , : : : : Council Uliilfr , luwn Telephone No. ! ! ( > . DR. C. B. J U D D , MANUFACTURER OF ELECTRIC BELTS AND ELECTRIC TRUSSES. No. 6O6 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. WANTED Good Salesmen enlarge commission or salary. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. -JOFFICE OF < - HRTBinNRTNJ ? Hydraulic and Sanitary Engineer , DIUIUUDIIID , pian8 ( Estimates , Specifications. Su pervision of Public Work. Brown Building , Council Bluffs Iowa. Attorney-at-Law , Second Floor Brown , Building , 115 Pearl Street , Council Bluffs , Iowa. NOfllinp ? Justice of the Peace. Ollice over American , OlinUIlZj , Express , No. 419 Broadway , Council , Bluffs , Iowa. _ QTfYNI ? Jb QTM Attorneys at- Law , practice in the State QlUllEl ( X 011UO , ani Federal Courts. Office llooms 7 and 8 , ShugartBeno Block , Council Bluffs , Iowa. Q RTRNPTT Justice of the Peace , 415 Broadway , , 0. DAU1UU1 , Council Bluffs. Jlefers to any bank or business house in the city. Collections a specialty. BQ WMTIRV & QONQ Dentists MO. iKUUUDUni ( XOUND , Pearl St. and First Avenue FINE GOLD WOUK A SPECIAI/TY. EUROPEAN RESTAURANT John Allen , Pi op. Entrances 11Muln and 113 Po.irl St. MEA r.n AT AM. Ilouits Open from (1 ( n.m. to 10 p. m. Council Hluffs Iowa. Hazard & Co Folo Bent for Itotnry MiuUloStmi'lanl ' Sewing 'Machine For Nebraska A Wont- em lowtt. Office , lUIMaln St.Coun ell niulT , town. Alien ! * wanted. Nenuiayer's ' Hotel J. Neunmycr , Prop. $1.00 1'ER DAY * Street car connection ! to nil ilepotn. t Ire proof stai I'l nectlnn. Noa 'JU8 nd 21U llroailwnr. Opp. Oidlen House , rouncUUIiiffli , town. Mrs , , B , mite Restaurant , No. BrnRdwarCoun < ell Ilium , Iowa. Don't "Forget Ttie Great Bargain SHOE STORE , Is nt 100 Main Street , Council lllutrs. la. B. A. Pierce. 1'rop. niFitzgerali Dealer In Staple and Fancy QBOCERIES. New Store , New Stork. .Mil Miln HI , Creatou llousu lllock. Council UluITj , U. I Fmnltur * ? , Stovci , Carpets , for Cash. Highest Prices Paid. 1C. J. HANCOCK , 127 Main St. A. RINK No. 201 Main Street , Council Bluffs , Iowa. A COMPLETE ASSOHTMENT OF & STAPLE ( Both Domestic and Foreign. D , H , McDANELD & CO , , Hides , Tallow , Pelts , Wool and Furs. Highest Mnrket Prices. Prompt Returns. MO and ES ! Main Strect.Council Illuffs.Iowa. -GREAT DISCOUNT SALE- OF 20 1'EU CENT ON HATS AND GAPS FOR GASH. 1514 DOUGLAS STREET , - - - OMAHA. WM. WELCH , Carriage and Express Line , < P i OFFICE 015 MAIN HTKKKT. Telephone No. SI. Tlio HnpBtllneul l.unilaiix. Coaches nnil Ilncks In tliu I Ity. 'I hu only Him authorized to unsnvr mil * turned in to Am. Ulit. Til. Co. OFFICER & PUSEY , BANKERS tWIlroodway Council Muffs. Iowa. U Star Stables and Mule Yards Uiuadiuiy , Council HluffH , Oj > p. Dummy Dtpot. Horses anil mules constantly on hand , for inloiit ri'tnll or In car loiiiriots. Onler-j promptly filled by contract on snort notice. C ° ra phm. SCHLUTEU i nOLKY. Uppoblto Dummy Depot , Council llluffa. CRESTON HOUSE , Main Street , Council Bluffs , Only Hotel In the City with Flro Ea- capo. Electric Call Bolls. Accommodations First Class , Rates Always Reasonable. I MAX MOHN , Proprietor. | OGDEN BOILER WORKS CAKTKIl&SON , IVOR'S. Mnnufiicturtnot All Kind * of Steam Betters & Sheet Iron Work , Orders by mull for ropars promptly attended to. tUtlxfuctlon giliirmiU'eil. 10th Avrmie. Ad drctb Oudcn llollur Worku. Council Uluff ,