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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 2, 1888)
OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY , FEBRUARY 2 , 1888 , . , THE DAILY BEE. EVK11Y MOBMNG. TKKMfl OK HUltPCllIPTIOM. Pally ( Morning Kdltlon ) Including Suntlny tinr. ono Yeixr . W 1 J'or Hlx Month * . , . fj w IVirTlirco. Months . ; - W 'J'hn Omaha ttmdny HUE , mailed to any ltd- dress , One Year . . . 2 W OMAHA Oinrr..Nos.aH AND Dlfll'AiiNAMSTiir.r.T. . NK.W VOHK Orrirn , UOOM or. , Ttinumr llim.n- iNd. WAHIIINOTON OrrlC * . NO. M3 totni- TEL.NTII ttTiitKT. _ cotuuwi'ONnnNCB. All cnnimunlciitlrmi relating to news find rrtltorlnl matter shoula be addressed to tlie .lUllTOll Or TIIR IlK.H. IIUSINEPS I.KTTr.HS. All Imslnrit letters nnd retnlttunces should b nddrusned to TIIK llr.i I'iniMSill.NO Couft.Nr , OtlAliA. Drafts , rhiTksnml postfilllco orders to be made payable to the order of the company. Tfoo Bee PfllilisliingCifpany , Proprietors , E. nOSEWATEtt. EDlTOli. DAII-V iui : : . Sworn Stntfinent ofClroiiIatlou. t-tatoof Nebraska , - County of lougln ) B , | " 'Bl . ( Ice , II. 'JVxchuck , secretary of Thn UPB Pnb- llBliliigcompuny , docs solemnly swear that the nctiinicirculation of the Dally lieu for the week aiding Jan.-T , 1W , \ > as us follows ! HattinVay. . 13.110 Sunday , .Inn. 8J . 11,110 Monday , .Inn. SI . 1B.4UO Tilp lny..lnn.B4 . 14.1 Wednesday. .Inn. S . irifln < ) rtmrsdn v. .Inn. a ) . 13.WS Irlday , JuiuST . .lft.170 Aveiage . or.o. n. TZSCIIUUH. Sworn to nnd subscribed In my tirusvncu this 1st day of relmmry , A. 1) . , 18b . N. I' . I'HII , , Notary 1'ubllc. Etnto of Nebrnskn , I County of Douglass , f " ' " ( leo. II. Tzsdiiick , being llrst duly sworn , de poses and cays tlitit he Is wcrclnryof The llco I'nbllshlng romimiiy , that the nitunl nvrrnr" dully circulation of inn Dally lieu fortlic month nf.lnnunry , iNi" , lO..lM copies ; for Kehruary , forSeptembtT , IW7,14.IU9 roplef ! for October , ! Ch7 , I4.S6I ! ; for November , 1N)7,15,2 ) copies ; for Dcteniber , 17,115,041 copies. OKO. n. TZPCHITCK. Rworn nnd nubscrlbed to In my iirrvnco thla 2d dny of January , A. 1) . ISO. N. P. KKI I , . Notary Public. ONK of our contemporaries 1ms a ten tlioubund dollar libel suit on hand. It can now afford to contribute to the Bun's Nebraska heroine fund. * Mil. WKIU , of the undonvrHors , threatens to raise insurance rates lil per cent on May 1. There are tricks in all trades. Mr. Weir's threat is only a pontlo hint to lay in your supply of insurance now. TIIK warm weather seems to bo loos- onliiff up Omaha , real estate. The trans fers are becoming moro numerous , the prices have an upward tendency and there arc daily inquiries all along the line for good investments. The outlook is very encouraging. FUKMONT , Grand Island , Hastings and other cities of Nebraska stand a good chance for public building appropria tions. Congress is in the proper mood for granting the money , and Nebraska congressmen have taken oil their coats to hustle for it in dead earnest. THE proposed exodus of colored men to South America , which is being engi neered by Colonel A. A. Jones , of In dianapolis , might receive encourage ment , if effort wore made , in the Third -ward of Omaha , in view of the fact thai there will bo no elections this spring. AUK the leading republicans in con gress in favor of a tariff simply for pro tection , and no moro protection than is absolutely necessary "to protect ? " Oi will they insist on a continuation of the legalized robbery now practiced agalnsl the farmers and other non-nrotuctou classes ? UEUE is the whole thing in a nut eholl. The lira department calls foi nearly $100,000 to afford proper fire pro tectlon to the city. To July 1,1888 , the .appropriation granted amounts to aboui 8712,000. There will bo a deficit , nnt there are no legal provisions to make tip the overlap. ' THE most unkindcst cut of all" if the Ji'ojmMtVuii's location of J. Sterling Morton at Pluttsmouth. Surely thobup position was that the fame of the No * braska City statesman had spread al least ever Minnesota , Illinois and Cole 'rndo the area of density which focusu : in the llcimllimn oillco. iNStruANCE companies have bcoi 'liouvy losers for the past six months it eastern cities. Omaha , fortunately , ha escaped costly conllagrations. As insurance suranco is n business of equalization o losses , it looks as though to raise rate in Omaha is to indemnify the companie for losses back cast. OMAHA has the reputation , of boinj the best paved city in the United States but its streets nro to-day in a worst condition than thobo of any town in tin country. The mud and slush should b 'removed at once , particularly from tin crosswalks. The city authorities sliouli doylso some means of having this worl done. JUDOIXQ from reports and expression of the Portland Oregoniitn the isothoi mul breath of the current from Jupa : which has been In the habit of tompoi ing the winter climate of the Pacifl coast must have been hypnotized by a Alaska wave , as it reports that th aurora borealis is the only comfort Pi cillc slopors are now enjoying in lieu c the customary strawberries and swcc i > violets. TIIK BKK is glad to see Beatrice stand ing up for her rights in the matter c railroad discrimination. A strong poll tion was Hied with the intor-stato. . mission by her board of trade asking fo Investigation of the rates charged b all the railroads centering there. ] every city and town In Nebraska woul follow the example sot by Beatrice , dh crimination by railroads would soon b u thing of the past. IN view of the trial of a lot of domi erutio leaders of the Hon. Allen C Myurs and Hon. Simeon Coy class i Ohio and Indiana for frauds on the bn lot box , and of the more recent ou rages in the city election at Jacksoi Miss. , by the president's confident ! : federal otllcoholdors In that city , would seem that the democratic sta i yed goddess of reform has bccom rather highly colored a sort of a sen' let woman , as it were , Cnttlo Iionnes. In the Wcst The sorority of the winter in the west has resulted in an immense amount of dnmngo to range cattle throughout Mon tana and Wyoming. The reports from Nebraska with regard to damage to stock are moro meagre than usual , but this is chiefly duo to the rapid disap pearance of rnngo cattle from the state , caused by the settlement on the fron tier and the occupation of the ranges by ordinary farmers. The reports from Wyoming , nnd the adjacent territories indicate that the losses of stock as the result of the prevailing severe weather will far exceed these of any preceding season. Last year alone the loss to Mon tana cattle men from storms was placed nt four million dollars. Thin your , If the stories told of the widespread star vation of range cuttloaro to bo believed , it will greatly exceed the figures last quoted. The history of the past live years In the raising of caCllo on the northwest ern ranges lias fairly demonstrated the difficulty of acclimating southern cattle and the high-bred nnd delicate animals with which our btock- growers have been endeavoring to raise the meat-producing quality of their herds. The disastrous losses which have been caused by the inclemency of the seasons have already driven into bankruptcy n number of firms and com panies who believed that previous ex ceptional seasons In which snows wore light and the thermometer high could bo taken as a sample of what they could expect for the future. Operating on this assumption , they brought to the conduct of the cattle business on the plains the methods of the professional stock-watcror and Wall street thimble- rigger , and floated the stock of water logged companies on the eastern and foreign markets. The inevitable reac tion , when personal investigation failed to verify the book accounts , hue sot in , and the various suits in United States courts in bankruptcy proceedings and on petitions for the dissolution of part nership simply show a natural result of such reckless business methods. The certain result of the great losses on the ranges will bo the creation of a largo number of small slock growers in place of the few heavy ranchmen , who have numbered their herds by the thousands. This effect has already boon noticed throughout Nebraska during the past five years , where our farmers liavo boon rapidly bestowing moro at tention upon the care of small bunches of cattle , and finding to their great profit that corn on the hoof brings in larger financial returns than on the cob. There are scores of farmers scattered throughout Nebraska to-day who arc feeding from fifty to ono hundred head of cattle from the products of their own fields , where live years ago there were scarcely ton. Even the great cattle companies , learning something by ex perience , have found it profitable to build feeding establishments whore the cattle can bo protected from the weather and fattened for Jho market , and those who have made this wise provision against emergencies have found it very advantageous in offsetting to some ex tent their heavy losses on the ranches , The day is not far distant when the cattle ranges of Nebraska , with their thousands of cattle loft to secure shelter nnd sustenance as best they can , will give way to prosperous small stock- growers with means for feeding and housing their herds. This will be found in the end to be the only success ful method of stock-growing in a state where the winters are severe , the snow fall heavy and the ranges in consequence - quenco unfit for the raising of such herds as thrive nnd fatten in a warmoi section of the country. The Omaha & \ankton Komi. The county commissioners have undot consideration a proposition to submit tc the people the question of voting $300- 000 in bonds to the proposed Omaha & Yunkton railroad. The petition asking that the people bo given the privilege of voting upon this proposition is signed by every prominent man in Omaha , While it is proper for the commissioners to exercise duo caution in the matter they ought not to delay final action toe long. They seem to bo divided in opin ion as to the amount of bonds to bo voted Some are in favor of $300,000 , whili others think that $200,000 is sufficient It strikes us that this is a matter thai they should leave to the pcoulo to decide at the ballot box. The projectors of the road ask for $300,000. They will not be satisfied with $200,000. If the people de not want to give $300,000 they can defeat feat the proposition. If the promoters of this railroad enterprise priso are in earnest , and wo bo liejvo they are , and if it is pro vided that not a dollar of bond : shall bo paid to" them until thoj have completed and put In running order 150 miles of track , the people o Douglas county can afford to give then a generous bonus. The right of waj through this county will cost a largt sum. It is no longer an easy matter t ( obtain right of way in such a county ai this. The money paid out for this pur pose comes back to the property owners. The worst grades on the pro posed line are in Dougljis county , am consequently n great deal of money wll have to bo expended hero for labor which will bo of great benefit. If tin line runs to the northwest , as it prob ably will , there will bo about twont ; mile of road in this county , which , i assessed nt $3,000 or $10,000 po mile , the same as othe roads , would make this roai return to us sufficient money to pay tin interest on the bonds voted. The bond will not bo duo for twenty or thirty year not until the next generation. It is understood that a guarantee is t ( be given that Omaha is to be the south crn terminus and that the headquarter and shops are to bo located hero. Thi will prove another great benefit t Omaha. But above all is the fact thu the road will run through a rich scctioi of country and make it tributary t Omaha. Wo nro at present almost completely plotoly shut out from that region , th people of which are anxious to reap th benefits of Omaha's markets , espoclnll thrt llvo stock market. Eventually thi road will also prove an important facto in building up a grain market in thi city , It will give us an entry int ouUicrn Dakota , n section rich in cut- to nnd grain nnd other resources. Wo ire nearer to southern Dakota than St. Paul and Minneapolis , nnd the poo- do of that part of the territory are de- Irous to bo commercially united to Omaha. The only way they can bring ibout this result Is through the build- ling of the Omaha & Ynnkton railroad , vhlch they propose to generously assist. The sum of 8300,000 , which Is asked rom Douglua county , is not one-tenth as nuch a burden as $ o.r > 0,000 was when hat amount was voted to the Omaha fc Northwestern and the Omaha & Sotith- vcstern. This county then had a pop- ilation of only about 10,000 , while newt t contains about 130,000. Of all rall- oad propositions , this ono seems to )0 the best ono over offered to the pco- > le of this county , and appears to have , ho proper safeguards thrown around it H ) that the people will got value re ceived. The objective point of the road Is Yunkton , with branches into southern Dakota anel northwestern Nebraska. This road will in all probability hold the toy to the situation so far us Omaha is concerned , and compel fairer treatment on the part of other roads. There is no doubt that the Omaha & Yunkton will jo of incalculable benefit to this city. The Proponed New Territory. The bill before congress providing for , ho creation of the new territory of Oklahoma , to bo formed from a portion of the Indian territory , is mooting with vigorous opposition from the civilized .ribos of the territory. Representatives of these tribes wore heard on last Mon day by the house committee ou tcrri- xiries , each.tribe having u special ob jection to the bill. The most important 'round of opposition of course is that the creation of the proposed now terri tory would bo a violation of treaty rights , hitherto fully recognized by the government , besides which the Indians , or these who speak for thorn , express great apprehension of evil results to their material and social welfare from an unrestrained inflox of white settlers to the regions that would bo embraced in the now territory. There is a disposition on the part of the committee to give the Indians the fullest opportunity to present their ob jections , which will undoubtedly re ceive the consideration they merit , but it is not probable that they will bo re garded as sufficient to prevent the final passa'go of a measure creating the new territory. That action must comei sooner or later in response to a demand for the settlement of the large and rich area in the Indian territory , now practically unoccupied and un productive , which congress can not ignore. The pressure of popu lation in that direction must in time Ira- come irresistible , forcing the Indians out of the way regardless of theii rights. It will bo much better for thoiti in the end to accept to a fair arrange ment now that promises them immedi ate benefits and will enable them tc form a peaceful and mutually advant ageous association with thu whites. Both the secretary of the interior and the commissioner of Indian affairs , in their last annual reports , call the attention tontion of congress to the necessity foi some additional legislation regulating the occupation of Indian lands by indi viduals and associations of whites a largo part or all ol which is without warrant ol law. The secretary of the interior said that "tho occupation of thcso lands by white men with their cattle under so- called leases for grazing purposes , if ol any present benefit to the Indians , is not conducive to their future woll-boinp nor in any way promotivo of the general policy of localization of the individuals of the tribes upon separate allotments of lands. " These are the people whc are believed to bo most largely con cerned in inciting the Indians to oppo sition , and who impudently prate ol treaty rights while obtaining privileges that have no warrant of law. It is the agents ot these men and of thu land grabbers and speculators , the schemers for coal land leaset and timber cutting privileges , who no doubt are prompting the In dians to hostility against the territorial bill and supplying well-paid attorneys to formulate objections. These men will not bo able to conceal from congress - gross the interest they have in this matter , and when that is made appar ent it will not bo allowed to stand against the obvious public interest to be subserved by opening a largo and fer tile area to settlement , with immediate and permanent benefits certain to re sult to the Indians greater than they can possibly realize from continuing the present conditions. The bill to create the territory of Oklahoma proposes nc injustice to the Indians , involves nc violation of their treaty rights , anel is clearly in the line of sound public policy. > , Hox. WJLUAM O'BuiKX , the Iriul patriot , who has boon made the special target of Balfour's spite , is hardly oul of jail when ho is again in danger ol spending another fortnight or two al Tullumoro. It is so self-evident thai free speech in Ireland cannot bo pui down that it is only the obtuseness o the tory ministers which keop-j up coercive ercivo measures. It was the policy o Foster , when ho was secretary of Ire land , to send a great many Irish orator : and editors to jail and to treat then with the leniency duo to their station , This policy failed to stop their tongues in the cause of Ireland. Balfour pickce out ono or two prominent leaders nni tried to scare the National league bj treating these men With extreme harsh ness. But oven n convict's stripes am bread and water diet has not had the desired sired effect to crush the league. Wha Balfour will now do , since O'Brien nn < others'have again taken the platform il proclaiming English oppression , re mains to be seen. Perhaps ho has prepared pared a chamber of tortures , or u col filled with snakes and scorpions for tin next unfortunate liberal who fulls int his drag-net. THE increased police service whlcl Omaha will have from now on ought t insure a diminution of all Iforms of out lawry nnd an efficient protection to th life and property of our citizens whicl vlll speedily jtlaco Omaha among the bdst policed cities in the country. In View of past conditions , the tendency of vhlch was to invite the criminal classes to this city , the record of Omaha In regard to crime might have ) con intii'h worse. It Is to bo hoi > ed wo shall never again have to encounter similar conditions. There will be noth- ng unrcnsotmblo exported from our en- urged police forefo , but the public will ook for prompt nnd effective results in ridding the community of the uwloss clusscs and keeping them > ut. .There Is every reason te > believe that in this it will not bo disappointed. The efficiency of a police force is in Its lisolplino rather than its numerical strength , and there Is every assurance .hut Omulm'H police will bo thoroughly liscipHncd nnd every man held to a rigid accountability for any deviation from the faithful performance of his luty. _ . . . _ . . . . _ . . . . _ . . . , _ . Tun evident gratification of Senator Manderson with the prompt passage by , ho senate of his bill to give Omaha u nuitublo postofflco building is fully shared by the people of this city. The need of such it building as the bill con templates Is unquestionable , but none -ho less Mr. Mundorbon is deserving of cordial commendation for the /eul he ins shown In pushing the measure to : ts present stage. The duty of getting , t through the house will now devolve urgoly upon Congressman McShanc , who is a member of the committee which will hiivgcharge of the bill in thu house. Undoubtedly ho will spare no effort fo got the measure through the house with as little delay as possible , and there is reason able probability that Omaha will soon L > o enabled to congratulate itself with out reservation upon the complete ns- surunco that it will haver such postollice facilities and accommodations as its present and rapidly increasing require ments demand. PERMITS to peddle should be issued , if at all , with'most careful discrimina tion. Only persons whoso condition fully justifies such consideration should receive it , and their character should bo so well vouched for by refutable citizens as to warrant entire confidence that they will not practice any imposi tion. The allegation is made that the mayor has not been sufficiently careful in this matter , or at all events that deception hns been practiced upon him by which uijworthy persons have received permits to peddle and abused the favor. Wo have no doubt that the simple suggestion to the mayor that greater care is required in extending peddling privileges will produce the de sired result. THE building contractors and the var ious mechanics should not delay enter ing into some agreement regarding prices and hours of labor for the coming bcason. The cbntractors will soon bo called upon to make bids upon various buildings , but they cannot do it unless they have some certain and fixed basis upon which to figure. It is to the inter est of contractors , mechanics , and the city generally that an agreement should be made , and that too , at an early day. Unless this is done Omaha will 'fall far behind last year's building record. Such a result must and can bo prevented by prompt action. IT will doubtless bo of interest in Omaha , whore the fuel problem is in course of solution by the use of coal screenings , to learn that a device has been perfected and tested in the Ches ter ( Pa. ) rolling mills , whereby pulver ized coal is sprayed upon a fire in such a manner as to insure perfect combus tion , obviating all the waste hitherto experienced in smoke and ashes. The saving in fuel cost by the device is said to bo 50 per cent. Mayhap the future of manufactures in Omaha is brighter than is generally believed. PKOM1NI2NT I'lSItSONS. Miss Uraddon is s.iin to clear 1,500 on each of her novels. Congressman Barnes of Georgia , Is Iniown in Washington as the man with the patent uiljustiblo abdomen. Mr. Joseph Chamberlain is said to be the most popular society man in Washington since I'lvslelcnt Arthur. Low Wallace has received ? 7,000 us royalties on "Hen Hur , " the sale of which has reached nearly 'JOOKX , ( ) copies , E Ismail Pnsha , the cx-khcdivc , tells the sul tan that ho has no ambitious plans , nnd only wants to live a quiet , private life. Mr. Alvan G. Clark is still on Mount Ham ilton , his work on the Lick telescope being greatly delayed by the intensely cold weather. It is stated that Timothy Sullivan has writ ten in prison a volume entitled "A Pool's Pays in Tullamoro" which ho has dedicated to Ualfour. Mrs. Mary liarrctt , who died last week at Cincinnati , was ono of the very few Ameri cans present ut the coronation of Qucun Vic toria in 1887. Mr. U. D. Brownlpg , son of the poet , will soon visit Boston and the various lirownlng clubs are pretty nearly tickled to death over the prospect. gjti Richard Storrs Wllty has boon elected a commissioner of therDetroit public library , Ho is a brother of tho'lato N. P. Willis ami "Fanny Fern.1.1 Congressman Burnessi , of Missouri , is n man of immense physical - izo and a deep bass voice and Is known In the reporter's gallery as "Sitting Bull. " & Mrs. Clara J. Bloomtlold Moore keep ui her faitn in Mr. KceJjiAnd his motor. She soys his wicked partjicfs have hindered biro from perfecting his grout invention. Sir Morcll Mackdtizio , the distinguished physician who is trcutbig the throat of the crown prince of Germany , has received at offer of $30,000 to come to America to sea t patient in Michigan. A Groniid-HoK Oaae. St. Loutt Globe-Democrat. Ground-hog duy Is approaching. On thai pay wo propose to nominate Grovcr Clove laud as the democratic candidate for prcsl dent. It Is a ground-hog case with the dotn ocrats. Congressional Illiteracy. Charlenton A'eu'i and Courier. If nil the bad grammar , worse rhetoric ' , and villainous orthography that npp'oar h the manuscript of many of the speakers oouli bo embalmed in the Congressional Ream the great American people would have U hang their head with shame. Instead of giv lug every member of the houw a clerk 01 secretary It would be bcttcr ; to npt < olnt a standing committee ono \ revision of Hpeeehcs before they nro delivered , with power to use the waste basket. Will Loom up , C/ifrrtiAi llentM , Mr. ( Jouhl writes to son Clcorgo thnt he was not impressed by the pyramids. Any thing that Mr. Gould can't get nway with Is profoundly Impressive lor everybody else , and to all future visitors tUo great pyra mids will loom up with n moro hnjiosnig grandeur than ever before. A Hint to Cook * . SI. 1'iiul I'ttmttr i'rtm , Among the rules of the Boston cooking school is one that says , "Always bo careful not to slam the oven door. " A breach of eti quette like this would so shock the feelings of n well-bred New ICngland gobbler that ho would refuse to brown. Tlio Btnr-Kycd Goildos.s IH Lonesome- . Chleagii lleniM , An eastern paper Inquires as to the where abouts of the famous Mr. Higglns. And where Is Higglns anyway I Everybody wants to know , above all the star-eyed goddess of reform , who is getting very lonesome without IlntliiK > Die. Chte tl Inttr-Uctan. I love thee- , love thee , life I I fain would dwell with thee thy much-loved guest. . Oh fold mo nearer to thy puling breast ; That I nmy feel thy heart-beats throb in mine. So holding It In unison with thine. I love thee , love thee , life ! Oh , bold mo closer In thy strong embrace , Uplift me , bear mo onward in thy race , Imp.u-t to mo thy soul's exulting power To be mine heritage , mine earthly dower. I love thee , love thco. life ! I fain would wear thy brightness In my face , Oh , give to me thine animating grace , JUQ Inspire me , thrill me , love mo in return , It is thy noblest gifts for which I yearn I love thee , love thee , life 1 Hear not so swiftly toward my Journey's end ; For oh , 1 dread to part with theo , my friend 1 Surround mo with thy warm , entrancing breath. And leave mo nnt too soon alone with death. 8TAT13 AND TKKUITOKY. Nebraska .lotting. Democrats have planted an organ at Drowsier , the heart of Blnino county. It is a democrat in name and profession , with W. C. Ellis us editor and pro prietor. Brukomun Pont , injured at Pacific Junction last wool : , died last Monday from the shock produced by amputation of his limbs. Tno remains wore sent lei Grand Inland for burial. Henry Moilenz , while operating an elevator in Cedar Bluff , hud his pants caught in the machinorv , was curried aloft , and was plucked from his peril before the elevator started on the re turn. Masculine devolopomcnt is at a low ebb in Fremont when it is necessary tei import a plaster model of a man to show the high school scholars the unatomiual wonders that flourish outside the pret tiest. Whore is Smalls and the dash ing form of Lou MV The workmen on the railroad bridge at Nebraska City expect to have the first span in place by Saturday night. From the present outlook the bridge will bo completed much sooner than an ticipated. The piling for the cast approach preach are being driven us fust us possi ble. ble.The The time for plain talk has arrived in Lincoln. Iho Democrat says : Dave Kowo bus a good job us manager of the Kansas City association. Wo are glad Dave has a good job , but wo are glad to see him on the pay roll of some other town. Now , thut base ball is buried , let us proceed with the boom. Mr. Wilson McClure , living twelve miles west of Broken Bow , while en deavoring to tighten a wire on a hay rack , the wire broke , ono piece pene trating the eye-ball destroying the sight. The severe inflammation follow ing the injury made it necessary to re move the eye in order to save the other. The refuse of Sioux Citv busk and brawl in the liberal and liquid air on the Nebraska side of the river every Sunday. Three hilarious females dis ported on the streets of South Sioux Oily hint Sunday in base ball attire , and astonished the residents with a capacity for Teuton that drained the town. A. M. Bligh , a farmer living about four and one-half miles northeast of ( UilborUon , committed snieide last Fri day with a shotgun. Mr. Bligh has been demented for some time past , llo placed the muzzle of a shotgun near his liead and literally blew his brains out. lie leaves a wife and thruu children. The silly story that fifteen persons perislied in the blizzard in C'ustor county , is going the rounds of the press , and is given a place in papers near home , when means of contradiction are iimplo. Among the hundreds of bliz zard yarns alloat that about Cust-er county is _ without a single thread to connect it with the realms of truth. The only refusal met by the committee - too soliciting aid in Grand Island for the teachers who struggled in the bliz zard , came from lluv. Brown , the re vivalist , who is shouting for charity , benevolence , and Christian principles for pay. ' The Independent believes that Brown is one of the large class ulllictcd with "u chronic diuwheua of Christian words and a horrible constipation ol Christian acts. " Iowa Items1. Clear Lake is out of debt and has $100 in its treasury. Armour bus taken out a license to butter Diivonporters with oleo. Railroad Commissioner Coffin is still fighting for the abolition of Sunday trains. The forthcoming report of the state railway commission will place the value of first claw roads at $ (10,000 ( a mile. A little child of George Knupp , liv ing near Waterloo , died Saturday from drinking washing fluid containing con centrated lye. Railroad Commissioner Coffin says that fifty-four brakemen wore killed and twelve maimed for life in the fatatc dur ing December. I Ottumwa claims to have the largcsl artesian well in the United States. II discharges nearly 12,000,000 gallons in twenty-four hours. At a depth of 775 feet the drill in the artesian well at Spencer struck granite and the enterprise 1ms been abandonee ! after expending $2,000. Moody nnd Sankoy nro booked for r tussol with the sinners of Sioux Git.\ February 11) nnd iJO. The famous pah display uncommon wisdom and fearless ness in tackling the greatest hothouse of wickedness in the northwest. A man by the name of Stewart , liv ing alone in a shanty near DCS Moines has been sick with pneumonia for some time , and had no attention whatever. A few days ngo a nran dropped in just it : time to ECO him die. llo was well known and hud soon bettor days. Wyoming. Bishop Tulbot hns decided to make Laramiu his "BCO city. " Fourteen thousand tons of ice have been ( tlorcd away In Cheyenne for sum-1 mer cook-tails. The legislature threatens to reduce passenger fares to ! ! cents u mtlo. Northwestern graders uro operating ut St. Mary's a point forty miles distant from Lander. The Congregational church of Lusk was dedicated lust Sunday. It Is u con venient structure 8x15 and will sonUiOO persons. The total e-ont Including the foundation was $1,8S.SO. ! ) A party of Cheyenne it Northern sur veyors uro now camped within one- fourth of a mile of Bob Walker's ranch tip on the Horseshoe , and are pointing in the direction of Douglas. The roe-elvers of the defunct Maverick bank of Douglas have filed a bchedulo of its affairs with the probate judge of Albany county. The sworn statement places the liabilities at * lt ! , : 0j.0l ; assets. te,7M.Ol : , a shortage of only SL',670. "Old Ned , " a Cheyenne dog owned by G. W. Jones , was' brought to Omaha eighteen months ago. The inutrojmllH was te > o rich for his blood and ho walked back to the bcdato capital of the terri tory , arriving there last week. There has boon discovered near the line of the Cheyenne < fc Burlington , thirty miles below Cheyenne , on Orovv creek , u bed of coal several foot In thickness. Another discovery of coal was recently made on the line of the Colorado Central about twonty-fivo miles from Cheyenne. This bed of coal is now five foot thick , and has greatly improved since it was first opened. Frontier Hcrnlftm. St. / < ( nld ISliilic-Dcnwcrat. The record of loss and distress in the recent great storms In the northwest burvcs to indicate most impressively the measure of danger and trial that must bo endured by the bottlers on the front ier. Those of us who llvo in comfort able homes , surrounded by all the con veniences and advantages of civiliza tion , do not find it easy to comprehend the vastly different conditions which prevail in the now states and territories whore life is a battle not only with poverty and all sorts of privation , but also with the sinister and remorseless fury of the elements us displayed in such visitations of cold and wind and snow as uro without parallel in any part of the country. It is estimated that ut least two hundred people have perished from these causes during the last thirty days ; and It is impossible to conjecture the much larger number that must have sustained injuries of one kind and an other. Wo are in the habit of talking pathetically about the hardships of the bravo and devoted first settlers upon the rock-bound and inhospitable ) coast of Now Englund ; but we are slow to real ize thut the duscendunts of these hardy unel adventurous spirits are to-day un dergoing the sumo severe dcscfnlino , with the sumo courage and fortitude , on our western prairies. It is doubtful if the Pilgrims ever had anything so for midable to contcnel with as a Dakota blizzard ; and wo may bo quite sure that in their utmost efforts of mutual sym pathy and succor they did not surpass the splendid behavior of these later pioneers neers of progress undes similar circum stances. It is like turning the pages of an old book of romance , in fact , to read the btortes ot eager and unpretending hero ism which como to us out of the wreck and dismuy of this far-reaching catas trophe in the northwest. Take the case of the young schoolmis tress , for instance , who tied her little flock together , three abreast , with n coil of twine , and taking the youngest one in her arms , made her way through the fierce and blinding Rtorm to a pluco of safety ; or consider the service of that other daring and unselfish young women who in her ef forts to save throe children was so frozen that she will lose one or both of her foot. Those are only two instances out of scores th'at might bo cited to prove how readily and fearlessly the demands of the occasion were fulfilled. In all the long nnd sorrowful list of perils , sufferings and disasters , there is not a hint of neglect or refusal to render nil possible assistance to these who wore unablu to help themselves. No personal risk was avoided whore there was a chance to rescue a victim from un un roofed house or an overtaking drift. Men and women alike seized every opportunity to testify their earnest nnd unflinching desire to bo usofulto | others. But for this general spirit of heroism , the losses would have been infinitely larger ; indeed , if heroism could have accomplished all that it was willing anel anxious to do , there would not have been a life lost nor a home destroyed in all the territory traversed by the awful energy of the blizzard. The value of such a manifestation of heroic virtue eloes not stop with the im mediate and practical benefit which it confers. It is a permanent addition to our block of sound and wholesome influences - onces , and wo cannot well fail to elorivo from it both an increased respect for human nature and a bettor opinion of the tiiiie in which we are living. Wo necessarily see and hear so much of the littleness and basencb * of mankind that u curtain amount of cynicism is bound to creep into our views of the race and of the ago. Thackeray was moved to able , not without reason , how it comes that the evil man does should appar ently spread so far and ho remem bered MJ long , while the good does not seem to take root and eomo to blossom. "Is it , " ho wrote , "because in the stony hearts of mankind thcso pretty flowers can find no place to grow ? " Let us not so believe. Rather , lot us conclude that they do take root , and contribute steadily to the improve ment of the world. We can not doubt that thcro are true heroes among the simile and plodding homesteaders on thu western prairies , for the faot was clearly certified only the other day. It is the same everywhere ) whenever occa sion requires such proof of devotion to duty for duty's sake. The bad actions of a particular day or year outnumber the good ones possibly ; but when noble deeds uro required by nny decisive * test of humanity they are always performed , and in the long run it is by suesh deeds that our civilization is shaped and con trolled. A Complicated CIIHO. San Francisco Call : Some weeks ago Coiibtublo Glu/u , in order to collect u judgment of $10 from John II. Church , jr. , levied on ono of the lattor'fl fabt horses. The horse was sold at public auction for $ < > 0. The costs of the suit were $55 , and therefore there wore only $5 to satisfy the 10 judgment. After the sale of the horse Mrs. Church brought civil suit against the constable for unlawful conversion of the property , alleging that the horse was her private possession. In the justice's court judg ment was given Mrs. Church for $110 and taken on appeal to the superior court , whore she secured a judgment for $100. When the case was first ap pealed Church bet the constable JIM that tils wife would win the case on appeal. The money was put up in u stakeholder's hands , and yestordny when Church culied'on the stakeholder to take the MO ho was pained and angered to discover that thu constable had luvicd an attach ment on the WO to satisfy tUo unpaid $ -10 judgmulitof y6ro. REWARDING Till ! HEROINES , Notirly $2OOO Rntsod for the Three Tonchora. LIST OF THE CONTRIBUTORS. CommunlcntloiiH niul lleins Appro- jirlato to tin ; Movement OIIH OflVrH Krom VarloiiH Persons Xotcs. f More Nebraska City I'rlemls. XintusKOITV : , Neb. , Feb. t. [ Special Telegram to tlioHuu. ] The grand ball given lust evening for the bouuilt of Miss ShaUuck by Messrs. R A. linnvn , of the 1'ress , .Tunics Herd mill tK. . MeMlllIn , assisted by Misses Corn Mollrlng imd Kiln Wlleox , was 11 grand success , $115 being netted , \ vhlehvus mlileil to the Press fuml , making f l.Vi already on hand. Several private parties elrcnlated n subsi-rlptlon paper nnd seeured fll'J , which lias been forwarded to Miss Shut tuck. Tlio ebildreii of the elty schools uro raising u fund , which already amounts to eonsldernble. The Press expects to Increase Its fund to f , " > 00. IlniNcd til AtkltiHon , ATKINSOX , Neb. , BKb. I. [ Special Tele- Brain to the Htn. : ] A subscription for the Ettn Shattuck fund was eireulatcd to-day among the business men by Will Hulbert , and amounted to i7.tV > . The proceed * were remitted to the Hm : lo-nlght. This does not Include the schools , church societies and O , A. H. , who are raising separate funrts. AVnlioit Subscribes. \V.\noo , Neb. , Feb. 1. ( SpocIalTolegram to tholii ! : : . ] Hnvo sturted a subscription ut Wuhoo for the Shattuck fund of $ " .23.00 ; also for Mls.9 Hoyeo , fd.OO ; for Miss Freeman , fTi.2.1) . The churches will nil take a subscrip tion Sunday morning. Will report Tuesday H. O. llKATTV. _ The Slinttuok Special Fund. Miss Kttu Shattuck , the young school teacher who lost both limbs from the exposure - posuro In the recent storm will bo Incapaci tated for any service by which Mio may derive - rive n living. It Is desired that $ (1,000 ( bo raised. It ZOO persons will each subscribe not less than &ii > this amount can bo raised. The money need not bo paid until the full amount is subscribed. This is to bo known as the "Shuttuck Special Fund. " The following pledges to this fund have been received : JolmJ. Monoll . * .TO 0(1 Hcnnlsoii Bros , , cash paid . ! H ) 00 W. G. Albright . ! tl ( ( X ) Misses Annie and Maggie Trnland. . . . ! ) 00 George W. Huthbun , cash paid . ! W ) 00 Win. A. Paxton . ,10 00 Olive H ranch . 30 00 Who will Join them ! Tl o Ilnrbern. The Journeymen Harbors' Protective union is raising contributions to add to the "Hui : fund" for the heroines of the late blizzard. What other unions will follow this laudable example ) At Crete. Cur.TK , Neb. , Feb. 1. [ Spoclal Telegram to the URK. ] The Crete Mivunorchor , nt their meeting last evening , resolved to hold a grand ball next week , the proceeds thereof to bo forwarded to you for distribution among Nebraska's heroic school tcuchors. THIS PIIESIDENT. Prof. Gnynorc. Prof. Oaynoro has most generously decided to give the entire receipts of his dance Thurs day evening of this week to the "UisK fund , " to bo equally divided among the heroines of the blizzard. The hop is to bo hold at his usual place , Arlington block , west of the postofiico. A Hull. At the last regular mooting of the Omaha Bricklayers' union it was resolved that all money over the actual expenses of our sev enth annual ball , to take place on February ! ) nt the Exposition hall , shall bo donated to the three Nebraska heroine school toaehors , the Misses Shattuck , Hoyeo and Froomnn. LEK FKOST , President. O. P. SIIIIUM , Secretary. Urge It Upon the PnstorH. OMAHA , Jan. 31. To the Editor of the Bun : I think your plan for a collection from nil the churches in Nebraska for Miss Etta Shat tuck an excellent one I If carried out it will mnko this noble , suffering heroine Independ ent for life. No heart can resist the eloquence of such a plea. Urge it upon the pastors 1 I enclose you $ t for the Etta Slmttnek fund. A. II. DAVIS. of Hickory School. Editor of the Ben : Inclosed llnd $5.15 for the fund , given by the 100 pupils of the Hick ory school , many of whom uro the children of day laborers. Tno children arc deeply touched by the story of the dear little Pythias , who took the wrap from her own freo/lng body to put It on her little sister. Divide as follows : Miss Shattuck . $ il 8S Westphalen monument . 1-7 Hu Knows Ml us Sliattuck. WAHOO , No ! .Ian. : w. [ To the Editor of the Bii : ! . ] Al w me n small space for refer ence to Misa Htu Shattuek's misfortune. When I read thu article on the ! J7th it wrung my heart with sorrow , for 1 know the family and 1 hnvo known Miss Etta. I have been their pastor for two years and was personally acquainted with them and their circum stances before they went to Holt county , Nebraska two years ago. Mr. Shattuck Is not only n veteran soldier , but u worthy , honorable , upright Christian gentleman , having the respect nf all who know him. I knew Miss Shattuck wliilo in Seward us u bravo young womun struggling to prepare for the work of teaching , with aught but their own labor to aid her. Who can tell the suffer ing 'of those "seventy-eight hours ! " Who can compute the loss of those two limbs to this bravo young teacher as the years shall coma and go bv. Therefore any donation U ) Miss Shattuck by a church collection , a tear hers1 association , or from private indi viduals will bo worthily bctowed Out , HOI : W. Moiinv. TIIIC HOIjIj OF IIONOK. Those Who llavt ; Kccojiilzrtl Co urn go and Devotion. If any one thought the people of Nebraska were lacking In generous Impulses the evi dence of their error is before them. Most nobly have they responcd to the call in behalf - half of the heroic teachers , and though the HF.I : fund has reached qulto a handsome sum there seems to bo no disposition on the part of the people to call a halt in their liberality. When the fund reaches an amount tnojinlerest nf which will support Etta Sbnttuck for the remainder of her life then will it bo time enough to stop In the good work. Have you contributed. If not sco to it that you are en rolled before it is too lato. The Bui ! will ac knowledge all contributions through those columns. T.TTA RIIATTUCK rUNll , Amount received up to January ! ) . . | , i > - > Hill it Young . f 00 T. A. Creiglu . 00 Sherod & Chandler , Lincoln . 5 00 Craft Post 1S1 , G. A. It. Bralnard , Neb . . . , . . 10 M Citl/eimnf Brulnard . BO Nuith Mend , Neb , list . 700 Gall White , ToUamah. . . . . . 1 00 Gov. Harvey Post and Itellcf Corps , Bnrnnt , Neb . 15 00 A. II Davis . 1 OJ | Geneva , Neb. , list . -i ? 00 .lolm Arthur . 1 00 May Hundlett , teacher , Danbury , i la . * . J 00 " 00 Traveling limn . Pupils Hickory school . JIMS K. Welch li-t . > 25 House on I'le.ihuntsti cut . I " > George J. Kli-rnsdorf list . 12 5 < ) Employes First National bank. . . . . . . IS 00 Employes Kosonberry mill . 1310 Employes government corral . -HI 75 Litmt. Towhloy's ' list . 81 SJ "A. U. " . . . . . .v ' 1 * *