Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 01, 1888, Page 7, Image 7

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A < lriru ii iituuVTtnlh m.lD eenti
line for the first Insertion , 7 cent * for each
f pfTit lose rtion , tad ll V aiinercr montii.
No adveni'-'TJient taken for les * than 25 r nt
lor the rir o iDM'rtitin. f > * Ten vord will be
conntul tothclUic.Uter tnnit run conierutlve-
Jj- and ran"b paid n adranre. ATI aaTertli--
inenl * innst b handed In b-f or 1 IS ' o clok p.
n > and tiudir no -nmstanrti will they be
U.Vcn or aiMxmUnued > yleph > ne
I'artlen advj-rtliltic In tb e r < 'nmn and haT-
Inc the an wers addrekwd In care t f the ! ! .
vill pei.iu-a ] k for a ch - < k to enable them to
prt their ) etlr * . ft * UPD * will be ( Jellrott-d excrjit
cm prf ent uon of ' hek A'J aniw er to ad-
verttM neaM t.hmiM be enrt7 .pd -nvelop-R. .
AL advcrt ejnects In tie * column * are pnb-
ll'hed in Ixith momlnc and i etust ; editions of
tlie ll e the rinmlaUnn of vlil'L hfrcrecat 8
UKire than lf' < > ili Kr < 3KiIJ' tl"1 plre thead-
rerUn-n the Imifffu not only of VbscJtjclrm -
latmn of Ui IP e. bet tlso of Conn II B.uCs ,
Lincoln and other dtles and towns Uiroughoat
Uitu part of Uie w ctl.
Ad vertlsJnc for these colnmnt will b taken.
on the above condition * , at the Cfollowing bus-
IntR-s tKiui-es , vbu are authorize % &cenis for Tnr
HER Rp < dal ifotl'-f * and will qnot * the same
rates us can be had at th mala office.
cxr-.d. IE = rra-r-
113 S.lGth Strut t.
T 'W I ! . . - ! - . o -
r > i.irf u * fa.
S115 Cnmlm ; Etrect.
St. Mcry1 * Avenue.
X > ea.lcr.
Po t Office. Bonth Omaha.
\\7ANTEI > The lftdii i of Omaha deslrinc
' ' competent temuit clrls u > utll at Oaialiu
Employment Iltireaii. 11HN. IBth a the oldest
and m < wt reliable oflice In the dtv. where they
ivU ) find nrbt clus < i help at all hours of the dav.
lll sU
" \\fANTEI > Situation bra lady to do hon .e-
> work. 1417 Olllo sU 3H 33 *
\TITANTED Situation by Brst-class baker
T liread and oonje.ctloue > ry. Good refer
ences. Address , A 1. Bex- 3T.O 5 *
A YOUNG lady -Herald like a position as
stenographer and typewriter. Address I
7D , Bee SI Ml'
\\7ANTED A position by > young man in a
Tl wholesale or re-toil house , wholesale pre
ferred ; win do anything : can lend employer
* ! )5n ) and furnish brsi of references. Addrtms X
72. Her offlce. 317-1'
WANTED Position as traveling salesman.
address X M , Bee oflice , 302 4
117ANTED A position or manager of a ttrug
Btore , 10 years * exjHTierarei , registered by
examination in low a : speak German and Eng-
Hah. Address X HO. Bee. 2473 *
T\7ANTED Coffee and tea wilesman on coin-
* mlKsion to sell to private families. Lib
eral commission. 150M Farnam st , room B
405 1'
' \TTANTED A drug clerk , one who Fpeafct.
German pre-ferreid. Addiess Ad. Ile-e ,
\\TAN'1EI > Vatteir UermHn inferred I.MU
T Douglas Kt. Apply between P and 10. 4131J
WANTED At onofc , a unart boy If. to 17
years ; wages n to commence Lorrell
MTg Co. , 22 ] North 12th rt , 415-1J
WANTED Man and wife for Janitors in city.
Man und wit e tor private family : no
flren : good wages ; woman u > oks for "MrCook , S
far Columbus and 2 for Beatrice , all fares paid ;
luundret > s for Aj cmlng : 2 dining i ooiu girU for
M cut , t l no , fare paid ; 20 girls for housework In
and out of city , Cntuulinn EmiJoyment ofllce.
Mrs. Berga 4 Son. 81 ( . 8,15th. Tcle-ljsi. 40IKil *
" \\TANTED Throe tann hands , man and wife
' for Janitors , man and wife for private
family. Good waces. 10 canvassers , 4 adver
tising solicitors. Canadian Employment oflice ,
Mrs. Brega 4-Son , SIB South 15th street. Tele
phone hSi. 400-31 *
\\TANTED-Glrl for general housework ; must
be good cx > ok. Coll. 2C22 Capitol ave , be
tween P a , m. and 1pm. 3"i6 31
l emce good l > oy , from 11 to 14
ye-ju-s , 1717 St , Mar } 'd ave , ! B7 31 *
" \ \ T ANTED A flirt class puntaloon maker.
Addreau T. P. Reushaw. Long line. Neb.
2H7' "
"WANTED A mJesmdn to trnvel. Must I * a
> worker. 21101 Dodge rt , tnnaha. 20D 2
"It"'ANTED A reliable man with small means
' cantlnd a prontable busiues-s by address
ing X . Bee. . 147-1J
"V\TANTED In e-very rc nty In Nebraska , re-
1 liable energetic men tos-e-11 goKU by so
liciting for a well established mfg company
J.ernianent employment to the right men , no
capital or ext > eJiente netressary , refereuee re-
quin-d , address Box 2f7 , Omaha , Neb. C30H3
W ANTED Men tor railroad work. Al
bright's Labor Agency , 11211 Farnuui. IH >
G OOD girl , 1C10 California.
4101 *
W ANTED A coed coot Apply N. E. corner
21ht nd Webst er KtR. S15 31'
\T7A-NTJuD Samdlnavian cirl for Ftore-work
T > and bouseke eiln5,2ellCumingst.
" \\7ANTED-Glrl for peneral bouBewort
i Must 1 * a good c ok. Reference * re
quired. Apply Nei. 1002 I'ark ave. 2TS1
\\T ANTED Girl fe > r general housew ork , smaU
f f ttmlly , good w age-s , apply ars Furnom bt.
T\7 ANTED Immediately , ladles to wort for
T a wholesale bouse on ne < dlew ork at their
fcoroem. ( Sent any distance. ) Good pay can be
made. Everything furnished. Particulars
free A ddret , * Artlhtic Needlework Co..lt5Bth
Ft , Ne * > 1 ork CSty. ! H7
"IV * ANTED Lnalr * in Tit v or country , tor our
1 > holiday trude to take licht , pleasant work
Kt ttu'ir own houieth. n to u } wr day can l > e
qtiletly made. Work beast by mall anv distance ,
rnrdcularsjre : > e. No uinvasfcinp. Adelrew * at
one * , Ctesce-ut Art Co , 147 A JiUk bt , Boatcn.
Ma.s . P.O.1KH517C. 1Mb
WANTlO e ws kept until April 1st. Hay
und hhelter. Inquire at JlO Board ot
grade. G. W. Hervey. aft
\\-ANTED-Laaiefc to use Chlche-t.ter'k Kng-
> lish Diamond Brand. Pennj royal I'ills.
Bate Alwayi. rtJiable. The origlniil. The only
genuine Ai.k drucglst or Fend io stamp * for
particulars , return mail. CtltheKter Chemical
Co , Philadelphia. Pa. _ 327
\VANTFn-A lady n < ( rm-mate. luqub-e WE
' S. l"Ui W. M. Marj k ave. 2:15 : 3K
GREAT Western Employment Bureau ; all
cUhe of help fnrnlwied on nhort notice ,
ir03 Farnam , roornV. tO 1 *
CANADIAN Employment ofhce , mole and fe
male help M-nt to all pong it fare is ad
vanced. Rete-nmc , Omaha National bank.
Mrv. lirecu 4 Son. Hit. S. 15th. Tel. rtsi.OlSf
OlSf 12
FIRST rla * . l > oord with rooms M-VI a
wetk.S14S Wh. between Harney and Far-
cam ; also furnlRheid roomfc. 241 f 11 *
BOARlTforinanaadVife or two gentlemen
with nlcelv furnished room , pleasant loe-a.
Uon. tulrktv family. Addrtrra Luck Box SM ,
i' o. m j
pRl VATE booreling. M u v eeik. 1G1& Dodcei.
ANTED to rent , 15 to 20 ncres of carder
landone-asy pnvment ; oddrexs A 2 Bee ,
S 2 *
\f ANTED To rent a medlum-itlzed Btorebj
1st of March , within two or thre * blotti
ot 15th and riunim A i rmanent location ele-
uirnd. AddrtM G.Eckel , csre 1WC Farnam.
"ITVJR RENT 3 to 5-room flatmt > Jern improve-
JU mentH , n. v cor , 1 nh and \ \ illmms st , oei
drug ktcrtt. Inquire Andrew Pieuler.liU S. IMh
Jai l'
"EXB RENT 2 new 7 roomeJ houses , w e-H. d
JD trrn. large cnllar. IVth near Clare kt. W
C. KitflT r , opp posVoOice. 3
HOrFE to r-rtH ropras , 816 N 84th. Inquire
kt Ihe premlsK Sts It
HOt"E fnr rent , 2427 narl - rt. JLpply , Wm.
Arthur Hnrrlc rtehtrtrailillnc. ifth and
N irholas rt. or 'MX Chariot. tnw tK
T7WJR REN'TTo private , family ten room Jirtck
JU b rase , modern. rnnvenJenres S30S Doncla.
rt . apply to W. F.Claik 40 * : > 16th. (3S V '
F I OH RENT lOronm bnase Ft'fcm heat G
E. ThcTOlisph. 814 S Inth rt 24
Q REGOHV , F. L _ Rental agent , VV S If-th
TfXR RUNTorfiale New bouse f. rooms , cor ,
JO 2 th and Cupltol ava. Enquire S-24 Dodge.
F OK ItENT NJw potUct W Ilavenjmrt
-L st. . apply northwest comer l aveniort and
F011 HENT Neat C-room honi poodlocalltr.
TJ3 month. Brmu&n Co , Charnbr of
Coramerre. 227 "
POK HENT S new 6 room .houses on fe IWth
near lyfgTpnworth. C E. W yn . Ml
fTu I10CSK5 fur irnt fntrn Hi trn.
O F. L Orep < r , Kental Aeent , 3f S. 1Mb t.
H JIENT A 7-room flat wrth "bath room.
K.1T Howard st Inquire at Lee 4 Nlcuol's
livery rtkble. 1 tlephone HO. ? X
HE C' > le has a list of 273 bone" tor rent ,
ranplnc In prtre from 8.1 to I12T > , and in
The from 3 to 51 rooms. N e. cor. 1Mb and
Douplas , Telephone l.UTTi. 70C 31
-po ! KENT A new awfianc , f rooms , all
modern ImpriTements. ciK'd stable , ten
minutes' valk from tK t ( > llic , Bi > plj to D J ,
O'Donahw. at O1 > onah & Shejfy's , 15th St. ,
next tothepottolTico. MO
R KENT ft-room conaceithnear Mawm ,
J12 V ) . A. P.Tukey , JT24 Farnam. IBC 2
"I7KH ) KENT * new 7 roomed hou e % dtr
JD water , rt tern. cellar , ach st near Paul , W.
G. Shriver. lYenzer block opposite pobtofli e.
"ClOIt RENT If you wish to rent a bou .e or
-C flat 1 have th'-m from t' < to CO for cottaces.
tuid f and 10 room modern bous < ji , from tij Ui
I4i j > "r month. Call at J. II. Pam t4 i. Krnul
A peucy , IdOO ( . "hlraco st. Cs7rll
TCVR RENT New 5 room cottaee In Ambler
JD place ; good 7 room 2storv house. Orchard
Hill : good 4 room cottage. Orchard Hill , C E.
UayneN. W. cor , 15th tnd Harney et. Ml
TCTOlTRENT-House 11 rooms. W. M. Bush-
JL man. N E corner 16th and Daugbxs. 1M
FOR RENT Room occupied by F P.Fay. S17
fr Krth j-t , , suitable lor light wholesnllnc.
41U 'u *
OH RE.VT-1 or ' rooms Iurnl bcd or unfurn
ished neart ? P. depot , address A 3 Bee.
4 K. : nt
FOR RENT Nlcelv furnished room wlh heat ,
C u month. K.'l S. 2Uth bt. USH i"
T7V3R KENT-rnmlxhexl rooms mGreoulp blk
X ? cor. 13th and Dodre sts. Inquire of G o.'H. ,
Davis. Mlllard hotel billiard room. i i
rooms flay , week or month , to
ladlc or gentlemen. Sll N irth. 34 ] f. . '
CXK ) RENT Nicely furnished rooms with or
X ! M ithout boi rd on car line , 113 s : Mlh.
T710H REKT I'urnlshed rooms : board , wn N.
JD 1Mb rt. 343 ( i *
X ! T od rooms. No. 1F14 Howard st. t BOO
Three (3) ( ) rooms. No. 1015 north Suh ht , lf > ( Ki
Tlirt * Cl ) rxwnii. No. lliK north 21 t tA. 11.00
Tliree (3 > room t ittace nBt and Paul st. 12 50
Three fin rooms. No. 112S north 21M st. 11 <
Three (3i ( rooms. No. 1410 Pl rre ht , 10(0 (
Three (3i ( rooms No. 1111 south 7th st. . . 11.110
Hare * (3i ( rooms. No. 70S I > * clnc st _ KM
One (1) ( ) nice oihce , No. 316 wrath lath St. . 20 i
'B ' RENT Put-nibbed room , 1C13 Douclas.
3331 *
T710RN7SHED rooms Mt * ) t3 per monUi..Vl2
JC S. 1MB cu np-sttlrs. 331 12 *
F iURNlSHEI ) front rtwm , Kuitable for two ,
niOO , 1 1 Douclas st. 1761 *
T7KR HENT l"nrnithed f rtmt rooro. with or
JD without board , small family. WUN.lTthM
it 2
F I OR KENT neatant room. 1E3 ! Ddce
KS o *
CTWR RENT I rnished room with all modem
JO coUTenlencesi ; 113S-SSith W. U2331 *
TWO roonn with all mrxlern conveniences ,
with or itbcmt bounl. 1C12 Harnsy. ais-l *
TTVJR RENT A suite of rooms snltalle for 2
X ? gentlemen , F per month. 1K3 Kamam st ,
81(1 ( 2 *
FtH HENT PurnlKhed rmms for one or two
gentlemen. 1(1(15 ( ( Dodge sir 2H ( >
FOR RENT Pleasant fnrnlsh d room Rtilta-
ble for one or two gentlemen. References
required , 1H10 Webber ht , SH-a
T7 OR RENT A ralte of furnished , with all
JC mudexn conveniences ; bou-d if desired. No ,
G22 Georgia nve. 27031 *
"CXR RENT Furnished rocrm , with or without
JD board , 2iea M. N ary's ve. 2T
FOR RENT A nicely furnished room with all
modern improvements , at 1711 Dodire st
F I OR RENT Furnishe-d room ; gas , bath and
heat , at 2313 Cuss M , Ml 4
" * "lCELTfnrnished'rooms at f IB and
jj > month. No. 1211 Douglas st 1M i ;
" " 1CELV furnished room. lii'jCFomam
LARGE tnd small room , s-uitnble for centle-
nien , with or without tx ird , IMS Dodge.
, < c
trent room with first-class board at
1E14 Dodge , 140
irRNlSHED house to rent , C rooms , J. Bon-
JC ner.i ! i5 Douglas st. 14431
FOR HEN3 FurntRhed room with modern
conveniences for one or two gentlemen ,
1819 Capitol ave , liw 31 *
FURNISHED front room. siiltaDle for two
KC3 Dodge bt , 1H5
FOR RENT Funshed front roam with board
s ultuble for two gentlemen. 17J4 I > ouglas
street. . t jC.J
F ° ? , RENT Suite of furnished rooms , A
R RENT Nice room for 2. 1(33 ( Dodge i
5S < 0
T7 > OR RENT Nlerir furnlsheid rooms at 2227
X1 Dodge Gas , bath and furnftcti heat. WXi
FOB HENT Ne-wly turnlbhed south Iron
room , in new hou e : steam heat and eiery
convemleince. 1721 iJavesnj rt. 5f3
BURNISHED rcomt. 1S1C l > edge %
OR RENT 3 rooms at 311 Woolworth a.e , ;
at ni ] > er month 34
T7 OH RENT Two nicely furnished front rooms
JO on ground floor , at 211S Biirt. for f5 JK-I
month , with board H I T week additional. 00 ]
JINGLE and double furnikhesl rooms. 242S
3 Dodge , XS tS )
T71OR BENT A peed ground floor olhce
J2 plBENT 15th kt. 2C7
" | THH HENT OtBce ground floor. Iron Bank ;
JL ? sleam heat. Ab-o small brick store otipo
bite. Also good barn. S. Lehman. 211
TTlOR KENT A More bulldlne with room :
JL ? erhend One of the best locations ou lot !
street for a grocery or meat market , or botl
combined. Telephone on premises. FumlfcbK
and unfurnished roam * to let. One biocl
trora street curb. Inquire on premises , cor. IBtl
and Manderson sts , or John I * , fachminkt. 422 i
IJth st. 133 31'
I OR RENT IV sJrable office * i ce , or desl
room , at 1523 Farnam at. , Odtll Bros. 4 Co.
TT OH RENT Ground floor oflire room , ten
JC trolly located , heated uud lighud. C. f
Harrison.41S S 15th st. 1JO
ON Douglas Bt near 14th. 2nd and 33 Rorlef
XtxlOU euch , Ncall spare on ground Hoot
F. L , Gregory , rental opent , < S Hah Kt. i
T7WR RENT OOires on Farnam st. at 111) to W
JL : p r month. One office furnibhel. 1612 Far
naai. 101
" | 7KR RENT Oflic * . cheap ; best location in tin
JD dty. 1515 DcKigt- . C51
FL , GREGOR V , miml agtmt , ; alOth fct.
ground floor. TeOephoue bc4. 454
RENTAL Agency List jnurhoa-io * for ren
with Odill Bros. 4 Co , 1523 Fcruun fct.
I'ECIAL attention given to renting housa
Iuniih 3 and unfurnisheid rtsjuiu Llit witj
Uk. Harrit.orer2aJ6.liih.-t. VJ
TCXJR RENT If you TOsh to rent a house c3
JD on be t wa 4 Co , 15th ct , opposite P , O.
I T7V5R RENT A trge room tomlklie > a. entr
, JD luoaUou 141CCUcaco t. . & 4i
/ VM AHA Ix lrttc ( Hem * * . PW and
\.J rt. bnt. Vth and loth rts. Rent *
, ] 6t n per pek , clean bed * . W5 > > b 5 *
/'ARDN'ERS Attention 4-1 ttcrw tor rot , the
v.7 Lleli'dt and richest g round near Out-O7 !
Lake Honjte. J. IL Parroue rental , 10j > >
( "hlPago yt. _ llf 31
FR RENT Bam for 6 htrrm-s cheap , 17C7
Cass Kt. fl425
"VX arehiuse trurUice. 2(1x6 ( . tM 00
> ' Varb mse.tra kiige 4Bx4" . . .4001
Stable fur 12 horse * on l t rt . . . . 30 ID
t table for 2 bnn.e.s. .IwXsau anfl : Rh . . f > 1
F L. Orepory rental fcgent. 3 S S. ICth rt ZM
X'E'W" YORK fnorusr * Co. hare most tn TiElv
1 > faculties for M irage of furalrure , pianos
buccles. general merchandise , west of New
Tort. Cash ndvcncrs to wy amontit ; ware-
hrms rwJpts glvro ; goods insured : bnck
Irmlilinc Ore-proof : special arranveme nts f or
comml loti merchants. Call New York Stonurs
Co , Capitol Lvt and N. l&lh rt , Bennett's * lock
DRESSMAKER ? investigate the
lYench Tailor System of elreKSWic.nKia
wages and tra\ellnc eipn tiito ladle * out of
emjiloyrne nt. Call or uddreji * for tretttl- on
dresscuttinp free , > lme. Kellogp , Hotel PsTnond ,
Omaha. '
PERSONAL MlriaeJ Srhtnltt. pleate couie
to Grea Trew hotel , 171" WUlionrs vt. Matt
Schmltt. 412 !
T > ERSONAL Mame : Bring 17 more rrazy
X blot k * to-morrow. Lottie. W mt
PERSONAL Engagements to do dress mak
ing In families M > lMt 4. call on or address
Miss Jessie Srtrrdy. H2 S 22nd. 1OTK
TDERSONA L (7reat fortune teller just ar-
X rired , theytrane Madume C. L. Lamont. tbe
great astrolozlst , will remain 30 dnvs ; hasti v-
eJed throuch the principal parts of IJuropt : t ells
fiast , present and future in TiersoO or by letter ,
wfll bring bak the ported husband or lover ,
no matter It they be ten thousand inile awav ;
they will return to yon In so many days : will
tell you wnether your lover be false or true ; will
guarantee to fretUe family quarrels to perfect
patlsfaction : can also cause kpeedy mwrlws :
has charms for good luck which will cause par
ties to 1 * ( successful In anv kind of Irasl-
ness and prevent your loss In any kind
of business y < ra may undertake lire oks evil
influence , and brines good luck to all who may
try this lucty charm ; can give lucky numbers
In loti KTT drawings ; can give t > est of reference
in regard to above ( statement.
1-was presented with an elegant gold medal
In Denver , Cole , for my great success In my
1 have the natural gift of tellinc the past ,
present and future > Iy grandmother befoie
me v as also n great astrolopisu
Parties asking information by letter must
enclose M to ensure an v er. I huve a fine pre
paration for the complerlon , which keeps it
smooth and fair , and prevents premature wrin
kles. Also a fine hair tonic , which i reserves
the natural color of the hair mud prevents It
from falling out.
La die * 11 ho ore in trouble call and see me at
one * . Allbuslne-oseonndeutlal. OHice hours.
Id a. m. to 1' p. m. Madame C. L. Lament , No.
1K10 California strettbetwe > en 18th and Unh bts ,
Omaha , Neb. 157fl"
PEltSONAL 1 want vncant lot , north part of
dty , for good house and lot In Omaha
View. C. C. Spots wood , 305'i S ICth st , Omaha.
Ladles and centlemen can rent
masquerade suits at 510 N Kith rt , upstairs.
WSfll *
PERSONAL Private home for ladies during
confinement , strictly conndental. Infants
aecpted : addre " E 42 Bee oflice. 537 f 10
STRAYED 2 Jersey cow s from 1B24 Dodge re
turn and get reward , F. B. Kenwtrd.
LOST Yellow tanary ; liberal reward win he
paid it returned to drug store , corner 27th
anfl LeiU en orth st , SH3 1 *
1 OST A bunch of keys. Return to 517 S. 13th
Ll 3472 * .
TT OR SALE One full kit of carpenter1 tools ,
Jpart cash and i > n.rt on time H E Cochran -
ran , iw ramam s-t. 34S "
OR SALE A full blooded C months old EJT
cllsh puc dog Address X 54 Dee olhce
340 2
FOR SALE A toe first-da's nprlcht plann.
forcabh. Enquire of John Rndd.ll3N.
K.thst. " "
FOR SALK -s-foot black walnut l oot-keejer'R
standard desk , stained class top. with cash
ier's window , a bargain ; take It at jour own
jiric-e On Time Household Fair. ( HE and 604 S.
LtUi. 314-H1
FOR SALE Cheap. freh grude Jersey oow.
Addres-.bjz2iC : T. O. 2704'
R SALE Sock of stoves , ranees , hardware ,
JL ? tlnw ure , tlnntrs. ' tools and nrtures. Call at
612 N a , 27u-5 *
Tj OR SALE 2 her e and 2 sincle apons. all
X ! complete , very cheap. 114 b llth tt , 2442 *
"CXH SALE A car load of fresh milE cows.
J- Inquire at Harris i nsher s meat mafket.
TJV > R f LE At B bargain Wfwt of shelvint ; ,
JL1 30 feet of coupler * and one ice chert. FUit-
able for grocery store. Enyulre at F12 S. llth St.
TTIOR SALE Safe and desk , 317 So 13th ,
f\ -
F I OR SALE Horse and covered wagon , U17 So
1 tti. 250
/1AHPETS , furniture , etc . of u 10-rKm honse ,
V. with or without lea-ie a burgaln , F. L.
Gregory.rentolagt.JOoslfith st. ZS
POU SALE At a bargain , a large bay family
horse , safe for a Jaay to elrtve ; a fine bay
trotting mare and colt b months old , side bar
buggy , cutter , w agon , harness , 1 set wagon rnn-
ners , etc Call at once , 2110 Harney st. 2UJ-2
FOR SALE Lease house and barn on Dong-
las bet 17th and l th , inquire Meyer4Raap -
Xe 140" . Harney in
OJ300 first mortgage for sale , 20 ) > er cent off ;
M. room 27 , J'axt on building. 1SC2 *
TJV3R SALE Lease of store for 3 yeutf-s cheap
JLJ rent , llnest location in citv for retail bnt.1-
Ee-vS , uddress X 33 Bee office. V Hif2
PR ) SALE Fiesh mllcn cows. Hill 4 Smllry.
0ip. ] Exchange building , Cnlra ftocknrj s.
Telephone tis. ltfl-leb-1
HAVING b en Informed tnat Frank Q.aien-
burger , a dentist formerly luiny emploj.
1ms made nse-of my name xiWolning nxaie1 }
or credit WTenigtnlly. ] > ulilic notice is herebj
given that said Frank O. Eilenburger i not in
my emjiloy or in any w ay associated wjth me and
ail persons are cautioned against having bus-
ine-s transartioiik with him in any WKV lnolv -
ing me as I am in no w ay responslole for his
acts. A W Nason , Dentist. MtthneOl bloct ,
15th and Homey fl5 31 ;
rpH E banjo taught as an art by Geo. F. Gellen-
JL Iwck , S e. cor Itth and Dougl&s , up ctalr .
STANDARD Stock Llntnent will cure mange
Riraltien. cuts , bruises barbed-wire wounds ,
weaVliack. swelled glands , strained muscles ,
and e\"rylnjjiry which nas not injured the
bnne. Ax an alleviator of pain rd man or b < ast
this liniment stands second to ncaie. Manufac
tured byF E iaiiborn 4 Co , 1703 St , . Mary's
fcve. . 4U1-2
T On Time Honsehold Fair.
Tbe great Bargain house ot Omaa.
To the houB-keeper * f ttrnnha.
Wearebound tortiowyouthatwecunfurnish
you home comfort * and sa\e you ui iney in
prices ,
1'arlor sult % Chaml r sets. .
Bed springs , bed mattrtts * ,
Foldrnc be < ds. side liojtrdE. ,
Tables , cli lrt > , mirrorfc , pictures ,
Lounges , commodei , tftes.
Divans , i-otkeri. curtains , stoves ,
TtoR arc , crocktry. cl&scware , lumps
Houses funJfcbed comiJrti , on
Ka < T payments ! Easy paymentsf
i.asy jiuymeTits ! Easy Tjavnreds.
nices lower than the lowest Call and pee
Price * low er than the lowest. Call and see
UU2 and U04 bouth 13th street.
Corner Jackbon.
IF you want your furniture , etc , sold a
auction and want to realise good prices to
youi go * * ! * , call on Kohn 4 Wells. lieen-d
BuctJone-era , tafc , 210 , 212 fa llth st , Omaha , Neb
rpHERE is not a bor. * lu Nebraska that wonli
JL notl > be-neOtt < 4 byMindard Horw and
Cattle Food. In the spring of the year animal
utmd something u. cleanse and fortify the o 6-
tem and preimr * it for the labors ot the year
t-tkndiml Horw und Cattle Food kupjijlei th
want eiw Uy ; buy a box now.f etid it to j our bort.
and blk improved health and greater rapacity
forlalKirwill repay you t i told. M anufarture
by > . E , Sanborn it Co , 17U3 SU Mary's avenue ,
For ktl * rve-rjT here ,
IP yon wish cood. prompt piylcc tenants ,
lint your dwellings , tlats and Ktorr room
with J. 1L Parrotte , UtnuJ Agt-acy , la * Cni
| _ | E COLE InEuruicA. Kellable companies ,
JLl. K B cor 15th and Itocglu. Tvlephun
R.iAhiiiansan'io9ir removea trom Frenier
. NANN1K V. WarT - .
DR. .l-liitrvoTant. Med
ical. buiinfs and ! < * nied'um. DUgnosU
free Female ai a si > "C.ialty. 11V N loth
BUltiximiSfca. 7W.W4 107
2POT rash for fnrnltnr * rtoves. bou chol
O good * at U7 North icth > * t. Or2 A Co
_ I 3f25
i VA VTED-A large lot Qi-Homllton st , suitable -
* able for several bouse * Will j > uy S'
ash. C. K. Campbell , IVP'f onun rt
rt S4P g *
_ _
2MALL benne and lot utiWOi of Lenvrnworth
nndwe t of2ltii st. Mwt be cheap. Will
my SI WO to 1 1,3 W , all cask , , , ! ' . L Gregory. apt.
> KIH s. iBth rt. * * za
_ _
l\'ANTLr > To tray KDort time paper. J. W.
? Gross , at C. E. Mayne's office , l.Mh and
purchase u reistaurant rtand
or to rent bulldlne for same In any c - > d
oration. Addresel.r Henderson , 151 : Douglas
TITHE Central Loan 4 Trust On , NoTTsil Far-
Jnarn st , will furnish money promptly on
chalet city loans at lowest current rates.
2 i > 5
MOXEV to loan on Improved city property at
lowest rates. Cash on hand JlrM mort-
raees negotiated. 11. F. Seiive-r , room 15 , chum-
> er of commerce. iS'l
rr E. OOLh loan * money en real estate.
DL. Sll SI
MONEY to loan on Improved real estate. I' . I1
Fay. 817 So. 13th. EM
MONEY to loan on furniture , borne * , v agonx ,
ejic , or on any approved t > ecurity Low
rates. J.f. . Robbing. 1013 Farnatn. W6 f 21
to loan. Notes ana d. R. ticket ,
bought ahd sold. A , Fonnan , 21S S 13th sts
MONEY to loan at lowest raw * upon Improved
and unimproved real estate in Omaha and
also upon tornis In west rn Iowa and eastern
Nebraska. Mortpiwre not bought and old
Odell Bros 4 CoM 1"-2J Farnarn st , 3 %
MONEY to loan on Unproved real rstate ; no
commission charged. Le&vitt Burnham.
room 1 , Crelgbton block 121
HE. COLK Loans , money on real estate and
. buys lu > t mortgage notts N Ecor 15th
ondDouglas. Telephone 1U35. WIG SI
2HORT time loan * : m&Oe on any available
3 f-ecurltv. In reasonable amounts. Secured
notes boucht , sold or exchanged. General
financial business of any kind transact d
iromptrr. quietly and fairly at the Omaha Fi
nancial Exchange , N. W. cor 15th and Har-
ney rts , over State National band. Corbett.
manager. 117
MONEY to loan J can now place Borne Erst
class dry loans Immediately. Call at onoa
If yon desire to be uccommod tMd. D. V. Snoles ,
room 1 Barter block , entrance In aller. 109
H.E. . COLE loans monejon real estate.
. 311 31
MONET" to l oan Uj- the nnder < acned.-who
has the onlj" > roperlr orcanlzed loan
acencr In Omaha. Loans of 110 to I1UO made on
furniture , jilanos , organs , horsei. wrcons , mn-
rhinery. ete , without remoraL No delays. All
business strtctljronfldentlal. . Loans so made
that anr part can be paid at anr time , each pay
ment redudnir the cost pro rata. Advances
made on One watches and diamonds. Persons
should carefullr consider who they are deallni ;
with , as many new concerns are dally comlnc
Into existence. Should you oeed money call and
M eme. W. R. CYort , room * Wlthn U building ,
llth and Harner. Ill
M ONEY to Loan O F Davis Co. . real t state
and loan upents , 1WK. J Lrnam st , 10s
H.E. . COLE loans moneyonreal tstate
. 311 SI
LOAJ Monej Loans placed on 1m-
- proved real estate Incity or county for
NewEnpland Loan * Tnwt Co , bj Douelas
Coimty bant , Ifith and Ctilcugo sts. 123
MONEY to loan , casn on tiaad , no delay. J.
W. and E. L. Squire , 14B Fiirnam st , Pai-
too hotel bullainc. 115
T OANSmaaeonrial estate. Cash on hand.
W. M Harris over 2ila. rt , 110
$ 7jQ.OOOtoloan ' at C per ctnt. Llnahan A Ma-
honey. 1MH Farnam. _ 124
TT E. COLE loans luoney'onrtal tstate.
J7L. t 311
MONET To loan , lowest rates. No flelny
J. L. Rice t Co. . over Commercial Na
tional bank 114
6 PER CENT Money.
Patterfaon i Fawcett l&th and Harney. lit
LOANS made on rwu estate and mortgages
bousiit , Ix-wls a Heed 4 Co 1521 Farnam.
tt500OK > To loan on Omaha city property at B
171 per cent. G. W. Day , S. E. cor. Ex , Bid
MONE1 IXJANED at a F. Reed i Co ' . Loan
Office on furniture , piano * , horsttf. w aeons ,
I r onal proi ) rTv of ull kinds , and all other ar
ticles of value without removal. BID S. Itth ,
over Ulncharn's commission More. All busi
ness strictly confidential. 1
MONEY to Loon On furniture , pianos.
w aeons , or other personal property without
removal , also ou collateral security. Business
confidential. Chas. B. Jacobs , 3JJ S. 15th rt
TV1TONEY loaned on furniture , pianos , organs ,
J--l horses , etc , low rates J. J. Wilkinson t
Co , 1 ' 4 Farnom. over Burlington ticket office.
SALE Orrent.MancheM r Ranch , lau-
- tifullv situated in the fertile valley of the
Louxi , within D miles of Fuller-ton , the county
t-Hat of Name county Nebiaska and 1 mile of
postofflce. This * well-known ranch bus been spec
ially laid out for stockraisli g and gen < ml tann
ing and comprises sio acres,1) ) muuder cultivation ,
balance in pasture and bay land. WW aciebelntr
under ftnie. 2 large tattle hheds feed yards , 2
borne with grannjles carpenter shop , harness
room , 2 windmills ( I geared ! . f > wells nctles. 3
wattrtants (2 ( with heating apparatus ) , e iiKtant
supply of living ut < T from I'juin a eek and the
Loupe rivtr. 2 commodious dwelling bouses ,
one situated la the midst of a flue orchard : pri-
Tate rJde-tmck on Uie O. N. i B. Rv. with every
facility for handling stock , good hog buying
point. Stock , implements , it . . may be had at a
valuation For fnrtherpartlculars apply ] > er-
honally or by letter to the owner , E. C MiUar ,
AVe tgord , Neb. 220 7"
"OOR SALE Lumber and ooal business Not
J one yard In twtntv as convenient or as
well lo-uted. doing a good buhlnens. Address J.
w. QuacLenbush , Greenwood , Neb
322 mch 15 *
"t'OR SALE or trade Restaurant and hotel ,
J-f doing good business. In live w estern town ,
populution 150J ; address lock box K > , O'NeJl ,
Ne\i. 170 U
T7V3R SALE First-class boardinglionse near
-t ? P.O. rooms all occupied ; good cause lor
selling. X 4 Ree olhce. lDJf25
"C11RST class meat market and buildings forE
-E sale , good town and trade only martet , ice
and everything in ahape , address X32 Bee.
ACTIVE partner , salesman , to takt half-Inter-
e t in permanent and growing merchantile
business Goods rtaple. profits Urge ; * xx > re-
qulrd. Address T6X llee,1' 749
TTVJR SALK A rlemn stock of gents' fnrnlsb-
J-1 ing goods hats cap Jirm of the l t lo
cation * In i ) maha. btck al } .bought within one
yenr. Addrens T 6S , Bee olhco. 7tfr f 8
A2KX ( ) Mock of f urnltury and two peed rt tl
sidence lotsto exrhanre for a good farm.
Co-operatic e Laud and Lot Co. , 2Ua N. l ( > th st. 4U3- ]
"CIA R M 5 and city lot b to eiiiionge f or mertlun
-I ? dlse No commUsion , J. E Curmlrhatl ,
8 K171'rankun Et , S4r. ! tt
\\rANTED-To trade a gqod curt for a top
buggy ; will pajbooi. ' Address X H , Bee
" \\TANTED-To trade Omnha i < al estat e parOy
' Improved , fjre-t-tabmaiid lumber yard in
small town , address X Sit Bye. _ 224 t. *
FIRMS lands. loU , ete4 to exchange for
FXKKJ Inelde , Improved at unimproved lots.
win us-nme encumbrance * . W. J Paul , 1W3
Furnum. Xl
If you liave anytnlng to eitiiange call on or
uddress 11 , li Cole , n. e cor. and Doug
217 Fl
_ _ _
' \Tr ANTED Houses and loti to excnanije for
' T improved and unimproved lands in Ne
braska tnd Iowa. Charlei C. Srotswood. 3UJS
TT\OR \ EXCHANGE A t7.0 liotl t-n Douglas
JMreert. . Omuha. Co-OpenitHe LtoJ andLo
compauj , 205 n. Itth st , 2iWl
Til RLE tt- urns , wagons , and Use a tne trot
ting stallion , will trade for peed land or
loU. Co-Optrative Land 4- Lot Co , 2U5-N. Idth.
turns to excaange
i > tor Iowa and Colorado lands , and vj :
versa. Co-Oj ratlve Land and Lot Co , 305 N
ICth It. C94
TTTAKTED-Stock of srocerlet , dry roois ,
cloUiln ? or 4x > ou and Bhoet In exciionce
ft > rpm fc proj.enyorfann .
CliS.lilUifct. . ,
COlTTh Omtha lfr > to rrciaar ? for fnrnlrare ,
Oh > n * , cattle or merchandUe. H. E O ) e. N.
E. cor lV.h and Douglns. 8U31
" \\7ANTED-Stocts or rntrchandl * * to ti
T T change tor land * and city vrot > ertyj C C.
S l tP , !
"CXJH Exrhanpe Improved tarm. unln *
-I ? rurabensj , rir hou e and lot , also dome
vacant lots for drug stock Addrefci X f * . iv-e
offlce. 23731 :
HE. CXLE gives spedal attention to trading
Wrlio tor oar ll&t. N K cor 15th and
) ouclaB. MC SI
CVR Exchange New -rooin house and lot In
.1 ? J'Wrmont place , sllghUy encumlwred , for
other gKTd property.
Loteic our addition to South Omaha , free of
nram'branrf for peed western farm land , clear ,
or not hesrUy encumbered , or ( rood Omaha
Goo3 Inside bnilness property. frp of en-
umlirant" , for good house and lot in north
iart of city. S A , Slotuan. room * 2S and S3 ,
lellman building , cor. Farnam and 13th cts.
CTOR erchcnce lln # Nebraska farms for
J- stocks f ge&eral mdte , J. A , Berger ,
Long Pine , Neb. SKI f 2f
I" ARGE hou e and two lots In Ore-hard Hill for
J-i peed > ctuit lot ; house lu T'oj e Place tor
vacant Jots. Stevens Bros. , 11E1 Farnam.
K7 31
( JKH lis.cnt.tmti. Jt yon Jiave farms or lands to
13 Hell or trufle sftnd. for our descriptive blanks.
Tyduhave an klnd of proj > erty to sell or ex
change , list It with ti : we can furnish yon
customer. S S. Campbell 4 G. W. Hervev , 310
loiu-d of Trade Omaha 2J2
I HA ATI for trade tmproved form In Cam Co-
near PlRttsmouth. will trade for improved
nilde { Toptrty. Address M 35 , Bee offlce.
\\TANTED-Gooa rarrus in exchange for
T T Omaha property. C. C SpoUw ooi. 3.t > v {
ElCth. 12SI
BENSON SrCARMlCHAEL furnish complete
and guaranteed abstracts of title to any
real estate In Omaha and Douglas county njioa
short notice. The most complete set of obstruct
books tn the dt j No. 1518 ramam st. 131
MIDLAND Gnaranu * and Trust Co. . lr < lj
Farntm stre-et Complete abstracts fur-
cished. and titles to real estat * examined , j r-
lected and guaranteed. 1JU
T OOK this over for bargains. Oflere > d by the
i-t Omaha Real Estate k Trust company , 1W4
'amam street ,
jot 5. block ] tf. West End. 5QxlP7 feet . . . j & .OJO
i > ot IU , Elizabeth iilace , on North Twen
tieth street , cable line , (10x140 ( fe-et , with
small house . . . . .1,010
ot 17 , block 2 , Hlmebsugh's addition , one
ucre. with small house . LJVK )
iniall house and lot on Sprurer street , near
N ortli Tv > entleth btreet , cable line , easy
payments. < nily . . . . . 2. < iOO
Corner , 1411x112 feet. In Chtrry Garden , on
Leuvenw orth Ktret , one-fourth cash 8,500
Choice full lots in Uousel A : Stebblns' kd-
dition. ti2oa 2.4W
\cholten5footlotlnCllftonplace , 3.CU3
Lots S and 4Cutalpa second aodltionone-
third cash , each . . . . . . L2M
Pine eight-rouui house OB half lot on Lake
street , S.VK ) cash . 8.310
t > ots in Dupont ple at 1,2 K )
Choice south trout lots on grade , in Pop-
pletonpark . . . . L500
House and lot in Poppleton Park Bulidiuc
asiciclation Z.2UO
South trout lot H arney rtreet. In Redlck
grove . . . . 2,100
Seven-room house on half lot. In Patrick's
second . 8,100
Elghteen-room house on South Tfnth
street . . fc.000
> e en rooro house on > i if lot , in Patrick's
second 2,100
Corner lot , 74x25. In Kountr-e place , . 4,1100
1 our-room hou e in Donecken addition ,
Sr.Wtjish . . 1..VK )
Full lot In A a Patrick's . 2.0 ,
HOxlio feet corner lu Highland plate. IUH3 (
Six-room houie with bjj-n. In Paulstin'B
addition . . 3.51O
Full lot in Hosier's Hdditlon , on Sa-unders
street , per t ot . . W
Lot , CaxliTM fuel. In Shinn s Micond. . 2.000
Small house In Wilcox's recond 2,2 W
Union Pacific rallw ay trackage lot MrX )
Lot in Davenport's subdivision L J
An elegant ID-room house on corner In
very desirable part of town 6,00
Choice lots to Dupont place 1/AU
A block ol six brick stores on Tenth
Ft-eet 75.TOJ
Eight uncment houses on Cass street 21.0JO
Northwe-stern railroad trackage , 50 feet
front , very cheap . _
Lot 6. block 7 , Kllby place 1,200
Fift * feet lot in Paadockl'lace onSherman
uvenue. per foot , 110
Lot , 110x117 feet , in Hawthorn. 1,700
Eafct trent corners , in Carthage. WO
Loth in Clarendon. tLMXl . l.nuo
Comer Eighttenth and Vlnton 1,400
Seven-room new house , corner on Califor
nia rtree-t , in Sunny Side COQO
sxlJo feet in Crescent Park . . f..MO
Choice lot InHlllblSe . . . . 2.WB
Choice lot In Kirk wood. 2.KK ( )
Corner lot on Lake street. 60 feet front 2,6 W
Tw o lots in Firtnount Place. enoh . . . . LWO
L"holce east front lot on Twruty-sixth
stree-t , rn Shnll s second addition 200
A M > uth trent lot In Myers Klchards t Til-
den s addition . „ BOO
Choice lot in Bartletfs addition on Lea ven-
wonh street 6,000
Choice corner lot on Farnam and Spring
streets. . 4,500
TwolotsinRedlck's woiehonse addition ,
verj cheap , each 2,000
Corner lot on Douglas street , in Briggs
Plate , only . 1,100
Trackatre lot. Sixth and Jackson rti eet 10,000
Ten lots in > l yii Place , one-third cash ,
from n.wo to 3riOO
Ten lots w ith t : ackHgr in Boyd addition ,
lor . C.IWO
Lot in Boyd's addition , efts : fi out on State
street . NVKX )
Splendid lots in Summit Place 8.550
Nicenoube-felnMillard i. Caldne-11's addi
tion , KltM to 4,030
Choice south trent lot in Washington
Square , near Sherman avenue , about on
thlrd casn . 8.000
H'dil-M , choice corner on Saunders street 12HM
1 ine large lot in Ai mstroug * nrht 3,500
The best eleven room boutn trent bouse ,
with large'barn , in the city , terms eas-y ;
u bargain . . 15.010
One acre with four house * , in Park Place fcWO
xIVt feet , choice central location for
warehouse 1KKW
Splendid building site in West end . 3,000
TITO W feet trent lots in ClurLe's addition ,
near Pt. Slary'fc avenue , each one-third
cash , for 0,000
Tw o lots with fine bouse , corner on St ,
Mary uveune no better location on the
street . 21.0M
Cliolce prope-rty on Pork avenue , near
Lravenw orth street , per foot. 100
A snug seven-room hou-e on Virginia ave
nue , north of and nei.r Leavenworth
street , only . . . iWO
One huudre-d leet. fronting Hunscom
jiaik , i ery deep lots elegant site for res
idence P.O.TO
Nlc e lot in Hunscom Place for 2,700
Eight room house in Parkers addition
lor „ 4VW
New fceven room bouse in Hcuscom Place 7.0JO
A lot tn VanderfookTerrac-e , on BeJt line
railway . . 1,000
A f-plendid lot in Walnut Hill , south front
on Mercer avenue , near Lowe avenue.
Thifc is very cheep . 1,403
Twenty-two feet bouth front on Farnam
street , near TV enty-second , per lv > ot 3V )
Lots in Dwight i Lyman's. uflditlon . 1.2.V )
A splendid property on Bun smt for loOJO
Corner lot on Lake street , in Fairmount
Place This is a gre t bu-gain. Only 2r > 00
Elegant corner , south and east front. In
Himebangh Place , very Urge lot , only P.003
A large number of lots In Omaha Heights ,
depot on this addition and enl ] eleven
minutes from city , lor J.HD to KiO
Nlr e lot * in Plalnview from S1.VB to L7W
Marlon place loti . „ l.l VJ
Pull lot with four honjK , on Izurd streetIS.lKK )
Nice lot in Bedford pluce for . 700
HOUKR * and loth , xouth front , in Bedford
Plh ( , easy tenns 2,0 K )
A houth front lot on Hamilton street , in
bloci. 1 , Orchard Hill ; this is \ ery low LWK )
Ae also oCer lots at the very lowest prices and
bet possible terms in the following a Editions.
E. V mlth"s Kddltlon , Marion Place , Clare'udon ,
Fairmount I'liu * . Cutalpa Place , Lake t addi
tion. Riven-lew , Davenports sub-division ,
Hawe's addition. Heed'B fourth , Denise's addi
tion , Oaaha Heights. Mever's , Jtlchards i Til-
den s addition. KirkwiXKl , Oak ChotJmm , J'ad-
dock Place , Smith Park , Hall Place , Foster s ad
dition , Horbarir * uddltlon. Shinn's , I'arker * i ,
Patrick's , Armstrong's , Nelson s. Jxiwe's ,
Hillside Sunnyslde. PoiipleUm I'ark. Walnut
HilL Satmders t Hlmebaugh'fc addition
to Walnut Hill. Saunders A Hlmeliaugh's
addition. Suuuders \ Himebauch s Ml.
Pleasant addition. Saunderi & Himebaugh
Highland Pork Hdditlon. Cbrthkgei. IJncoln
Plac * . WestOnaha. Vest tod. HOUMU A. Steb-
bins * . Bartlett n addition. Muyne Place , Bun-
Oak. Kountre's additions , ttre it Fonrjer
Rogers addition , lmpro\ement association , uu
verj many other additions.
Nebrasca f nns to trade for city property.
Parties w anting lots not in thl > lint con pet
them "by applying at our oflice ,
Llrt your proiierry with n § and hav * It sold.
Omaha Real Estate i Trust Co. , 15 4 Faniam
J' . C Himebangh , prerldentAlrtn Sauiders
secretary and treasurer. N Merriam , vice presl
dent ; Geo'ge W. Holbrook , assistant berretary
and treasurer. 273 31
EJJ BT1CKNET & CO. mai * a specialty o ;
property lu North Omaha , for sale or rent
at CitizfAt'b&nk. 24JM Cuminc st. 134
"UVH ) SALE Threw coed loin on corner o
JL ? Dodge Bt , one blotk west of Lowe ave for
K.503. Address for u few days S 54 Bee olhce
T L. RICE A. CO , Real Estate , 215
TJVK SALE Or excnance. Jot * m Nort !
JL' Oznaca for bouaejc. Houae and lot * in Conn ,
ctt BlnSB Khues tn Lowe are Building assn.
Lot * in Hanscom and Ambler pL&ci. Plent
of other prortr. liorKorta * JotiUu. 416 t ,
, . .J7J
\K e * jracrathly payat-nt * beantlfnl I-rtorr
-'frroom oott&ge , quartar Muck , of Jlnd cor
Ine , small rash pavrnrnt , lialancorery c * y H ,
U. Cole , N. E. K.Ui and IKmgUic. 3 V 81
T L , RICE 4 CO , Real Estate ,
* J t
FOR SAiB 1-f. cast , biggest b rg Jn In South
Omaha Look at the locaUon. price and
ennS > feeU.flitn.bk'k7V.H,2Hi. ! . > cash
lalance 1.2 and 8 years. D. D tnwatou. Barker
.lock iso
l\TELL located house. Hats and stores wanted
I to rent ; we h re cnnttumr * for them dally
! E. CXile. ne e-o.-li.Ui and Ikmglas. ins si
BARGAINS worth Investigating For
GCK > drx > Oui liouse. city water.
alt value. Mortensrn A Chrt.sten.son , lie fa E -
ate olGce , 1414 Farnaui , up-stairs.
E LEG ANT borne on Casx ptewt , t > et llth and
arth rtrets. far sale or trade at a bargain ,
yJ.L. RlceiCu. 210 HI
fTTucE 4 CO , RralEstnt215
FOR SALE or exchange , Omaha property and
lanns for merchandise , horsei , He MJile--
ngerBros . f4 s. Knh st , 12f-tr ,
FOR SALE Cheap , full lot In Potter' * art \ .
with tvroom l ise , 12,500 ; half c Rt : worth
1. J. L. Rice 4 Co. 21631.
R SALE Cheap , full lot in Potter's odl
with h-rcKiia hou-e , U2.51V ; half cash : worth
3YU. J. L. KUe 4 Vo. Kit 31
p , full lot In Potter's ndO.
JL ? with < rc > m house , f .UU ; half c&Lli : worth
3..UJ. . L. lUce A Co 21C 31
orTmde , choice residence und basiness
property lu North Omaha by J L. Rlcei
Co 210 31
C LKGANThome on Cass street , bet IMh and
LJ 2i > ih streets for bale or trade ; , at a bargain ,
jy J L. lUce i. Co. ac 31
" \\fEhavetworustomersfornlpelot west of
i' 24th IroniMebster to Hamilton. Anrt'ne
having a nice lot or lots tor sale reasonable
ilease ; cull.
Also a customer for good lot In north part eif
dty. Crum 4 Bishop , 1514 Douglas. 402-31
( J75 a too , s w cor Oumlneand .T4th sis. IVtxlM
v on Cuuiing. bubmlt your own terms. ( ini-
L-xin with Kiljolulng propertv Invited. Port
old In proportion. Address thei owner , Frank
Chrysler. Room 4IM , Paxton building. 346 2J '
' "ILEAR farms for ct > jd residence , Stevens
Bros , 1521 Fumoin. 327 ill
[ " 1ST yourproperty for sole or trade with O. A.
LJWktson. room 15 , Chamber of Commerce ,
ONLY I.Vl cash , balance to suit , win buy H
I2.V ) lot a few blocks from the packing
10U.HU5. South Umahn , also other lurgatni can
found with D D Mneaton , room 7 , Barter
ilock. cor. 15th and Farnam sts. I.G7-
IMPROVED farm in Iowa for Omaha resi
dence jiroj-esiy. J. J. Wilkinson , ! Ji4 Farnam.
BARGAINS again to be had of D D.Srneatun.
Barker block. Corner property in South
Omaha for $4,50.1 ; rent t 6 per mouth 174 per
ent , V71
LX > R SALE In South Omaha , a tew lots which
JL7 owners must sell 1 lot , each fcTfl. S.'Ocash ;
. Ian cash : KSO.r-Kl cash ; H.2V ) . KV ) cush ;
ll.i ; ) . ( JMO cash : S.1 fiim. ttJiu cash : exiruer lot and
me next for fwfl. 1125 c shILKXl , t'M cash ;
LAMO.S24" cash : 12'JiU , * ( cosli. Allot the aliore
is Inside ] > roierty. ] D. D. Smeaton , Barker block.
L. RICE 4 CO , Rial Eitate. 215
TT'LEGANT ' home on Cass street , l > et , 19th and
JGJ 20th streets , tnr sale or trade , at a bargain.
by J. L. Rice A. Co. 21D 31
FOR EALE-Lot f. blk S A. S Patricks al ; w Ul
sell for few daj s at tL50J , K J3 cash , bol.
ea } S 45BeeotBce , W7
' TOCK merchandise for clear Omaha prop
erty. Stevens Bros , 1521 Faruam , to 31
TTKJR BALE WxS6 feet on cable line. Splendid
J3 inside location for four fiits-GTO. Must
# sold at once. Marshall 4 Lobttck. room W ot Com. 3-CJ
SALE ICO acres of land four miles from
JL ? stock 3 ards , at f 125 p r ucre ; this is a bar
gain. McCague Opp P O. 132
L. RICE 4 CO , Real Estate , 215
Leav Arrive
Omaha. Omaha.
[ > epot llith and Murcy sts
Pacific Express. P.-OO p. m. 7:50 a. m.
Limited Expre&s . . . . p. m 2 15 p in.
Local Express 5:00 p. m. 12:25 p. tn
Except r > unday.
[ > epot llth and Mason su.l
QJcago Express. Neb 2 i.1' ' 3:4T. : p m. G.05 o , m.
Mall VH : ) u. m. 7:25 p. m.
l hlcago Local 6:4" : ; p. m. 10:22 a
Denver Express 0:15 : a m. 3.'M p
Denver Mail BM : ( p. m.j K:43 : a. m.
California Mail. lllj ) a 111. . 5:45 : p. m.
Kansas City Day Express. U.OO a. in. ) C.55 p. m
Kansas City night eapreKS K.50 p. mi 7.UO a m.
C. St. P. M 4 U.
Depot 15th and Webster Kt
Sioux City 4 JJl'k Hills Ex M0.40 a m * 2:50 p. m
Bancroft Express 4:10 : p.m. C.35 a. m ,
Except Sunday. | |
Rejiot loth and Webstorst
Day E 10 45 am.l C:35 : a. m.
S'ight a ) p m t 6.IO p. in.
F. E. 4 M V R R.
Depot und Wetiste r M
Hastings 4. Bl k H11U Pas ] 0r,5 : & . iii . 4.15 p. m.
S'ortolk I'assenger I 5.4r > p. in. 10.4S a. m
Running between Council RluHs and Albright
In addition to the stations mentlone-d , trains
stop at Twentieth and Twenty-fourth streets
and al the Summit lu Omaha ,
B road-Tranv Omaha wheels' . South Al-
way. ler. Depot , Omaha bright.
AM. A.M. A.M. A-M. A-M. A.M.
' " 5:45 : D-.51 6:00 : c.o :
" n 17 C.'W fi.37 ( . : W C.55
r..55 7:02 7:15 7:35 7-40
7:45 : P. I I K25 fc :
J-.41 9:05 V.K 9 I''W '
S-4- . H.W 10.-05 10:12 : 10:25 : 10.30
10.4" . 10 : ! 11:05 11:12 11:2- 11:38
11:45 11:53 PM. P.M. P.M. P M.
KM. P.M. IS.On 1S.12 12.2 ; 12:30 :
12 45 12 .I 1:05 1.12 1:2 : 1:30
1 4 2:05 2.12 t.11 *
: 2(0 (
2 4 8.12 5
3.4" 4:05 < -2 | 4/W
4 < i 4:52 5:05 6:2 n.tii
f.,41 C:05 CJ2j C.I
I..4 7:05 7,12 ] 7.X
7:4r : K-flft
fr:4 C:05 : :12 | PK :
9.4 10:05 10.12 10.25 10.33
, 11 'IB I
10.45 10'Ulrll.JOf 11M 11:45 .53
Albright South Sheiely. Trans Broad
bright- Omaha. ! dejiot. fer. way
JL. M. A. K. A. U. A , M.
6:45 : t.fiH
C:10 : C:2i : C.3U 0:43 :
7:110 7:05M 7.15 7:15 7:4t : )
7/J ' , -M b4tn fc.15
r.50 9:07 9.15
10:07 10.15 10.2S 10.3i
J0-.h5 11:07 11:15 11:2S 11. 'IS
11. " * 11.55 > ' M. ] u. r. M. J' M
1' . M IM. . 12.U7 12.15 12:2s 12.13
12.50 12.55 1:07 1:15 : 1 ' 15
l.W 1:55 2:07 2lt :
2:50 3.07 3.15 8.2S
8M 4:07 4.15 4.2-s 4.r ;
4M 4 V , & :07 : f. 15
5:50 6V. : t:07 : C.15
5:50.W f.'i 7:07 7.15 7r !
7.r.1 7:55 b.-U7 b:15
t-ra Pf 9H7 9.11 92S ;
V.nO 9:55 10:07 : M-11 10.2 * : 10:3J
10Ji3 10.a"i 11:07 : aril 15 11 U 11M
11:55 11 : \K.Unua \
. Arn > e.
A * .Vo 14 ,4:00p m D No 1 10 V ) a m
No 2 Ji.lOp m A 'No. U .11. w a in.
No C t O a. m 1C No. 5 .t'f.p in.
A No. 4 9:4U : u in 'A No 3 .7l Jp , in.
C No. fc .CVa ) inD No. I 9.4"a ) m
A No 4 9 40 u. m.A , Na 15 .10.-00 a. m
C * No 14 li-Mp m C INo 7 C:20p. m.
A No. 6 ,7:00 p. m , A No 3 .7:03 p. in ,
A No C . ! i 40 a. m. A No 3 U 15 a m
A No.t 4rtip. m.A | No 7 . .llJ.a. ) in.
A No. 4 4 > 'tp ) m. A No f. . 7-00 p in.
A No 2 .9 40 a. m A 'No. 5 .11:10 am
A 'No G .4:00p : in A No. 3 . 7OJp. m
A No. 2 . . . .V.25a. m A No , 3 . . . . f.Ti a. in
A No , 4 .V.1U p. m-iA No. 1 , . CO ) p. tn.
A No. 10 . . 7:05a-m4 | No. . . . . f-55 1. m ,
A No. J2 .frflOp m'A ' Nell . . . -lOp. m ,
A Nci.S . AUj > . taulA No. 7..J1.85p.m.
A dally ; D dally except Sat , ; C d0y excep
Rnn ; I ) except Mon. : { Fait Mull ; Limlt .d
I Will ciiicgt to iUCp. is. btJort Full. L
hat TRirL.r w T hi * > IOOB of ROUT ,
HIKIl and W A.S II OOl > .ri lining rxlinurJne
d-alni upon tlie roU TI.M of LIl'L.
irr rni. WKAHKEO < I of MrroorT. BAftH. s in noricrr. rimpi.rKui n
lie FACK. and Ul tbe irrttrm lehdtnr to
EARLY DEC AT iitid pt-Jbiw COAIt MP.
T1OW or IftNAJVITT. should ronrolt i.t cnce
be rEI.EBRA.TED l > r Clarke ExtabUKhe l
KM r- Clarke hit nude ftERIOl'K IIL >
BILITT. rHROlMC and all MM-IM * of
the iE5fITO t'BI.XAKT Orctn. * Uie
t"nay It malm ! fllflere-ne * WHAT you
sre taken or WHO bu ( ailed to cure yon
f TEM A LEW f uflrrinc from dlK-osei pera-
iar to their MX can ronsull with tbc auuranr *
it ipondy rnllcf and rur * . bend ! cent * poKc *
a ; worki on your < Urai > ei.
* -Scnd 4 centi port r for Olel > n lr < l
ITrk on Cbronlr. If rrroo * and I > * It
t ir DlMiuet. Coucnltatlon , pertonal'y or I'j
cttet , trtContult the "Id Dorlor.
nd fur Dr. Clarke * * celebrated rulde
! and Frmnlr. parh INc. , both 2 > e
lamr * ! . Before confidlnc your c * e , commit
r. CI.AKKK. A friendly letter or rill Qty
nve future tuBerinr utid rhame , and i > dd roldrn
rean to life. avBook " I.ire'n ( gecreO Er-
rwrm , " .We , ( utamptl. Medicine and writlnm
rent everywhere , ( erurc from | mr . .
lours , K to K SundavK 9 toll. Adirrti ,
F. D. CLiABKB. M. D.
188 So. O&rfc SU CHICAGO. H.L.
mo n CTAcetAimo wm n ccooairKT or na
oootmt WILL M i " " " * " " a Tiut KAT tail TUI
< r r * o > of l < § cwtrmltKnltlm COM rvUtton to UDM
luBt of Chlcaf * v d coDtln 3aft haM ftt tvn
potnU ITurt. uid SoatliVMt. U th
olddlr lltik In ih&t ini&iooDtiBeiitftj 7 t ni w
tcTltM toil tuUlUM * tr r l UiC tnffle Ixttwnn Uit
JLUuitlc uii Paclflc.
Tb Knct l 1 .cd main lln mfl br&MbM lnclmil CM-
CHITQ , jDllvt , Ott w , L BUtef nrl , O Hi o. MfUB *
Ull kock l lnd. 1m Ullcalil JJ T njKirt , N mmtln * .
fleli. Ott ui , Oi .Uif i , WutUk.
. n rlaK , Oathrl * O n r u > (
Oucncll LlcTi , In leva : O . : i .tln. Tnnton , Bt. 4M ra.
Cuncrnn u > a Kuitu City , la Kluourlt
I. ratil. In ILlctiMptk t Wfctrrtown & d mourn F&1U , 1 %
fekoU , uu ) kuadnfli of lnunadl&u clUM u > il tovai.
' . 'The Great Rock Ulantf Route" *
Oo .nJit n n > * * d , comfort , ixrUlntr * A < ilr r. tW
ermitipnt r li filntinrBtekvd fur IU UMllmn * . It *
irldru arc u > ton * and Iroju IU track 1 * of koilt
t all tb natptj appllanr * * that c ; rlrnee
uerai , and for lunrloa > aceonmuditlM * >
paHiid. IU Kiprwu IralBt roiuM of ni rtor Day
: aeb * , l ffu > t ruilnaa Palac * rarlorand El.rplfcf
! an , > rrt > r > : nln Can , prortdinf dUcin Mcala ,
and Oxtwtwn Cbhiaro and Bt. Joopn. Aiebtoon aaf
JLtniu CJtj ) rt itf ul Beellnlnc Chair Can. It * mat-
accrountK conurTatiTa , lu ( U ali > UB exacUnf
"The Famous Albert Lea Roire"
Ifttvaen CMcafo and KinbflaK.lU a&d Bt. Ta. ' it tb *
kruritti. OTcr tali Uut Solid Fact Excrut Tralni rm
Bill ? to attractlr * rcnoru tor tomrtati In Iowa an *
Hlnuwota , ai > & . via WaUrtmrn aad Bleu fallt , to tk *
rlct wLcat and rraxlnc landi of Intvlor Dakota. Via
it n ra and KanfcakM , tkr Kork l > Iuid oBcn rcpertor
fidurrmcntf to traTelrv liftvf n Cincinnati , Infllaa-
aptiilt. l. .t Trtt and Cronrll Ulnffi St. Jpurpli , Atchl-
ron , lAivruwc-tk , Kaniu City , Kt. I'aul. and Inttsrm-
dlkti * iiolntR All ] trtni ( oiwclall7 iadiv * and rhll- I t
Cri nl crjri- protection , rourt4 rj alid kindly att nUan.
TVT tlrtfl * . m i , f ld n. eoiuri of WuMnrn Trail , or
any dffttrpd Information , apply to prtDctiial eRr * * la
.be nltod Btat and Canada , or addrraa. at C&lcapo.
a. t. tint. t. ST. JUKI , L. A , MIUKtCL ,
Chicago , Milwiiukee & St. Pail R'y ' ,
The Best Host * from OmAha and Council
Blnlb to
oou cIl.
Chirapo , > Mllwankoe ,
St. Paul , Minneapolis , Cedar Rapid * ,
Rock Island , Frwj ort , Itockford ,
Clinton , Dnlaqnc , I > aitDKrt | ,
Elpin , Hadifoa , Joaesrille ,
Minona LaCrosse
Bcloit , , ,
And all otb r mporunt poir.u Eaat , Nortbeait anS
For through tlckete call on Ui ticket nceDtatltm
rarutm itrret. In Itrvoo Homl , oral Uulu I'aclDc
be fncM Pmlnr Catm In tb
world ar * mn on tbc > raata Un ul Uie Cblcaro. Mil-
vanko * a bu I'kul Uallirar. aud ircrj altvoUoii it
paid to pankfcncert by rocnooui ampWytt * o2 tlif
HMir.LEH General Manarer.
J K TUCkTll. AMUMaDt Otineral Manarer.
JL. T. It. CAUl'liKTKli , OcDKral lua nfr US
Tlctvt Acent.
bKO K HKAFTOKD , AMtftant Qenaral
kcd 11ck t Agent.
1. 1. C1-AHK. General B rtiittDd cl
Nos. 3O3-4O4-I7C CO4.
Proposals for School District Boudf ) .
Senleid proposals will be re-ceived at thU office
until February 1. isss. at 12 noon tor the jrur-
chase of K 10,003 of kchool difctrlet boudk of the
bchool district of Omaha.
Said bonds are of the denomination of OQiO (
each , dated January 1M. issi , bear Interert at
the rate of flve per tent per annum , payable
Beml-aunually at KimntreBrothers. . UaukerH ,
New York , principal to become due In twenty
yews tram elate tnereiof.
Said bondfc are issuetd liy the board ot educa
tion of the tichool district of Omaha under au
thority granted by a vote of the people at the
general ele ction held Noveml 7 kh. IW. and
will be delivered to purchaser * on payment
therefor at the city treasury in Omaha on Feb
ruary Ith , 1st * .
Bidfc will 1m addressed to the undersigned and
marked "Proposal * for School District Bouda , "
and must ttute the full name and HdtJ-rs.s of th *
bidder , the amount of said bonds deirtreid and
the price proposed to Iw paid with accrued In
terest ,
The right is * e > d to reject any or all
bids. JOHN RUSH.
City Treasurer.
Notice of Incorporation.
rpo Whom It M v Concern. Notice ii bcrebr
JL giien that "The lit * Bulldiui ! Company"
has filed In the office ot the county clerk of
Douglas county , Nebraska , article * of Incorpor
ation. The principal place of traiwaetlnc it *
business is at Omaha , in Douglas county and
state ot Nebraska
The general nature ot Hi business ll to
acquire , own , hold , lease mortgage. Mill uud
convey real estate , ereU buildings and Improve
ments Dion the same , tor renting nuch real
estate , 4c
The amount of capital rtock ntithoritnd is
8.VHUn. * ten per cent oi which to be paid at tbe
tiiueot milu > criblnp tor the same : , und the re > -
malnder asreiquiied by the-lxard ot dlreictors.
The oorj ratlon commences January A ,
D 1-SS. aud will terminate the 15th day of Jan-
uan .A D llns
The hlehest amount of lndeb1dn K > or liabil
ity to w hirh tbe < Xiiuratl JD bholl nt any tlin
Fubject .tsulf is two-tlUrdj of the ctpltul e
The business aQalrs of tbe corporation are n
be conducted by a board of directors of nve
members who shall Delect from their number u
prebideut , ken.reUiry and treasurer.
MAX MrrtR ,
01.0 , B TZRCHUCK ,
IlllCAO TZWHtiriC.
Notice ii hereby given that txxiti for r otlv-
Icc * ubscriptloii to th capital Kto'k of lh
Oiuuhn. VbLklon 4 Norlbwtwtern KallKay Com.
puny , Ul be opened at the oflipet of the Midland
Uuuranu * 4 Trun Company , in Omaha. Neb. .
on Saturday , February Ibth , ItaA , kt 11 a. in ,
OrsiLha , , IBss. NATHAN SntLTox.
J17' < -31-n-ll V. C.