Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 02, 1888, Page 5, Image 5

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Mm. H. Hlgby , 1 00
J Orebo 1 . . . . 300
isiuUKropf. Schii\cr. ! . 200
.1 L > Anderson , Sohuylrr 5 00
Commercial tnnn , I.lnfoln , . . . . 1 00
( ' . D Sulphen's third list IS 00
W. I. HiiwVn a on
( J. Cusudt , North JJend n 00
W. H. Kiisdon , North Uuuil 1 I" '
iTohnll Shaw. H'OO '
HolicrtTwoilcll , Irvliib'ton 1 " "
Mrs. W. Whltmnn " r > °
Assistant Adjutant General's Ottlcc ,
Dcpt. Pl.itto 8 Wl
Mrs. , T. ( . } . Salisbury M
Hurry and Klttlo Agor. Onl Ml
Ci Isio M. Morris , list Grand Island. 23 M )
Charles Hlistrcl W )
M. Unkor , DoWitt.Nob 3 IX )
11. I ) .1 iiniMV. O. U 2X ( )
Wolfe's City Onectory emploj es- : l ( KI
John Kusnitisson I ( X )
Ml. Sh.istn Lodge 20 00
Jr. ) W. H. Hnnchott 00
Onmlm Husincs * College list f-'H 15
A. U. U'oolfV A. Stitphun now list. . . 31 ( H )
Mrs.TriiL-y , Loek\vood , 0 MJ
1.1.1 forth wick 8 00
H.Cowoll 2 Oil
Mr . .r. W. Hosier I 00
CitbenB of Cmii ; . - . II IK )
O. W. Fox , Ashland Hot 4 00
A. H. Qi ilium , Wlsner 8 W )
J.otter carriers' list 10 00
Mrs. Hannah Ford , Webster Citv , l.i M )
Mrs. T..I. Mucks M )
Windsor hotel list 2Ti 'r >
Cush 1 00
Olive Hranch 10 00
John Simmons 1 ( H )
Mis. John Simmons 100
HIIHIKO building list 23 M
Merchants' Nntloiml bank list lli ( X )
J.V. . IJunn 100
Total fl.t/Jl 10
IOUINF 1101 CR H'SI ) .
Amount received tip to Jan. ill $ 31000
J. Crebo 1 ( X )
( ! . 1) . Sutphcn'sthlid list 1 W )
W. I. Huwks 1 ( X )
John U. Shnw 5 ( K )
Mrs. J. O. Salisbury M
Hon. O. W. K Ioi sey 2. ( M
Silver Gllv. Iowa , list 11 HO
fJcnov.i. Nob. , list , 8 ( X )
K. Welch's list . . ! l IT.
Kmplojos Kosenborry mill fi II
Kmploius government corial 5 SO
] , luitummt Tnwsle's list ( i ill
1 lurry und ICIHlo Agur Wl
M. linker , DuWItt , Neb 1 ( X )
Wolfe's City DIiertory 8 ( X )
Mt. Shasta Lodge 1C. of I' S 00
Jr. W. H. Hunchett 1 IX )
Omaha HtislnoBS college list $ 50
A. O. Wooley and Sutpheu's ' new
list 8 00
Mrs. Tracy , Lockvv oed 3 35
F. .1. Horthwlck 1 00
It. Cowcll 7. 8 ( X )
O. W. Fox , Ashland list 4 00
A. U. Graham 1 50
I-ottor carriers' list ti 00
Windsor hotel list 12 75
Kaluga building list 1 00
Meichuuts National bank list 10 ( X )
Total $ 473 41
Amount received up to Jan. Ul $ 22"i 23
C. D. Sutpheu'a third list 1 00
W.I. Huwks 100
Mrs. J. G. Salisbury 50
Hon. G. W. E. Dorscy 2T > 00
Silver City , Iowa , list 0 .T.
CJencva , Neb , list I ! 50
Emplojes llosenberry planing mill. 4'.15
Kmploycs government corral 5 r
I leut. Towsloy's Fort Ouiahu list. . 031
M. linker. Do Witt 1 00
Wolfo'B City Directory 8 00
Mt. Shasta Lodge 1C. ofl' B 00
Dr. W. 11. IlmiLett 1 00
A. C.Wooleybut | > hcn , new list. . . 00
Mrs. Tracy , Lock wood 3 8T
K. Cowcll a 00
O. W. Fox , Ashland list 8 00
Windsor Hotel list 12 50
Soldier Co. H , 21st la 8Ti
Total $ 31S 11
This fund bolongK exclusively to the chil
dren , and the amounts contributed will bo
used for the purpose of meeting a monument
over tlio graves of the little Wcstphalcn
plrls. It Is a penny collect ion.
From pupils of the Izard school11.12
Annie and liosslo Cameron 3 t > 0
St. Pauls Mission school 8 10
Jeanne Wakcfleld 50
Fred Shinrock , 2 ( X )
George Hnsslo 1 ( X )
Harvy and Kiltie Ager , Ord 1 00
Jessie 11. Haynes 4(1 (
Jessie and George Frost , North Bend. . 1 00
1'uplls of Hickory school 1 47
A. U. Giahum 1 00
Grunt Childieu 5 00
Total $ 30 50
The "Beo" Fund.
The present condition of the four funds
opened by tno 11 KB is as follows :
Etta fohattuck 11,601 10
Louise Itoyco 473 41
Minnie Freeman 318 H
Wcstphnlen monument fund ! M ) 55
Cash to special fund W ) 00
Grand total fi',573 , 2J
Ijlsts of Contributors.
Mr. K. Welcll has collected $7.50 for the
lli.K fund. The following is the list :
JMnln Welch t 1 OO.W.H.lIt-imi'ltiCo.J 1 tt )
H. W. Campbell. . . . &VA. II. King . . . . M
Jt. II. 2.1 llalpji Kern 25
.1. M.I.iipi | . 231 W. fMoorit , . . . 25
U. M. llustfiul . . . . 2.'i I ) . P. Hntdilson . . 25H )
M. MtstiH . 2S.I. lt.Ktuad ni
1.1'slln Alooro . . . UVCnsh 25
TiunW .Miuiiinunii. . 23
23 Cash . .
K. II. Mllsser . . . . 2. . ILWulter
Jlrs. C.J. Collins. .
Total $ 7 60
To the Editor of the 11 KK : Enulosed find
eastern exchange * 7,0l ) , vxhit'h please place to
the credit of thn Miss Shuttuuk fund. It was
( riven bv the following parties.
JM.Watklns I ftl.Hcott lletts 9 2S
W. C.llobiltsou. . . Bfl'.l. ' A.Nichols M
II. 11 Cook 25 Joseph CroB U )
Kohort Watktns . . SiV. . ll. Wlni-B. . . M
J. W. Donohue . 2.VII. H.clnrk. . . 25
Thos. I1I117U . 25IH. KertlK . . 1 00
T. J. fiirtlo . DO Henry llthm. 1 ( X )
U.ll.Tro.ut\\ull . W -
| Total . 1700
C. II.
GUAND IMIAND , Neb. , Jan. 31. To the
Editor of the Hi.i' : Enclosed please llnd
draft for $2(17.75 ( to bo applied to the "Miss
Ktta Shnttuek fund. " It was through the
efforts of the traveling men who "Sunduyed"
In Grand Island that this fund uas raised
Wo also mail iou a list of the names of those
iv ho contributed to this fund , with their i i-sl
dence anil amount given opposite each name.
1'lease publish the same and oblige.
. Respectfully yours ,
Wo the following traveling men and busi
ness ini'ii of Grand Island hereby contribute
the amount not opposite our names for the
lienellt of Miss Etta Shattuek , thejoung
lady school teachar f i O7en so badly in the
i count bll/zard :
Traveling men's list :
3. Torroncf.Keo'k , K IX ) M. Mlllcmln , Mn 1 00
J lioK'don , bmnhit 1 ( iu (1. Curpt'iitcr , ( ) in I ( W
W. Dukkci , Omiiliu 2 ou \V. K.iHtinun , Oin. 10) )
J. lloimm'i , Lincoln I W J. Talbot , ht. Jou. 1 UJ
J. -.riiiiun.Om ) 1 III P. lluckliolt. ( ) m. 1 ( JO
1. . N. llllH.Oinuluv 1 0 I. . DoiiKluss.Suu'rd 1 Ul
M. franklin. St. Jo. 1 IK ) O. I'otnnt. Mason I' . I OU
\\en\cr. . Clnyton 1 ( O.I. Uiulvrwooil , Uu. I IX )
H. ( i IK-woy , Oin. , 1) 1 U ) J. Cromble. Dotrolt I OU
11. HiLsiniun , Om. 1 uo'j. ' IViiy. . Omaha. 1 Ml
G.SchemYktT. t.J 1 ( , P. Mnwcra. DCS M. . 1 DO
AV. I'UKP. St. Joe. , 1 00 U. Mclutjrc , ll'rl'n. 1 ( )
i : . lUnnlnKhoM-n. 2 no u. trunklln , Om. . 1 00
C. SnauKlir. K. 0. . 1 uo li. l.oril , Kiemont 1 i )
O. llrockvvay. Om I ( ) I' . Illulr , llrokcn II. 1 00
J.T. lt > an. tm. ) . . . 1 OUll.illlumx. . c. II. Id )
J , II. I'nttprxon , Om 2U.II. ) I.oimbrUlKi' . l ( U
: . llurnlit. Mil I U ) U lleobe , Oiuulin. . . 1 ( U
II. J. Hall. St. It. . . 1 00 i. South , St. Jon l Ul
J. Allen. lliltaKci. . . 1 UOJ.T. linker , St. .loo I Oil
C. lllalr , Jlarsiillles 1 On \Vi\terhouse.N.J I Wl
It , Itiithlmn. l.ln . 1 HO C. ClunnlxTs , Ch'Ko 1 Oil
ll.'lhorntun , N. Y. 1 UliW. Iliirrlson. Om. I Oil
i : . J. Hoe , Omaha 1 ( JO K. llolyoke , Sj rnc'o 1 Ul
M. Doe , Omulm 1 ( V. Wll.nou , Onnilm 1 ( )
C. J. Mnltli , Onmlm I ID (1. Jones , ChUtiuo. 1 Ul
C. Fltzinuilrlci' , tVo 1 IU.C. Collins. Omuim , 1 U !
W. Dliiiniinn , O. II. 1 U ) K. Mollerlng , II. II. 1 Ul
J. JnrKcnvw. Om 1 0) It. Coy , Detroit. 1 Ul
H. Wuugh. IVorU. . 1 Ul'll. ' htlllk. Omaha. I UJ
\V , Cuse , 1 UJ. ) Jlii Kroie. Om 1 Ul
A.J.ltuml , C. II. . I Uil. Wooatur , St. Jo > 1 IX
A.Cozzeis ITm't. 1 X\V. I.o ry , Omnhu 1 U
1) . Cohen , K. V. 1 UllA Khurmerhorn.Om I Ul
1' . ( ieirlei. Omiihit 1 UT ) , Moiiullmn , U. H. I UJ
O. lloKtuln.Oulucy 1 UJ. ) J.Cox. Lincoln 1 Ul
T. .Murhton.Keurny I OoflLOvelman. St. Jo. 1 U
M. Mny , DeM I UT. ) UxlliiK. Mil 1 dC
.1. Minn , Mull ItoLk 1 IU.1.1'llillllipa. Oin. . 1 U )
J. Main , Omahu , . 1 U.l > . Ixm. Lincoln . . . 1 U
A. Hurlim. Ciu.O. . 1 U)1 ) ! , . llullnrd. ht.Joo. 6 Ul
J. 1'oole , HusUliKS. 1 IK ) S. llojt. M , Jo > t. . . 2 Oil
A. .Shut , Onmlm. . . . 1 ( UiJ. Hulil. Omaha. . . 2 UJ
X Wash , Chlcugo. . t UI'K. ' Danlelx , Omnha. 2 OC
9. Hlrch , Ilttittugs , I eel
. . or
D. n. 7lnk ft uoii A 1'en'e , . . 1 CO
K. I.Collins . . . , l ( DChnrlos Mrlsen . 1(0 (
\V. S. Ullkpiiwu , . J ui.llnKRe A Thlrsson I U )
.1. L. Sutherland. 1 CO Henry U lade 1 UJ
.T. ( I. Itntm 1 & > Hu liir-r < > iivr < o. . 1 ra
J. W. l.nnlbert 1 ( MIKnnpp Itros 1 U )
AlUr.V ( lluttcr 1 ( i ) L Meyers . . . 1 U )
J. W. West . . 1 ( iiOtctrelU , . . 1 1
Illiner.V Hlrsch 1 10J.I ) Itumiey 1 l
A I ) Pertlns. , 1 ( iW. H. Henderson. t U )
Charles Wnsner 1 iD ntn ( ' Huston I 0) )
Mr.Jnmlnon , , 1 ( ) F. P. Hear I U )
( hrls Kottmnu . . . _ 1 ( M
11.11.MIon , 1 out ! . II Tuttu-un I 10
T..1.1 lei ford . . . I wV.nuoner. | . . . 1 ( Hi
lltlpsen.V I.nnge. . } W M I ) . Mckols I Ul
I' A. Llvlnghouio 1 00 MrCnddonA. King 1 It )
John rorncy 1 ( MS. M < layton . . I U )
II. ( ' .Hold 2 i II. W. Iliixton 1 Ul
A O Abbott . . . 1 l I. I ) I'armdy 1 Ul
( hat H Campbell. 1 ( M.II.Schlotrelott . 1 ( II
O. P. VtYruot 1 mil. H.Hhcnhnnl 1 U )
J. W. LlvltiKliouu 1 HOT. ( ) 7. I Ian Hon. 1 U )
II. S. Alley . . . . 1 ( HI II W Cole 1 (10 (
K. O. Oalioxly. _ . . . I IsiM.T. IU1I 1 U )
P. Dtimpby I Hi ( it-oiut * Morguu 1 U )
O. H.Tracy 1 UJV. . W. 'Ihompsoii 1 ( JO
(1. A. Pnrknrd 1 ( u John Jollity 1 Ul
A.M. Mlchelsou . . 1 00.1 Pitt 1 W
J. W. 'llioiupson. ' . 1 Kl.lly l.ang I Ul
C. P. lleatty 1 ( ) 'A. ' I ) . S u 1 III
Prcd llflnt ! ' i.ituttinr i ou
It. T.Onelll. . . . I ( Connul 1 00
(1 ( A Mohenustech. I ( K ) A. .1. Until 1 01
W. M. ( Icddls . . . 1 (10 ( It. I. . Mnscey. . 1 00
W. Nngge 1 ( IDA S Itoth 1 ( M
It. \ \ . ( oenlif . . . 1 IKI II. li McMcnns . . 1 fil )
M. N. Woodwind. . 1 m Ivers.V Hall 1 00
HealIi\Wulllchs . 2 ( ) ( ) O. I.Inn I l f
A K Patterson . , I IM.I. I ) Mo run . . . . 1 Ol )
L. A. Kntz 1 l W. II Carey . . . . 1 OH
U.I ) . Smith . . . I to.l. II. Iti-lt 1 HO
V.A.Ilclnberger. . 1 li ) II. J. Hitter
, . . . . 1 ril II. T. Make-ley. . . . l in
I I ) llojdui 1 00 Hockelmnn\ . . i oo
I. L Hums . . . . 1 no A S.'I ri > si her. i M
A. II. llakei . . I IH1.I. S Stlclgei . . I 110
I.J.Palmiir 1 ( ) . ) . N. Jluisell l no
i. U. Smith. . no 11111 A. lluntci . . i m
His K.A.Sheph'ld 1 0) ) (1. ( A. Hill i no
V. ll.J.itkson. . . 1 UO I ) . A. Pinch . . 1 W
) . I ) Oooilrlch 1 UJ M M i w
\.W.Aulrti-y 1 U ! Mis I' . A. Thtullrf l 00
' T. Iliac kwell. . 1 m John Williams 1 ( )
A m. Collins 1 IDN. 1'latte Lum. Co I 01
A' . P. llnnks . . 1 Ul'lheo. lluke 1 IM )
.limit s Clarey . . . I Ul Minister of gospel
T.J.IIuknr . . . 1 in liniKulst. no
1. W.Vest . . . lIUCol LeulsllutUr , . l i i
N. II. Cohen . . I Ul hlniiuriM , none
J. II. Koley . . . 1 ui.l 0. Illtiqm in. no
A. L. Hi mils . . . I ID Itoesi'i A. Co . . . . 1 W )
,1.11 , llensluy . . 1 ( HITlionipton Ilio * ,
" S lla/inl IUI.I H.MUllIn i im
H. Wltheis. . . I IM Chris , hohloth lilt. i oo
A ( lp > l r . 1 Ul IK'.llorkinberner 1 IK )
A. F Jones . . I ( HI VV m CoiiH'llus . Mnn
i\ . II. Koeillg . . . 1 UIN. M. Lewton . . . nn
i. Veil . . I Ul II. Allt n . . . . 51
I H lleln 1 IVas.ill . . . no
Ap | liloni Heck. I 00(1 H.CaliUvvll . . . 75no
' 1.Claim . . . . IUI.I H Partiidue . . no
; Hiiitenliiih . 1 U ) Katie McCartney. . l m
'has A.WIaho . . 1 U.I. ) N. Waldron DO
K. fatrliiKfellovv. . . 2 Ul.Wiu. Anjau 1 IN )
.lames Austin 1 ui'l'.ly ' Humes 1 00
' 13 Webb 1 Ul Itoss&llrfnliiKer. . 1 IN )
Sol Hopper 1 U ) S. H Hevnard . . . . 1 OJM
I. \\llliniui . . . 1 Ui.lny K.hlte M
John H. Wilsey. . . 1 OUW.-ll. 1'latt 1 UJ
.1.11. 1)111 1 U )
J.O. West 200i.Total $ .W7 75
C. 1) ) . SUTI'IIKS'S Tllllll ) LIST.
Mr. C. 13. Sutphen , of Omaha , is a tireless
.voiker . in the good cause. The follovting is
ils third list :
Urexel i Maul..I 5 Ui.Welty i , ( luy t 2 00
Albert Culm 1 Uj'Oio. ' Turner 1 UJ
Omaha HubberCo. 1 UlCash 00
( Ico. Turnar. 1 00
< leo Turner ion Total fi : 50
1' . llojer 5 OOl
GKVKVV , Neb , Jan. HI. To the Editor of
the HII : : : I s ml jou hoiewith subscription
of the clti7cns of Geneva to the fund for the
benefit of Missus Freeman , llojce and Shat-
tuik amounting to fl'l , which eiedit to funds
asdiiected. Would It not bo a good Idea to
suggest and urge that Homo person In each
town in the state solicit subscriptions in their
behalf i It seems to mo that every town in
the state ought to bo down as doing some
thing in recognition of our Nebraska hero
ines. WAI.TKU V. Kmhi.u.
J. M. Plsher $ 2 01.T. Wllklns 75
W. V. Kllleld . 2 U ) W. L.Wied nn
John A. Dempster 1UIW. T. Moco . . . . no
W. O. Massey 1 50 P. II. Dcmlsthorpe l (0 (
I ) . H. Conant 1 60 J. 1 * . llruitllng
( leo W. hmltli . . . . 2 OO'.I. ' II. Dempster. . .
J. Jensen 2 OO'.I. ' K. Westuit
A rrUml ! l UJ , Parker & Son 75
J ohn I ) . Carson. . . 1 Oo | H. Sthollelcl 25
D.H. M. Herb. . . . 1 M W. II. Parduo. . . .
1) . J. Siraar 1 OOM.Conwell 25
L. S. rlgenbaum. . 1 UXA. O.Tavlor 1 UO
I'helps i. Son 1 00 Daniel llosklns. . . 50no
ShlLkloy Hros 10)F. I ) . Crawford. . . no
W. II. Jameson . 85 K 11. Hrown . . . .
H. K. Mohroman. . HOW. H. Cooksey. . .
n. H. Urcen . . . . N ) Mark Alexander. .
I.tmbac k & . Heath. 50 W. C. Sloan
I lory jr Darrow. . . 1 00 ( J. p. Interstoen 7' .
A. Miirilock 1 ( to ' .I.M. Hnrk 1 (
J. II. Sexton 1 00 H.I. Chaplin. . . .
A frlind * * " \V. I. ( 'arson no
11. Sheldon 25T. S. Hlisscll
J.M.Klllobrowu. . I W ) A. Chapman 23
1) . ( Irlillths 50.M. D. Williams. . 23
H. A. Matteson. . . W.I. U. Ilrvuut M
C , I. . Itathbun. . . . ( V.A ) friend 25
.1. M , Milrkley. . . . 23
W.It. Hitch . . . . 50 Total H.IOO
SII.VKH GITV , Jan. 80 To the Kditor of the
Bm : While wo arc not citizens of Nebraska ,
wo nonetheless desire to manifest our admira
tion of these young heroines , and ask that
ono little place on thu roll of honor be given
to Silver City , la Believing that such noble
acts of heroism as these pel formed by the
Misses Hovco and Freeman , of Nebraska , in
the terrible bllr/itrd of January 13 , IbSS ,
should bo recognized by our highest com
mendation , and by substantial reward , \\o
gladly donate the sums set opposite our re
spective names to bo applied to their reward
fund ns indicated to you.
( U-orgoA. lleam. . * 1 OO.Hobert . A. Moore t 1 00
J.C.Lluisty 1 00.1.A. Priirler . . . . 100
W. II ( Jaks 1 Wl W. Mains 100
J.I.Tn > lor I 00 ) II. ( J. Mass . . . . 123
.I.P. rail 1 00'I ' , W. Hutlakcr . M
(1 W. lloclerick 1 ( K ) ( lecngeT. How 1 ( H )
. ( i.Svlilnur . . . 23 Ceo. P. Pullman 1 00
John Parker fin.'Inns P. Plumb.
H II.Hutluiior 1 Oil W. C. Suarts i bo
.I.N. HottliiKor. 1 00I. ( i : . Ciuly . . . .
J. UMcMay . . . . . . Wl li. Ilottlnger , ,
A. I. . ItuliH . . . . . . 2 * > II. ll. P Ktlley. . . 1 00
John Pullman . . . . fin.T. K. Alrtan no
I' . M. bnuntur. . . . . 1 00
I Total
The contribution of the citbcns of Mail
Ison , Neb. , collected by Allen & Itoblnson ,
attorneys at that place , and icported iu Tues
day's BIT , is as follows :
Win. V. Allen UM John S Hoblnson. . 1 00
.1. i : . Do.iglas . . . I m Frank Pomlco 100
James btuurt. . . . 1 on.I' . HoITiuau 10) )
II. Pristine 1 0) C. E Plnss 100
J. P. Mathews. . . . 1 OJ C. Schwnnk 100
W.J.Hurnes I 00 , P. A. Clark 100
II. II. Puller. . . 1 00 A..essiu 100
I , II. Ilolmnuon . 10UW.H. Catty 100
Charley Wagoner. 100 ( ieo. Davis 100
Dennis I'lvnn . . . . 1 Oil U10. Moouon. . . . . 100
II. Hirblstm . . . . 100A.J. Thatch . . . . 100
W. L. lleiry . . . . 1 00.K. Jacobs . . . 100
( leo. W. Itosvy. . . . 1 00 Herman Prickle. . . 100
K.Albright 1 00Wui. | Dopstm . . 100
A. II. Hlcbardsou. 1 O-liT. P. . ( Jdlorno . . . . 100
A.C. Tjrrell 1 008. O. Campbell. . . . 1 IXJ
M. C. hcolt . . I OIIS J. Aniett 1 01
T. P. Memmluger. 1 no'.I. ' W. Lj nch . . . . 100
JoluiTiaty 100C.C. Wyiitt 100
P. . C. ( Hllem . . . 1 OU.M. H. Hordvvell. . . . 100
A.Jones 1 Oo'.lolm ' H. Cruo 1 ( TO
II. A.TjItr 1 00P. | I. Oberg M
A Kubendnll. . . . 50 C. A. Huvder 50
P. llilnkmou. . . . COCaHb IOU
I Total HO 00
TIIK vvrrrixn vv VTHI i I-T.
The list of the contribution to the Shattuck
fund at Weeping W.xtcrcollected by lir. J.
N. Thomas , in the sum of $1 * 0"iind icpoitcd
in thoTucsdaj's Bi F , is as follows :
J.W.Thomas . .if 1 OU.IohnNtwton . . . . $ 23
11.0. Mc.Nurllu SUI . . . . . none
( ieo. Hlndloy . 60,8. , A. Hipley . . . . no
T. L. Wiles , 23'johnMorsall ' - . fi )
A W. .Marshall OOJohuMcAfoo . . . . M
Jus. C. Tigho nn.H.S. I'pton MM
J. W. Knox fie Chan JLChuuhlll. . 1 00
Tuirnnlus llros 1 dOCImini llazlro . . . 23
S. W. Coglizer . 2'i.W. . 1) . Crawford . 23nil
K. II. Dey 1 0)S ) , M. Hnhorstiult. nil
J. II. Davis . . . 2-MTlin Hull no
J. W. Sperry niS ) W. Ixilmue . . . . noM
2T 11. Hnbbard ' . , M
( i. h. Harry. P , L. Harnes. m
C. 15. N llnlrd . . . . 1 OU L. ( I.CoKlUor
D. H.lluhorstuiU. 2.V.Shermau belduer.
W. Utitrlylo . . . . fiOH.S Itaco. 1 OD
I.T. IravU ril' I ' A. Woodard . . . . . .
U. W. Strovv lr > , Clark *
h. K. Coin , Co 1 00
A. L , Upbaui 2VM. U.'ltaoinas . . .
J. H. Hollows fiOTheo Schnelfer. . GOM
V. llellow 2'i A. Miller. M )
Commercial batik. 1 uOiAclamH&tillbert. . 1 ( X )
Sim Koctor Sft'K. ' W. Murllep . . M
Luther Mieartr , . nO\V. , H. Nickett
Hoot A. purMi 1 ( HI1. ! M Colo. .
J. K Kelthley 2.1'P.f ' H. Wooley no
( leo Olive 25 J. K. Hall
S W. Orion . . . . 1 00 II. I ) , liar . . . 23no
W. P. . Wollor WVN.Sergles none
It M. Patterson . , Si P. P. lle\ford . . . no
IM Call 23'James ' Johnson . 23
J.T. Dudley 23'J.W. ' Aniilck . . . . 232S
II , Telling , , 23.1. Currlugtou .
O.K.Cromwell . . 1 00. flower llros . . . 1 no
( lie \\llstm . . . . 2.VJ. P. Dlcksoti . . . 2.1
J. H. llaldemnu . 23 S. D. Kltchlo . . . 23
H.ishmnii 23U. C. Snobed. . . . l on
K. Hatnour . , . S3W.A. lla-t-e. . . . 1 IM
( llrardet , Iloouo & | Maynird Splnk. 1 00
Kmens , 1001 , Suearliun 00fiO
P. A. l.lmti 23 Ileltiu Ashman
U.M. Taint ) 23W. ] L. Uordon. fiO2T.
( loo.Clo- W Cash 2T.
/ . S. Cogllzor . . . . 23 C. U Crltchtleld * * \
John Hutcheu . . . . SS.W. H. llrevoort . 1U1
N.W.SIdmore 23 W. p. lloskins , . . 50
L. K. Wilson Wl'MiiBiflM ' Pree no
Nonih linker no.Kmmu Cllzbe . . . . 15
llll.i Woodford. . . . no Maggie Cleveland no
b.W. JJavls 2J
Total W05
The contribution of the citizens of Irvlnp-
ton , Neb. , as collected by Triink ll. Hibbird
niul reiMirted In Tucsiluy's Ur.u U as follows :
\V. 3. Uarber. . .t 1 in A. ( hrlstophera. $ 1 (0
II. M.'IwnililLU . 1 U ) Mr * I'nmti . . . 1 IM
II.1. Noyce . . . . fpii A. Kulclit m
A. II. Kuluht 2 W Laura Welcll Till
N. Johnson 1 ( I.C. Wekh W
A. Nnyco M II. A. Horn . . . ffl
.1. No > c . . r. isilns llrewstcr . . Ml
K. Noyce- Tft.l. A. Otis HI
J.T.Parker . . . . ! Ti Mmon Horts . . . lee
. ! T.otis i ( i K. it. nibb.ird . . 10 m
S. C. llrewstcr . ' - ' l P. Nller . . 1 ( l
1' . N'.Oru-ii 1 W Mrs. K. Uoodcll . HJ
N , li. llrewgter . M ,
A.ioodtll 10) ) Total . . . Ml Oo
Tiin noM.Miriiur LIST.
DTo the IMItor of the BKI- : Unclosed plcnso
llnd Hoscuberry Planing mill fund for hero
ine school 111,11 ins.
John Wldenor . . t 1 00 Jolmltvan . . $100
c.oTullin i on w. ii. Austin . . MM
H. Hlx . 1 W II Nelson . . )
( Icorge Smith . . . 1 00 C. llouser . . 1 Oil
.1 Kendall . . . 1 OO'M. ' S. llrl sc-ll . . 1 ( V )
1) ) . Vomw Ml ) 11. Pcttlngell . . no
Alltolne . . . linker . . . fill.II. . Kllgle. . . . 1 W
P. I.ettcrjoliann j ( M ) | ) Uy. I.ewerjohanu. | < 1 ( M
II. llartmtm I w0. Homey. . . I'M '
II. Jamison 1 00 A. Hosenbnny . 000
Total l 60
Ooorgo .1. Stornsdorff has paid $12 SO Into
the BI.K fund collected by him from the fol-
following :
( leo.J. Steriisdorlf i nofl.Ilnrth t no
Cnh. . fio.Cash M
N. II. llrovvn . . WvfL II. Ilc-ngen . . . no
Hmll Itecknmu . . Ml Prank P. Park. . . W )
.1.11 Schmidt . . . . WJ. Well , jr fiO
W. H. Lnwtou . . MIC. L. llrovvn M
M.lloMo . . . . fiO'St. ' John A , M
II. II. Hey Widish . . . . . 23
Cash 2W. / . II. Motter . . . . WJ
OeoW , Peck 2 00.1. II. Ueovo W )
W. H Sheridan Wl Tutor Preiuer . . . fO
Miss Hell lluulrick WJ
Total 11250
Miss cidSSIi : M MOIlltls.
Miss Crisslo M Morris of Grand Island ,
Neb Is nu appreciative and energetic little
lady Miss Crissio made a tour of Grand
Island and In u short time raised kfSi ! > ( ) for
Miss Sliattuck , which she scut to the DEB
this morning by the hands of her father , J.
M. Morris , Ksq , of Gi.ind Island. The BEE
extends thanks to Miss Mori is for her enter
prise. The following Is the list :
.1 M. Morris J 2 on.L D. Hornndy . . $ 1 00
I inuk Phillips 1 00 A. n. liedeimiiu. . 1 00
Dick Cinnklm 1 W ) A. II. Holme fiO
IMbleppv lUlCnsh . W )
Ph. Jepoh . . . 1 no.deo. . D. lletrel . . . 1 ( X )
K.i : Dletrlchs..1 * ! IM11 , Chrlstensen . . W )
I. K. Ilaldwln . . 60 Henry Yeoman . . W )
Hobert Prohbeig 1 OO.Tonv Hllldeibrant 1 on
( 'has. Spethman. . 1 OtrA.W. McNeil . . . 100
S. T. Mobley. . . . 1 00 llci'ry Strntmau. . fiO
W. II. Dellaiew. . 50 IM. Kroll . . 25
N.lI.Knnn 1 UO Henrj VIeiegg. . . . 100
W. P. Sellner fio'Wm. ' McVav . . M
. . Mever Wl las.O Callaghan. . 1 ( M
( ius Holder . . . . W ) . Mill Grooms 1 IK )
H W.Campbell . WJ
K. II. McAllister 23 | Totnl t5 ! 50
Housn of IlnriirsuNTATivnsi , WVSIHNOTOV ,
Jan. 28. To tbe editor of the Ben : I hand
you herewith my check for $ . " > 0 as a contribu
tion to the fund you are raising for the pur-
IKJSO of recognizing the heroism displaved by
the two teachers Minnie Freeman of Valley
county , und Louise Hoyco of Pierce county ,
Nebraska Please divide this ccpjally be
tween them. Gr.o. W. Dousuv.
r no it an n. IIVTHIIUX.
To the Hdltor of thoBr.ii : Inclosed llnd a
check for $ . ! 0 as a donation to the heroine ,
Miss ShaUuck. I desire this to enter the
* 0,000 fuira , suggested by J. J. Monoll.
Gtto. U. HATH DUN ,
Proprietor Omaha Business College.
, Neb , Jan. 29 To the Editor of
the BKR : Enclosed find draft forl5 for the
benefit of Miss Etta Shattuck , the unfortun
ate sufforcr from the late storm. Wo hope
every G. A. K. post und relief corps in Ne
braska will fall Into line and coutiibuto to
this worthy daughter of a veteran.
G. W. HOM.ISI.TT , .Toirs CIIOOK ,
Adjutant Commander Post.
President Hcliuf Corps.
Thev Do Sympathize.
Miss Anna T. Trucluml , principal of the
Farnam street school , says thcro is not the
slightest foundation for the statement made
by "W. H. " in yesterday's Ben , In regard to
the action of a teacher in the eighth grade of
that school. On the contrary the teachers of
Farnam street school arc now engaged In
taking up u collection for the BKI ; fund ,
which will be completed In a few days.
At Saxo't * Drug Store.
Last evening D. W. Saxe , the enterpris
ing nnd energetic druggist , In the opera
house , used his magnificent soda fountain
for the first time , soiling cold and warm
drinks , about sixty id number , ranging in
prices from nro to fifteen cents , Half of the
proceeds ho will devote to the Bi'.r.'s fund
for the relief of Misses Freeman , Uoyco aim
The Crclgliton Club's Generosity.
Miss Koyco has expressed a desire to ac
cent the offer of a life membership in the
Shcnandoan , la , Normal college. Saturday
night February 4 , the dramatic elub of
Creighton will present a play "Among the
Hreakors" at the M. K. church of Plaiuviow ,
Neb , and the proceeds will bo given to Mis ?
Hoyco to enable her to defray her expenses at
the school. The UPK trusts that the enter
tainment will bo a success.
l\Jt. ) Simula LiiulKO K. of P.
Mr. W. S. Marr has s > cnt to the Bui ; as flio
the contribution of the niembcis of Mt.
Shasta Lodge No. 1 Ivnights of Pythias
the sum of WO for the benefit of tholiii. : fund
to bo divided us follows : Ktta Shattuck * M\ \
Louise Ko.HecsV Minnie Piuotnan $3. This
is the first Pythian lodge in Nebraska to come
forward. Touched by the tender tale of love
and devotion the members of this lodfo have
been actuated to aid in the good cause. Mt.
Shasta lodge has a reputation for gcnciosity
that reflects credit upon its members. They
have fulllllcd the principles of their order
ujion every occasion and the fact that these
entourage the giving of aid to the stranger of
the outer world has been taken advantage of
by them on many ocaaslons. Let other
1'i thitm lodges follow Mt. Shasta's example.
The Children's Work.
The following letters have been received
by the HII : : ftom the pathetic little men and
women of Nebraska :
Noiirit UKXD , Jan. 31 , 1888. To the Editor
of thu Hi K : Enclosed please Hud SI for the
Westphalen fund which you will credit to
myself and little brother.
OMUIA , Neb. , Fob. 1. To the Editor of the
nre : Please find enclosed fortvsix ( W )
cents , the contents of my little iron baulc ,
toward the two little girls' monuments. 1 am
sixteen mouths old and can save more for
mjsclf. JnsaiuP. IlAtM's ,
220 ! ) Miami Street.
Harvey and ICIttlo Ager , of Ord , Neb. ,
send ? J to bo divided .is follows : Westpha
len monument , $1 , Miss Uoyco 50 cents ,
Miss Shattuck W ) cents
The pupils of Hickoty school send $1.45 for
the cliikh en's fund.
SI IBS Freeman's ( Letter.
Major T. S. Clarkson , of this city , some
time ago wrote to Miss Freeman congratulat
ing her upon the coolness , deliberation and
heroism which she displayed and tnankcd
her as a father , for her having saved so
many little ones. A few days ago the young
lady wioto him the following letter :
Ouii , Jan. 81 , 1888 , T. S. Clarkson Your
kindly letter was received the lath inst. I
appicciotud it very much , feeling It came
from ono who knew the wealth of tics of love
and home , and was no idle , formal congratu
lation The letters received from fi lends
have done mo worlds of good. The notoriety
of the press I dislike very much. I tried to
do my simple duty in the emergency that
came. Others , perhaps , suffered uioio. I do
not aspito to any such honors as a heroine.
Thankingyou for jour kindly mtoiest , I am ,
Yours respectfully , MINXIE FUECMAX.
George A. Joslyn , ti easurer and manager
of the Western nawnpapor union has issued a
circular calling for contributions to the nero-
inu fund. Mr. Joslyn says :
This circular is Ujtied as preliminary to
the inauguration of what is to bo known as
the " \Vestei n Newspaper Union and Coun
try PublUher ' Fund , " the Western News
paper Union Blurting the same with a sub
scription ol $30. All who wish to become
contributors can forward the amount of their
offerings to this olllfo , nnd the s-uno will bo
acknowledged by publication in the Omaha
Dally Uit : : of the donor's name and amount
contributed. A list of all contributors and
the amount eiven will also bo published In
the March number of tlio Pointers' Auxiliary
and a record of their work summfuUed for
the Auxiliary sheets Issued from this ofllcn
for the hundreds of publishers In this and
other slates. Where there nre no Instructions
to the contrary It is proimsed to divide fund
us follows ! One-llfth each to Miss Freeman
ind Miss Ho.vce , nnd the other tliiee-llfths go
to Miss Shattuck. Contributors , however ,
can dcsluimto In vv hut proi > ortlons thur offer-
ngs shall bo placed. The Western New-s
uper Union Inaugurates the fund with n f. " > 0
subscription and hopes the amount will bo
swelled to proportions reflecting credit upon
.ho publishers of the northwest , and bo n tit-
Inir recognition of the services rendered by
hrco of Nebraska's lady teachcislnthc most
llsasttoils storm that n human being was
ever called upon to encounter.
UemlUanees to be m ulo to George A. Jos-
vu , treasurer and manager of the Western
Newspaper Union , the haiue to be tinned
over to the OMUIA llu : , with the other spe
cial funds.
Tlio Western Newspaper Union nnd the
country press should turn in the largest of
ill these special funds. It Is desirable to
: invo ns many ns possible received for publi
cation in the Sunday moinlng issue.
Many lists have been left out of this issue
which will bo published to morrow. If vour
lists do not appear In this Issue they have
loen ) ueccssaiily omitted. All will bo pub
Not OR.
What do you think of Nebraska's liberal
ity (
Dr. W. H. Hanchctt has sent S3 to the BEE
Will the ladles of Omaha aid in raising the
Shuttuck special fund I
Will the clergy of Omaha aid in raising
the ShuttucU special fund )
The contributions nro coming In rapidly ,
and the end is not j ct near.
The Shattuck special fund is steadily
climbing. Who will bo the next to add their
Will the ladies of all portions of the state
assist in adding to the Shattuck special
fund )
Have you recognl/ed the devotion of Ne
braska's three heroines I It is not too late to
Will everybody who has not yet aided the
cause put their shoulder to the wheel nnd
help the good work I
W. I. Hawks , of the Travelers' Insutanco
Co. , says In forwarding his contribution : "I
hope the money will continue to lollinfor
many days. "
Why not raise the $0,000 for unfortunate
Etta Shattuck I The initiative has been
taken , and you have only to Join with the
others in the work.
Captain Simpson , A. Q. M. , TJ. S. A. , de
partment of the Plattc , and the employes of
the government corral at Omaha , have sent
U7.50 to the Hne fund.
Will the capitalists , the real estate agents ,
the merchants , the doctors , and the lawyers
of Omaha como forward with their pledges
for the ShaUuck special fund )
Mr. C. Cusack , cashier of the First Nation
al bank of North Bend , In enclosing his con
tribution to the Bus fundadds : "I think that
you are doing a grand work , and you will be
rewarded for it. "
The example set by a number of the chil
dren of Nebraska in emptying their savings
bank for the benefit of an unfortunate fellow
being , may bo followed by the men and
women of Omaha to a-islight extent. Out of
their plenty they may contribute a small
Lieutenant Towsley started a paper among
the oftlcers and ladies of Fort Omaha , with
tlio following result : Miss Shattuck , $21.aj ;
Miss Freeman , $031 ; , Miss Uojce , $081 ;
total , f J3 in. Many soldiers have signified a
desire to contribute < to so commendable an
enterprise , and an effort will bo made to col
lect n puiso from them on pay-day.
If Omaha can produce twenty-five other
business men with tlio energy and ap
preciation of C. D. Sutphen , A. C.
Wooloy , there will bo little trouble
and less time consumed in raising a
fund for Etta Shattuck that will inako her
independent. Omaha , has many men who
can raise this fund if they will exert them
selves. Will they do it.
An Abortive lircturo.
Detroit Free Press : When the moot
ing opened IJrotherGfiruner announced
Ihut Hon. Rinffbono Bivins of Kivn-
kalteo , had arrived in Detroit for the
purpose of lecturing before the Lime
kiln club. The subject of his lecture
AVHS ; ' 'Has do World Advanced Pur
'NulTV" He hail been before the com
mittee on inquiry , and hud answered
all questions , and ho would now be
brought in and given an every oppor
tunity to acquit himself with honor. It
was a subject of deep interest to every
member of the club , and it was hoped
that each and every ono would pay the
closest attention to the stranger's re-
The committee on reception and ab
duction escorted the Hon. Bivins into
the hull amidst profound silence. He was
a stately looking man of middle age ,
having a cast in ono eye and some
trouble in ono of _ his knees. Ho bowed
right und loft with the grace and suav
ity of an emperor , and upon ascending
the platform gently observed :
"My fions , I do no como befo' vou aa
an impostor nor yet as an adjudicator.
I come lieah bokaso I feel tint I know
mo' dan you do , an' dnt it ar' ma dooty
to divide my knowledge witl you. I hev
often heard di club spoken of , an' allus
in terms of do highest disrespect. I am
highly pleased to stand face to face wid
sieh an ignoble audience , an' if any ol
you desire to meet me artor dis lectur'
is over an' invest 2i cents in a box of do
celebrated Bivins co'n an bunyon salvo
I asbuio you you will nebber hev cause
to regret it. "
"Mibser president ! " called the Rev-
Penstock , as ho buddcnly shot up , "has
dis gem'lan nrrovo henh to eloliber n
lectur' or to peddle a nostrum ? "
"Dat's what I should like to hov him
answer , " replied the president.
Itssuperl or excellence pro\on In mllllnns o :
homes for more than a quarter of a century H
Is used by tlin United Mates ( lovernment. Kn-
dorsed by the headsof the Great UnU ersitles ns
the fetronKeut , Purest and most Healthful. Dr
1'rlce's Cream Hakim ; Powder does not contain
Ammonia , l.lnie or Alum. Sold only In cans ,
v ccrdlitir recoraturM
your < i 11II t t t icmcUy
kM * wotousfciGoaoitluza
Sn I Gleet.
We hive ictj contUcr.
stle.&cdln every cue it
uigivea t4UkfuUca.
Alcatt * Llik ,
Iluiv .N. Y.
"hrllllnc Kxpcrlonco of nn Heroic
In Ills Comlmt Wltli
A Nnrntlvo of I'lnln , UnvArnlslicd
Fncta , Which Clonrlv Intllcnto
Tlmt "Irtitli U Stranger llinn
rintlon , "
Onpof the happiest young men in Onnhito-
ay Ii Mr. I ) . S. Irxln , who recently nrrhed In
hlstlly from the KejstoiH'Htate and who now
iiomsfn the HtuKlns block ou Howard street ,
'on Rentleman who knew him while nil rnitl *
leer at the IVmi. Steel company's works at
Mcelton , Pti , notliiK his countenance ! beaming
NlthaFatNlled , Imppy look , and Inquiring tlio
rftiise of the radical chance , Mr , In In said : " 1
lax e been ttoubled w Ith thronlc ratal rh for tell
IMUSilurluKwhich tlmo J \\n\a \ \ suifered hoi-
ors which the tomino Is limdonuate In portrav ,
mln diirlui ; that tlmo been treated bye \ eral
imminent phjsklans , and used niti-ut mertl-
lues without stint , all of which failed to do mo
tiny Kood ; In fact , Ufa bee line almost a burden ,
My catarrh had extended Into the bionchlal
tibes ; at times I expectorated blood , h id night
H" . .Us , uud w .is ou the road to consumption.
"I had a dull , hon\y headache , nose nil stuffed
lip from a constant cfrlpplm ; from the head lute
the throat , Kometlmes profuse , wattry und
icrld , at others thick , tenacious mucus , puru-
lint , bloody and putrid ; m > ejes weak watery
and Intlamcd. 'ibciowas a ilnglnc In my ears ,
and from ono of them theio was a constant dis
charge of matter ; for the last nlno years deaf
ness , constant haw king nnd couching to clear
the throat ; expoctotatlons of oirensl > e matter ,
together with stabs from ulceis. Myolco bad
a nasal tw nnir , breath erv offensive , smell and
taste Rene , a i-ens. tlon of dizziness , w lib mental
depression , a h icklng cough and general dobll-
"Well , " continued Mr. Irvln , "I was acquaint
ed with a number of people In the east who had
been successfully treated by Drs. McCoy and
llenrv before they came west , and noticed their
advertisements In the Omaha papers. I mndo
up my mind to place invxclf under their cure
and sto If they could do anything for me. After
a cateful examination they told mo the drums
of my cars were sound and that. In their oplu-
Ion , my hearing could bo entirely restored. I
began treatment at once. The doctor washed
my ears out with tome kind of oil nnd warm
water , after which ho passed aprohoofsomo
kind into my utue. Ho then diluted my ears
and to my great
"I went to his olllce e ery day , followed the
directions very minutely , and now , at the ex-
nlrntton of five weeks , I nm entirely cured , nnd
1 am truly thankful for the great blessing of
health bestowed upon me by lrs. McCjy nnd
Henry's treatment. I can unreservedly recom
mend them to any ono troubled with chronic
catarrh. No disease , " continued Mr. Irxln , "Is
so common , more decepth e , dangerous and less
understood , or more unsuccessfully treated by
physicians. "
Mr. Irvln Is an exceedingly well Informed
gentleman , and can b < - found at the above
named place w here ho will fully corioborato the
above .
Signal Dangera AVhlch Are Made
Known Bolero Consumption
When catarrh has existed In the head nnd
upper part of the throat for any length of time
the putlnnt living In the district where people
arc .subject to tatarrlml affection and the dis
ease has been left uncured , the catarrh InvnrI
ably , sometimes slowly , extends down the wind
pipe and Into tbe bronchial tubes , which tubes
convey the air Into the different parts of the
lungs. Tha tubes become affected from the
Rwel.lngand mucus arising from catarrh , and
m some Instances become plugged up so that
the air cannot get In as freely as ll should.
Shortness of breath follows , und the patient
breathes with labor and with dllllculty.
In other cases thoru is a sound of cracking
andwhoezlnglnsldo tno client. At this stage
of the disease the breathing Is usually moro
rapid than when in health. The patient also has
hot Hashes over Ids body.
Tlio pain which accompanies this condition Is
of a ( lull character , felt In the chest , : behind the
breast bone or under the shoulder blade. The
] > .iln may come and go last n few days and then
uo absent for several others. Tne cough thut oc
curs lu the first stages of bronchial catarrh Is dry.
comes at Intervals , Is hacking In character and
usually most troublesome in the morning on
arising or going to bed ut night , and It may bo
the nrst evidence of the disease extending In tbo
At llrst there may bo nothing brought up by the
cough ; then theie Is a little tough , tenacious mu
cus , which the patient lluds great dllllculty In
bringing up.
Sometimes there are fits of coughing Induced
by tough mucous so violent as to cause vomit
ing. Later on the mucous that Is raised Is found
to contain small particles of jellow matter ,
which Indicates that the small tubes In the lungs
nro now affected. With this theio are often
Htreaks of blood mixed with the mucous. In
cases the patient becomes \ery pale , has fever
and expectorates before any cough appears.
In some cases small masses of chtosy xtibstunca
are spit up , which , when pressed between the
Ilngeisfemitn bad odor. In other cases particles
of a hard , chalky nature nro snlt up. ' 1 ho raising
of cluosy or chalky lumps Indicates serious mis
chief tit work into the lungs.
In some cases catirrh will extend Into tbo
luiigslnafewweeks ; In other cases it may be
mouths 01 oven jears before the disease attacks
the lungs sulllcleutly to cause serious Interfer
ence w 1th the general health. \ \ hen the dlea se
has developed to such n point the patient Is silcl
to hav e ciitarrhal consumption. With bronchial
caturrh theio is moro or less fever w blch differs
with jho different parts of the day slight In the
morning , higher lu tno afteinoon and evening.
hometimes during the day the patient has a
creeping , chilly sensation , w hlch may last from
hilf an hour to nu hour the surface of the body
feeling dry and hot. During the night , near the
morning , them maybe sweats. Such sweats are
known us night sweats.
The pulse is usually more rapid than normal ,
and the patient loses llesh and atiength. A
fresh cold is all that is needed at this polut to de
velop rnplcl consumption , lu some Instances the
patient loses lle li and strength slowly. Tno
muscles giadiially waste awnv. Then the pat
ient gradually regains soniu of his strength , only
to lose It again.
A weakHtonnch IB a dlsllko for food , which
seems to huio lost Its taste , oauses the patient to
think ho has a disease of the stomach Instead ol
the lungs , \\lth thiwodlarrhu-a usually occurs ,
nnd there Is some disturbance of the kldnevs
In bronchial cat mil the volco often becomes
we.ik. husky nnd hoarse , 'llieie Is a burning
p.iln In the Uu oat with dllllculty In swallowing
LatcofBcllovncHosiiitu ! , New York ,
Dr , Columbus Henry
( Late of University of Pennsylvania-
No. 310 and 311 IN HAMCE HUIIiDINQ ,
Corner Fifteenth and Harneysts , Omaha , Neb ,
u here all curable cases ace treated
, , with success.
Medical diseases treatedsklllfully. Consump
tlon , llrleht'H disease , DjRpepslu. Ithaumutlsm
and all NKHVOUS DISKAHIIS. All disease s pe
culiar to the hexes a specialty. CATAUHII
I O.NSUIiTATION at olllce or bv mall , Jl.
Olllce hours U to II a. m. , 2 to 1 p. m , 7 to 8 p.
m . btiuiUj H Included ,
Correspondence receh es prompt attention.
Many disease * are treated Hiiccc < > stuliy by
Dm , McCoy and Henry through the m.UK ami
It Is thus possible for these unable to make
Journey to obtain successful hospital treatmon
at their homes.
No letters answered unless accompanied by
4c In stamps
Address all letters toDrs. McCoy and Henry
lloumuUlO and 311 , Uamt ; building , Omahu
Electro-MapstiGBells !
The Grandest Triumph ol Etietrte Science
flentlcmf n'i Brit Btit MttAlUt Sc't"lca"y ' ! Made an(1 ( Practically Applied.
WithKlettrie -
. . . .
r nrrriw anil romrjrt ll l rp t Dljhl , " Roll. Hall , ftldoriuan , 16O Lit Will Strt UNow Tork
noufiand * of olnf ra
Dr. HORUE't PI FfiTRfl UICVFTIft iFIT l wrt rtoitllolhor - nmnt ofi > lMtrlfl
fiynNC t7 n > rtronc > r inlll ilho r rTrin yd -
lire i proilurri continuous rurrrnli ronrvri rluolrlrlly Ihratuti the bo > tr on tlin nrrm It rum 0n ! oi
by Kcnpntlnir a eontlnaoui curn-nt or Flwtrlcltr ( let or H hours out of I ) Ihrouittunil tlio hnm > n iritrm ,
lujlnu RllnerTou npi lmin- trlr , n.l produclnir i n w circulation vt thu m fnrwlhn Miwil , Im-
) > iKlniVlror , tnnsth.enfrrrndlirAllhwtii | > nUoth rtnfttnienttiftiflld. ! TtwiuertU u ( Uilitclou
"flo l'it. ' ! " b lni mi > Kiil Hi iul InJortod by thouMdJs whom It hn currJ
. . . itr.rEltF.NUEdi > . . . . . Anj . . bnkiiitnniorclkl ttrtnfr or vbolrula tioutp In ChtMgoi vbolotalo druffg' ' t .
Ban rrftncl * nctiUmpfortitp .
coftndc"hlc lrH g < > lllaar te < l | .amphl t
> XUB'JDr lnTenlor uaM nuf clur r , 1V1 H .kMb !
Who ll WEAK , NERVOltN.
Tr.n.wholnhl roi.IYnn.ll . MORAV ! 'K
huTRlFLKUawnr his tlGOKof 1IOOY ,
M INU and MANIIOOl > .rrui tiiK extmuillnc
drains upon the FOUNTA1NN of I.IfK ,
HEAIIAdHK , IA4JKA < 'IIE , Dmidnil
Drenms , WEAKNKNH of Memory. I1ANII-
the FACE , and all the EFTEC'IM lending to
TION or INNABUTY , ihould conmill IU once
the CELEBRATED Ir CUrkc , F'tnl.llntied .
18M. I ) : Clarke ha * made NERVOUN DE.
BIMTY. CHRONIC and all Dluwei of
the UENITO URINARY Oriaiu a Ufa
Uildy. It make * NO difference WHAT you
i vo taken or WHO hag failed to cure you.
Jar to their > ez can coniult with the ounranco
Sf ipeedy relief and cure. Send 2 cents poitago
for worki on your diseases.
* -B nd 4 cent * postage for Celebrated
Work * on Chronic. N rvonn and Dcll >
emte Disease * . Consultation , pcraonal'y or by
letter , nre * . Consult the old Doctor.
Thoniandi en red. Office * nnd parlors
prlvat * . * > -ThoBo contemplating Marriage
tend for Dr. C'lurkc'i celebrated guldo
Mat * and Female , each lie. , both VSo.
[ stamps ) . Before confiding your case , consult
Dr. CLARKE. A friendly letter or call may
lave future nuOerlng and shame , and add golden
jean to life.Book " I.lfe'n ( Secret ) Er-
ran , " COc. ( stamps ) . Medicine and writings
tent everywhere , iccura from xpocnre.
Hours , 8 to 8 : Sundays , 9 to 12. Address ,
F. D. CLARKE , M. D.
186 So. Clark atCHICAGO. . ILK
Our Magic Remedy
r All iypbliltlc niieaies , of recent or loot standing In
from ten to B fit en dayi. Wti will glTe wrliun KUT-
antees to cur * aoj ca o or refund jour money. And
w * would say to them who liar * employed tbe moil
Skilled 1'byilctann. u > ed every known remedy and
pare not been cured , tbat you are the BubjocU we an *
looking for. Yon that liaro been to tbe celebrated
Uot bprlnm of Arkansas , and bare lost all Hope or
ncorery , we
Will Cure You
ermakenoebanre. Onr remedy Is unknown to any
one In the world outtlde of our Company , and It Is
the only remedy in the world that will cure you. We
will cure the most obstinate case In less than one
month. Boren days In recent rases does tba work. It
Is the old , chronic , deep-seated cases that we solicit.
We hare cured hundreds who had been abandoned
y 1'uyslclans and pronounced Incurable , and
We Challenge the World
tobrtnrnsacase thai wo will not cure In loss than
one month.
Hlnrn the history of medicine , a True Hpoctflc for
ByphllltlChBruptlons. Ulcers , More mouth , Ac. , has
B n sou t fur but uerer found until
Our Magic Remedy
ss discovered , and we urn Instilled In larlnclt Is the
only remedy In the world that will positively cure ,
becuuto the latest mcdlial works , published by the
best known authorities , ray there wns never a true
siirctflc before. Our Itemed/ the only medicine In
llio world tbat will euro when ever/lblng else has
railed. It has been so conceded by a largo number of
Celebrated rhyslctacs. Ir ins MC\ rur.r rAinn
to tun * . Why waste your time and money with
vntrnt medicines Hint never Imcl virtue , or doctor
Mm physlclsns tbat cannot cure you. \ on that have
tried everything else should come to us now and Ret
relief ; you never can nut It elsewhere ,
lurk what we aayi In the end you numt t ko our
omcdv or NETKH recover. And you that have been
anicted but a short tlmo should by all means come to
us now. liany ( ut help and think thuyn ro free from
the illscace , but in one , two or tlireo years after , It
appears ansln in a mor * horrible form.
Investigate nnr financial standing through the mer
cantile agencies and note that we lire f ulljr responsi
ble and our written guarantees am good. We liave a
Rturnv prepared on purely Sclonlltlo IMnUples and
wo with to repeat that It VKVKit KAILS TO tuna. All
letters sacredly confidential.
THE COOK KEMKDY CO. , Omaha , Neb.
Booms 10 and 17 Hellman Block.
; of tlin finest Hu\or. A hearty
heveniRO fur a htronu uppi'tltu ; a clollcate ilrlnk
for tliHUpnsIthH. Thoroughly tested ; nutritions ;
palatable ; unexcelled In purity ; no iiiiilcasant ]
after Directs. Requires no boiling.
sou ) ii y
, PA.
The Standard-bred trottliiKStalllon ALARIC
No. 2O83 by Ciiiler ( lie of KUira 2.1Hi' ,
Day Dream " .214 , rtfuatli a.-l , also the dam of
Patron 2-11) ) by Itjhiljk'h llHmbletonlaii. 1st
dam I'.thul Colddiist , ( full Hlntir of Xllctdlo
Colddnnt trial 2 : 'i ) by Old ( iolddust ( Hire of
Lucille 2.Hi' , , and IHci otliMru with rounds bo-
loivi ! . . ) . 2cl dam ( the dam of X.lUndlo" II ) by
Impoi ted Scythian. .Id dam bally Hnssell ( the
grand dam of Maud S 2 OSl { ) b > llostim. Alarlc
was bled by J. C. McPtrun , louls\Ille , Ky. ,
foaled IM ) , IS1 ; hands hlch , welKhs liry ) iionnils ;
ho Is a rlc hold dust in color und the hand-
boniest and mo-,1 Btj llsh horse InthowoHt. He
w 111 ontshow an ) body's hoi so on the street or
the show ilnu , has no reiord but IH > ( try fust ,
perfectly Kentloon the road or In Hie stable , has
IKlces und Is warranted sound In tnery par
ticular. | | < < will be sold \eij clieap. 'Iholioiso
li In tills city.
Address DR. C. W. HAYES.
20th and l.ako Htrt its-
13th & Douglas
g Streets ,
Omaha , Neb ,
IlbAl.TH. WBAI/lll.
Nervous , Mental and Private Diseases
Prompt attention given , to corre poudune , by
enclosing postlte. |
Office hours 9 to U a in , , z to $ and 7 to 8 p ra
17112 Lii'vronoo St. , Dcnvor , Col.
Of the Missouri Stnta Mu < ctim of Anatomy , St.
Lonli , Mo , llntMislt ) ColleKu lloopltal , Lon
don , ( lichen , Gi'riuiiny uiul Now York. 11 ul
devoted their ttentloa
Mora e'porlixlly those nrlslng from lmpm <
drnce , Invite all so sulTerlng tnuiritspond vrltli *
out delay. Diseases of Infection and tout.iKlou
cured mifely nnd niu > iltly w Ithont nso of dan-
gcrnus drugs. IMUVnts whoso cases lm > a been
nei'lectul , tiiilly treated or pronounced Incur *
able , should not full to wrllo us concerning tholr
Bmptoms. . All letters recelv o Immodlato atton *
And vv 111 bo mailed ruiJIJ to nny address on ro-
celptof one 2-tent Htump , " 1'ractlc-al Observa-
lions ou Nervous Deblllt ) uud 1'lijHlci.l Kxlmu * .
tlon , " to which Is added nn "Kssav on Mar-
rlngp. " with Importunt chapters on diseases of
the KeprcMlllc tlvc Organs , the vrhnlu fornilnx ft
% alnnble inedk at treat Ho w liU-h should bo ronil
byallyouiiK men. Address
DBS , S , and D , DAVIESON ,
1712 Lawiuncu St. , Dcnvor , Col.
ul nu
Paid Up Capitol ] - $23OOOO
Surplus , - BO.OOO
II W. YAT S , President.
LEWIS H. liKED , Vice-President.
A. 1C. TOUZAI.IN , 2d VIco-Prosldont.
W. II. S. UUUIIKS , Cashier
H. W. YATES , I.t.wm S. UKKD ,
flanking Office
Cor. 12th and Kiirniim Six.
A General Uanklne HunlnnssTransacted.
J. B. HAYNES , \
Third Jnillctsinistrlrt.
J.W. Barnsdall , M. D
Ilomouopiilhic Siieciitlist ,
Cuna'coloyitit ami Obstetrician-
Tulophonu 079.
E.T.Allen , M. D. ,
Ilomojopatulr Kpoclallst ,
Spectacles Accunitoly Preocrlbeil.
Surgeon and Physician ,
. W Corner Uth and IKiiiKhut Ht. Offlce ,
ttlophone , 403 ; Keslclencu tulophono , KS.
Health is Wealt i !
MKirr , a guaranteed speclllc for Hysteria , DIM.
ness , Convulsions , Pits , NirvoiLS Neuralgia
lleaiucho , Nervous Prostration caused by tha
use of alcohol or tobacco , WakefiilueHS , Mental
Depression , Softening of the Ilialu n suiting In
lus.uilty and leading to misery , dec ay and death.
PrcmaturoOld Agellurrcnneh.s. . Loss of power
In either sex , Involuntary Losses and hpe-rmat-
caused " , of the brain
orrhcra by over-oxp"tlou self-
nbuse or over Imminence. I'.acli IKIX coutulni
one month's treatmmit. 81 Ooa box , or six boxes
forlfi Mi , sent by mail prepaid on receipt of prlc .
Tocuroanycnso. With each order received by
us forslx boxc's , necompaulodvvitli fi.oo , wo will
vend the purchaser our written guarantee to r *
fund tno money If the treatment does not effect
a cure. ( ] imrantces Issued only by C. P , ( IUOIJ-
MAN. Druggist , bole Ajjeut , IllU Farnain Ht. ,
Omaha Nub
Hemarkablo for powurfnl sympa-
Ihetlc tmiipllalilo action and al > -
Bohitu duralilllly ! . ) yi'uitt rerord ,
thu beat guarantee of the excel
lent v of tin mi In.ilniinnnt.s. '
l Tn bust knonu ami most vopuUr Hotel In th
I Halo Ixjcnllun central , r > | inuliitninnt nr > t-clkti.
ilrailqiiuri ri for cumiuurcul uiva unit ll iiTltlfU
K.1U.HJ ( ( ; JN l'ruprl l r